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American Rabbit Breeders Association

ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 4 - Jul/Aug
Collection: 1967 ARBA Bulletins


ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 4 - Jul/Aug


ARBA member periodicals



American Rabbit Breeders Association


American Rabbit Breeders Association


American Rabbit Breeders Association




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8 1/2 inches x 11 inches



American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 4 - Jul/Aug,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed October 22, 2024,

Vol, 2 July-August, 1967 No. 4
A.R.B.A, registrar Mel Behrens and Miss Jayne B. Schefcick, Barondia, New York. Miss Schefcick is the 500th person Mel has signed up to A.R.B.A. Membership. Mel joined our association January, 1925 and signed up his first new member one month later. Mel signed his 500th member April 16, 1967. Quite a record. Mel Behrens, is a champion and a worker.
BUI Molen
Mel Behrens, is our cover boy for July-August issue and rightfully so. Mel, joined our organization January, 1925, thus starting his 42nd year January, 1967. In these 41 years, as he still has 5 months to go in 1967 his 42nd
year, Mel, has signed up 500 persons to ARBA membership.
A number of years ago, too many to count off hand, Mel departed the Com-husker State of Nebraska and nestled in the Empire State of New York.
Continued Page 3
4323 Murray Avenue -- James Blyth, Secy. — Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
W. E. (Bill) Molen, Editor P.O. Box 8. Bronson, Kansas 66716 David Ford, Assistant Publicity Chm. PUBLICITY STAFF
Bett Hickman Virginia Flournoy
Joe Lutes Tillie Morehead
Pat Krider Mark Youngs
Pat Giles Bing Harris
EXECUTIVE BOARD ARBA Wayne Willmann, Pres. James Blyth, Secy.
Oren Reynolds, V.-Pres. Ellis Murray, Treas
Fred Applegate J. Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W. E. Molen
Claude Bennett E. P. Shilliday
\V. H. Kennedy Edward Stahl
Edward Toebbe
I uelieve it is my duty to call your attention to statements made on page 6 of the March-April issue of our ARBA Bulletin. I quote from the last paragraph in the first column, “Unfortunately the 1966 Convention Show was sponsored by the Falls Cities Rabbit Breeders Association, which was not incorporated but the error was not detected by the ARBA Board until the premium list came out just two weeks before the opening of the Convention show too late for any action to be taken.” This is a false statement and reflects badly on the hard working members in the Louisville, Ky. Club who did such a fine job of sponsoring our 1966 Convention. I have read several statements in which people expressed their staisfaction with the fine show and convention held in 1966. The above statement is false because that Club has been incorporated since 1960.
If you turn to the same paragraph referred to above and read further you will notice that the author accuses a Director of the ARBA who served as General Manager of the 1966 Convention.
I want our membership to know that I disapprove the use of our ARBA Bulletin for the purpose of making false accusations against any officer of the Association or against any local club that is chartered with the ARBA. It is not my responsibility to proof read every line that is printed in our Bulletin but I do ask all responsible persons to watch carefully that our Of-
ficial Bulletin is used to promote our Association and to build good-will among all of its members.
I also express my regret that our 1967 YEARBOOK has not been prepared for you. At the 1965 Board meeting it was decided to close the membership roster on March 30 so the Yearbook with latest revisions to the Consitution be printed during April and mailed to the membership in May. At the 1966 Board meeting I asked the Board to express itself on this matter, since it took until June to complete the 1966 Year; book. The Board did not see fit to change the schedule for publication but it did appoint a committee composed of three officers whose duty it would be to solicit for bids on printing the Yearbook and to decide which bidder should do the printing. This could have been done early in the year—and should have been decided before April 1. As of June 2—Secretary Blyth inform | me that the committee has made no decision regarding the publication of the 1967 Yearbook. We need a Yearbook showing who our members are that have renewed their membership on time—and including a copy of the current Constitution with the changes that were voted at the last Convention. Members wishing to write resolutions regarding the Constitution need the current copy. There isn’t much use getting the Yearbook in the Fall as changes made to the constitution at the Convention will make the book obsolete. The earlier we get the Yearbook—the sooner we will read who have paid their dues—and we can use the next several months to get others to renew or join for the first time. It would also give every member and every Local Club an up-to-date Constitution to guide them during the year. I will welcome any suggestions from any of our members regarding thoj Yearbook. I understand that some meml bers have not been getting their Bulletins or their Yearbooks. Are such folks certain that Secretary Blyth has their correct address????
Be sure to mark your ballot and get it back to the Chairman of the Election Committee before midnight August 15. Yours truly for a better ARBA. Wayne Willmann—President
The following is a list of candidates running for office of Director. The ballots will be mailed out July 15, 1967 and close August 15, 1967. This is the position they will appear on the ballot.
W. W. Kennedy I. R. Holmes D. F. Parker F. R. Applegate
Edw. T. Toebbe E. P. Shilliday
Page Two
Early association with Ed Stahl and his livestock and Outdoor Enterprises at New City and Pearl River, has cinched the Midwest loss as the East Coast gain. Mel, and family do plan to get back to Nebraska this year for a visit during the Nebraska State Centennial festivities.
It was also a number of years ago that Mel, originated the idea of a MEMBER-A-MONTH promotion in and for the ARBA. His application to this ideal and goal has certainly been reached, with the signing up of Miss Jayne B. Schefcick, Bardonia, New York, to membership April 16th, as #500. This certainly took more than just a little time, more than average salesmanship. It demanded lots of effort, plus steadfast devotion to the ARBA. Mel, has never lost sight of his beginning with rabbits. The help received from Ed Stahl and other stalwarts and most certainly the always close by assurance that ARBA was in there pitching to aid the beginner and old-timer alike.
We asked Mel, ‘Just what was his approach to securing new members to ARBA.’ Also, we asked, ‘Why did he have so much faith that ARBA membership was necessary.’ Mel Behren’s, reply, “I usually land these memberships by actually showing them the copy of the Guide Book, the extraordinarily good Bulletin the ARBA has been publishing since Bill Molen, assumed the Editorship, and above all explaining to the potential new member, the importance of belonging to the ARBA before they ever get started in their rabbit venture. This gets them off on the right track and keeps them there. Older breeders with maybe a year or two of rabbit breeding behind them are a cinch to sign up to membership because maybe they have started improperly by purchasing at auction sales; clearance sale newspaper ads; or maybe hooked by the rabbit promoters.”
1925 — 2 1939 — 3 1953 — 27
1926 — 2 1940 — 5 1954 — 13
1927 — 3 1941 — 5 1955 — 12
1928 - 4 1942 — 10 1956 — 18
1929 5 1943 — 8 1957 — 13
1930 — 2 1944 — 5 1958 — 15
1931 — 3 1945 — 10 1959 — 21
1932 — 4 1946 — 12 1960 — 30
1933 — 3 1947 — 10 1961 — 36
1934 — 2 1948 — 12 1962 — 28
1935 — 3 1949 — 13 1963 — 20
1936 — 2 1950 — 14 1964 — 37
1937 — 3 1951 — 8 1965 — 15
1938 — 2 1952 — 18 1966 — 32
To date in 1967 Mel 1 has signed up
13 members according to latest tabulation but no doubt by now, he has placed the pen and ink in some one elses hand. From this date forward, maybe we will have to address Mel as Mr. Membership or Melvin — but if Mel has served us so well for 42 years and still pushes the ARBA — let’s leave it Mel. Thanks Mel Behrens for being one of us and securing so many, many breeders as members of the good old ARBA. You have certainly left a formidable challenge. You are the only true MEMBER-A-MONTH associate.
Top dog in the General Registration Contest of ARBA with 64 registrations listed in the report of May-June ARBA Bulletin was Lewis Bowers, Manteno, Illinois. This the July-August issue finds top dog Bowers with 81 registrations and well on his way to getting out in front and staying there. Lewis, reported in a recent letter that he has registered 22 more rabbits between receipt of my recent letter to him and his finding time to reply. Can't say that a fellow has much spare time, registering so many rabbits.
Spare time or not, Lewis Bowers has always been a busy ARBA member and BOOSTER always.
Lewis Bowers, is 35 years old and already has been a member of ARBA 21 years. Having secured his first rabbits in 1944, joining ARBA in 1946 and exhibiting at his first convention at Milwaukee in 1948. As in 1967 and the ARBA Registration Contest, Lewis didn’t attend the 1948 Milwaukee Convention strictly for kicks. He attended and entered rabbits with a purpose, to do his best. The results, Best Display of Californians and Best of Breed Creme d’Argent.
What has Lewis been doing in his spare time? He served well and faithfully as director Illinois and American Standard Chinchilla Club; served 5 years as president of Creme d’argent Federation; 2 years as director and 4 years president of Kankakee Valley Rabbit Club; 3 years as secretary and 1 year as chairman of Illinois Youth Division. At last count Lewis had served 19 times as secretary of various big Illinois Rabbit Shows.
A top salute to Lewis Bowers, top dog of ARBA Registrars and a dedicated worker for 21 years. It will take a supreme effort to top Lewis in the 1967 ARBA Registration Contest. You will know you have been in a hard clean fight come announcement of winner at Syracuse in October. We’re betting on the Manteno Flash.
Page Three
Advertising Chr. W. H. Kennedy, Pa; Mel Behrens, N.Y.; Ed. Stahl, Mo.; Wm. Hartley, Mich.; David Ross, Ohio.
Budget Chr. E. Murray, Calif.; Robert Herschbach, Calif.; John Long, Calif.
