ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 2 - Mar/Apr
Collection: 1968 ARBA Bulletins
ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 2 - Mar/Apr
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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8 1/2 inches x 11 inches
American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 2 - Mar/Apr,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed January 22, 2025,
Fred Cremer A.R.B.A. Judge
Vol. 3
AAarch-April, 1968
No. 2
Avert Economic Chaos
Whether they be large operations or small, rabbitries that encounter serious problems are generally those that practice poor management procedures or those that fail to follow established recommendations for disease control.
Preventative measures (an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure) are absolutely necessary. Disease is not a problem to be dealt with as it arises. Or in the most futile situation, after it has appeared. Thousands of rabbits,are raised in a relatively small area. In many instances the infection or illness of one rabbit rray spread to a large portion, indeed, if not the en-
Mrs. Susan Gordon of the Foreign Livestock Division of the U. S. Department of Agriculture contacted the Washington Committee around the end of 1967 for some rabbits. It seemed that the Agricultural Officer of the American Consulate General in Milan, Italy thought that sorre good rabbits should be on exhibit at the 69th International Agricultural Exhibit in Verona, Italy March 10—19,1968.
As the number of rabbits requested was small, the committee felt that the animals should be donated by local breeders. So, the committee asked the members of the National Capitol Rab-(Continued Page 3)
tire herd. Therefore, disease can sometimes be sudden and great big trouble almost before you know it. Economic chaos and disaster many times result.
For these reasons, rabbitries and rabbit raisers must at all time utilize the best management principles; be on the alert and familiar with symptoms of disease and be able to deal with them in the best and prescribed manner. The services of a veterinarian should be sought. The old wives tale that vets know nothing about rabbits is an untenable assertion. Of course a veterinarian is. knowledgeable and trained in disease of animals whether they be bacterial, viral, nutritional or parasitical. Let’s be realistic — in olden times ‘home remedies’ — treatments that included goose grease, kerosene, honey and whiskey for colds in humans were used, but today the antibiotics perform miracles unheard of in the old days. The same is true in animal health and cure. The rabbit raiser with a big assist from the veterinarian should be able to eliminate much, if not all, of the possibility of disease through preventive treatment, surely. But if disease does strike, look to your veterinarian for assistance and thus avert disaster.
Recommendations When Disease Strikes
If there is an outbreak of disease in your rabbitry, isolate the sick rabbit or rabbits at once. This will prevent further spread by contact. Clean and disinfect all pens, nest boxes, feeding and watering equipment. Burn all carcasses, for many bacteria thrive in the soil. Don’t wait — if the outbreak seems serious, or if you do not know (Continued Page 4)
1323 Murray Avenue James Blyth, Secy. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
W. E. (Bill) Molen, Editor PO. Box 8, Bronson. Kansas 66716 Pat Krider. Assistant Publicity Chm. PUBLICITY STAFF
Bctt Hickman Tillie Morchead
Joe Lutes Mark Youngs
Rayal Winters Joan Wallace
O. R. (Bud) Chaney Dora O'Hare
Lloyd Shantz Pat Kelley
EXECUTIVE BOARD ARBA Wayne Willmann, Pres. James Blyth, Secy
Oren Reynolds, V.-Pres. Ellis Murray. Treas
Fred Applegate J. Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W. E. Molen
Claude Bennett E. P. Shilliday
W. H. Kennedy Edward Stahl
D. F. Parker
In case you did not read your January issue of our Bulletin, may I remind you that Mr. Sam Gerardi of Pennsylvania is Chairman of the Youth Department. Please note this on page 2 of your 1968 Yearbook.
January was the biggest month in the ARBA — yes, bigger than any as far back as our records go. Mr. Blyth sent our Treasurer a check for 5,914.50. Let us rejoice! But that means that Mr. Blyth and his secretary had a great amount of work — in addition to assembling the HANDBOOK and mailing it. Why not send them a “thank you” sometime just to show them that you appreciate it. Very few — if any — national organizations get along on such little paid help as we do in the ARBA (only 2). How much more do we want to pile on these 2? And yet we want to increase our business — don’t we? What say YE?
Now, I wish to thank all our members and Clubs who renewed their memberships so promptly. If you didn’t renew — will you do so soon? Has your Local Club reviewed its membership to determine if each member has sent in his ARBA dues for 1968? Here is something every LOCAL can do to help stop the lack of renewals. The stronger we make our parent organization, the more service we can render the members.
Our new “HANDBOOK” should give you plenty of material for discussion at your Local Club meetings. What do you plan to do with it?
Our Board granted you the privilege to pick “Best in Show” if you care to do so. This means at any sanctioned show — local or state — where several breeds are exhibited — until October
6, 1968. Our Colorado ARBA Convention Show will NOT select Best in Show. At our Board meeting in Pueblo we shall review the results of this experiment and determine whether to continue the practice. I urge you to send me a carefully written description how you did it and the reaction — good or bad — from the exhibitors. We must have these reports if we are to be fair in our decision.
Mr. Phil Lohman, Wisconsin, Chairman of our Commercial Dept, was asked by our Board to prepare a nationwide Directory of Rabbit Processors so we can render this service to our members. He is working at it — writing letters — begging for the information — but not getting much help from our members. If you know the names and addresses of Processors please send them to Mr. Lohman.
If you want to offer your exner-ience — time and effort as an officer of the ARBA get your petition from Mr. Blyth — have it signed by ARBA members (at least 25) and get the completed form to Mr. Blyth before June 1. Election ballots are mailed July 15 and polls close August 15.
All Resolutions must be in the hands of Mr. Langeland (Michigan) by July
7. Page 59 Article 9 in 1968 Yearbook will explain the method by which resolutions are received.
I have asked our Directors to study the organization and activities of our Youth Department so we can make some changes to improve our service to the youth of our nation. If you care enough about our youth and their future as Rabbit Raisers — will you send me your suggestions. Our next Bulletin will carry an article written (at my request) by one of our foremost youth leaders. I want to see some changes for the better. I hope you do too!
News items concerning our youth and their rabbit activities will be printed in our Bulletin if you will send them to Mr. Molen. I feel this is one step in the right direction. Our members should know more about their needs and their successes.
Wayne Willmann
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*74e Sudeten
National Rabbit Week, July 16-22, 1968, is just 3 short months away. It is time all dubs and individuals too, start their programs off in high gear. Last year a total of 67 clubs submitted material to be judged in the contest. The 3 big winners last year and recipients of the ARBA Champion Promoter Award Trophies: Golden West Rabbit Breeders Association (California), Del-phos Rabbit & Fanciers Breeders Association (Ohio), and Silver Marten Rabbit Club.
Again in 1968 the ARBA National Rabbit Week Publicity Packets will be made available to the clubs and individuals. New materials for promotional activity have been added to the Publicity Packet and many of the popular items from last year have been retained — they include, 2-color day-glow bumper stickers, Auto aerial pennants plus others. The cost of the ARBA National Rabbit Week Publicity Packets remains the same $5.00. Send your remittance to Bill Molen, Director, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
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bit Breeders Assn., Inc. if they would like to donate rabbits for this project. A great deal of enthusiasm was expressed and the following members gave rabbits. A blue English Spot Buck was given by William Stuart, of Vienna, Virginia; a blue English Spot doe was given by James Baggette, Manassas, Virginia; a Blue Silver Marten Buck and a BHack Silver Marten doe were given by Robert Ray of Germantown, Maryland; a New Zealand White doe was given by Robert Uebel of Mt. Airy, Md.; a New Zealand White Buck was given by Larry Walsh, An-nandale, Va.; a New Zealand White buck and doe were given by Falls Church Rabbitry, Falls Church, Va.
These rabbits were shipped to New York via TWA on February 20, 1968 and from there were to be transferred to a chartered Italia airline scheduled to depart from New York February 21, 1968 with a load of Black Angus cattle being purchased by a breeder in Italy for exhibition at the International Agricultural Exhibit in Verona, Italy also.
We want to thank these breeders for their cooperation and generosity in placing quality stock in an exhibit for all persons of the world to see. Washington Committee H. M. Curtis, Chairman
Harry and Louise Fisher of Kansas City. They are two of ARBA’s premier rabbit fanciers and exhibitors.
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AVERT CHAOS - Continued
the cause of the disease, call your veterinarian immediately.
Three Classes of Disease
Diseases of rabbits generally fall into one of three classes: A disease may be sporadic, affecting one or at the most a few rabbits at a single rabbitry; it may be enzootic, appearing in greater or lesser degrees at widely separated rabbitries; or it may be epizootic, appearing on a widespread scale throughout a given area.
Diseases may also be classified as acute, in which the beginning and course of the disease is rapid; or chronic, in which the disease is effective at a slower pace over a longer period of time.
Types of Disease
The three major types of diseases that rabbits are likely to contract are bacterial, viral, nutritional with parasitical diseases of a minor incidence. Bacteria are micro-organisms that may be transmitted by way of contaminated feed or by direct or indirect contact (that is, by the physical contact of two or more rabbits, by way of a living carrier — such as a dog or cat; rats, birds or fowl; delivery and pick-up personnel or even the rabbit raiser himself; or by contact with contaminated watering and feeding utensils, clothing, etc.). Some bacteria can “hibernate” in the form of spores and can survive in pens or in the ground itself for several years.
Virus infections are caused by microorganisms similar to bacteria but infinitely smaller. They are extremely contagious and are transmitted in the same manner as bacteria. They do not form spores, however, and usually do not live long outside the animal’s body except under ideal conditions with the exception of the virus enteritis which appears to be highly stable and can live for long periods outside the body of the animal.
Nutritional diseases generally result from a lack of one or more of the nutritive elements which the body cannot do without. At times an oversupply of some elements will have a bad effect. Use of feed supplements and additives introduced through water proportioners without the advice and recommendations of competent veterinarian consultation, thus, may be harmful. Imbalance of nutrient or interference factors in the feed all may contribute to nutritional diseases.
Parasites are small animal organisms which take their nourishment from the body of the living rabbit, the host. If present in sufficient numbers,
some of them cause anemia or even death by hemorrhage. They are frequently responsible for the introduction of bacterial diseases by way of the injuries which they create.
Any disease is likely to tear down the rabbit’s resistance and thus open the way for other illnesses. Complications of two or more diseases are quite common, especially in chronic conditions.
Uses of Drugs
It is absolutely essential to have an accurate and positive diagnosis made before giving any treatment involving drugs, and then to stick to the letter of the recommended dosage. Prescribed dosages will vary according to the degree of infection and the size and condition of the animal which is to be treated. Don’t court disaster by indiscriminate use of drugs and don’t expect a cure all to develop and solve your problems.
Follow the strict practice of correct and good management procedures and above all follow established recommendations for disease control. To deviate is disastrous and the surest way known to remove yourself from successful rabbit propagation.
The New Year is the next step around the corner. The year of 1967 saw many changes and many things come to pass. The early part of the year saw questionaires in our mail boxes from a little lady with a mountain of energy and a Big State to spend it in. Pat Tutt of Longview, Texas was a little known name that by the end of the year would be spelled GIANT as far as commercial rabbits in Texas were concerned. March blew in like a lion with several people gathering at the Hilburn Rabbit Ranch in Irving, Texas to discuss commercial rabbits. March winds blew stronger after “Uncle Jack” and “Mother Hilburn” assigned harnesses for us beasts of burden to carry. With only one Commercial Chapter organized in Texas and a driving desire to see our industry grow, those of us who attended this meeting came away with our hearts filled with the desire to see new chapters formed, new members enrolled and a new goal set forth. New wagons and new harnesses came from the mercantile store and were put in the barn. New beasts of burden were “corraled” to pull the load. That load was put there when the first rabbits were imported into the United
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States. As the population increases, so does the demand for our product, COMMERCIAL RABBITS. The year has worn on somewhat now and new chapters are springing up throughout our great State. The teams now become wagon trains and line riders are called in to find a wagon boss. Pioneers are made as new rabbitrys begin to appear. New ideas are formed and passed on to the other pioneers who were at the other end of the world when this began but now are our neighbors just over the next hill. Another pioneer is located who has already “Hung out a shingle” to help the rabbit industry grow. Mr. NaKane of Houston, Texas rode at the head of the wagon train as the Trail blazer in rabbit processing in Texas.
Texas isn’t any larger as 1968 stares us in the face, but it’s population is. So is the demand for edible meat. The latter part of the year saw legislation calling for strict control on meat inspection by the U.S.D.A. Meats im-
ported from foreign countries are now subjected to these same regulations, which we feel will better control the import of the wild rabbits of other countries which has dealt us so much trouble in the past. It has also greatly increased the demand for the product that we now raise.
The horses are in the corral, the harness is in the barn and the wagons are under the shed. Trailblazer and Wagon Boss stand at the ready. Will the wagons be loaded or will they stand until the spokes rot and the axle grease hardens. The Year 1968 holds bright prospects for the future if “YOU” are willing to get up and put your boots on. If the mule skinner mounts the wagon or if there is any firewood in the box behind the stove tonight, depends on what you get done today. Will sundown find you in the saddle? Yes, before you know it 1968 will be gone too. So stoke the coals in the stove and shake the bunks, “It ain’t long ‘fore sun-up”.
Rabbit Exhibition Building in center background. One of buildings of Colorado State Fairgrounds (Pueblo). See you at ARBA Convention-Show, October 7-10, 1968.
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Robert C. Shoptaw, one of our oldest members, passed away at a hospital in his home town of Indianapolis, Ind., at 7:00 A.M., Monday, March 18, 1968. Mr. Shoptaw had been ailing for some time. Since the passing of his wife a few years ago, he had not done so well. Mr. Shoptaw attended many ARBA conventions and was active in local rabbit affairs around Indianapolis area.
In the back end of his lot, he had constructed a building which was used as a meeting place for one of the local rabbit clubs. It was nicely decorated and pictures on the wall give a history of rabbit raising and rabbit breeders in the area of Indianapolis. He did much to promote rabbits and rabbit breeding in that area.
Mr. Shoptaw joined the American Rabbit Breeders Ass’n., October 30, 1933 and was an active member from that time on. He was given a registrar’s license April 18, 1947, and a judge’s license on April 26, 1947 by the late John C. Fehr acting as an examining judge. They were both active in rabbits in the Indianapolis area for many years.
Mr. Shoptaw was highly honored by the ARBA in being given a life membership, judge’s and registrar’s license at the Syracuse convention in 1959. He was also honored at the most successful party the old timers ever put on at Syracuse, N.Y., and given a plaque by them in honor of the years he spent in the American.
Robert Shoptaw was a fine man and a loyal rabbit breeder and will be missed by many breeders over the country. We will miss him at conventions where he was active. His passing will turn another leaf in ARBA history. We are sorry to lose him. To his family we extend our heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement.
Oren Reynolds
The cost of an ARBA show sanction was brought up on the floor of the general meeting at Syracuse however nothing was actually done about it.
Our Show Sanction Rules, as presented in our by-laws, have become antiquated in respect to the price of the sanction. The ARBA is still sanctioning shows for the same $2.00 fee that was charged at the inception of sanctioned shows back in 1946. At that
time letters were posted for 3c and today as all of you know that has doubled. Paper used in printing the necessary forms has tripled and labor for all work connected with this program has more than tripled. There has been many price advances in the cost of the trophies given every year at the National Conventions.
We feel that it is unfair (to our parent organization to ask them to try and properly maintain our present program with the sanction fee of 1946. In view of the above we are asking all Clubs to review this at a future club meeting and reach some decision as to what they feel should be a proper sanction fee under the present existing conditions.
There will, I am sure, be a resolution presented to the members at the next General meeting at our forthcoming convention and each delegate, from a club, should be ready to fully endorse or reject this resolution in accordance with their respective clubs wishes.
Again may I ask that each club review this and make a decision as to the need and fairness of this question.
While it was suggested at the Syracuse meeting that the fee be changed to $5.00 it seems it is felt by many that a fee of $3.50 or $4.00 would be more fair and would be ample to assure the proper fulfillment of our present program.
