ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 3 - May/Jun
Collection: 1968 ARBA Bulletins
ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 3 - May/Jun
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 3 - May/Jun,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed February 5, 2025,
Bill Molen
At first glance, the above question seems to answer itself, but back up a little. It just isn’t ironclad and a “bred” doe will not kindle unless she is pregnant. All “bred” does are not pregnant.
Many rabbit breeders, especially a beginner, are very disappointed when a doe is bred and then fails to give birth to a litter in the next 30 or 31 days. Not to kindle is not an unusual situation, especially in the late summer months and fall of the year. Some breeders experience very high percentage of misses, failures of their does to conceive, during the fall months. Still other breeders will enjoy very good success one year and experience a very disappointing or poor conception year the next.
The highest percentage of kindling occurs in those does that are mated in the spring of the year and they further go on and raise their litters and again assume the cycle of successful pregnancy until the fall of the year. The fall of the year seems to lend itself to the overall poorest percentage of “bred” does that are actually pregnant. This seems to be in the pattern of the way nature does things.
Almost all species of animals and birds are most prolific during the spring. How many of you have ever seen a nest of squirrels or even black birds in the fall? Even chickens are less prolific during the fall and winter —thus the higher price for eggs during these periods.
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By Carol Weltz Staff Writer Calgary Herald
The rabbit is making the scene on the Calgary food market and business couldn’t be better. A look into the Calgary Rabbits Processors plant, first of its kind on the prairies, indicates an ever-growing consumer demand for rabbit meat. The plant has been in operation since last March and now processes and packages from 400 to 500 rabbits, or 2,000 pounds of meat, each week. “We have no trouble selling the product with consumption steadily on the increase. Our only problem in the future, though, could be a lack of rabbits,” a plant spokesman told The Herald.
Rabbit Sold Fresh and Frozen Rabbits are shipped to the plant when they are about 10 to 12 weeks old. They are sent from all across the province. The average litter is eight, which is usually ready for market by the time the doe is ready to breed again. A government inspector is present at the plant on receiving day to inspect the carcasses and grade the meat. Graded either as roasters or fryers, the meat is sold either fresh or frozen and either whole or cut up.
Fryers are the most popular type of rabbit meat and sell at prices ranging from 99 cents to $1.19 a pound. The meat tastes much the same as chicken or turkey and is all white.
Plant Capacity 1,000 Rabbits Daily Processors claim the merit of the meat is that it has half as many calories as beef, has high protein, little fat and few bones. Recipes for cooking (Continued Page 4)
4323 Murray Avenue James Blyth, Secy. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Vol. 3 May-June, 1968 No. 3
Rabbit Popular Meat
W. E. (Bill) Molen, Editor P O. Box 8, Bronson. Kansas 66716 Pat Krider, Assistant Publicity Cbm.
Bert Hickman Tillie Morehead
Joe Lutes Mark Youngs
Rayal Winters Joan Wallace
O. R. (Bud) Chaney Dora O'Hare
Lloyd Shantz Pat Kelley
EXECUTIVE BOARD ARBA Wayne Willmann. Pres. James Blyth, Secy
Oren Reynolds. V.-Pres. Ellis Murray, Treas
Fred Applegate J. Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W. E. Molen
Claude Bennett E. P. Shilliday
W. H. Kennedy Edward Stahl
D. F. Parker
I was sorry to hear that Mrs. Bernice Thompson passed away early in April. She was a breeder of good Chinchillas and a great worker with the folks in Colorado. She had served well as Chairman of Reservations for the coming ARBA convention in Pueblo. We extend the family our sincerest sympathy.
The General Chairman, Mr. Earl Hord, has informd me that Mrs. Virginia Spencer will replace the late Mrs. Thompson. So I urge you to send your lodging reservations to Mrs. Spencer at Box 268—Pueblo, Colorado 81004. Many thanks Mrs. Spencer for your willingness to serve.
Anyone collecting books on Rabbits might enjoy the one “Charming Rabbits” written by an ARBA member— Mrs. (Richard) Elinor Cooper. You will find her New York address in your 1968 Yearbook. Send her 50 cents for a copy.
Director Stahl’s new book recently came off the press. I recommend it for experienced breeders as well as for the beginner. I do not know the price as he was kind enough to give me a free copy. Thanks, Ed.!
Ohio has something to brag about. Miss Sally Watters was selected as Youth Queen at the Syracuse Conven-
tion. Miss Diana Southworth won the Youth Judging Contest. Both are members of the Columbus Youth Club. Mr. Southworth will be in charge of the Silver Marten Booth for the Colorado ARBA Convention.
All proof reading on advertising in the new ARBA Guide Book was done by Edward Stahl. Mr. W. E. Molen had the huge task of compiling the material, editing, proof reading all articles —preparing the dummy copy and the proof reading the final draft at the printers. The task of putting out the new Guide Book rests largely on the shoulders of Mr. Molen. He deserves our special thanks.
In your 1968 Yearbook, make the following corrections: Remove the name of Bert Searl as Agent for Oregon. We extend our sympathy on his death. Don Reid has been appointed as Sen ior State Agent for Illinois because of the resignation of Ted Wengert due to ill health. Pat Krider resigned as State Agent for Rhode Island because her husband is beginning another tour of Navy Recruiting May 10 in Pittsburgh. Who will serve in R.I. ? ? ? ? Maybe, Pat, you will have some time to help Mr. Blyth in his office.
Secretary Blyth received $18,558.15 during the three months: Jan., Feb., March. After disbursements he had $13,241.33 to send to Treasurer Ellis Murray. We know the income is highest at the beginning of a new year, but we do have good reason to rejoice that it was this good. Tell your friends that the ARBA is moving forward. The Spirit of cooperation is getting better. Let’s keep busy gathering in the NEW members. Let’s educate them so we can keep them active.
Again, may I remind all Youth leadl ers and youth members to send in your News Items to Mr. Molen for inclusion in the ARBA Bulletin. I am concerned about our youth and hope during the next year that we can really come up with some very good ideas how to improve the youth work in the ARBA. I want our members to read more about our youth and their rabbit activities so please send in the items to Mr. Molen.
Resolutions for the Pueblo Convention must be signed by at least 25 ARBA members and be in the hands of Mr. Marvin Langeland (Michigan) by July 7. Late arrivals will not come before the Convention this year.
The election ballots will be mailed by Secretary Blyth July 15 and must be returned to the Election Committee
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by August 15 if y©u want them counted. I hope our members will take time to get informed on the activities of the ARBA so they can vote intelligently. Your Specialty Club’s officers can be a big help in answering your questions. The future of the ARBA is in your hands. It will be pretty much the way you want it to be.
Wayne Willmann—President
The Michigan breeders as well as all of ARBA are saddened by the loss of one of our finest Rabbit Breeders, Mr. Steven DeVries of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
On February 5th Steven DeVries passed away at the Butterworth Hospital in Grand Rapids. Steve was a strong pillar of support to the Rabbit Fancy in Michigan. His advice was sound and freely given. In a period of more than forty years he learned much about the New Zealand Reds and produced some of the finest in the entire State. Steve won the Trophy for New Zealand Reds this past year and his sweepstake points will place him in the Top-Twenty All Breeds.
Steve DeVries was a member of the Michigan State Rabbit Breeders Association, The American Rabbit Breeders Association, The New Zealand Federation and the Western Michigan Rabbit Breeders Association. He was particularly active in the W.M.R.B.A. where he was Vice-President several times; Show Superintendent, and a member of the Board of Directors. Steve was an A.R.B.A. Registrar. He donated many trophies to M.S.R.B.A. and W.M.R.B.A. for his breed and much time in the planning and executing of the varied interests he had in local shows.
We, his Rabbit Breeder friends salute Steve for the man he always was. Our condolances are extended to the bereaved loved ones who must bear the loss of such a fine Christian gentleman. The local and state Associations and A.R.B.A, must carry on in the legend of the highest traditions as our departed friend and worker. Steven DeVries, would want us to.
Born Mar. 26,1898, Hubbard, Iowa Died Feb. 11, 1968, Molalla, Oregon
I have been asked to write a few words about Burt Searl, and this I do very sadly, because I feel like I not only have lost a good friend but all rabbit lovers have as well. Possibly some knew him better and could do more justice to his memory than I, but all, I know, would agree that Burt was a man who never had an enemy, and from his Christian way of living, never could have one.
His way with all mankind was the use of the Golden-Rule, and since he was an expert cabinet maker by trade, the Golden-Rule was always on the square, just as his own material and tools were in his much praised woodwork by his employers or customers. By this same moral standard, he judged and registered rabbits, and endeavored to help all rabbit raisers the very best way he could.
It is hard to mention Burt without thinking of his very proficient wife Victoria, and our deepest sympathy is now with her. They, like so many of our member husbands and wives, worked as a true rabbit team. Mabel and I often wondered how they accomplished all that they did, and finally asked them. Their answer was that they did the chores together when they got home, whether it was 1 A.M. or 3 A.M. or what.
Their accomplishments and activity were in the IERBA and other organizations. They made many visitations to our home singly; and with ARBA officials, as well as on Club picnics, tours, meetings over 100 miles from Spokane, so there is no doubt that the closer area rabbitries were on a regular agenda.
Their combined work in rabbits and cavies grew from a large rabbitry, to processing. Then if their life wasn’t full enough, it certainly was thereafter, when Burt was officially licensed as an ARBA Judge and Regis-strar.
The welcome mat was always out at the Searls, and it was a special must for any outside area visitor to partake of a meal with them, and even stay overnight. It was a huge loss to our organization, when the Searls moved to Molalla, Oregon. Yet Burt came home many times to judge our shows. Victoria did also when she could, to visit old acquaintances.
We have lost a good friend and rabbit man in Burt Searl physically— but spirtually his memory and work will live on! Mark Youngs
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(Continued From Page 1)
rabbit are placed in each package of meat and more recipes are available from the plant itself.
The market for the meat has expanded from Calgary to include Edmonton, Banff, Lethbridge and Medicine Hat as well as points in Southern Saskatchewan. As demand and supply increase, the plant is geared to process up to 1,000 rabbits a day with no further alterations.
For those who haven’t got the habit, rabbit is available in 50 city super markets and meat markets and can be barbecued, roasted, fried, stewed sauted and marinated in wine.
(Continued From Page 1)
Watch the price paid by processors for meat rabbits over a period of several years and note that in many instances the price is lower in the late spring and early summer than in the late summer, fall and winter months. This in part is due to the heavier production during the spring and the lower production during the fall. On the one hand there is an abundance of rabbits and on the other hand fryer size rabbits are not nearly so plentiful.
Every doe that is mated will not necessarily have a litter, whether she is kept in the rabbitry or sold to another person. Testing does not always proves to be beneficial, as some does will accept service from the buck even though she is already bred—others will refuse service on the testing date even though she is in fact still open and is not pregnant. A person competent and qualified to palpate a doe can determine if the subject doe is “pregnant” or “open”. However, there are not too many persons that are qualified to perform this relatively simple manipulation with 100% accuracy. The art of palpating takes many months of practice before one can master the art. Palpating (feeling the developing young in the uteri with the thumb and fore fingers) is a quick and accurate method for determining pregnancy. The rabbit breeder can develop the technique for accurately diagnosing pregnancy by palpating 14 to 16 days following mating. At this period, the embryos in the uteri have developed into marble-shaped forms that are easy to distinguish as they slip between the thumb and fingers, when the hand is gently moved forward and backward and a slight pressure is exerted. Caution must be practiced and
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extreme gentle care must be used in this operation, because if too much pressure is exerted, the tissues may be bruised or tom loose from the walls of the uterus and a toxic condition or abortion may be the result.
Many purchasers of breeding stock believe that if they buy a “bred” doe that they are entitled to a guarantee that such a doe will have a litter. This is absolutely impossible for the seller to guarantee. Additionally, the seller of the stock usually does not charge for the breeding, only for the doe, and breeds the doe free of charge. In such cases the purchaser should do his own testing of the doe after he receives her. Thus, he can do much toward alleviating the long delay period in allowing the doe to go the full time when she is not pregnant. If a doe does fail to kindle after the usual 31 days from date of breeding, she should) be immediately rebred. In the sale of stock, the seller of the rabbit has no control over nature. Likewise he has no control over the care and management of the stock he sells. After the rabbit leaves his premises he cannot be responsible for the production or behavior of such stock. There can be exceptions to this statement, when pre-sale agreements stated or implied that production was guaranteed.
In other words, a rabbit or any other type of livestock is perishable and must be treated much the same as other perishable things. A live rabbit, perishable, is comparable to an ice cream cone, also perishable. When you buy an ice cream cone in a store it is frozen. With proper treatment the cone may be maintained in a frozen and satisfactory state; however, if it is not properly treated it will melt very quickly.
As of March 29, 1988 Individuals
1. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif. 17
2. Edward H. Stahl, Mo. 7
3. Mark Youngs, Wash. 4
4. Tommy Andrew, Pa. 3
5. F. R. Applegate, 111. 3
6. Marvin Carley, Vt. 3
7. Eugene Henry, Conn. 3
8. N. J. McCurdy, N.C. 3
9. D. F. Parker, Ala. 3
1. Caotus R. B. Ass’n, Ariz. 3
2. American Satin R. B. Ass’n. 3
3. Long Island R. B. Ass’n, N.Y. 3
4. American Cavy Breeders 2
5. Harvey Co. R. B. Ass’n, Kan. 2
6. Badger R. B. Ass’n, Wise. 2
Oren Reynolds
It seems, from the mail I have received since our meeting in Syracuse, that some of our Specialty Club Secretaries, by their own admission, have been a little remiss in checking many of the show catalogs forwarded to their office. It was not realized that most Fair Shows were sponsored by local clubs who handle not only the show itself but the actual paper work also, and that some catalogs were not carrying the required heading as listed in the sweepstake rule.
It is the general opinion of most that there is nothing that can be done concerning the Fair Shows except the Local Clubs trying to get the Fair Board to try and meet the rules of the ARBA and the Specialty Clubs. It was 1 further stated that most breeders showing were satisfied with the results at present and that in some cases they were able to get a little more cooperation each year and in time they hoped to reach their goal of complete cooperation.
A known fact to all Specialty Club Secretaries is that many local show secretaries apply late for their sweep-stakes sanctions also at times some Specialty Club Secretaries are also late in sending out the requested sanction. In many cases the catalog committee, assuming that the sweep-stakes will be granted, go ahead with the catalog and copy the headings from previous catalogs which may or may not be current, leave out part of the heading and in some cases the entire heading. A uniform heading which would be standard from year to year unless a new secretary or a change in fees was made could and should eliminate much of these infractions.
' Quite some time back we explored the possibility of standardizing the heading used by the Specialty Clubs but due to the variation in the breeds and the things covered this was considered impossible. It was further suggested that we let the Local Clubs, in order to cut down expense of catalog, print the following. “The following breeds will be sweepstaked and governed by the current rules”. This was voted down but I now have another suggestion for your consideration. It is felt that this suggestion would go far in helping to eliminate the leaving out or copying an old heading that no longer applies.
Here is the suggestion, as sent in by one Specialty Club and approved by one other, for whatever you think it is worth and I will use my own Federation as an example and each of
you can use the name and figures that apply to your own Federation.
Official Sweepstakes Champagne D’Argent Federation
Oren R. Reynolds secretary RR# 3 Box 509 Decatur, 111. 62526. Dues $2.00 per yr.; combination ARBA $6.75.
Breeders showing for sweepstake points should know their own club rules and the show secretary would have the rules that were mailed at time of sanction for reference if questioned.
In talking with breeders from several Specialty Clubs at recent shows in Indiana, Missouri and Illinois concerning what the local clubs published in their show catalogs there was a stock answer quoted by many and that was: “I don’t care what they print in the catalog so long as they state whether they are sweepstaked or not. I know that they usually pay the required specials.
We as officers of the Specialty Clubs are elected to carry out the business of the club according to the wishes of the members of our clubs. After the above questions and answers I am beginning to wonder if we as officers are asking for something, that to us seems very important, however it just doesn’t seem to be to the membership. Maybe we should check our membership a little closer before we make a decision on some of these questions and suggestions. I would appreciate your reactions on this new suggestion.
Marjorie Bigelow
As the Fair season draws near we congratulate the many 4-H youngsters who have made these fairs so colorful and who have displayed some very fine animals in past seasons. Many of you are raising the calibre of rabbits that would do well indeed in the open classes. We encourage you to enter your rabbits again this year.
Much criticism has been made about the mixed breeds which crop up in the Fair Shows, and some of the poor stock exhibited at these shows in some instances.
It is all too easy to say it is the child’s fault for presenting an inferior specimen for exhibition purposes. The real fault lies squarely divided among the following:
1. The 4-H Leader has the responsibility of informing both the child and the parent that he will need a purebred rabbit: a hutch which is easily cleaned and will protect the rabbit both summer and winter; a feed bowl,
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water bowl, salt spool as well as adequate feed for the rabbit project. Both should be told that the child should support his project financially. I-f the child is too young to earn this money outside the home, then he should be given chores around the home and his project supported in this manner. Since every child is required to exhibit his animal at the State or County Fair in order to complete the year, it only stands to reason that if he starts out with a good animal he will come to feel not only greater pride in the project but in ownership as well.