Cavy Chr. Muriel Reid, 111.; Llake Smith, Calif.; Paul Hoffman, Wise.; Pat Krider, R.I.; L. H. Ghent, Ohio.
Color-fur — Chr. A1 Roerdanz; Ohio,; Lou Slavens, 111.; Howard Barto, N.Y.; Clyde Taylor, Tenn.; Carl Nagel, Calif.
Commerical Chr. Phil L o h m a n . Wise.; Lirton Jones, 111.; Bruce Fillmore, Mass.; Bing Harris, Canada; Ray Wells, Mich.
Constitution & Resolutions — Chr. Marvin Langeland, Mich.; Jack Boughton, Ohio; Marshall Hazard, 111.; H. E. Judkins, Iowa.
Credentials — Chr. Kathryn Shilliday, Ohio; Betty Doan, N. Y.; Peggy Gasparini, N. Y.
Election Chr. Henry Sagarsee,
Mich.; Karl Schmidt, Fred Post, Ann Nowak, Irma Smithwick, Thomas McDaniel, John Nowak. All are members of the Saginaw, Mich. Club.
International Relations Chr. Roscoe Cuozzo, Me.; Bing Harris, Canada; Alfred DeCastro, Switzerland; Manuel DeJuan, Puerto Rico; Murilo Rego, Brazil.
Membership Service — Chr. Jock Ingels, 111.; Robert Gebhart, Ind.; Fred Cremer, Calif.; Tom Wh/iteaker, Texas; Joe Godsey, Tenn.
Publicity — Chr. W. E. Molen, Kan.; David Ford, Colo.; Joe Lutes, Calif,; Pat Krider, R.I.; Pat Giles, Texas; Virginia Flournoy, Va.; Tillie More-head,; Mark Youngs, Wash.; Bing Harris, Canada; Bett Hickman, Pa.
Shows, Rules & Planning Chr. W. A. Schaefer, Conn.; C. F. Simpkins, Ga.; Lyman Nelson, Calif.; Robert Byrnes, Ky.; Joe Eve, Tenn.
Standards — Chr. A1 Meier, Jr. Ohio; Marvin Carley, Vermont; W. T. Robinson, 111,; Charles Lewis, N.Y.; Harold McGovney, Okla.; Frances Bennett, Iowa.; Don Lovejoy, Calif.; Lester Wells, Ind.
Washington, D.C. Chr. Horace Curtis, Va.; William Franklin, Va.; William Stuart, Va.
Youth — Chr. Wm. Earl, Calif.; Kay Malott, Calif.; Robert Cooper, Calif.; C. W. Spence, Texas; Evelyn Shaw, Mass.; Lewis Brandon, Ala.; Joe Gognat, Ky.; Doris Leibel, Minn.; Dorothy Newport, Iowa.; Sam Ger-ardi, Pa.
At the National Convention held at Louisville, Kentucky, the A.R.B.A, found out how much the National Rex Rabbit Club was dissatisfied with Rex Standards they now have, and it was discussed quite evenly and heatedly at times.
It was decided by the A.R.B.A, at the time to take the easy way out and let the Rex Club straighten out their own Standard, then turn the results ov^r to the A.R.B.A. Standard Committee for the final O.K.
This is the best way because it will give us the Standard we, as Rex Breeders, want. Not what they want. Some of the people who serve on the Standard Comm, have never raised Rex in their lives, so how would they know what is best for Rex? But we, as Rex Breeders, will be able to do it.
Following is a list of questions your1 Color and Fur Committee would like to have you answer. Send them back to be compiled to see what you as Rex Breeders want. You do not have to sign your name if you don’t want to. Don’t forget, the A.R.B.A, said the Rex Breeders were to straighten the Standard out, that is YOU, not just a few breeders.
Maybe you do not feel qualified to speak out on all 13 varieties, but you are qualified to speak on some, or you would not be a Rex breeder.
We would like to hear from EVERY Rex breeder in the Club. This way we will know what you want and think BEST for our Standard.
Send your answers to-
Hewitt Judkins 4765 N.E. 32nd Street
Des Moines, Iowa 50317 * * *
1. If you were judging three Rexj and each had the same fur structure, but one was of Californian type, one Champagne type and the other New Zealand White type, which rabbit would you pick as the most perfect Rex?
2. Is there any other types, not mentioned, you would pick?
3. Why would you pick this type as your choice?
4. Do you think there should be more points on type and less on fur in the future?
5. Why do you pick yes or no for your answer?
1. Can you describe Rex fur clearer than it now is in the Standard of Perf.?
2. Do you think the Chin Rex fur
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should have a 5/8” Ideal length of fur and all the other Rex 3/4”?
1. Being we have 13 varieties and some of the colors are so close to each other do you think we should eliminate some of the varieties?
2. If your answer is yes, what varieties do you suggest we eliminate?
3. Do you think the Standard should drop “streaks of white hair” from the Seal Rex Standard as a fault and say it is a disqualification?
4. Do you, as a Rex Breeder, have any ideas on the wording of color to help to clarify it? Some of the colors that are now hard to understand are Rufus Red, as in Castors, Pinkish Dove Gray in Lilacrex, Dove color in Havanarex, Rich Chestnut, rich Sepia as in Sablerex and Sealrex, just to mention a few.
5. This Committee would like some comments on the Sable and Seal Standard to help make it more clear and easier to distinguish these two varieties.
Please answer these question and send your answer to Hewitt Judkin, Chairman of the Color and Fur Committee. Thank You.
Lyman Franklin, Wake Forest, North Carolina ARBA State Agent sends in a very enthusiastic report of accomplishments and visualizes great and boundless improvements in the Tar Heel State and all of the Southeast U.S.
Franklin, reports — First, we are growing stronger with new ARBA members each month. There seems to be more and more people in North Carolina realizing the importance of this organization. There could be several reasons for this interest. One is the ARBA is being mentioned in our local clubs by the ARBA Local Agent. I certainly think this new set up is great and has been needed for a long time.
Second, the ARBA has been introduced to North Carolina through our efforts to promote an ARBA Convention-Show in the near future, to be held within the boundaries of our great state.
Third, I believe many of our people are beginning to think more in terms of the rabbit industry throughout the country, instead, of just here at home.
This has helped to organize us more and truthfully, I am looking for more unity than ever before in the immediate future, beginning tommorrow, the first day in the future. North Carolina, is on the move.
The North Carolina RBA Convention & Show was held April 28-29 at our beautiful State Fair Gounds, located at Raleigh. ARBA judge Martin Roy, Fort Lee, Virginia handled the placements and it was my pleasure to serve as superintendent with plenty of help from our State members. Commissioner Graham, who heads the North Carolina State department of agriculture was guest speaker at our convention banquet. The elected and appointed officials of the state of North Carolina are bending over backwards to help the North Carolina State Rabbit Breeders. We certainly wish to inform the ARBA Board that the new ARBA Bulletin is the biggest single asset we have had in encouraging new members to join our group and Bill Molen is doing an absolutely fabulous job for the entire ARBA.
ARBA Registrar, Lloyd S. Shantz, Waterloo, Ontario reports the rabbit activities are booming in his area and the demands for good breeding stock are terrific.
April 8, 1967 was the kick-off show in this section of Canada — the show was a whopping success from the standpoint of exhibitors and entries and the general public interest was stimulated.
The Annual Fall Conference and Show of the Ontario breeders will be October 27-28, 1967 at Sault Ste. Marie. Advance reports indicate an entry of near 300 head from exhibitors of the Northern States.
Registrar Shantz, reports the Waterloo Club has decided to place a Vi page ad in the 44th ARBA Convention Catalog and he will place a Registrars ad in the same publication. Shantz, was listed in the top placements in New Zealand Rgistration Contest of May-June ARBA Bulletin.
Shantz says, “It was surely very rewarding to meet so many fine rabbit breeders and fellow ARBA members at the Louisville Convention last October. A trip I will never forget and I hope to be able to attend again sometime and renew aquaintances.”
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Tillie Morehead
Convention Headquarters will be at the Country House Motel and the Northway Inn, both located a few miles from the Fairgrounds, on Interstate 81 at Exit 36 which leads directly to the New York State Fairgrounds at Syracuse, New York. The dates are October 9-10-11-12,1967.
George Berl, 2149 Five Mile Line Road, Penfield, New York. 14526, Show Secretary, (after spending 3 weeks visiting the European countries in May) is back working on the confirmation or selection of Judges. He still is waiting for answers from some of the Judges. Some of the Specialty Clubs have not sent him their choice of Breed Chairman or Judge. He hopes to have the list completed for the next issue of the Bulletin.
Sam Gerardi of Pennsylvania is in charge of Youth Division and he will also judge Youth. Working with him are Bill and Joan Schiermeyer of Averill Park, Eugene Poulnot and Hazel Morrow of Hoosick Falls, Bill and Kay Buell of Pavilion Center, Dick Cooper of Breesport, (all from New York) and Mrs. Irene Harrison and Mrs. Mary Battista of New Jersey. Don Reid will judge the Cavies, the Cavy club has not sent in their breed chairman, Harry Jessmer of Brockport is state chairman. All 3 breeds of Chinchillas will be judged by Harry Rice of Ohio, again no breed chairmen have been named, Gerald Dailey and Bob Teeter of Marion are the state chairmen. Harold Guthrie of Ohio will judge the Californians, William Schaefer of Connecticut is breed chairman, Don Smith is state chairman. Checkered Giants will be judged by Jeanne Maddox of Ohio, William Schiermeyer is breed chairman, Jerry Ross is state chairman. W. J. Seyfried of New Jersey will judge the English, Howard Bartow of Long Island is breed chairman, Leo Adams is state chairman. Jack Pugh of Maryland will judge the Silver Martens, Art Micklei is Breed Chairman, Fritz Martin is state chairman. Satins will be judged by Sam Gerardi of Pennsylvania, no breed chairman named yet, the newly organized Empire State Satin Club members are state chairman. R. G. Carver of New Jersey will judge the Rex, no breed chairman named yet, Ed. Sturm is state chairman. Carlton Gaddis will judge the Polish, no breed chairman, Frank Pandina is state chairman. We do have state chairman for: Dutch — Eugene Poulnot, Champagnes — Royce
Forman of Vermont, Red & Black New Zealands — Bill Buell, White New Zealands — Vito Fragola, Creme D’Argents — Jack Wickman, Flemish — Marty Fitzpatrick, Palominos — Fred Johansen.
