ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 4 - Jul/Aug
Collection: 1968 ARBA Bulletins

ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 4 - Jul/Aug
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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8 1/2 inches x 11 inches
American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 4 - Jul/Aug,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 12, 2025,
Vol. 3 July-August, 1968 No. 4
forefathers fought so hard to obtain, wither and die.
Rabbit raising is one our freedoms but let us remember before we were rabbit raisers, we were Americans. Wave the Flag. Whether we raise rabbits or not we are still Americans. Wave The Flag.
Let not one more day pass when we do not do our part to preserve freedom in America. During my many years of military service on many con tinents of the world, I have witnessed the dissolution of freedoms on all levels. Let us stop the erosion of our American principles and freedoms, NOW.
A good start, — Wave the Flag, and mean it.
Bill Molen
Wave The Flag is not an act of patriotism that is to be practiced by the other guy. It is an act of profound dignity and dedication for each and every one of us. Unpatriatic acts are rampant. Dereliction of duty is prevalent on all fronts and in every niche of our country.
Now is the time to stand up and be counted. Wave the Flag.
We enjoy more freedoms than any other civilization, past or present. Freedom of speech and the right of pursuit of happiness are not idle words or boasts. Let us not, through our lethargy, allow these freedoms which our
The 1968 ARBA Guide Book consisting of 208 pages is in the mail to our membership. The task was a huge one and the mailing of the Guide Book is another big job. Secretary James Blyth and his efficient chief clerk, Ceil Tulley, are hard at work labeling and mailing the Guide Books according to U.S. postal regulations. If your copv has not been received to date, you will be receiving same very soon. Secretary Blyth and Ceil plan on having mailing complete by June 30th.
One of the very first copies of the new ARBA Guide Book off the press was mailed to our Treasurer, Ellis
(Continued Page 4)
4323 Murray Avenue James Blyth, Secy. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
74e ‘gtdteUa
W. E. (Bill) Molcn, Editor P.O. Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716 Pat Krider, Assistant Publicity Chm. PUBLICITY STAFF
Bett Hickman Tillie Morehcad
Joe Lutes Mark Youngs
Rayal Winters Joan Wallace
O. R. (Bud) Chaney Dora O'Hare
Lloyd Shantz Pat Kelley
EXECUTIVE BOARD ARBA Wayne Willmann, Pres. James Blyth, Secy
Oren Reynolds, V.-Pres. Ellis Murray. Treas
J. Cyril Lowit W. E. Molen E. P. Shilliday Edward Stahl
D. F. Parker
Judging from the information I have, I believe we should have a larger number of people present at the Pueblo Convention of the ARBA than have appeared at our conventions for several years. The Colorado scenery in October is beautiful beyond description. The activities at the convention will be interesting for all who come. I urge you to make a special effort to be present, October 7-10.
The Ohio Rabbit Processors, Inc. is a new corporation with its headquarters in Sullivan, Ohio. The processing of rabbit meat was to begin June 12. I commend all our fine members in Huron and Lorain Counties for their efforts to get this going.
I urge other clubs to give serious consideration to a processing plant — for there are many more of them needed in our nation. Also, push National Rabbit Week in your communities July 16-22.
Our new Guide Book has been mailed. If you did not receive your copy be sure to contact Secretary Jim Blyth. My sincere thanks to Mr. Ed Stahl and to Mr. W. E. Molen for all the hours they spent on the new Guide Book and also to all those who furnished articles and other material. It shows the result of many people working together. Thanks to one and all!
I call your attention to the Articles concerning our Youth activities and
what it is that makes a good Youth Leader.
I appreciate the efforts that Director Vern Ashton has put forth to secure good state representatives in his New England District. In addition to those listed in the 1968 Yearbook, he has secured the following: George Mundy for Rhode Island; Robert Gratton for Vermont; John Gallery for Massachusetts; and Mrs. Jean Marcoux for New Hampshire. I commend these members for accepting and urge them to do all they can to help build a stronger ARBA in their state.
I have been asked several times whether in my opinion our ARBA really needs a full-time leader. From my experience and from what many of our members have told me, it is my humble opinion that we do not. Whenever a club has a fulltime leader it is a great temptation for the members to sit back and let the leader do most of the work, With a part-time leader they know their help is needed and their attitude and cooperation is much better. There is also the temptation for a full-time leader to think that he should mix in the affairs of every committee and dictate every action. This limits the free and unbiased approach that committees and others should evidence in their work. In our association we have many people concerned with the welfare of the ARBA and that makes for a strong organization.
But let me add — I do believe that we need more full-time help in our Secretary’s office to lighten the load for Mr. Blyth and his faithful secretary. This is a matter I think our Association should face soon. Our Association is growing and it is in the Secretary’s office where this growth pushes for more help.
Wayne Willmann
Horace Taylor of Tiffin, Ohio, a 25 year member of the ARBA who carried a continuous membership from 1943 on, passed away April 20, 1968. He was buried April 23, 1968.
Mr. Taylor was a fine fancier and known by most of the rabbit fanciers in Ohio and Indiana. He was a good exhibitor and had some beautiful rabbits in his 25 years. We are sorry to lose this excellent gentleman and will miss his activities in years to come.
To his family we extend our most heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement.
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Secretary Offers Proposals For Consideration
March 1,1968
Mr. Bill Molen ARBA Director Box 8, Bronson, Kan.
Dear Bill,
You have certainly given the various specialty clubs and their breeds a boost in the various issues of the ARBA Bulletin. The recent article on Satins that was written by Pop Price, certainly the leading exponent of Satins when they were a new breed, was certainly a fine article and is indeed a boost to our breed. We Satin breeders feel that we have something NO other breed has—That is the SATIN RABBIT—An American breed of rabbits and like our good old USA it has EVERYTHING.
Bill, we as a small part of the ARBA endorse the Judges Conference program that is now being held on a Regional Level as well as at our ARBA Conventions. Now many more members will be able to listen and learn. BUT, to be a member of any group or organization and not be active is worse than not belongin’ at all. I believe that when a person joins a group such as the American Rabbit Breeders Association, the Satin Specialty Club or any other rabbit or cavy club, local, state or national, he indicates his willingness to do his part. If the American could continue to get more members to participate in their activities, I think the American would really go. To start with there is no other organization in the world that has the basic qualifications to perform this service.
Also, have you ever thought that ALL Specialty Clubs should be departments in the American. I think the American should SPECIALIZE in administering to Specialty Clubs. When a person joined the American, let’s say he joined the Satin Department. the English Spot Department or other corresponding breed departments. These are my personal ideas that I have thought of for many years, but this same idea could be set up in a fashion where we do not have so much overlapping of the same ideas. The American should also be broadminded enough to accept and try ideas that may be classified as borderline (maybe even non-conforming), thev iust might work.
Bill, I often get the thought that the American Rabbit Breeders Association is a distant giant, just sleeping until a petty quarrel or squabble arises and
then it jumps up and angrily shakes its fist.
We talk about rabbit meat consumption, we do little if anything about it. We also talk about pelts and their prices. We just talk. How about rabbits as a hobby? I have never seen a display type ad in anything but rabbit trade journals. That is the American places many classified type ads in other magazines and I know they do a good job, up to a given point, but their display type advertisements are not geared to the people we should be contacting—they are not placed in the numerous magazines of Future Farmer and 4-H publications.
Other than the excellent ARBA Bulletin that you have been editing the past three years, we haven’t changed our format much in the last twenty-five years, at least not to a great degree. We shouldn’t try to get people in rabbits, WE SHOULD SELL THEM ON THE IDEA. Make them want to get into the rabbit game. I think you create the desire to stay in the rabbit game by your excellent selection of articles and materials for the ARBA Bulletin, but the person must be a member to receive this outstanding publication.
Another thing: the American should stand back of every member’s sale of stock. It should guarantee the integrity and honesty of every member in sales. Not only when a case comes up, BUT should advertise that they stand back of every member’s sales.
We as a small group plan and scrape up award money for the ARBA Conventions, and work like mad to support and promote our individual breeds. We sell the American along with our individual breed. There are many MEN who have done this for years, FEW get recognition from the American. And let me tell vou this I AM NOT TALKING FOR OR ABOUT MYSELF. I am talking about men who have held office as secretary in Specialty Clubs for years, built their breeds up, help the American and when time comes to pass out bouquets a director jumps up and says: “Let’s honor John Jones, he is an old timer in the rabbit business.” If the directors concur, the man that made the suggestion probably has to pay John Jones’ dues, because he dropped out some time back.
All this is my individual thoughts and does not have one thing to do with the Satin Association.
Satin-cerely yours,
Roger Fitchorn
1302 S. Bunn St.
Bloomington, 111. 61701
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(Continued from Page 1)
Murray, because he is the man with the purse strings and who must pay the large sum due for the 20,000 copies printed. Treasurer Ellis Murray wrote the following letter after he had received his copy of the ARBA Guide Book.
(Editor’s note: Mrs. Kay Malott, secretary of the ARBA Youth Club, 17943 Renault St., La Puente, Calif. 91744, reports over 100 new members; 95 Youth Show Sanctions; 10 Youth Club Charters granted in the past few months. Sam Gerardi, Chm. and Kay Malott, Secy., with the help of Youth Counsellors, have the Youth Program on the grow.)
Box 542
Chatsworth, California 91311 June 5, 1968.
Dear Bill:
Thanks for the copy of the new Guide Book of ARBA. This book is REALLY NEW. I have reviewed it from cover to cover and I can’t see where anything has been left out. What I like BEST OF ALL is so much information it contains for the beginner. Some of our old books gave very little information to the new breeder. This book is a big help. I also like the fine quality of the paper. I will airmail a check to the printer, in order to secure the discount, just as soon as I receive the invoice.
Ellis Murray, Treasurer ARBA
Lavina Thomas
On May 5, a meeting was held in Mansfield, Ohio to re-organize the Ohio State New Zealand Club. We would like to let all New Zealand Breeders know about this, and let them know they are needed as members to help make this club a success.
Officers elected are as follows: Pres.: G. A. Burke, 6400 Scioto-Darby Rd., Hilliard 43026; Vice Pres.: A. W. Sterrett, 2224 Savoy Ave., Akron 44305; Secy.: Mrs. Lavina Thomas, 189 High St., Doylestown 44230: Treas.: William T. Thomas, 189 High St., Doylestown; Directors: Jack Yohe, 733 Allerton St., Kent 44240; Larry Spangler, 6050 W. Bancroft St., Toledo 43615; Geo. Johnson, Rte. 1. Mt. Victory 43340; Harold Hrahl, 2555 Wadsworth Rd.. Barberton 44203; Jerry Patton, 9113 Zoellner Rd., Cincinnati 45239.
Membership dues are $3.00 single and $5.00 for man and wife combination. Anyone wishing to join, can write to Mrs. Lavina Thomas.
Plans are being made to hold an all New Zealand show in Columbus on September 14,1968.
President Charlotte Hanson
Vice-Pres. Linda Carson
Secy.-Treas. Kay Malott
Directors: Shirley Diercks, Dean Giol-li, Linda Patterson, Michael Spangler, Bill Whaley, Pat Yasenak.
To May 20, 1968
Teddy De Loyola 872
James Strawn 387
Vickie Leger 576
Linda Patterson 470
David Tydlaska 459
Lyle Manthe 499
David Cook 490
Bill Bolen 349
Cindy Zimmerman 345
Philip Shirk ... 154
David Rothmayer 119
Thomas Micallef 203
David Brawn 171
Tom Spreggs 121
Sani Gerardi, Chm.
ARBA Youth Committee
A A person who is really interested in the Youth movement.
B One who has a working knowledge of Youth and their problems.
C One who is very considerate and understanding.
D One who is tactful and able to teach.
E One who is capable of organizing programs and able to keep them moving.
If we can find men and women with all of the above traits, or even some of them, to assist in the Youth movement, I feel that with the start of 1969 we can get Youth Programs
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started in many areas. Then we will show a sharp increase in ARBA Youth Memberships and a general improvement in the knowledge of rabbits.
It is only through work on planning programs with the Youth that we will see any marked progress in the ARBA Youth division. Education in the technique of good rabbit raising is going to require many men and women who are willing to act as counsellors. An immediate sign of success will be an increase in entries in the shows. The long range gain will be more and better senior show men and women for tomorrow.
Kay Mallott and I are most anxious to serve both the Youth and the entire ARBA. All we ask is a little assistance from a few who share our enthusiasm and optimism with our Youth.
C. W. Spence
I know of no more satisfying project than working with the Youth of our Nation, whether it is through Little League Baseball, Football, Boy and Girl Scouts, 4-H, FFA, or Rabbit Clubs. Of course, having devoted the last five years to working with young rabbit breeders, this article will be devoted to them. I have yet to see a youth, who was interested in a rabbit project, go too far wrong. For this reason alone I will devote most of my time as a rabbit breeder to working with Youth Clubs. I have had many adults ask the question why raise rabbits? Why not raise something else: cattle, hogs, horses or dogs.
I believe that if a youth really raises, that is takes care of his rabbits, handles, feeds, cleans and breeds, he can learn more about the facts of life, both economic and biologic, than with any other animal.
