ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 5 - Sep/Oct
Collection: 1967 ARBA Bulletins

ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 5 - Sep/Oct
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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8 1/2 inches x 11 inches
American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 5 - Sep/Oct,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 12, 2025,
Vol. 2 September-October, 1967 No. 5
When was the last time
Asked a Friend to join the ARBA ?
1. Edward H. Stahl, Mo. 30
2. Click Mfg. Co., Calif. 27
3. Melvin E. Behrens, N.Y. 16
4. Mark Youngs, Wash. 15
5. Tommy Andrew, Pa. 9
6. B. W. Smith, Mo. 9
7. F. R. Applegate, III. 8
8. Marvin Carley, Vt. 7
9 W. A. DeGraff, N.Y. 6
1. American Satin R.B. Ass'n. 11
2. So. Florida R.B. Ass'n 8
3. American Cavy Club 6
4. Meramec Valley R.B. Ass'n., Mo 5
5. Badger R.B. Ass'n., Wise 4
6. Lawrence Co. R.B. Ass'n., Tenn 3
7. Finger Lakes R.B. Ass'n., N.Y 3
8 Peoria Area R.B. Ass'n., Ill ... 3
9. Harvey Co. R.B. Ass'n., Kan 2
10. Northern III. R.B. Ass'n 2
11. Inland Empire R.B. Ass'n., Wash 2
12. North Central R. Club, Mich. 2
4323 Murray Avenue — James Blyth, Secy. — Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
*7^c SuUetCft
W. E. (Bill) Molen, Editor P.O. Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716 David Ford, Assistant Publicity Chm.
Bett Hickman Virginia Flournoy
Joe Lutes Tillie Morehead
Pat Krider Mark Youngs
Pat Giles Bing Harris
EXECUTIVE BOARD ARBA Wayne Willmann, Pres. James Blyth, Secy
Oren Reynolds, V.-Pres. Ellis Murray, Treas
Fred Applegate J. Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W. E. Molen
Claude Bennett E. P. Shilliday
W. H. Kennedy Edward Stahl
Edward Toebbe
One change has been made in the schedule of meetings during our Annual Convention which did not prevail last year. All Specialty Club officers of all Specialty Clubs are asked to meet with our Vice-President Oren Reynolds on Tuesday morning. Oct. 10 before they go to their respective Specialty Club meetings. Mr. Reynolds will have a message that all Specialty Clubs need to hear. During the past two years we have made considerable progress in unifying the procedures of our Specialty Clubs. Mr. Reynolds has served well. Let us cooperate with him.
Please read the Resolutions that are printed in this issue of the Bulletin. Be prepared to discuss them at the Convention. Every Local Club is entitled to one voting delegate. Be sure your credentials are in order as prescribed by our Constitution.
Clock trophies will be awarded by our ARBA for all Best of Breeds (not varieties in a breed) and for the Best Opposite Sex in each breed. Look over your stock and make a good entry for the Convention Show.
Catalogs for the Convention will be sent to people who order one. Be sure to send for yours.
Each Chairman of an ARBA Committee should meet with his Committee Sunday evening — Oct. 8 to prepare a report for the ARBA business session on Tuesday Oct. 10.
We have a wonderful association. Come to Syracuse and enjoy the fellowship of our members. I hope to see you there.
Wayne Willmann, Pres.
A Proposal By Director Shilliday
Director Ev Shilliday has prepared and distributed to all State Agents and Assistant State Agents in his district #5 a very comprehensive publication, titled, “Handbook For State Agents”.
This publication as prepared by director Shilliday is very informative in supplying what is hoped to be many of the answers to the paramount questions asked by the State Agents. Till now, there has been no official instruc tions or guidance offered — only the printed general outline of proposed duties. These duties are far too general and interpreted by most State Agents to be very unrealistic — as they are serving gratis and must devote much of their free and unencom-bered time plus many times personal finances.
Director Shiliiday’s compiled “Handbook For State Agents”, will be presented to the Board at the Syracuse Convention for adoption as an Official ARBA Handbook.
ARBA GUIDE BOOK Last Opportunity For Ad — Deadline September 20th
Is your ad for the brand new, revised ARBA Guide Book already mailed to Secretary Blyth? If your answer is Yes, you will be glad to knov the contract for printing this mon umental Guide Book has been placet with the printer. If your answer is No, you will pleased and happy to know, it is not too late to be included — Send your ad at once to Secretary Blyth, 4323 Murray, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15217.
The proposed issue of 15,000 copies is in the layout stage now. We are able to extend the deadline for receipt of advertising to September 20th, because the proof reading, necessary before printing begins is not complete. Proof reading is a long and tedious job, but we are certainly happy to accept your ad, prepare layout as per your directions, and then proof read. Rates $75.00 full page; $40.00 V6page; $22.50 Vi page; $12.50 Yspage; $5.00 judge, registrar & breeder listings, Jim Blyth, Bill Molen, Ed Stahl.
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MEMBERSHIP SERVICE Let's Make It More Than A Slogan Bill Molen
Service and membership are our most important products, one cannot survive without the other. We have all heard the statement many times that membership is the "Life Blood” of our organization. If you have not heard this statement —Let me state, emphatically — MEMBERSHIP IS THE LIFEBLOOD OF ARBA —just as this is true of most other organizations. Our membership is the basic tool and source of man power, or woman power as the case may be, which enables us to render various services; and this is our primary purpose and program. Inasmuch as our sole existence depends upon Service through our membership, isn’t it .time that we more effectively utilize jkome of the results of our various Services?
It has been my many years experience and observation that the most effective means of securing members is through some type of service. The local and state agents, the officers and directors of ARBA, the National Specialty Olubs and officers, plus our judges and registrars may all do a wonderful job and render an outstanding service to the membership (the breeder, the exhibitor): but with little, if any, results membership-wise. Consequently, this Service is a waste of time, effort, and money in regard to membership unless there is an aggressive follow-up. A car salesman may have hundreds of cars for sale, but he will not make a single sale unless he has some means of communication with the potential car buyer. Most all of our local and state clubs spend many thousands of dollars per year in their b abbit shows and other programs, but ’will realize few members unless some effective means is used to solicit membership; there must be a contact made with the potential member personally, by telephone, by letter or by some type of aggressive follow-up. There are over 200,000 rabbit raisers as per agriculture department census figures. They are all eligible to membership in ARBA, many of whom are waiting to be asked to join our organization.
I am convinced that due to the wonderful Service rendered by our organization, we could greatly increase the membership throughout the nation if the potential members were simply solicited. It appears that we are not reaping the fruits of our labors nor increasing our strength as an organization due to our lack of communication with the potential member.
Membership Means Service Service Should Mean Membership
I sincerely hope every member will do some serious soul searching and decide that he, or she, personally must take positive action to support our Service Programs by increasing our membership.
Jim Blyth
The highest award a rabbit can achieve is a grand champion. There are many breeders over the United States who are interested in this high award and many are receiving them. When the application is received in Pittsburgh, a beautiful certificate of grand champion is awarded. It is no easy matter to win one of these prized certificates. The reason it has been kept such is because we have had wonderful cooperation with the show secretaries over the country. They have been careful in issuing these records of legs on grand champions and many times have been sincere in questioning the right of an exhibitor to have such a record of leg on grand champion. We have thus managed to hold up our awarding of records of legs on grand champions to the highest possible level. This can only be accomplished with the full cooperation of the show secretaries and this office.
The applications for grand champions seem to be increasing each year. There is no doubt the rabbits are improving as they are awarded these championships. Only records of legs on grand champion can be received from the show secretary at which you exhibit. Full details, rules and regulations on these certificates that will guide you on the handling of them.
Record of legs on grand champion will be given for the first in each class; for best of breed; best opposite sex; best of variety. Providing there are 5 or more rabbits competing and 3 or more exhibitors exhibiting. This makes it difficult for some of the exhibitors who have odd breeds and even those who have popular breeds to obtain certificates. Any 3 of these record of legs on grand champion are obtained from 3 different shows, mailed to this office with the fee of $2. This records the grand champion and is listed in our records as a grand champion and on the registration blank. We issue this beautiful certificate. However, some of the breeders are falling down, by not giving the registration number of the application for a grand champion. This we must have because this record goes on the registration application which is kept on file here in the office. We
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would appreciate all of those making application for a grand champion to be sure and place the registration number on these records of legs on grand champion. This will save us from writing you and giving you better service on this high award.
Grand Champions are much sought by the fancier and he prizes them to a great extent. They are an insurance the rabbit can stand up time and time again in competition and win, not only under one judge but others. It proves the rabbit is a real exhibition animal and we congratulate those who for the past year have made our grand champions so attractive to others. We hope more fanciers will save these records of legs on grand champion, have their rabbits registered and apply for a certificate. Be sure to read the details on these records on grand champion.
---------- CORRECTION --------------
In the March April Official Bulletin I made a statement that the “Falls Cities Rabbit Breeders Assn, was NOT incorporated!” This Statement was INCORRECT. The Falls Cities Rabbit Breeders Assn, was incorporated in 1946. The Falls Cities Rabbit Breeders assn, was not the host association of the 1966 convention.
I regret making this statement and APOLOGIZE to the Falls Cities Rabbit Breeders Assn. Inc.
Ellis W. Murray
Amer. Blues & Whites: Harold Guthrie
Amer. Sable: Lawrence Ritter Amer. Standard Chins: Harry Rice Amer. Chins: Harry Rice Giant Chins: Harry Rice Angoras: W.J. Seyfried Belgian Hare: W. J. Seyfried Beverens: Harry Rice Californians: Harold Guthrie Champagnes: Harold Drudge Creme D’Argent: Harold Drudge Checkered Giants: Jeanne Maddox Dutch: Tom Shufflebotham and G.A. Burke
English: W.J. Seyfried Flemish: Lawrence Ritter Florida Whites: Harry Rice Havana: Jack Pugh Harlequins: Don Reid Himalayan: Don Reid Lops: W.J. Seyfried Lilac: Don Reid Tans: Jack Pugh Silver Martens: Jack Pugh Satins: Sam Gerardi and A1 Roerdanz Rex: R.G. Carver Polish: Carldon Gaddis Palomino: Carldon Gaddis Silvers: W.J. Seyfried Silver Fox: Jack Pugh Siamese Sable: W.J. Seyfried White New Zealands: Harry Hurlburt and B.A. Harris
Red & Black N. Z.: R. T. Byrne Cavies: Don Reid Youth: Sam Gerardi Commercial: Lawrence Ritter
The American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
4323 Murray Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217 FOURTH QUARTER REPORT - APRIL 1, 1967 TO JUNE 30, 1967
Membership Dues $5,726.67
Combination Dues 194.75
Sanctions 238.00
Badges 230.08
Grand Champions 166.00
Charters 233.00
Judges Books .... 35.30
Judges Licenses 35.00
Registration Blanks 1,380.00
Supplies 38.22
Transfers 11.25
Standards 267.35
Booklets 1,215.44
Payroll Taxes
Ded. from Emps. 394.48
Miscellaneous & Adv. 769.45
Pedigree Book 216.89
Registrars Licenses 116.50
Rabbitries 16.00
Specialty Club Charters 5.00
Total Receipts $11,289.38
Page Four
Secretary Salary $1,700.0 i
Office Salaries ... 1,218.1;'
Office Supplies & Expenses 81.75
Telephone 202.18
Bank Charges 58.47
Accounting 240.00
NSF Checks 23.00
Bldg. Maintenance & Expense 211.84
Payroll Taxes Ded. from Empls. 394.48
Payroll Taxes — Assoc. Share 272.52
Refunds 1.50
Registrar & J udge Exam Fees 63.75
Postage 700.00
Sales Taxes 1.62
Freight 6.70
Accounts Receivable 20.00
Remitted to Treasurer 6,093.42
Total Disbursements $11,289.38
August 4, 1967
To the Board of Directors and members of the AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASS’N. INC.
Your association has a bank account at:
Bank of America N. T. & S. A.
8701 South Western Avenue Los Angeles, California a/c/No. 302380
We have examined the items that were deposited to and the checks issued from this account. We find that they agree with the books and records kept by your treasurer, Ellis W. Murray.
A summary of the transactions that flowed through this account during the period of our examination, which was from July 9, 1966 to July 3, 1967, is submitted below:
Cash on hand at the beginning of year
or July 9, 1966 ............................................$11,316.53
Add: Deposits for the period from July 9, 1966 to July 3, 1967
(a) Receipts from secretary Blythe . $30,958.84
(b) Receipts from Tommy Andrew 518.71
(c) Receipts from W. E. Molen ....... 188.00
(d) Interest Received from Home Savings
& Loan Ass’n, from a/c 03-022000-8 696.84
(Note: This account has a $13,000.00 Balance as of 7/3/67)
(e) Miscellaneous Refunds and Revenues 12.50
We found that all of this cash was accounted for in the following manner:
(a) Checks issued by the treasurer in payment of
vouchers incurred by the association ...................$29,068.37
(b) Transferred to Home Savings & Loan Ass’n.
Account No. 03-022000-8 ................................ 3,000.00
(c) Balance in Bank of America N. T. & S. A.
as of July 3, 1967 ..................................... 11,623.05
Total Cash Accounted for During Period Examined $43,691.42
During the course of our evamination we inspected some of the vouchers and on a test basis traced some of the checks issued in lieu of these vouchers to the vouchers. In all cases tested no variances were found. The bank balance was reconciled to the book balance.
Our examination was limited to the auditing of only this single bank account.
Yours very truly, by EARL N. MALiLET Certified Public Accountant
TOE-NAIL COLOR ON SIAMESE SATINS ARBA Standard Committee Interpretation
There have been numerous inquiries regarding toe-nail color on Siamese Satin. First : Let me say that in early days of the Californian, much the same problem was encountered and a liberalization of the color requirement was made. The use of the word “horn” is in itself an item of disagreement because of the varying shades encountered in the horn of one animal. To add further confusion to the situation, the Satin standard under “Nails”, following immediately after color description, states: “to show pigmentation and be of a light horn color”. Further
along in the standard under “Feet and Legs” we have this description: “Toe nails to be horn color or dark in all colors”. These are the sort of things I hope to get cleared up in several breed standards in the future.
It is my interpretation, based on the precedent set on the Californians, that nails showing pigment, other than that caused by the pinkish cast shed by the blood vein, be acceptable —providing, all nails on the front feet must match, and all nails on the hind feet must match, with no noticeable contrast in color. I am having this included in the ARBA Bulletin so that all judges may be informed of this interpretation.
A1 Meier, Chairman
ARBA Standard Committee
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By Jim Kane
(News Rural Reporter)
Ann Arbor News
Bill is only five years old but he has sired 3,000 offspring.
This fact may seem amazing to most people if they don’t know Bill is a five-year-old New Zealand rabbit who is still going strong at an age when most rabbits are considered not productive any more for breeding purposes.
Bill’s owner, Raymond F. Wells of 2435 S. Main Rd. in Pittsfield Township thinks that Bill is an exception, and to see Bill casually wiggling his nose in his cage, one gets the impression that Bill seems to agree with his owner.
The nine*pound rabbit who could light up any child’s face as an Easter bunny shares his rabbitry with some 300 fellow rabbits. They live in 97 separate cages in a bam behind Wells' home, where he has been breeding rabbits for meat and fur for 36 years.
The 61-year old Wells, who originally began with four rabbits, now has a real population explosion on his hands. But ■he seems to enjoy it.
In 1930, rabbit breeding was just a hobby for him. He served as a postman with the Ann Arbor Post Office for 14 years and then was a rural mailman until his retirement in 1965. Since then, his avocation has proliferated into a vocation.
Of his 300 rabbits, Wells has 67 working does (female rabbits who are bred or are ready to breed) and six bucks (male rabbits). There are 36 litters in the rabbitry consisting of about seven rabbits per litter. He also has about six brown Dutch rabbits.
Wells does his own butchering and dressing. He sells most of meat to Ann Arbor stores and to some private customers. The fur is sent to New Jersey.
On an average, he markets 25 to 30 rabbits per week. Those marketed usually weigh from two to three pounds and are eight to 10 weeks old.
Wells explained that the does can start breeding when they are five months and the bucks when they are six months. A litter from eight to nine rabbits can be produced about every three months.
Instead of feeding his rabbits greens, Wells uses protein pellets which consist of grain, ground alfalfa and various types of minerals to give them a good diet.
“My biggest job is cleaning out the cages, which I do every two months and spread over a three-day period,” Wells said. He leaves the lights on all the time in the rabbitry and a radio playing, which help to keep the rabbits
ABBA member, promoter, worker and BOOSTER Raymond Wells, Ann Arbor, Michigan posing his prolific New Zealand buck, ‘Bill.’ Bill’s 3000 offspring is looking at his daddy with admiration.
calm. Wells added that these techniques also aid in breeding.
“I usually sell about 10 to 12 bunnies for Easter, but many people bring them back about three weeks later after the novelty wears off and they become tired of taking care of the rabbits,” he said. All of his does and bucks have names and can reproduce until they are about four years old.
Although Bill is past his reproducing age, Wells said, “I’ll never butcher Bill. I’ll just keep him until he passes on.”
There are about 30 different recognized breeds of domestic rabbits, and Wells has had about half of these different breeds at his rabbitry. Some of the breeds included Silver Martens, Polish, New Zealands (both white and red), Havanas, Dutch, and Checker Giants.
“There isn’t too much difference in the rabbit meat, although New Zealands are very popular and grow rapidly. The New Zealands are very calm and easy to handle,” he said.
Wells explained that the rabbits fur serves as a type of insulator against all types of weather. He added that the rabbltry is always about 10 degrees
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warmer than it is outside because of the body heat. When it becomes too warm in the summer, he opens all of the windows.
In the winter, he puts straw in the cages of the new-born litters. The mothers then make a nest and keep their young warm.
Wells' activities are almost as numerous as his rabbits. He is a member of the American Dutch Rabbit Club and the Michigan State Rabbit Breeders Association. He has been treasurer of the latter organization for 17 years. Wells is also the assistant scout master for Boy Scout Troop 21 in Ann Arbor.
Wells cares for most of his rabbits himself, although his son Wendell helps at times.
When someone asks Wells what business he is in, he could safely answer that he is in the most prolific business in the world.
As you will note, the paper on which your ARBA Bulletin is printed has been improved. The Publicity Committee, determined the additional cost, which incidently is under $100.00 to change to enamel stock rather than the hard to read newsprint. Our budget figure was considered and we did contact the members of the printing committee. Likewise our secetary, treasurer and vice-president acting while the president was on extended trip, also approved this change. Our printer, ARBA member Ed Schuhmann was also very cooperative and hence the new look to your ARBA Bulletin. We hope you like it.
Another new feature, beginning this issue: — NATIONWIDE — CLUB NOTES. Tillie Morehead, publicist for
(the 44th ARBA Convention-Show, October 9-12, Syracuse, New York has her iinal pre-convention material this bulletin. Note that the Syracuse Folks have reinstated the $1.50 entry fee, this is a reduction. Tours, reservations, catalogs all are now upon us. You cannot wait, now is the time for action and start packing for Syracuse. List of Convention Judges is herewith published.
The various clubs and individuals that participated in NATIONAL RABBIT WEEK, have started submitting their material, photos, news aricles etc for judging. Remember, the ARBA will award at Syracuse 3 Champion Promoters Award Trophies to the 3 top clubs and one trophy to top individual promoter. Sharon Ausloos, Green Bay, Wisconsin, secretary of Fox River Valley R&CBA was the first club official to submit their material for judging. Seems they did a bangup job, including radio, T-V, hide-fur and product dis-
plays, and the Appleton Post Crescent newspaper gave fine support.
Reports of treasurer, secretary, and advertising make this an important issue. Resolutions appear in this issue, total of 9 to be acted upon at Syracuse. Contests of registration and membership; Grand Champions, Registrations and sanctioned shows.
Our lead article in May-June Bulletin relative to the many new rabbit breeders that are crooked, hoodwinked or otherwise taken advantage of by various buy-back type promoters, has certainly uncovered a tremendous number of abuses. Actually, we have received far, far too many articles to print them as we had promised. It would take a special publication in itself to publish these exposes. We are stUl hard at work on this serious business. We still invite your letters and facts of cases in your own area, where folks have read the glowing ads in the magazines and sent off their hard earned money, for what later turns out to be junk rabbits, in most cases. We are in contact with the Federal Trade Commission and win keep you advised. We have included a typical letter of how the unsuspecting person is bilked when he sends off and secures these expensive, no-good rabbits. Read the expose article sent in by Lyman Franklin, of North Carolina. It is high time the ARBA thru its members took the initiative and stamped out these leeches, that are sucking the money out of gullible people that just turn out to be SUCKERS.
Ray Wells, Michigan received top drawer treatment in Ann Arbor News feature. Lock City RBA of Ontario are going all out to make the Ontario 6th Conference-Show a dandy. Let's give them a hand and an entry.
The Year Book is being printed. The new Guide Book is nearing the printing date. Don’t think for one minute the committee of Blyth, Stahl and Molen have not been working. We have worked long and hard and expect to continue to work. We wish to thank all the members of the Publicity Committee for their tireless efforts too. Then there is Ellis Murray, Oren Reynolds, Vern Ashton, Cyril Lowit that have offered continual aid and assistance. Ev Shill-iday, Fred Applegate and Bill Kennedy have likewise offered material assistance. We appreciate hard working Ed Schuhmann. To Blyth, Stahl, Molen add the above, we will pull our share and know each of you will too, when asked. If you aren’t asked, don’t be offended, just send in your material and keep working in your own area. We appreciate your efforts and ARBA is growing because of such individual efforts on your part.
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Be it resolved that Section E, article III under "By-Laws" shall be deleted.
The Cavy Association is the only specialty club which has a committee to over see it. As the Cavy Association is set up under and abides by the same rules as all other specialty clubs, section E, article III infringes upon the rights of the Cavy Association.
Submitted with 25 signatures RESOLUTION NO. 2
Be it resolved that Article VI of the ARBA Constitution be changed to read as follows:
SECTION 1. The elective officers of the Association shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer and Board of Directors consisting of nine members (and all other officers) who shall be elected annually by and from the membership. In the election the Board of Directors, five to be elected for a two year term on the odd years and four for a two year term on the even years. Each year thereafter the same number shall be elected as those whose term shall expire.