Mrs. Margaret Burdick, 16 Broad St., Carthage, New York. 13619 is in charge of Reservations for the Country House and Northway Inn. Rates at Country House: $9.00 - 9.50 - 10.50 - 11.50 for Singles. $16.50 for Doubles. $14.00 -14.50 - 15.50 - 16.50 for Twins. Northway Rates: $8.00 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 11.00 -12.00, Doubles are: $13.00 -14.00 -15.00 -16.00 - 17.00. Twins are same as Doubles, Additional Bed (3rd person) $3.00 at both motels. Pease send your reservation in early.
Mrs. Morehead, Chairman of Advertising and Catalog reports that advertising is coming in rather slow. If you have delayed sending in your ad, please do so now, the deadline of July 15th is only a few weeks away. Your support of an ad will help make this show and convention the success we want it to be. Full Page Ad — $45.00; Vt. Page — $25.00; % Page — $14.00; % Page — $8.00. Judges, Registrars and Breeders Listing are $3.50 (limit 4 lines). We had requests for the breeders listing, so have added them on. Booths: Specialty Club — $25.00; Commercial — $50.00. Make check payable to H. T. Vreeland, Treas, but send copy and check both to Mrs. George Morehead, P.O. Box 161, Maine, New York 13802.
Also Mrs. Morehead wants to remind everyone that catalogs will be sent out only by request (except for complimentary copies to all advertisers). The catalogs will be ready for mailing before Sept. 1st. Send your request in early and be sure to use your zip code.
In the next issue, I hope to have all the Judges, Breed Chairmen, some information about the program, banquets, youth, and the tours.
“Remember its “Syracuse in Sixty-Seven”.
Do you know that the committee in charge of arrangements and publishing the new ARBA GUIDE BOOK, have devoted over 1000 man hours of time and toil to the planning, so far?
Do you know that your ARBA GUIDE BOOK committee have enjoyed every minute of this task?
Your new and better (we hope you will consider it the BEST) ARBA GUIDE BOOK after long planning and working out of detail is rapidly nearing the time when printing will be started.
Page Six
There has been almost a complete renovation of articles. The absolute tops of our present day, experienced breeders have pitched in and we promise you the very latest by the very best authorities. True, we have retained some of the very top articles that have appeared in the past but these too, have been supplemented and corrected to bring up to date. We have the latest and finest available in the matter of scientific or research material, that has been made available from researchers outside the rabbit world. We have improved, to the best of our ability, in obtaining the very finest photos of the very finest specimens of the various breed rabbits.
No less than 45 of our top breeders. Our top show men and women. Our top organizational and commercial members. All have officially consented to supply timely material and articles and to date — 31 of these folks have submitted their material. It is on hand, we have read and reread the articles. We promise you the best ARBA GUIDE BOOK, ever assembled and distributed.
Our top ARBA members, such as — Roger Fitchom, Pat Bass, A1 Roerdanz, Tom Shuffelbotham, Cyril Lowit, Guy Leger, Joe Lutes, Bob Wallace, Horace Curtis, Charles Wade, David Ford, Marvin Carley, Tom Coatoam, Don Guthrie, Charles O’Dell, Earl Hord, Dorothy Newport, David Hughes, Oren Reynolds, Andy Stodel, Pat Krider, Kay Malott, Dr. Alfred d’Castro, Ellis Murray, Al Meir, Vern Ashton, all have submitted material to date. We have more on the way and September-Octo-ber bulletin will include a concise summary of Table of Contents and their authors. We promise you the tops. We promise you the most modem and
>up to-date rabbit publication geared to today’s needs.
Of course this ARBA GUIDE BOOK will contain advertising and announcements from the aggressive. The general advertiser, such as manufacturer or fabricator, feeds, equipment, supplies, books, magazines all can get their message in this ARBA GUIDE BOOK. Clubs and association, this is the publication for your ad. Every Registrar and every Judge should be listed in this book, and for a $5.00 bill, they will be included. Breeders listings are also available at this minimum charge. Breeding stock sales advertisements, this is the book, because with an anticipated printing of 15,000 copies and the nature of the complete new and revised ARBA GUIDE BOOK — this publication will be a steady salesman for you for years to come.
This is the rabbit publication of the century. Are you a part of it? Have you submitted your article? Your photo? Your advertisement? respectfully,
Jim Blyth, Bill Molen, Ed Stahl.
Ernie Abbott, late of St. Joseph, Missouri, then Wathena, Kansas, a brief residency in East St. Louis, Illinois and now a happy resident of the Pelican State of Louisiana is chomping at the bit to get local interest sparked and ignited.
Ernie, is a railroader and this last transfer to New Orleans with corresponding advancement up the management ladder, places him in a position of high responsibility and stability of residence for some years.
Ernie and wife Loretta are two of the most competent rabbit show officials in the U.S. They earned their spurs young, as Ernie’s grandad is one of the old-timers “Havana Joe” Abbott. Secretary and superintendent and any other odd chore at and among rabbit shows on the local and state level has been their proving ground. At the 1963 ARBA Convention, Sedalia Missouri, Loretta served very ably and capably as Convention Show Secretary and Ernie was the all around man that helped in any and all departments. More recently the Abbotts aided in forming the St. Clair County Rabbit Breeders Club in Illinois.
The Abbott’s transferred their outstanding herd of Himalayan rabbits with them to New Orleans and their production has gone on without an interruption. Ernie and Lorettas Him-mies won BOB and BOS at Fort Worth ARBA Convention-Show.
Seems the biggest need in the New Orleans area is a club to take advantage of the experience and willingness to work of the qualified Abbotts. Ernie, writes — “We need a club hgre in New Orleans and I want to put the ARBA State Agent to work helping us apply for a charter.” “Please, send me the name of the ARBA State Agent for Louisiana.” “Who knows, we may even have an ARBA Convention-Show in the city of Mardi Gras, one of these days.”
Well Ernie, The records I have on hand indicate that able Ed Storey, Rt. 4 Box 118, Baton Rouge, Louisiana is State Agent. This is ARBA District #4, South Plain and Ed Stahl is the ARBA Director. Hope you put both Eds to work, Storey and Stahl as we are all ready to pack up for ARBA Convention-Show in Louisiana.
Page Seven
National Specialty Clubs Officers and Directors Gentlemen:
After corresponding with the Specialty club Secretaries and receiving much favorable comment from most I would like at this time to reiterate concerning our meeting at the Louisville National Convention.
No.-l There is several National Specialty Clubs that sponsor one breed with several varieties. These clubs have asked why some have been pre-m it ted to ask a sanction fee on a variety instead of a breed. It was felt that one fee for a breed sanction should be asked for by all Specialty Clubs. The Officers of the ARBA, as a body, agreed that this was as it should be and I was asked to contact all Specialty Clubs in regards to this. The ARBA in no way wants to tell you what this fee should be. This is a matter for each individual Club to decide. One thing that was pointed out very clearly was that if some were permitted to charge on the variety why not all, or what was to stop any club from doing this. I feel that all of you can readily see that this could put an awful strain on the local clubs holding a show as far as sanctions go. I know that many of you have acted as show secretaries and I am sure that each of you can see the possibilities that this could impose. Due to the above the ARBA is asking again that you review your sweepstakes rules and see if it is at all possible to change and ask for one sanction fee on your breed and your Club set the price and the specials required.
No.-2 — Our ARBA conducted shows are mostly built around Best of Breed and Best Opp. Sex and most all clubs pick it regardless of the number of varieties in the breed. The ARBA Officers and Directors have had many complaints regarding the awarding of the ARBA trophies. The latest rule, that seemed to meet with the most favor, was that the ARBA would award a trophy for Best of Breed and Best Opp. Sex in all breeds regardless of the number shown in the breed and that the rabbit did not have to be registered to receive the award. In view of this rule if there is no Best of Breed or Best Opp. Sex picked there will be no ARBA trophy awarded. Here again the ARBA asks that you review your present rules and see if there is a possibility that they can be changed to conform to the ARBA rule and the majority of the Specialty Clubs.
In making these changes it is the feeling of the ARBA that there would
be no hardship imposed upon your club and actually in picking Best of Breed and Best Opp. Sex there would be no change in your present set up merely an addition, you would still pick Best and Best Opp. Sex of variety as you now do. Your sweepstakes points would be reported and counted as they now are. The only change would be the placing of the varieties together for the Best and Best Opp. Sex placements of the breed. Actually this placement could be an incentive to improve upon the varieties which in turn would lead directly to an improvement of the breed.
Yours Truly
Oren R. Reynolds
Kay Malott, 17943 Renault St.. La Puente, California 91744 is again at the old grind stone, Secretary-treasurer of ARBA Youth Rabbit Club. Kay, served the Youth well as secretary-treasurer for a 5 year period that terminated immediately after the Pomona Convention-Show. Kay, had to relinquish her duties at that time for personal reasons but is back in full force and the Youth Club is on the track again, rolling forward.