The big, big news this issue. THE brand new 208 page ARBA GUIDE BOOK is being printed at this time and will be in the mail very soon. The ARBA Guide Book has been completely revised and all members — the newer breeder members and the long standing or ‘Old-timer’ will soon •have a Guide Book they will be proud to own.
This is the time to inform all those that have allowed their ARBA membership to fall in arrears to RENEW. Will you please pass the word to one and all — the new ARBA Guide Book will be off the press in a matter of days.
Regional Judges Conferences
There have been 3 Regional Judges Conferences to date. At Lowry City, Missouri, Atlanta, Georgia and San Jose, California.
All have been outstanding in every respect and we plan on a complete report of the highlights of each event. The acceptance by the judges, registrars and breeders young and old
has been phenominal. If your district has not staged an ARBA Regional Judges Conference, by all means contact your ARBA Director for your District.
Best Rabbit In Show The action of the ARBA Board at Syracuse that established Best In Show Award has caught on like wildfire. Show after show has selected the Best Rabbit and all reports are favorable that this is indeed a welcome and necessary item to a complete Rabbit Show. The selections of Best Rabbit have been well distributed among New Zealands, Californians, Satins, Dutch and other breeds but the paramount feature has been the challenge to breeders of all breeds that have finished in the first 2 runner up positions, to dig in, this they are doing. The publicity afforded to the ARBA and local rabbit shows has been simply GREAT.
Commercial Committee Compiles Market Listing Philip N. Lohman has been working feverishly ever since the Syracuse Convention to compile a complete listing of rabbit and rabbit fur buyers. At the present date, Chairman Lohman has over 50 listings of buyers. Some of these buy on a year around basis and some are seasonal buyers.
This complete listing is yours for the asking; however, an inclusion of sufficient postage or cash equivalency (10c) must be forwarded with your request. Submit all requests and postage to Philip N. Lohman, Chairman, 11900 W. Howard Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53228.
John McLain, Roanoke, Virginia, sizing a couple big ones up before butchering. Title of the photo could be “3 old bucks” because John has been in the rabbit game better than 35 years.
David Ford
Have you made your motel reservations yet? Have you mailed in your ad for the Convention catalog? If your answer is no to either of these questions, take notice.
Reservations are now being accepted for Pueblo’s Ramada Inn, the 45th ARBA Convention headquarters. Their rates are $9.50 per day for singles and $14.00 for doubles. Additional persons staying in a double room will run $2 per individual. Send your reservations to Bernice Thompson; 2419 Poplar; Pueblo, Colorado 81004. She will call in your reservations upon receipt of your order.
There are many other fine places to stay in Pueblo if you do not desire to stay at the headquarters. These will be listed at a later date, along with some suggestions on where to eat.
Advertising for the Convention catalog and booth space is now on sale Details on the rates will be included in our next release, or may be obtained by writing Dean Benker; 3230 South Huron; Englewood, Colorado 80110.
A number of judges, as well as breed chairmen, have been selected. A list of these people will be released at a later date when the lineup is more complete.
The Colorado Convention committees have been rounded out. Filling the different committees are the following individuals.
Ways and Means; Bob Harris, Chmn., Virginia Pierce, George Le-Cavalier.
Nominating: Forrest Chancellor,
Frank Morgan, Lloyd Spencer, Jack Murrow.
Constitution and By-Laws: Pat Herman, Chmn., Dean Benker, Milton Duffy.
Catalog: Dean Benker, Chmn.,
George LeCavalier, Ernie Vendegna, Jr., Frank Morgan, Thelma Morgan, Carol Yaw, Jean Murrow, Forrest Chancellor.
Publicity: David Ford, Chmn., Jan Mudra, Bill Molen, Don Guthrie.
Reservations: Berniee Thompson, Chmn.
Youth: Trudy Hannon, Chmn.
Tours: Mr. and Mrs. Art Nelson, Co-Chmn.
Finances have been coming in quite well. The Colorado sponsors have raised almost $1000 to date. Anyone who wishes to purchase one or more shares in the Colorado Rabbit Shows, Inc., should send his check to Bob Harris, Treasurer; 7200 South Grant; Littleton, Colorado 80120. Shares sell
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for $50 apiece. It is hoped that the $50 will be repaid a year after the Convention’s completion, along with interest if a profit is made.
Plan now to attend the 45th ARBA Convention and Show. The earlier you make your plans, the easier it will be on you and us. Make the Convention part of your vacation plans. Colorado is a beautiful state. You will enjoy the fall mountain scenery of October. When it comes to this year’s vacation plans, think “Centennial State in ’68.”
Don Smith
I am writing this article in response to the many people who write for prices, and general information on rabbits and cavies. Some letters are out of this world. Recently, I received a letter from a Doctor at a Laboratory. He said he had read up on raising cavies, but wanted a first hand article. After much consideration I sat down and wrote four (4) pages, both sides on how I raise Cavies. I also gave him a price list, which he asked for. It’s been two (2) months now, no answer, thank you or anything else. Now tell me, is it worth the trouble?
In the same token, I have three (3) letters to answer here now. It just so happens some rabbit people were here the other day and five (5) of us have identical letters from the same three (3) people. Two (2) letters ask for prices, no age or breed mentioned. As most of us raise more than one breed, where do we start. The other letter is just questions. The man is set on raising “Flemish” for meat. He states, people are trying to discourage him, and what would my opinion be? Not being a Flemish man, I am just going to agree with him. As I am well acquainted with them, I don’t see as he can go wrong. This same man can’t see joining the American as they won’t sell his rabbits for him. About all I can do is try and sell him on the idea.
Just recently my wife received a letter from Rumania wanting show catalogs, bulletins, guide books and anything pertaining to rabbits. As these people can’t send money, she was most pleased to send him a large envelope containing everything he asked for and a good size letter. Yes, this sort of thing we can all appreciate, but when we now receive several letters, from the same person how can we spend so much time answering. I have received as high as thirty letters in one month. I can plainly see why most breeders demand a stamp. As
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yet we have not, we try and answer all mail, but once in awhile I do slip up.
Another very tough subject is selling rabbits through a Co-op or Rabbit Club. As in our own club almost everyone has his own market. I can verify the prices are spread from 25c a pound to almost $1.00 a pound. Now, this is a very wide margin and believe me the man selling for the larger price does not want the 25c rabbits.
He can raise all he needs and his requirements are for pedigreed stock and up to date records on the same. I have personally cut to just a hobby. I can sell all the meat I care to and don’t have a problem of waiting several months for a lab. or meat order.
These are my comments and feelings. We here at Finger Lakes R.B.A, wish everyone a fine 1968 and wish them luck raising rabbits and cavies.
Ellis W. Murray
Some say that credit will and is going to ruin this great country of ours. This kind of credit could maybe do just that but I am thinking of another kind of credit.
Our Secretary James Blyth remitted to the treasurer for the month of January $5,914.50. I searched the records and I found this to be the largest sum that any Secretary ever remitted for one month. This is about twice the average amount remitted. This means that our good secretary and his staff really worked overtime for us during the month of January.
Most of us take the secretary’s office and the work that is done there for granted. Some will say “why shouldn’t he work he is getting paid.” True he does get paid but if each of us was asked by management to work and produce twice as much next month as we have in the past months I am sure we would all rebel.
The Officers get copies of most of the correspondence that passes through the secretary’s office and some of the letters are really abusive. Our secretary gets the blame for everything that happens in the ARBA. Here is just one example. A member moves but he or she fails to notify the home office. So they don’t receive the bulletin. They blame the secretary in no uncertain terms.
The secretary and his staff are not perfect, they do make errors but by and large they do a good job. Why not in your next correspondence with the home office tell them about it. Let’s give CREDIT where CREDIT is due.
Club Notes
LIMA CLUB 52 Years Old The Lima Club was organized in 1916 Vern Ashton being the only charter member. Mr. & Mrs. Ashton are life members of the local Club. We are now making plans for our 44th Annual Spring Show.
Officers for 1968 are:
President Vern N. Ashton V. President Willard Morris Secretary Dale Place Treasurer Mrs. Barwick Directors Ortho Shaw, Terry Shaw and Clyde Troyer.
We meet the third Sunday of each month in members homes.
Indiana State Installs Officers
Indiana State Rabbit Breeders Association Inc.
Arthur G. Gruner, Publicity Chairman, 1725 Union Street,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46225 President, Harold Drudge; Vice-President, Kyle Cunningham; Secretary-Treasurer, Stanley Freed, 1607 E. Sycamore Street, Kokomo, Indiana 46901; Directors (for two years) Of fie Gaskins; Randolph Bagby; Corinne Stokes; Marshall B. Preston; Carldon Gaddis; the following directors are held over for one year, Otto Richter; Frank Miller, Don Humbert, and G. C. Moreland.
President Harold Drudge has indicated he will submit some major change proposals to the newly elected Executive Committee which should result in widespread interest in our organization and a bigger and better annual show.
The Ohio Flemish Giant Rabbit Breeders Association will hold their annual show May 4-5, 1968. Judges for the stellar event; Vern Ashton and Don Reid.
Following officials are hard at work; Roger Kenney and Carl Boring, Show superintendent and assistant respectively: Mr. and Mrs. Herb Anthony,
Show Secretary and assistant: Edna Andrews in charge of show clerks.
Special premiums and class money will be the same as in 1967 and full particulars and show catalog may be obtained from Herb Anthony, 746 Garfield, Newark, Ohio.
Council of California ARBA Clubs, Convention Show
Santa Clara County Fairgrounds will be bouncing April 6-7 as the big roundup show and state convention of the Council of California ARBA Clubs stage their annual event. Judges for the outing: George Bayliss, Fred Cre-mer, Elmer Paquette and Robert Sprague.
All show responsibilities have been assumed by the Rabbit Producers of Santa Clara Valley — John Phillips and Leonard Thomas, Show superintendent and assistant respectively; Edward M. Seacord show secretary and Rosalie Sterner assistant. Youth Department superintendent Bud Myers and Sadie Phillips, secretary.
The San Gabriel Cavy Breeders Association will manage the cavy department. State President Heinz Hofmann, Martinez, California has donated $25.00 cash and a beautiful trophy for Best Rabbit In Show.
The Regional Judges Conference for the Far West will be staged in conjunction with the Council of California extravaganza. Director Cyril Lowit and Edward M. Seacord, secretary of the Rabbit Producers of Santa Clara Valley have promised a full report and photos.
District 6 Judges Conference
Atlanta, Georgia big show will feature District #6 Regional Judges Conference. The district is composed of Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina and South Carolina.
Director Dick Parker, has reported that plans are progressing very well and all indications are — this will be the biggest rabbit show and event to be staged in the South, excepting the fine ARBA Conventions that we have had in Tampa (1928 & 1962) and Atlanta (1948).
We know this will indeed be a fine
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ARBA effort and we have our fingers crossed, maybe we will be returning to the South for another ARBA Convention-Show, in the near future.
New Rabbit Club In Alabama
Director Dick F. Parker has completed the organizing of a New Rabbit Club in Alabama under the name of EAST CENTRAL ALABAMA RABBIT CLUB, with headquarters in Auburn, Alabama. Mr. Parker spent the day with the new Club Officers and other members to get the Club on the road. The following were elected officers and Directors: Mr. Clifton R. Walton, President, Opelika, Alabama; Mr. Joe Clayton, Vice-Pres., Alexander City, Alabama; Mrs. Joe Clayton, Secretary, Alexander City, Alabama; Joe R. Wood. Treasurer, Opelika, Alabama; A. E. Prickett, Director, Opelika, Alabama; Robt. E. Richardson, Director, Auburn, Alabama.
Mr. Robert E. Richardson is now connected with the Auburn University and will be in position to work with the Official of the University and the State of Alabama to get Rabbit research started in the University.
The possibilities are great in this location of the State as there are lots of Rabbit Breeders living in and around Auburn, and I am sure that the New Club will soon have a large membership. All the Officers and Directors are now members of A.R.B.A.
$1,000.00 PRIZE & PREMIUMS 50th ANNIVERSARY Checkered Giant Show
The Illinois-Indiana Checkered Giant Rabbit Club are hosts to the Annual American Checkered Giant Rabbit Show. The dates are May 3-5, 1968, show site Crown Point, Indiana. The judges are Wayne Willmann, Jim Blyth and Lester Wells.
This show features cash, trophies, rosettes and ribbons to 15th placement. This is the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the A.C.G.R.C. by W.B. Garland of Canton, Ohio in 1918.
A bright gold anniversary souvenir catalog commemorates this event and full particulars may be obtained by contacting Jake Holmes, 440 Pulaski Road, Calumet City, Illinois 60409.
A1 Roerdanz
Oren Reynolds desire to help the National Specialty Clubs now shows results in the new A.R.B.A, hand book. This official publication contains a roster of all National specialty clubs with the names and addresses of their secretaries, the cost of the sweepstake sanctions and other pertinent information.
Another fine innovation for the fancy will be the regional judge’s conferences, and I am hopeful it will be especially helpful to the Tan breeders of America. The first conference planned for March 2nd. at Lowry City, Mo. is starting off right with Judge Cecil Green presenting the Tans. Judge Green is a good choice because he has raised the Tans and served on the standard committee which formulated the present standard for the American Tan. Better understanding and judging of the breed will help it’s popularity, encourage larger Tan entries in the shows and increase the number of grand champions.
There is an urgent need for judges to aquire a more definite and precise interpretation of the Tan standard to properly place class, to properly pick best of variety, and to properly pick best Tan.
From personal experience I know that the judging of Tans — from the
early 40’s to the present — has been very inconsistent and strangely irregular due to the failure to properly apply the schedule of points used to summarize the Tan standard. The paragraphs preceding this summary clearly explain what is desired in each section. The most points are alloted to the feature or section we consider the most important. The points graduate down to the section of least concern or value. Please understand that no part of the Tan is overlooked because any part might carry a disqualification or fault. We must make figurative reference to the points table to properly evaluate an exhibit by considering each section in it’s proper perspective.
Obviously when this breed comes to the judging table the judge must be color conscious not in the psychedelic sense — but rather aware of a color pattern, the mystique pattern of this bi- color breed.
It will help you to understand my color reference herein if you bear in mind when you see Tan spelled with a capital “T” I am refering to the breed, when you see tan spelled with a small “t” it indicates the marking color. Similarly when you see Black, Blue, Choc, and Lilac spelled with capitals it refers to the varieties — but when spelled with small letters it refers to body color.
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In the Tans the marking color is the same in all varieties. The four varieties in the breed: Black/Tan, Blue / Tan, Chocolate / Tan and Lilac/Tan indicate the body colors on which we find the tan markings. We might consider these as hot and cold colors. The fiery tan being the hot color and the four colors (black, blue, choco and lilac) as the cold colors. We might go a little further and say the two darker colors, black and choco., must carry the deepest most fiery tan; while the two dilute colors blue and lilac should carry a rich, tawny tan.
The proper markings on a Tan depends upon the proper, sufficient distribution of tan. To have this concept there must be a complete, unbroken collar or neck band. A broad tan chest, not pinched or cut off at the throat and straight, clean demarkation on legs with the toes wholly tanned. All markings should be clean and sharp with no stray tan hairs in the body color and no body color dulling a tan area.
Before you ever pick up a Tan to look for deep, even tan color on belly you can pretty well appraise the color quality you will find there by observing the brightness of tan in the nostrils, the tan carried inside the ear and by the brindling — the tan tipped guard hairs on sides and rump.
The chest, flank and belly section carry 10 of the 38 points alloted marking color, a triangle, circles, spots, the legs and feet make up 28 more. Now add 10 more points for proper shade of tan, this is 48 points attached to the name of the breed.
Type, weight and condition carry 15 points, but how many times I have seen a judge give a first to a Black/-Tan saying “good type and condition”. He had completely ignored a black chest and a pale yellowish tan belly.
England recently devalued the pound, but the upgrading of Tans in America in the ‘60’s was made possible by excellent imported stock from England which carried the rich fiery tan factor. This gave each variety more value and appeal.
