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ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 1 - Jan/Feb
Collection: 1968 ARBA Bulletins


ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 1 - Jan/Feb


ARBA member periodicals



American Rabbit Breeders Association


American Rabbit Breeders Association


American Rabbit Breeders Association




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American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1968 Vol. 3, No. 1 - Jan/Feb,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed January 22, 2025,

Vol. 3 January-February, 1968 No. 1
By Maxwell Riddle Cleveland Press
Last week the South Euclid Rabbit Club held its show at Berea Fairgrounds. There were 761 rabbits entered with most of the world’s breeds well represented.
The show was a “first” in a national experiment in rabbit shows. Unlike dog, cat, bird, and fish shows, licensed rabbit shows have never been permitted to give best in show awards. Judging has always stopped at best of breed.
This has caused considerable discontent among rabbit fanciers who have argued for the added drama and excitement of best in show judging. Other fanciers have felt that some rabbits were so superior that they deserved a best in show consideration.
Recently, the board of director of the American Rabbit Breeders . Assn, decided to permit best in show judging on an experimental basis for one year. The South Euclid Club’s show is the first to give such judging.
The show had four judges. They were Horace Curtis, Falls Church, Va.; Robert Byrne, Clarksville, Ind.; Glen Carr of Columbus, and Edward Beam-er of 16358 Broadway, Maple Heights.
The field was narrowed down to four rabbits, a New Zealand white, a black-and-tan, a white rex and a black-and-white Dutch. This was further narrowed to the white rex, and the Dutch, which had competed in the junior (under six months) class.
The four judges then voted by ballot, three to one, for the Dutch, which is owned by Harry Rice of Portsmouth.
The ARBA Board meeting in executive session at Syracuse approved and directed that Regional Judges Conferences be held in strategically located sites throughout the country. The FIRST Regional Judges Conference will be held March 2, 1968 at Lowry City. Missouri. The Chamber of Commerce of Lowry City are providing a wonderful building located on the highway for this event.
Director Claude Bennett, District #3, comprising Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Kansas, North Dakota and South Dakota and director Ed Stahl, District #4, comprising Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma will serve as co-moderators.
The list of top breeders, judges and registrars that will handle the various breeds at the Lowry City Regional Judges Conference sounds like a Who’s Who of the rabbit world. No breeder, judge or registrar should miss this opportunity to really learn the fine points on particular breeds. The following men and women will (Continued Page 3)
The white rex is owned by Joseph J. Stankus, of Aintree Park, Lyndhurst.
One of the arguments against best in show judging has been: How can you judge a rabbit of one breed against one of another breed? But the judging at this show seemed to answer that question to everyone's satisfaction.
That answer: You don’t. The judges study the rabbits and decide that this one is a better rabbit according to the standard of its breed, and this other rabbit is under its breed standard.
4323 Murray Avenue James Blyth, Secy. — Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Fred Cremer A.R.B.A. Judge

W. E. (Bill) Molen. Editor P.O. Box 8. Bronson. Kansas 66716 Pat Krider, Assistant Publicity Chm.
Bett Hickman Tillic Morchcad
Joe Lutes Mark Youngs
Rayal Winters Joan Wallace
O. R. (Bud) Chaney Dora O’Hare
Lloyd Shantz Pat Kelley
EXECUTIVE BOARD ARBA Wayne Willmann. Pres. James Blyth, Secy
Oren Reynolds. V.-Pres. Ellis Murray. Treas
Fred Applegate J. Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W. E. Molen
Claude Bennett E. P. Shi I liday
W. H. Kennedy Edward Stahl
D. F. Parker
First — permit me to wish each one of our members a very healthy, Happy New Year. May your activities with rabbits or cavies and their owners bring you much joy this year of 1968.
May I also present to you our new ARBA Youth Department Chairman, Mr. Sam Gerardi, 300 Walnut St., Warren, Penna. 16365. He has consented to do as much as his health and time will permit. Knowing Sam as I do, and his good work with youth — I can guarantee that our Youth Department will be improved during the year.
Mr. Gerardi would like for all the youth Counsellors who worked with him at one time — to write to him very soon and indicate that you are willing to help him in 1968. I believe there are about 80 such individuals. If you are one — please write him soon.
I appreciate the efforts that Mr. William Earl put into our Youth work, but he found it necessary to resign as the chairman. He has not lost his love for the youth and will continue to help them as much as is possible. Thanks Bill for your efforts.
A very helpful Handbook is being prepared by Director Everett Shilliday with the Board’s approval. It will be mailed to all State Agents and to all Local Clubs. Examine it carefully. Use
it at your Local Club meetings. Several pages are full of information that would make good topics for discussion at your meetings. If you have any suggestions or ideas for improving it, please write to Mr. Shilliday. We have great hopes that this Handbook will help our ARBA in many ways.
The work of our Secretary Mr. Jim Blyth has been made more difficult because he has not had Guide Books nor Yearbooks to send to those who expect them. I plead with you that you be patient. Let me remind you that all the work necessary to produce Guide Books — Yearbooks and other materials is done by volunteers in their spare time. Just remember, please.
What concerns me greatly is that one of these days we will not have volunteers who are willing or capable to edit Guide Books, Yearbooks, etc. Then what shall we do? We may have to hire individuals to write. Do you want to pay the cost? In years gone by we have had men like John Fehr and Ed Stahl who spent thousands of hours to get books ready for publication. Mr. Stahl has worked almost full time during 1967 on our guide book and other materials. No one can estimate what such wonderful service is worth to the ARBA.
I don’t see many such dedicated individuals ready to take over when Mr. Stahl can no longer do it. We may have to face this matter sooner than we think. So let us be patient. It is a work of love. Let us show some of the same love in our work for the ARBA.
Our printer had all the material for the new 1968 Yearbook by December 10 so you should be receiving your copy soon. We are having more copies printed of the Guide Book than the last time, so we hope the supply will not be exhausted as quickly as in the past.
All Local Clubs are urged to select their Local ARBA agent and report the name and address to the State Agent whose name you will find under the name of the state in the new 1968 Yearbook.
Let’s keep thinking — talking — and working to boost rabbits and cavies. Let’s sign up some new members. Be sure that the present members of the ARBA in your Local Club renew their membership soon. Each one of you can do something to help us move forward.
Greetings to All
Wayne Willmann President
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BEST IN SHOW, Black Dutch owned by Cecil Green, St. Joseph, Missouri and judged Best In Show by judges Joe Crawford and Eabert McGehee at the Missouri State Convention Show, December 3, 1967, Sedalia, Missouri in competition with 12 breeds with total entry of 505 rabbits. Silver tray and trophy awarded to winner are shown.
(Continued from Page 1)
handle breeds as listed at the Lowry City event.
English Spots—Ivan Miller, Maquon, Illinois.
Californian—Harry Fisher, Kansas City, Missouri.
Polish—Charles Wade, Little Rock, Arkansas.
New Zealand—Marvin Carley, Brat-tlesboro, Vermont ; Eabert McGehee, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Don Guthrie, Pierce City, Missouri.
American Chins—Everett Johnson, Taylorsville, Illinois.
Checkered Giant—Bob Wallace, Glenwood, Iowa.
Havana—Joe Crawford, Gladstone, Missouri.
Himalayan—Ernest Abbott, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Palomino—Dorothy Newport, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Dutch—Cecil Green, St. Joseph, Missouri.
Silver Marten—Dr. T. H. Roberson, Jr., Church Hill, Tennessee.
Champagne—Ray Twyman, Hickman Mills, Missouri.
Tan—Ceoil Green, St. Joseph, Missouri.
Cavy—Charles Wade, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Meat Pens—Pat Bass, Monett, Missouri.
Satin—Roger Fitchom, Bloomington, Illinois; Lou Slavens, Bloomington, Illinois.
Rex—Dennis Holcomb, Des Moines, Iowa.
Angora—Ray Cunningham, Teka-mah, Nebraska.
Flemish Giant—Harold McGovney, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
There will be an all-breed rabbit show on Sunday, March 3, 1968 at Lowry City, Missouri as a companion feature to this FIRST Regional Judges Conference. Coops will be set-up on Saturday to hold all rabbits entered in the Sunday Show. The sponsors have been asked to consider holding an All-New Zealand Show in the judging arena on Saturday March 2nd, and for further information on this or any facet of the Lowry City event write Lucile Zahner, Bunny Hub, Lowry City, Missouri 64763 or Mrs. Thurman Flynn, Rt. #1, Moran, Kansas 66755.
A1 Meier Jr., Chairman ARBA Standard Committee
There are two generally accepted, and assumed, rules for fur classes which are not now specifically stated in the fur standard on pages 9 and 10 of the “ARBA Standard Book” now in force.
It is assumed that a rabbit must be eliminated from competition in the fur class if it was eliminated, or disqualified, in the breed class for any reason other than being overweight or underweight. This is the intent of the standard, but as it is now written, it does not properly convey this intent.
