ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 5 - Sep/Oct
Collection: 1968 ARBA Bulletins
ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 5 - Sep/Oct
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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8 1/2 inches x 11 inches
American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 5 - Sep/Oct,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed January 17, 2025,
Vol. 3 September-October, 1968 No. 5
Sam Gerardi
I am for anything that is beneficial to the Youth of America or the world. If the means by which the Youth are benefitted includes a rabbit project, so much the better. I am a dedicated rabbit man from the top of my head to the bottom of my boots.
I have some interesting innovations to present to the membership and I hope that all of you reading this will ponder the Youth Division of ARBA and offer suggestions, recommenda-
tions — yes! even criticism, if it is constructive criticism — send your material to me, Sam Gerardi, Chairman ARBA Youth Committee, 300 Walnut St., Warren, Pa., 16365.
I feel the ARBA Board should explore and discuss the Youth, its future, its problems, and of course exactly where the Youth and ARBA can successfully aid one another. Person ally, I feel the entire organizational set-up is as sound as our good old U.S. Mint silver dollar was 25 years ago. I think the changes required are minor.
(Continued on Page 4)
Mrs. Dorothy Newport, Cedar Rapids, Iowa editor of the latest rabbit cookery publication, Bunny Gourmet has been extremely busy with cooking demonstrations throughout the midwest area. Appearances in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Missouri have been on her schedule. Television and radio appearances have been numerous. Mrs. Newport featured rabbit cookery at the Missouri State Fair, Sedalia this year. Preparation of eleven varieties of rabbit dishes were featured daily. Dallas Molen is looking for a handout to tide him over till the next cooking demonstration.
4323 Murray Avenue James Blyth, Secy. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
W. E. (Dill) Molen. Editor PO Box 8, Bronson. Kansas 66716 Pat Krider, Assistant Publicity Chm.
Bert Hickman Tillie Morchead
Joe Lutes Mark Youngs
Ruth Ford Joan Wallace
O. R. (Bud) Chaney Dora O'Hare
Lloyd Shantz Pat Kelley
Wayne Willmann. Pres. James Blyth, Secy
Oren Reynolds. V.-Pres. Ellis Murray, Treas
Fred Applegate J. Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W. E. Molcn
Claude Bennett E. P. Shilliday
W. H. Kennedy Edward Stahl
D. F. Parker
The Resolutions to be acted upon at our coming convention in Pueblo are printed in this Bulletin. Please study them carefully and send your delegate (one from each Local Club) to express your wishes.
Each year, I have tried to shorten the reports that are given at the General Business session at the Convention. Again this year, we shall try. I asked each Director to mail a short report to Mr. Molen to be included in this Bulletin. If they respond, all our members can get the benefit, and our time at the Convention can be used for other matters.
Be sure to send to the Pueblo Committee for your Convention Catalog and entry blanks. Exhibit if you can. If you can’t—then plan to come and enjoy the convention.
Our ARBA Board will review the “Best in Show" experiment: also the trial “Judges’ Conferences” in various Districts. If you are concerned about the future of these two matters, please let me know your feelings.
When I became your President there were 5400 mimeographed bulletins being mailed to our membership. Our last issue in June 1968 was mailed to 6569 active members. I thank all those
who helped to make this possible. Continue to sign up new members, and urge others to renew their membership.
I hope you will also notice the fine improvement made by our YOUTH Department. Mrs. Kay Malott has prepared a very fine report. Let us give her all the cooperation we can. I believe the YOUTH will be very much in evidence at the Pueblo Convention. I hope so.
Mr. Horace Curtis is working on a report from Washington which should help our members understand more clearly what is involved in Air Express and Air Freight. There seems to be confusion in the minds of some folks.
I’ll be looking for you at the coming Convention.
Sincerely, Wayne Willmann
Otto Richter, 66 years of age, Fort Wayne, Indiana, died July 6, 1968, from a heart attack. Mr. Richter was stricken at his home. He was an active rabbit breeder for many years, having joined the ARBA on December 12, 1946 and was a breeder and fancier of white New Zealand rabbits. Otto had attended many ARBA Conventions and was extremely well known and liked by nationwide rabbit raisers. He was a self-employed plasterer and a member of the Zion Lutheran Church, a member of the Operative Plasters and Cement Finishers International Association, Local 595 and an excellent mechanic at his trade. He and the late Dr. Max Andrews worked together on White New Zealands and had some very fine specimens. Mr. Otto Richter was liked by all rabbit breeders and was a work horse of the Fort Wayne Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Many times he hauled and set up coops and worked towards the success of the Fort Wayne RBA shows and projects. In the loss of Mr. Richter we have lost one of our finest members. His continuous membership and activity speak for themselves. To his wife and children and brothers, we extend our most heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement. They have lost an excellent father, husband and brother. And in his passing we too will feel the loss of Otto Richter for many years to come.
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Charles A. O’Dell passed away on July 22, 1968, He was born March 23, 1904 and laid to rest on July 24, 1968 at Llano Cemetery in Amarillo, Texas. He was a member of the ARBA since August 16, 1944; became a licensed registrar January 24, 1946, and a licensed judge April 24, 1949. He was considered one of our best members and a very likeable gentleman. He and his fine wife handled many shows in the area of Amarillo and handled and promoted the 1953 Amarillo ARBA Convention. This is a sad loss to the ARBA and rabbit breeders in the Panhandle area. To his wife and any surviving relatives we extend our most heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement.
Publicity, just one of the facets of public relations, keeps one with his nose to the typewriter and his eyes and ears attuned to pick up all newsworthy items and then promote them for all he is worth. To this principal, have I lent my efforts toward the ARBA and the individual ARBA member and clubs. That I have been mildly successful is evidenced by the ever increasing flow of letters and material which I receive daily, in the mail and by phone, from our members all over the country and globe. I appreciate the cooperation of all members of ARBA that have helped make our Bulletin and our recent Guide Book outstanding publications.
I was too busy to do any campaigning for reelection as director of ARBA. It was my contention that my deeds were more forceful than any words of inducement I may have been able to concoct. I did not have the money available that would have been necessary for advertisements, postage, etc. Certainly, I did not propose to take unfair advantage of anyone by utilizing the pages of our Bulletin to campaign. The deadline for receipt of ARBA ballots by the election committee is now past; hence, I do not feel that I am unduly influencing anyone in their voting privilege.
As regards the candidates for all offices on the ARBA ballot, I did have a preference, and I so voted that preference. I did not attempt to influence any other voter of ARBA and this
even includes my wife, Beverly. In fact, Beverly probably did not vote for my reelection, because she feels that the devotion of over 30 hours a week to ARBA work, on my part, is too demanding on my health and time that should be spent toward our business and family.
I received two letters from individual members, who professed they were writing for clubs and their tone was the same — I will quote from one such letter received from our fine member and judge, C. F. Simpkins. Decatur, Georgia. Quote: “I notice in the Bulletin for July and August in the President’s Message that the President used a big part of his message to do some politicing for himself in that he is the candidate running for that office as a part time leader. “I feel that the Bulletin should not be used by the President for this purpose and that remarks as he made in the interest of himself should not have been carried in the Bulletin under his message.
“This was discussed at our local club meeting last week and those present concur in this.” unquote.
Mr. Simpkins and all other members of ARBA, I wish to state that I, too, feel that the one paragraph on page 2. Presidents Message, July-August. 1968 ARBA Bulletin as pertains to full-time or part-time leadership would best be omitted from the otherwise fine and informative message. As editor of the Bulletin, I have the exclusive duty and obligation to edit and prepare copy received for publication. However, in the instance of the President's Message, all other material for the subject issue was mailed to the printer and as time was short the said Message was mailed direct to the printer and this is how the controversial paragraph made its way to print. I feel articles on this subject can and should rightfully appear in the official ARBA Bulletin but not as part and parcel of a candidates official message, especially in the issue immediately preceding an election. I have enjoyed the task assigned to me after the Pomona Convention. The task of inaugurating an ARBA Bulletin that we could all be proud of and an ARBA Bulletin that would in fact be of valuable service. I feel this has been accomplished, though there is still room for improvement, and we do try. I recall the issues of previous mimeographed Bulletins and how certain officers would try their case in print. Thankfully, we have come a long way.
I call your attention to two fine articles in this issue of the Bulletin. One
Pane Three
such article, A Call For Unity, Charles Wade. Another article, “The Die Is Cast”, Ellis W. Murray.
To finalize on this recent election, I offer an article by Mr. Edward M. Seacord, a long time ARBA member and Booster, Mr. Seacord is the editor of the Rabbit Producers News, Official Publication, Rabbit Producers of Santa Clara Valley, San Jose, California. The following article appeared in the September 1968 issue of this publication:
Quote “Never in our time in the ARBA have we had such a hotly contested campaign by two men for the office of president of the association. The claims, the counterclaims, the allegations and denials have been heavy in our mail; and claims of endorsement, claims of non-endorsement, etc., must have confused many members.
“One candidate claims he will be a full-time president and the other discounts the need for such service. We don’t think our association needs a full time president, but this argument does not seem to sway us either way.
“Guess the best way is to just take your pick, based on such judgment you can make from your own knowledge and the advice of some who may have more information than you.
“It is not a question of “the best man will win”; it is that the ARBA gets the best and most constructive leadership.” unquote.
The ARBA must have constructive leadership: Directors that can direct: Officers that can provide leadership. Roger Fitchom in his article in the July-August Bulletin, said. “Bill, I often get the thought that the American Rabbit Breeders Association is a distant giant. ...”
I think we are bringing the ARBA into its proper perspective and role as the worlds leading rabbit and cavy organization. I am willing to work with one and all to achieve positive results for the American. To me the depths of negative results were evident on all fronts at the 1963 Sedalia ARBA Convention, and thankfully this era has slipped into the past. During the famous stand during World War I. the heroic Belgians in their stand against stated, “They shall not pass.” Let all of us of ARBA reaffirm that these turbulent power grabbing days within the ARBA will not return. In-cidently, if you want to know where I stand with regards to the American and the American Way, ask me at PUEBLO.
The 1969 issue of ARBA Year Book will be mailed to all members of ARBA. The mailing date will be February. 1969, just in time to coincide with the annual Spring influx of new members and breeders. This is the precise time of the year to get your advertising message in the hands of your potential clients.
Secretary James Blyth, 4323 Murrav. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217 will handle all advertising arrangements. If you have not already received an advertising order form, for your ad in the 1969 ARBA Year Book, contact Secretary Blyth at once. Following rates apply to 1969 Year Book advertising:
(Continued from Page 1)
and only a few refinements here and there will perfect the Youth System.
Our Youth Secretary Kay Malott is without a doubt the best qualified person to hold this responsible position. Of course, I have never heard any comments to the contrary but I wish to repeat just how valuable Kay is to the Youth movement. In fact. I am happy that the entire Youth Committee is a collection of doers — not talk ers. C. W. Spence of Texas has teen working with Youth for so many years that each year he actually seems to be getting younger himself. Dorothv Newport is a human dynamo and those of you that feel you put in a full day of work promoting rabbits, try following her around for 24 hours. Evelyn Shaw, another reliable, tried and proven often — never found lack ing. Joe Gognat ambles around his area and interests many, many children in the benefits of rabbit propagation.
The Youth of America can benefit from our ARBA Youth program. We adult leaders can benefit from the Youth. Seems like everyone is the winner and that is the case if we will all keep the thought paramount in front of us — Let’s help the ARBA in all facets including the Youth. The Youth have never let us down yet.
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One-half page ad $32.50
One-fourth page ad $17.59
One-eighth page ad $ 9.00
Registrars & Judges Listing, only $ 4.59
Full Page advertisement $60.00
Inside Cover Pages $75.00
Resolution No. 1
Be it resolved that Article II, Section 1 of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. by-laws be changed by deleting the first three paragraphs and substituting the following;
Section 2. Any member of this Association in good standing may organize a local Association composed of breeders in his or her district for the purpose of building up the industry. Officers of any local Association so organized should consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer (or Secretary-Treasurer) and three or more Directors.
No charter will be granted a local Association having less than five (5) members of this Association in good standing. At least all officers of any local Association must be members of this Association, or must become members of this Association upon or before taking office in the local Association.
No charter will be renewed unless the Association has complied with all of the requirements for obtaining the original charter.
Resolution No. 2
WHEREAS; Article II, Section 2 , paragraph 6 of the By-laws is limiting in
its effect.
WHEREAS: It is also discriminatory, setting out ARBA sanctioning fees only for local clubs.
WHEREAS: Same section and paragraph is referred to in Section 4 of same Article II of By-laws.
WHEREAS: No provisions for ARBA sanctioning and fee and direction of funds so collected are made for State Associations (Section 5) or for County or State Fairs or Agriculture Associations (Section 6).
WHEREAS: Such Article II, Section 2, paragraph 6 thus fails to serve all segments and Charter affiliated groups.
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: That Article II, Section 2, paragraph 6 of the By-laws be stricken in its entirety from said By-laws and the following be inserted as written as Article II. Section 7. Present Sections 7 and 8 thus be renumbered as Sections 8 and
SUBMITTED: Article II. Section 7.
Local Clubs, State and local specialty clubs; State Associations and any County or State Fair, or Agriculture Association may conduct ARBA sanctioned shows by payment of a fee of
$5.00. Such fee shall be remitted to the Secretary of this Association, who shall then issue sanction for the show.
Sanction fees shall be placed in a Convention-Show Fund. This Convention-Show Fund to be used only for (1) cash premium money and/or trophies offered by this Association at Convention Shows (2) for financial inducement, relief and assistance to the sponsoring incorporated club or Association, staging and presenting the Annual ARBA Convention Show.
The division or prorating of ARBA show sanctioning fees, so collected and deposited to and for the ARBA Convention-Show Fund shall be as follows;
(1) $2.00 of said $5.00 fee, to be utilized for cash premium money and/or trophies offered by this Association
(2) $3.00 of said $5.00 fee, to be remitted to the financial relief and assistance of the ARBA club or Association sponsoring said Association Annual Convention-Show. Sponsoring club or Association shall be bound by the Official Convention Rules and up on fulfillment of said rules, including submission of complete financial report to the Secretary, the transfer of accumulated money from the ARBA Convention-Show Fund so designated for this purpose will then be forwarded to sponsoring incorporated group. The responsibilities and exnen-ditures from this accumulated fund shall be under the direct supervision of the Board of Directors.
Resolution No. 3
Whereas the cost of everything from postage, paper, printing and everything in connection with the granting of ARBA sanctions has doubled, tripled and in some cases more since the inception of sanctioned shows in 1946 when the original and presently used fee was established, be it resolved that our by-laws be amended to read $4.00 instead of the present $2.00.
Be it resolved that Article (2) two, Section (2) two last paragraph be changed from $2.00 to read $4.00.
Resolution No. 4
Be it resolved that Article two (2) Section four (4) be changed by adding the words EXCEPT THEY SHALL BE CONFINED WITHIN ONE STATE, after the words be governed by th^ same rules and regulations as local clubs.
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Resolution No. 5
With the change in Section two of our Constitution as accepted by the membership, as to the time the newly elected Officers or Directors would enter upon the discharge of their duties it was not noticed that a change in Section one of our Constitution in regards to the number elected in even and odd years would also be required. Therefore, be it resolved that Article VI, Section one of our Constitution be rewritten in its entirety.
Section 1. The elective officers of this Association shall be, President. Vice President, Treasurer and a Board of Directors, consisting of nine (9) members, who shall be elected for a two year term by and from the membership. The President, Vice-President. Treasurer and Secretary shall serve as ex-officio members of the Board of Directors. In the election of the Board of Directors, five (5) shall be elected on even numbered years and four (4) shall be elected on odd numbered years. Each year the same number shall be elected as those whose terms shall expire.
K. O. Engler, Edgerton, Ohio and Walter Botamer, Elyria, Ohio winners of the top awards at Adrian, Michigan All-Havana Show.
Page Six
Owner Breed Reg. No. Ear No.
Mar Bet Rabbitry ... .... Polish 3880-A RTC4
Mar Bet Rabbitry Polish 3879-A RD1
B. Strathman .... Polish 3878-A R52
H. Reese New Zealand 1044-A H28R
H. Reese Californian 3030-A R5D
H. Reese Californian 939-A GZ126
C. Henry Californian 5681-A DN5
Briarock Farm New Zealand 3859-A E181
L. Label le . . . .Californian 9C00-X B6281
Briarock Farm New Zealand 3211-A VZC
P. Naylor ... Satin 4617-A 618
P. Naylor .... Satin ... 4620-A ROCK
P. Naylor . . .... Satin 4621-A LOU
P. Navlor .... Satin .4622-A Tinv 2
Bunny Grove Satin 3562-A 114
Bunny Grove Satin . . 35 68-A 60L
Bunny Grove . .. Californian . 3569-A 69
Bunny Grove Californian . . 3570-A 116
Bunny Grove Satin 1249-A 117
Bunnv Grove . . ....... Californian . 1250-A U
A. Miller Dutch 4174-A AMGT
D. Shewmaker ... Dutch 1544-X UX
B. Whaley English Spot 5749-A W14
B. Whaley . .English Spot 5747-A W10
G. Zehring . . New Zealand . . . . 8285-A SD2
R. Pearson English Spot 4375-A TX
R. Pearson English Spot 4362-A W3
Wolover Rabbit Ranch .... ... Rex 3875-A W75
H. Watts Dutch 3786-A HJ2
H. Betts .... Californian 1763-A B2154
H. Betts . . . Californian . 3355-A B5252
Almaur Rabbitry C. D'Argent .... 4577-A PE4
Ev Shilliday
At one of the Pennsylvania shows late last fall, a fellow breeder wanted a stud buck shipped to him. At eight o’clock on Tuesday morning, I placed the rabbit on the shipping dock where I work. Railway Express picked up this shipment sometime during the day. When I reached home the next night, Wednesday, my mail contained a letter from this purchaser telling me that the rabbit had arrived in fine shape.
A friend of mine shipped a rabbit from Toledo, Ohio at 10:30 a.m. and at 9:00 p.m. of the same day it was in the hutch of its new owner in Springfield, Illinois.
The complaining about shipping rabbits we hear so much about did not coincide with these two experiences. Eecause of these complaints, I wanted to find out what the general experience was for rabbit shippers on a nation-wide basis. To do this, I prepared a questionnaire to 36 potential rabbit shippers. My mailing list was made up by taking the names of those breeders who advertised in our leading rabbit magazines, particularly Small Stock Magazine, supplemented by other known to be owners of large herds who probably would be selling a lot of stock. These were further evaluated to take in every one of the ARBA Districts to assure complete geographic coverage. Of the 36 questionnaires mailed, 91-2/3% of them were returned. Do you realize what a fantastic cooperation is reflected in that? The IAAP (International Association of Amusement Parks) was elated to get a 33% response to a recent questionnaire and some groups feel that a 10% response is satisfactory. To me, this response of the rabbit breeders proves that they will meet a challenge when it is presented.
Now for just a quick glance at what this may mean to us. My comments are taken in their order as I go down the questionnaire in numeric order.
Some breeders will only sell to customers who will come to the rabbitry, see the animals, and take personal delivery of them. Some will only ship by air express, although most shipped either way. Where it is available, Air Freight seemed the most satisfactory method of shipment, especially for frequent and large shipments. Many of our rabbitries are outside the pick-up or delivery zones hence the high per-
centage not using this part of express service. It was a surprise to me to find that only 48% rated the delivery time as very poor. This means that more than half feel the service is good to satisfactory in spite of more than half feeling that they often have long delays in delivery.
That these 33 questionnaires represent. the experience of the shipment of 9,832 rabbits annually makes me feel this must be a fair cross-section of our national experience. We all know of isolated, poor experiences of shipments but since this reflects the experience of almost ten thousand rabbits it must have some weight. (As far back as the Allentown, Pennsylvania Convention, it took EIGHT DAYS for my rabbits to come back via express to the Cleveland, Ohio terminal. This was an isolated instance, not the general rule of the day).
In the matter of prepayment of express charges, this seems to be the current regulation. As of April 17, 1968 ALL SMALL LIVESTOCK sent by SURFACE RAILWAY EXPRESS MUST BE PREPAID. This includes rabbits, cats, dogs, etc., but would not be true of horses or cows.
If your shipment is by AIR EXPRESS the charges DO NOT HAVE TO BE PREPAID. THEY MAY BE SENT COLLECT, BUT the shipper must guarantee payment of transportation charges if the consignee refused to pay the charges. (One Express Office was left with four dogs on its hands where the consignee wouldn’t pay the charges and the shipper would not pay them, nor for their return. They wouldn’t sell for enough to pay the transportation charges so what could the Express Agent do? It wasn't funny for him.)
This should clarify part of the confusion we have about why some shippers must prepay their shipments of rabbits while others do not. If you ship by surface express you must prepay, if you ship by air and will guarantee payment if the consignee refuses their payment, you can ship collect. This was true according to our Agent in Charge on April 17, 1968, but of course, is always subject to change.
Only a few made shipments to foreign countries but all who did thought the service was good. No one felt that the attitude was any different toward accepting rabbits for shipment than any similar livestock, where the shippers had experience to make a comparison. Where they had the choice of two or more shipping points, some shippers felt that some agents were more willing to accept the rabbits than others. This reflected the atti-
Page Seven
1. Do you ship any rabbits by Railway Express? yes (94%)
2 If the answer to question #1 was YES, please complete the following:
(a) Which service do you use? regular (73%) air (82%)
(b) Just as an estimate, how many rabbits do you ship in a year? Total 9,832
(c) Does Railway Express pick up your shipments of rabbits? No (76%)
(d) Does Railway Express deliver rabbits shipped to you instead of your having to pick them up at the Express office? No (70%)
GENERALLY SPEAKING, from your experience:
(e) Is the delivery time on shipping
rabbits? good ( ) satisfactory
( ) very poor (48%)
(We all know many trains have been taken off schedule so that it cannot be as fast as it used to be, ten or twenty years ago.)