The 4-H Leader should know something about various breeds of rabbits, availability in our area, and breeders whom they can contact. Rabbit information is available from ARBA members, through the Extension Service, feed stores, and the Department of Agriculture. By failing to emphasize the needs of the child in the rabbit project, it may be difficult or impossible for him to obtain parental backing when the time comes.
2. Parents: Every child who enters 4-H must have a card signed by one of his parents for each project. The responsibility does not end here, but rather should be only the first step embarking his child on a livestock project. No 4-H Leader should be expected to donate equipment or a rabbit. It is the role ®f the parent to provide these things.
3. Breeders wh® are called upon for stock usually come through for 4-H youngsters. Others have had a bad experience and refuse to sell to them. Most rabbit breeders feel that selling to 4-H’ers is a sharing situation as well, and follow the progress with interest. The latter breeders are the very ones to whom we are so deeply indebted, for they took a chance on a child and have the gratifying experience of watching the child grow and the rabbit thrive. The children who “make good” in 4-H by far outnumber the ones wh® don’t. ABOVE ALL THESE YOUNGSTERS ARE THE RABBIT RAISERS OF TOMORROW.
4. Judges: The judges are in the enviable position of being able to give the most to 4-H rabbit raisers. When they explain what they are doing as they judge one animal against another, the general eliminations and disqualifications for all the breeds; when they explain what they are seeking in fur classes and meat pens; and when they answer questions and encourage them, the children are learning. When they make themselves available after the Fair Show is over, the sharing of knowledge of rabbits becomes a gift.
It is upon this very principle that the ARBA is founded. Don’t let the youngsters leave our County Fairs knowing no more than when they came in the door.
There is much more to 4-H projects than the actual raising of livestock or winning ribbons. There is always merit in any program which helps to bind young people together. As one Leader said to me very recently, “If we help just one child, the entire program is worthwhile.”
Who is to say what seed has been planted when a child finds another adult who is interested in him and what he is doing?
The 40 cartons behind the does show what top animals, properly managed can produce in fryers in one year. This Eastman Rabbit is 4 years old and has produced 40 or more fryers each year of production.
The Commercial aspect of rabbit raising and the Youth Department, both of ARBA, which at times appear to many as being the “poor cousin” segments of our great organization, certainly offer evidence that they are nearing the summit and are now on the way: ‘full steam ahead.’
First the Commercial aspects of rabbit raising are fully presented herewith in this issue. A very timely news release from the leading newspaper of the metropolitan area of Cal-
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gary, Canada (a market of over 1 million persons) reports the opening of a new rabbit processing plant — quote —“We have no trouble selling the product with consumption steadily on the increase. Our only problem in the future, though, could be a lack of rabbits.” * * * An excellent article from James Eastman, Penacook, New Hampshire, residing in an area where a processor is not in full operation but Eastman nonetheless has successfully dressed and sold meat rabbits for over 25 years-^-quote—"I do not believe that there is an area in the entire United States or Canada where an outlet for Domestic Rabbit Meat cannot be established if one will put wholesome rabbit meat in clean attractive cartons for sale to the housewife.”
The Youth Department of ARBA
has received a stimulating shot in the arm by the appointment of hard working, capable Sam Gerardi, Warren, Pennsylvania as Chairman. Read Sam’s article in this issue as well as Youth articles by Marjorie Bigelow, Parker, Colorado and Bill Whaley, Tennessee. Sam has promised an article for each ARBA Bulletin issue.
Regional Judges Conferences have been a tremendous success in the 3 held to date. We carry an account of the District #6 Conference held at Atlanta and have photos and reports in the process on the California and Missouri Regional Judges Conferences.
Read how the Inland Empire Rabbit Association, Spokane, Washington ironed out what could have been a very knotty and damaging problem. The keyword — Cooperation and thinking the problem out completely and judiciously before acting. It pays off.
Two of ARBA’s stalwarts Burt Searl, Oregon and Steven DeVries, Michigan have passed on to their reward. As the May-June material is being completed we have learned that Grace Craig Staneart, secretary of the Indiana Dutch Club for many years past has expired and we will carry this account in next issue. Grace was 77 years old.
Calgary, Canada Club President’s Statement This being the time of year when resolutions are made, I hope I may be forgiven if I list one or two of mine.
I resolve that I will do my utmost to make this the most progressive year in the history of the Alberta Rabbit Breeders Association. Already
there are encouraging signs that this will come to pass. The Board of Directors of the World Famous Calgary Stampede have indicated they are seriously considering our application for space in the Agriculture Building for a 3-day International Rabbit Show during Calgary Stampede Week. Should this become a reality, literally tens of thousands of people will have the opportunity of seeing our rabbits, and new members and breeders would certainly result. The Rabbit Section of the Miliarville Fair will be expanded this year, again providing an opportunity for greater rabbit publicity.
I may be accused of judging the success of a club by the number of successful shows it stages in a year. I won’t apologize for this attitude, but I must admit that there are other important factors to be considered, and this brings me to my second resolution.
I resolve to promote more active interest on the part of club members. As in most other fields of endeavor, a participant derives much more enjoyment than does a spectator.
I resolve to continue my efforts to make club meetings more interesting and vital, so that attendance will improve, and meetings will be something to which we all will look forward to.
Finally. I resolve to act in a completely unbiased manner whenever my position demands that I act as a mediator. I must avoid hedging and soft soap, and let the chips fall where they may.
Let me take this opportunity to wish one and all happiness and success in 1968.
Vic Daugherty President Alberta Rabbit Breeders Association
House Resolution 14218 appearing below Parallels Senate Bill 2613 introduced by Senator Metcalf. There are serious overtones to any person working and at same time starting a commercial rabbit operation. House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Wilbur Mills, House Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20515, Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman and your own U. S. Senators and Congressman are the ones to write and express your feelings.
by John M. Zwach, Minn.
A Bill “to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to provide that farming losses incurred by persons
who are not bona fide farmers may not be used to offset nonfarm income.”
It proposes to amend “part IX of sub-chapter B of Chapter I” by adding the following new section:
“(a) GENERAL RULE. — In the case of a taxpayer who is engaged in the business of farming but who is not a bona fide farmer for the taxable year, the deductions attributable to the business of farming which, but for this section, would be allowable under this chapter for the taxable year shall not exceed an aggregate amount equal to the gross income derived from the business of farming for the taxable year.
(b) BONA FIDE FARMER. — For purposes of this section —
(1) an individual shall be considered to be a bona fide farmer for a taxable year only if—
(A) the principle business activity of such individual during the taxable year is actively engaged in carrying on farming operations.
(B) such individual is engaged in the business of farming as the principle source of his livelihood during the taxable year, or
(C) such individual is the spouse of an individual described in sub-paragraph (A) or (B); and
(2) a corporation shall be considered to be a bona fide farmer for a taxable year only if 80 percent or more of each class of stock of such corporation is owned on each day of the taxable year by individuals who are bona fide farmers within the meaning of paragraph (1).
(1) IN GENERAL. — In the case of a taxpayer who acquires a farming enterprise by purchase or exchange and who is not a bona fide farmer for the taxable year in which such enterprise is so acquired, subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to such enterprise for the taxable year in which such enterprise is so acquired the taxable year of acquisition if— or for the 2 taxable years following
(A) the taxpayer certifies that he intends to become a bona fide farmer, and
(B) the taxpayer becomes a bona fide farmer not later than the third year of acquisition.
(2) CERTIFICATION. — A certification under paragraph (1) (A) shall
be made at such time and in such manner as the Secretary or his delegate prescribes by regulations.
(1) FARMS ACQUIRED FROM A DECEDENT. — Subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to any farming enterprise acquired by the taxpayer by devise or inheritance for the taxable year in which such enterprise is so acquired or for the 3 taxable years following the taxable year of acquisition.
(2) FARMS ACQUIRED BY FORECLOSURE, ETC. — Subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to any farming enterprise acquired by the taxpayer in partial or complete satisfaction of an indebtedness for the taxable year in which such enterprise is so acquired or for the 3 taxable years following the taxable year of acquisition.
(3) DEALERS IN REAL ESTATE. —Subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to any farm acquired by the taxpayer in the ordinary course of carrying on the trade or business of buying and selling real property for the taxable year in which such farm is acquired or for the taxable year following the taxable year of acquisition.
(e) REGULATIONS. — The Secretary or his delegate shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this subsection.” (b) The table of sections for such part LX is amended by adding . . . “Sec. 277. Limitation on deductions attributable to certain farming operations.”
SEC. 2 The amendments made by the first section of this Act shall apply to taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.” H.R. 14218 is the House version of Senator Metcalf’s Senate Bill 2613.
Dick Parker
Who said that it could not be done, that is and have every one satisfied, well, it was done, and our good friend and Judge W. H. (Bill) Smith, Strawberry Plains, Tenn., was a very happy man, at the close of the Atlanta Show, March 30th, when he learned that he had the BEST RABBIT IN THE SHOW. Judges Carl Kroboth, Robert Byrne and Claude H. Bennett, concurred in the best rabbit and the show room exhibitors and visitors thought the same way.
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Club Notes
Tri State Small Stock Association held their very first show at Imperial, Nebraska, April 7th, Dorothy De-selms, secretary, Carol Yaw, superintendent, Duane Shrader, judge. — Don and Pat Krider are departing Rhode Island and after May 10th, will reside at 121 E. Garden Road, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15227. Don will begin a tour of Navy Recruiting duty at Pittsburgh. — Indications at this time include the probability of bids for ARBA Conventions by groups in New England, New Orleans, West Texas-New Mexico area possibly in Albuquerque, Calgary and there is definite interest in two other areas. The hosting of the big ARBA event of the year — The Annual ARBA Convention-Show is a very challenging, extremely worthwhile project.
Vern Ashton reports that plans are progressing for an ARBA Regional Judges Conference in one of the New England States and we will have a full report of progress either from him or Marvin Carley, next issue. — Crater Commercial Rabbit Producers Association with Anne Faunce, editor, certainly are to be commended for a very impressive and beneficial monthly publication. The Crater group is in the Rogue River, Oregon area. — The Lehigh Valley R&CBA News Letter, Bett Hickman, editor rolls along without ever missing an issue and it is absolutely loaded with facts, figures and very newsworthy rabbit and rabbit breeder information. — Mrs. Ruth Ford, Vernon, Texas, has resumed the publication of the Texas Rabbit Breeders News. — Two pocket size rabbit publications, Ohio Rabbit and Cavy News, Charles Haaf, Jr., editor and The Canadian Rabbit Breeder, William Croft, editor, are tip-top dandies. — NOTE: Our very capable ARBA Treasurer, Ellis Murray sends an airmail —“After 29 years, we have moved into a mobile-home, with 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. Our new address is Box 542, Chatsworth, California 91311.”
Sharon Ausloos, secretary, who writes the Fox River Club, hopes to compete in 1968 National Rabbit Week Promotion and win an ARBA CHAMPION PROMOTER Trophy.
Our club is small — only 5 active members. We are all working hard to keep it going and we have to work even harder when we put on a show. There are many prospective members if we can guarantee an outlet for their rabbits. This is not possible for us to do all of the time. There is a market for butchered rabbits at the stores, but for small raisers, such as we are, it is too big an expense. Most stores want them government inspected as are the other meat products they handle.
We are proud of our progress in the 4-H clubs. Ken Fehrman has been a key-leader of 4-H in Outagamie County for several years. Our Vice-Pres., John De Grave, is a key-leader here in Brown County. He already has 1 club raising only ARBA standard recognized rabbits. We all feel by helping these children we will perpetuate the ARBA aims and insure the success of the children and the advancement of our Association.
Soon, I will start working toward an ARBA registrar license and possibly on to ARBA judge. But I would like to make a suggestion to the judges who have someone like me trying to learn, PLEASE think or make your comments out loud. It is impossible for us to know what you’re looking for if you don’t speak up. I may have been lost at times while trying to learn, but I refuse to give up.
How about some news from other small clubs? What do you do to keep your club together? Bill Molen, editor of our ARBA Bulletin has made space available for all clubs in the column NATIONWIDE CLUB NOTES. Send him your club news so we can all grow, benefit and learn.
Illinois Rabbit News;
Howard Morris, Box 400, Centralia, Illinois 62801, editor of the monthly Illinois Rabbit News with the full co-
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operation of the State officers and the club reporters of the 20 Illinois State affiliated clubs issue monthly the Top State Babbit Publication in all of ARBA.
The most recent issue carried full and comprehensive reports from each of the 20 affiliated clubs. These articles were factual and of benefit to all persons receiving and reading the Illinois Rabbit News.
The monthly issue usually is of 40 pages in size. Besides all of the clubs reporting their activities and news, special sections, such as June Dutton’s “The Koffee Klatsch” column; guest contributor section, this issue carried a very informative article by ARBA Treasurer Ellis Murray; State president and State secretary columns by Oren Reynolds and Ivan Miller respectively; attractive cover pages by Mitzie Vance; and down-to-earth remarks and sage advice by the editor, Howard Morris, are part and parcel of each issue.
Those of you reading this that are residents of Illinois and are not local and state association members, thus not on the mailing list of this fabulous publication are certainly missing the boat. A concise, factual and important a publication as the Illinois Rabbit News is a must for each and everyone •f you and I would suggest, yes, urge, that you not miss another issue of this valuable and TOP publication. By all means join your local and state of Illinois association. Page 5 of the 1968 ARBA Yearbook carries the names of 18 of the Illinois affiliated Clubs, they are: Bloomington Normal RBA, Champaign County RBA, Decatur Area RBA, Elgin RB Club, Freeport R&FBA, Grundy County RBA, Kankakee Valley RBA, KIAM Egyptian RBA, Madison County RBA, Northern Illinois Rabbit Ranchers, Peoria Area RBA, St. Clair County Rabbit Club, Southwestern Illinois RBA, Spring-field RB Club, Tibbar RBA, Whiteside County RBA, Will County RBA, and Western Illinois RBA. The Winnebago Forest Rabbit Club, Ted Wengert, sec., 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford, El. 61109 is not listed on Page 5 of ARBA Yearbook, but are also state affiliates as is the Illinois American Checkered Giant Rabbit Club shown on page 3 of the 1968 ARBA Yearbook.
The Illinois Rabbit News carries page after page of sale offerings of TOP rabbits in all recognized breeds by TOP breeders and exhibitors of Illinois and ARBA. Membership in the Illinois State RBA is a very valuable possession.
TOP RABBIT BREEDER—Ken Fro-boese, right, of Boeme, Texas is pictured with the trophy he was awarded March 16th. Ken was selected and honored as “Breeder Of The Year” by the Texas Rabbit Breeders Association. H. M. (Red) Spence, left, of Waco, president of the TRBA made the presentation. The TRBA held their 10th Annual Convention-Show at Gatesville, Texas.
(Editors Note: The following letter was delivered to the Spokane City Council to protest the adoption of an ordinance that was discriminatory to the Rabbit Breeders. The Inland Empire RBA acted collectively as this letter attests. They secured justifiable consideration as the article “Rabbit Club Wins Major Victory”, which follows immediately after this article verifys.)
Spokane City Council Spokane, Washington
Dear Council Members,
The Inland Empire Rabbit Breeders Association would like to voice our views and protest the Pet Ordinance, relating to and prohibiting the sale, bartering, display, or giving away of living rabbits under two months of age.
We strongly object to salmonella or other diseases being linked to rabbits as there are over 1,200 known kinds of salmonella being carried around, so why single out the small rabbits. Our club has made several inquiries to obtain the true facts regarding rabbits carrying salmonella. One answer we have received from, State of Washing-
ton Department of Health, stated no reports of salmonella infection have been traced to rabbits either as pets or as food.
We also object to rabbits being grouped with fowl, for a baby rabbit is dependent upon his mother until 6 to 8 weeks of age, whereas a baby chick can survive on its own from hatching. You may not be aware of the fact that when disease of any kind is linked with young rabbits it hurts the sale of rabbits at any age. This means we have lost a part of our income due to the fact the City Council tried to act on this without getting all the facts and the Health Department is not stating all the true facts.
The rabbit business is a up and coming industry in the Spokane area and does contribute greatly to the economy of Spokane as there are approximately 90,000 pounds of live rabbit produced per year in this area. This figure could be greatly increased if producers were not hindered and discouraged with such ordinances as this, and the sale of rabbits were not hampered from uninformed publicity. We have an inspection law to inspect any animal sold alive or for meat, this includes pets. This law would be sufficient if enforced.
We do not want to see any pet hurt or mistreated, but we can not see why deprive all children of the right to purchase or be given small rabbits under two months of age just because a few children may mistreat their pets due to lack of parents supervision and teaching. There is no better way for a child to learn the complete cycle of life than to have a living pet.