The rule should read: Any rabbit eliminated, or disqualified, for any reason other than overweight or underweight in its breed classes cannot compete in either its breed fur class or the ARBA general fur classes.
This, then, also means that any fur class judged prior to the judging of the breed classes, as requested by some specialty clubs, must have every animal examined for disqualifications or eliminations in the judging of the fur class.
The standard is also guilty of an error of omission in that it does not specifically state that rabbits cannot be entered in the fur classes only.
This rule should read:
To be eligible for entry in either its breed fur class or the ARBA general fur class, an animal must be entered in its regular breed class as determined by its color, sex, and age.
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We of the ARBA Publicity Committee promise in 1968 to give the absolute best of news service, public relations in action, and just plain TOP DOG coverage of all rabbit activities that is humanly possible. We offer coverage in all 50 States, Canada and rabbit events and news wherever it occurs — of course we do need your help. All news for the ARBA Bulletin is requested to be mailed to the editor, Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
This ARBA Publicity is by no means a one man operation — the ARBA publicity consists of 11 TOP DOGS, tops in their desire to help, tops in their willingness to work, and anxious to serve you. The 1968 Publicity Committee is:
Bett Hickman, in her 3rd year of fine service.
Joe Lutes, another 3 year stalwart. Pat Krider, in her 2nd year of yeoman work.
Mark Youngs, another 2 year hard, hard worker.
Royal Winters, a new member who said—‘Let’s make everyone rabbit conscious’
Bud Chaney, a bull of a worker and very punctual.
Tillie Morehead, who is actually a human dynamo.
Lloyd Shantz, a man with outstanding qualifications and ideas.
Joan Wallace, a willing, capable worker whose husband is a working partner.
Dora O’Hare, said, “Just give me a hint what to do, I’ll do it.”
Pat Kelley, very efficient, very interested and another volunteer.
Look these TOP DOG publicity committee members up at the shows and other rabbit events in your area. They are eager to serve you and the ARBA.
Best in Show has been judged at two big shows, the South Euclid Show at Berea, Ohio where 761 rabbits were entered and a black Dutch came out on top, and the Missouri State Convention, Sedalia, Missouri with an en try of 500 plus and again a black Dutch was the Best In Show. The news coverage by the Cleveland Press and the Sedalia Democrat were outstanding, giving many column inches of space and good photo coverage. We have included photos of each winner in the Bulletin.
Regional Judges Conferences are in the planning stage in all areas of our country with the FIRST such being held March 2, 1968 at Lowry City, Missouri. Another highlight of this
event will be an Open House and Tour of the very modern and successful Bunny Hub Rabbitry, Lucille Zahner proprietor. An invitation is extended to all to attend this very educational event and history making FIRST Regional Judges Conference.
Mr. William E. Molen Box 8
Bronson, Kansas Dear Bill,
Enclosed is a belated answer to your request for an answer on the fur class question submitted to Vern Ashton. Mr. Ashton spoke to me at Syracuse about clearing up the inadvertent omission of the complete fur class requirements from the Standard Book. In researching this question I found an additional area of lack of clarity and have undertaken to offer this clarification at this time also.
On page 10 of the standards, under “General Eliminations — All Breeds” a direct reference is made about eliminations for any of the above ailments, as listed, being elimination from any other class in the show. Now, if you will look under “General Disqualifications — All Breeds” no mention is made of the effect on rabbits entered in the fur classes. The om-mission is obvious — but, the intent is the same as that under eliminations for ailments.
Also, under the same section the disqualification for dewlaps mentions Blacks, or Blues and Tans. Needless to say, this applies to all varieties of Tans.
To depart from my position of chairman of the standard committee and voice my personal opinion on fur classes I’d have to voice the following:
The fur standard as written is not a good one for a furrier’s fur, and, it certainly is not applicable to all our normal coated breeds for obvious reasons — it’s not for Checkers, Dutch, English, or for that matter, not very many breeds at all.
Secondly, it puts an emphasis on one part of the entire animal which is all out of proportion to its true worth. We have no “head class”, no “body, color, or marking class”; in many breeds any of these points are of greater importance than that of fur. There is too great a tendency now among many judges to overemphasize certain points of an animal instead of considering the overall quality.
A1 Meier
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Card Shower Requested For III Member
The Informer, monthly Bulletin of the South Florida RBA, December issue carried an appeal for cards and letters for one of their members who has been seriously ill in Veterans Administration Hospital. Bill Wentzel, Box 171, Seffner, Florida 33584 is the ailing member. Bill, is a staunch ARBA supporter in Florida, as is his family. Too soon we are prone to forget some of our ailing veterans — It can certainly brighten up ones day, when the mailman delivers a bundle of cards and letters. Won’t you send Bill a cheery note today????

Florida’s Fabulous Foursome
The Informer, Edith Glumm, Editor Route 2, Box 1076M, Tampa, Florida 33610 forwarded what I feel is the best single issue of any rabbit bulletin I had the pleasure of reading in 1967. The December issue was in 4-color print. The motif of Christmas was complete with candles, Christmas trees, ho’l.v, bells and bows, and two full pages of 4-color personal Christmas card ads of members. Old St. Nick graced the cover with his rabbit helpers and the inside center a 4-color candle and greeting with ilttie sparkle greeted the reader. A fabulous edition of a top, top Club Bulletin.
Rabbit Ramblings of the Mid-Florida RBA, Mrs. Alice Montgomery, Editor, Box 285, Alachua, Florida 32615 likewise forwarded another excellent edition of this publication. This club is slanted to the commercial aspects of rabbit raising and each issue, month in and month out carries a wonderful array of meaty, factual articles of great benefit to the newer breeder and certainly appreciated by the older or veteran breeder. President Howard Girard always pens an informative article and this issue a very nice accolade was written on the fine qualities of Judge Joseph R. Nolan. Doris Partridge, includes a page, titled ‘Helping Hints Department,’ very good. This
Club Notes
is a club on the go and their Bulletin substantiates this.
Central Florida RBA, Rabbit News and The Bulletin, publication of the Florida State Rabbit Breeders Association have a common editor in Pete Kern, 104 Mandrake St., Orlando, Florida 32811. How Pete can find time to edit two such fabulous publications and not miss an issue or come out late is one for Ripley’s Believe It Or Not. A 3color and very artful layout was the rule of both these publications in their December issue. Excellent coverage of a wide range of facts and figures meaningful to the serious rabbit raiser were included. Florida certainly has a Fabulous Foursome of Bulletins and editors. We of ARBA are certainly proud of your efforts. Even gets us to reminiscing of the wonderful, wonderful time at the Tampa Convention in 1962. Gives us the urge and the itching feet to head out once more in the direction of Florida and another ARBA Convention.
Colorado Offers Opportunity For Convention Shares
The Colorado Rabbit News .David Ford, editor, 2945 17th St., Boulder, Colorado 80302 is a strong booster of ARBA and their cover page carries the legend — ‘Promoting All Breeds of Domestic Rabbits for FANCY, FOOD, FUR. This they truly do not only in the printed word of their Bulletin but by the aggressive activities of their state clubs that make up the State Association. During 1968 the Colorado breeders will also be mak'ng plans and staging our ARBA Convention Pueblo, Colorado, October 7-10. For those of you wishing to support this convention by subscribing to a $50.00 share that shoui’.d pay good dividends, read the following closely, then act.
Shares in the Colorado Convention corporation are now for sale at $50 each. By buying a share you have a vested interest in the corporat:on. Vou should (hopefully) get your $59 back one year after the Colorado Convention is over. This return will depend on the proceeds which we g-^t from putting on the Convention itself. If we are lucky (and we plan to be) you should get your $50 back plus interest. Send your checks to Bob Harris < make payable to Colorado Rabbit Shows,
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Inc.); 7200 South Grant; Littleton, Colorado 80120. You may buy as many shares as you like. Clubs are also highly encouraged to take out one or more shares, as treasuries allow.

Michigan Bulletin Emerges As Giant In Big Babbit Producing State
TV Michigan State Rabbit Journal, Bud Chaney, editor, 151 S. Maple St., Leonidas, Michigan 49066 has certainly filled the breech by affording facts and figures while at the same time daring to plan and set a high goal. Bud seems to have found the key to cooperation, because each Michigan club seems to be represented by a fine article from each of the affiliated clubs appointed publicity directors. If each of the state associations could see the the beaming results of having local club correspondents given a challenge of publicizing their club in the state news and ARBA Bulletin, I’m sure those of you that do not have a publicity direcor would hasten to appoint one. Michigan Rabbit Journal carries a Table of Contents in each of their sssues and it gives the page and ar-tile of each news item.
A recent issue of the Michigan Journal carried an article titled: Questions?
1. Have you convinced any one recently that they ought to join your local club or the M.S.R.B.A. or the ARBA?
2. How many so far this year have you helped to get started in the rab^ bit industry?
3. How many club meetings have you been able to attend this year? MSRBA quarterly meetings?
4. Are you doing your best to promote every phase of the Rabbit Industry?
% % %
If you can say yes to two of the above questions, you are only a 500% WORKER.