(f) Is the care of rabbits while in
transit: good ( ) satisfactory
( ) very poor (42%)
(g) Do you often have long delays in the delivery time of rabbits? Yes (55%)
(h) Have you been required to prepay all express charges on rabbits? No (79%)
3. Do you make any shipments to foreign countries? No (79%)
4 If the answer to question #3 was YES, please complete the following:
(a) Which type of service do you use? Air (48%)
(b) Do you prefer boat transportation? (None did)
(c) In foreign shipments, the delivery time is: good ( ) satisfactory ( ) very poor ( )
5 My personal feeling is that the atti-
tude of Railway Express toward accepting rabbits for ship is: eager ( )
willing ( ) don’t care either way ( )
prefer not (27%)
6 Do you ship any other kind of livestock by Express? Yes (12%)
7 If you answered #6 YES, is their atti-
tude any different toward accepting rabbits for shipment than it is any other livestock? yes ( ) no (100%)
better ( ) worse ( )
8 Comments: (Here some took time to write as much as two, single spaced, typewritten pages. These will only be sketched in the remainder of the article.)
tudes of individuals, not the express company.
Now for a few excerpts from some of those who responded with comments at the close of the questionnaire:
“We have been shipping only by Air Express, station-to-station, the past year. . . . Most shipments by air will go through in 24 to 48 hours and we have little complaint.”
“I have discontinued my Small Stock ads this past year due to the shipping situation. Most of the business from these had to be shipped. I have advertised in this magazine for 40 years. This is hurting the Magazine also....”
“Delivery time on all shipments is normallv good and the condition of rabbits received, as reported by those writing after receipt is usually satisfactory.”
“In 15 years of shipping rabbits I have had THREE claims only because of death or loss of rabbits and the claims were made and paid with in a 38 day period in each instance.
“REA was sold recently, I believe to Data Computer Corporation. . . . I also understand that REA owned a truck leasing company which was very successful. It would appear that REA was purchased to obtain control of the truck leasing firm. I expect that they couldn’t care less what happened to REA. Thev have closed three large agencies in this area in the past month.”
“Not only have the number of trains been reduced, but the Railroad will not allow Express cars to go with their passenger trains, and the cars are now attached to the freight trains, and carry no messenger who takes care of the animals.” “. . . I think, that a whole lot of the trouble people have in shipping live rabbits is mostly their own fault in not providing proper crates in which to ship, and not providing containers for water and sufficient feed to last the animals. But mainly the type of crates they use.”
“If only one airline is involved, we ship air freight. If more than one airline is utilized in getting the animals to their destination, we ship air express which is more expensive but gives us a responsible carrier in making the changes from one airline to another.”
“. . . I have been informed that Railway Express is undergoing a change of management which might involve a change of policy in the near future.”
This brings to mind some interesting
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conjectures as to what the ARBA can do about improving those areas where it is possible. Current times are in a very rapid period of change. The new costs of doing things are wringing out many services for which we are no longer willing to pay. Everything is costing more and more, day by day and there seems little hope of any violent upheaval of this trend. Maybe we will find that if we are not willing to pay for the goat, we will just have to do without the milk.
This is only a summarization of the opinions expressed by those 33 rabbit breeders who answered the questionnaire. Since these opinions represent breeders who ship nearly 10,000 rabbits annually, they must be accepted as representing many rabbit-miles of transportation.
It seemed many of you might be interested in knowing what the wide-view shipping experience of these people has been recently. It was a little surprising to me to find as good an experience as this survey reflects.
As of July 31,1968
New Zealand
1. Marvin Carley, Vt. 95
2. Carl Persails, Mich. 67
3. Harold Drudge, Ind. 66
4. Walter Voss, Ind. .......... 63
5. Henry Sagarsee, Mich. 61
6. Eugene Henry, Conn. 60
7. W. H. Smith, Tenn. 47
8. Marvin L. Cummings, Fla. 42
9. G. S. Davis, Iowa 39
10. Billy Dodge, 111. 39
1. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 74
2. Kyle Cunningham, Ind. 61
3. Hugh J. Betts, Tenn. 35
4. Harold Reese, 111. 33
5. Joseph C. Lain, N.C. ....... 23
6. F. Clem Steinhoff, Wise. 17
7. Harry Fisher, Mo. 17
8. Lloyd Shantz, Canada 16
9. O. W. Williams, Wash. 16
1. Pete Naylor, Kansas..........133
2. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 28
3. Roger Fitchom, 111. 17
4. W. F. Gilbert, Calif. 15
5. Joe Eve, Tenn. ...............8
6. Kyle Cunningham, Ind. 7
7. R. L. Riding, Fla. 4
8. Lewis Bowers, 111. 4
9. John Rod, Mass. .... 3
10. Darrell Bramhall, Iowa 3
11. Rick Maruschak, Ohio 3
Silver Marten
1. Gary Grimm, Iowa 20
2. O. W. Williams, Wash. 15
3. Ed Toebbe, Ky. 14
4. E. O. Wolff, Texas 7
5. Lewis Bowers, 111. 6
6. E. W. Storey, La. 5
7. S. H. Willis, Wash 4
8. Floyd Beatty, Ohio 4
9. Joe Eve, Tenn. 3
10. Geo. Judy, Ohio 3
1. Pete Naylor, Kansas 152
2. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 101
3. Marvin Carley, Vt. 95
4. Carl Persails, Mich. 88
5. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 86
6. Walter Voss, Ind. ... 75
7. Kyle Cunningham, Ind. 71
8. Harold Drudge, Ind. ... 69
9. Henry Sargarsee, Mich. 68
10. Eugene Henry, Conn. 61
As of July 31,1968 Individuals
1. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif. 47
2. Edward H. Stahl, Mo. 33
3. Melvin Behrens, N.Y. 16
4. Mark Youngs, Wash. 13
5. Gary LaBar, Texas 10
6. F. R. Applegate, 111. 8
7. N. J. McCurdy, N.Y. 7
8. Tommy Andrews, Pa. 6
9. Kenneth Mauney, Mo. 6
1. American Satin R. B. Ass’n. 7
2. Cactus R. B. Ass’n, Ariz. 4
3. American Cavy Breeders 4
4. So. Fla. R. B. Ass’n. 4
5. Long Island R.B. Ass’n, N.Y. 3
6. Badger R.B. Ass’n, Wise. . 3
7. Harvey Co. R.B. Ass’n, Kansas 2
8. Inland Empire R.B. Ass’n, Wash. 2
For July 1968
New Zealand 196
Californian 78
Satins 42
Martens 20
Dutch 19
Flemish 13
Palominos 8
Checkered Giant 8
Rex 7
Champ. D’Argent 6
Angora 5
Am. Chinchilla 5
Lilac 5
Polish 4
English 2
Tans 2
Harliquin 1
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Club Notes
All systems are GO with the Inland Empire RBA. Projects in operation and in formation are numerous and very comprehensive to all facet of the rabbit spectrum. National Domestic Rabbit Week — Youth Club and Activities — Best In Show Award — Support of Calgary Convention Bid. These are just a few of their activities, to report in depth would take the full issue of ARBA Bulletin. Inland Empire RBA is one of ARBA’s outstanding clubs, always promoting and in Becky Stiff and Mark Youngs they have two of the finest publicists. True Boosters.
Washington governor Dan Evans and Spokane mayor David Rogers have Proclaimed Rabbit Week on a statewide and citywide basis. The Inland Empire was one of the Champion Promoter Award winners in 1966, a finalist in 1967, and from the reams of material already submitted — they will be hard to beat in 1968. Becky Stiff with the cooperation and drive of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Haugh have provided the area with an excellent Youth Club. The membership as of this writing is 57 Inland Empire Youth and 14 4-H Youth. Quote “We fully expect over 100 Youth members when our roster is filled and the membership reports are all in. The potential is here, all we need is to make the parents aware of this opportunity in a wholesome activity — that is available for their children. Bill, it may interest you to know that all news media have given me a carte blanche with rry rabbit news.”
There is a very important bit of news, as follows: Washington State House Bill No. 529 provides for the establishment of a Rabbit Experiment Station at Pullman, Washington. Please support this important piece of legislation: contact, Becky Stiff, 18323 E. Mission, Greenacres, Washington 99016.
ARBA member Darrell Veith, Box 12, Amboy, Illinois 61310 writes, “I run a very small rabbltry as a hobby and am steadily building up some good show rabbits (I hope). One thing that bothers me is a new meat law that says rabbits must be government inspected before they can be sold through stores. As the reports I have are varied, I am thus confused as to the exact legal working and implication. Maybe if you mentioned this in the Bulletin someone could supply a factual article to be printed in a subsequent ARBA Bulletin. I am sure there are many more interested rabbit breeders. “Bill, let me congratulate you on an excellent and educational Bulletin, — as one member, let me say I greatly appreciate this service. If I may, I would like to offer my help and service in any way that it would be of benefit toward the Bulletin or for that matter, any other service to ARBA.”
Bluford W. Smith, Rt. 1. Box 246, Arnold, Missouri 63010 able State Agent in the eastern portion of Missouri reports the 5 clubs in his area are all doing a bang-up job. The Youth Program and the Youth Membership is growing by leaps and bounds. Wo have the full assistance of 4-H leaders, local newspapers, radio stations and TV. Bluford stated — “Our membership is high, our hopes even higher for the simple reason we have so many breeders in this part of the state that are willing and seek out qualified councelling on the care of rabbits. The aim of all of us is to secure wise schooling for our senior members so that they can go forth and assist other Youth and adult alike.”
Mr. Fred Shaw, ARBA and SEMO Club member is a prime example of a dedicated and unselfish worker for rabbits in Missouri. The Sikeston newspaper reported the following — “Fred Shaw of Sikeston told Canalou 4-H club members about raising rabbits for a club project. He will furnish a buck and two does for each member wanting to start the rabbit project. Shaw explained the care of rabbits;
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when to sell them, and how to market them. Fourteen members are interested in this project.”
The All-Havana Show was held in Adrian, Michigan June 1. The State Line RBA were the host club and Miss Bernadine Barnes served as show secretary. The official judge R. T. Byrne placed Wilbur Wesche’s junior buck and Ted Jovejoy’s junior doe as best in their respective classes. K. O. Eng-ler, Edgerton, Ohio had Best of Breed with a senior doe and Best Opposite sex went to a senior buck owned by Walter Botamer, Elyria, Ohio.
The rabbit industry in Western Canada is a growing operation. Both the consumer and the producer think of rabbits as a commercial food product. Education and available source material is sadly needed to keep this momentum and to provide a solid foundation. J. Luxen, Olds, Alberta, Canada has recently mailed out a form letter and questionnaire to all known rabbit raisers. Included was an ARBA application blank and the 48 Facts on Rabbits.
George L. Smith is secretary-treas-urer of the New England Show Circuit, one of ARBAs finest groups are seriously considering the submission of a bid for a future ARBA Convention-Show, possibly the 1970 event. It has been 33 long years since the ARBA Convention-Show has teen staged in the great New England area. It was 1935 at New Haven, Connecticut and we certainly hope their Dlans culminate with a bid presented at Pueblo. Mr. Smith can be contacted at Maple Farm, Rt. 1. Box 211, Thomaston, Connecticut 06787.
Ellis W. Murray
We have just concluded another ARBA election. Things have been said that should NOT have been said. Accusations have been made that should NEVER have been made. Now that the election has been finalized, it seems to me that we should all devote our time to making the ARBA a better organization for all of us. After all its still an association that BELONGS to all the members this includes the losers and the winners.
Two Californian does owned by Ray and Gertie Vessey, Maple Valley, Washington. Both Best In Show winners — January, 378 rabbits at Spokane show, judge Dan Law; April, 290 rabbits at Eugene show, judge Fritz Klaus; they also had Best in Show June, Spokane show with 478 rabbits entered and Cyril Lowit judging. AH were different animals — quite a 6 month record. Congratulations.
Lloyd Shantz
The demand for breeding stock is tremendous. One of the big reasons for the increased demand is because a few agriculture ventures are proving not so profitable and because of an old philosophy (certainly a philosophy that is unsound) that seems to again be rearing its head — that anyone purchasing a pair of rabbits will in a few months have the place over run with rabbits.
I feel sorry for the many people who harbor such false impressions. Many people are eyeing the rabbit business as the open road to big profit, huge profits in fact, and little or no expense or labor involved. How unfortunate that the get-rich-quick idea rears its enticing head ever so often, only to have the head of the sucker lopped off. The rumor goes its merry way. Of course, it is helped by the half-truth advertising by a few rabbit and small animal vultures.
Many people seem to get the urge
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overnight and want to buy a few bred does at once. Little do they realize the shortage of good breeding stock. Of course, very few people indeed know what to look for or how to gather but the facts as to just what constitutes a good rabbit. Thus many are being caught off guard when the urge hits them and they hurry off to dealers in rabbits and just pick up quickly any rabbit available regardless of quality. Others take the bait in the ads and send their good and hard earned money off to a rabbit huckster. To such folks, I can only predict they will experience disappointment and many will suffer substantial property and monetary loss.
As to the future of the rabbit industry, I can foresee no great problems for the PURE BRED breeder who keeps current and ample records of his animals. Several people I have talked with recently, are coming around to the fact there is a difference in rabbits. They are learning the hard way the difference between quality breeding stock of PURE BRED rabbits and the CULLS. Many have, in haste, purchased culls and are now ready to clean out what they have and secure good quality PURE BRED breeding stock. As to the breeders clubs here in Ontario, some are experiencing some difficulties in holding their membership together because the markets for fryers is in such a high state of demand — they can sell all they produce without belonging to a club — even though the membership fee is very nominal and the club was partly responsible for the market.
Our show season has opened up again and some very fine specimens are being entered. I believe the show room is an excellent place for breeders to learn the difference in stock. For it is at the show, one can see and compare rabbits of many breeders on the show table.
Personally, I am extremely pleased to learn that the Board of Directors of ARBA has approved the granting of a Charter to the Ontario Provincial Council of Rabbit Clubs. Additionally, to all I have spoken to regarding this step forward are very pleased and are looking forward to favorable results and experiences in producing and consequently registering more good quality PURE BRED rabbits that adhere to the Standard.
At our recent rabbit club meeting we discussed the pros and cons of holding a "Sale of the Stars” at the conclusion of our fall show in September. At this time, to offer the buying public some of the very best breeding stock available from our members.
After some discussion, a motion was passed that the Kitchner-Waterloo Rabbit Breeders Club hold such a sale at the conclusion of the judging session this fall. Since I have been en gaged in the managing of Holstein Friesian cattle sales and of preparing catalogues for them, I was appointed up the rules to govern the selection sales manager with the power to set and sale of these rabbits.
This I agreed to do and here they are:
Rules and Standards Kitchner-Waterloo RBA Sale of Stars
1. The entry of any rabbit accepted for this sale must be accompanied by a four (4) generation pedi gree. Also an entry fee of 50<* per head which fee must be mailed to the Sale Manager no less than 2 weeks prior to the sale. A auota of rabbits to be accepted will be set by the Sale Manager.
2. Every rabbit entered in the sale must be exhibited in its respcc tive class at the show being held the date of the sale. Any rabbit not shown on this date will not be offered for sale and the consignor will forfeit his deposit.
3. A 10% sales commission will be deducted in order to defray expenses of the sale. The 50<f entry fee will be deducted from the commission fee charged. Any net profit derived by commissions from the sale to be a donation to the Ontario Provincial Council of Rabbit Clubs.
4. Pedigree announcements will be made on each animal as to pedigree, seals, results of winnings at previous shows and the immediate show — and the rabbit must be sold to the highest bidder without reserve bid or buy bidding.
5. Any seller of a rabbit offered in the sale, refusing to transfer any rabbits sold to the highest bidder will forfeit their privileges of en tering rabbits in any future sales. Any person having rabbits in this sale shall be obligated to present them to the sales organization in accordance with sale order, purchaser assumes risk at time of sale.
See you at the Convention
October 7-10, 1968
Need a catalog? Write: Dean Benker, RR 1, Box 222, Longmont, CO. 80501
Pn/i/i 7*
TOTALS------1967-68 Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1968-TOTALS
Total Inquiry 1057 Members Total Debit Receipts
Inquiries Receipts $5.00 Each Receipts Advertising Over Expenses
22,192 $5,035.42 $5,295.00 $10,330.42 $6,752.42 $3,578.42
PLUS 184 Orders for Breeder and Show Room Supplies
It will no doubt be of interest to our members to find that since the National Advertising Program was started in 1948 many thousand of dollars have been spent for advertising in an effort to create new members and breeders of rabbits and to date 400,000 of the Beginners booklets have been sent to those who answered our advertisements.
There are four magazines who have received in excess of 510,000.00 each in the 20 years the advertising program has been in operation, totals are approximately 110,440.00, 110,800.00, $11,120.00 and $20,400.00. An advertising investment that has paid off in a big way.
During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968 the membership drive produced a total of 669 new members totaling $3,345.00. The results and the names of the individuals and clubs participating appear in each issue of this bulletin. We wish to have all possible to take part in this drive. Note "THE CHIPS ARE DOWN” on Page 23 with all the details.
Commercial production of rabbits is becoming increasingly popular in West Germany as demand for this meat outstrips domestic supplies. With the growing interest in rabbit breeding and feeding, feed producers in this country, like those in Italy, are putting out larger quantities of specially mixed feeds comprised of feedgrains and dehydrated alfalfa.
At one time, rabbit was considered the meat of poor people. Statistics show that consumption of rabbit meat increased tremendously during the two World Wars, as well as during periods of economic depression. Since 1960, however, this image of rabbit meat has changed considerably. The lean white meat of young rabbits is now looked upon as a delicacy in many countries with high living standards, including West Germany, France, and Switzerland. Rabbit meat replaces some of the demand for veal, which is expensive.
Estimates show that West Germany today produces approximately 15,000 to 20,000 tons of rabbit meat valued at $25 million to $30 million. Demand is larger than the supply, resulting in imports of $10 million worth annually. These come from Poland, Hungary, Romania, and other East European countries and from Denmark and the United States.
Still small-farm business
Most of the rabbit meat produced in West Germany still comes from small
farms and from noncommercial producers who breed rabbits as a hobby. In some parts of the country, however, commercial farms producing 5,-000 to 10,000 rabbits for meat have already been established. In addition, many farmers — especially those engaged in unprofitable dairy production, are becoming interested in rabbit raising as a new or additional source of income.
The growing interest in rabbit raising can be expected to continue. Farmers who wish to pursue this new field can now receive technical assistance, training courses, and performance-rat ing systems from a number of commercial rabbit producer associations. At Hanover, the most progressive of these associations has started an animal health program conducted by a government veterinarian. The associations are supported by the government to help farm income.
Feed producers are also benefiting from the interest in rabbits. Within the last 4 years, production of complete rabbit feed has increased from 8,000 to 34,000 metric tons. Two types of formulated feeds are now being produced, a breeder feed consisting chiefly of dehydrated alfalfa (22-45 percent), soybean meal, and oats and a fattening ration of corn (10-40 percent), oats (15-20 percent), barley (5-10 percent), and dehydrated alfalfa or grass meal (10-15 percent).
Rabbit producers and feed manufacturers both feel strongly that the profitability of rabbit meat production could be enhanced by use of a ration containing more energy ingredients.
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In line with this proposition, the Federal Research Institute for Small Animals, in cooperation with the U.S. Feed Grains Council, plans to develop and test rations containing high-energy feed-grains, especially com and milo. Several problems remain
The quest for better rations is not all that occupies the minds of Germans interested in turning rabbit production into a thriving business. A number of problems in breeding and keeping the rabbits will have to be solved before a more rapid increase in production can be expected.
Germany still lacks good breeding stock. New Zealand Whites imported from the United States have proved an excellent breed for meat production, but so far imports have been quite small.
The breeding goal of German rabbit producers is:
• Meat rabbits should be ready for slaughter at an age of 10 to 12 weeks and a live weight of 5 to 6 pounds.
• Approximately 30 to 35 rabbits should be raised per doe each year.
• The feed conversion ratio should be below 1:3 (3 lb. of feed to produce 1 lb. of meat).
• Meat produced should be tender and white, and the carcass should contain a high portion of popular cuts.
Some of these goals, particularly those of feed conversion and carcass specifications, " have already been achieved in commercial rabbitries. The number of litters and the number of rabbits raised per doe are still unsatisfactory. Since a minimum of 25 rabbits slaughtered per doe each year is necessary for profitable production, fertility improvement has become the major concern of German rabbit-meat producers.
Another impediment to more rapid expansion of rabbit production is the current high rate of mortality. Most losses of young rabbits result from pneumonia, snuffles, and scours. Pneumonia and snuffles, caused by the bacteria pastuerella, are quite difficult and expensive to combat. Nonetheless, some progressive producers have reduced losses to a large extent through humidity and temperature control and the use of cages with wire floors. Another disease, coccidiosis, has been controlled on commercial farms.
—Klaus Werner U.S. Feed Grains Council, Hamburg
An ARBA Memorial Convention
Dedicated to Esteemed Charles O’Dell
As noted elsewhere in the Bulletin, death has removed one of ARBA’s staunchest supporters and boosters. Judge Charles O’Dell has departed this transitory life and has left the world and rabbit circles in a better condition than he found them. We are greatly indebted to Charles O’Dell. Always, he was willing to pitch in and shoulder more than his share of the load. Who among us can ever forget the memorable Amarillo ARBA Convention-Show of 1953? How much stronger is the rabbit fancy in the Texas-New Mexico area because of the foresight of Charles O’Dell, first president of the West Texas-New Mexico Rabbit Breeders Show Circuit Association?