SECTION 2. The officers of the Association shall serve two years or until their successors are elected and qualified, except the Board of Directors as heretofore provided, and the Secretary, who shall be appointed by the Board of Directors for a three year term. They shall enter upon the discharge of their duties PJanuary 1st of each year.
SECTION 3. Any member in good standing of the ARBA, wishing to become a candidate for any office of the Association shall write the Secretary for
a nomination petition, which the Secretary shall supply. These requests must reach the Secretary not later than May 1st of each year. The nomination petition shall carry the name of the member and the office he is to be a candidate for and shall carry the signature of 25 members of the ARBA in go standing. When the petition is filed with the Secretary before June 1st the Secretary shall then place the member's name who appears on the petition on the election ballot. One election ballot shall
be mailed to each member in good standing and
returned to the Certified Public Accountant who is to be selected by the Board of Directors, who will make a final count of all the votes received by each candidate and report his findings to the
Secretary of the Association.
SECTION 4. A self-addressed envelope shall accompany each ballot with the CPA name and address printed thereon. Members voting shall mark the ballot, place it in the self-addressed envelope, seal it and mail it as addrssed.
SECTION 5. When the Secretary receives the final count from the CPA, he will then notify each candidate of the election results for the office he was a candidate for. A complete list of the results will be furnished each officer and director, and each Rabbit Journal.
SECTION 6. After the ballots are counted and final report is made to the Secretary, the CPA shall mail all ballots to the Secretary of the Association. The ballots will remain in the office of the Secretary for one year.
SECTION 7. Any candidate defeated for office in the Association requesting a recount of the ballots, shall make application with the Secretary within 60 days after the election. The candidate making the request for a recount shall pay the fee charged by a CPA for his services of the recount.
SECTION 8. When a vacancy in any office occurs, from any cause whatever, the same shall be filled by a vote of the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE 111 — ARBA BV-LAWS, SECTION (i) ELECTION COMMITTEE to be completely deleted as Article VI of the constitution takes place of this section.
Submitted with 26 signatures RESOLUTION NO. 3
Whereas, railroads are continually doing away with first class passenger service and Whereas, If service is provided it is by out of the way routes causing extra fare.
Therefore be it resolved, that Section 2 of
article 8 of the constitution be amended by striking out the following words "one first class round trip railroad fare" and insert in lieu thereof the following "one round trip air coach fare".
Submitted with 27 signatures
Resolution No. 4
Whereas, The ARBA has rules, qualifications and tests that qualify and select their official ARBA judges.
Whereas, All local, state and national shows, sanctioned by and for an official ARBA show secure their judges from these said judges so qualified and licensed by ARBA.
Whereas, In the interest of fairness to the exhibitor and the show sponsor alike, also advancement of the principles of ARBA and improvement of breeds and varieties, it is imperative all ARBA judges constantly study and apply their interpretation of the ARBA Standard of Perfection. Likewise to keep abreast of all breeds, attendance at as many judges conferences as possible is a necessity.
Whereas, Many judges fail to refresh their outlook and knowledge by attendance at such judges conferences for years on end.
Therefore be it resolved, That article IV, section 5a of the By-Laws be removed in its entirety and the following be adopted as the proper and new article IV, section 5a of the By-Laws.
Section 5a. All licensed judges shall attend
at least one (1) judges conference every five years, failure to so attend will result in suspension and revocation of the judge's license. Exceptions to be (1) Those judges who have held 20 years continuous ARBA judge license. (2) Those judges 65 years of age or over regardless of length of continuous ARBA Judge license tenure. These two excepted conditions of judges will not have their license suspended and revoked for failure to attend and participate in a minimum of one (1) judges conference every five years but they are strongly urged to attend and participate in judges conferences as often as able.
Submitted with 28 signatures
Whereas, The duties of officers and directors of ARBA are such as to require undivided
attention in order to serve the association and realize the objects as set out in Constitution.
Whereas, There could be a conflict of interest.
Be it resolved, That article VI, section 2 of the constitution have the following sentence be added thereto at end and immediately following
last sentence of said paragraph section as it now appears.
An elective officer of this association will not serve as an officer or director or board member of a national specialty club simultaneous with hi elective term to this association, resignatio from such offices in and of national specialty clubs is required prior to assuming officer or directorship in this association.
Submitted with 28 signatures
Be it resolved that article VI, section 3 of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. constitution be changed by the deletion of the final eight words of the first sentence, "to serve a minimum of three years."
"Section 3. The Secretary shall be appointed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Secretary may be re-appointed. The Board of Directors may remove the Secretary from office, for cause, during any term of office".
Submitted with 56 signatures
Be it resolved that article VII, section 4 of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. constitution be changed by adding the words "chairman of" preceding "the budget", in the final sentence of the final paragraph. The final sentence would then read:
"He shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Budget Committee.
Submitted with 56 signatures
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changed by deleting the first three paragraphs and substituting the following:
Section 2. Any member of this Association in good standing may organize a local association,
composed of breeders in his or her district for the purpose of building up the industry. Officers of any local association so organized should consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer (or Secretary-Treasurer) and three or more directors.
No charter will be granted a local association having less than five (5) members of this Association
in good standing. At least all officers of any local association must be members of this Association,
or must become members of this Association upon or before taking office in the local association.
No charter will be renewed unless the association has complied with all of the requirements for obtaining the original charter.
Submitted with 43 signatures
1. New Zealands .157 6. Champagnes n 13. Creme D'Arg. ...
2. Californians . 61 7. Am. Chinchillas li 14. Palomino*
3. Satins 25 8. Silver Martens 9
4. Dutch . 18 9. Checkered Gt 8 16. Angora
5. Flemish .. 15 10. Rex 7
11. English Spots 7
12. Havanas 6
Owner Breed Reg. No. Pri. Ear No
R. Graves Silver Marten 91 92-X RPU
H. Peters Californian 8482-X G97
P. Mattson New Zealand 6879-X KG02
J. Lain Californian 9839-V OD1
J. Lain Californian 9838-V Z05
Twin Valley Rabbitry Dutch 5997-X VI69
Twin Valley Rabbitry Dutch 7025-X V79
Twin Valley Rabbitry Dutch 7037-X 1
N. McNary Dutch 6445-X G30
E. Nase New Zealand 3530-X AA12
H. Betts Californian 9932-X B6286
H. Betts Californian 9934-X B8272
Himmelberger Rabbitry New Zealand 6915-X HB-175
Himmelberger Rabbitry New Zealand 6919-X HB-249
Russ-L-Acre Dutch 5639-X N-Z
D. Calloway Dutch 282-A C6
Goshen Rabbitry Polish 283-A OS2
B. Keller Californian 934-A 2K
L. Bowers Std. Chin 664-A J L25
L. Bowers Std. Chin 663-A JL20
H. Taylor New Zealand 8332-X H24
H. Taylor New Zealand 8334-X JH25
W. Wheaton New Zealand 1 12-A N045
R. F. Wallace Checkered Gt. 944-A FS48
G. Lewis Dutch 284-A G
Big B Rbty Californian 8368-X SB12
Larry's Rabbitry Checkered Giant 61 4-A LS377
TOTALS - 1966-67 Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1967 - TOTALS
22,772 $5,137.10 $5,575.00 $10,712.00 $6,393.91 $4,318.19
PLUS 169 orders for Breeder and Show Room Supplies
MEMBERSHIP DRIVE. There were a total of 627 members received on the Membership Drive. Totaling $3,135.00. Results of this drive and those who participate appears in this bulletin. WANTED others to take part. Get membership application from the Secretary.
NOTE. The above compiled from monthly report records supplied by Secretary James Blyth.
Because of the A.R.B.A. Advertising program in publications that reach many Foreign Countries, our membership Is increasing outside the borders of the United States. The Booklet "A Practical Beginning to Successful Rabbit Raising," has been the means of interesting people in Foreign lands to raise rabbits. Two of the advertisers in the mentioned booklet have received orders and shipped to the following countries. Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela, Spain, Malta, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Holland, Peru, B.W.I. Numerous shipments have been made to our neighbor to the north, Canada, and south of the border, Mexico. Of particular interest is that the agriculture department in one of the South American Countries purchased adult breeding stock in pairs, which they in turn gave to people there to raise for their meat with the understanding that each recipient give a pair to others. It is said that this works very well. Add this to the accomplishments and achievements of the A.R.B.A, now international in its scope and influence.
Page Nine
Be it resolved that article VIII, section 2 of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. constitution be changed by the substitution of the word "may" for the word "shall" so that it will then read:
"Section 2. The expenses of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and each director, incurred in attending the annual meeting of the Association may be paid by the Association. Each officer and director attending an annual meeting, special meeting or meeting of the Board of
Directors may be allowed one first-class round trip
railroad fare and the cost of hotel room for the
duration of any such meeting. Such allowances are
not to be paid until approved by the Board of Directors."
Submitted with 56 signatures
Be it resolved that article II, section 2 of the American Rabbit Breeders Assn., Inc. by-laws be
A New Feature Added To ARBA Bulletin
Bill Molen, editor announces a new feature for our ABRA Bulletin. Our affiliated and Chartered Clubs are the backbone of the ARBA organization. The local club, the very grass roots of our existence. The state associations that weld the aims and accomplishments of our local cluhs into a well knit statewide forceful group. Our very important National Specialty Clubs who 90 ably support their particular breed advancement, certainly is of paramount importance and interest to the ARBA. In this they are ably supported by the various State Specialty Clubs.
How can we of the ARBA lend credence to their aims? How can we of ARBA rightfully accept this support and in turn offer our support of ARBA to the local, state and national clubs, so affiliated and Chartered with and by ARBA? We all must pull together. We all have the same high ideals for the rabbit and cavy. We of ARBA are willing to accept the challenge of cooperation. We of ARBA are willing to do our part to further this uniting process and ravel the road of mutual progress and advancement.
The Publicity Committee, with this issue inaugurates a brand new service by creating a special column and page, NATIONWIDE — CLUB NOTES.
The road to opportunity and advancement is wide and long. Let us all get on the right road —ignore the detours and torturous bends. Lets set our course onward and upward. Let us not fool ourselves, that the journey is easy. However, let us all realize the fruits are sweet. The rewards fully important to advance together. To accomplish this by way of NATIONWIDE — CLUB NOTES. We need the cooperation of each and every club and association. Appoint a publicity director or chairman. Have this publicity director devote at least 30 minues of each and every meeting to programs of explanation of ARBA. Further, the publicity director invites the assembled membership to openly discuss the ARBA; — the re-
Club Notes
lationship of his club and the ARBA: suggestions and recommendations. Additionally, each publicity director, see to it that a copy of the clubs, Bulletin, Newsletter or whatever the name of the dubs publication may be, is sent in to the editor of the ARBA Bulletin. Send these publications, beginning with the very next issue to ginning with the very next issue to Bill Molen, Editor, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
Either the publicity director send in the publication or else the editor of the publication be so instructed to send in each issue. Cooperation is the keyword. Remember, what may be just a commonplace item in your publication. Remember, what may be thought of, by you and your club, as just another item in your long list of projects and accomplishments — may be just the, Oh! SO IMPORTANT, missing spoke some other club may be looking for to get the wheels of progress moving. You and your clubs activities and publications are important to ARBA. The ARBA is the combination of all its clubs and members.
We of ARBA Publicity Committee and ARBA Bulletin will not let you down. We ask you — Can you let the ARBA down? You are the important ingredient, we are but the vehicle. We will be expecting your clubs publication and in the event you do not regularly issue a dub publication, don’t let this stop you — send in individual items and articles. All are important — you hold the key.
“What’ll you have?’’ It’s up to you, your publicity director, your club. What would you like to read, to have appear, on this page in NATIONWIDE — CLUB NOTES each issue of ARBA Bulletin.
Onario Conference Date Change
The Lock City Rabbit Breeders Club, host of the 6th Annual Ontario Council of Clubs, Conference and Show report the dates have moved up to Saturday, September 30th. Incidently, this is the Centennial Year of Canada and all stops have been removed for the banner rabbit outing of the century in Canada.
Mr. Wayne L. Rodgers, secretary, 49 Carol Court, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario will handle all correspondence; requests for show catalog. The site of the show will be the beautiful stadium
Page Ten
in Sault Ste Marie and this is believed to be the first rabbit show staged and held in a curling rink.
The border crossings will be cleared. Trailer camps and motels have all been checked. Several well known American Judges have made bids for this eventful show. From the number of inquiries and anticipated entries from the states it looks like this will be the biggest Conference Show ever.
Multnomah County Fair ARBA Judge Steve West, superintendent of Multnomah County Fair, reports a bumper entry of over 500 rabbits. Fancy breeds seldom seen in Oregon Fairs of recent years have swelled this years entry. Superintendent West, fair officials and all Oregon rabbit exhibitors are very pleased. Ten years or so ago, the Multnomah Fair Show featured 700 to 800 rabbit entries. The past 4 or 5 years the entry was down to near 250, so in 1967 they are showing a 1007c increase and look to 800 entry show in 1968.
East Texas New Commercial Club Mrs. Lorene E. Smith, Rt. 1, Box 325A, Simms, Texas 75574 club reporter and publicity director reports the commercial rabbit breeders of East Texas held their final organizational meeting and are now hard at work. All correspondence should be directed to her. Present meeting times are the 4th Friday of each month.
Affiliated with The Texas State RBA their first slate of officers: Mrs. Pat Tutt, Longview, Texas, President: A.B. Barnett, Longview, vice-president & program chairman: Mrs. Jean Sel-man, Tatum, Sec-treasurer: David E. Tutt, Longview, local agent.
Tri-State R&CBA On Radio Mrs. Mildred Beatty, Miss Vivian Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bur-key all Tri-State members recently appeared on East Liverpool, Ohio radio ^station WOHI. The program was a telephone call-in type program and was very beneficial program for the rabbit breeders of the area. They were able to furnish a public service as they included the proper feeding, housing and handling of rabbits for the public. Cattaraugus County Show New York State Meeting at Cattaraugus County Show The Cattaraugus County RBA Annual Show was pleased to host the Spring meeting of the New York State RBA. Officers installed for 1967 were Eugene Poulnot, Hoosick Falls, president; John Baker, Smethport, Pa., vice-president; Tillie Morehead, Maine, N.Y. sec-treasurer. Thirty 1966 sweep-stake trophies were awarded to 1st place and runner-up exhibitors with the All Breed Trophy to the top ex hibitor going to the Pine Rabbit Ranch
(Eugene Poulnot-Hazel Morrow). The Cattaraugus Show was judged by Jim Blyth and Sam Gerardi.
Alberta RBA Plan Future Convention Bid
Vic Daugherty, secretary of Alberta RBA, Box 5071, Station A, Calgary, Alberta, Canada reports the Calgary group plan several ARBA sanctioned shows to get the experience and thus be able to place bid for 1969 or 1970 ARBA Convention-Show. They are going at the matter in a business like manner and hope to stage the first ARBA Convention to be held in Canada at a near date. They plan on having representatives at the next two ARBA Conventions to seek knowledge and practical help.
Wellington, Ohio Hosts Polish National
Betty Stratham, reports Polish exhibitors from 7 states exhibited 143 head of the finest for ARBA Judge Carldon Gaddis to place. Bill Kennedy, exhibited BOB and K.O. Engler exhibited BOS. The 1968 National Polish Show was awarded to Adrian, Michigan.
Chinese Banquet Feature of
Garden City RBA
Burley Rewey, 2250 Peterson Ave, Missoula, Montana 59801, superintendent of Garden City RBA show reports Gordon Ash, will officiate at this years big event of the only ARBA rabbit club in Montana. Besides their usual fine show, fireworks at close of show— a gala banquet will be held at Mings Cafe, featuring Chinese fine cusine.
Tragedy Strikes Washington Rabbitry
The entire rabbitry and stock of Warren G. Heydenberk, 3911 Inglewood Ave, Yakima, Washington burned to the ground the night of July 23rd. This is indeed a tragedy of great magnitude and we all offer our help to Mr. Heydenberk. To clean up such a (truly sickening mess as a burned out rabbitry is indeed a shock. Mr. Heydenberk, plans to reestablish his destroyed rabbltry and director Cyril Lowit has offered New Zealand stock toward this end. Members and friends in ARBA are urged to lend a hand in this huge task.
Recent Deaths
Dorothy Dunbar, Cactus RBA, Arizona reports Mr. Dick Dale, of Tuscon recently expired. Mr. Dale, a native of Kansas was one of the most enthusiastic and conscientious rabbit breeders of Arizona and will leave a void in the ranks of ARBA and Arizona fancy. Mr. H.E. Forbes, Durham, North Carolina rabbit fancier passed away quite suddenly. Mr. Forbes, was a leading and voliitive force in and of the rabbit activities throughout North Carolina. Along with his wife Eursley Forbes,
Page Eleven
they constantly promoted the domestic rabbit in a tireless fashion. Rev. E.E. Moses, Golden, Colorado rabbit fancier recently lost his wife. Rev. Moses, says his rabbit activities have certainly been set back for a spell, but he likewise expects the rabbits which he and his wife loved so well, will help him in his efforts to continue as she would have wished.
Editors Forwarding
Excellent Publications
Recent extraordinarily fine rabbit publications and their editors, copies of which I receive regularly are: Ed Sea-cord, Rabbit Producers News-Santa Clara Valley: Joyce Smith, Finger Lakes RBA: Bett Hickman, Lehigh Valley R&CBA: Grace Haugh, Inland Empire RBA: Fred Hitchcock, Mid-Florida RBA: Edith Glum, The Informer (Tampa, Fla.): Alice Naylor, Satin News: Charles Haaf, Ohio News: Mary Battista, Rex Rakings: Pete Kern, Florida State: Ruth Ford, Texas RBA: Royce Forman, Rensselaer County — The Nest Box: William Croft, Canadian Rabbit Breeder: Illinois State News, Howard Morris: Himmie News, Francis Riffle.
The rabbit breeders in Colorado are definitely going to bid for the 1968 ARBA Convention and Show. The site if we are awarded the convention will be the “Steel City,” Pueblo. This is the site of the large Colorado State Fair.
The organization which has been set up consists of the following:
General Chairman -— Earl Hord Asst. Gen. Chrmn. — Frank Hostetter
Corporation Secretary — David Ford Corporation Treasurer — Bob Harris Show Superintendent Bill Summers Show Secretary —- Mrs Jack (Marjorie) Vaughn
Others will be picked as time allows and as we progress toward the time to make our bid. Committees are already at work on such things as the Constitution and By-Laws. The General Chairman has meetings set up with the Convention Committee of the Pueblo Chamber of Commerce (This is being done through his own local Chamber of Commerce at Walsenburg). These men are very interested in the convention coming to Pueblo, and are working hard right now to help us to prepare our bid and locate all facilities that are available to a convention of this size.
Another feature of Colorado during October is the beautiful scenery. A must, will be to tour the aspen country, while the members are here for the convention, if Colorado gets the nod for 1968.
The State Fair facilities will be set up, so that at least 3,000 coops will be set up permanently under one roof. This means that very few additional coops will have to be set up for the convention show. The building is now being newly painted, and all the facilities are being prepared for 1968. If Colorado is successful in getting the convention in 1968, rest assured everything will be done that is possible to make it a great convention for the members of the ARBA.
New Zealand
1 . Walter Voss, Ind. 63
2. Marvin Carley, Vt 55
3 Andres Rodriguez, Texas 49
4. Frank Westley, Pa. . .. . . 42
5. Harold Drudge, Ind 41
6. Harold A. Johnson, Mich 36
7. Walter Duby, Mass. 35
8. Stuart Griffith, Tenn 35
9. Jack Ellis, Minn. 34
10. Melvin E. Behrens, N.Y 33
11. Weldon Wahl, Minn 32
Silver Marten
1. Lewis Bowers, III 46
2. Floyd Shuck, Ohio 15
3. Joe Eve, Tenn 15
4 John Buehler, III. 12
5. O. W. Williams, Wash 12
6. E. O. Wolff, Texas 7
7. E. W. Story, La 7
8. Robert T. Byrne, Ind 6
9. Al Brucker, Pa 3
10. Harry Coles, Mo. 3
1. Duane Shrader, Nebr 2. Oren Reynolds, III. . 34
3. Hugh Betts, Tenn 28
4. Harold Drudge, Ind 26
5. H. M. Spence, Texas 23
6. Tom Whiteaker, Texas ,23|
7. John Hoblitzell, Fla. le
8. Lawrence Stingley, Wash. . .. 14
9. O. W. Williams, Wash. 14
10. Harry Fisher, Mo. 13
11. H. P. Guthrie, Ohio 12
1. Pete Naylor, Kansas 33
2. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 23
3. Wm. T. Robinson, III. 17
4. R. S. Satterwhite, Ariz. 12
5. Joseph Laura, Mass. 11
6. W. F. Gilber, Calif. 9
7. Lewis Bowers, III. 9
8. Don Smith, N.Y. 8
9. Robert Berry, Texas 7
10. Oren Reynolds, III. 5
1. Lewis Bowers, 101
2 Marvin Cummings, Fla. 86
3. Andrew Rodriguez, Texas 81
4. Harold Drudge, Ind 78
5. Marvin Carley, Vt. 73
6. Walter Voss, Ind 65
7. Oren R. Reynolds, III 63
8. W. T. Robinson, III . . 63
9. Harry Coles, Mo. 56
10. Harold A. Johnson, Mich 49
Page Twelve
Central Ontario Exhibition, J. R. Adare, 400 east Ave., Kitchener, Ont., Canada Sept. 9
Illinois RBA, Mrs. Bernise Bloomquist, Box 8, Sher-rard, III. Sept. 9-10
Inland Empire RBA, Mable l. Stingley, 7620 E. Baldwin Ave., Spokane, Wash. Sept. 9-17
Mattatuck RBA, Edmund Roman, 317 Clinton St., New
Britain, Conn. Sept. 9-10
Soo Valley RBA, Larry Lloyd, RR 1, Baltic, S Dak., All Breed Sept. 10
Gaston Co. RBA, R. G. Watson, 7 North Main St., Belmont, N.C. Sept. 11
Garland Co. Fair, Mrs. Elda Trafton, R 4, Box 428-E, Hot Springs, Ark. Sept. 12-16
York Co. R&CBA, Rudolph Hershey, RD 2, Box 349, Dover, Pa. Sept. 12-16
Cincinnati RBA, H. Centner, 8693 Livingston Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio Sept. 13-17
SEMO RB Club, Mrs. Derris Gray, Sikeston, Mo.
