ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 6 - Nov/Dec
Collection: 1967 ARBA Bulletins

ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 6 - Nov/Dec
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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8 1/2 inches x 11 inches
American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 6 - Nov/Dec,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 12, 2025,
Vol. 2 November-December, 1967 No. 6
(Christmas Season 1967
Still The World Grows Hungrier
Bill Molen
The March 1966 issue of ARBA Bulletin, pages 4 and 5 carried an article — “Can The U.S. Feed The World”. The lead sentence, read, “The problem of feeding the peoples of the world is rapidly becoming acute. Death from malnutrition is a killer that claims 10,-000 lives every day.”
In this issue of the ARBA Bulletin we wish to amplify upon this issue, this very real and serious situation. We cannot help from becoming involved in such a world wide problem, but to what extent do we wish this involvement to occur. Nothing short of full involvement is the answer.
“Within the coming 10 years, literally millions of people will die of starvation and hundreds of millions will lead stunted lives unless the underdeveloped world quickly acquires the ability to feed its soaring population.” This alarming claim, made in an article in International Science and Technology magazine, is supported by mathematical certainty.
The world’s population, which stands at about 3.2 billion today, will rise to 4 billion by 1980 and will more than double by the year 2000. The important factor is that most of this increase will occur in Asia, Africa and Latin America — areas which even now cannot meet their food needs adequately.
Most people, notes editor Howard Mattson, confidently look to modem science to solve the problem. One possibility being talked about is a protein
supplement that could be made by micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi and yeasts “grazing” on coal and crude oil.
Nor is the simple redistribution of surpluses from one part of the world to another the answer. New mouths in the underdeveloped world will require 300 million tons of additional grain annually by 1980 — the current total production of North America and Western Europe combined.
The present stockpile of wheat, which once seemed so huge and permanent, contains only about 29 million tons and is beginning to shrink. Some congressional and farm leaders are already proposing that crop controls be ended and that the money now being paid American farmers not to produce be spent to buy increased supplies for the needy abroad.
Yet even if enough food can be grown in the developed world, ships, harbors and distribution facilities are inadequate to handle it.
The bulk of new supplies, maintains Mattson, must come from within the hungry nations themselves. This means huge educational programs to convert backward farming populations to new methods and new crops.
Rabbits the prolific breeder. Rabbits that have adapted themselves to surrounding terrain and environment whatever the country or continent — in the wild state, could be a big portion of this answer. Domestic rabbits Continued Page 4
4323 Murray Avenue James Blyth, Secy. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
W. E. (Bill) Molen, Editor P O. Box 8. Bronson, Kansas 66716 David Ford. Assistant Publicity Chm.
Bett Hickman Virginia Flournoy
Joe Lutes Tillie Morehead
Pat Krider Mark Youngs
Pat Giles Bing Harris
EXECUTIVE BOARD ARBA Wayne Willmann. Pres. James Blyth, Secy
Oren Reynolds, V.-Pres. Ellis Murray, Treas
Fred Applegate J. Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W. E. Molen
Claude Bennett E. P. Shilliday
W. H. Kennedy Edward Stahl
D F. Parker
Another Convention has been added to the history of our ARBA. I believe it will be remembered as one of the best. Several things made it such a success.
Our New York hosts had everything well planned. The exhibits were well displayed and well cared for. Our meeting rooms were plentiful, cheerful and well heated for the comfort of our members. I heard several remarks that expressed satisfaction with everything, including the food.
To all our New York friends we tip our hats and say, “Thanks for taking such good care of us”.
The animals on display were of excellent quality, with some breeds having many outstanding specimens.
Everywhere, in the show room and in the business sessions of our Association, there was a wonderful spirit of goodwill and harmony. No one needed to get up and plead for harmony. We have it already! When our members have a chance to participate in all the affairs of the ARBA as they have now — we can expect the fine spirit that we saw displayed in Syracuse.
It made me feel mighty good to hear Secretary Blyth report to the Board that the past year was the best one since he became Secretary twenty-one years ago. When Treasurer Murray reported he said he received the largest check during the past year from
the Secretary that he had received in his years as Treasurer. That means we are going forward. I hope our members remember this when they read or hear someone say that our ARBA is slipping. The record shows that we are going ahead. We have had a net gain of 525 members since I took office. We shall continue our fine Bulletin in 1968. A special Handbook will be provided all Local Clubs and State Representatives. We have voted to permit any club holding a show to pick “Best in the Show” if they so desire. This permit is good until Oct. 6, 1968. I hope you will report the results if you do choose to pick “Best in Show”. Our Board will review this matter at the next Convention meeting. We also decided to hold District Judge’s Conferences so our Judges will have the chance to attend such Conferences more frequently than in the past. The ARBA Director in charge of your District will be responsible for such Conferences. Write to him if you would like to hold such a conference in your area.
I congratulate the members of the New Zealand Federation for their decision to pick Best of Breed. This was long over due. When I asked Vice-President Reynolds to work with the Specialty Clubs, I knew he could get the job done. This decision by the New Zealand breeders is part of the success he has had. Gradually we see more uniformity in the operation of our Specialty Clubs.
We need more action from our State Representatives and from our Local Club Agents. Many of our Local Clubs seem to be asleep. They can’t seem to understand that to make the ARBA stronger, they will have to show some zeal in doing the work of the ARBA. When the members in Local Clubs understand clearly that we expect them to participate in our Nation-Wide program — then we will have many more good things to report.
Next year we shall meet.with the Colorado breeders as our hosts for the Forty-Fifth Convention in Pueblo. October 7-10. Earl Hord is the General Chairman. His explanation of what Colorado had to offer was the most thorough of any bid ever presented to our Board members.
We have been promised a new 1968 YEARBOOK early in January. Be sure to renew your membership soon.
As we approach the Holiday Season, may you do so in the Spirit of Jesus the Christ whose birth we commemorate.
Wayne Willmann — President
Page Two
Dear Secretaries:
Enclosed please find your charter renewal form. All charter renewals must come in on this form accompanied with:
a. Renewal fees, $5.00; New Charters, $10.00.
b. Plus $1.00 for each non-member of the American Rabbit Breeders Ass’n who is a member of your association.
c. A copy of your Constitution and By-Laws must accompany your charter renewal.
d. The enclosed form must be completed in every detail.
Also, you must have:
a. All your officers members of the ARBA.
b. Must have at least 5 members of your association as members of the ARBA. These 5 members can be included in your officers.
c. On the reverse side of this form, please give us a complete list of your membership. This is required.
d. Also, please remember — give your ZIP CODE NUMBERS as we must have these for mailing.
Please give this charter renewal form your prompt attention because in the near future a year book will be going to press which we hope to list all affiliated associations and give their Secretary’s names and addresses. Aside from this, the charter must be renewed in 60 days or it will be cancelled and a new charter fee will have to be paid and a new process gone through to renew the charter.
I hope you as Secretary will bring this important matter before your association and have action taken on it at once.
Wishing you and your association a most Happy and Prosperous New Year, I am
Yours truly,
James Blyth, Secretary
The American Rabbit Breeders Association is planning a new handbook which will be very valuable to all local associations. This will be given Free to all locals that renew their charter on or before January 20, 1968. Those not renewing by this date and are desirous of this handbook, will have to pay the cost of getting this book out which is approximately $1.00 each.
1. New Zealand Walter Voss, Ind. 122
2. Marvin Carley, Vt. ... 122
3. Robert T. Byrne, Ind 63
4. Andres Rodriguez, Texas 62
5. Frank Westley, Pa ... 60
6. Marvin L. Cummings, Fla. .. 53
7. Harold Drudge, Ind. 52
8. Lewis Bowers, 111. 52
9. Wm. T. Robinson, 111 51
10. Walter Duby, Mass. 41
11. Curtis Himmelburger, Pa. 38
12. Jack Ellis, Mich. 38
13. Harold A. Johnson, Mich. 36
1. Californian Harry Fisher, Mo. 70
2. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 47
3. Oren Reynolds, 111. 32
4. Hugh Betts, Tenn. 31
5. Harold Drudge, Ind. 28
6. Tom Whiteaker, Texas 24
7. H. M. Spence, Texas 23
8. John Hoblitzell, Fla. 21
9. Lawrence Stingley, Wash. .... 15
10. Fidelis Clem Steinhoff, Wis. 15
11. O. W. Williams, Wash. 14
12. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 14
1. Silver Marten Lewis Bowers, 111. 46
2. Joe Eve, Tenn. 28
3. John Buehler, 111. 19
4. Floyd Shuck, Ohio 15
5. E. W. Storey, La. 14
6. O. W. Williams, Wash 12
7. E. O. Wolff, Texas 7
8. Robert T. Byrne, Ind. 6
9. A1 Brucker, Pa. 4
10. Harry Coles, Mo. 3
1. Satins Marvin Cummings, Fla. 48
2. Pete Naylor, Kansas 47
3. Wm. T. Robinson, 111. 18
4. W. F. Gilbert, Calif. 16
5. Lewis Bowers, 111. 16
6. R. S. Satterwhite, Ariz. 12
7. Joseph Laura, Mass. 11
8. Donald Covey, 111. 9
9. Don Smith, N.Y. 8
10. Robert Berry, Texas 7
1. General Lewis Bowers, 111 .. 155
2. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 146
3. Marvin Carley, Vt. 141
4. Walter Voss, Ind. 135
5. Andrew Rodriguez, Tex. . 103
6. W. T. Robinson, 111 94
7. Harold Drudge, Ind 91
8. Robert T. Byrne, Ind. 84
9. Joe Eve, Tenn. 74
10. Oren R. Reynolds, 111 72
11. Harry Fisher, Mo. 72
Page Three
Above are three smiling ladies who are selling “license plates” to advertise the growing rabbit market in Arkansas: Mrs. Lorene Luster, Bates-ville, Billie Solida, Bald Knob and Mrs. Geraldine Jennings, Harrisburg.
It was hard to get an accurate count at the Rabbit Club meeting Saturday night, with everybody milling about. The last count I got was 45, and I think that was fairly accurate, because when it came time to eat that pot-luck dinner, everybody was crammed in Mrs. Watkins kitchen like sardines. But one thing about it, there was plenty of food to go around and quite a bit left over.
Well, we got enough people stirred up about the price on rabbit feed last month, and I think we may be getting someplace. One of our members, Robert Kusher from Sulphur Rock, has worked out his own feed formula, and it is being made at North Little Rock by the Cooperative Mill Inc. This feed can be bought at Batesville, however it is still in the experimental stage. Some of our members are going to use this feed on a trial basis. They will start their rabbits out on it by mixing it with their regular feed and gradually increase Roberts feed, until their herd is used to it. We are very proud of Robert and we hope this feed works out
All you folks who are planning on going to the Livestock Show this fall, be sure to go through and see some of our fine rabbits produced in Arkansas this year.
Our meeting next month will be held in the home of Pearl Henderson, Beebe, says Mrs. V. Solida, publicity chairman.
The World Grows Hungrier
Continued from Page 1
could adapt themselves to the climate, the available feed stuffs, the environment or whatever the problem, if the start is but made. And made with the help of experienced rabbit breeders of America showing the way with actual help on the spot. Don’t just send the rabbits to an underdeveloped area or country. But send the rabbits and send the rabbit breeders with the know-how. Breeders that are willing to come to grips with the insidious problem of world starvation.
Ultimately, however, the International Science and Technology magazine article warns, no amount of short-range agriculture expansion will head off catastrophe unless it is coupled with long-range population control.
J. Cyril Lowit ..... District 1
Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada.
Fred Applegate District 2
Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico.
Claude Bennett District 3
North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa.
Edward Stalil ...............District 4
Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri.
Everett Shilliday District 5
Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio.
Dick Parker ............ District 6
Kentucky, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida.
W. H. Kennedy District 7
Pennsylvania, W. Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, District of Columbia.
Vern Ashton District 8
New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Mass., Rhode Island, Connecticut.
Any of our members who have problems, questions, suggestions, or seek information, please write to the Director who is in charge of your State. This will take a big load off the Sec. Mr. Blyth, and will also help our Directors to serve our members better. If you do not get satisfaction from your Director, then I welcome your letter so I can help if it is necessary. I hope several States that have been inactive will show some new life during the coming year.
Wayne Willmann, President
Page Four
First Quarter Report —July 1, 1967 to September 30, 1967
National Advertising $6,374.16 $6,500.00
Rabbit Magazine Advertising 479.10 490.00
Postage 2,623.02 3,000.00
Insurance 35.00 50.00
Telephone 935.80 950.00
Repairs on Property ... 6,711.59 300.00
Printing (including new Guide Book) 2,487.89 7,000.00
Office Supplies 2,043.47 2,000.00
Combination Memberships and Commissions 1,313.02 1,350.00
Taxes on Pittsburgh Property 499.49 530.00
Pennsylvania Wage Tax 612.32 625.00
Social Security Tax 1,659.08 1,700.00
Bulletins (6) 4,450.65 4.500.00
Office Equipment & Service Policy 948.99 400.00
Year Book None 2,500.00
Booklet Publications 750.00 1,700.00
Express & Freight 35.22 35.00
Secretary’s Salary 6,800.04 6,900.00
Office Salaries 4,927.87 5,000.00
Attorneys & Auditors 250.00 300.00
Ribbons & Trophies 915.12 1,800.00
Officers Expenses 2,589.49 2,500.00
Utilities - 719.33 700.00
Election $ None $ 50.00
Commercial 50.00 50.00
Washington 10.00 50.00
Publicity 320.00 500.00
Youth None 50.00
Pi'e^idont 8.24 25.00
241.68 250.00
.. None 200.00
$48,790.57 $51,014.50
Our income in 1967 was $51,403.12.
Ellis W. Murray
Page Five
Calendar Year 1968
Receipts Membership Dues Combination Dues . $4,307.84 156.25 Disbursements Secretary Salary Office Salaries .. $1,700.01 1,148.00
Sanctions Badges Grand Champions Charters Judges Books Judges License Registration Blanks Supplies . 195.50 151.54 154.00 107.00 15.00 20.00 1,242.50 65.10 Office Supplies & Exp. Telephone Bank Charges Accounting NSF Checks .. 161.10 233.26 56.01 240.00 55.70
Bldg. Maint. & Expense . Payroll Taxes — Ded. from Empls. Payroll Taxes — Assoc. Share Refunds ... Registrar & Judges Exam. Fees Postage Sales Tax Remitted to Treasurer ... 86.29
Transfers . 9.25 394.48
Standards 199.20
Booklets 1,113.27 171.79 14.50 38.75 750.00 6.35 5,605.06
Payroll Taxes — Ded. from Emps. Misc. & Adv. 394.48 2,238.58
Pedigree Books Registrar’s Licenses ... Rabbitries Accounts Receivable . 168.79 87.00 16.00 20.00
Total Receipts $10,661.30 Total Disbursements $10,661.30
KIRK R. MOORE Texas State Rabbit Breeder of the Year
A surprised and deweyed Kirk R. Moore stepped up to (receive the highest honor our Association can give to a rabbit raiser. This was the Breeder of the Year Award presented by the T.R.B.A. yearly. Presenting this award was the winner of last years honor, Clyde Jones, he too had a catch in his voice. Over 100 who attended the banquet, witnessed the presentation and gave forth with a rousing round of applause and congratulations.
Nationally, show enthusiasts or long time rabbit breeders know Kirk Moore. He first started raising rabbits in 1927 and has been doing a dam good job of it ever since. He and hjs
wife, Irene, have made Wichita Falls their home for a number of years.
He has raised New Zealand Whites, Reds, Californians, Dutch and several other breeds. Not only has he shown and won his share of the prizes, but he also is one of the top producers on the commercial end of the business too.
Kirk Moore has been an ARBA judge and registrar for 15 years and is still going strong. His judging experiences have covered the surrounding states and some assignments even more distant. Not only does he assist adults in getting started, he also has the youngsters who are trying to get started.
So to you, Kirk R. Moore, we say Congratulations in a great big way.
Number Breed B.O.B. B.O.S.
5 American While & Blues Holden Lutz, New Jersey Joe Lutz, New Jersey
31 American Chins Everett Johnson, Illinois Robert J. Gebhart, Indiana
16 Giant Chins Jennie J. Smith, Ohio Mel Behrens, New York
25 Standard Chins Earl Hord, Colorado Holden Lutz, New Jersey
57 Angoras Mrs. L. P. Meyers, Canada Mrs. Margaret Burdick, New York
12 Belgian Hares Harold Treathaway, Penna. Harold Treathaway, Penna.
4 Beverens . . Ernest Vogwill, Illinois Ernest Vogwill, Illinois
158 Californians Larry Granneman, Ohio Charles Haaf, Ohio
60 Champagnes . ..Rudolph Hershey, Penna. Oren Reynolds, Illinois
153 Checkered Giants .Joe Gognat, Kentucky David Ross, Ohio
22 Creme D'Argent William F. McKee, Illinois William F. McKee, Illinois
345 Dutch .Alan Miller, Indiana Stan Goeglin, Indiana
85 English Spots .Richard L. Smith, New York .. Richard L. Smith, New York
114 Flemish Giants . Peter DeSalvo, New York Andrews Circle A Rabbitry, Ohio
27 Florida Whites .C. W. Everett, Ohio C. W. Everett, Ohio
5 Harlequins ..Richard E. Frank, Penna. Ruth Strunk, Wisconsin
30 Havanas Walter Botamer, Ohio ... Lee Owen Stamm, Illinois
1 1 Himalayans Francis P. Riffle, Ohio . . Francis P. Riffle, Ohio
14 Lilacs .. Bernice Bloomquist, Illinois . .. Floyd Tobias, Penna
1 Lop . Bruce Huber, New York
58 Palominos Dorothy Newport, Iowa Dorothy Newport, Iowa
143 Polish Bill Summers, Colorado Frank Pandina, New York
154 Rex . ...Cuozzo-Noble Associates Leon and Joan Wallace, Ohio
377 Satins .Pete Naylor, Illinois Lou Slavens, Illinois
1 Silver Earl Hord, Colorado
12 Silver Fox .Marty Fitzpatrick, New York Marty Fitzpatrick, New York
138 Silver Martens Dr. T. H. Roberson, Tenn. Art Micklei, New York
61 Tans .Bishops Bunny Haven, Mich. Jack's Bunnies, Ohio
311 White New Zealands William Schaeffer, Conn George Johnson, Ohio
181 Red New Zealands Harold Drudge, Indiana Harold Drudge, Indiana
78 Black New Zealands H. T. Vreeland, New York Robert J. Gebhart, Indiana
149 American Cavies .Jeri Price, New York
26 Peruvian Cavies ...Ron Klemmenson, Illinois
15 Abyssinian Cavies Ron Klemmenson, Illinois .
40 Colored Satin Fur .Lou Slavens, Illinois
24 White Satin Fur Pete Naylor, Illinois
20 Normal White B & Z Rabbitry, Indiana
26 Normal Colored Everett Johnson, Illinois
English Angora . K & K Rabbitry, Indiana
French Angora Lawrence Farley, Washington
White Rex Fur J. J. Stankus, Ohio
Colored Rex Fur Jock 8< Elva Ingels, Illinois
Best Medium Meat Pen ... Harold Peters, Wisconsin
Largest Entry of Show was Lou Slavens
Page Six
Bill Molen, editor announced on pages 10 and 11 of the September-October ARBA Bulletin a new feature — Nationwide Club Notes. The response has been excellent, Nationwide Club Notes, seems to be just what you the local, state and national clubs have always wanted. A place to offer your programs, your ideas, and also a place to seek out other plans and ideas of distant clubs. Individuals too have certainly kept the flow of important material coming in, to Editor Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
We again extend our appeal, send in your material and 'photos.