The body colors in each variety must be sound and dense- black and chocolate to be deep and rich, the eyes brown or hazel-cut for white hairs or stray tan hairs. The Blues should be medium blue, very even, with blue eyes. The Lilac is the lightest color, but has a tendency to be too dark coupled with a lack of the pinkish tint over the surface. Eyes to match the body and glow ruby red when viewed in subdued light. Cut for
patchiness and lack of finish in all colors.
There is an error of 2 points in the section on Eyes on page 100 of the new standard. The schedule of points shows 2 points for eyes and this is all we can allow. My intent is not to make an issue of the error but it is indicative of how little attention is given to proper eye color. The Tan Club has improved the breed standard — it’s members are breeding to this standard — we should now judge by this standard. Remember this word of advise, “don’t get burned by ignoring the hot color”.
(1) Question: We have siege of diarrhea among our rabbits and it does not seem to be any respecter of age. The old as well as the younger ones have it. Someone suggested that we change the feed and we did this several times, but this certainly did not help and, if anything, the diarrhea was aggravated in this way. The rabbits lose a lot of flesh and quit eating. Kindly help us with this most discouraging problem.
Reply: Diarrheas have many origins, such as unsanitary surroundings, improper feed, too sudden changes in feeding methods, and infections of various types. In general one may say they are always associated with mismanagement of some kind or another. It is nature’s way of emptying and cleaning out the gut tract. If this is so desirable, why should we try to fill the rabbit up immediately with more foodstuff? The answer will be another diarrhea. Now, the prudent and wise thing to do about a diarrhea is to assist nature by restricting food and water for twenty-four to forty-eight hours. Many diarrheas can be starved out. This will provide rest for the disturbed digestive organs and the more complete rest that can be provided the better and more effective is this method of treatment. Sir William Osier, the noted physician, was asked, if he could have just one thing with which to treat disease, what would be choose? The answer was a four-letter word — rest. Rest is one of the most commonly-used methods of treatment of all the diseases, and we scarcely realize it. It provides time for the body functions and mechanisms t» concentrate on a cure, no matter what kind of disease is to be combated. Keep animals away from their droppings and provide sanitary conditions.
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After the diarrhea has been stopped, begin the diet with small amounts of oatmeal or green lettuce. Gradually add to the diet, as soon as evidence can be seen that the system is normal and capable of digesting the trial food.
(2) Question: Every year a large number of our young rabbits develop a swelling under the jaw. They get pretty sick and lose weight because of the inability to eat well. Sometimes they develop a diarrhea and then they really waste away in a short time. What is this disease and can it be cured or prevented?
Reply: These abscess formations, which come near the angle of the jaw, about where the head and neck join, is a specific infectious disease of rabbits which has been named “strangles.” When an abscess happens to break inside, the pus runs down the windpipe and strangles the rabbit. There are times when the abscess becomes large enough to nearly fill the throat and breathing becomes difficult and noisy. The infection enters the body by way of the throat and tonsils. The lymph glands in this region attempt to check the disease by acting as strainers and keep it from spreading to other parts of the body. When the glands are “ripe” they should be opened with a sharp knife and the pus drained out. This should be caught in a tight container and either buried or burned along with all other material that may have been soiled by the discharge. Since this part of the anatomy is provided with several large blood-vessels, important nerves, the food tube and windpipe, and most of all the pin-point-size parathyroid glands, which if obliterated will cause the animal to die in convulsions, it is much wiser to seek the professional services of your veterinarian. He can give on injection that will relieve suffering and act as a specific against the disease and prescribe local applications that will promote healing of the wound from inside outward. Hutches and utensils should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with chlorine solution. Then get some sunshine in to them if practical.
(3) Question: On several occasions we have lost some valuable rabbits from a sudden distention of the stomach by gas. The disease does not appear to be catching but, instead, shows up every now and then and generally kills the best show prospect that we have in the rabbitry. We would like to get information on this disease
and learn some way to prevent and cure it.
Reply: Bloat, or flatulence, as it is sometimes called, has long been a serious problem for the veterinarian, since it occurs in all the different kinds of domestic animals. Like the many causes of headache in man, there are also many causes of bloat in rabbits and other animals. Gas is the result of fermentation of food. Bloat is imprisoned gas in the abdomen. The digestive secretions of the body, when they are normal, are capable of keeping the gas-producing “germs” that are taken in with the food under control, within a well defined safety limit. But sometimes this equilibrium is disturbed. For instance, the digestive juices may become scant, due to a lack of common salt in the body, and fermentation occurs beyond the capacity of the body to take care of it. Common salt has several uses in the body but none is more important than the part it plays in the manufacture of hydrochloric acid, the stomach acid. Some kinds of animals can vomit up the fermenting mass of food, or belch up the gas, or pass it out through the rectum as flatus, but the rabbit can do none >of these things. There is another outlet for eliminating gas from the body and that is through the lungs by the medium of the blood stream. Much gas is exchanged and transported in this manner. But this, too, can be shut off as a means of elimination when there has been a sudden ballooning of the stomach and intestines to a point where the pressure renders the walls tight as a drum, restricting the blood flow to a minimum and consequently interfering with the transport of gases in the veins as well as the flow of digestive secretions. This gas pressure prevents the expansion of the lungs for their intake of air and chokes down the struggling heart, with death ensuing as the final result in a few moments. Many of these cases are found dead, but when one is discovered alive, relief may frequently be had by seeking veterinary aid. A veterinarian can puncture the stomach with a long hypodermic needle, or pass a metal stomach tube through the mouth, releasing the pressure and gas. Rabbits, like men who eat a lot of food, grow fat, soft and develop a fatty degeneration of the heart and bloodvessels in early life. Flatulence is many times closely associated with a failing heart and its circulatory system.
Then there is the type of bloat which comes from eating certain plants that may be mixed with the
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hay, known as saponins. The name implies soap or soapsuds, because of the rapid frothy bloat which these can produce. This is the most difficult kind of bloat to relieve, because of the myriads of minute bubbles forming, each bubble retaining its quota of gas. However, during the past year a new drug has been placed in the hands of veterinarians throughout the country which immediately destroys the soap bubble surface tension, breaking down the numberless bubbles into a single unit of gas which can then be liberated through the trocar or stomach tube. This gas, while spewing out of the abdomen through a trocar needle will bum if ignited by a match, just like illuminating gas. There may be only a few saponin plants in a bale of hay and this explains why sometimes only one rabbit in a group develops bloat.
Mrs. L. P. Meyers, Sharon, Ontario, displays some of the many products possible from Angora Wool.
Owner Breed Reg. No. Ear No.
R. Riding Satin 9702-X 138
G. Carlton Am. Chinchilla 8099-X RX99
N. Carlton Dutch 5100-X 17T
G. Carlton Dutch 8951-X CDJ11
R. Wallace . Checkered Giant 1885-A RW311
D. Kinelaar Ck. Giant 8956-X DK9
D. Kinelaar Californian 8954-X J
M. Magness American Chinchilla 9353-X FB4
M. Magness American Chinchilla 9351-X C4
M. Magness American Chinchilla 7988-X PF101
Sagarsees Rabbitry New Zealand . 5067-X WR
Sagarsees Rabbitry New Zealand 6268-X SSK
Mar-Cel Rabbit Farms New Zealand 5210-X MC867
J. Eve New Zealand 450-A E121
R. F. Wallace Checkered Giant 1882-A RW 303
Chippewa Rabbitry New Zealand 7496-X
Chippewa Rabbitry New Zealand 7498-X
Owner Breed Reg. No. Ear No.
Sargarsee Rabbitry New Zealand 8058-V B
E. Henry New Zealand 5178-X MC898
E. Henry New Zealand 4535-X NH142
E. Henry New Zealand 5174-X JJ10
R. Berry Polish 8909-X S10
T. Brock Dutch Ml
E. Hord Std. Chin 9632-X 7H01
P. Molyneaux Polish 3141-A B1
L. Spangler New Zealand 1210-A S16
L. Spangler New Zealand 1207-A S10
L. Spangler New Zealand 1208-A S15
L. Spangler New Zealand 1209-A S13
D. Snyder ... Dutch 3653-A QC
Andrews Rabbitry Flemish 3144-A AH1W
M. Guise C. D’Argent 7445-X A1
H. Kinschief New Zealand 2322-A HK-43
R. Martin Flemish 505-A 15
M. Uran Dutch F33
C. Parter New Zealand 251-A CP172
S. Trum New Zealand 3577-X TC545
B. Terhune English Spot 2067-A TT2
H. J. Betts Californian 3356-A B2261
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JOB DESCRIPTION Earl Hord Breed Chairman
The work of the breed chairman in the National ARBA Convention and Show is probably the most important job in the general operation of the show itself. Upon you depends the success or failure of your breed’s showing in the convention show. For this reason, this sheet is being prepared to help those who have never worked in this capacity before.
The job of breed chairman should cover the following (except in a few instances).
1. Contact breeders for and collect as many specials as you can. Be sure the specials are handled in the regular way within your specialty club — the convention committee is in no way responsible for these. Some clubs have a Fund Chairman to do this. If your club has this arrangement, you can disregard No. 1 and 2, but be sure to check on this before forgetting it.
2. Prepare the list of specials for the convention and show catalog and have this in the hands of the catalog chairman on or before the deadline. More trouble arises here than you would ever dream. Let me assure you that the catalog committee has given you every day possible to gather your specials.
3. Be available on check-in day to check in your breed. You may need helpers, but be sure you either do the job or have it done for you. There is nothing that makes for a better show than to get all your animals in their places quickly after arrival in the showroom.
4. You are responsible for getting your breed judged. Be sure to recruit enough clerks and carriers to get the job done correctly. Some breeds have a breed secretary to handle the book work, but most do not. If your breed does this, consult your specialty club secretary, if not, take care of this yourself. Naturally, the larger the entry, the more help you will need to get the job done efficiently.
5. You are also responsible for seeing that your animals are watered and fed and that your area is cleaned and in order each day (those having breeds on solid bottomed coops should keep fresh bedding down at all times). There is a possibility of a contest for this area.
By taking care of the five mentioned areas, you will have executed your responsibilities well.
Breed Secretary:
Your job is very important because upon you rests the responsibility of getting the judge’s remarks and decisions to the exhibitors.
Briefly, you will find a description of your job below.
1. You are working under the supervision of the BREED CHAIRMAN and the GENERAL SECRETARY.
2. You must take the remarks of the judge on the remark card, see that the placement is put on this card, see that the number in the class is put on this card also. Be sure all special awards are written on this card. All placements and specials must be listed on the judge’s sheet by you (or your helpers), or under your supervision. Accuracy is the keynote here.
3. When you are through judging, you should then fill in, Completely, your sweepstakes report for the specialty club secretary. Here again, accuracy is the keynote.
4. Also, when judging has been completed, please fill in your “Show Report Sheets” so a full report can be given to all exhibitors. We hope to have this ready at check-out time, so this must be done immediately and given to the General Secretary.
5. When all your reports are filled out, get your material back to the General Secretary immediately.
Your Breed Chairman may have other duties for you, depending upon your arrangements with him or her. It is the hope of the General Convention Committee that you can cut down all errors to a bare minimum, as well as keep your part of the show flowing along evenly through your good work.
REGISTRATIONS February 19(»8
New Zealands 75
Californians 25
Silver Martens 16
Dutch ........................... 11
Flemish .......................... 9
Checkered Giants 8
Champagnes 6
Creme D’Argent 4
Angoras........................... 3
American Chinchillas 2
Satins .......................... 2
Standard Chins ................... 1
Rex .............................. 1
English .......................... 1
Polish 1
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Morrow R. Raisers Ass'n Mrs. Charles V,. Geyer, RR 3, Cardington, Ohio. Apr 19-20
Mall City RBA, William Smith, 10507 Weatherfield Dr., Portage, Mich. Apr 19-20
Falls Cities RBA (Eng.), Carroll Clements, Bagdad, Ky. Apr 20
Falls Cities RBA (NZ Show), Harold C. Quick, 4619 S. First St., Louisville, Ky. Apr 20
Falls Cities RBA, Harold C. Quick, 4619 S. First St., Louisville, Ky. Apr 20-21
Pecos Valley RBA, Mrs. 1. B. Hite, 2003 No. Garden, Roswell, N. Mex. Apr 20-21
Lima R&CBA, Dale Place, R 4, Cridersville, Ohio
Apr 20-21
Des Moines RBA, Mrs. Hazel Williams, R 2, Maxwell, Iowa. Apr 21
Harvey Co. RBA, Elsie Schmidt, Box 30, Lehigh, Kan. Apr 21
Trinity Valley R.Club, Al Blackford, P.O. Box 91, La Porte, Texas. Apr 21
Grundy Co. RBA, Dorothy Johnson, RR 1, Box 30, Mazon, III. Apr 21
Lebanon Valley R&CBA, Alfred Fisher, RD 1, Box
505, Palmyra, Pa. Apr 21
Sioux Valley RBA, Larry L. Loyd, Baltic, S.D. Apr 21
Empire Dutch Spec. Club, C. P. Cruts, 2310 Howbert, Colorado Springs, Colo. Apr 22-28
Gaston Co. RBA, Bill Drennan, R 1, Box 218, Belmont, N.C. Apr 26-27
West Michigan RBA, Mrs. Etola Grommon, 14009 8th
Ave. S, Marne, Mich. Apr 26-27
Ohio State SiI. Marten R. Club, Vivian N. Jones, RFD 1, Apples Corners, East Liverpool, Ohio. Apr 26-27
C.E.M. RBA, Mrs. Edward Lawson, Frankford, Mo.
Apr 27-28
Van Wert Co. RBA, Jo Ann Lewis, Box 15, Middle Point, Ohio Apr 27-28
Tri County RBA, Phil Lohman, 11800 W. Howard, Greenfield, Wise. Apr 28
American Ck. Gt. R. Club, Ivan R. Holmes, 440 Pulaski Rd., Calumet City, III. May 3-5
Richland Co. RBA, Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Road, RD 3, Mansfield, Ohio. May 4-5
Ohio Flemish Gt. RBA, Herb Anthony, 746 Garfield, Ave., Newark, Ohio. May 4-5
Progressive Rabbit Club, Ray Twyman, 11312 Orchard Rd., Hickman Mills, Mo. May 5
Cattaraugus Co. RBA, D. George Ernst, 56 Katherine St., Port Alleghany, Pa. May 5
Kiam Rabbit Club, Wm. T. Robinson, R 1, Box 427, Herrin, III. May 5
Iowa Progressive Rabbit Club, C. Jay Miller, 303 So. 6th St., Kalona, Iowa. May 5
York Co. R&CBA, Rudolph Hershey, RD 2, Box 349, Dover, Pa. May 5
All States Rabbit Club, Jean Percy, Madrid, Nebr.
