ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 2 - Mar/Apr
Collection: 1967 ARBA Bulletins

ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 2 - Mar/Apr
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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8 1/2 inches x 11 inches
American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 2 - Mar/Apr,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 11, 2025,
conformist in any sense, though in no sense could be considered a character, because he was well aware of the impact and reason for each of his idiosyncrasies. Charlie was wily as a fox.
The thought has often coursed my mind—What if I had been unable to visit Mr. and Mrs. Henry in their room at Kentucky Hotel, when he phoned me at my room. Sunday evening, October 16th, and invited me to spend the evening to reminisce the fleeting years.
Vol. 2 March-April, 1967 No. 2
Charles Henry and I had corresponded frequently over the years and had at times offered assistance, each to the other, in the filling of foreign shipments of rabbits. I remember well the surprise at the sight of Charlie and his immense mustache as he and Mrs. Henry entered the lobby of the Kentucky Hotel just 4 short months ago. The mustache was Charlie’s latest splendid departure from the normal. Charles Henry was not a
I did visit their room for 3!£ hours and the narration of my visit appears on page 10 and 11 of this issue of ARBA Bulletin.
Articles and photos for the new ARBA Guide Book are coming in at a slow pace however, the quality of articles and photos submitted, promises that this the new ARBA Guide Book, will be the
(Please turn to Page 3)
4323 Murray Avenue — James Blyth, Secy. —________________Pittsburgh. Pa. 15217
" Bill Molen
This issue of the ARBA Bulletin is a Commemorative issue. Dedicated to the memory of Charles A. Henry, 49 Auburn St., Saugus, Massachusetts. Charlie, ARBA Judge, registrar, civic and veteran affairs leader, commercial rabbit and cavy breeder and fancier par excellence.
The dedication goes still farther than memory alone it is dedicated to the heritage that Charlie leaves behind, one we may all do well to follow.
Charlie, was tough as nails, yet understanding and gentle. Charlie, was dedicated to the honored American principal, that you must work hard for what you want and believe In.
All of ARBA laments the passing, from the current scene, of Charles A. Henry; but his shadow will linger, for years on end. Not too often, does one of the .stature and dedication of principle of ■Charles A. Henry pass our way.
The center pages of this issue reveal much of the story of Charles A. Henry, as he related to me and supplied written facts and figures to substantiate that which he told.
*7He ‘Bul
W. E (Bill) Molen. Editor P.O. Box 8. Bronson. Kansas 66716 David Ford. Assistant Publicity Chm
Bett Hickman Virginia Flournoy
Joe Lutes Jodie Croker
Pat Krider Mark Youngs
Pat Giles Bing Harris
Wayne Willmann, Pres. James Blyth, Secy. Oren Reynolds. V -Pres Ellis Murray, Treas
Fred Applegate J Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W. E. Molen
Claude Bennett E. P. Shilliday
W H Kennedy Edward Stahl
Edward Toebbe
About the time you receive this issue of the Bulletin, our Secretary Mr. Blyth will be putting the finishing touches on the membership roster—preparing it for the 1967 YEARBOOK. I hope your dues are paid so your name will be included. If you can sign up some new members— do so—as we would like for their names to be included.
Also the 1967 YEARBOOK will carry the Constitution and By-Laws with the changes that were authorized at the Louisville Convention.
May I remind you that you should consult the up-to-date constitution when you think about writing a new resolution for this year's convention.
All new resolutions should be in the hands of Mr. Keith Forbush, Michigan, who is chairman of the Resolution Committee. His committee did such a good job in 1966 that I anticipate equal good service in 1967. Our Constitution requires all resolutions be in his hands 90 days before the Convention—which makes July 12th our deadline for this year.
I hope you have sent an Add or an article—or both—to Mr. Molen for the new Guide Book.
Also remember—we can do much to advance the raising and eating of rabbit if we will get behind the promotion of
National Rabbit Week July 16-22. Send to Mr. Molen for your materials. Other help for Commercial Rabbit raising can be secured from Chairman Phil Lohman, 11800 W. Howard Ave., Greenfield, Wise. 53228.