If you can answer all the above in the affirmative, you are a 1000% worker.
If you don’t rate in the 500% class just try a little harder and you will soon find that your enjoyment will increase and maybe you will soar even above the 1000% class.

Meat Babbit Outlook Good In Texas
Texas Rabbit Breeder News, Royal Winters, editor, 1821 Sand Road, Vernon, Texas 76384 issued a fat 28 page Bulletin last issue and each of the clubs: Californian Rabbit Specialty Club of Texas, Cen-Tex RBA, Galveston County Rabbit Club, Greenbelt RBA, Gulf Coast Rabbit Club, Hous-
ton All-Breed Rabbit Club, North Texas RBA, San Antonio RBA, South Plains RBA, South West RBA, Texas Panhandle RBA, Trinity Valley RBA, Wes-Tex RBA and Wichita Valley RBA were represented. These Texans pull together and are an example we could well follow for action and advancements— Ben W. Lee, reporting for the Cen-Tex Club says “Interest is picking up in our section of the state as we have 2 pick-up stations established in Waco. The Kane Industries of Houston pick up fryers in Waco at the Joy Theatre on Highway 77 at 9 a.m. every other Sunday and John Otto of Victoria picks up every 3 weeks at the Shell Station at the circle in Waco.
Delivers Prize Winning Speech— Future Farmers of America Contest
Patrick Yasenak, Missoula, Montana one of our youngest ARBA Registrars; a very intelligent and personable young man with a goal; and a top flight rabbit breeder participated in a recent FFA speech contest Pat, writes —“Each year our Chapter FFA sponsors a speech contest and for the past 3 years I’ve entered with a speech on rabbit raising. The first 2 years I didn't do too good but this year I placed 3rd out of 15 entries and was given time on our local radio station, KGVO, to present my speech. My speech follows:’’
“Honorable Judges, Worthy Opponents, KGVO Listeners — Rabbits Are Your Business. Would you like a supplemental income — a profitable hobby — and at the same time a business of your own? For a small investment of as little as $10.00 you’re on the road to a money making opportunity. The profit won't come easy but if you’re ambitious and responsible there’s money for you to make raising rabbits.
Americans eat 50-60 million pounds of domestic rabbit meat each year and are asking for more. The rabbits come from small rabbitries with 3-4 hutches and from lager commercial producers.
If you’re not making as much at your present job as you’d like, why not supplement your income by as much as $1000 a month? Raise rabbits, for that much wanted and much needed extra income. One doe will make you a net profit of $1.00 a month. You’re probably going to ask, “How is a dumb little rabbit going to make me $1.00 a month?” Your main expense is feed. You will receive your income from several sources; meat,
Pmgt Six
laboratory stock, breeding stock, show stock, fur, manure, worms and shows.
If you are supplementing your income, your main profit will come from the meat. To do this you should raise breeds of rabbits such as the Californian, New Zealand White and Champange D'Argent which weigh between 8-12 lbs. They will grow out faster than the smaller breeds and will produce a 4 lb. fryer in 8 weeks. A good commercial doe will wean 7-8 to the litter and have 5 litter a year. By feeding pellets it costs about 70c to raise a fryer to 4 lbs., which is butchering weight. For this fryer you will receive $1.00. The net profit for a litter of 8 is $2.40. But this is for three months and not for a month so by dividing by 3 you get 80c which is the net profit for 1 month.
If there is a university or hospital in your town there is a potential sale for laboratory stock. Since lab stock sells for a higher price, from $2-$3.25 each, make an all out effort to sell to the laboratory. This will increase your profit greatly.
The second most profitable way to sell your young stock is by selling them for breeding stock. You should receive $3-$5 a rabbit for pedigreed breeding stock when 2-3 mo. of age.
The hobbiest who is raising show stock gets the best profit possible from his young stock. On the average a rabbit to be used as show stock will sell for $5-$10. This is how the hobbiest who is raising small breeds such as the Polish or Dutch, which have litters averaging 3-5 makes his profit.
Whether commercially or show minded, you’re going to raise some rabbits that just aren’t good enough to use as show or breeding stock or old rabbits that must be culled from your herd. These rabbits must be butchered and whether you sell the meat or eat it yourself you’ll have a fur to dispose of. Don’t throw it away. The least profitable way to sell furs is to package them and send them to a processor who will pay you by the pound. The best furs should be tanned. The total expense for tanning and postage is about 50c .You can either use the furs to make garments or novelities or sell them to people for this purpose. A tanned rabbit fur will bring from $1.00 to $2.50 depending on size, color and kind.
Do you think rabbits stink, draw flies, and will offend your family and friends? Well get this idea out of your head. With the proper care the manure from your rabbits can be turned into some of the richest compost you have ever seen, and a compost florist will
be wanting to buy. What will change the manure into a rich compost? Worms. Worms raised under the hutches. Besides the profit realized by selling compost to florists, worms to fishermen and other rabbit raisers these little worms will knock your fly and odor problem practically to zero.
There is another facet of rabbit raising a hobbiest can cash in on and that’s shows. Besides the payback which the sponsoring club offers there are usually specials offered by individual breeders. A rabbit winning Best of Breed of a popular breed may win up to $15 for an entry fee of 50c to $1.00. Shows also offer the breeder trophies, ribbons and advertisement for his stock. So you see with a herd of 100 does you could easily make a $100 a month.
When you decide to start raising rabbits there are a few tips to follow: Buy breeding stock from reliable breeders, inspect stock if possible, and join your local rabbit club, the American Babbit Breeders Assn., and the speciality clubs sanctioning the breeds you raise.
With a responsible management program, good foundation stock, and little investment you can start a business of your own that will supply you with an additional income.” ...
That’s the speech just as I gave it. Right after it one of the judges confronted me with a proposition. He said he’d take 50 fryers from me every week. I just about laughed in his face because I didn’t know what one person would do with that many fryers. I figured he was going to buy them from me and sell them to the stores around town. About a week later I found out he was the butcher at the biggest shopping center here in Missoula. Right now I’m trying to expand enough to meet his offer.
Tom Coatoam
This combination class is of great value to the breeder for, by studying the winners in these classes, he can form in his mind, a very good idea of just what is required in the selection of future breeding stock.
Just which type is best for meat, and since 90% or more of the pelts that reach the fur market are from fryer rabbits, just what kind of fur is best.
Until we educate the breeder to the why’s and wherefore’s of culling litters, we shall not be able to make commercial rabbit raising profitable.
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To my way of thinking, the best way of doing this education is through the medium of Pre-Junior and Fryer Fur Classes.
It’s a very surprising fact, that there are so many breeders who can readily pick winners as long as they are adults, yet they cannot or at least, claim that they know nothing about culling litters. They cannot cull a litter properly. How many times have we heard the remark: “This rabbit is weak in hindquarters, but after fully grown will fill out”. And how many times have I been guilty of making this remark? Too many. Let us not fool ourselves.
However, over a period of time; experience has proven to me that a youngster 8 or 10 weeks old, well-proportioned all over, with good fur and type, well-rounded hindquarters, and good width to the saddle will have the same proportions as a junior, intermediate and even as a senior. Much of course depends upon the ancestry of the rabbit, and feed and care given it. Therefore, it seems only too obvious that we must learn to cull the youngsters at 8 to 10 weeks of age. A combination class of Pre-Juniors and Fryer-Fur is the best way to teach the breeders how to do it.
We have been using rabbits in this country for food purposes for a good many years. I feel that too little attention has been paid to the question of type in meat rabbits. Now, I am not advocating a standard for meat rabbits. We have enough breeds of rabbits that are definitely commercial, so I see no need for a meat standard. The point that I want to bring out is that the opinion has existed and unfortunately still does, that just anything will do for a meat rabbit.
I see no sense in elaborating on what kind of a rabbit has the best meat-producing qualities. It has been proven that a rabbit produced from rabbits having the proper type and meat-producing qualities, mean more meat at an earlier age. In other words, a young rabbit of fryer age with proven type, weighing 3 and % pounds will dress out as much or more meat than a rabbit having a poor type and weighing 4 or 4Vz pounds and a week older in age. Of course, this may not sound like much, but on the basis of a hundred rabbits, it means a great deal. Many times, it can mean the difference between profit and loss, success or failure.
What do we want in the line of type. We want a rabbit that is not long in body, good full, plump hindquarters with well-filled shoulders.
The Spokane Spokesman Review carried the above photo with story in a recent issue. Joseph Haugh, 4, son of Mr. & Mrs. Alva G. Haugh, El 1516 Empire, poses a pair of ARBA Convention prize winning Angora Rabbits owned by Lawrence Farley, E10417 Ninth. The rabbit on the right is A66, Grand Champion Doe, placing BOB at Syracuse; on the left is FA4, BOS. The Farleys took 7 Angora Rabbits to the ARBA National Convention, returning with 5 trophies, 13 winnings and 1st place in Sweepstake points in National Angora Club for 1967.