Our Club has one of the largest Youth memberships of any local Club in the entire United States, think of the many children in the Spokane area that have a worth while, time consuming project that keeps them off the streets and out of trouble, with the raising of rabbits. We find that rabbits are a very good animal for a child’s project as they are a small, quiet, easy t® raise animal.
We wish to ask the City Council to please reconsider rabbits as not being a part of this Pet Ordinance.
Very Truly Yours,
Lawrence C. Farley, President Mable L. Stingley, Secretary Grace A. Haugh, Editor
(Read following article “Rabbit Club Wins Major Victory” for results obtained.)
by Lawrence C. Farley
At this time I would like to thank all members who attended the City Countil meeting held February 5, 1968 to protest the passing of the Emergency Pet Ordinance against the rabbits. Due to the fact that there were so many rabbit raisers and pet shop owners at this Council meeting this Ordinance did not pass, but was held over for farther study.
This Ordinance was to prohibit the sale, bartering, or giving away of live baby chicks, rabbits, ducklings or other fowl under two months of age, and under findings of the City Health Officer, the sale of such chicks, rabbits, ducklings or other fowl presents a health hazard to children and other' persons.
A letter was written stating the views of the Club on this matter and to protest the fact that rabbits had been grouped with chickens and fowl, and to protest the findings of the City Health Officer that rabbits were a health hazard, as officially learned in a report received from State of Washington Department of Health, Olympia, Washington. This report read, “no reports of salmonella infections have been traced to rabbits either as pets or as food.”
A special meeting was called by the City Board of Health to redraft this Pet Ordinance. The Inland Empire Rabbit Breeders Association was represented at this meeting, as was the pet shop owners and the Humane Society. The members of the IERBA should be very proud to learn that through organization and unity the Club was successful in getting rabbits declared not a health hazard and get rabbits removed entirely from the Pet Ordinance. In doing this the Inland Empire Rabbit Breeders Association has gained a major victory, not only for our Club, but a major victory for all rabbit raisers in this area.
The City Councilmen serving on the City Board of Health were very cooperative and understanding and were very sorry that the rabbits had received undue publicity by being connected with salmonella and other diseases. They stated that they would do all they could to right the wrong that had been done to the rabbit industry by these false statements and bad publicity.
Because rabbits were connected with chickens, ducklings and other fowl and salmonella in the papers, which caused the rabbit industry se*
James Eastman, Penacook, New Hampshire Commercial and Fancy Rabbit Raiser and Organic Gardner proudly displays a New Zealand doe and litter. Note the bushel of organically grown potatoes and the compost cabinet.
vere damage in this area, the Council-men agreed to allow 90 days for this undue publicity to die down. Then an ordinance may be drafted dealing only with rabbits, possibly under 6 weeks of age. This new ordinance will be based on humane reasons, not on a health issue. This will be done because the Humane Society has many calls each year, especially around Easter time, that very small rabbits are being mistreated. We as a Club may be able to overcome the need for any such ordinance if we would ban together and refuse to sell or give away any rabbits for Easter under 6 weeks of age. For it is our duty to ourselves and our Club as members of the IERBA to see that such things as this Pet Ordinance are not duplicated in the future.
In closing this message I am asking, let’s everyone refrain from doing anything that will hurt rabbits or the rabbit industry. If we do just this I am sure a great step has been taken in the right direction.
The ARBA Publicity Packets for National Domestic Rabbit Week are now ready for mailing. Many new items have been added to this year’s Publicity Packet. They include colored balloons imprinted with the National Rabbit Week message; large celluloid display buttons; imprinted program cov-
ers—really suitable for an impressive special club meeting; specially printed cellulose sponges that triple in size when wetted.
All of the material in the promotional packet are aimed to help you and your club accomplish the best job possible. Decals, bumper banners, auto aerial pennants, recipes and other items in last year’s packet are again included.
These Publicity Packets are available for all clubs, associations or individuals wishing to participate. The cost is $5.00 per packet and are mailed j postpaid. Send remittance and order' to Bill Molen, director, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
Again this year ARBA will award 3 beautiful Champion Promoter Award trophies to the 3 top clubs. The award will be based upon the effectiveness of program and material submitted. The material to include photos, newspaper and other publicity obtained, meetings, etc. Last year the 67 clubs that participated were very ingenious and presented a variety of top promotions in their area. There were 4 governors proclaiming Rabbit Week in 1967 and many mayors. This is just one excellent way to actively participate. The publicity packet will contain an outline of suggested activities and hints on formation of effective program.
Page Twelve
Waterloo, Ontario March 15,1968
Mr. Bill Molen Editor ARBA Bulletin
Dear Bill,
Just have to take time to write you and compliment you for the excellent job you are doing for all of ARBA. The ARBA Bulletin that you so efficiently assemble is the cog that is helping all of us of ARBA realize that we are one big family, working toward the same ideals and goals. The ARBA Bulletin is important whether we as ARBA members reside in the States, in Canada or for that matter anywhere under the sun. Your knack of selecting those items that are of paramount importance to big breeder and small backyard breeder alike keeps us all abreast of what is going on and offers information that is not available from any other source. Keep up the good work. It is appreciated.
I wish to include a few lines concerning the rabbit industry in Canada in general and Ontario in particular. Our 1967 rabbit show season is now history, and as I look back I am greatly encouraged with the interest shown in this ever expanding business. Every show has had an increase in entries and the stock shown are fine specimen.
In September 1967, we held the first ARBA sanctioned show in many a year, may possibly be the first such sanction in Ontario, I am not absolutely certain. Despite the fact there were 3 other rabbit shows on the same date twe had a record entry. There were p4 rabbits that won a leg toward an ARBA Grand Champion Certificate. My greatest concern at this writing is how we can arrange to have our Provincial Council of Rabbit Clubs chartered.
We now have 6 clubs affiliated with the Council and a great many members now show interest in these sanctioned shows whereby the exhibitors may win the merits provided for by the ARBA. However, we still have some of the older members who are not interested and upon questioning,
I find it is mainly because “we didn’t do it before.” So you see we are experiencing real growing pains.
We find ourselves in real need of ARBA judges. It seems too bad that we have not developed more judges and registrars. At our major show we do try and secure the services of AR-
BA judges and my personal thanks to those American judges who have supported us in the past.
I am proud to serve as president of the great Ontario Provincial Council of Rabbit Clubs. At our 1967 Annual Conference held at Sault Ste. Marie I emphasized the following Five Points:
THE BREEDERS—I believe the time has come when we need to distinguish between “Breeders” and “Farmers”. If our business is to expand on a sound basis we will need more breeders who are willing to keep records, tattoo their rabbits and become interested in the Registration of Rabbits. We need to recognize that we as breeders of seed stock, must lead—not lag. We also must be aware of high pressure salesmen and shysters; and that there is no life insurance policy that goes along with any kind of livestock, but that it is possible for any livestock to go wrong or die.
PUBLICITY—We need to talk rabbits to our friends and get our product on the market. However, we must give the true facts, and not exaggerated stories about our industry. Every club member must stand behind and support their local club.
MARKETS—This is an important factor for any commodity. Sound business ethics need to be employed by us to insure continued business. Sick animals should be killed and destroyed in the accepted hygenic manner. Animals that are out of condition should never be sold to new breeders or anyone else. Today, there is an excellent demand for Pure Bred Breeding Stock.
SHOWS—These are the show window of our business. Interest should be shown in all the rabbits in classes, not just the animals that belong to our own individual rabbitry. More study should be given to genetics so that the better class of quality rabbits can be bred with less failures. At the same time these planned matings for show stock should be raising 8 or 9 young at least four times per year.
CREDITS AND SALE—Since we have not been able to hold sanctioned shows so that our breeders can earn the LEGS so important to Grand Champion Certificates, I feel we need to pull together and strive to have this accomplished. We all know that it is possible, and I hope an arrangement can be made with ARBA that this can be realized. I also believe that by the assignment of mandatory Registered Prefixes to each breeder such would prove to be a great asset to the “Breeder.” If this plan was utilized,
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we could then develop a “Premium Breeder Award” and a “Premier Exhibitor Award”. This would give credit to the breeder who has bred subject animal and also honor to the person who exhibited the animals if another person. This could lead to another factor, “Sale of the Stars” following our conference show. All the above would have t® be planned and outlined in detail before the first such show could ever be staged successfully. I see no reason why such a plan would not work to all of our benefit if the breeders of Pure Bred Rabbits would all cooperate.
From Canada I wish to extend the best wishes of -'access in 1968 and succeeding years to breeders of Pure Bred Rabbits.
Lloyd S. Shantz President Ontario Provincial Council of Rabbit Clubs
advertiser’s products will be brought before people in all areas of the country, offering an excellent opportunity to acquaint all with his product. Clubs should be aware of the publicity they can receive for their activities and coming shows. Specialty clubs should also be aware of the opportunity to present their elub and breed to the rabbit industry.
Ad Deadline July 1st The rates for the 45th Convention Catalog are els follows: Full Page $45.00, Half Page $25.00, Fourth Page $14.50, Eighth Page $8.00, and Judges, Registrar’s and Breeder’s Listings (Limit FOUR lines per listing) $3.50. The deadline for all ads for this catalog will be July 1, 1968. Send all checks and ads to DEAN A. BENKER, 3230 South Huron, Englewood, Colorado 80110, by July 1, 1968. Be sure, howi ever, to make all checks to Robert Af Harris, Treasurer.
As all of you are aware, the ARBA is holding its 45th Convention, October 7-10, 1968, in Pueblo, Colorado. Plans are underway to make this one of the finest conventions ever held, in both quality and quantity of rabbits and cavies entered, as well as the enjoyment of all attending. Colorado is a state of beauty, at its peak with the fall colors in October. With this in mind, the 45th ARBA Convention and Show in Colorado is expected to be one of the largest conventions thus far.
Potential advertisers should become aware *‘f the hundreds of exhibitors and raobit fanciers who will be receiving the catalog for this event. An
Free Ad to Lucky Advertiser
A drawing will be held for a FREE full page or one-half page ad. Only those purchasing a full or half page ad will be eligible for this drawing. This is a fine opportunity for some lucky advertiser to get his ad free.
Reserve Booth Space Now
Booth space reservations and checks should be sent to LLOYD SPENCER. Route 1, Box 268, Pueblo, Colorado 81001. The rates for booth space are: Commercial Booth $50.00 and Specialty Club $25.00. This is a real opportunity to show the public what you have to offer.
With your help and cooperation, we promise to make this a convention not to be forgotten. Please respond with your ad and booth space reservation TODAY. i
Owner Breed Reg. No. Ear No.
K. Mitchell ... Satin 9128-X EX2
W. A. Schaefer New Zealand 9623-X P012
W. A. Schaefer Dutch 9624-X SC951
R. Sheirer New Zealand 1115-X B203
B. Swingle California 5563-X 1GS1
C. Lape New Zealand 859-A 3
Kentucky Fancy Rbty English Spot 2069-A CL12
Cooks Rabbitry .... Chinchilla 3421-A PR
Bashen Rabbitry Blue Eyed Polish 287-A C4
Achgill Rabbitry New Zealand 3078-A CO
D. Sigler New Zealand 1255-A RB5
Segler & Sons New Zealand 9820-X SL2
Sigler & Sons New Zealand 1757-A OS20
J. Frizzell New Zealand 6020-X DS15
E. Deo Champagne D’Argent 9829-X HI
E. Deo Champagne D’Argent 2300-X LB2
J. Marcoux ... Dutch 9854-X B17
G. Vessey Silver Marten 1721-A 17C
G. Vessey Californian 1723-A D01
State Line R6 Ass'n, Mrs. Jane Mueller. Rl. Box 138 Wauseon. Ohio June 1
All Havana Show. Wilbur W. Wesche, Ridgevllle Corners. Ohio. June 1
Tri State R & C B Ass'n. Mildred E. Beatty. RD 1. Apples Comers. East Liverpool. Ohio. June 2
Indianapolis RF Ass'n, Roth Scott. RR 1. Box 122. Morristown, Ind. June 2
Iowa State Ck. Gt. R Ass'n. Robert F. Wallace. Sr.. State School. Glenwood. Iowa. June 2
Interstate RF Ass'n. Mrs Kenneth Avery. Madison Hill. R0 3. Wellsville. N Y June 2
State Line RB Ass'n. Mrs. Jane Mueller. Rl, Box 138 Wauseon, Ohio. June 2
Minnesota Stete RB Ass'n, Dorren Rau. Rl. St Cloud. Minn. June 8
Inland Empire RB Ass'n. Mable L Stingley. 7620 E Baldwin. Spokane. Wash. June 8-9
Northeastern Colo. R6. Sally Chrisp, R2. Sterling Colo. June 9
Soshocton Rabbit Club. Jack Wireman, 5475 Seeman St., S.W., Navarre, Ohio. June 9
Mad River Valley R & CB, Joyce Judy. 10 Central Ave.. Mechanicsburg. Ohio. June 15-16
Lorain Co. RB Ass'n, Mrs. M. J. Honoshafsky, 8904 W Ridge Rd.. Elyria. Ohio. June 22-23
Buckeye Polish RF. Joyce Judy. 10 Central Ave.. I^lechanicsburg, Ohio. June 23
>an Diege Co. Fair. William M Turnquist. Fairgrounds. Del Mar. Calif. June 26-July 7
Alameda Co. Fair. James W Trimingham. P O. Box 579, Pleasanton, Calif. June 30-July 14
West Branch RB Ass'n, Mrs. Donna L Hackenberg. RD 4, Muncy. Pa, July 14
Sonoma Co. Fair & Expo. James F. Lyttle. P, O. Box 1451. Santa Rosa, Calif. July 15-27
Orange Co. Fair, Alfred G. Lutjeans, 88 Fair Dr ,
Costa Mesa, Calif. July 16-21
Ohio Cavy Club, Mrs. Eileen Ghe»t. RR 1. Mt.
Gilead. Ohio July 20-21
Howell Co. Fair. Florence Bauer. Chamber of Commerce Office. West Plains. Mo. July 22-27
Sandusky Valley RB Ass'n, Horace Taylor, 620 Miami St., Tiffin. Ohio July 24-29
Lake County Fair, L A. Nordhausen, P O Box 27. Grayslake, III. July 24-28
Multnomah Co. Fair, Duane Hennessy. PO Box 71. Gresham. Oregon. July 25-Aug 3
Shelby Co. Fair, Judy Calloway. R2, Sidnev, Ohio
July 27-Aug. 1
Jefferson Co. Fair, Glenn L Feistel. 565 Mill St . Watertown, N Y. July 28-Aug 3
Broome Co. RB Ass'n, Ruth Barnes. 300 Tracy Creek Rd.. Vestal. N.Y. July 28-Aug 3
Rock Island Co. Fair. Evelyn Ristau. P.O. Box 267. East Moline. III. July 30-Aug. 3
Scioto Co. Agri. Society, Marion Bess. Jersey Ridge
Jld.. Maysville. Ky. August
Hennepin Co. Agri. Society. Mrs Eileen Roehlke. Rl. Box 146. Rogers. Minn. Auq 1-3
Greater Allentown Fair. Moulton L C. Frantz, 1239'2 Tilghman St., Allentown. Pa. Aug 2-10
Clinton Co. Agri. Society. Donald F Weeks RR 2. Leesburg. Ohio. Aug 5-10
Mower Co. Fair. Box 426, Austin. Minn. Auq 5-11 Mason Co. Fair. Rev. Roy G. Ellis, New Haven. W. Va. Aug. 6-10
Douglas Co. Fair. Bert L Allenby. P.O. Box 759. Roseburg. Oregon Aug 6-10
Washington Co Fair. Betty Shearer. 1455 S E. 21st Ave.. Hillsboro. Oregon Aug 6-10
Winnebago-Forest Rabbit Club. Ted Wengert. 2839 Kinsey St., Rockford. III. Aug 7-11
Ashtabula Co RF Ass'n. Mrs Hazel. Roerdanz. R1. Box 5. Kingsville. Ohio Aug 7-11
Napa Town & Country Fair. Robert P. Manasse. 575 Third St., Napa. Calif. Aug 8-11
State Fair of Wise. Vernon G Wendland. State Fair Park, Milwaukee. Wise. Aug 9-18
Cedar Rapids Small Stock Ass’n. Ethel Becicka. 5000 J St.. S.W.. Cedar Rapids Iowa. Auq 10-11
l.ewanee Co. Fair. W. E Marvin. R2. Box 396. Adrian. Mich. Aug 11-17
Washington Co. RB Ass'n, Ruth Caldwell, RR 2. Box
247. Eighty-Four, Pa Auq 12-17
Clark Co. Fair. Roger C Miller, P O Box 162 Sabina. Ohio Aug 12-17
Southwest Washington Fair, A W Wildhaber, P O Box 831, Chehalis, Wash Aug 13-18
Whiteside Co. RB Ass'n. Mrs. Blanche Short. R2. Box 34, Forreston. III. Aug 14-17
Winn-Forest Rabbit Club. Ted Wengert. 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford. III. Aug 14-18
State Fair of W. Va.. C T Sydenstricker. Box 829. Lewisburg. W. Va. Aug. 16-24
Calumet RB Ass'n, Jackie Lucas. 5928 I Houston Ave.. Portage. Ind. Aug 17-24
Missouri State Fair. W. C Askew. Box 111, Sedalia. Mo. Aug 17-25
Montgomery Co. Fair, Cindy Ray. R1. Box 203. Germantown. Md. Aug 19-24
Freeport Rabbit Club, Helen Dzielak. RFD 4. Freeport. III. Aug 20-24
Lake Co. Agri. Ass'n. Florence E. Belcher. 84 Jonny-
ake Ridge. Painesville. O Aug. 20-25
Kitsap Co. Fair, Lee R Hall, 644 5th St., Bremerton. Wash. Aug 21-25
Ohio State Fair. Hartl W Lucks. 7559 Cherry Brook Dr., Reynoldsburg, O Aug 22-Sep 2
Del Nore County Fair, C W. Glover. P.O Box 26. Crescent City. Calif. Aug 23-25
Paulding RB Ass'n, Dale Boroff. Box 28. Latty. Ohio
Aug 24-29
Colorado State Fair, Marjorie Vaughn. 2416 Rice, Pueblo, Colo. Aug 24-Sep 1
Oregon State Fair. Robert L. Stevens, 2060 Silverton Rd.. N.E., Salem, Oregon Aug 24-Sep 2
Auto City RB A*s'n. Mrs. Angeline Ellis, 21224 Sherman. Southfield. Mich. Aug 24-Sep 2
Erie Rabbit Club, Clifford Ramey, P.O. Box 7073 Weslevville. Pa Aug 26-31
Minnesota State RB Ass'n. Dorren Rau. Rl. St, Cloud. Minn. Auq 29-Sep 2
Stark Co. R & CB Ass'n. Francis P Riffle. 8051 Diamond N.E.. Box 4. Middlebranch. O Aug 30-Sep 3 Saanich Fair. H. E Robinson. Saanich P.O.. B.C., Canada Aug 31-Sep 2
by Sam Gerardi
As the new chairman of the Youth Club, I feel that I have encountered a big job. The Youth must have guidance as they cannot accomplish their goals alone, especially if they are beginners. So I feel that we should have people to act as counselors to help guide them.