The original announcement contained the following notation— “What’ll you have?” It’s up to you, your publicity director, your club. What would you like to read, to have appear, on this page Nationwide — Club Notes each issue of ARBA Bulletin?
American Chinchilla Club 1968 Outlook
Pamela Gebhart, Fort Wayne, Indiana — Editor of the ‘Chin News’ has excellent lead article in the volume 10, Issue 1 edition. “HELLO! ! Chin Neighbors, the 1967 Convention has come and gone with new ideas and problems to think about, and to share with each other as Chin business. We have new officers, a new Guide Manual in the process of being printed. And plans in the making for next years Convention to be held in Pueblo, Colorado. A New Year, and we must try to make this year Bigger and Better, as far as The American Chinchilla R.B.A, is concerned. Decide for yourself that you will help with Club affairs, Support the Chin News with ads, articles. Patronize more Chinchilla Shows, show the Association that you will be with it All The Way, only through United Effort, will become a truly Great Club. Your officers, directors, and Chin News are all here to serve you and help you out. We Need You To Make This Year The
Club Notes
Best. Please, be free with your help and assistance.” Frank Becicka, director of the American Chinchilla Club gave a report of a fine club effort — a raffle for purpose of raising cash.
Total raffle ticket sales Expenses $286.00
Tickets & Postage $11.70
U.S. Savings Bond 37.50
Transistor Radio 18.86
Postage .95
TOTAL EXPENSE $89.01 $ 89.01
Timely News From Wisconsin State Bulletin
Ruth Strunk, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin — Editor of the Wisconsin State Bulletin offers some very timely information in the October issue — “Starting with the November issue, please, have all material for printing in my hands by the 2nd of the month. This way I can put the Bulletin out earlier. SHY? — I have been informed by the Post Office that if I can get the Bulletin in the mail on or before the 10th of each month — You Will Receive It Earlier and with better service. Why You Ask? Because after the 10th all magazines and some flyer catalogs do come into the Post Office for delivery and this creates a delay in delivery of our Bulletin.”
Editor Ruth Strunk, writes — “At coming shows in 1968, if you are approached to support your breed or breeds — don’t grumble. In 1968 let's show the public we are behind the rabbit industry all the way — raising rabbits, showing rabbits, and most of all promoting our breeds for better interest and the challenge to raise good rabbits for all to see, whether current rabbit breeders or prospective rabbit breeders.” Porter Powers, Laguna Beach, California, Editor and secretary of The Californian Rabbit Specialty Club forwards his outstanding Californian Bulletin with regularity and it is indeed one of the Top Bulletins. Editor-Secretary Powers, has been ailing and in the hospital for quite a long period but is back in harness again as attested to by his attendance and work at the ARBA Syracuse Convention. Our January-Feb-ruary ARBA Bulletin will carry two excellent articles from the Californian Bulletin by members Mrs. George J. Famham, Santa Fe, New Mexico and
Page Seven
Patrick Yasenak, Missoula, Montana. One article is on Rabbit Rustlers and the other an excellent winning speech presented to the Future Farmers of America speech contest.
INLAND EMPIRE RBA NEWS Spokane, Washington
Editor Grace Haugfh, Spokane, Washington is certainly another in a long line of top flight editors of the monthly Inland Empire RBA Bulletin. Month in and month out the facts are presented in their 12 page Bulletins. The Spokane folks and editor seem to posses a special knack for getting the timely, topical type material of substance in each issue. Currently, they are featuring a serial type article “The Meaning of the American” by Cyril Lowit. We plan on using this fine article in the new ARBA GUIDE BOOK.
Commercial Rabbit Breeders of Texas Amarillo Chapter
Mr. Charles McGuire, 1410 Green St., Quanah, Texas forwarded an article from the October 19, 1967 issue of The Quanah Tribune-Chief newspaper, which I feel was the finest boost to the rabbit industry that I received in all of 1967. We do receive 100’s of newspaper clippings during the year and all are fine boosts but this one was tops. I am sure Mr. McGuire or other of our rabbit industry boosters of Texas will afford help to one and all. The article gave facts not promises or fiction and they backed their report up by stating if any additional information was desired to get this new and high potential industry off the ground to contact Mr. Amos Page of the Quanah Industrial Foundation; the publisher of the Quanah Tribune-Chief; or Mr. Hood Wills — each are more than willing to help. The article says — “Right now Rogers, Arkansas and Houston, Texas are the nearest processing plants. The commercial rabbit busi-iness in this area could be where the chicken and turkey business was 10 years ago in East Texas. There is going to be an area in this country that devoted effort to this (rabbit) mon<jy crop. Why Not Here. This is an operation that would also be eligible for a Small Business Administration Loan. So we will try to help there too.” This Commercial Meeting was held at Lubbock, Texas.
R.C. Commercial Club of Arkansas
Mrs. V. Solida, Bald Knob, Arkansas publicity chairman of this very wide-
awake club sends in monthly news of their activity and they are Active. The Bald Knob Banner gives them monthly news coverage complete with photographs. The October meeting found 56 rabbit breeders present. Representatives of two feed companies presented a program. Their November meeting will be held at the First National Bank, Batesville, Arkansas. In a separate section of this issue of ARBA Bulletin you will find a photo and ar tide from the Bald Knob Banner.
Santa Clara California Club
The Rabbit Producers of Santa Clara Valley are certainly an aggressive live-wire dub. Edward M. Sea-cord, editor of their excellent Bulletin included the following in a recent issue: “Our club received a very nice letter from Mr. George Dewey, the 4-H Farm Advisor, thanking us for our support of the Santa Clara County 4-H Club program. The letter represents an expression of the best wishes from 1,480 4-H club members and 485 club leaders.” The Santa Clara Club followed this up with a very educational meeting — “Mr. Noel Benger, field representative of the Ralston-Purina Company, presented the Purina slide projections, with audio commentary, on rabbit care and management. Mr. Beneger, presented a short talk before the presentation of the slide series.”
Satin Club & News Bulletin Promotes Internationally
Dear Editor-Mrs. Naylor,
I would like to say thank you for the Satin News Bulletins that you mail to me. I look forward to the receipt of each fine issue. I think it is really something and I appreciate only too well the hard work you put into this publication. The Satin News Bulletins make fine reading and they are a credit to you and your club, you are doing a fine job.
I have also enclosed a little item of news from over here, if you think it good enough to use, I hope you will. I will be sending the Specials on to Secretary Fitchom very shortly — in time for the show. You have a great club and a good friendly lot of members. I am proud to be one of you and that I can play a small part in promoting the Satin Rabbit here in England, and keep a small link between ourselves, your country and Holland.
Best Wishes — Kindest Regards,
Jim Dexter
Loughborough Leics, England
Page Eight
Dr. T. L. Roberson, Jr., president of Silver Marten Rabbit Club, receives official proclamation of “Rabbit Week in Tennessee” from Tennessee Governor Buford Ellington.
The election committee has counted the votes for the ARBA Directors and found them to be as follows:
W. H. Kennedy, Pennsylvania 1418
Dick F. Parker, Alabama .........1659
Edward T. Toebbe, Kentucky 1181 Ivan R. “Jake” Holmes, Illinois 1214 Fred R. Applegate, Illinois . 1378
Everett P. Shilliday, Ohio 1382
Valid votes cast 2262
Invalid votes cast 21
Henry M. Sagarsee, Chairman; Anna Nowak; Karl F. Schmidt; Irma Smithwick; Thomas McDaniel, Alternate; John Nowak, Alternate.
The old year 1967 has been a very eventful year for ARBA. Regional Judges Conferences have been approved and recommended by the ARBA Board to begin with the New Year 1968. This is certainly a bold and dramatic step forward. Best In Show Award has been authorized on a one year testing basis and already the benefits of this step are evident. The
Cleveland Press in their issue of November 11th carried a very impressive half page 2 column news release replete with photograph. The South Euclid Rabbit Club show at Berea, Ohio, November 5th had 761 rabbits entered. Judges Horace Curtis, Bobby Byrne, Glenn Carr and Ed Beamer were the officiants. The field was narrowed to 4 rabbits in the final consideration of selection of Best Rabbit In Show — A New Zealand White; a Tan: a Dutch and a Rex. The winner a Black Dutch owned by Harry Rice, Portsmouth, Ohio. We will carry a full report on this monumental event in the Jan.-Feb. Bulletin.
There were over 60 entrants in the National Rabbit Week promotional contest 1967. Eleven finalists of the absolute finest competition were eventually selected from which the 3 Champion Promoter Trophy Awards winners were then chosen. The Del-phos Ohio Club, the Golden West (Calif.) Club and the Silver Marten Rabbit Club were the winners. David Hughes, Sikeston, Mo. was judged champion individual promoter in 1967. Hughes, secured official proclamations from Governor Hearnes (Mo.), Governor Rockerfeller (Ark.) as well as
Page Nine
hundreds of column inches of publicity in 3-state area newspapers. Dr. Roberson was successful in securing proclamation from Governor Ellington (Tenn.) and Bill Molen, publicity director secured proclamation from Governor Docking (Kan.) and had rabbit princesses Elaine Newport (Iowa) and Peggy Molen (Kan.) present for a photographing session in the governor’s executive suite.
Colorado will host the 1968 ARBA Convention, tentative dates October 7-10, 1968 at Pueblo, Colorado. Earl Hord, general chairman has promised complete monthly news release.
Preliminary bids for 1969, 1970 ARr BA Convention-Show were presented at Syracuse by Calgary, Alberta Canada and New Orleans, Louisiana. There is also considerable stimulation in the Spokane, Washington and New England areas.
The new 1968 Registration Contests are in full swing and off in high gear. The current leaders in the General Registration Contest are Eugene Henry, (Connecticut) with 29 and Duane Shrader (Nebraska) with 23.
Winners in the 1967 Registration Contests:
1. General Contest Lewis Bowers (Illinois) 155
2. Marvin Cummings (Florida) ... 146
3. Marvin Carley (Vermont) 141
1. New Zealand Walter Voss (Indiana) 122
1. Marvin Carley (Vermont) 122
1. Satin Contest Marvin Cummings (Florida) 48
2. Pete Naylor (Kansas) 47
1. Silver Marten Lewis Bowers (Illinois) 46
2. Joe Eve (Tennessee) 28
The Colorado Rabbit News, the Kansas State News, the Texas News Bulletin, the Inland Empire News were the source of some fine articles in this ARBA Bulletin. Jan Mudra and G. R. Barnes article from Colorado. Rabbit Tests on Products for Human Use from Kansas News. Kirk Moore-Texas State Rabbit Breeder of The Year. Tom Winters, Jardine, Montana at the gateway to Yellowstone Park has another of his very excellent articles in the Inland Empire News which we borrowed. By all means get your Charter Renewal in to Jim Blyth by January 20, 1968 and receive FREE, the new ARBA HANDBOOK, compiled by Ev Shillidav. Charter renewals after January 20th will not receive the book FREE — there will be a charge of $1.00. This is a very valuable
book for the club and members. Billy T e r h u n e, Bethelridge, Kentucky Grand Champion English, Kentucky Fancy Queen, Registration 6976X, Grand Champion C77 was inadvertently omitted from the last published report and we are happy to correct this error. Next Bulletin will carry a complete listing of Grand Champions since last publication. The 1968 ARBA Year Book is being printed at this time. The ARBA Guide Book is set to type and proof reading is being completed.
Dean Miesner, secretary Poudre Valley Rabbit Club (Colorado) performing one of his regular duties, a demonstration at a club meeting.
In an air-conditioned converted New York dance hall, a rabbit lives splendidly with green-rimmed eye and multicolored stripes down the back. Thousands of women can now change their hair color as easily as they do their minds because of this rabbit.
This rabbit, one of 500, also 7,000 pink-eyed albino rats, several thousand pigs and many tough and disagreeable Indian monkeys is used by the Food and Drug Research laboratories in Maspeth, Queens for testing.
These animals lives are carefully regulated. The diets, weight charts progress are carefully supervised and reports are checked around the clock. The operations are punch-carded and more than 500,000 cards are tabulated a year. From these reports food and
Page Ten
beauty products are approved, or rejected.
Each serve their own special purpose. While some tests are made on a single type of animal, many are made on several. For instance the rabbit has a skin, hair and eye sensitivity similar to humans, so it is used for testing such products as hair dyes, nail polish and mascara.
In testing hair dye, some is applied each day for a month, with time for week-end rests. Some of the dye is applied directly into the rabbit’s eye, which causes the colored rim. This is done because women may accidentally get some of the color in their eyes. Mascara is tested similarly and nail polish is applied directly to the shaved skin of the rabbit.
In testing lipstick, it is not only applied to the skin, but is fed to mice and dogs, because humans ‘eat’ it, both men and women.
Recently a red coloring agent was prohibited for use except in maras-ohino cherries, ar a result of a similar test. Soaps and hair sprays, and other cosmetic components are tested on guinea pigs for allergy potential corresponds closely to humans.
The digestive svstems of rats are valuable, because 65 years in a man’s life is about the same as 2 years in a rat’s.
Tests are made on food wrappings and household chemicals. Plastic food wrappings for cheese and wieners and such items are tested to determine their effect on the food. Tests are even made to see results if a child should accidentally eat some of the wrapping.
Additives for improving color, retarding rancidity, laquer for inside of cans, household detergents, polishes, waxes and sprays all are analysed and tested for any possible degree of hazard.
The Queens concern is the oldest in the country, functions as a referee on many products. The staff consists of 72 scientists, and give advice and tests in all areas “to demonstrate the safe levels of usability and the avoidance of clients accidentally producing and selling products that may have unsafe usage’’.
Jan Mudra
We’ve often heard the saying in the past few months that “good guys wear white hats.” Also, within the last few months, several cases are pointing up that some breeders have traded their white hats for black ones.
This writer has heard of two specific occasions in which people have purchased rabbits from breeders only to discover a very short time later (in one case, only a week) that the purchased rabbit had cow hocks, crooked legs, etc. Upon relaying this information to the breeder, it was discovered that the seller would not refund the buyer’s money or supply a different animal.
In some instances, the fate of a sold rabbit should not be the responsibility of the breeder. For example, if a rabbit is returned to a breeder starving, of course this is not a case where the breeder should make an exchange. Rather, a suggestion of feeding the rabbit may be warranted. A rabbit returned with the complaint that it is always scratching its ears cannot promote an exchange if it was healthy when sold and has developed ear canker through improper care.
But, when a rabbit is returned with a crooked leg or cow hocks, it should be the duty of the breeder to investigate the case. Of course, it is often Impossible to tell these faults when the rabbit is very young. But, in several cases, these faults are the results of breeding individuals with these characteristics. Just as you would not want to keep a rabbit for breeding or show that possesses these faults, why should any breeder expect his customers to keep them?
Many crooked legs and cow hocks are the results of injuries. If a young bunny is placed on a hard wood floor too soon, his legs may not be strong enough to support his weight and he could become cow hocked. A dropping or falling injury could also cause a crooked leg.
Every breeder should, when selling a young animal, caution the buyer about the above instances. This warning could eliminate some cases of this prospective problem.
As stated earlier, however, these characteristics are often passed on by the parents. If a breeder possesses no animals with these faults, and takes proper care of the young, there is no reason to find animals with these faults in the herd. If a breeder, however, persists in keeping and breeding animals with cow hocks or crooked legs, he’s asking for trouble. Selling stock from these animals is a good way to lower public faith in these rabbitries.
Let’s get your white hats back on. If you have received a complaint about stock you have sold, investigate the problem and try to solve it rather than brushing, dt off. Wouldn’t you want the same courtesy?
Page Eleven
New (1968) Registration Contest as of October 31, 1967
New Zealand
1. Eugene Henry, Conn. 29
2. Henry Sagarsee, Mi»h. 21
3. G. S. Davis, Iowa 14
4. C. A. Wade, Ark. 12
5. R. C. Schwab, N. Mex. 11
6. Richard Kuehnle, N.Y. 8
7. Samuel Pugh, Ind. 7
8. Walter Voss, Ind. 7
9. Carl Persails, Mich. 6
1. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 23
2. C. A. Wade, Ark. ll
3. Kyle Cunningham, Ind. 10
4. Hugh J. Betts, Tenn. 9
5. F. Clem Steinhoff, Wise. 8
6. R. C. Schwab, N. Mex. 5
8. Don Smith, N.Y. 2
1. Pete Naylor, Kan. 5
2. Joe Eve, Tenn..................4
3. Heinz Hoffman, Calif...........1
1. Eugene Henry, Conn. 29
2. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 23
3. R. C. Schwab, N. Mex. 16
4. G. S. Davis, Iowa 15
5. Joe Eve, Tenn................ 13
6. Don Reid, 111.................12
7. Samuel Pugh, Ind. ............11
8. Robert H. Bell, Okla. 10
9. Kyle Cunningham, Ind. .10
10. Hugh Betts, Tenn. 9
11. Carl Persails, Mich. 9
Membership Contest as of October 31, 1967
1. Edward H. Stahl, Mo. 40
2. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif. 39
3. Melvin E. Behrens, N.Y. 20
4. Mark Youngs, Wash. 19
5. F. R. Applegate, 111. 13
6. Tommy Andrew, Pa. 11
7. B. W. Smith, Mo. 10
8. W. A. DeGraff, N.Y. 9
9. Marvin Carley, Vt. 8
1. American Satin R.B. Ass’n. 12
2. So. Florida R.B. Ass’n. 8
3. American Cavy Club 8
4. Meramec Valley
R.B. Ass’n., Mo. 5
5. Badger R.B. Ass’n., Wise. 5
6. Lawrence Co.
R.B. Ass’n., Tenn. 4
7. Finger Lakes
R.B. Ass’n., N.Y. .......... 3
8. Peoria Area R.B. Ass’n., 111. 3
9. Cattaraugus Co.
R.B. Assn’., N.Y. 3
10. Inland Empire
R.B. Ass’n., Wash. 3
Page Twelve
Mid Florida RBA, Meriam E. Hill, 740 E. Woodward Ave., Deland, Fla. Dec. 1-3
Californian Rabbit Spec. Club, W D. Parsons, 4000 Beverly Dr., Waco, Texas Dec. 2
Missouri State RBA, Gene Loveland, 609 Coronado, lee's Summit, Mo. Dec. 2-3
Cactus RBA, Dorothy Dunbar, R 9, Box 488 E, Tucson, Ariz. Dec. 3
St. Clair Co. RBC ,Melvin Wetzbacher, 449 So. Railway, Mascoutah, III. Dec. 3
Beehive RBA, Mrs. Rhea Elkins, R 1, Box 439, Provo, Utah Dec. 3
Satin RB of Calif., Geo. B. Sutherland, 16041 Hayland St., Valinda, Calif. Dec. 10
Calif. Rabbit Club of Calif., Geo. B. Sutherland,
15041 Hayland St., Valinda, Calif. Dec. 10
Riverside Co. RBA, Mrs. Bea Schott, 630 Main St., Riverside, Calif. Jan. 14-1968
Texas Panhandle RBA, Mrs. W. E. Hill, 1608 N.