Kay assumed her reaquired duties May 1st of this year and already has made plans to try and increase the membership of the Youth Club to the lofty heights it once attained. Kay, is very upset over the large number of affiliated and chartered Youth Clubs that failed to renew their Charter in 1967. The fee is only $1.53 and as in parent ARBA, all are due and payable the first of January with a 63 day grace period if needed. Secretary Mal-j ott, urges one and all to search theif^ convictions and souls and see if they still feel that they are doing the children right, by not renewing the Youth Club Charters.
Send all articles of club experiences or personal experiences in your Youth Rabbit activities to either Kay Malott or Chairman Bill Earl. The ARBA Youth Bulletin will again appear on a regular schedule.
Point tabulation for 1967 shows will be published in the Youth Bulletin as will complete list of ARBA Youth sanctioned shows. Cost of sanction is $1.50 and is obtained from Secretary Malott. Each and every Youth Club member has an excellent opportunity to win one of the top 19 sweepstake trophies, The states are divided in 3 separate groups: those states with
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over 10 sanctioned shows form one group; those states with 5 to 10 sanctioned shows form the second group and another group is formed by those states with less than 5 sanctioned shows. All points are compiled and tabulated on an individual basis, not two or three children showing together and adding points to one grand total.
All former members that failed to renew this year are urged to renew at once and all new members are welcomed with open arms.
Harold Drudge, RR#1, Roann, Ind., Licensed 9-7-66
Stan Freed, 1607 E. Sycamore, Kokomo, Ind., Licensed 8-17-66 E. W. Story, R 4, Box 118, Baton Rouge, La., Licensed 8-30-66 George Judy, 10 Central Ave., Mo-chanicsburg, Ohio, Licensed 4-4-67 Robert W. Berry, 513 E. Kent Road, Lubbock, Texas, Licensed 9-7-66 Matt Kevil, 116 Key ridge Terr., Fort Worth, Texas. Licensed 11-22-66
Dean Miesner, Secretary; Buddy Kurbs, Director; 1 rank Morgan, President; Tneuna Morgan, Vice-President; Bill Resseguie, Director; absent V. J. Webster, Director, who snapped this photo. All of the newly Chartered Poudre Valley Rabbit Club, Fort Collins, Colorado.
David Ford
The ARBA is proud to welcome a new rabbit club into its midst — the Poudre Valley Rabbit Club of Fort Collins, Colorado.
This club, with 25 active members, is striving to promote the rabbit industry — fancy and commercial throughout northern Colorado.
The Poudre Valley Rabbit Club, is working hand-in-hand with the city’s rabbit processor. The club believes that the members and the processor must work closely together to be successful. Cooperation, is the key.
The club is more commercial-minded than most rabbit clubs. The PVRC is going all out in its promotion of Na-
tional Rabbit Week, as it feels that rabbits and rabbit meat must be publicized at every opportunity in order to aid in the development of the commercial rabbit business.
In the tradition of Colorado’s rabbit clubs, the PVRC is starting a development contest in order to acquaint its members with the finer points of rabbit selection. This contest is just one of many educational features the club has instituted. At past meetings, club members have seen demonstrations on handling rabbits, sexing, judging, tattooing, and have discussed such subjects as processing, feeding, and disease control.
The ARBA is happy to have the PVRC as a member of the parent body.
Page Nine
The ACGRC celebrate their Golden Anniversary, 50 years of progress and leadership in 1968.
It was in 1918 that a brave and dedicated group of pioneer Checkered Giant rabbit fanciers followed the leadership of W. B. Garland, Canton, Ohio and formed the American Checkered Giant Club. Once the Checkered Giant boys obtained their Charter, they pitched in and haven't stopped yet.
From the very beginning in 1918, the American Checkered Giant Rabbit Club has steadily progressed to its present status of leadership in the rabbit fancy stud industry. The Checkered Giant Club is known nationally as one of the most Active, Live-Wire Specialty Clubs. The American Checkered Giant Rabbit Club is one of the largest Specialty Clubs, and second to none in true sportsmanship, spirit and keen interest. The club is one of the strongest, if not the strongest financially settled clubs, in all of rabbitdom. This position has been attained by applying the Golden Rule in our treatment of our member and friends. The club and its members record and reputation of cooperating and helping one another is unsurpassed. The Checkered Giant Club has been sharing its experiences and benefits for 49 years in obtaining new BOOSTERS and members each day of the year.
American Checkered Giant Rabbit Club, truly, is the leader. First with a Specialty Club News Bulletin. First with special ribbons and providing cut of rabbit for ribbons and rosettes. First with official sweepstake shows. First with promotional items such as book matches, neckties, emblems, ear rings, specialty club life membership pins, automobile license plates, official emblem. First specialty club with Beginners Booklet. First with Official Breed pedigree books. It was 23 years ago in 1944, that the then president of the ACGRC Mr. R. W. Brumbaugh, Arcanum Ohio said the following strong words of fact and encouragement.
“Let us all strive to be good American Checkered Giant Rabbit Club members and Boosters that support the National Specialty Club as well as the State Checkered Giant Rabbit Clubs. Let us all talk Checkered Giant at every chance we get, and above all, be good sports at all times. We cannot produce first prize winners in every litter, we cannot always win a First Prize, but we can always be Good Sports and Good Boosters for the
“Rabbit Beautiful” and the American Checkered Giant Rabbit Club.”
The 14th Annual American Checkered Giant Rabbit Show will be held May 4-6, 1968 at Crown Point, Indiana. This event is on a rotating basis and the honor of sponsoring this biggest of shows, goes to the Illinois-In-diana Checkered Giant Rabbit Club. The highlight of this stellar show is the offering of $1,000.00 in prize money. Illinois-Indiana president Bill Montgom-ery Rt. 1, Box 235 Tinley Park, Illinois 60477 and secretary Jake Holmes, 440 Pulaski Road, Calumet City, Illinois 60409 are spearheading all arrangements. The start of the 50th Anniversary — Golden Jubilee of the ACGRC will be a special issue of Small Stock magazine. The September, 1967 Conventoin Edition of Small Stock has been selected. David Hughes, Rt. 2, Sikeston, Missouri 63801 is in charge of all advertising for this Souvenir — Checkered Giant Special Issue of Small Stock Magazine. Contact him for inclusion in this mighty effort, which is sure to go down as one of the finest bits added to Rab-bit-Americana lore and history. Deadline July 15th.
ILLINOIS - TIBBAR CLUB Top Show — Tops In Publicity
You can’t top the Illinois rabbit clubs and rabbit exhibitors. They have top entry shows, excellently managed, bang, bang, bang. One after another, week end after weekend — Spring — Fall & Winter. The only time the local clubs let up is during the Fair Season and then seems like every county in Illinois has 2 shows, just to keep up with the trend started by the local clubs. Illinois, is truly the tops in rabbit shows.
Tibbar Club, staged their usual overflow entry show this Spring but they added a kicker in 1967. Ernest and Mary Vogwill, of Vogwill Rabbitry, Chicago, aggressive Tibbar, Illinois State and ARBA Boosters and members report the Tibbar Club obtained the following radio and Television coverage for the big Tibbar rabbit Show. Following stations covered the show; W.J.J.D., W.I.N.D., W.L.S.(am), W.B.B.M..W.G.N. This coverage is fabulous and perhaps tops in any rabbit show coverage, from standpoint of million of listeners that heard these announcements. These call letters are byword in the broadcasting profession and all of us in our travels to shows have heard the call letters come up Would you like to guess how many folks heard of the Tibbar Show? Publicity Committee thank you for fop job.
Page Ten
Wilmington, Ohio was the temporary capital of the Dutch Fancy April 28-30. A total of 35 exhibitors from near and far, Michigan, New York, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Colorado, Kentucky and Ohio swelled the entry to 222 open and 77 Youth.
Don Weeks, Leesburgh, Ohio secretary reports all 24 classes were represented in the 6 colors of Dutch. Don Reid and Tom Shufflebotham handled the Open judging assignments and Glen Carr the Youth entries. A black senior buck proudly*displayed by Stohrer & Quinton took Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex was tucked away by a black senior doe, whose happy owner was Hulda Ohlemacher.
Youth Division Best of Breed winner was Gary Lewis with an outstanding black senior doe nipping Best
1 pposite Sex winner Tom Goeglein’s, - Steel gray junior buck.
Other Open division top winners: Best Blue John Baker, Best Chocolate, Jack Wireman, Best Tortoise G. C. Sturgis, Best Steel, Stan Goeglein, Best Gray, Stan Goeglein.
A highlight of the 1967 National Dutch Show was the 12 rabbits sold in the Sellers Class 1967. Nine of these rabbits were entered in the class for judging and 3 were donated for the sale. First place in Sellers Class, black junior buck, the property of Country Acres Rabbitry. Top dollar rabbits were black senior doe of Don Weeks,
2 black junior bucks of Tom Shufflebotham and Country Acres Rabbitry entry listed above. Weinhardt’s of Michigan blue junior doe and pair of steel juniors also brought top dollars. A total of $124.00 was secured for Sellers Class Dutch.
^ Mrs. Diane Walker, 516 Shenango Road, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania is the secretary-treasurer of the newly Chartered Ohio Valley RBA.
The club is 100% ARBA membership by emphasizing that each new member first belong to the ARBA. True to the tradition of strong clubs is one of ARBA’s strongest areas, they plan their first show in Spring 1968.
Newly elected and installed officers: Ray Vaughn, president; Walter Clap-saddle, vice-president; Mrs. Walker. Show secretary is Paul Sarvey. Show superintendent Thurman Blazer Jr. and Harry Groner assistant superintendent.