Mrs. George J. Farnham, Santa Fe, New Mexico sent the following article to Porter Powers, secretary Californian Rabbit Specialty Club. Secretary Powers, printed the article in the Californian News and we obtained his permission to use the article in the ARBA Bulletin. The article originally appeared in — “The New Mexican”, Santa Fe, New Mexico. There are two parts to this article — First the news story as first appeared and then; Second the editorial story that appeared in the paper the following day.
10 Boys Stole 50 Rabbits—
80 Recovered.
“ESPANOLA — A widespread rabbit rustling operation was broken here last Saturday with the apprehension of 10 juvenile boys.
There are some problems yet to be ironed out, however, rabbits being rabbits and all. Rio Arriba Sheriff Benny Naranjo today said he was able to break the ring after one suspect was grabbed by a livestock owner during an attempted theft.
“He talked plenty,’ the sheriff said, ‘and we were able to nail it down. It took all day though, and at one time
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I had a car full of rabbits.” For several months, Naranjo said there have been reports of thefts from rabbit growers. ‘Until Friday night when the boy was caught, he explained, we didn’t have much to go on except plaster casts of footprints. Now we have problems we didn’t anticipate.’
Seems 50 rabbits were reported stolen. The sheriff recovered 80. ‘The kids weren’t selling them or eating them’, he said. They took real good care of them and traded back and forth like kids trade pictures of baseball players. As far as we could determine, all the rabbits were in excellent condition.
The sheriff has turned his investigative report over to juvenile authorities for study. In the meantime he is trying to determine ownership of 30 extra rabbits.”
Multiplication Problem.
“We want to thank Rio Arriba County Sheriff Benny Naranjo for providing a bright spot in an otherwise dreary spring. The weather has been erratic and mostly bad; local concern about national and international problems has reached a point of open animosity; the political parties have been feuding among themselves and with each other. But we can set consideration of these problems aside momentarily and view without offering solution the problems which Sheriff Naranjo has to face.
He had the unique experience last week of solving a crime and recovering more merchandise than originally was stolen. He broke up a juvenile rabbit rustling ring, and ended with 30 more rabbits than the 50 taken. We hope the grateful owners of the rabbits will relieve Sheriff Naranjo of the surplus post haste. Otherwise Rio Arriba County is liable to have to go into the rabDit-raising business. The rabbit raisers in the Espanola area might consider taking some instructions from the young culprits involved in the theft. The rabbits appear to have thrived handsomely under the care of the rustlers.”
There are a number of services the members of the ARBA do not realize nor thoroughly understand. However, these services are stiil in operation and many of our members are taking advantage of them. One of these is the registration of rabbitries. We have had this for many years under the Secretaryship of A. Weygandt, later
under L. S. J. Griffin. We have still held Secretary Griffin’s records of rabbitry registrations. While many of the people who have had rabbitries registered during the period of Mr. Griffin’s administration have passed to the great beyond or some have left the rabbit business, (there are many still intact and through their continuous membership of the American, they have held their rabbltry registration intact. Few of these I might mention are: Paradise Rabbitry now located in California. When this rabbitry registration was taken out in 1949 it’s owner Don Lovejoy resided in Ashtabula, Ohio. He has registration number 1751. Another is the Pedigo Rabbitry registered in 1945, number 1366. This was registered under the name of Forest and Nannie Pedigo. Mrs. Pedigo has passed to the great beyond. She was a very fine lady. Mr. Pedigo still retains the name of this rabbitry. Another rabbitry was registered in 1953 with number 2001 and is known as DeGastro Rabbitry. Another is the HimmilSburg Rabbitry by Bruce Himmi'lsburg. It was registered in 1944, number 708. Mr. Himmilsburg is Still an outstanding breeder of New Zealand whites and has won well over the east and given a good account of himself at the recent Syracuse Convention.
Another is the Rowmar Rabbitry registered in 1959 by the late Roland Stabler of Maryland. Taking the name from his name and his wife Margaret Stabler. While this would have lapsed at Mr. Stabler’s death, his daughter and son-in-law Mr. Robert Uebel have retained the name by their continuous membership and carrying on through. This is number 2195.
The Sunflower Rabbitry was owned by Mr. L. A. Dunlap who is now a life member of the ARBA and had rabbitry registered in 1946 under number 1120.
Still another is that of Sugs Rabbitry registered in 1948, number 1622 to Harold A. McGovney who is one of our good licensed judges and has carried bis membership on to keep his rabbitry registration in effect. These are only a few I might mention who have kept this record intact. As mentioned before, many have dropped by the wayside.
Believe it is wise where some person 'is using any other name than their own or some rabbitry name they have it registered. The charge is $2. There is no application necessary for this. AH that is needed is the name of the rabbitry be sent in and we would suggest they have a first, second
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and third choice of names in case the first or second may be taken. The $2 registration fee is required for this and we issue a certificate of rabbitry registration, giving the year the registration was issued, the page it is recorded on our rabbitry registration book and the registration number of the rabbltry. This holds good as long as the owner is a member of the ARBA and need not be renewed each year. However, should the membership lapse, the rabbitry registration is automatically cancelled. We are sure there are more members who want to know about this service and are desirous of taking an active part in it. Therefore, this is the reason for this article. If there is any of our members who wish information about a rabbitry registration, we will be most happy to supply it We believe we have covered the details and how useful it has been to many of our members over a period of years and the thousands that have been registered that have passed to the great beyond or retired from raising rabbits. This leads us to believe this is a very valuable service that not aU of our members know about and we would suggest if you run under a rabbitry name, it would be helpful to you. For instance, you are a member of the ARBA under the name of John Doe, you show your rabbits under a rabbltry name as J D Rabbitry. When the records are checked here for the winnings of the JD Rabbitry and the rabbitry is not registered we do not know if you are a member of the ARBA and notify you to this effect. Where if John Doe shows 'his rabbits under the JD Rabbitry, we check the owner of this rabbitry and find it belongs to John Doe. Therefore, he is eligible for the special ribbons. There are many services and helps rabbitry registrations bring forth that keeps the name before the public and makes it appear better to the general public. Wherever possible, we will protect that registered name within our association in every possible opportunity and hold it for the person who registered it. Remember once it is registered for $2, it holds good as long as you are a member of the ARBA in good standing.
American Cavy Breeders Association
Chairman: Don Reid Vice Chairman: Merle N. Emery Secretary-Treasurer: Mrs. Diane Ford Secretary-Treasurer: Mrs. Diane Ford Directors: Muriel Reid, Harry S. Claus, L. Llake Smith, and Pait Krider.
David Ford, 45th ARBA Convention Secretary and Publicity Director for the Pueblo, Colorado ARBA Convention-Show. Convention dates October 7-10,1968.

Colorado is proud to have been selected as the site for the 45th ARBA Convention and Show. This is one Convention you won't want 'to miss. It will be 'located in a state which is well-known as a vacation paradise.
Not only is the location tops, but the Convention and Show should be tops too. It is the goal of the Colorado Convention executive body and a host of area breeders to make this one of the truly fine Conventions in the ARBA’s history. Most of the committees have already been set up and have started work, even though the Convention is ten months away.
Colorado Convention planning actually had its beginnings as early as January of 1966. This is when some of the first interest in an ARBA Convention in Colorado became public. Since then there have been a number of discussions and meetings in the state, terminating in the decision to bid for the 1968 Convention and in the election of Convention officers. The major Colorado Convention officers are as follows:
General Convention Ohm. Earl Hord Asst. Convention Cam. Frank Hostetter General Convention Sec. .. David Ford General Convention Treas. Bob Harris Show Superintendent Bill Summers Asst. Show Supt. Pat Herman
Show Secretary Marjorie Vaughn
Page Ten
Publicity Chairman David Ford
Catalog Chairman Dean Benker
Full lists of all committees will be released at a later date.
This Convention will be run in a strictly businesslike-fashion. We have drawn up our corporate constitution and by-laws and should soon receive a certificate of incorporation. The sponsoring group is selling shares of stock to finance the Convention. These are being sold for $50 a share to breeders in Colorado and to many other rabbit raisers throughout the nation who are interested in supporting our Convention.
The last ARBA Convention held in Colorado was in 1937, staged in Colorado Springs. None of the presest set of Colorado breeders attended that Convention. Many of our ideas about running Conventions have been borrowed from recent Conventions in other states, especially the Sedalia, Missouri, and Pomona, California, Conventions, from which we have received much help and valuable advice.
Colorado is not lacking in experienced show personnel. We are fortunate to have some highly talented individuals who have a great deal of experience as a result of their officia-tion of the Colorado State Fair Rabbit Show, one of the largest rabbit shows in the nation each year. All of you who have attended this mammoth fair show can attest to this fact.
