ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 3 - May/Jun
Collection: 1967 ARBA Bulletins

ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 3 - May/Jun
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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8 1/2 inches x 11 inches
American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 3 - May/Jun,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 11, 2025,
The biggest single yoke that is strangling the potential rabbit industry is a two-pronged jab. On the one hand are the half-truth boys who make highly exaggerated claims for rabbits, rabbit manure, rabbit fur, breeding stock, wool. They paint an absolutely unrealistic picture for the potential new rabbit breeder. A story that borders on the ridiculous, if not a down right falsehood.
According to their literature it is easy to earn $400.00 per year from the manure of 100 rabbits, no trouble involved, just buy the 100 rabbits and start shoveling the manure. They state they sell only the finest breeding stock they are able to produce but we have documented evidence that in at least two instances we have been asked to investigate the breeding stock purchased by victimized beginners — the rabbits were shipped from a third party in a state removed by over 1200 miles from the operation that says they supply only the finest breeding stock they are able to raise.
They advocate the feeding of wastes and by-products of the farm and state the cost of feeding a mature rabbit is lc per day. They state without any qualification, the fur market for rabbits is at the peak of price. They also say the prime market time and pelt is 3 months of age rabbit. They further state the life of a rabbit is 10 years, and at prices they publish for prejuniors 40 does and 5 bucks — over $400.00 is only the beginning. Do you know their saLs brochure says a beginner can make $10,000 a year as (Continued on Page 4)
The ‘Old Master’, judge Lawrence Ritter (Maryland) and two of his proteges Jack Pugh (Baltimore) and Bill Franklin (Virginia).
Publicity Packets for National Rabbit Week are in the mail to all who have sent in order. There are a few Publicity Packets on hand, first come first served. They include auto aerial pennants, bumper banners, simulated leather pads, emery boards, recipe brochures, “Little Known Facts About Rabbits” and most important — a letter of directions on publicity, newspaper, radio and television.
We will assist in any way requested writing News Release — preparing other copy — sample of letter and procedure for submission to mayor or other governing authority for “Rabbit Week Proclamation”.
Let’s make 1967 National Rabbit Week a bell ringer.
For information, for assistance, for your Publicity Packet, write to Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716. Cost, postpaid for Publicity Packet $5.00. There are also available special ARBA book matches, $1.00 per carton, postpaid. Plenty of room on inside covers for personal ads or messages.
4323 Murray Avenue James Blyth, Secy. - Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Vol. 2 May-June, 1967 No. 3
W. E. (Bill) Molen. Editor P.O. Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716 David Ford, Assistant Publicity Chm. PUBLICITY STAFF
Bert Hickman Virginia Flournoy
Joe Lutes Jodie Croker
Pat Krider Mark Youngs
Pat Giles Bing Harris
Wayne Willmann, Pres. James Blyth, Secy.
Oren Reynolds, V.-Pres. Ellis Murray, Treas
Fred Applegate J. Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W. E. Molen
Claude Bennett E. P. Shilliday
W. H. Kennedy Edward Stahl
Edward Toebbe
We have to decrease the number of pages in this Bulletin to stay within the Budget approved by the Board.
In 1965 at the Pomona Convention our Board adopted a plan of operation that was copied from plans of operation used by most business concerns who have a national program. The plan calls for the nation to be divided into districts—each district is made up of several states—each state with an agent in charge is responsible for its local clubs. Each local club is urged to appoint a person who will represent the ARBA and carry out the suggestions printed in the last issue of our Bulletin.
The KEY person in this plan of operation is the ARBA Director who is in charge of a District composed of several states. Our Association will grow stronger in all of its departments in direct proportion to the amount of leadership that the Director provides. Some of our Directors have put forth much time and effort in their Districts and the results show it.
In July we shall have an election for Directors. I urge you to investigate the candidate for whom you wish to vote and determine whether he is willing to Direct the whole program of our Association in a District where
Page Two
he is assigned. Some candidates say they want to help our Association but they speak in generalities — ask them to state exactly what they will do to help. We need workers and not just people who want a title. Our Association is very weak in some areas of our nation because in years gone by our Directors have paid little attention to those areas. We need Directors who will be in constant touch with their State and Local Representatives.
I’m wondering whether our members are reading these Bulletins. I get too many letters asking questions that have been answered in the Bulletin. Read this issue very carefully. Notice that the YOUTH DEPARTMENT has a new Chairman in Mr. William Earl, and a new Secretary-Treasurer in Mrs. Kay Malott. Both are well qualified and interested to do all they can to help our youth. Write to them when you have business that pertains to Youth Work.
Mrs. William Breckenridge found that she could not continue for several good reasons: her daily job as Junior Accountant with a large business firm, being a mother of a growing family besiaes doing the pay roll work for her husband’s business, just made it impossible for her to have enough time left to do what she wanted to do for our youth. We extend to her our sincere thanks and know that she will continue her interest in youth especially in her local Youth Club.
During my six weeks in Europe from June 21 to July 31, our good Vice-President will substitute for your president and answer your questions. May you have a good summer.
Yours truly,
Wayne Willmann
Mrs. Wilbert Ochs, Coeur d ’Alene, Idaho choring in one of the 3-building 275 hole Och’s Rabbitry. The Ochs find supplying PNW Processing Plant and lab business profitable.
Advertisements to appear in the new ARBA Guide Book are being sent to secretary Jim Blyth at a pretty good clip. This new ARBA Guide Book which we hope will be filled with 200 pages of up-to-date factual ai'ticles is the first contact ARBA has with their new members and the new members have with ARBA, its services and advertisers.
The Guide Book is the ARBA publication that will announce your services and breeding stock, plus equipment to the new member. Get your advertisement in early, for good placement, and insure outstanding results for yourself, your club or your business. Full schedule of advertising rates appeared in March ARBA Bulletin.
I The Palomino Co-Breeders club were fche first to submit their full page advertisement and presentation for the new ARBA Guide Book.
All ads go to secretary Jim Blyth, 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and articles, photos to either Jim, Ed Stahl or Bill Molen.
"The Ideal Rabbit For Today" Betty Strathman
Just what rabbit could better earn the title above than our mighty little Polish Rabbit! The qualifications that the Polish has to offer the breeder and exhibitor are quite numerous.
In our world of suburban living today, it is the practical rabbit for the backyard breeder who is limited for space. As the Polish rabbit is compact in size maturing at a weight of 2Vz to 3V2 lbs., it can be housed in a hutch space as small as 2 feet by 2 Ueet.
B Truly it can fulfill the desires of the ffancier for a good show room rabbit. What speciman makes a better picture on that judging table than that Polish rabbit carrying those little ears so erect. And its small size seems to make it a better traveler on those show trips in hot weather over the larger breeds.
For laboratory work the Ruby-Eyed White and the Blue-Eyed White Polish are most desirous. Again its small size and white color make it the ideal rabbit for various experiments in our hospitals and research work.
The demand for Polish rabbits has been far greater than the supply this year. Why not start today on an interesting and profitable hobby that will give you many hours of enjoyment and relaxation. And for your selection, there are four recognized varieties to choose from: Ruby-Eyed
White, Blue-Eyed White, Chocolate, and Black.
Purchase your foundation stock from a reliable breeder who can help you get started in a venture you will find most rewarding. You, too, can discover, as many of us have, that the Polish Rabbit truly lives up to its title of many years: “The Little Aristocrat of the Rabbit World.”
We invite you to join our national specialty club, the American Polish Rabbit Club by sending $2.00 for membership and our guide book to the Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. Floyd R. Tobias, RD#3, Box 102, Nazareth, Pa. 18C64.
We Ask Your Help In Continuing THE BIGGEST membership drive ever undertaken by the AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASS’N.
WE SUPPLY FREE OF COST illustrated membership application blanks to insert in your outgoing mail or use in securing members by personal contact. CASH COMMISSION PAID. A cash commission of 50c is paid on each membership to ail who take part in this drive. Commissions are paid by check in January of each year to all who are credited with 3 or more members during the year.
CASH AWARDS. In addition to the commissions paid, $150.00 will be awarded. $75.00 to individuals and firms, $75.00 to clubs and associations. EACH WILL RECEIVE. For 1st award $25.00 — 2nd $20.00 3rd $15.00 — 4th $10.00 — 5th $5.00. Commissions and cash awards paid on new members only.
FURTHER DETAILS. The cost of membership is $5.00 The full amount must be sent to headquarters at Pittsburgh, Pa., where a record of members received is kept and full credit given to the person or firm whose name appears on the recommended line.
How many blanks can you use.........
Order One Year’s Supply Only)
Name _................
City State _______
Mail to: JAMES BLYTH, Secretary 4323 Murry Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
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(Continued from Page 1)
easy as falling off a log. All one has to do is get 500 female and 100 male cavies. They list immature cavies, soon ready for breeding at the price of near $400.00 for 16 males and 64 females, of course if you wish more mature stock the fee is over $550.00 for the same number of cavies. Quantity discounts are offered if you act fast and send in your money. * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
New Zealand
1. Marvin Carley, Vt. ............ 37
2. Walter Duby, Mass.............. 33
3. Andrew Rodriguez, Texas .........29
4. Stuart Griffith, Tenn. ... 24
5. Lloyd Shantz, Canada 21
6. Claudius Poer, Ind. .......... 21
7. Robert T. Byrne, Ind............20
8. Harold Drudge, Ind..............20
9. Walter Voss, Ind. 20
1. Oren Reynolds, 111. 22
2. Hugh Betts, Tenn................21
3. Duane Shrader, Nebr.............18
4. Lawrence Stingley, Wash. ...... 11
5. Harry Fisher, Mo. ..............13
6. E. W. Story, La. 10
7. A. W. W’lliams, Wash. 11
8. Dean Benker, Colo. 10
9. John Hoblitzell, Fla........... 10
Silver Martens
1. Lewis Bowers, 111. 24
2. Floyd Shuck, Ohio 15
3. John Buehler, 111................ 9
4. A. W. Williams, Wash............ 7
5. Robert T. Byrne, Ind. 6
6. F. O. Wolff, Texas 4
7. A1 Brucker, Pa................... 3
8. Harry Coles, Mo.................. 3
1. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 12
2. Wm. T. Robinson, 111. 9
3. Joseph Laura, Mass. ............. 9
4. Pete N°ylor, Kansas 7
5. Robert Berry, Texas ............. 7
6. W. F. Gilbert, Calif............ 7
7. Lnwis Bowers, 111. ............. 5
8. WaRer Duby, Mass................ 3
9. R. Maruschak, Ohio 3
1. Lewis Bowers, 111. ........... 64
2. Marv’n Cummings, Fla... 53
3. Marvin Carley, Vt. 52
4. Andres Rodriguez, Texas 50
5. Harry Coles, Mo. 40
6. Pobnrt T. Byrne, Ind. 36
7. Walter Duby, Mass. 36
8. Norman Simbeck, Tenn. 36
9. W. T. Robinson, 111. 34
10. Oren R. Reynolds, 111. 37
Page Four
In the July-August issue of Bulletin we will dwell further on this segment of the strangling yoke placed around new breeders but in this issue we will remark on the new breeder who desires to start with animals that can be purchased for a song. A bargain basement shopper who burns gallons of gas running down $1.00 rabbits so he can get started on the road to financial independence, he wants to make $550 or more a month, like he has read about.
Good breeding stock is most important. It is the corner stone of success, the foundation on which you must build your business and should, therefore, be given every consideration. No matter how well you may house, feed and care for your rabbits, you cannot possibly realize the maximum of returns if the animals are unproductive or of such poor quality that they fail to produce healthy, higll^ duality offspring that will sell at pro-" fitable prices.
This is a point too often overlooked and is where many people make a serious mistake. They may be just starting in the business or wish to increase the size of their rabbitry. In either event they decide to buy stock. Instead of investing their money in a few good rabbits—the very best they can get for the amount they wish to spend—they buy a larger number of rabbits at a cheaper price. They buy quantity rather than quality, which is like putting up a building that looks good from the outside but without a proper foundation to support it.
The inevitable results are the wasting of time, labor, and money, with failure a foregone conclusion. No matter how good your equipment may be or how hard you work, you cannot make a success of rabbit raising with poor breeding stock. It is far beth-i to have a f?w healthy, high qualitJL rabbits from tested sires and dams that will give you good vigorous litters of young and raise them successfully than a large number of mediocre ones that are apt to prove more of a liability than an asset.
Do not buy rabbits simply because they are cheap. Remember good rabbits of any breed or variety are seldom, if ev^r, sold as bargains. It is true you can buy mature rabbits at from $2.00 to $3.00 each, but a breeder who has spent time, money and effort in building up a herd of high quality animals cannot afford to sell breeding stock at these prices and when any one offers rabbits at such low figures there is usually something wrong. Sometimes they are old, again they may be poor breeders, poor mothers that will raise only two or
three to a litter or kill and eat the young after kindling. They may be carriers of coccidiosis or snuffle germs that infest others, causing heavy mortality, or they may be so promiscuously bred that they do not reproduce their breed characteristics with any degree of certainty. Where any of these conditions exist, the animal is of little worth other than for market and would be dear at any price above its market value. Current market value of roasters or bakers is 6c to 8c per pound; 10 pound cull 80c.