May 5
Ohio Calif. RS Club, Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Road, Mansfield, Ohio. May 10-11
Ohio Valley RBA, Mrs. Diane Walker, 516 Shenango Rd., Beaver Falls, Pa. May 11
Tulsa RBA, Jack Lockhart, R 1, Box 173 L, Owasso, Okla. May 11-12
Huron Co. RBA, Larry Granneman, RD 2, Wakeman, Ohio. May 11-12
New England NZ RBA, George L. Smith, Maple Farm,
RD 1, Box 211, Thomaston, Conn. May 18-19
Iowa State RBA, Dorothy Newport, 2401 Wilson Ave.,
SW, Cedar Rapids, Ia. May 18-19
Springfield RBA, Juanita Fisher, 819 E. Kearney St., Springfield, Mo. May 18-19
Williams Co. RBA, Betty Jo Ridgway, RR 2, West Unity, Ohio May 18-19
Eastern Dutch RF Club, May Hill, 2006 Jackson Ave.,
Wilmington, Del. May 19
Empire State RBA, Mary Fragola, 5463 Vernon St., Verona, N.Y. Way 19
Friendly RBA, Evelyn R. Tatman, R 4, Lancaster, Ohio. 19
New Zealand RB Club of Calif., Pauline Shafer, 12239 E. 213th St., Hawaiian Gardens, Calif. May 19 National Capital RBA, Cindy Ray, R 1, Box 2C3, Germantown, Md. May 26
North Central Iowa RFA, LuVerne Vannatta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa. May 26
Ohio State RBA, Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Rd., RR 3, Mansfield, Ohio. May 26
State Line RBA, Mrs. Jane Mueller, Box 138, R 1, Wauseon, Ohio. Jun 1
Indianapolis RFA, Ruth Scott, RR 1, Box 122, Morristown, Ind. Jun 2
Iowa State Ck. Gt. R , Robert F. Wallace, State School, Glenwood, Iowa. Jun 2
Tri State R&CBA, Mildred E. Beatty, RD 1, Apples Corners, East Liverpool, Ohio. Jun 2
State Line RBA, Mrs. Jane Mueller, R 1, Box 138, Wauseon, Ohio. Jun 2
Interstate RFA, Mrs. Kenneth Avery, Madison Hill, RD 3, Wellsville, N.Y. Jun 2
Coshocton Rabbit Club, Jack Wireman, 5 475 See-man St., SW, Navarre, Ohio. Jun 9
West Branch RBA, Mrs. Donna L. Hackenberg, RD 4, Muncy, Pa. Jul 16
Mad River Valley R&CB, Joyce Judy, 10 Central
Ave., Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Jun 15-16
Lorain Co. RBA, Mrs. M. J. Honoshafsky, 8904 W. Ridge Rd., Elyria, Ohio. Jun 22-23
Alameda Co. Fair, James W. Trimingham, P.O. Box 579, Pleasanton, Calif. Jun 30-Jul 14
Sonoma Co. Fair & Expo., James F. Lyttle, P.O. Box
1451, Santa Rosa, Calif. Jul 15-27
Orange Co. Fair, Alfred G. Lutjeans, 88 Fair Dr., Costa Mesa, Calif. Jul 16-21
Howell Co. Fair, Florence Bauer, Chamber of Commerce Office, West Plains, Mo. Jul 22-27
Lake Co. Fair, L. A. Nordhausen, P.O. Box 27, Grays-lake, III. Jul 24-28
Mr. W. E. Molen, Editor Dear Mr. Molen:
I want to tell you how much I enjoy the ARBA Bulletin. Keep up the good work.
On Nov. 9, 1967 we held a meeting for the purpose of forming a commercial rabbit breeders club. We were delighted at the response. The newspapers, state and county officials and business people gave us their full support.
We elected officers for the coming year as follows: Pres. Mr. W. R. McDonald, Rt. 1 (Old Union) Simms, Tex.; Vice-pres. Mr. Charles O’Bier, 222 McLean St., Mt. Pleasant, Tex.; Sec’y-treas. Mrs. Lorene Smith, Rt. 1, Box 325-A, Simms, Tex.; Club reporter & publicity director, Mr. C. W. Evans, Rt. 1, Box 185, New Boston, Tex.; State representive, Mr. Thomas Hutcheson, P.O. Box 65, Simms, Tex.
Our next meeting was held Dec. 14 at the Simms school. Twenty-four members were signed up. Mr. James Tidwell, Simms, Tex.; Mr. H. B. Whisenhunt, Mineral Springs, Ark.; and Mr. Frank Cope, Maud, Tex., were elected as financial chairmen for a term of three months.
Our official meeting place is the Simms school, the second Thursday of each month.
The name of our club is, The Ark, La., Tex. Commercial Rabbit Breeder’s Club.
Mrs. Lorene E. Smith, Sec’y.-treas.
Simms, Texas 75574
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As of February 29, 1968 New Zealand
1. Eugene Henry, Conn. 56
2. Henry Sagarsee, Mich. 51
3. Harold Drudge, Ind. 36
4. W. H. Smith, Tenn. 33
5. Carl Persails, Mich. 30
6. G. S. Davis, Iowa .. 30
7. Marvin Carley, Vt. 28
8. Frank Westley, Pa. . 28
9. Marvin L. Cummings, Fla. 24
10. L. A. Dunlap, Kansas 24
1. Pete Naylor, Kansas 33
2. Roger Fitchorn, 111. 12
3. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 8
4. W. F. Gilbert, Calif. 6
5. Joe Eve, Tenn. 4
6. Robert Berry, Tenn. 2
7. R. L. Riding, Fla. 2
8. Harry Coles, Mo. 2
1. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 34
2. Hugh J. Betts, Tenn. 27
3. Harold Reese, 111. 26
4. Kyle Cunningham, Ind. 19
5. F. Clem Steinhoff, Wise. 17
6. C. A. Wade, Ark. 11
7. Joseph C. Lain, N.C. 14
8. Leland Clark, Calif. 10
9. R. C. Schwab, N. Mex. 10
10. Harry Coles, Mo. 7
11. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 7
Silver Marten
1. Gary Grimm, Iowa ..... 20
2. O. Wi. Williams, Wash. 15
3. E. O. Wolff, Texas 5
4. E. W. Storey, La. 5
5. Joe Eve, Tenn. ..... 3
6. John Buehler, 111. 2
7. S. H. Willis, Wash. 2
8. Howard Reese, 111. 2
1. Eugene Henry, Conn. 57
2. Henry Sargarsee, Mich. 54
3. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 45
4. Pete Naylor, Kan. 43
5. Harold Drudge, Ind. 38
6. Howard Reese, 111. 37
7. W. H. Smith, Tenn. 36
8. Carl Persails, Mich. 35
9. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 34
10. G. S. Davis, Iowa 33
11. Fidelis Clem Steinhoff, Wis. 31
12. O. W. Williams, Wash. 30
As of February 29,1968 Individuals
1. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif. 13
2. Edward H. Stahl, Mo. 7
3. Mark Youngs, Wash. 7
4. Tommy Andrew, Pa. 3
5. F. R. Applegate, 111. 2
6. Mel Behrens, N.Y. 2
7. Don Covey, 111.................. 2
8. B. B. Rewey, Mont. 2
9. R. Herschbach, Calif. 2
1. Cactus R. B. Ass’n., Ariz. 3
2. Long Island R.B. Ass’n., N.Y. 3
3. American Satin R.B. Ass’n. 2
4. American Cavy Breeders 2
5. Harvey Co. R.B. Ass’n., Kan. 2
Jay C. Hartman
Easter 1963 our parents purchased my sisters Vera Kay and Susie each a rabbit “Easter Bunny”. One was speckled and the other white, and, as it turned out to be a buck and a doe, they became quite fruitful. Speckles, as we called the doe, had 12 to 14 babies nearly everytime and would usually raise 8 to 10 of them. These were of mixed New Zealand white and Checkered Giant origin. Normally they would average about 4 lb. each at 8 weeks old. As the mother Speckles became older the litters average weight at 8 weeks increased somewhat. Smaller litters would gain faster since they each received more nourishment and could be marketed about a week earlier. Even though the litters usually did quite well in numbers and weight at weaning, there were often about 3 to 6 young that would die mysteriously in the nest box during the first 3 or 4 days and an occasional runt would show up. Some which were raised as breeders were not as physically vigorous and lacked somewhat in fur quality such as even length of fur and sheen. From all these indications we supposed the buck and doe were too closely related and evidently possessed several undesirable recessive genetic characteristics. We then started using other bucks which were mostly New Zealand white and belonged to other friendly neighbors that were glad to help us out. This produced better offspring which made much better breeders. Although we received improvement this practice was not too satisfactory, as many times the does did not conceive: and much time and many litters were missed as we were not acquainted with the palpating method of determining pregnacy. We purchased a pure bred New Zealand white buck about 10 weeks old and raised him for our herd sire. He proved to be a very good buck and produced many fine litters of good quality for us with good conception rate.
After about 2 years raising mixed
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rabbits we decided to try some pedigreed rabbits and chose the white Flemish Giants. There is always a market for good quality pedigreed stock in fairly substantial quantity and we wanted white so that if demand got slow for pedigreed stock, during late summer months and early fall, we could sell for laboratory use which usually brings a substantial premium price above meat sales. The fast gaining capabilities of the Flemish Giant also offer greater net return with close 5 lb. average at 8 weeks and capacity to gain from 3/4 lb. to 1 lb. weight per week there after. They normally slow down sharply after reaching 11 lbs. to a gain of about 1/4 lb. per week and maturing at 14 to 24 lb. We bought 2 does and 1 buck to start. One doe was about 8 months old and the other a junior about 4 months old. They came from a well known show herd and had many winnings noted on their pedigrees. Both sire and dam of the older doe were grand champions. I requested the seller to send the doe bred so he mated her to her full brother who he later showed and won 2 legs toward grand champion at two major shows. When the litter arrived, there were 6 beautiful little fellows and as they grew one buck developed a lop ear and extra long fur. Another developed a lop ear and rather common type. One died at about 9 weeks old of disease. One buck had exceptionally good type with dandy head and broad shoulders and hips. One doe developed similarly. Another doe developed acceptable type but would not breed. Consequently we had 1 good buck and 1 good doe breeders from this litter and both really did prove to be exceptionally good quality breeders. The purchased buck mentioned was used quite extensively for about a year and during this time he produced some beautiful offspring. We had an awful lot of trouble with colds and loose bowels that year. The old buck passed away during this period and the young inbred buck was coming along old enough to begin light. service. After his litters started arriving, things changed. The trouble with colds and bowels seemed to disappear with the old buck’s blood so I decided to dispose of the few breeders I was raising of his daughters. We were all very well pleased with the broad hips and overall good type of the new buck’s daughters and their exceptionally fast growth. This buck being so intensely inbred, as his grand parents were paternal brother and sister in addition to his parents full brother and sister, he would not work on his dam and inbred sisters and we
lost the other doe during our disease rash. Another strange buck was purchased to mate to these does. He had red-white-blue registration. We obtained one good litter of this buck and the inbred young doe which provided us with several more good does and two good bucks. I traded one of these to another Flemish breeder for another new buck as the registered one passed away after about 2 months. This new-one, received on the trade, was quite unsatisfactory in type and offspring so he was also disposed of. In the mean time one of the two good bucks we kept, which was brother to the one we traded off, became old enough for service so we used him on his grand dam which was the older doe of our original purchase. This combination resulted in 75% of the original blood of grand champion quality origin and produced some of the best stock we have raised. We have now purchased another new buck to mate to our last buck’s sisters and daughters. One litter of this one has arrived, so far, of pedigreed stock and from all appearances he should do a good job for us. This buck has pedigree eligible for red-white-blue registry and is a beauty.
We have disposed of all our colored grade stock and have all white now. One is a grade doe which has been doing a truly outstanding job for us all around. The balance of the herd are pedigreed Flemish Giants.
Flemish Giants do require a little larger hutch than smaller rabbits. Size should be 3 feet wide and 5 feet long for minimum inside dimensions. About 20 to 24 inches in height will do. This will accommodate up to about 4 juniors and dam. For average litters of 6 to 10 youngsters and dam, size should be a little larger depending on type of bedding and/or hutch floor you use. They must be kept clean and dry so it is necessary to have a pen large enough and properly constructed to make this possible. They must also have ample room to move about to get adequate exercise. This promotes good appetite and muscular development which is needed in growing good healthy breeders. Hutches should be positioned and built so as to avoid drafts and dampness on the rabbits.
Dishes and feeders should be kept clean and just enough feed should be fed so that there are only a few crumbs or pellets left in the feeders when they are fed again. This assures that palatibility and quality of feed are maintained and that they are getting proper amount of feed for size and particular physical condition. If a
Page Seventeen
rabbit or two get overly fat for good breeding condition, you can judge how much to feed them by averaging the amount normally eaten by other normal rabbits of similar size.
If a rabbit goes off feed or gets loose bowels, the cause should be promptly determined. Occasionally a frequent changing of weather will •cause some loss of appetite, however, this usually is not more than one feeding period. If more than one feeding is missed, or signs of loose bowels, or .severe cold is noticed, usually sulfa •drug or penicillin medication is needed. This can be given orally if they will drink, if not, it must be given intramuscularly. A veterinarian should be consulted until you become proficient at determining the cause of trouble yourself and methods of treatment learned.
We have gained much information .and guidance from belonging to the American Rabbit Breeders Association and N.F.F.G.R.B. so I suggest anyone interested in raising rabbits and intending to make a success of it should belong to these organizations. They are always willing and ready to be of help when needed.
Susan Daughtry
When you enter your rabbit at a show, you are really saying, “I think that this rabbit is good, but since, I am not an expert, and am just learning, I need an expert’s opinion on just how good this rabbit really is.” I look up to the judge as an expert and I respect his opinion, whatever it might be. I can just imagine myself, behind that table with a class of 20 to 30 rabbits. I would be flabbergasted. I recently weaned a litter of seven New Zealand Reds, aged two months, all weighing exactly four pounds each, and I cannot for the life of me, pick the best. They seem identical. I could possibly keep them and show them all, but that would be an expensive proposition, and yet it might save me from making a mistake. I guess all beginners must make mistakes while learning.
I recently read one person’s opinion that the breeders should not be permitted near or around the judge’s table while they are working. I would like to hear a judge’s opinion on this. As a breeder, I heartily disagree. There is nothing more exciting to me than to see my rabbit on the table with a lot of real good ones and staying on the table down to the end or even to fifth place is an honor in a big class.
I DON’T like coming in after the judging and looking at a card to see if I am a winner. I love the excitement and suspense at the table. It might be old-fashioned, but I enjoy seeing my friends win. The most important point is that you can best learn by watching the judges and trying to imitate their ways.
Here is something else for you to ponder. I kind of think it would be nice if trophies would be presented to the winners instead of just handing them out at the office as the exhibitors leave. What would you breeders think of a special table, maybe with a microphone. and as each breed is finished, the winners are announced and come forward for their trophies? I think that the breeder with a top rabbit deserves a little praise. It certainly takes a lot of hard work and tender, loving care to raise a winner. Agreed? I think that this would also give the judges a slight break between breeds, that he could relax a few minutes with a cup of coffee or a bottle of soda that is NOT covered with flying rabbit fur! ! ! !
If we have some response from you breeders and judges, we just might try something different at our ’68 show. If you would rather see the winnings in the show report instead, that is O. K. too. Well? ? ? ?
Secretary of the
ARBA National Specialty Clubs
Dear friends:
Received a letter from
Prof. Roscoe F. Cuozzo Extension Rabbit Consultant University of Maine Hitchnew Hall Orono, Maine 04473 “The Department of Animal Sciences here at the University of Maine is anxious to obtain a tanned pelt of all the various breeds of rabbits in the United States. These pelts are to be used for demonstration purposes by students in our laboratory — Animal Technicians course of study.
“I have been authorized by the acting head of the Animal Science Department to procure and pay a reasonable price for these pelts.”
I hope you gentlemen/women will have at least one tanned pelt you can send Mr. Cuozzo and suggest you write him direct at the above address.
Thanking you for any cooperation you can give him, I am JB/ct
cc: Prof. Roscoe F. Cuozzo Yours truly,
James Blyth, Secretary
.Page Eighteen
If you are in need of breeding stock, contact one of our members near you. It is always best that you see the stock first before purchasing. Make use of our registrars about the purchasing of stock. There is always a reliable breeder near you who can supply you with good healthy stock.
How Many Item Unit Price
A.R.B.A. BOOKLET .25 ea 12-$3.00 24-$4.75 50-$6.25
Book of Standards Cloth cover — $3.00 Paper Cover — $2.00
Cooking Recipes Per 100 $2.00 _
Pedigree Book $1.50 _
Judge's Report Book — used by Rabbit Show Secretaries only $1.75
Emblem — Electro —$1.50 Large —$1.75 _
___ Emblem — Sleeve Patch — Small $1.25
Emblem — Back Patch — Large $2.25
Slogan — Electro $1.50 _
___Slogan — Rubber Stamp $1.50
Emblem — Rubber Stamp $1.50
Bronze Membership Button — up to 5 years $1.25 _
Sterling Silver Membership Button — 5 to 10 years $2.00 _
10K Gold Membership Button — 10 to 25 years $5.00
___ 10K Gold Membership Button — over 25 years $5.00
ARBA Decals — Emblem .25 each 6 for $1.00 _
Page Nineteen
Original Format
Bound magazine
ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 2 - Mar/Apr
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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8 1/2 inches x 11 inches
American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 2 - Mar/Apr,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed January 22, 2025,
Fred Cremer A.R.B.A. Judge
Vol. 3
AAarch-April, 1968
No. 2
Avert Economic Chaos
Whether they be large operations or small, rabbitries that encounter serious problems are generally those that practice poor management procedures or those that fail to follow established recommendations for disease control.