As recent as 2 months ago, we were in contact with Charles O’Dell making final arrangements for him to judge in the Kansas City area. Judge O’Dell was as enthusiastic as a young new breeder and we talked at great length about the winds that were blowing bits of information about ARBA Conventions for future years. We mentioned many areas of the country and in this discussion, I mentioned the fact that I had written Mr. Ross Schwab, secretary of the West Texas-New Mexico Rabbit Show Circuit and had informed him of the excellent opportunity to possibly stage a Convention in Albu-queroue. Charles O’Dell, told me to, by all means, pass along the word to Ross Schwab that the time was long overdue for a convention in their beautiful part of the country and by all means, tell Ross Schwab — “You can count on help from Charles O’Dell and others in the Amarillo area.’
We certainly do not have to tell the people of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and California — those who knew Charles O’Dell on a closer and more intimate basis of his value to all of ARBA. The article on page 21. of the recently issued ARBA Guide Book, What The National Convention and Show Means To The ARBA and Its Members was authored by Charles O’Dell. In closing his article, Mr. O’Dell said, “We enjoyed holding the Convention (Amarillo) and were pleased that about 1,000 people, the nicest in the world, were our guest. If you have the physical facilities and get a good working group from your club, do yourself and the ARBA a favor, hold a National Convention and Show. You
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and they will always be glad you did.”
For the information of those concerned or who may become concerned or involved, Mr. E. E. (Gene) Strahan, Director, Convention Department, Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, 400 Elm N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 has certainly emphasized the great importance with which Albuquerque and the State of New Mexico holds rabbit breeders and their ARBA Convention-Show. Mr. Strahan, has forwarded a letter to me under date of March 21. 1968 in which he has secured the full facilities of the building, coops and other necessary facilities, except labor for feeding and Janitor services, at the New Mexico State Fairgrounds. The cost for these facilities? — $150.00.
It was the pleasure of the Molen family, Bill. Beverly, Dana, Darla, Peggy and Dallas to sit next to and across the table from the O’Dells at the 1960 Fort Worth Convention banquet. Our family is no exception, like all in the rabbit family of ARBA, we, too, have placed the O’Dells in a special niche reserved for memories of special and fine folks. We hope it is possible for a dedicated convention to the memory of Judge and gentleman Charles O’Dell and of our continued love and respect to his widow, Mrs. Charles O’Dell, a dedicated worker herself and devoted wife.
Charles A. Wade
In this year of 1968, we are approaching another ARBA election, in which there has been much bitterness, and for which, as this is being written, a ballot has not yet been received, although expected in a day or so. When my ballot is received, it will be marked promptly and returned to the election committee. Naturally, I am hopeful that those for whom I voted are elected to office, but, if they are not, I shall not feel that I have been given a license to unjustly criticize and cast aspersions upon the character of those whom the majority favored. In fact, I will feel that, as we are a democratic body, a mandate for cooperation with the successful candidates has been delivered. At this point
and this will be in the hands of the publisher before the election results are known — it can not be intimated that my thoughts are slanted toward any one individual or group of individuals. It is my intention to cooperate
with all duly elected officers, and call upon all ARBA members to do likewise.
It is not implied that each of us will agree with every proposal made by each officer and director. Something would be amiss if such were the case. But there is an orderly process for voicing disapproval and attempting to right what we consider wrong without engaging in personalities or abusive language. As with our national, state and local governments, our ARBA officers, as elected officials, are sensitive to the will of the electorate, appreciate words of advice, approval or commendation, are willing to consider all objections, and to act in a manner which will please the largest number. They are ever conscious of the ballot and its effect on their tenure in office. It costs only a 6^ stamp to let them know your feelings, but they cannot read vour mind by mental telepathy over hundreds of miles, and if you don't express your opinions they can be guided only bv their own consciences and the wishes of those from whom they have heard.
The basic guide for the ARBA is its constitution and by-laws, which may be amended only by and with the consent of the membership. Any proposed change is publicized well in advance of submission, and all members should be informed as to the effect of such change, and then actively either support or work against the change — without rancor. Each ARBA member and each chartered ARBA club has a vote at the conventions and a right to be heard, pro or con, on any valid resolution presented, and should exercise this franchise. In so doing, a far greater influence for good on the welfare of ARBA will be exerted than could he done by backbiting and petty bickering. Continuous squabbles can only result in harm. It might be noted, too, that there are many rabbit breeders who are not ARBA members, who could be enlisted by a harmonious program, but who wili remain on the sidelines so long as disruption appears to be the order of the day, and who are presently viewing our organization as one more interested in partisanship than progress.
From this point forward, let’s proceed with unity, attacking our problems with vigor, but not each other, being ever mindful of the old saying, which is ever new, that, “United we stand, divided we fall.”
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Kansas State Fair. Wallace M White, Fairgrounds, Hutchinson. Kan Sept. 14-19
Western Wash, Fair. John FI McMurray. P O.B, 189, Puyallup, Wash. 98371 Sept. 14-22
Mass Fed of R & C Clubs, Charlotte Keith, 574 Prospect St.. W. Boylston. Mass. Sept. 15
SE M O Rabbit Breeders. Mrs Ruby Gray. Sikeston, Mo. Sept. 15
Tri State R&CBA Mrs D Walker, 516 Shenango Rd . Beaver Falls. Pa. Sept. 15
Iowa State Ck Gt R. Ass'n. Robert F. Wallace. Sr.. State School. Glenwood. Iowa Sept. 15
Chemung Valley RBA. Mrs. Geo. Morehead. P O.B. 161 Maine, N Y. Sept. 15
Ashland Co Agril. Soc , Paul Rumbaugh. Fairgrounds. Ashland. Ohio Sept. 16-21
Tulare Co. Fair. A C Slinde, 211 East Alpine. Tulare. Calif. Seot. 17-22
Wayne Co. Fair Ass'n, Cyrus Crum. P.O Box 127. Wayne. W Va. Sept. 19-21
Wisconsin State RBA. Fidelis Steinhoff. P O Box 5. Kansasville. Wise Sept. 20-22
Richmond RBA. Margaret S. York, Rt. 14. Box 129-A.
Richmond, Va. Sept. 20-29
Fort Wayne RBA, Robert J. Gebhart. 2105 Covington Road. Fort Wayne. Ind. Sept. 21-22
Cal-Bra-Hi 11 Rabbit Club. Dean Daglow. 213 E. Leigh St., Flomer, Mich. Sept. 22-28
Washington Co. RBA, Ruth Caldwell. RD 2, Box 247,
Eighty-Four, Pa Sept. 22
Eastern Dutch R F. Club. Mrs. May Hill. 2006 Jackson Ave.. Wilmington. Del. Sept. 22
Ark-Okla Livestock Expo, John L Ulmer. 613 Garrison. Fort Smith, Ark. Sept. 23-28
Panhandle South Plains Fair. Jerry B. Fletcher. P O Box 208. Lubbock. Texas Sept. 23-28
Central Washington Fair. J Hugh King, P O Box
1381, Yakima, Wash. Sept. 25-29
Eastern N. Mex State Fair. Mrs. W. D. Mobley. R 1. Box 223. Roswell, N. Mex. Sept. 25-29
Decatur. RBA. G. S. Loudermilk, R 1, Box 267 AA. Alpharetta. Ga. Sept. 27-28
Fox River Valley R&CRA Sharon Ausloos R 6. Townhall Rd.. Green Bay, Wise. Sept. 28
Finger Lakes RBA. Mrs. Joyce Smith, P.O Box 15. Waterloo. N.Y. Sept. 28-29
Sanduskv Valley RBA. Horace Taylor, 620 Miami St..
Tiffin, Ohio Sept. 28-29
Conn RBA Jessica V Moran. 257 Fenn Road. Cheshire. Conn. Sept. 29
Heart O'Texas Fair. Leon B Dollens. Jr., P.O. Box 7581, Waco. Texas Oct. 1-6
Arkansas Livestock Show Ass'n, Vernon Magness, P. O. Box 907, Little Rock, Ark. Oct. 1-6
Coshocton Co. RBA. Willard Miller, 6642 Woodland Hills. Navarre. Ohio Oct. 2-5
Ventura Co. RBA. Elmer Paquette. 334 Acacia Rd.. Santa Paula. Calif. Oct. 2-6
Fresno District Fair, Alan L Milnes. 1121 Chance Ave., Fresno, Calif. Oct. 3-13
Oreon Poultry & Pet Stock Show. Glenn R Wilhelm-son, 103 Illinois St., Newberg. Ore. Oct. 4-12
Tri State R&CBA Milled E. Beatty. RD 1 Apples Corners, E. Liverpool. O. Oct. 6
Gulf Coast Rabbit Club, Mrs Louise Haydel, R 1. Box R17A, Beaumont, Texas Oct. 12-13
Southwest La. RBA. Cynthia Boroughs. R 2. Box 1595. Westlake. La. Oct. 12-13
Pensacola Interstate Fair, John E Frenkel. Sr., P.O Box 255. Pensacola, Fla. Oct. 14-20
Greater Jacksonville Fair. Mrs. Ruth R. Ferrara, 1501 Haines St.. P.O. Box 2545. Jacksonville, Fla. Oct. 16-26 Auto City RBA. Angeline Ellis. 21224 Sherman. South-field. Mich. Oct. 19
Mohawk RBA. Charlotte Keith, 574 Prospect St.. West Boylston. Mass. Oct. 20
Central Arizona RBA. Lois N. Bloom, 2348 E. Delgado
St., Phoenix, Ariz. Oct. 20
Illinois Ck. Gt. Rabbit Club. Bruce Johnson. 13112 Perkins Rd., Woodstock, III. Oct. 20
Lancaster Co. RBA, Martin Harnish, Jr.. 302 W Fourth St., Ouarrysville, Pa. Oct. 20
Central Iowa RFA, Keith DeWitt, Gladbrook. Iowa
Oct. 20
Huntington RBA, Ida D Humbert, 715 Leopold St., Huntington, Ind. Oct. 20
Central Wisc. RBA, Charles Riley, 416 Nash Rd.. Wis consin Rapids. Wisc dct. 20
Tuscarawas Co RBA. Patricia Green. R 4. New Philadelphia, Ohio oct_ jig
Iowa Silver Marten Club. Libbie Bares. 315 Wilson Ave . S.W , Cedar Rapids. Iowa Oct. 20
Mo, row RBA. Eileen E Ghent, R 1, Mt. Gilead. Ohio
Oct. 22
Centerville RBA, Dean Daglow, 213 E. Leigh St.. Homer. Mich. Oct. 26
So Central Mo RBA. Mrs Elmer Nocks. R 2. Box 206. Pomona, Mo. Oct. 26-27
Ontario Provincial Co of Rabbit Clubs. Mrs B. A Harris. RR 1, St. Jacobs. Ont.. Canada Oct. 26
Three Corners Rabbit Club. Mrs. Irma Ernst. 301 E 1st.. Hoisington, Kan. Oct. 26-27
Wes Texas RBA. Tom Whiteaker. Box 685, Buffalo Gap. Texas Oct. 27
Delaware Co RBA. Ralph L Hertle, Box 336. Gaston. Ind. Oct. 27
Delaware State RBA. Mrs. John J Klekotka, 2300 Foulk Road. Wilmington, Del. Oct. 27
Will Co. RBA. Mrs. Norma Hart. 345 Gordon Ave . Coal City. III. Oct. 27
New Englans R & C Show Circ , George L. Smith. Maple Farm. Rt. 1. Box 211, Thomaston. Conn. Oct. 27
I wish to take this opportunity to announce my retirement from Judging. Thought, perhaps, a public announcement such as this might cut down unnecessary correspondence and everyone interested will be informed.
I came to this conclusion, after judging my favorite Breed at the All Flemish Giants entered and after completing my portion of the judging, I was one tired and exhausted man! After all, I’m now 76 years of age and think it is time for me to shed the responsibility that always goes along with judging a complete show. We had a wonderful show and free, noon-lunch served by members of the Ohio Flem ish Giant Breeders.
I received my Judge’s License in 1925 and have judged in 39 states. It is with regret that I am making this announcement as I have always enjoyed judging. One thing that al ways pleases me, is that in all of my 43 years of judging, I have never had a protest. No doubt, there were times when some Breeders might have felt like it but, at least, they never went through with it.
There are no better people than rabbit breeders and we shall be for ever grateful for all the contacts vve have made in our travels: however, my wife and I never lose sight of the fact without God’s help none of the above could have been accomplished.
We hope to exhibit and attend a few rabbit shows but on the other side-of-the-table enjoying the associations, instead of working! And to Young Judges, I’d like to remind them to always be Honest and Sincere in judging the rabbit and favor no one-Judge the rabbits as you see them.
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A gathering of true pioneers at the 1928 Tampa, Florida. Thats 40 long years ago, can you identify any of these stalwarts? Presidents, vice-president, secretary, directors of days of yore are pictured, maybe even some of our leaders may be in the photo.
C. W. Spence
Why hasn’t the ARBA Youth Club program grown more? In the July-August Bulletin is an article which I will have to disagree with, and its very .seldom I will disagree with anyone who will work with the Youth, whether it te rabbit club youth or any other club.
I cannot agree that the Youth Club of the ARBA hasn't grown because the youth cannot show with the adult members. The youth want to be youth and they want to show against breeders of their own age instead of against breeders who have been breeding and showing rabbits for upward to 40 years. However, if a youth wishes to show against adult members, he has the right according to the show rules pertinent, but as a youth club member, he can show against breeders with his own experience and age. If he or she raise their own rabbits, they will get a very big thrill by winning over rabbits exhibited by youth of similar age and experience. I have seen some youth shows where an adult breeder would have had to have his rabbits in the best of condition to win.
As for adult clubs obtaining sanctions for youth club shows, it is so very simple and inexpensive, it is hardly worth mentioning. I personally
have sanctioned youth club shows for the last 6 years and it only cost me $1.50 per show. Maybe the reason the youth don’t respond in Mr. Curtis’s area is because the adults aren’t interested enough in youth to sanction a youth show and hire a judge for them.
Any time we here in Texas put on a show we hire 2 judges, one for the youth and one for the adults or we hire a judge for a two day show, the youth one day and the adults the next day.
The ARBA Youth Club is one of the best organized clubs that I have ever come in contact with and they have some of the best youth leaders that it is possible to assemble, with the cooperation of the adults then the youth club of the ARBA would grow by leaps and bounds.
My suggestions for the youth club program of the ARBA. Get more adults interested, really zealous for the youth of the ARBA. Talk youth clubs and think youth clubs, work with the youth in their own communities. The youth club will grow.
The ARBA Youth Club has a sweep stake system and they give some really beautiful trophies to the winners, according to the number of shows in which the youth has participated. They also have a membership contest each year and give trophies to winners. At each ARBA Convention
Page Seventeen
they have their own show and elect a Queen and King, which in itself is one of the greatest honors a youth club member can obtain.
I sincerely believe that unless we think of the youth within their own group, we will go down hill. Let the youth work for the youth rather than for the adult.
Here I think Mr. Curtis is right, for we should handle the adult shows and let the youth handle their own shows. The youth work hard and they should be given recognition for their accomplishments. Too many adults want to think for and govern everything that the youth do. I believe that until the youth are given the opportunity to do for themselves, they will not grow. We must support them in every way possible if they seek our advice and recommendations.
Where we make a big mistake is advising when our advice is not actually needed or sought. Let the youth grow within themselves — then they will grow as a club. Let us get out and support the youth in our own areas and quit trying to find out what is wrong with what is being done and we will see a great improvement in the ARBA Youth Club.
Ed Stahl
ARKANSAS: By Charles A. Wade
Presently, there are 4 ARBA chartered clubs within the state plus 2 clubs which have not been chartered, although the advantages on being chartered has been pointed out to both clubs. During the past 12 months, shows have been held in connection with the state livestock exposition, two district livestock expositions, and one county fair. In addition, there have been 4 shows sponsored by local clubs, a total of 9 shows, entries and attendance have been up slightly. Best Rabbit in Show Award has been made, creating much interest among the breeders present.
There has been no judge’s conference in this state as yet, although one is planned in connection with the Arkansas Livestock show in November, at which Judge Dick F. Parker will preside.
Commercial fryer production seems to be on the increase. Pelphry who is probably one of the countries largest processors, is located in the northwest corner of the state.
Have participated in several educational programs with clubs, at which
the ARBA, its purpose, advantages, etc., was the main topic.
LOUISIANA: By E. W. (Ed) Storey
Here in Louisiana, we have chartered two new clubs during the year. This brings to three, the number of ARBA chartered clubs in the state. On the third weekend on May, the Southwest Louisiana RBC held a two day show that was well attended with a very good entry, another show is being planned for October to be held in conjunction with the Cameron-Cali-casieu Fair. Attendance and entries have increased here in the last two years.
The Pelican State club has started its own publication. The Pel-State News under the editorship of B. B. (Doug) Noble, and our sister clubs are invited to contribute their news and editorials.
Last fall at the S. W. club show, I had the honor to judge the Youth show. It was well attended with about 125 entries and some excellent stock that would have been serious competition in the open classes.
MISSOURI: By Edward B. Lawson
The Missouri State Rabbit Producers Association has (11) affiliated clubs which includes all clubs in the state making us 1009^ affiliation and we have a membership of 264. Our ARBA membership has increased at least 50%. We are also putting out a News Letter getting more Rabbit Breeders more acquainted with each other.
I attended all the Spring Shows and find the entries are much larger this year, better rabbits are being shown by a lot of new breeders all over the state. At the five shows where BEST OF SHOW was placed, the winning breeds were, a New Zealand Red, Californian, Black Dutch, and a American Chinchilla twice. The Judges Conference at Lowry City, created a lot of interest not only in Missouri, but in several of the surrounding states.
The Picnic held during National Rabbit Week was carried on T.V. and Radio Stations.
By Cecil N. Green
The Missouri State Club was one of the first if not the first in the country to pick best in show, was the first to hold a regional judges conference. This speaks well for the clubs and breeders of Missouri, as to local clubs several have been added in the past year there are now 11.
We do not have much activities among the youth in Missouri except in the Springfield area. The young peo-
Page Eighteen
pie that are really interested in rabbits would rather exhibit in the open classes, a lot of them do this.
The years outstanding event is of course, the rabbit show held in connection with the state fair at Sadelia, in August. The July 28, 1968 edition of the Kansas City Star said “The rabbit show will be only one of several sections beckoning for the interest of the thousands who visit this fair.
ED. H. STAHL Director
Al Roerdanz
It took 13,963 points to win the 1967 National Satin annual sweepstake series ... winner Bill Valcore.
The twelve angry men, our A.S.R.-B.A. officers and directors, are disturbed because Satins are not first in everything. It should be noted that this club is leading all clubs in getting members for the A.R.B.A. It is the leading breed in number of entries at many of the shows all across the country. The increases and gains recorded by this club definitely makes it the most progressive specialty club in America. The success story of the Siamese Satin has never been equaled by any new variety. The Satin’s ninth variety was developed by a long time Satin fancier and A.R.B.A, judge, Wes Dixon.
Type is very important in all breeds. In Satins you find an excellent commercial in all varieties in the popular medium weight classifications. Production, fryer size and dress-out compares favorably with the older domestic and foreign commercial breeds.
The Satin is the number one fur breed. It has a sheen that won’t quit. The Satin fur standard stresses the factors necessary for a good commercial pelt. The Satin fur class has been so popular and the entries so large, we are grateful the club had the foresite to set up two official classes: a White Satin Fur class and the colored Satin fur class.
The most dazzling breed on the scene is the Satin. The breed with nine standard varieties. The brilliance and richness of the colors lends added interest and appeal to this versatile all-purpose breed.
Our affiliates, the state and area Satin Specialty Clubs have contributed measurably to the improvement and promotion of our breed.
The President of the A.S.R.B.A., Pete Naylor, is serving his second two year term of office. Pete is one of the
country’s most skillful and successful rabbit breeders and showmen.
The heart of a specialty club is the secretary, and this club is fortunate to have a man like Roger Fitchorn. Because of his experience and willingness to give so much of his spare time to the duties of this office he has earned the praise for punctuality and efficiency from Convention officials, officers of the A.R.B.A, and our entire membership. This cool operator has held this post since 1959.
I am proud to be a life member in this outstanding club which sponsors our truly American breed. I have been a member of the executive Board since 1954 during which time I had the pleasure of working with some of the most devoted people in the fancy serving on various committees.
Personal achievements include producing the Blue Satin which fit the standard adopted in 1955: producing the first grand champion in the Blue Variety and the Copper Variety; to judge Satins at several National Conventions plus serving as general chairman of the 1959 All-Satin show held at Jefferson, Ohio, the show where Lou Slavens Rabbit won the Champion of Champions class.
Now with the advent of the new best in show awards, recent reports show the Satins coming in for their share of this distinctive honor, so will all you “lack lustre” breeds kindly step to the rear and let a winner lead the way.
Oren Reynolds
Under date of Jan. 9, 1968 I wrote each of you, it was also carried in our May-June Bulletin, outlining a sweepstakes heading that had been suggested for future use by all local Clubs and asked for your thoughts on same. I received favorable replies from some, others asked for time to take it up with their clubs and some gave no answer at all.
In one answer one of our Specialty Club Secretaries posed the following question. With the Postal rates such as they are at present why do we re quire each local Club to forward a copy of their show catalog? Would not a tear sheet inclosed with the show report suffice?
May I ask each of you to review the original request also give consideration to the new one and forward your clubs thoughts so this may be concluded. If not before no later than the meeting at Peueblo.