Blood lineage plays an important part in the value of breeding stock because it determines to a large extent the quality of the offspring. Blood lineage is ancestral consanguinity, a family or strain of rabbits that have been carefully selected and bred for
I several generations until the desired lype, color, health vigor, vitality and other characteristics have become so fixed that the sire and dam will transmit these qualities to their offspring.
1. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif. 10
2. Melvin E. Behrens, N.Y. ........10
3. Edward H. Stahl, Mo............. 9
4. B. W. Smith, Mo. ......... 5
5. Tommy Andrew, Pa....... 5
6. Bill Molen, Kansas ...... 4
7. F. R. Applegate, 111. 4
8. Mark Youngs, Wash. 3
9. Marvin Carley, Vt. ....... 3
10. L. C. Franklin, N.C. 3
1. American Satin R.B. Ass’n. 6
2. Badger R.B. Ass’n., Wise. .... 4
3. American Cavy Club .............4
4. Lawrence Co. R.B. Ass’n., Tenn. .3
5. Meramec Valley R.B. Ass’n., Mo. 3
6. Finger Lakes R.B. Ass’n., N.Y. 3
7. Harvey Co. R.B. Ass’n., Kan. 2
8. Northern 111. R.B. Ass’n. 2
9. So. Fla. R.B. Ass’n. 2
Owner Breed Ear No. Reg. No.
M. Carley New Zealand MC913 41-A
H. Davey Havana HD10 8207-U
T. L. Hasty .. ..Flemish R6-Z 4683-X
C Andrews Flemish A112 1878-X
Sagarsee Rbty .New Zealand S AW 6086-X
Sagarsee Rbty New Zealand OC4 5069-X
Sagarsee Rbty .New Zealand 45W 6088-X
R. Evertson Ck. Gt RE9 8844-X
R. Evertson .Ck. Gt RE141 8845-X
Bunny Grove Californian ~XK 7057-X
Bunny Grove Satin 110 ,7058-X
M. H. Bettin Californian 522 ,4117-X
C. Silvey .New Zealand S48 5695-V
F naman Californian RB 2 2498-X
E. Martinson .Am. Chin F9 4846-X
F. Beacka Am. Chin. M13 4845-X
y3 Horswood Polish C 5
B Hamon Californian 7A42 ... 4608-X
King Dutch M12 3658-X
Stohrer & Quintn Rbty . Dutch B1
Walter Rbty New Zealand B22 9021-X
J Sewicki New Zealand JS161 7508-X
J Sewicki . .New Zealand ... HB 110 7507-X
J. Sewicki . New Zealand JS173 7506-X
F. Beatty — Silver Marten FM34 7091-X
F. Beatty Silver Marten FM37 7092-X
R Keller .. Californian 6B15 5429-X
R. Keller Californian K35B 5423-X
R. Keller .Californian K23B 5426-X
R Keller .Californian 6D18 9071-X
H. Kneller Flemish N 1309-X
Bunny Grove Californian 49 7059-X
Bunny Grove .Satin 112 7060-X
G. Ford Fr. Angora A52D . . . 7016-X
J Yohe New Zealand 5470 3564-X
J. Jennings New Zealand ... JJ49 366-X
Jack Yohe New Zealand RR23 2880-X
H Reece Californian R103 9077-X
D. Lovejoy .. .^...New Zealand JP 8962-X
Page Five
Mrs. George Morehead
Again, the names and addresses of the 1967 Convention Officials:
General Chairman -• "Toward Carr, R.D.#1, Homer, New York 13077 General Secretary — Mrs. Virginia Carr, R.D.#1, Homer, N: r York. 13077
Treasurer — H. Travis Vreeland, R.D.-#2, Canastota, New York. 13032 Show Secretary — George Berl, 2149 Five Mile Line Road, Penfield, New York. 14526
Show Superintendent — Fred C. Wick-man, 2583 Clinton Ave. S. Rochester, N.Y. 14618
Reservations — Mrs. Margaret Burdick, 16 Broad St., Carthage, N.Y. 13619
Catalog, Advertising, Booths — Yr~. George Morehead, P.O. Box 161, Main N.Y. 13802
The dates for the Convention are October 9, 10, 11, 12, 1967 at the New York State Fairgrounds at Syracuse, New York.
The Convention Headquarters have been changed from mid-town Hotel Syracuse to their Motels, — Country House and Northway Inn, both are located north of Syracuse at Exit 36 on Interstate Route 81. Exit 36 leads directly to the Fairgrounds therefore should be more convenient for everyone.
The Directors Meeting will be held in the Westerners Room at the Country House however the ARBA Banquet will be at the Hotel Syracuse (I have not been notified otherwise).
Send your reservations to Mrs. Burdick. The rates for the Country House are: Single @ $9.00 $9.50 $10.50 $11.50 Double @$16.50 Twin @$14.00 $14.50 $15.50 $16.50 Additional bed (3rd person ($3.00
Northway Inn Rates are:
Single @$8.00 $9.00 $10.00 $11.00
$12.00 Double @$13.00 $14.00 $15.00 $16.00 $17.00 Twins same as doubles Additional bed (3rd person) $3.00 Show Secretary George Berl is awaiting confirmation of the Judges and Breed Chairmen and hopes to have them all for July Bulletin. The Judge for the Checkered Giants will be Jeanne Maddox of Ohio, Breed Chairman is William Schiermeyer, R.D.l, Averill Park, N.Y. and State Chairman is Jerry Ross, 1396 Lake Road, Hamlin, N.Y.
Breed Chairman for Silver Martens is Fred Marten and State Chairman is Art Micklei, 56 Osage St. Rochester, N.Y.
The following Judges have been Page Six
contacted, still waiting for their answers: Harold Guthrie — Satins, William Kennedy — Polish, Don Guthrie
— Dutch, and Don Reid — Cavies and Small Breeds.
Advertising Rates in the Convention Catalog are: Full Page — $45.00
— Half Page — $25.00 — Quarter Page — $14.00 — One-Eight Page — $8.00 — Judges and Registrars Listings are $3.50. Make all checks payable to H. T. Vreeland but they must be sent together to Mrs. George Morehead, Chairman of Advertising before July 15, 1967. Remember this catalog will have nation-wide coverage when it is sent out, your name and product will be promoted at a very nominal fee and at the same time you will be giving us help to give you the show you are looking forward to and the one we are striving to give you. Will you help us in our effort an^ send in your ad please?
It has been brought to our atten-'' tion that some of the exhibitors at the j.959 Convention had to furnish their own feed and water dishes. We wish to assure all the exhibitors that there will be dishes for all. Booths in the Showroom are: $25.00 for Specialty Clubs and $50.00 for the Commercial Booths. Send your reservation to Mrs. Morehead early.
It does seem that these past winter months, all phases of the Convention, Show and correspondence has been slow but now with spring here, we are sure the next months will show great progress. Remember its “Syracuse in Sixty-Seven”.
Eleven states came thru good and strong with publicity material this issue. Rhode Island south to Florid:: J then west to California and north tl Washington. This is complete nation-'' wide coverage.
When the ladies are referred to as the weaker sex, they certainly do not mean ladies of ARBA The girls, God bless them, came thru 9 in number this issue with truly some of the best material that has ever graced our Bulletin pages, Mabel Stingley, Joyce Smith, Mrs. Mervin Taylor, Bemise Bloomquist, Pat Krider, Tillie Morehead, Betty Strathman, Beverly Molen and Pete Kern (yes that’s right Pete Kern and did she ever have me fooled for months).
Horace Curtis, Mark Youngs, Elmo Smith, Martin Roy, Charles Haaf, Fred Applegate, Wesley Dixon, Wayne Will-mann, Jim Blyth, Jack Pugh contributed material and we hope they all keep up the good work. Truly, our
ARBA Bulletin is a team effort. Is your area, your club, your district — Striking Out?
Articles of substance this month, include: A preliminary effort on explanation and exposure of some of the get rich quick boys and their efforts of prying citizens loose from their hard earned cash. Read the One-Two Punch and we solicit any experiences you may have had or may know of. Send this expose material direct to editor Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
Jim Blyth’s article on Standard of Perfection publication and article Admitting New Breeds to Standard, very good. The 2nd of 3 articles on Californians “Development of Breed” appears this issue with final installment “Commercial Value of the Breed” by Roy Fisher to appear in July issue. Polish Club and Cavy Club have catchy articles this issue. How should the ARBA participate in the financial problems of a Convention-Show? Read Bernise Bloomquists article, incidently, Mrs. Bloomquist, asks for comments to be forwarded to her, Box 8, Sherrard, Illinois 61281. Tillie Morehead, publicity chairman for 44th ARBA Convention-Show has informative report and this includes the fact headquarters has been changed to Country House Motel.
In my capacity as publicity chairman of ARBA and editor of the Bulletin, it is my distinct pleasure to receive many, many club bulletins, newsletters and other publications. All are a credit to the rabbit and the club they represent, as well as the individual members and officers. We do wish to call special attention to two outstanding editors, assistants and their publication.
Charles Haaf, Wellington, Ohio editor of the Ohio Rabbit & Cavy News with strong support and assistance from his co-editors Merle Emery and Larry Granneman have come up with a long overdue publication for the Ohio members. Ohio, the largest state ARBA membership-wise, now have an excellent voice. These editors, utilized the pocket size approach, such a s Readers Digest and your own ARBA Bulletin. The material is excellent and the size makes it handy to stick in the pocket and have available at all times. All of you in Ohio, support this fine effort, make it even better.
Pete Kern, editor of the Central Florida RBA Bulletin, puts out the tops of all publications, to our observations. A recent issue carried subjects, History, Housing, Equipment, Breeds, Feeding, Diseases, Records, Marketing, Furs and Cooking. This coverage is fabulous and deserves support of
all and recognition from ARBA, which is offered herewith. Pete Kern, you have an absolutely top publication.
We are carrying a photo of a rabbit building plan from the Central Florida News. Another photo submitted by Mable Stingley, Washington of the up and coming commercial operation of the Wilbert Ochs Raabbitry, Coeur d ’Alene, Idaho is in this issue. Lifetime member judge Lawrence Ritter and proteges Pugh and Franklin also appears. Phil Lohman, commercial chairman asks for suggestions on how to improve the commercial packet he has mailed out to hundreds, since the announcement in March Bulletin, that one was available, simply for the cost of postage.
Kay Malott, California returns to very ably serve as secretary of Youth Club and Bill Earl is the new chairman. Announcement appears elsewhere.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, in cooperation with the Association of Virginia Rabbit Breeders, will present its 1967 Rabbit Short Course on the VPI campus at Blacksburg, Virginia, on July 28 and 29.
A partial listing of subjects to be presented and discussed include slaughter house laws, accounting and income tax procedures for rabbit raisers, pole-frame construction o f rabbit houses, nutrition, feed, and culling practices. Selection of speakers has been done on the basis of educational and professional qualifications and all indicators point toward an interesting and enlightening two days at Virginia’s land grant university.
Details concerning registration and a copy of the program can be obtained from R. H. Burtner, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061.
Chairman Mr. William Earl
10926 Pipeline Ave. Pomona, California 91766
Sec.-Treasurer Mrs. Kay Malott 17943 Renault St.
La Puente, Calif. 91744
Page Seven
OPEN LETTER FROM ILLINOIS Mrs. Bloomquist Requests Comments
April 10th, 1967 Sherrard, Illinois
W. E. Molen, Editor
A.R.B.A., Inc. Bulletin Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716 Dear Sir:
In answer to your letter of March 24th, 1967 concerning my article. To begin with, thank you for your very kind words concerning Orville and I, but believe me, when we work, write or talk about rabbits it is not to this end we are striving. We just happen to like this industry and I guess we will for years to come.
In your letter you ask for more pointed and constructive suggestions on this subject and this is the purpose of this letter, again und^r the instructions of the Western Illinois Rabbit Breeders Ass’n.
We feel something must be done towards underwriting the National ARBA, Inc. Conventions and Shows.
If we are to have more cities or organizations take interest in handling these, there must be some financial assistance. We also realize the membership will have to pay for it. However, we believe there will be more locations available for bids if this assistance is given.
I have talked to our own Association several times on this subject, as well as many exhibitors and members throughout the State of Illinois and I would like to make the following suggestions:
1. Start a National ARBA., Inc. Convention-Show Fund—money to be held in a separate fund from Convention to Convention—this money to be turned over to whoever receives a bid for the Convention and Show—TO BE USED AS THEY SEE FIT IN PUTTING ON SAME, NO RESTRICTIONS INVOLVED.