Sept. 14-17
New Mexico State Fair, Chloe Baker, P.O. Box 8546, Albuquerque, N.M. Sept. 14-24
Ohio State Dutch R. Club, Donald Weeks, RR 1, Highland, Ohio Sept. 15-16
Ohio All Ck Giant C. Show, Wilford Wells, 3106
Sherman Ave., Middletown, Ohio Sept. 15-17
| Terre Haute R&CBA, Donald E. Cook, 1320 First Ave.,
Terre Haute, Ind. Sept. 15-17
III. Ck. G. Rabbit Club, Andrew Muhlstadt, R 1, Kankakee, III. Sept. 15-17
Los Angeles Co. Fair, Mrs. Gladys M. Donlavy, P.O. Box 2250, Pomona, Cal. Sept. 15-Oct. 1
Columbus RBA, Mrs. Dolores Breckenridge, 1487 Cole Rd., Columbus, Ohio Sept. 16-17
All Stales Rabbit Club, Mrs. Stan Eckert, Big Springs, Nebr. Sept. 16-17
Kansas State Fair, Wallace M. White, Fairgrounds, Hutchison, Kan. Sept. 16-21
Texas Panhandle RBA, Mrs. W. E. Hill, 1608 N. Manhattan, Amarillo, Tex. Sept. 16-17
Western Wash. Fair, J. H. McMurray, Puyallup, Wash.
Sept. 16-24
New Jersey State Fair, Mrs. R. G. Carver, RD 3, Hwy. 22, Somerville, NJ. Sept. 16-24
Washington Co. RBA, Mrs. Ruth Caldwell, RD 2, Box 247, Eighty-Four, Pa. Sept. 17
Iowa Progressive R. Club, C. Jay Miller, 303 S. 6th St., Kalona, Iowa Sept. 17
Ashland Co. Fair, Shirley Moherman, RD 2, Box 53, Ashland, Ohio Sept. 19-24
24th Dist. Agri. Ass'n., A. C. Slinde, P.O. Box 777, Tulsare, Calif. Sept. 19-24
Richmond RBA, E. S. Meadors, Jr., R 4, Box 12-A,
Mechanicsville, Va. Sept. 21-30
New York State RBA, Hazel Morrow, Box 13, RFD 2, Hoosick Falls, N.Y. Sept. 23-24
Sandusky Valley RBA, Horace Taylor, 620 Miami St., i Tiffin, Ohio Sept. 23-24
Tri State R&CBA, Mildred E. Beatty, RD 1, Apples Corners, East Liverpool, Ohio Sept. 24
Eastern Dutch RF Club, May Hill, 2006 Jackson Ave., Wilmington, Del. Sept. 24
Cal Bra Hill Rabbit Club, Dean Daglow, 213 E. Leigh St., Homer, Mich. Sept. 24
Iowa State Ck Gt Club, Dorothy Newport, 2401 Wilson Ave., S.W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Sept. 24
Ark-Okla Livestock Expo, Paul Latture, 613 Garrison Ave., Fort Smith, Ark. Sept. 25-30
Eastern N. Mex. State Fair, Mrs. L. B Hite, 2003 No. Garden, Roswell, N.M. Sept. 27-Oct. 1
Central Washington Fair, J. Hugh King, P.O. Box 1381 Yakima, Wash. Sept. 27-Oct. 1
Decatur RBA, G. L. Loudermilk, R 1, Box 267 AA, Alpharetta, Ga. Sept. 28-Oct. 7
Panhandle South Plains Fair, Mrs. Maxine D. Caldwell, Lubbock, Texas Sept. 29-30
Fox River Valley R&CBA, Sharon Ausloos, RR 6, Town-hall Rd., Green Bay, Wise. Sept. 29
Alabama RBA, J. M. Bradfield, McCormick Dr., New Castle, Ala. Sept. 29-Oct. 7
Conn. RBA, Jessica V. Moran, 257 Fenn Rd., Cheshire, Conn. Oct. 1
Coshocton Co. RBA, Willard Miller, 6642 Woodland Hills, Navarre, O. Oct. 3-7
Heart O'Texas Fair, Leon B. Dollens, Jr., P.O. Box 7581, Waco, Texas Oct. 3-7
Arkansas Livestock Expo, Clyde E. Byrd, P.O. Box 907, Little Rock, Ark. Oct. 3-8
Fresno District Fair, T. A. Dodge, 1121 Chance Ave., Fresno, Calif. Oct. 5-1$
West Texas RBA, Mary E. Rabickan, 1436 Glenhaven, Abilene, Tex. Oct. 8
Delaware Co. RBA, Ralph L. Hertle, Box 336, Gaston, Ind. Oct. 8
Delaware State RBA, Mrs. John Klekotka, 2300 Foulk Road, Wilmington, Del. Oct. 8
ARBA Nat'l. Convention, George Berl, 2149 5 Mile Lane Rd., Penfield, N.Y. Oct. 9-12
Gulf Coast Rabbit Club, Mrs. Alma Ogg, R 3, Box 243, Orange, Texas Oct. 13-16
Pensacola Interstate Fair, John E. Frenkel, P.O. Box 2256, Pensacola, Fla. Oct. 16-22
Greater Jacksonville Fair, Ruth R. Ferrara, P.O. Box 2545 Jacksonville, Fla. Oct. 18-28
Salt City Rabbit Club, Louise Johnson, 712 North St., Halstead, Kan. Oct. 21-22
So. Central Mo. RBA, Mrs. Elmer Nocks, Willow Springs, Mo. Oct. 21-22
New England Dutch R Club, Harry Anthony, Jr., 120 Miller Ave., Meriden, Conn. Oct. 22
Auto City RBA, Mrs. Angeline Ellis, 21224 Sherman, Southfield, Mich. Oct. 28
Greenbelt RBA, Mrs. Ruth Ford, 1618 Mansard, Vernon, Texas Oct. 28-29
Lehigh Valley R&CBA, Susan R. Daughtry, RD 4, Wanners Rd., Reading, Pa. Oct. 29
Huntington RBA, Ida D. Humbert, 715 Leopold, Huntington, Ind. Oct. 29
Will Co. RBA, John Strom, 2220 Black Rd., Joliet, III.
Oct. 29
New England Satin RBA, Mary Zarges, 82 Fort Point St., P.O. Box 304, E. Norwalk, Conn. Oct. 29
Arizona State Fair, Wes Station, 1826 W. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, Ariz. Nov. 3-12
Cuyahoga Co. R&CBA, E. P. Shilliday, 5188 Eastover, Lyndhurst, Ohio Nov. 4
South Euclid R.F., Inc., E. P. Shilliday, 5188 Eastover, Lyndhurst, Ohio Nov. 5
Tri City RBA, Mrs. Helen Forsberg, RR 2, Box 150-A, Davenport, Iowa Nov. 5
Progressive Rabbit Club, Mrs. Chester L. Roberts, 4742 Parkview, Kansas City, Kan. Nov. 4-5
North Central Iowa RFA, LuVerne Vannatta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa Nov. 11-12
North Central Iowa RFA, LuVerne Vannatta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa, Am. Chin. Show Nov. 11-12
North Central Iowa RFA, LuVerne Vannatta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa, Champ. D Arg. Nov. 11-12
North Central Iowa RFA, LuVerne Vannatta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa, N.Z. Show Nov. 11-12
North Central Iowa RFA, LuVerne Vannatta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa, Dutch Show Nov. 11-12
Whiteside Co. RBA, Mrs. Blanche Short, R 2, Box 35,
Forreston, III. Nov. 12
Baltimore Co. R&CBA, Warren J. McNamara, R 2, Box 36, Reisterstown, Md. Nov. 19
Southwest RBA, Dorothy A. Ruzicka, 5309 Nell St., Fort Worth, Tex. Nov. 26
Missouri State RBA, Gene Loveland, 609 Coronado, Lee's Summit, Mo. Dec. 2-3
Beehive RBA, Mrs. Rhea Elkins, R 1, Box 439, Provo, Utah Dec. 3
Satin RBA of Calif., George B. Sutherland, 16041 Hay-land St., Valinda, Calif. Doc. 10
Calif. Rabbit Club of Calif., George B. Sutherland, 16041 Hayland St., Valinda, Calif. Dec. 10
ARBA GUIDE BOOK Last Opportunity For Ad Deadline September 20th
Paee Thirteen
Over 100 years ago this was the most popular breed in England. It well merited the title of “King of the Fancy”. Today it is one of the lesser known breeds. Its origins are rather obscure — some think it came from Algiers, spreading through Spain to the low countries and then across thechannel to Britain. There is no evidence to support this theory. On the other hand, our best known LOP breeder, Mr. Vickers, who has kept the breed for over 63 years and saved it from near extinction, is of the opinion that it simply turned up as a sport. Strongly supporting the theory is the fact that most of the European LOPS are descended from the English variety.
There are several varieties in existence during mid nineteenth century: —
OAR LOP: Whose ears did not hang properly, but stuck out at an angle of 45°. If the rabbit happened to look up the ears also rose. This type was most commonly found among strong rabbits, usually bucks.
HALF LOP: Which had one falling ear on one side — the other inclining over to the same side so that both ears hung over the same cheek, one on top of the other.
HORNED LOP: Which had a rare and ugly carriage of ears which could be rectified if taken in time. The ears hung over the head and face completely blinding the rabbit.
ANGEVIN OR PATAGONIAN LOP: A native of Flanders. A very large rabbit which could weigh anything up to 18 lbs. and over. It had a large roomy frame with prominent hip bones. Large head with big full eyes. The ears were long and heavy, lopped halfway up which caused them to fall like an inverted V. This LOP was by no means a beauty. Colour — agouti. It is from this LOP crossed Flemish Giant, crossed English LOP that we have the present day French LOP. The German LOP being somewhat similar. SPANISH LOP: Also known as the “Ram”, was even larger than the Patagonian. It had long shaggy fur, with a very large dewlap. Colour — light agouti. The ears were long and heavy but hung in all kinds of ugly shapes. BELGIAN LOP: Which was bred from the hare which was by no means the elegant, racy creature of today. It weighed up to 12 lbs.
Today we have 3 distinct varieties: — The English LOP as we know it — now very rare indeed but slowly increasing.
The French LOP or Grand Belier:
which is becoming rare in France
The German LOP is somewhat similar.
The Dwarf LOP which made its first appearance in 1964-5. This is a Dutch creation bred by Mr. Van der Cock. After more than 15 years experimenting. Last year it weighed 4 lbs. This year Mr. Van der Cock hopes to get it down to 3 lbs. In general appearance it resembles the French LOP. The Breed Standard of the English LOP. The Breed Standard of the English LOP in 1850 is interesting compared with present day standard.
These tables show that ear length in 1850-1870 was of greatest importance. The LOPS themselves were very small with an ear length of 18” — 23”. There was one LOP in 1870 with an ear length of 24^4” but this was largely believed to be inaoourate.
For maximum length of ear, heat was considered most essential. Other methods of obtaining ear length were appalling. One method was to take the LOP as near as possible to the fire, until the ears were well warmed, then, taking an ear in each hand — ‘ give three to four successive tugs, keeping up the pressure for several seconds. As this was done when the LOP was very young, all the fine blood vessels were ruptured and the operation had to be repeated constantly. It was nothing unusual to see LOPS at shows with ears all knotted with varicose veins and winning too!
Tying on of lead weights — waxing and stretching were other methods used. Luckily these practices have long since been abandoned.
For a graceful fall of ears — a little leather cap was worn over the head to keep the ears in their proper place.
In 1870 the LOP was at the height of its popularity. No LOP was eligible for 9how unless it had 18” of ear at least. Today we start at 22”. I
Page Fourteen
Ear length 25 points
Ear width 20 points
Ear carriage 5 points
Colour 10 points
Size and shape 10 points
Eyes 10 points
Condition 10 points
Weight 10 points
Ear length 10 points
Ear width 15 points
Ear shape . 15 points
Ear substance & carriage 10 points
Colour and marking 10 points
Shape 10 points
Legs and feet 10 points
Eyes 5 points
Size 10 points
Condition 5 points
think the longest recorded length of ear was 28”. A magnificent specimen which belonged to Mr. Vickers. At the moment, I myself have the longest eared one in U.K. —A young 9-month old buck with ears of 27” x6^” wide. Now, a good all round LOP is usually found in the 24” — 26” class. Ears, of course, being all important. The width in proportion to the length — Texture to be thick like leather, not papery thin or pimpled. The tips well rounded and not trowel shaped. The whole rabbit to be as large as possible — shape is that of mandolin, the back rising gradually from the nape of the neck to form a curve. Rump well rounded. Feet and legs straight. Eyes large and well opened. Colours usually fawn, sooty fawn, black and agouti which is the rarest colour at the moment. Fawn and sooty fawn being most popular. These are also , broken colours which can be of any colour. The white markings to be such leaving a distinct butterfly smut or as shading on the sooty fawn. The white should extend upwards from the chin and chest over the shoulders with two spots, one on each side called shoulder spots. No whilte as to be present in the general body colouring.
The belly is to be white but not brindled up the body sides. Colours over 100 years ago were more varied — they had black, blue, fawn, yellow, white, light agouti grey and smoke grey. In brokens — the saddle was all important and had to be of a uniform dark colour; true tortoiseshell was only seen once — usually these were tri-colours. So far an all white English type LOP has eluded the breeders. The French LOP is mostly agouti but also seen in white, — black and blue rarely. The Swiss have succeeded in producing a French type LOP with Giant Papillon markings which is practically the same as that of the American Chequered Giant. In Germany the first LOP was imported in 1890 by a Mr. Paul Starke of Dresden. In 1911 there was a tremendous LOP Club at Rochlitz in Saxony — now the Russian zone. The LOPS increased in popularity after World War I and large numbers were exhibited at German shows.
During Hitlers reign — a ruling went out to all Rabbit Breeders that only rabbits of the “economical type” oould be kept, i.e. Chinchilla, Angora, Blue Vienna, Argente, but breeding of Hares, Harlequins, Tans, Havanas, LOPS, was not considered. Many members of the Nazi Party directing clubs of Rabbit Breeders did not all approve of this and behind curtains breeders were advised to stick steadily to breeds favoured by individual breeders. They
were also advised to toe the line and keep one or two of the “economical species”. However, in spite of everything the fancy breeds still appeared at shows and were not rejected. It is not astonishing that with all this and effects of World War II that some of the fancy breeds disappeared completely. A few breeds survived and among them, the LOP.
It was perhaps fortunate that some stubborn breeders carried on with the LOP and it is due to their foresight and experience that LOPS of 27“ are often seen in the Western Zone, in 1959 German LOP breeders united in one special club in the Western Zone with the breed standard that as laid down by the British LOP club. Here again sooty fawns are the most popular — German, Dutch and French breeders call this colour Madagascar. A German LOP breeder friend tells me that there is now also a flourishing LOP club in the Eastern Zone of Berlin.
LOPS are now considerably inbred and I have now taken to crossing out the English type to French and German variety, which has given me after the first two crossings, a much larger and stronger LOP with tremendous ear substance although I still haven’t attained the ear length of my English LOPS. However, the last litter made 22” which has pleased me enormously. My one ambition is to breed back the blue! I began rabbit breeding with LOPS — it took me four years to procure my first pair —I now have a small stud but one of which I am immensely proud. I love “Loppy”. Quaint looking but truly fascinating. — A sure attraction at any show. There was a certain small boy who asked me if my LOPS would fly if I starched their ears! I wonder!! After all, there was a certain “Dumbo”!
Mrs. George Morehead
The 44th ARBA Convention-Show is now almost a reality. Less than 1 month from now we hope you will all converge upon Syracuse with your entries. We have worked and planned to the best of our ability and have left nothing to chance. Our committees and all of us in New York invite you to Syracuse October 9-12,1967.
Howard and Virginia Carr, general chairman and secretary respectively, report progress has been as anticipated and all is in readiness. Superintendent Fred Wickman and crew, promise the best of care for your rabbits and cavies while at convention. There will not be a shortage of feed or water
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utensils. The Finger Lakes RBA will supplement the supply if the need arises. Show Secretary Berl has only the judge assignments for New Zealands Red & Black to fill. Carol and Phyllis Salsberry are hard working members of our Youth Committee, that we inadvertently omitted last issue.
We the New York sponsors are very happy to call to your attention, we have reduced the entry fee from the $1.75 of last year — back to the established $1.50 entry fee. We are happy to do this and invite you one and all to enter as many as you wish. Additional large, beautiful trophies will be presented as follows: 3 fine display trophies to the first 3 largest displays and a magnificent trophy for largest entry at Convention. Tours: Wednesday, October 11th. Mrs. Berl, may be contacted in the show room for tour reservations. A visit to Syracuse China Co. starts the trek, then lunch. A thorough tour of Syracuse including its parks, the spacious universities and campus of each, Salt Museum are just a few of the high points.
Reservations: Mrs. Margaret Burdick, 16 Broad St., Carthage, New York 13619 will handle all reservations. Don’t wait, send in your needs (single, double, twin), date of expected arrival and date of departure.
Booths: Fred Johansen, reports there are still 4 booth spaces open on a first come, first served basis. The price $25.00 for clubs; $50.00 commercial double booths. For reservation of booth space, write Tillie Morehead, Box 161, Maine New York 13802.
Catalog: After many hours of work the catalog is now at the printers and will be ready for mailing at once, even before you receive this ARBA Bulletin. You must send in your request for a copy of the Convention Catalog. None will be mailed unless such request is made. You must include your ZIP code number in and with your catalog request. Mrs. More-head, Box 161, Maine, New York 13802.
OCTOBER 9 12, 1967
Lyman C. Franklin
This get rich fast rabbit bug has been a thorn in our sides here in North Carolina for many years. Too often people have gone into the rabbit business with good intentions and wound up with a broken spirit and a
bad taste for rabbits. Basically, most of these people took these fancy ads to heart and found out the hard way that there is a lot more to raising rabbits successfully than buying a couple of rabbits through the mail, housing these in wooden boxes, with only a back yard, garage or basement. And this is all they need to make $6,000.00 per year.
Several months ago I learned through my feed dealer that a man was in trouble with his rabbits. I visited this man’s place to offer any assistance I could. Upon arriving, I noted the man’s lay out was outstanding. His building was a well ventilated shed, all wire hutches, medal feeders, medal nest boxes, and very clean.
While talking to him, I found out he was having breeding problems and had had them from the start. He told me he had ordered five (5) does and one (1) buck from a well known broker. He stated he had ordered 6-8 month old rabbits. Upon looking these animals over, I concluded they were much older than this. I asked him about litters, litter sizes, etc. He informed me that three of the does had never conceived. I could find no fat, disease or general management problem. I was then satisfied that my first conclusion was the reason for this trouble. I asked him to be patient for a while and gave him several suggestions concerning breeding and etc. Some three months later I visited him again and learned that his problems has become greater. The three that had never conceived was still barren, the other two had been misses and now he had six (6) rabbits with sore hocks. I suggested he place boards in each hutch and helped him medicate the sore hocks. Finally after four (4 more months, the feet was healed. My friend decided the best, thing to do was to get a fresh start,( he stated he has a written guarantee from the broker that protected him and all he had to do was notify them he was shipping the animals back. He shipped them at a cost of $21.45. His payment for the rabbits was $12.21. I can assure you that my friend will never go into the rabbit business again.
A couple of years ago the Ontario Council agreed to rewrite the Fryer and Meat Pen Classes as the A. R. B. A. Commercial Classes were not in keeping with the practices in Ontario at the time, and also the A.R.B.A, was considering rewriting these Commercial Classes. Bing Harris was given the authority to rewrite these Classes, and
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Bing being on the A.R.B.A. Commercial Committee took the opportunity to submit these re-written Classes to the A.R.B.A. Those of you who have the new revised A.R.B.A. Standards will find that most of Bing’s re-write version have been embodied in the new Standards so we in the Ontario Council will recommend to the next meeting of the Council that we now conform to the NEW A.R.B.A. STANDARDS.
The New re-write classes will be published as space allows and we are sure that this will clear up any confusion in this matter.
Bing has suggested to the Ontario Clubs that they drop the Single Fryer Class except where they can be processed for dress-out and carcass judging. It has also been suggested that Council set up a small Commercial Committee to work with the Commercial Clubs regarding Commercial Contests. These proposals will be discussed at the next Council Meeting.
If you have any suggestions regarding the above please write to; Bing Harris, R. R. # 1, St. Jacobs, Ontario, Canada.
M/Z Commercial Rabbitry Twin Bridges, Montana July 13, 1967
W. E. (Bill) Molen, Editor,
Box 8, Bronson, Kansas Dear Mr. Molen,
We are sincerely and genuinely proud to be new members of ARBA. This letter is being written not for purpose of stirring up a controversey but rather for determination if ARBA has an answer for some problems that are confronting our fair, in relation to pure bred rabbits and judging procedures.
Our Madison County Fair dates are August 17-20 and at this late date the established practices will most probably prevail but we would like to see correct and proper procedures per ARBA rules be instigated in 1968.
Last year we entered rabbits at the fair and we certainly are not complaining on our return from the fair. What we would like to know is how to inform our county fair board about the proper judging of rabbits and other show details as per ARBA procedures. We would like to know how our fair officials can go about contracting an ARBA judge and retain his services.
At this time we have many 4-H youngsters that bring their rabbits to the fair. There are many 4-H rabbit projects in our area of Montana. We would like to receive instructions or
assistance in how to setup an information booth, in order to help the present 4-H rabbit youth as well as attract others. Our other aim is to also provide information to the general public.
As far as the present 4-H’ers, we know this information would aid them in making better selections of stock as well as a better all around understanding of their rabbits.
Following are some examples of last years mistakes;
#1 An Angora-Califomia crossed rabbit received top blue ribbon as the best rabbit shown by 4-H.