All in all, we hope to give you the best Convention that we know how. Plan your next vacation around the ’68 Convention. Plan to take in some of the beautiful mountain scenery in Colorado. This will make your Convention trip more than just a trip, but rather a pleasure. See you in the “Centennial State in ’68!”
W. H. Kennedy, Chairman Ed Stahl, Missouri Mel Behrens, New York William Hartley, Michigan David Ross, Ohio Constitution & Resolutions Marvin Langeland, Chairman H. E. Judkins, Iowa Marshall Hazard, Illinois Len Biskie, Michigan International Relations Roscoe Cuozzo, Chairman Bing Harris, Canada Alfred DeCastro, Switzerland Manuel DeJuan, Puerto Rico Murilo Rego, Brazil Andres Rodriquez, Texas
W. A. Schaefer, Chairman Lyman Nelson, California Robert Byrnes, Indiana Harold Quick, Kentucky
Washington, D.C.
Horace Curtis, Chairman William Franklin, Virginia William Stuart, Virginia
Ellis Murray, Chairman Robert Herschback John Long
Kathryn Shilliday, Chairman Mrs. Charles O’Dell, Texas Mrs. Ted Wengert, Illinois
Membership Service
Edward Toebbe, Chairman Robert Gebhart, Indiana Fred Cremer, California Tom Whiteaker, Texas Joe Godsey, Tennessee Standards
A1 Meier, Jr., Chairman Marvin Carley, Vermont W. T. Robinson, Illinois Harold McGovney, Oklahoma Frances Bennett, Iowa Don Lovejoy, California Don Reid, Illinois Youth
William Earl, Chairman Kay Malott, Secretary C. W. Spence, Texas Evelyn Shaw, Massachusetts Joe Gognat, Kentucky Dorothy Newport, Iowa Sam Gerardi, Pennsylvania Color-Fur
A1 Roerdanz, Chairman Lou Slavens, Illinois Howard Barto, New York Clyde Taylor, Tennessee Carl Nagel, California Election
Dorothy Dunbar, Chairman
S. T. Monroe Mrs. Natlie Carlton Robert Templeton Ralph Deckard J. S. Smith
Mrs. R. S. Satterwhite Publicity
W. E. Molen, Chairman Mark Youngs, Washington Bett Hickman, Pennsylvania Joe Lutes, California Pat Krider, Rhode Island Royal Winters, Texas
O. R. Chaney, Sr., Michigan Tillie Morehead, New York Lloyd Shantz, Canada Joan Wallace, Ohio Dora O’Hare, Illinois Pat Kelley, Florida
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Officers of ARBA’s newest Chartered Club, Centerville Rabbit Breeders Assoc., of Michigan. Back row, Frank Raggio, director, Tom Kelly, director, Art Cross, vice-pres., Sarah Cross, secretary, Floyd Marciniak, director. Front row, Mrs. G. L. Chaney, treasurer and Bud Chaney, president.

Bud Chaney
A new organization for rabbit breeders has been chartered in St. Joseph County.
The Centerville Rabbit Breeders Association held its organizational meeting Saturday evening Nov. 4th 1967 at 7:00 P.M., with 22 people present. Mr. O. R. Chaney Sr., Leonidas, Mi., was elected president of the new club. Other elected officers were: Vice-president, Arthur Cross of Mendon; Secretary, Mrs. Sarah E. Cross; and Treasurer, Mrs. G. L. Chaney.
Directors for the organization are Mr. Frank Raggio of Vicksburg, who will serve a three year term; Mr. Floyd Marciniak of Centerville, two years; and Tom Kelly of Portage, one year.
The purpose of the new Club is to be of service to rabbit raisers throughout St. Joseph County and the state of Michigan.
According to club members, rabbit raisers throughout Michigan can not supply the demands for their product which is known for its meat and fur value.
The Centerville club is chartered with the Michigan State Rabbit Breeders Association Inc., and expects to receive a charter from the American
Rabbit Breeders Association in just a few days.
At the present time the organization has 11 signed members, all of whom are members of M.S.R.B.A. and applications for a 100% ARBA membership.
At the next monthly meeting a Junior division is to be organized which will meet with the Senior group, and they intend to affiiate with the MS-RBA Jr. Association as well as the ARBA Jr., organization.
At the time of this release plans are to meet regularly in the very fine hall at the Centerville Community Building on the first Saturday evening of each month with intermittent pot-luck arrangements and a big welcome extended to all visitors.
Varied educational features are planned for each meeting with various talent for entertainment.
The potentials for future success for this club appear to have unlimited horizons and great expectations have already been voiced concerning the many areas in which great progress should be achieved for the Rabbit Industry.
Wm. F. Croft, Hannon, Ontario ARBA Judge & Registrar
The ARBA is a well constituted Organization especially worded for operation within the United States, its copyright and incorporation is strictly for ithe United States. At the last Syracuse Convention, an International Committee was set up to study the expanding membership in foreign Countries. The ARBA are to be complimented on this move and also the fact that foreign countries were invited to submit their views on the relationship with 'the ARBA.
I believe that any official viewpoint should come from a Foreign National Organization representing the majority of breeders in the foreign country. In respect to Canada, having been in touch with most Clubs and Breeders, I believe that the use of the ARBA Standards of Perfection. Judges System, Show Rules and the Registration System is acceptable and approved by most Breeders and Clubs.
How do we tie ourselves in with the present ARBA Constitution, I do not feel that the ARBA should weaken itself by ammendments to the Constitution but some special status should be established for foreign Countries whereby they can constitute themselves into a strong National Organization within 'the LAWS of their own Country.
Page Twelve
Some Americans will say; Let every Foreign Breeder join the ARBA as an individual member. However this will not work for many reasons. One main reason is the exchange on 'the Dollar, I am sure that many members merely renew their membership every three to five years to get up to date with the valuable material published by the ARBA.
The active groups of Clubs (Provincial Organizations) in Canada are separated by thousands of miles but the groups are expanding and getting closer together by a common bond of National Unity through correspondence. The interest (in a’l phases of Rabbit Raising (Shows and Commercial) is growing and it is sound and competitive.
The International use of the ARBA Standards of Perfection. Judges System, Show Rules and the Registration system should be the basis of understanding and affiliation. Tie financial situation should be studied further in the light of the Breeder and the Clubs.
Personally I believe in What th? ARBA has done for Rabbit Breeding, Rabbit Breeders and the Clubs. My association with Canadians across the country leads me to believe that we should come up with an acceptable affiliation to the majority of Canadians.
The above may be controversial but it is topical and may spark a new approach to Internationalism. Is it possible that the new International Committee could come up with a new and separate INTERNATIONAL CONSTITUTION acceptable to all Countries without endangering the present ARBA CONSTITUTION for 'the United States.
A Challenging Record
The Greenbelt RBA, Vernon, Texas started their rabbit club and activities with a dream and a shoe string November 1965. Today, just two short years later, their dream has turned to reality. The Greenbelt RBA is a phenomenal example of success realized thru hard work. The fruits thus harvested are sweet but above all the Texans are prime examples to us all— ‘Great things are in store for all with a goal.' The ARBA is proud of their affiliated and Chartered club holding forth in North Texas.
In May, 1966 they sponsored a Night Rabbit Show. The Club members were very generous in the trophies and prizes offered. Additionally, they secured one of the best judges of the
area, Clint Dennis, Oklahoma City to handle the placements.
In November, 1966 they staged their first two-day show. Once again the prize inducement to exhibitors were of the finest and establishing tradition of excellent judges, Kirk Moore, Wichita Falls and Bob Berry, Lubbock were behind the table.
In March of 1967 another two-day show with Buck Latham, Oklahoma City and Bob Berry handling the assignment.
October 28-29, 1967 was highlight of their show promotions. They reached over the state line, to Louisiana, and secured judge Guy Leger and judge Nate Hawkins to handle the bumper entry of near 800 head, entered by 76 exhibitors from the states of Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. The Vernon Times-Record covered their story with fine 12” article and photographs. The Greenbelt RBA is greatly appreciated by the civic minded folks of their town and area. They are considered a definite asset to the community and Texas.
The Greenbelt RBA is very active in Texas State Rabbit activities and had the greatest representation at the Texas State Convention. Two of their members Mrs. Ruth Ford and Royal Winters hold down the state secretary job and state bulletin editor respectively. They work with their county 4-H agent. They assist in every way possible with FFA programs. Greenbelt is on the go and for 1968: president Wilbert Ford; vice-president Charles Wilhelm; Treasurer Carl Keith Cook; Reporter Farrel Barnes and Secretary Ada Lee Cook, 3532 Bismarck, Vernon, Texas. They ask all to remember their 1968 Fall Show and the big Texas State Convention Show March 16-17, 1968 at Gatesville, Texas.