Page Nineteen
4323 Murray Avenue, Pittsburgh, Penna. 15217
Annual Report—Fiscal Year July 1f 1967 to June 30, 1968
Receipts Membership Dues Combination Dues Sanctions Badges 26,665.84 878.00 866.50 883.85
Grand Champions 568.00
Charters 2,836.00
Judges Books ' 84.53
Judges Licenses 1,992.00
Registration Blanks . 4,663.00
Supplies 263.56
Transfers 32.50
Standards 1,014.27
Booklets 5,035.42
Payroll Taxes Ded. Employees 1,603.42
Miscellaneous & Advertising 5,106.88
Pedigree books 849.54
Registrars License .. 976.75
Rabbitries 119.00
Specialty Club Charters 230.00
Accounts Receivable 20.00
Total Receipts 54,689.06
Secretary Salary 6,800.04
Office Salaries 4,694.06
Office Supplies & Expense 604.91
Telephone 961.45
Bank Charges 255.48
Accounting 960.00
NSF Checks 198.95
Bldg. Maintenance & Expense 833.42
Payroll Taxes—
Ded. from Employees 1,603.42
Payroll Taxes—Assn. Share 612.64
Refunds 74.00
Registrar & Judge Exam Fees 166.25
Postage 2,747.26
Sales Taxes 16.56
Freight 25.85
Remitted to Treasurer 34,134.77
Total Disbursements 54,689.06
Fred R. Applegate
First it is the Breeder’s in every Area that makes the ARBA — the State Associations and the Local Clubs. They are on the ground, they organize the Local Clubs, and State Associations. They know the ABILITY, and DEDICATION of the Breeders and Leaders of the INDUSTRY in their territory, and are in a position to know the ABILITY and DEDICATION of Breeders who should be elected to State and National Offices.
Area #2 is without exception one of the most difficult Areas in the U.S. to organize CLUBS, both Local, and State, for various reasons, on account of its terrain, Mountains, Deserts, Plains, and its sparcely settled districts, when I had the Census taken we found rabbitries as far as 400 miles from a Club, many were from 25 to 100 miles from a Club.
Montana has only one Club, Wyoming no Clubs, Utah and New Mexico also only has 1 club each. Arizona 3 Clubs and Colorado 5.
Montana — The Garden City Rabbit Breeders Assn., is planning on holding a large Show. A new Club has been organized in Great Falls, Mr. Al Buck, President. These two clubs are working together to organize A STATE CLUB. We have two wide awake hard working Assistant State Agents in
Montana, namely Beverley Ingersoll and Tom Winters, they and State Representative Rewey are working hard to improve the rabbit industry in Montana. They report that THE MEAT INSPECTION LAW is making it tough on the small Rabbit growers, and LARGE PROCESSOR.
New Mexico — I have an excellent Report from State Representative R. C. Schwab. He also reports that the required inspection of all Rabbits sold for foodholding them up for some would soon have the situation taken care of. He says that it will take some time, but that it looks as though they time, but that he feels sure that they have found the way to build on a solid and sure basis.
Mr. Frank Stir man, Box 631, Alamogordo, N. M. 88310, has a new State Licensed Processing Plant, and he is finding it difficult to find enough rabbits to take CARE OF THE INCREAS ING DEMAND.
Mr. Weldon D. Mobley, Route 1, Box 229, Roswell, N. M. 88201, is building a Rabbit Processing Plant, and he ex pects to have it in operation by the First of August.
Mr. Schwab (Ross) says that they feel that things are looking up for the Rabbit Industry in their territory.
Arizona — State Rep. or AGENT says that the hot weather is hurting them, Genes Rabbit Ranch which processes fryers says that her business is
Page Twenty
better than it was last year. She has to ship in rabbits to take care of her trade. Dorothy Dunbar says that they are off on production on account of the heat. I have an Article taken from the Phoenix Gazette, Dated July 17, 1698, it covers almost half page of reading and pictures, it sure will do the Rabbit Industry a lot of good in that territory.
I have a letter from Mrs. Lois Bloom, Secretary of the Central Arizona Rabbit Breeders Assn., she advises that their Club has been quite active this year. They held Easter Bunny Sales in two large shopping centers, on two week-ends. They sold 147 rabbits at $3.00 each, it was divided $2.00 to the breeder and $1.00 to the Club, so they increased their Club treasure by $147, 00. They had 350 rabbits at their Spring Show, from Arizona and California. Jess Williams took BEST RAB BIT IN THE SHOW WITH BLACK DUTCH DOE.
The Central Arizona Rabbit Breeders Association is already planning for their Fall Rabbit Show to be held October 20th at Encanto Park.
The Local Television Station came out and took pictures of their Rabbits and Rabbitries, and showed them one evening during Rabbit Week.
They desire very much to organize a Youth Club, in conjunction with their regular Club as they feel very strongly this is of the utmost IMPORTANCE TO THE FUTURE OF THE RABBIT INDUSTRY.
Mr. W. E. Molen,
ARBA Publicity Director Box 8
Bronson, Kansas 66716
Re: Best Rabbit of the Show
Dear Mr. Molen:
The Central Arizona Rabbit Breeders Association held their spring show on May 5, 1968, in Phoenix. Arizona. At this show we had our first competition for the Best Rabbit of the show.
This competition was between nine rabbits, who had been judged Best of Breed in their respective classes. The nine breeds compared against the standard were: Dutch, Havana, New Zealand, Polish. Satin, Belgian Hare, Himalyan, Californian, and American Chinchilla. A Dutch Sr. Doe was judged Best Rabbit of the Show. She belonged to Jess Williams, an old-time Arizona rabbit raiser.
While we had two judges for our show, we used only one in judging
this competition. Orlan Onkst did the job for us. It was not new to him, as he had also done it in California. He felt very confident about judging this class and could foresee no problems.
Most of the reactions from the crowd were favorable, although some individuals were skeptical about the fact that the judge would not be comparing one rabbit against another, instead of against the standard.
Enclosed you will find a picture of Jess and his rabbit and Orlan. Maybe you can use it in future publications of the ARBA Bulletin.
Louis Bloom, CARBA Sec. Treas.
Arthur G. Gruner, Publicity Chairman Indiana State RBA announces the feature at this years State Show will be an ARBA District Judges Conference to be held 8:00 a.m., Sunday, September 22,1968.
Annual Indiana State Show will be held at Franke Park, Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 20, 21, and 22, 1968. A Saturday nite banquet and “Rabbit” will hold the top spot on the menu!
The Conference will be monitored by Wayne Willman ARBA President. Annual State meeting will follow Judges Conference. Plan to be with us.
Ev Shilliday, Director District #5 welcomes and invites all judges and registrars to attend — Remember! A competent judge or registrar is an informed official.
Robert T. Byrne
With reference to the article entitled “Attention All Judges”, Bulletin of July-August, 1968, I offer the following comments.
The article stated that the Eastern Convention show on Nov. 11-12, 1967, had less than 590 entries and hence a poor show. A large entry is a poor criteria by which to determine a successful show. I judged a show in Pittsburgh in 1968 that had 150 entries, and the people who exhibited their rabbits at that show thought that it was successful.
A judge can know the Standard by heart, and still not be a good judge: it takes a great deal more than that. He must know how to handle rabbits, and at every show he should watch the other judges and learn from them.
Page T wenty-one
Jess Williams long-time ARBA Booster poses his Best In Show black Dutch with judge Orlan Onkst standing by. Lois Bloom, secretary Central Arizona RBA stated the Best In Show contest was well received in Arizona.
1. G. J. Leger — New Zealand White
Bucks, Normal White Fur
2. Harry Rice—New Zealand White
Does, New Zealand White Fur
3. Harold Drudge—New Zealand Reds
and Blacks, New Zealand Colored Fur
4. Don Reid—Dutch (Sr. Judge)
5. Stan Freed—Dutch (Jr. Judge)
6. Ivan Miller—English Spots
7. George Bayliss—Polish, Himalayan
8. Glenn C. Carr—Checkered Giants,
Normal Colored Fur
9. Wes Dixon—Satins, Whites & Cali-
fornian, White Satin Fur
10. Jack Morris—Satins, Colored, Col-
ored Satin Fur
11. H. H. "Buck" Latham—Silver Mar-
12. Don Guthrie—Californians
13. Don E. Lovejoy—Std. Chinchillas,
Silvers, Palominos, Belgian Hares
14. Darrell Bramha II—Rex, Rex Fur,
Beverens, Sables (American & Siamese)
15. Bob Byrne—Tans, Havanas, Lilacs,
16. Ted Wengert—Florida Whites, Am-
erican Chinchillas
17. Eabert R. McGehee—Champagnes,
Cremes, American Blues and Whites
18. Edward T. Toebbe—Giant Chinchil-
las, Harlequins, Angoras, Wool
19. P. M. “Pete” Leeuwenburg—Com-
mercial Classes
20. Fidelis C. Steinhoff—Flemish Giants,
Silver Fox
21. Arthur L. "Art” Nelson—Youth Divi-
sion Rabbits
22. George L. Smith—Cavies (Open and
It may be necessary for the show management to reassign judges to various classes and breeds to balance the load to finish the job in the specified time. This however, will be done at the discretion of the Show Superintendent and his assistants.
ARBA YOUTH CLUB FINANCIAL STATEMENT Sept. 15,1967 thru July 1st, 1968
Memberships (289) $433.50
Show Sanctions (75) 112.50
Charters (8) 12.00
Balance from September 1967 419.19
Check from Breckenridge 273.06
Total $1250.25
Minus Bills 393.87
Postage 25.00
Bill Earl, Postage 20.00
Hi Towers Supplies 12.46
Return on Membership .50
Return on Membership 1.00
Bill Earl, Incidentals 10.00
McAuleys Trophys for 1966 49.42
Return on Membership .50
Phone Calls 4.00
Bill Earl, Stamps $20.00, Materials $15.00 35.00
Postage 10.00
Postage 10.00
Return on Membership 1.00
Return on Membership .50
Return on Membership 1.50
Paper for Sam Gerardi & mailing it 28.99
Return on Sanction .50
Sanction cancelled 1.50
Postage 14.00
Return on Sanction .50
Phone Bill (calls) 27.01
Postage, extra for mailing bulletins 5.00
Postage 8.00
Return on membership .50
Return on Membership 3.00
Add in Convention catalogue 14.00
Return on Membership 1.50
Postage 7.00
Phone calls 1.32
Trophys for 1967 $71.45, Tax and Mailing ($22.22) 93.67
Kay Malott
Sec’y-Treas., ARBA Youth Club
Page Twenty-two
The Chips Are Down!
OUR membership UP to keep it that way much depends on YOU!
WE SUPPLY FREE OF COST illustrated membership application blanks to insert in your outgoing mail or use in securing members by personal contact.
CASH COMMISSION PAID. A cash commission of 50c is paid on each membership to all who take part in this drive. Commissions are paid by check in January of each year to all who are credited with 3 or more members during the year.
CASH AWARDS. In addition to the commission paid, $150.00 will be awarded. $75.00 to individuals and firms, $75.00 to clubs and associations.
EACH WILL RECEIVE. For 1st award $25.00 — 2nd $20.00 — 3rd $15.00 — 4th $10.00 — 5th $5.00. Commissions and cash awards paid on new member only.
FURTHER DETAILS. The cost of membership is $5.00. The full amount must be sent to headquarters at Pittsburgh, Pa., where a record of members received is kept and full credit given to the person or firm whose name appears on the recommended line.
How many blanks can you use.............................................
(Order One Year's Supply Only)
Name ....... ..................................................
Address.......... .............................. ...........
City..................................................State ...
Mail to: JAMES BLYTH, Secretary
4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
NOTE: The above was compiled by the Advertising and Promotion Committee from monthly report records supplied by Secretary, James Blyth.
Following are the results of the ARBA Election:
FOR PRESIDENT Wayne Willmann 1467 FOR VICE-PRESIDENT Oren R, Reynolds 2540
Dick F. Parker 1240 FOR TREASURER Ellis W. Murray . . 2555
Carl F. Nagel 996 Vern N. Ashton . . 1765
Ivan Miller . 1286 Claude H. Bennett ..1372
W. E. Molen (Bill) 1604 J. Cyril Lowit ... ..1971
Edward H. Stahl . 1893
Edward T. Toebbe 1137 Harold Drudge 1147
279* Ballots Cast
Respectfully submitted,
Derothy Dunbar, Chairman, Natalie Carlton, H. C Woolison, Mrs. R. Satterwhite. Ralph Deckard. Charles Hammel. S T. Monroe.
Pane Twent\ three
President V-P Treas. Board of Directors
Page Twenty-four
Alabama 1 39 34 34 17 10 34 13 27 33 35 12 11
Canada 23 13 32 32 12 25 27 14 27 18 30 10 13
Arizona 31 12 35 38 18 23 34 19 16 11 34 8 40
Arkansas 16 31 47 47 24 29 44 19 27 28 30 11 20
California 87 66 142 142 52 103 104 44 87 61 140 37 118
Colorado 24 13 37 36 18 30 26 20 19 10 30 10 22
Connecticut 18 12 30 29 11 20 20 13 24 14 25 17 8
Florida 13 58 67 68 23 51 59 36 36 40 60 12 29
Georgia 1 28 26 26 14 18 22 12 18 17 21 12 12
Hawaii 1 2 3 3 1 — 2 1 2 3 3 1 2
Idaho 3 11 12 12 2 10 12 4 8 3 14 4 14
Illinois 124 107 227 222 207 104 151 74 138 133 160 119 38
Indiana 90 55 135 140 94 45 87 65 90 87 78 128 35
Iowa 42 8 50 50 41 28 31 15 22 28 37 28 18
Kansas 37 25 57 58 33 44 51 16 30 38 40 18 22
Kentucky 21 10 28 27 18 8 18 28 16 17 19 15 2
I .ouisiana 5 20 23 25 13 21 23 15 9 14 16 9 9
Maine 8 5 12 13 4 6 7 9 11 7 11 6 2
Maryland 5 11 15 14 4 9 12 8 8 8 12 2 6
Delaware 7 4 11 11 2 8 7 9 10 5 6 1 3
Massachusetts 43 20 59 59 22 39 49 20 45 22 40 29 19
Michigan 104 32 133 130 70 72 82 59 111 77 83 75 34
Minnesota 10 16 23 23 18 16 17 5 18 14 18 7 8
Mississippi 3 8 11 11 5 6 11 7 7 6 8 2 2
Missouri 49 57 100 102 63 66 91 37 52 69 74 29 30
Montana 7 7 11 10 — 12 11 2 6 11 13 1 7
Nebraska 6 13 17 18 6 15 16 5 12 11 12 7 11
Nevada 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 — 2 1 2
New Hampshire 12 5 16 16 2 12 10 8 13 7 13 7 7
New Jersey 19 25 42 43 20 23 30 18 34 23 35 9 24
New Mexico 8 13 21 21 7 17 17 6 13 8 20 4 11
New York 75 81 153 156 70 102 117 59 121 80 100 72 53
No. Carolina 19 29 43 45 18 32 41 29 27 24 40 9 15
No. Dakota 3 2 5 5 2 4 5 1 4 3 6 1 2
Ohio 221 46 243 245 110 143 155 126 235 110 159 176 53
Oklahoma 14 15 28 28 14 20 21 14 15 15 18 11 15
Oregon 21 20 38 38 10 27 23 13 14 17 41 10 31
Pennsylvania 77 82 155 153 56 95 122 77 145 78 116 63 42
Rhode Island 5 2 6 6 2 5 3 3 7 3 5 6 1
So. Carolina 1 7 9 9 4 5 8 6 6 2 8 1 5
So. Dakota 4 3 3 3 4 5 3 1 4 3 5 5 5
Tennessee 8 33 32 36 14 24 25 31 19 28 28 19 14
Texas 68 95 148 148 53 132 119 72 93 61 138 48 84
Utah 10 1 10 10 4 5 4 2 8 8 9 6 9
Vermont 10 4 14 14 6 9 12 8 10 4 13 2 3
Virginia 11 26 35 36 14 19 28 25 26 22 31 7 9
Washington 38 22 56 57 17 45 38 22 32 24 58 10 40
Washington D.C. 6 — 6 6 — 4 2 3 4 2 4 3 4
West Virginia 3 5 8 7 4 2 5 5 6 2 6 6 3
Wisconsin 37 27 63 64 53 36 38 23 35 44 43 38 16
Wyoming 3 2 5 5 1 4 3 1 3 3 4 2 4
Mexico 2 — 2 2 1 — 2 2 2 1 2 —
Puerto Rico 2 4 5 5 3 3 4 5 4 4 4 2 1
Unknown 10 7 15 15 4 12 9 7 10 10 15 7 8
Pennsylvania 163
Rhode Island 7
So. Carolina (1 Disq.) 10
So. Dakota 7
Tennessee 42
Texas 167
Utah 11
Vermont 14
Virginia 37
Washington 60
Wash. D. C. 6
West Virginia 8
Wisconsin 64
Wyoming 5
Canada 37
Mexico 2
Puerto Rico 6
Unknown 17
Director Vern Ashton announces the big event of the year in the New England Rabbit & Cavy Show Circuit. This year the Show Circuits Fall Show will feature an ARBA Regional Judges Conference.
The date of the stellar event is October 26, 1968. To be held in conjunction with the Fall show at Spencer, Massachusetts. Vern, says that Marvin Carlev will be the coordinator of the ARBA Regional Judges Conference and additional information may be obtained by either contacting Vern Ashton, 1626 Oakland Parkway, Lima, Ohio 45805 or Marvin Carley, 216 Canal St., Brattle-boro, Vermont 05301.
MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc,
JAMES BLYTH. Secretary 4323 Murray Avenue (BB)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217
I hereby make application for membership in the AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION I enclose $5.00 for a one year membership which entitles me to a copy of the Official Guide Book, Year Book, Bulletins, and other benefits and privileges of the Association.
Husband and Wife Combination Membership — $7.00
( ) New ( ) Renewal
Name ......
City State Zip
Recommended by ................................
Page Twenty-five
State Number
Alabama 40
Alaska —
Arizona 43
Arkansas 47
California (1 Disq.) 158
Colorado 37
Connecticut 31
Delaware 11
Florida (1 Disq.) 72
Georgia 29
Hawaii 3
Idaho (1 Disq.) 16
Illinois 237
Indiana 148
Iowa 51
Kansas 62
Kentucky 31
Louisiana 26
Maino 13
Maryland 17
Massachusetts 63
Michigan 137
Minnesota 26
Mississippi 11
Missouri 108
Montana 14
Nebraska 19
Nevada 2
New Hampshire 17
New Jersey 44
New Mexico 21
New York (1 Disq.) 159
North Carolina 48
North Dakota 6
Ohio 270
Oklahoma 29
Oregon <1 Disq.) 43
KARI. H. MOLLET Certified Public Accountant 6560 South Western Avenue Los Angeles 47, California PLeasant 3-3116
August 18, 1968
To the Board of Directors of
AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION. INC. 4323 Murray Avenue Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Your association now has its bank account at:
Bank of America N.T. & S.A.
90946 Devonshire Street Chatsworth, Calif. 91311 A/C 03966/01268
This tank account was opened on March 28, 1968 by transferring the funds from your former bank account at:
Bank of America N.T. & S.A.
8701 South Western Avenue Los Angeles, Calif. 90047 A/C 302380
I have examined the items that were deposited to and the checks issued from both of these accounts. I find that they agree with the books and records kept by your treasurer, Mr. Ellis W. Murray.
A summary of the transactions that flowed through these accounts during the period under examination, which was from July 4, 1967 to July 11, 1968, is submitted below:
Cash in Bank of America N.T. & S.A. as of July 3, 1967 $11,623.05
Add: Deposits made during the period from July 3,1967 to
July 11,1968 composed of the following:
(a) Receipts from secretary, Mr. James Blyth $34,134.77
(b) Interest received from savings account at Home Savings and Loan Association
Account No. 3-022000-8 654.04
(c) Receipts from Wm. E. Molen 128.25
(d) Refund from Gray Printing Co. 304.50
(e) Miscellaneous Receipt 39.61
Total Receipts During Period 35,261.17
Total Cash to be Accounted for $46,884.22
I found that all of this cash was accounted for in the following manner:
(a) Checks issued by treasurer in payments of
vouchers incurred by the association $42,825.86
(b) Cost of printing checks, deducted from bank account
on April 19, 1968 12.47
(c) Cash in Bank of America N.T. & S.A. as of July 11, 1968 4,045.89
Total Cash Accounted for During the Period of Examination $46,884.22
During the course of the examination vouchers were inspected and on a test basis some of the checks issued in lieu of these vouchers were traced to the vouchers. In all cases tested, no variances were found. The bank balance was reconciled to the book balance.
My examination was limited to the auditing of the transactions that flowed through the association bank accounts set forth above.
Respectfully submitted.
By Earl H. Mollet Certified Public Accountant
Page Twenty-six
The World's Largest Organization Of Rabbit Breeders — Built Upon Integrity and Service
The American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
Breeder and Show Room Supplies
How Many Item Unit Price
A.R.B.A. BOOKLET .25 ea. 12—S3.00 24—S4.75 50—S6.25 Book of Standards Cloth cover—S3.00 Paper cover—S2.00 Cooking Recipes Per 100 S2.00
Pedigree Book S1.50
Judge’s Report Book —used by Rabbit Show
Secretaries only S1.75
Emblem — Electro 3W —S1.50 Large—S1.75
Emblem—Sleeve Patch—Small S1.25
Emblem—Back Patch—Large S2.25
Slogan—Electro S1.50
Slogan—Rubber Stamp S1.50
Emblem—Rubber Stamp S1.50
Bronze Membership Button—up to 5 years S1.25
Sterling Silver Membership Button—5 to 10 years S2.00 10K Gold Membership Button—10 to 25 years S5.00
10K Gold Membership Button—over 25 years S5.00
ARBA Decals—Emblem .25 each 6 for S1.00
The American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
4323 Murray Avenue
Pittsburgh, Penna. 15217
Page Twenty-seven
Original Format
Bound magazine
ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 5 - Sep/Oct
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 5 - Sep/Oct,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed January 17, 2025,
Vol. 3 September-October, 1968 No. 5
Sam Gerardi
I am for anything that is beneficial to the Youth of America or the world. If the means by which the Youth are benefitted includes a rabbit project, so much the better. I am a dedicated rabbit man from the top of my head to the bottom of my boots.