#2 A pair of tortoise Dutch, weighing 8 to 9 pound each, likewise received awards for best Dutch rabbits.
There were many other similar irregularities. Though we have been rabbit breeders for only 1*6 years, and are confessed amateurs, we do know from what we have read and our limited personal experience these were glaring mistakes.
Rabbit popularity is bounding, even though it is new to our area. The fair board does seem very interested but like me, may need some help. The new rabbit breeders deserve the best help they can secure. We feel certain from our observation and conversations, they would appreciate any help the ARBA could offer.
Mr. James H. Anderson, is our fair secretary-manager. Address is Twin Bridges, Montana 59754. Perhaps you Mr. Molen, or someone on publicity committee or our state director or state agent could help make the rabbit division a better part of the fair, both 4-H and open division in 1968. M.M. Wallace, R.E. Wallace
Bill Molen, Bronson, Kansas Dear Bill,
We really appreciate all your efforts for the Satin Club in particular are appreciated, but we notice you attempt to help all rabbit breeders and clubs, regardless of the breed. THANK YOU.
We will certainly round up some rabbit information for your ARBA Bulletin. We hope to also forward Satin information for Bulletin and Guide Book. The ARBA members are at last getting something official from the mother organization, because we are members, and not subscribers to a magazine. You are doing a good job and don’t let anybody tell you different.
Roger Fiitchom 1302 S. Bunn Bloomington, Illinois
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The Rotary Club of Sault Ste Marie annually sponsor a gala parade. This year the Lock City Club took full advantage of the Canadian Centennial spirit and publicized the 6th Annual Ontario Conference, September 30th. They sponsored the large float and the bunnie decorated auto shown above. The float was bedecked with live rabbits of various breeds, show advertising, advertising baloons were thrown to the children jamming the parade route. City officials estimated 50,000 onlookers at the parade. The parade was carried live on TV and an estimated 150,000 viewers were introduced to Canadian rabbit activities and the big show, September 30th.
James Blyth
This article is not to be critical of either the ARBA judges or the exhibitors who support our sanctioned, shows. We wish to bring to light items which many of us allow to exist and make no attempt to rectify. I have been a rabbit exhibitor since 1915. In reviewing these 52 years, I can sincerely state I’ve never known a dishonest judge. True there are some who are ignorant of what constitutes a good rabbit in certain particular breeds, but again I say I know of no dishonest judges over the years. We must regard the rabbit judge, similar to an umpire at a ball game, a judge of a beauty contest, a judge in a court room. Many times we attend baseball games and those in attendance will shout at the umpire that he is a crook, dishonest; even to the extent of throwing pop bottles at him. The same applies to dog judges and beauty contest judges and even our courts. While they do not erupt into violenoe, there is criticism of the judge and his decision. We must understand the judge is a person selected to pick out the best possible animal in accordance with the ARBA Standard of Perfection. He is not biased to any exhibitor. If you were to let the exhibitors do the judging, possibly each one would pick his own for the best. The same as a batter at a ball game. When he does not strike at a ball he figures it is a ball. But the pitcher figures it was a strike and the umpire is left to decide. The rabbit judge and
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the baseball umpire are neutral. I am sure if more of us were true sportsmen and considered the art of rabbit judging in this line, there would be less criticism of our judges. Some judges arc competent on some breeds and poor on other breeds. Not that they wish to be dishonest or unfair but because they have not had the experience or knowledge of certain breeds; hence, they do not understand the salient points of the breed from practical experience and their only knowledge is what they read.
Judging equipment and show-room paraphernalia run from fair to poor and you cannot expect the judge to do a good job with poor equipment. How many times have you seen 18-20 rabbits placed on a table with the exhibitors all huddled around the table and some of them even pushing their rabbits to the front in order to bring them before the judge. No judge, regardless of his ability or knowledge, can do a good job of judging rabbits under these circumstances. I am sure every judge licensed by the ARBA knows he is not doing his best job when forced to use poor equipment. However, our judges do the best they can and do not complain. When local clubs do not furnish proper equipment to ARBA judges they penalize the official and also the exhibitor. Our show-room judge’s equipment: tables, holding pens, carrying boxes, scales are sadly lacking and direly in need of improvement.
If all of our associations that put on shows would pay a little attention
to proper judging equipment, it would be a great help to the judge and a better job would be done.
Still another thing which is rough on the judge is these large shows. The judging of rabbits is a physical and mental strain. If he is a young judge, possibly he does not notice it too much but in a short time he will. To handle too many rabbits in too short a time will certainly try him both physically and mentally. The locals seem to want big shows, but they don’t want to hire enough judges to do the job. It is my honest opinion 150-175 rabbits is a very good days work for a judge, but when he is asked to judge 200-259-300, everybody knows it is a strain as well a laborious job and he cannot be sharp on all classes although he may be well schooled to do so. These things I have stressed over the years. Do knot work the judges so hard, give ■ hem better equipment and we will rsee better judging.
True, there are men and women who will never be competent judges. To be a competent judge a person must be well schooled in the art of rabbit judging; a few of our judges will never really qualify. However, in time the wheat will be separated from the chafe and these judges will fall by the wayside. I know there are some who are desirious of being judges and they pass the examinations to be a judge. Then the real problem comes up. In the first place, they never really had the ability to be a top notch judge. They may go on for years having a few shows here and there. Eventually the exhibitors will discover their inadequacies and they will fall by the wayside as a judge.
This is not to be critical of judges or exhibitors but to lay the facts on |the line. Last winter while in attendance at the Berea show, an outspoken rrabbit breeder Albert Meier of Ohio made a remark which struck me as true fact. I had been thinking along the same lines for a number of years, but never said anything and am a little cautious now at mentioning the remark that Mr. Meier made. Mr. Meier is outspoken. He pulls no punches. Therefore, only the type of man like him would make such a remark publicly. It was that New Zealand breeders were the poorest judges. I am inclined to agree with him, because under the New Zealand breeders who are judges, I have seen fancy rabbits mauled and shoved around the table and remarks that certainly do not go with the rabbit. I have heard such remarks as Polish having too narrow shoulders. The same on Dutch, English, Tans. Winners that were selected
were almost like miniature New Zealands. For the benefit of those breeders who are breeding New Zealands, they must remember there is a different type in most every breed of rabbits and most of the fancy breeders do not wish these massive broad hips or broad shoulders in their Dutch, Polish, Tans, English and I might say Checkered Giants. It is a real study, a challenge, for a judge and he must overcome his weakness for his favorite or particular breed. This remark which I mentioned by Mr. Meier is not to be critical but is to call the attention of those judges so they may benefit by it and do a better job of judging. Many years ago, there were more discussions at rabbit shows than there are today. The exhibitors usually got after the judge and many times gave him or her a rough time. If the judge was interested, this was beneficial to him and very helpful. Today, the show must move on, coops must be tom down and the exhibitors must get home. The judge has received little for his efforts and he too must get on his way to his every day work. We hope this resume will be beneficial to our exhibitors and judges, who we believe are all honest and sincere. May we all go forward in our efforts to upgrade our rabbit shows; improve our equipment; resolve to gain practical experience with all breeds which we judge; thus may officials, exhibitors and the general public be rewarded.
For some time now, there has been a good bit of discussion about the New Zealand Rabbit.
Some say they are not the same breed because of genetic’s, (the fact about the handing down of traits from parents to offspring) and should be shown by color.
Some of these questions will be coming up at the next convention, at Syracuse, New York. So be thinking about it.
I have been asked to get your opinions, and comments.
You need not sign your name, unless you wish.
THANK YOU, Harold Drudge
1. Are New Zealands, white, red, and black the same breed?
2. Should there be one New Zealand sweepstake?
3. Should there be a sweepstake for each color?
4. Should each color have a best of breed?
5. Should there be a best New Zea-
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land, and best opposite, picked from each best color?
Please add your comments.
(This sample questionaire is being carried in the pre-convention issue of ARBA Bulletin as a service to all involved and interested persons)
There are many pit falls or many mistakes that rabbit breeders make every day in carrying out the business of raising rabbits for fun or profit. The larger the operation the more costly are the Pit falls. I will not attempt to list them according to importance. I believe all of them, or any one of them, could be a disruptive influence and would certainly mean failure at the extreme or a very costly mistake in any event.
1. Buying an inferior strain of rabbits for foundation stock. Example:
A. Rabbits with no production record or with a poor record of production.
B. Rabbits with diseases or unhealthy condition. C. Buying show winners not knowing anything of its blood line or its reproducing qualities. D. Buying breeding stock because of the cheap pric?. E. Purchasing a rabbitry, lock-stock-and-barrel. There is possibility, after thorough investigation this plan may be practical. However, in most instances in purchasing a complete rabbitry you are only paying for failure.
2. Buying inferior feed because of cheap price.
3. Going into raising rabbits on a large scale without any experience.
4. By not being selective on breeding stock k >pt for your own use.
5. By not keeping accurate production records.
6. By not keeping proper costs and income records.
7. By not having proper cooping and facilities to protect rabbits from heat and drafts.
8. By having out dated hutches that are time consuming and loss of baby rabbits through same.
9. By not having a sanitary rabbitry.
10. By not having a holding pen outside of your rabbitry for fryers to b? picked up by processors. Many diseases can be carried by pick up man from one rabbitry to another.
11. By having no experience and no knowledge of rabbit husbandry. This could be obtained through the A.R.B.A, and local clubs, through articles and books, as well as trade magazines. The rest will come from experience.
12. By not giving enough time and effort on a planned Breeding program.
13. By being victimized into pur-
chasing so-called high grade stock from hucksters and advertising artists that prey upon the unsuspecting. Magazine after magazine list their come-on. They promise the best of stock. They promise repurchase of stock raised, when transportation rates are prohibitive. LET’S ALL HELP STAMP OUT THESE LEECHES UPON OUR INDUSTRY & FANCY.
J. Cyril Lowit, director ARBA District #1, West Coast has been surveying the various local and state clubs of his area. Personal letter and personal contact wherever possible have afforded some very provocative results and all results are not rosy.
It is highly important that we air the impending or possible traps that may befall a club in any given area, city or state. Director Lowit, rightfully interprets the tendency to paint a rosy picture to one and all as a boomerang that will return to haunt us. There have been too many stories written about how rosy things are and how many thousand rabbits can be raised per year, with a few does, and how many hundreds of thousands of dollars can be made.
Supplement the above reasoning with the fact that most every national magazine and many area distributed farm publications carry advertisements from various get-rich-quick artists that you can make $500.00 to $1,000 per month raising rabbits or cavies for them.
The following letter addressed to Cyril Lowit and penned by Charles Call will help us all understand petty problems that may arise and magnify into larger problems.
Mr. J. Cyril Lowit Troutdale Oregon Dear Sir:
I will try, in answering your letter, to give you a fairly accurate word picture of the Rabbit affairs in this part of Oregon.
At the present time, the Growing and Breeding of Rabbits is at the lowest point it has been since I began my Rabbitry here in Oregon, due to a number of reasons;—first and foremost, three times the growers in this area have been left with great numbers of fryer rabbits that they had no market for, the Processors had quit without much if any warning and there were no pick-ups. On two occasions I personally was left with several hundred, but, being of a different nature than many others, I did
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manage to dispose of what I had, and at a slight profit. Many newcomers to Oregon, and new in the Rabbit business sold their herds for anything they could get, and are forevermore, if not an enemy of rabbit raising, at least indifferent and will not for any reason go back into the business.
There is another reason, cost of production, and the price paid for the finished fryer leaves a very narrow margin of profit, and no place for inefficiency, and, as there has been a goodly number of so called Rabbit People who had little or no knowledge of the business, and would not, or could not be taught, their gradual fading has left a bad picture in the minds of most prospective growers, however, there is a gradual increase in the number of people who are interested, and, if they are given the proper start, with top grade production rabbits, and will take a little coaching from a few of the knowledgeable growers in the area, we can expect a real good showing in the next two years.
Then there is the type of person who wants to raise rabbits, tries to purchase breeders as cheaply as possible, and buys the culls from a no good, and as a natural consequence soon folds. Too, much of the Stock in the Valley, if not covering a greater area, is so inbred as to be very poor stock at best, and it is hard to prove to these people that it pays to get top breeding stock away from this district, even if they have to pay real money for them. I have had to pay $20.00 and more for a Buck of a breed I wanted when they were not much more than fryer size, but try to make these people realize the advantage of doing this.
As to A.R.B.A, members and Show people,—there are only a few of us [ eft down here, and, because of many ^factors too numerous to try and write about, it will take some doing to increase the number. However there is one thing we can remember, this same thing has happened numerous times before, and has always come out of it fighting, so all we can do is to keep at it and keep trying to get more and more people interested.
We did not have enough members to renew our ARBA charter this year, and too we cannot expect to have a show here for quite a while.
One other factor here causes some misunderstanding among Rabbit Growers and prospective Growers,—the existing Club is bitterly opposed to Shows and even goes so far as to rule one out of order in their Club meetings if the topic is mentioned. Some of their members would Show
their Stock, but are afraid of the consequences when it became known in the Club.
However, R. J. Ritchey and myself are constantly working to gain a few new A.R.B.A, members, and also to improve the ‘Picture’ of breeding Show Stock as well as Commercial. A few have shown interest, but have not decided as yet just what they will do.
Thank you for your letter, and if I can be of service to you or the A.R.B.A, at anytime, please call on me.
Very sincerely,
Charles W. Call 1329 Coghill Lane Medpord, Oregon
Oren Reynolds
Having been appointed liaison between the ARBA and the National Specialty clubs it was natural to assume that most inquiries or requests would come from these two bodies. The first year this proved to be true and we were most happy to have been able to consummate the first problems brought up. During the second year getting our request from the National Specialty Clubs or the ARBA proved to be untrue. Instead most of our requests came from Local Clubs and concerned the National Specialty Clubs.
One of the things uppermost in the minds of most local clubs seemed to be to get some sort of protection from the Specialty Clubs on their sweep-stake requirements . . . they felt the help they needed would at least help them try and break even financially on their shows. It was pointed out that most all Specialty Clubs protected themselves in their rules by requiring that so many of the breed be shown by so many exhibitors before they would pay out their own rosettes or ribbons even though, the ribbons and rosettes were in many cases, paid for by the sanction fee. It is felt that if the Specialty Clubs need protection in the pay back of their rosettes and ribbons that they should be able to afford some protection, at least on the directed specials, for the local clubs.
For some time the New Zealand Club has offered the local clubs this protection by requiring that at least twelve (12) be shown in a variety before the local club is required to pay the directed specials as set forth in their sweepstakes rules.
In writing to all Specialty Clubs and making an analysis of their answers it seems that many of the Specialty Clubs favor some protection for the local clubs. Most agreed that there
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should be ten (10) of the breed shown before the local club be required to pay the directed specials as set forth in the sweepstakes rules if the specials totaled $5.00 or more. This of course to be optional as many times the specials are donated and they would want to pay them regardless of the number shown.
Following is a break down of the Specialty Club answers to date.
Californian — Rules changed to include 10.
Champagne — Rules changed to include 10.
Creme — No answer to date.
Flemish Giant — In favor of the
National Angorra — Favors 6 if all clubs go along.
Silver Marten — Felt that rules that applied to them applied to local also.
Himalayan — letter answered but no decision.
Standard Chinchilla — Returns Vz of fee if 10 are not shown believe their rules to be most liberal.
National Belgian Hare — no specials required.
Beveren — No specials required.
Giant Chinchilla — 10 OK will go with majority.
Palomino — Assumed their rules applied to the local as well.
American Chinchilla — would consider going with majority.
American Dutch -— Feel that requiring $1.00 for each color only is protection.
Havana — No answer will go along with the 10.
English — replied it is before their board for decision.
Satin — Have a reply but no decision reached to date.
Checkered Giant — No decision reported as yet.
At no time did we intend to imply that all Specialty Club rules were not fair and this was not the question. The only question involved was should we offer the local clubs sweepstaking our breeds and sponsoring the show some protection on the required specials as listed in the sweepstakes rules.
Commercial Value Of The Breed
Roy Fisher
When one considers the background of the Californian rabbit it is little wonder that it has gained in popularity as a meat breed so fast in recent years that it now ranks second in number in all breeds as a meat animal.
In developing the breed Himalayan blood was used for its excellent milking qualities and to add the color; Chinchilla blood for quality and den-
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sity of fur and to add size to the animal; and New Zealand White to further increase size and to complete the white pelt. This combination of bloods plus careful selective breeding has produced a very beautiful as well as profitable animal to raise.
Having a broad short body; fine tecture of meat; and medium fine bone the dress-out percentage is a little higher than most of the popular meat breeds. Many have reported from 56 to 65%, of course the larger the fryer the better percentage obtained; probably the average for a four pound fryer should be placed around 60%. For this reason the Californians have established their popularity with all processors. If, and when we get the price of fur back where it should be the Californian will have still another commercial advantage as it has the type of fur that is wanted by the fur trade.
It is generally agreed among Breeders of numerous breeds that they have fewer colds, less trouble from heat, and fewer “misses” with Californian. This is also borne out by many pickup men.
The rabbit world is deeply indebted to Judge George West for originating this great breed,; and to those Breeders who have faithfully kept them pure and worked so hard to develop them into the wonderful commercial breed they are today. It should be remembered, however, that all of the desirable qualities and achievements of Californians can not be obtained (at least not regularly) from any cross or crosses that produce a white rabbit with colored nose and ears.
Questions and Answers
1. Q, Will Californians produce a 4 lb. fryer in 8 weeks?
A. Yes, In the rabbitries that have cooperated with Californian Specialty, Club in reporting their litter weights! Californians have averaged better than 4 lb. fryers at 8 weeks in litters up to ten. Top weight litter reported was a litter of 10 weighing 45 lb. at 56 days.
2. Q. Can you make a profit raising Californians for meat and fur?
A. The economical weight gains of Californians combined with their high dressings percentage enable the producer to make a good profit raising Californians. The white fur brings a higher price than any colored fur.
3. Q. Do Californians multiply as fast as other rabbits?
A. Californians are noted for producing good litters, because no attempts have been made to select breeders from the small litters as have been done in some other breeds in which large size on the show table is
considered more important than the factors for profitable commercial production.
4. Q. At what age can Californians be bred?
A. Six months is the most common age for breeding a Californian doe for the first time. Some commercial breeders start does at five months and some show-rabbits are kept until 8 months of age before breeding. Bucks should not be put into heavy service until 8 months of age, but may be used lightly for two months after they are 6 months old.
5. Q. Can Californians be run on wire floors successfully without getting sore hocks?
A. Yes. More Californians are raised on wire floors than on wooden floors.
6. Q. If more Himalayan blood is crossed in will we get better color, size, and fur texture?
Q. This procedure is not at all recommended. In trying to build up a breed that will breed true for its characteristics any introduction of other breeds is t obe discouraged. Himalayans and New Zealands served their purpose in the establishment of the breed, but are no longer needed.
7. Q. What is the difference between a pedigreed Californian and a registered one?
A. A pedigreed rabbit is one whose history has been recorded for three generations. A registered rabbit is a pedigreed rabbit that is free from defects, meets the standards of the breed, and has been registered by a licensed registrar of the AR&CBA and entered in the Studbook.
8. Q. Why do some Californians show brown markings?
A. Natural brown markings should be eliminated. However one should bear in mind that the black will become brown and dead looking before going into a moult, but will disappear with a new coat. New black will first appear at base of ear.
Pat Krider
The fancy Peruvian cavy with its long coat groomed to perfection is the most challenging of the three breeds of cavy. The breeder who wants to raise a lovely Peruvian must begin grooming at about four weeks of age and spend an average of ten minutes a day to groom each one of them when they are fully coated.
When the baby Peruvian begins to have a fluffy coat the new breeder should compare the babies of the litter to determine the one with the fluffiest coat and the fewest rosettes
as this coat will groom down better when the animal is older. By three weeks of age the best baby will be the fluffiest and have a thick coat and when you groom them the beginning sweeps will be even all around the body, and a forelock or the sweep over the head will be showing.
As the Peruvian’s coat lengthens, most fanciers find it is easier to care for the animal if it has some form of wrapper put on the sweeps to keep it free of litter and to keep the length on the sweeps. I use pieces of cotton cloth (Washfast colors) and place three on the animal, two being on either side and one for the rear sweep, with the sweep of hair centered in the cloth and the ends of the sweep just above the edge of cloth, and fold the sides of the cloth over the sweep and then fold the wrapper in half toward the body and secure with a rubber band. Some fanciers use long bobby pins, others try plastic rollers, and still others use no method of wrapping at all, so each must determine what works best for them, but most agree some method of keeping the sweeps off the cage floor is best.
When breeding the Peruvian that has done well in the show ring, we try to avoid the “crew cuts” that some of the girls opposed to long hair on their mates do give, by using the wrappers and connecting the three with one large wrapper about the size of a hankerchief over the top. This eliminates the need to clip the rear sweeps for breeding purposes. The Peruvians are found in a variety of colors and color combinations, but the solid colors rarely come close to the standard of color for Americans. What looks like a winning red or black, colorwise, at birth in depth of color, may just be a shade darker than some you already have, because as the hair lengthens the color lightens. (Compare the face color of your favorite solid with the body sweeps.)
The Peruvian should have a cage twice the size of the other breeds because of the coat and in order to keep it comfortable in the summer months in warm climates.
More than 430 rabbits of 16 breeds and 25 varieties were in the spotlight at the Spokane Interstate Fairgrounds.
The animals were entered in the 20th annual spring show of the Inland Empire Rabbit Breeders’ Association. Judges awarded 101 blue ribbons to their owners.
Page Twenty-Three
ARBA BULLETIN official publication of the
American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. 4323 Murray Ave. BB, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Non-Profit Org.
Louisville, Ky. Permit No. 218
JAMES BLYTH, Secretary 4323 Murray Avenue (BB) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217
I hereby make application for membership in the AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION
I enclose $5.00 for a one year membership which entitles me to a copy of the Official Guide Book, Year Book, Bulletins, and other benefits and privileges of the Association.