2. Fund could be collected in one of the following three (3) ways:
A. Raise the ARBA, Inc. sanction fee for a table show from two dollars ($2.00) to five dollars ($5.00) setting the additional three dollars ($3.00) aside for this proposed Convention Fund.
B. Assess each ARBA, Inc. member ten cents (.10c) or more, this amount to be set aside for this proposed Convention Fund.
C. Charge an exhibitor fee (exhibitor ticket) to show at the National Convention, this to be
Page Eight
used for the proposed Convention Fund.
Of the three sources of revenue for this proposed Fund, I must state that I feel the fairest and most resourceful would be the increase in the sanction fee. The Secretary of the local Association would forward right to the ARBA, Inc. Secretary’s office where it could be readily kept on hand and duly recorded with a minimum of work on anyones part. Also, the people really interested in ARBA, Inc. shows, would also be contributing to the Convention and Show as well, with the ARBA, Inc. officials in full charge of collecting and keeping record of same.
The other two methods would involve more work and records but could be made to work. Something must be done to aid the Conventions financially, and if this does not come about soon we may regret it.
I thank you for allowing me to express my opinion and others in this area. If possible, would you publish this with any comments on my original article, again with the request for replies. There are so many ideas in this area as to how this can be done, it is impossible at this time to proceed with a resolution, which it will take to change matters, and therefore I would like to hear from as many as I can that are interested to get opinions. Until enough members become sick enough of the situation as it is and decide to do something about it, the matter is hopeless.
One last point on the matter, any financial aid will have to come from something other than increasing he entry fee from time to time as this just defeats what you are trying to do. I believe there should be a limit set on the amount charged for entry fees and held there for long enough to see how it works should one of the above mentioned methods of sources of revenue be decided on.
Bemise A. Bloomquist, Sec’y.-Treas. Western Illinois Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Box 8, Sherrard, Illinois 61281
Joyce Smith
I am writing in respect to the fact that many Specialty Clubs have a rule that a sponsoring club must advertise in a national magazine about their forthcoming show.
Here of late I have had a feeling that something should be done with that ruling. The national magazines are not coming out on time for ex-
hibitors to see the ads so that they could attend a certain show.
For example: Our club sponsored the Eastern R&CBA Fall Convention and show last November. The magazine that we advertised in came out after the show. The ad was sent in in September for the October issue. I feel that was ample time for it to be processed. What good did it do us to run an ad?
Now do you see why I feel that this rule should be gone over to see what could be done to correct this. It was suggested to me that we send the ad in to the magazine company with the understanding that if they can not get the ad out in time to send ad and money back to the sender. I doubt if they would send this information back. Small clubs just can
not spend club money like this. Usually ads start at about $5.00 and up. Instead of sending an ad, which you do not get, why not spend that money toward a breed. It is just money wasted lately, to take an ad in a magazine.
What can the ARBA do about this problem?
What can the Specialty Clubs do?
Could these ads be put in the ARBA bulletin?
Or just in the show date column?
What can be done to a club that does not take an ad?
This has happened once too often for us, and I hope before the year is out some answers will come up to save a great many clubs from wasting club money.
IHO V/[W on tAt*
The building is erected in 8-foot increments. It contains eight rows of suspended pll metal double hutches that are 6 feet in length. Each of the rows of hutches termi-rntes one foot within the second to the last 8-foot increment. This space is reserved for storage as well as turning area for feed carts. The structure is laid out and squared. Fifty-four concrete pier blocks imbedded with a steel strap are set out. The building’s upright forms are made and erected upon these piers and braced. The supporting uprights are of 2” x 4” lumber. Those in the center are 12 feet in length. At the outside edge they are 8 feet while those 5V& feet in from the outside edge of the building are 9 feet in length and cut to precise height. As the frames are set, purlins are run. The first purlins tied in are the spacing purlins. These are tied and then braced. This procedure is continued until all frames have been erected. When done, pier plates are laid and the outside support posts are set.
The 8-foot studs are then run down from the edge of the rafters and set with the base plate on the top of the outside row of piers. At midpoint of each stud, a 1” x 4” stringer is fastened. This stringer will simultaneously support the upper edge of the lower roll and the lower edge of the top roll of the 8-foot high utility fencing used to enclose the building.
This is one kind of shelter for a good size rabbltry. There are many types of hutches. Best plan is to visit rabbit raisers in your area and get their ideas.
Page Nine
Victoria Exhibition, George Robbins, 2651 Douglas St., Victoria, B.C., Canada May 15-20
Lawrence Co. RBA, Mrs. Norman Simbeck, R 2, Old Florence Hwy., Lawrenceburg, Tenn. May 19-20
Inland Empire RBA, Mable L. Stingley, 7620 E. Baldwin Ave., Spokane, Wash. May 19-21
Morgan Co. RBA, Mrs. Donald E. Thacker, P.O. Box 208, Paragon, Ind. May 20-21
Zanesville RBA, Edna Andrews, Rt. 3. Newark, Ohio
May 20-21
Springfield RBA, Mrs. Juanita Fisher, 819 E. Kearney St., Springfield, Mo. May 20-21
New England NZRBA, George L. Smith, RR 1, Box 211, Thomaston, Conn. May 20-21
Texas Panhandle RBA, Mrs. C. A. O'Dell, 814 Florida, Amarillo, Texas May 20-21
Saginaw Valley R&CBA, John Nowak, 3135 Grant St., Saginaw, Mich. May 20-21
California NZRBA, Pauline Shafer, 12239 E. 213, Ar-tesia, Calif. May 21
Madison Co. RBA, Orville Isken, RR 1, Box 69 B,
Bethalto, III. May 21
Tri City RBA, Mrs. Helen Forsberg, RR 2, Box 150 A, Davenport, Iowa May 21
Harvey Co. RBA, Ramon Block, Box 422, Moundridge, Kan. May 21
Northern Calif. RBA, Frances Lawson, 6948 18th St., Rio Linda, Calif. May 24-28
Ohio Rex RBA, Grace Haaf, RD 3, Box 230, Wellington, Ohio May 26-27
Ohio Calif. R.Sp. Club, Mrs. Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Rd., RR 3, Mansfield, Ohio May 26-27
National Capital RB, Cynthia D. Ray, R 1, Box 203, Germantown, Md. May 27-28
Central Wise. RBA, Charles Riley, 416 Nash Rd., Wisconsin Rapids, Wise. May 28
Mrs. Sheila Rondeaux, Sec'y., Green Mountain RBA, 31 Lincoln Ave., Rutland, Vt. May 28
Rochester RBA, Irene Jessmer, 4366 Sweden Walker Road, Brockport, N.Y. May 28
Ohio State RBA, Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Rd., RR 3, Mansfield, Ohio May 28
Ann Arbor RBA, Jessie Weinhardt, RD 3, Mansfield, Mich. June 3
State Line RBA, Mary Bishop, Sand Creek, Mich.
June 3-4
So. W.Va. RBA, Sandrea Witt, 324V2 21 St,, Dunbar, W.Va. June 3-4
Gateway RBA, B. W. Smith, Rt. 1, Box 246, Arnold, Mo. June 3-4
California Dutch Rabbit Cl., Elmer Paquette, 334 Acadia Rd., Santa Paula, Calif. June 4
Indianapolis Rabbit Fane., Ruth Scott, RR 1, Box 122, Morristown, Ind. June 4
Tri State R&CBA, Mildred E. Beatty, RD 1, Apples Corners, East Liverpool, Ohio June 4
Coshocton Co. R&CBA, Jack Wireman, 5475 Seeman
St., S.W., Navarre, Ohio June 11
North Central Rabbit Club, Larry Smogoleski, 314 N. Robert St., Ludington, Mich. June 16-17
Mad River Valley R&CB, Joyce Judy, 10 Central Ave., Mechanicsburg, Ohio June 17-18
American Polish Club, Alfred Emery, 210 Marsevilles Ave., Elyria, Ohio June 24-25
San Diego Co. Fair, Wm. M. Turnquist, Del Mar, Calif. June 24-July 4
Lorain Co. R&CBA, Mrs. M. J. Honoshofsky, RD 2, Elyria, Ohio June 25
Almeda Co. Fair, James W. Trimingham, P.O. Box 579, Pleasanton, Calif. July 2-16
Sonoma Co. Fair & Expo., James F. Lyttle, P.O. Box 1451, Santa Rosa, Calif. July 17-29
Shelby Co. Fair, Mrs. W. T. Chenault, 912 Plainview Dr., Shelbyville, Ky. July 24-27
Orange Co. Fair, Stewart W. Yost, 88 Fair Dr., Costa Mesa, Calif. July 25-30
Orange Co. Fair, Sunny Harper, 20041 Clark St., Orange, Calif. July 25-30
Sandusky Valley RBA, Horace Taylor, 620 Miami St., Tiffin, Ohio July 26-31
Multnomah Co. Fair, Duane Hennessy, P.O. Box 71, Gresham, Oregon July 27-Aug. 5
Williams Co. RBA, Robert Burns, R 2, Edgerton, Ohio
July 28-Aua. 2
State Fair — Montana, Dan P. Thurber, P.O. Box 1524, Great Falls, Mont. July 29-Aug. 5
Broome Co. RBA, Leona Oliver, Whitney Point, N.Y.
July 30-Aug. 5
James Blyth
There are many people entering the business of raising rabbits, for commercial purposes and fancy who do not ever obtain a guide to breeding. This is one of the greatest mistakes that is made in an endeavor. In orler to accomplish anything, a person must know or understand their objective. If there is no objective, success cannot be obtained and over the many years there have been many fanciers who have said they have a beautiful rabbit or a wonderful rabbit of some breed. Yet in investigating these cases we have found, many of these people never in their life owned a “Standard of Perfection.”
The ARBA is the only national organization in the United States that publishes a breed standard. It shoul be in possession of all people who are breeding or raising rabbits. Many people are under the impression this standard is only needed by judges and registrars. To the judges and registrars, it is a must. With breeders, it is just as important because they will not know what they are working for if they do not own this standard of perfection. Therefore, every breeder of rabbits should purchase a copy of this standard of perfection and study it very carefully, particularly the breed they are raising. It gives them an idea as to what direction they are going and what they are accomplishing.
Quite often arguments are heard in showrooms. Breeders arguing with the judge as to what is the best rabbit in a particular class. Yet in many cases these breeders exhibit their rabbits, take them to the shows, not knowing what constitutes a good rab bit of that particular breed. Therefore, we urge each and every person, whether you are interested in rabbits on a commercial basis or a fancy basis, avail yourselves of a capy of the ARBA “Standard of Perfection.” The price is small for the amount of knowledge this book contains. The photographs which show the various breeds that come near to perfection. The paper bound copy sells at $2.00 per copy, and the hard back printed in gold lettering sells at $3.00 per copy. Get your copy now as it will be good for the next several years and study up so you will know which direction you are going. Make a set plan and work towards it. This is the only way you can obtain success in breeding rabbits.
Page Ten
Wesley Dixon
The Californian Rabbit was developed by a series of cross breeding between other breeds. Most of the credit for the early development goes to Judge West of southern California. Some of the first crosses involved N.Z. White, and Himilayans. New England Whites and Himilayans were used with the Himilayans, being crossed back in every third generation. Other breeders also experimented and crosses were made involving Himilayans, N.Z. White and Chinchillas. Offspring of these early crosses formed the basis of the breed we know today as Californians. For several years various breeders in California experimented with the breed for commercial purposes, and as less cross breeding was introduced, it began to acguire the characteristics of a breed, breeding true for the characteristic type, fur, and markings. In 1939 the breed was recognized by the AR&CBA and a working standard was set up, and later the breed was accepted on a fullstatus with other breeds. By breeding Californian to Californian, several breeders in southern California fixed the characteristics of the breed for type, markings, and fur. The breed has developed rapidly in California and has become second to New Zealand Whites in popularity. It did not spread much to other parts of the country until the past two years after the Californian Specialty Club was organized and helped to introduce the breed to other parts of the country where Californians were unknown. Now there are over 40 members of the CSC outside the state of California. These members are located in 18 states including Oregon, Colorado Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Arkansas, Virginia, Washington, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Michigan, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas and Wyoming. As more breeders recognize the possibilities of Californians as a commercial breed, the breed will continue to spread throughout the country.
The Californians are now a recognized breed, having been admitted as such by the American Rabbit and Cavy Breeders Assn., in 1944. Anyone interested in raising Californians would be much better off to procure their foundation stock from some reliable breeder of good Californians, rather than spend the considerable time it takes to produce a good specimen, and very likely become discouraged in the attempt. A well marked good type Californian is a thing of beauty, as well as a fine com-
mercial rabbit, and are fast becoming very popular at the shows.
The Californian Specialty Club was organized by breeders of Californians for the advancement of the Californian Rabbit. Any further information desired about the breed may be obtained by writing to the secretary of the club.