I have some interesting innovations to present to the membership and I hope that all of you reading this will ponder the Youth Division of ARBA and offer suggestions, recommenda-
tions — yes! even criticism, if it is constructive criticism — send your material to me, Sam Gerardi, Chairman ARBA Youth Committee, 300 Walnut St., Warren, Pa., 16365.
I feel the ARBA Board should explore and discuss the Youth, its future, its problems, and of course exactly where the Youth and ARBA can successfully aid one another. Person ally, I feel the entire organizational set-up is as sound as our good old U.S. Mint silver dollar was 25 years ago. I think the changes required are minor.
(Continued on Page 4)
Mrs. Dorothy Newport, Cedar Rapids, Iowa editor of the latest rabbit cookery publication, Bunny Gourmet has been extremely busy with cooking demonstrations throughout the midwest area. Appearances in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Missouri have been on her schedule. Television and radio appearances have been numerous. Mrs. Newport featured rabbit cookery at the Missouri State Fair, Sedalia this year. Preparation of eleven varieties of rabbit dishes were featured daily. Dallas Molen is looking for a handout to tide him over till the next cooking demonstration.
4323 Murray Avenue James Blyth, Secy. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
W. E. (Dill) Molen. Editor PO Box 8, Bronson. Kansas 66716 Pat Krider, Assistant Publicity Chm.
Bert Hickman Tillie Morchead
Joe Lutes Mark Youngs
Ruth Ford Joan Wallace
O. R. (Bud) Chaney Dora O'Hare
Lloyd Shantz Pat Kelley
Wayne Willmann. Pres. James Blyth, Secy
Oren Reynolds. V.-Pres. Ellis Murray, Treas
Fred Applegate J. Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W. E. Molcn
Claude Bennett E. P. Shilliday
W. H. Kennedy Edward Stahl
D. F. Parker
The Resolutions to be acted upon at our coming convention in Pueblo are printed in this Bulletin. Please study them carefully and send your delegate (one from each Local Club) to express your wishes.
Each year, I have tried to shorten the reports that are given at the General Business session at the Convention. Again this year, we shall try. I asked each Director to mail a short report to Mr. Molen to be included in this Bulletin. If they respond, all our members can get the benefit, and our time at the Convention can be used for other matters.
Be sure to send to the Pueblo Committee for your Convention Catalog and entry blanks. Exhibit if you can. If you can’t—then plan to come and enjoy the convention.
Our ARBA Board will review the “Best in Show" experiment: also the trial “Judges’ Conferences” in various Districts. If you are concerned about the future of these two matters, please let me know your feelings.
When I became your President there were 5400 mimeographed bulletins being mailed to our membership. Our last issue in June 1968 was mailed to 6569 active members. I thank all those
who helped to make this possible. Continue to sign up new members, and urge others to renew their membership.
I hope you will also notice the fine improvement made by our YOUTH Department. Mrs. Kay Malott has prepared a very fine report. Let us give her all the cooperation we can. I believe the YOUTH will be very much in evidence at the Pueblo Convention. I hope so.
Mr. Horace Curtis is working on a report from Washington which should help our members understand more clearly what is involved in Air Express and Air Freight. There seems to be confusion in the minds of some folks.
I’ll be looking for you at the coming Convention.
Sincerely, Wayne Willmann
Otto Richter, 66 years of age, Fort Wayne, Indiana, died July 6, 1968, from a heart attack. Mr. Richter was stricken at his home. He was an active rabbit breeder for many years, having joined the ARBA on December 12, 1946 and was a breeder and fancier of white New Zealand rabbits. Otto had attended many ARBA Conventions and was extremely well known and liked by nationwide rabbit raisers. He was a self-employed plasterer and a member of the Zion Lutheran Church, a member of the Operative Plasters and Cement Finishers International Association, Local 595 and an excellent mechanic at his trade. He and the late Dr. Max Andrews worked together on White New Zealands and had some very fine specimens. Mr. Otto Richter was liked by all rabbit breeders and was a work horse of the Fort Wayne Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Many times he hauled and set up coops and worked towards the success of the Fort Wayne RBA shows and projects. In the loss of Mr. Richter we have lost one of our finest members. His continuous membership and activity speak for themselves. To his wife and children and brothers, we extend our most heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement. They have lost an excellent father, husband and brother. And in his passing we too will feel the loss of Otto Richter for many years to come.
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Charles A. O’Dell passed away on July 22, 1968, He was born March 23, 1904 and laid to rest on July 24, 1968 at Llano Cemetery in Amarillo, Texas. He was a member of the ARBA since August 16, 1944; became a licensed registrar January 24, 1946, and a licensed judge April 24, 1949. He was considered one of our best members and a very likeable gentleman. He and his fine wife handled many shows in the area of Amarillo and handled and promoted the 1953 Amarillo ARBA Convention. This is a sad loss to the ARBA and rabbit breeders in the Panhandle area. To his wife and any surviving relatives we extend our most heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement.
Publicity, just one of the facets of public relations, keeps one with his nose to the typewriter and his eyes and ears attuned to pick up all newsworthy items and then promote them for all he is worth. To this principal, have I lent my efforts toward the ARBA and the individual ARBA member and clubs. That I have been mildly successful is evidenced by the ever increasing flow of letters and material which I receive daily, in the mail and by phone, from our members all over the country and globe. I appreciate the cooperation of all members of ARBA that have helped make our Bulletin and our recent Guide Book outstanding publications.
I was too busy to do any campaigning for reelection as director of ARBA. It was my contention that my deeds were more forceful than any words of inducement I may have been able to concoct. I did not have the money available that would have been necessary for advertisements, postage, etc. Certainly, I did not propose to take unfair advantage of anyone by utilizing the pages of our Bulletin to campaign. The deadline for receipt of ARBA ballots by the election committee is now past; hence, I do not feel that I am unduly influencing anyone in their voting privilege.
As regards the candidates for all offices on the ARBA ballot, I did have a preference, and I so voted that preference. I did not attempt to influence any other voter of ARBA and this
even includes my wife, Beverly. In fact, Beverly probably did not vote for my reelection, because she feels that the devotion of over 30 hours a week to ARBA work, on my part, is too demanding on my health and time that should be spent toward our business and family.
I received two letters from individual members, who professed they were writing for clubs and their tone was the same — I will quote from one such letter received from our fine member and judge, C. F. Simpkins. Decatur, Georgia. Quote: “I notice in the Bulletin for July and August in the President’s Message that the President used a big part of his message to do some politicing for himself in that he is the candidate running for that office as a part time leader. “I feel that the Bulletin should not be used by the President for this purpose and that remarks as he made in the interest of himself should not have been carried in the Bulletin under his message.
“This was discussed at our local club meeting last week and those present concur in this.” unquote.
Mr. Simpkins and all other members of ARBA, I wish to state that I, too, feel that the one paragraph on page 2. Presidents Message, July-August. 1968 ARBA Bulletin as pertains to full-time or part-time leadership would best be omitted from the otherwise fine and informative message. As editor of the Bulletin, I have the exclusive duty and obligation to edit and prepare copy received for publication. However, in the instance of the President's Message, all other material for the subject issue was mailed to the printer and as time was short the said Message was mailed direct to the printer and this is how the controversial paragraph made its way to print. I feel articles on this subject can and should rightfully appear in the official ARBA Bulletin but not as part and parcel of a candidates official message, especially in the issue immediately preceding an election. I have enjoyed the task assigned to me after the Pomona Convention. The task of inaugurating an ARBA Bulletin that we could all be proud of and an ARBA Bulletin that would in fact be of valuable service. I feel this has been accomplished, though there is still room for improvement, and we do try. I recall the issues of previous mimeographed Bulletins and how certain officers would try their case in print. Thankfully, we have come a long way.
I call your attention to two fine articles in this issue of the Bulletin. One
Pane Three
such article, A Call For Unity, Charles Wade. Another article, “The Die Is Cast”, Ellis W. Murray.
To finalize on this recent election, I offer an article by Mr. Edward M. Seacord, a long time ARBA member and Booster, Mr. Seacord is the editor of the Rabbit Producers News, Official Publication, Rabbit Producers of Santa Clara Valley, San Jose, California. The following article appeared in the September 1968 issue of this publication:
Quote “Never in our time in the ARBA have we had such a hotly contested campaign by two men for the office of president of the association. The claims, the counterclaims, the allegations and denials have been heavy in our mail; and claims of endorsement, claims of non-endorsement, etc., must have confused many members.
“One candidate claims he will be a full-time president and the other discounts the need for such service. We don’t think our association needs a full time president, but this argument does not seem to sway us either way.
“Guess the best way is to just take your pick, based on such judgment you can make from your own knowledge and the advice of some who may have more information than you.
“It is not a question of “the best man will win”; it is that the ARBA gets the best and most constructive leadership.” unquote.
The ARBA must have constructive leadership: Directors that can direct: Officers that can provide leadership. Roger Fitchom in his article in the July-August Bulletin, said. “Bill, I often get the thought that the American Rabbit Breeders Association is a distant giant. ...”
I think we are bringing the ARBA into its proper perspective and role as the worlds leading rabbit and cavy organization. I am willing to work with one and all to achieve positive results for the American. To me the depths of negative results were evident on all fronts at the 1963 Sedalia ARBA Convention, and thankfully this era has slipped into the past. During the famous stand during World War I. the heroic Belgians in their stand against stated, “They shall not pass.” Let all of us of ARBA reaffirm that these turbulent power grabbing days within the ARBA will not return. In-cidently, if you want to know where I stand with regards to the American and the American Way, ask me at PUEBLO.
The 1969 issue of ARBA Year Book will be mailed to all members of ARBA. The mailing date will be February. 1969, just in time to coincide with the annual Spring influx of new members and breeders. This is the precise time of the year to get your advertising message in the hands of your potential clients.
Secretary James Blyth, 4323 Murrav. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217 will handle all advertising arrangements. If you have not already received an advertising order form, for your ad in the 1969 ARBA Year Book, contact Secretary Blyth at once. Following rates apply to 1969 Year Book advertising:
(Continued from Page 1)
and only a few refinements here and there will perfect the Youth System.
Our Youth Secretary Kay Malott is without a doubt the best qualified person to hold this responsible position. Of course, I have never heard any comments to the contrary but I wish to repeat just how valuable Kay is to the Youth movement. In fact. I am happy that the entire Youth Committee is a collection of doers — not talk ers. C. W. Spence of Texas has teen working with Youth for so many years that each year he actually seems to be getting younger himself. Dorothv Newport is a human dynamo and those of you that feel you put in a full day of work promoting rabbits, try following her around for 24 hours. Evelyn Shaw, another reliable, tried and proven often — never found lack ing. Joe Gognat ambles around his area and interests many, many children in the benefits of rabbit propagation.
The Youth of America can benefit from our ARBA Youth program. We adult leaders can benefit from the Youth. Seems like everyone is the winner and that is the case if we will all keep the thought paramount in front of us — Let’s help the ARBA in all facets including the Youth. The Youth have never let us down yet.
Page Four
One-half page ad $32.50
One-fourth page ad $17.59
One-eighth page ad $ 9.00
Registrars & Judges Listing, only $ 4.59
Full Page advertisement $60.00
Inside Cover Pages $75.00
Resolution No. 1
Be it resolved that Article II, Section 1 of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. by-laws be changed by deleting the first three paragraphs and substituting the following;
Section 2. Any member of this Association in good standing may organize a local Association composed of breeders in his or her district for the purpose of building up the industry. Officers of any local Association so organized should consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer (or Secretary-Treasurer) and three or more Directors.
No charter will be granted a local Association having less than five (5) members of this Association in good standing. At least all officers of any local Association must be members of this Association, or must become members of this Association upon or before taking office in the local Association.
No charter will be renewed unless the Association has complied with all of the requirements for obtaining the original charter.
Resolution No. 2
WHEREAS; Article II, Section 2 , paragraph 6 of the By-laws is limiting in
its effect.
WHEREAS: It is also discriminatory, setting out ARBA sanctioning fees only for local clubs.
WHEREAS: Same section and paragraph is referred to in Section 4 of same Article II of By-laws.
WHEREAS: No provisions for ARBA sanctioning and fee and direction of funds so collected are made for State Associations (Section 5) or for County or State Fairs or Agriculture Associations (Section 6).
WHEREAS: Such Article II, Section 2, paragraph 6 thus fails to serve all segments and Charter affiliated groups.
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: That Article II, Section 2, paragraph 6 of the By-laws be stricken in its entirety from said By-laws and the following be inserted as written as Article II. Section 7. Present Sections 7 and 8 thus be renumbered as Sections 8 and
SUBMITTED: Article II. Section 7.
Local Clubs, State and local specialty clubs; State Associations and any County or State Fair, or Agriculture Association may conduct ARBA sanctioned shows by payment of a fee of
$5.00. Such fee shall be remitted to the Secretary of this Association, who shall then issue sanction for the show.
Sanction fees shall be placed in a Convention-Show Fund. This Convention-Show Fund to be used only for (1) cash premium money and/or trophies offered by this Association at Convention Shows (2) for financial inducement, relief and assistance to the sponsoring incorporated club or Association, staging and presenting the Annual ARBA Convention Show.
The division or prorating of ARBA show sanctioning fees, so collected and deposited to and for the ARBA Convention-Show Fund shall be as follows;
(1) $2.00 of said $5.00 fee, to be utilized for cash premium money and/or trophies offered by this Association
(2) $3.00 of said $5.00 fee, to be remitted to the financial relief and assistance of the ARBA club or Association sponsoring said Association Annual Convention-Show. Sponsoring club or Association shall be bound by the Official Convention Rules and up on fulfillment of said rules, including submission of complete financial report to the Secretary, the transfer of accumulated money from the ARBA Convention-Show Fund so designated for this purpose will then be forwarded to sponsoring incorporated group. The responsibilities and exnen-ditures from this accumulated fund shall be under the direct supervision of the Board of Directors.
Resolution No. 3
Whereas the cost of everything from postage, paper, printing and everything in connection with the granting of ARBA sanctions has doubled, tripled and in some cases more since the inception of sanctioned shows in 1946 when the original and presently used fee was established, be it resolved that our by-laws be amended to read $4.00 instead of the present $2.00.
Be it resolved that Article (2) two, Section (2) two last paragraph be changed from $2.00 to read $4.00.
Resolution No. 4
Be it resolved that Article two (2) Section four (4) be changed by adding the words EXCEPT THEY SHALL BE CONFINED WITHIN ONE STATE, after the words be governed by th^ same rules and regulations as local clubs.
Page Five
Resolution No. 5
With the change in Section two of our Constitution as accepted by the membership, as to the time the newly elected Officers or Directors would enter upon the discharge of their duties it was not noticed that a change in Section one of our Constitution in regards to the number elected in even and odd years would also be required. Therefore, be it resolved that Article VI, Section one of our Constitution be rewritten in its entirety.
Section 1. The elective officers of this Association shall be, President. Vice President, Treasurer and a Board of Directors, consisting of nine (9) members, who shall be elected for a two year term by and from the membership. The President, Vice-President. Treasurer and Secretary shall serve as ex-officio members of the Board of Directors. In the election of the Board of Directors, five (5) shall be elected on even numbered years and four (4) shall be elected on odd numbered years. Each year the same number shall be elected as those whose terms shall expire.
K. O. Engler, Edgerton, Ohio and Walter Botamer, Elyria, Ohio winners of the top awards at Adrian, Michigan All-Havana Show.
Page Six
Owner Breed Reg. No. Ear No.
Mar Bet Rabbitry ... .... Polish 3880-A RTC4
Mar Bet Rabbitry Polish 3879-A RD1
B. Strathman .... Polish 3878-A R52
H. Reese New Zealand 1044-A H28R
H. Reese Californian 3030-A R5D
H. Reese Californian 939-A GZ126
C. Henry Californian 5681-A DN5
Briarock Farm New Zealand 3859-A E181
L. Label le . . . .Californian 9C00-X B6281
Briarock Farm New Zealand 3211-A VZC
P. Naylor ... Satin 4617-A 618
P. Naylor .... Satin ... 4620-A ROCK
P. Naylor . . .... Satin 4621-A LOU
P. Navlor .... Satin .4622-A Tinv 2
Bunny Grove Satin 3562-A 114
Bunny Grove Satin . . 35 68-A 60L
Bunny Grove . .. Californian . 3569-A 69
Bunny Grove Californian . . 3570-A 116
Bunny Grove Satin 1249-A 117
Bunnv Grove . . ....... Californian . 1250-A U
A. Miller Dutch 4174-A AMGT
D. Shewmaker ... Dutch 1544-X UX
B. Whaley English Spot 5749-A W14
B. Whaley . .English Spot 5747-A W10
G. Zehring . . New Zealand . . . . 8285-A SD2
R. Pearson English Spot 4375-A TX
R. Pearson English Spot 4362-A W3
Wolover Rabbit Ranch .... ... Rex 3875-A W75
H. Watts Dutch 3786-A HJ2
H. Betts .... Californian 1763-A B2154
H. Betts . . . Californian . 3355-A B5252
Almaur Rabbitry C. D'Argent .... 4577-A PE4
Ev Shilliday
At one of the Pennsylvania shows late last fall, a fellow breeder wanted a stud buck shipped to him. At eight o’clock on Tuesday morning, I placed the rabbit on the shipping dock where I work. Railway Express picked up this shipment sometime during the day. When I reached home the next night, Wednesday, my mail contained a letter from this purchaser telling me that the rabbit had arrived in fine shape.
A friend of mine shipped a rabbit from Toledo, Ohio at 10:30 a.m. and at 9:00 p.m. of the same day it was in the hutch of its new owner in Springfield, Illinois.
The complaining about shipping rabbits we hear so much about did not coincide with these two experiences. Eecause of these complaints, I wanted to find out what the general experience was for rabbit shippers on a nation-wide basis. To do this, I prepared a questionnaire to 36 potential rabbit shippers. My mailing list was made up by taking the names of those breeders who advertised in our leading rabbit magazines, particularly Small Stock Magazine, supplemented by other known to be owners of large herds who probably would be selling a lot of stock. These were further evaluated to take in every one of the ARBA Districts to assure complete geographic coverage. Of the 36 questionnaires mailed, 91-2/3% of them were returned. Do you realize what a fantastic cooperation is reflected in that? The IAAP (International Association of Amusement Parks) was elated to get a 33% response to a recent questionnaire and some groups feel that a 10% response is satisfactory. To me, this response of the rabbit breeders proves that they will meet a challenge when it is presented.
Now for just a quick glance at what this may mean to us. My comments are taken in their order as I go down the questionnaire in numeric order.
Some breeders will only sell to customers who will come to the rabbitry, see the animals, and take personal delivery of them. Some will only ship by air express, although most shipped either way. Where it is available, Air Freight seemed the most satisfactory method of shipment, especially for frequent and large shipments. Many of our rabbitries are outside the pick-up or delivery zones hence the high per-
centage not using this part of express service. It was a surprise to me to find that only 48% rated the delivery time as very poor. This means that more than half feel the service is good to satisfactory in spite of more than half feeling that they often have long delays in delivery.
That these 33 questionnaires represent. the experience of the shipment of 9,832 rabbits annually makes me feel this must be a fair cross-section of our national experience. We all know of isolated, poor experiences of shipments but since this reflects the experience of almost ten thousand rabbits it must have some weight. (As far back as the Allentown, Pennsylvania Convention, it took EIGHT DAYS for my rabbits to come back via express to the Cleveland, Ohio terminal. This was an isolated instance, not the general rule of the day).
In the matter of prepayment of express charges, this seems to be the current regulation. As of April 17, 1968 ALL SMALL LIVESTOCK sent by SURFACE RAILWAY EXPRESS MUST BE PREPAID. This includes rabbits, cats, dogs, etc., but would not be true of horses or cows.
If your shipment is by AIR EXPRESS the charges DO NOT HAVE TO BE PREPAID. THEY MAY BE SENT COLLECT, BUT the shipper must guarantee payment of transportation charges if the consignee refused to pay the charges. (One Express Office was left with four dogs on its hands where the consignee wouldn’t pay the charges and the shipper would not pay them, nor for their return. They wouldn’t sell for enough to pay the transportation charges so what could the Express Agent do? It wasn't funny for him.)
This should clarify part of the confusion we have about why some shippers must prepay their shipments of rabbits while others do not. If you ship by surface express you must prepay, if you ship by air and will guarantee payment if the consignee refuses their payment, you can ship collect. This was true according to our Agent in Charge on April 17, 1968, but of course, is always subject to change.
Only a few made shipments to foreign countries but all who did thought the service was good. No one felt that the attitude was any different toward accepting rabbits for shipment than any similar livestock, where the shippers had experience to make a comparison. Where they had the choice of two or more shipping points, some shippers felt that some agents were more willing to accept the rabbits than others. This reflected the atti-
Page Seven
1. Do you ship any rabbits by Railway Express? yes (94%)
2 If the answer to question #1 was YES, please complete the following:
(a) Which service do you use? regular (73%) air (82%)
(b) Just as an estimate, how many rabbits do you ship in a year? Total 9,832
(c) Does Railway Express pick up your shipments of rabbits? No (76%)
(d) Does Railway Express deliver rabbits shipped to you instead of your having to pick them up at the Express office? No (70%)
GENERALLY SPEAKING, from your experience:
(e) Is the delivery time on shipping
rabbits? good ( ) satisfactory
( ) very poor (48%)
(We all know many trains have been taken off schedule so that it cannot be as fast as it used to be, ten or twenty years ago.)