The program and goals of this committee have not been met with any degree of accomplishment. For one reason, Lou Slavens and I seem to be the only two appointees who are interested enough to do anything on color and fur. Lou and I are both officers of the A.S.R.B.A, and with the cooperation of this progressive Specialty Club, a tanned Satin p?lt contest was conducted at the Syracuse Convention. Club members could enter as many pelts in as many colors as they wished. There was no entry fee, but there were three fine tophies offered. The judging was done by Judge Carver, who is also a furrier. This man was a fine choice for the job because after choosing the top pelts, he in-
Page Thirteen
vited questions from the many interested spectators who had crowded around. By showing, demonstrating, and comparing, he gave clearly understood answers regarding fur quality, commercial properties desired, proper condition, primeness, ideal color as well as faults in fur and faults in tanning.
The Satin Club feels this is a worthwhile, interesting, and educational sequel to the regular judging of the open classes and paid fur classes in Satins. A specific approach or recommended procedure and basic rules will be worked up by this committee for further use by the Satin club since they desire to continue thfc contest. I would urge the Rex breeders Club or a club sponsoring a normal-furred breed which wants to study and give more consideration to the commercial aspects of fur, to write me if you would be interested in promoting it at the next convention or at your annual Specialty club show.
Color-Fur Committee A1 Roerdanz, Chm. R.D. #1, Box 51 Kingsville, Ohio 44048
Vernon Schroeder
The Standard Chinchilla Rabbit is one of the oldest breeds of rabbits in all of rabbitdom. Its history includes the important part played by the Standard Chinchilla in the formation of what were then new breeds but today are fully accepted and Standard separate breeds of rabbits. Mr. George West, in his work of originating the Californian Rabbit used as one <2 the breeds, a Standard Chinchilla. The Silver Marten is a direct breed from the Standard Chinchilla.
Records show the first exhibition of Standard Chinchillas was at Paris, France Exposition in 1913. And at this show the Standard Chinchilla was awarded the highest honor prize. Immediately fanciers from England imported the finest Standard Chinchillas to their country that money could buy. The Standard Chinchilla was an immediate sensation in England and a Mr. Ingram offered a silver cup valued at $1,000.00 for the Best Standard Chinchilla in all of England.
In 1919 the Standard Chinchilla Rabbit was first imported to the United States and their sensational acceptance, as in the case of first going to England, was again repeated in America.
The Standard Chinchilla is of med-
ium length; rather cobby with well rounded hips. Their registration weight is 6 to 7% lb. bucks, and 6y4 to 8 lb. does (over 6 months of age.) The Standard Chinchilla is an excellent meat rabbit and a superlative exhibition animal.
The Standard Chinchilla can be classified as a 50-50 rabbit as far as point totals in the show ring. Fifty points cm fur and color; fifty points on type, head, ears, eyes, tail, feet and legs.
The Standard Chinchilla National Speciality Club offers a fine Guide Book containing excellent articles by the nations top judges and breeders. The club offers arm patches for show coats and also specially prepared pedigree blanks. At sanctioned shows the club offers their member exhibitors BOB trophies; rosette for BOS and 4 beautiful blue ribbons for 1st place in each of the 4 classes. The Standard Chinchilla is on the move once again.
No, Just Good New Breeders
Showing Fine Cavies Pat Krider
Beginning fanciers who think they haven’t a chance to win in “the Big Show” should take heart in reading the following statistics.
Beginners won all three Best of Breed Awards for Cavies at the 1967 National held in Syracuse.
Ron Klemmedson, Wheaton Illinois entered one Aby, and three Peruvians, and took home the trophies for Best Aby, Best Peruvian, and Best of Variety trophies.
Jere Price, Hempstead, New York tried his luck with the Americans, and took home the trophies for Best American, Best White American, and the awards for the Best Opposite American, which was a Black Sr. Boar.
Matt Schuvart, Huntington Station. N.Y. had the Best Jr. American, and Joanne Gundling, had the Best Intermediate American.
Jere Price had Best Display Americans, and Krider’s Kritters had Best Display Peruvians.
David Leeseberg had the Best Op posite Aby, and Krider’s Kritters had Best Opposite Peruvian.
Judging was done by Don Reid, and it was a pleasure to see him work. Consideration for the animal on the table as well as what was written in the “little book” was the order of the day.
139 Americans, 15 Abyssinians, and 26 Peruvians were entered in the Show by 21 exhibitors.
Page Fourteen
Owner Breed Reg. No. Ear No.
W. Smith Champagne D’Argent 9445-X R43W
B. Hemmer Flemish 8803-X VH3
T. Winters New Zealand 2671-A TW4
Marcell Rabbit Farmers New Zealand 1861-A MC22F
R. Berry Satin 8906-X HF7
R. Berry M. Clark Dutch Polish 6771-X 50-X ALDA PLZ
Viking Rabbitry Flemish 8385-X VK14
Chippewa Rab. New Zealand 7498-X 3XA1
O. Chaney New Zealand NC3B
OM Chaney Champagne D’Argent ED12
H. Sagarsee New Zealand 6883-U RAW
C. Danielson Champagne D’Argent 7244-X 218D
J. Eves New Zealand 1559-A E68
59 N. Z. White Himmelbergers Rbty. Edward Kania
49 Flemish Giant F. Tobias F. Tobias
49 N. Z. Red Ray Vaughn B. J. Schnupp
39 Polish Br’Er Rabbitry Cecil & Mary Clark
38 Dutch Jack’s Bunnies Ev Shilliday
36 Tan Jack’s Bunnies Walter Rawsthom
32 Silver Marten T. J. Blazer, Jr. Patton’s Rabbitry
29 Rex J. J. Stankus Sonny Battista
28 Checkers Joseph Riger, Jr. L. Leroy Plance, Jr.
27 English Russ Hill Russ Hill
20 Californian Valley Acre Rbty. Rannemann’s Rbty.
13 Satin Don & Joanne Gundling D. & J. Gundling
12 Florida White Cecil & Mary Clark W. H. Kennedy
9 Champagne Jean Morrison Jean Morrison
5 Palomino Bombgardners Rbty. Bombgardners
5 Standard Chin Mary Battista Rbty.
1 Lop Mary Battista
1 Himalayan Cecelia Tulley
15 Cavies David Leesesberg David Leesesberg
Best Display: Ray Vaughn — Largest Entry: F. Tobias Best White Fur: Russ Scheirer — Best Colored Fur: Jack Yohe
November 30,1967
New Zealand 1. Harold Drudge, Ind. 34
2. Eugene Henry, Conn. 33
3. Henry Sagarsee, Mich. 21
4. G. S. Davis, Iowa 21
5. Carl Persails, Mich. 17
6. L. A. Dunlap, Kan. 16
7. C. A. Wade, Ark. 12
8. Marvin Carley, Vt. 12
9. R. C. Schwab, N. Mex. ... 11
10. W. H. Smith, Tenn. . 10
Satins 1. Pete Naylor, Kan 5
2. Joe Eve, Tenn. 4
3. Robert Berry, Tenn 2
4. R. L. Riding, Fla. 2
5. Heinz Hoffman, Calif 1
6. Harry Coles, Mo. 2
Californian 1. Duane Shrader, Nebr 23
2. Kyle Cunningham, Ind 13
3. Hugh J. Betts, Tenn 12
4. F. Clem Steinhoff, Wise 12
5. C. A. Wade, Ark. 11
6. Harry Coles, Mo 7
7. Robert F. Thomas. N.C. .... 6
8. R. C. Schwab, N. Mex 5
Silver Martens
1. Joe Eve, Tenn 3
2. E. O. Wolff, Texas 3
3 John Buehler, IU 2
4. S. H. Willis, Wash 2
5. Gary Grimm, Iowa 1
1. Harold Drudge, Ind. 35
2. Eugene Henry, Conn 33
3. Joe Eve, Tenn 25
4. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 23
5. G. S. Davis, Iowa 22
6. Carl Persails, Mich. 21
7. Harry Coles, Mo. . . .18
8. Howard Reese, 111. 18
9. Wayne Cleer, 111. . 17
10. L. A. Dunlap, Kan. 16
11. R. C. Schwab, N. Mex. ... 16
Page Fifteen
Npw Zp a land 200 Angora 9
Californian 90 English 9
Checkered Giant 19 American Chinchilla 6
Champagne D’Argent 17 Palomino 5
Flemish 16 Himalayan 5
Silver Marten 13 Giant Chinchilla 3
Dutch 12 Polish 3
Satin 12 Tan 2
Riverside Co. RB Assn., Mrs. Bea Schott, 630 Main St., Riverside, Calif. Jan- 14
Texas Panhandle RB Assn., Mrs. W. E. Hill, 1608 N. Manhattan, Amarillo, Texas Jan. 19-24
Gulf Coast RB Assn., Robert E. Mosher, PO Box 52, Parris, Fla. Jan. 22-27
Southwestern Expo & Fat Stock Show, W. R. Watt, Amarillo, Texas Jan. 26-Feb. 4
Springfield R & CB Assn., Roger C. Miller, PO Box 162, Sabina, Ohio Jan. 27-28
Inland Empire RB Assn., Mable L. Stingley, 762 E. Baldwin, Spokane, Wash. Jan. 27
Western III. RB, M. Brewer, RR Box 26A, Sherrard, III. Jan. 28
Cactus RB Assn., Dorothy Dunbar, R 9, Box 488E,
Tucson, Ariz. Jan. 28
Ventura Co. R BAssn. Ronald Gilbertson, 433 Acacia Rd., Santa Paula, Calif. Jan. 28
South Fla. RB Assn., Mrs. Julie Anderson, R 2, Box 1092, Tampa, Fla. Feb. 6-17
State of Ind. NZRB, Walter N. Mann, 811 Prospect St., Indianapolis, Ind. Feb. 18
Houston Fat Stock Show, Ruth Teasdale, 1 1 13 East
Davis St., Conroe, Texas Feb. 21-25
Peoria Area RB Assn., Helen Miller, Maquon, III.