A call is issued to all of the area, and not affiliated with a local club, please, contact Mrs. Walker.
Maybe the thought of the impending long, hot, summer stirred us all on, because this the July-August Bulletin is brimming over with the absolute best material. Cooperation on all fronts.
National Rabbit Week, July 16-22. This is the absolute time, RIGHT NOW, to get your program in full and high gear. ARBA Special Book Matches are still available. Only a very few boxes left and these will be sold at less than replacement price. In lots of 10 full cartons, remit only $5.75 and they will be mailed at once postpaid. Send order and remittance to Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716. First quality, high grade, plenty of room for personal message or ad to be stamped. First come. First served. Order today. Relative to National Rabbit Week. You will find a sample outline form to be used in obtaining an Official Proclamation from your Mayor for RABBIT WEEK. Thanks to David Hughes, Sikeston, Missouri, president of one of the winning clubs last year. Remember the ARBA is awarding 3 CHAMPION PROMOTER AWARD trophies to the 3 winning clubs. August 15, 1967 is the deadline for receipt of material sent in by various clubs as to their activities promoting National Rabbit Week. Send to Bill Molen. This year the ARBA is awarding one trophy to the top individual, promoting National Rabbit Week.
The spirit of cooperation prevailing between parent ARBA and National Specialty Clubs is perservering and becoming more evident each day. The antagonism and apparent jealous feelings of a few years back are melting into—HOW CAN WE ALL PULL TOGETHER.
We are happy to include articles on the Rex, Cavy, Dutch, Californian, Checkered Giant and Palomino Clubs and breeds in this issue. Next issue we have articles on Satins, Martens, Belgian Hare, Angora in the process and we sincerely invite each and every one of our Specialty Clubs and breed BOOSTERS to send in their material. Next issue will carry a very fine article on Lop Eared Rabbits in Europe by Miss Margaret Brown, Helensburgh, Scotland.
Our vice-president, Oren Reynolds is rtainly cooperating with the Nation-Specialty Clubs and they in turn e putting forth their best. Very, very lportant to our ARBA are the dedi-ted and tireless workers for the well ine of the association. The leaders in the MEMBERSHIP
Page Eleven
CONTESTS, the REGISTRATION CONTESTS are truly dedicated and tireless workers to the cause.
REGISTRATION CONTEST, leaders: Marvin Carley, New Zealand, Duane Shrader, Californian, Pete Naylor, Satin, and Lewis Bowers, Silver Marten. In the General Contest— Lewis Bowers 1st with 81; Andres Rodriguez 2nd with 75 in a tie with Marvin Cummings, and Harold Drudge undisputed 3rd with 73. Hats off to you men and all others in the contest.
MEMBERSHIP CONTEST, leaders: Ed Stahl, Coleman Glick and Mel B e h r e n s—Missouri, California and New York. Mark Youngs and others are breathing hot and heavy on their necks but these 3 are the ones to beat year in and year out. In the association division of the contest: Satin RBA; American Cavy Club and Badger RBA plus South Florida RBA are showing the way. These associations and clubs are the backbone of our progress.
Sponsorship of the ARBA Convention-Show for 1967 was a little slow in coming, till the stalwarts up New York way came to the rescue. We thank the New York folks and feel everyone will enjoy the fine time at Syracuse, October 9-12, 1967. Sponsorship of future conventions is currently a lively topic with groups from New England, Tennessee, Colorado, North Carolina, Canada, Washington and Louisiana putting out feelers. Interest is on the upsurge and we hope that a number of bids for 1968 and future ARBA Convention-Show years will be submitted at Syracuse.
Among our newly Chartered Clubs are the Poudre Valley Club, Ohio Valley Club and Meramec Valley Breeders.
The 2nd installment of our article — The One-Two Punch That Knocks Out New Breeders, will appear in the September-October issue of ARBA Buletin. The response to date, from members all over the U.S., relative to the bunco artists in the rabbit promotion field, has been very gratifying and at the same time much greater than expected. Do you know that people by the 100’s are being victimized by these phony promoters each month? What are we going to dd about educating folks, that later turn up as suckers, and without their hard earned money? The time is now, send in any facts and figures wherein innocent folks have been taken advantage of.
Page Twelve
Second Place ??????
Pat Krider
It certainly was a surprise to learn that we were in second place in the A.R.B.A, membership contest, although for months we have been sending out the membership application blanks, which are supplied upon request by the A.R.B.A. Secretary, and which are so simple to insert in each letter you write.
We’ve been asked just what we did in our club to participate in the A.R.B.A, contest, and when I tell you, you’ll be amazed at the simplicity. It was such a simple idea.
The ARBA application blanks have a line for writing or stamping the name of the person or organization that recommends a new member. Th(' American Cavy Breeders Association has been stamped in red ink, on th^ recommended line. About 100 fliers are done at one time, folded, and inserted in each outgoing letter.
It has become such a habit to add the ARBA application blank to the letters that one member stopped our secretary at a Massachusetts show last fall and asked why, in every letter there had to be an A.R.B.A & A.C.B.A. application blank. He was already a member. When the secretary suggested that he use them to contact new members he left cheerful, and vowed to invite all non-members to join the Fraternity of ARBA. Congratulations to the first place club, the Satin Club. We do think second place is a nice place to visit, but we are aiming for first. Last year we claimed we had more GO-POWER, and this year we want to prove it!
To a student of genetics, delving into the history of the origin of some of our popular breeds of rabbits, may prove to be a fascinating subject. Recently, I have given quite a bit of thought as to how the new breed, Palominos came into being. I have come to the conclusion that they are a recession to an old strain, the Golden Fawn, which have now disappeared from the scene.
Years ago, a breed was known as the Golden Fawn. From this breed by selective breeding as to color, the New Zealand Red came into existence. From this breed, an albino appeared and was developed into our present day popular New Zealand White. Both the red and the white bore the same characteristics of the old Golden Fawn with exception
of color and being a little lighter in weight. This is not theory. It has been published in a book for the American Small Stock Farmer of Fair Lawn, New Jersey.
Who can say which of our popular breeds, if any, have been pure bred from the time of their first inception. We are constantly striving to perfect our ideas of the perfect rabbit by experimenting with genes, color, and general conformation. New species will continue to appear from time to time as we progress in our breeding. We can even go back in time and produce a rabbit that would be a recessive strain. This is what I think has happened to the Golden Palominos. They have reverted back to the old strain of Golden Fawn.
Therefore, no one should speak disparagingly of a new breed that has ■ een recognized as standard by the p\RBA. I have heard remarks that the Pals are nothing but faded Reds. I could remark that New Zealands are nothing but different colored Golden Fawns. We all have our likes and dislikes and preferences as to breed and color. New breeds have always had rough treatment from the time they were first introduced. This will continue to be true until the time when they will be accepted as a popular breed.
Bob and Irma Ernst, Hoisington, Kansas, pose Black Dutch and Red Satin both Ernst and Rabbits Grand Champions. The Ernst and the Claude Elliots, Ellingwood, Kansas, were featured in full page rabbit spread in The Great Bend Kansas Tribune. The Ernst were Dutch breed chairman at Sedalia Convention.
One of the most important departments of our organization is the ARBA Youth Rabbit Club. The potential of our Youth Club is almost limitless. This country has thousands of young people who raise rabbits and are sincerely interested in their rabbits. Most of them would like to do something but they have a problem they do not know exactly what they want to do. They want and they need help. They want guidance in learning what they can do and how to do it. Three hundred seventy of these youngsters are members of the ARBA Youth Rabbit Club and many of the other thousands would be happy to join if they knew of our Club.
The weakest link of our youth organization is on the local level. Do you know that there are only seven local ARBA Affiliated Youth Clubs in our country and three of them are in southern California? Do you know the simple requirements to organize a local ARBA Youth Club? One interested adult member of the ARBA for an ARBA Club) and seven youngsters, ages nine through eighteen, who are members of the ARBA Youth Rabbit Club. The Secretary of the ARBA Youth Club will be happy to send complete information on the organization and operation of a local Youth Club to anyone who is interested in helping the youngsters in their area.
There has been some recent changes in the ARBA Youth organization. Bill Earl, has been appointed chairman of the ARBA Youth Committee and Mrs. Kay Malott has been appointed secretary-treasurer of the ARBA Youth Rabbit Club. Many of you know Mrs. Malott. She was formerly secretary of the Youth Club for several years and it grew and prospered. It is our intention to do everything we can to see that it grows and prospers again.
The ARBA Youth Club’s quarterly Bulletin will be mailed punctually on the 15th of March, June, September and December. We intend to develop a method of promoting the organization of more local ARBA Youth Clubs. We want to give the Youth Club member better and closer contact with their Club through a program that will give most states an active ARBA member who will be well informed on all phases of the Youth Club’s activities, programs and rules who, in addition to being available to the Youth Club member can give factual information to any interested person or ARBA Club to help them in their efforts to help the Youth program. We want to try to build up the Youth Club mem-
Pace Thirteen
bership from within through the Youth Club Bulletin, probably through Membership Contests. We do intend to make progress^and we do intend to keep you informed on our goals and our progress through the ARBA Bulletin.
We welcome your questions, suggestions and complaints. Please write to: Mrs. Kay Malott, 17943 Renault Street, La Puente, California 91744 or to: William Earl, 10926 Pipeline Avenue, Pomona, California 91766 or to your nearest Youth Committee member: Robert Cooper, California; C. W. Spence, Texas; Evelyn Shaw, Massachusetts; Lewis Brandon, Alabama; Joe Gognat, Kentucky; Doris Leibel, Minnesota; Dorothy Newport, Iowa; Sam Gerardi, Pennsylvania.