Manhattan, Amarillo, Tex. Jan. 19-24
Gulf Coast RBA, Robert E. Mosher, P.O. Box 52,
Parris, Fla. Jan. 22-27
Southwestern Expo & Fat Stock Show, W. R. Watt, Amarillo, Texas Jan. 26-Feb. 4
Springfield R & CBA, Roger C. Miller, P.O. Box 162, Sabina, Ohio Jan. 27-28
Western III RB, M. Brewer, RR Box 26 A, Sherrard, III. Jan. 28
South Fla RBA, Mrs. Mulie Anderson, R 2, Box 1092, Tampa, Fla. Feb. 6-17
Houston Fat Stock Show, Ruth Teasdale, 1113 East Davis St., Conroe, Tex. Feb. 21-25
Peoria Area RBA, Helen Miller, Maquon, III. Feb. 25 Shelby Co. RBA, Judy Calloway, R 2, Sidncv, Ohio Feb. 25
Central Fla. RBA, Mrs. Doris Partridge, R 1, Box 79, Sorrento, Fla. Feb. 27-Mar. 2
Delphos R&FBA, Don Long, 317 So. Canal St..
Delphos, Ohio Mar. 9-10
Stark Co. RBA, Mrs. John Ritz, 2950 Harmont Ave., Canton, Ohio Mar. 9-10
Badger RBa, Ruth Strunk, R 2, Box 168. Fort
Atkinson, Wise. Mar. 10
Fort Wayne RBA, Robert J. Gebhart, 2105 Covin-it-m Rd., Fort Wayne, Ind. Mar. 22-24
Pony Express RBA, Marcelene Elliott, 1124 Henry St., St. Joseph, Mo. Mar. 23-24
Fort Wayne RBA, Robert J. Gebhart, 2105 Cov nnton Rd., Fort Wayne, Ind., All Chin. Show Mar. 23
Tibbar RBA, Bob Kahler, Box 11, Custer Pa-k, III.
Mar. 24
Arkon Rabbit Club, M. L. Clevener, 428 Palm Ave.. Akron, Ohio Mar. 30-31
Baltimore Co. R&CBA, Warren J. McNamara. R ?.
Box 36, Reisterstown, Md. Mar. 10, 1968
Michigan State RBA, Mrs. Betty Torrey, 4035 Ja'usnn Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. Mar. 14-16
Texas Panhandle RBA, 814 Florida, Amaril'o, T^xfls
Mar. 30-31
Decatur Area RBA, Wm. McKee, RR 3, Box 8, Decatur, III. Mar. 31
Fairfield Co. RBA, Victor T. Sweetland, 264 Chestnut Hill Ave., Norwalk, Conn. Mar. 31
Little Kanawha Rabbit Club, Mrs. Hubert Jnn"s.
RR 3, Elizabeth, W. Va. April 5-6
Free State RBA, Mina Uebel, R 1, Yeagertown Rd.. Mt. Airy, Md. April 6
Kankakee Valley RB, Mrs. Ethel Bowers, R 1, Man-
teno, III. April-7
Williams Co. RBA, Mrs. Betty Jo Ridgway, RR 2.
West Unity, Ohio April-13-14
Mall City RBA, O. R. Chaney, 3716 Woodhams Dr.,
Kalamazoo, Mich. April 19-20
Lima R&CBA, Dale Place, R 4, Cridersvi lie, Ohio
April 20-21
Lebanon Valley R&CBA, Alfred Fisher, RD 1, B^x 505, Palmyra, Pa. April 21
Grundv Co. RBA, Mrs. Dorothy Johnson, RR ],
Box 30, Mazon, 111. April 21
Ohio State Silver Marten R. Club, Miss Vivian N. Jones, RFD 1, Apples Corners, East Liverpool, Ohio
April 26-27
West Michigan RBA, Mrs. Etola Grommon, 14009
8th Ave., S., Marne, Mich. Aoril 26-27
Van Wert Co. RBA, Jo Ann Lewis, Box 15, Middle
Point, Ohio April 27-28
Tri County RBA, Phil Lohman, 11800 W. Howard Greenfield, Wise. April 28
Inland Empire R.B.A.
Spokane, Washington Dear Secretary Mrs. Haugh,
I was pleased to meet all the good people at your recent Rabbit Show. Mr. Rewey remarked about the cordiality that was extended. I can safely speak for Mr. Rewey and myself and say we enjoyed every minute of it.
We were surprised to see the turnout from Canada. Very nice people, and a credit to the ARBA Rabbit World. I hope we see a lot more of them at future shows. A convention in Calgary, Alberta would certainly benefit ARBA, the Northwest, and our Canadian neighbors and members.
Jim Jessee brought up a point that I agree with all the way. That is entering a rabbit in it’s age class. Actually it would be up to the exhibitor. It’s hard for a judge to tell the age. If a judge were to disqualify a rabbit he thought was over the given age, no doubt he would have an arguement on his hands. It’s odd that a Junior would have toenails that need clipped. Some rabbits never grow out of the Junior class as far as weight is concerned. I guess they could be shown all their lives as Juniors. I feel such things are legal gripes, and a way should be found to correct the situation.
I enjoyed the Banquet at the Red Fox, even if I was accused of being a writer of fiction. Thank Heaven for Mark Youngs. He came to my rescue. Mr. Youngs is to be complimented on his work with the Palomino rabbit. It must of been a long tedious job. The Palomino rabbit is now known through out the world, and is gaining in popularity. We have Palominos, but jvere unable to show them. The does Rill had litters. They produce well, and are good mothers. I will say they need a bit of improvement. They are a new breed the same as the New Zealand Blacks. It is my feeling that some judges cut the Black too severely. It’s a rough road to get a good one. They are due constructive criticism, I will admit, but not to the point that some give them and in a destructive manner.
Burley Rewey is working hard on the Missoula Show. Pat Yasenak has been very helpful. Through the efforts of Mr. Rewey and Pat, the Show at Missoula will be a huge success. I’m sure they will be grateful for all the entrys they can get.
A new situation has arisen through our Gov't, in the form of an Economic Opportunity Loan sponsored by the
Farmers Home Adm. This loan is set up for, and designed to help increase a persons income. It has been asked that the purchaser of breeding stock purchase their stock within their respective State in order to keep shipping charges down. Any of you breeders that are interested should contact the nearest Farmers Home Adm. office within your State to get particulars.
I wish to thank all of you for a very successful show, and hope to see you at Great Falls and Missoula, Mont.
Tom Winters Jardine, Montana
G. R. Barnes
There seems to be little consolation in the belief that the rabbit industry has advanced materially in the last ten to fifteen years. Obviously there could be many contributing factors which do not necessarily show on the surface.
Yes, we and the ARBA have made new innovations in the procedure of better and newer methods in an attempt to keep abreast with the ever increasing developments being advanced in other fields of industry.
Yet with some rabbit operations there seems to be a complacent attitude to grasp these new ideas and put them into operation.
Over the years why have we not, through unity, made it imperative through legislation whereby all processors of rabbits would be obliged to grade all fryers bought for resale whereby there would be an incentive for every rabbit raiser to be competitive in raising better fryers from the standpoint of dressout, consumer acceptance, added pounds per litter weaned and more net profit from the operation.
Over the years many of us have produced and sold thousands of fryers to processors, most of which would dress out far above the average 50% but for which we received the same price per pound as the cull stock received by the processor.
Week after week and year after year such a situation would make the best of operations a near hopeless outlook.
Lambs, hogs, cattle and even poultry are graded at terminal plants yet our rabbit fryers are not graded at a great many plants.
Another consideration is the fact that fryers with colored fur must take
Page Thirteen
a cut of from two to four cents per pound. We all know the approximate prices of colored versus white pelts, so where is the justification on the part of the processor to stifle the producer and seller of colored fryers.
Numerous articles in publications would bear out the fact that a great deal needs to be done among our rabbit producers to pull in the loose ends of our industry and get on an equal footing with other producers of livestock for meat.
Dear Mr. Molen.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the nice writeup you gave Loretta and I in the June-July ARBA Bulletin. We have had quite a little response from that article.
Today we held a meeting here at our home for the purpose of forming a local rabbit breeders club. They didn’t knock down the walls to get in but we do have enough members to get a charter. The next step is to start beating the bushes to find more people who are interested. If at all possible we hope to have a show in Baton Rouge in November.
The new club is to be known as The New Orleans Rabbit Breeders Association. President is Ernest J. Abbott. Vice-President is Edward Story, Rt. 4, Box 118, Baton Rouge, La. 70811. Secretary-Treasurer is Loretta Abbott. Directors are H. J. Merrihue, Rt. 1, Box 1258, Kenner, La. 70062,’ Michael Gennusa, 38 Curtis Drive, N. O. La., and Mrs. Story. Six officers—six members, all chiefs, no Indians, but yesterday we had nothing.
We plan to have our meetings on the third Sunday of the month at 2 P.M. I guess for the present we will hold them here at our home.
We will appreciate another plug in the bulletin in order to let people know that we have a club and that someone is interested in doing something about the rabbit business in Southeast Louisiana. It is going to be very difficult to sell these people on a rabbit club.
I went to Ed Story’s place last week and took my registrar’s examination. At the same time Ed asked me to accept the job of Local Agent for New Orleans area.
I will keep you advised of any further developments in this area.
Yours truly,
The first meeting of the ARBA Board of Drectors was called to order by President Wayne Willmann in the Westerner Room of the Country House Motel in Syracuse, N.Y., October 7, 1967. Those present were: Wayne Willmann, Oren Reynolds, Bill Molen, J. C. Lowit, Vern Ashton, James Blyth,
Ev Shilliday, Ellis Murray, Claude Bennett, Fred Applegate, Ed Toebbe and Director-Elect D. F. Parker at 8:58 A.M. Ed Stahl and W. H. Kennedy were not present. The meeting was opened with a prayer. Roll call was made by the Secretary.
A motion was made by Oren Reynolds that we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the 1966 Convention Board meeting as they were approved as mailed out to the officers. Seconded by
Fred Applegate, motion carried.
Secretary Blyth was asked to give his report. He passed to the members of the Board his yearly report, auditor's report and first quarterly report. He states this was the best year f nancially the
Association has ever had despite the difficulties that were encountered. The ads for the publicity
booklet and guide book helped to make this year better financially. Soliciting ads for different books
at one time is hard to do. The guide book has never been put out on time. A letter from thej
Spodek Realty Co. was read about the appraisal of the ARBA building. *
A motion was made by Fred Applegate, seconded by Ev Shilliday, we accept the Secretary's report with our thanks and deep appreciation for his very fine work. Motion carried.
Treasurer Ellis Murray was asked to give his
report. Since he has been on the road for quite
a while, he submitted a verbal report at this time. Various points of his report were discussed. A motion was made by Fred Applegate, seconded by J. O. Lowit, this report be accepted. Motion Carried.
Repairs to the ARBA building and other repairs to be made were discussed by the Board in detail.
The ARBA Convention Show Rules were presented and commented on. It was stated the 3 booths of the ARBA the ARBA Commercial Department, ARBA Youth Department and the ARBA booth should be together with the ARBA being in the center.
A motion was made that section 3a of the Official Convention Rules be changed and Bill Molen made a motion, seconded by Vern Ashton, that show judges may be expected to talk at the judge's conference of the ARBA National Conventions at future conventions. Motion caried.
Ev Shilliday made a motion, seconded by FreJ Applegate, section 4a the words "galley proof'™ for printed material must be submitted. Motion carried.
Ev Shilliday made a motion paragraph 26, section a "This bid or the bid to be presented at the regular meeting of the Board or be mailed to the Secretary of the ARBA. Seconded by J. C. Lowit, motion carried.
Ed Toebbe made a motion, seconded by Fred Applegate that one sentence be added to Paragraph 17 "Name or names of such registrars shall be published in the convention catalog". Motion carried.
These changes are to be made on the back page of the present Convention Show rules on gummed label and known as amended rules as of October 7, 1967. Bill Molen made this motion, seconded by Fred Applegate, motion carried.
Bill Molen was called upon to give a report of the 1967 National Rabbit Week. This was given in detail. There were 4 trophies to be given by the ARBA for winners who participated, of which there were 67. The top 3 will be given Champion Promoter Trophies and 1 an Individual Champion Promoter Trophy; Delphos Rabbit & Fanciers Breeders
Page Fourteen
Ass'n, Paul Armstrong, President, Don Lonq, Secretary & Publicity; Silver Marten Rabbit Club, Dr. T. H. Roberson, Jr., President, Golden West Rabbit Breeders Ass'n, Sunny Harper, Secretary; and David Hughes received the individual Champion Promoter Trophy. The other 8 finalists were: Inland Empire R. B. Ass'n, Ida Storkson, Secretary; of Washington; Semo Rabbit Club, David Hughes, President, of Missouri; Tri-State Rabbit Club, Mildred Beatty, Publicity Chairman, of Ohio; Meramec Valley R.B. Ass'n, Alice Romanus, Secretary, of Missouri; Cactus R.B. Ass'n, Dorothy Dunbar, Secretary, of Arizona; South Central Missouri R.B. Ass'n, Theoda Nochs, Secretary, of Missouri; Fox River Valley R & C B Ass'n, Sharon Ausloos, Secretary, of Wisconsin; and Van Wert Rabbit Club, Mrs. Kay Martin, Secretary, of Ohio.
Mr. Molen has quite a bit of material left over from the 1967 National Rabbit Week and has requested that we use what is left for the 1968 National Rabbit Week as there is no year on this material and include the same dates for 1968; that is July 16-22, 1968.
Specialty Club Activities report was given by Oren Reynolds. It was felt that it was desirous to have a unified sweepstake rule sanction by the National Specialty Clubs, however, things covered by the various breeds were so different that at khis time it doesn't seem feasible. He went into Betail and indicated he had contacted both the llew Zealand and Havana Federations, informing them that the new ARBA rule for National Conventions, as adopted at the Louisville Convention, was that each breed shown would receive 1 best of breed trophy and one best opposite sex trophy, and in order to win these trophies they would have to pick best of breed and best opposite sex as our present standard listed each as one breed with 2 and 3 varieties. Other points of
interest were discussed in detail. A motion was made by Claude Bennett, seconded by Fred Apple gate, we accept his report and extend to him our thanks and appreciation. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 11:45 A M to be re-
convened at 1.15 P.M.
Meeting reconvened at 1:15 P.M. Those present
were the same as attended the morning session.
Publicity and Bulletin was presented by Bill
Molen. He stated the bulletin in 1967 was coming out on time. Various points of interest
relative to this was commented on. Along with publicity for 1968, he wants to prepare a Fair Packet or a publicity packet to be used at fairs among which would be posters. A motion was made by Ev Shilliday, seconded by Oren Reynolds, we accept this report and thank him for a fine
job on the publicity committee and bulletin. Motion
I Commercial Committee Report. Phil Lohman, Chairman, sent his report to President Wayne Willman in case he was not able to attend the meeting. President Willmann commented on various items and stated that Mr. Lohman would be in later to give a more detailed report. There were many items of the packet which Mr. Lohman is sending
out which did not meet the approval of the Board members as some felt we should have some pro-
motional material of the ARBA in this packet which we do not have at present.
In this commercial set-up, Mr. Ed Stahl had sent a letter which he wanted to have read about the railway express charges. He felt this should be looked into. A letter from Ralph Neumann was read and discussions were held, and it was decided to let this subject rest until we know where we
stand or where they stand.
The Youth Committee, Bill Earl, President, was to send a letter giving a report, also one from
Kay Malott, Secretary. As of this meeting, they were not received.
Advertising Committee. As both Ed Stahl and Bill Kennedy were unable to attend the convention, James Blyth gave the report. Much of this report was in the .ast bulletin.
Standard Committee, the chairman was not present but a more detailed report will be given later on. President Wayne Willmann gave a brief report. He reported the Chairman of this committee Al Meier, wants to take up various items of the Standard with his committee.
Election Committee Report this report was not published in the last ARBA Bulletin, but will be in the next bulletin.
Resolutions Committee, Marvin Langeland, Chairman. These resolutions were published in ths bulletin and will be discussed later on.
Foreign Relations, Roscoe Cuozzo, Chairman. He had sent a letter to Wayne Willmann which was read. Roscoe Cuozzo has extended an invitation to Claude Dobbins of the U S. Dept, of Agriculture to attend the convention. There are many letters being received which are not in English, and names of people who can translate these letters were presented and will be turned over to Roscoe Cuozzo.
The bulletin for 1968 was discussed. Various phases were presented by Bill Molen also the Board was advised of bids from different printers. After much discussion, Mr. Molen recommended we have the bulletin printed in 1968 by Mr. Schuhmann without advertising. A motion was made by Oren Reynolds, seconded by Fred Applegate, we repeat last year's format and recommend to the committee who takes the bids that it be awarded to Mr. Schuhmann. This is to be on enamel paper. Motion carried.
The guide book was discussed. The Board was advised there would be 15,000 copies printed and will be printed by Pittcraft, Inc., of Kansas.
The 1967-68 year book. Since advertising was solicited for both the ARBA Guide Book and the
booklet A Practical Beginning To Successful Rabbit Raising, It was decided no advertising would be solicited for the year book. Schuhmann was the
lowest bidder and well qualifies to print the book. As of this meeting, the galley proofs were not received by the Secretary's office. The corrected
constitution and by-laws will be in this book as well. After further discussion, it was decided if people wish to advertise in the year book, they
would be accepted but we would not solicit them.