Feb. 25
Shelby Co. RB Assn., Judy Calloway, R 2, Sidney, Ohio Feb. 25
Central Fla. RB Assn., Mrs. Doris Partridge, R 1, Box 79, Sorrento, Fla. Feb. 27-Mar. 2
Regional Judges Conference & Show, Mrs. Thurman Flynn, Moran, Kansas 66755 Mar. 2-3
Alabama RB Assn., Jimmy M. Bradfield, McCormick Dr., New Castle, Ala. Mar. 2-3
Delphos R & FB Assn., Don Long, 317 So. Canal St., Delphos, Ohio Mar. 9-10
Stark Co. RB Assn., Mrs. John Ritz, 2950 Harmont Ave., Canton, Ohio Mar. 10
Gulf Coast Rabbit Club, Mrs. Alma Ogg, R 3, Box 243, Orange, Texas Mar. 10
Badger RB Assn., Ruth Strunk, R w. Box 168, Fort Atkinson, Wise. Mar. 10
Baltimore Co. R & CB Assn., Warren J. McNamara, R 2, Box 36, Reisterstown, Md. Mar. 10
Michigan State RB Assn., Mrs. Betty Torrey, 4005 Jackson Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. Mar. 14-16
North Central Mo. Rabbit Club, Joyce Carver, 312 W. 5th, Lawson, Mom Mar. 17
Fort Wayne RB Assn., Robert J. Gebhart, 2105 Covington Rd., Fort Wayne, Ind. Mar. 22-24
Pony Express RB Assn., Marcelene Elliott, 1124 Henry St., St. Joseph, Mo. Mar. 23-24
Fort Wayne RB Assn., All Chinchilla Show, Robert J. Gebhart, 2105 Covington Road, Fort Wayne, Ind.
Mar. 23
Silver Marten Rabbit Club, Bob Kahler, Box 11,
Custer Park, III. Mar. 23
Tibbar RB Assn., Bob Kahler, Box 11, Custer Park, III. Mar. 24
Akron Rabbit Club, M. L. Clevenger, 428 Palm Ave., Akron, Ohio Mar. 30-31
Texas Panhandle RB Assn., 814 Florida, Amarillo, Texas Mar. 30-31
Decatur Area RB Assn., Wm. McKee, RR 3, Box 87, Decatur, III. Mar. 31
Fairfield Co. RB Assn., Victor T. Sweetland, 264 Chestnut Hill Ave., Norwalk, Conn. Mar. 31
Little Kanawha Rabbit Club, Mrs. Hubert Jones, R 3, Elizabeth, W. Va. April 5-6
Freestate RB Assn., Mina Uebel, R 1, Yeagertown Rd., Mt. Airy, Md. April 7
Kankakee Valley RB, Mrs. Etha Bowers, R 1, Manteno, III. April 7
Teays Valley RB Assn., Wade Garrett, 915 Adams Ave., Chillicothe, Ohio April 7
Williams Co. RB Assn., Betty Jo Ridgway, RR 2, West Unity, Ohio April 13-14
Mall City RB Assnm, O. R. Chaney, 3716 Woodhams Dr., Kalamazoo, Mich. April 19-20
Falls Cities R & CB Assn., Harold C. Quick, 4619 So. 1st, Louisville, Ky. April 20-21
Lima R & CB Assn., Dale Place, R 4, Cridersville, Ohio April 20-21
Lebanon Valley R 8> CB Assn., Alfred Fisher, RD 1,
Box 505, Palmyra, Pa. H April 21
Grundy Co. RB Assn., Mrs. Dorothy Johnson, RR 1,
Box 30, Mazon, III. April 21
Ohio State Silver Marten RC, Vivian N. Jones, RD 1, Apples Corners, East Liverpool, Ohio April 26-27 Van Wert Co. RB Assn., Jo Ann Lewis, Box 15,
Middle Point, Ohio April 27-28
Tri County RB Assn., Phil lohman, 11800 W. Howard. Greenfield, Wise. April 28
American Ck. Gt. R. Club, Ivan R. Holmes, 440 Pulaski Rd., Calumet City, III. May 3-5
Richland Co. RB Assn., Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Road, RR 3, Mansfield. Ohio HMay 4-5
Ohio Flemish Giant RB Assn., Herb Anthony, 746 Garfield Ave., Newark, Ohio May 4-5
November 30, 1967
Individuals 1. Edward H. Stahl, Mo. 45
2. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif. 45
3. Melvin E. Behrens, N.Y. 23
4. Mark Youngs, Wash. 19
5. F. Ft. Applegate, 111. 15
6. Tommy Andrew, Pa. 12
7. B. W. Smith, Mo. 10
8. W. A. DeGraff, N.Y. 10
9. Marvin Carley ,Vt. . 8
Associations 1. American Satin Ft. B. Ass’n. 12
2. So. Florida Ft. B. Ass’n. 8
3. American Cavy Club 8
4. Meramec Valley R. B. Ass’n, Mo. 6
5. Badger R. B. Ass’n, Wise. 6
6. Lawrence Co. R. B. Ass’n, Tenn. 4
7. Finger Lakes R. B. Ass’n, N.Y. 3
8. Peoria Area R. B. Ass’n, 111. 3
9. Cattaraugus Co. R. B. Ass’n, N.Y. 3
10. Inland Empire R. B. Ass’n, Wash. 3
Page Sixteen
Oren R. Reynolds
I wish to thank all clubs for their fine cooperation during 1967. I feel that agreement was reached on almost everything that was brought up during the year. I still have no answer, to a letter, from a couple of clubs but expect these soon as no doubt the clubs discussed and reached a decision at their recent annual meetings at Syracuse.
For the year 1968, at present, I have only a suggested NEW APPROACH to an old question, that is still bothersome to some clubs, which I will soon submit to all for study and will be looking forward to your suggestions or ideas concerning same.
Reminding all of you to keep sending in your problems or suggestions as I am here in behalf of the ARBA to help in every way possible and to try and further better relationship between the parent ARBA and all associated clubs.
J. T. "Pop” Price
(EDITORS NOTE: This article first appeared in May, 1953 issue California Rabbits Magazine, NYDA Kammer-diener, Editor, in 1968 this proves how prophetic "Pop” Price was on the popular Satin).
The object of this article is to make more clear what the Satin Mutation is, its chief functions, etc. There has been considerable and unnecessary confusion created, apparently for the purpose of keeping rabbit breeders, generally, in a confused state of mind as to the functions of the Satin Mutation.
In our A. R. B. A. Guide Book, 1950-1953, page 96, under the head of Satins, we have the following: “The satin fur is a distinct mutation, a recessive, so can be transmitted to any or all breeds, but like Rex Mutation, if not con trolled, can cause trouble, more so since satin fur is the same length as on our normal rabbits.” The implication is that the Satin Mutation is a mutation of hair length, as well as of brilliancy of sheen, and normal for length. Such an implication is erroneous, as length of hair is definitely not a function of the Satin Mutation, and has been thoroughly demonstrated as not being a part of the Satin Mutation, not only by myself, but by high ranking geneticists, both American and English.
The tests are simple. Where rabbits
of two recessive mutations, both being mutations of hair length, but of different lengths of hair are mated; for example, angora mated to rex-all the offspring will be normal for length and all will be carriers of the genes for both angora and rex. Mate these together, then in the F2 generation you get normal; angora; rex, and a combination of angora-rex. Dr. Castle describes it, (whiskers rex) but balance of body angora with the rex curl on end of hair or wool. My experience covering slightly over 3 years of tests, beginning late in 1935, through 1936, 1937 and 1938, provided quite an interesting study, as the angora-rex combinations did not always follow the same pattern. The most usual combination was similar to Dr. Castle’s description; with the exception, the head was always rex, the other parts of the body angora. Occasionally we had the combination, (head, shoulders and saddle rex), balance of body angora. On one occasion, the rex extended back to, and included the loins, over rump and hind legs angora.
If the Satin Mutation, which is a recessive, was a mutation of hair length, and narmal for length then when mating satin to rex; then mating the offspring together, we would have produced in the F2 generation a combination of satin (Normal for length) rex, as well as normal, satin and rex.