All of you adults please remember that these young people are the breeders, the show women and show men, of the future. They are, so to speak, in the minor league for a short period and then should advance to the major league with its stiffer competition.
Caution to the adults: sell or give the youngsters only good stock, not just a so-so rabbit. We should all want a youngster to get a good start with the best stock possible. Unfortunately it appears that some adults don’t care for the youths’ participation, nor do they care to see the youth organization function. They could care less whether the ARBA Youth Division progresses or fails. This is dead wrong. How can the rabbit clubs show progress if we do not develop replacements.
Jealousy and hate are too common in the U.S. nowadays. In the Youth movement in the ARBA, raise our-
Page Fifteen
selves above such weaknesses. The welfare of our youth is the responsibility of all. Let’s not shirk our duty.
Neglect has severely hampered the Youth movement in the ARBA for several years and it is high time that we get back on the right track. With your cooperation I pledge to work toward more stature and accomplishments with our Youth Programs. We shall strive to encourage more youngsters to show more and better rabbits. We hope the Pueblo Convention will show a sharp increase in Youth participation.
The committees are working hard to plan excellent programs. Mrs. Hannon has all committees selected and they all are starting right out doing an excellent job. It is my prediction that the Pueblo Convention will be the springboard for the ARBA Youth Program to strut its stuff and that this will be the best Convention Youth Event ever held.
We are desperately in need of good men and women to assist in the Youth Program. We need Youth Counselors to assist the youth in organizing and in guiding them as they progress. We will soon have the Youth Bulletin going.
For now, please put your shoulder to the wheel and help us push.
The Ann Arbor R.B.A, was organized May 1943. In December 1943, regular officers were elected into office: — Floyd Gentner, Pres., Harvey Miller, Vice-Pres., Jessie Weinhardt, Sec’y., and Raymond Wells as Treasurer. There were five Directors elected at this time. The membership totaled 48 including the officers.
The first Rabbit Show was held by this organization Sept. 1-2-3, 1943 at the Washtenaw County Fair Grounds which was an ARBA Sanctioned show. This show was in conjunction with the 4-H club fair and the only non-4-H exhibit on the grounds. An impressive demonstration was staged on the last day of this show with a talk, titled, ‘The possibilities of the rabbit as an industry for 4-H members, parents and interested persons! Our first charter was received from ARBA in 1943. Several shows were held in 1944. The May Show in 1944 at the Washtenaw County Fair Grounds was privileged to have 500 entries. The Ann Arbor News featured a fine article on this show and carried a photo of John
Weinhardt. This picture was again used in 1964, 20 years later. October 1947 the Club held its first all breeds show at the Saline Fair. This year will be the 21st show at the Saline Fair and the 25th year the Club has worked with the 4-H members.
We are willing to help anyone in the rabbit business that desires help.
There are 3 members that we, the present membership, wish to honor. They have stuck it out through thick and thin and helped to resolve many problems. They are still in the Rabbit business and always ready and willing to help when and where ever needed. They are Mr. Raymond Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weinhardt. They deserve all the credit and honor we can bestow. The current membership voted to present to them a fitting plaque for their 25 years of faithful service. (This was, presented to them at the Michigan! State Convention Awards Banquet held March 15, 1968). The Ann Arbor Club sponsored Mrs. Weinhardt for her registrars license which she received April 16, 1946.
Many of the charter members have since moved to different states. Some still reside in Michigan; some still raise rabbits, and some have quit the business. Floyd Gentner is still keeping abreast with the news of the Rabbit World and is very faithful to the ARBA Conventions and all Michigan State Meetings.
Director Dick F. Parker, District 6 reports the Atlanta, Georgia March 30th, ARBA Regional Judges Conference was well received and attended.
This Conference was held in con-, junction with the Atlanta Breeders' Show, at the Fairgrounds. There were twelve ARBA Judges present; Claude H. Bennett, Terre Haute, Indiana, John E. Cosby, Birmingham, Ala., Walter R. Caudell. Charlotte, N. C., Joe H. Godsey, Chattanooga, Tenn., Carl P. Kroboth, Lexington, Ky., Joe R. Nolan, Atlanta, Georgia, Cliff F. Simpkins, Atlanta, Georgia, W. H. Bill Smith, Strawberry Plains, Tenn., Roy A. Tillery, Chattanooga, Tenn., A. E. York, Birmingham, Ala., D. F. Parker, Birmingham, Ala. Judge Robert Byrne was the show judge.
All the attending Judges were supplied with a folder, which contained a copy of the Judges Creed, along with sufficient paper for the Judges to make notes. It required three hours for the following Judges to give their remarks on their particular breed pre-
Page Sixteen
sented. Carl Kroboth, New Zealand White; John E. Cosby, Black Dutch; Cliff Simpkins, Blue Dutch; A. E. York, Californian; Joe R. Nolan, Silver Marten; Cliff F. Simpkins, English; Claude H. Bennett, Satins; Walter R. Caudell, New Zealand Red; W. H. Smith, Flemish.
All Judges stated that they had benefited from the ARBA Regional Judges Conference and hope the ARBA will continue this program. Many points of interest, that could be overlooked, at times, were brought out in the Rabbit Presentations.
Mr. Cliff F. Simpkins and the Show Committee were very helpful in making the conference a success. The Atlanta Club were excellent hosts for the ARBA District #6, Regional Judges Conference.
I 45th ARBA
David Ford
Plans for the 45th ARBA Convention and Show are rapidly meshing into form. The Colorado Convention committee and area breeders are hard at work to make this fall’s ARBA Convention the best on record.
Convention Facilities
The Convention judging facilities are located on the Colorado State Fairgrounds. All rabbits will be judged and caged in a remodeled building which previously housed the State Fair poultry show. The new building will hold more animals than the old rabbit building, which had a 1,200 capacity.
There is plenty of space on the fairgrounds for the overnight parking of
trucks with campers. If you want to stay on the grounds and close to your rabbits throughout the Convention, this is one possibility to consider.
If you desire room accommodations, there are a number of motor hotels and motels for you to choose from. Reservations at the Convention headquarters (Ramada Inn) can be obtained by writing Mrs. Virginia Spencer, Rt. 2, Pueblo, Colorado 81004. Rates are $9.50 per day for singles and $14.00 for doubles. Additional persons staying in a double room will run $2 per individual.
In planning the activities for your enjoyment, the Convention sponsors have added two more committee chairmen. They are Milton Duffy, banquet chairman, and Lloyd Spencer, booth chairman. These men and the other Convention workers are busy planning for your October stay.
When it comes to vacationing—think Colorado and the ARBA Convention! It’s the “Centennial State in ’68.”
For March 1968
New Zealands 185
Californian . 48
Satin ......................... 38
Silver Marten.................... 22
Dutch ... 22
Flemish ......................... 18
Checkered Giant .................. 9
Champagne D’Argent 9
Rex ...................—......... 7
Polish ........................... 6
English .......................... 5
American Chinchilla ... 2
Ben Lee, Gatesville, Texas — local Association promoter and Texas State and ARBA livewire, Lee Ls a master Breeder and Rabbit Show and Convention Master Organizer. Again this year Ben served as general chairman of the Texas State Rabbit Convention-Show. Lee is one of ARBA’s most reliable boosters.
Page Seventeen
As of March 29,1988 New Zealand
1. Eugene Henry, Conn. 60
2. Henry Sagarsee, Mich. 58
3. Harold Drudge, Ind. . 53
4. W. H. Smith, Tenn. . 33
5. Carl Persails, Mich. 31
6. G. S. Davis, Iowa 31
7. Frank Westley, Pa. 30
8. Marvin Carley, Vt............ 28
9. Marvin L. Cummings, Fla. 25
10. L. A. Dunlap, Kansas 24
1. Pete Naylor, Kansas .......... 33
2. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 18
3. Roger Fitchorn, 111. . 12
4. W. F. Gilbert, Calif. 6
5. Joe Eve, Tenn..................4
6. R. L. Riding, Fla. ............4
7. Lewis Bowers, 111............ 4
8. John Rod, Mass.................3
9. Robert Berry, Tenn. 2
10. Harry Coles, Mo. . 2
1. Duane Shrader, Nebr. .. 34
2. Hugh J. Betts, Tenn...........31
3. Kyle Cunningham, Ind..........29
4. Harold Reese, I1L ............28
5. Joseph C. Lain, N.C...........20
6. F. Clem Steinhoff, Wise. 17
7. Harold Dickson, 111. 13
8. C. A. Wade, Ark. 11
9. Leland Clark, Calif.......... 10
10. R. C. Schwab, N. Mex..........10
11. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 10
Silver Marten
1. Gary Grimm, Iowa 20
2. O. W. Williams, Wash. 15
3. E. O. Wolff, Texas 6
4. E. W. Storey, La. 5
5. Joe Eve, Tenn................. 3
6. John Buehler, 111. ... 2
7. S. H. Willis, Wash... 2
8. Howard Reese, 111. 2
1. Eugene Henry, Conn.... 61
2. Henry Sargarsee, Mich. 61
3. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 58
4. Harold Drudge, Ind. 55
5. Pete Naylor, Kansas 45
6. Howard Reese. 111. 40
7. W. H. Smith, Tenn. 37
8. Carl Persails, Mich. 35
9. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 34
10. G. S. Davis, Iowa 34
by James Eastman
Anyone contemplating raising rabbits for commercial purposes should obtain the best foundation stock that they can afford. Then by attending rabbit shows and watching the breed of your choice judged, you can learn the good points to look for in order to improve the quality of your stock.
I do not believe that there is an area in -the United States where an outlet for Domestic Rabbit cannot be established if one will put out a clean attractive package. You shouldn’t expect to sell the public anything that you would not use yourself. Get into the habit of eating Domestic Rabbit and then tell the public how good it is. I learned over 40 years ago that Domestic Rabbit Meat is most delicious. For over 25 years I have been dressing and selling rabbits and I have yet to meet the person who will not admit it is as good if not better than any other meat they have eaten.
If you intend to sell fresh-dressed, then the tray pack is most attractive and also more economical The use of cartons for frozen rabbit meat will help prevent the package from breaking open. However, you should place a cellophane liner inside the carton; pack the meat in the cellophane; seal^^r the cellophane tightly—eliminating all air—and then close the carton.
A poor quality rabbit may not dress-out much over 45% of the live weight, whereas a good quality animal from anyone of the popular meat breeds, can dress-out as much as 60% or more.
It is easy to see that this can mean the difference between profit and loss and thus determine whether or not you are to remain in business. It’s simple to understand why you should take such care about starting with good foundation stock.
Those who have been in the rabbit business long enough to remember John Fehr know that there’s not much use in arguing against his suggestions.
John said; “If you have a doe that can produce and raise 10 or more good rabbits, you have a ten teat doe. An eight teat doe cannot raise ten good rabbits. So if you have a ten teat doe, select some of the young does from her litters and thus increase your production per doe.”
I had continued to ignore John’s advice, as perhaps some of you will be inclined to do, until I had such a strong demand for more rabbits and it was impossible to purchase a sufficient supply. When it became real critical and I got desperate for rabbits, I began to ponder what John had said. Finally I tried the method and found out that I could steadily build to a more profitable production.
If you are dressing rabbits that have a white pelt, you can save the skins, dry them on a wire stretcher, and sell them. The pelts of fryer rabbits usually sell by the pound and are used for hatter’s felt. The pelt of an older rabbit, if prime and properly
Page Eighteen
THE AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217 Third quarter report January 1,1968 to March 31,1968
Receipts Membership Dues 9,165.02
Combination Dues 256.25
Sanctions 333.00
Badges .. 252.82
Grand Champions 114.00
Charters 2,075.00
Judges Books 21.75
Judges License 1,049.00
Registration Blanks 1,080.50
Supplies 70.04
Transfers 6.00
Standards 299.29
Booklets 1,639.91
Payroll Taxes — Ded. from Emplys. 414.48
Miscellaneous & Advertising 942.56
Pedigree Books 224.78
Registrar’s License 498.75
| Rabbitries 58.00
Specialty Club Charters 57.00
Total Receipts 18,558.15
Secretary Salary . 1,700.01
Office Salaries 1,146.08
Office Supplies & Expense 160.56
Telephone 234.34
Bank Charges 78.42
Accounting 240.00
NSF Checks 92.50
Bldg. Maintenance
& Expense 332.48
Payroll Taxes —
Ded. from Emplys. 414.48
Payroll Taxes —
Assoc. Share 113.63
Refunds 22.75
Registrar & Judges
Exam. Fees 46.25
Postage . ... 707.26
Sales Taxes 8.26
Freight 19.80
Remitted to Treasurer 13,241.33
Total Disbursements 18,558.15
dried on a stretcher, may be sold to a furrier.
Should you be close enough to a college or hospital laboratory that is conducting research work, you may be interested in selling to them. Good lab stock brings a little more than you can get for meat rabbits. Of course, your stock has to be good enough to qualify. Here again, is where stock of good quality background will pay off. The better labs demand a rabbit free of any defects. Just any ole rabbit will not do!
I began my hobby of raising rabbits .about four years ago. I purchased a Jpair of Californians, but they were of inferior quality which happens to many young people starting out in the rabbit business. I then purchased some additional Californians and built up a nice herd. I have won several Best of Breeds with my Californians.
After about two years, I tired of this breed and changed to English Spots and Tans, which I am now devoting my efforts.
During the last year I have won the King contest and come within one point of winning the Youth judging contest at the national convention. I also won second place in the display points in the C division in the ARBA Youth Club.
After attending my first national convention in 1967, I was very disturbed to see the lack of interest in the youth department. Upon seeing
this, I decided at Syracuse Convention to help make the youth show in Pueblo, Colorado a better show.
Cooperation, teamwork and dedication to the task of improving the ARBA Youth Program is our responsibility. If we apply ourselves and set our goal high, we can be a valuable asset to the rabbit fancy and industry.
If you would like to see the youth department advance, you can help in the following ways:
(1) Give specials for the youth department at the national convention,
(2) Aid the youth in your area,
(3) Sell only good stock to youth members.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
A Regional Judges Conference will be held Saturday July 27 in conjunction with the Rabbit Short Course at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia on Friday and Saturday, July 26 and 27. Bill Kennedy, ARBA Director from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, will be in charge of the Judges Conference.
All persons interested in attending the Rabbit Short Course or the Judges Regional Conference, or both, should contact Mr. Roscoe Burtner, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia for information about registering for this course.
Last year we had about 75 people from 10 different states in attendance at this rabbit short course and expect even more this year.