Rabbits are quiet. They take very little space and they give off no odors, if properly managed. Rabbits are the best possible meat animals and they are inexpensive as compared to other animals. No other animal gets as thorough consideration as the rabbit on the judging table. It is very exciting to enter a rabbit show and see that animal which you have bred and raised win Best of Breed or even place in the top five in the class. In fact, there is no other animal, more exciting to raise and show than rabbits. What breed should a youngster raise? Unless a youngster is raised up with a fancy breed, such as Dutch, Polish, Flemish or English Spots, I think he should stick with a “commer-
cial” breed. I would recommend White New Zealand or Californian. Lots of breeders will not agree but my logic is this: by raising White New Zealand or Californians the beginner has only to work for good fur, type and condition. He won’t have to remember so much detail about markings and such. New Zealands and Californians are ideal meat animals and a good deal of money can be made at the Fat Stock Shows on meat pens, if he works hard and wins. My advice to beginners is to try the fancy breeds when you have more experience in basic rabbit raising.
Texas youth are on the move in rabbit raising and in rabbit organizations. A Texan, Benny Hill, was the first to organize the ARBA Youth Club. Our young rabbit raisers joined the new club in force and have long been real successful in the show circuit. Texas has more members in the ARBA Youth Club than any other state. Practically every show has a separate Youth Show and they usually make up nearly a fourth of the total entries. At the 1967 ARBA Meeting a resolution was passed to organize the Texas Youth Members into a separate club patterned after the ARBA Youth Club. The organization is now being completed and with the support of the TRBA, Texas will have even greater activity in the Youth Circles.
1st. Linda Carson, Calif. 3330
2nd. Teddy DeLoyola, Calif. 2602
3rd. Charlotte Hanson. Calif. 2074
4th. Jim Strawn, Calif. 2025
1st. Mike Alger, Kan. 1655
2nd. Jerry Bowers, 111. 1349
3rd. Cynthia Zimmerman, 111. 1129
1st. Michael Brownrigg, Ariz. 486
2nd. Bill Whaley, Tenn. 395
3rd. George Kinkelaar III, Ariz. 388
Congratulations to all the winners.
Youth Division
Most of you know by this time that the 1968 National Convention will be held at Pueblo, Colorado, October 7th thru 10th. The convention officials are very interested in having a outstand-
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ing Youth Department and Show and are working hard toward that goal. Mrs. Trudy Hannon has been appointed to act as chairman for the Youth Department of the Convention and she will need help and co-operation. If you are interested in helping the youth at the coming convention I am certain that Mrs. Hannon would like to hear from you. Her address is—Mrs. Trudy Hannon, 315 Pine Cone Road, Parker, Colo. 80134.
Much of the success in attracting a good entry at any show is dependent upon the amount of specials offered. This year a special chairman has been appointed to obtain specials for the Youth Show at the Convention. He is Bill Whaley, a Director of the Youth Club, and he has already been hard at work on his job for months. If you wish to contribute anything for specials for the youth show at the coming convention you can contact Bill by writing to him at—Rt. 18, Harrell Road, Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. Hannon and Bill will be glad to hear from you.
You will be notified of other appointments in the future. The Convention officials are working hard on this convention and they deserve your help.
Passed at the Annual 1967 Meeting in Waco, Texas
Whereas the young Rabbit Breeders of Texas are almost all members of the Texas Rabbit Breeders Ass’n, and whereas they have to show against Breeders with many years’ experience if they wish to take advantage of TRBA Sweepstakes System and whereas they have no representation as Youth.
Be it resolved that TRBA Youth Club with membership dues of $1.00 per year; and be it further resolved that the President of TRBA appoint a Secretary and Treasurer of said Youth Club and instruct said sec’y, to institute a Youth Sweepstakes System similar to TRBA Sweepstakes System; and be it further resolved that TRBA Youth Club be self-supporting and separate from TRBA.
Horace M. Curtis
Why hasn’t the ARBA Youth Program grown more throughout the country? This is a question I and many others have been asked over the past few years. Just recently, President
Wayne Willmann asked my opinion and suggestions regarding this situation. Personally, I feel that it hasn’t been the fault of the leaders in any way, but instead the fault of the system set up by the ARBA for its function. The many interested leaders of the ARBA Youth Program, both present and past, have done outstanding work with the Youth Program. They have an excellent Guide Book and I think it also is a very fine thing that they are allowed to register their rabbits the same way as adult members do. However, why does the ARBA discriminate against them and require that just because they are young people that they have to have a separate judging? And to make things worse, they are not allowed to have a separate judging unless the sponsoring club gets a separate sanction for the youth. I don’t blame local clubs in the least for not getting separate sane-tions just for youth. It is an added ex-pense and also an added problem at judging time.
A couple of years back, I was appointed Youth Director of the Eastern Rabbit & Cavy Fanciers Association. I asked Mrs. Irene Harrison to be my assistant and to work with me in developing the Youth Program. We decided that we did not want a separate judging of youth rabbits such as used by the 4-H. We felt that if a youngster wanted to have his rabbits judged only against the rabbits of other young members that he could show in the 4-H. Therefore, we set up a system whereby the youngster enters his rabbits in open competition with all other breeders. Thus when his rabbits are judged he knows exactly how good the are compared with other rabbits of that breed in the show. He receives the same number of points as any other breeder but at the end of the year he will be the top Youth member if he has more points than any other youth member even though he might be the 30th from the top in sweep-stakes totals. We pick ten youth winners in our Eastern sweepstakes contest and in 1967 some of these youth winners received more points than many of the adult breeders thereby proving the quality of their herd.
It is amazing how many of our young people show regularly at Eastern sanctioned shows. Has it ever occurred to breeders to take a look around and see how much work these young people do at the shows? I have judged at lots of shows over the past ten years and very often the writers are young people and also many of the carriers are young people. They are trying hard to help and learn, so
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Fidelis Clem Steinhoff, ARBA State Agent for Wisconsin and one of the nation’s top Flemish Giant breeders, displays two of his prize animals and their awards.
why not treat them with the respect they so earnestly deserve?
There are two distinct advantages to open competition. The first advantage is that the young breeder knows just how good his rabbits are because they are competing with all other breeders of that breed. The second advantage is that many clubs holding one-day shows do not have the time for a separate judging of rabbits for the youth. Open competition does not add any additional burden on anyone.
When Mr. Carley, President of the New Zealand Federation, appointed me to head a committee to work out a youth membership in the New Zealand Federation, my committee and I decided to also use this system of open competition. When our secretary, Mr. Mann, lists the sweepstakes totals in the Newsletter, the youth can be listed along with the adults without any added effort by simply putting an in front of his or her name. This allows the youth members to see just how they stand with other youth members and also how they stand in open competition. I was told recently after the Syracuse Convention that another Specialty club has also set up a youth membership along these same lines.
I realize that the ARBA is different from the specialty clubs in that they do not accumulate sweepstakes points for all ARBA members but since the Youth members do receive points for their winnings, why do they require that their winnings count only when their rabbits are judged against the
rabbits of other ARBA youth members? I notice that at many of the shows at which I judge that there isn’t an ARBA Youth sanctioned section and as a result the ARBA youth members enter their rabbits in open competition but their winnings cannot count for them. This is being very unfair to them and many have been discouraged for they feel that the ARBA youngster living in a section of the country where the clubs have provision for the separate judging at the shows has an advantage over the youngsters living in sections of the country where the clubs say that they do not have the time. Open competition would allow the ARBA youngster in all sections of the country to show at any ARBA show and thus receive his points. This would be more fair for youngsters in the whole country and would allow more youngsters to compete for the ARBA Youth prizes.
Many youth leaders throughout the country have talked with me on the subject and have complained that they had young people who were attending the shows but could not have their rabbits judged as an ARBA youth member because the club had not taken the separate sanction for the youth. Many of these leaders feel the same as I in that their young people would benefit more if their rabbits could be judged in open competition with all other members.
As to the subject of the ARBA requiring that a separate sanction fee be paid by any club wanting to hold a youth section, I feel that this is definitely wrong. Several years ago it was the practice to pay an additional fee for membership in the commercial part of the ARBA. This was later discontinued since it was decided that the commercial part was a part of the ARBA and thus entitled to all rights and privileges of other parts of the ARBA. I feel that the ARBA has failed to consider their Youth Department as part of the ARBA as long as they do not include them in the regular ARBA sanction fee. Why should local clubs have to pay an additional sanction fee for a youth show? And what is more important is why should the ARBA youth member be denied from getting points for his winnings just because that club refused to pay for the additional sanction fee?
I want to repeat that I am not criticizing the ARBA Youth Club, for I believe that most people know how sincerely I want to help the youth. I would not have written my thoughts at all if it wasn’t that Mr. Willmann said that many people have felt that some changes were needed in the
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ARBA Youth Club. He is thus asking that all express their opinion so that the ARBA can help this situation.
I feel sincerely sympathetic for the youth of the rabbit industry. They are the future. Let’s all help them grow and learn. We have many dedicated rabbit leaders and a good organization already and I know with some thought and consideration on the part of the ARBA, that this will enable the youth program to become the great organization that we know it is capable of becoming.
Bill Molen
Would you consider 4,160,000 a large, say a staggering, figure? It is indeed quite a chore to count one-by-one enough pages to comprise such a huge total, but when it becomes necessary to fill the pages with important and factual material the task becomes all the more terrifying.
The new ARBA Guide Book of 208 pages and 20,000 copies demanded that 4.160,000 pages be printed. There lay ahead the copy to te assembled, edited, rewritten, proofed, dummy copy set up, and then printed. Incidently, the four sides to the cover pages was an additional 80,000 pages that must be completed.
In compiling the material for the new ARBA Guide Book we wrote to many members throughout the U.S. Members who had proved their competency in various and sundry areas of rabbit science and knowledge. I would like to report that in only two instances were we unsuccessful all those ARBA members whom we contacted for material for the Guide Book came through with excellent material—that is, all except the two previously mentioned. Quite a fine record of cooperation from the membership, don’t you think?
We are indeed indebted to the following men and women of ARBA for their support of the ARBA Guide Book with the finest collection of informative articles possible. Charles O’Dell, David Ford, Dorothy Newport, Roger Fitchorn, David Hughes, Earl Hord, Ross Schwab, Pat Krider, Horace Curtis, Andy Stodel, Marvin Carley, A1 Meier, Bob Wallace, Guy Leger, A1 Roerdanz, Tom Shufflebotham, John Hoblitzell, George Barnes, Don Guthrie, Joe Lutes, Harold Johnson, Tom Coatoam, Bud Chaney, Mary Ellen Vincent, Pat Bass, Charles Wade, Tillie Morehead, Eugene B. Schultz, George Smith, Llake Smith, Wayne Willmann,
Oren Reynolds, James Blyth, Ceil Tul-ley, Ellis Murray, Ev Shilliday, Vern Ashton, Ed Stahl, Cyril Lowit, and three of our deceased members who were leaders when called upon and even active in their heritage left behind, John Fehr (Indiana), Harry Her-lein (New York) and Gerrett Ould-house (Montana).
Professors of the Universities of Kansas, Michigan, and Missouri contributed to our Guide Book in Charles A. Leone, Harold D. Hafs, and John F. Lasley, respectively.
Photographs were another important consideration in compiling the Guide Book and the following members were very cooperative: Joe Serwecki, Inland Empire Rabbit Club, Missouri State Fair, Dorothy Newport, David Hughes, Greenbelt RBA, Hiram Davis, ARBA Youth Officers, Mark Youngs,
Guy Leger, Lucille Zahner, Leonard Biskie, Becky Stiff, John Hoblitzell,
Don Guthrie, Mel Behrens. Tom Jer-myn, Mrs. Wilburt Ochs, William Earl,
Ceil Tulley, Vern Ashton, Ed Stahl,
Jim Blyth.
Advertisements and advertisers were another very important segment of the new ARBA Guide Book and w? proudly offer our finest supporters, those who back up their faith with their pocketbook, in this the 1968 edition of the ARBA Guide Book. Fd Stahl worked long and hard in compiling and laying out the advertisements of this Guide Book. This is just another in a long chain of Ed’s accomplishments, always offering his time unselfishly to the advancement of ARBA.
I wish to publicly thank my wife Beverly for the hours of assistance she gave in helping with this big task and for not complaining too hard while I had the 20” x 40” family room completely covered with material such as dummy pages, cuts, correspondence,^^ glue and scissors. For over 8 months it took a brave heart indeed to enter this room. Daughters Peggy and Darla Beth and sons Dallas and Dana Boise also contributed needed assistance at various times.
The scope of cooperation needed and obtained can be determined by reading the five preceding paragraphs over again. The new ARBA Guide Pook is the result of cooperation and faith in the ARBA, its aims, and its ideals.
Do your non-member friends and tin ARBA a service. Seek them out and sign them up to membership in ARBA —they will receive a copy of this new ARBA Guide Book by return mail. Secretary James Blyth, has a supply of membership application blanks on hand for this purpose. Drop Jim a line and ask for a supply of applications.