While we do not believe in disregarding new breeds and not admitting them to our Standard, we do require that they first be proven worthy of admission and possess qualifications of individual merit peculiar to themselves, and also that they are a separate and distinct breed as claimed by breeders seeking their admission. When the breeder has found that he has produced a new and distinct breed, he should write up a Standard to cover same and mail it to the Chairman of the Standard Committee, advising him that he has a breed worthy of recognition, stating he will make a display of the new breed at the next Annual Convention Show of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. EXHIBITION REQUIREMENTS:
First showing, to the American Rabbit Breeders Association Standard Committee must consist of a Senior Buck, a Senior Doe and a Junior Buck and a Junior Doe, the Juniors to be out of the Senior pair.
The second showing must consist of the same pair of Seniors, the same pair of Juniors, if possible, and a six to eight Doe and Buck, from the pair of Juniors first shown (If the matured weight of Senior is over ten pounds), also if under ten pounds there is to be a Junior Doe and Junior Buck shown in the second showing.
The third showing must consist of a Senior Doe and a Senior Buck, a six to eight Doe and a six to eight Buck if Seniors are over ten pounds also a Junior Doe and a Junior Buck. In the second and third showing there must be six (6) or more rabbits of this new breed shown, or the Standard Committee will not consider either of these showings.
If after the above requirements have been complied with, and the ARBA Standard Committee finds the Breed or Variety worthy of recognition, a working Standard will be adopted and the Breed admitted to the ARBA Standard of Perfection. NOTE: All Foreign Standard Breeds not covered by these standards will be recognized and judged by the Standard of their respective country. Foreign standards to be furnished by owner of rabbit.
Page Eleven
We are in a rut and it is hurting our shows aU across the country. Yes, I mean hurting our shows in several ways. You can see it in almost any part of the U.S.; some worse than others. But all you need to do is get out eight (8) old show catalogs, from any one area and compare them. You find the same general group of about four (4) judges working each one. This is good, maybe, for the judge can work for less money because he doesn’t have so far to travel and the club saves money there. BUT it sure is hard to get “legs” for Grand Championship when the same judge picks the same rabbit time and time again. Another judge might not even pick that rabbit, but if he did, FINE, then you made it.
There are a lot of new young people coming into the shows these days and they need the opinion of several judges on their stock. You and I both know that different judges will tend to get in a rut and someone who follows the shows learns to take one type for one judge and another type for another judge. This can be improved on by more judges conferences and better understanding of the standards, but will never be completely corrected due to human nature.
Again, though, we have ARBA rules that have been set up over a long period of time and the show catalogs state that these rules will be followed. So let’s do it! If that rabbit has a cold, an off color toenail, no permanent earmark, etc., get it off the table. We can’t have just one judge follow the rules and the next one giving a little; they must all know and follow the rules right down the line. This is a must and I know there have been, there are, and there will be more cases where this isn’t done. But it is not all the fault of the judge. Remember you are the one that hires that judge when you vote for him or her at the club meeting. Also it is you, the exhibitor, that puts some of this stock on the table that you know should be in the meat pen. Then even some like to raise a bit of H—when we do get cut down even though we do know the judge is right.
I don’t say anyone is perfect—the judge can easily make a slip and you, the exhibitor, can make a slip and get the wrong stock on the table. So how about it? We are all in the game to promote the betterment of our stock so let’s insist on that judge getting in there and going by the book. 11 shouldn’t make any difference if it is a fair show and there are no sweeps. It was advertised as being run under
Page Twelve
ARBA rules, so let’s do it! Let’s not bend those rules just to make an extra buck ($1.00). There may be a 4-Her in there that thinks they really have something because the judge didn’t put it off the table for some small thing. Then they next take it to a Sweepstake show and off it goes first. Then they feel bad and we may have lost a real good potential breeder. Really, there is no club that can afford to lose a new breeder.
How about it, folks. Let’s shape it up around the show bam.
Pat Krider
We are just a little bit prouder of our sweepstakes trophies this year than ever before. The reason for all this pride, is the cute little Abyssinian trophy figure designed by the San Gabriel Valley Cavy Club that is now perched upon the 1966 Aby Sweep-stakes trophy which went to Miss Joan Denman, Columbus. Ohio for winning first place with 3240 points! The Aby figure is a very good likeness of the animal it represents with its rosettes, mane and ruff.
Russ-L-Acre, Urbanda, Ohio won the first place trophy in Americans with 2448 points, and the first place trophy in Peruvians with 1149 points. Our second place trophy in Americans went to Richard Heoflich, Butler, Ohio whose cavies scored 1684 points, and the third place trophy went to Ron Jones who scored 1614 points. The Guidebook committee is hard at work. Chairman of the Guide is Mrs. Pat Krider. and working with her are Muriel Reid, Diane Ford, Irvin Reinhart, David Leeseberg and Tom Coatoam.
We are preparing the Guidebook with the beginning fancier in mind, but hope we have thought of something of interest for everyone. There will be several new articles, and some reprints of articles from earlier guides that are too good to be tossed aside.
During December we lost one of our hardest working members, Charles A. Henry of Saugus, Massachusetts. Mr. Henry had served three years as our Chairman and was beginning his fourth term as Vice Chairman. Merle Emery has been appointed by the Board to serve as Vice Chairman, and Harry S. Claus of Pennsylvania has been appointed to serve on the Board.
Specials time is here again! Don’t wait until September to send your special in to the club secretary, 56 Riverside Street, Portsmouth, R.I. 02871.
Western Illinois Youth Come Thru
The Western Illinois Youth Club came up with the idea they wished to sponsor and stage their entire Youth Club Rabbit Show — ‘On Their Own'. With a membership of eleven, they figured this a good omen and they added to this (1) Complete and thorough investigation (2) Organized various jobs and departments under a chairman (3) Planned their duties and procedures (4) Worked their plan (5) Followed thru with long range goals to fulfill.
The Lucky Eleven
Jerome LeComu, president; Kenneth McKittrick, vice-president; Shirley Diericks, secy-treasurer; and able and willing worker members Michael Brewer, Doug Ingels, Lyle Manthe, Annamary McClenning, Don, Robert and Ruth McKittrick and Melanie Taylor. Their Youth Club Directors are Annamary, Doug and Ruth. Don, is the club reporter. Mrs. Margaret Diericks, East Moline, is the adult advisor.
The young rabbit raisers knew, that if they staged a show, it took money. This was their first problem and they met it head on. Each member sold candy. From the proceeds, they purchased all awards and specials. They paid their ARBA judge. They offered a high percentage class pay back. The youngsters made a gift of $20.00 to the adult club to be used to purchase wire for additional show coops.
Their reporter sends monthly news to editor, Howard Morris, Illinois Rabbit News. All members help cut wire and assemble pens. They helped setup and tear down the Rock Island County Fair Show. They helped in policing the area, offering information, and take their turn as night watchman.
The eleven Western Illinois Youth Club members, ages 8 to 18, are building well, laying good foundation for success. The ARBA is proud of these industrious young folk and welcome their efforts. All of ARBA is the stronger because of fine young Americans such as these, who give strong promise of being the leaders of the future.
NEW ZEALAND WHITES (All Red, White 8. Blue Stock), American Blues. Breeding stock registered. Pedigrees with all orders. Highest quality for research, commercial and fancier use. Satisfaction guaranteed or return at our cost. All stock reasonably priced and shipped f.o.b. Write for descriptive details. Chenango Valley Research Farm, Box 118, RD 1, Greene, N.Y. 13778.
Mr. R. C. Schwab, State Agent for New Mexico, and his Local Agents did OUTSTANDING work. Below is the record of Census Reports secured.
Clyde D. Kuykendall . 9
Mrs. Jack W. Spence .... 6
Charles Schmid 6
R. C. Schwab .................4
John I. Herring...............3
Elmer H. Spence ..............2
L. B. Hite ...................2
Steve Jones ..................1
Howard Crossley ............. 1
John E. Fry ................. 1
W. W. Conn ...................1
Total for New Mexico 36
Mr. B. B. Rewey, State Agent for Montana, and his Local Agents did an OUTSTANDING job.
Beverley Ingersoll ..........13
Tom Winters 10
B. B. Rewey ................ 4
Mrs. Gene Sevems ............ 2
Total for Montana 29
Mr. Jess Williams, State Agent for Arizona, and his Local Agents did OUTSTANDING work.
Dorothy Dunban ...... 16
Jess Williams ............... 2
Total for Arizona 25
Mr. Earl D. Hord, State Agent, for Colorado was active himself, but was unable to secure help, according to his report.
The other State Agents were inactive. (Wyoming, Utah).
Recap of Census Reports turned in, District #2.
New Mexico 36
Montana 29
Arizona 25
Total 90
High records for Individuals: Dorothy Dunbar 16
Beverley Ingersoll 13
Tom Winters 10
Clyde D. Kuykendall 9
Let us know if we have wrong spelling, address or zip code.
Page Thirteen
U.S. Dept. Agriculture Dumps Us
Dr. Robert B. Casady, formerly with the U. S. Rabbit Experiment Station, Fontana, California, and the Sheep and Fur Animal Research Branch, Animal Husbandry Research Division, ARS, Agricultural Research Center, Belts-ville, Maryland, has accepted a position with the Foreign Research and Technical Programs Division of the Agricultural Research Service. His new office will be in the U. S. Department of Agriculture Administration Building, Washington, D. C. Dr. Casady will no longer have direct contact with the rabbit industry or be in a position to reply to inquiries from the industry. Though no one, as yet, has been selected to assume Dr. Casady’s responsibilities or contacts with the rabbit industry, inquiries may be directed to the Sheep and Fur Animal Research Branch, Animal Husbandry Research Division, Agricultural Research Center, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland, 20705, or to the Office of Information, Department of Agriculture, ARS, Federal Center Building, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782.
Don Smith, Registrar, P.O. Box 15, Waterloo, N.Y.
G. A. Burke, Judge, 6400 Scioto Darby Creek Rd., Hilliard, Ohio. Ph.: 876-7605.
Marvin H. Langeland, Judge, 1985 N. 9th Street, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001. Ph.: 616, 349-4424.
Harold Drudge, Judge, Rt. 1, Roann, Ind. 46974. Ph.: 982-2021.
J. Cyril Lowit, Judge, Rt. 2, Box 440, Troutdale, Ore. 97060.
Stan Freed, Judge, 1607 E. Sycamore, Kokomo, Ind. 46901. Ph.: 317 457-8084.
H. J. Merrihue, Registrar, P.O. Box 23123, New Orleans, La. 70123. Ph.: 504 729-2114.
Leonard L. Biskie, Judge, 2080 Hendershot Rd., Parma, Michigan. Ph.: 517 531-4015.
1967 ARBA
Syracuse, N. Y.
OCTOBER 9 to 12, 1967
Page Fourteen
New Zealands 132
Californians .................... 53
Silver Martens ................. 25
Flemish ........................ 15
Champagnes....................... 11
Checkered Giants 9
English ......— 8
Angoras 7
Satins 6
Dutch 5
Havanas.......................... 4
Am. Chinchillas .................. 3
Palominos 3
Rex .............................. 2
The World’s Largest Organization Of Rabbit Breeders — Built Upon Integrity and Service
PRICE $1.25
Our Membership Emblem
Use It On Your Printed Matter
If you wish one of the MEMBERSHIP EMBLEMS shown on right to appear on your printed matter, it is necessary that you secure an electrotype to reproduce it.
We offer them to members at low cost; their use means prestige to you and advertising for the ARBA.- Use on letterheads, circulars, booklets, Association premium lists, catalogs, etc. Two sizes shown on right.
This Size $1.50
SLEEVE & BACK PATCH Embroidered — 4 Colors 2*A Inch $1.25 7% Inch $2.25
1966 - 1970
Book of Standards Of All Recognized Breeds of Rabbits & Cavies
Standard & Registration Weights
104 Pages — 37
PRICE $2.00
Of our Membership Emblem Stickers For Windshield, Etc.
Size 4 By 4 Inches In 3 Attractive Colors
Each ........ ...25 Cents
6 For------------- $1.00
__ NO WASTE___
OUR SLOGAN — Electrotype, Size as Shown — $1.50.
RUBBER STAMP — Stamp It on Everything — $1.50
This Size $1.75
Show Your ARBA Affiliation by Using Above Emblem and Slogan
BEGINNERS BOOKLET — 325,000 sold, 48 JUDGES REPORT BOOK — used at most show*
paqes Illustrated, copy 25c; 12-$2.00; 24— for judging remarks and other information
$3.75; 50-$5.25 PRICE $1.25.
Page Fifteen
Membership Button in Bronze
Show your A.R.B.A. Affiliation by Wearing One of These Beautiful Buttons.
25 Originals
25 duplicate* Duplicates may be used as originals A total of 50 Blanks - A Breeding certificate on back of each blank PRICE $1.50
Original Format
Bound magazine
ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 3 - May/Jun
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).