Page Nineteen
Original Format
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ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 3 - May/Jun
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 3 - May/Jun,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed February 5, 2025,
Bill Molen
At first glance, the above question seems to answer itself, but back up a little. It just isn’t ironclad and a “bred” doe will not kindle unless she is pregnant. All “bred” does are not pregnant.
Many rabbit breeders, especially a beginner, are very disappointed when a doe is bred and then fails to give birth to a litter in the next 30 or 31 days. Not to kindle is not an unusual situation, especially in the late summer months and fall of the year. Some breeders experience very high percentage of misses, failures of their does to conceive, during the fall months. Still other breeders will enjoy very good success one year and experience a very disappointing or poor conception year the next.
The highest percentage of kindling occurs in those does that are mated in the spring of the year and they further go on and raise their litters and again assume the cycle of successful pregnancy until the fall of the year. The fall of the year seems to lend itself to the overall poorest percentage of “bred” does that are actually pregnant. This seems to be in the pattern of the way nature does things.
Almost all species of animals and birds are most prolific during the spring. How many of you have ever seen a nest of squirrels or even black birds in the fall? Even chickens are less prolific during the fall and winter —thus the higher price for eggs during these periods.
(Continued Page 4)
By Carol Weltz Staff Writer Calgary Herald
The rabbit is making the scene on the Calgary food market and business couldn’t be better. A look into the Calgary Rabbits Processors plant, first of its kind on the prairies, indicates an ever-growing consumer demand for rabbit meat. The plant has been in operation since last March and now processes and packages from 400 to 500 rabbits, or 2,000 pounds of meat, each week. “We have no trouble selling the product with consumption steadily on the increase. Our only problem in the future, though, could be a lack of rabbits,” a plant spokesman told The Herald.
Rabbit Sold Fresh and Frozen Rabbits are shipped to the plant when they are about 10 to 12 weeks old. They are sent from all across the province. The average litter is eight, which is usually ready for market by the time the doe is ready to breed again. A government inspector is present at the plant on receiving day to inspect the carcasses and grade the meat. Graded either as roasters or fryers, the meat is sold either fresh or frozen and either whole or cut up.
Fryers are the most popular type of rabbit meat and sell at prices ranging from 99 cents to $1.19 a pound. The meat tastes much the same as chicken or turkey and is all white.
Plant Capacity 1,000 Rabbits Daily Processors claim the merit of the meat is that it has half as many calories as beef, has high protein, little fat and few bones. Recipes for cooking (Continued Page 4)
4323 Murray Avenue James Blyth, Secy. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Vol. 3 May-June, 1968 No. 3
Rabbit Popular Meat
W. E. (Bill) Molen, Editor P O. Box 8, Bronson. Kansas 66716 Pat Krider, Assistant Publicity Cbm.
Bert Hickman Tillie Morehead
Joe Lutes Mark Youngs
Rayal Winters Joan Wallace
O. R. (Bud) Chaney Dora O'Hare
Lloyd Shantz Pat Kelley
EXECUTIVE BOARD ARBA Wayne Willmann. Pres. James Blyth, Secy
Oren Reynolds. V.-Pres. Ellis Murray, Treas
Fred Applegate J. Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W. E. Molen
Claude Bennett E. P. Shilliday
W. H. Kennedy Edward Stahl
D. F. Parker
I was sorry to hear that Mrs. Bernice Thompson passed away early in April. She was a breeder of good Chinchillas and a great worker with the folks in Colorado. She had served well as Chairman of Reservations for the coming ARBA convention in Pueblo. We extend the family our sincerest sympathy.
The General Chairman, Mr. Earl Hord, has informd me that Mrs. Virginia Spencer will replace the late Mrs. Thompson. So I urge you to send your lodging reservations to Mrs. Spencer at Box 268—Pueblo, Colorado 81004. Many thanks Mrs. Spencer for your willingness to serve.
Anyone collecting books on Rabbits might enjoy the one “Charming Rabbits” written by an ARBA member— Mrs. (Richard) Elinor Cooper. You will find her New York address in your 1968 Yearbook. Send her 50 cents for a copy.
Director Stahl’s new book recently came off the press. I recommend it for experienced breeders as well as for the beginner. I do not know the price as he was kind enough to give me a free copy. Thanks, Ed.!
Ohio has something to brag about. Miss Sally Watters was selected as Youth Queen at the Syracuse Conven-
tion. Miss Diana Southworth won the Youth Judging Contest. Both are members of the Columbus Youth Club. Mr. Southworth will be in charge of the Silver Marten Booth for the Colorado ARBA Convention.
All proof reading on advertising in the new ARBA Guide Book was done by Edward Stahl. Mr. W. E. Molen had the huge task of compiling the material, editing, proof reading all articles —preparing the dummy copy and the proof reading the final draft at the printers. The task of putting out the new Guide Book rests largely on the shoulders of Mr. Molen. He deserves our special thanks.
In your 1968 Yearbook, make the following corrections: Remove the name of Bert Searl as Agent for Oregon. We extend our sympathy on his death. Don Reid has been appointed as Sen ior State Agent for Illinois because of the resignation of Ted Wengert due to ill health. Pat Krider resigned as State Agent for Rhode Island because her husband is beginning another tour of Navy Recruiting May 10 in Pittsburgh. Who will serve in R.I. ? ? ? ? Maybe, Pat, you will have some time to help Mr. Blyth in his office.
Secretary Blyth received $18,558.15 during the three months: Jan., Feb., March. After disbursements he had $13,241.33 to send to Treasurer Ellis Murray. We know the income is highest at the beginning of a new year, but we do have good reason to rejoice that it was this good. Tell your friends that the ARBA is moving forward. The Spirit of cooperation is getting better. Let’s keep busy gathering in the NEW members. Let’s educate them so we can keep them active.
Again, may I remind all Youth leadl ers and youth members to send in your News Items to Mr. Molen for inclusion in the ARBA Bulletin. I am concerned about our youth and hope during the next year that we can really come up with some very good ideas how to improve the youth work in the ARBA. I want our members to read more about our youth and their rabbit activities so please send in the items to Mr. Molen.
Resolutions for the Pueblo Convention must be signed by at least 25 ARBA members and be in the hands of Mr. Marvin Langeland (Michigan) by July 7. Late arrivals will not come before the Convention this year.
The election ballots will be mailed by Secretary Blyth July 15 and must be returned to the Election Committee
Page Two
by August 15 if y©u want them counted. I hope our members will take time to get informed on the activities of the ARBA so they can vote intelligently. Your Specialty Club’s officers can be a big help in answering your questions. The future of the ARBA is in your hands. It will be pretty much the way you want it to be.
Wayne Willmann—President
The Michigan breeders as well as all of ARBA are saddened by the loss of one of our finest Rabbit Breeders, Mr. Steven DeVries of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
On February 5th Steven DeVries passed away at the Butterworth Hospital in Grand Rapids. Steve was a strong pillar of support to the Rabbit Fancy in Michigan. His advice was sound and freely given. In a period of more than forty years he learned much about the New Zealand Reds and produced some of the finest in the entire State. Steve won the Trophy for New Zealand Reds this past year and his sweepstake points will place him in the Top-Twenty All Breeds.
Steve DeVries was a member of the Michigan State Rabbit Breeders Association, The American Rabbit Breeders Association, The New Zealand Federation and the Western Michigan Rabbit Breeders Association. He was particularly active in the W.M.R.B.A. where he was Vice-President several times; Show Superintendent, and a member of the Board of Directors. Steve was an A.R.B.A. Registrar. He donated many trophies to M.S.R.B.A. and W.M.R.B.A. for his breed and much time in the planning and executing of the varied interests he had in local shows.
We, his Rabbit Breeder friends salute Steve for the man he always was. Our condolances are extended to the bereaved loved ones who must bear the loss of such a fine Christian gentleman. The local and state Associations and A.R.B.A, must carry on in the legend of the highest traditions as our departed friend and worker. Steven DeVries, would want us to.
Born Mar. 26,1898, Hubbard, Iowa Died Feb. 11, 1968, Molalla, Oregon
I have been asked to write a few words about Burt Searl, and this I do very sadly, because I feel like I not only have lost a good friend but all rabbit lovers have as well. Possibly some knew him better and could do more justice to his memory than I, but all, I know, would agree that Burt was a man who never had an enemy, and from his Christian way of living, never could have one.
His way with all mankind was the use of the Golden-Rule, and since he was an expert cabinet maker by trade, the Golden-Rule was always on the square, just as his own material and tools were in his much praised woodwork by his employers or customers. By this same moral standard, he judged and registered rabbits, and endeavored to help all rabbit raisers the very best way he could.
It is hard to mention Burt without thinking of his very proficient wife Victoria, and our deepest sympathy is now with her. They, like so many of our member husbands and wives, worked as a true rabbit team. Mabel and I often wondered how they accomplished all that they did, and finally asked them. Their answer was that they did the chores together when they got home, whether it was 1 A.M. or 3 A.M. or what.
Their accomplishments and activity were in the IERBA and other organizations. They made many visitations to our home singly; and with ARBA officials, as well as on Club picnics, tours, meetings over 100 miles from Spokane, so there is no doubt that the closer area rabbitries were on a regular agenda.
Their combined work in rabbits and cavies grew from a large rabbitry, to processing. Then if their life wasn’t full enough, it certainly was thereafter, when Burt was officially licensed as an ARBA Judge and Regis-strar.
The welcome mat was always out at the Searls, and it was a special must for any outside area visitor to partake of a meal with them, and even stay overnight. It was a huge loss to our organization, when the Searls moved to Molalla, Oregon. Yet Burt came home many times to judge our shows. Victoria did also when she could, to visit old acquaintances.
We have lost a good friend and rabbit man in Burt Searl physically— but spirtually his memory and work will live on! Mark Youngs
Page Three
(Continued From Page 1)
rabbit are placed in each package of meat and more recipes are available from the plant itself.
The market for the meat has expanded from Calgary to include Edmonton, Banff, Lethbridge and Medicine Hat as well as points in Southern Saskatchewan. As demand and supply increase, the plant is geared to process up to 1,000 rabbits a day with no further alterations.
For those who haven’t got the habit, rabbit is available in 50 city super markets and meat markets and can be barbecued, roasted, fried, stewed sauted and marinated in wine.
(Continued From Page 1)
Watch the price paid by processors for meat rabbits over a period of several years and note that in many instances the price is lower in the late spring and early summer than in the late summer, fall and winter months. This in part is due to the heavier production during the spring and the lower production during the fall. On the one hand there is an abundance of rabbits and on the other hand fryer size rabbits are not nearly so plentiful.
Every doe that is mated will not necessarily have a litter, whether she is kept in the rabbitry or sold to another person. Testing does not always proves to be beneficial, as some does will accept service from the buck even though she is already bred—others will refuse service on the testing date even though she is in fact still open and is not pregnant. A person competent and qualified to palpate a doe can determine if the subject doe is “pregnant” or “open”. However, there are not too many persons that are qualified to perform this relatively simple manipulation with 100% accuracy. The art of palpating takes many months of practice before one can master the art. Palpating (feeling the developing young in the uteri with the thumb and fore fingers) is a quick and accurate method for determining pregnancy. The rabbit breeder can develop the technique for accurately diagnosing pregnancy by palpating 14 to 16 days following mating. At this period, the embryos in the uteri have developed into marble-shaped forms that are easy to distinguish as they slip between the thumb and fingers, when the hand is gently moved forward and backward and a slight pressure is exerted. Caution must be practiced and
T)s,r.„ V-----------------------------
extreme gentle care must be used in this operation, because if too much pressure is exerted, the tissues may be bruised or tom loose from the walls of the uterus and a toxic condition or abortion may be the result.
Many purchasers of breeding stock believe that if they buy a “bred” doe that they are entitled to a guarantee that such a doe will have a litter. This is absolutely impossible for the seller to guarantee. Additionally, the seller of the stock usually does not charge for the breeding, only for the doe, and breeds the doe free of charge. In such cases the purchaser should do his own testing of the doe after he receives her. Thus, he can do much toward alleviating the long delay period in allowing the doe to go the full time when she is not pregnant. If a doe does fail to kindle after the usual 31 days from date of breeding, she should) be immediately rebred. In the sale of stock, the seller of the rabbit has no control over nature. Likewise he has no control over the care and management of the stock he sells. After the rabbit leaves his premises he cannot be responsible for the production or behavior of such stock. There can be exceptions to this statement, when pre-sale agreements stated or implied that production was guaranteed.
In other words, a rabbit or any other type of livestock is perishable and must be treated much the same as other perishable things. A live rabbit, perishable, is comparable to an ice cream cone, also perishable. When you buy an ice cream cone in a store it is frozen. With proper treatment the cone may be maintained in a frozen and satisfactory state; however, if it is not properly treated it will melt very quickly.
As of March 29, 1988 Individuals
1. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif. 17
2. Edward H. Stahl, Mo. 7
3. Mark Youngs, Wash. 4
4. Tommy Andrew, Pa. 3
5. F. R. Applegate, 111. 3
6. Marvin Carley, Vt. 3
7. Eugene Henry, Conn. 3
8. N. J. McCurdy, N.C. 3
9. D. F. Parker, Ala. 3
1. Caotus R. B. Ass’n, Ariz. 3
2. American Satin R. B. Ass’n. 3
3. Long Island R. B. Ass’n, N.Y. 3
4. American Cavy Breeders 2
5. Harvey Co. R. B. Ass’n, Kan. 2
6. Badger R. B. Ass’n, Wise. 2
Oren Reynolds
It seems, from the mail I have received since our meeting in Syracuse, that some of our Specialty Club Secretaries, by their own admission, have been a little remiss in checking many of the show catalogs forwarded to their office. It was not realized that most Fair Shows were sponsored by local clubs who handle not only the show itself but the actual paper work also, and that some catalogs were not carrying the required heading as listed in the sweepstake rule.
It is the general opinion of most that there is nothing that can be done concerning the Fair Shows except the Local Clubs trying to get the Fair Board to try and meet the rules of the ARBA and the Specialty Clubs. It was 1 further stated that most breeders showing were satisfied with the results at present and that in some cases they were able to get a little more cooperation each year and in time they hoped to reach their goal of complete cooperation.
A known fact to all Specialty Club Secretaries is that many local show secretaries apply late for their sweep-stakes sanctions also at times some Specialty Club Secretaries are also late in sending out the requested sanction. In many cases the catalog committee, assuming that the sweep-stakes will be granted, go ahead with the catalog and copy the headings from previous catalogs which may or may not be current, leave out part of the heading and in some cases the entire heading. A uniform heading which would be standard from year to year unless a new secretary or a change in fees was made could and should eliminate much of these infractions.
' Quite some time back we explored the possibility of standardizing the heading used by the Specialty Clubs but due to the variation in the breeds and the things covered this was considered impossible. It was further suggested that we let the Local Clubs, in order to cut down expense of catalog, print the following. “The following breeds will be sweepstaked and governed by the current rules”. This was voted down but I now have another suggestion for your consideration. It is felt that this suggestion would go far in helping to eliminate the leaving out or copying an old heading that no longer applies.
Here is the suggestion, as sent in by one Specialty Club and approved by one other, for whatever you think it is worth and I will use my own Federation as an example and each of
you can use the name and figures that apply to your own Federation.
Official Sweepstakes Champagne D’Argent Federation
Oren R. Reynolds secretary RR# 3 Box 509 Decatur, 111. 62526. Dues $2.00 per yr.; combination ARBA $6.75.
Breeders showing for sweepstake points should know their own club rules and the show secretary would have the rules that were mailed at time of sanction for reference if questioned.
In talking with breeders from several Specialty Clubs at recent shows in Indiana, Missouri and Illinois concerning what the local clubs published in their show catalogs there was a stock answer quoted by many and that was: “I don’t care what they print in the catalog so long as they state whether they are sweepstaked or not. I know that they usually pay the required specials.
We as officers of the Specialty Clubs are elected to carry out the business of the club according to the wishes of the members of our clubs. After the above questions and answers I am beginning to wonder if we as officers are asking for something, that to us seems very important, however it just doesn’t seem to be to the membership. Maybe we should check our membership a little closer before we make a decision on some of these questions and suggestions. I would appreciate your reactions on this new suggestion.
Marjorie Bigelow
As the Fair season draws near we congratulate the many 4-H youngsters who have made these fairs so colorful and who have displayed some very fine animals in past seasons. Many of you are raising the calibre of rabbits that would do well indeed in the open classes. We encourage you to enter your rabbits again this year.
Much criticism has been made about the mixed breeds which crop up in the Fair Shows, and some of the poor stock exhibited at these shows in some instances.
It is all too easy to say it is the child’s fault for presenting an inferior specimen for exhibition purposes. The real fault lies squarely divided among the following:
1. The 4-H Leader has the responsibility of informing both the child and the parent that he will need a purebred rabbit: a hutch which is easily cleaned and will protect the rabbit both summer and winter; a feed bowl,
P/t n a
water bowl, salt spool as well as adequate feed for the rabbit project. Both should be told that the child should support his project financially. I-f the child is too young to earn this money outside the home, then he should be given chores around the home and his project supported in this manner. Since every child is required to exhibit his animal at the State or County Fair in order to complete the year, it only stands to reason that if he starts out with a good animal he will come to feel not only greater pride in the project but in ownership as well.