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Club Notes
The Pel-State RBA was organized May 5 at the home of E. W. Storey. The objective of the Pel-State Club will be to promote the domestic rabbit, both as a show animal and as a commercial rabbit.
The Pel-State Club is made up of excellent and experienced rabbit fanciers and promoters. The first elected slate of officers: D. B. Noble, pres.; Edwin R. Saunders, vice-pres.; Albert Westall, treas. Board of Directors consist of: E. W. Storey, chm., Edwin R. Saunders, Albert Westall, Drexel Storey and D. B. Noble. The secretary is E. S. Storey of 9882 Lansdowne Road, Baton Rouge, La.
The Pel-State Rabbit Club has initiated a bulletin and their first issue, a dandy, is already off the press and mailed. They include a XA page announcement of the benefits of ARBA membership and they also give a plug for their sister Louisiana Rabbit Clubs —Southwest Louisiana RBA, G. J. L e g e r, 3701 Heard Road, Lake Charles, La., and New Orleans RBA, Ernest Abbott, 4811 Strasbourg Place, New Orleans, La.
The editor of their fine publication is D. B. Noble, P.O. Box 203, Brusley, La. 70719.
Russell L. Riding, 811 High St., Orlando, Fla. 32803 is pres, and Chm. of the Board of Directors of the Central Florida Club. Their monthly Bulletin is received with regularity and the current issue of 24 pages is another in a long line of doozies. A fine, fine publication.
Chairmen of their active committees: Jerry Smith, Ken Lyon, L. A. Roberts, Floyd Davis, Russell Riding, James Harrison, Marie Smith, Henry Wetherell and David Adler. Reading of their various projects and accomplishments as published in their bulletin leaves no doubt — they are ACTIVE.
A project of unusual importance is their donation of trios of outstanding rabbits to Youth of the area. There have been 10 trios donated to date and I would urge our very capable ARBA Youth Chairman, Sam Gerardi, to contact the Central Club through their pres. Russell Riding to secure some excellent ARBA Youth Counsellors.
H. M. (Red) Spence, pres., of the Texas RBA has forwarded a copy of the new issue of the Texas Year Book. A monumental 48 page printed book with hard cover. Texas boasts of one of the finest state organizations in all of ARBA. This is attested to by their fine Bulletins currently edited by Mrs. Ruth Ford, 1618 Mansard St., Vernon, Texas and by this excellent Year Book which was spearheaded by Bob Berry, Lubbock, Texas. This is the 9th year of TRBA and their 5th Year Book.
Jessie Weinhardt, 17990 Bethel Church Road, Rt. 3, Manchester, Mich. 48158 serves a dual role as secy, of the active Dutch Rabbit Club and editor of the Dutch Reporter.
Jessie is short in stature but certainly long in ability and accomplishments. A secretary’s job of a large Specialty Club and editor of a bulletin are both big jobs, either one by themselves, but Jessie does them both. No •wonder the Dutch breed and club grows by leaps and bounds and is a bell ringer of ARBA Specialty Clubs that are on the move.
Walter N. Mann, 4127 Bowman Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. 46227, secy, of the New Zealand Federation is a workhorse of tremendous proportions. Not that we mean Walter is a heavy set man, we mean he must have the patience of Job, the ability of a 1000 men, the wisdom of Confucius and loves New Zealands. This, the largest specialty club, demands hours of daily work from its secy. Bet Mrs. Mann is right in there pitching. Secy. Mann, is blessed with excellent and qualified officers and fine members.
Page Mine
Frank Cutter
Now that the table shows are over and our judges are relaxing, perhaps some of the judges will find a few moments to read this article. I can honestly say, I do not have an ax to grind, but by the same token, I do not intend to pull any punches.
Maybe the judges can tell us why. Why do some judges leave their book, “Standard of Perfection” at home? Why do they not have the book before them so that they can refer to it from time to time? Do they think it is a crime not to know everything about every breed? Are they ashamed to refer to the book before all of the breeders? They should not be. A judge would be respected more if he were to refer to the “Book of Standards” more often and also more often than not, the judge would come up with more correct decisions. No one expects the judge to know the standard for every breed of rabbit by heart. If the judges do not drift away from the “Standards of Perfection” the judges' decisions are going to be more correct. Certainly more correct than if he judges according to his personal likes and dislikes.
Why do some judges judge a show without a SCALE on hand? How can he possibly do a proper job without a scale?
At one show, a breeder walked off with a trophy for Best of Breed with a rabbit which should have been eliminated because it was overweight. In this particular breed, there is a top weight of eight pounds. The rabbit weighed over nine pounds. If the judge had a scale to consult, he could have caught it because every rabbit in that class should have been weighed. This breeder knew that some of the Judges had become complacent; and, he took advantage of the situation whenever he could and he went home a couple of times with trophies. However, I do not know what enjoyment this breeder derived from this. The breeder was only kidding himself. I wonder what kind of picture he paints of himself when he looks at these trophies.
Why do some judges attempt to judge a class of eighteen to twenty-two rabbits on the table at one time, with only holding coops for ten rabbits and also without an assist from anyone? How in the world can he come up with the proper winner? It would be sheer luck. When a judge
Two excellent New Zealand White^^ half-sister does owned by W. H. (Bill)^B Smith, Strawberry Plains, Tennessee.
Doe V85G on the left was Best in Show at Atlanta, Georgia; doe V85B was Best in Show at Knoxville, Tennessee.
One or the other of the does has been judged Best White Fur at past 7 shows entered.
attempts to judge a class under these circumstances he is insulting the intelligence of the breeder standing before him. Every breeder realizes that there can be only one First in each class. All the breeder asks is that his rabbit be given FAIR consideration.
The judge cannot give a fair account of each rabbit under these conditions. True, the show committee should have supplied the proper equipment, but on the other hand, the judge has the right^^ to refuse to judge the class until prop-^Hj er equipment is supplied. In this in-^^ stance the judge would have fared much better if he chose the latter procedure.
Why do some judges insist on straightening rabbits out, to flatten them out, instead of judging them in their natural position? You see a lot of this at nearly every show. One judge when he judges Dutch in particular, stretches the Dutch front legs as well as the hind legs and completely distorts the markings. The sad part of the whole thing is that the Dutch breeders will grumble among themselves while this is going on, but no one will take him to task. All they have to do would be to refer to the book “Standard of Perfection”. The book clearly states that a Dutch must
Page Ten
be judged in its natural position and when turned over, the Dutch must be grasped gently so as not to distort the markings and under no circumstances, should the legs be stretched or pulled so as to create a drag when in reality, there is no drag at all. Are we to believe no one has taken the time to read the book of standards? What else?
What one fails to realize is that these shows are ARBA sanctioned and should be governed by the ARBA rules, but the rules are not being followed.
Some shows are run in a very slipshod manner. We cannot blame the judges for the equipment with which they are supplied, but we can hold them accountable for the manner in
(which they handle and judge rabbits, if a club runs a show and does not Conform to the rules of the ARBA, then the next time that the club applies for a sanction, it should he refused until conditions are rectified.
It should be the duty of the State representative to report these conditions to the ARBA. How else is the ARBA to know? As I stated earlier, some people are reluctant to bring these things out in the open. Unless we do, nothing good is going to be accomplished; we are going to get progressively worse. At the Eastern Convention Show held in Pittsburgh, Pa. on November 11th and 12th, 1967, there were less than five hundred rabbits shown. This is not a good entry for a Convention Show. Ask yourself WHY?
Ruth Strunk
Our rabbit shows so far during the 1968 show season have been very well attended. The magnet that seems to be drawing more entries and more activity and interest is the new innovation: the selecting of Best Rabbit in Show. The exhibitors are thrilled with this long-needed shot-in-the-arm although some of the judges feel there should be some definite rules and regulations to guide them in their selection. But what better rules do we need than the rules of the ARBA Standard? At the Spring show of our Badger Club all those in attendance were fully aware that the Best Rabbit would be selected, according to the Standard for all individual breeds, and the BOB of all breeds entered in the show were
brought back to the judging table. At this time all exhibitors, judges and show officials could see the whys and wherefores that determine the final selection of Best in Show Award.
One of our clubs raised the entry fee for rabbits entered in the table show. First appraisal of this act led some to believe that the exhibitors only entered their finest specimens and left their poorer specimens at home because the entry at this show was down from normal expectations. It is only conjecture but maybe the contributing factors to a smaller entry was the late date of the show and the exhibitors were a little tired of the rabbit show grind or maybe the fishing season was exceptionally good.
The annual topic of many: “Rabbit folks are sure poor correspondents when it comes to answering letters of prospective rabbit purchasers”, is once again making the rounds. My remarks will not be something new, but it certainly isn’t a one-way proposition— with all the inquirers being the guys in the white hat and all the naughty recipients of letters being the guys in the black hat. Letters are received asking for prices and general information plus many other questions and then you do take the time to sit down and quote prices, describe rabbits and tell them you will await their reply. In 90% of the cases, no reply is ever forthcoming. You certainly cannot satisfy everyone, all right or all wrong is not the sole claim of either group. Nor for that matter is the failure to answer correspondence, from either end, strictly a rabbit problem.
Most of our six Wisconsin Rabbit Clubs are busy helping the 4-H clubs get going with their rabbit programs and the individual 4-H members established with good rabbits according to ARBA Standard. The idea of the 4-H rabbit shows being held and judged under the program of the ARBA rules and standards is fast catching on with the youngsters. The children are forceful in their demands that more and more 4-H rabbit shows conform to this high ideal because the results are obvious to them—poor specimens and cross-bred rabbits are being weeded out and eliminated from their breeding programs. This is to their advantage and the children are quick to see this. Our Wisconsin ARBA members are to be congratulated for their continued help in explaining the value of pedigreed stock to the youngsters and leaders. It will not be long before these young people of Wisconsin 4-H will demand the “ARBA-WAY” in all their rabbit shows.
Page Eleven
Becky and Bridget Montgomery, Lafayette, Colorado: Youth rabbit raisers and exhibitors. The Montgomery girls are staunch supporters of rabbit activities in Colorado and one of the reasons Pueblo ABBA Youth Division Convention-Show will be a bell-ringer.
The question of the eligibility of animals suffering from those diseases or ailments classified as eliminations by our Standard has not been clarified in either the Standard or the judging and show rules. One reference to eliminated rabbits being ineligible for registration is on page 57 of the latest yearbook — while this is not clearly a part of the rules, it does state the intent.
The major purpose of the registration system is to up-grade the quality of our animals and provide some assurance for a prospective purchaser ■of stock — both registered animals and youngsters bred from registered animals. The registration of such animals does not further the best interests of the ARBA or any purchaser of this stock. If the ARBA and the potential registerer (owner) believes that this is only a temporary affliction then There is no reason why the owner should not cure the animal first before presenting it to a registrar for his services.
Therefore: any animal not worthy of competing in a class in a sanctioned show by reason of being disqualified, or eliminated for any reason, cannot be registered unless it is in sound health and is representative of its breed.
A! Meier, Chm.
ARBA Standard Committee
The ARBA National Rabbit Week Publicity Packets are being mailed on a first come first served basis. Many new items have been added to this year’s Publicity Packet. As in previous years they are mailed postpaid upon receipt of $5.00 remittance to ARBA Director, Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
Winners of the 3 Champion Promoter Trophy Awards by ARBA in 1967 were from Ohio, Tennessee and California. The Golden West Club of Orange, California, one of the 196^^ winners, sent the following: “We a:^A all so happy and proud of our troph^^F of last year’s National Rabbit Week, we are going to try to do even better this year. We would like one of the packets to help us get going. We found them to be very useful in our program last year (1967) and want to get them out as soon as possible.”
Golden West RBA Sunny Harper, Secretary
Other clubs and individuals who have ordered ARBA National Rabbit Week Publicity Packets, include: Joyce Ross, Ridgefield, Conn.; C. C. Hutchins, Augusta, Ga.; Robert O. Mott, Middlesex County Agent, Concord, Mass.; Alice Naujokas, West-bury, N. Y.; North Central Rabbit Club, Scottville, Mich.; Fox River Valley Rabbit Club, Green Bay, Wise.;
Page Twelve
New England Rabbitry Supply—Joseph Laura, North Middleboro, Mass.; Bay Area RBA, Walnut Creek, Calif, and Inland Empire RBA, Spokane, Wash. The Inland Empire Club won a Champion Promoter Trophy in 1966 and were one of the finalists in the 1967 contest.