8 1/2 inches x 11 inches
American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 3 - May/Jun,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 11, 2025,
The biggest single yoke that is strangling the potential rabbit industry is a two-pronged jab. On the one hand are the half-truth boys who make highly exaggerated claims for rabbits, rabbit manure, rabbit fur, breeding stock, wool. They paint an absolutely unrealistic picture for the potential new rabbit breeder. A story that borders on the ridiculous, if not a down right falsehood.
According to their literature it is easy to earn $400.00 per year from the manure of 100 rabbits, no trouble involved, just buy the 100 rabbits and start shoveling the manure. They state they sell only the finest breeding stock they are able to produce but we have documented evidence that in at least two instances we have been asked to investigate the breeding stock purchased by victimized beginners — the rabbits were shipped from a third party in a state removed by over 1200 miles from the operation that says they supply only the finest breeding stock they are able to raise.
They advocate the feeding of wastes and by-products of the farm and state the cost of feeding a mature rabbit is lc per day. They state without any qualification, the fur market for rabbits is at the peak of price. They also say the prime market time and pelt is 3 months of age rabbit. They further state the life of a rabbit is 10 years, and at prices they publish for prejuniors 40 does and 5 bucks — over $400.00 is only the beginning. Do you know their saLs brochure says a beginner can make $10,000 a year as (Continued on Page 4)
The ‘Old Master’, judge Lawrence Ritter (Maryland) and two of his proteges Jack Pugh (Baltimore) and Bill Franklin (Virginia).
Publicity Packets for National Rabbit Week are in the mail to all who have sent in order. There are a few Publicity Packets on hand, first come first served. They include auto aerial pennants, bumper banners, simulated leather pads, emery boards, recipe brochures, “Little Known Facts About Rabbits” and most important — a letter of directions on publicity, newspaper, radio and television.
We will assist in any way requested writing News Release — preparing other copy — sample of letter and procedure for submission to mayor or other governing authority for “Rabbit Week Proclamation”.
Let’s make 1967 National Rabbit Week a bell ringer.
For information, for assistance, for your Publicity Packet, write to Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716. Cost, postpaid for Publicity Packet $5.00. There are also available special ARBA book matches, $1.00 per carton, postpaid. Plenty of room on inside covers for personal ads or messages.
4323 Murray Avenue James Blyth, Secy. - Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Vol. 2 May-June, 1967 No. 3
W. E. (Bill) Molen. Editor P.O. Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716 David Ford, Assistant Publicity Chm. PUBLICITY STAFF
Bert Hickman Virginia Flournoy
Joe Lutes Jodie Croker
Pat Krider Mark Youngs
Pat Giles Bing Harris
Wayne Willmann, Pres. James Blyth, Secy.
Oren Reynolds, V.-Pres. Ellis Murray, Treas
Fred Applegate J. Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W. E. Molen
Claude Bennett E. P. Shilliday
W. H. Kennedy Edward Stahl
Edward Toebbe
We have to decrease the number of pages in this Bulletin to stay within the Budget approved by the Board.
In 1965 at the Pomona Convention our Board adopted a plan of operation that was copied from plans of operation used by most business concerns who have a national program. The plan calls for the nation to be divided into districts—each district is made up of several states—each state with an agent in charge is responsible for its local clubs. Each local club is urged to appoint a person who will represent the ARBA and carry out the suggestions printed in the last issue of our Bulletin.
The KEY person in this plan of operation is the ARBA Director who is in charge of a District composed of several states. Our Association will grow stronger in all of its departments in direct proportion to the amount of leadership that the Director provides. Some of our Directors have put forth much time and effort in their Districts and the results show it.
In July we shall have an election for Directors. I urge you to investigate the candidate for whom you wish to vote and determine whether he is willing to Direct the whole program of our Association in a District where
Page Two
he is assigned. Some candidates say they want to help our Association but they speak in generalities — ask them to state exactly what they will do to help. We need workers and not just people who want a title. Our Association is very weak in some areas of our nation because in years gone by our Directors have paid little attention to those areas. We need Directors who will be in constant touch with their State and Local Representatives.
I’m wondering whether our members are reading these Bulletins. I get too many letters asking questions that have been answered in the Bulletin. Read this issue very carefully. Notice that the YOUTH DEPARTMENT has a new Chairman in Mr. William Earl, and a new Secretary-Treasurer in Mrs. Kay Malott. Both are well qualified and interested to do all they can to help our youth. Write to them when you have business that pertains to Youth Work.
Mrs. William Breckenridge found that she could not continue for several good reasons: her daily job as Junior Accountant with a large business firm, being a mother of a growing family besiaes doing the pay roll work for her husband’s business, just made it impossible for her to have enough time left to do what she wanted to do for our youth. We extend to her our sincere thanks and know that she will continue her interest in youth especially in her local Youth Club.
During my six weeks in Europe from June 21 to July 31, our good Vice-President will substitute for your president and answer your questions. May you have a good summer.
Yours truly,
Wayne Willmann
Mrs. Wilbert Ochs, Coeur d ’Alene, Idaho choring in one of the 3-building 275 hole Och’s Rabbitry. The Ochs find supplying PNW Processing Plant and lab business profitable.
Advertisements to appear in the new ARBA Guide Book are being sent to secretary Jim Blyth at a pretty good clip. This new ARBA Guide Book which we hope will be filled with 200 pages of up-to-date factual ai'ticles is the first contact ARBA has with their new members and the new members have with ARBA, its services and advertisers.
The Guide Book is the ARBA publication that will announce your services and breeding stock, plus equipment to the new member. Get your advertisement in early, for good placement, and insure outstanding results for yourself, your club or your business. Full schedule of advertising rates appeared in March ARBA Bulletin.
I The Palomino Co-Breeders club were fche first to submit their full page advertisement and presentation for the new ARBA Guide Book.
All ads go to secretary Jim Blyth, 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and articles, photos to either Jim, Ed Stahl or Bill Molen.
"The Ideal Rabbit For Today" Betty Strathman
Just what rabbit could better earn the title above than our mighty little Polish Rabbit! The qualifications that the Polish has to offer the breeder and exhibitor are quite numerous.
In our world of suburban living today, it is the practical rabbit for the backyard breeder who is limited for space. As the Polish rabbit is compact in size maturing at a weight of 2Vz to 3V2 lbs., it can be housed in a hutch space as small as 2 feet by 2 Ueet.
B Truly it can fulfill the desires of the ffancier for a good show room rabbit. What speciman makes a better picture on that judging table than that Polish rabbit carrying those little ears so erect. And its small size seems to make it a better traveler on those show trips in hot weather over the larger breeds.
For laboratory work the Ruby-Eyed White and the Blue-Eyed White Polish are most desirous. Again its small size and white color make it the ideal rabbit for various experiments in our hospitals and research work.
The demand for Polish rabbits has been far greater than the supply this year. Why not start today on an interesting and profitable hobby that will give you many hours of enjoyment and relaxation. And for your selection, there are four recognized varieties to choose from: Ruby-Eyed
White, Blue-Eyed White, Chocolate, and Black.
Purchase your foundation stock from a reliable breeder who can help you get started in a venture you will find most rewarding. You, too, can discover, as many of us have, that the Polish Rabbit truly lives up to its title of many years: “The Little Aristocrat of the Rabbit World.”
We invite you to join our national specialty club, the American Polish Rabbit Club by sending $2.00 for membership and our guide book to the Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. Floyd R. Tobias, RD#3, Box 102, Nazareth, Pa. 18C64.
We Ask Your Help In Continuing THE BIGGEST membership drive ever undertaken by the AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASS’N.
WE SUPPLY FREE OF COST illustrated membership application blanks to insert in your outgoing mail or use in securing members by personal contact. CASH COMMISSION PAID. A cash commission of 50c is paid on each membership to ail who take part in this drive. Commissions are paid by check in January of each year to all who are credited with 3 or more members during the year.
CASH AWARDS. In addition to the commissions paid, $150.00 will be awarded. $75.00 to individuals and firms, $75.00 to clubs and associations. EACH WILL RECEIVE. For 1st award $25.00 — 2nd $20.00 3rd $15.00 — 4th $10.00 — 5th $5.00. Commissions and cash awards paid on new members only.
FURTHER DETAILS. The cost of membership is $5.00 The full amount must be sent to headquarters at Pittsburgh, Pa., where a record of members received is kept and full credit given to the person or firm whose name appears on the recommended line.
How many blanks can you use.........
Order One Year’s Supply Only)
Name _................
City State _______
Mail to: JAMES BLYTH, Secretary 4323 Murry Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Page Three
(Continued from Page 1)
easy as falling off a log. All one has to do is get 500 female and 100 male cavies. They list immature cavies, soon ready for breeding at the price of near $400.00 for 16 males and 64 females, of course if you wish more mature stock the fee is over $550.00 for the same number of cavies. Quantity discounts are offered if you act fast and send in your money. * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
New Zealand
1. Marvin Carley, Vt. ............ 37
2. Walter Duby, Mass.............. 33
3. Andrew Rodriguez, Texas .........29
4. Stuart Griffith, Tenn. ... 24
5. Lloyd Shantz, Canada 21
6. Claudius Poer, Ind. .......... 21
7. Robert T. Byrne, Ind............20
8. Harold Drudge, Ind..............20
9. Walter Voss, Ind. 20
1. Oren Reynolds, 111. 22
2. Hugh Betts, Tenn................21
3. Duane Shrader, Nebr.............18
4. Lawrence Stingley, Wash. ...... 11
5. Harry Fisher, Mo. ..............13
6. E. W. Story, La. 10
7. A. W. W’lliams, Wash. 11
8. Dean Benker, Colo. 10
9. John Hoblitzell, Fla........... 10
Silver Martens
1. Lewis Bowers, 111. 24
2. Floyd Shuck, Ohio 15
3. John Buehler, 111................ 9
4. A. W. Williams, Wash............ 7
5. Robert T. Byrne, Ind. 6
6. F. O. Wolff, Texas 4
7. A1 Brucker, Pa................... 3
8. Harry Coles, Mo.................. 3
1. Marvin Cummings, Fla. 12
2. Wm. T. Robinson, 111. 9
3. Joseph Laura, Mass. ............. 9
4. Pete N°ylor, Kansas 7
5. Robert Berry, Texas ............. 7
6. W. F. Gilbert, Calif............ 7
7. Lnwis Bowers, 111. ............. 5
8. WaRer Duby, Mass................ 3
9. R. Maruschak, Ohio 3
1. Lewis Bowers, 111. ........... 64
2. Marv’n Cummings, Fla... 53
3. Marvin Carley, Vt. 52
4. Andres Rodriguez, Texas 50
5. Harry Coles, Mo. 40
6. Pobnrt T. Byrne, Ind. 36
7. Walter Duby, Mass. 36
8. Norman Simbeck, Tenn. 36
9. W. T. Robinson, 111. 34
10. Oren R. Reynolds, 111. 37
Page Four
In the July-August issue of Bulletin we will dwell further on this segment of the strangling yoke placed around new breeders but in this issue we will remark on the new breeder who desires to start with animals that can be purchased for a song. A bargain basement shopper who burns gallons of gas running down $1.00 rabbits so he can get started on the road to financial independence, he wants to make $550 or more a month, like he has read about.
Good breeding stock is most important. It is the corner stone of success, the foundation on which you must build your business and should, therefore, be given every consideration. No matter how well you may house, feed and care for your rabbits, you cannot possibly realize the maximum of returns if the animals are unproductive or of such poor quality that they fail to produce healthy, higll^ duality offspring that will sell at pro-" fitable prices.
This is a point too often overlooked and is where many people make a serious mistake. They may be just starting in the business or wish to increase the size of their rabbitry. In either event they decide to buy stock. Instead of investing their money in a few good rabbits—the very best they can get for the amount they wish to spend—they buy a larger number of rabbits at a cheaper price. They buy quantity rather than quality, which is like putting up a building that looks good from the outside but without a proper foundation to support it.
The inevitable results are the wasting of time, labor, and money, with failure a foregone conclusion. No matter how good your equipment may be or how hard you work, you cannot make a success of rabbit raising with poor breeding stock. It is far beth-i to have a f?w healthy, high qualitJL rabbits from tested sires and dams that will give you good vigorous litters of young and raise them successfully than a large number of mediocre ones that are apt to prove more of a liability than an asset.
Do not buy rabbits simply because they are cheap. Remember good rabbits of any breed or variety are seldom, if ev^r, sold as bargains. It is true you can buy mature rabbits at from $2.00 to $3.00 each, but a breeder who has spent time, money and effort in building up a herd of high quality animals cannot afford to sell breeding stock at these prices and when any one offers rabbits at such low figures there is usually something wrong. Sometimes they are old, again they may be poor breeders, poor mothers that will raise only two or
three to a litter or kill and eat the young after kindling. They may be carriers of coccidiosis or snuffle germs that infest others, causing heavy mortality, or they may be so promiscuously bred that they do not reproduce their breed characteristics with any degree of certainty. Where any of these conditions exist, the animal is of little worth other than for market and would be dear at any price above its market value. Current market value of roasters or bakers is 6c to 8c per pound; 10 pound cull 80c.