Preventative measures (an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure) are absolutely necessary. Disease is not a problem to be dealt with as it arises. Or in the most futile situation, after it has appeared. Thousands of rabbits,are raised in a relatively small area. In many instances the infection or illness of one rabbit rray spread to a large portion, indeed, if not the en-
Mrs. Susan Gordon of the Foreign Livestock Division of the U. S. Department of Agriculture contacted the Washington Committee around the end of 1967 for some rabbits. It seemed that the Agricultural Officer of the American Consulate General in Milan, Italy thought that sorre good rabbits should be on exhibit at the 69th International Agricultural Exhibit in Verona, Italy March 10—19,1968.
As the number of rabbits requested was small, the committee felt that the animals should be donated by local breeders. So, the committee asked the members of the National Capitol Rab-(Continued Page 3)
tire herd. Therefore, disease can sometimes be sudden and great big trouble almost before you know it. Economic chaos and disaster many times result.
For these reasons, rabbitries and rabbit raisers must at all time utilize the best management principles; be on the alert and familiar with symptoms of disease and be able to deal with them in the best and prescribed manner. The services of a veterinarian should be sought. The old wives tale that vets know nothing about rabbits is an untenable assertion. Of course a veterinarian is. knowledgeable and trained in disease of animals whether they be bacterial, viral, nutritional or parasitical. Let’s be realistic — in olden times ‘home remedies’ — treatments that included goose grease, kerosene, honey and whiskey for colds in humans were used, but today the antibiotics perform miracles unheard of in the old days. The same is true in animal health and cure. The rabbit raiser with a big assist from the veterinarian should be able to eliminate much, if not all, of the possibility of disease through preventive treatment, surely. But if disease does strike, look to your veterinarian for assistance and thus avert disaster.
Recommendations When Disease Strikes
If there is an outbreak of disease in your rabbitry, isolate the sick rabbit or rabbits at once. This will prevent further spread by contact. Clean and disinfect all pens, nest boxes, feeding and watering equipment. Burn all carcasses, for many bacteria thrive in the soil. Don’t wait — if the outbreak seems serious, or if you do not know (Continued Page 4)
1323 Murray Avenue James Blyth, Secy. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
W. E. (Bill) Molen, Editor PO. Box 8, Bronson. Kansas 66716 Pat Krider. Assistant Publicity Chm. PUBLICITY STAFF
Bctt Hickman Tillie Morchead
Joe Lutes Mark Youngs
Rayal Winters Joan Wallace
O. R. (Bud) Chaney Dora O'Hare
Lloyd Shantz Pat Kelley
EXECUTIVE BOARD ARBA Wayne Willmann, Pres. James Blyth, Secy
Oren Reynolds, V.-Pres. Ellis Murray. Treas
Fred Applegate J. Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W. E. Molen
Claude Bennett E. P. Shilliday
W. H. Kennedy Edward Stahl
D. F. Parker
In case you did not read your January issue of our Bulletin, may I remind you that Mr. Sam Gerardi of Pennsylvania is Chairman of the Youth Department. Please note this on page 2 of your 1968 Yearbook.
January was the biggest month in the ARBA — yes, bigger than any as far back as our records go. Mr. Blyth sent our Treasurer a check for 5,914.50. Let us rejoice! But that means that Mr. Blyth and his secretary had a great amount of work — in addition to assembling the HANDBOOK and mailing it. Why not send them a “thank you” sometime just to show them that you appreciate it. Very few — if any — national organizations get along on such little paid help as we do in the ARBA (only 2). How much more do we want to pile on these 2? And yet we want to increase our business — don’t we? What say YE?
Now, I wish to thank all our members and Clubs who renewed their memberships so promptly. If you didn’t renew — will you do so soon? Has your Local Club reviewed its membership to determine if each member has sent in his ARBA dues for 1968? Here is something every LOCAL can do to help stop the lack of renewals. The stronger we make our parent organization, the more service we can render the members.
Our new “HANDBOOK” should give you plenty of material for discussion at your Local Club meetings. What do you plan to do with it?
Our Board granted you the privilege to pick “Best in Show” if you care to do so. This means at any sanctioned show — local or state — where several breeds are exhibited — until October
6, 1968. Our Colorado ARBA Convention Show will NOT select Best in Show. At our Board meeting in Pueblo we shall review the results of this experiment and determine whether to continue the practice. I urge you to send me a carefully written description how you did it and the reaction — good or bad — from the exhibitors. We must have these reports if we are to be fair in our decision.
Mr. Phil Lohman, Wisconsin, Chairman of our Commercial Dept, was asked by our Board to prepare a nationwide Directory of Rabbit Processors so we can render this service to our members. He is working at it — writing letters — begging for the information — but not getting much help from our members. If you know the names and addresses of Processors please send them to Mr. Lohman.
If you want to offer your exner-ience — time and effort as an officer of the ARBA get your petition from Mr. Blyth — have it signed by ARBA members (at least 25) and get the completed form to Mr. Blyth before June 1. Election ballots are mailed July 15 and polls close August 15.
All Resolutions must be in the hands of Mr. Langeland (Michigan) by July
7. Page 59 Article 9 in 1968 Yearbook will explain the method by which resolutions are received.
I have asked our Directors to study the organization and activities of our Youth Department so we can make some changes to improve our service to the youth of our nation. If you care enough about our youth and their future as Rabbit Raisers — will you send me your suggestions. Our next Bulletin will carry an article written (at my request) by one of our foremost youth leaders. I want to see some changes for the better. I hope you do too!
News items concerning our youth and their rabbit activities will be printed in our Bulletin if you will send them to Mr. Molen. I feel this is one step in the right direction. Our members should know more about their needs and their successes.
Wayne Willmann
Page Two
*74e Sudeten
National Rabbit Week, July 16-22, 1968, is just 3 short months away. It is time all dubs and individuals too, start their programs off in high gear. Last year a total of 67 clubs submitted material to be judged in the contest. The 3 big winners last year and recipients of the ARBA Champion Promoter Award Trophies: Golden West Rabbit Breeders Association (California), Del-phos Rabbit & Fanciers Breeders Association (Ohio), and Silver Marten Rabbit Club.
Again in 1968 the ARBA National Rabbit Week Publicity Packets will be made available to the clubs and individuals. New materials for promotional activity have been added to the Publicity Packet and many of the popular items from last year have been retained — they include, 2-color day-glow bumper stickers, Auto aerial pennants plus others. The cost of the ARBA National Rabbit Week Publicity Packets remains the same $5.00. Send your remittance to Bill Molen, Director, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
(Continued from Page 1)
bit Breeders Assn., Inc. if they would like to donate rabbits for this project. A great deal of enthusiasm was expressed and the following members gave rabbits. A blue English Spot Buck was given by William Stuart, of Vienna, Virginia; a blue English Spot doe was given by James Baggette, Manassas, Virginia; a Blue Silver Marten Buck and a BHack Silver Marten doe were given by Robert Ray of Germantown, Maryland; a New Zealand White doe was given by Robert Uebel of Mt. Airy, Md.; a New Zealand White Buck was given by Larry Walsh, An-nandale, Va.; a New Zealand White buck and doe were given by Falls Church Rabbitry, Falls Church, Va.
These rabbits were shipped to New York via TWA on February 20, 1968 and from there were to be transferred to a chartered Italia airline scheduled to depart from New York February 21, 1968 with a load of Black Angus cattle being purchased by a breeder in Italy for exhibition at the International Agricultural Exhibit in Verona, Italy also.
We want to thank these breeders for their cooperation and generosity in placing quality stock in an exhibit for all persons of the world to see. Washington Committee H. M. Curtis, Chairman
Harry and Louise Fisher of Kansas City. They are two of ARBA’s premier rabbit fanciers and exhibitors.
Page Three
AVERT CHAOS - Continued
the cause of the disease, call your veterinarian immediately.
Three Classes of Disease
Diseases of rabbits generally fall into one of three classes: A disease may be sporadic, affecting one or at the most a few rabbits at a single rabbitry; it may be enzootic, appearing in greater or lesser degrees at widely separated rabbitries; or it may be epizootic, appearing on a widespread scale throughout a given area.
Diseases may also be classified as acute, in which the beginning and course of the disease is rapid; or chronic, in which the disease is effective at a slower pace over a longer period of time.
Types of Disease
The three major types of diseases that rabbits are likely to contract are bacterial, viral, nutritional with parasitical diseases of a minor incidence. Bacteria are micro-organisms that may be transmitted by way of contaminated feed or by direct or indirect contact (that is, by the physical contact of two or more rabbits, by way of a living carrier — such as a dog or cat; rats, birds or fowl; delivery and pick-up personnel or even the rabbit raiser himself; or by contact with contaminated watering and feeding utensils, clothing, etc.). Some bacteria can “hibernate” in the form of spores and can survive in pens or in the ground itself for several years.
Virus infections are caused by microorganisms similar to bacteria but infinitely smaller. They are extremely contagious and are transmitted in the same manner as bacteria. They do not form spores, however, and usually do not live long outside the animal’s body except under ideal conditions with the exception of the virus enteritis which appears to be highly stable and can live for long periods outside the body of the animal.
Nutritional diseases generally result from a lack of one or more of the nutritive elements which the body cannot do without. At times an oversupply of some elements will have a bad effect. Use of feed supplements and additives introduced through water proportioners without the advice and recommendations of competent veterinarian consultation, thus, may be harmful. Imbalance of nutrient or interference factors in the feed all may contribute to nutritional diseases.
Parasites are small animal organisms which take their nourishment from the body of the living rabbit, the host. If present in sufficient numbers,
some of them cause anemia or even death by hemorrhage. They are frequently responsible for the introduction of bacterial diseases by way of the injuries which they create.
Any disease is likely to tear down the rabbit’s resistance and thus open the way for other illnesses. Complications of two or more diseases are quite common, especially in chronic conditions.
Uses of Drugs
It is absolutely essential to have an accurate and positive diagnosis made before giving any treatment involving drugs, and then to stick to the letter of the recommended dosage. Prescribed dosages will vary according to the degree of infection and the size and condition of the animal which is to be treated. Don’t court disaster by indiscriminate use of drugs and don’t expect a cure all to develop and solve your problems.
Follow the strict practice of correct and good management procedures and above all follow established recommendations for disease control. To deviate is disastrous and the surest way known to remove yourself from successful rabbit propagation.
The New Year is the next step around the corner. The year of 1967 saw many changes and many things come to pass. The early part of the year saw questionaires in our mail boxes from a little lady with a mountain of energy and a Big State to spend it in. Pat Tutt of Longview, Texas was a little known name that by the end of the year would be spelled GIANT as far as commercial rabbits in Texas were concerned. March blew in like a lion with several people gathering at the Hilburn Rabbit Ranch in Irving, Texas to discuss commercial rabbits. March winds blew stronger after “Uncle Jack” and “Mother Hilburn” assigned harnesses for us beasts of burden to carry. With only one Commercial Chapter organized in Texas and a driving desire to see our industry grow, those of us who attended this meeting came away with our hearts filled with the desire to see new chapters formed, new members enrolled and a new goal set forth. New wagons and new harnesses came from the mercantile store and were put in the barn. New beasts of burden were “corraled” to pull the load. That load was put there when the first rabbits were imported into the United
Page Four
States. As the population increases, so does the demand for our product, COMMERCIAL RABBITS. The year has worn on somewhat now and new chapters are springing up throughout our great State. The teams now become wagon trains and line riders are called in to find a wagon boss. Pioneers are made as new rabbitrys begin to appear. New ideas are formed and passed on to the other pioneers who were at the other end of the world when this began but now are our neighbors just over the next hill. Another pioneer is located who has already “Hung out a shingle” to help the rabbit industry grow. Mr. NaKane of Houston, Texas rode at the head of the wagon train as the Trail blazer in rabbit processing in Texas.
Texas isn’t any larger as 1968 stares us in the face, but it’s population is. So is the demand for edible meat. The latter part of the year saw legislation calling for strict control on meat inspection by the U.S.D.A. Meats im-
ported from foreign countries are now subjected to these same regulations, which we feel will better control the import of the wild rabbits of other countries which has dealt us so much trouble in the past. It has also greatly increased the demand for the product that we now raise.
The horses are in the corral, the harness is in the barn and the wagons are under the shed. Trailblazer and Wagon Boss stand at the ready. Will the wagons be loaded or will they stand until the spokes rot and the axle grease hardens. The Year 1968 holds bright prospects for the future if “YOU” are willing to get up and put your boots on. If the mule skinner mounts the wagon or if there is any firewood in the box behind the stove tonight, depends on what you get done today. Will sundown find you in the saddle? Yes, before you know it 1968 will be gone too. So stoke the coals in the stove and shake the bunks, “It ain’t long ‘fore sun-up”.
Rabbit Exhibition Building in center background. One of buildings of Colorado State Fairgrounds (Pueblo). See you at ARBA Convention-Show, October 7-10, 1968.
Page Five
Robert C. Shoptaw, one of our oldest members, passed away at a hospital in his home town of Indianapolis, Ind., at 7:00 A.M., Monday, March 18, 1968. Mr. Shoptaw had been ailing for some time. Since the passing of his wife a few years ago, he had not done so well. Mr. Shoptaw attended many ARBA conventions and was active in local rabbit affairs around Indianapolis area.
In the back end of his lot, he had constructed a building which was used as a meeting place for one of the local rabbit clubs. It was nicely decorated and pictures on the wall give a history of rabbit raising and rabbit breeders in the area of Indianapolis. He did much to promote rabbits and rabbit breeding in that area.
Mr. Shoptaw joined the American Rabbit Breeders Ass’n., October 30, 1933 and was an active member from that time on. He was given a registrar’s license April 18, 1947, and a judge’s license on April 26, 1947 by the late John C. Fehr acting as an examining judge. They were both active in rabbits in the Indianapolis area for many years.
Mr. Shoptaw was highly honored by the ARBA in being given a life membership, judge’s and registrar’s license at the Syracuse convention in 1959. He was also honored at the most successful party the old timers ever put on at Syracuse, N.Y., and given a plaque by them in honor of the years he spent in the American.
Robert Shoptaw was a fine man and a loyal rabbit breeder and will be missed by many breeders over the country. We will miss him at conventions where he was active. His passing will turn another leaf in ARBA history. We are sorry to lose him. To his family we extend our heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement.
Oren Reynolds
The cost of an ARBA show sanction was brought up on the floor of the general meeting at Syracuse however nothing was actually done about it.
Our Show Sanction Rules, as presented in our by-laws, have become antiquated in respect to the price of the sanction. The ARBA is still sanctioning shows for the same $2.00 fee that was charged at the inception of sanctioned shows back in 1946. At that
time letters were posted for 3c and today as all of you know that has doubled. Paper used in printing the necessary forms has tripled and labor for all work connected with this program has more than tripled. There has been many price advances in the cost of the trophies given every year at the National Conventions.
We feel that it is unfair (to our parent organization to ask them to try and properly maintain our present program with the sanction fee of 1946. In view of the above we are asking all Clubs to review this at a future club meeting and reach some decision as to what they feel should be a proper sanction fee under the present existing conditions.
There will, I am sure, be a resolution presented to the members at the next General meeting at our forthcoming convention and each delegate, from a club, should be ready to fully endorse or reject this resolution in accordance with their respective clubs wishes.
Again may I ask that each club review this and make a decision as to the need and fairness of this question.
While it was suggested at the Syracuse meeting that the fee be changed to $5.00 it seems it is felt by many that a fee of $3.50 or $4.00 would be more fair and would be ample to assure the proper fulfillment of our present program.