The 4-H Leader should know something about various breeds of rabbits, availability in our area, and breeders whom they can contact. Rabbit information is available from ARBA members, through the Extension Service, feed stores, and the Department of Agriculture. By failing to emphasize the needs of the child in the rabbit project, it may be difficult or impossible for him to obtain parental backing when the time comes.
2. Parents: Every child who enters 4-H must have a card signed by one of his parents for each project. The responsibility does not end here, but rather should be only the first step embarking his child on a livestock project. No 4-H Leader should be expected to donate equipment or a rabbit. It is the role ®f the parent to provide these things.
3. Breeders wh® are called upon for stock usually come through for 4-H youngsters. Others have had a bad experience and refuse to sell to them. Most rabbit breeders feel that selling to 4-H’ers is a sharing situation as well, and follow the progress with interest. The latter breeders are the very ones to whom we are so deeply indebted, for they took a chance on a child and have the gratifying experience of watching the child grow and the rabbit thrive. The children who “make good” in 4-H by far outnumber the ones wh® don’t. ABOVE ALL THESE YOUNGSTERS ARE THE RABBIT RAISERS OF TOMORROW.
4. Judges: The judges are in the enviable position of being able to give the most to 4-H rabbit raisers. When they explain what they are doing as they judge one animal against another, the general eliminations and disqualifications for all the breeds; when they explain what they are seeking in fur classes and meat pens; and when they answer questions and encourage them, the children are learning. When they make themselves available after the Fair Show is over, the sharing of knowledge of rabbits becomes a gift.
It is upon this very principle that the ARBA is founded. Don’t let the youngsters leave our County Fairs knowing no more than when they came in the door.
There is much more to 4-H projects than the actual raising of livestock or winning ribbons. There is always merit in any program which helps to bind young people together. As one Leader said to me very recently, “If we help just one child, the entire program is worthwhile.”
Who is to say what seed has been planted when a child finds another adult who is interested in him and what he is doing?
The 40 cartons behind the does show what top animals, properly managed can produce in fryers in one year. This Eastman Rabbit is 4 years old and has produced 40 or more fryers each year of production.
The Commercial aspect of rabbit raising and the Youth Department, both of ARBA, which at times appear to many as being the “poor cousin” segments of our great organization, certainly offer evidence that they are nearing the summit and are now on the way: ‘full steam ahead.’
First the Commercial aspects of rabbit raising are fully presented herewith in this issue. A very timely news release from the leading newspaper of the metropolitan area of Cal-
Pno*> Sir
gary, Canada (a market of over 1 million persons) reports the opening of a new rabbit processing plant — quote —“We have no trouble selling the product with consumption steadily on the increase. Our only problem in the future, though, could be a lack of rabbits.” * * * An excellent article from James Eastman, Penacook, New Hampshire, residing in an area where a processor is not in full operation but Eastman nonetheless has successfully dressed and sold meat rabbits for over 25 years-^-quote—"I do not believe that there is an area in the entire United States or Canada where an outlet for Domestic Rabbit Meat cannot be established if one will put wholesome rabbit meat in clean attractive cartons for sale to the housewife.”
The Youth Department of ARBA
has received a stimulating shot in the arm by the appointment of hard working, capable Sam Gerardi, Warren, Pennsylvania as Chairman. Read Sam’s article in this issue as well as Youth articles by Marjorie Bigelow, Parker, Colorado and Bill Whaley, Tennessee. Sam has promised an article for each ARBA Bulletin issue.
Regional Judges Conferences have been a tremendous success in the 3 held to date. We carry an account of the District #6 Conference held at Atlanta and have photos and reports in the process on the California and Missouri Regional Judges Conferences.
Read how the Inland Empire Rabbit Association, Spokane, Washington ironed out what could have been a very knotty and damaging problem. The keyword — Cooperation and thinking the problem out completely and judiciously before acting. It pays off.
Two of ARBA’s stalwarts Burt Searl, Oregon and Steven DeVries, Michigan have passed on to their reward. As the May-June material is being completed we have learned that Grace Craig Staneart, secretary of the Indiana Dutch Club for many years past has expired and we will carry this account in next issue. Grace was 77 years old.
Calgary, Canada Club President’s Statement This being the time of year when resolutions are made, I hope I may be forgiven if I list one or two of mine.
I resolve that I will do my utmost to make this the most progressive year in the history of the Alberta Rabbit Breeders Association. Already
there are encouraging signs that this will come to pass. The Board of Directors of the World Famous Calgary Stampede have indicated they are seriously considering our application for space in the Agriculture Building for a 3-day International Rabbit Show during Calgary Stampede Week. Should this become a reality, literally tens of thousands of people will have the opportunity of seeing our rabbits, and new members and breeders would certainly result. The Rabbit Section of the Miliarville Fair will be expanded this year, again providing an opportunity for greater rabbit publicity.
I may be accused of judging the success of a club by the number of successful shows it stages in a year. I won’t apologize for this attitude, but I must admit that there are other important factors to be considered, and this brings me to my second resolution.
I resolve to promote more active interest on the part of club members. As in most other fields of endeavor, a participant derives much more enjoyment than does a spectator.
I resolve to continue my efforts to make club meetings more interesting and vital, so that attendance will improve, and meetings will be something to which we all will look forward to.
Finally. I resolve to act in a completely unbiased manner whenever my position demands that I act as a mediator. I must avoid hedging and soft soap, and let the chips fall where they may.
Let me take this opportunity to wish one and all happiness and success in 1968.
Vic Daugherty President Alberta Rabbit Breeders Association
House Resolution 14218 appearing below Parallels Senate Bill 2613 introduced by Senator Metcalf. There are serious overtones to any person working and at same time starting a commercial rabbit operation. House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Wilbur Mills, House Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20515, Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman and your own U. S. Senators and Congressman are the ones to write and express your feelings.
by John M. Zwach, Minn.
A Bill “to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to provide that farming losses incurred by persons
who are not bona fide farmers may not be used to offset nonfarm income.”
It proposes to amend “part IX of sub-chapter B of Chapter I” by adding the following new section:
“(a) GENERAL RULE. — In the case of a taxpayer who is engaged in the business of farming but who is not a bona fide farmer for the taxable year, the deductions attributable to the business of farming which, but for this section, would be allowable under this chapter for the taxable year shall not exceed an aggregate amount equal to the gross income derived from the business of farming for the taxable year.
(b) BONA FIDE FARMER. — For purposes of this section —
(1) an individual shall be considered to be a bona fide farmer for a taxable year only if—
(A) the principle business activity of such individual during the taxable year is actively engaged in carrying on farming operations.
(B) such individual is engaged in the business of farming as the principle source of his livelihood during the taxable year, or
(C) such individual is the spouse of an individual described in sub-paragraph (A) or (B); and
(2) a corporation shall be considered to be a bona fide farmer for a taxable year only if 80 percent or more of each class of stock of such corporation is owned on each day of the taxable year by individuals who are bona fide farmers within the meaning of paragraph (1).
(1) IN GENERAL. — In the case of a taxpayer who acquires a farming enterprise by purchase or exchange and who is not a bona fide farmer for the taxable year in which such enterprise is so acquired, subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to such enterprise for the taxable year in which such enterprise is so acquired the taxable year of acquisition if— or for the 2 taxable years following
(A) the taxpayer certifies that he intends to become a bona fide farmer, and
(B) the taxpayer becomes a bona fide farmer not later than the third year of acquisition.
(2) CERTIFICATION. — A certification under paragraph (1) (A) shall
be made at such time and in such manner as the Secretary or his delegate prescribes by regulations.
(1) FARMS ACQUIRED FROM A DECEDENT. — Subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to any farming enterprise acquired by the taxpayer by devise or inheritance for the taxable year in which such enterprise is so acquired or for the 3 taxable years following the taxable year of acquisition.
(2) FARMS ACQUIRED BY FORECLOSURE, ETC. — Subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to any farming enterprise acquired by the taxpayer in partial or complete satisfaction of an indebtedness for the taxable year in which such enterprise is so acquired or for the 3 taxable years following the taxable year of acquisition.
(3) DEALERS IN REAL ESTATE. —Subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to any farm acquired by the taxpayer in the ordinary course of carrying on the trade or business of buying and selling real property for the taxable year in which such farm is acquired or for the taxable year following the taxable year of acquisition.
(e) REGULATIONS. — The Secretary or his delegate shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this subsection.” (b) The table of sections for such part LX is amended by adding . . . “Sec. 277. Limitation on deductions attributable to certain farming operations.”
SEC. 2 The amendments made by the first section of this Act shall apply to taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.” H.R. 14218 is the House version of Senator Metcalf’s Senate Bill 2613.
Dick Parker
Who said that it could not be done, that is and have every one satisfied, well, it was done, and our good friend and Judge W. H. (Bill) Smith, Strawberry Plains, Tenn., was a very happy man, at the close of the Atlanta Show, March 30th, when he learned that he had the BEST RABBIT IN THE SHOW. Judges Carl Kroboth, Robert Byrne and Claude H. Bennett, concurred in the best rabbit and the show room exhibitors and visitors thought the same way.
Page Eight
Club Notes
Tri State Small Stock Association held their very first show at Imperial, Nebraska, April 7th, Dorothy De-selms, secretary, Carol Yaw, superintendent, Duane Shrader, judge. — Don and Pat Krider are departing Rhode Island and after May 10th, will reside at 121 E. Garden Road, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15227. Don will begin a tour of Navy Recruiting duty at Pittsburgh. — Indications at this time include the probability of bids for ARBA Conventions by groups in New England, New Orleans, West Texas-New Mexico area possibly in Albuquerque, Calgary and there is definite interest in two other areas. The hosting of the big ARBA event of the year — The Annual ARBA Convention-Show is a very challenging, extremely worthwhile project.
Vern Ashton reports that plans are progressing for an ARBA Regional Judges Conference in one of the New England States and we will have a full report of progress either from him or Marvin Carley, next issue. — Crater Commercial Rabbit Producers Association with Anne Faunce, editor, certainly are to be commended for a very impressive and beneficial monthly publication. The Crater group is in the Rogue River, Oregon area. — The Lehigh Valley R&CBA News Letter, Bett Hickman, editor rolls along without ever missing an issue and it is absolutely loaded with facts, figures and very newsworthy rabbit and rabbit breeder information. — Mrs. Ruth Ford, Vernon, Texas, has resumed the publication of the Texas Rabbit Breeders News. — Two pocket size rabbit publications, Ohio Rabbit and Cavy News, Charles Haaf, Jr., editor and The Canadian Rabbit Breeder, William Croft, editor, are tip-top dandies. — NOTE: Our very capable ARBA Treasurer, Ellis Murray sends an airmail —“After 29 years, we have moved into a mobile-home, with 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. Our new address is Box 542, Chatsworth, California 91311.”
Sharon Ausloos, secretary, who writes the Fox River Club, hopes to compete in 1968 National Rabbit Week Promotion and win an ARBA CHAMPION PROMOTER Trophy.
Our club is small — only 5 active members. We are all working hard to keep it going and we have to work even harder when we put on a show. There are many prospective members if we can guarantee an outlet for their rabbits. This is not possible for us to do all of the time. There is a market for butchered rabbits at the stores, but for small raisers, such as we are, it is too big an expense. Most stores want them government inspected as are the other meat products they handle.
We are proud of our progress in the 4-H clubs. Ken Fehrman has been a key-leader of 4-H in Outagamie County for several years. Our Vice-Pres., John De Grave, is a key-leader here in Brown County. He already has 1 club raising only ARBA standard recognized rabbits. We all feel by helping these children we will perpetuate the ARBA aims and insure the success of the children and the advancement of our Association.
Soon, I will start working toward an ARBA registrar license and possibly on to ARBA judge. But I would like to make a suggestion to the judges who have someone like me trying to learn, PLEASE think or make your comments out loud. It is impossible for us to know what you’re looking for if you don’t speak up. I may have been lost at times while trying to learn, but I refuse to give up.
How about some news from other small clubs? What do you do to keep your club together? Bill Molen, editor of our ARBA Bulletin has made space available for all clubs in the column NATIONWIDE CLUB NOTES. Send him your club news so we can all grow, benefit and learn.
Illinois Rabbit News;
Howard Morris, Box 400, Centralia, Illinois 62801, editor of the monthly Illinois Rabbit News with the full co-
Page Nine
operation of the State officers and the club reporters of the 20 Illinois State affiliated clubs issue monthly the Top State Babbit Publication in all of ARBA.
The most recent issue carried full and comprehensive reports from each of the 20 affiliated clubs. These articles were factual and of benefit to all persons receiving and reading the Illinois Rabbit News.
The monthly issue usually is of 40 pages in size. Besides all of the clubs reporting their activities and news, special sections, such as June Dutton’s “The Koffee Klatsch” column; guest contributor section, this issue carried a very informative article by ARBA Treasurer Ellis Murray; State president and State secretary columns by Oren Reynolds and Ivan Miller respectively; attractive cover pages by Mitzie Vance; and down-to-earth remarks and sage advice by the editor, Howard Morris, are part and parcel of each issue.
Those of you reading this that are residents of Illinois and are not local and state association members, thus not on the mailing list of this fabulous publication are certainly missing the boat. A concise, factual and important a publication as the Illinois Rabbit News is a must for each and everyone •f you and I would suggest, yes, urge, that you not miss another issue of this valuable and TOP publication. By all means join your local and state of Illinois association. Page 5 of the 1968 ARBA Yearbook carries the names of 18 of the Illinois affiliated Clubs, they are: Bloomington Normal RBA, Champaign County RBA, Decatur Area RBA, Elgin RB Club, Freeport R&FBA, Grundy County RBA, Kankakee Valley RBA, KIAM Egyptian RBA, Madison County RBA, Northern Illinois Rabbit Ranchers, Peoria Area RBA, St. Clair County Rabbit Club, Southwestern Illinois RBA, Spring-field RB Club, Tibbar RBA, Whiteside County RBA, Will County RBA, and Western Illinois RBA. The Winnebago Forest Rabbit Club, Ted Wengert, sec., 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford, El. 61109 is not listed on Page 5 of ARBA Yearbook, but are also state affiliates as is the Illinois American Checkered Giant Rabbit Club shown on page 3 of the 1968 ARBA Yearbook.
The Illinois Rabbit News carries page after page of sale offerings of TOP rabbits in all recognized breeds by TOP breeders and exhibitors of Illinois and ARBA. Membership in the Illinois State RBA is a very valuable possession.
TOP RABBIT BREEDER—Ken Fro-boese, right, of Boeme, Texas is pictured with the trophy he was awarded March 16th. Ken was selected and honored as “Breeder Of The Year” by the Texas Rabbit Breeders Association. H. M. (Red) Spence, left, of Waco, president of the TRBA made the presentation. The TRBA held their 10th Annual Convention-Show at Gatesville, Texas.
(Editors Note: The following letter was delivered to the Spokane City Council to protest the adoption of an ordinance that was discriminatory to the Rabbit Breeders. The Inland Empire RBA acted collectively as this letter attests. They secured justifiable consideration as the article “Rabbit Club Wins Major Victory”, which follows immediately after this article verifys.)
Spokane City Council Spokane, Washington
Dear Council Members,
The Inland Empire Rabbit Breeders Association would like to voice our views and protest the Pet Ordinance, relating to and prohibiting the sale, bartering, display, or giving away of living rabbits under two months of age.
We strongly object to salmonella or other diseases being linked to rabbits as there are over 1,200 known kinds of salmonella being carried around, so why single out the small rabbits. Our club has made several inquiries to obtain the true facts regarding rabbits carrying salmonella. One answer we have received from, State of Washing-
ton Department of Health, stated no reports of salmonella infection have been traced to rabbits either as pets or as food.
We also object to rabbits being grouped with fowl, for a baby rabbit is dependent upon his mother until 6 to 8 weeks of age, whereas a baby chick can survive on its own from hatching. You may not be aware of the fact that when disease of any kind is linked with young rabbits it hurts the sale of rabbits at any age. This means we have lost a part of our income due to the fact the City Council tried to act on this without getting all the facts and the Health Department is not stating all the true facts.
The rabbit business is a up and coming industry in the Spokane area and does contribute greatly to the economy of Spokane as there are approximately 90,000 pounds of live rabbit produced per year in this area. This figure could be greatly increased if producers were not hindered and discouraged with such ordinances as this, and the sale of rabbits were not hampered from uninformed publicity. We have an inspection law to inspect any animal sold alive or for meat, this includes pets. This law would be sufficient if enforced.