(f) Is the care of rabbits while in
transit: good ( ) satisfactory
( ) very poor (42%)
(g) Do you often have long delays in the delivery time of rabbits? Yes (55%)
(h) Have you been required to prepay all express charges on rabbits? No (79%)
3. Do you make any shipments to foreign countries? No (79%)
4 If the answer to question #3 was YES, please complete the following:
(a) Which type of service do you use? Air (48%)
(b) Do you prefer boat transportation? (None did)
(c) In foreign shipments, the delivery time is: good ( ) satisfactory ( ) very poor ( )
5 My personal feeling is that the atti-
tude of Railway Express toward accepting rabbits for ship is: eager ( )
willing ( ) don’t care either way ( )
prefer not (27%)
6 Do you ship any other kind of livestock by Express? Yes (12%)
7 If you answered #6 YES, is their atti-
tude any different toward accepting rabbits for shipment than it is any other livestock? yes ( ) no (100%)
better ( ) worse ( )
8 Comments: (Here some took time to write as much as two, single spaced, typewritten pages. These will only be sketched in the remainder of the article.)
tudes of individuals, not the express company.
Now for a few excerpts from some of those who responded with comments at the close of the questionnaire:
“We have been shipping only by Air Express, station-to-station, the past year. . . . Most shipments by air will go through in 24 to 48 hours and we have little complaint.”
“I have discontinued my Small Stock ads this past year due to the shipping situation. Most of the business from these had to be shipped. I have advertised in this magazine for 40 years. This is hurting the Magazine also....”
“Delivery time on all shipments is normallv good and the condition of rabbits received, as reported by those writing after receipt is usually satisfactory.”
“In 15 years of shipping rabbits I have had THREE claims only because of death or loss of rabbits and the claims were made and paid with in a 38 day period in each instance.
“REA was sold recently, I believe to Data Computer Corporation. . . . I also understand that REA owned a truck leasing company which was very successful. It would appear that REA was purchased to obtain control of the truck leasing firm. I expect that they couldn’t care less what happened to REA. Thev have closed three large agencies in this area in the past month.”
“Not only have the number of trains been reduced, but the Railroad will not allow Express cars to go with their passenger trains, and the cars are now attached to the freight trains, and carry no messenger who takes care of the animals.” “. . . I think, that a whole lot of the trouble people have in shipping live rabbits is mostly their own fault in not providing proper crates in which to ship, and not providing containers for water and sufficient feed to last the animals. But mainly the type of crates they use.”
“If only one airline is involved, we ship air freight. If more than one airline is utilized in getting the animals to their destination, we ship air express which is more expensive but gives us a responsible carrier in making the changes from one airline to another.”
“. . . I have been informed that Railway Express is undergoing a change of management which might involve a change of policy in the near future.”
This brings to mind some interesting
Page Eight
conjectures as to what the ARBA can do about improving those areas where it is possible. Current times are in a very rapid period of change. The new costs of doing things are wringing out many services for which we are no longer willing to pay. Everything is costing more and more, day by day and there seems little hope of any violent upheaval of this trend. Maybe we will find that if we are not willing to pay for the goat, we will just have to do without the milk.
This is only a summarization of the opinions expressed by those 33 rabbit breeders who answered the questionnaire. Since these opinions represent breeders who ship nearly 10,000 rabbits annually, they must be accepted as representing many rabbit-miles of transportation.
It seemed many of you might be interested in knowing what the wide-view shipping experience of these people has been recently. It was a little surprising to me to find as good an experience as this survey reflects.
As of July 31,1968
New Zealand
1. Marvin Carley, Vt. 95
2. Carl Persails, Mich. 67
3. Harold Drudge, Ind. 66
4. Walter Voss, Ind. .......... 63
5. Henry Sagarsee, Mich. 61
6. Eugene Henry, Conn. 60
7. W. H. Smith, Tenn. 47
8. Marvin L. Cummings, Fla. 42
9. G. S. Davis, Iowa 39
10. Billy Dodge, 111. 39
1. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 74
2. Kyle Cunningham, Ind. 61
3. Hugh J. Betts, Tenn. 35
4. Harold Reese, 111. 33
5. Joseph C. Lain, N.C. ....... 23
6. F. Clem Steinhoff, Wise. 17
7. Harry Fisher, Mo. 17
8. Lloyd Shantz, Canada 16
9. O. W. Williams, Wash. 16
1. Pete Naylor, Kansas..........133
2. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 28
3. Roger Fitchom, 111. 17
4. W. F. Gilbert, Calif. 15
5. Joe Eve, Tenn. ...............8
6. Kyle Cunningham, Ind. 7
7. R. L. Riding, Fla. 4
8. Lewis Bowers, 111. 4
9. John Rod, Mass. .... 3
10. Darrell Bramhall, Iowa 3
11. Rick Maruschak, Ohio 3
Silver Marten
1. Gary Grimm, Iowa 20
2. O. W. Williams, Wash. 15
3. Ed Toebbe, Ky. 14
4. E. O. Wolff, Texas 7
5. Lewis Bowers, 111. 6
6. E. W. Storey, La. 5
7. S. H. Willis, Wash 4
8. Floyd Beatty, Ohio 4
9. Joe Eve, Tenn. 3
10. Geo. Judy, Ohio 3
1. Pete Naylor, Kansas 152
2. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 101
3. Marvin Carley, Vt. 95
4. Carl Persails, Mich. 88
5. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 86
6. Walter Voss, Ind. ... 75
7. Kyle Cunningham, Ind. 71
8. Harold Drudge, Ind. ... 69
9. Henry Sargarsee, Mich. 68
10. Eugene Henry, Conn. 61
As of July 31,1968 Individuals
1. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif. 47
2. Edward H. Stahl, Mo. 33
3. Melvin Behrens, N.Y. 16
4. Mark Youngs, Wash. 13
5. Gary LaBar, Texas 10
6. F. R. Applegate, 111. 8
7. N. J. McCurdy, N.Y. 7
8. Tommy Andrews, Pa. 6
9. Kenneth Mauney, Mo. 6
1. American Satin R. B. Ass’n. 7
2. Cactus R. B. Ass’n, Ariz. 4
3. American Cavy Breeders 4
4. So. Fla. R. B. Ass’n. 4
5. Long Island R.B. Ass’n, N.Y. 3
6. Badger R.B. Ass’n, Wise. . 3
7. Harvey Co. R.B. Ass’n, Kansas 2
8. Inland Empire R.B. Ass’n, Wash. 2
For July 1968
New Zealand 196
Californian 78
Satins 42
Martens 20
Dutch 19
Flemish 13
Palominos 8
Checkered Giant 8
Rex 7
Champ. D’Argent 6
Angora 5
Am. Chinchilla 5
Lilac 5
Polish 4
English 2
Tans 2
Harliquin 1
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Club Notes
All systems are GO with the Inland Empire RBA. Projects in operation and in formation are numerous and very comprehensive to all facet of the rabbit spectrum. National Domestic Rabbit Week — Youth Club and Activities — Best In Show Award — Support of Calgary Convention Bid. These are just a few of their activities, to report in depth would take the full issue of ARBA Bulletin. Inland Empire RBA is one of ARBA’s outstanding clubs, always promoting and in Becky Stiff and Mark Youngs they have two of the finest publicists. True Boosters.
Washington governor Dan Evans and Spokane mayor David Rogers have Proclaimed Rabbit Week on a statewide and citywide basis. The Inland Empire was one of the Champion Promoter Award winners in 1966, a finalist in 1967, and from the reams of material already submitted — they will be hard to beat in 1968. Becky Stiff with the cooperation and drive of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Haugh have provided the area with an excellent Youth Club. The membership as of this writing is 57 Inland Empire Youth and 14 4-H Youth. Quote “We fully expect over 100 Youth members when our roster is filled and the membership reports are all in. The potential is here, all we need is to make the parents aware of this opportunity in a wholesome activity — that is available for their children. Bill, it may interest you to know that all news media have given me a carte blanche with rry rabbit news.”
There is a very important bit of news, as follows: Washington State House Bill No. 529 provides for the establishment of a Rabbit Experiment Station at Pullman, Washington. Please support this important piece of legislation: contact, Becky Stiff, 18323 E. Mission, Greenacres, Washington 99016.
ARBA member Darrell Veith, Box 12, Amboy, Illinois 61310 writes, “I run a very small rabbltry as a hobby and am steadily building up some good show rabbits (I hope). One thing that bothers me is a new meat law that says rabbits must be government inspected before they can be sold through stores. As the reports I have are varied, I am thus confused as to the exact legal working and implication. Maybe if you mentioned this in the Bulletin someone could supply a factual article to be printed in a subsequent ARBA Bulletin. I am sure there are many more interested rabbit breeders. “Bill, let me congratulate you on an excellent and educational Bulletin, — as one member, let me say I greatly appreciate this service. If I may, I would like to offer my help and service in any way that it would be of benefit toward the Bulletin or for that matter, any other service to ARBA.”
Bluford W. Smith, Rt. 1. Box 246, Arnold, Missouri 63010 able State Agent in the eastern portion of Missouri reports the 5 clubs in his area are all doing a bang-up job. The Youth Program and the Youth Membership is growing by leaps and bounds. Wo have the full assistance of 4-H leaders, local newspapers, radio stations and TV. Bluford stated — “Our membership is high, our hopes even higher for the simple reason we have so many breeders in this part of the state that are willing and seek out qualified councelling on the care of rabbits. The aim of all of us is to secure wise schooling for our senior members so that they can go forth and assist other Youth and adult alike.”
Mr. Fred Shaw, ARBA and SEMO Club member is a prime example of a dedicated and unselfish worker for rabbits in Missouri. The Sikeston newspaper reported the following — “Fred Shaw of Sikeston told Canalou 4-H club members about raising rabbits for a club project. He will furnish a buck and two does for each member wanting to start the rabbit project. Shaw explained the care of rabbits;
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when to sell them, and how to market them. Fourteen members are interested in this project.”
The All-Havana Show was held in Adrian, Michigan June 1. The State Line RBA were the host club and Miss Bernadine Barnes served as show secretary. The official judge R. T. Byrne placed Wilbur Wesche’s junior buck and Ted Jovejoy’s junior doe as best in their respective classes. K. O. Eng-ler, Edgerton, Ohio had Best of Breed with a senior doe and Best Opposite sex went to a senior buck owned by Walter Botamer, Elyria, Ohio.
The rabbit industry in Western Canada is a growing operation. Both the consumer and the producer think of rabbits as a commercial food product. Education and available source material is sadly needed to keep this momentum and to provide a solid foundation. J. Luxen, Olds, Alberta, Canada has recently mailed out a form letter and questionnaire to all known rabbit raisers. Included was an ARBA application blank and the 48 Facts on Rabbits.
George L. Smith is secretary-treas-urer of the New England Show Circuit, one of ARBAs finest groups are seriously considering the submission of a bid for a future ARBA Convention-Show, possibly the 1970 event. It has been 33 long years since the ARBA Convention-Show has teen staged in the great New England area. It was 1935 at New Haven, Connecticut and we certainly hope their Dlans culminate with a bid presented at Pueblo. Mr. Smith can be contacted at Maple Farm, Rt. 1. Box 211, Thomaston, Connecticut 06787.
Ellis W. Murray
We have just concluded another ARBA election. Things have been said that should NOT have been said. Accusations have been made that should NEVER have been made. Now that the election has been finalized, it seems to me that we should all devote our time to making the ARBA a better organization for all of us. After all its still an association that BELONGS to all the members this includes the losers and the winners.
Two Californian does owned by Ray and Gertie Vessey, Maple Valley, Washington. Both Best In Show winners — January, 378 rabbits at Spokane show, judge Dan Law; April, 290 rabbits at Eugene show, judge Fritz Klaus; they also had Best in Show June, Spokane show with 478 rabbits entered and Cyril Lowit judging. AH were different animals — quite a 6 month record. Congratulations.
Lloyd Shantz
The demand for breeding stock is tremendous. One of the big reasons for the increased demand is because a few agriculture ventures are proving not so profitable and because of an old philosophy (certainly a philosophy that is unsound) that seems to again be rearing its head — that anyone purchasing a pair of rabbits will in a few months have the place over run with rabbits.
I feel sorry for the many people who harbor such false impressions. Many people are eyeing the rabbit business as the open road to big profit, huge profits in fact, and little or no expense or labor involved. How unfortunate that the get-rich-quick idea rears its enticing head ever so often, only to have the head of the sucker lopped off. The rumor goes its merry way. Of course, it is helped by the half-truth advertising by a few rabbit and small animal vultures.
Many people seem to get the urge
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overnight and want to buy a few bred does at once. Little do they realize the shortage of good breeding stock. Of course, very few people indeed know what to look for or how to gather but the facts as to just what constitutes a good rabbit. Thus many are being caught off guard when the urge hits them and they hurry off to dealers in rabbits and just pick up quickly any rabbit available regardless of quality. Others take the bait in the ads and send their good and hard earned money off to a rabbit huckster. To such folks, I can only predict they will experience disappointment and many will suffer substantial property and monetary loss.
As to the future of the rabbit industry, I can foresee no great problems for the PURE BRED breeder who keeps current and ample records of his animals. Several people I have talked with recently, are coming around to the fact there is a difference in rabbits. They are learning the hard way the difference between quality breeding stock of PURE BRED rabbits and the CULLS. Many have, in haste, purchased culls and are now ready to clean out what they have and secure good quality PURE BRED breeding stock. As to the breeders clubs here in Ontario, some are experiencing some difficulties in holding their membership together because the markets for fryers is in such a high state of demand — they can sell all they produce without belonging to a club — even though the membership fee is very nominal and the club was partly responsible for the market.
Our show season has opened up again and some very fine specimens are being entered. I believe the show room is an excellent place for breeders to learn the difference in stock. For it is at the show, one can see and compare rabbits of many breeders on the show table.
Personally, I am extremely pleased to learn that the Board of Directors of ARBA has approved the granting of a Charter to the Ontario Provincial Council of Rabbit Clubs. Additionally, to all I have spoken to regarding this step forward are very pleased and are looking forward to favorable results and experiences in producing and consequently registering more good quality PURE BRED rabbits that adhere to the Standard.
At our recent rabbit club meeting we discussed the pros and cons of holding a "Sale of the Stars” at the conclusion of our fall show in September. At this time, to offer the buying public some of the very best breeding stock available from our members.
After some discussion, a motion was passed that the Kitchner-Waterloo Rabbit Breeders Club hold such a sale at the conclusion of the judging session this fall. Since I have been en gaged in the managing of Holstein Friesian cattle sales and of preparing catalogues for them, I was appointed up the rules to govern the selection sales manager with the power to set and sale of these rabbits.
This I agreed to do and here they are:
Rules and Standards Kitchner-Waterloo RBA Sale of Stars
1. The entry of any rabbit accepted for this sale must be accompanied by a four (4) generation pedi gree. Also an entry fee of 50<* per head which fee must be mailed to the Sale Manager no less than 2 weeks prior to the sale. A auota of rabbits to be accepted will be set by the Sale Manager.
2. Every rabbit entered in the sale must be exhibited in its respcc tive class at the show being held the date of the sale. Any rabbit not shown on this date will not be offered for sale and the consignor will forfeit his deposit.
3. A 10% sales commission will be deducted in order to defray expenses of the sale. The 50<f entry fee will be deducted from the commission fee charged. Any net profit derived by commissions from the sale to be a donation to the Ontario Provincial Council of Rabbit Clubs.
4. Pedigree announcements will be made on each animal as to pedigree, seals, results of winnings at previous shows and the immediate show — and the rabbit must be sold to the highest bidder without reserve bid or buy bidding.
5. Any seller of a rabbit offered in the sale, refusing to transfer any rabbits sold to the highest bidder will forfeit their privileges of en tering rabbits in any future sales. Any person having rabbits in this sale shall be obligated to present them to the sales organization in accordance with sale order, purchaser assumes risk at time of sale.
See you at the Convention
October 7-10, 1968
Need a catalog? Write: Dean Benker, RR 1, Box 222, Longmont, CO. 80501
Pn/i/i 7*
TOTALS------1967-68 Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1968-TOTALS
Total Inquiry 1057 Members Total Debit Receipts
Inquiries Receipts $5.00 Each Receipts Advertising Over Expenses
22,192 $5,035.42 $5,295.00 $10,330.42 $6,752.42 $3,578.42
PLUS 184 Orders for Breeder and Show Room Supplies
It will no doubt be of interest to our members to find that since the National Advertising Program was started in 1948 many thousand of dollars have been spent for advertising in an effort to create new members and breeders of rabbits and to date 400,000 of the Beginners booklets have been sent to those who answered our advertisements.
There are four magazines who have received in excess of 510,000.00 each in the 20 years the advertising program has been in operation, totals are approximately 110,440.00, 110,800.00, $11,120.00 and $20,400.00. An advertising investment that has paid off in a big way.
During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968 the membership drive produced a total of 669 new members totaling $3,345.00. The results and the names of the individuals and clubs participating appear in each issue of this bulletin. We wish to have all possible to take part in this drive. Note "THE CHIPS ARE DOWN” on Page 23 with all the details.
Commercial production of rabbits is becoming increasingly popular in West Germany as demand for this meat outstrips domestic supplies. With the growing interest in rabbit breeding and feeding, feed producers in this country, like those in Italy, are putting out larger quantities of specially mixed feeds comprised of feedgrains and dehydrated alfalfa.
At one time, rabbit was considered the meat of poor people. Statistics show that consumption of rabbit meat increased tremendously during the two World Wars, as well as during periods of economic depression. Since 1960, however, this image of rabbit meat has changed considerably. The lean white meat of young rabbits is now looked upon as a delicacy in many countries with high living standards, including West Germany, France, and Switzerland. Rabbit meat replaces some of the demand for veal, which is expensive.
Estimates show that West Germany today produces approximately 15,000 to 20,000 tons of rabbit meat valued at $25 million to $30 million. Demand is larger than the supply, resulting in imports of $10 million worth annually. These come from Poland, Hungary, Romania, and other East European countries and from Denmark and the United States.
Still small-farm business
Most of the rabbit meat produced in West Germany still comes from small
farms and from noncommercial producers who breed rabbits as a hobby. In some parts of the country, however, commercial farms producing 5,-000 to 10,000 rabbits for meat have already been established. In addition, many farmers — especially those engaged in unprofitable dairy production, are becoming interested in rabbit raising as a new or additional source of income.
The growing interest in rabbit raising can be expected to continue. Farmers who wish to pursue this new field can now receive technical assistance, training courses, and performance-rat ing systems from a number of commercial rabbit producer associations. At Hanover, the most progressive of these associations has started an animal health program conducted by a government veterinarian. The associations are supported by the government to help farm income.
Feed producers are also benefiting from the interest in rabbits. Within the last 4 years, production of complete rabbit feed has increased from 8,000 to 34,000 metric tons. Two types of formulated feeds are now being produced, a breeder feed consisting chiefly of dehydrated alfalfa (22-45 percent), soybean meal, and oats and a fattening ration of corn (10-40 percent), oats (15-20 percent), barley (5-10 percent), and dehydrated alfalfa or grass meal (10-15 percent).
Rabbit producers and feed manufacturers both feel strongly that the profitability of rabbit meat production could be enhanced by use of a ration containing more energy ingredients.
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In line with this proposition, the Federal Research Institute for Small Animals, in cooperation with the U.S. Feed Grains Council, plans to develop and test rations containing high-energy feed-grains, especially com and milo. Several problems remain
The quest for better rations is not all that occupies the minds of Germans interested in turning rabbit production into a thriving business. A number of problems in breeding and keeping the rabbits will have to be solved before a more rapid increase in production can be expected.
Germany still lacks good breeding stock. New Zealand Whites imported from the United States have proved an excellent breed for meat production, but so far imports have been quite small.
The breeding goal of German rabbit producers is:
• Meat rabbits should be ready for slaughter at an age of 10 to 12 weeks and a live weight of 5 to 6 pounds.
• Approximately 30 to 35 rabbits should be raised per doe each year.
• The feed conversion ratio should be below 1:3 (3 lb. of feed to produce 1 lb. of meat).
• Meat produced should be tender and white, and the carcass should contain a high portion of popular cuts.
Some of these goals, particularly those of feed conversion and carcass specifications, " have already been achieved in commercial rabbitries. The number of litters and the number of rabbits raised per doe are still unsatisfactory. Since a minimum of 25 rabbits slaughtered per doe each year is necessary for profitable production, fertility improvement has become the major concern of German rabbit-meat producers.
Another impediment to more rapid expansion of rabbit production is the current high rate of mortality. Most losses of young rabbits result from pneumonia, snuffles, and scours. Pneumonia and snuffles, caused by the bacteria pastuerella, are quite difficult and expensive to combat. Nonetheless, some progressive producers have reduced losses to a large extent through humidity and temperature control and the use of cages with wire floors. Another disease, coccidiosis, has been controlled on commercial farms.
—Klaus Werner U.S. Feed Grains Council, Hamburg
An ARBA Memorial Convention
Dedicated to Esteemed Charles O’Dell
As noted elsewhere in the Bulletin, death has removed one of ARBA’s staunchest supporters and boosters. Judge Charles O’Dell has departed this transitory life and has left the world and rabbit circles in a better condition than he found them. We are greatly indebted to Charles O’Dell. Always, he was willing to pitch in and shoulder more than his share of the load. Who among us can ever forget the memorable Amarillo ARBA Convention-Show of 1953? How much stronger is the rabbit fancy in the Texas-New Mexico area because of the foresight of Charles O’Dell, first president of the West Texas-New Mexico Rabbit Breeders Show Circuit Association?