New Zealand
1. Marvin Carley, Vt. 77
2. Harold Drudge, Ind. 63
3. Walter Voss, Ind. 63
4. Eugene Henry, Conn. 60
5. Henry Sagarsee, Mich. 59
6. Carl Persails, Mich. 42
7. Marvin L. Cummings, Fla. 41
8. W. H. Smith, Tenn. 36
9. G. S. Davis, Iowa 35
y°. Robert Berry, Tex. 31
Frank Westley, Pa. 30
1. Pete Naylor, Kan. 105
2. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 20
3. Roger Fitchorn, 111. 17
4. W. F. Gilbert, Calif. 9
5. A1 Biorken, Conn. 6
6. Joe Eve, Tenn. 4
7. R. L. Riding, Fla. 4
8. Lewis Bowers, 111. 4
9. John Rod, Mass. 3
1. Kyle Cunningham, Ind. 56
2. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 51
3. Hugh J. Betts, Tenn. 51
4. Harold Reese, 111 30
5. Joseph C. Lain, N.C. 23
6. F. Clem Steinhoff, Wise. 17
7. Lloyd Shantz, Canada 16
8. C. A. Wade, Ark. 14
9. Leland Clark, Calif. 14
10. Harold Dickson, 111. 13
11. Oren Reynolds, 111. 13
Silver Marten
fl. Gary Grimm, Iowa 20
2. O. W. Williams. Wash. 15
3. E. O. Wolff, Tex. 7
4. Lewis Bowers, 111. 6
5. E. W. Storey, La. 5
6. Joe Eve, Tenn. 3
7. John Buehler, 111. 2
8. S. H. Willis, Wash. 2
9. Howard Reese, 111. 2
10. Dr. G. D. Allen, Tex. 2
1. Pete Naylor, Kan. 121
2. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 88
3. Marvin Carley, Vt. 77
4. Walter Voss, Ind. 75
5. Harold Drudge, Ind. 65
6. Henry Sargarsee, Mich. . 63
7. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 62
8. Eugene Henry, Conn. 61
9. Kyle Cunningham, Ind. 59
10. Carl Persails, Mich. 51
P. O. Box 54 Sullivan, Ohio 44880 Charles H. Haaf
Maybe you have heard that we have been working quite extensively for the past year and a half trying to form a rabbit processing plant in Ohio. Our efforts have taken form and we are now starting to show returns. Our plant is nearly complete and processing of the domestic rabbit meat will start on June 12,1968.
We have a corporation formed by the name of Ohio Rabbit Processors, Inc. A board of directors in this corporation has been selected to benefit from varied types of experience in the business world. For instance, our Chairman is a Radio-TV advertiser; our vice-chairman is an Electronic Technician; our Secretary is the secretary and manager of a wholesale supply company; our Treasurer is Branch Manager of a bank and to complete the board we have a bookkeeper, used car salesman, and a factory maintenance worker. With this variety of experienced personnel we have ad vanced quite rapidly.
The interest in our proiect from this area is beyond expectations. The interest and co-operation of the Huron County and Lorain County clubs has been of tremendous value and is greatly appreciated by the Corporation. The Governor of Ohio and his staff have been keeping close tabs on our progress and will, no doubt, join in our Grand Opening and the celebration of National Rabbit Week which we will combine through the joint efforts of the interested parties. We want to make National Rabbit Week a thing to remember in Ohio this year.
For May 1968
New Zealand 222
Californian 64
Satin 40
Flemish 14
Dutch 12
Checkered Giant 3
Polish 7
Silver Marten 7
Rex 5
Florida White 4
English 4
Palomino 4
Angora 2
American Chinchilla 2
Standard Chinchilla 1
Champagne 1
Havana 1
Page Thirteen
Alberta RBA, Mrs. J. Johnson, 1611 40th St., S. W. Calgary, Alberta, Can Jul 4-6
Poudre Valley Rabbit Club, Mrs. Ellen Steely, Rist Canyon, Bellvue, Col Jul 13-14
West Branch RBA, Donna L. Hackenberg, RD4, Muncy, Pa Jul 14
Sonoma Co. Fair & Expo., James F. Yyttle, P.O. Box 1451, Santa Rosa, Cal Jul 15-27
Orange Co. Fair, Alfred G. futzjeans, 88 Fair Dr., Costa Mesa, Cal Jul 16-21
Falls Cities RBA, Harold C. Quick, 4619 So. 1st, Louisville, Ky Jul 18-20
Ohio Cavy Club, Eileen Ghent, RR I, Mt. Gilead, Ohio Jul 20-21
Howell Co. Fair, Florence Bauer, Chamber of Comm. Off., West Plains, Mo Jul 22-27
Madison Co. RBA, A. M. Gibson, RR 1, Box 371,
Edwardsville, III Jui 23-27
Lake Co. Fair, L. A. Nordhausen, P.O. Box 27, Grays-lake, III Jul 24-28
Sandusky Valley RBA, Horace Taylor, 62C Miami St., Tiffin, Ohio Jul 24-29
Multnomah Co. Fair, Duane Hennessy, P.O. Box 71, Gresham, Ore Jul 25-Aug 3
Sheiby Co. RBA, Judy Calloway, R 2, Sidney, Ohio
Jul 27-Aug 1
Jefferson Co. Fair, Glenn L. Feistel, 565 Mill St., Watertown, NY Jul 28-Aug 3
Broome Co. RBA, Ruth Barnes, 300 Tracy Creek Rd., Vestal, NY Jul 28-Aug 3
Rock Island Co. Fair, Evelyn Ristau, P.O. Box 267,
E. Moline, III. Jul 30-Aug 3
Scioto Co. Agri. Soc., Marion Bess, Jersey Ridge Rd., Maysville, Ky August
Hennepin Co. Agri. Soc., Mrs. Eileen Roehlke, R 1, Box 146, Rogers, Minn Aug 1-3
Greater Allentown Fair, Moulton L. C. Frantz, ]239'/'2 Tilghmann St., Allentown, Pa. Aug 2-10
Clinton Co. Agri. Soc., Donald F. Weeks, RR 2, Leesburg, Ohio Aug 5-10
Mower Co. Fair, Box 426, Austin, Minn Aug 5-11
Teays Valley RBA, Jeannie Maddox, R 1, Box 125-A, Frankfort, Ohio Aug 6-10
Mason Co. Fair, Rev. Roy G. Ellis, New Haven, W Va
Aug 6-10
Douglas Co. Fair, Bert L. Allenby, P.O. Box 759, Rosbeurg, Ore Aug 6-10
Washington Co. Fair, Betty Shearer, 1455 S E 21st Ave., Hillsboro, Ore Aug 6-10
Cincinnati RBA, Harry Centner, 8693 Livingston Rd., Cincinnati, O Aug 7-11
Winn-Forest Rabbit Club, Ted Wengert, 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford, III Aug 7-11
Ashtabula Co. RBA, Hazel Roerdanz, R 1, Box 5, Kingsville, Ohio Aug 7-11
Napa Town & Country Fair, Robert P. Manasse, 575 Third St., Napa, Calif Aug 8-11
Illinois State Fair, Virginia A. Miller, 2910 Hoover, Springfield, III Aug 9-18
State Fair of Wise, Vernon G. Wendland, State Fair Pk, Milwaukee, Wise Aug 9-18
Cedar Rapids Small Stock Ass'n, Ethel Becicka, 50CO
J St., S.W., Cedar Rapids, Ia Aug 10-11
Lewanee Co. Fair, W. E. Marvin, R 2, Box 396, Adrian, Mich Aug 11-17
Morrow Co. Fair, Eileen E. Ghent, RR 1, Mt. Gilead, Ohio Aug 12-17
Washington Co. RBA, Ruth Caldwell, RD 2, Box 247, Eighty-Four, Pa Aug 12-17
Clark Co. Fair, Roger C. Miller, P.O. Box 162, Sabina, Ohio Aug 12-17
Western Mich RBA, Marilyn Hathaway, R 2, Luding-ton, Mich Aug 13-17
Clermont Co. Fair, Charles Long, 2905 Batavia Pike,
Batavia, Ohio Aug 13-17
Cuyahoga Co. Fair, Norman E. Lehman, P.O, Box 135, Berea, Ohio Aug 13-18
Southwest Washington Fair, A. W. Wildhaber, P.O.
Eox 831, Chehalis, Wash Aug 13-18
Winn-Forest Rabbit Club, Ted Wengert, 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford, III Aug 14-18
Whiteside Co. RBA, Blanche Short, R 2, Box 34, Forreston, III Aug 14-17
Fall Cities RBA, Harold C. Quick, 4619 So. 1st, Louisville, Ky Auo 15-24
Wyandotte Co. Fair, T. R. Wallace, 2220 W. 87th St., Kansas City, Kan Aug 15-17
State Fair of W. Va., C. T. Sydenstricker, Box 829, Lewisburg, W Va Aug 16-24
Freeport Rabbit Club, Helen Dzielak, RFD 4, Freeport, III Aug 19-24
Lake Co. Agri. Ass'n., Florence E. Belcher, 84 Johnny-cake Ridge, Painesville, Ohio Aug 20-25
Garden City Rabbit Ass'n., B. B. Rewey, 2250 Peterson Ave., Missoula, Mont Aug 21-24
Kitsap Co. Fair, Lee R. Hall, 644 5th St., Bremerton, Wash Aug 21-25
Ohio State Fair, Hartl W. Lucks, 7559 Cherry Brook
Dr., Reynoldsburg, Ohio Aug 22-Sep 2
Del Norte Co. Fair, C. W Glover, P.O. Box 26, Crescent City, Cal Aug 23-25
Paulding RBA, Dale Boroff, Box 28, Latty, Ohio
Aug 24-29
Colorado State Fair, Marjorie Vaughn, 2416 Rice, Pueblo, Colo Aug 24-Sep 1
Oregon State Fair, Robert L. Stevens, 2060 Silverton Rd., N.E., Salem, Ore Aug 24-Sep 2
Auto City RBA, Angeline Ellis, 21224 Sherman, South-field, Mich Aug 24-Sep 2
Erie Rabbit Club, Clifford Ramey, P.O. Box 7C73,
Wesleyville, Pa Aug 26-31
New York State Fair, Kenneth J. Lindeman, Syracuse, NY Aug 27-Sep 2
Evergreen State Fair, Steve McCulloch, P.O. Box 127^ Monroe, Wash Aug 27-Sep ■
Montgomery Co. Fair, Goldie V. Scheible, 1043 Soutr^ Main St., Dayton, Ohio Aug 29-Sep 2
Minnesota State RBA, Dorren Rau, R 1, St. Cloud, Minn Aug 29-Sept 2
Stark Co RBA, Francis P. Riffle, 8051 Diamond N E
Box 4, Middlebranch, Ohio Aug 30-Sep 3
Saanich Fair, H. E. Robinson, Saanich P.O., B. C , Can Aug 31-Sep 2
Van Wert Co. RBA, Kay Martin, Rt. 1, Monroe, Ind
Aug 31-Sep 5
Ann Arbor RBA, Mrs. Betty Torrey, 4005 Jackson Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich SeP 3-7
Durham Central Agri. Soc., Mrs. John Rickard, Newcastle, Ontario, Can Sep 5-7
Wavne Co. Fair, Cyrus Crum, P.O. Box 127, Wayne, W Va Sep 5-7
Director W. H. Kennedy, District #8, East Central, comprised of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and District of Columbia will hold a Regional Judgej Conference Saturday, July 27 at Vim ginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia. ARBA Judges who are unable to attend the ARBA Convention-Show at Pueblo, Colorado can attend this Regional Judges Conference and receive credit.
There will also be the annual Rabbit Short Course, sponsored by the Association of Virginia Rabbit Breeders and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute. The event is a two-day affair, July 26-27. For further information about the Rabbit Short Course or Regional Judges Conference, write: Mr. Roscoe Burtner, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Page Fourteen
Owner Breed Reg. No. Ear No.
D. Shewmaker New Zealand 1546-X U1
D. Shewmaker New Zealand . 1545-X N2R6
D. Lovejoy Dutch 1543-X O
P. Hager New Zealand 9234-X OlA
C. Carroll New Zealand 925-A J1
M. Cummings .. Siamese Satin 3122-A Jack
R. Pace Satin ,3167-A CLAY
J. D. Collins Dutch 8453-X AC90
M. H. Bettin New Zealand 1328-X V6
L. Eisele ... Silver Marten .. 4259-A H310
R. Hershey . . Champ 4813-A H59
E. Hensley .New Zealand 3206-A EH668
L. Bengtson Dutch 4083-A GRC
O. Kilpatrick New Zealand 4773-A KK2
L. Kilpatrick New Zealand 4769-A KG2
L. Ashcock Silver Marlen 6589-X LR2
T. Coleman New Zealand 5041-A K21
D. Brueggman Checkered Gt . 2598-A PE3A
J. S. Cheka Satin 9913-X CH7
Rocking W Rabbitry New Zealand 2253-A GC
Cuozzo Noble Assoc. Rex 1617-A 746A
Vito Fragola New Zealand 5210-X MC867
Blue Ribbon Rabbitry Californian 6746-X H430
V. Ashton Flemish 6607-X D52
J. B. Morrison New Zealand 258-A KC561
Guarantee Rabbitry New Zealand 394-A G392
Guarantee Rabbitry New Zealand 2488-A G396
Guarantee Rabbitry New Zealand 2487-A G452
H. Taylor New Zealand .4671-A H25
MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
JAMES BLYTH, Secretary 4323 Murray Avenue (BB)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217
I hereby make application for membership in the AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION
I enclose S5.00 for a one year membership which entitles me to a copy of the Official Guide Book, Year Book, Bulletins, and other benefits and privileges of the Association.
Husband and Wife Combination Membership — S7.00
( ) New ( ) Renewal
Name ...........................—......-...........
Address .................