Members on the East Coast—in Tennessee—around Omaha, Nebr.—in Michigan—in Colorado—and in the state of Washington have contacted me about future Conventions and the possibility that they might some time sponsor such a fine affair. I hope you folks will continue your interest and do what you can.
Our biggest need in the ARBA seems to be willing workers who will assume some task and be faithful in seeing it carried out. If you have a favorite committee on which you would be willing to serve—please let me know.
Because so many new members have joined us during the past 12 months, and because many of us need a reminder—I am asking that the Instructions to Directors— to State Agents — and to Local Agents—be published in this issue of our Bulletin. I hope all State and Local agents will do a little more this year than in 1966—since they have had the past year to be acquainted with their tasks. I would like for the Directors to help locate replacements for those who cannot serve.
In Ohio. G. A. Burke has David Ross as his assistant; in Michigan Wm. Wein-hardt will have help from O. R. Chaney, Sr.; in Illinois Ted Wengert will have Don Reid, Don Covey and Robert Vance as assistants; in Iowa Rose Murphy will get help from Dorothy Newport and Ted Coleman; in Kansas Chester Roberts and Walter Schroeder will help Pete Naylor; in Minnesota Mrs. Ben Trygge-stad has Weldon Wahl to help her; in Nebraska Clair Shafer will count on Duane Shrader and Earl Daubert for help; in North Dakota we look to Owen Anderson to carry the ball; and in South Dakota Robert Roe and Harvey Men-nenga should make a good team. In Indiana Harold Drudge is counting on Robert Byrne and John Scott.
As other State Agents select their assistants — please inform your ARBA Director who is in charge of your State. He is supposed to report to me every 60 days the progress that is being made in your state.
May I extend my sincere thanks to all who are doing a good job.
Most Sincerely — Your President
Wayne Willmann
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best printed. It is hoped that a 200 page Guide Book will be ready for the printer in early summer of this year, 1967. Jim Blyth, Ed Stahl, Bill Molen are hard at work and have been for 2 months now, they need your support with articles and photos.
Your support is also needed in the manner of advertisements. Remember this is the publication that goes to each and every member of ARBA. Each new member receives a Guide Book, immediately upon joining our ARBA. The advertisers in this Guide Book, will be known immediately to each new member and each old member.
You will be gratified with the results of ads in the ARBA Guide Book.
Advertising rates are as follows:
$75.00.......Full Page
$40.00.......One-half Page
$22.50.......One-quarter Page
$12.50.......One-eighth Page
$5.00. . . Judges - Registrars
Breeder - Boosters Listing.
Prepare your copy and forward with remittance to Jim Blyth, secretary, 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217.
CHAIRMAN—JOE BOUTIN, 421 Ave. J., Port Neches, Tex. 77651.
ED CONROY. S.E. Belmont St., Portland, Ore. 97214.
NORMAN SIMBECK, R.R.#2, Old Florence Highway, Lawrenceburg, Tenn. 38464.
CLIFFORD BOUTIN, Rt. 1, Box 90-A. Buna, Tex. 77612.
DUANE SHRADER, 625 S. 51st St., Lincoln, Neb. 68510.
LARRY GRANNEMAN, RD #2, Wenz Rd., Wakeman, O. 44889.
RAY KLUGH, 2291 Munster, Pomona, Calif.
An all out effort is being made to get out a new Guide Book for the Californian Rabbit Specialty Club. We need a new Guide Book and the New Guide Book needs your support.
It will be six inches (6") wide by nine (9") long, with a 220 white glossy cover. The inside pages are to be 60 pounds white enamel paper. We plan to have some new articles that will add greatly to the use and arrangement of the Guide Book. With such an attractive book, what better place to advertise those nice Californians or related products that you might want to sell?