As recent as 2 months ago, we were in contact with Charles O’Dell making final arrangements for him to judge in the Kansas City area. Judge O’Dell was as enthusiastic as a young new breeder and we talked at great length about the winds that were blowing bits of information about ARBA Conventions for future years. We mentioned many areas of the country and in this discussion, I mentioned the fact that I had written Mr. Ross Schwab, secretary of the West Texas-New Mexico Rabbit Show Circuit and had informed him of the excellent opportunity to possibly stage a Convention in Albu-queroue. Charles O’Dell, told me to, by all means, pass along the word to Ross Schwab that the time was long overdue for a convention in their beautiful part of the country and by all means, tell Ross Schwab — “You can count on help from Charles O’Dell and others in the Amarillo area.’
We certainly do not have to tell the people of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and California — those who knew Charles O’Dell on a closer and more intimate basis of his value to all of ARBA. The article on page 21. of the recently issued ARBA Guide Book, What The National Convention and Show Means To The ARBA and Its Members was authored by Charles O’Dell. In closing his article, Mr. O’Dell said, “We enjoyed holding the Convention (Amarillo) and were pleased that about 1,000 people, the nicest in the world, were our guest. If you have the physical facilities and get a good working group from your club, do yourself and the ARBA a favor, hold a National Convention and Show. You
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and they will always be glad you did.”
For the information of those concerned or who may become concerned or involved, Mr. E. E. (Gene) Strahan, Director, Convention Department, Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, 400 Elm N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 has certainly emphasized the great importance with which Albuquerque and the State of New Mexico holds rabbit breeders and their ARBA Convention-Show. Mr. Strahan, has forwarded a letter to me under date of March 21. 1968 in which he has secured the full facilities of the building, coops and other necessary facilities, except labor for feeding and Janitor services, at the New Mexico State Fairgrounds. The cost for these facilities? — $150.00.
It was the pleasure of the Molen family, Bill. Beverly, Dana, Darla, Peggy and Dallas to sit next to and across the table from the O’Dells at the 1960 Fort Worth Convention banquet. Our family is no exception, like all in the rabbit family of ARBA, we, too, have placed the O’Dells in a special niche reserved for memories of special and fine folks. We hope it is possible for a dedicated convention to the memory of Judge and gentleman Charles O’Dell and of our continued love and respect to his widow, Mrs. Charles O’Dell, a dedicated worker herself and devoted wife.
Charles A. Wade
In this year of 1968, we are approaching another ARBA election, in which there has been much bitterness, and for which, as this is being written, a ballot has not yet been received, although expected in a day or so. When my ballot is received, it will be marked promptly and returned to the election committee. Naturally, I am hopeful that those for whom I voted are elected to office, but, if they are not, I shall not feel that I have been given a license to unjustly criticize and cast aspersions upon the character of those whom the majority favored. In fact, I will feel that, as we are a democratic body, a mandate for cooperation with the successful candidates has been delivered. At this point
and this will be in the hands of the publisher before the election results are known — it can not be intimated that my thoughts are slanted toward any one individual or group of individuals. It is my intention to cooperate
with all duly elected officers, and call upon all ARBA members to do likewise.
It is not implied that each of us will agree with every proposal made by each officer and director. Something would be amiss if such were the case. But there is an orderly process for voicing disapproval and attempting to right what we consider wrong without engaging in personalities or abusive language. As with our national, state and local governments, our ARBA officers, as elected officials, are sensitive to the will of the electorate, appreciate words of advice, approval or commendation, are willing to consider all objections, and to act in a manner which will please the largest number. They are ever conscious of the ballot and its effect on their tenure in office. It costs only a 6^ stamp to let them know your feelings, but they cannot read vour mind by mental telepathy over hundreds of miles, and if you don't express your opinions they can be guided only bv their own consciences and the wishes of those from whom they have heard.
The basic guide for the ARBA is its constitution and by-laws, which may be amended only by and with the consent of the membership. Any proposed change is publicized well in advance of submission, and all members should be informed as to the effect of such change, and then actively either support or work against the change — without rancor. Each ARBA member and each chartered ARBA club has a vote at the conventions and a right to be heard, pro or con, on any valid resolution presented, and should exercise this franchise. In so doing, a far greater influence for good on the welfare of ARBA will be exerted than could he done by backbiting and petty bickering. Continuous squabbles can only result in harm. It might be noted, too, that there are many rabbit breeders who are not ARBA members, who could be enlisted by a harmonious program, but who wili remain on the sidelines so long as disruption appears to be the order of the day, and who are presently viewing our organization as one more interested in partisanship than progress.
From this point forward, let’s proceed with unity, attacking our problems with vigor, but not each other, being ever mindful of the old saying, which is ever new, that, “United we stand, divided we fall.”
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Kansas State Fair. Wallace M White, Fairgrounds, Hutchinson. Kan Sept. 14-19
Western Wash, Fair. John FI McMurray. P O.B, 189, Puyallup, Wash. 98371 Sept. 14-22
Mass Fed of R & C Clubs, Charlotte Keith, 574 Prospect St.. W. Boylston. Mass. Sept. 15
SE M O Rabbit Breeders. Mrs Ruby Gray. Sikeston, Mo. Sept. 15
Tri State R&CBA Mrs D Walker, 516 Shenango Rd . Beaver Falls. Pa. Sept. 15
Iowa State Ck Gt R. Ass'n. Robert F. Wallace. Sr.. State School. Glenwood. Iowa Sept. 15
Chemung Valley RBA. Mrs. Geo. Morehead. P O.B. 161 Maine, N Y. Sept. 15
Ashland Co Agril. Soc , Paul Rumbaugh. Fairgrounds. Ashland. Ohio Sept. 16-21
Tulare Co. Fair. A C Slinde, 211 East Alpine. Tulare. Calif. Seot. 17-22
Wayne Co. Fair Ass'n, Cyrus Crum. P.O Box 127. Wayne. W Va. Sept. 19-21
Wisconsin State RBA. Fidelis Steinhoff. P O Box 5. Kansasville. Wise Sept. 20-22
Richmond RBA. Margaret S. York, Rt. 14. Box 129-A.
Richmond, Va. Sept. 20-29
Fort Wayne RBA, Robert J. Gebhart. 2105 Covington Road. Fort Wayne. Ind. Sept. 21-22
Cal-Bra-Hi 11 Rabbit Club. Dean Daglow. 213 E. Leigh St., Flomer, Mich. Sept. 22-28
Washington Co. RBA, Ruth Caldwell. RD 2, Box 247,
Eighty-Four, Pa Sept. 22
Eastern Dutch R F. Club. Mrs. May Hill. 2006 Jackson Ave.. Wilmington. Del. Sept. 22
Ark-Okla Livestock Expo, John L Ulmer. 613 Garrison. Fort Smith, Ark. Sept. 23-28
Panhandle South Plains Fair. Jerry B. Fletcher. P O Box 208. Lubbock. Texas Sept. 23-28
Central Washington Fair. J Hugh King, P O Box
1381, Yakima, Wash. Sept. 25-29
Eastern N. Mex State Fair. Mrs. W. D. Mobley. R 1. Box 223. Roswell, N. Mex. Sept. 25-29
Decatur. RBA. G. S. Loudermilk, R 1, Box 267 AA. Alpharetta. Ga. Sept. 27-28
Fox River Valley R&CRA Sharon Ausloos R 6. Townhall Rd.. Green Bay, Wise. Sept. 28
Finger Lakes RBA. Mrs. Joyce Smith, P.O Box 15. Waterloo. N.Y. Sept. 28-29
Sanduskv Valley RBA. Horace Taylor, 620 Miami St..
Tiffin, Ohio Sept. 28-29
Conn RBA Jessica V Moran. 257 Fenn Road. Cheshire. Conn. Sept. 29
Heart O'Texas Fair. Leon B Dollens. Jr., P.O. Box 7581, Waco. Texas Oct. 1-6
Arkansas Livestock Show Ass'n, Vernon Magness, P. O. Box 907, Little Rock, Ark. Oct. 1-6
Coshocton Co. RBA. Willard Miller, 6642 Woodland Hills. Navarre. Ohio Oct. 2-5
Ventura Co. RBA. Elmer Paquette. 334 Acacia Rd.. Santa Paula. Calif. Oct. 2-6
Fresno District Fair, Alan L Milnes. 1121 Chance Ave., Fresno, Calif. Oct. 3-13
Oreon Poultry & Pet Stock Show. Glenn R Wilhelm-son, 103 Illinois St., Newberg. Ore. Oct. 4-12
Tri State R&CBA Milled E. Beatty. RD 1 Apples Corners, E. Liverpool. O. Oct. 6
Gulf Coast Rabbit Club, Mrs Louise Haydel, R 1. Box R17A, Beaumont, Texas Oct. 12-13
Southwest La. RBA. Cynthia Boroughs. R 2. Box 1595. Westlake. La. Oct. 12-13
Pensacola Interstate Fair, John E Frenkel. Sr., P.O Box 255. Pensacola, Fla. Oct. 14-20
Greater Jacksonville Fair. Mrs. Ruth R. Ferrara, 1501 Haines St.. P.O. Box 2545. Jacksonville, Fla. Oct. 16-26 Auto City RBA. Angeline Ellis. 21224 Sherman. South-field. Mich. Oct. 19
Mohawk RBA. Charlotte Keith, 574 Prospect St.. West Boylston. Mass. Oct. 20
Central Arizona RBA. Lois N. Bloom, 2348 E. Delgado
St., Phoenix, Ariz. Oct. 20
Illinois Ck. Gt. Rabbit Club. Bruce Johnson. 13112 Perkins Rd., Woodstock, III. Oct. 20
Lancaster Co. RBA, Martin Harnish, Jr.. 302 W Fourth St., Ouarrysville, Pa. Oct. 20
Central Iowa RFA, Keith DeWitt, Gladbrook. Iowa
Oct. 20
Huntington RBA, Ida D Humbert, 715 Leopold St., Huntington, Ind. Oct. 20
Central Wisc. RBA, Charles Riley, 416 Nash Rd.. Wis consin Rapids. Wisc dct. 20
Tuscarawas Co RBA. Patricia Green. R 4. New Philadelphia, Ohio oct_ jig
Iowa Silver Marten Club. Libbie Bares. 315 Wilson Ave . S.W , Cedar Rapids. Iowa Oct. 20
Mo, row RBA. Eileen E Ghent, R 1, Mt. Gilead. Ohio
Oct. 22
Centerville RBA, Dean Daglow, 213 E. Leigh St.. Homer. Mich. Oct. 26
So Central Mo RBA. Mrs Elmer Nocks. R 2. Box 206. Pomona, Mo. Oct. 26-27
Ontario Provincial Co of Rabbit Clubs. Mrs B. A Harris. RR 1, St. Jacobs. Ont.. Canada Oct. 26
Three Corners Rabbit Club. Mrs. Irma Ernst. 301 E 1st.. Hoisington, Kan. Oct. 26-27
Wes Texas RBA. Tom Whiteaker. Box 685, Buffalo Gap. Texas Oct. 27
Delaware Co RBA. Ralph L Hertle, Box 336. Gaston. Ind. Oct. 27
Delaware State RBA. Mrs. John J Klekotka, 2300 Foulk Road. Wilmington, Del. Oct. 27
Will Co. RBA. Mrs. Norma Hart. 345 Gordon Ave . Coal City. III. Oct. 27
New Englans R & C Show Circ , George L. Smith. Maple Farm. Rt. 1. Box 211, Thomaston. Conn. Oct. 27
I wish to take this opportunity to announce my retirement from Judging. Thought, perhaps, a public announcement such as this might cut down unnecessary correspondence and everyone interested will be informed.
I came to this conclusion, after judging my favorite Breed at the All Flemish Giants entered and after completing my portion of the judging, I was one tired and exhausted man! After all, I’m now 76 years of age and think it is time for me to shed the responsibility that always goes along with judging a complete show. We had a wonderful show and free, noon-lunch served by members of the Ohio Flem ish Giant Breeders.
I received my Judge’s License in 1925 and have judged in 39 states. It is with regret that I am making this announcement as I have always enjoyed judging. One thing that al ways pleases me, is that in all of my 43 years of judging, I have never had a protest. No doubt, there were times when some Breeders might have felt like it but, at least, they never went through with it.
There are no better people than rabbit breeders and we shall be for ever grateful for all the contacts vve have made in our travels: however, my wife and I never lose sight of the fact without God’s help none of the above could have been accomplished.
We hope to exhibit and attend a few rabbit shows but on the other side-of-the-table enjoying the associations, instead of working! And to Young Judges, I’d like to remind them to always be Honest and Sincere in judging the rabbit and favor no one-Judge the rabbits as you see them.
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A gathering of true pioneers at the 1928 Tampa, Florida. Thats 40 long years ago, can you identify any of these stalwarts? Presidents, vice-president, secretary, directors of days of yore are pictured, maybe even some of our leaders may be in the photo.
C. W. Spence
Why hasn’t the ARBA Youth Club program grown more? In the July-August Bulletin is an article which I will have to disagree with, and its very .seldom I will disagree with anyone who will work with the Youth, whether it te rabbit club youth or any other club.
I cannot agree that the Youth Club of the ARBA hasn't grown because the youth cannot show with the adult members. The youth want to be youth and they want to show against breeders of their own age instead of against breeders who have been breeding and showing rabbits for upward to 40 years. However, if a youth wishes to show against adult members, he has the right according to the show rules pertinent, but as a youth club member, he can show against breeders with his own experience and age. If he or she raise their own rabbits, they will get a very big thrill by winning over rabbits exhibited by youth of similar age and experience. I have seen some youth shows where an adult breeder would have had to have his rabbits in the best of condition to win.
As for adult clubs obtaining sanctions for youth club shows, it is so very simple and inexpensive, it is hardly worth mentioning. I personally
have sanctioned youth club shows for the last 6 years and it only cost me $1.50 per show. Maybe the reason the youth don’t respond in Mr. Curtis’s area is because the adults aren’t interested enough in youth to sanction a youth show and hire a judge for them.
Any time we here in Texas put on a show we hire 2 judges, one for the youth and one for the adults or we hire a judge for a two day show, the youth one day and the adults the next day.
The ARBA Youth Club is one of the best organized clubs that I have ever come in contact with and they have some of the best youth leaders that it is possible to assemble, with the cooperation of the adults then the youth club of the ARBA would grow by leaps and bounds.
My suggestions for the youth club program of the ARBA. Get more adults interested, really zealous for the youth of the ARBA. Talk youth clubs and think youth clubs, work with the youth in their own communities. The youth club will grow.
The ARBA Youth Club has a sweep stake system and they give some really beautiful trophies to the winners, according to the number of shows in which the youth has participated. They also have a membership contest each year and give trophies to winners. At each ARBA Convention
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they have their own show and elect a Queen and King, which in itself is one of the greatest honors a youth club member can obtain.
I sincerely believe that unless we think of the youth within their own group, we will go down hill. Let the youth work for the youth rather than for the adult.
Here I think Mr. Curtis is right, for we should handle the adult shows and let the youth handle their own shows. The youth work hard and they should be given recognition for their accomplishments. Too many adults want to think for and govern everything that the youth do. I believe that until the youth are given the opportunity to do for themselves, they will not grow. We must support them in every way possible if they seek our advice and recommendations.
Where we make a big mistake is advising when our advice is not actually needed or sought. Let the youth grow within themselves — then they will grow as a club. Let us get out and support the youth in our own areas and quit trying to find out what is wrong with what is being done and we will see a great improvement in the ARBA Youth Club.
Ed Stahl
ARKANSAS: By Charles A. Wade
Presently, there are 4 ARBA chartered clubs within the state plus 2 clubs which have not been chartered, although the advantages on being chartered has been pointed out to both clubs. During the past 12 months, shows have been held in connection with the state livestock exposition, two district livestock expositions, and one county fair. In addition, there have been 4 shows sponsored by local clubs, a total of 9 shows, entries and attendance have been up slightly. Best Rabbit in Show Award has been made, creating much interest among the breeders present.
There has been no judge’s conference in this state as yet, although one is planned in connection with the Arkansas Livestock show in November, at which Judge Dick F. Parker will preside.
Commercial fryer production seems to be on the increase. Pelphry who is probably one of the countries largest processors, is located in the northwest corner of the state.
Have participated in several educational programs with clubs, at which
the ARBA, its purpose, advantages, etc., was the main topic.
LOUISIANA: By E. W. (Ed) Storey
Here in Louisiana, we have chartered two new clubs during the year. This brings to three, the number of ARBA chartered clubs in the state. On the third weekend on May, the Southwest Louisiana RBC held a two day show that was well attended with a very good entry, another show is being planned for October to be held in conjunction with the Cameron-Cali-casieu Fair. Attendance and entries have increased here in the last two years.
The Pelican State club has started its own publication. The Pel-State News under the editorship of B. B. (Doug) Noble, and our sister clubs are invited to contribute their news and editorials.
Last fall at the S. W. club show, I had the honor to judge the Youth show. It was well attended with about 125 entries and some excellent stock that would have been serious competition in the open classes.
MISSOURI: By Edward B. Lawson
The Missouri State Rabbit Producers Association has (11) affiliated clubs which includes all clubs in the state making us 1009^ affiliation and we have a membership of 264. Our ARBA membership has increased at least 50%. We are also putting out a News Letter getting more Rabbit Breeders more acquainted with each other.
I attended all the Spring Shows and find the entries are much larger this year, better rabbits are being shown by a lot of new breeders all over the state. At the five shows where BEST OF SHOW was placed, the winning breeds were, a New Zealand Red, Californian, Black Dutch, and a American Chinchilla twice. The Judges Conference at Lowry City, created a lot of interest not only in Missouri, but in several of the surrounding states.
The Picnic held during National Rabbit Week was carried on T.V. and Radio Stations.
By Cecil N. Green
The Missouri State Club was one of the first if not the first in the country to pick best in show, was the first to hold a regional judges conference. This speaks well for the clubs and breeders of Missouri, as to local clubs several have been added in the past year there are now 11.
We do not have much activities among the youth in Missouri except in the Springfield area. The young peo-
Page Eighteen
pie that are really interested in rabbits would rather exhibit in the open classes, a lot of them do this.
The years outstanding event is of course, the rabbit show held in connection with the state fair at Sadelia, in August. The July 28, 1968 edition of the Kansas City Star said “The rabbit show will be only one of several sections beckoning for the interest of the thousands who visit this fair.
ED. H. STAHL Director
Al Roerdanz
It took 13,963 points to win the 1967 National Satin annual sweepstake series ... winner Bill Valcore.
The twelve angry men, our A.S.R.-B.A. officers and directors, are disturbed because Satins are not first in everything. It should be noted that this club is leading all clubs in getting members for the A.R.B.A. It is the leading breed in number of entries at many of the shows all across the country. The increases and gains recorded by this club definitely makes it the most progressive specialty club in America. The success story of the Siamese Satin has never been equaled by any new variety. The Satin’s ninth variety was developed by a long time Satin fancier and A.R.B.A, judge, Wes Dixon.
Type is very important in all breeds. In Satins you find an excellent commercial in all varieties in the popular medium weight classifications. Production, fryer size and dress-out compares favorably with the older domestic and foreign commercial breeds.
The Satin is the number one fur breed. It has a sheen that won’t quit. The Satin fur standard stresses the factors necessary for a good commercial pelt. The Satin fur class has been so popular and the entries so large, we are grateful the club had the foresite to set up two official classes: a White Satin Fur class and the colored Satin fur class.
The most dazzling breed on the scene is the Satin. The breed with nine standard varieties. The brilliance and richness of the colors lends added interest and appeal to this versatile all-purpose breed.
Our affiliates, the state and area Satin Specialty Clubs have contributed measurably to the improvement and promotion of our breed.
The President of the A.S.R.B.A., Pete Naylor, is serving his second two year term of office. Pete is one of the
country’s most skillful and successful rabbit breeders and showmen.
The heart of a specialty club is the secretary, and this club is fortunate to have a man like Roger Fitchorn. Because of his experience and willingness to give so much of his spare time to the duties of this office he has earned the praise for punctuality and efficiency from Convention officials, officers of the A.R.B.A, and our entire membership. This cool operator has held this post since 1959.
I am proud to be a life member in this outstanding club which sponsors our truly American breed. I have been a member of the executive Board since 1954 during which time I had the pleasure of working with some of the most devoted people in the fancy serving on various committees.
Personal achievements include producing the Blue Satin which fit the standard adopted in 1955: producing the first grand champion in the Blue Variety and the Copper Variety; to judge Satins at several National Conventions plus serving as general chairman of the 1959 All-Satin show held at Jefferson, Ohio, the show where Lou Slavens Rabbit won the Champion of Champions class.
Now with the advent of the new best in show awards, recent reports show the Satins coming in for their share of this distinctive honor, so will all you “lack lustre” breeds kindly step to the rear and let a winner lead the way.
Oren Reynolds
Under date of Jan. 9, 1968 I wrote each of you, it was also carried in our May-June Bulletin, outlining a sweepstakes heading that had been suggested for future use by all local Clubs and asked for your thoughts on same. I received favorable replies from some, others asked for time to take it up with their clubs and some gave no answer at all.
In one answer one of our Specialty Club Secretaries posed the following question. With the Postal rates such as they are at present why do we re quire each local Club to forward a copy of their show catalog? Would not a tear sheet inclosed with the show report suffice?
May I ask each of you to review the original request also give consideration to the new one and forward your clubs thoughts so this may be concluded. If not before no later than the meeting at Peueblo.