Material for State Representatives was submitted by Ev Shilliday. He stated he has prepared this for his own state agents and found it to be very
helpful. After much discussion on this, Ellis Murray made a motion, secoded by Vern Ashton, we have 500 copies mimeographed of this handbook with the exception of the offset which will be required. Motion carried.
It was also suggested when charters are renewed within the first 20 days of January, they will receive this handbook free. Afterwards they would pay a small fee.
Meeting recessed at 5:45 P.M. to reconvene Sunday at 9:00A.M.
Meeting reconvened Sunday at 9:00 A.M. in the Westerner Room of the Country House Motel. Those present were Wayne Willmann, Oren Reynolds, Ellis Murray, James Blyth, Bill Molen, J. C. Lowit, Vern Ashton, Ev Shilliday, Claude Bennett, Fred Apple-gate, Ed Toebbe and director-elect D. F. Parker.
The commercial department report was given in more detail by Chairman Phil Lohman. It was stated that about 95 of the members write him. He also stated the sources he received the material he was sending out, what material he had received from the former Chairman, along with a 16 m.m. film. He was asked to advise the Board what occurred between him and the Ralston Purina people last Spring. He reported they had sent a photographer to his rabbitry to take pictures which they were putting on slides which consisted of various angles from raising to butchering 9 rabbits. This is for a commercial project.
It was suggested that information pertaining to marketing or fur buyers and processors be listed in the bulletin and this would help the commercial department. Also that each director get in touch
Pat>e Fifteen
with his state agents to get a list of fur buyers, processors, etc., and mail it to Phil Lohman.
Mr. Lohman was thanked for his report. A motion was made by Ev Shilliday, seconded by Fred Apple-gate, directors will be in charge of getting all information they can and forward it to Phil Lohman such as a list of processors and fur buyers Motion carried.
Mr. Earl Ho rd of the Colorado State Rabbit Breeders was present to present a bid for the 1968 ARBA Convention at Pueblo, Colorado. He gave a detailed report and stated the tentative dates would be October 7-10, 1968. A real hand
of appreciation was given Mr. Hord for his fine presentation of the bid.
Advertising program for 1968 and Mr. Blyth suggested it would be wise to continue as it has been the last few years. Motion made by Oren Reynolds, seconded by Fred Applegate, we accept this as planned for 1968. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Bill Molen, seconded by Fred Applegate, we thank Mr. Stahl for working on this committee and appreciate the |ob he has done. Motion carried.
The idea of publicity packets for fair shows was presented by Bill Molen. He states this would include display posters, little known facts about rabbits, etc., which will help the ARBA. These would be sold at $5.00.
A motion was made by Ellis Murray, seconded by Fred Applegate, we continue with the membership contest, registrar contest, and club contest, the youth and national rabbit week and we award the same prizes as we have in the past at the 1968 convention. Motion carried.
Various names were submitted for life member ships: Ralph Neumann of Maryland; T. L. Owens of Oklahoma; Frank Muffler of Indiana; Mrs. Irene Murray of California; Earl Daubert of Nebraska, Ward Hatcher of Missouri; Al Meier, Jr., of Ohio, Dan Law of Oregon; and C. E. Lewis of New York. Ed Toebbe made a motion, seconded by Fred Apple-gate, these men and one woman be granted a life membership. Motion carried.
The best rabbit in the show was discussed by the Board Members which was brought up by J. C. Lowit. After a discussion, Ellis Murray made a
motion, seconded by Ev Shilliday, we allow our membership to experiment with best in show for one year, this to be reviewed at the 1968 convention. Motion carried with 2 dissenting votes. This is for local club shows only if they desire.
National proiects for foreign countries was dis cussed by the Board.
J. C. Lowit made a motion, seconded by Ed Toebbe, the Secretary write a letter to the mink breeders that this was discussed here at our Board meeting and are interested in furs and imports, and if there is anything we can do in this way, please let us know. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Ev Shilliday, seconded
by V. N. Ashton that on the voting ballots we stagger the names on the ballots. Motion carried^
A motion was made by Vern Ashton, seconded
by Claude Bennett, rabbits should be entered in’ the open class to be shown in the fur class. Motion carried. This is in addition to our show rules.
The resolutions are to be submitted to the membership at the convention but also were discussed by the Board members.
The dates for National Rabbit Week are July 16-22, 1968.
Ellis Murray made a motion, seconded by Vern Ashton, the expenses provided for in the Constitution be approved at this convention. Motion carried.
The budget was then discussed.
On National Advertising, Vern Ashton made a motion, seconded by J. C. Lowit, we increase the National Advertising to $6500. Motion carried.
Ribbons and trophies, a motion was made by Bill Molen, seconded by Ed Toebbe, this figure be increased to $1800 to include ribbons and trophies. Motion carried with one dissenting vote.
The rest of the budget was discussed. A motion was made by Ev Shilliday, seconded by Bill Molen, the budget as amended be accepted for 1968. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Ed Toebbe, seconded by Vern Ashton, the budget be accepted. Motion carried. A vote of thanks was given to the Budget Committee.
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 A.M. for lunch to reconvene at 1:15 P.M.
Meeting reconvened at 1:25 P.M. with those pres ent who attended the morning session.
Since we had received an excellent bid for the 1968 convention. Bill Molen made a motion we accept the bid as presented by Earl Hord of Colorado Rabbit Breeders with the tentative dates of October 7-10, 1968. Seconded by Fred Applegate, motion carried.
Two tentative bids were discussed for 1969 which will be presented in formal bids at the 1968 convention and were from the Alberta Rabbit Breeders Ass'n of Canada and the other from the Louisiana Rabbit Breeders Ass'n.
The program for the 1968 convention was discussed and a couple of items were mentioned. Bill Molen would like to have regular Colorado material for publicity and Ed Toebbe suggested the banquet night be moved from Monday night, the first night, to Tuesday night, the second night, and the free night be on Monday.
The judges conferences were discussed. Bill Molen made a motion, seconded by Fred Applegate, we promote having judges conferences in the districts during 1968 .these to be supervised by the directors in each section, and judges will be given credit because it is an official ARBA judges conference. This is within a 5 year period. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M. to reconvene
Thursday at 3:00 P.M., October 12, 1968.
The ARBA Board meeting reconvened in the Woman's Building on the State Fairgrounds Thursday, October 12, 1967 and called to order by
President Wayne Willmann, at 2:45 P.M. Those present were Wayne Willmann, James Blyth, Fred Applegate, Ev Shilliday, J. C. Lowit, Ellis Murray,
Claude Bennett and Ed Toebbe who came in late.
Since there was not a quorum present, various matters were discussed. Mrs. Breckenridge, former Secretary of the ARBA Youth Department, had sent a final report of the youth Department and a check. It was suggested that President Willmann, who received the check, endorse the check over to Kay
Mallott, present Secretary of the ARBA Youth Department and send it to her. President Willmann reported he would do this.
Committee names are to be presented to President Willmann so that he can submit them for approval and be printed in the ARBA Year Book.
It was reported there were some 1966 trophi^ in the ARBA Office and Howard Reese has othe^ Mr. Reese is to be instructed to have what M has sent to the ARBA office.
Ed Toebbe reported there was a mixup in award ing trophies to the Youth Department. Since there were additional trophies left over, the ARBA Board of Directors authorized another trophy be given them.
Ellis Murray made a motion, seconded by Claude Bennett, we adjourn the Board meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 3:00 P.M.
The first business meeting of the ARBA Conven tion was called to order at 1:30 P.M. by President Wayne Willmann in the Woman's Building at the State Fairgrounds, Tuesday, October 10, 1967. It
was opened with a prayer.
Claude Bennett made a motion we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the 1966 convention as they appeared in the bulletin, seconded by Mr. Gumble, motion carried. The minutes were adopted as published in the bulletin.
Page Sixteen
President Willmann then asked for reports of the officers.
Secretary Blyth reported this has been a great year for the rabbit business. It is one of the best years financially the organization has ever had. Also the difficulties which were experienced during the year, the publicity booklet being printed as well as the guide book and year book.
Treasurer Ellis Murray reported we have $4,424.74 in the bank after all expenses for convention have been paid. The Secretary turned over to him at this convention the September remittance of $2100. We have $13,000 in the Savings & Loan Ass'n. He reported the booklet would have a balance due of $1450, year book $2500 and Guide Book $8300. It cost $6711.59 to repair home office.
The Directors reports were called for:
Fred Applegate reported of progress in States in his district, read various letters and named his agents in his states.
Claude Bennett reported he had 6 states and gave the agents names, also Dorothy Newport was a very good worker.
Credentials Committee, Mrs. Katherine Shilliday, reported there were 50 delegates and 343 ARBA members registered as of this meeting.
Election Committee's report was not published in the last ARBA Bulletin as the editor felt they would not be received in time to get the resolutions out to the membership. The four elected officers were installed in office — Fred Applegate, Ev Shilliday, D. F. Parker and W. H. Kennedy who was unable to be present.
Committee at Washington, Horace Curtis. Chairman, gave a brief report. Also advised they are willing and able to help the International Committee.
Publicity Report was given by 8ill Molen who reported the number of bulletins published last year. The new list of people who are to help him was given. He would like articles sent to him that he can publish in the bulletins. He gave out the trophies to winners of National Rabbit Week who were Delphos Rabbit & Fanciers Breeders Ass'n, accepted by Mrs. Joan Loos; Golden West Rabbit Breeders Ass'n, accepted by Ellis Murray; Silver Marten Rabbit Club accepted by Dr. T. H. Roberson, Jr., President.
The list of names of individuals who will receive life memberships for long years of faithful service in the ARBA was read: R. N. Neumann, Maryland; T. L. Owen, Oklahoma; F. Muffler, Indiana; Mrs. Ellis Murray, California; Earl Daubert, Nebraska; Ward Hatcher, Missouri; Al Meier, Jr., Ohio; Dan Law, Oregon; and C. Lewis, New York.
A copy of the Show Rules and Planning which Bill Shaffer reported on will be printed in the bul letin.
Bill Molen will report under committees.
Bill Kennedy was not in attendance as well as Ed Stahl who were unable to attend convention.
J. C. Lowit reported he has the longest territory in the ARBA. A Bid for the coming 1969 convention will be forthcoming from Alberta, Canada. He had written letters to local agents but received only 19 replies out of 53 letters written. Mark Youngs in Washington is very active.
Ev Shilliday reported on the handbook he used to send to his state agents. This handbook has been approved by the ARBA. He reported what would be included in this book and club secretaries will receive a copy. He first tried this in his district and met with approval.
Ed Toebbe reported on the states in his district and the difficulties he has met in various states.
The names of Judges, registrars and members who passed away since the last convention were read and a minute of silent prayer was offered.
Committee Report if was reported the advertising for the association is $6500 but we get back more than we spend. Ads are inserted in 18 different publications besides the rabbit publications.
International Relations Committee, Roscoe Cuozzo reported the past year they received excellent cooperation for the U. S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, also a representative was sent by them who was Mrs. Gordon and introduced to the attendance. Other members of his committee were named. Requests from all over the world for rabbits are being received, also breeding stock has been xported to foreign countries.
f Ellis Murray, Chairman, Budget Committee, reported this was covered in the Board meeting.
Constitution and Resolutions Committee, Chairman Marvin Langeland reported on the resolutions to be submitted and how the committee voted.
Resolution No. 1 —
Committee voted in favor of this resolution. Resolution No. 2—
Committee voted against this resolution.
Resolution No. 3 -
Committee voted 1 in favor and 3 opposed. Resolution No. 4 —
Committee voted 4 in opposition to this resolution. Resolution No. 5 —
Committee voted 4 in opposition to this resolution. Resolution No. 6 —
Committee voted 2 for and 2 against.
Resolution No. 7 —
Committee voted 2 for and 2 against.
Resolution No. 8—
Committee voted 2 for and 2 against.
Resolution No. 9—
Committee voted 1 in favor and 3 opposed. President also gave the feeling of the Board on these as well.
Standard Committee, Chairman Al Meier reported new standards will not be printed until 1970. They will write the specialty clubs for any changes. There are some descrepancies in the present standard which will be rectified when the new standards come out.
Youth Committee report was given by President Willmann as he had received it in the mails. This included their financial report which he gave. Things should pick up in the Youth Department.
Vern Ashton gave a very short report of the states in his district. From the New England States, he received 3 letters — 2 very discouraging and 1 encouraging. If any member of these states would like to serve as agent, Mr. Ashton will be happy to hear from them.
Meeting adjourned at 4:10 P.M. to meet again at 1:30 P.M. here in the same building on October 11, 1967.
The second business meeting of the ARBA was called to order by President Wayne Willmann at 1:30 P.M. in the Women's Building on the State Fairgrounds. Graham Carver opened the meeting with a prayer.
Marvin Langeland, Chairman of the Resolutions Committee, was called upon to read the resolutions and what his committee's recommendations were. Resolution No. 1 —Resolution was read and reported the committee voted in favor of this resolution 4-0 and recommends adoption. He made a motion which was seconded this resolution be approved. A vote was taken and there were 95 in favor and 0 against. Resolution to be adopted.
Resolution No. 2—Marvin Langeland read this resolution and reported the committee voted in opposition to this resolution. He made a motion this resolution be opposed, seconded by Mr. Butterworth. A vote
was taken and reported 102 voted in opposition to this resolution and 4 voted not to reject. Resolution not adopted.
Resolution No. 3—Marvin Langeland reported the committee voted 3 against and 1 for this resolution. He made a motion we reject this resolution, sec-
onded by Jeanned Maddox. Al Meier made a motion to add to this resolution the words "when available" air coach fare from nearest airport to his home. Seconded by James Blyth. A vote was
taken on this amendment and there were 118 for
this amendment and 0 against. A motion was made
ContinufHl Pa#e 19
Page Seventeen
Local Associations shall pay a renewal fee of $5.00 plus $1.00 for each non-member of the ARBA. This will be due January 1st of each year. New Charters $10.00
Five (5) of your members must be members of the ARBA.
Officers must be members of ARBA.
Please complete this form and return with renewal fee.
Name of Local Association ______.
Location _______________________
Address ________________________
Member A.R.B.A. No.
Zip Code
Vice President
T reasurer
Member A.R.B.A. No.
Zip Code
Member A.R.B.A. No.
___Zip Code
Member A.R.B.A. No.
Zip Code
Name Address Zip Code
Name Address Zip Code
Name Address Zip Code
Name Address Zip Code
Name Address Zip Code
Number of Members in Association A.R.B.A. Did you hold a show within last year?
Have you a copy of Constitution and By-Laws on file in ARBA Office?
If answer is no, it is necessary to file one with this renewal.
Did you change your Constitution and By-Laws since filing a copy with the Secretary's Office? ________________-____________________________________________________
If answer is yes, send changes to Secretary's Office.
A complete list of your members and their addresses must accompany this form.
Page Eighteen
to reject this resolution as amended. Motion seconded. A vote was taken to reject this resolution and it was reported there were 4 in favor to raject this resolution as maneded and 113 in favor of accepting.
Resolution was adopted as amended.
Resolution No. 4-Marvin Langeland read th s resolution and reported his committee voted against this resolution and made a motion to reject the resolution, seconded by Bernise Bloomquist. A vote was taken and reported there were 106 voted in favor of rejecting this resolution and 7 voted against rejection.
Resolution not adopted.
Resolution No. 5-Marvin Langeland read this resolution and reported his committee voted 4-0 to reject this resolution and made a motion th s resolution be rejected which was seconded by Al Meier. A vote was taken and reported there were 131 to reject this resolution and 1 not to reject.
Resolution not adopted.
Resolution No. 6 -Marvin Langeland read this resolution and reported the committee voted 2 in favor and 2 opposed. He has no recommendations. Ellis Murray made a motion we reject this resolut on, seconded by Jeanne Maddox. There were 126 who
I voted in favor of rejecting this resolution and 1 Against rejecting this resolution.
»esolution not adopted.
Resolution No. 7—Marvin Langeland read this resolution and reported his committee voted 2 in favor and 2 opposed. He has no recommendations. Ev Shilliday made a motion we adopt this resolution, seconded by Dick F. Parker. A vote was taken and reported there were 129 in favor of accepting and 1 against accepting.
Resolution adopted.
Resolution No. 8 Marvin Langeland read this resolution and reported the committee voted 2 in favor and 2 opposed. No recommendations. A motion was mad? by Al Meier this be accepted with the amendment we passed in resolution No. 3. Seconded
by Mr. Biskie this be accepted with the understanding the change to air fare, to accept this resolution
and the only change it would make in the present constitution changing the words from shall to may. A motion was made to refer this resolution No. 8 to next year as resolution No. 1, seconded by James Blyth. A vote was taken and reported there were 67 not in favor of this motion, 39 in favor.
Motion made to accept this resolution No. 8 and a vote was taken and reported 99 were in favor and 7 not in favor.
Resolution adopted.
Resolution No. 9 Marvin Langeland read this resolution and reported his committee voted 1 in favor
and 3 opposed. He made a motion we reject this resolution, seconded by James Blyth.
A motion was made by Dick Parker we refer this resolution until next year to clear this up, secondsd by Mr. Smith. A vote was taken and reported there were 105 in favor of referring this resolution until next year and 12 not in favor. Resolution is to be referred to next year.
General Business—nothing was brought up.
Unfinished Business-nothing was brought up.
New Business —It was reported that putting on a national convention takes time and effort. There must be some way to get money for putting on the convention. Bernise Bloomquist made a suggestion we increase sanction fees from $2 to $5 divided as $2 for trophies and ribbons and $3 to put in a convention fund.
A discussion about the New Zealand trophies given by the ARBA and New Zealand Federation at a national convention. This will be the last year there will be trophies given by both New Zealand Federation and ARBA and there will be only 2 trophies given at national convention.
The Chairman of the Resolutions Committee and his committee were given a vote of thanks for the fine job they have done.
Meeting adjourned at 3:20 P.M. to reconvene at Pueblo, Colorado, October 7-9, 1968.
JAMES BLYTH, Secretary 4323 Murray Avenue <BB) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217
I hereby make application for membership in the AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION
I enclose $5.00 for a one year membership which entitles me to a copy of the Official Guido Book, Year Book, Bulletins, and other benefits and privileges of the Association.
Husband and Wife Combination Membership — $7.00
( ) New ( ) Renewal
Name ........ .......................... ........
Address ....
City State . .. Zip
Recommended by ..... ......................................
Page Nineteen
ARBA BULLETIN official publication of the
American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. 4323 Murray Ave. BB, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Non-Profit Org.
Louisville, Ky. Permit No. 218
Take twelve fine, full-grown months; see that these are thoroughly free from all old memories of bitterness, rancor, hate and jealousy. Cleanse them completely from every clinging spite; pick off all specks of pettiness.