Glick lyifg. Co., Calif...............7
Edward H. Stahl, Mo................ ..4
Melvin E. Behrens, N.Y............... 4
B. W. Smith, Mo........ . ..3
V. N. Ashton, Ohio ... .2
Fred R. Apple, 111. ... .2
W. A. DeGraff, N.Y. . .2
Steven DeVries, Mich. 2
Raintree Rabbitry, La. . .2
Ted Wengert, 111........ ... 2
Meramec Valley RBA, Mo................3
Badger RBA, Wise.................... 2
Off To A Good Start HELP KEEP OUR MEMBERSHIP UP Much Depends On YOU.
THE BIGGEST membership drive ever undertaken by the AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASS’N.
WE SUPPLY FREE OF COST illustrated membership application blanks to insert in your outgoing mail or use in securing members by personal contact.
CASH COMMISSION PAID. A cash commission of 50c is paid on each membership to all who take part in this drive. Commissions are paid by check in January of each year to all who are credited with 3 or more members during the year. CASH AWARDS. In addition to the commissions paid, $150.00 will be awarded. $75.00 to individuals and firms, $75.00 to clubs and associations.
EACH WILL RECEIVE. For 1st award $25.00—2nd $20.00—3rd $15.00—4th $10.00 —5th $5.00. Commissions and cash awards paid on new members only.
FURTHER DETAILS. The cost of membership is $5.00. The full amount must be sent to headquarters at Pittsburgh, Pa., where a record of members received is kept and full credit given to the person or firm whose name appears on the recommended line.
How many blanks can you use.........
(Order One Year’s Supply Only)
Name ......... .....................
Address ............................
City .................State ........
Mail to: JAMES BLYTH, Secretary
4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Page Three
Marvin Cummings, Fla.................35
Andres Rodriguez, Texas . . .31
Walter Duby, Mass................. ..31
Marvin Carley, Vt............ ..26
Harold Drudge, Ind........... .25
H. M. Spince, Texas .. .....24
Ray Twyman, Mo.......................22
Harry Coles, Mo......................22
A. W. Williams, Wash.................22
W. H. Smith, Tenn. . . 20
Walter Voss, Ind.....................20
E. A. Wolff, Texas...................20
W. T. Robinson, 111.......... .... 18
Bernise Bloomquist, 111............ .18
Everett Johnson, 111.................17
Claudus Poer, Ind.................. .16
Robert Berry, Texas.......... ..16
Don Smith. N.Y.......................15
Lloyd Shantz, Canada ..................
Duane Shrader. Nebr..................12
Dean Penker, Colo....................10
John Hoblitzell. Fla.................10
Harold Guthrie. Ohio .................9
Hugh Betts. Tenn...... .8
Oren Reynolds. Ill.................. .8
H. M. Spence, Texas................. .7
Lawrence Stingley, Wash. .7
Harry Coles, Mo.......................6
A. W. Williams, Wash..................6
E. A. Wolff, Texas....................6
A. N. Breid, Mo..................... .6
Lewis Bowers. Ill................... 20
Floyd Shuck. Ohio ...................15
John Buekler, 111.................... 9
A. W. Williams, Wash................. 6
E. A. Wolff, Texas .................. 4
V. N. Ashton, Ohio ............... 2
Walter Duby. Mass....................28
Andre Rodriguez, Texas...............22
Harold Drudge, Ind. . .20
Walter Voss, Ind...... 20
Ray Twyman, Mo........ 17
Claudus Poer, Ind....................16
W. H. Smith, Tenn..................16
Lloyd Shantz, Canada 15
H. M. Spence, Texas................ .14
John Jennings, Iowa..................13
E. R. Kenyon, N.Y....................13
Merwn Davis. Ill.....................11
Jack Ellis, Mich.....................11
Harold Williams, Wash................11
Wm. T. Robinson, 111................ .9
Pete Naylor, Kansas . ..7
Marvin Cummings, Fla. . .6
W. F. Gilbert, Calif..................4
Walter Duby, Mass. . ... 3
Joseph Laura, Mass. . ..3
Robert Berry, Texas . .. 2
Donald Covey, 111.....................2
Rick Marsuchak, Ohio 2
We Won in 1966 . . . Trying in 1967
David Hughes, president of SEMO Rabbit Club, displays the National Rabbit Week, ARBA Champion Promoter Award. The SEMO local club was one of the 3 big winners in 1966. The ARBA will award 3 Champion Promoter Trophies in 1967. Has your club made plans for 1967? The ARBA has available Publicity Packets at S5.00 each—from Bill Molen, Publicity Director.