The big, big news this issue. THE brand new 208 page ARBA GUIDE BOOK is being printed at this time and will be in the mail very soon. The ARBA Guide Book has been completely revised and all members — the newer breeder members and the long standing or ‘Old-timer’ will soon •have a Guide Book they will be proud to own.
This is the time to inform all those that have allowed their ARBA membership to fall in arrears to RENEW. Will you please pass the word to one and all — the new ARBA Guide Book will be off the press in a matter of days.
Regional Judges Conferences
There have been 3 Regional Judges Conferences to date. At Lowry City, Missouri, Atlanta, Georgia and San Jose, California.
All have been outstanding in every respect and we plan on a complete report of the highlights of each event. The acceptance by the judges, registrars and breeders young and old
has been phenominal. If your district has not staged an ARBA Regional Judges Conference, by all means contact your ARBA Director for your District.
Best Rabbit In Show The action of the ARBA Board at Syracuse that established Best In Show Award has caught on like wildfire. Show after show has selected the Best Rabbit and all reports are favorable that this is indeed a welcome and necessary item to a complete Rabbit Show. The selections of Best Rabbit have been well distributed among New Zealands, Californians, Satins, Dutch and other breeds but the paramount feature has been the challenge to breeders of all breeds that have finished in the first 2 runner up positions, to dig in, this they are doing. The publicity afforded to the ARBA and local rabbit shows has been simply GREAT.
Commercial Committee Compiles Market Listing Philip N. Lohman has been working feverishly ever since the Syracuse Convention to compile a complete listing of rabbit and rabbit fur buyers. At the present date, Chairman Lohman has over 50 listings of buyers. Some of these buy on a year around basis and some are seasonal buyers.
This complete listing is yours for the asking; however, an inclusion of sufficient postage or cash equivalency (10c) must be forwarded with your request. Submit all requests and postage to Philip N. Lohman, Chairman, 11900 W. Howard Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53228.
John McLain, Roanoke, Virginia, sizing a couple big ones up before butchering. Title of the photo could be “3 old bucks” because John has been in the rabbit game better than 35 years.
David Ford
Have you made your motel reservations yet? Have you mailed in your ad for the Convention catalog? If your answer is no to either of these questions, take notice.
Reservations are now being accepted for Pueblo’s Ramada Inn, the 45th ARBA Convention headquarters. Their rates are $9.50 per day for singles and $14.00 for doubles. Additional persons staying in a double room will run $2 per individual. Send your reservations to Bernice Thompson; 2419 Poplar; Pueblo, Colorado 81004. She will call in your reservations upon receipt of your order.
There are many other fine places to stay in Pueblo if you do not desire to stay at the headquarters. These will be listed at a later date, along with some suggestions on where to eat.
Advertising for the Convention catalog and booth space is now on sale Details on the rates will be included in our next release, or may be obtained by writing Dean Benker; 3230 South Huron; Englewood, Colorado 80110.
A number of judges, as well as breed chairmen, have been selected. A list of these people will be released at a later date when the lineup is more complete.
The Colorado Convention committees have been rounded out. Filling the different committees are the following individuals.
Ways and Means; Bob Harris, Chmn., Virginia Pierce, George Le-Cavalier.
Nominating: Forrest Chancellor,
Frank Morgan, Lloyd Spencer, Jack Murrow.
Constitution and By-Laws: Pat Herman, Chmn., Dean Benker, Milton Duffy.
Catalog: Dean Benker, Chmn.,
George LeCavalier, Ernie Vendegna, Jr., Frank Morgan, Thelma Morgan, Carol Yaw, Jean Murrow, Forrest Chancellor.
Publicity: David Ford, Chmn., Jan Mudra, Bill Molen, Don Guthrie.
Reservations: Berniee Thompson, Chmn.
Youth: Trudy Hannon, Chmn.
Tours: Mr. and Mrs. Art Nelson, Co-Chmn.
Finances have been coming in quite well. The Colorado sponsors have raised almost $1000 to date. Anyone who wishes to purchase one or more shares in the Colorado Rabbit Shows, Inc., should send his check to Bob Harris, Treasurer; 7200 South Grant; Littleton, Colorado 80120. Shares sell
Page Seven
for $50 apiece. It is hoped that the $50 will be repaid a year after the Convention’s completion, along with interest if a profit is made.
Plan now to attend the 45th ARBA Convention and Show. The earlier you make your plans, the easier it will be on you and us. Make the Convention part of your vacation plans. Colorado is a beautiful state. You will enjoy the fall mountain scenery of October. When it comes to this year’s vacation plans, think “Centennial State in ’68.”
Don Smith
I am writing this article in response to the many people who write for prices, and general information on rabbits and cavies. Some letters are out of this world. Recently, I received a letter from a Doctor at a Laboratory. He said he had read up on raising cavies, but wanted a first hand article. After much consideration I sat down and wrote four (4) pages, both sides on how I raise Cavies. I also gave him a price list, which he asked for. It’s been two (2) months now, no answer, thank you or anything else. Now tell me, is it worth the trouble?
In the same token, I have three (3) letters to answer here now. It just so happens some rabbit people were here the other day and five (5) of us have identical letters from the same three (3) people. Two (2) letters ask for prices, no age or breed mentioned. As most of us raise more than one breed, where do we start. The other letter is just questions. The man is set on raising “Flemish” for meat. He states, people are trying to discourage him, and what would my opinion be? Not being a Flemish man, I am just going to agree with him. As I am well acquainted with them, I don’t see as he can go wrong. This same man can’t see joining the American as they won’t sell his rabbits for him. About all I can do is try and sell him on the idea.
Just recently my wife received a letter from Rumania wanting show catalogs, bulletins, guide books and anything pertaining to rabbits. As these people can’t send money, she was most pleased to send him a large envelope containing everything he asked for and a good size letter. Yes, this sort of thing we can all appreciate, but when we now receive several letters, from the same person how can we spend so much time answering. I have received as high as thirty letters in one month. I can plainly see why most breeders demand a stamp. As
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yet we have not, we try and answer all mail, but once in awhile I do slip up.
Another very tough subject is selling rabbits through a Co-op or Rabbit Club. As in our own club almost everyone has his own market. I can verify the prices are spread from 25c a pound to almost $1.00 a pound. Now, this is a very wide margin and believe me the man selling for the larger price does not want the 25c rabbits.
He can raise all he needs and his requirements are for pedigreed stock and up to date records on the same. I have personally cut to just a hobby. I can sell all the meat I care to and don’t have a problem of waiting several months for a lab. or meat order.
These are my comments and feelings. We here at Finger Lakes R.B.A, wish everyone a fine 1968 and wish them luck raising rabbits and cavies.
Ellis W. Murray
Some say that credit will and is going to ruin this great country of ours. This kind of credit could maybe do just that but I am thinking of another kind of credit.
Our Secretary James Blyth remitted to the treasurer for the month of January $5,914.50. I searched the records and I found this to be the largest sum that any Secretary ever remitted for one month. This is about twice the average amount remitted. This means that our good secretary and his staff really worked overtime for us during the month of January.
Most of us take the secretary’s office and the work that is done there for granted. Some will say “why shouldn’t he work he is getting paid.” True he does get paid but if each of us was asked by management to work and produce twice as much next month as we have in the past months I am sure we would all rebel.
The Officers get copies of most of the correspondence that passes through the secretary’s office and some of the letters are really abusive. Our secretary gets the blame for everything that happens in the ARBA. Here is just one example. A member moves but he or she fails to notify the home office. So they don’t receive the bulletin. They blame the secretary in no uncertain terms.
The secretary and his staff are not perfect, they do make errors but by and large they do a good job. Why not in your next correspondence with the home office tell them about it. Let’s give CREDIT where CREDIT is due.
Club Notes
LIMA CLUB 52 Years Old The Lima Club was organized in 1916 Vern Ashton being the only charter member. Mr. & Mrs. Ashton are life members of the local Club. We are now making plans for our 44th Annual Spring Show.
Officers for 1968 are:
President Vern N. Ashton V. President Willard Morris Secretary Dale Place Treasurer Mrs. Barwick Directors Ortho Shaw, Terry Shaw and Clyde Troyer.
We meet the third Sunday of each month in members homes.
Indiana State Installs Officers
Indiana State Rabbit Breeders Association Inc.
Arthur G. Gruner, Publicity Chairman, 1725 Union Street,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46225 President, Harold Drudge; Vice-President, Kyle Cunningham; Secretary-Treasurer, Stanley Freed, 1607 E. Sycamore Street, Kokomo, Indiana 46901; Directors (for two years) Of fie Gaskins; Randolph Bagby; Corinne Stokes; Marshall B. Preston; Carldon Gaddis; the following directors are held over for one year, Otto Richter; Frank Miller, Don Humbert, and G. C. Moreland.
President Harold Drudge has indicated he will submit some major change proposals to the newly elected Executive Committee which should result in widespread interest in our organization and a bigger and better annual show.
The Ohio Flemish Giant Rabbit Breeders Association will hold their annual show May 4-5, 1968. Judges for the stellar event; Vern Ashton and Don Reid.
Following officials are hard at work; Roger Kenney and Carl Boring, Show superintendent and assistant respectively: Mr. and Mrs. Herb Anthony,
Show Secretary and assistant: Edna Andrews in charge of show clerks.
Special premiums and class money will be the same as in 1967 and full particulars and show catalog may be obtained from Herb Anthony, 746 Garfield, Newark, Ohio.
Council of California ARBA Clubs, Convention Show
Santa Clara County Fairgrounds will be bouncing April 6-7 as the big roundup show and state convention of the Council of California ARBA Clubs stage their annual event. Judges for the outing: George Bayliss, Fred Cre-mer, Elmer Paquette and Robert Sprague.
All show responsibilities have been assumed by the Rabbit Producers of Santa Clara Valley — John Phillips and Leonard Thomas, Show superintendent and assistant respectively; Edward M. Seacord show secretary and Rosalie Sterner assistant. Youth Department superintendent Bud Myers and Sadie Phillips, secretary.
The San Gabriel Cavy Breeders Association will manage the cavy department. State President Heinz Hofmann, Martinez, California has donated $25.00 cash and a beautiful trophy for Best Rabbit In Show.
The Regional Judges Conference for the Far West will be staged in conjunction with the Council of California extravaganza. Director Cyril Lowit and Edward M. Seacord, secretary of the Rabbit Producers of Santa Clara Valley have promised a full report and photos.
District 6 Judges Conference
Atlanta, Georgia big show will feature District #6 Regional Judges Conference. The district is composed of Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina and South Carolina.
Director Dick Parker, has reported that plans are progressing very well and all indications are — this will be the biggest rabbit show and event to be staged in the South, excepting the fine ARBA Conventions that we have had in Tampa (1928 & 1962) and Atlanta (1948).
We know this will indeed be a fine
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ARBA effort and we have our fingers crossed, maybe we will be returning to the South for another ARBA Convention-Show, in the near future.
New Rabbit Club In Alabama
Director Dick F. Parker has completed the organizing of a New Rabbit Club in Alabama under the name of EAST CENTRAL ALABAMA RABBIT CLUB, with headquarters in Auburn, Alabama. Mr. Parker spent the day with the new Club Officers and other members to get the Club on the road. The following were elected officers and Directors: Mr. Clifton R. Walton, President, Opelika, Alabama; Mr. Joe Clayton, Vice-Pres., Alexander City, Alabama; Mrs. Joe Clayton, Secretary, Alexander City, Alabama; Joe R. Wood. Treasurer, Opelika, Alabama; A. E. Prickett, Director, Opelika, Alabama; Robt. E. Richardson, Director, Auburn, Alabama.
Mr. Robert E. Richardson is now connected with the Auburn University and will be in position to work with the Official of the University and the State of Alabama to get Rabbit research started in the University.
The possibilities are great in this location of the State as there are lots of Rabbit Breeders living in and around Auburn, and I am sure that the New Club will soon have a large membership. All the Officers and Directors are now members of A.R.B.A.
$1,000.00 PRIZE & PREMIUMS 50th ANNIVERSARY Checkered Giant Show
The Illinois-Indiana Checkered Giant Rabbit Club are hosts to the Annual American Checkered Giant Rabbit Show. The dates are May 3-5, 1968, show site Crown Point, Indiana. The judges are Wayne Willmann, Jim Blyth and Lester Wells.
This show features cash, trophies, rosettes and ribbons to 15th placement. This is the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the A.C.G.R.C. by W.B. Garland of Canton, Ohio in 1918.
A bright gold anniversary souvenir catalog commemorates this event and full particulars may be obtained by contacting Jake Holmes, 440 Pulaski Road, Calumet City, Illinois 60409.
A1 Roerdanz
Oren Reynolds desire to help the National Specialty Clubs now shows results in the new A.R.B.A, hand book. This official publication contains a roster of all National specialty clubs with the names and addresses of their secretaries, the cost of the sweepstake sanctions and other pertinent information.
Another fine innovation for the fancy will be the regional judge’s conferences, and I am hopeful it will be especially helpful to the Tan breeders of America. The first conference planned for March 2nd. at Lowry City, Mo. is starting off right with Judge Cecil Green presenting the Tans. Judge Green is a good choice because he has raised the Tans and served on the standard committee which formulated the present standard for the American Tan. Better understanding and judging of the breed will help it’s popularity, encourage larger Tan entries in the shows and increase the number of grand champions.
There is an urgent need for judges to aquire a more definite and precise interpretation of the Tan standard to properly place class, to properly pick best of variety, and to properly pick best Tan.
From personal experience I know that the judging of Tans — from the
early 40’s to the present — has been very inconsistent and strangely irregular due to the failure to properly apply the schedule of points used to summarize the Tan standard. The paragraphs preceding this summary clearly explain what is desired in each section. The most points are alloted to the feature or section we consider the most important. The points graduate down to the section of least concern or value. Please understand that no part of the Tan is overlooked because any part might carry a disqualification or fault. We must make figurative reference to the points table to properly evaluate an exhibit by considering each section in it’s proper perspective.
Obviously when this breed comes to the judging table the judge must be color conscious not in the psychedelic sense — but rather aware of a color pattern, the mystique pattern of this bi- color breed.
It will help you to understand my color reference herein if you bear in mind when you see Tan spelled with a capital “T” I am refering to the breed, when you see tan spelled with a small “t” it indicates the marking color. Similarly when you see Black, Blue, Choc, and Lilac spelled with capitals it refers to the varieties — but when spelled with small letters it refers to body color.
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In the Tans the marking color is the same in all varieties. The four varieties in the breed: Black/Tan, Blue / Tan, Chocolate / Tan and Lilac/Tan indicate the body colors on which we find the tan markings. We might consider these as hot and cold colors. The fiery tan being the hot color and the four colors (black, blue, choco and lilac) as the cold colors. We might go a little further and say the two darker colors, black and choco., must carry the deepest most fiery tan; while the two dilute colors blue and lilac should carry a rich, tawny tan.
The proper markings on a Tan depends upon the proper, sufficient distribution of tan. To have this concept there must be a complete, unbroken collar or neck band. A broad tan chest, not pinched or cut off at the throat and straight, clean demarkation on legs with the toes wholly tanned. All markings should be clean and sharp with no stray tan hairs in the body color and no body color dulling a tan area.
Before you ever pick up a Tan to look for deep, even tan color on belly you can pretty well appraise the color quality you will find there by observing the brightness of tan in the nostrils, the tan carried inside the ear and by the brindling — the tan tipped guard hairs on sides and rump.
The chest, flank and belly section carry 10 of the 38 points alloted marking color, a triangle, circles, spots, the legs and feet make up 28 more. Now add 10 more points for proper shade of tan, this is 48 points attached to the name of the breed.
Type, weight and condition carry 15 points, but how many times I have seen a judge give a first to a Black/-Tan saying “good type and condition”. He had completely ignored a black chest and a pale yellowish tan belly.
England recently devalued the pound, but the upgrading of Tans in America in the ‘60’s was made possible by excellent imported stock from England which carried the rich fiery tan factor. This gave each variety more value and appeal.