Mrs. Margaret Burdick, 16 Broad St., Carthage, New York 13619 is reservation chairman for the 44th ARBA Convention-Show, come October 9-12, 1967 at Syracuse. However, Mrs. Burdick’s job begins long before the conventioneers converge upon Syracuse. It is her duty to obtain lodging, of your choice during your stay at Syracuse. Syracuse, is a busy, busy metropolitan city, always many things going on. For this reason Mrs. Burdick, requests that your needs for room reservations at Syracuse be forwarded to her as soon as possible. Be certain to include the type of rooms you will wish and most important include the day of arrival and the day of (departure. Include the price range you desire and it is perfectly right to state minimum charge accomodations are requested.
Poudre Valley Rabbit Club, Dean Miesner, Timnath, Colo. July 15
Sonoma Co. Fair 8. Expo., James F. Lyttle, P.O. Box 1451, Santa Rosa, Ca lif. July 17-29
Ohio Cavy Breeders, Eileen Ghent, R 1, Mt. Gilead, Ohio July 22-23
Shelby County Fair, Mrs. W. T. Chenault, 912 Plain-
view Dr., Shelbyville, Ky. July 24-27
Lawrence Co. Fair, Mrs. Edna Belle Gholson, 413 So. 6th St., Ironton, Ohio July 24-29
Madison Co. Fair, A. M. Gibson, RR 1, Box 371, Edwardsville, III. July 25-29
Orange County Fair, Stewart W. Yost, 88 Fair Dr., Costa Mesa, Calif. July 25-30
Orange Co. Fair, Sunny Harper, 2004] Clark St., Orange, Calif. July 25-30
Hennepin Co. Fair, Weldon Wahl, 2501 Douglass Dr., N., Minneapolis, Minn. July 26-29
Lake County Fair, L. A. Nordhausen, P.O. Box 27, Grayslake, III. July 26-30
Illinois R.B. Ass'n, Richard Desotell, R 1, Box 1511,
Zion, III. July 26-30
Sandusky Valley R.B., Horace Taylor, 620 Miami St.,
Tiffin, Ohio July 27-31
Falls Cities R.B., Harold C. Quick, 4619 So. 1st, Louisville, Ky. July 27-29
Multnomah Co. Fair, Duane Hennessy, P.O. Box 71, Gresham, Oregon July 27-Aug. 5
Williams Co. R.B. Ass'n, Robert Burns, R 2, Edgerton, Ohio July 28-Aug. 2
State Fair of Montana, Dan P. Thurber, P.O. Box 1524,
Great Falls, Mont. July 29-Aug. 5
Akron Rabbit Club, M. L. Clevenger, 428 Palm Ave., Akron, Ohio July 30
Broome Co. R.B. Ass'n, Leona Oliver, Whitney Point, N Y. July 30-Aug. 5
Jefferson Co. Fair, Glenn L. Feistel, 565 Mill St., Watertown, N.Y. July 30-Aug. 5
West Branch R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Shirley A. Andrews, RD 1, Williamsport, Pa. July 30-Aug- 5
Scioto Fair, Marion Bess, Jersey Ridge Rd., Maysville, Ky. August
Rock Island Co. Fair, Mrs. Evelyn Ristau, P.O. Box 267, East Moline, III. Aug. 1-5
Kane County Fair, Mrs. Majora Alfredson, P.O. Box 306, Geneva, III. Aug. 2-6
25th Agri. Ass'n, Napa Town 8> Co., Robert P.
Manasse, 4th & Burnell, Napa, Calif. Aug. 3-6
Kankakee Valley R.B., Etha Bowers, R 1, Manteno, III. Aug. 3-8
Allentown Fair, Moulton L. C. Frantz, 1015 North St.,
Allentown, Pa. Aug. 6-12
Clinton Co. Agri. Soc.. Donald F. Weeks, RR 2, Box 167, Leesburg, Ohio Aug. 7-12
Mower Co. Fair, Arnold M. Johnsen, R 1, Box 148,
Austin, Minn. Aug. 7-13
Humboldt Co. Fair, C. Jo Hindley, P.O. Box 637^ Ferndale, Calif. Aug. 7-‘
Douglas Co. Fair, Bert L. Allenby, P.O. Box 75 Roseburg, Oregon Aug. 8-1*
Lower Fraser Valley Exhb. Soc., James T. Sullivan, Box 489, Cloverdale, B.C., Canada Aug. 9-12
Mason Co. Fair, Roy G. Ellis, Box 83, New Haven, W.Va, Aug. 9-12
Winn-Forest R. Club, Ted Wengert, 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford, III. Aug. 9-13
Ashtabula Co. R.F., Al Roerdanz, 1005 Wright St., Kingville, Ohio Aug. 9-14
Luxton Fall Fair, Mrs. T. F. Lock, 961 Isabell Ave., Victoria, B.C., Canada Aug. 10-12
Illinois R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Florence Ayers, 2912 Hoover, Springfield, III. Aug. 11-20
State Fair of Wise., Vernon G. Wendland, Expo. Center, West Allis, Wise. Aug. 11-20
Cedar Rapids S.S. Ass'n, Mrs. George Prastke, R 1,
Fairfax, Iowa Aug. 12-13
Lewanee Co. Fair, William E. Martin, 602 North Dean St., Adrian, Mich. Aug. 13-19
Howell Co. Fair, Florence M. Bauer, 3 Catron Arcade, West Plains, Mo. Aug. 14-19
Clark County Fair, Roger C. Miller, P.O. Box 162,
Sabina, Ohio Aug. 14-19
Morrow Co. Fair, Eileen G. Ghent, RR l, Mt. Gilead, Ohio Aug. 14-19
Cuyahoga Co. Fair, Norman E. Lehman, 25075 Detroit Rd., Westlake, Ohio Aug. 14-20
Washington Co. Fair, Betty L. Shearer, 1455 S. E. 21st Ave., Hillsboro, Oregon Aug. 15-19
Vancouver Island Exh., Mrs. V. Senini, 637 Hunt^ St., Box 373, Nanaimo, B.C., Canada Aug. 16-J
Whiteside Co. R.B., Mrs. Blanche Short, R 2, Box Forreston, III. Aug. 16-H
Winn-Forest R. Club, Ted Wengert, 2830 Kinsev St., Rockford, III. Aug. 16-20
Falls Cities R. Club, Harold C. Quick, 4619 So. 1st, Louisville, Ky. Aug. 17-26
Del Norte Co. Fair, C. W. Glover, P.O. Box 26, Crescent City, Calif. Aug. 18-20
Rabbit Prod, of Santa Clara Valley, Edward M. Seacord, 17015 Pollard Rd., Los Catos, Calif.
Aug. 18-28
Lima R & C B Ass'n, Dale Place, R 4, Cridersville, Ohio Aug. 19-24
Calumet R.B. Ass'n, Jackie Lucas, 5928 I Houston Ave.,
Portage, Ind. Aug. 19-28
Colorado State Fair, Majorie Vaughn, 2416 Rice St., Pueblo, Colo. Aug. 19-27
Missouri State Fair, W. C. Askew, Box 111, Sedalia, Mo. Aug. 19-27
Iowa State Fair, Chuck Silvey, 4005 69th St., Des Moines, Iowa Aug. 20-22
Calhoun Co. Fair, Dean Daglow, 213 E. Leigh St., Homer, Mich. Aug. 20-26
National Capital R.B., Cynthia D. Ray, R. 1, Box 203, Germantown, Md. Aug. 21-26
State Fair of W.Va., C. T. Sydenstricker, Lewisburg W.Va. Aug. 21-26
Page Fourteen
Winn-Forest Rabbit Club, Ted Wengert, 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford, III. Aug. 22-26
Garden City R.B., B. B. Rewey, 2250 Peterson Ave.,
Missoula, Mont. Aug. 23-26
Kitsap Co. Fair, Lee R. Hall, 644 5th St., Bremerton, Wash. Aug. 23-27
Lake Co. R.B., Herb Ebeliny, 8079 Glen Park Dr., Willoughby, Ohio Aug. 23-27
Auto City R.B. Ass'n, Angeline Ellis, 2)224 Sherman, Southfield, Mich. Aug. 25-Sept. 4
Neman Valley Club, Clair Shafer, Shubert, Nebr.
Aug. 26-27
Utah State Fair, Hugh C. Bringhurst, Box 16006, Salt Lake City, Utah Aug. 26-Sept. 4
Oregon State Fair, Howard Maple, P.O. Box 7045,
Salem, Oregon Aug. 26-Sept. 4
Cherryland R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Irma M. Schwartz, R 2, Box 120, Cedar, Mich. Aug. 28-Sept. 2
New York State Expo., Mrs. Arthur H. Weigand, Syracuse, N.Y. Aug. 29-Sept. 4
Montgomery Co. Agri. Soc., Goldie Scheible, 1043 So. Main St., Dayton, Ohio Aug. 31-Sept. 4
Northwest Comm. R.B., John Stockes, 6620 196th S.W., Lynnwood, Wash. Aug. 31-Sept. 4
Stark Co. R & C B, Freancie P. Riffle, P.O. Box 4, Middlebranch, Ohio Sept. 1-5
Spencer Fair, Robert F. Fahey, 69 Mechanic St., Spencer, Mass. Sept. 2-4
Van Wert R.B. Ass'n, Carl Lape, RR 1, Van Wert, Ohio
Sept. 2-7
Ann Arbor R.B., Betty Torrey, 4005 Jackson Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. Sept. 5-9
Tenn. Valley Agri. & Ind. Fair, Crosby Murray, P.O. Box 6066, Knoxville, Tenn. Sept. 8-16
Soo Valley R.B., Larry Lloyd, RR 1, Baltic, S. Dak., New Zealand Show Sept. 9
Soo Valley R.B. Ass'n, Larry Lloyd, RR 1, Baltic, S. Dak., Dutch Show Sept. 9
Soo Valley R.B. Ass'n, Larry Lloyd, RR 1, Baltic, S. Dak., Rex Show Sept. 9
Soo Valley R.B. Ass'n, Larry Lloyd, RR 1, Baltic, S. Dak., All-Breed Show Sept. 10
REGRETS! We ran out of space and had to hold back articles on: Rabbit Breeding by Joe Lutes; Oregon Club by Cyril Lowit; Rabbit Judging by Jim Blyth; Peruvian Perfectious by Pat Krider; Specialty Club Cooperation by Oren Reynolds; The Californian by Roy Fisher and another about 101 blue ribbons won at the Inland Empire RBA Spring Show. We know the writers will understand, and we hope the readers won’t be too harsh with us over their disappointment.