David C. Hughes, SEMO Rabbit Club
Being President of one of the winning clubs in National Rabbit Week promotion in 1966 makes me feel good. And every time I see that plaque the feeling is renewed. BUT, I do not feel that this makes me an authority on the subject. I feel that we won more by default than by our great effort.
The field is still wide open to every club that will try to win. And I would like to se every club try. Then regardless of who was on top, we would all profit from the mass effort. Rabbits are great, and all of us who work with them know that, but as far as the public is concerned they are unknown. They still need a lot of advertising.
More help is being made available this year than before. Mr. Bill Molen and the ARBA have prepared a packet of material and are offering this at cost to all who are interested. I do not feel that I spent $5.00 when I ordered this packet but that I invested $5.00 in the future of MY rabbits..
As to the how of promotion, it is very
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simple. You have a very news-worthy story to tell. Use every means available to tell it. Newspapers, Radio Stations, T.V. Stations, and every other news media in your area are interested in ideas, that you can convince them, their public will be interested in. Soft-soap them a little if you have to put remember that they are business men and should be approached in a business-like manner. Diplomacy is a great force, be diplomatic. But be confident too, you are a great people. I should know, I’m one of you.
July 16-22, 1967 National Rabbit Week but the supply of Promotional Packets are rapidly being strained. Remember, kthe cost is $5.00 and includes 3-color Bay-Glow auto bumper sticker; 2-color ^Day-Glow aerial pennants; simulated leather purse memo folders; ladies emery boards; rabbit recipe brochures; “Little Known Facts About Rabbits” and general information instructions for planning your local or state National Rabbit Week Promotion.
Clubs that have placed their orders and are readying a big campaign for 1967 include: SEMO Rabbit Club, South Central Missouri RBA, Gateway RBA, All-States Rabbit Club, Poudre Valley RBA, Pecos Valley RBA, Pete Kern, Indian State Agent Harold Drudge, Cactus RBA, Inland Empire RBA, Anne Harris for Michigan State and Mall City Club, Smokey Valley RBA, Evergreen RBA.
Make your effort a real one in 1967. Help the area you serve. Help your state association. This all helps the ARBA. Send for your Promotional Packet, today, $5.00. Send to Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, ^Kansas 66716. Don’t wait till the supply Ls exhausted—then be disappointed. We Still have a good supply. Also ARBA Promotional Book Matches, $1.00 per carton. Order today.
The Publicity Committee ask all of you, reading this, the Charles Henry Commemorative issue of ARBA Bulletin—to take stock of your dedicated and Old-Timer workers in your midst. Each of our areas and clubs have just such long-time hard workers. While they are yet with us among the living, why not honor them with a dedicated show and banquet. They most certainly will feel great, but the real kicker, you will feel even greater and happier.
Read what David Hughes, president of SEMO Rabbit Club, and one of the Champion Promoter Clubs that received
a beautiful ARBA Trophy says about the 1967 National Rabbit Week Contest. Promotional Packets, first come first served $5.00 cost, Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
The 4-H Rabbit Project interest is at an all-time high level of participation. Read activities by Horace Curtis in Washington, D.C.; Gulf Coast Club-Texas and Seminar at Pierce College, California. While on Youth activities read Katherine Robert’s—“On Forming A Youth Club”. She should know, having been on committee for years and has pushed Wyandotte County 4-H Fair to a whopping overflow entry. Katherine, also edited the ARBA Youth Bulletin.
Knoxville, Tennessee hosts the National Silver Marten Show. Ohio hosts both National Polish and National Californian. Iowa the National Checkered Giant with Kansas host to National Satin Show. Palomino National Show at Sedalia, Missouri.