Cut these months into 30 or 31 equal parts. Do not attempt to make up whole batch at one time, but prepare one day at a time, as follows:
Into each day put equal parts of faith, patience, courage, work, hope, fidelity, liberality, kindness, rest, prayer, meditation. Add about a teaspoonful of good spirits, a dash of fun, a pinch of folly, a sprinkling of play, and a heaping cupful of good humor.
Pour love into the whole and mix with a vim. Serve with quietness, unselfishness and cheerfulness.
Page Twenty
Original Format
Bound magazine
ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 6 - Nov/Dec
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).
8 1/2 inches x 11 inches
American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 6 - Nov/Dec,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 12, 2025,
Vol. 2 November-December, 1967 No. 6
(Christmas Season 1967
Still The World Grows Hungrier
Bill Molen
The March 1966 issue of ARBA Bulletin, pages 4 and 5 carried an article — “Can The U.S. Feed The World”. The lead sentence, read, “The problem of feeding the peoples of the world is rapidly becoming acute. Death from malnutrition is a killer that claims 10,-000 lives every day.”
In this issue of the ARBA Bulletin we wish to amplify upon this issue, this very real and serious situation. We cannot help from becoming involved in such a world wide problem, but to what extent do we wish this involvement to occur. Nothing short of full involvement is the answer.
“Within the coming 10 years, literally millions of people will die of starvation and hundreds of millions will lead stunted lives unless the underdeveloped world quickly acquires the ability to feed its soaring population.” This alarming claim, made in an article in International Science and Technology magazine, is supported by mathematical certainty.
The world’s population, which stands at about 3.2 billion today, will rise to 4 billion by 1980 and will more than double by the year 2000. The important factor is that most of this increase will occur in Asia, Africa and Latin America — areas which even now cannot meet their food needs adequately.
Most people, notes editor Howard Mattson, confidently look to modem science to solve the problem. One possibility being talked about is a protein
supplement that could be made by micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi and yeasts “grazing” on coal and crude oil.
Nor is the simple redistribution of surpluses from one part of the world to another the answer. New mouths in the underdeveloped world will require 300 million tons of additional grain annually by 1980 — the current total production of North America and Western Europe combined.
The present stockpile of wheat, which once seemed so huge and permanent, contains only about 29 million tons and is beginning to shrink. Some congressional and farm leaders are already proposing that crop controls be ended and that the money now being paid American farmers not to produce be spent to buy increased supplies for the needy abroad.
Yet even if enough food can be grown in the developed world, ships, harbors and distribution facilities are inadequate to handle it.
The bulk of new supplies, maintains Mattson, must come from within the hungry nations themselves. This means huge educational programs to convert backward farming populations to new methods and new crops.
Rabbits the prolific breeder. Rabbits that have adapted themselves to surrounding terrain and environment whatever the country or continent — in the wild state, could be a big portion of this answer. Domestic rabbits Continued Page 4
4323 Murray Avenue James Blyth, Secy. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
W. E. (Bill) Molen, Editor P O. Box 8. Bronson, Kansas 66716 David Ford. Assistant Publicity Chm.
Bett Hickman Virginia Flournoy
Joe Lutes Tillie Morehead
Pat Krider Mark Youngs
Pat Giles Bing Harris
EXECUTIVE BOARD ARBA Wayne Willmann. Pres. James Blyth, Secy
Oren Reynolds, V.-Pres. Ellis Murray, Treas
Fred Applegate J. Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W. E. Molen
Claude Bennett E. P. Shilliday
W. H. Kennedy Edward Stahl
D F. Parker
Another Convention has been added to the history of our ARBA. I believe it will be remembered as one of the best. Several things made it such a success.
Our New York hosts had everything well planned. The exhibits were well displayed and well cared for. Our meeting rooms were plentiful, cheerful and well heated for the comfort of our members. I heard several remarks that expressed satisfaction with everything, including the food.
To all our New York friends we tip our hats and say, “Thanks for taking such good care of us”.
The animals on display were of excellent quality, with some breeds having many outstanding specimens.
Everywhere, in the show room and in the business sessions of our Association, there was a wonderful spirit of goodwill and harmony. No one needed to get up and plead for harmony. We have it already! When our members have a chance to participate in all the affairs of the ARBA as they have now — we can expect the fine spirit that we saw displayed in Syracuse.
It made me feel mighty good to hear Secretary Blyth report to the Board that the past year was the best one since he became Secretary twenty-one years ago. When Treasurer Murray reported he said he received the largest check during the past year from
the Secretary that he had received in his years as Treasurer. That means we are going forward. I hope our members remember this when they read or hear someone say that our ARBA is slipping. The record shows that we are going ahead. We have had a net gain of 525 members since I took office. We shall continue our fine Bulletin in 1968. A special Handbook will be provided all Local Clubs and State Representatives. We have voted to permit any club holding a show to pick “Best in the Show” if they so desire. This permit is good until Oct. 6, 1968. I hope you will report the results if you do choose to pick “Best in Show”. Our Board will review this matter at the next Convention meeting. We also decided to hold District Judge’s Conferences so our Judges will have the chance to attend such Conferences more frequently than in the past. The ARBA Director in charge of your District will be responsible for such Conferences. Write to him if you would like to hold such a conference in your area.
I congratulate the members of the New Zealand Federation for their decision to pick Best of Breed. This was long over due. When I asked Vice-President Reynolds to work with the Specialty Clubs, I knew he could get the job done. This decision by the New Zealand breeders is part of the success he has had. Gradually we see more uniformity in the operation of our Specialty Clubs.
We need more action from our State Representatives and from our Local Club Agents. Many of our Local Clubs seem to be asleep. They can’t seem to understand that to make the ARBA stronger, they will have to show some zeal in doing the work of the ARBA. When the members in Local Clubs understand clearly that we expect them to participate in our Nation-Wide program — then we will have many more good things to report.
Next year we shall meet.with the Colorado breeders as our hosts for the Forty-Fifth Convention in Pueblo. October 7-10. Earl Hord is the General Chairman. His explanation of what Colorado had to offer was the most thorough of any bid ever presented to our Board members.
We have been promised a new 1968 YEARBOOK early in January. Be sure to renew your membership soon.
As we approach the Holiday Season, may you do so in the Spirit of Jesus the Christ whose birth we commemorate.
Wayne Willmann — President
Page Two
Dear Secretaries:
Enclosed please find your charter renewal form. All charter renewals must come in on this form accompanied with:
a. Renewal fees, $5.00; New Charters, $10.00.
b. Plus $1.00 for each non-member of the American Rabbit Breeders Ass’n who is a member of your association.
c. A copy of your Constitution and By-Laws must accompany your charter renewal.
d. The enclosed form must be completed in every detail.
Also, you must have:
a. All your officers members of the ARBA.
b. Must have at least 5 members of your association as members of the ARBA. These 5 members can be included in your officers.
c. On the reverse side of this form, please give us a complete list of your membership. This is required.
d. Also, please remember — give your ZIP CODE NUMBERS as we must have these for mailing.
Please give this charter renewal form your prompt attention because in the near future a year book will be going to press which we hope to list all affiliated associations and give their Secretary’s names and addresses. Aside from this, the charter must be renewed in 60 days or it will be cancelled and a new charter fee will have to be paid and a new process gone through to renew the charter.
I hope you as Secretary will bring this important matter before your association and have action taken on it at once.
Wishing you and your association a most Happy and Prosperous New Year, I am
Yours truly,
James Blyth, Secretary
The American Rabbit Breeders Association is planning a new handbook which will be very valuable to all local associations. This will be given Free to all locals that renew their charter on or before January 20, 1968. Those not renewing by this date and are desirous of this handbook, will have to pay the cost of getting this book out which is approximately $1.00 each.
1. New Zealand Walter Voss, Ind. 122
2. Marvin Carley, Vt. ... 122
3. Robert T. Byrne, Ind 63
4. Andres Rodriguez, Texas 62
5. Frank Westley, Pa ... 60
6. Marvin L. Cummings, Fla. .. 53
7. Harold Drudge, Ind. 52
8. Lewis Bowers, 111. 52
9. Wm. T. Robinson, 111 51
10. Walter Duby, Mass. 41
11. Curtis Himmelburger, Pa. 38
12. Jack Ellis, Mich. 38
13. Harold A. Johnson, Mich. 36
1. Californian Harry Fisher, Mo. 70
2. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 47
3. Oren Reynolds, 111. 32
4. Hugh Betts, Tenn. 31
5. Harold Drudge, Ind. 28
6. Tom Whiteaker, Texas 24
7. H. M. Spence, Texas 23
8. John Hoblitzell, Fla. 21
9. Lawrence Stingley, Wash. .... 15
10. Fidelis Clem Steinhoff, Wis. 15
11. O. W. Williams, Wash. 14
12. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 14
1. Silver Marten Lewis Bowers, 111. 46
2. Joe Eve, Tenn. 28
3. John Buehler, 111. 19
4. Floyd Shuck, Ohio 15
5. E. W. Storey, La. 14
6. O. W. Williams, Wash 12
7. E. O. Wolff, Texas 7
8. Robert T. Byrne, Ind. 6
9. A1 Brucker, Pa. 4
10. Harry Coles, Mo. 3
1. Satins Marvin Cummings, Fla. 48
2. Pete Naylor, Kansas 47
3. Wm. T. Robinson, 111. 18
4. W. F. Gilbert, Calif. 16
5. Lewis Bowers, 111. 16
6. R. S. Satterwhite, Ariz. 12
7. Joseph Laura, Mass. 11
8. Donald Covey, 111. 9
9. Don Smith, N.Y. 8
10. Robert Berry, Texas 7
1. General Lewis Bowers, 111 .. 155
2. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 146
3. Marvin Carley, Vt. 141
4. Walter Voss, Ind. 135
5. Andrew Rodriguez, Tex. . 103
6. W. T. Robinson, 111 94
7. Harold Drudge, Ind 91
8. Robert T. Byrne, Ind. 84
9. Joe Eve, Tenn. 74
10. Oren R. Reynolds, 111 72
11. Harry Fisher, Mo. 72
Page Three
Above are three smiling ladies who are selling “license plates” to advertise the growing rabbit market in Arkansas: Mrs. Lorene Luster, Bates-ville, Billie Solida, Bald Knob and Mrs. Geraldine Jennings, Harrisburg.
It was hard to get an accurate count at the Rabbit Club meeting Saturday night, with everybody milling about. The last count I got was 45, and I think that was fairly accurate, because when it came time to eat that pot-luck dinner, everybody was crammed in Mrs. Watkins kitchen like sardines. But one thing about it, there was plenty of food to go around and quite a bit left over.
Well, we got enough people stirred up about the price on rabbit feed last month, and I think we may be getting someplace. One of our members, Robert Kusher from Sulphur Rock, has worked out his own feed formula, and it is being made at North Little Rock by the Cooperative Mill Inc. This feed can be bought at Batesville, however it is still in the experimental stage. Some of our members are going to use this feed on a trial basis. They will start their rabbits out on it by mixing it with their regular feed and gradually increase Roberts feed, until their herd is used to it. We are very proud of Robert and we hope this feed works out
All you folks who are planning on going to the Livestock Show this fall, be sure to go through and see some of our fine rabbits produced in Arkansas this year.
Our meeting next month will be held in the home of Pearl Henderson, Beebe, says Mrs. V. Solida, publicity chairman.
The World Grows Hungrier
Continued from Page 1
could adapt themselves to the climate, the available feed stuffs, the environment or whatever the problem, if the start is but made. And made with the help of experienced rabbit breeders of America showing the way with actual help on the spot. Don’t just send the rabbits to an underdeveloped area or country. But send the rabbits and send the rabbit breeders with the know-how. Breeders that are willing to come to grips with the insidious problem of world starvation.
Ultimately, however, the International Science and Technology magazine article warns, no amount of short-range agriculture expansion will head off catastrophe unless it is coupled with long-range population control.
J. Cyril Lowit ..... District 1
Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada.
Fred Applegate District 2
Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico.
Claude Bennett District 3
North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa.
Edward Stalil ...............District 4
Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri.
Everett Shilliday District 5
Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio.
Dick Parker ............ District 6
Kentucky, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida.
W. H. Kennedy District 7
Pennsylvania, W. Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, District of Columbia.
Vern Ashton District 8
New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Mass., Rhode Island, Connecticut.
Any of our members who have problems, questions, suggestions, or seek information, please write to the Director who is in charge of your State. This will take a big load off the Sec. Mr. Blyth, and will also help our Directors to serve our members better. If you do not get satisfaction from your Director, then I welcome your letter so I can help if it is necessary. I hope several States that have been inactive will show some new life during the coming year.
Wayne Willmann, President
Page Four
First Quarter Report —July 1, 1967 to September 30, 1967
National Advertising $6,374.16 $6,500.00
Rabbit Magazine Advertising 479.10 490.00
Postage 2,623.02 3,000.00
Insurance 35.00 50.00
Telephone 935.80 950.00
Repairs on Property ... 6,711.59 300.00
Printing (including new Guide Book) 2,487.89 7,000.00
Office Supplies 2,043.47 2,000.00
Combination Memberships and Commissions 1,313.02 1,350.00
Taxes on Pittsburgh Property 499.49 530.00
Pennsylvania Wage Tax 612.32 625.00
Social Security Tax 1,659.08 1,700.00
Bulletins (6) 4,450.65 4.500.00
Office Equipment & Service Policy 948.99 400.00
Year Book None 2,500.00
Booklet Publications 750.00 1,700.00
Express & Freight 35.22 35.00
Secretary’s Salary 6,800.04 6,900.00
Office Salaries 4,927.87 5,000.00
Attorneys & Auditors 250.00 300.00
Ribbons & Trophies 915.12 1,800.00
Officers Expenses 2,589.49 2,500.00
Utilities - 719.33 700.00
Election $ None $ 50.00
Commercial 50.00 50.00
Washington 10.00 50.00
Publicity 320.00 500.00
Youth None 50.00
Pi'e^idont 8.24 25.00
241.68 250.00
.. None 200.00
$48,790.57 $51,014.50
Our income in 1967 was $51,403.12.
Ellis W. Murray
Page Five
Calendar Year 1968
Receipts Membership Dues Combination Dues . $4,307.84 156.25 Disbursements Secretary Salary Office Salaries .. $1,700.01 1,148.00
Sanctions Badges Grand Champions Charters Judges Books Judges License Registration Blanks Supplies . 195.50 151.54 154.00 107.00 15.00 20.00 1,242.50 65.10 Office Supplies & Exp. Telephone Bank Charges Accounting NSF Checks .. 161.10 233.26 56.01 240.00 55.70
Bldg. Maint. & Expense . Payroll Taxes — Ded. from Empls. Payroll Taxes — Assoc. Share Refunds ... Registrar & Judges Exam. Fees Postage Sales Tax Remitted to Treasurer ... 86.29
Transfers . 9.25 394.48
Standards 199.20
Booklets 1,113.27 171.79 14.50 38.75 750.00 6.35 5,605.06
Payroll Taxes — Ded. from Emps. Misc. & Adv. 394.48 2,238.58
Pedigree Books Registrar’s Licenses ... Rabbitries Accounts Receivable . 168.79 87.00 16.00 20.00
Total Receipts $10,661.30 Total Disbursements $10,661.30
KIRK R. MOORE Texas State Rabbit Breeder of the Year
A surprised and deweyed Kirk R. Moore stepped up to (receive the highest honor our Association can give to a rabbit raiser. This was the Breeder of the Year Award presented by the T.R.B.A. yearly. Presenting this award was the winner of last years honor, Clyde Jones, he too had a catch in his voice. Over 100 who attended the banquet, witnessed the presentation and gave forth with a rousing round of applause and congratulations.
Nationally, show enthusiasts or long time rabbit breeders know Kirk Moore. He first started raising rabbits in 1927 and has been doing a dam good job of it ever since. He and hjs
wife, Irene, have made Wichita Falls their home for a number of years.
He has raised New Zealand Whites, Reds, Californians, Dutch and several other breeds. Not only has he shown and won his share of the prizes, but he also is one of the top producers on the commercial end of the business too.
Kirk Moore has been an ARBA judge and registrar for 15 years and is still going strong. His judging experiences have covered the surrounding states and some assignments even more distant. Not only does he assist adults in getting started, he also has the youngsters who are trying to get started.
So to you, Kirk R. Moore, we say Congratulations in a great big way.
Number Breed B.O.B. B.O.S.
5 American While & Blues Holden Lutz, New Jersey Joe Lutz, New Jersey
31 American Chins Everett Johnson, Illinois Robert J. Gebhart, Indiana
16 Giant Chins Jennie J. Smith, Ohio Mel Behrens, New York
25 Standard Chins Earl Hord, Colorado Holden Lutz, New Jersey
57 Angoras Mrs. L. P. Meyers, Canada Mrs. Margaret Burdick, New York
12 Belgian Hares Harold Treathaway, Penna. Harold Treathaway, Penna.
4 Beverens . . Ernest Vogwill, Illinois Ernest Vogwill, Illinois
158 Californians Larry Granneman, Ohio Charles Haaf, Ohio
60 Champagnes . ..Rudolph Hershey, Penna. Oren Reynolds, Illinois
153 Checkered Giants .Joe Gognat, Kentucky David Ross, Ohio
22 Creme D'Argent William F. McKee, Illinois William F. McKee, Illinois
345 Dutch .Alan Miller, Indiana Stan Goeglin, Indiana
85 English Spots .Richard L. Smith, New York .. Richard L. Smith, New York
114 Flemish Giants . Peter DeSalvo, New York Andrews Circle A Rabbitry, Ohio
27 Florida Whites .C. W. Everett, Ohio C. W. Everett, Ohio
5 Harlequins ..Richard E. Frank, Penna. Ruth Strunk, Wisconsin
30 Havanas Walter Botamer, Ohio ... Lee Owen Stamm, Illinois
1 1 Himalayans Francis P. Riffle, Ohio . . Francis P. Riffle, Ohio
14 Lilacs .. Bernice Bloomquist, Illinois . .. Floyd Tobias, Penna
1 Lop . Bruce Huber, New York
58 Palominos Dorothy Newport, Iowa Dorothy Newport, Iowa
143 Polish Bill Summers, Colorado Frank Pandina, New York
154 Rex . ...Cuozzo-Noble Associates Leon and Joan Wallace, Ohio
377 Satins .Pete Naylor, Illinois Lou Slavens, Illinois
1 Silver Earl Hord, Colorado
12 Silver Fox .Marty Fitzpatrick, New York Marty Fitzpatrick, New York
138 Silver Martens Dr. T. H. Roberson, Tenn. Art Micklei, New York
61 Tans .Bishops Bunny Haven, Mich. Jack's Bunnies, Ohio
311 White New Zealands William Schaeffer, Conn George Johnson, Ohio
181 Red New Zealands Harold Drudge, Indiana Harold Drudge, Indiana
78 Black New Zealands H. T. Vreeland, New York Robert J. Gebhart, Indiana
149 American Cavies .Jeri Price, New York
26 Peruvian Cavies ...Ron Klemmenson, Illinois
15 Abyssinian Cavies Ron Klemmenson, Illinois .
40 Colored Satin Fur .Lou Slavens, Illinois
24 White Satin Fur Pete Naylor, Illinois
20 Normal White B & Z Rabbitry, Indiana
26 Normal Colored Everett Johnson, Illinois
English Angora . K & K Rabbitry, Indiana
French Angora Lawrence Farley, Washington
White Rex Fur J. J. Stankus, Ohio
Colored Rex Fur Jock 8< Elva Ingels, Illinois
Best Medium Meat Pen ... Harold Peters, Wisconsin
Largest Entry of Show was Lou Slavens
Page Six
Bill Molen, editor announced on pages 10 and 11 of the September-October ARBA Bulletin a new feature — Nationwide Club Notes. The response has been excellent, Nationwide Club Notes, seems to be just what you the local, state and national clubs have always wanted. A place to offer your programs, your ideas, and also a place to seek out other plans and ideas of distant clubs. Individuals too have certainly kept the flow of important material coming in, to Editor Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
We again extend our appeal, send in your material and 'photos.