The body colors in each variety must be sound and dense- black and chocolate to be deep and rich, the eyes brown or hazel-cut for white hairs or stray tan hairs. The Blues should be medium blue, very even, with blue eyes. The Lilac is the lightest color, but has a tendency to be too dark coupled with a lack of the pinkish tint over the surface. Eyes to match the body and glow ruby red when viewed in subdued light. Cut for
patchiness and lack of finish in all colors.
There is an error of 2 points in the section on Eyes on page 100 of the new standard. The schedule of points shows 2 points for eyes and this is all we can allow. My intent is not to make an issue of the error but it is indicative of how little attention is given to proper eye color. The Tan Club has improved the breed standard — it’s members are breeding to this standard — we should now judge by this standard. Remember this word of advise, “don’t get burned by ignoring the hot color”.
(1) Question: We have siege of diarrhea among our rabbits and it does not seem to be any respecter of age. The old as well as the younger ones have it. Someone suggested that we change the feed and we did this several times, but this certainly did not help and, if anything, the diarrhea was aggravated in this way. The rabbits lose a lot of flesh and quit eating. Kindly help us with this most discouraging problem.
Reply: Diarrheas have many origins, such as unsanitary surroundings, improper feed, too sudden changes in feeding methods, and infections of various types. In general one may say they are always associated with mismanagement of some kind or another. It is nature’s way of emptying and cleaning out the gut tract. If this is so desirable, why should we try to fill the rabbit up immediately with more foodstuff? The answer will be another diarrhea. Now, the prudent and wise thing to do about a diarrhea is to assist nature by restricting food and water for twenty-four to forty-eight hours. Many diarrheas can be starved out. This will provide rest for the disturbed digestive organs and the more complete rest that can be provided the better and more effective is this method of treatment. Sir William Osier, the noted physician, was asked, if he could have just one thing with which to treat disease, what would be choose? The answer was a four-letter word — rest. Rest is one of the most commonly-used methods of treatment of all the diseases, and we scarcely realize it. It provides time for the body functions and mechanisms t» concentrate on a cure, no matter what kind of disease is to be combated. Keep animals away from their droppings and provide sanitary conditions.
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After the diarrhea has been stopped, begin the diet with small amounts of oatmeal or green lettuce. Gradually add to the diet, as soon as evidence can be seen that the system is normal and capable of digesting the trial food.
(2) Question: Every year a large number of our young rabbits develop a swelling under the jaw. They get pretty sick and lose weight because of the inability to eat well. Sometimes they develop a diarrhea and then they really waste away in a short time. What is this disease and can it be cured or prevented?
Reply: These abscess formations, which come near the angle of the jaw, about where the head and neck join, is a specific infectious disease of rabbits which has been named “strangles.” When an abscess happens to break inside, the pus runs down the windpipe and strangles the rabbit. There are times when the abscess becomes large enough to nearly fill the throat and breathing becomes difficult and noisy. The infection enters the body by way of the throat and tonsils. The lymph glands in this region attempt to check the disease by acting as strainers and keep it from spreading to other parts of the body. When the glands are “ripe” they should be opened with a sharp knife and the pus drained out. This should be caught in a tight container and either buried or burned along with all other material that may have been soiled by the discharge. Since this part of the anatomy is provided with several large blood-vessels, important nerves, the food tube and windpipe, and most of all the pin-point-size parathyroid glands, which if obliterated will cause the animal to die in convulsions, it is much wiser to seek the professional services of your veterinarian. He can give on injection that will relieve suffering and act as a specific against the disease and prescribe local applications that will promote healing of the wound from inside outward. Hutches and utensils should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with chlorine solution. Then get some sunshine in to them if practical.
(3) Question: On several occasions we have lost some valuable rabbits from a sudden distention of the stomach by gas. The disease does not appear to be catching but, instead, shows up every now and then and generally kills the best show prospect that we have in the rabbitry. We would like to get information on this disease
and learn some way to prevent and cure it.
Reply: Bloat, or flatulence, as it is sometimes called, has long been a serious problem for the veterinarian, since it occurs in all the different kinds of domestic animals. Like the many causes of headache in man, there are also many causes of bloat in rabbits and other animals. Gas is the result of fermentation of food. Bloat is imprisoned gas in the abdomen. The digestive secretions of the body, when they are normal, are capable of keeping the gas-producing “germs” that are taken in with the food under control, within a well defined safety limit. But sometimes this equilibrium is disturbed. For instance, the digestive juices may become scant, due to a lack of common salt in the body, and fermentation occurs beyond the capacity of the body to take care of it. Common salt has several uses in the body but none is more important than the part it plays in the manufacture of hydrochloric acid, the stomach acid. Some kinds of animals can vomit up the fermenting mass of food, or belch up the gas, or pass it out through the rectum as flatus, but the rabbit can do none >of these things. There is another outlet for eliminating gas from the body and that is through the lungs by the medium of the blood stream. Much gas is exchanged and transported in this manner. But this, too, can be shut off as a means of elimination when there has been a sudden ballooning of the stomach and intestines to a point where the pressure renders the walls tight as a drum, restricting the blood flow to a minimum and consequently interfering with the transport of gases in the veins as well as the flow of digestive secretions. This gas pressure prevents the expansion of the lungs for their intake of air and chokes down the struggling heart, with death ensuing as the final result in a few moments. Many of these cases are found dead, but when one is discovered alive, relief may frequently be had by seeking veterinary aid. A veterinarian can puncture the stomach with a long hypodermic needle, or pass a metal stomach tube through the mouth, releasing the pressure and gas. Rabbits, like men who eat a lot of food, grow fat, soft and develop a fatty degeneration of the heart and bloodvessels in early life. Flatulence is many times closely associated with a failing heart and its circulatory system.
Then there is the type of bloat which comes from eating certain plants that may be mixed with the
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hay, known as saponins. The name implies soap or soapsuds, because of the rapid frothy bloat which these can produce. This is the most difficult kind of bloat to relieve, because of the myriads of minute bubbles forming, each bubble retaining its quota of gas. However, during the past year a new drug has been placed in the hands of veterinarians throughout the country which immediately destroys the soap bubble surface tension, breaking down the numberless bubbles into a single unit of gas which can then be liberated through the trocar or stomach tube. This gas, while spewing out of the abdomen through a trocar needle will bum if ignited by a match, just like illuminating gas. There may be only a few saponin plants in a bale of hay and this explains why sometimes only one rabbit in a group develops bloat.
Mrs. L. P. Meyers, Sharon, Ontario, displays some of the many products possible from Angora Wool.
Owner Breed Reg. No. Ear No.
R. Riding Satin 9702-X 138
G. Carlton Am. Chinchilla 8099-X RX99
N. Carlton Dutch 5100-X 17T
G. Carlton Dutch 8951-X CDJ11
R. Wallace . Checkered Giant 1885-A RW311
D. Kinelaar Ck. Giant 8956-X DK9
D. Kinelaar Californian 8954-X J
M. Magness American Chinchilla 9353-X FB4
M. Magness American Chinchilla 9351-X C4
M. Magness American Chinchilla 7988-X PF101
Sagarsees Rabbitry New Zealand . 5067-X WR
Sagarsees Rabbitry New Zealand 6268-X SSK
Mar-Cel Rabbit Farms New Zealand 5210-X MC867
J. Eve New Zealand 450-A E121
R. F. Wallace Checkered Giant 1882-A RW 303
Chippewa Rabbitry New Zealand 7496-X
Chippewa Rabbitry New Zealand 7498-X
Owner Breed Reg. No. Ear No.
Sargarsee Rabbitry New Zealand 8058-V B
E. Henry New Zealand 5178-X MC898
E. Henry New Zealand 4535-X NH142
E. Henry New Zealand 5174-X JJ10
R. Berry Polish 8909-X S10
T. Brock Dutch Ml
E. Hord Std. Chin 9632-X 7H01
P. Molyneaux Polish 3141-A B1
L. Spangler New Zealand 1210-A S16
L. Spangler New Zealand 1207-A S10
L. Spangler New Zealand 1208-A S15
L. Spangler New Zealand 1209-A S13
D. Snyder ... Dutch 3653-A QC
Andrews Rabbitry Flemish 3144-A AH1W
M. Guise C. D’Argent 7445-X A1
H. Kinschief New Zealand 2322-A HK-43
R. Martin Flemish 505-A 15
M. Uran Dutch F33
C. Parter New Zealand 251-A CP172
S. Trum New Zealand 3577-X TC545
B. Terhune English Spot 2067-A TT2
H. J. Betts Californian 3356-A B2261
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JOB DESCRIPTION Earl Hord Breed Chairman
The work of the breed chairman in the National ARBA Convention and Show is probably the most important job in the general operation of the show itself. Upon you depends the success or failure of your breed’s showing in the convention show. For this reason, this sheet is being prepared to help those who have never worked in this capacity before.
The job of breed chairman should cover the following (except in a few instances).
1. Contact breeders for and collect as many specials as you can. Be sure the specials are handled in the regular way within your specialty club — the convention committee is in no way responsible for these. Some clubs have a Fund Chairman to do this. If your club has this arrangement, you can disregard No. 1 and 2, but be sure to check on this before forgetting it.
2. Prepare the list of specials for the convention and show catalog and have this in the hands of the catalog chairman on or before the deadline. More trouble arises here than you would ever dream. Let me assure you that the catalog committee has given you every day possible to gather your specials.
3. Be available on check-in day to check in your breed. You may need helpers, but be sure you either do the job or have it done for you. There is nothing that makes for a better show than to get all your animals in their places quickly after arrival in the showroom.
4. You are responsible for getting your breed judged. Be sure to recruit enough clerks and carriers to get the job done correctly. Some breeds have a breed secretary to handle the book work, but most do not. If your breed does this, consult your specialty club secretary, if not, take care of this yourself. Naturally, the larger the entry, the more help you will need to get the job done efficiently.
5. You are also responsible for seeing that your animals are watered and fed and that your area is cleaned and in order each day (those having breeds on solid bottomed coops should keep fresh bedding down at all times). There is a possibility of a contest for this area.
By taking care of the five mentioned areas, you will have executed your responsibilities well.
Breed Secretary:
Your job is very important because upon you rests the responsibility of getting the judge’s remarks and decisions to the exhibitors.
Briefly, you will find a description of your job below.
1. You are working under the supervision of the BREED CHAIRMAN and the GENERAL SECRETARY.
2. You must take the remarks of the judge on the remark card, see that the placement is put on this card, see that the number in the class is put on this card also. Be sure all special awards are written on this card. All placements and specials must be listed on the judge’s sheet by you (or your helpers), or under your supervision. Accuracy is the keynote here.
3. When you are through judging, you should then fill in, Completely, your sweepstakes report for the specialty club secretary. Here again, accuracy is the keynote.
4. Also, when judging has been completed, please fill in your “Show Report Sheets” so a full report can be given to all exhibitors. We hope to have this ready at check-out time, so this must be done immediately and given to the General Secretary.
5. When all your reports are filled out, get your material back to the General Secretary immediately.
Your Breed Chairman may have other duties for you, depending upon your arrangements with him or her. It is the hope of the General Convention Committee that you can cut down all errors to a bare minimum, as well as keep your part of the show flowing along evenly through your good work.
REGISTRATIONS February 19(»8
New Zealands 75
Californians 25
Silver Martens 16
Dutch ........................... 11
Flemish .......................... 9
Checkered Giants 8
Champagnes 6
Creme D’Argent 4
Angoras........................... 3
American Chinchillas 2
Satins .......................... 2
Standard Chins ................... 1
Rex .............................. 1
English .......................... 1
Polish 1
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Morrow R. Raisers Ass'n Mrs. Charles V,. Geyer, RR 3, Cardington, Ohio. Apr 19-20
Mall City RBA, William Smith, 10507 Weatherfield Dr., Portage, Mich. Apr 19-20
Falls Cities RBA (Eng.), Carroll Clements, Bagdad, Ky. Apr 20
Falls Cities RBA (NZ Show), Harold C. Quick, 4619 S. First St., Louisville, Ky. Apr 20
Falls Cities RBA, Harold C. Quick, 4619 S. First St., Louisville, Ky. Apr 20-21
Pecos Valley RBA, Mrs. 1. B. Hite, 2003 No. Garden, Roswell, N. Mex. Apr 20-21
Lima R&CBA, Dale Place, R 4, Cridersville, Ohio
Apr 20-21
Des Moines RBA, Mrs. Hazel Williams, R 2, Maxwell, Iowa. Apr 21
Harvey Co. RBA, Elsie Schmidt, Box 30, Lehigh, Kan. Apr 21
Trinity Valley R.Club, Al Blackford, P.O. Box 91, La Porte, Texas. Apr 21
Grundy Co. RBA, Dorothy Johnson, RR 1, Box 30, Mazon, III. Apr 21
Lebanon Valley R&CBA, Alfred Fisher, RD 1, Box
505, Palmyra, Pa. Apr 21
Sioux Valley RBA, Larry L. Loyd, Baltic, S.D. Apr 21
Empire Dutch Spec. Club, C. P. Cruts, 2310 Howbert, Colorado Springs, Colo. Apr 22-28
Gaston Co. RBA, Bill Drennan, R 1, Box 218, Belmont, N.C. Apr 26-27
West Michigan RBA, Mrs. Etola Grommon, 14009 8th
Ave. S, Marne, Mich. Apr 26-27
Ohio State SiI. Marten R. Club, Vivian N. Jones, RFD 1, Apples Corners, East Liverpool, Ohio. Apr 26-27
C.E.M. RBA, Mrs. Edward Lawson, Frankford, Mo.
Apr 27-28
Van Wert Co. RBA, Jo Ann Lewis, Box 15, Middle Point, Ohio Apr 27-28
Tri County RBA, Phil Lohman, 11800 W. Howard, Greenfield, Wise. Apr 28
American Ck. Gt. R. Club, Ivan R. Holmes, 440 Pulaski Rd., Calumet City, III. May 3-5
Richland Co. RBA, Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Road, RD 3, Mansfield, Ohio. May 4-5
Ohio Flemish Gt. RBA, Herb Anthony, 746 Garfield, Ave., Newark, Ohio. May 4-5
Progressive Rabbit Club, Ray Twyman, 11312 Orchard Rd., Hickman Mills, Mo. May 5
Cattaraugus Co. RBA, D. George Ernst, 56 Katherine St., Port Alleghany, Pa. May 5
Kiam Rabbit Club, Wm. T. Robinson, R 1, Box 427, Herrin, III. May 5
Iowa Progressive Rabbit Club, C. Jay Miller, 303 So. 6th St., Kalona, Iowa. May 5
York Co. R&CBA, Rudolph Hershey, RD 2, Box 349, Dover, Pa. May 5
All States Rabbit Club, Jean Percy, Madrid, Nebr.