The big show the 1967, 44th ARBA National Convention-Show, October 9-12, Syracuse, New York. Mrs. Morehead, has started the ball rolling with publicity releases and will keep one informed. Their next meeting is February 26th. We have included some memories of the 1959 Syracuse Convention-Show. It’s worth repeating. ’59 was a dandy but 1967 will be better. Remember, its “Syracuse In Sixty-Seven.”
Florida president Marvin Cummings offers some sage comments. May-June Bulletin will feature quite a Florida spread. Editor Pete Kern, Orlando, Florida has promised us some very timely material and it wil be tops, this I promise. Larry Wilt, York, Pa. has Cavy questionnaire, hope they go even farther and publish a questionnaire for York area breeders, to see if they favor putting on another excellent ARBA Convention.
Dunlap and Ritter, our newest Lifetime member honorees find place in our pages this month. Space in May-June Bulletin will feature photos of these two illustrious men. Photos this issue are of Charles Henry and some of his recent accomplishments, plus photo of David Hughes with his clubs “ARBA Champion Promoter Award” Trophy won in 1966 National Rabbit Week efforts.
Why Do We Go There?—Ellis Murray, has provocative article this issue relative to conventions. As Jim Blyth, mentioned last issue, who said a Convention-Show had to be big and sometimes cumbersome to be successful? A good smaller Convention is finer than a big undermanned and managed Convention. The bigger the better is not always true.
Contributors to this months Bulletin, include Orville Dee, Jack Pugh, Marvin Cummings, Joe Lutes, Don Snyder, Horace Curtis, Tillie Morehead, Bob
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Kahlor, Tommy Andrew, David Hughes, Katherine Roberts, Bevery Molen, Larry Wilt, Bett Hickman, Duane Shrader, Charles Haaf, Jim Blyth, Ed Stahl, Wayne Willmann and Ellis Murray rolled a perfect 300 game, sending in 2 articles and a poem.
Nebraska, Virginia, Maryland, Oklahoma, Kansas, Florida, California, Texas, New Jersey, New York, Illinois, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Ohio stepped up and helped out.
E. B. Murray,
No doubt many of the ARBA members wonder sometimes why a certain city is selected to have a convention. The statement “Have a convention’’ is incomplete. We should say “have a convention show.” The Board of Directors meetings and the open ARBA meetings are separate and apart from the rabbit show.
In the November-December ARBA bulletin starting on page five are the official convention guidance and show rules that the Board requests chartered clubs to adhere to and agree upon before the Convention Rabbit show is granted. These rules have been drawn up not to impose any hardship on the association sponsoring the convention but rather to protect YOU the members. The 1926 convention and the 1933 convention both conducted prior to any rules or requirements failed to pay their just debts and caused embarrassment to the ARBA and could have caused a financial loss to the ARBA and to any of its members involved. In the case of the 1926 convention this did happen causing the convention secretary to mortgage her home to pay off the indebtedness.
The most important rule is the one that requires the sponsoring club to be incorporated. This protects all ARBA members from any personal liability. Unfortunately the 1966 Convention Show was sponsored by the Falls Cities Rabbit Breeders Assn., which was not incorporated but the error was not detected by the ARBA Board until the premium list came out just 2 weeks before the opening of the convention show too late for any action to be taken. There was no excuse for such an error as the General Manager was a member of the Board of Directors of the ARBA. The only possible excuse
is that he has been very careless with ARBA rules on several occasions.
It does not require a large sum of money to put on a Convention Show. I will use the 1965 convention held at Pomona, Calif. Sponsored by the Calif. State Rabbit Breeders, Inc. They had no ready cash to start with. They sold shares in the Convention show at $50.00 per share. The sale of the shares was limited to ARBA members and ARBA chartered clubs. A limit of 50 shares was set and these were all sold in 6 weeks. When the books on the Convention show were closed each share holder received in return $60.50. Not bad interest for a 11 months loan?
Some Delegates to our Rabbit Convention shows have the mistaken idea that the quality of the Convention show is determined by the size of the entry. Thi is not true, in fact this writer thinks this is a very poor gauge to go by.