City . . State .................... Zip
Recommended by .......................
Page Fifteen
Original Format
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ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 4 - Jul/Aug
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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8 1/2 inches x 11 inches
American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 4 - Jul/Aug,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 12, 2025,
Vol. 3 July-August, 1968 No. 4
forefathers fought so hard to obtain, wither and die.
Rabbit raising is one our freedoms but let us remember before we were rabbit raisers, we were Americans. Wave the Flag. Whether we raise rabbits or not we are still Americans. Wave The Flag.
Let not one more day pass when we do not do our part to preserve freedom in America. During my many years of military service on many con tinents of the world, I have witnessed the dissolution of freedoms on all levels. Let us stop the erosion of our American principles and freedoms, NOW.
A good start, — Wave the Flag, and mean it.
Bill Molen
Wave The Flag is not an act of patriotism that is to be practiced by the other guy. It is an act of profound dignity and dedication for each and every one of us. Unpatriatic acts are rampant. Dereliction of duty is prevalent on all fronts and in every niche of our country.
Now is the time to stand up and be counted. Wave the Flag.
We enjoy more freedoms than any other civilization, past or present. Freedom of speech and the right of pursuit of happiness are not idle words or boasts. Let us not, through our lethargy, allow these freedoms which our
The 1968 ARBA Guide Book consisting of 208 pages is in the mail to our membership. The task was a huge one and the mailing of the Guide Book is another big job. Secretary James Blyth and his efficient chief clerk, Ceil Tulley, are hard at work labeling and mailing the Guide Books according to U.S. postal regulations. If your copv has not been received to date, you will be receiving same very soon. Secretary Blyth and Ceil plan on having mailing complete by June 30th.
One of the very first copies of the new ARBA Guide Book off the press was mailed to our Treasurer, Ellis
(Continued Page 4)
4323 Murray Avenue James Blyth, Secy. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
74e ‘gtdteUa
W. E. (Bill) Molcn, Editor P.O. Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716 Pat Krider, Assistant Publicity Chm. PUBLICITY STAFF
Bett Hickman Tillie Morehcad
Joe Lutes Mark Youngs
Rayal Winters Joan Wallace
O. R. (Bud) Chaney Dora O'Hare
Lloyd Shantz Pat Kelley
EXECUTIVE BOARD ARBA Wayne Willmann, Pres. James Blyth, Secy
Oren Reynolds, V.-Pres. Ellis Murray. Treas
J. Cyril Lowit W. E. Molen E. P. Shilliday Edward Stahl
D. F. Parker
Judging from the information I have, I believe we should have a larger number of people present at the Pueblo Convention of the ARBA than have appeared at our conventions for several years. The Colorado scenery in October is beautiful beyond description. The activities at the convention will be interesting for all who come. I urge you to make a special effort to be present, October 7-10.
The Ohio Rabbit Processors, Inc. is a new corporation with its headquarters in Sullivan, Ohio. The processing of rabbit meat was to begin June 12. I commend all our fine members in Huron and Lorain Counties for their efforts to get this going.
I urge other clubs to give serious consideration to a processing plant — for there are many more of them needed in our nation. Also, push National Rabbit Week in your communities July 16-22.
Our new Guide Book has been mailed. If you did not receive your copy be sure to contact Secretary Jim Blyth. My sincere thanks to Mr. Ed Stahl and to Mr. W. E. Molen for all the hours they spent on the new Guide Book and also to all those who furnished articles and other material. It shows the result of many people working together. Thanks to one and all!
I call your attention to the Articles concerning our Youth activities and
what it is that makes a good Youth Leader.
I appreciate the efforts that Director Vern Ashton has put forth to secure good state representatives in his New England District. In addition to those listed in the 1968 Yearbook, he has secured the following: George Mundy for Rhode Island; Robert Gratton for Vermont; John Gallery for Massachusetts; and Mrs. Jean Marcoux for New Hampshire. I commend these members for accepting and urge them to do all they can to help build a stronger ARBA in their state.
I have been asked several times whether in my opinion our ARBA really needs a full-time leader. From my experience and from what many of our members have told me, it is my humble opinion that we do not. Whenever a club has a fulltime leader it is a great temptation for the members to sit back and let the leader do most of the work, With a part-time leader they know their help is needed and their attitude and cooperation is much better. There is also the temptation for a full-time leader to think that he should mix in the affairs of every committee and dictate every action. This limits the free and unbiased approach that committees and others should evidence in their work. In our association we have many people concerned with the welfare of the ARBA and that makes for a strong organization.
But let me add — I do believe that we need more full-time help in our Secretary’s office to lighten the load for Mr. Blyth and his faithful secretary. This is a matter I think our Association should face soon. Our Association is growing and it is in the Secretary’s office where this growth pushes for more help.
Wayne Willmann
Horace Taylor of Tiffin, Ohio, a 25 year member of the ARBA who carried a continuous membership from 1943 on, passed away April 20, 1968. He was buried April 23, 1968.
Mr. Taylor was a fine fancier and known by most of the rabbit fanciers in Ohio and Indiana. He was a good exhibitor and had some beautiful rabbits in his 25 years. We are sorry to lose this excellent gentleman and will miss his activities in years to come.
To his family we extend our most heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement.
Page Two
Secretary Offers Proposals For Consideration
March 1,1968
Mr. Bill Molen ARBA Director Box 8, Bronson, Kan.
Dear Bill,
You have certainly given the various specialty clubs and their breeds a boost in the various issues of the ARBA Bulletin. The recent article on Satins that was written by Pop Price, certainly the leading exponent of Satins when they were a new breed, was certainly a fine article and is indeed a boost to our breed. We Satin breeders feel that we have something NO other breed has—That is the SATIN RABBIT—An American breed of rabbits and like our good old USA it has EVERYTHING.
Bill, we as a small part of the ARBA endorse the Judges Conference program that is now being held on a Regional Level as well as at our ARBA Conventions. Now many more members will be able to listen and learn. BUT, to be a member of any group or organization and not be active is worse than not belongin’ at all. I believe that when a person joins a group such as the American Rabbit Breeders Association, the Satin Specialty Club or any other rabbit or cavy club, local, state or national, he indicates his willingness to do his part. If the American could continue to get more members to participate in their activities, I think the American would really go. To start with there is no other organization in the world that has the basic qualifications to perform this service.
Also, have you ever thought that ALL Specialty Clubs should be departments in the American. I think the American should SPECIALIZE in administering to Specialty Clubs. When a person joined the American, let’s say he joined the Satin Department. the English Spot Department or other corresponding breed departments. These are my personal ideas that I have thought of for many years, but this same idea could be set up in a fashion where we do not have so much overlapping of the same ideas. The American should also be broadminded enough to accept and try ideas that may be classified as borderline (maybe even non-conforming), thev iust might work.
Bill, I often get the thought that the American Rabbit Breeders Association is a distant giant, just sleeping until a petty quarrel or squabble arises and
then it jumps up and angrily shakes its fist.
We talk about rabbit meat consumption, we do little if anything about it. We also talk about pelts and their prices. We just talk. How about rabbits as a hobby? I have never seen a display type ad in anything but rabbit trade journals. That is the American places many classified type ads in other magazines and I know they do a good job, up to a given point, but their display type advertisements are not geared to the people we should be contacting—they are not placed in the numerous magazines of Future Farmer and 4-H publications.
Other than the excellent ARBA Bulletin that you have been editing the past three years, we haven’t changed our format much in the last twenty-five years, at least not to a great degree. We shouldn’t try to get people in rabbits, WE SHOULD SELL THEM ON THE IDEA. Make them want to get into the rabbit game. I think you create the desire to stay in the rabbit game by your excellent selection of articles and materials for the ARBA Bulletin, but the person must be a member to receive this outstanding publication.
Another thing: the American should stand back of every member’s sale of stock. It should guarantee the integrity and honesty of every member in sales. Not only when a case comes up, BUT should advertise that they stand back of every member’s sales.
We as a small group plan and scrape up award money for the ARBA Conventions, and work like mad to support and promote our individual breeds. We sell the American along with our individual breed. There are many MEN who have done this for years, FEW get recognition from the American. And let me tell vou this I AM NOT TALKING FOR OR ABOUT MYSELF. I am talking about men who have held office as secretary in Specialty Clubs for years, built their breeds up, help the American and when time comes to pass out bouquets a director jumps up and says: “Let’s honor John Jones, he is an old timer in the rabbit business.” If the directors concur, the man that made the suggestion probably has to pay John Jones’ dues, because he dropped out some time back.
All this is my individual thoughts and does not have one thing to do with the Satin Association.
Satin-cerely yours,
Roger Fitchorn
1302 S. Bunn St.
Bloomington, 111. 61701
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(Continued from Page 1)
Murray, because he is the man with the purse strings and who must pay the large sum due for the 20,000 copies printed. Treasurer Ellis Murray wrote the following letter after he had received his copy of the ARBA Guide Book.
(Editor’s note: Mrs. Kay Malott, secretary of the ARBA Youth Club, 17943 Renault St., La Puente, Calif. 91744, reports over 100 new members; 95 Youth Show Sanctions; 10 Youth Club Charters granted in the past few months. Sam Gerardi, Chm. and Kay Malott, Secy., with the help of Youth Counsellors, have the Youth Program on the grow.)
Box 542
Chatsworth, California 91311 June 5, 1968.
Dear Bill:
Thanks for the copy of the new Guide Book of ARBA. This book is REALLY NEW. I have reviewed it from cover to cover and I can’t see where anything has been left out. What I like BEST OF ALL is so much information it contains for the beginner. Some of our old books gave very little information to the new breeder. This book is a big help. I also like the fine quality of the paper. I will airmail a check to the printer, in order to secure the discount, just as soon as I receive the invoice.
Ellis Murray, Treasurer ARBA
Lavina Thomas
On May 5, a meeting was held in Mansfield, Ohio to re-organize the Ohio State New Zealand Club. We would like to let all New Zealand Breeders know about this, and let them know they are needed as members to help make this club a success.
Officers elected are as follows: Pres.: G. A. Burke, 6400 Scioto-Darby Rd., Hilliard 43026; Vice Pres.: A. W. Sterrett, 2224 Savoy Ave., Akron 44305; Secy.: Mrs. Lavina Thomas, 189 High St., Doylestown 44230: Treas.: William T. Thomas, 189 High St., Doylestown; Directors: Jack Yohe, 733 Allerton St., Kent 44240; Larry Spangler, 6050 W. Bancroft St., Toledo 43615; Geo. Johnson, Rte. 1. Mt. Victory 43340; Harold Hrahl, 2555 Wadsworth Rd.. Barberton 44203; Jerry Patton, 9113 Zoellner Rd., Cincinnati 45239.
Membership dues are $3.00 single and $5.00 for man and wife combination. Anyone wishing to join, can write to Mrs. Lavina Thomas.
Plans are being made to hold an all New Zealand show in Columbus on September 14,1968.
President Charlotte Hanson
Vice-Pres. Linda Carson
Secy.-Treas. Kay Malott
Directors: Shirley Diercks, Dean Giol-li, Linda Patterson, Michael Spangler, Bill Whaley, Pat Yasenak.
To May 20, 1968
Teddy De Loyola 872
James Strawn 387
Vickie Leger 576
Linda Patterson 470
David Tydlaska 459
Lyle Manthe 499
David Cook 490
Bill Bolen 349
Cindy Zimmerman 345
Philip Shirk ... 154
David Rothmayer 119
Thomas Micallef 203
David Brawn 171
Tom Spreggs 121
Sani Gerardi, Chm.
ARBA Youth Committee
A A person who is really interested in the Youth movement.
B One who has a working knowledge of Youth and their problems.
C One who is very considerate and understanding.
D One who is tactful and able to teach.
E One who is capable of organizing programs and able to keep them moving.
If we can find men and women with all of the above traits, or even some of them, to assist in the Youth movement, I feel that with the start of 1969 we can get Youth Programs
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started in many areas. Then we will show a sharp increase in ARBA Youth Memberships and a general improvement in the knowledge of rabbits.
It is only through work on planning programs with the Youth that we will see any marked progress in the ARBA Youth division. Education in the technique of good rabbit raising is going to require many men and women who are willing to act as counsellors. An immediate sign of success will be an increase in entries in the shows. The long range gain will be more and better senior show men and women for tomorrow.
Kay Mallott and I are most anxious to serve both the Youth and the entire ARBA. All we ask is a little assistance from a few who share our enthusiasm and optimism with our Youth.
C. W. Spence
I know of no more satisfying project than working with the Youth of our Nation, whether it is through Little League Baseball, Football, Boy and Girl Scouts, 4-H, FFA, or Rabbit Clubs. Of course, having devoted the last five years to working with young rabbit breeders, this article will be devoted to them. I have yet to see a youth, who was interested in a rabbit project, go too far wrong. For this reason alone I will devote most of my time as a rabbit breeder to working with Youth Clubs. I have had many adults ask the question why raise rabbits? Why not raise something else: cattle, hogs, horses or dogs.
I believe that if a youth really raises, that is takes care of his rabbits, handles, feeds, cleans and breeds, he can learn more about the facts of life, both economic and biologic, than with any other animal.