Blood lineage plays an important part in the value of breeding stock because it determines to a large extent the quality of the offspring. Blood lineage is ancestral consanguinity, a family or strain of rabbits that have been carefully selected and bred for
I several generations until the desired lype, color, health vigor, vitality and other characteristics have become so fixed that the sire and dam will transmit these qualities to their offspring.
1. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif. 10
2. Melvin E. Behrens, N.Y. ........10
3. Edward H. Stahl, Mo............. 9
4. B. W. Smith, Mo. ......... 5
5. Tommy Andrew, Pa....... 5
6. Bill Molen, Kansas ...... 4
7. F. R. Applegate, 111. 4
8. Mark Youngs, Wash. 3
9. Marvin Carley, Vt. ....... 3
10. L. C. Franklin, N.C. 3
1. American Satin R.B. Ass’n. 6
2. Badger R.B. Ass’n., Wise. .... 4
3. American Cavy Club .............4
4. Lawrence Co. R.B. Ass’n., Tenn. .3
5. Meramec Valley R.B. Ass’n., Mo. 3
6. Finger Lakes R.B. Ass’n., N.Y. 3
7. Harvey Co. R.B. Ass’n., Kan. 2
8. Northern 111. R.B. Ass’n. 2
9. So. Fla. R.B. Ass’n. 2
Owner Breed Ear No. Reg. No.
M. Carley New Zealand MC913 41-A
H. Davey Havana HD10 8207-U
T. L. Hasty .. ..Flemish R6-Z 4683-X
C Andrews Flemish A112 1878-X
Sagarsee Rbty .New Zealand S AW 6086-X
Sagarsee Rbty New Zealand OC4 5069-X
Sagarsee Rbty .New Zealand 45W 6088-X
R. Evertson Ck. Gt RE9 8844-X
R. Evertson .Ck. Gt RE141 8845-X
Bunny Grove Californian ~XK 7057-X
Bunny Grove Satin 110 ,7058-X
M. H. Bettin Californian 522 ,4117-X
C. Silvey .New Zealand S48 5695-V
F naman Californian RB 2 2498-X
E. Martinson .Am. Chin F9 4846-X
F. Beacka Am. Chin. M13 4845-X
y3 Horswood Polish C 5
B Hamon Californian 7A42 ... 4608-X
King Dutch M12 3658-X
Stohrer & Quintn Rbty . Dutch B1
Walter Rbty New Zealand B22 9021-X
J Sewicki New Zealand JS161 7508-X
J Sewicki . .New Zealand ... HB 110 7507-X
J. Sewicki . New Zealand JS173 7506-X
F. Beatty — Silver Marten FM34 7091-X
F. Beatty Silver Marten FM37 7092-X
R Keller .. Californian 6B15 5429-X
R. Keller Californian K35B 5423-X
R. Keller .Californian K23B 5426-X
R Keller .Californian 6D18 9071-X
H. Kneller Flemish N 1309-X
Bunny Grove Californian 49 7059-X
Bunny Grove .Satin 112 7060-X
G. Ford Fr. Angora A52D . . . 7016-X
J Yohe New Zealand 5470 3564-X
J. Jennings New Zealand ... JJ49 366-X
Jack Yohe New Zealand RR23 2880-X
H Reece Californian R103 9077-X
D. Lovejoy .. .^...New Zealand JP 8962-X
Page Five
Mrs. George Morehead
Again, the names and addresses of the 1967 Convention Officials:
General Chairman -• "Toward Carr, R.D.#1, Homer, New York 13077 General Secretary — Mrs. Virginia Carr, R.D.#1, Homer, N: r York. 13077
Treasurer — H. Travis Vreeland, R.D.-#2, Canastota, New York. 13032 Show Secretary — George Berl, 2149 Five Mile Line Road, Penfield, New York. 14526
Show Superintendent — Fred C. Wick-man, 2583 Clinton Ave. S. Rochester, N.Y. 14618
Reservations — Mrs. Margaret Burdick, 16 Broad St., Carthage, N.Y. 13619
Catalog, Advertising, Booths — Yr~. George Morehead, P.O. Box 161, Main N.Y. 13802
The dates for the Convention are October 9, 10, 11, 12, 1967 at the New York State Fairgrounds at Syracuse, New York.
The Convention Headquarters have been changed from mid-town Hotel Syracuse to their Motels, — Country House and Northway Inn, both are located north of Syracuse at Exit 36 on Interstate Route 81. Exit 36 leads directly to the Fairgrounds therefore should be more convenient for everyone.
The Directors Meeting will be held in the Westerners Room at the Country House however the ARBA Banquet will be at the Hotel Syracuse (I have not been notified otherwise).
Send your reservations to Mrs. Burdick. The rates for the Country House are: Single @ $9.00 $9.50 $10.50 $11.50 Double @$16.50 Twin @$14.00 $14.50 $15.50 $16.50 Additional bed (3rd person ($3.00
Northway Inn Rates are:
Single @$8.00 $9.00 $10.00 $11.00
$12.00 Double @$13.00 $14.00 $15.00 $16.00 $17.00 Twins same as doubles Additional bed (3rd person) $3.00 Show Secretary George Berl is awaiting confirmation of the Judges and Breed Chairmen and hopes to have them all for July Bulletin. The Judge for the Checkered Giants will be Jeanne Maddox of Ohio, Breed Chairman is William Schiermeyer, R.D.l, Averill Park, N.Y. and State Chairman is Jerry Ross, 1396 Lake Road, Hamlin, N.Y.
Breed Chairman for Silver Martens is Fred Marten and State Chairman is Art Micklei, 56 Osage St. Rochester, N.Y.
The following Judges have been Page Six
contacted, still waiting for their answers: Harold Guthrie — Satins, William Kennedy — Polish, Don Guthrie
— Dutch, and Don Reid — Cavies and Small Breeds.
Advertising Rates in the Convention Catalog are: Full Page — $45.00
— Half Page — $25.00 — Quarter Page — $14.00 — One-Eight Page — $8.00 — Judges and Registrars Listings are $3.50. Make all checks payable to H. T. Vreeland but they must be sent together to Mrs. George Morehead, Chairman of Advertising before July 15, 1967. Remember this catalog will have nation-wide coverage when it is sent out, your name and product will be promoted at a very nominal fee and at the same time you will be giving us help to give you the show you are looking forward to and the one we are striving to give you. Will you help us in our effort an^ send in your ad please?
It has been brought to our atten-'' tion that some of the exhibitors at the j.959 Convention had to furnish their own feed and water dishes. We wish to assure all the exhibitors that there will be dishes for all. Booths in the Showroom are: $25.00 for Specialty Clubs and $50.00 for the Commercial Booths. Send your reservation to Mrs. Morehead early.
It does seem that these past winter months, all phases of the Convention, Show and correspondence has been slow but now with spring here, we are sure the next months will show great progress. Remember its “Syracuse in Sixty-Seven”.
Eleven states came thru good and strong with publicity material this issue. Rhode Island south to Florid:: J then west to California and north tl Washington. This is complete nation-'' wide coverage.
When the ladies are referred to as the weaker sex, they certainly do not mean ladies of ARBA The girls, God bless them, came thru 9 in number this issue with truly some of the best material that has ever graced our Bulletin pages, Mabel Stingley, Joyce Smith, Mrs. Mervin Taylor, Bemise Bloomquist, Pat Krider, Tillie Morehead, Betty Strathman, Beverly Molen and Pete Kern (yes that’s right Pete Kern and did she ever have me fooled for months).
Horace Curtis, Mark Youngs, Elmo Smith, Martin Roy, Charles Haaf, Fred Applegate, Wesley Dixon, Wayne Will-mann, Jim Blyth, Jack Pugh contributed material and we hope they all keep up the good work. Truly, our
ARBA Bulletin is a team effort. Is your area, your club, your district — Striking Out?
Articles of substance this month, include: A preliminary effort on explanation and exposure of some of the get rich quick boys and their efforts of prying citizens loose from their hard earned cash. Read the One-Two Punch and we solicit any experiences you may have had or may know of. Send this expose material direct to editor Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
Jim Blyth’s article on Standard of Perfection publication and article Admitting New Breeds to Standard, very good. The 2nd of 3 articles on Californians “Development of Breed” appears this issue with final installment “Commercial Value of the Breed” by Roy Fisher to appear in July issue. Polish Club and Cavy Club have catchy articles this issue. How should the ARBA participate in the financial problems of a Convention-Show? Read Bernise Bloomquists article, incidently, Mrs. Bloomquist, asks for comments to be forwarded to her, Box 8, Sherrard, Illinois 61281. Tillie Morehead, publicity chairman for 44th ARBA Convention-Show has informative report and this includes the fact headquarters has been changed to Country House Motel.
In my capacity as publicity chairman of ARBA and editor of the Bulletin, it is my distinct pleasure to receive many, many club bulletins, newsletters and other publications. All are a credit to the rabbit and the club they represent, as well as the individual members and officers. We do wish to call special attention to two outstanding editors, assistants and their publication.
Charles Haaf, Wellington, Ohio editor of the Ohio Rabbit & Cavy News with strong support and assistance from his co-editors Merle Emery and Larry Granneman have come up with a long overdue publication for the Ohio members. Ohio, the largest state ARBA membership-wise, now have an excellent voice. These editors, utilized the pocket size approach, such a s Readers Digest and your own ARBA Bulletin. The material is excellent and the size makes it handy to stick in the pocket and have available at all times. All of you in Ohio, support this fine effort, make it even better.
Pete Kern, editor of the Central Florida RBA Bulletin, puts out the tops of all publications, to our observations. A recent issue carried subjects, History, Housing, Equipment, Breeds, Feeding, Diseases, Records, Marketing, Furs and Cooking. This coverage is fabulous and deserves support of
all and recognition from ARBA, which is offered herewith. Pete Kern, you have an absolutely top publication.
We are carrying a photo of a rabbit building plan from the Central Florida News. Another photo submitted by Mable Stingley, Washington of the up and coming commercial operation of the Wilbert Ochs Raabbitry, Coeur d ’Alene, Idaho is in this issue. Lifetime member judge Lawrence Ritter and proteges Pugh and Franklin also appears. Phil Lohman, commercial chairman asks for suggestions on how to improve the commercial packet he has mailed out to hundreds, since the announcement in March Bulletin, that one was available, simply for the cost of postage.
Kay Malott, California returns to very ably serve as secretary of Youth Club and Bill Earl is the new chairman. Announcement appears elsewhere.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, in cooperation with the Association of Virginia Rabbit Breeders, will present its 1967 Rabbit Short Course on the VPI campus at Blacksburg, Virginia, on July 28 and 29.
A partial listing of subjects to be presented and discussed include slaughter house laws, accounting and income tax procedures for rabbit raisers, pole-frame construction o f rabbit houses, nutrition, feed, and culling practices. Selection of speakers has been done on the basis of educational and professional qualifications and all indicators point toward an interesting and enlightening two days at Virginia’s land grant university.
Details concerning registration and a copy of the program can be obtained from R. H. Burtner, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061.
Chairman Mr. William Earl
10926 Pipeline Ave. Pomona, California 91766
Sec.-Treasurer Mrs. Kay Malott 17943 Renault St.
La Puente, Calif. 91744
Page Seven
OPEN LETTER FROM ILLINOIS Mrs. Bloomquist Requests Comments
April 10th, 1967 Sherrard, Illinois
W. E. Molen, Editor
A.R.B.A., Inc. Bulletin Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716 Dear Sir:
In answer to your letter of March 24th, 1967 concerning my article. To begin with, thank you for your very kind words concerning Orville and I, but believe me, when we work, write or talk about rabbits it is not to this end we are striving. We just happen to like this industry and I guess we will for years to come.
In your letter you ask for more pointed and constructive suggestions on this subject and this is the purpose of this letter, again und^r the instructions of the Western Illinois Rabbit Breeders Ass’n.
We feel something must be done towards underwriting the National ARBA, Inc. Conventions and Shows.
If we are to have more cities or organizations take interest in handling these, there must be some financial assistance. We also realize the membership will have to pay for it. However, we believe there will be more locations available for bids if this assistance is given.
I have talked to our own Association several times on this subject, as well as many exhibitors and members throughout the State of Illinois and I would like to make the following suggestions:
1. Start a National ARBA., Inc. Convention-Show Fund—money to be held in a separate fund from Convention to Convention—this money to be turned over to whoever receives a bid for the Convention and Show—TO BE USED AS THEY SEE FIT IN PUTTING ON SAME, NO RESTRICTIONS INVOLVED.