Page Nineteen
4323 Murray Avenue, Pittsburgh, Penna. 15217
Annual Report—Fiscal Year July 1f 1967 to June 30, 1968
Receipts Membership Dues Combination Dues Sanctions Badges 26,665.84 878.00 866.50 883.85
Grand Champions 568.00
Charters 2,836.00
Judges Books ' 84.53
Judges Licenses 1,992.00
Registration Blanks . 4,663.00
Supplies 263.56
Transfers 32.50
Standards 1,014.27
Booklets 5,035.42
Payroll Taxes Ded. Employees 1,603.42
Miscellaneous & Advertising 5,106.88
Pedigree books 849.54
Registrars License .. 976.75
Rabbitries 119.00
Specialty Club Charters 230.00
Accounts Receivable 20.00
Total Receipts 54,689.06
Secretary Salary 6,800.04
Office Salaries 4,694.06
Office Supplies & Expense 604.91
Telephone 961.45
Bank Charges 255.48
Accounting 960.00
NSF Checks 198.95
Bldg. Maintenance & Expense 833.42
Payroll Taxes—
Ded. from Employees 1,603.42
Payroll Taxes—Assn. Share 612.64
Refunds 74.00
Registrar & Judge Exam Fees 166.25
Postage 2,747.26
Sales Taxes 16.56
Freight 25.85
Remitted to Treasurer 34,134.77
Total Disbursements 54,689.06
Fred R. Applegate
First it is the Breeder’s in every Area that makes the ARBA — the State Associations and the Local Clubs. They are on the ground, they organize the Local Clubs, and State Associations. They know the ABILITY, and DEDICATION of the Breeders and Leaders of the INDUSTRY in their territory, and are in a position to know the ABILITY and DEDICATION of Breeders who should be elected to State and National Offices.
Area #2 is without exception one of the most difficult Areas in the U.S. to organize CLUBS, both Local, and State, for various reasons, on account of its terrain, Mountains, Deserts, Plains, and its sparcely settled districts, when I had the Census taken we found rabbitries as far as 400 miles from a Club, many were from 25 to 100 miles from a Club.
Montana has only one Club, Wyoming no Clubs, Utah and New Mexico also only has 1 club each. Arizona 3 Clubs and Colorado 5.
Montana — The Garden City Rabbit Breeders Assn., is planning on holding a large Show. A new Club has been organized in Great Falls, Mr. Al Buck, President. These two clubs are working together to organize A STATE CLUB. We have two wide awake hard working Assistant State Agents in
Montana, namely Beverley Ingersoll and Tom Winters, they and State Representative Rewey are working hard to improve the rabbit industry in Montana. They report that THE MEAT INSPECTION LAW is making it tough on the small Rabbit growers, and LARGE PROCESSOR.
New Mexico — I have an excellent Report from State Representative R. C. Schwab. He also reports that the required inspection of all Rabbits sold for foodholding them up for some would soon have the situation taken care of. He says that it will take some time, but that it looks as though they time, but that he feels sure that they have found the way to build on a solid and sure basis.
Mr. Frank Stir man, Box 631, Alamogordo, N. M. 88310, has a new State Licensed Processing Plant, and he is finding it difficult to find enough rabbits to take CARE OF THE INCREAS ING DEMAND.
Mr. Weldon D. Mobley, Route 1, Box 229, Roswell, N. M. 88201, is building a Rabbit Processing Plant, and he ex pects to have it in operation by the First of August.
Mr. Schwab (Ross) says that they feel that things are looking up for the Rabbit Industry in their territory.
Arizona — State Rep. or AGENT says that the hot weather is hurting them, Genes Rabbit Ranch which processes fryers says that her business is
Page Twenty
better than it was last year. She has to ship in rabbits to take care of her trade. Dorothy Dunbar says that they are off on production on account of the heat. I have an Article taken from the Phoenix Gazette, Dated July 17, 1698, it covers almost half page of reading and pictures, it sure will do the Rabbit Industry a lot of good in that territory.
I have a letter from Mrs. Lois Bloom, Secretary of the Central Arizona Rabbit Breeders Assn., she advises that their Club has been quite active this year. They held Easter Bunny Sales in two large shopping centers, on two week-ends. They sold 147 rabbits at $3.00 each, it was divided $2.00 to the breeder and $1.00 to the Club, so they increased their Club treasure by $147, 00. They had 350 rabbits at their Spring Show, from Arizona and California. Jess Williams took BEST RAB BIT IN THE SHOW WITH BLACK DUTCH DOE.
The Central Arizona Rabbit Breeders Association is already planning for their Fall Rabbit Show to be held October 20th at Encanto Park.
The Local Television Station came out and took pictures of their Rabbits and Rabbitries, and showed them one evening during Rabbit Week.
They desire very much to organize a Youth Club, in conjunction with their regular Club as they feel very strongly this is of the utmost IMPORTANCE TO THE FUTURE OF THE RABBIT INDUSTRY.
Mr. W. E. Molen,
ARBA Publicity Director Box 8
Bronson, Kansas 66716
Re: Best Rabbit of the Show
Dear Mr. Molen:
The Central Arizona Rabbit Breeders Association held their spring show on May 5, 1968, in Phoenix. Arizona. At this show we had our first competition for the Best Rabbit of the show.
This competition was between nine rabbits, who had been judged Best of Breed in their respective classes. The nine breeds compared against the standard were: Dutch, Havana, New Zealand, Polish. Satin, Belgian Hare, Himalyan, Californian, and American Chinchilla. A Dutch Sr. Doe was judged Best Rabbit of the Show. She belonged to Jess Williams, an old-time Arizona rabbit raiser.
While we had two judges for our show, we used only one in judging
this competition. Orlan Onkst did the job for us. It was not new to him, as he had also done it in California. He felt very confident about judging this class and could foresee no problems.
Most of the reactions from the crowd were favorable, although some individuals were skeptical about the fact that the judge would not be comparing one rabbit against another, instead of against the standard.
Enclosed you will find a picture of Jess and his rabbit and Orlan. Maybe you can use it in future publications of the ARBA Bulletin.
Louis Bloom, CARBA Sec. Treas.
Arthur G. Gruner, Publicity Chairman Indiana State RBA announces the feature at this years State Show will be an ARBA District Judges Conference to be held 8:00 a.m., Sunday, September 22,1968.
Annual Indiana State Show will be held at Franke Park, Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 20, 21, and 22, 1968. A Saturday nite banquet and “Rabbit” will hold the top spot on the menu!
The Conference will be monitored by Wayne Willman ARBA President. Annual State meeting will follow Judges Conference. Plan to be with us.
Ev Shilliday, Director District #5 welcomes and invites all judges and registrars to attend — Remember! A competent judge or registrar is an informed official.
Robert T. Byrne
With reference to the article entitled “Attention All Judges”, Bulletin of July-August, 1968, I offer the following comments.
The article stated that the Eastern Convention show on Nov. 11-12, 1967, had less than 590 entries and hence a poor show. A large entry is a poor criteria by which to determine a successful show. I judged a show in Pittsburgh in 1968 that had 150 entries, and the people who exhibited their rabbits at that show thought that it was successful.
A judge can know the Standard by heart, and still not be a good judge: it takes a great deal more than that. He must know how to handle rabbits, and at every show he should watch the other judges and learn from them.
Page T wenty-one
Jess Williams long-time ARBA Booster poses his Best In Show black Dutch with judge Orlan Onkst standing by. Lois Bloom, secretary Central Arizona RBA stated the Best In Show contest was well received in Arizona.
1. G. J. Leger — New Zealand White
Bucks, Normal White Fur
2. Harry Rice—New Zealand White
Does, New Zealand White Fur
3. Harold Drudge—New Zealand Reds
and Blacks, New Zealand Colored Fur
4. Don Reid—Dutch (Sr. Judge)
5. Stan Freed—Dutch (Jr. Judge)
6. Ivan Miller—English Spots
7. George Bayliss—Polish, Himalayan
8. Glenn C. Carr—Checkered Giants,
Normal Colored Fur
9. Wes Dixon—Satins, Whites & Cali-
fornian, White Satin Fur
10. Jack Morris—Satins, Colored, Col-
ored Satin Fur
11. H. H. "Buck" Latham—Silver Mar-
12. Don Guthrie—Californians
13. Don E. Lovejoy—Std. Chinchillas,
Silvers, Palominos, Belgian Hares
14. Darrell Bramha II—Rex, Rex Fur,
Beverens, Sables (American & Siamese)
15. Bob Byrne—Tans, Havanas, Lilacs,
16. Ted Wengert—Florida Whites, Am-
erican Chinchillas
17. Eabert R. McGehee—Champagnes,
Cremes, American Blues and Whites
18. Edward T. Toebbe—Giant Chinchil-
las, Harlequins, Angoras, Wool
19. P. M. “Pete” Leeuwenburg—Com-
mercial Classes
20. Fidelis C. Steinhoff—Flemish Giants,
Silver Fox
21. Arthur L. "Art” Nelson—Youth Divi-
sion Rabbits
22. George L. Smith—Cavies (Open and
It may be necessary for the show management to reassign judges to various classes and breeds to balance the load to finish the job in the specified time. This however, will be done at the discretion of the Show Superintendent and his assistants.
ARBA YOUTH CLUB FINANCIAL STATEMENT Sept. 15,1967 thru July 1st, 1968
Memberships (289) $433.50
Show Sanctions (75) 112.50
Charters (8) 12.00
Balance from September 1967 419.19
Check from Breckenridge 273.06
Total $1250.25
Minus Bills 393.87
Postage 25.00
Bill Earl, Postage 20.00
Hi Towers Supplies 12.46
Return on Membership .50
Return on Membership 1.00
Bill Earl, Incidentals 10.00
McAuleys Trophys for 1966 49.42
Return on Membership .50
Phone Calls 4.00
Bill Earl, Stamps $20.00, Materials $15.00 35.00
Postage 10.00
Postage 10.00
Return on Membership 1.00
Return on Membership .50
Return on Membership 1.50
Paper for Sam Gerardi & mailing it 28.99
Return on Sanction .50
Sanction cancelled 1.50
Postage 14.00
Return on Sanction .50
Phone Bill (calls) 27.01
Postage, extra for mailing bulletins 5.00
Postage 8.00
Return on membership .50
Return on Membership 3.00
Add in Convention catalogue 14.00
Return on Membership 1.50
Postage 7.00
Phone calls 1.32
Trophys for 1967 $71.45, Tax and Mailing ($22.22) 93.67
Kay Malott
Sec’y-Treas., ARBA Youth Club
Page Twenty-two
The Chips Are Down!
OUR membership UP to keep it that way much depends on YOU!
WE SUPPLY FREE OF COST illustrated membership application blanks to insert in your outgoing mail or use in securing members by personal contact.
CASH COMMISSION PAID. A cash commission of 50c is paid on each membership to all who take part in this drive. Commissions are paid by check in January of each year to all who are credited with 3 or more members during the year.
CASH AWARDS. In addition to the commission paid, $150.00 will be awarded. $75.00 to individuals and firms, $75.00 to clubs and associations.
EACH WILL RECEIVE. For 1st award $25.00 — 2nd $20.00 — 3rd $15.00 — 4th $10.00 — 5th $5.00. Commissions and cash awards paid on new member only.
FURTHER DETAILS. The cost of membership is $5.00. The full amount must be sent to headquarters at Pittsburgh, Pa., where a record of members received is kept and full credit given to the person or firm whose name appears on the recommended line.
How many blanks can you use.............................................
(Order One Year's Supply Only)
Name ....... ..................................................
Address.......... .............................. ...........
City..................................................State ...
Mail to: JAMES BLYTH, Secretary
4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
NOTE: The above was compiled by the Advertising and Promotion Committee from monthly report records supplied by Secretary, James Blyth.
Following are the results of the ARBA Election:
FOR PRESIDENT Wayne Willmann 1467 FOR VICE-PRESIDENT Oren R, Reynolds 2540
Dick F. Parker 1240 FOR TREASURER Ellis W. Murray . . 2555
Carl F. Nagel 996 Vern N. Ashton . . 1765
Ivan Miller . 1286 Claude H. Bennett ..1372
W. E. Molen (Bill) 1604 J. Cyril Lowit ... ..1971
Edward H. Stahl . 1893
Edward T. Toebbe 1137 Harold Drudge 1147
279* Ballots Cast
Respectfully submitted,
Derothy Dunbar, Chairman, Natalie Carlton, H. C Woolison, Mrs. R. Satterwhite. Ralph Deckard. Charles Hammel. S T. Monroe.
Pane Twent\ three
President V-P Treas. Board of Directors
Page Twenty-four
Alabama 1 39 34 34 17 10 34 13 27 33 35 12 11
Canada 23 13 32 32 12 25 27 14 27 18 30 10 13
Arizona 31 12 35 38 18 23 34 19 16 11 34 8 40
Arkansas 16 31 47 47 24 29 44 19 27 28 30 11 20
California 87 66 142 142 52 103 104 44 87 61 140 37 118
Colorado 24 13 37 36 18 30 26 20 19 10 30 10 22
Connecticut 18 12 30 29 11 20 20 13 24 14 25 17 8
Florida 13 58 67 68 23 51 59 36 36 40 60 12 29
Georgia 1 28 26 26 14 18 22 12 18 17 21 12 12
Hawaii 1 2 3 3 1 — 2 1 2 3 3 1 2
Idaho 3 11 12 12 2 10 12 4 8 3 14 4 14
Illinois 124 107 227 222 207 104 151 74 138 133 160 119 38
Indiana 90 55 135 140 94 45 87 65 90 87 78 128 35
Iowa 42 8 50 50 41 28 31 15 22 28 37 28 18
Kansas 37 25 57 58 33 44 51 16 30 38 40 18 22
Kentucky 21 10 28 27 18 8 18 28 16 17 19 15 2
I .ouisiana 5 20 23 25 13 21 23 15 9 14 16 9 9
Maine 8 5 12 13 4 6 7 9 11 7 11 6 2
Maryland 5 11 15 14 4 9 12 8 8 8 12 2 6
Delaware 7 4 11 11 2 8 7 9 10 5 6 1 3
Massachusetts 43 20 59 59 22 39 49 20 45 22 40 29 19
Michigan 104 32 133 130 70 72 82 59 111 77 83 75 34
Minnesota 10 16 23 23 18 16 17 5 18 14 18 7 8
Mississippi 3 8 11 11 5 6 11 7 7 6 8 2 2
Missouri 49 57 100 102 63 66 91 37 52 69 74 29 30
Montana 7 7 11 10 — 12 11 2 6 11 13 1 7
Nebraska 6 13 17 18 6 15 16 5 12 11 12 7 11
Nevada 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 — 2 1 2
New Hampshire 12 5 16 16 2 12 10 8 13 7 13 7 7
New Jersey 19 25 42 43 20 23 30 18 34 23 35 9 24
New Mexico 8 13 21 21 7 17 17 6 13 8 20 4 11
New York 75 81 153 156 70 102 117 59 121 80 100 72 53
No. Carolina 19 29 43 45 18 32 41 29 27 24 40 9 15
No. Dakota 3 2 5 5 2 4 5 1 4 3 6 1 2
Ohio 221 46 243 245 110 143 155 126 235 110 159 176 53
Oklahoma 14 15 28 28 14 20 21 14 15 15 18 11 15
Oregon 21 20 38 38 10 27 23 13 14 17 41 10 31
Pennsylvania 77 82 155 153 56 95 122 77 145 78 116 63 42
Rhode Island 5 2 6 6 2 5 3 3 7 3 5 6 1
So. Carolina 1 7 9 9 4 5 8 6 6 2 8 1 5
So. Dakota 4 3 3 3 4 5 3 1 4 3 5 5 5
Tennessee 8 33 32 36 14 24 25 31 19 28 28 19 14
Texas 68 95 148 148 53 132 119 72 93 61 138 48 84
Utah 10 1 10 10 4 5 4 2 8 8 9 6 9
Vermont 10 4 14 14 6 9 12 8 10 4 13 2 3
Virginia 11 26 35 36 14 19 28 25 26 22 31 7 9
Washington 38 22 56 57 17 45 38 22 32 24 58 10 40
Washington D.C. 6 — 6 6 — 4 2 3 4 2 4 3 4
West Virginia 3 5 8 7 4 2 5 5 6 2 6 6 3
Wisconsin 37 27 63 64 53 36 38 23 35 44 43 38 16
Wyoming 3 2 5 5 1 4 3 1 3 3 4 2 4
Mexico 2 — 2 2 1 — 2 2 2 1 2 —
Puerto Rico 2 4 5 5 3 3 4 5 4 4 4 2 1
Unknown 10 7 15 15 4 12 9 7 10 10 15 7 8
Pennsylvania 163
Rhode Island 7
So. Carolina (1 Disq.) 10
So. Dakota 7
Tennessee 42
Texas 167
Utah 11
Vermont 14
Virginia 37
Washington 60
Wash. D. C. 6
West Virginia 8
Wisconsin 64
Wyoming 5
Canada 37
Mexico 2
Puerto Rico 6
Unknown 17
Director Vern Ashton announces the big event of the year in the New England Rabbit & Cavy Show Circuit. This year the Show Circuits Fall Show will feature an ARBA Regional Judges Conference.
The date of the stellar event is October 26, 1968. To be held in conjunction with the Fall show at Spencer, Massachusetts. Vern, says that Marvin Carlev will be the coordinator of the ARBA Regional Judges Conference and additional information may be obtained by either contacting Vern Ashton, 1626 Oakland Parkway, Lima, Ohio 45805 or Marvin Carley, 216 Canal St., Brattle-boro, Vermont 05301.
MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc,
JAMES BLYTH. Secretary 4323 Murray Avenue (BB)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217
I hereby make application for membership in the AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION I enclose $5.00 for a one year membership which entitles me to a copy of the Official Guide Book, Year Book, Bulletins, and other benefits and privileges of the Association.
Husband and Wife Combination Membership — $7.00
( ) New ( ) Renewal
Name ......
City State Zip
Recommended by ................................
Page Twenty-five
State Number
Alabama 40
Alaska —
Arizona 43
Arkansas 47
California (1 Disq.) 158
Colorado 37
Connecticut 31
Delaware 11
Florida (1 Disq.) 72
Georgia 29
Hawaii 3
Idaho (1 Disq.) 16
Illinois 237
Indiana 148
Iowa 51
Kansas 62
Kentucky 31
Louisiana 26
Maino 13
Maryland 17
Massachusetts 63
Michigan 137
Minnesota 26
Mississippi 11
Missouri 108
Montana 14
Nebraska 19
Nevada 2
New Hampshire 17
New Jersey 44
New Mexico 21
New York (1 Disq.) 159
North Carolina 48
North Dakota 6
Ohio 270
Oklahoma 29
Oregon <1 Disq.) 43
KARI. H. MOLLET Certified Public Accountant 6560 South Western Avenue Los Angeles 47, California PLeasant 3-3116
August 18, 1968
To the Board of Directors of
AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION. INC. 4323 Murray Avenue Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Your association now has its bank account at:
Bank of America N.T. & S.A.
90946 Devonshire Street Chatsworth, Calif. 91311 A/C 03966/01268
This tank account was opened on March 28, 1968 by transferring the funds from your former bank account at:
Bank of America N.T. & S.A.
8701 South Western Avenue Los Angeles, Calif. 90047 A/C 302380
I have examined the items that were deposited to and the checks issued from both of these accounts. I find that they agree with the books and records kept by your treasurer, Mr. Ellis W. Murray.
A summary of the transactions that flowed through these accounts during the period under examination, which was from July 4, 1967 to July 11, 1968, is submitted below:
Cash in Bank of America N.T. & S.A. as of July 3, 1967 $11,623.05
Add: Deposits made during the period from July 3,1967 to
July 11,1968 composed of the following:
(a) Receipts from secretary, Mr. James Blyth $34,134.77
(b) Interest received from savings account at Home Savings and Loan Association
Account No. 3-022000-8 654.04
(c) Receipts from Wm. E. Molen 128.25
(d) Refund from Gray Printing Co. 304.50
(e) Miscellaneous Receipt 39.61
Total Receipts During Period 35,261.17
Total Cash to be Accounted for $46,884.22
I found that all of this cash was accounted for in the following manner:
(a) Checks issued by treasurer in payments of
vouchers incurred by the association $42,825.86
(b) Cost of printing checks, deducted from bank account
on April 19, 1968 12.47
(c) Cash in Bank of America N.T. & S.A. as of July 11, 1968 4,045.89
Total Cash Accounted for During the Period of Examination $46,884.22
During the course of the examination vouchers were inspected and on a test basis some of the checks issued in lieu of these vouchers were traced to the vouchers. In all cases tested, no variances were found. The bank balance was reconciled to the book balance.
My examination was limited to the auditing of the transactions that flowed through the association bank accounts set forth above.
Respectfully submitted.
By Earl H. Mollet Certified Public Accountant
Page Twenty-six
The World's Largest Organization Of Rabbit Breeders — Built Upon Integrity and Service
The American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
Breeder and Show Room Supplies
How Many Item Unit Price
A.R.B.A. BOOKLET .25 ea. 12—S3.00 24—S4.75 50—S6.25 Book of Standards Cloth cover—S3.00 Paper cover—S2.00 Cooking Recipes Per 100 S2.00
Pedigree Book S1.50
Judge’s Report Book —used by Rabbit Show
Secretaries only S1.75
Emblem — Electro 3W —S1.50 Large—S1.75
Emblem—Sleeve Patch—Small S1.25
Emblem—Back Patch—Large S2.25
Slogan—Electro S1.50
Slogan—Rubber Stamp S1.50
Emblem—Rubber Stamp S1.50
Bronze Membership Button—up to 5 years S1.25
Sterling Silver Membership Button—5 to 10 years S2.00 10K Gold Membership Button—10 to 25 years S5.00
10K Gold Membership Button—over 25 years S5.00
ARBA Decals—Emblem .25 each 6 for S1.00
The American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
4323 Murray Avenue
Pittsburgh, Penna. 15217
Page Twenty-seven
Original Format
Bound magazine