The 1963 Convention held in Sedalia, the 1965 in Pomona, were not large or good if you count entries. But both were outstanding in many ways. Both were held in cities under 40,000. The show rooms were ample, parking was easy, hotels-motels were ample and reasonable. Food was good. You received friendly treatment from the local citizens. In Sedalia we had the BEST co-operation from the city officials, Police Dept., and the merchants of any city we have ever chosen as a Convention city. I feel these things are just as important as having a overflow rabbit show. It is my opinion if you have good facilities and plan on an entry; yes even limit it to 1,500-2,000 you will end up with a lot of satisfaction and good-will. These things you can’t buy but will long be remembered.
The old saying “you can’t all be chiefs’! is so true when planning to put on a convention show. York, Pa., had its Bahn. Amarillo had Mr. Odell, Sedalia had Mr. Molen, and Pomona had Mr. Schnetzler. Two of these men had never attended a convention but they had a lot where it counts from—their neck up. They were leaders, not by force or coercion but because they were looked up to and respected by their fellow rabbit breeders. They chose competent breeders to head their committees and the whole operation turned out to be a success.
Has your state got a State Fair Grounds or other suitable buildings for show and meetings? Have you got a man for leader who will command the confidence and respect of all the rabbit breeders in your state? Will you as a breeder, and will your club financially support a convention? Will the Convention committee
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agree in writing when asking for the convention to abide by the Convention Show Rules? Will you be willing to give 6 days of your time and efforts to the Convention Committee? If your answer is YES to all these questions then the time to think about putting on a convention show is now. You can’t start too soon. How about 1968 or 1969? If you can agree to the above you will know WHY WE GO THERE.
Rill Molen
The 36th ARBA Convention & Show. Syracuse. New York was a dandy. We remember well reading the catalog prior to departing Kansas City. The spirit of the sponsors, the New York Rabbit Shows Inc., was evident from the very first page of their beautiful 106 page catalog. One of the paragraphs read. Instead of “Shuffle Off to Buffalo”, it will be “Marching Into Syracuse”. We are deeply indebted to all that gave their utmost in support and cooperation, when this change in Convention Cities became necessary.
The Syracuse Convention of 1959 of-ficiallv opened on a Saturday, however, we arrived late in the evening of Thurs-dav and happily we were able to help a little here and there, along the way to opening.
Ed Sturm, was the president of this group and it is said that a successful organization official is known by the excellent department heads they have and bv the few times the chairman has to appear upon the scene. The department heads were all experienced and few indeed were the times Sturm was called to the breech.
• We may miss some but remember we are only human and 8 long years .have passed. However, a big impression of efficiency was made by Harold May and Bill Ehlers, superintendents: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parmenteb working with Youth and other jobs. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Meyers put out an excellent catalog, attractive. well edited and concise. Who could complain of the wonderful service and food at banquet arranged by Vi Ehlers?
Ed Bender had the booths well in hand after a little confusion. A couple booth patrons arrived early, and set their displays up in wrong areas. My early arrival. placed me at the disposal, and able to help Mrs. Benedict, in her assembling of chairs and tables for the Rex Booth. Bing Harris, and others staged an absolutely fabulous commercial dress out and operation off the main entranceway to the show room.
Fred Wickman, in charge of Tours— showed Syracuse’s best—Oneida Ltd., University of Syracuse, Verman Park Zoo, Onondaga College for Girls. George Berl, in 1959 was the epitome of perfection as show secretary and again in 1967 will be at the helm. This is a tedious job and a demanding one but George is equal to the occasion.
Breed Chairman that I remember as being especially on the ball and working in perpetual motion, include. Howard Burmack. Flemish; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Avery, Lilac; Big Ed Sheppard, Polish; there were so many working in the Satin aisles that we will name some we remember: Dick Brewer, Mike and Mrs. Alessio and Harry and Mrs. Parmenter.