We do not want to see any pet hurt or mistreated, but we can not see why deprive all children of the right to purchase or be given small rabbits under two months of age just because a few children may mistreat their pets due to lack of parents supervision and teaching. There is no better way for a child to learn the complete cycle of life than to have a living pet.
Our Club has one of the largest Youth memberships of any local Club in the entire United States, think of the many children in the Spokane area that have a worth while, time consuming project that keeps them off the streets and out of trouble, with the raising of rabbits. We find that rabbits are a very good animal for a child’s project as they are a small, quiet, easy t® raise animal.
We wish to ask the City Council to please reconsider rabbits as not being a part of this Pet Ordinance.
Very Truly Yours,
Lawrence C. Farley, President Mable L. Stingley, Secretary Grace A. Haugh, Editor
(Read following article “Rabbit Club Wins Major Victory” for results obtained.)
by Lawrence C. Farley
At this time I would like to thank all members who attended the City Countil meeting held February 5, 1968 to protest the passing of the Emergency Pet Ordinance against the rabbits. Due to the fact that there were so many rabbit raisers and pet shop owners at this Council meeting this Ordinance did not pass, but was held over for farther study.
This Ordinance was to prohibit the sale, bartering, or giving away of live baby chicks, rabbits, ducklings or other fowl under two months of age, and under findings of the City Health Officer, the sale of such chicks, rabbits, ducklings or other fowl presents a health hazard to children and other' persons.
A letter was written stating the views of the Club on this matter and to protest the fact that rabbits had been grouped with chickens and fowl, and to protest the findings of the City Health Officer that rabbits were a health hazard, as officially learned in a report received from State of Washington Department of Health, Olympia, Washington. This report read, “no reports of salmonella infections have been traced to rabbits either as pets or as food.”
A special meeting was called by the City Board of Health to redraft this Pet Ordinance. The Inland Empire Rabbit Breeders Association was represented at this meeting, as was the pet shop owners and the Humane Society. The members of the IERBA should be very proud to learn that through organization and unity the Club was successful in getting rabbits declared not a health hazard and get rabbits removed entirely from the Pet Ordinance. In doing this the Inland Empire Rabbit Breeders Association has gained a major victory, not only for our Club, but a major victory for all rabbit raisers in this area.
The City Councilmen serving on the City Board of Health were very cooperative and understanding and were very sorry that the rabbits had received undue publicity by being connected with salmonella and other diseases. They stated that they would do all they could to right the wrong that had been done to the rabbit industry by these false statements and bad publicity.
Because rabbits were connected with chickens, ducklings and other fowl and salmonella in the papers, which caused the rabbit industry se*
James Eastman, Penacook, New Hampshire Commercial and Fancy Rabbit Raiser and Organic Gardner proudly displays a New Zealand doe and litter. Note the bushel of organically grown potatoes and the compost cabinet.
vere damage in this area, the Council-men agreed to allow 90 days for this undue publicity to die down. Then an ordinance may be drafted dealing only with rabbits, possibly under 6 weeks of age. This new ordinance will be based on humane reasons, not on a health issue. This will be done because the Humane Society has many calls each year, especially around Easter time, that very small rabbits are being mistreated. We as a Club may be able to overcome the need for any such ordinance if we would ban together and refuse to sell or give away any rabbits for Easter under 6 weeks of age. For it is our duty to ourselves and our Club as members of the IERBA to see that such things as this Pet Ordinance are not duplicated in the future.
In closing this message I am asking, let’s everyone refrain from doing anything that will hurt rabbits or the rabbit industry. If we do just this I am sure a great step has been taken in the right direction.
The ARBA Publicity Packets for National Domestic Rabbit Week are now ready for mailing. Many new items have been added to this year’s Publicity Packet. They include colored balloons imprinted with the National Rabbit Week message; large celluloid display buttons; imprinted program cov-
ers—really suitable for an impressive special club meeting; specially printed cellulose sponges that triple in size when wetted.
All of the material in the promotional packet are aimed to help you and your club accomplish the best job possible. Decals, bumper banners, auto aerial pennants, recipes and other items in last year’s packet are again included.
These Publicity Packets are available for all clubs, associations or individuals wishing to participate. The cost is $5.00 per packet and are mailed j postpaid. Send remittance and order' to Bill Molen, director, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
Again this year ARBA will award 3 beautiful Champion Promoter Award trophies to the 3 top clubs. The award will be based upon the effectiveness of program and material submitted. The material to include photos, newspaper and other publicity obtained, meetings, etc. Last year the 67 clubs that participated were very ingenious and presented a variety of top promotions in their area. There were 4 governors proclaiming Rabbit Week in 1967 and many mayors. This is just one excellent way to actively participate. The publicity packet will contain an outline of suggested activities and hints on formation of effective program.
Page Twelve
Waterloo, Ontario March 15,1968
Mr. Bill Molen Editor ARBA Bulletin
Dear Bill,
Just have to take time to write you and compliment you for the excellent job you are doing for all of ARBA. The ARBA Bulletin that you so efficiently assemble is the cog that is helping all of us of ARBA realize that we are one big family, working toward the same ideals and goals. The ARBA Bulletin is important whether we as ARBA members reside in the States, in Canada or for that matter anywhere under the sun. Your knack of selecting those items that are of paramount importance to big breeder and small backyard breeder alike keeps us all abreast of what is going on and offers information that is not available from any other source. Keep up the good work. It is appreciated.
I wish to include a few lines concerning the rabbit industry in Canada in general and Ontario in particular. Our 1967 rabbit show season is now history, and as I look back I am greatly encouraged with the interest shown in this ever expanding business. Every show has had an increase in entries and the stock shown are fine specimen.
In September 1967, we held the first ARBA sanctioned show in many a year, may possibly be the first such sanction in Ontario, I am not absolutely certain. Despite the fact there were 3 other rabbit shows on the same date twe had a record entry. There were p4 rabbits that won a leg toward an ARBA Grand Champion Certificate. My greatest concern at this writing is how we can arrange to have our Provincial Council of Rabbit Clubs chartered.
We now have 6 clubs affiliated with the Council and a great many members now show interest in these sanctioned shows whereby the exhibitors may win the merits provided for by the ARBA. However, we still have some of the older members who are not interested and upon questioning,
I find it is mainly because “we didn’t do it before.” So you see we are experiencing real growing pains.
We find ourselves in real need of ARBA judges. It seems too bad that we have not developed more judges and registrars. At our major show we do try and secure the services of AR-
BA judges and my personal thanks to those American judges who have supported us in the past.
I am proud to serve as president of the great Ontario Provincial Council of Rabbit Clubs. At our 1967 Annual Conference held at Sault Ste. Marie I emphasized the following Five Points:
THE BREEDERS—I believe the time has come when we need to distinguish between “Breeders” and “Farmers”. If our business is to expand on a sound basis we will need more breeders who are willing to keep records, tattoo their rabbits and become interested in the Registration of Rabbits. We need to recognize that we as breeders of seed stock, must lead—not lag. We also must be aware of high pressure salesmen and shysters; and that there is no life insurance policy that goes along with any kind of livestock, but that it is possible for any livestock to go wrong or die.
PUBLICITY—We need to talk rabbits to our friends and get our product on the market. However, we must give the true facts, and not exaggerated stories about our industry. Every club member must stand behind and support their local club.
MARKETS—This is an important factor for any commodity. Sound business ethics need to be employed by us to insure continued business. Sick animals should be killed and destroyed in the accepted hygenic manner. Animals that are out of condition should never be sold to new breeders or anyone else. Today, there is an excellent demand for Pure Bred Breeding Stock.
SHOWS—These are the show window of our business. Interest should be shown in all the rabbits in classes, not just the animals that belong to our own individual rabbitry. More study should be given to genetics so that the better class of quality rabbits can be bred with less failures. At the same time these planned matings for show stock should be raising 8 or 9 young at least four times per year.
CREDITS AND SALE—Since we have not been able to hold sanctioned shows so that our breeders can earn the LEGS so important to Grand Champion Certificates, I feel we need to pull together and strive to have this accomplished. We all know that it is possible, and I hope an arrangement can be made with ARBA that this can be realized. I also believe that by the assignment of mandatory Registered Prefixes to each breeder such would prove to be a great asset to the “Breeder.” If this plan was utilized,
Page Thirteen
we could then develop a “Premium Breeder Award” and a “Premier Exhibitor Award”. This would give credit to the breeder who has bred subject animal and also honor to the person who exhibited the animals if another person. This could lead to another factor, “Sale of the Stars” following our conference show. All the above would have t® be planned and outlined in detail before the first such show could ever be staged successfully. I see no reason why such a plan would not work to all of our benefit if the breeders of Pure Bred Rabbits would all cooperate.
From Canada I wish to extend the best wishes of -'access in 1968 and succeeding years to breeders of Pure Bred Rabbits.
Lloyd S. Shantz President Ontario Provincial Council of Rabbit Clubs
advertiser’s products will be brought before people in all areas of the country, offering an excellent opportunity to acquaint all with his product. Clubs should be aware of the publicity they can receive for their activities and coming shows. Specialty clubs should also be aware of the opportunity to present their elub and breed to the rabbit industry.
Ad Deadline July 1st The rates for the 45th Convention Catalog are els follows: Full Page $45.00, Half Page $25.00, Fourth Page $14.50, Eighth Page $8.00, and Judges, Registrar’s and Breeder’s Listings (Limit FOUR lines per listing) $3.50. The deadline for all ads for this catalog will be July 1, 1968. Send all checks and ads to DEAN A. BENKER, 3230 South Huron, Englewood, Colorado 80110, by July 1, 1968. Be sure, howi ever, to make all checks to Robert Af Harris, Treasurer.
As all of you are aware, the ARBA is holding its 45th Convention, October 7-10, 1968, in Pueblo, Colorado. Plans are underway to make this one of the finest conventions ever held, in both quality and quantity of rabbits and cavies entered, as well as the enjoyment of all attending. Colorado is a state of beauty, at its peak with the fall colors in October. With this in mind, the 45th ARBA Convention and Show in Colorado is expected to be one of the largest conventions thus far.
Potential advertisers should become aware *‘f the hundreds of exhibitors and raobit fanciers who will be receiving the catalog for this event. An
Free Ad to Lucky Advertiser
A drawing will be held for a FREE full page or one-half page ad. Only those purchasing a full or half page ad will be eligible for this drawing. This is a fine opportunity for some lucky advertiser to get his ad free.
Reserve Booth Space Now
Booth space reservations and checks should be sent to LLOYD SPENCER. Route 1, Box 268, Pueblo, Colorado 81001. The rates for booth space are: Commercial Booth $50.00 and Specialty Club $25.00. This is a real opportunity to show the public what you have to offer.
With your help and cooperation, we promise to make this a convention not to be forgotten. Please respond with your ad and booth space reservation TODAY. i
Owner Breed Reg. No. Ear No.
K. Mitchell ... Satin 9128-X EX2
W. A. Schaefer New Zealand 9623-X P012
W. A. Schaefer Dutch 9624-X SC951
R. Sheirer New Zealand 1115-X B203
B. Swingle California 5563-X 1GS1
C. Lape New Zealand 859-A 3
Kentucky Fancy Rbty English Spot 2069-A CL12
Cooks Rabbitry .... Chinchilla 3421-A PR
Bashen Rabbitry Blue Eyed Polish 287-A C4
Achgill Rabbitry New Zealand 3078-A CO
D. Sigler New Zealand 1255-A RB5
Segler & Sons New Zealand 9820-X SL2
Sigler & Sons New Zealand 1757-A OS20
J. Frizzell New Zealand 6020-X DS15
E. Deo Champagne D’Argent 9829-X HI
E. Deo Champagne D’Argent 2300-X LB2
J. Marcoux ... Dutch 9854-X B17
G. Vessey Silver Marten 1721-A 17C
G. Vessey Californian 1723-A D01
State Line R6 Ass'n, Mrs. Jane Mueller. Rl. Box 138 Wauseon. Ohio June 1
All Havana Show. Wilbur W. Wesche, Ridgevllle Corners. Ohio. June 1
Tri State R & C B Ass'n. Mildred E. Beatty. RD 1. Apples Comers. East Liverpool. Ohio. June 2
Indianapolis RF Ass'n, Roth Scott. RR 1. Box 122. Morristown, Ind. June 2
Iowa State Ck. Gt. R Ass'n. Robert F. Wallace. Sr.. State School. Glenwood. Iowa. June 2
Interstate RF Ass'n. Mrs Kenneth Avery. Madison Hill. R0 3. Wellsville. N Y June 2
State Line RB Ass'n. Mrs. Jane Mueller. Rl, Box 138 Wauseon, Ohio. June 2
Minnesota Stete RB Ass'n, Dorren Rau. Rl. St Cloud. Minn. June 8
Inland Empire RB Ass'n. Mable L Stingley. 7620 E Baldwin. Spokane. Wash. June 8-9
Northeastern Colo. R6. Sally Chrisp, R2. Sterling Colo. June 9
Soshocton Rabbit Club. Jack Wireman, 5475 Seeman St., S.W., Navarre, Ohio. June 9
Mad River Valley R & CB, Joyce Judy. 10 Central Ave.. Mechanicsburg. Ohio. June 15-16
Lorain Co. RB Ass'n, Mrs. M. J. Honoshafsky, 8904 W Ridge Rd.. Elyria. Ohio. June 22-23
Buckeye Polish RF. Joyce Judy. 10 Central Ave.. I^lechanicsburg, Ohio. June 23
>an Diege Co. Fair. William M Turnquist. Fairgrounds. Del Mar. Calif. June 26-July 7
Alameda Co. Fair. James W Trimingham. P O. Box 579, Pleasanton, Calif. June 30-July 14
West Branch RB Ass'n, Mrs. Donna L Hackenberg. RD 4, Muncy. Pa, July 14
Sonoma Co. Fair & Expo. James F. Lyttle. P, O. Box 1451. Santa Rosa, Calif. July 15-27
Orange Co. Fair, Alfred G. Lutjeans, 88 Fair Dr ,
Costa Mesa, Calif. July 16-21
Ohio Cavy Club, Mrs. Eileen Ghe»t. RR 1. Mt.
Gilead. Ohio July 20-21
Howell Co. Fair. Florence Bauer. Chamber of Commerce Office. West Plains. Mo. July 22-27
Sandusky Valley RB Ass'n, Horace Taylor, 620 Miami St., Tiffin. Ohio July 24-29
Lake County Fair, L A. Nordhausen, P O Box 27. Grayslake, III. July 24-28
Multnomah Co. Fair, Duane Hennessy. PO Box 71. Gresham. Oregon. July 25-Aug 3
Shelby Co. Fair, Judy Calloway. R2, Sidnev, Ohio
July 27-Aug. 1
Jefferson Co. Fair, Glenn L Feistel. 565 Mill St . Watertown, N Y. July 28-Aug 3
Broome Co. RB Ass'n, Ruth Barnes. 300 Tracy Creek Rd.. Vestal. N.Y. July 28-Aug 3
Rock Island Co. Fair. Evelyn Ristau. P.O. Box 267. East Moline. III. July 30-Aug. 3
Scioto Co. Agri. Society, Marion Bess. Jersey Ridge
Jld.. Maysville. Ky. August
Hennepin Co. Agri. Society. Mrs Eileen Roehlke. Rl. Box 146. Rogers. Minn. Auq 1-3
Greater Allentown Fair. Moulton L C. Frantz, 1239'2 Tilghman St., Allentown. Pa. Aug 2-10
Clinton Co. Agri. Society. Donald F Weeks RR 2. Leesburg. Ohio. Aug 5-10
Mower Co. Fair. Box 426, Austin. Minn. Auq 5-11 Mason Co. Fair. Rev. Roy G. Ellis, New Haven. W. Va. Aug. 6-10
Douglas Co. Fair. Bert L Allenby. P.O. Box 759. Roseburg. Oregon Aug 6-10
Washington Co Fair. Betty Shearer. 1455 S E. 21st Ave.. Hillsboro. Oregon Aug 6-10
Winnebago-Forest Rabbit Club. Ted Wengert. 2839 Kinsey St., Rockford. III. Aug 7-11
Ashtabula Co RF Ass'n. Mrs Hazel. Roerdanz. R1. Box 5. Kingsville. Ohio Aug 7-11
Napa Town & Country Fair. Robert P. Manasse. 575 Third St., Napa. Calif. Aug 8-11
State Fair of Wise. Vernon G Wendland. State Fair Park, Milwaukee. Wise. Aug 9-18
Cedar Rapids Small Stock Ass’n. Ethel Becicka. 5000 J St.. S.W.. Cedar Rapids Iowa. Auq 10-11
l.ewanee Co. Fair. W. E Marvin. R2. Box 396. Adrian. Mich. Aug 11-17
Washington Co. RB Ass'n, Ruth Caldwell, RR 2. Box
247. Eighty-Four, Pa Auq 12-17
Clark Co. Fair. Roger C Miller, P O Box 162 Sabina. Ohio Aug 12-17
Southwest Washington Fair, A W Wildhaber, P O Box 831, Chehalis, Wash Aug 13-18
Whiteside Co. RB Ass'n. Mrs. Blanche Short. R2. Box 34, Forreston. III. Aug 14-17
Winn-Forest Rabbit Club. Ted Wengert. 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford. III. Aug 14-18
State Fair of W. Va.. C T Sydenstricker. Box 829. Lewisburg. W. Va. Aug. 16-24
Calumet RB Ass'n, Jackie Lucas. 5928 I Houston Ave.. Portage. Ind. Aug 17-24
Missouri State Fair. W. C Askew. Box 111, Sedalia. Mo. Aug 17-25
Montgomery Co. Fair, Cindy Ray. R1. Box 203. Germantown. Md. Aug 19-24
Freeport Rabbit Club, Helen Dzielak. RFD 4. Freeport. III. Aug 20-24
Lake Co. Agri. Ass'n. Florence E. Belcher. 84 Jonny-
ake Ridge. Painesville. O Aug. 20-25
Kitsap Co. Fair, Lee R Hall, 644 5th St., Bremerton. Wash. Aug 21-25
Ohio State Fair. Hartl W Lucks. 7559 Cherry Brook Dr., Reynoldsburg, O Aug 22-Sep 2
Del Nore County Fair, C W. Glover. P.O Box 26. Crescent City. Calif. Aug 23-25
Paulding RB Ass'n, Dale Boroff. Box 28. Latty. Ohio
Aug 24-29
Colorado State Fair, Marjorie Vaughn. 2416 Rice, Pueblo, Colo. Aug 24-Sep 1
Oregon State Fair. Robert L. Stevens, 2060 Silverton Rd.. N.E., Salem, Oregon Aug 24-Sep 2
Auto City RB A*s'n. Mrs. Angeline Ellis, 21224 Sherman. Southfield. Mich. Aug 24-Sep 2
Erie Rabbit Club, Clifford Ramey, P.O. Box 7073 Weslevville. Pa Aug 26-31
Minnesota State RB Ass'n. Dorren Rau. Rl. St, Cloud. Minn. Auq 29-Sep 2
Stark Co. R & CB Ass'n. Francis P Riffle. 8051 Diamond N.E.. Box 4. Middlebranch. O Aug 30-Sep 3 Saanich Fair. H. E Robinson. Saanich P.O.. B.C., Canada Aug 31-Sep 2
by Sam Gerardi
As the new chairman of the Youth Club, I feel that I have encountered a big job. The Youth must have guidance as they cannot accomplish their goals alone, especially if they are beginners. So I feel that we should have people to act as counselors to help guide them.