The original announcement contained the following notation— “What’ll you have?” It’s up to you, your publicity director, your club. What would you like to read, to have appear, on this page Nationwide — Club Notes each issue of ARBA Bulletin?
American Chinchilla Club 1968 Outlook
Pamela Gebhart, Fort Wayne, Indiana — Editor of the ‘Chin News’ has excellent lead article in the volume 10, Issue 1 edition. “HELLO! ! Chin Neighbors, the 1967 Convention has come and gone with new ideas and problems to think about, and to share with each other as Chin business. We have new officers, a new Guide Manual in the process of being printed. And plans in the making for next years Convention to be held in Pueblo, Colorado. A New Year, and we must try to make this year Bigger and Better, as far as The American Chinchilla R.B.A, is concerned. Decide for yourself that you will help with Club affairs, Support the Chin News with ads, articles. Patronize more Chinchilla Shows, show the Association that you will be with it All The Way, only through United Effort, will become a truly Great Club. Your officers, directors, and Chin News are all here to serve you and help you out. We Need You To Make This Year The
Club Notes
Best. Please, be free with your help and assistance.” Frank Becicka, director of the American Chinchilla Club gave a report of a fine club effort — a raffle for purpose of raising cash.
Total raffle ticket sales Expenses $286.00
Tickets & Postage $11.70
U.S. Savings Bond 37.50
Transistor Radio 18.86
Postage .95
TOTAL EXPENSE $89.01 $ 89.01
Timely News From Wisconsin State Bulletin
Ruth Strunk, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin — Editor of the Wisconsin State Bulletin offers some very timely information in the October issue — “Starting with the November issue, please, have all material for printing in my hands by the 2nd of the month. This way I can put the Bulletin out earlier. SHY? — I have been informed by the Post Office that if I can get the Bulletin in the mail on or before the 10th of each month — You Will Receive It Earlier and with better service. Why You Ask? Because after the 10th all magazines and some flyer catalogs do come into the Post Office for delivery and this creates a delay in delivery of our Bulletin.”
Editor Ruth Strunk, writes — “At coming shows in 1968, if you are approached to support your breed or breeds — don’t grumble. In 1968 let's show the public we are behind the rabbit industry all the way — raising rabbits, showing rabbits, and most of all promoting our breeds for better interest and the challenge to raise good rabbits for all to see, whether current rabbit breeders or prospective rabbit breeders.” Porter Powers, Laguna Beach, California, Editor and secretary of The Californian Rabbit Specialty Club forwards his outstanding Californian Bulletin with regularity and it is indeed one of the Top Bulletins. Editor-Secretary Powers, has been ailing and in the hospital for quite a long period but is back in harness again as attested to by his attendance and work at the ARBA Syracuse Convention. Our January-Feb-ruary ARBA Bulletin will carry two excellent articles from the Californian Bulletin by members Mrs. George J. Famham, Santa Fe, New Mexico and
Page Seven
Patrick Yasenak, Missoula, Montana. One article is on Rabbit Rustlers and the other an excellent winning speech presented to the Future Farmers of America speech contest.
INLAND EMPIRE RBA NEWS Spokane, Washington
Editor Grace Haugfh, Spokane, Washington is certainly another in a long line of top flight editors of the monthly Inland Empire RBA Bulletin. Month in and month out the facts are presented in their 12 page Bulletins. The Spokane folks and editor seem to posses a special knack for getting the timely, topical type material of substance in each issue. Currently, they are featuring a serial type article “The Meaning of the American” by Cyril Lowit. We plan on using this fine article in the new ARBA GUIDE BOOK.
Commercial Rabbit Breeders of Texas Amarillo Chapter
Mr. Charles McGuire, 1410 Green St., Quanah, Texas forwarded an article from the October 19, 1967 issue of The Quanah Tribune-Chief newspaper, which I feel was the finest boost to the rabbit industry that I received in all of 1967. We do receive 100’s of newspaper clippings during the year and all are fine boosts but this one was tops. I am sure Mr. McGuire or other of our rabbit industry boosters of Texas will afford help to one and all. The article gave facts not promises or fiction and they backed their report up by stating if any additional information was desired to get this new and high potential industry off the ground to contact Mr. Amos Page of the Quanah Industrial Foundation; the publisher of the Quanah Tribune-Chief; or Mr. Hood Wills — each are more than willing to help. The article says — “Right now Rogers, Arkansas and Houston, Texas are the nearest processing plants. The commercial rabbit busi-iness in this area could be where the chicken and turkey business was 10 years ago in East Texas. There is going to be an area in this country that devoted effort to this (rabbit) mon<jy crop. Why Not Here. This is an operation that would also be eligible for a Small Business Administration Loan. So we will try to help there too.” This Commercial Meeting was held at Lubbock, Texas.
R.C. Commercial Club of Arkansas
Mrs. V. Solida, Bald Knob, Arkansas publicity chairman of this very wide-
awake club sends in monthly news of their activity and they are Active. The Bald Knob Banner gives them monthly news coverage complete with photographs. The October meeting found 56 rabbit breeders present. Representatives of two feed companies presented a program. Their November meeting will be held at the First National Bank, Batesville, Arkansas. In a separate section of this issue of ARBA Bulletin you will find a photo and ar tide from the Bald Knob Banner.
Santa Clara California Club
The Rabbit Producers of Santa Clara Valley are certainly an aggressive live-wire dub. Edward M. Sea-cord, editor of their excellent Bulletin included the following in a recent issue: “Our club received a very nice letter from Mr. George Dewey, the 4-H Farm Advisor, thanking us for our support of the Santa Clara County 4-H Club program. The letter represents an expression of the best wishes from 1,480 4-H club members and 485 club leaders.” The Santa Clara Club followed this up with a very educational meeting — “Mr. Noel Benger, field representative of the Ralston-Purina Company, presented the Purina slide projections, with audio commentary, on rabbit care and management. Mr. Beneger, presented a short talk before the presentation of the slide series.”
Satin Club & News Bulletin Promotes Internationally
Dear Editor-Mrs. Naylor,
I would like to say thank you for the Satin News Bulletins that you mail to me. I look forward to the receipt of each fine issue. I think it is really something and I appreciate only too well the hard work you put into this publication. The Satin News Bulletins make fine reading and they are a credit to you and your club, you are doing a fine job.
I have also enclosed a little item of news from over here, if you think it good enough to use, I hope you will. I will be sending the Specials on to Secretary Fitchom very shortly — in time for the show. You have a great club and a good friendly lot of members. I am proud to be one of you and that I can play a small part in promoting the Satin Rabbit here in England, and keep a small link between ourselves, your country and Holland.
Best Wishes — Kindest Regards,
Jim Dexter
Loughborough Leics, England
Page Eight
Dr. T. L. Roberson, Jr., president of Silver Marten Rabbit Club, receives official proclamation of “Rabbit Week in Tennessee” from Tennessee Governor Buford Ellington.
The election committee has counted the votes for the ARBA Directors and found them to be as follows:
W. H. Kennedy, Pennsylvania 1418
Dick F. Parker, Alabama .........1659
Edward T. Toebbe, Kentucky 1181 Ivan R. “Jake” Holmes, Illinois 1214 Fred R. Applegate, Illinois . 1378
Everett P. Shilliday, Ohio 1382
Valid votes cast 2262
Invalid votes cast 21
Henry M. Sagarsee, Chairman; Anna Nowak; Karl F. Schmidt; Irma Smithwick; Thomas McDaniel, Alternate; John Nowak, Alternate.
The old year 1967 has been a very eventful year for ARBA. Regional Judges Conferences have been approved and recommended by the ARBA Board to begin with the New Year 1968. This is certainly a bold and dramatic step forward. Best In Show Award has been authorized on a one year testing basis and already the benefits of this step are evident. The
Cleveland Press in their issue of November 11th carried a very impressive half page 2 column news release replete with photograph. The South Euclid Rabbit Club show at Berea, Ohio, November 5th had 761 rabbits entered. Judges Horace Curtis, Bobby Byrne, Glenn Carr and Ed Beamer were the officiants. The field was narrowed to 4 rabbits in the final consideration of selection of Best Rabbit In Show — A New Zealand White; a Tan: a Dutch and a Rex. The winner a Black Dutch owned by Harry Rice, Portsmouth, Ohio. We will carry a full report on this monumental event in the Jan.-Feb. Bulletin.
There were over 60 entrants in the National Rabbit Week promotional contest 1967. Eleven finalists of the absolute finest competition were eventually selected from which the 3 Champion Promoter Trophy Awards winners were then chosen. The Del-phos Ohio Club, the Golden West (Calif.) Club and the Silver Marten Rabbit Club were the winners. David Hughes, Sikeston, Mo. was judged champion individual promoter in 1967. Hughes, secured official proclamations from Governor Hearnes (Mo.), Governor Rockerfeller (Ark.) as well as
Page Nine
hundreds of column inches of publicity in 3-state area newspapers. Dr. Roberson was successful in securing proclamation from Governor Ellington (Tenn.) and Bill Molen, publicity director secured proclamation from Governor Docking (Kan.) and had rabbit princesses Elaine Newport (Iowa) and Peggy Molen (Kan.) present for a photographing session in the governor’s executive suite.
Colorado will host the 1968 ARBA Convention, tentative dates October 7-10, 1968 at Pueblo, Colorado. Earl Hord, general chairman has promised complete monthly news release.
Preliminary bids for 1969, 1970 ARr BA Convention-Show were presented at Syracuse by Calgary, Alberta Canada and New Orleans, Louisiana. There is also considerable stimulation in the Spokane, Washington and New England areas.
The new 1968 Registration Contests are in full swing and off in high gear. The current leaders in the General Registration Contest are Eugene Henry, (Connecticut) with 29 and Duane Shrader (Nebraska) with 23.
Winners in the 1967 Registration Contests:
1. General Contest Lewis Bowers (Illinois) 155
2. Marvin Cummings (Florida) ... 146
3. Marvin Carley (Vermont) 141
1. New Zealand Walter Voss (Indiana) 122
1. Marvin Carley (Vermont) 122
1. Satin Contest Marvin Cummings (Florida) 48
2. Pete Naylor (Kansas) 47
1. Silver Marten Lewis Bowers (Illinois) 46
2. Joe Eve (Tennessee) 28
The Colorado Rabbit News, the Kansas State News, the Texas News Bulletin, the Inland Empire News were the source of some fine articles in this ARBA Bulletin. Jan Mudra and G. R. Barnes article from Colorado. Rabbit Tests on Products for Human Use from Kansas News. Kirk Moore-Texas State Rabbit Breeder of The Year. Tom Winters, Jardine, Montana at the gateway to Yellowstone Park has another of his very excellent articles in the Inland Empire News which we borrowed. By all means get your Charter Renewal in to Jim Blyth by January 20, 1968 and receive FREE, the new ARBA HANDBOOK, compiled by Ev Shillidav. Charter renewals after January 20th will not receive the book FREE — there will be a charge of $1.00. This is a very valuable
book for the club and members. Billy T e r h u n e, Bethelridge, Kentucky Grand Champion English, Kentucky Fancy Queen, Registration 6976X, Grand Champion C77 was inadvertently omitted from the last published report and we are happy to correct this error. Next Bulletin will carry a complete listing of Grand Champions since last publication. The 1968 ARBA Year Book is being printed at this time. The ARBA Guide Book is set to type and proof reading is being completed.
Dean Miesner, secretary Poudre Valley Rabbit Club (Colorado) performing one of his regular duties, a demonstration at a club meeting.
In an air-conditioned converted New York dance hall, a rabbit lives splendidly with green-rimmed eye and multicolored stripes down the back. Thousands of women can now change their hair color as easily as they do their minds because of this rabbit.
This rabbit, one of 500, also 7,000 pink-eyed albino rats, several thousand pigs and many tough and disagreeable Indian monkeys is used by the Food and Drug Research laboratories in Maspeth, Queens for testing.
These animals lives are carefully regulated. The diets, weight charts progress are carefully supervised and reports are checked around the clock. The operations are punch-carded and more than 500,000 cards are tabulated a year. From these reports food and
Page Ten
beauty products are approved, or rejected.
Each serve their own special purpose. While some tests are made on a single type of animal, many are made on several. For instance the rabbit has a skin, hair and eye sensitivity similar to humans, so it is used for testing such products as hair dyes, nail polish and mascara.
In testing hair dye, some is applied each day for a month, with time for week-end rests. Some of the dye is applied directly into the rabbit’s eye, which causes the colored rim. This is done because women may accidentally get some of the color in their eyes. Mascara is tested similarly and nail polish is applied directly to the shaved skin of the rabbit.
In testing lipstick, it is not only applied to the skin, but is fed to mice and dogs, because humans ‘eat’ it, both men and women.
Recently a red coloring agent was prohibited for use except in maras-ohino cherries, ar a result of a similar test. Soaps and hair sprays, and other cosmetic components are tested on guinea pigs for allergy potential corresponds closely to humans.
The digestive svstems of rats are valuable, because 65 years in a man’s life is about the same as 2 years in a rat’s.
Tests are made on food wrappings and household chemicals. Plastic food wrappings for cheese and wieners and such items are tested to determine their effect on the food. Tests are even made to see results if a child should accidentally eat some of the wrapping.
Additives for improving color, retarding rancidity, laquer for inside of cans, household detergents, polishes, waxes and sprays all are analysed and tested for any possible degree of hazard.
The Queens concern is the oldest in the country, functions as a referee on many products. The staff consists of 72 scientists, and give advice and tests in all areas “to demonstrate the safe levels of usability and the avoidance of clients accidentally producing and selling products that may have unsafe usage’’.
Jan Mudra
We’ve often heard the saying in the past few months that “good guys wear white hats.” Also, within the last few months, several cases are pointing up that some breeders have traded their white hats for black ones.
This writer has heard of two specific occasions in which people have purchased rabbits from breeders only to discover a very short time later (in one case, only a week) that the purchased rabbit had cow hocks, crooked legs, etc. Upon relaying this information to the breeder, it was discovered that the seller would not refund the buyer’s money or supply a different animal.
In some instances, the fate of a sold rabbit should not be the responsibility of the breeder. For example, if a rabbit is returned to a breeder starving, of course this is not a case where the breeder should make an exchange. Rather, a suggestion of feeding the rabbit may be warranted. A rabbit returned with the complaint that it is always scratching its ears cannot promote an exchange if it was healthy when sold and has developed ear canker through improper care.
But, when a rabbit is returned with a crooked leg or cow hocks, it should be the duty of the breeder to investigate the case. Of course, it is often Impossible to tell these faults when the rabbit is very young. But, in several cases, these faults are the results of breeding individuals with these characteristics. Just as you would not want to keep a rabbit for breeding or show that possesses these faults, why should any breeder expect his customers to keep them?
Many crooked legs and cow hocks are the results of injuries. If a young bunny is placed on a hard wood floor too soon, his legs may not be strong enough to support his weight and he could become cow hocked. A dropping or falling injury could also cause a crooked leg.
Every breeder should, when selling a young animal, caution the buyer about the above instances. This warning could eliminate some cases of this prospective problem.
As stated earlier, however, these characteristics are often passed on by the parents. If a breeder possesses no animals with these faults, and takes proper care of the young, there is no reason to find animals with these faults in the herd. If a breeder, however, persists in keeping and breeding animals with cow hocks or crooked legs, he’s asking for trouble. Selling stock from these animals is a good way to lower public faith in these rabbitries.
Let’s get your white hats back on. If you have received a complaint about stock you have sold, investigate the problem and try to solve it rather than brushing, dt off. Wouldn’t you want the same courtesy?
Page Eleven
New (1968) Registration Contest as of October 31, 1967
New Zealand
1. Eugene Henry, Conn. 29
2. Henry Sagarsee, Mi»h. 21
3. G. S. Davis, Iowa 14
4. C. A. Wade, Ark. 12
5. R. C. Schwab, N. Mex. 11
6. Richard Kuehnle, N.Y. 8
7. Samuel Pugh, Ind. 7
8. Walter Voss, Ind. 7
9. Carl Persails, Mich. 6
1. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 23
2. C. A. Wade, Ark. ll
3. Kyle Cunningham, Ind. 10
4. Hugh J. Betts, Tenn. 9
5. F. Clem Steinhoff, Wise. 8
6. R. C. Schwab, N. Mex. 5
8. Don Smith, N.Y. 2
1. Pete Naylor, Kan. 5
2. Joe Eve, Tenn..................4
3. Heinz Hoffman, Calif...........1
1. Eugene Henry, Conn. 29
2. Duane Shrader, Nebr. 23
3. R. C. Schwab, N. Mex. 16
4. G. S. Davis, Iowa 15
5. Joe Eve, Tenn................ 13
6. Don Reid, 111.................12
7. Samuel Pugh, Ind. ............11
8. Robert H. Bell, Okla. 10
9. Kyle Cunningham, Ind. .10
10. Hugh Betts, Tenn. 9
11. Carl Persails, Mich. 9
Membership Contest as of October 31, 1967
1. Edward H. Stahl, Mo. 40
2. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif. 39
3. Melvin E. Behrens, N.Y. 20
4. Mark Youngs, Wash. 19
5. F. R. Applegate, 111. 13
6. Tommy Andrew, Pa. 11
7. B. W. Smith, Mo. 10
8. W. A. DeGraff, N.Y. 9
9. Marvin Carley, Vt. 8
1. American Satin R.B. Ass’n. 12
2. So. Florida R.B. Ass’n. 8
3. American Cavy Club 8
4. Meramec Valley
R.B. Ass’n., Mo. 5
5. Badger R.B. Ass’n., Wise. 5
6. Lawrence Co.
R.B. Ass’n., Tenn. 4
7. Finger Lakes
R.B. Ass’n., N.Y. .......... 3
8. Peoria Area R.B. Ass’n., 111. 3
9. Cattaraugus Co.
R.B. Assn’., N.Y. 3
10. Inland Empire
R.B. Ass’n., Wash. 3
Page Twelve
Mid Florida RBA, Meriam E. Hill, 740 E. Woodward Ave., Deland, Fla. Dec. 1-3
Californian Rabbit Spec. Club, W D. Parsons, 4000 Beverly Dr., Waco, Texas Dec. 2
Missouri State RBA, Gene Loveland, 609 Coronado, lee's Summit, Mo. Dec. 2-3
Cactus RBA, Dorothy Dunbar, R 9, Box 488 E, Tucson, Ariz. Dec. 3
St. Clair Co. RBC ,Melvin Wetzbacher, 449 So. Railway, Mascoutah, III. Dec. 3
Beehive RBA, Mrs. Rhea Elkins, R 1, Box 439, Provo, Utah Dec. 3
Satin RB of Calif., Geo. B. Sutherland, 16041 Hayland St., Valinda, Calif. Dec. 10
Calif. Rabbit Club of Calif., Geo. B. Sutherland,
15041 Hayland St., Valinda, Calif. Dec. 10
Riverside Co. RBA, Mrs. Bea Schott, 630 Main St., Riverside, Calif. Jan. 14-1968
Texas Panhandle RBA, Mrs. W. E. Hill, 1608 N.