May 5
Ohio Calif. RS Club, Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Road, Mansfield, Ohio. May 10-11
Ohio Valley RBA, Mrs. Diane Walker, 516 Shenango Rd., Beaver Falls, Pa. May 11
Tulsa RBA, Jack Lockhart, R 1, Box 173 L, Owasso, Okla. May 11-12
Huron Co. RBA, Larry Granneman, RD 2, Wakeman, Ohio. May 11-12
New England NZ RBA, George L. Smith, Maple Farm,
RD 1, Box 211, Thomaston, Conn. May 18-19
Iowa State RBA, Dorothy Newport, 2401 Wilson Ave.,
SW, Cedar Rapids, Ia. May 18-19
Springfield RBA, Juanita Fisher, 819 E. Kearney St., Springfield, Mo. May 18-19
Williams Co. RBA, Betty Jo Ridgway, RR 2, West Unity, Ohio May 18-19
Eastern Dutch RF Club, May Hill, 2006 Jackson Ave.,
Wilmington, Del. May 19
Empire State RBA, Mary Fragola, 5463 Vernon St., Verona, N.Y. Way 19
Friendly RBA, Evelyn R. Tatman, R 4, Lancaster, Ohio. 19
New Zealand RB Club of Calif., Pauline Shafer, 12239 E. 213th St., Hawaiian Gardens, Calif. May 19 National Capital RBA, Cindy Ray, R 1, Box 2C3, Germantown, Md. May 26
North Central Iowa RFA, LuVerne Vannatta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa. May 26
Ohio State RBA, Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Rd., RR 3, Mansfield, Ohio. May 26
State Line RBA, Mrs. Jane Mueller, Box 138, R 1, Wauseon, Ohio. Jun 1
Indianapolis RFA, Ruth Scott, RR 1, Box 122, Morristown, Ind. Jun 2
Iowa State Ck. Gt. R , Robert F. Wallace, State School, Glenwood, Iowa. Jun 2
Tri State R&CBA, Mildred E. Beatty, RD 1, Apples Corners, East Liverpool, Ohio. Jun 2
State Line RBA, Mrs. Jane Mueller, R 1, Box 138, Wauseon, Ohio. Jun 2
Interstate RFA, Mrs. Kenneth Avery, Madison Hill, RD 3, Wellsville, N.Y. Jun 2
Coshocton Rabbit Club, Jack Wireman, 5 475 See-man St., SW, Navarre, Ohio. Jun 9
West Branch RBA, Mrs. Donna L. Hackenberg, RD 4, Muncy, Pa. Jul 16
Mad River Valley R&CB, Joyce Judy, 10 Central
Ave., Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Jun 15-16
Lorain Co. RBA, Mrs. M. J. Honoshafsky, 8904 W. Ridge Rd., Elyria, Ohio. Jun 22-23
Alameda Co. Fair, James W. Trimingham, P.O. Box 579, Pleasanton, Calif. Jun 30-Jul 14
Sonoma Co. Fair & Expo., James F. Lyttle, P.O. Box
1451, Santa Rosa, Calif. Jul 15-27
Orange Co. Fair, Alfred G. Lutjeans, 88 Fair Dr., Costa Mesa, Calif. Jul 16-21
Howell Co. Fair, Florence Bauer, Chamber of Commerce Office, West Plains, Mo. Jul 22-27
Lake Co. Fair, L. A. Nordhausen, P.O. Box 27, Grays-lake, III. Jul 24-28
Mr. W. E. Molen, Editor Dear Mr. Molen:
I want to tell you how much I enjoy the ARBA Bulletin. Keep up the good work.
On Nov. 9, 1967 we held a meeting for the purpose of forming a commercial rabbit breeders club. We were delighted at the response. The newspapers, state and county officials and business people gave us their full support.
We elected officers for the coming year as follows: Pres. Mr. W. R. McDonald, Rt. 1 (Old Union) Simms, Tex.; Vice-pres. Mr. Charles O’Bier, 222 McLean St., Mt. Pleasant, Tex.; Sec’y-treas. Mrs. Lorene Smith, Rt. 1, Box 325-A, Simms, Tex.; Club reporter & publicity director, Mr. C. W. Evans, Rt. 1, Box 185, New Boston, Tex.; State representive, Mr. Thomas Hutcheson, P.O. Box 65, Simms, Tex.
Our next meeting was held Dec. 14 at the Simms school. Twenty-four members were signed up. Mr. James Tidwell, Simms, Tex.; Mr. H. B. Whisenhunt, Mineral Springs, Ark.; and Mr. Frank Cope, Maud, Tex., were elected as financial chairmen for a term of three months.
Our official meeting place is the Simms school, the second Thursday of each month.
The name of our club is, The Ark, La., Tex. Commercial Rabbit Breeder’s Club.
Mrs. Lorene E. Smith, Sec’y.-treas.
Simms, Texas 75574
Page Fifteen
As of February 29, 1968 New Zealand
1. Eugene Henry, Conn. 56
2. Henry Sagarsee, Mich. 51
3. Harold Drudge, Ind. 36
4. W. H. Smith, Tenn. 33
5. Carl Persails, Mich. 30
6. G. S. Davis, Iowa .. 30
7. Marvin Carley, Vt. 28
8. Frank Westley, Pa. . 28
9. Marvin L. Cummings, Fla. 24
10. L. A. Dunlap, Kansas 24
1. Pete Naylor, Kansas 33
2. Roger Fitchorn, 111. 12
3. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 8
4. W. F. Gilbert, Calif. 6
5. Joe Eve, Tenn. 4
6. Robert Berry, Tenn. 2
7. R. L. Riding, Fla. 2
8. Harry Coles, Mo. 2
1. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 34
2. Hugh J. Betts, Tenn. 27
3. Harold Reese, 111. 26
4. Kyle Cunningham, Ind. 19
5. F. Clem Steinhoff, Wise. 17
6. C. A. Wade, Ark. 11
7. Joseph C. Lain, N.C. 14
8. Leland Clark, Calif. 10
9. R. C. Schwab, N. Mex. 10
10. Harry Coles, Mo. 7
11. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 7
Silver Marten
1. Gary Grimm, Iowa ..... 20
2. O. Wi. Williams, Wash. 15
3. E. O. Wolff, Texas 5
4. E. W. Storey, La. 5
5. Joe Eve, Tenn. ..... 3
6. John Buehler, 111. 2
7. S. H. Willis, Wash. 2
8. Howard Reese, 111. 2
1. Eugene Henry, Conn. 57
2. Henry Sargarsee, Mich. 54
3. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 45
4. Pete Naylor, Kan. 43
5. Harold Drudge, Ind. 38
6. Howard Reese, 111. 37
7. W. H. Smith, Tenn. 36
8. Carl Persails, Mich. 35
9. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 34
10. G. S. Davis, Iowa 33
11. Fidelis Clem Steinhoff, Wis. 31
12. O. W. Williams, Wash. 30
As of February 29,1968 Individuals
1. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif. 13
2. Edward H. Stahl, Mo. 7
3. Mark Youngs, Wash. 7
4. Tommy Andrew, Pa. 3
5. F. R. Applegate, 111. 2
6. Mel Behrens, N.Y. 2
7. Don Covey, 111.................. 2
8. B. B. Rewey, Mont. 2
9. R. Herschbach, Calif. 2
1. Cactus R. B. Ass’n., Ariz. 3
2. Long Island R.B. Ass’n., N.Y. 3
3. American Satin R.B. Ass’n. 2
4. American Cavy Breeders 2
5. Harvey Co. R.B. Ass’n., Kan. 2
Jay C. Hartman
Easter 1963 our parents purchased my sisters Vera Kay and Susie each a rabbit “Easter Bunny”. One was speckled and the other white, and, as it turned out to be a buck and a doe, they became quite fruitful. Speckles, as we called the doe, had 12 to 14 babies nearly everytime and would usually raise 8 to 10 of them. These were of mixed New Zealand white and Checkered Giant origin. Normally they would average about 4 lb. each at 8 weeks old. As the mother Speckles became older the litters average weight at 8 weeks increased somewhat. Smaller litters would gain faster since they each received more nourishment and could be marketed about a week earlier. Even though the litters usually did quite well in numbers and weight at weaning, there were often about 3 to 6 young that would die mysteriously in the nest box during the first 3 or 4 days and an occasional runt would show up. Some which were raised as breeders were not as physically vigorous and lacked somewhat in fur quality such as even length of fur and sheen. From all these indications we supposed the buck and doe were too closely related and evidently possessed several undesirable recessive genetic characteristics. We then started using other bucks which were mostly New Zealand white and belonged to other friendly neighbors that were glad to help us out. This produced better offspring which made much better breeders. Although we received improvement this practice was not too satisfactory, as many times the does did not conceive: and much time and many litters were missed as we were not acquainted with the palpating method of determining pregnacy. We purchased a pure bred New Zealand white buck about 10 weeks old and raised him for our herd sire. He proved to be a very good buck and produced many fine litters of good quality for us with good conception rate.
After about 2 years raising mixed
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rabbits we decided to try some pedigreed rabbits and chose the white Flemish Giants. There is always a market for good quality pedigreed stock in fairly substantial quantity and we wanted white so that if demand got slow for pedigreed stock, during late summer months and early fall, we could sell for laboratory use which usually brings a substantial premium price above meat sales. The fast gaining capabilities of the Flemish Giant also offer greater net return with close 5 lb. average at 8 weeks and capacity to gain from 3/4 lb. to 1 lb. weight per week there after. They normally slow down sharply after reaching 11 lbs. to a gain of about 1/4 lb. per week and maturing at 14 to 24 lb. We bought 2 does and 1 buck to start. One doe was about 8 months old and the other a junior about 4 months old. They came from a well known show herd and had many winnings noted on their pedigrees. Both sire and dam of the older doe were grand champions. I requested the seller to send the doe bred so he mated her to her full brother who he later showed and won 2 legs toward grand champion at two major shows. When the litter arrived, there were 6 beautiful little fellows and as they grew one buck developed a lop ear and extra long fur. Another developed a lop ear and rather common type. One died at about 9 weeks old of disease. One buck had exceptionally good type with dandy head and broad shoulders and hips. One doe developed similarly. Another doe developed acceptable type but would not breed. Consequently we had 1 good buck and 1 good doe breeders from this litter and both really did prove to be exceptionally good quality breeders. The purchased buck mentioned was used quite extensively for about a year and during this time he produced some beautiful offspring. We had an awful lot of trouble with colds and loose bowels that year. The old buck passed away during this period and the young inbred buck was coming along old enough to begin light. service. After his litters started arriving, things changed. The trouble with colds and bowels seemed to disappear with the old buck’s blood so I decided to dispose of the few breeders I was raising of his daughters. We were all very well pleased with the broad hips and overall good type of the new buck’s daughters and their exceptionally fast growth. This buck being so intensely inbred, as his grand parents were paternal brother and sister in addition to his parents full brother and sister, he would not work on his dam and inbred sisters and we
lost the other doe during our disease rash. Another strange buck was purchased to mate to these does. He had red-white-blue registration. We obtained one good litter of this buck and the inbred young doe which provided us with several more good does and two good bucks. I traded one of these to another Flemish breeder for another new buck as the registered one passed away after about 2 months. This new-one, received on the trade, was quite unsatisfactory in type and offspring so he was also disposed of. In the mean time one of the two good bucks we kept, which was brother to the one we traded off, became old enough for service so we used him on his grand dam which was the older doe of our original purchase. This combination resulted in 75% of the original blood of grand champion quality origin and produced some of the best stock we have raised. We have now purchased another new buck to mate to our last buck’s sisters and daughters. One litter of this one has arrived, so far, of pedigreed stock and from all appearances he should do a good job for us. This buck has pedigree eligible for red-white-blue registry and is a beauty.
We have disposed of all our colored grade stock and have all white now. One is a grade doe which has been doing a truly outstanding job for us all around. The balance of the herd are pedigreed Flemish Giants.
Flemish Giants do require a little larger hutch than smaller rabbits. Size should be 3 feet wide and 5 feet long for minimum inside dimensions. About 20 to 24 inches in height will do. This will accommodate up to about 4 juniors and dam. For average litters of 6 to 10 youngsters and dam, size should be a little larger depending on type of bedding and/or hutch floor you use. They must be kept clean and dry so it is necessary to have a pen large enough and properly constructed to make this possible. They must also have ample room to move about to get adequate exercise. This promotes good appetite and muscular development which is needed in growing good healthy breeders. Hutches should be positioned and built so as to avoid drafts and dampness on the rabbits.
Dishes and feeders should be kept clean and just enough feed should be fed so that there are only a few crumbs or pellets left in the feeders when they are fed again. This assures that palatibility and quality of feed are maintained and that they are getting proper amount of feed for size and particular physical condition. If a
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rabbit or two get overly fat for good breeding condition, you can judge how much to feed them by averaging the amount normally eaten by other normal rabbits of similar size.
If a rabbit goes off feed or gets loose bowels, the cause should be promptly determined. Occasionally a frequent changing of weather will •cause some loss of appetite, however, this usually is not more than one feeding period. If more than one feeding is missed, or signs of loose bowels, or .severe cold is noticed, usually sulfa •drug or penicillin medication is needed. This can be given orally if they will drink, if not, it must be given intramuscularly. A veterinarian should be consulted until you become proficient at determining the cause of trouble yourself and methods of treatment learned.
We have gained much information .and guidance from belonging to the American Rabbit Breeders Association and N.F.F.G.R.B. so I suggest anyone interested in raising rabbits and intending to make a success of it should belong to these organizations. They are always willing and ready to be of help when needed.
Susan Daughtry
When you enter your rabbit at a show, you are really saying, “I think that this rabbit is good, but since, I am not an expert, and am just learning, I need an expert’s opinion on just how good this rabbit really is.” I look up to the judge as an expert and I respect his opinion, whatever it might be. I can just imagine myself, behind that table with a class of 20 to 30 rabbits. I would be flabbergasted. I recently weaned a litter of seven New Zealand Reds, aged two months, all weighing exactly four pounds each, and I cannot for the life of me, pick the best. They seem identical. I could possibly keep them and show them all, but that would be an expensive proposition, and yet it might save me from making a mistake. I guess all beginners must make mistakes while learning.
I recently read one person’s opinion that the breeders should not be permitted near or around the judge’s table while they are working. I would like to hear a judge’s opinion on this. As a breeder, I heartily disagree. There is nothing more exciting to me than to see my rabbit on the table with a lot of real good ones and staying on the table down to the end or even to fifth place is an honor in a big class.
I DON’T like coming in after the judging and looking at a card to see if I am a winner. I love the excitement and suspense at the table. It might be old-fashioned, but I enjoy seeing my friends win. The most important point is that you can best learn by watching the judges and trying to imitate their ways.
Here is something else for you to ponder. I kind of think it would be nice if trophies would be presented to the winners instead of just handing them out at the office as the exhibitors leave. What would you breeders think of a special table, maybe with a microphone. and as each breed is finished, the winners are announced and come forward for their trophies? I think that the breeder with a top rabbit deserves a little praise. It certainly takes a lot of hard work and tender, loving care to raise a winner. Agreed? I think that this would also give the judges a slight break between breeds, that he could relax a few minutes with a cup of coffee or a bottle of soda that is NOT covered with flying rabbit fur! ! ! !
If we have some response from you breeders and judges, we just might try something different at our ’68 show. If you would rather see the winnings in the show report instead, that is O. K. too. Well? ? ? ?
Secretary of the
ARBA National Specialty Clubs
Dear friends:
Received a letter from
Prof. Roscoe F. Cuozzo Extension Rabbit Consultant University of Maine Hitchnew Hall Orono, Maine 04473 “The Department of Animal Sciences here at the University of Maine is anxious to obtain a tanned pelt of all the various breeds of rabbits in the United States. These pelts are to be used for demonstration purposes by students in our laboratory — Animal Technicians course of study.
“I have been authorized by the acting head of the Animal Science Department to procure and pay a reasonable price for these pelts.”
I hope you gentlemen/women will have at least one tanned pelt you can send Mr. Cuozzo and suggest you write him direct at the above address.
Thanking you for any cooperation you can give him, I am JB/ct
cc: Prof. Roscoe F. Cuozzo Yours truly,
James Blyth, Secretary
.Page Eighteen
If you are in need of breeding stock, contact one of our members near you. It is always best that you see the stock first before purchasing. Make use of our registrars about the purchasing of stock. There is always a reliable breeder near you who can supply you with good healthy stock.
How Many Item Unit Price
A.R.B.A. BOOKLET .25 ea 12-$3.00 24-$4.75 50-$6.25
Book of Standards Cloth cover — $3.00 Paper Cover — $2.00
Cooking Recipes Per 100 $2.00 _
Pedigree Book $1.50 _
Judge's Report Book — used by Rabbit Show Secretaries only $1.75
Emblem — Electro —$1.50 Large —$1.75 _
___ Emblem — Sleeve Patch — Small $1.25
Emblem — Back Patch — Large $2.25
Slogan — Electro $1.50 _
___Slogan — Rubber Stamp $1.50
Emblem — Rubber Stamp $1.50
Bronze Membership Button — up to 5 years $1.25 _
Sterling Silver Membership Button — 5 to 10 years $2.00 _
10K Gold Membership Button — 10 to 25 years $5.00
___ 10K Gold Membership Button — over 25 years $5.00
ARBA Decals — Emblem .25 each 6 for $1.00 _
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Original Format
Bound magazine