All of you adults please remember that these young people are the breeders, the show women and show men, of the future. They are, so to speak, in the minor league for a short period and then should advance to the major league with its stiffer competition.
Caution to the adults: sell or give the youngsters only good stock, not just a so-so rabbit. We should all want a youngster to get a good start with the best stock possible. Unfortunately it appears that some adults don’t care for the youths’ participation, nor do they care to see the youth organization function. They could care less whether the ARBA Youth Division progresses or fails. This is dead wrong. How can the rabbit clubs show progress if we do not develop replacements.
Jealousy and hate are too common in the U.S. nowadays. In the Youth movement in the ARBA, raise our-
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selves above such weaknesses. The welfare of our youth is the responsibility of all. Let’s not shirk our duty.
Neglect has severely hampered the Youth movement in the ARBA for several years and it is high time that we get back on the right track. With your cooperation I pledge to work toward more stature and accomplishments with our Youth Programs. We shall strive to encourage more youngsters to show more and better rabbits. We hope the Pueblo Convention will show a sharp increase in Youth participation.
The committees are working hard to plan excellent programs. Mrs. Hannon has all committees selected and they all are starting right out doing an excellent job. It is my prediction that the Pueblo Convention will be the springboard for the ARBA Youth Program to strut its stuff and that this will be the best Convention Youth Event ever held.
We are desperately in need of good men and women to assist in the Youth Program. We need Youth Counselors to assist the youth in organizing and in guiding them as they progress. We will soon have the Youth Bulletin going.
For now, please put your shoulder to the wheel and help us push.
The Ann Arbor R.B.A, was organized May 1943. In December 1943, regular officers were elected into office: — Floyd Gentner, Pres., Harvey Miller, Vice-Pres., Jessie Weinhardt, Sec’y., and Raymond Wells as Treasurer. There were five Directors elected at this time. The membership totaled 48 including the officers.
The first Rabbit Show was held by this organization Sept. 1-2-3, 1943 at the Washtenaw County Fair Grounds which was an ARBA Sanctioned show. This show was in conjunction with the 4-H club fair and the only non-4-H exhibit on the grounds. An impressive demonstration was staged on the last day of this show with a talk, titled, ‘The possibilities of the rabbit as an industry for 4-H members, parents and interested persons! Our first charter was received from ARBA in 1943. Several shows were held in 1944. The May Show in 1944 at the Washtenaw County Fair Grounds was privileged to have 500 entries. The Ann Arbor News featured a fine article on this show and carried a photo of John
Weinhardt. This picture was again used in 1964, 20 years later. October 1947 the Club held its first all breeds show at the Saline Fair. This year will be the 21st show at the Saline Fair and the 25th year the Club has worked with the 4-H members.
We are willing to help anyone in the rabbit business that desires help.
There are 3 members that we, the present membership, wish to honor. They have stuck it out through thick and thin and helped to resolve many problems. They are still in the Rabbit business and always ready and willing to help when and where ever needed. They are Mr. Raymond Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weinhardt. They deserve all the credit and honor we can bestow. The current membership voted to present to them a fitting plaque for their 25 years of faithful service. (This was, presented to them at the Michigan! State Convention Awards Banquet held March 15, 1968). The Ann Arbor Club sponsored Mrs. Weinhardt for her registrars license which she received April 16, 1946.
Many of the charter members have since moved to different states. Some still reside in Michigan; some still raise rabbits, and some have quit the business. Floyd Gentner is still keeping abreast with the news of the Rabbit World and is very faithful to the ARBA Conventions and all Michigan State Meetings.
Director Dick F. Parker, District 6 reports the Atlanta, Georgia March 30th, ARBA Regional Judges Conference was well received and attended.
This Conference was held in con-, junction with the Atlanta Breeders' Show, at the Fairgrounds. There were twelve ARBA Judges present; Claude H. Bennett, Terre Haute, Indiana, John E. Cosby, Birmingham, Ala., Walter R. Caudell. Charlotte, N. C., Joe H. Godsey, Chattanooga, Tenn., Carl P. Kroboth, Lexington, Ky., Joe R. Nolan, Atlanta, Georgia, Cliff F. Simpkins, Atlanta, Georgia, W. H. Bill Smith, Strawberry Plains, Tenn., Roy A. Tillery, Chattanooga, Tenn., A. E. York, Birmingham, Ala., D. F. Parker, Birmingham, Ala. Judge Robert Byrne was the show judge.
All the attending Judges were supplied with a folder, which contained a copy of the Judges Creed, along with sufficient paper for the Judges to make notes. It required three hours for the following Judges to give their remarks on their particular breed pre-
Page Sixteen
sented. Carl Kroboth, New Zealand White; John E. Cosby, Black Dutch; Cliff Simpkins, Blue Dutch; A. E. York, Californian; Joe R. Nolan, Silver Marten; Cliff F. Simpkins, English; Claude H. Bennett, Satins; Walter R. Caudell, New Zealand Red; W. H. Smith, Flemish.
All Judges stated that they had benefited from the ARBA Regional Judges Conference and hope the ARBA will continue this program. Many points of interest, that could be overlooked, at times, were brought out in the Rabbit Presentations.
Mr. Cliff F. Simpkins and the Show Committee were very helpful in making the conference a success. The Atlanta Club were excellent hosts for the ARBA District #6, Regional Judges Conference.
I 45th ARBA
David Ford
Plans for the 45th ARBA Convention and Show are rapidly meshing into form. The Colorado Convention committee and area breeders are hard at work to make this fall’s ARBA Convention the best on record.
Convention Facilities
The Convention judging facilities are located on the Colorado State Fairgrounds. All rabbits will be judged and caged in a remodeled building which previously housed the State Fair poultry show. The new building will hold more animals than the old rabbit building, which had a 1,200 capacity.
There is plenty of space on the fairgrounds for the overnight parking of
trucks with campers. If you want to stay on the grounds and close to your rabbits throughout the Convention, this is one possibility to consider.
If you desire room accommodations, there are a number of motor hotels and motels for you to choose from. Reservations at the Convention headquarters (Ramada Inn) can be obtained by writing Mrs. Virginia Spencer, Rt. 2, Pueblo, Colorado 81004. Rates are $9.50 per day for singles and $14.00 for doubles. Additional persons staying in a double room will run $2 per individual.
In planning the activities for your enjoyment, the Convention sponsors have added two more committee chairmen. They are Milton Duffy, banquet chairman, and Lloyd Spencer, booth chairman. These men and the other Convention workers are busy planning for your October stay.
When it comes to vacationing—think Colorado and the ARBA Convention! It’s the “Centennial State in ’68.”
For March 1968
New Zealands 185
Californian . 48
Satin ......................... 38
Silver Marten.................... 22
Dutch ... 22
Flemish ......................... 18
Checkered Giant .................. 9
Champagne D’Argent 9
Rex ...................—......... 7
Polish ........................... 6
English .......................... 5
American Chinchilla ... 2
Ben Lee, Gatesville, Texas — local Association promoter and Texas State and ARBA livewire, Lee Ls a master Breeder and Rabbit Show and Convention Master Organizer. Again this year Ben served as general chairman of the Texas State Rabbit Convention-Show. Lee is one of ARBA’s most reliable boosters.
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As of March 29,1988 New Zealand
1. Eugene Henry, Conn. 60
2. Henry Sagarsee, Mich. 58
3. Harold Drudge, Ind. . 53
4. W. H. Smith, Tenn. . 33
5. Carl Persails, Mich. 31
6. G. S. Davis, Iowa 31
7. Frank Westley, Pa. 30
8. Marvin Carley, Vt............ 28
9. Marvin L. Cummings, Fla. 25
10. L. A. Dunlap, Kansas 24
1. Pete Naylor, Kansas .......... 33
2. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 18
3. Roger Fitchorn, 111. . 12
4. W. F. Gilbert, Calif. 6
5. Joe Eve, Tenn..................4
6. R. L. Riding, Fla. ............4
7. Lewis Bowers, 111............ 4
8. John Rod, Mass.................3
9. Robert Berry, Tenn. 2
10. Harry Coles, Mo. . 2
1. Duane Shrader, Nebr. .. 34
2. Hugh J. Betts, Tenn...........31
3. Kyle Cunningham, Ind..........29
4. Harold Reese, I1L ............28
5. Joseph C. Lain, N.C...........20
6. F. Clem Steinhoff, Wise. 17
7. Harold Dickson, 111. 13
8. C. A. Wade, Ark. 11
9. Leland Clark, Calif.......... 10
10. R. C. Schwab, N. Mex..........10
11. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 10
Silver Marten
1. Gary Grimm, Iowa 20
2. O. W. Williams, Wash. 15
3. E. O. Wolff, Texas 6
4. E. W. Storey, La. 5
5. Joe Eve, Tenn................. 3
6. John Buehler, 111. ... 2
7. S. H. Willis, Wash... 2
8. Howard Reese, 111. 2
1. Eugene Henry, Conn.... 61
2. Henry Sargarsee, Mich. 61
3. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 58
4. Harold Drudge, Ind. 55
5. Pete Naylor, Kansas 45
6. Howard Reese. 111. 40
7. W. H. Smith, Tenn. 37
8. Carl Persails, Mich. 35
9. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 34
10. G. S. Davis, Iowa 34
by James Eastman
Anyone contemplating raising rabbits for commercial purposes should obtain the best foundation stock that they can afford. Then by attending rabbit shows and watching the breed of your choice judged, you can learn the good points to look for in order to improve the quality of your stock.
I do not believe that there is an area in -the United States where an outlet for Domestic Rabbit cannot be established if one will put out a clean attractive package. You shouldn’t expect to sell the public anything that you would not use yourself. Get into the habit of eating Domestic Rabbit and then tell the public how good it is. I learned over 40 years ago that Domestic Rabbit Meat is most delicious. For over 25 years I have been dressing and selling rabbits and I have yet to meet the person who will not admit it is as good if not better than any other meat they have eaten.
If you intend to sell fresh-dressed, then the tray pack is most attractive and also more economical The use of cartons for frozen rabbit meat will help prevent the package from breaking open. However, you should place a cellophane liner inside the carton; pack the meat in the cellophane; seal^^r the cellophane tightly—eliminating all air—and then close the carton.
A poor quality rabbit may not dress-out much over 45% of the live weight, whereas a good quality animal from anyone of the popular meat breeds, can dress-out as much as 60% or more.
It is easy to see that this can mean the difference between profit and loss and thus determine whether or not you are to remain in business. It’s simple to understand why you should take such care about starting with good foundation stock.
Those who have been in the rabbit business long enough to remember John Fehr know that there’s not much use in arguing against his suggestions.
John said; “If you have a doe that can produce and raise 10 or more good rabbits, you have a ten teat doe. An eight teat doe cannot raise ten good rabbits. So if you have a ten teat doe, select some of the young does from her litters and thus increase your production per doe.”
I had continued to ignore John’s advice, as perhaps some of you will be inclined to do, until I had such a strong demand for more rabbits and it was impossible to purchase a sufficient supply. When it became real critical and I got desperate for rabbits, I began to ponder what John had said. Finally I tried the method and found out that I could steadily build to a more profitable production.
If you are dressing rabbits that have a white pelt, you can save the skins, dry them on a wire stretcher, and sell them. The pelts of fryer rabbits usually sell by the pound and are used for hatter’s felt. The pelt of an older rabbit, if prime and properly
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THE AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217 Third quarter report January 1,1968 to March 31,1968
Receipts Membership Dues 9,165.02
Combination Dues 256.25
Sanctions 333.00
Badges .. 252.82
Grand Champions 114.00
Charters 2,075.00
Judges Books 21.75
Judges License 1,049.00
Registration Blanks 1,080.50
Supplies 70.04
Transfers 6.00
Standards 299.29
Booklets 1,639.91
Payroll Taxes — Ded. from Emplys. 414.48
Miscellaneous & Advertising 942.56
Pedigree Books 224.78
Registrar’s License 498.75
| Rabbitries 58.00
Specialty Club Charters 57.00
Total Receipts 18,558.15
Secretary Salary . 1,700.01
Office Salaries 1,146.08
Office Supplies & Expense 160.56
Telephone 234.34
Bank Charges 78.42
Accounting 240.00
NSF Checks 92.50
Bldg. Maintenance
& Expense 332.48
Payroll Taxes —
Ded. from Emplys. 414.48
Payroll Taxes —
Assoc. Share 113.63
Refunds 22.75
Registrar & Judges
Exam. Fees 46.25
Postage . ... 707.26
Sales Taxes 8.26
Freight 19.80
Remitted to Treasurer 13,241.33
Total Disbursements 18,558.15
dried on a stretcher, may be sold to a furrier.
Should you be close enough to a college or hospital laboratory that is conducting research work, you may be interested in selling to them. Good lab stock brings a little more than you can get for meat rabbits. Of course, your stock has to be good enough to qualify. Here again, is where stock of good quality background will pay off. The better labs demand a rabbit free of any defects. Just any ole rabbit will not do!
I began my hobby of raising rabbits .about four years ago. I purchased a Jpair of Californians, but they were of inferior quality which happens to many young people starting out in the rabbit business. I then purchased some additional Californians and built up a nice herd. I have won several Best of Breeds with my Californians.
After about two years, I tired of this breed and changed to English Spots and Tans, which I am now devoting my efforts.
During the last year I have won the King contest and come within one point of winning the Youth judging contest at the national convention. I also won second place in the display points in the C division in the ARBA Youth Club.
After attending my first national convention in 1967, I was very disturbed to see the lack of interest in the youth department. Upon seeing
this, I decided at Syracuse Convention to help make the youth show in Pueblo, Colorado a better show.
Cooperation, teamwork and dedication to the task of improving the ARBA Youth Program is our responsibility. If we apply ourselves and set our goal high, we can be a valuable asset to the rabbit fancy and industry.
If you would like to see the youth department advance, you can help in the following ways:
(1) Give specials for the youth department at the national convention,
(2) Aid the youth in your area,
(3) Sell only good stock to youth members.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
A Regional Judges Conference will be held Saturday July 27 in conjunction with the Rabbit Short Course at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia on Friday and Saturday, July 26 and 27. Bill Kennedy, ARBA Director from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, will be in charge of the Judges Conference.
All persons interested in attending the Rabbit Short Course or the Judges Regional Conference, or both, should contact Mr. Roscoe Burtner, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia for information about registering for this course.
Last year we had about 75 people from 10 different states in attendance at this rabbit short course and expect even more this year.
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