Page Fifteen
New Zea'and
1. Marvin Carley, Vf. 50
2. Andres Rodriguez, Texas 49
3. Walter Voss, Ind. 47
4. Harold Drudge, Ind. 37
5. Walter Duby, Mass. 35
6. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 28
7. Lloyd Shantz, Canada m 26
8. Stuart Griffith, Tenn. 25
9. Wm. T. Robinson, III. 24
10. Jack Ellis, Minn. 23
1. Duan Shrader, Nebr. . . 30
2. Hugh Betts, Tenn. .28
3. Harold Drudge, Ind. 25
4. Oren Reynolds, III. 24
5. H. M. Spence, Texas 6. John Hoblitzell, Fla. .22
7. Lawrence Stingley, Wash. 14
8. Harry Fischer, Mo. 13
9. A. Williams, Wash. 13
10. H. P. Guthrie, Ohio 12
Silver Martens
1. Lewis Bowers, III. .34
2. Floyd Shuch, Ohio 15
3. Joe Eve, Tenn. 15
4. John Buehler, III. 1 1
5. A. W. Williams, Wash. 7
6. E. O. Wolff, Texas 7
7 Robert T. Byrne, Ind. 6
8. Al Brucker, Pa. 3
9. Harry Coles, Mo. 3
1. Pete Naylor, Kansas 33
2. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 20
3. Wm. T. Robinson, III. 12
4. Joseph Laura, Mass. „_.11
5. W. F. Gilbert, Cahf. „„ 9
6 Robert Berry, Texas 7
7. Lewis Bowers, ill. 5
8. Walter Duby, Mass. 3
9. R. Maruschak, Ohio 3
10. Donald Covy, III. 3
1. Lewis Bowers, III. 8)
2. Andres Rodriguez, Texas 75
3. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 75
4. Harold Drudge, Ind. 5. Marvin Carley, Vt. 73
6. Harry Coles, Mo. 50
7. Walter Voss, Ind. 49
8. W. T. Robinson, III. 47
9. Oren R Reynolds, III. 43
10. H. M. Spence, Texas 43
11. Weldon Wahl, Minn. 43
1. Edward H. Stahl, Mo. 21
1 2. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif. 18
3. Melvin E. Behrens, N.Y. 13
4. Mark Youngs, Wash. 8
5. B. W. Smith, Mo. 7
6. Tommy Andrew, Pa. 7
7. F. R. Applegate, III. .. 7
8. Marvin Carley, Vt. 6
9. Bill Molen, Kansas 6
10. David Ford, Colorado 5
Associations 1. American Satin R. B. Ass'n 2. American Caw Club 9 5
3. Badoer R B Ass’n, Wise. 4
4. So. Florida R B. Ass’n 4
5. 6. Lawrence Co. R B. Ass’n, Tenn. 3
Meramec Valley R.B. Ass'n, Mo. 3
7. Finger Lakes R B. Ass’n, N.Y. 3
8. 9 Ppnria Area R B Ass’n, 111. . 3
Harvey Co R P Ass’n, Kan. 2
10. Northern III. R.B. Ass'n 2
bership from within through the Youth Club Bulletin, probably through Membership Contests. We do intend to make progress^and we do intend to keep you informed on our goals and our progress through the ARBA Bulletin.
We welcome your questions, suggestions and complaints. Please write to: Mrs. Kay Malott, 17943 Renault Street, La Puente, California 91744 or to: William Earl, 10926 Pipeline Avenue, Pomona, California 91766 or to your nearest Youth Committee member: Robert Cooper, California; C. W. Spence, Texas; Evelyn Shaw, Massachusetts; Lewis Brandon, Alabama; Joe Gognat, Kentucky; Doris Leibel, Minnesota; Dorothy Newport, Iowa; Sam Gerardi, Pennsylvania.
Mrs. Margaret Burdick, 16 Broad St., Carthage, New York 13619 is reservation chairman for the 44th ARBA Convention-Show, come October 9-12, 1967 at Syracuse. However, Mrs. Burdick’s job begins long before the conventioneers converge upon Syracuse. It is her duty to obtain lodging, of your choice during your stay at Syracuse. Syracuse, is a busy, busy metropolitan city, always many things going on. For this reason Mrs. Bur-uick, requests that your needs for room reservations at Syracuse be forwarded to her as soon as possible. Be certain to include the type of rooms you will wish and most important include the day of arrival and the day of (departure. Include the price range you desire and it is perfectly right to state minimum charge accomodations are requested.
Poudre Valley Rabbit Club, Dean Miesner, Timnath, Colo. July 15
Sonoma Co. Fair & Expo., James F. Lyttle, P.O. Box 1451, Santa Rosa, Calif. July 17-29
Ohio Cavy Breeders, Eileen Ghent, R 1, Mt. Gilead, Ohio July 22-23
Shelby County Fair, Mrs. W. T. Chenault, 912 Plain-view Dr., Shelbyville, Ky. July 24-27
Lawrence Co. Fair, Mrs. Edna Belle Gholson, 413 So. 6th St., Ironton, Ohio July 24-29
Mad ison Co. Fair, A. M. Gibson, RR 1, Box 371, Edwardsville, III. July 25-29
Orange County Fair, Stewart W. Yost, 88 Fair Dr., Costa Mesa, Calif. July 25-30
Orange Co. Fair, Sunny Harper, 20041 Clark St., Orange, Calif. July 25-30
Hennepin Co. Fair, Weldon Wahl, 2501 Douglass Dr., N., Minneapolis, Minn. July 26-29
Lake County Fair, L. A. Nordhausen, P.O. Box 27, Grayslake, III. July 26-30
Illinois R.B. Ass'n, Richard Desotell, R 1, Box 1511, Zion, III. July 26-30
Sandusky Valley R.B., Horace Taylor, 620 Miami St., Tiffin, Ohio July 27-31
Falls Cities R.B., Harold C. Quick, 4619 So. 1st, Louisville, Ky. July 27-29
Multnomah Co. Fair, Duane Hennessy, P.O. Box 71, Gresham, Oregon July 27-Aug. 5
Williams Co. R.B. Ass'n, Robert Burns, R 2, Edgerton, Ohio July 28-Aug. 2
State Fair of Montana, Dan P. Thurber, P.O. Box 1524,
Great Falls, Mont. July 29-Aug. 5
Akron Rabbit Club, M. L. Clevenger, 428 Palm Ave., Akron, Ohio July 30
Broome Co. R.B. Ass'n, Leona Oliver, Whitney Point, N Y. July 30-Aug. 5
Jefferson Co. Fair, Glenn L. Feistel, 565 Mill St., Watertown, N.Y. July 30-Aug. 5
West Branch R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Shirley A. Andrews, RD 1, Williamsport, Pa. July 30-Aug. 5
Scioto Fair, Marion Bess, Jersey Ridge Rd., Maysville, Ky. August
Rock Island Co. Fair, Mrs. Evelyn Ristau, P.O. Box 267, East Moline, III. Aug. 1-5
Kane County Fair, Mrs. Majora Alfredson, P.O. Box 306, Geneva, III. Aug. 2-6
25th Agri. Ass'n, Napa Town & Co., Robert P.