Manhattan, Amarillo, Tex. Jan. 19-24
Gulf Coast RBA, Robert E. Mosher, P.O. Box 52,
Parris, Fla. Jan. 22-27
Southwestern Expo & Fat Stock Show, W. R. Watt, Amarillo, Texas Jan. 26-Feb. 4
Springfield R & CBA, Roger C. Miller, P.O. Box 162, Sabina, Ohio Jan. 27-28
Western III RB, M. Brewer, RR Box 26 A, Sherrard, III. Jan. 28
South Fla RBA, Mrs. Mulie Anderson, R 2, Box 1092, Tampa, Fla. Feb. 6-17
Houston Fat Stock Show, Ruth Teasdale, 1113 East Davis St., Conroe, Tex. Feb. 21-25
Peoria Area RBA, Helen Miller, Maquon, III. Feb. 25 Shelby Co. RBA, Judy Calloway, R 2, Sidncv, Ohio Feb. 25
Central Fla. RBA, Mrs. Doris Partridge, R 1, Box 79, Sorrento, Fla. Feb. 27-Mar. 2
Delphos R&FBA, Don Long, 317 So. Canal St..
Delphos, Ohio Mar. 9-10
Stark Co. RBA, Mrs. John Ritz, 2950 Harmont Ave., Canton, Ohio Mar. 9-10
Badger RBa, Ruth Strunk, R 2, Box 168. Fort
Atkinson, Wise. Mar. 10
Fort Wayne RBA, Robert J. Gebhart, 2105 Covin-it-m Rd., Fort Wayne, Ind. Mar. 22-24
Pony Express RBA, Marcelene Elliott, 1124 Henry St., St. Joseph, Mo. Mar. 23-24
Fort Wayne RBA, Robert J. Gebhart, 2105 Cov nnton Rd., Fort Wayne, Ind., All Chin. Show Mar. 23
Tibbar RBA, Bob Kahler, Box 11, Custer Pa-k, III.
Mar. 24
Arkon Rabbit Club, M. L. Clevener, 428 Palm Ave.. Akron, Ohio Mar. 30-31
Baltimore Co. R&CBA, Warren J. McNamara. R ?.
Box 36, Reisterstown, Md. Mar. 10, 1968
Michigan State RBA, Mrs. Betty Torrey, 4035 Ja'usnn Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. Mar. 14-16
Texas Panhandle RBA, 814 Florida, Amaril'o, T^xfls
Mar. 30-31
Decatur Area RBA, Wm. McKee, RR 3, Box 8, Decatur, III. Mar. 31
Fairfield Co. RBA, Victor T. Sweetland, 264 Chestnut Hill Ave., Norwalk, Conn. Mar. 31
Little Kanawha Rabbit Club, Mrs. Hubert Jnn"s.
RR 3, Elizabeth, W. Va. April 5-6
Free State RBA, Mina Uebel, R 1, Yeagertown Rd.. Mt. Airy, Md. April 6
Kankakee Valley RB, Mrs. Ethel Bowers, R 1, Man-
teno, III. April-7
Williams Co. RBA, Mrs. Betty Jo Ridgway, RR 2.
West Unity, Ohio April-13-14
Mall City RBA, O. R. Chaney, 3716 Woodhams Dr.,
Kalamazoo, Mich. April 19-20
Lima R&CBA, Dale Place, R 4, Cridersvi lie, Ohio
April 20-21
Lebanon Valley R&CBA, Alfred Fisher, RD 1, B^x 505, Palmyra, Pa. April 21
Grundv Co. RBA, Mrs. Dorothy Johnson, RR ],
Box 30, Mazon, 111. April 21
Ohio State Silver Marten R. Club, Miss Vivian N. Jones, RFD 1, Apples Corners, East Liverpool, Ohio
April 26-27
West Michigan RBA, Mrs. Etola Grommon, 14009
8th Ave., S., Marne, Mich. Aoril 26-27
Van Wert Co. RBA, Jo Ann Lewis, Box 15, Middle
Point, Ohio April 27-28
Tri County RBA, Phil Lohman, 11800 W. Howard Greenfield, Wise. April 28
Inland Empire R.B.A.
Spokane, Washington Dear Secretary Mrs. Haugh,
I was pleased to meet all the good people at your recent Rabbit Show. Mr. Rewey remarked about the cordiality that was extended. I can safely speak for Mr. Rewey and myself and say we enjoyed every minute of it.
We were surprised to see the turnout from Canada. Very nice people, and a credit to the ARBA Rabbit World. I hope we see a lot more of them at future shows. A convention in Calgary, Alberta would certainly benefit ARBA, the Northwest, and our Canadian neighbors and members.
Jim Jessee brought up a point that I agree with all the way. That is entering a rabbit in it’s age class. Actually it would be up to the exhibitor. It’s hard for a judge to tell the age. If a judge were to disqualify a rabbit he thought was over the given age, no doubt he would have an arguement on his hands. It’s odd that a Junior would have toenails that need clipped. Some rabbits never grow out of the Junior class as far as weight is concerned. I guess they could be shown all their lives as Juniors. I feel such things are legal gripes, and a way should be found to correct the situation.
I enjoyed the Banquet at the Red Fox, even if I was accused of being a writer of fiction. Thank Heaven for Mark Youngs. He came to my rescue. Mr. Youngs is to be complimented on his work with the Palomino rabbit. It must of been a long tedious job. The Palomino rabbit is now known through out the world, and is gaining in popularity. We have Palominos, but jvere unable to show them. The does Rill had litters. They produce well, and are good mothers. I will say they need a bit of improvement. They are a new breed the same as the New Zealand Blacks. It is my feeling that some judges cut the Black too severely. It’s a rough road to get a good one. They are due constructive criticism, I will admit, but not to the point that some give them and in a destructive manner.
Burley Rewey is working hard on the Missoula Show. Pat Yasenak has been very helpful. Through the efforts of Mr. Rewey and Pat, the Show at Missoula will be a huge success. I’m sure they will be grateful for all the entrys they can get.
A new situation has arisen through our Gov't, in the form of an Economic Opportunity Loan sponsored by the
Farmers Home Adm. This loan is set up for, and designed to help increase a persons income. It has been asked that the purchaser of breeding stock purchase their stock within their respective State in order to keep shipping charges down. Any of you breeders that are interested should contact the nearest Farmers Home Adm. office within your State to get particulars.
I wish to thank all of you for a very successful show, and hope to see you at Great Falls and Missoula, Mont.
Tom Winters Jardine, Montana
G. R. Barnes
There seems to be little consolation in the belief that the rabbit industry has advanced materially in the last ten to fifteen years. Obviously there could be many contributing factors which do not necessarily show on the surface.
Yes, we and the ARBA have made new innovations in the procedure of better and newer methods in an attempt to keep abreast with the ever increasing developments being advanced in other fields of industry.
Yet with some rabbit operations there seems to be a complacent attitude to grasp these new ideas and put them into operation.
Over the years why have we not, through unity, made it imperative through legislation whereby all processors of rabbits would be obliged to grade all fryers bought for resale whereby there would be an incentive for every rabbit raiser to be competitive in raising better fryers from the standpoint of dressout, consumer acceptance, added pounds per litter weaned and more net profit from the operation.
Over the years many of us have produced and sold thousands of fryers to processors, most of which would dress out far above the average 50% but for which we received the same price per pound as the cull stock received by the processor.
Week after week and year after year such a situation would make the best of operations a near hopeless outlook.
Lambs, hogs, cattle and even poultry are graded at terminal plants yet our rabbit fryers are not graded at a great many plants.
Another consideration is the fact that fryers with colored fur must take
Page Thirteen
a cut of from two to four cents per pound. We all know the approximate prices of colored versus white pelts, so where is the justification on the part of the processor to stifle the producer and seller of colored fryers.
Numerous articles in publications would bear out the fact that a great deal needs to be done among our rabbit producers to pull in the loose ends of our industry and get on an equal footing with other producers of livestock for meat.
Dear Mr. Molen.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the nice writeup you gave Loretta and I in the June-July ARBA Bulletin. We have had quite a little response from that article.
Today we held a meeting here at our home for the purpose of forming a local rabbit breeders club. They didn’t knock down the walls to get in but we do have enough members to get a charter. The next step is to start beating the bushes to find more people who are interested. If at all possible we hope to have a show in Baton Rouge in November.
The new club is to be known as The New Orleans Rabbit Breeders Association. President is Ernest J. Abbott. Vice-President is Edward Story, Rt. 4, Box 118, Baton Rouge, La. 70811. Secretary-Treasurer is Loretta Abbott. Directors are H. J. Merrihue, Rt. 1, Box 1258, Kenner, La. 70062,’ Michael Gennusa, 38 Curtis Drive, N. O. La., and Mrs. Story. Six officers—six members, all chiefs, no Indians, but yesterday we had nothing.
We plan to have our meetings on the third Sunday of the month at 2 P.M. I guess for the present we will hold them here at our home.
We will appreciate another plug in the bulletin in order to let people know that we have a club and that someone is interested in doing something about the rabbit business in Southeast Louisiana. It is going to be very difficult to sell these people on a rabbit club.
I went to Ed Story’s place last week and took my registrar’s examination. At the same time Ed asked me to accept the job of Local Agent for New Orleans area.
I will keep you advised of any further developments in this area.
Yours truly,
The first meeting of the ARBA Board of Drectors was called to order by President Wayne Willmann in the Westerner Room of the Country House Motel in Syracuse, N.Y., October 7, 1967. Those present were: Wayne Willmann, Oren Reynolds, Bill Molen, J. C. Lowit, Vern Ashton, James Blyth,
Ev Shilliday, Ellis Murray, Claude Bennett, Fred Applegate, Ed Toebbe and Director-Elect D. F. Parker at 8:58 A.M. Ed Stahl and W. H. Kennedy were not present. The meeting was opened with a prayer. Roll call was made by the Secretary.
A motion was made by Oren Reynolds that we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the 1966 Convention Board meeting as they were approved as mailed out to the officers. Seconded by
Fred Applegate, motion carried.
Secretary Blyth was asked to give his report. He passed to the members of the Board his yearly report, auditor's report and first quarterly report. He states this was the best year f nancially the
Association has ever had despite the difficulties that were encountered. The ads for the publicity
booklet and guide book helped to make this year better financially. Soliciting ads for different books
at one time is hard to do. The guide book has never been put out on time. A letter from thej
Spodek Realty Co. was read about the appraisal of the ARBA building. *
A motion was made by Fred Applegate, seconded by Ev Shilliday, we accept the Secretary's report with our thanks and deep appreciation for his very fine work. Motion carried.
Treasurer Ellis Murray was asked to give his
report. Since he has been on the road for quite
a while, he submitted a verbal report at this time. Various points of his report were discussed. A motion was made by Fred Applegate, seconded by J. O. Lowit, this report be accepted. Motion Carried.
Repairs to the ARBA building and other repairs to be made were discussed by the Board in detail.
The ARBA Convention Show Rules were presented and commented on. It was stated the 3 booths of the ARBA the ARBA Commercial Department, ARBA Youth Department and the ARBA booth should be together with the ARBA being in the center.
A motion was made that section 3a of the Official Convention Rules be changed and Bill Molen made a motion, seconded by Vern Ashton, that show judges may be expected to talk at the judge's conference of the ARBA National Conventions at future conventions. Motion caried.
Ev Shilliday made a motion, seconded by FreJ Applegate, section 4a the words "galley proof'™ for printed material must be submitted. Motion carried.
Ev Shilliday made a motion paragraph 26, section a "This bid or the bid to be presented at the regular meeting of the Board or be mailed to the Secretary of the ARBA. Seconded by J. C. Lowit, motion carried.
Ed Toebbe made a motion, seconded by Fred Applegate that one sentence be added to Paragraph 17 "Name or names of such registrars shall be published in the convention catalog". Motion carried.
These changes are to be made on the back page of the present Convention Show rules on gummed label and known as amended rules as of October 7, 1967. Bill Molen made this motion, seconded by Fred Applegate, motion carried.
Bill Molen was called upon to give a report of the 1967 National Rabbit Week. This was given in detail. There were 4 trophies to be given by the ARBA for winners who participated, of which there were 67. The top 3 will be given Champion Promoter Trophies and 1 an Individual Champion Promoter Trophy; Delphos Rabbit & Fanciers Breeders
Page Fourteen
Ass'n, Paul Armstrong, President, Don Lonq, Secretary & Publicity; Silver Marten Rabbit Club, Dr. T. H. Roberson, Jr., President, Golden West Rabbit Breeders Ass'n, Sunny Harper, Secretary; and David Hughes received the individual Champion Promoter Trophy. The other 8 finalists were: Inland Empire R. B. Ass'n, Ida Storkson, Secretary; of Washington; Semo Rabbit Club, David Hughes, President, of Missouri; Tri-State Rabbit Club, Mildred Beatty, Publicity Chairman, of Ohio; Meramec Valley R.B. Ass'n, Alice Romanus, Secretary, of Missouri; Cactus R.B. Ass'n, Dorothy Dunbar, Secretary, of Arizona; South Central Missouri R.B. Ass'n, Theoda Nochs, Secretary, of Missouri; Fox River Valley R & C B Ass'n, Sharon Ausloos, Secretary, of Wisconsin; and Van Wert Rabbit Club, Mrs. Kay Martin, Secretary, of Ohio.
Mr. Molen has quite a bit of material left over from the 1967 National Rabbit Week and has requested that we use what is left for the 1968 National Rabbit Week as there is no year on this material and include the same dates for 1968; that is July 16-22, 1968.
Specialty Club Activities report was given by Oren Reynolds. It was felt that it was desirous to have a unified sweepstake rule sanction by the National Specialty Clubs, however, things covered by the various breeds were so different that at khis time it doesn't seem feasible. He went into Betail and indicated he had contacted both the llew Zealand and Havana Federations, informing them that the new ARBA rule for National Conventions, as adopted at the Louisville Convention, was that each breed shown would receive 1 best of breed trophy and one best opposite sex trophy, and in order to win these trophies they would have to pick best of breed and best opposite sex as our present standard listed each as one breed with 2 and 3 varieties. Other points of
interest were discussed in detail. A motion was made by Claude Bennett, seconded by Fred Apple gate, we accept his report and extend to him our thanks and appreciation. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 11:45 A M to be re-
convened at 1.15 P.M.
Meeting reconvened at 1:15 P.M. Those present
were the same as attended the morning session.
Publicity and Bulletin was presented by Bill
Molen. He stated the bulletin in 1967 was coming out on time. Various points of interest
relative to this was commented on. Along with publicity for 1968, he wants to prepare a Fair Packet or a publicity packet to be used at fairs among which would be posters. A motion was made by Ev Shilliday, seconded by Oren Reynolds, we accept this report and thank him for a fine
job on the publicity committee and bulletin. Motion
I Commercial Committee Report. Phil Lohman, Chairman, sent his report to President Wayne Willman in case he was not able to attend the meeting. President Willmann commented on various items and stated that Mr. Lohman would be in later to give a more detailed report. There were many items of the packet which Mr. Lohman is sending
out which did not meet the approval of the Board members as some felt we should have some pro-
motional material of the ARBA in this packet which we do not have at present.
In this commercial set-up, Mr. Ed Stahl had sent a letter which he wanted to have read about the railway express charges. He felt this should be looked into. A letter from Ralph Neumann was read and discussions were held, and it was decided to let this subject rest until we know where we
stand or where they stand.
The Youth Committee, Bill Earl, President, was to send a letter giving a report, also one from
Kay Malott, Secretary. As of this meeting, they were not received.
Advertising Committee. As both Ed Stahl and Bill Kennedy were unable to attend the convention, James Blyth gave the report. Much of this report was in the .ast bulletin.
Standard Committee, the chairman was not present but a more detailed report will be given later on. President Wayne Willmann gave a brief report. He reported the Chairman of this committee Al Meier, wants to take up various items of the Standard with his committee.
Election Committee Report this report was not published in the last ARBA Bulletin, but will be in the next bulletin.
Resolutions Committee, Marvin Langeland, Chairman. These resolutions were published in ths bulletin and will be discussed later on.
Foreign Relations, Roscoe Cuozzo, Chairman. He had sent a letter to Wayne Willmann which was read. Roscoe Cuozzo has extended an invitation to Claude Dobbins of the U S. Dept, of Agriculture to attend the convention. There are many letters being received which are not in English, and names of people who can translate these letters were presented and will be turned over to Roscoe Cuozzo.
The bulletin for 1968 was discussed. Various phases were presented by Bill Molen also the Board was advised of bids from different printers. After much discussion, Mr. Molen recommended we have the bulletin printed in 1968 by Mr. Schuhmann without advertising. A motion was made by Oren Reynolds, seconded by Fred Applegate, we repeat last year's format and recommend to the committee who takes the bids that it be awarded to Mr. Schuhmann. This is to be on enamel paper. Motion carried.
The guide book was discussed. The Board was advised there would be 15,000 copies printed and will be printed by Pittcraft, Inc., of Kansas.