2. Fund could be collected in one of the following three (3) ways:
A. Raise the ARBA, Inc. sanction fee for a table show from two dollars ($2.00) to five dollars ($5.00) setting the additional three dollars ($3.00) aside for this proposed Convention Fund.
B. Assess each ARBA, Inc. member ten cents (.10c) or more, this amount to be set aside for this proposed Convention Fund.
C. Charge an exhibitor fee (exhibitor ticket) to show at the National Convention, this to be
Page Eight
used for the proposed Convention Fund.
Of the three sources of revenue for this proposed Fund, I must state that I feel the fairest and most resourceful would be the increase in the sanction fee. The Secretary of the local Association would forward right to the ARBA, Inc. Secretary’s office where it could be readily kept on hand and duly recorded with a minimum of work on anyones part. Also, the people really interested in ARBA, Inc. shows, would also be contributing to the Convention and Show as well, with the ARBA, Inc. officials in full charge of collecting and keeping record of same.
The other two methods would involve more work and records but could be made to work. Something must be done to aid the Conventions financially, and if this does not come about soon we may regret it.
I thank you for allowing me to express my opinion and others in this area. If possible, would you publish this with any comments on my original article, again with the request for replies. There are so many ideas in this area as to how this can be done, it is impossible at this time to proceed with a resolution, which it will take to change matters, and therefore I would like to hear from as many as I can that are interested to get opinions. Until enough members become sick enough of the situation as it is and decide to do something about it, the matter is hopeless.
One last point on the matter, any financial aid will have to come from something other than increasing he entry fee from time to time as this just defeats what you are trying to do. I believe there should be a limit set on the amount charged for entry fees and held there for long enough to see how it works should one of the above mentioned methods of sources of revenue be decided on.
Bemise A. Bloomquist, Sec’y.-Treas. Western Illinois Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Box 8, Sherrard, Illinois 61281
Joyce Smith
I am writing in respect to the fact that many Specialty Clubs have a rule that a sponsoring club must advertise in a national magazine about their forthcoming show.
Here of late I have had a feeling that something should be done with that ruling. The national magazines are not coming out on time for ex-
hibitors to see the ads so that they could attend a certain show.
For example: Our club sponsored the Eastern R&CBA Fall Convention and show last November. The magazine that we advertised in came out after the show. The ad was sent in in September for the October issue. I feel that was ample time for it to be processed. What good did it do us to run an ad?
Now do you see why I feel that this rule should be gone over to see what could be done to correct this. It was suggested to me that we send the ad in to the magazine company with the understanding that if they can not get the ad out in time to send ad and money back to the sender. I doubt if they would send this information back. Small clubs just can
not spend club money like this. Usually ads start at about $5.00 and up. Instead of sending an ad, which you do not get, why not spend that money toward a breed. It is just money wasted lately, to take an ad in a magazine.
What can the ARBA do about this problem?
What can the Specialty Clubs do?
Could these ads be put in the ARBA bulletin?
Or just in the show date column?
What can be done to a club that does not take an ad?
This has happened once too often for us, and I hope before the year is out some answers will come up to save a great many clubs from wasting club money.
IHO V/[W on tAt*
The building is erected in 8-foot increments. It contains eight rows of suspended pll metal double hutches that are 6 feet in length. Each of the rows of hutches termi-rntes one foot within the second to the last 8-foot increment. This space is reserved for storage as well as turning area for feed carts. The structure is laid out and squared. Fifty-four concrete pier blocks imbedded with a steel strap are set out. The building’s upright forms are made and erected upon these piers and braced. The supporting uprights are of 2” x 4” lumber. Those in the center are 12 feet in length. At the outside edge they are 8 feet while those 5V& feet in from the outside edge of the building are 9 feet in length and cut to precise height. As the frames are set, purlins are run. The first purlins tied in are the spacing purlins. These are tied and then braced. This procedure is continued until all frames have been erected. When done, pier plates are laid and the outside support posts are set.
The 8-foot studs are then run down from the edge of the rafters and set with the base plate on the top of the outside row of piers. At midpoint of each stud, a 1” x 4” stringer is fastened. This stringer will simultaneously support the upper edge of the lower roll and the lower edge of the top roll of the 8-foot high utility fencing used to enclose the building.
This is one kind of shelter for a good size rabbltry. There are many types of hutches. Best plan is to visit rabbit raisers in your area and get their ideas.
Page Nine
Victoria Exhibition, George Robbins, 2651 Douglas St., Victoria, B.C., Canada May 15-20
Lawrence Co. RBA, Mrs. Norman Simbeck, R 2, Old Florence Hwy., Lawrenceburg, Tenn. May 19-20
Inland Empire RBA, Mable L. Stingley, 7620 E. Baldwin Ave., Spokane, Wash. May 19-21
Morgan Co. RBA, Mrs. Donald E. Thacker, P.O. Box 208, Paragon, Ind. May 20-21
Zanesville RBA, Edna Andrews, Rt. 3. Newark, Ohio
May 20-21
Springfield RBA, Mrs. Juanita Fisher, 819 E. Kearney St., Springfield, Mo. May 20-21
New England NZRBA, George L. Smith, RR 1, Box 211, Thomaston, Conn. May 20-21
Texas Panhandle RBA, Mrs. C. A. O'Dell, 814 Florida, Amarillo, Texas May 20-21
Saginaw Valley R&CBA, John Nowak, 3135 Grant St., Saginaw, Mich. May 20-21
California NZRBA, Pauline Shafer, 12239 E. 213, Ar-tesia, Calif. May 21
Madison Co. RBA, Orville Isken, RR 1, Box 69 B,
Bethalto, III. May 21
Tri City RBA, Mrs. Helen Forsberg, RR 2, Box 150 A, Davenport, Iowa May 21
Harvey Co. RBA, Ramon Block, Box 422, Moundridge, Kan. May 21
Northern Calif. RBA, Frances Lawson, 6948 18th St., Rio Linda, Calif. May 24-28
Ohio Rex RBA, Grace Haaf, RD 3, Box 230, Wellington, Ohio May 26-27
Ohio Calif. R.Sp. Club, Mrs. Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Rd., RR 3, Mansfield, Ohio May 26-27
National Capital RB, Cynthia D. Ray, R 1, Box 203, Germantown, Md. May 27-28
Central Wise. RBA, Charles Riley, 416 Nash Rd., Wisconsin Rapids, Wise. May 28
Mrs. Sheila Rondeaux, Sec'y., Green Mountain RBA, 31 Lincoln Ave., Rutland, Vt. May 28
Rochester RBA, Irene Jessmer, 4366 Sweden Walker Road, Brockport, N.Y. May 28
Ohio State RBA, Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Rd., RR 3, Mansfield, Ohio May 28
Ann Arbor RBA, Jessie Weinhardt, RD 3, Mansfield, Mich. June 3
State Line RBA, Mary Bishop, Sand Creek, Mich.
June 3-4
So. W.Va. RBA, Sandrea Witt, 324V2 21 St,, Dunbar, W.Va. June 3-4
Gateway RBA, B. W. Smith, Rt. 1, Box 246, Arnold, Mo. June 3-4
California Dutch Rabbit Cl., Elmer Paquette, 334 Acadia Rd., Santa Paula, Calif. June 4
Indianapolis Rabbit Fane., Ruth Scott, RR 1, Box 122, Morristown, Ind. June 4
Tri State R&CBA, Mildred E. Beatty, RD 1, Apples Corners, East Liverpool, Ohio June 4
Coshocton Co. R&CBA, Jack Wireman, 5475 Seeman
St., S.W., Navarre, Ohio June 11
North Central Rabbit Club, Larry Smogoleski, 314 N. Robert St., Ludington, Mich. June 16-17
Mad River Valley R&CB, Joyce Judy, 10 Central Ave., Mechanicsburg, Ohio June 17-18
American Polish Club, Alfred Emery, 210 Marsevilles Ave., Elyria, Ohio June 24-25
San Diego Co. Fair, Wm. M. Turnquist, Del Mar, Calif. June 24-July 4
Lorain Co. R&CBA, Mrs. M. J. Honoshofsky, RD 2, Elyria, Ohio June 25
Almeda Co. Fair, James W. Trimingham, P.O. Box 579, Pleasanton, Calif. July 2-16
Sonoma Co. Fair & Expo., James F. Lyttle, P.O. Box 1451, Santa Rosa, Calif. July 17-29
Shelby Co. Fair, Mrs. W. T. Chenault, 912 Plainview Dr., Shelbyville, Ky. July 24-27
Orange Co. Fair, Stewart W. Yost, 88 Fair Dr., Costa Mesa, Calif. July 25-30
Orange Co. Fair, Sunny Harper, 20041 Clark St., Orange, Calif. July 25-30
Sandusky Valley RBA, Horace Taylor, 620 Miami St., Tiffin, Ohio July 26-31
Multnomah Co. Fair, Duane Hennessy, P.O. Box 71, Gresham, Oregon July 27-Aug. 5
Williams Co. RBA, Robert Burns, R 2, Edgerton, Ohio
July 28-Aua. 2
State Fair — Montana, Dan P. Thurber, P.O. Box 1524, Great Falls, Mont. July 29-Aug. 5
Broome Co. RBA, Leona Oliver, Whitney Point, N.Y.
July 30-Aug. 5
James Blyth
There are many people entering the business of raising rabbits, for commercial purposes and fancy who do not ever obtain a guide to breeding. This is one of the greatest mistakes that is made in an endeavor. In orler to accomplish anything, a person must know or understand their objective. If there is no objective, success cannot be obtained and over the many years there have been many fanciers who have said they have a beautiful rabbit or a wonderful rabbit of some breed. Yet in investigating these cases we have found, many of these people never in their life owned a “Standard of Perfection.”
The ARBA is the only national organization in the United States that publishes a breed standard. It shoul be in possession of all people who are breeding or raising rabbits. Many people are under the impression this standard is only needed by judges and registrars. To the judges and registrars, it is a must. With breeders, it is just as important because they will not know what they are working for if they do not own this standard of perfection. Therefore, every breeder of rabbits should purchase a copy of this standard of perfection and study it very carefully, particularly the breed they are raising. It gives them an idea as to what direction they are going and what they are accomplishing.
Quite often arguments are heard in showrooms. Breeders arguing with the judge as to what is the best rabbit in a particular class. Yet in many cases these breeders exhibit their rabbits, take them to the shows, not knowing what constitutes a good rab bit of that particular breed. Therefore, we urge each and every person, whether you are interested in rabbits on a commercial basis or a fancy basis, avail yourselves of a capy of the ARBA “Standard of Perfection.” The price is small for the amount of knowledge this book contains. The photographs which show the various breeds that come near to perfection. The paper bound copy sells at $2.00 per copy, and the hard back printed in gold lettering sells at $3.00 per copy. Get your copy now as it will be good for the next several years and study up so you will know which direction you are going. Make a set plan and work towards it. This is the only way you can obtain success in breeding rabbits.
Page Ten
Wesley Dixon
The Californian Rabbit was developed by a series of cross breeding between other breeds. Most of the credit for the early development goes to Judge West of southern California. Some of the first crosses involved N.Z. White, and Himilayans. New England Whites and Himilayans were used with the Himilayans, being crossed back in every third generation. Other breeders also experimented and crosses were made involving Himilayans, N.Z. White and Chinchillas. Offspring of these early crosses formed the basis of the breed we know today as Californians. For several years various breeders in California experimented with the breed for commercial purposes, and as less cross breeding was introduced, it began to acguire the characteristics of a breed, breeding true for the characteristic type, fur, and markings. In 1939 the breed was recognized by the AR&CBA and a working standard was set up, and later the breed was accepted on a fullstatus with other breeds. By breeding Californian to Californian, several breeders in southern California fixed the characteristics of the breed for type, markings, and fur. The breed has developed rapidly in California and has become second to New Zealand Whites in popularity. It did not spread much to other parts of the country until the past two years after the Californian Specialty Club was organized and helped to introduce the breed to other parts of the country where Californians were unknown. Now there are over 40 members of the CSC outside the state of California. These members are located in 18 states including Oregon, Colorado Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Arkansas, Virginia, Washington, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Michigan, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas and Wyoming. As more breeders recognize the possibilities of Californians as a commercial breed, the breed will continue to spread throughout the country.
The Californians are now a recognized breed, having been admitted as such by the American Rabbit and Cavy Breeders Assn., in 1944. Anyone interested in raising Californians would be much better off to procure their foundation stock from some reliable breeder of good Californians, rather than spend the considerable time it takes to produce a good specimen, and very likely become discouraged in the attempt. A well marked good type Californian is a thing of beauty, as well as a fine com-
mercial rabbit, and are fast becoming very popular at the shows.
The Californian Specialty Club was organized by breeders of Californians for the advancement of the Californian Rabbit. Any further information desired about the breed may be obtained by writing to the secretary of the club.