Judges verv clear in my mind from their outstanding work, include, Marvin Carlev with lots of pressure on in the New Zealand Whites, over $746.00 in specials alone: Marshall Hazard and a gang of Satins, with some very excited Canadian exhibitors and rightfully so, cause they had some big, big wins: Lawrence Ritter, with an entry of Flemish so large it took parts of 3 days. I often wondered how many weeks it took Ritter to ease his sore muscles after lifting these large rabbits, hour after hour. The Flemish had over $355.00 prize money up, thanks to Jack Rowe spearheading the project.
Bob Scott, did an excellent job with the cavies and not too long after this Syracuse event. Bob. passed to his reward. The DF initiations, were the most entertaining of any T have ever attended —seems judge Bob Scott, had ducked the initiation for years and when they finally got him in. his initiation included his being completely judged as a cavy, according to the Standard of Perfection. Judge A1 IGusl Fisher, Little Valiev. New York also received the works at DF.
The exhibition hall at New York Fairgrounds, includes a complete balcony circle for exhibition purposes, besides the ground floor area. I remember Dutch, Polish, Tans, and Cavies up top floor. Cavies made nightly forays from their coons, due to wire spacing. This was a little amusing to me in 1959 but come 1963 and our sponsorship of the Sedalia Convention, it wasn’t auite so funny. We had the same problem.
Unless my directions were completely off, and that may well be, because every-time I left downtown for the showroom. I became lost—the North end of the building had 3 judges working at one time that had the biggest contrast of styles that I have ever witnessed in the show room. All 3 were tops in their breed, and dedicated, but at the far end was Judge Jack Pugh, Baltimore. Maryland, working the Silver Martens—boy this guy has an attitude everyone is his enemy if
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he is in front of the judging table. This guy Jack, one of my good friends, is a fighter. In the center was steady, calm, reliable Carl Kroboth, Lexington, Kentucky, winding his way thru the Californian classes. With the homey Kentucky manner, spiked with Carl’s reserved manner, the Californians were soon dispatched to and in their proper placements. At the far end the last of the 3 judges, Jake Holmes, Calumet City, Illinois, had his big jaw of tobacco working overtime on the Checkered Giants— the equipment was just a little the wrong height for Jake and to top this there was one extremely troublesome class that had to be rejudged. Jake, wasn’t smiling, the sweat was popping and the tobacco chomping. These three judges, a sight, fit for posterity by camera and not one around.
Mrs. Russell Arch, Saginaw, Michigan, jumping like a jack-in-the-box when her club was announced as winner of the Wally Blair Scrapbook Trophy; Herb Butterworth, Grand Rapids, entering one solitary Flemish Giant and walking off with BOB. Edward Leppard, hypnotizing Giant Chinchillas. The fine River Hill Rabbitry Booth, of the E. Shultzs, Cata-wissa. Pa., and their stunning fur items. The V. H. Lang Trophy booth. It was also at the side of the Checkered Giant booth that Herb Layton and I talked and teased with Reg Weston, the better part of one afternoon, only to learn that Reg had passed on at the Hotel after leaving us at the booth.
I think the 36th ARBA Convention & Show at Syracuse, New York was one of the best I’ve ever attended, certainly the most memorable. I was glad after I arrived from a weary 1,500 mile drive that I did “March Into Syracuse,” and you can bet your bottom dollar I and 100’s more who had a fine time in 1959 will be in Syracuse for the 44th ARBA Convention, come, October 9th.
By Larry Wilt
A questionnaire is being circulated to help lay ground work for the organization of a regional cavy club. This questionnaire is designed not only to gather the names of potential members, but also to serve as a poll of cavy breeders.
For this questionnaire, write to: Larry Wilt, 1134 E. Market St., York, Pa., 17403.
Are you raising Cavies now? How many? What breeds? What varieties?
What are your reasons for raising Cavies? Lab? Show? Pet?
I am a member of the following; ARBA? ACBA? EASTERN R&CFA? List any others.
Would you be interested in joining a regional cavy club? Give your name, address and zip code.