The 1967-68 year book. Since advertising was solicited for both the ARBA Guide Book and the
booklet A Practical Beginning To Successful Rabbit Raising, It was decided no advertising would be solicited for the year book. Schuhmann was the
lowest bidder and well qualifies to print the book. As of this meeting, the galley proofs were not received by the Secretary's office. The corrected
constitution and by-laws will be in this book as well. After further discussion, it was decided if people wish to advertise in the year book, they
would be accepted but we would not solicit them.
Material for State Representatives was submitted by Ev Shilliday. He stated he has prepared this for his own state agents and found it to be very
helpful. After much discussion on this, Ellis Murray made a motion, secoded by Vern Ashton, we have 500 copies mimeographed of this handbook with the exception of the offset which will be required. Motion carried.
It was also suggested when charters are renewed within the first 20 days of January, they will receive this handbook free. Afterwards they would pay a small fee.
Meeting recessed at 5:45 P.M. to reconvene Sunday at 9:00A.M.
Meeting reconvened Sunday at 9:00 A.M. in the Westerner Room of the Country House Motel. Those present were Wayne Willmann, Oren Reynolds, Ellis Murray, James Blyth, Bill Molen, J. C. Lowit, Vern Ashton, Ev Shilliday, Claude Bennett, Fred Apple-gate, Ed Toebbe and director-elect D. F. Parker.
The commercial department report was given in more detail by Chairman Phil Lohman. It was stated that about 95 of the members write him. He also stated the sources he received the material he was sending out, what material he had received from the former Chairman, along with a 16 m.m. film. He was asked to advise the Board what occurred between him and the Ralston Purina people last Spring. He reported they had sent a photographer to his rabbitry to take pictures which they were putting on slides which consisted of various angles from raising to butchering 9 rabbits. This is for a commercial project.
It was suggested that information pertaining to marketing or fur buyers and processors be listed in the bulletin and this would help the commercial department. Also that each director get in touch
Pat>e Fifteen
with his state agents to get a list of fur buyers, processors, etc., and mail it to Phil Lohman.
Mr. Lohman was thanked for his report. A motion was made by Ev Shilliday, seconded by Fred Apple-gate, directors will be in charge of getting all information they can and forward it to Phil Lohman such as a list of processors and fur buyers Motion carried.
Mr. Earl Ho rd of the Colorado State Rabbit Breeders was present to present a bid for the 1968 ARBA Convention at Pueblo, Colorado. He gave a detailed report and stated the tentative dates would be October 7-10, 1968. A real hand
of appreciation was given Mr. Hord for his fine presentation of the bid.
Advertising program for 1968 and Mr. Blyth suggested it would be wise to continue as it has been the last few years. Motion made by Oren Reynolds, seconded by Fred Applegate, we accept this as planned for 1968. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Bill Molen, seconded by Fred Applegate, we thank Mr. Stahl for working on this committee and appreciate the |ob he has done. Motion carried.
The idea of publicity packets for fair shows was presented by Bill Molen. He states this would include display posters, little known facts about rabbits, etc., which will help the ARBA. These would be sold at $5.00.
A motion was made by Ellis Murray, seconded by Fred Applegate, we continue with the membership contest, registrar contest, and club contest, the youth and national rabbit week and we award the same prizes as we have in the past at the 1968 convention. Motion carried.
Various names were submitted for life member ships: Ralph Neumann of Maryland; T. L. Owens of Oklahoma; Frank Muffler of Indiana; Mrs. Irene Murray of California; Earl Daubert of Nebraska, Ward Hatcher of Missouri; Al Meier, Jr., of Ohio, Dan Law of Oregon; and C. E. Lewis of New York. Ed Toebbe made a motion, seconded by Fred Apple-gate, these men and one woman be granted a life membership. Motion carried.
The best rabbit in the show was discussed by the Board Members which was brought up by J. C. Lowit. After a discussion, Ellis Murray made a
motion, seconded by Ev Shilliday, we allow our membership to experiment with best in show for one year, this to be reviewed at the 1968 convention. Motion carried with 2 dissenting votes. This is for local club shows only if they desire.
National proiects for foreign countries was dis cussed by the Board.
J. C. Lowit made a motion, seconded by Ed Toebbe, the Secretary write a letter to the mink breeders that this was discussed here at our Board meeting and are interested in furs and imports, and if there is anything we can do in this way, please let us know. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Ev Shilliday, seconded
by V. N. Ashton that on the voting ballots we stagger the names on the ballots. Motion carried^
A motion was made by Vern Ashton, seconded
by Claude Bennett, rabbits should be entered in’ the open class to be shown in the fur class. Motion carried. This is in addition to our show rules.
The resolutions are to be submitted to the membership at the convention but also were discussed by the Board members.
The dates for National Rabbit Week are July 16-22, 1968.
Ellis Murray made a motion, seconded by Vern Ashton, the expenses provided for in the Constitution be approved at this convention. Motion carried.
The budget was then discussed.
On National Advertising, Vern Ashton made a motion, seconded by J. C. Lowit, we increase the National Advertising to $6500. Motion carried.
Ribbons and trophies, a motion was made by Bill Molen, seconded by Ed Toebbe, this figure be increased to $1800 to include ribbons and trophies. Motion carried with one dissenting vote.
The rest of the budget was discussed. A motion was made by Ev Shilliday, seconded by Bill Molen, the budget as amended be accepted for 1968. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Ed Toebbe, seconded by Vern Ashton, the budget be accepted. Motion carried. A vote of thanks was given to the Budget Committee.
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 A.M. for lunch to reconvene at 1:15 P.M.
Meeting reconvened at 1:25 P.M. with those pres ent who attended the morning session.
Since we had received an excellent bid for the 1968 convention. Bill Molen made a motion we accept the bid as presented by Earl Hord of Colorado Rabbit Breeders with the tentative dates of October 7-10, 1968. Seconded by Fred Applegate, motion carried.
Two tentative bids were discussed for 1969 which will be presented in formal bids at the 1968 convention and were from the Alberta Rabbit Breeders Ass'n of Canada and the other from the Louisiana Rabbit Breeders Ass'n.
The program for the 1968 convention was discussed and a couple of items were mentioned. Bill Molen would like to have regular Colorado material for publicity and Ed Toebbe suggested the banquet night be moved from Monday night, the first night, to Tuesday night, the second night, and the free night be on Monday.
The judges conferences were discussed. Bill Molen made a motion, seconded by Fred Applegate, we promote having judges conferences in the districts during 1968 .these to be supervised by the directors in each section, and judges will be given credit because it is an official ARBA judges conference. This is within a 5 year period. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M. to reconvene
Thursday at 3:00 P.M., October 12, 1968.
The ARBA Board meeting reconvened in the Woman's Building on the State Fairgrounds Thursday, October 12, 1967 and called to order by
President Wayne Willmann, at 2:45 P.M. Those present were Wayne Willmann, James Blyth, Fred Applegate, Ev Shilliday, J. C. Lowit, Ellis Murray,
Claude Bennett and Ed Toebbe who came in late.
Since there was not a quorum present, various matters were discussed. Mrs. Breckenridge, former Secretary of the ARBA Youth Department, had sent a final report of the youth Department and a check. It was suggested that President Willmann, who received the check, endorse the check over to Kay
Mallott, present Secretary of the ARBA Youth Department and send it to her. President Willmann reported he would do this.
Committee names are to be presented to President Willmann so that he can submit them for approval and be printed in the ARBA Year Book.
It was reported there were some 1966 trophi^ in the ARBA Office and Howard Reese has othe^ Mr. Reese is to be instructed to have what M has sent to the ARBA office.
Ed Toebbe reported there was a mixup in award ing trophies to the Youth Department. Since there were additional trophies left over, the ARBA Board of Directors authorized another trophy be given them.
Ellis Murray made a motion, seconded by Claude Bennett, we adjourn the Board meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 3:00 P.M.
The first business meeting of the ARBA Conven tion was called to order at 1:30 P.M. by President Wayne Willmann in the Woman's Building at the State Fairgrounds, Tuesday, October 10, 1967. It
was opened with a prayer.
Claude Bennett made a motion we dispense with the reading of the minutes of the 1966 convention as they appeared in the bulletin, seconded by Mr. Gumble, motion carried. The minutes were adopted as published in the bulletin.
Page Sixteen
President Willmann then asked for reports of the officers.
Secretary Blyth reported this has been a great year for the rabbit business. It is one of the best years financially the organization has ever had. Also the difficulties which were experienced during the year, the publicity booklet being printed as well as the guide book and year book.
Treasurer Ellis Murray reported we have $4,424.74 in the bank after all expenses for convention have been paid. The Secretary turned over to him at this convention the September remittance of $2100. We have $13,000 in the Savings & Loan Ass'n. He reported the booklet would have a balance due of $1450, year book $2500 and Guide Book $8300. It cost $6711.59 to repair home office.
The Directors reports were called for:
Fred Applegate reported of progress in States in his district, read various letters and named his agents in his states.
Claude Bennett reported he had 6 states and gave the agents names, also Dorothy Newport was a very good worker.
Credentials Committee, Mrs. Katherine Shilliday, reported there were 50 delegates and 343 ARBA members registered as of this meeting.
Election Committee's report was not published in the last ARBA Bulletin as the editor felt they would not be received in time to get the resolutions out to the membership. The four elected officers were installed in office — Fred Applegate, Ev Shilliday, D. F. Parker and W. H. Kennedy who was unable to be present.
Committee at Washington, Horace Curtis. Chairman, gave a brief report. Also advised they are willing and able to help the International Committee.
Publicity Report was given by 8ill Molen who reported the number of bulletins published last year. The new list of people who are to help him was given. He would like articles sent to him that he can publish in the bulletins. He gave out the trophies to winners of National Rabbit Week who were Delphos Rabbit & Fanciers Breeders Ass'n, accepted by Mrs. Joan Loos; Golden West Rabbit Breeders Ass'n, accepted by Ellis Murray; Silver Marten Rabbit Club accepted by Dr. T. H. Roberson, Jr., President.
The list of names of individuals who will receive life memberships for long years of faithful service in the ARBA was read: R. N. Neumann, Maryland; T. L. Owen, Oklahoma; F. Muffler, Indiana; Mrs. Ellis Murray, California; Earl Daubert, Nebraska; Ward Hatcher, Missouri; Al Meier, Jr., Ohio; Dan Law, Oregon; and C. Lewis, New York.
A copy of the Show Rules and Planning which Bill Shaffer reported on will be printed in the bul letin.
Bill Molen will report under committees.
Bill Kennedy was not in attendance as well as Ed Stahl who were unable to attend convention.
J. C. Lowit reported he has the longest territory in the ARBA. A Bid for the coming 1969 convention will be forthcoming from Alberta, Canada. He had written letters to local agents but received only 19 replies out of 53 letters written. Mark Youngs in Washington is very active.
Ev Shilliday reported on the handbook he used to send to his state agents. This handbook has been approved by the ARBA. He reported what would be included in this book and club secretaries will receive a copy. He first tried this in his district and met with approval.
Ed Toebbe reported on the states in his district and the difficulties he has met in various states.
The names of Judges, registrars and members who passed away since the last convention were read and a minute of silent prayer was offered.
Committee Report if was reported the advertising for the association is $6500 but we get back more than we spend. Ads are inserted in 18 different publications besides the rabbit publications.
International Relations Committee, Roscoe Cuozzo reported the past year they received excellent cooperation for the U. S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, also a representative was sent by them who was Mrs. Gordon and introduced to the attendance. Other members of his committee were named. Requests from all over the world for rabbits are being received, also breeding stock has been xported to foreign countries.
f Ellis Murray, Chairman, Budget Committee, reported this was covered in the Board meeting.
Constitution and Resolutions Committee, Chairman Marvin Langeland reported on the resolutions to be submitted and how the committee voted.
Resolution No. 1 —
Committee voted in favor of this resolution. Resolution No. 2—
Committee voted against this resolution.
Resolution No. 3 -
Committee voted 1 in favor and 3 opposed. Resolution No. 4 —
Committee voted 4 in opposition to this resolution. Resolution No. 5 —
Committee voted 4 in opposition to this resolution. Resolution No. 6 —
Committee voted 2 for and 2 against.
Resolution No. 7 —
Committee voted 2 for and 2 against.
Resolution No. 8—
Committee voted 2 for and 2 against.
Resolution No. 9—
Committee voted 1 in favor and 3 opposed. President also gave the feeling of the Board on these as well.
Standard Committee, Chairman Al Meier reported new standards will not be printed until 1970. They will write the specialty clubs for any changes. There are some descrepancies in the present standard which will be rectified when the new standards come out.
Youth Committee report was given by President Willmann as he had received it in the mails. This included their financial report which he gave. Things should pick up in the Youth Department.
Vern Ashton gave a very short report of the states in his district. From the New England States, he received 3 letters — 2 very discouraging and 1 encouraging. If any member of these states would like to serve as agent, Mr. Ashton will be happy to hear from them.
Meeting adjourned at 4:10 P.M. to meet again at 1:30 P.M. here in the same building on October 11, 1967.
The second business meeting of the ARBA was called to order by President Wayne Willmann at 1:30 P.M. in the Women's Building on the State Fairgrounds. Graham Carver opened the meeting with a prayer.
Marvin Langeland, Chairman of the Resolutions Committee, was called upon to read the resolutions and what his committee's recommendations were. Resolution No. 1 —Resolution was read and reported the committee voted in favor of this resolution 4-0 and recommends adoption. He made a motion which was seconded this resolution be approved. A vote was taken and there were 95 in favor and 0 against. Resolution to be adopted.
Resolution No. 2—Marvin Langeland read this resolution and reported the committee voted in opposition to this resolution. He made a motion this resolution be opposed, seconded by Mr. Butterworth. A vote
was taken and reported 102 voted in opposition to this resolution and 4 voted not to reject. Resolution not adopted.
Resolution No. 3—Marvin Langeland reported the committee voted 3 against and 1 for this resolution. He made a motion we reject this resolution, sec-
onded by Jeanned Maddox. Al Meier made a motion to add to this resolution the words "when available" air coach fare from nearest airport to his home. Seconded by James Blyth. A vote was
taken on this amendment and there were 118 for
this amendment and 0 against. A motion was made
ContinufHl Pa#e 19
Page Seventeen
Local Associations shall pay a renewal fee of $5.00 plus $1.00 for each non-member of the ARBA. This will be due January 1st of each year. New Charters $10.00
Five (5) of your members must be members of the ARBA.
Officers must be members of ARBA.
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Page Eighteen
to reject this resolution as amended. Motion seconded. A vote was taken to reject this resolution and it was reported there were 4 in favor to raject this resolution as maneded and 113 in favor of accepting.
Resolution was adopted as amended.
Resolution No. 4-Marvin Langeland read th s resolution and reported his committee voted against this resolution and made a motion to reject the resolution, seconded by Bernise Bloomquist. A vote was taken and reported there were 106 voted in favor of rejecting this resolution and 7 voted against rejection.
Resolution not adopted.
Resolution No. 5-Marvin Langeland read this resolution and reported his committee voted 4-0 to reject this resolution and made a motion th s resolution be rejected which was seconded by Al Meier. A vote was taken and reported there were 131 to reject this resolution and 1 not to reject.
Resolution not adopted.
Resolution No. 6 -Marvin Langeland read this resolution and reported the committee voted 2 in favor and 2 opposed. He has no recommendations. Ellis Murray made a motion we reject this resolut on, seconded by Jeanne Maddox. There were 126 who
I voted in favor of rejecting this resolution and 1 Against rejecting this resolution.
»esolution not adopted.
Resolution No. 7—Marvin Langeland read this resolution and reported his committee voted 2 in favor and 2 opposed. He has no recommendations. Ev Shilliday made a motion we adopt this resolution, seconded by Dick F. Parker. A vote was taken and reported there were 129 in favor of accepting and 1 against accepting.
Resolution adopted.
Resolution No. 8 Marvin Langeland read this resolution and reported the committee voted 2 in favor and 2 opposed. No recommendations. A motion was mad? by Al Meier this be accepted with the amendment we passed in resolution No. 3. Seconded
by Mr. Biskie this be accepted with the understanding the change to air fare, to accept this resolution
and the only change it would make in the present constitution changing the words from shall to may. A motion was made to refer this resolution No. 8 to next year as resolution No. 1, seconded by James Blyth. A vote was taken and reported there were 67 not in favor of this motion, 39 in favor.
Motion made to accept this resolution No. 8 and a vote was taken and reported 99 were in favor and 7 not in favor.
Resolution adopted.
Resolution No. 9 Marvin Langeland read this resolution and reported his committee voted 1 in favor
and 3 opposed. He made a motion we reject this resolution, seconded by James Blyth.
A motion was made by Dick Parker we refer this resolution until next year to clear this up, secondsd by Mr. Smith. A vote was taken and reported there were 105 in favor of referring this resolution until next year and 12 not in favor. Resolution is to be referred to next year.
General Business—nothing was brought up.
Unfinished Business-nothing was brought up.
New Business —It was reported that putting on a national convention takes time and effort. There must be some way to get money for putting on the convention. Bernise Bloomquist made a suggestion we increase sanction fees from $2 to $5 divided as $2 for trophies and ribbons and $3 to put in a convention fund.
A discussion about the New Zealand trophies given by the ARBA and New Zealand Federation at a national convention. This will be the last year there will be trophies given by both New Zealand Federation and ARBA and there will be only 2 trophies given at national convention.
The Chairman of the Resolutions Committee and his committee were given a vote of thanks for the fine job they have done.
Meeting adjourned at 3:20 P.M. to reconvene at Pueblo, Colorado, October 7-9, 1968.
JAMES BLYTH, Secretary 4323 Murray Avenue <BB) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217
I hereby make application for membership in the AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION
I enclose $5.00 for a one year membership which entitles me to a copy of the Official Guido Book, Year Book, Bulletins, and other benefits and privileges of the Association.
Husband and Wife Combination Membership — $7.00
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Page Nineteen
ARBA BULLETIN official publication of the
American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. 4323 Murray Ave. BB, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Non-Profit Org.
Louisville, Ky. Permit No. 218
Take twelve fine, full-grown months; see that these are thoroughly free from all old memories of bitterness, rancor, hate and jealousy. Cleanse them completely from every clinging spite; pick off all specks of pettiness.
Cut these months into 30 or 31 equal parts. Do not attempt to make up whole batch at one time, but prepare one day at a time, as follows:
Into each day put equal parts of faith, patience, courage, work, hope, fidelity, liberality, kindness, rest, prayer, meditation. Add about a teaspoonful of good spirits, a dash of fun, a pinch of folly, a sprinkling of play, and a heaping cupful of good humor.
Pour love into the whole and mix with a vim. Serve with quietness, unselfishness and cheerfulness.
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