Rabbits are quiet. They take very little space and they give off no odors, if properly managed. Rabbits are the best possible meat animals and they are inexpensive as compared to other animals. No other animal gets as thorough consideration as the rabbit on the judging table. It is very exciting to enter a rabbit show and see that animal which you have bred and raised win Best of Breed or even place in the top five in the class. In fact, there is no other animal, more exciting to raise and show than rabbits. What breed should a youngster raise? Unless a youngster is raised up with a fancy breed, such as Dutch, Polish, Flemish or English Spots, I think he should stick with a “commer-
cial” breed. I would recommend White New Zealand or Californian. Lots of breeders will not agree but my logic is this: by raising White New Zealand or Californians the beginner has only to work for good fur, type and condition. He won’t have to remember so much detail about markings and such. New Zealands and Californians are ideal meat animals and a good deal of money can be made at the Fat Stock Shows on meat pens, if he works hard and wins. My advice to beginners is to try the fancy breeds when you have more experience in basic rabbit raising.
Texas youth are on the move in rabbit raising and in rabbit organizations. A Texan, Benny Hill, was the first to organize the ARBA Youth Club. Our young rabbit raisers joined the new club in force and have long been real successful in the show circuit. Texas has more members in the ARBA Youth Club than any other state. Practically every show has a separate Youth Show and they usually make up nearly a fourth of the total entries. At the 1967 ARBA Meeting a resolution was passed to organize the Texas Youth Members into a separate club patterned after the ARBA Youth Club. The organization is now being completed and with the support of the TRBA, Texas will have even greater activity in the Youth Circles.
1st. Linda Carson, Calif. 3330
2nd. Teddy DeLoyola, Calif. 2602
3rd. Charlotte Hanson. Calif. 2074
4th. Jim Strawn, Calif. 2025
1st. Mike Alger, Kan. 1655
2nd. Jerry Bowers, 111. 1349
3rd. Cynthia Zimmerman, 111. 1129
1st. Michael Brownrigg, Ariz. 486
2nd. Bill Whaley, Tenn. 395
3rd. George Kinkelaar III, Ariz. 388
Congratulations to all the winners.
Youth Division
Most of you know by this time that the 1968 National Convention will be held at Pueblo, Colorado, October 7th thru 10th. The convention officials are very interested in having a outstand-
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ing Youth Department and Show and are working hard toward that goal. Mrs. Trudy Hannon has been appointed to act as chairman for the Youth Department of the Convention and she will need help and co-operation. If you are interested in helping the youth at the coming convention I am certain that Mrs. Hannon would like to hear from you. Her address is—Mrs. Trudy Hannon, 315 Pine Cone Road, Parker, Colo. 80134.
Much of the success in attracting a good entry at any show is dependent upon the amount of specials offered. This year a special chairman has been appointed to obtain specials for the Youth Show at the Convention. He is Bill Whaley, a Director of the Youth Club, and he has already been hard at work on his job for months. If you wish to contribute anything for specials for the youth show at the coming convention you can contact Bill by writing to him at—Rt. 18, Harrell Road, Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. Hannon and Bill will be glad to hear from you.
You will be notified of other appointments in the future. The Convention officials are working hard on this convention and they deserve your help.
Passed at the Annual 1967 Meeting in Waco, Texas
Whereas the young Rabbit Breeders of Texas are almost all members of the Texas Rabbit Breeders Ass’n, and whereas they have to show against Breeders with many years’ experience if they wish to take advantage of TRBA Sweepstakes System and whereas they have no representation as Youth.
Be it resolved that TRBA Youth Club with membership dues of $1.00 per year; and be it further resolved that the President of TRBA appoint a Secretary and Treasurer of said Youth Club and instruct said sec’y, to institute a Youth Sweepstakes System similar to TRBA Sweepstakes System; and be it further resolved that TRBA Youth Club be self-supporting and separate from TRBA.
Horace M. Curtis
Why hasn’t the ARBA Youth Program grown more throughout the country? This is a question I and many others have been asked over the past few years. Just recently, President
Wayne Willmann asked my opinion and suggestions regarding this situation. Personally, I feel that it hasn’t been the fault of the leaders in any way, but instead the fault of the system set up by the ARBA for its function. The many interested leaders of the ARBA Youth Program, both present and past, have done outstanding work with the Youth Program. They have an excellent Guide Book and I think it also is a very fine thing that they are allowed to register their rabbits the same way as adult members do. However, why does the ARBA discriminate against them and require that just because they are young people that they have to have a separate judging? And to make things worse, they are not allowed to have a separate judging unless the sponsoring club gets a separate sanction for the youth. I don’t blame local clubs in the least for not getting separate sane-tions just for youth. It is an added ex-pense and also an added problem at judging time.
A couple of years back, I was appointed Youth Director of the Eastern Rabbit & Cavy Fanciers Association. I asked Mrs. Irene Harrison to be my assistant and to work with me in developing the Youth Program. We decided that we did not want a separate judging of youth rabbits such as used by the 4-H. We felt that if a youngster wanted to have his rabbits judged only against the rabbits of other young members that he could show in the 4-H. Therefore, we set up a system whereby the youngster enters his rabbits in open competition with all other breeders. Thus when his rabbits are judged he knows exactly how good the are compared with other rabbits of that breed in the show. He receives the same number of points as any other breeder but at the end of the year he will be the top Youth member if he has more points than any other youth member even though he might be the 30th from the top in sweep-stakes totals. We pick ten youth winners in our Eastern sweepstakes contest and in 1967 some of these youth winners received more points than many of the adult breeders thereby proving the quality of their herd.
It is amazing how many of our young people show regularly at Eastern sanctioned shows. Has it ever occurred to breeders to take a look around and see how much work these young people do at the shows? I have judged at lots of shows over the past ten years and very often the writers are young people and also many of the carriers are young people. They are trying hard to help and learn, so
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Fidelis Clem Steinhoff, ARBA State Agent for Wisconsin and one of the nation’s top Flemish Giant breeders, displays two of his prize animals and their awards.
why not treat them with the respect they so earnestly deserve?
There are two distinct advantages to open competition. The first advantage is that the young breeder knows just how good his rabbits are because they are competing with all other breeders of that breed. The second advantage is that many clubs holding one-day shows do not have the time for a separate judging of rabbits for the youth. Open competition does not add any additional burden on anyone.
When Mr. Carley, President of the New Zealand Federation, appointed me to head a committee to work out a youth membership in the New Zealand Federation, my committee and I decided to also use this system of open competition. When our secretary, Mr. Mann, lists the sweepstakes totals in the Newsletter, the youth can be listed along with the adults without any added effort by simply putting an in front of his or her name. This allows the youth members to see just how they stand with other youth members and also how they stand in open competition. I was told recently after the Syracuse Convention that another Specialty club has also set up a youth membership along these same lines.
I realize that the ARBA is different from the specialty clubs in that they do not accumulate sweepstakes points for all ARBA members but since the Youth members do receive points for their winnings, why do they require that their winnings count only when their rabbits are judged against the
rabbits of other ARBA youth members? I notice that at many of the shows at which I judge that there isn’t an ARBA Youth sanctioned section and as a result the ARBA youth members enter their rabbits in open competition but their winnings cannot count for them. This is being very unfair to them and many have been discouraged for they feel that the ARBA youngster living in a section of the country where the clubs have provision for the separate judging at the shows has an advantage over the youngsters living in sections of the country where the clubs say that they do not have the time. Open competition would allow the ARBA youngster in all sections of the country to show at any ARBA show and thus receive his points. This would be more fair for youngsters in the whole country and would allow more youngsters to compete for the ARBA Youth prizes.
Many youth leaders throughout the country have talked with me on the subject and have complained that they had young people who were attending the shows but could not have their rabbits judged as an ARBA youth member because the club had not taken the separate sanction for the youth. Many of these leaders feel the same as I in that their young people would benefit more if their rabbits could be judged in open competition with all other members.
As to the subject of the ARBA requiring that a separate sanction fee be paid by any club wanting to hold a youth section, I feel that this is definitely wrong. Several years ago it was the practice to pay an additional fee for membership in the commercial part of the ARBA. This was later discontinued since it was decided that the commercial part was a part of the ARBA and thus entitled to all rights and privileges of other parts of the ARBA. I feel that the ARBA has failed to consider their Youth Department as part of the ARBA as long as they do not include them in the regular ARBA sanction fee. Why should local clubs have to pay an additional sanction fee for a youth show? And what is more important is why should the ARBA youth member be denied from getting points for his winnings just because that club refused to pay for the additional sanction fee?
I want to repeat that I am not criticizing the ARBA Youth Club, for I believe that most people know how sincerely I want to help the youth. I would not have written my thoughts at all if it wasn’t that Mr. Willmann said that many people have felt that some changes were needed in the
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ARBA Youth Club. He is thus asking that all express their opinion so that the ARBA can help this situation.
I feel sincerely sympathetic for the youth of the rabbit industry. They are the future. Let’s all help them grow and learn. We have many dedicated rabbit leaders and a good organization already and I know with some thought and consideration on the part of the ARBA, that this will enable the youth program to become the great organization that we know it is capable of becoming.
Bill Molen
Would you consider 4,160,000 a large, say a staggering, figure? It is indeed quite a chore to count one-by-one enough pages to comprise such a huge total, but when it becomes necessary to fill the pages with important and factual material the task becomes all the more terrifying.
The new ARBA Guide Book of 208 pages and 20,000 copies demanded that 4.160,000 pages be printed. There lay ahead the copy to te assembled, edited, rewritten, proofed, dummy copy set up, and then printed. Incidently, the four sides to the cover pages was an additional 80,000 pages that must be completed.
In compiling the material for the new ARBA Guide Book we wrote to many members throughout the U.S. Members who had proved their competency in various and sundry areas of rabbit science and knowledge. I would like to report that in only two instances were we unsuccessful all those ARBA members whom we contacted for material for the Guide Book came through with excellent material—that is, all except the two previously mentioned. Quite a fine record of cooperation from the membership, don’t you think?
We are indeed indebted to the following men and women of ARBA for their support of the ARBA Guide Book with the finest collection of informative articles possible. Charles O’Dell, David Ford, Dorothy Newport, Roger Fitchorn, David Hughes, Earl Hord, Ross Schwab, Pat Krider, Horace Curtis, Andy Stodel, Marvin Carley, A1 Meier, Bob Wallace, Guy Leger, A1 Roerdanz, Tom Shufflebotham, John Hoblitzell, George Barnes, Don Guthrie, Joe Lutes, Harold Johnson, Tom Coatoam, Bud Chaney, Mary Ellen Vincent, Pat Bass, Charles Wade, Tillie Morehead, Eugene B. Schultz, George Smith, Llake Smith, Wayne Willmann,
Oren Reynolds, James Blyth, Ceil Tul-ley, Ellis Murray, Ev Shilliday, Vern Ashton, Ed Stahl, Cyril Lowit, and three of our deceased members who were leaders when called upon and even active in their heritage left behind, John Fehr (Indiana), Harry Her-lein (New York) and Gerrett Ould-house (Montana).
Professors of the Universities of Kansas, Michigan, and Missouri contributed to our Guide Book in Charles A. Leone, Harold D. Hafs, and John F. Lasley, respectively.
Photographs were another important consideration in compiling the Guide Book and the following members were very cooperative: Joe Serwecki, Inland Empire Rabbit Club, Missouri State Fair, Dorothy Newport, David Hughes, Greenbelt RBA, Hiram Davis, ARBA Youth Officers, Mark Youngs,
Guy Leger, Lucille Zahner, Leonard Biskie, Becky Stiff, John Hoblitzell,
Don Guthrie, Mel Behrens. Tom Jer-myn, Mrs. Wilburt Ochs, William Earl,
Ceil Tulley, Vern Ashton, Ed Stahl,
Jim Blyth.
Advertisements and advertisers were another very important segment of the new ARBA Guide Book and w? proudly offer our finest supporters, those who back up their faith with their pocketbook, in this the 1968 edition of the ARBA Guide Book. Fd Stahl worked long and hard in compiling and laying out the advertisements of this Guide Book. This is just another in a long chain of Ed’s accomplishments, always offering his time unselfishly to the advancement of ARBA.
I wish to publicly thank my wife Beverly for the hours of assistance she gave in helping with this big task and for not complaining too hard while I had the 20” x 40” family room completely covered with material such as dummy pages, cuts, correspondence,^^ glue and scissors. For over 8 months it took a brave heart indeed to enter this room. Daughters Peggy and Darla Beth and sons Dallas and Dana Boise also contributed needed assistance at various times.
The scope of cooperation needed and obtained can be determined by reading the five preceding paragraphs over again. The new ARBA Guide Pook is the result of cooperation and faith in the ARBA, its aims, and its ideals.
Do your non-member friends and tin ARBA a service. Seek them out and sign them up to membership in ARBA —they will receive a copy of this new ARBA Guide Book by return mail. Secretary James Blyth, has a supply of membership application blanks on hand for this purpose. Drop Jim a line and ask for a supply of applications.