Husband and Wife Combination Membership — $7.00
( ) New
( ) Renewal
Recommended by Page Twenty-Four
Original Format
Bound magazine
ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 5 - Sep/Oct
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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8 1/2 inches x 11 inches
American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 5 - Sep/Oct,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 12, 2025,
Vol. 2 September-October, 1967 No. 5
When was the last time
Asked a Friend to join the ARBA ?
1. Edward H. Stahl, Mo. 30
2. Click Mfg. Co., Calif. 27
3. Melvin E. Behrens, N.Y. 16
4. Mark Youngs, Wash. 15
5. Tommy Andrew, Pa. 9
6. B. W. Smith, Mo. 9
7. F. R. Applegate, III. 8
8. Marvin Carley, Vt. 7
9 W. A. DeGraff, N.Y. 6
1. American Satin R.B. Ass'n. 11
2. So. Florida R.B. Ass'n 8
3. American Cavy Club 6
4. Meramec Valley R.B. Ass'n., Mo 5
5. Badger R.B. Ass'n., Wise 4
6. Lawrence Co. R.B. Ass'n., Tenn 3
7. Finger Lakes R.B. Ass'n., N.Y 3
8 Peoria Area R.B. Ass'n., Ill ... 3
9. Harvey Co. R.B. Ass'n., Kan 2
10. Northern III. R.B. Ass'n 2
11. Inland Empire R.B. Ass'n., Wash 2
12. North Central R. Club, Mich. 2
4323 Murray Avenue — James Blyth, Secy. — Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
*7^c SuUetCft
W. E. (Bill) Molen, Editor P.O. Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716 David Ford, Assistant Publicity Chm.
Bett Hickman Virginia Flournoy
Joe Lutes Tillie Morehead
Pat Krider Mark Youngs
Pat Giles Bing Harris
EXECUTIVE BOARD ARBA Wayne Willmann, Pres. James Blyth, Secy
Oren Reynolds, V.-Pres. Ellis Murray, Treas
Fred Applegate J. Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W. E. Molen
Claude Bennett E. P. Shilliday
W. H. Kennedy Edward Stahl
Edward Toebbe
One change has been made in the schedule of meetings during our Annual Convention which did not prevail last year. All Specialty Club officers of all Specialty Clubs are asked to meet with our Vice-President Oren Reynolds on Tuesday morning. Oct. 10 before they go to their respective Specialty Club meetings. Mr. Reynolds will have a message that all Specialty Clubs need to hear. During the past two years we have made considerable progress in unifying the procedures of our Specialty Clubs. Mr. Reynolds has served well. Let us cooperate with him.
Please read the Resolutions that are printed in this issue of the Bulletin. Be prepared to discuss them at the Convention. Every Local Club is entitled to one voting delegate. Be sure your credentials are in order as prescribed by our Constitution.
Clock trophies will be awarded by our ARBA for all Best of Breeds (not varieties in a breed) and for the Best Opposite Sex in each breed. Look over your stock and make a good entry for the Convention Show.
Catalogs for the Convention will be sent to people who order one. Be sure to send for yours.
Each Chairman of an ARBA Committee should meet with his Committee Sunday evening — Oct. 8 to prepare a report for the ARBA business session on Tuesday Oct. 10.
We have a wonderful association. Come to Syracuse and enjoy the fellowship of our members. I hope to see you there.
Wayne Willmann, Pres.
A Proposal By Director Shilliday
Director Ev Shilliday has prepared and distributed to all State Agents and Assistant State Agents in his district #5 a very comprehensive publication, titled, “Handbook For State Agents”.
This publication as prepared by director Shilliday is very informative in supplying what is hoped to be many of the answers to the paramount questions asked by the State Agents. Till now, there has been no official instruc tions or guidance offered — only the printed general outline of proposed duties. These duties are far too general and interpreted by most State Agents to be very unrealistic — as they are serving gratis and must devote much of their free and unencom-bered time plus many times personal finances.
Director Shiliiday’s compiled “Handbook For State Agents”, will be presented to the Board at the Syracuse Convention for adoption as an Official ARBA Handbook.
ARBA GUIDE BOOK Last Opportunity For Ad — Deadline September 20th
Is your ad for the brand new, revised ARBA Guide Book already mailed to Secretary Blyth? If your answer is Yes, you will be glad to knov the contract for printing this mon umental Guide Book has been placet with the printer. If your answer is No, you will pleased and happy to know, it is not too late to be included — Send your ad at once to Secretary Blyth, 4323 Murray, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15217.
The proposed issue of 15,000 copies is in the layout stage now. We are able to extend the deadline for receipt of advertising to September 20th, because the proof reading, necessary before printing begins is not complete. Proof reading is a long and tedious job, but we are certainly happy to accept your ad, prepare layout as per your directions, and then proof read. Rates $75.00 full page; $40.00 V6page; $22.50 Vi page; $12.50 Yspage; $5.00 judge, registrar & breeder listings, Jim Blyth, Bill Molen, Ed Stahl.
Page Two
MEMBERSHIP SERVICE Let's Make It More Than A Slogan Bill Molen
Service and membership are our most important products, one cannot survive without the other. We have all heard the statement many times that membership is the "Life Blood” of our organization. If you have not heard this statement —Let me state, emphatically — MEMBERSHIP IS THE LIFEBLOOD OF ARBA —just as this is true of most other organizations. Our membership is the basic tool and source of man power, or woman power as the case may be, which enables us to render various services; and this is our primary purpose and program. Inasmuch as our sole existence depends upon Service through our membership, isn’t it .time that we more effectively utilize jkome of the results of our various Services?
It has been my many years experience and observation that the most effective means of securing members is through some type of service. The local and state agents, the officers and directors of ARBA, the National Specialty Olubs and officers, plus our judges and registrars may all do a wonderful job and render an outstanding service to the membership (the breeder, the exhibitor): but with little, if any, results membership-wise. Consequently, this Service is a waste of time, effort, and money in regard to membership unless there is an aggressive follow-up. A car salesman may have hundreds of cars for sale, but he will not make a single sale unless he has some means of communication with the potential car buyer. Most all of our local and state clubs spend many thousands of dollars per year in their b abbit shows and other programs, but ’will realize few members unless some effective means is used to solicit membership; there must be a contact made with the potential member personally, by telephone, by letter or by some type of aggressive follow-up. There are over 200,000 rabbit raisers as per agriculture department census figures. They are all eligible to membership in ARBA, many of whom are waiting to be asked to join our organization.
I am convinced that due to the wonderful Service rendered by our organization, we could greatly increase the membership throughout the nation if the potential members were simply solicited. It appears that we are not reaping the fruits of our labors nor increasing our strength as an organization due to our lack of communication with the potential member.
Membership Means Service Service Should Mean Membership
I sincerely hope every member will do some serious soul searching and decide that he, or she, personally must take positive action to support our Service Programs by increasing our membership.
Jim Blyth
The highest award a rabbit can achieve is a grand champion. There are many breeders over the United States who are interested in this high award and many are receiving them. When the application is received in Pittsburgh, a beautiful certificate of grand champion is awarded. It is no easy matter to win one of these prized certificates. The reason it has been kept such is because we have had wonderful cooperation with the show secretaries over the country. They have been careful in issuing these records of legs on grand champions and many times have been sincere in questioning the right of an exhibitor to have such a record of leg on grand champion. We have thus managed to hold up our awarding of records of legs on grand champions to the highest possible level. This can only be accomplished with the full cooperation of the show secretaries and this office.
The applications for grand champions seem to be increasing each year. There is no doubt the rabbits are improving as they are awarded these championships. Only records of legs on grand champion can be received from the show secretary at which you exhibit. Full details, rules and regulations on these certificates that will guide you on the handling of them.
Record of legs on grand champion will be given for the first in each class; for best of breed; best opposite sex; best of variety. Providing there are 5 or more rabbits competing and 3 or more exhibitors exhibiting. This makes it difficult for some of the exhibitors who have odd breeds and even those who have popular breeds to obtain certificates. Any 3 of these record of legs on grand champion are obtained from 3 different shows, mailed to this office with the fee of $2. This records the grand champion and is listed in our records as a grand champion and on the registration blank. We issue this beautiful certificate. However, some of the breeders are falling down, by not giving the registration number of the application for a grand champion. This we must have because this record goes on the registration application which is kept on file here in the office. We
Page Three
would appreciate all of those making application for a grand champion to be sure and place the registration number on these records of legs on grand champion. This will save us from writing you and giving you better service on this high award.
Grand Champions are much sought by the fancier and he prizes them to a great extent. They are an insurance the rabbit can stand up time and time again in competition and win, not only under one judge but others. It proves the rabbit is a real exhibition animal and we congratulate those who for the past year have made our grand champions so attractive to others. We hope more fanciers will save these records of legs on grand champion, have their rabbits registered and apply for a certificate. Be sure to read the details on these records on grand champion.
---------- CORRECTION --------------
In the March April Official Bulletin I made a statement that the “Falls Cities Rabbit Breeders Assn, was NOT incorporated!” This Statement was INCORRECT. The Falls Cities Rabbit Breeders Assn, was incorporated in 1946. The Falls Cities Rabbit Breeders assn, was not the host association of the 1966 convention.
I regret making this statement and APOLOGIZE to the Falls Cities Rabbit Breeders Assn. Inc.
Ellis W. Murray
Amer. Blues & Whites: Harold Guthrie
Amer. Sable: Lawrence Ritter Amer. Standard Chins: Harry Rice Amer. Chins: Harry Rice Giant Chins: Harry Rice Angoras: W.J. Seyfried Belgian Hare: W. J. Seyfried Beverens: Harry Rice Californians: Harold Guthrie Champagnes: Harold Drudge Creme D’Argent: Harold Drudge Checkered Giants: Jeanne Maddox Dutch: Tom Shufflebotham and G.A. Burke
English: W.J. Seyfried Flemish: Lawrence Ritter Florida Whites: Harry Rice Havana: Jack Pugh Harlequins: Don Reid Himalayan: Don Reid Lops: W.J. Seyfried Lilac: Don Reid Tans: Jack Pugh Silver Martens: Jack Pugh Satins: Sam Gerardi and A1 Roerdanz Rex: R.G. Carver Polish: Carldon Gaddis Palomino: Carldon Gaddis Silvers: W.J. Seyfried Silver Fox: Jack Pugh Siamese Sable: W.J. Seyfried White New Zealands: Harry Hurlburt and B.A. Harris
Red & Black N. Z.: R. T. Byrne Cavies: Don Reid Youth: Sam Gerardi Commercial: Lawrence Ritter
The American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
4323 Murray Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217 FOURTH QUARTER REPORT - APRIL 1, 1967 TO JUNE 30, 1967
Membership Dues $5,726.67
Combination Dues 194.75
Sanctions 238.00
Badges 230.08
Grand Champions 166.00
Charters 233.00
Judges Books .... 35.30
Judges Licenses 35.00
Registration Blanks 1,380.00
Supplies 38.22
Transfers 11.25
Standards 267.35
Booklets 1,215.44
Payroll Taxes
Ded. from Emps. 394.48
Miscellaneous & Adv. 769.45
Pedigree Book 216.89
Registrars Licenses 116.50
Rabbitries 16.00
Specialty Club Charters 5.00
Total Receipts $11,289.38
Page Four
Secretary Salary $1,700.0 i
Office Salaries ... 1,218.1;'
Office Supplies & Expenses 81.75
Telephone 202.18
Bank Charges 58.47
Accounting 240.00
NSF Checks 23.00
Bldg. Maintenance & Expense 211.84
Payroll Taxes Ded. from Empls. 394.48
Payroll Taxes — Assoc. Share 272.52
Refunds 1.50
Registrar & J udge Exam Fees 63.75
Postage 700.00
Sales Taxes 1.62
Freight 6.70
Accounts Receivable 20.00
Remitted to Treasurer 6,093.42
Total Disbursements $11,289.38
August 4, 1967
To the Board of Directors and members of the AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASS’N. INC.
Your association has a bank account at:
Bank of America N. T. & S. A.
8701 South Western Avenue Los Angeles, California a/c/No. 302380
We have examined the items that were deposited to and the checks issued from this account. We find that they agree with the books and records kept by your treasurer, Ellis W. Murray.
A summary of the transactions that flowed through this account during the period of our examination, which was from July 9, 1966 to July 3, 1967, is submitted below:
Cash on hand at the beginning of year
or July 9, 1966 ............................................$11,316.53
Add: Deposits for the period from July 9, 1966 to July 3, 1967
(a) Receipts from secretary Blythe . $30,958.84
(b) Receipts from Tommy Andrew 518.71
(c) Receipts from W. E. Molen ....... 188.00
(d) Interest Received from Home Savings
& Loan Ass’n, from a/c 03-022000-8 696.84
(Note: This account has a $13,000.00 Balance as of 7/3/67)
(e) Miscellaneous Refunds and Revenues 12.50
We found that all of this cash was accounted for in the following manner:
(a) Checks issued by the treasurer in payment of
vouchers incurred by the association ...................$29,068.37
(b) Transferred to Home Savings & Loan Ass’n.
Account No. 03-022000-8 ................................ 3,000.00
(c) Balance in Bank of America N. T. & S. A.
as of July 3, 1967 ..................................... 11,623.05
Total Cash Accounted for During Period Examined $43,691.42
During the course of our evamination we inspected some of the vouchers and on a test basis traced some of the checks issued in lieu of these vouchers to the vouchers. In all cases tested no variances were found. The bank balance was reconciled to the book balance.
Our examination was limited to the auditing of only this single bank account.
Yours very truly, by EARL N. MALiLET Certified Public Accountant
TOE-NAIL COLOR ON SIAMESE SATINS ARBA Standard Committee Interpretation
There have been numerous inquiries regarding toe-nail color on Siamese Satin. First : Let me say that in early days of the Californian, much the same problem was encountered and a liberalization of the color requirement was made. The use of the word “horn” is in itself an item of disagreement because of the varying shades encountered in the horn of one animal. To add further confusion to the situation, the Satin standard under “Nails”, following immediately after color description, states: “to show pigmentation and be of a light horn color”. Further
along in the standard under “Feet and Legs” we have this description: “Toe nails to be horn color or dark in all colors”. These are the sort of things I hope to get cleared up in several breed standards in the future.
It is my interpretation, based on the precedent set on the Californians, that nails showing pigment, other than that caused by the pinkish cast shed by the blood vein, be acceptable —providing, all nails on the front feet must match, and all nails on the hind feet must match, with no noticeable contrast in color. I am having this included in the ARBA Bulletin so that all judges may be informed of this interpretation.
A1 Meier, Chairman
ARBA Standard Committee
Page Five
By Jim Kane
(News Rural Reporter)
Ann Arbor News
Bill is only five years old but he has sired 3,000 offspring.
This fact may seem amazing to most people if they don’t know Bill is a five-year-old New Zealand rabbit who is still going strong at an age when most rabbits are considered not productive any more for breeding purposes.
Bill’s owner, Raymond F. Wells of 2435 S. Main Rd. in Pittsfield Township thinks that Bill is an exception, and to see Bill casually wiggling his nose in his cage, one gets the impression that Bill seems to agree with his owner.
The nine*pound rabbit who could light up any child’s face as an Easter bunny shares his rabbitry with some 300 fellow rabbits. They live in 97 separate cages in a bam behind Wells' home, where he has been breeding rabbits for meat and fur for 36 years.
The 61-year old Wells, who originally began with four rabbits, now has a real population explosion on his hands. But ■he seems to enjoy it.
In 1930, rabbit breeding was just a hobby for him. He served as a postman with the Ann Arbor Post Office for 14 years and then was a rural mailman until his retirement in 1965. Since then, his avocation has proliferated into a vocation.
Of his 300 rabbits, Wells has 67 working does (female rabbits who are bred or are ready to breed) and six bucks (male rabbits). There are 36 litters in the rabbitry consisting of about seven rabbits per litter. He also has about six brown Dutch rabbits.
Wells does his own butchering and dressing. He sells most of meat to Ann Arbor stores and to some private customers. The fur is sent to New Jersey.
On an average, he markets 25 to 30 rabbits per week. Those marketed usually weigh from two to three pounds and are eight to 10 weeks old.
Wells explained that the does can start breeding when they are five months and the bucks when they are six months. A litter from eight to nine rabbits can be produced about every three months.
Instead of feeding his rabbits greens, Wells uses protein pellets which consist of grain, ground alfalfa and various types of minerals to give them a good diet.
“My biggest job is cleaning out the cages, which I do every two months and spread over a three-day period,” Wells said. He leaves the lights on all the time in the rabbitry and a radio playing, which help to keep the rabbits
ABBA member, promoter, worker and BOOSTER Raymond Wells, Ann Arbor, Michigan posing his prolific New Zealand buck, ‘Bill.’ Bill’s 3000 offspring is looking at his daddy with admiration.
calm. Wells added that these techniques also aid in breeding.
“I usually sell about 10 to 12 bunnies for Easter, but many people bring them back about three weeks later after the novelty wears off and they become tired of taking care of the rabbits,” he said. All of his does and bucks have names and can reproduce until they are about four years old.
Although Bill is past his reproducing age, Wells said, “I’ll never butcher Bill. I’ll just keep him until he passes on.”
There are about 30 different recognized breeds of domestic rabbits, and Wells has had about half of these different breeds at his rabbitry. Some of the breeds included Silver Martens, Polish, New Zealands (both white and red), Havanas, Dutch, and Checker Giants.
“There isn’t too much difference in the rabbit meat, although New Zealands are very popular and grow rapidly. The New Zealands are very calm and easy to handle,” he said.
Wells explained that the rabbits fur serves as a type of insulator against all types of weather. He added that the rabbltry is always about 10 degrees
Page Six
warmer than it is outside because of the body heat. When it becomes too warm in the summer, he opens all of the windows.
In the winter, he puts straw in the cages of the new-born litters. The mothers then make a nest and keep their young warm.
Wells' activities are almost as numerous as his rabbits. He is a member of the American Dutch Rabbit Club and the Michigan State Rabbit Breeders Association. He has been treasurer of the latter organization for 17 years. Wells is also the assistant scout master for Boy Scout Troop 21 in Ann Arbor.
Wells cares for most of his rabbits himself, although his son Wendell helps at times.
When someone asks Wells what business he is in, he could safely answer that he is in the most prolific business in the world.
As you will note, the paper on which your ARBA Bulletin is printed has been improved. The Publicity Committee, determined the additional cost, which incidently is under $100.00 to change to enamel stock rather than the hard to read newsprint. Our budget figure was considered and we did contact the members of the printing committee. Likewise our secetary, treasurer and vice-president acting while the president was on extended trip, also approved this change. Our printer, ARBA member Ed Schuhmann was also very cooperative and hence the new look to your ARBA Bulletin. We hope you like it.
Another new feature, beginning this issue: — NATIONWIDE — CLUB NOTES. Tillie Morehead, publicist for
(the 44th ARBA Convention-Show, October 9-12, Syracuse, New York has her iinal pre-convention material this bulletin. Note that the Syracuse Folks have reinstated the $1.50 entry fee, this is a reduction. Tours, reservations, catalogs all are now upon us. You cannot wait, now is the time for action and start packing for Syracuse. List of Convention Judges is herewith published.
The various clubs and individuals that participated in NATIONAL RABBIT WEEK, have started submitting their material, photos, news aricles etc for judging. Remember, the ARBA will award at Syracuse 3 Champion Promoters Award Trophies to the 3 top clubs and one trophy to top individual promoter. Sharon Ausloos, Green Bay, Wisconsin, secretary of Fox River Valley R&CBA was the first club official to submit their material for judging. Seems they did a bangup job, including radio, T-V, hide-fur and product dis-
plays, and the Appleton Post Crescent newspaper gave fine support.
Reports of treasurer, secretary, and advertising make this an important issue. Resolutions appear in this issue, total of 9 to be acted upon at Syracuse. Contests of registration and membership; Grand Champions, Registrations and sanctioned shows.
Our lead article in May-June Bulletin relative to the many new rabbit breeders that are crooked, hoodwinked or otherwise taken advantage of by various buy-back type promoters, has certainly uncovered a tremendous number of abuses. Actually, we have received far, far too many articles to print them as we had promised. It would take a special publication in itself to publish these exposes. We are stUl hard at work on this serious business. We still invite your letters and facts of cases in your own area, where folks have read the glowing ads in the magazines and sent off their hard earned money, for what later turns out to be junk rabbits, in most cases. We are in contact with the Federal Trade Commission and win keep you advised. We have included a typical letter of how the unsuspecting person is bilked when he sends off and secures these expensive, no-good rabbits. Read the expose article sent in by Lyman Franklin, of North Carolina. It is high time the ARBA thru its members took the initiative and stamped out these leeches, that are sucking the money out of gullible people that just turn out to be SUCKERS.
Ray Wells, Michigan received top drawer treatment in Ann Arbor News feature. Lock City RBA of Ontario are going all out to make the Ontario 6th Conference-Show a dandy. Let's give them a hand and an entry.
The Year Book is being printed. The new Guide Book is nearing the printing date. Don’t think for one minute the committee of Blyth, Stahl and Molen have not been working. We have worked long and hard and expect to continue to work. We wish to thank all the members of the Publicity Committee for their tireless efforts too. Then there is Ellis Murray, Oren Reynolds, Vern Ashton, Cyril Lowit that have offered continual aid and assistance. Ev Shill-iday, Fred Applegate and Bill Kennedy have likewise offered material assistance. We appreciate hard working Ed Schuhmann. To Blyth, Stahl, Molen add the above, we will pull our share and know each of you will too, when asked. If you aren’t asked, don’t be offended, just send in your material and keep working in your own area. We appreciate your efforts and ARBA is growing because of such individual efforts on your part.
Page Seven
Be it resolved that Section E, article III under "By-Laws" shall be deleted.
The Cavy Association is the only specialty club which has a committee to over see it. As the Cavy Association is set up under and abides by the same rules as all other specialty clubs, section E, article III infringes upon the rights of the Cavy Association.
Submitted with 25 signatures RESOLUTION NO. 2
Be it resolved that Article VI of the ARBA Constitution be changed to read as follows:
SECTION 1. The elective officers of the Association shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer and Board of Directors consisting of nine members (and all other officers) who shall be elected annually by and from the membership. In the election the Board of Directors, five to be elected for a two year term on the odd years and four for a two year term on the even years. Each year thereafter the same number shall be elected as those whose term shall expire.