1 began mating satin to rex in 1939 and followed up by mating the offspring together. In the early forties, it occurred to me that no combination of satin-rex had occurred. At this time a doubt arose in my mind as to the satin being a mutation having as one of its functions length of hair and being normal for length. So I started a two years’ series of controlled breeding test of satin to rex, mating the offspring together. Had the Satin Mutation been a mutation of hair length, and normal for length, then mating satin to rex, like the angora to rex mating, would have been the mating of rabbits of two recessive mutations, both mutations of length of hair, but of different lengths, then in the F2 generation a combination of satin (normal for length) and rex would have occurred. But such was not the case. Had the satin been a mutation of hair length, in the F2 generation from such matings, for each 8 babies born, there should be 1 satin, 1 rex, 1 satin-rex combination and 5 normal in appearance. Here is what happens in practice, covering 13 years of such matings, in the F2 generation out of each 8 born—
2 rexes, 2 satins, and 6 normals. Sounds like 10 born, doesn’t it? Only 8—1 satin
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is a satin normal, and 1 satin is a satin rex. A rex by a normal mating, out of 8 babies born in the F2 generation, should result in 6 normal appearing and 2 rexes. Satin to normal mating, in the F 2 generation. 8 born, results should be 6 normals and 2 satins.
What is the Satin Mutation? The Satin Mutation is a simple recessive mutation of brilliancy of sheen, or luster. It also, seemingly, has an effect on texture, as to fineness of the hair shaft, in that the guardhairs appear to be smaller in diameter than that of normal hair. The satin also has the ability to reflect light.
The sheen or luster normally appearing on both our wild and domestic rabbits is dominant for sheen or luster, and is recognized as normal sheen. The satin brilliancy of sheen is recessive to normal sheen and follows the Mendelian theory in the F2 generation of 3 and 1—3 normal and 1 satin.
“We must protect the Satin Mutation.” We wish to state how the Satin Mutation has been handled. How, after more than 20 years since the satin first appeared, in the rabbitry of Walter Huey, Pendleton, Ind., about 1930, still there has at no time been an accusation of unethical practices, such as occurred during the chinchilla and rex booms. There was a reason. When I produced my first white satin in August 1938, I was very much impressed of the practical possibilities of the white satin, if properly handled, as well as of other future breeds of satins.
In March of 1939, O. W. “Buck” Vermillion also became interested in satins, and we worked in close cooperation, first in developing the white satin into a good commercial as well as fine show rabbit. At the same time we were investigating the possibilities of other satin breeds. At the very beginning of our association, we discussed and reviewed what had transpired during the chinchilla and rex booms. Then we began forming plans as how to avoid and prevent, as far as possible, such unethical practices as occurred, especially during the rex boom.
During that period of time between the time of the appearance of my first white satin (a 5V\ lb. buck) and the developing of the white satin into a fair size and type for a good commercial type rabbit, we only sold satin breeding stock to such persons where we could supervise their breeding operations. Early in 1941 we began placing a few white satins in the hands of a few select rabbit breeders in
Ohio and Michigan. With these breeders we kept in close contact, acting in an advisory capacity at any time they asked.
Our plan was based on giving of service. The cash rewards as the result of sales was secondary to service. We also went into considerable detail into the advisability of out-crosses to normal, its advantages and disadvantages, what to expect in both the FI and F2 generations. In both generations we advised both what to save and what not to save for future breeding stock. We advised against the advertising for sale or the selling of FI, or F2 satins for breeding purposes. As a result of the plans made in 1939, and as far as possible carried out, there, so far as I can find out, has been no charge of unethical practices, nor has there ever been a satin boom, but there has been a good steady and healthy growth of popularity of, and for the satin rabbit, as the result of our plan of service and goodwill. The crucial period was from 1939 to 1946. During this period of time, the foundation was being laid for a number of colored breeds of satins. Today we have satins in the following breeds: Havanas, (original) Whites, Chinchillas, Reds (formerly Orange), Black, Blue, Silver Black, Blue, Silver Black Marten, Copper, Opal, Blue Squirrel, Lilac, Californian, Blue-Eyed White, as well as a few breeds of satin rex. Of the latter to date there has been only a few that have taken any real interest but indications at present are that something of real interest will soon be shown in satin, chinchilla-rex, blue and opal satin rexes of good fur quality, type and color. As the floricult-turist is constantly looking for new color mutations of blends, so also the satin breeder is constantly carrying on experiments to produce that elusive blend that will have unusual appeal and at the same time will reproduce. Someday one of our satin enthusiasts will cop the “jackpot” with a wonderful blend in the pastels. That is the day we are looking for.
Now the “You want too many satin breeds” bogey. As I stated before, it is ludicrous for any man with a modicum of intelligence, and especially if interested in the progress of the rabbit industry. The only reasonable excuse one could have for such an opinion, would be ignorance as to what the Satin Mutation is.
The late Arthur Weygandt believed as I did. We got our white satin passed, and a working standard for the satin chinchilla at Milwaukee in 1947.
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What we have in the satins is this-—no matter what the color or breed, whether normal or rex, by its brilliancy of sheen, it gives an additional appeal and beauty that we have in no other rabbit. This lustrous sheen on our rabbit pelts makes our rabbit pelts far more desirable to the furriers as well as to the wearers of more expensive fur garments. There should be, and will be, satins in all colors, as well as blends, including such pastel shades that can be produced, that will reproduce true. This, the Satin Mutation, will eventually prove to be one of the greatest assets of the rabbit industry, and should be given every encouragement possible to help it at-
tain its proper place in an ever growing rabbit industry. We should recognize its possibilities, and encourage its advancement by admitting them as standard breeds as they become eligible for admission to the standard. By encouraging and helping the satins in their progress and moving forward, we have nothing to lose, and lots to gain.
In closing we quote the words of Mrs. Florence Yates, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, who is a member of the A.R.B.A. Standard Committee:
“A beautiful rabbit, of lustrous sheen, Truly, the answer to a fancier’s dream. Regardless of color, type or size.
We all say be wise and satinize!”
Sponsored by the Greater Pittsburgh R&CBA, Pittsburgh, Penna.
Nov. 11th & 12,1967
A goodly number of the Eastern members, (there were many absent from this convention) met at the Hall next to the Show Room at the South Park Fairgrounds, Pittsburgh, Pa. for the annual dinner which the ladies of the Greater Pittsburgh Club had been preparing since 3:00 P.M.
There were two large cakes which were served for dessert. The cakes were decorated with Pink Rabbits and were in celebration of the 55th Anniversary of the Greater Pittsburgh Club.
ARBA Director, Bill Kennedy, as M.C. welcomed the guests and thanked them all for coming. He then introduced Youth Director, and Vice President of Eastern, H. M. Curtis to give a report on the Judging Contest of the Youth.
1. Diana Southworth, Dublin, Ohio who won a Trophy.
2. Ronald Ainsworth, Gibsonia, Pa. who won a Trophy.
3. Kim Fleckenstein, Youngstown, Ohio won won $3.00.
4. Kathy Battista, Neshanic Station, N.J., $2.00.
5. Edward Dawson, Saxonburg, Pa.
6. Lou Ann Wade, Youngstown, Ohio.
7. Corine Polcsak, Valencia, Pa., $2.00. Judge Horce M. Curtis, assisted by
his wife, Peg, have accomplished so much with the Youth of the Eastern, that the Eastern Youth is one of, if not the best, of the Youth Clubs throughout the country. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis deserves much credit for their devotion to the betterment of the Eastern Youth.
A good meal of roast turkey or baked ham was served with corn, peas, candied yams, salad, roll and butter and cake and coffee. The youngsters of the Greater Pittsburgh Club worked busily serving the guests.
After the meal, the awards were made. Joseph Battista as the youngest exhibitor won a girls muff, and when he opened it, he was so embarrassed, he hid it under the table. Mrs. Roberson from Tennessee won a lady's wallet as the lady who traveled the longest distance to the show. David Leese-berg won a rabbit ashtray as the winner of the largest entry of Cavies. Mrs. Kennedy won First Prize on the door prizes and even your editor, Bett Hickman, won a prize.
Mr. Kennedy then introduced James Blyth, Secretary of the ARBA, who gave a talk on the growth of the Pittsburgh Club. Mr. Blyth had intended to show a film on the subject, but somehow the film became lost on the way, so he tried to tell about the club from memory.
“G. G. O’Brien wrote one of the first books on rabbits and he wrote about the Belgian Hare. In 1910 a rabbit show was held in the Pittsburgh Market House and that show was just packed with exhibits. The First Rabbit Club in Pittsburgh was formed in 1920 with Harry Kirtshanff as secretary.
We have tried our best to make you welcome. We are delighted to have the Shillidays, The Curtises and the Snyders and all of you to spend the weekend with us.
“I want to thank the honorable judges for doing a good job of judging, the committees for a good job of the show, and all who had a hand in making this show a success. We hope that you will all come back again.”
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