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Club Notes
The Pel-State RBA was organized May 5 at the home of E. W. Storey. The objective of the Pel-State Club will be to promote the domestic rabbit, both as a show animal and as a commercial rabbit.
The Pel-State Club is made up of excellent and experienced rabbit fanciers and promoters. The first elected slate of officers: D. B. Noble, pres.; Edwin R. Saunders, vice-pres.; Albert Westall, treas. Board of Directors consist of: E. W. Storey, chm., Edwin R. Saunders, Albert Westall, Drexel Storey and D. B. Noble. The secretary is E. S. Storey of 9882 Lansdowne Road, Baton Rouge, La.
The Pel-State Rabbit Club has initiated a bulletin and their first issue, a dandy, is already off the press and mailed. They include a XA page announcement of the benefits of ARBA membership and they also give a plug for their sister Louisiana Rabbit Clubs —Southwest Louisiana RBA, G. J. L e g e r, 3701 Heard Road, Lake Charles, La., and New Orleans RBA, Ernest Abbott, 4811 Strasbourg Place, New Orleans, La.
The editor of their fine publication is D. B. Noble, P.O. Box 203, Brusley, La. 70719.
Russell L. Riding, 811 High St., Orlando, Fla. 32803 is pres, and Chm. of the Board of Directors of the Central Florida Club. Their monthly Bulletin is received with regularity and the current issue of 24 pages is another in a long line of doozies. A fine, fine publication.
Chairmen of their active committees: Jerry Smith, Ken Lyon, L. A. Roberts, Floyd Davis, Russell Riding, James Harrison, Marie Smith, Henry Wetherell and David Adler. Reading of their various projects and accomplishments as published in their bulletin leaves no doubt — they are ACTIVE.
A project of unusual importance is their donation of trios of outstanding rabbits to Youth of the area. There have been 10 trios donated to date and I would urge our very capable ARBA Youth Chairman, Sam Gerardi, to contact the Central Club through their pres. Russell Riding to secure some excellent ARBA Youth Counsellors.
H. M. (Red) Spence, pres., of the Texas RBA has forwarded a copy of the new issue of the Texas Year Book. A monumental 48 page printed book with hard cover. Texas boasts of one of the finest state organizations in all of ARBA. This is attested to by their fine Bulletins currently edited by Mrs. Ruth Ford, 1618 Mansard St., Vernon, Texas and by this excellent Year Book which was spearheaded by Bob Berry, Lubbock, Texas. This is the 9th year of TRBA and their 5th Year Book.
Jessie Weinhardt, 17990 Bethel Church Road, Rt. 3, Manchester, Mich. 48158 serves a dual role as secy, of the active Dutch Rabbit Club and editor of the Dutch Reporter.
Jessie is short in stature but certainly long in ability and accomplishments. A secretary’s job of a large Specialty Club and editor of a bulletin are both big jobs, either one by themselves, but Jessie does them both. No •wonder the Dutch breed and club grows by leaps and bounds and is a bell ringer of ARBA Specialty Clubs that are on the move.
Walter N. Mann, 4127 Bowman Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. 46227, secy, of the New Zealand Federation is a workhorse of tremendous proportions. Not that we mean Walter is a heavy set man, we mean he must have the patience of Job, the ability of a 1000 men, the wisdom of Confucius and loves New Zealands. This, the largest specialty club, demands hours of daily work from its secy. Bet Mrs. Mann is right in there pitching. Secy. Mann, is blessed with excellent and qualified officers and fine members.
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Frank Cutter
Now that the table shows are over and our judges are relaxing, perhaps some of the judges will find a few moments to read this article. I can honestly say, I do not have an ax to grind, but by the same token, I do not intend to pull any punches.
Maybe the judges can tell us why. Why do some judges leave their book, “Standard of Perfection” at home? Why do they not have the book before them so that they can refer to it from time to time? Do they think it is a crime not to know everything about every breed? Are they ashamed to refer to the book before all of the breeders? They should not be. A judge would be respected more if he were to refer to the “Book of Standards” more often and also more often than not, the judge would come up with more correct decisions. No one expects the judge to know the standard for every breed of rabbit by heart. If the judges do not drift away from the “Standards of Perfection” the judges' decisions are going to be more correct. Certainly more correct than if he judges according to his personal likes and dislikes.
Why do some judges judge a show without a SCALE on hand? How can he possibly do a proper job without a scale?
At one show, a breeder walked off with a trophy for Best of Breed with a rabbit which should have been eliminated because it was overweight. In this particular breed, there is a top weight of eight pounds. The rabbit weighed over nine pounds. If the judge had a scale to consult, he could have caught it because every rabbit in that class should have been weighed. This breeder knew that some of the Judges had become complacent; and, he took advantage of the situation whenever he could and he went home a couple of times with trophies. However, I do not know what enjoyment this breeder derived from this. The breeder was only kidding himself. I wonder what kind of picture he paints of himself when he looks at these trophies.
Why do some judges attempt to judge a class of eighteen to twenty-two rabbits on the table at one time, with only holding coops for ten rabbits and also without an assist from anyone? How in the world can he come up with the proper winner? It would be sheer luck. When a judge
Two excellent New Zealand White^^ half-sister does owned by W. H. (Bill)^B Smith, Strawberry Plains, Tennessee.
Doe V85G on the left was Best in Show at Atlanta, Georgia; doe V85B was Best in Show at Knoxville, Tennessee.
One or the other of the does has been judged Best White Fur at past 7 shows entered.
attempts to judge a class under these circumstances he is insulting the intelligence of the breeder standing before him. Every breeder realizes that there can be only one First in each class. All the breeder asks is that his rabbit be given FAIR consideration.
The judge cannot give a fair account of each rabbit under these conditions. True, the show committee should have supplied the proper equipment, but on the other hand, the judge has the right^^ to refuse to judge the class until prop-^Hj er equipment is supplied. In this in-^^ stance the judge would have fared much better if he chose the latter procedure.
Why do some judges insist on straightening rabbits out, to flatten them out, instead of judging them in their natural position? You see a lot of this at nearly every show. One judge when he judges Dutch in particular, stretches the Dutch front legs as well as the hind legs and completely distorts the markings. The sad part of the whole thing is that the Dutch breeders will grumble among themselves while this is going on, but no one will take him to task. All they have to do would be to refer to the book “Standard of Perfection”. The book clearly states that a Dutch must
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be judged in its natural position and when turned over, the Dutch must be grasped gently so as not to distort the markings and under no circumstances, should the legs be stretched or pulled so as to create a drag when in reality, there is no drag at all. Are we to believe no one has taken the time to read the book of standards? What else?
What one fails to realize is that these shows are ARBA sanctioned and should be governed by the ARBA rules, but the rules are not being followed.
Some shows are run in a very slipshod manner. We cannot blame the judges for the equipment with which they are supplied, but we can hold them accountable for the manner in
(which they handle and judge rabbits, if a club runs a show and does not Conform to the rules of the ARBA, then the next time that the club applies for a sanction, it should he refused until conditions are rectified.
It should be the duty of the State representative to report these conditions to the ARBA. How else is the ARBA to know? As I stated earlier, some people are reluctant to bring these things out in the open. Unless we do, nothing good is going to be accomplished; we are going to get progressively worse. At the Eastern Convention Show held in Pittsburgh, Pa. on November 11th and 12th, 1967, there were less than five hundred rabbits shown. This is not a good entry for a Convention Show. Ask yourself WHY?
Ruth Strunk
Our rabbit shows so far during the 1968 show season have been very well attended. The magnet that seems to be drawing more entries and more activity and interest is the new innovation: the selecting of Best Rabbit in Show. The exhibitors are thrilled with this long-needed shot-in-the-arm although some of the judges feel there should be some definite rules and regulations to guide them in their selection. But what better rules do we need than the rules of the ARBA Standard? At the Spring show of our Badger Club all those in attendance were fully aware that the Best Rabbit would be selected, according to the Standard for all individual breeds, and the BOB of all breeds entered in the show were
brought back to the judging table. At this time all exhibitors, judges and show officials could see the whys and wherefores that determine the final selection of Best in Show Award.
One of our clubs raised the entry fee for rabbits entered in the table show. First appraisal of this act led some to believe that the exhibitors only entered their finest specimens and left their poorer specimens at home because the entry at this show was down from normal expectations. It is only conjecture but maybe the contributing factors to a smaller entry was the late date of the show and the exhibitors were a little tired of the rabbit show grind or maybe the fishing season was exceptionally good.
The annual topic of many: “Rabbit folks are sure poor correspondents when it comes to answering letters of prospective rabbit purchasers”, is once again making the rounds. My remarks will not be something new, but it certainly isn’t a one-way proposition— with all the inquirers being the guys in the white hat and all the naughty recipients of letters being the guys in the black hat. Letters are received asking for prices and general information plus many other questions and then you do take the time to sit down and quote prices, describe rabbits and tell them you will await their reply. In 90% of the cases, no reply is ever forthcoming. You certainly cannot satisfy everyone, all right or all wrong is not the sole claim of either group. Nor for that matter is the failure to answer correspondence, from either end, strictly a rabbit problem.
Most of our six Wisconsin Rabbit Clubs are busy helping the 4-H clubs get going with their rabbit programs and the individual 4-H members established with good rabbits according to ARBA Standard. The idea of the 4-H rabbit shows being held and judged under the program of the ARBA rules and standards is fast catching on with the youngsters. The children are forceful in their demands that more and more 4-H rabbit shows conform to this high ideal because the results are obvious to them—poor specimens and cross-bred rabbits are being weeded out and eliminated from their breeding programs. This is to their advantage and the children are quick to see this. Our Wisconsin ARBA members are to be congratulated for their continued help in explaining the value of pedigreed stock to the youngsters and leaders. It will not be long before these young people of Wisconsin 4-H will demand the “ARBA-WAY” in all their rabbit shows.
Page Eleven
Becky and Bridget Montgomery, Lafayette, Colorado: Youth rabbit raisers and exhibitors. The Montgomery girls are staunch supporters of rabbit activities in Colorado and one of the reasons Pueblo ABBA Youth Division Convention-Show will be a bell-ringer.
The question of the eligibility of animals suffering from those diseases or ailments classified as eliminations by our Standard has not been clarified in either the Standard or the judging and show rules. One reference to eliminated rabbits being ineligible for registration is on page 57 of the latest yearbook — while this is not clearly a part of the rules, it does state the intent.
The major purpose of the registration system is to up-grade the quality of our animals and provide some assurance for a prospective purchaser ■of stock — both registered animals and youngsters bred from registered animals. The registration of such animals does not further the best interests of the ARBA or any purchaser of this stock. If the ARBA and the potential registerer (owner) believes that this is only a temporary affliction then There is no reason why the owner should not cure the animal first before presenting it to a registrar for his services.
Therefore: any animal not worthy of competing in a class in a sanctioned show by reason of being disqualified, or eliminated for any reason, cannot be registered unless it is in sound health and is representative of its breed.
A! Meier, Chm.
ARBA Standard Committee
The ARBA National Rabbit Week Publicity Packets are being mailed on a first come first served basis. Many new items have been added to this year’s Publicity Packet. As in previous years they are mailed postpaid upon receipt of $5.00 remittance to ARBA Director, Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
Winners of the 3 Champion Promoter Trophy Awards by ARBA in 1967 were from Ohio, Tennessee and California. The Golden West Club of Orange, California, one of the 196^^ winners, sent the following: “We a:^A all so happy and proud of our troph^^F of last year’s National Rabbit Week, we are going to try to do even better this year. We would like one of the packets to help us get going. We found them to be very useful in our program last year (1967) and want to get them out as soon as possible.”
Golden West RBA Sunny Harper, Secretary
Other clubs and individuals who have ordered ARBA National Rabbit Week Publicity Packets, include: Joyce Ross, Ridgefield, Conn.; C. C. Hutchins, Augusta, Ga.; Robert O. Mott, Middlesex County Agent, Concord, Mass.; Alice Naujokas, West-bury, N. Y.; North Central Rabbit Club, Scottville, Mich.; Fox River Valley Rabbit Club, Green Bay, Wise.;
Page Twelve
New England Rabbitry Supply—Joseph Laura, North Middleboro, Mass.; Bay Area RBA, Walnut Creek, Calif, and Inland Empire RBA, Spokane, Wash. The Inland Empire Club won a Champion Promoter Trophy in 1966 and were one of the finalists in the 1967 contest.