SECTION 2. The officers of the Association shall serve two years or until their successors are elected and qualified, except the Board of Directors as heretofore provided, and the Secretary, who shall be appointed by the Board of Directors for a three year term. They shall enter upon the discharge of their duties PJanuary 1st of each year.
SECTION 3. Any member in good standing of the ARBA, wishing to become a candidate for any office of the Association shall write the Secretary for
a nomination petition, which the Secretary shall supply. These requests must reach the Secretary not later than May 1st of each year. The nomination petition shall carry the name of the member and the office he is to be a candidate for and shall carry the signature of 25 members of the ARBA in go standing. When the petition is filed with the Secretary before June 1st the Secretary shall then place the member's name who appears on the petition on the election ballot. One election ballot shall
be mailed to each member in good standing and
returned to the Certified Public Accountant who is to be selected by the Board of Directors, who will make a final count of all the votes received by each candidate and report his findings to the
Secretary of the Association.
SECTION 4. A self-addressed envelope shall accompany each ballot with the CPA name and address printed thereon. Members voting shall mark the ballot, place it in the self-addressed envelope, seal it and mail it as addrssed.
SECTION 5. When the Secretary receives the final count from the CPA, he will then notify each candidate of the election results for the office he was a candidate for. A complete list of the results will be furnished each officer and director, and each Rabbit Journal.
SECTION 6. After the ballots are counted and final report is made to the Secretary, the CPA shall mail all ballots to the Secretary of the Association. The ballots will remain in the office of the Secretary for one year.
SECTION 7. Any candidate defeated for office in the Association requesting a recount of the ballots, shall make application with the Secretary within 60 days after the election. The candidate making the request for a recount shall pay the fee charged by a CPA for his services of the recount.
SECTION 8. When a vacancy in any office occurs, from any cause whatever, the same shall be filled by a vote of the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE 111 — ARBA BV-LAWS, SECTION (i) ELECTION COMMITTEE to be completely deleted as Article VI of the constitution takes place of this section.
Submitted with 26 signatures RESOLUTION NO. 3
Whereas, railroads are continually doing away with first class passenger service and Whereas, If service is provided it is by out of the way routes causing extra fare.
Therefore be it resolved, that Section 2 of
article 8 of the constitution be amended by striking out the following words "one first class round trip railroad fare" and insert in lieu thereof the following "one round trip air coach fare".
Submitted with 27 signatures
Resolution No. 4
Whereas, The ARBA has rules, qualifications and tests that qualify and select their official ARBA judges.
Whereas, All local, state and national shows, sanctioned by and for an official ARBA show secure their judges from these said judges so qualified and licensed by ARBA.
Whereas, In the interest of fairness to the exhibitor and the show sponsor alike, also advancement of the principles of ARBA and improvement of breeds and varieties, it is imperative all ARBA judges constantly study and apply their interpretation of the ARBA Standard of Perfection. Likewise to keep abreast of all breeds, attendance at as many judges conferences as possible is a necessity.
Whereas, Many judges fail to refresh their outlook and knowledge by attendance at such judges conferences for years on end.
Therefore be it resolved, That article IV, section 5a of the By-Laws be removed in its entirety and the following be adopted as the proper and new article IV, section 5a of the By-Laws.
Section 5a. All licensed judges shall attend
at least one (1) judges conference every five years, failure to so attend will result in suspension and revocation of the judge's license. Exceptions to be (1) Those judges who have held 20 years continuous ARBA judge license. (2) Those judges 65 years of age or over regardless of length of continuous ARBA Judge license tenure. These two excepted conditions of judges will not have their license suspended and revoked for failure to attend and participate in a minimum of one (1) judges conference every five years but they are strongly urged to attend and participate in judges conferences as often as able.
Submitted with 28 signatures
Whereas, The duties of officers and directors of ARBA are such as to require undivided
attention in order to serve the association and realize the objects as set out in Constitution.
Whereas, There could be a conflict of interest.
Be it resolved, That article VI, section 2 of the constitution have the following sentence be added thereto at end and immediately following
last sentence of said paragraph section as it now appears.
An elective officer of this association will not serve as an officer or director or board member of a national specialty club simultaneous with hi elective term to this association, resignatio from such offices in and of national specialty clubs is required prior to assuming officer or directorship in this association.
Submitted with 28 signatures
Be it resolved that article VI, section 3 of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. constitution be changed by the deletion of the final eight words of the first sentence, "to serve a minimum of three years."
"Section 3. The Secretary shall be appointed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Secretary may be re-appointed. The Board of Directors may remove the Secretary from office, for cause, during any term of office".
Submitted with 56 signatures
Be it resolved that article VII, section 4 of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. constitution be changed by adding the words "chairman of" preceding "the budget", in the final sentence of the final paragraph. The final sentence would then read:
"He shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Budget Committee.
Submitted with 56 signatures
Page Eight
changed by deleting the first three paragraphs and substituting the following:
Section 2. Any member of this Association in good standing may organize a local association,
composed of breeders in his or her district for the purpose of building up the industry. Officers of any local association so organized should consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer (or Secretary-Treasurer) and three or more directors.
No charter will be granted a local association having less than five (5) members of this Association
in good standing. At least all officers of any local association must be members of this Association,
or must become members of this Association upon or before taking office in the local association.
No charter will be renewed unless the association has complied with all of the requirements for obtaining the original charter.
Submitted with 43 signatures
1. New Zealands .157 6. Champagnes n 13. Creme D'Arg. ...
2. Californians . 61 7. Am. Chinchillas li 14. Palomino*
3. Satins 25 8. Silver Martens 9
4. Dutch . 18 9. Checkered Gt 8 16. Angora
5. Flemish .. 15 10. Rex 7
11. English Spots 7
12. Havanas 6
Owner Breed Reg. No. Pri. Ear No
R. Graves Silver Marten 91 92-X RPU
H. Peters Californian 8482-X G97
P. Mattson New Zealand 6879-X KG02
J. Lain Californian 9839-V OD1
J. Lain Californian 9838-V Z05
Twin Valley Rabbitry Dutch 5997-X VI69
Twin Valley Rabbitry Dutch 7025-X V79
Twin Valley Rabbitry Dutch 7037-X 1
N. McNary Dutch 6445-X G30
E. Nase New Zealand 3530-X AA12
H. Betts Californian 9932-X B6286
H. Betts Californian 9934-X B8272
Himmelberger Rabbitry New Zealand 6915-X HB-175
Himmelberger Rabbitry New Zealand 6919-X HB-249
Russ-L-Acre Dutch 5639-X N-Z
D. Calloway Dutch 282-A C6
Goshen Rabbitry Polish 283-A OS2
B. Keller Californian 934-A 2K
L. Bowers Std. Chin 664-A J L25
L. Bowers Std. Chin 663-A JL20
H. Taylor New Zealand 8332-X H24
H. Taylor New Zealand 8334-X JH25
W. Wheaton New Zealand 1 12-A N045
R. F. Wallace Checkered Gt. 944-A FS48
G. Lewis Dutch 284-A G
Big B Rbty Californian 8368-X SB12
Larry's Rabbitry Checkered Giant 61 4-A LS377
TOTALS - 1966-67 Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1967 - TOTALS
22,772 $5,137.10 $5,575.00 $10,712.00 $6,393.91 $4,318.19
PLUS 169 orders for Breeder and Show Room Supplies
MEMBERSHIP DRIVE. There were a total of 627 members received on the Membership Drive. Totaling $3,135.00. Results of this drive and those who participate appears in this bulletin. WANTED others to take part. Get membership application from the Secretary.
NOTE. The above compiled from monthly report records supplied by Secretary James Blyth.
Because of the A.R.B.A. Advertising program in publications that reach many Foreign Countries, our membership Is increasing outside the borders of the United States. The Booklet "A Practical Beginning to Successful Rabbit Raising," has been the means of interesting people in Foreign lands to raise rabbits. Two of the advertisers in the mentioned booklet have received orders and shipped to the following countries. Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela, Spain, Malta, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Holland, Peru, B.W.I. Numerous shipments have been made to our neighbor to the north, Canada, and south of the border, Mexico. Of particular interest is that the agriculture department in one of the South American Countries purchased adult breeding stock in pairs, which they in turn gave to people there to raise for their meat with the understanding that each recipient give a pair to others. It is said that this works very well. Add this to the accomplishments and achievements of the A.R.B.A, now international in its scope and influence.
Page Nine
Be it resolved that article VIII, section 2 of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. constitution be changed by the substitution of the word "may" for the word "shall" so that it will then read:
"Section 2. The expenses of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and each director, incurred in attending the annual meeting of the Association may be paid by the Association. Each officer and director attending an annual meeting, special meeting or meeting of the Board of
Directors may be allowed one first-class round trip
railroad fare and the cost of hotel room for the
duration of any such meeting. Such allowances are
not to be paid until approved by the Board of Directors."
Submitted with 56 signatures
Be it resolved that article II, section 2 of the American Rabbit Breeders Assn., Inc. by-laws be
A New Feature Added To ARBA Bulletin
Bill Molen, editor announces a new feature for our ABRA Bulletin. Our affiliated and Chartered Clubs are the backbone of the ARBA organization. The local club, the very grass roots of our existence. The state associations that weld the aims and accomplishments of our local cluhs into a well knit statewide forceful group. Our very important National Specialty Clubs who 90 ably support their particular breed advancement, certainly is of paramount importance and interest to the ARBA. In this they are ably supported by the various State Specialty Clubs.
How can we of the ARBA lend credence to their aims? How can we of ARBA rightfully accept this support and in turn offer our support of ARBA to the local, state and national clubs, so affiliated and Chartered with and by ARBA? We all must pull together. We all have the same high ideals for the rabbit and cavy. We of ARBA are willing to accept the challenge of cooperation. We of ARBA are willing to do our part to further this uniting process and ravel the road of mutual progress and advancement.
The Publicity Committee, with this issue inaugurates a brand new service by creating a special column and page, NATIONWIDE — CLUB NOTES.
The road to opportunity and advancement is wide and long. Let us all get on the right road —ignore the detours and torturous bends. Lets set our course onward and upward. Let us not fool ourselves, that the journey is easy. However, let us all realize the fruits are sweet. The rewards fully important to advance together. To accomplish this by way of NATIONWIDE — CLUB NOTES. We need the cooperation of each and every club and association. Appoint a publicity director or chairman. Have this publicity director devote at least 30 minues of each and every meeting to programs of explanation of ARBA. Further, the publicity director invites the assembled membership to openly discuss the ARBA; — the re-
Club Notes
lationship of his club and the ARBA: suggestions and recommendations. Additionally, each publicity director, see to it that a copy of the clubs, Bulletin, Newsletter or whatever the name of the dubs publication may be, is sent in to the editor of the ARBA Bulletin. Send these publications, beginning with the very next issue to ginning with the very next issue to Bill Molen, Editor, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
Either the publicity director send in the publication or else the editor of the publication be so instructed to send in each issue. Cooperation is the keyword. Remember, what may be just a commonplace item in your publication. Remember, what may be thought of, by you and your club, as just another item in your long list of projects and accomplishments — may be just the, Oh! SO IMPORTANT, missing spoke some other club may be looking for to get the wheels of progress moving. You and your clubs activities and publications are important to ARBA. The ARBA is the combination of all its clubs and members.
We of ARBA Publicity Committee and ARBA Bulletin will not let you down. We ask you — Can you let the ARBA down? You are the important ingredient, we are but the vehicle. We will be expecting your clubs publication and in the event you do not regularly issue a dub publication, don’t let this stop you — send in individual items and articles. All are important — you hold the key.
“What’ll you have?’’ It’s up to you, your publicity director, your club. What would you like to read, to have appear, on this page in NATIONWIDE — CLUB NOTES each issue of ARBA Bulletin.
Onario Conference Date Change
The Lock City Rabbit Breeders Club, host of the 6th Annual Ontario Council of Clubs, Conference and Show report the dates have moved up to Saturday, September 30th. Incidently, this is the Centennial Year of Canada and all stops have been removed for the banner rabbit outing of the century in Canada.
Mr. Wayne L. Rodgers, secretary, 49 Carol Court, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario will handle all correspondence; requests for show catalog. The site of the show will be the beautiful stadium
Page Ten
in Sault Ste Marie and this is believed to be the first rabbit show staged and held in a curling rink.
The border crossings will be cleared. Trailer camps and motels have all been checked. Several well known American Judges have made bids for this eventful show. From the number of inquiries and anticipated entries from the states it looks like this will be the biggest Conference Show ever.
Multnomah County Fair ARBA Judge Steve West, superintendent of Multnomah County Fair, reports a bumper entry of over 500 rabbits. Fancy breeds seldom seen in Oregon Fairs of recent years have swelled this years entry. Superintendent West, fair officials and all Oregon rabbit exhibitors are very pleased. Ten years or so ago, the Multnomah Fair Show featured 700 to 800 rabbit entries. The past 4 or 5 years the entry was down to near 250, so in 1967 they are showing a 1007c increase and look to 800 entry show in 1968.
East Texas New Commercial Club Mrs. Lorene E. Smith, Rt. 1, Box 325A, Simms, Texas 75574 club reporter and publicity director reports the commercial rabbit breeders of East Texas held their final organizational meeting and are now hard at work. All correspondence should be directed to her. Present meeting times are the 4th Friday of each month.
Affiliated with The Texas State RBA their first slate of officers: Mrs. Pat Tutt, Longview, Texas, President: A.B. Barnett, Longview, vice-president & program chairman: Mrs. Jean Sel-man, Tatum, Sec-treasurer: David E. Tutt, Longview, local agent.
Tri-State R&CBA On Radio Mrs. Mildred Beatty, Miss Vivian Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bur-key all Tri-State members recently appeared on East Liverpool, Ohio radio ^station WOHI. The program was a telephone call-in type program and was very beneficial program for the rabbit breeders of the area. They were able to furnish a public service as they included the proper feeding, housing and handling of rabbits for the public. Cattaraugus County Show New York State Meeting at Cattaraugus County Show The Cattaraugus County RBA Annual Show was pleased to host the Spring meeting of the New York State RBA. Officers installed for 1967 were Eugene Poulnot, Hoosick Falls, president; John Baker, Smethport, Pa., vice-president; Tillie Morehead, Maine, N.Y. sec-treasurer. Thirty 1966 sweep-stake trophies were awarded to 1st place and runner-up exhibitors with the All Breed Trophy to the top ex hibitor going to the Pine Rabbit Ranch
(Eugene Poulnot-Hazel Morrow). The Cattaraugus Show was judged by Jim Blyth and Sam Gerardi.
Alberta RBA Plan Future Convention Bid
Vic Daugherty, secretary of Alberta RBA, Box 5071, Station A, Calgary, Alberta, Canada reports the Calgary group plan several ARBA sanctioned shows to get the experience and thus be able to place bid for 1969 or 1970 ARBA Convention-Show. They are going at the matter in a business like manner and hope to stage the first ARBA Convention to be held in Canada at a near date. They plan on having representatives at the next two ARBA Conventions to seek knowledge and practical help.
Wellington, Ohio Hosts Polish National
Betty Stratham, reports Polish exhibitors from 7 states exhibited 143 head of the finest for ARBA Judge Carldon Gaddis to place. Bill Kennedy, exhibited BOB and K.O. Engler exhibited BOS. The 1968 National Polish Show was awarded to Adrian, Michigan.
Chinese Banquet Feature of
Garden City RBA
Burley Rewey, 2250 Peterson Ave, Missoula, Montana 59801, superintendent of Garden City RBA show reports Gordon Ash, will officiate at this years big event of the only ARBA rabbit club in Montana. Besides their usual fine show, fireworks at close of show— a gala banquet will be held at Mings Cafe, featuring Chinese fine cusine.
Tragedy Strikes Washington Rabbitry
The entire rabbitry and stock of Warren G. Heydenberk, 3911 Inglewood Ave, Yakima, Washington burned to the ground the night of July 23rd. This is indeed a tragedy of great magnitude and we all offer our help to Mr. Heydenberk. To clean up such a (truly sickening mess as a burned out rabbitry is indeed a shock. Mr. Heydenberk, plans to reestablish his destroyed rabbltry and director Cyril Lowit has offered New Zealand stock toward this end. Members and friends in ARBA are urged to lend a hand in this huge task.
Recent Deaths
Dorothy Dunbar, Cactus RBA, Arizona reports Mr. Dick Dale, of Tuscon recently expired. Mr. Dale, a native of Kansas was one of the most enthusiastic and conscientious rabbit breeders of Arizona and will leave a void in the ranks of ARBA and Arizona fancy. Mr. H.E. Forbes, Durham, North Carolina rabbit fancier passed away quite suddenly. Mr. Forbes, was a leading and voliitive force in and of the rabbit activities throughout North Carolina. Along with his wife Eursley Forbes,
Page Eleven
they constantly promoted the domestic rabbit in a tireless fashion. Rev. E.E. Moses, Golden, Colorado rabbit fancier recently lost his wife. Rev. Moses, says his rabbit activities have certainly been set back for a spell, but he likewise expects the rabbits which he and his wife loved so well, will help him in his efforts to continue as she would have wished.
Editors Forwarding
Excellent Publications
Recent extraordinarily fine rabbit publications and their editors, copies of which I receive regularly are: Ed Sea-cord, Rabbit Producers News-Santa Clara Valley: Joyce Smith, Finger Lakes RBA: Bett Hickman, Lehigh Valley R&CBA: Grace Haugh, Inland Empire RBA: Fred Hitchcock, Mid-Florida RBA: Edith Glum, The Informer (Tampa, Fla.): Alice Naylor, Satin News: Charles Haaf, Ohio News: Mary Battista, Rex Rakings: Pete Kern, Florida State: Ruth Ford, Texas RBA: Royce Forman, Rensselaer County — The Nest Box: William Croft, Canadian Rabbit Breeder: Illinois State News, Howard Morris: Himmie News, Francis Riffle.
The rabbit breeders in Colorado are definitely going to bid for the 1968 ARBA Convention and Show. The site if we are awarded the convention will be the “Steel City,” Pueblo. This is the site of the large Colorado State Fair.
The organization which has been set up consists of the following:
General Chairman -— Earl Hord Asst. Gen. Chrmn. — Frank Hostetter
Corporation Secretary — David Ford Corporation Treasurer — Bob Harris Show Superintendent Bill Summers Show Secretary —- Mrs Jack (Marjorie) Vaughn
Others will be picked as time allows and as we progress toward the time to make our bid. Committees are already at work on such things as the Constitution and By-Laws. The General Chairman has meetings set up with the Convention Committee of the Pueblo Chamber of Commerce (This is being done through his own local Chamber of Commerce at Walsenburg). These men are very interested in the convention coming to Pueblo, and are working hard right now to help us to prepare our bid and locate all facilities that are available to a convention of this size.
Another feature of Colorado during October is the beautiful scenery. A must, will be to tour the aspen country, while the members are here for the convention, if Colorado gets the nod for 1968.
The State Fair facilities will be set up, so that at least 3,000 coops will be set up permanently under one roof. This means that very few additional coops will have to be set up for the convention show. The building is now being newly painted, and all the facilities are being prepared for 1968. If Colorado is successful in getting the convention in 1968, rest assured everything will be done that is possible to make it a great convention for the members of the ARBA.
New Zealand
1 . Walter Voss, Ind. 63
2. Marvin Carley, Vt 55
3 Andres Rodriguez, Texas 49
4. Frank Westley, Pa. . .. . . 42
5. Harold Drudge, Ind 41
6. Harold A. Johnson, Mich 36
7. Walter Duby, Mass. 35
8. Stuart Griffith, Tenn 35
9. Jack Ellis, Minn. 34
10. Melvin E. Behrens, N.Y 33
11. Weldon Wahl, Minn 32
Silver Marten
1. Lewis Bowers, III 46
2. Floyd Shuck, Ohio 15
3. Joe Eve, Tenn 15
4 John Buehler, III. 12
5. O. W. Williams, Wash 12
6. E. O. Wolff, Texas 7
7. E. W. Story, La 7
8. Robert T. Byrne, Ind 6
9. Al Brucker, Pa 3
10. Harry Coles, Mo. 3
1. Duane Shrader, Nebr 2. Oren Reynolds, III. . 34
3. Hugh Betts, Tenn 28
4. Harold Drudge, Ind 26
5. H. M. Spence, Texas 23
6. Tom Whiteaker, Texas ,23|
7. John Hoblitzell, Fla. le
8. Lawrence Stingley, Wash. . .. 14
9. O. W. Williams, Wash. 14
10. Harry Fisher, Mo. 13
11. H. P. Guthrie, Ohio 12
1. Pete Naylor, Kansas 33
2. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 23
3. Wm. T. Robinson, III. 17
4. R. S. Satterwhite, Ariz. 12
5. Joseph Laura, Mass. 11
6. W. F. Gilber, Calif. 9
7. Lewis Bowers, III. 9
8. Don Smith, N.Y. 8
9. Robert Berry, Texas 7
10. Oren Reynolds, III. 5
1. Lewis Bowers, 101
2 Marvin Cummings, Fla. 86
3. Andrew Rodriguez, Texas 81
4. Harold Drudge, Ind 78
5. Marvin Carley, Vt. 73
6. Walter Voss, Ind 65
7. Oren R. Reynolds, III 63
8. W. T. Robinson, III . . 63
9. Harry Coles, Mo. 56
10. Harold A. Johnson, Mich 49
Page Twelve
Central Ontario Exhibition, J. R. Adare, 400 east Ave., Kitchener, Ont., Canada Sept. 9
Illinois RBA, Mrs. Bernise Bloomquist, Box 8, Sher-rard, III. Sept. 9-10
Inland Empire RBA, Mable l. Stingley, 7620 E. Baldwin Ave., Spokane, Wash. Sept. 9-17
Mattatuck RBA, Edmund Roman, 317 Clinton St., New
Britain, Conn. Sept. 9-10
Soo Valley RBA, Larry Lloyd, RR 1, Baltic, S Dak., All Breed Sept. 10
Gaston Co. RBA, R. G. Watson, 7 North Main St., Belmont, N.C. Sept. 11
Garland Co. Fair, Mrs. Elda Trafton, R 4, Box 428-E, Hot Springs, Ark. Sept. 12-16
York Co. R&CBA, Rudolph Hershey, RD 2, Box 349, Dover, Pa. Sept. 12-16
Cincinnati RBA, H. Centner, 8693 Livingston Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio Sept. 13-17
SEMO RB Club, Mrs. Derris Gray, Sikeston, Mo.