While we do not believe in disregarding new breeds and not admitting them to our Standard, we do require that they first be proven worthy of admission and possess qualifications of individual merit peculiar to themselves, and also that they are a separate and distinct breed as claimed by breeders seeking their admission. When the breeder has found that he has produced a new and distinct breed, he should write up a Standard to cover same and mail it to the Chairman of the Standard Committee, advising him that he has a breed worthy of recognition, stating he will make a display of the new breed at the next Annual Convention Show of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. EXHIBITION REQUIREMENTS:
First showing, to the American Rabbit Breeders Association Standard Committee must consist of a Senior Buck, a Senior Doe and a Junior Buck and a Junior Doe, the Juniors to be out of the Senior pair.
The second showing must consist of the same pair of Seniors, the same pair of Juniors, if possible, and a six to eight Doe and Buck, from the pair of Juniors first shown (If the matured weight of Senior is over ten pounds), also if under ten pounds there is to be a Junior Doe and Junior Buck shown in the second showing.
The third showing must consist of a Senior Doe and a Senior Buck, a six to eight Doe and a six to eight Buck if Seniors are over ten pounds also a Junior Doe and a Junior Buck. In the second and third showing there must be six (6) or more rabbits of this new breed shown, or the Standard Committee will not consider either of these showings.
If after the above requirements have been complied with, and the ARBA Standard Committee finds the Breed or Variety worthy of recognition, a working Standard will be adopted and the Breed admitted to the ARBA Standard of Perfection. NOTE: All Foreign Standard Breeds not covered by these standards will be recognized and judged by the Standard of their respective country. Foreign standards to be furnished by owner of rabbit.
Page Eleven
We are in a rut and it is hurting our shows aU across the country. Yes, I mean hurting our shows in several ways. You can see it in almost any part of the U.S.; some worse than others. But all you need to do is get out eight (8) old show catalogs, from any one area and compare them. You find the same general group of about four (4) judges working each one. This is good, maybe, for the judge can work for less money because he doesn’t have so far to travel and the club saves money there. BUT it sure is hard to get “legs” for Grand Championship when the same judge picks the same rabbit time and time again. Another judge might not even pick that rabbit, but if he did, FINE, then you made it.
There are a lot of new young people coming into the shows these days and they need the opinion of several judges on their stock. You and I both know that different judges will tend to get in a rut and someone who follows the shows learns to take one type for one judge and another type for another judge. This can be improved on by more judges conferences and better understanding of the standards, but will never be completely corrected due to human nature.
Again, though, we have ARBA rules that have been set up over a long period of time and the show catalogs state that these rules will be followed. So let’s do it! If that rabbit has a cold, an off color toenail, no permanent earmark, etc., get it off the table. We can’t have just one judge follow the rules and the next one giving a little; they must all know and follow the rules right down the line. This is a must and I know there have been, there are, and there will be more cases where this isn’t done. But it is not all the fault of the judge. Remember you are the one that hires that judge when you vote for him or her at the club meeting. Also it is you, the exhibitor, that puts some of this stock on the table that you know should be in the meat pen. Then even some like to raise a bit of H—when we do get cut down even though we do know the judge is right.
I don’t say anyone is perfect—the judge can easily make a slip and you, the exhibitor, can make a slip and get the wrong stock on the table. So how about it? We are all in the game to promote the betterment of our stock so let’s insist on that judge getting in there and going by the book. 11 shouldn’t make any difference if it is a fair show and there are no sweeps. It was advertised as being run under
Page Twelve
ARBA rules, so let’s do it! Let’s not bend those rules just to make an extra buck ($1.00). There may be a 4-Her in there that thinks they really have something because the judge didn’t put it off the table for some small thing. Then they next take it to a Sweepstake show and off it goes first. Then they feel bad and we may have lost a real good potential breeder. Really, there is no club that can afford to lose a new breeder.
How about it, folks. Let’s shape it up around the show bam.
Pat Krider
We are just a little bit prouder of our sweepstakes trophies this year than ever before. The reason for all this pride, is the cute little Abyssinian trophy figure designed by the San Gabriel Valley Cavy Club that is now perched upon the 1966 Aby Sweep-stakes trophy which went to Miss Joan Denman, Columbus. Ohio for winning first place with 3240 points! The Aby figure is a very good likeness of the animal it represents with its rosettes, mane and ruff.
Russ-L-Acre, Urbanda, Ohio won the first place trophy in Americans with 2448 points, and the first place trophy in Peruvians with 1149 points. Our second place trophy in Americans went to Richard Heoflich, Butler, Ohio whose cavies scored 1684 points, and the third place trophy went to Ron Jones who scored 1614 points. The Guidebook committee is hard at work. Chairman of the Guide is Mrs. Pat Krider. and working with her are Muriel Reid, Diane Ford, Irvin Reinhart, David Leeseberg and Tom Coatoam.
We are preparing the Guidebook with the beginning fancier in mind, but hope we have thought of something of interest for everyone. There will be several new articles, and some reprints of articles from earlier guides that are too good to be tossed aside.
During December we lost one of our hardest working members, Charles A. Henry of Saugus, Massachusetts. Mr. Henry had served three years as our Chairman and was beginning his fourth term as Vice Chairman. Merle Emery has been appointed by the Board to serve as Vice Chairman, and Harry S. Claus of Pennsylvania has been appointed to serve on the Board.
Specials time is here again! Don’t wait until September to send your special in to the club secretary, 56 Riverside Street, Portsmouth, R.I. 02871.
Western Illinois Youth Come Thru
The Western Illinois Youth Club came up with the idea they wished to sponsor and stage their entire Youth Club Rabbit Show — ‘On Their Own'. With a membership of eleven, they figured this a good omen and they added to this (1) Complete and thorough investigation (2) Organized various jobs and departments under a chairman (3) Planned their duties and procedures (4) Worked their plan (5) Followed thru with long range goals to fulfill.
The Lucky Eleven
Jerome LeComu, president; Kenneth McKittrick, vice-president; Shirley Diericks, secy-treasurer; and able and willing worker members Michael Brewer, Doug Ingels, Lyle Manthe, Annamary McClenning, Don, Robert and Ruth McKittrick and Melanie Taylor. Their Youth Club Directors are Annamary, Doug and Ruth. Don, is the club reporter. Mrs. Margaret Diericks, East Moline, is the adult advisor.
The young rabbit raisers knew, that if they staged a show, it took money. This was their first problem and they met it head on. Each member sold candy. From the proceeds, they purchased all awards and specials. They paid their ARBA judge. They offered a high percentage class pay back. The youngsters made a gift of $20.00 to the adult club to be used to purchase wire for additional show coops.
Their reporter sends monthly news to editor, Howard Morris, Illinois Rabbit News. All members help cut wire and assemble pens. They helped setup and tear down the Rock Island County Fair Show. They helped in policing the area, offering information, and take their turn as night watchman.
The eleven Western Illinois Youth Club members, ages 8 to 18, are building well, laying good foundation for success. The ARBA is proud of these industrious young folk and welcome their efforts. All of ARBA is the stronger because of fine young Americans such as these, who give strong promise of being the leaders of the future.
NEW ZEALAND WHITES (All Red, White 8. Blue Stock), American Blues. Breeding stock registered. Pedigrees with all orders. Highest quality for research, commercial and fancier use. Satisfaction guaranteed or return at our cost. All stock reasonably priced and shipped f.o.b. Write for descriptive details. Chenango Valley Research Farm, Box 118, RD 1, Greene, N.Y. 13778.
Mr. R. C. Schwab, State Agent for New Mexico, and his Local Agents did OUTSTANDING work. Below is the record of Census Reports secured.
Clyde D. Kuykendall . 9
Mrs. Jack W. Spence .... 6
Charles Schmid 6
R. C. Schwab .................4
John I. Herring...............3
Elmer H. Spence ..............2
L. B. Hite ...................2
Steve Jones ..................1
Howard Crossley ............. 1
John E. Fry ................. 1
W. W. Conn ...................1
Total for New Mexico 36
Mr. B. B. Rewey, State Agent for Montana, and his Local Agents did an OUTSTANDING job.
Beverley Ingersoll ..........13
Tom Winters 10
B. B. Rewey ................ 4
Mrs. Gene Sevems ............ 2
Total for Montana 29
Mr. Jess Williams, State Agent for Arizona, and his Local Agents did OUTSTANDING work.
Dorothy Dunban ...... 16
Jess Williams ............... 2
Total for Arizona 25
Mr. Earl D. Hord, State Agent, for Colorado was active himself, but was unable to secure help, according to his report.
The other State Agents were inactive. (Wyoming, Utah).
Recap of Census Reports turned in, District #2.
New Mexico 36
Montana 29
Arizona 25
Total 90
High records for Individuals: Dorothy Dunbar 16
Beverley Ingersoll 13
Tom Winters 10
Clyde D. Kuykendall 9
Let us know if we have wrong spelling, address or zip code.
Page Thirteen
U.S. Dept. Agriculture Dumps Us
Dr. Robert B. Casady, formerly with the U. S. Rabbit Experiment Station, Fontana, California, and the Sheep and Fur Animal Research Branch, Animal Husbandry Research Division, ARS, Agricultural Research Center, Belts-ville, Maryland, has accepted a position with the Foreign Research and Technical Programs Division of the Agricultural Research Service. His new office will be in the U. S. Department of Agriculture Administration Building, Washington, D. C. Dr. Casady will no longer have direct contact with the rabbit industry or be in a position to reply to inquiries from the industry. Though no one, as yet, has been selected to assume Dr. Casady’s responsibilities or contacts with the rabbit industry, inquiries may be directed to the Sheep and Fur Animal Research Branch, Animal Husbandry Research Division, Agricultural Research Center, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland, 20705, or to the Office of Information, Department of Agriculture, ARS, Federal Center Building, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782.
Don Smith, Registrar, P.O. Box 15, Waterloo, N.Y.
G. A. Burke, Judge, 6400 Scioto Darby Creek Rd., Hilliard, Ohio. Ph.: 876-7605.
Marvin H. Langeland, Judge, 1985 N. 9th Street, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001. Ph.: 616, 349-4424.
Harold Drudge, Judge, Rt. 1, Roann, Ind. 46974. Ph.: 982-2021.
J. Cyril Lowit, Judge, Rt. 2, Box 440, Troutdale, Ore. 97060.
Stan Freed, Judge, 1607 E. Sycamore, Kokomo, Ind. 46901. Ph.: 317 457-8084.
H. J. Merrihue, Registrar, P.O. Box 23123, New Orleans, La. 70123. Ph.: 504 729-2114.
Leonard L. Biskie, Judge, 2080 Hendershot Rd., Parma, Michigan. Ph.: 517 531-4015.
1967 ARBA
Syracuse, N. Y.
OCTOBER 9 to 12, 1967
Page Fourteen
New Zealands 132
Californians .................... 53
Silver Martens ................. 25
Flemish ........................ 15
Champagnes....................... 11
Checkered Giants 9
English ......— 8
Angoras 7
Satins 6
Dutch 5
Havanas.......................... 4
Am. Chinchillas .................. 3
Palominos 3
Rex .............................. 2
The World’s Largest Organization Of Rabbit Breeders — Built Upon Integrity and Service
PRICE $1.25
Our Membership Emblem
Use It On Your Printed Matter
If you wish one of the MEMBERSHIP EMBLEMS shown on right to appear on your printed matter, it is necessary that you secure an electrotype to reproduce it.
We offer them to members at low cost; their use means prestige to you and advertising for the ARBA.- Use on letterheads, circulars, booklets, Association premium lists, catalogs, etc. Two sizes shown on right.
This Size $1.50
SLEEVE & BACK PATCH Embroidered — 4 Colors 2*A Inch $1.25 7% Inch $2.25
1966 - 1970
Book of Standards Of All Recognized Breeds of Rabbits & Cavies
Standard & Registration Weights
104 Pages — 37
PRICE $2.00
Of our Membership Emblem Stickers For Windshield, Etc.
Size 4 By 4 Inches In 3 Attractive Colors
Each ........ ...25 Cents
6 For------------- $1.00
__ NO WASTE___
OUR SLOGAN — Electrotype, Size as Shown — $1.50.
RUBBER STAMP — Stamp It on Everything — $1.50
This Size $1.75
Show Your ARBA Affiliation by Using Above Emblem and Slogan
BEGINNERS BOOKLET — 325,000 sold, 48 JUDGES REPORT BOOK — used at most show*
paqes Illustrated, copy 25c; 12-$2.00; 24— for judging remarks and other information
$3.75; 50-$5.25 PRICE $1.25.
Page Fifteen
Membership Button in Bronze
Show your A.R.B.A. Affiliation by Wearing One of These Beautiful Buttons.
25 Originals
25 duplicate* Duplicates may be used as originals A total of 50 Blanks - A Breeding certificate on back of each blank PRICE $1.50
Original Format
Bound magazine