New Zealand
1. Marvin Carley, Vt. 77
2. Harold Drudge, Ind. 63
3. Walter Voss, Ind. 63
4. Eugene Henry, Conn. 60
5. Henry Sagarsee, Mich. 59
6. Carl Persails, Mich. 42
7. Marvin L. Cummings, Fla. 41
8. W. H. Smith, Tenn. 36
9. G. S. Davis, Iowa 35
y°. Robert Berry, Tex. 31
Frank Westley, Pa. 30
1. Pete Naylor, Kan. 105
2. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 20
3. Roger Fitchorn, 111. 17
4. W. F. Gilbert, Calif. 9
5. A1 Biorken, Conn. 6
6. Joe Eve, Tenn. 4
7. R. L. Riding, Fla. 4
8. Lewis Bowers, 111. 4
9. John Rod, Mass. 3
1. Kyle Cunningham, Ind. 56
2. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 51
3. Hugh J. Betts, Tenn. 51
4. Harold Reese, 111 30
5. Joseph C. Lain, N.C. 23
6. F. Clem Steinhoff, Wise. 17
7. Lloyd Shantz, Canada 16
8. C. A. Wade, Ark. 14
9. Leland Clark, Calif. 14
10. Harold Dickson, 111. 13
11. Oren Reynolds, 111. 13
Silver Marten
fl. Gary Grimm, Iowa 20
2. O. W. Williams. Wash. 15
3. E. O. Wolff, Tex. 7
4. Lewis Bowers, 111. 6
5. E. W. Storey, La. 5
6. Joe Eve, Tenn. 3
7. John Buehler, 111. 2
8. S. H. Willis, Wash. 2
9. Howard Reese, 111. 2
10. Dr. G. D. Allen, Tex. 2
1. Pete Naylor, Kan. 121
2. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 88
3. Marvin Carley, Vt. 77
4. Walter Voss, Ind. 75
5. Harold Drudge, Ind. 65
6. Henry Sargarsee, Mich. . 63
7. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 62
8. Eugene Henry, Conn. 61
9. Kyle Cunningham, Ind. 59
10. Carl Persails, Mich. 51
P. O. Box 54 Sullivan, Ohio 44880 Charles H. Haaf
Maybe you have heard that we have been working quite extensively for the past year and a half trying to form a rabbit processing plant in Ohio. Our efforts have taken form and we are now starting to show returns. Our plant is nearly complete and processing of the domestic rabbit meat will start on June 12,1968.
We have a corporation formed by the name of Ohio Rabbit Processors, Inc. A board of directors in this corporation has been selected to benefit from varied types of experience in the business world. For instance, our Chairman is a Radio-TV advertiser; our vice-chairman is an Electronic Technician; our Secretary is the secretary and manager of a wholesale supply company; our Treasurer is Branch Manager of a bank and to complete the board we have a bookkeeper, used car salesman, and a factory maintenance worker. With this variety of experienced personnel we have ad vanced quite rapidly.
The interest in our proiect from this area is beyond expectations. The interest and co-operation of the Huron County and Lorain County clubs has been of tremendous value and is greatly appreciated by the Corporation. The Governor of Ohio and his staff have been keeping close tabs on our progress and will, no doubt, join in our Grand Opening and the celebration of National Rabbit Week which we will combine through the joint efforts of the interested parties. We want to make National Rabbit Week a thing to remember in Ohio this year.
For May 1968
New Zealand 222
Californian 64
Satin 40
Flemish 14
Dutch 12
Checkered Giant 3
Polish 7
Silver Marten 7
Rex 5
Florida White 4
English 4
Palomino 4
Angora 2
American Chinchilla 2
Standard Chinchilla 1
Champagne 1
Havana 1
Page Thirteen
Alberta RBA, Mrs. J. Johnson, 1611 40th St., S. W. Calgary, Alberta, Can Jul 4-6
Poudre Valley Rabbit Club, Mrs. Ellen Steely, Rist Canyon, Bellvue, Col Jul 13-14
West Branch RBA, Donna L. Hackenberg, RD4, Muncy, Pa Jul 14
Sonoma Co. Fair & Expo., James F. Yyttle, P.O. Box 1451, Santa Rosa, Cal Jul 15-27
Orange Co. Fair, Alfred G. futzjeans, 88 Fair Dr., Costa Mesa, Cal Jul 16-21
Falls Cities RBA, Harold C. Quick, 4619 So. 1st, Louisville, Ky Jul 18-20
Ohio Cavy Club, Eileen Ghent, RR I, Mt. Gilead, Ohio Jul 20-21
Howell Co. Fair, Florence Bauer, Chamber of Comm. Off., West Plains, Mo Jul 22-27
Madison Co. RBA, A. M. Gibson, RR 1, Box 371,
Edwardsville, III Jui 23-27
Lake Co. Fair, L. A. Nordhausen, P.O. Box 27, Grays-lake, III Jul 24-28
Sandusky Valley RBA, Horace Taylor, 62C Miami St., Tiffin, Ohio Jul 24-29
Multnomah Co. Fair, Duane Hennessy, P.O. Box 71, Gresham, Ore Jul 25-Aug 3
Sheiby Co. RBA, Judy Calloway, R 2, Sidney, Ohio
Jul 27-Aug 1
Jefferson Co. Fair, Glenn L. Feistel, 565 Mill St., Watertown, NY Jul 28-Aug 3
Broome Co. RBA, Ruth Barnes, 300 Tracy Creek Rd., Vestal, NY Jul 28-Aug 3
Rock Island Co. Fair, Evelyn Ristau, P.O. Box 267,
E. Moline, III. Jul 30-Aug 3
Scioto Co. Agri. Soc., Marion Bess, Jersey Ridge Rd., Maysville, Ky August
Hennepin Co. Agri. Soc., Mrs. Eileen Roehlke, R 1, Box 146, Rogers, Minn Aug 1-3
Greater Allentown Fair, Moulton L. C. Frantz, ]239'/'2 Tilghmann St., Allentown, Pa. Aug 2-10
Clinton Co. Agri. Soc., Donald F. Weeks, RR 2, Leesburg, Ohio Aug 5-10
Mower Co. Fair, Box 426, Austin, Minn Aug 5-11
Teays Valley RBA, Jeannie Maddox, R 1, Box 125-A, Frankfort, Ohio Aug 6-10
Mason Co. Fair, Rev. Roy G. Ellis, New Haven, W Va
Aug 6-10
Douglas Co. Fair, Bert L. Allenby, P.O. Box 759, Rosbeurg, Ore Aug 6-10
Washington Co. Fair, Betty Shearer, 1455 S E 21st Ave., Hillsboro, Ore Aug 6-10
Cincinnati RBA, Harry Centner, 8693 Livingston Rd., Cincinnati, O Aug 7-11
Winn-Forest Rabbit Club, Ted Wengert, 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford, III Aug 7-11
Ashtabula Co. RBA, Hazel Roerdanz, R 1, Box 5, Kingsville, Ohio Aug 7-11
Napa Town & Country Fair, Robert P. Manasse, 575 Third St., Napa, Calif Aug 8-11
Illinois State Fair, Virginia A. Miller, 2910 Hoover, Springfield, III Aug 9-18
State Fair of Wise, Vernon G. Wendland, State Fair Pk, Milwaukee, Wise Aug 9-18
Cedar Rapids Small Stock Ass'n, Ethel Becicka, 50CO
J St., S.W., Cedar Rapids, Ia Aug 10-11
Lewanee Co. Fair, W. E. Marvin, R 2, Box 396, Adrian, Mich Aug 11-17
Morrow Co. Fair, Eileen E. Ghent, RR 1, Mt. Gilead, Ohio Aug 12-17
Washington Co. RBA, Ruth Caldwell, RD 2, Box 247, Eighty-Four, Pa Aug 12-17
Clark Co. Fair, Roger C. Miller, P.O. Box 162, Sabina, Ohio Aug 12-17
Western Mich RBA, Marilyn Hathaway, R 2, Luding-ton, Mich Aug 13-17
Clermont Co. Fair, Charles Long, 2905 Batavia Pike,
Batavia, Ohio Aug 13-17
Cuyahoga Co. Fair, Norman E. Lehman, P.O, Box 135, Berea, Ohio Aug 13-18
Southwest Washington Fair, A. W. Wildhaber, P.O.
Eox 831, Chehalis, Wash Aug 13-18
Winn-Forest Rabbit Club, Ted Wengert, 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford, III Aug 14-18
Whiteside Co. RBA, Blanche Short, R 2, Box 34, Forreston, III Aug 14-17
Fall Cities RBA, Harold C. Quick, 4619 So. 1st, Louisville, Ky Auo 15-24
Wyandotte Co. Fair, T. R. Wallace, 2220 W. 87th St., Kansas City, Kan Aug 15-17
State Fair of W. Va., C. T. Sydenstricker, Box 829, Lewisburg, W Va Aug 16-24
Freeport Rabbit Club, Helen Dzielak, RFD 4, Freeport, III Aug 19-24
Lake Co. Agri. Ass'n., Florence E. Belcher, 84 Johnny-cake Ridge, Painesville, Ohio Aug 20-25
Garden City Rabbit Ass'n., B. B. Rewey, 2250 Peterson Ave., Missoula, Mont Aug 21-24
Kitsap Co. Fair, Lee R. Hall, 644 5th St., Bremerton, Wash Aug 21-25
Ohio State Fair, Hartl W. Lucks, 7559 Cherry Brook
Dr., Reynoldsburg, Ohio Aug 22-Sep 2
Del Norte Co. Fair, C. W Glover, P.O. Box 26, Crescent City, Cal Aug 23-25
Paulding RBA, Dale Boroff, Box 28, Latty, Ohio
Aug 24-29
Colorado State Fair, Marjorie Vaughn, 2416 Rice, Pueblo, Colo Aug 24-Sep 1
Oregon State Fair, Robert L. Stevens, 2060 Silverton Rd., N.E., Salem, Ore Aug 24-Sep 2
Auto City RBA, Angeline Ellis, 21224 Sherman, South-field, Mich Aug 24-Sep 2
Erie Rabbit Club, Clifford Ramey, P.O. Box 7C73,
Wesleyville, Pa Aug 26-31
New York State Fair, Kenneth J. Lindeman, Syracuse, NY Aug 27-Sep 2
Evergreen State Fair, Steve McCulloch, P.O. Box 127^ Monroe, Wash Aug 27-Sep ■
Montgomery Co. Fair, Goldie V. Scheible, 1043 Soutr^ Main St., Dayton, Ohio Aug 29-Sep 2
Minnesota State RBA, Dorren Rau, R 1, St. Cloud, Minn Aug 29-Sept 2
Stark Co RBA, Francis P. Riffle, 8051 Diamond N E
Box 4, Middlebranch, Ohio Aug 30-Sep 3
Saanich Fair, H. E. Robinson, Saanich P.O., B. C , Can Aug 31-Sep 2
Van Wert Co. RBA, Kay Martin, Rt. 1, Monroe, Ind
Aug 31-Sep 5
Ann Arbor RBA, Mrs. Betty Torrey, 4005 Jackson Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich SeP 3-7
Durham Central Agri. Soc., Mrs. John Rickard, Newcastle, Ontario, Can Sep 5-7
Wavne Co. Fair, Cyrus Crum, P.O. Box 127, Wayne, W Va Sep 5-7
Director W. H. Kennedy, District #8, East Central, comprised of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and District of Columbia will hold a Regional Judgej Conference Saturday, July 27 at Vim ginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia. ARBA Judges who are unable to attend the ARBA Convention-Show at Pueblo, Colorado can attend this Regional Judges Conference and receive credit.
There will also be the annual Rabbit Short Course, sponsored by the Association of Virginia Rabbit Breeders and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute. The event is a two-day affair, July 26-27. For further information about the Rabbit Short Course or Regional Judges Conference, write: Mr. Roscoe Burtner, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Page Fourteen
Owner Breed Reg. No. Ear No.
D. Shewmaker New Zealand 1546-X U1
D. Shewmaker New Zealand . 1545-X N2R6
D. Lovejoy Dutch 1543-X O
P. Hager New Zealand 9234-X OlA
C. Carroll New Zealand 925-A J1
M. Cummings .. Siamese Satin 3122-A Jack
R. Pace Satin ,3167-A CLAY
J. D. Collins Dutch 8453-X AC90
M. H. Bettin New Zealand 1328-X V6
L. Eisele ... Silver Marten .. 4259-A H310
R. Hershey . . Champ 4813-A H59
E. Hensley .New Zealand 3206-A EH668
L. Bengtson Dutch 4083-A GRC
O. Kilpatrick New Zealand 4773-A KK2
L. Kilpatrick New Zealand 4769-A KG2
L. Ashcock Silver Marlen 6589-X LR2
T. Coleman New Zealand 5041-A K21
D. Brueggman Checkered Gt . 2598-A PE3A
J. S. Cheka Satin 9913-X CH7
Rocking W Rabbitry New Zealand 2253-A GC
Cuozzo Noble Assoc. Rex 1617-A 746A
Vito Fragola New Zealand 5210-X MC867
Blue Ribbon Rabbitry Californian 6746-X H430
V. Ashton Flemish 6607-X D52
J. B. Morrison New Zealand 258-A KC561
Guarantee Rabbitry New Zealand 394-A G392
Guarantee Rabbitry New Zealand 2488-A G396
Guarantee Rabbitry New Zealand 2487-A G452
H. Taylor New Zealand .4671-A H25
MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
JAMES BLYTH, Secretary 4323 Murray Avenue (BB)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217
I hereby make application for membership in the AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION
I enclose S5.00 for a one year membership which entitles me to a copy of the Official Guide Book, Year Book, Bulletins, and other benefits and privileges of the Association.
Husband and Wife Combination Membership — S7.00
( ) New ( ) Renewal
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Address .................
City . . State .................... Zip
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