Sept. 14-17
New Mexico State Fair, Chloe Baker, P.O. Box 8546, Albuquerque, N.M. Sept. 14-24
Ohio State Dutch R. Club, Donald Weeks, RR 1, Highland, Ohio Sept. 15-16
Ohio All Ck Giant C. Show, Wilford Wells, 3106
Sherman Ave., Middletown, Ohio Sept. 15-17
| Terre Haute R&CBA, Donald E. Cook, 1320 First Ave.,
Terre Haute, Ind. Sept. 15-17
III. Ck. G. Rabbit Club, Andrew Muhlstadt, R 1, Kankakee, III. Sept. 15-17
Los Angeles Co. Fair, Mrs. Gladys M. Donlavy, P.O. Box 2250, Pomona, Cal. Sept. 15-Oct. 1
Columbus RBA, Mrs. Dolores Breckenridge, 1487 Cole Rd., Columbus, Ohio Sept. 16-17
All Stales Rabbit Club, Mrs. Stan Eckert, Big Springs, Nebr. Sept. 16-17
Kansas State Fair, Wallace M. White, Fairgrounds, Hutchison, Kan. Sept. 16-21
Texas Panhandle RBA, Mrs. W. E. Hill, 1608 N. Manhattan, Amarillo, Tex. Sept. 16-17
Western Wash. Fair, J. H. McMurray, Puyallup, Wash.
Sept. 16-24
New Jersey State Fair, Mrs. R. G. Carver, RD 3, Hwy. 22, Somerville, NJ. Sept. 16-24
Washington Co. RBA, Mrs. Ruth Caldwell, RD 2, Box 247, Eighty-Four, Pa. Sept. 17
Iowa Progressive R. Club, C. Jay Miller, 303 S. 6th St., Kalona, Iowa Sept. 17
Ashland Co. Fair, Shirley Moherman, RD 2, Box 53, Ashland, Ohio Sept. 19-24
24th Dist. Agri. Ass'n., A. C. Slinde, P.O. Box 777, Tulsare, Calif. Sept. 19-24
Richmond RBA, E. S. Meadors, Jr., R 4, Box 12-A,
Mechanicsville, Va. Sept. 21-30
New York State RBA, Hazel Morrow, Box 13, RFD 2, Hoosick Falls, N.Y. Sept. 23-24
Sandusky Valley RBA, Horace Taylor, 620 Miami St., i Tiffin, Ohio Sept. 23-24
Tri State R&CBA, Mildred E. Beatty, RD 1, Apples Corners, East Liverpool, Ohio Sept. 24
Eastern Dutch RF Club, May Hill, 2006 Jackson Ave., Wilmington, Del. Sept. 24
Cal Bra Hill Rabbit Club, Dean Daglow, 213 E. Leigh St., Homer, Mich. Sept. 24
Iowa State Ck Gt Club, Dorothy Newport, 2401 Wilson Ave., S.W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Sept. 24
Ark-Okla Livestock Expo, Paul Latture, 613 Garrison Ave., Fort Smith, Ark. Sept. 25-30
Eastern N. Mex. State Fair, Mrs. L. B Hite, 2003 No. Garden, Roswell, N.M. Sept. 27-Oct. 1
Central Washington Fair, J. Hugh King, P.O. Box 1381 Yakima, Wash. Sept. 27-Oct. 1
Decatur RBA, G. L. Loudermilk, R 1, Box 267 AA, Alpharetta, Ga. Sept. 28-Oct. 7
Panhandle South Plains Fair, Mrs. Maxine D. Caldwell, Lubbock, Texas Sept. 29-30
Fox River Valley R&CBA, Sharon Ausloos, RR 6, Town-hall Rd., Green Bay, Wise. Sept. 29
Alabama RBA, J. M. Bradfield, McCormick Dr., New Castle, Ala. Sept. 29-Oct. 7
Conn. RBA, Jessica V. Moran, 257 Fenn Rd., Cheshire, Conn. Oct. 1
Coshocton Co. RBA, Willard Miller, 6642 Woodland Hills, Navarre, O. Oct. 3-7
Heart O'Texas Fair, Leon B. Dollens, Jr., P.O. Box 7581, Waco, Texas Oct. 3-7
Arkansas Livestock Expo, Clyde E. Byrd, P.O. Box 907, Little Rock, Ark. Oct. 3-8
Fresno District Fair, T. A. Dodge, 1121 Chance Ave., Fresno, Calif. Oct. 5-1$
West Texas RBA, Mary E. Rabickan, 1436 Glenhaven, Abilene, Tex. Oct. 8
Delaware Co. RBA, Ralph L. Hertle, Box 336, Gaston, Ind. Oct. 8
Delaware State RBA, Mrs. John Klekotka, 2300 Foulk Road, Wilmington, Del. Oct. 8
ARBA Nat'l. Convention, George Berl, 2149 5 Mile Lane Rd., Penfield, N.Y. Oct. 9-12
Gulf Coast Rabbit Club, Mrs. Alma Ogg, R 3, Box 243, Orange, Texas Oct. 13-16
Pensacola Interstate Fair, John E. Frenkel, P.O. Box 2256, Pensacola, Fla. Oct. 16-22
Greater Jacksonville Fair, Ruth R. Ferrara, P.O. Box 2545 Jacksonville, Fla. Oct. 18-28
Salt City Rabbit Club, Louise Johnson, 712 North St., Halstead, Kan. Oct. 21-22
So. Central Mo. RBA, Mrs. Elmer Nocks, Willow Springs, Mo. Oct. 21-22
New England Dutch R Club, Harry Anthony, Jr., 120 Miller Ave., Meriden, Conn. Oct. 22
Auto City RBA, Mrs. Angeline Ellis, 21224 Sherman, Southfield, Mich. Oct. 28
Greenbelt RBA, Mrs. Ruth Ford, 1618 Mansard, Vernon, Texas Oct. 28-29
Lehigh Valley R&CBA, Susan R. Daughtry, RD 4, Wanners Rd., Reading, Pa. Oct. 29
Huntington RBA, Ida D. Humbert, 715 Leopold, Huntington, Ind. Oct. 29
Will Co. RBA, John Strom, 2220 Black Rd., Joliet, III.
Oct. 29
New England Satin RBA, Mary Zarges, 82 Fort Point St., P.O. Box 304, E. Norwalk, Conn. Oct. 29
Arizona State Fair, Wes Station, 1826 W. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, Ariz. Nov. 3-12
Cuyahoga Co. R&CBA, E. P. Shilliday, 5188 Eastover, Lyndhurst, Ohio Nov. 4
South Euclid R.F., Inc., E. P. Shilliday, 5188 Eastover, Lyndhurst, Ohio Nov. 5
Tri City RBA, Mrs. Helen Forsberg, RR 2, Box 150-A, Davenport, Iowa Nov. 5
Progressive Rabbit Club, Mrs. Chester L. Roberts, 4742 Parkview, Kansas City, Kan. Nov. 4-5
North Central Iowa RFA, LuVerne Vannatta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa Nov. 11-12
North Central Iowa RFA, LuVerne Vannatta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa, Am. Chin. Show Nov. 11-12
North Central Iowa RFA, LuVerne Vannatta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa, Champ. D Arg. Nov. 11-12
North Central Iowa RFA, LuVerne Vannatta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa, N.Z. Show Nov. 11-12
North Central Iowa RFA, LuVerne Vannatta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa, Dutch Show Nov. 11-12
Whiteside Co. RBA, Mrs. Blanche Short, R 2, Box 35,
Forreston, III. Nov. 12
Baltimore Co. R&CBA, Warren J. McNamara, R 2, Box 36, Reisterstown, Md. Nov. 19
Southwest RBA, Dorothy A. Ruzicka, 5309 Nell St., Fort Worth, Tex. Nov. 26
Missouri State RBA, Gene Loveland, 609 Coronado, Lee's Summit, Mo. Dec. 2-3
Beehive RBA, Mrs. Rhea Elkins, R 1, Box 439, Provo, Utah Dec. 3
Satin RBA of Calif., George B. Sutherland, 16041 Hay-land St., Valinda, Calif. Doc. 10
Calif. Rabbit Club of Calif., George B. Sutherland, 16041 Hayland St., Valinda, Calif. Dec. 10
ARBA GUIDE BOOK Last Opportunity For Ad Deadline September 20th
Paee Thirteen
Over 100 years ago this was the most popular breed in England. It well merited the title of “King of the Fancy”. Today it is one of the lesser known breeds. Its origins are rather obscure — some think it came from Algiers, spreading through Spain to the low countries and then across thechannel to Britain. There is no evidence to support this theory. On the other hand, our best known LOP breeder, Mr. Vickers, who has kept the breed for over 63 years and saved it from near extinction, is of the opinion that it simply turned up as a sport. Strongly supporting the theory is the fact that most of the European LOPS are descended from the English variety.
There are several varieties in existence during mid nineteenth century: —
OAR LOP: Whose ears did not hang properly, but stuck out at an angle of 45°. If the rabbit happened to look up the ears also rose. This type was most commonly found among strong rabbits, usually bucks.
HALF LOP: Which had one falling ear on one side — the other inclining over to the same side so that both ears hung over the same cheek, one on top of the other.
HORNED LOP: Which had a rare and ugly carriage of ears which could be rectified if taken in time. The ears hung over the head and face completely blinding the rabbit.
ANGEVIN OR PATAGONIAN LOP: A native of Flanders. A very large rabbit which could weigh anything up to 18 lbs. and over. It had a large roomy frame with prominent hip bones. Large head with big full eyes. The ears were long and heavy, lopped halfway up which caused them to fall like an inverted V. This LOP was by no means a beauty. Colour — agouti. It is from this LOP crossed Flemish Giant, crossed English LOP that we have the present day French LOP. The German LOP being somewhat similar. SPANISH LOP: Also known as the “Ram”, was even larger than the Patagonian. It had long shaggy fur, with a very large dewlap. Colour — light agouti. The ears were long and heavy but hung in all kinds of ugly shapes. BELGIAN LOP: Which was bred from the hare which was by no means the elegant, racy creature of today. It weighed up to 12 lbs.
Today we have 3 distinct varieties: — The English LOP as we know it — now very rare indeed but slowly increasing.
The French LOP or Grand Belier:
which is becoming rare in France
The German LOP is somewhat similar.
The Dwarf LOP which made its first appearance in 1964-5. This is a Dutch creation bred by Mr. Van der Cock. After more than 15 years experimenting. Last year it weighed 4 lbs. This year Mr. Van der Cock hopes to get it down to 3 lbs. In general appearance it resembles the French LOP. The Breed Standard of the English LOP. The Breed Standard of the English LOP in 1850 is interesting compared with present day standard.
These tables show that ear length in 1850-1870 was of greatest importance. The LOPS themselves were very small with an ear length of 18” — 23”. There was one LOP in 1870 with an ear length of 24^4” but this was largely believed to be inaoourate.
For maximum length of ear, heat was considered most essential. Other methods of obtaining ear length were appalling. One method was to take the LOP as near as possible to the fire, until the ears were well warmed, then, taking an ear in each hand — ‘ give three to four successive tugs, keeping up the pressure for several seconds. As this was done when the LOP was very young, all the fine blood vessels were ruptured and the operation had to be repeated constantly. It was nothing unusual to see LOPS at shows with ears all knotted with varicose veins and winning too!
Tying on of lead weights — waxing and stretching were other methods used. Luckily these practices have long since been abandoned.
For a graceful fall of ears — a little leather cap was worn over the head to keep the ears in their proper place.
In 1870 the LOP was at the height of its popularity. No LOP was eligible for 9how unless it had 18” of ear at least. Today we start at 22”. I
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Ear length 25 points
Ear width 20 points
Ear carriage 5 points
Colour 10 points
Size and shape 10 points
Eyes 10 points
Condition 10 points
Weight 10 points
Ear length 10 points
Ear width 15 points
Ear shape . 15 points
Ear substance & carriage 10 points
Colour and marking 10 points
Shape 10 points
Legs and feet 10 points
Eyes 5 points
Size 10 points
Condition 5 points
think the longest recorded length of ear was 28”. A magnificent specimen which belonged to Mr. Vickers. At the moment, I myself have the longest eared one in U.K. —A young 9-month old buck with ears of 27” x6^” wide. Now, a good all round LOP is usually found in the 24” — 26” class. Ears, of course, being all important. The width in proportion to the length — Texture to be thick like leather, not papery thin or pimpled. The tips well rounded and not trowel shaped. The whole rabbit to be as large as possible — shape is that of mandolin, the back rising gradually from the nape of the neck to form a curve. Rump well rounded. Feet and legs straight. Eyes large and well opened. Colours usually fawn, sooty fawn, black and agouti which is the rarest colour at the moment. Fawn and sooty fawn being most popular. These are also , broken colours which can be of any colour. The white markings to be such leaving a distinct butterfly smut or as shading on the sooty fawn. The white should extend upwards from the chin and chest over the shoulders with two spots, one on each side called shoulder spots. No whilte as to be present in the general body colouring.
The belly is to be white but not brindled up the body sides. Colours over 100 years ago were more varied — they had black, blue, fawn, yellow, white, light agouti grey and smoke grey. In brokens — the saddle was all important and had to be of a uniform dark colour; true tortoiseshell was only seen once — usually these were tri-colours. So far an all white English type LOP has eluded the breeders. The French LOP is mostly agouti but also seen in white, — black and blue rarely. The Swiss have succeeded in producing a French type LOP with Giant Papillon markings which is practically the same as that of the American Chequered Giant. In Germany the first LOP was imported in 1890 by a Mr. Paul Starke of Dresden. In 1911 there was a tremendous LOP Club at Rochlitz in Saxony — now the Russian zone. The LOPS increased in popularity after World War I and large numbers were exhibited at German shows.
During Hitlers reign — a ruling went out to all Rabbit Breeders that only rabbits of the “economical type” oould be kept, i.e. Chinchilla, Angora, Blue Vienna, Argente, but breeding of Hares, Harlequins, Tans, Havanas, LOPS, was not considered. Many members of the Nazi Party directing clubs of Rabbit Breeders did not all approve of this and behind curtains breeders were advised to stick steadily to breeds favoured by individual breeders. They
were also advised to toe the line and keep one or two of the “economical species”. However, in spite of everything the fancy breeds still appeared at shows and were not rejected. It is not astonishing that with all this and effects of World War II that some of the fancy breeds disappeared completely. A few breeds survived and among them, the LOP.
It was perhaps fortunate that some stubborn breeders carried on with the LOP and it is due to their foresight and experience that LOPS of 27“ are often seen in the Western Zone, in 1959 German LOP breeders united in one special club in the Western Zone with the breed standard that as laid down by the British LOP club. Here again sooty fawns are the most popular — German, Dutch and French breeders call this colour Madagascar. A German LOP breeder friend tells me that there is now also a flourishing LOP club in the Eastern Zone of Berlin.
LOPS are now considerably inbred and I have now taken to crossing out the English type to French and German variety, which has given me after the first two crossings, a much larger and stronger LOP with tremendous ear substance although I still haven’t attained the ear length of my English LOPS. However, the last litter made 22” which has pleased me enormously. My one ambition is to breed back the blue! I began rabbit breeding with LOPS — it took me four years to procure my first pair —I now have a small stud but one of which I am immensely proud. I love “Loppy”. Quaint looking but truly fascinating. — A sure attraction at any show. There was a certain small boy who asked me if my LOPS would fly if I starched their ears! I wonder!! After all, there was a certain “Dumbo”!
Mrs. George Morehead
The 44th ARBA Convention-Show is now almost a reality. Less than 1 month from now we hope you will all converge upon Syracuse with your entries. We have worked and planned to the best of our ability and have left nothing to chance. Our committees and all of us in New York invite you to Syracuse October 9-12,1967.
Howard and Virginia Carr, general chairman and secretary respectively, report progress has been as anticipated and all is in readiness. Superintendent Fred Wickman and crew, promise the best of care for your rabbits and cavies while at convention. There will not be a shortage of feed or water
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utensils. The Finger Lakes RBA will supplement the supply if the need arises. Show Secretary Berl has only the judge assignments for New Zealands Red & Black to fill. Carol and Phyllis Salsberry are hard working members of our Youth Committee, that we inadvertently omitted last issue.
We the New York sponsors are very happy to call to your attention, we have reduced the entry fee from the $1.75 of last year — back to the established $1.50 entry fee. We are happy to do this and invite you one and all to enter as many as you wish. Additional large, beautiful trophies will be presented as follows: 3 fine display trophies to the first 3 largest displays and a magnificent trophy for largest entry at Convention. Tours: Wednesday, October 11th. Mrs. Berl, may be contacted in the show room for tour reservations. A visit to Syracuse China Co. starts the trek, then lunch. A thorough tour of Syracuse including its parks, the spacious universities and campus of each, Salt Museum are just a few of the high points.
Reservations: Mrs. Margaret Burdick, 16 Broad St., Carthage, New York 13619 will handle all reservations. Don’t wait, send in your needs (single, double, twin), date of expected arrival and date of departure.
Booths: Fred Johansen, reports there are still 4 booth spaces open on a first come, first served basis. The price $25.00 for clubs; $50.00 commercial double booths. For reservation of booth space, write Tillie Morehead, Box 161, Maine New York 13802.
Catalog: After many hours of work the catalog is now at the printers and will be ready for mailing at once, even before you receive this ARBA Bulletin. You must send in your request for a copy of the Convention Catalog. None will be mailed unless such request is made. You must include your ZIP code number in and with your catalog request. Mrs. More-head, Box 161, Maine, New York 13802.
OCTOBER 9 12, 1967
Lyman C. Franklin
This get rich fast rabbit bug has been a thorn in our sides here in North Carolina for many years. Too often people have gone into the rabbit business with good intentions and wound up with a broken spirit and a
bad taste for rabbits. Basically, most of these people took these fancy ads to heart and found out the hard way that there is a lot more to raising rabbits successfully than buying a couple of rabbits through the mail, housing these in wooden boxes, with only a back yard, garage or basement. And this is all they need to make $6,000.00 per year.
Several months ago I learned through my feed dealer that a man was in trouble with his rabbits. I visited this man’s place to offer any assistance I could. Upon arriving, I noted the man’s lay out was outstanding. His building was a well ventilated shed, all wire hutches, medal feeders, medal nest boxes, and very clean.
While talking to him, I found out he was having breeding problems and had had them from the start. He told me he had ordered five (5) does and one (1) buck from a well known broker. He stated he had ordered 6-8 month old rabbits. Upon looking these animals over, I concluded they were much older than this. I asked him about litters, litter sizes, etc. He informed me that three of the does had never conceived. I could find no fat, disease or general management problem. I was then satisfied that my first conclusion was the reason for this trouble. I asked him to be patient for a while and gave him several suggestions concerning breeding and etc. Some three months later I visited him again and learned that his problems has become greater. The three that had never conceived was still barren, the other two had been misses and now he had six (6) rabbits with sore hocks. I suggested he place boards in each hutch and helped him medicate the sore hocks. Finally after four (4 more months, the feet was healed. My friend decided the best, thing to do was to get a fresh start,( he stated he has a written guarantee from the broker that protected him and all he had to do was notify them he was shipping the animals back. He shipped them at a cost of $21.45. His payment for the rabbits was $12.21. I can assure you that my friend will never go into the rabbit business again.
A couple of years ago the Ontario Council agreed to rewrite the Fryer and Meat Pen Classes as the A. R. B. A. Commercial Classes were not in keeping with the practices in Ontario at the time, and also the A.R.B.A, was considering rewriting these Commercial Classes. Bing Harris was given the authority to rewrite these Classes, and
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Bing being on the A.R.B.A. Commercial Committee took the opportunity to submit these re-written Classes to the A.R.B.A. Those of you who have the new revised A.R.B.A. Standards will find that most of Bing’s re-write version have been embodied in the new Standards so we in the Ontario Council will recommend to the next meeting of the Council that we now conform to the NEW A.R.B.A. STANDARDS.
The New re-write classes will be published as space allows and we are sure that this will clear up any confusion in this matter.
Bing has suggested to the Ontario Clubs that they drop the Single Fryer Class except where they can be processed for dress-out and carcass judging. It has also been suggested that Council set up a small Commercial Committee to work with the Commercial Clubs regarding Commercial Contests. These proposals will be discussed at the next Council Meeting.
If you have any suggestions regarding the above please write to; Bing Harris, R. R. # 1, St. Jacobs, Ontario, Canada.
M/Z Commercial Rabbitry Twin Bridges, Montana July 13, 1967
W. E. (Bill) Molen, Editor,
Box 8, Bronson, Kansas Dear Mr. Molen,
We are sincerely and genuinely proud to be new members of ARBA. This letter is being written not for purpose of stirring up a controversey but rather for determination if ARBA has an answer for some problems that are confronting our fair, in relation to pure bred rabbits and judging procedures.
Our Madison County Fair dates are August 17-20 and at this late date the established practices will most probably prevail but we would like to see correct and proper procedures per ARBA rules be instigated in 1968.
Last year we entered rabbits at the fair and we certainly are not complaining on our return from the fair. What we would like to know is how to inform our county fair board about the proper judging of rabbits and other show details as per ARBA procedures. We would like to know how our fair officials can go about contracting an ARBA judge and retain his services.
At this time we have many 4-H youngsters that bring their rabbits to the fair. There are many 4-H rabbit projects in our area of Montana. We would like to receive instructions or
assistance in how to setup an information booth, in order to help the present 4-H rabbit youth as well as attract others. Our other aim is to also provide information to the general public.
As far as the present 4-H’ers, we know this information would aid them in making better selections of stock as well as a better all around understanding of their rabbits.