Manasse, 4th & Burnell, Napa, Calif. Aug. 3-6
Kankakee Valley R.B., Etha Bowers, R 1, Manteno, III. Aug. 3-8
Allentown Fair, Moulton L. C. Frantz, 1015 North St.,
Allentown, Pa. Aug. 6-12
Clinton Co. Agri. Soc.. Donald F. Weeks, RR 2, Box 167, Leesburg, Ohio Aug. 7-12
Mower Co. Fair, Arnold M. Johnsen, R 1, Box 148,
Austin, Minn. Aug. 7-13
Humboldt Co. Fair, C. Jo Hindley, P.O. Box 637„ Ferndale, Calif. Aug. 7-1
Douglas Co. Fair, Bert L. Allenby, P.O. Box 75^ Roseburg, Oregon Aug. 8-1 <
Lower Fraser Valley Exhb. Soc., James T. Sullivan, Box 489, Cloverdale, B.C., Canada Aug. 9-12
Mason Co. Fair, Roy G. Ellis, Box 83, New Haven, W.Va. Aug. 9-12
Winn-Forest R. Club, Ted Wengert, 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford, III. Aug. 9-13
Ashtabula Co. R.F., Al Roerdanz, 1005 Wright St., Kingville, Ohio Aug. 9-14
Luxton Fall Fair, Mrs. T. F. Lock, 961 Isabell Ave., Victoria, B.C., Canada Aug. 10-12
Illinois R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Florence Ayers, 2912 Hoover, Springfield, III. Aug. 11-20
State Fair of Wise., Vernon G. Wendland, Expo Center, West Allis, Wise. Aug. 11-20
Cedar Rapids S.S. Ass'n, Mrs. George Prastke, R 1,
Fairfax, Iowa Aug. 12-13
Lewanee Co. Fair, William E. Martin, 602 North Dean St., Adrian, Mich. Aug. 13-19
Howell Co. Fair, Florence M. Bauer, 3 Catron Arcade, West Plains, Mo. Aug. 14-19
Clark County Fair, Roger C. Miller, P.O. Box 162,
Sabina, Ohio Aug. 14-19
Morrow Co. Fair, Eileen G. Ghent, RR 1, Mt. Gilead, Ohio Aug. 14-19
Cuyahoga Co. Fair, Norman E. Lehman, 25075 Detroit Rd., Westlake, Ohio Aug. 14-20
Washington Co. Fair, Betty L. Shearer, 1455 S. E. 21st Ave., Hillsboro, Oregon Aug. 15-19
Vancouver Island Exh., Mrs. V. Senini, 637 Hunter St., Box 373, Nanaimo, B.C., Canada Aug. 16-|
Whiteside Co. R.B., Mrs. Blanche Short, R 2, Box
Forreston, III. Aug. 16-11
Winn-Forest R. Club, Ted Wengert, 2830 Kinsev St.,
Rockford, III. Aug. 16-20
Falls Cities R. Club, Harold C. Quick, 4619 So. 1st, Louisville, Ky. Aug. 17-26
Del Norte Co. Fair, C. W. Glover, P.O. Box 26, Crescent City, Calif. Aug. 18-20
Rabbit Prod, of Santa Clara Valley, Edward M. Seacord, 17015 Pollard Rd., Los Catos, Calif.
Aug. 18-28
Lima R & C B Ass'n, Dale Place, R 4, Cridersville, Ohio Aug. 19-24
Calumet R.B. Ass'n, Jackie Lucas, 5928 I Houston Ave.,
Portage, Ind. Aug. 19-28
Colorado State Fair, Maiorie Vaughn, 2416 Rice St., Pueblo, Colo. Aug. 19-27
Missouri State Fair, W. C. Askew, Box 111, Sedalia,
Mo. Aug. 19-27
Iowa State Fair, Chuck Silvey, 4005 69th St., Des Moines, Iowa Aug. 20-22
Calhoun Co. Fair, Dean Daglow, 213 E. Leigh St., Homer, Mich. Aug. 20-26
National Capital R.B., Cynthia D. Ray, R. 1, Box 203, Germantown, Md. Aug. 21-26
State Fair of W.Va., C. T. Sydenstricker, Lewisburg W.Va. Aug. 21-26
Page Fourteen
Winn-Forest Rabbit Club, Ted Wengert, 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford, III. Aug. 22-26
Garden City R.B., B. B. Rewey, 2250 Peterson Ave.,
M issoula, Mont. Aug. 23-26
Kitsap Co. Fair, Lee R. Hall, 644 5th St., Bremerton, Wash. Aug. 23-27
Lake Co. R.B., Herb Ebeliny, 8079 Glen Park Dr., Willoughby, Ohio Aug. 23-27
Auto City R.B. Ass'n, Angeline Ellis, 21224 Sherman, Southfield, Mich. Aug. 25-Sept. 4
Neman Valley Club, Clair Shafer, Shubert, Nebr.
Aug. 26-27
Utah State Fair, Hugh C. Bringhurst, Box 16006, Salt Lake City, Utah Aug. 26-Sept. 4
Oregon State Fair, Howard Maple, P.O. Box 7045,
Salem, Oregon Aug. 26-Sept. 4
Cherryland R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Irma M. Schwartz, R 2, Box 120, Cedar, Mich. Aug. 28-Sept. 2
New York State Expo., Mrs. Arthur H. Weigand, Syracuse, N.Y. Aug. 29-Sept. 4
Montgomery Co. Agri. Soc., Goldie Scheible, 1043 So. Main St., Dayton, Ohio Aug. 31-Sept. 4
Northwest Comm. R.B., John Stockes, 6620 196th S.W., Lynnwood, Wash. Aug. 31-Sept. 4
Stark Co. R i C B, Freancie P. Riffle, P.O. Box 4, Middlebranch, Ohio Sept. 1-5
Spencer Fair, Robert F. Fahey, 69 Mechanic St., Spencer, Mass. Sept. 2-4
Van Wert R.B. Ass'n, Carl Lape, RR 1, Van Wert, Ohio
Sept. 2-7
Ann Arbor R.B., Betty Torrey, 4005 Jackson Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. Sept. 5-9
Tenn. Valley Agri. & Ind. Fair, Crosby Murray, P.O. Box 6066, Knoxville, Tenn. Sept. 8-16
Soo Valley R.B., Larry Lloyd, RR 1, Baltic, S. Dak., New Zealand Show Sept. 9
Soo Valley R.B. Ass'n, Larry Lloyd, RR 1, Baltic, S. Dak., Dutch Show Sept. 9
Soo Valley R.B. Ass'n, Larry Lloyd, RR 1, Baltic, S. Dak., Rex Show Sept. 9
Soo Valley R.B. Ass'n, Larry Lloyd, RR 1, Baltic, S. Dak., All-Breed Show Sept. 10
New Zea’and
1. Marvin Carley, Vt. 50
2. Andres Rodriguez, Texas 49
3. Walter Voss, Ind. 47
4. Harold Drudge, Ind. 37
5. Walter Duby, Mass 35
6. Marvin Cummings, Fla . 28
7. Lloyd Shantz, Canada 26
8. Stuart Griffith, Tenn. 25
9. Wm. T. Robinson, III. . 24
10. Jack Ellis, Minn. 23
1. Duan Shrader, Nebr. 30
2. Hugh Betts, Tenn 28
3. Harold Drudge, Ind. 25
4. Oren Reynolds, III. 24
5. H. M. Spence, Texas 22
6. John Hoblitzell, Fla. 18
7. Lawrence Stingley, Wash. . 14
8. Harry Fischer, Mo. 13
9. A. Williams, Wash. 13
10. H. P. Guthrie, Ohio 12
Silver Martens
1. Lewis Bowers, III. 34
2. Floyd Shuch, Ohio . 15
3. Joe Eve, Tenn. 15
4. John Buehler, III. ...11
5. A. W. Williams, Wash. 7
6. E. O. Wolff, Texas 7
7 Robert T. Byrne, Ind. 6
8. Al Brucker, Pa. 3
9. Harry Coles, Mo. 3
1. Pete Naylor, Kansas 33
2. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 20
3. Wm. T. Robinson, III. 12
4. Joseph Laura, Mass. , ■ 11
5. W. F. Gilbert, Calif. 9
6. Robert Berry, Texas 7
7. Lewis Bowers, III. 5
8. Walter Duby, Mass. 3
9. R. Maruschak, Ohio 3
10. Donald Covy, III. 3
1. Lewis Bowers, III 81
2. Andres Rodriguez, Texas 75
3. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 75
4. Harold Drudge, Ind 73
5. Marvin Carley, Vt. 65
6. Harry Coles, Mo. 50
7. Walter Voss, Ind. 49
8. W. T. Robinson, III. 47
9. Oren R Reynolds, III. 43
10. H. M. Spence, Texas 43
11. Weldon Wahl, Minn. 43
Individuals 1. Edward H. Stahl, Mo. 21
2. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif. 18
3. Melvin E. Behrens, N.Y. 13
4. Mark Youngs, Wash. 8
5. B. W. Smith, Mo. 7
6. Tommy Andrew, Pa. . 7
7. F. R. Applegate, III. 7
ft Ma^m Carlf*y Vt. 6
10. David Ford, Colorado 5
Associations 1. American Satin R. B. Ass'n 9
2. American Cavy Club 5
3. Badaer R.B. Ass'n, Wise. 4
4. So. Florida R.B. Ass'n 4
5. Lawrence Co. R.B. Ass'n, Tenn. 3
6. Meramec Valley R.B. Ass'n, Mo. 3
7. Finger Lakes R.B. Ass'n, N.Y. 3
8. Peoria Area R.B. Ass'n, III. 3
9. Harvey Co. R.P. Ass'n, Kan. 2
10. Northern III. R.B. Ass'n 2
REGRETS! We ran out of space and had to hold back articles on: Rabbit Breeding: by Joe Lutes; Oreg;on Club by Cyril Lowit; Rabbit Judgiing; by Jim Blyth; Peruvian Perfectious by Pat Krider; Specialty Club Cooperation by Oren Reynolds; The Californian by Roy Fisher and another about 101 blue ribbons won at the Inland Empire RBA Spring Show. We know the writers will understand, and we hope the readers won’t be too harsh with us over their disappointment.
Page Fifteen
ARBA BULLETIN official publication of the
American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. 4323 Murray Ave. BB, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Non-Profit Org.
Louisville, Ky. Permit No. 218
National Rabbit Week
To Whom It May Concern:
And especially to those within our city and it’s suburbs.
Be it known that the Rabbit Breeders of our Nation have set aside the week < July 16th through the 22nd as National Rabbit Week for the promotion of thi? branch of the livestock industry, both commercial and Fancy. And wishing to add my personal influence and that of my office to the efforts of our local breeders,
Mayor of
By the authority vested in me, do hereby Proclaim July 16th through July 22nd, 1967 to be Local Rabbit Week.
Mayor of City, State
(Note: This is only a sample, variations are almost limitless.)
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Bound magazine