Following are some examples of last years mistakes;
#1 An Angora-Califomia crossed rabbit received top blue ribbon as the best rabbit shown by 4-H.
#2 A pair of tortoise Dutch, weighing 8 to 9 pound each, likewise received awards for best Dutch rabbits.
There were many other similar irregularities. Though we have been rabbit breeders for only 1*6 years, and are confessed amateurs, we do know from what we have read and our limited personal experience these were glaring mistakes.
Rabbit popularity is bounding, even though it is new to our area. The fair board does seem very interested but like me, may need some help. The new rabbit breeders deserve the best help they can secure. We feel certain from our observation and conversations, they would appreciate any help the ARBA could offer.
Mr. James H. Anderson, is our fair secretary-manager. Address is Twin Bridges, Montana 59754. Perhaps you Mr. Molen, or someone on publicity committee or our state director or state agent could help make the rabbit division a better part of the fair, both 4-H and open division in 1968. M.M. Wallace, R.E. Wallace
Bill Molen, Bronson, Kansas Dear Bill,
We really appreciate all your efforts for the Satin Club in particular are appreciated, but we notice you attempt to help all rabbit breeders and clubs, regardless of the breed. THANK YOU.
We will certainly round up some rabbit information for your ARBA Bulletin. We hope to also forward Satin information for Bulletin and Guide Book. The ARBA members are at last getting something official from the mother organization, because we are members, and not subscribers to a magazine. You are doing a good job and don’t let anybody tell you different.
Roger Fiitchom 1302 S. Bunn Bloomington, Illinois
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The Rotary Club of Sault Ste Marie annually sponsor a gala parade. This year the Lock City Club took full advantage of the Canadian Centennial spirit and publicized the 6th Annual Ontario Conference, September 30th. They sponsored the large float and the bunnie decorated auto shown above. The float was bedecked with live rabbits of various breeds, show advertising, advertising baloons were thrown to the children jamming the parade route. City officials estimated 50,000 onlookers at the parade. The parade was carried live on TV and an estimated 150,000 viewers were introduced to Canadian rabbit activities and the big show, September 30th.
James Blyth
This article is not to be critical of either the ARBA judges or the exhibitors who support our sanctioned, shows. We wish to bring to light items which many of us allow to exist and make no attempt to rectify. I have been a rabbit exhibitor since 1915. In reviewing these 52 years, I can sincerely state I’ve never known a dishonest judge. True there are some who are ignorant of what constitutes a good rabbit in certain particular breeds, but again I say I know of no dishonest judges over the years. We must regard the rabbit judge, similar to an umpire at a ball game, a judge of a beauty contest, a judge in a court room. Many times we attend baseball games and those in attendance will shout at the umpire that he is a crook, dishonest; even to the extent of throwing pop bottles at him. The same applies to dog judges and beauty contest judges and even our courts. While they do not erupt into violenoe, there is criticism of the judge and his decision. We must understand the judge is a person selected to pick out the best possible animal in accordance with the ARBA Standard of Perfection. He is not biased to any exhibitor. If you were to let the exhibitors do the judging, possibly each one would pick his own for the best. The same as a batter at a ball game. When he does not strike at a ball he figures it is a ball. But the pitcher figures it was a strike and the umpire is left to decide. The rabbit judge and
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the baseball umpire are neutral. I am sure if more of us were true sportsmen and considered the art of rabbit judging in this line, there would be less criticism of our judges. Some judges arc competent on some breeds and poor on other breeds. Not that they wish to be dishonest or unfair but because they have not had the experience or knowledge of certain breeds; hence, they do not understand the salient points of the breed from practical experience and their only knowledge is what they read.
Judging equipment and show-room paraphernalia run from fair to poor and you cannot expect the judge to do a good job with poor equipment. How many times have you seen 18-20 rabbits placed on a table with the exhibitors all huddled around the table and some of them even pushing their rabbits to the front in order to bring them before the judge. No judge, regardless of his ability or knowledge, can do a good job of judging rabbits under these circumstances. I am sure every judge licensed by the ARBA knows he is not doing his best job when forced to use poor equipment. However, our judges do the best they can and do not complain. When local clubs do not furnish proper equipment to ARBA judges they penalize the official and also the exhibitor. Our show-room judge’s equipment: tables, holding pens, carrying boxes, scales are sadly lacking and direly in need of improvement.
If all of our associations that put on shows would pay a little attention
to proper judging equipment, it would be a great help to the judge and a better job would be done.
Still another thing which is rough on the judge is these large shows. The judging of rabbits is a physical and mental strain. If he is a young judge, possibly he does not notice it too much but in a short time he will. To handle too many rabbits in too short a time will certainly try him both physically and mentally. The locals seem to want big shows, but they don’t want to hire enough judges to do the job. It is my honest opinion 150-175 rabbits is a very good days work for a judge, but when he is asked to judge 200-259-300, everybody knows it is a strain as well a laborious job and he cannot be sharp on all classes although he may be well schooled to do so. These things I have stressed over the years. Do knot work the judges so hard, give ■ hem better equipment and we will rsee better judging.
True, there are men and women who will never be competent judges. To be a competent judge a person must be well schooled in the art of rabbit judging; a few of our judges will never really qualify. However, in time the wheat will be separated from the chafe and these judges will fall by the wayside. I know there are some who are desirious of being judges and they pass the examinations to be a judge. Then the real problem comes up. In the first place, they never really had the ability to be a top notch judge. They may go on for years having a few shows here and there. Eventually the exhibitors will discover their inadequacies and they will fall by the wayside as a judge.
This is not to be critical of judges or exhibitors but to lay the facts on |the line. Last winter while in attendance at the Berea show, an outspoken rrabbit breeder Albert Meier of Ohio made a remark which struck me as true fact. I had been thinking along the same lines for a number of years, but never said anything and am a little cautious now at mentioning the remark that Mr. Meier made. Mr. Meier is outspoken. He pulls no punches. Therefore, only the type of man like him would make such a remark publicly. It was that New Zealand breeders were the poorest judges. I am inclined to agree with him, because under the New Zealand breeders who are judges, I have seen fancy rabbits mauled and shoved around the table and remarks that certainly do not go with the rabbit. I have heard such remarks as Polish having too narrow shoulders. The same on Dutch, English, Tans. Winners that were selected
were almost like miniature New Zealands. For the benefit of those breeders who are breeding New Zealands, they must remember there is a different type in most every breed of rabbits and most of the fancy breeders do not wish these massive broad hips or broad shoulders in their Dutch, Polish, Tans, English and I might say Checkered Giants. It is a real study, a challenge, for a judge and he must overcome his weakness for his favorite or particular breed. This remark which I mentioned by Mr. Meier is not to be critical but is to call the attention of those judges so they may benefit by it and do a better job of judging. Many years ago, there were more discussions at rabbit shows than there are today. The exhibitors usually got after the judge and many times gave him or her a rough time. If the judge was interested, this was beneficial to him and very helpful. Today, the show must move on, coops must be tom down and the exhibitors must get home. The judge has received little for his efforts and he too must get on his way to his every day work. We hope this resume will be beneficial to our exhibitors and judges, who we believe are all honest and sincere. May we all go forward in our efforts to upgrade our rabbit shows; improve our equipment; resolve to gain practical experience with all breeds which we judge; thus may officials, exhibitors and the general public be rewarded.
For some time now, there has been a good bit of discussion about the New Zealand Rabbit.
Some say they are not the same breed because of genetic’s, (the fact about the handing down of traits from parents to offspring) and should be shown by color.
Some of these questions will be coming up at the next convention, at Syracuse, New York. So be thinking about it.
I have been asked to get your opinions, and comments.
You need not sign your name, unless you wish.
THANK YOU, Harold Drudge
1. Are New Zealands, white, red, and black the same breed?
2. Should there be one New Zealand sweepstake?
3. Should there be a sweepstake for each color?
4. Should each color have a best of breed?
5. Should there be a best New Zea-
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land, and best opposite, picked from each best color?
Please add your comments.
(This sample questionaire is being carried in the pre-convention issue of ARBA Bulletin as a service to all involved and interested persons)
There are many pit falls or many mistakes that rabbit breeders make every day in carrying out the business of raising rabbits for fun or profit. The larger the operation the more costly are the Pit falls. I will not attempt to list them according to importance. I believe all of them, or any one of them, could be a disruptive influence and would certainly mean failure at the extreme or a very costly mistake in any event.
1. Buying an inferior strain of rabbits for foundation stock. Example:
A. Rabbits with no production record or with a poor record of production.
B. Rabbits with diseases or unhealthy condition. C. Buying show winners not knowing anything of its blood line or its reproducing qualities. D. Buying breeding stock because of the cheap pric?. E. Purchasing a rabbitry, lock-stock-and-barrel. There is possibility, after thorough investigation this plan may be practical. However, in most instances in purchasing a complete rabbitry you are only paying for failure.
2. Buying inferior feed because of cheap price.
3. Going into raising rabbits on a large scale without any experience.
4. By not being selective on breeding stock k >pt for your own use.
5. By not keeping accurate production records.
6. By not keeping proper costs and income records.
7. By not having proper cooping and facilities to protect rabbits from heat and drafts.
8. By having out dated hutches that are time consuming and loss of baby rabbits through same.
9. By not having a sanitary rabbitry.
10. By not having a holding pen outside of your rabbitry for fryers to b? picked up by processors. Many diseases can be carried by pick up man from one rabbitry to another.
11. By having no experience and no knowledge of rabbit husbandry. This could be obtained through the A.R.B.A, and local clubs, through articles and books, as well as trade magazines. The rest will come from experience.
12. By not giving enough time and effort on a planned Breeding program.
13. By being victimized into pur-
chasing so-called high grade stock from hucksters and advertising artists that prey upon the unsuspecting. Magazine after magazine list their come-on. They promise the best of stock. They promise repurchase of stock raised, when transportation rates are prohibitive. LET’S ALL HELP STAMP OUT THESE LEECHES UPON OUR INDUSTRY & FANCY.
J. Cyril Lowit, director ARBA District #1, West Coast has been surveying the various local and state clubs of his area. Personal letter and personal contact wherever possible have afforded some very provocative results and all results are not rosy.
It is highly important that we air the impending or possible traps that may befall a club in any given area, city or state. Director Lowit, rightfully interprets the tendency to paint a rosy picture to one and all as a boomerang that will return to haunt us. There have been too many stories written about how rosy things are and how many thousand rabbits can be raised per year, with a few does, and how many hundreds of thousands of dollars can be made.
Supplement the above reasoning with the fact that most every national magazine and many area distributed farm publications carry advertisements from various get-rich-quick artists that you can make $500.00 to $1,000 per month raising rabbits or cavies for them.
The following letter addressed to Cyril Lowit and penned by Charles Call will help us all understand petty problems that may arise and magnify into larger problems.
Mr. J. Cyril Lowit Troutdale Oregon Dear Sir:
I will try, in answering your letter, to give you a fairly accurate word picture of the Rabbit affairs in this part of Oregon.
At the present time, the Growing and Breeding of Rabbits is at the lowest point it has been since I began my Rabbitry here in Oregon, due to a number of reasons;—first and foremost, three times the growers in this area have been left with great numbers of fryer rabbits that they had no market for, the Processors had quit without much if any warning and there were no pick-ups. On two occasions I personally was left with several hundred, but, being of a different nature than many others, I did
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manage to dispose of what I had, and at a slight profit. Many newcomers to Oregon, and new in the Rabbit business sold their herds for anything they could get, and are forevermore, if not an enemy of rabbit raising, at least indifferent and will not for any reason go back into the business.
There is another reason, cost of production, and the price paid for the finished fryer leaves a very narrow margin of profit, and no place for inefficiency, and, as there has been a goodly number of so called Rabbit People who had little or no knowledge of the business, and would not, or could not be taught, their gradual fading has left a bad picture in the minds of most prospective growers, however, there is a gradual increase in the number of people who are interested, and, if they are given the proper start, with top grade production rabbits, and will take a little coaching from a few of the knowledgeable growers in the area, we can expect a real good showing in the next two years.
Then there is the type of person who wants to raise rabbits, tries to purchase breeders as cheaply as possible, and buys the culls from a no good, and as a natural consequence soon folds. Too, much of the Stock in the Valley, if not covering a greater area, is so inbred as to be very poor stock at best, and it is hard to prove to these people that it pays to get top breeding stock away from this district, even if they have to pay real money for them. I have had to pay $20.00 and more for a Buck of a breed I wanted when they were not much more than fryer size, but try to make these people realize the advantage of doing this.
As to A.R.B.A, members and Show people,—there are only a few of us [ eft down here, and, because of many ^factors too numerous to try and write about, it will take some doing to increase the number. However there is one thing we can remember, this same thing has happened numerous times before, and has always come out of it fighting, so all we can do is to keep at it and keep trying to get more and more people interested.
We did not have enough members to renew our ARBA charter this year, and too we cannot expect to have a show here for quite a while.
One other factor here causes some misunderstanding among Rabbit Growers and prospective Growers,—the existing Club is bitterly opposed to Shows and even goes so far as to rule one out of order in their Club meetings if the topic is mentioned. Some of their members would Show
their Stock, but are afraid of the consequences when it became known in the Club.
However, R. J. Ritchey and myself are constantly working to gain a few new A.R.B.A, members, and also to improve the ‘Picture’ of breeding Show Stock as well as Commercial. A few have shown interest, but have not decided as yet just what they will do.
Thank you for your letter, and if I can be of service to you or the A.R.B.A, at anytime, please call on me.
Very sincerely,
Charles W. Call 1329 Coghill Lane Medpord, Oregon
Oren Reynolds
Having been appointed liaison between the ARBA and the National Specialty clubs it was natural to assume that most inquiries or requests would come from these two bodies. The first year this proved to be true and we were most happy to have been able to consummate the first problems brought up. During the second year getting our request from the National Specialty Clubs or the ARBA proved to be untrue. Instead most of our requests came from Local Clubs and concerned the National Specialty Clubs.
One of the things uppermost in the minds of most local clubs seemed to be to get some sort of protection from the Specialty Clubs on their sweep-stake requirements . . . they felt the help they needed would at least help them try and break even financially on their shows. It was pointed out that most all Specialty Clubs protected themselves in their rules by requiring that so many of the breed be shown by so many exhibitors before they would pay out their own rosettes or ribbons even though, the ribbons and rosettes were in many cases, paid for by the sanction fee. It is felt that if the Specialty Clubs need protection in the pay back of their rosettes and ribbons that they should be able to afford some protection, at least on the directed specials, for the local clubs.
For some time the New Zealand Club has offered the local clubs this protection by requiring that at least twelve (12) be shown in a variety before the local club is required to pay the directed specials as set forth in their sweepstakes rules.
In writing to all Specialty Clubs and making an analysis of their answers it seems that many of the Specialty Clubs favor some protection for the local clubs. Most agreed that there
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should be ten (10) of the breed shown before the local club be required to pay the directed specials as set forth in the sweepstakes rules if the specials totaled $5.00 or more. This of course to be optional as many times the specials are donated and they would want to pay them regardless of the number shown.
Following is a break down of the Specialty Club answers to date.
Californian — Rules changed to include 10.
Champagne — Rules changed to include 10.
Creme — No answer to date.
Flemish Giant — In favor of the
National Angorra — Favors 6 if all clubs go along.
Silver Marten — Felt that rules that applied to them applied to local also.
Himalayan — letter answered but no decision.
Standard Chinchilla — Returns Vz of fee if 10 are not shown believe their rules to be most liberal.
National Belgian Hare — no specials required.
Beveren — No specials required.
Giant Chinchilla — 10 OK will go with majority.
Palomino — Assumed their rules applied to the local as well.
American Chinchilla — would consider going with majority.
American Dutch -— Feel that requiring $1.00 for each color only is protection.
Havana — No answer will go along with the 10.
English — replied it is before their board for decision.
Satin — Have a reply but no decision reached to date.
Checkered Giant — No decision reported as yet.
At no time did we intend to imply that all Specialty Club rules were not fair and this was not the question. The only question involved was should we offer the local clubs sweepstaking our breeds and sponsoring the show some protection on the required specials as listed in the sweepstakes rules.
Commercial Value Of The Breed
Roy Fisher
When one considers the background of the Californian rabbit it is little wonder that it has gained in popularity as a meat breed so fast in recent years that it now ranks second in number in all breeds as a meat animal.
In developing the breed Himalayan blood was used for its excellent milking qualities and to add the color; Chinchilla blood for quality and den-
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sity of fur and to add size to the animal; and New Zealand White to further increase size and to complete the white pelt. This combination of bloods plus careful selective breeding has produced a very beautiful as well as profitable animal to raise.
Having a broad short body; fine tecture of meat; and medium fine bone the dress-out percentage is a little higher than most of the popular meat breeds. Many have reported from 56 to 65%, of course the larger the fryer the better percentage obtained; probably the average for a four pound fryer should be placed around 60%. For this reason the Californians have established their popularity with all processors. If, and when we get the price of fur back where it should be the Californian will have still another commercial advantage as it has the type of fur that is wanted by the fur trade.
It is generally agreed among Breeders of numerous breeds that they have fewer colds, less trouble from heat, and fewer “misses” with Californian. This is also borne out by many pickup men.
The rabbit world is deeply indebted to Judge George West for originating this great breed,; and to those Breeders who have faithfully kept them pure and worked so hard to develop them into the wonderful commercial breed they are today. It should be remembered, however, that all of the desirable qualities and achievements of Californians can not be obtained (at least not regularly) from any cross or crosses that produce a white rabbit with colored nose and ears.
Questions and Answers
1. Q, Will Californians produce a 4 lb. fryer in 8 weeks?
A. Yes, In the rabbitries that have cooperated with Californian Specialty, Club in reporting their litter weights! Californians have averaged better than 4 lb. fryers at 8 weeks in litters up to ten. Top weight litter reported was a litter of 10 weighing 45 lb. at 56 days.
2. Q. Can you make a profit raising Californians for meat and fur?
A. The economical weight gains of Californians combined with their high dressings percentage enable the producer to make a good profit raising Californians. The white fur brings a higher price than any colored fur.
3. Q. Do Californians multiply as fast as other rabbits?
A. Californians are noted for producing good litters, because no attempts have been made to select breeders from the small litters as have been done in some other breeds in which large size on the show table is
considered more important than the factors for profitable commercial production.
4. Q. At what age can Californians be bred?
A. Six months is the most common age for breeding a Californian doe for the first time. Some commercial breeders start does at five months and some show-rabbits are kept until 8 months of age before breeding. Bucks should not be put into heavy service until 8 months of age, but may be used lightly for two months after they are 6 months old.
5. Q. Can Californians be run on wire floors successfully without getting sore hocks?
A. Yes. More Californians are raised on wire floors than on wooden floors.
6. Q. If more Himalayan blood is crossed in will we get better color, size, and fur texture?
Q. This procedure is not at all recommended. In trying to build up a breed that will breed true for its characteristics any introduction of other breeds is t obe discouraged. Himalayans and New Zealands served their purpose in the establishment of the breed, but are no longer needed.
7. Q. What is the difference between a pedigreed Californian and a registered one?
A. A pedigreed rabbit is one whose history has been recorded for three generations. A registered rabbit is a pedigreed rabbit that is free from defects, meets the standards of the breed, and has been registered by a licensed registrar of the AR&CBA and entered in the Studbook.
8. Q. Why do some Californians show brown markings?
A. Natural brown markings should be eliminated. However one should bear in mind that the black will become brown and dead looking before going into a moult, but will disappear with a new coat. New black will first appear at base of ear.
Pat Krider
The fancy Peruvian cavy with its long coat groomed to perfection is the most challenging of the three breeds of cavy. The breeder who wants to raise a lovely Peruvian must begin grooming at about four weeks of age and spend an average of ten minutes a day to groom each one of them when they are fully coated.
When the baby Peruvian begins to have a fluffy coat the new breeder should compare the babies of the litter to determine the one with the fluffiest coat and the fewest rosettes
as this coat will groom down better when the animal is older. By three weeks of age the best baby will be the fluffiest and have a thick coat and when you groom them the beginning sweeps will be even all around the body, and a forelock or the sweep over the head will be showing.
As the Peruvian’s coat lengthens, most fanciers find it is easier to care for the animal if it has some form of wrapper put on the sweeps to keep it free of litter and to keep the length on the sweeps. I use pieces of cotton cloth (Washfast colors) and place three on the animal, two being on either side and one for the rear sweep, with the sweep of hair centered in the cloth and the ends of the sweep just above the edge of cloth, and fold the sides of the cloth over the sweep and then fold the wrapper in half toward the body and secure with a rubber band. Some fanciers use long bobby pins, others try plastic rollers, and still others use no method of wrapping at all, so each must determine what works best for them, but most agree some method of keeping the sweeps off the cage floor is best.
When breeding the Peruvian that has done well in the show ring, we try to avoid the “crew cuts” that some of the girls opposed to long hair on their mates do give, by using the wrappers and connecting the three with one large wrapper about the size of a hankerchief over the top. This eliminates the need to clip the rear sweeps for breeding purposes. The Peruvians are found in a variety of colors and color combinations, but the solid colors rarely come close to the standard of color for Americans. What looks like a winning red or black, colorwise, at birth in depth of color, may just be a shade darker than some you already have, because as the hair lengthens the color lightens. (Compare the face color of your favorite solid with the body sweeps.)
The Peruvian should have a cage twice the size of the other breeds because of the coat and in order to keep it comfortable in the summer months in warm climates.
More than 430 rabbits of 16 breeds and 25 varieties were in the spotlight at the Spokane Interstate Fairgrounds.
The animals were entered in the 20th annual spring show of the Inland Empire Rabbit Breeders’ Association. Judges awarded 101 blue ribbons to their owners.
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ARBA BULLETIN official publication of the
American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. 4323 Murray Ave. BB, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Non-Profit Org.
Louisville, Ky. Permit No. 218
JAMES BLYTH, Secretary 4323 Murray Avenue (BB) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217
I hereby make application for membership in the AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION
I enclose $5.00 for a one year membership which entitles me to a copy of the Official Guide Book, Year Book, Bulletins, and other benefits and privileges of the Association.
Husband and Wife Combination Membership — $7.00
( ) New
( ) Renewal
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