Katherine Roberts
There is an official set of rules for forming an ARBA Youth Club. These are available from the Youth Club Secretary, Mrs. Delores Breckenridge. Rather than copy them I wil give you a short resume, along with an opinion or two of my own.
In forming a Youth Club there must be at least seven members who belong to the ARBA Youth Rabbit Club. The charter fee is $1.50. A Youth Club must either be sponsored by an adult club or an adult member of the ARBA. It is suggested that the Youth Club have two meetings a month with informative programs on rabbit raising. An occasional party or other social gathering will help maintain interest.
Having been a member of the ARBA Youth Committee for several years this next suggestion may sound strange. It is my belief and is a proven fact in myj local club that the Youth are better off and so is our club by having them as members of our local club. We give them a reduced membership and out of this we pay their ARBA Youth Club dues. Our kids have full membership privileges including a vote. For at least four years one or more Youth have been on the Board of Directors. We expect a lot from our kids and get it. If there is work to be done they do their share and more. They are still kids and still goof off sometimes but then our adult members do the same.
I do believe that whether they have their own club or are members of a regular club our kids have to know that they are an important part of our rabbit organization, whether at the local, state or national level.
Does your club have a Youth Division in your local show? You should. The first show or two your entries in Youth may be small, the quality doubtful, but watch things change as they get a little experience. Do have a separate Youth Judge, if at all possible. Use one that likes to work with children and ask him to take time to answer questions and explain things as he goes along. Here in our area very few of our judges will charge for judging youth division shows. Many of them seem to consider it a privilege to be asked. After a show or two with a Youth Division the quality of rabbits shown in Youth is as good and sometimes better than in open class. In fact, many of our Youth show part of their entry in the Open class with very satisfactory results and placements.
A rabbit cannot be shown in both the Youth and Open Classes but any youth can show different animals in the different divisions.
Now that you are considering (I hope)
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having a Youth Division in your next show, how about getting an ARBA Youth Club sanction. The cost is only $1.50. Points earned by members count toward the annual Best Display awards.
ARBA Youth Club membership is $1.50. I don’t know why but it seems everything is $1.50 in the youth club. These rates were apparently set when the first ARBA Youth Committe first planned the Youth Club.
Whether you sponsor a Youth Club or have a Youth membership in your local club, let’s get behind our kids and help them succeed.
To charter a Youth Club, sanction a show or send in a Youth membership write Mrs. Delores Breckenridge, 1487 Cole Rd., Columbus, Ohio. 43328.
President Marvin Cummings, Florida State RBA an active worker, one that is not one to go off without thoroughly exploring a situation and then and only then acting, has forwarded some timely suggestions, worthy of print and possibly stimulate us all. Marvin, also has some questions that pose a problem to him, maybe others.
“Mr. Molen, until receipt of your letter, I was not aware that a new ARBA Guide Book was in the offing. May I make a couple suggestions?”
1. Better photographs of various breeds. The last issue was a disgrace to some breeds. Surely, there is a professional photographer in the ARBA membership who could give of his time and talents and secure some really fine and typical outstanding photos for the ARBA Guide Book.
2. Give an advance notice and listing of the various kinds and sizes of ads available in the ARBA Guide Book, including ad prices and costs.
3. In regard to National Rabbit Week, the feeling prevailed in Florida in 1966 that since the demand far exceeds the supply of dressed rabbit for table use— that we in Florida would be wasting our time trying to promote something we cannot supply. However, after learning of the ARBA spirited interest and the supplying of National Rabbit Week— Promotional Packets in 1967—we may have to alter our stand of 1966. National Rabbit Week, properly promoted and presented could not only serve the purpose of creating more demand but could likewise secure more and more potential raisers of rabbits to meet the lagging supply.
4. I believe that if different localities, that have never sponsored a National ARBA Convention & Show, would be able to experience beforehand the won-
derful feeling that comes from serving the parent body, we would have less reluctance on the part of securing sites and sponsors for ARBA Conventions.
5. We feel there is too long a delay in the notification of State Agents, who in turn are delayed in starting their programs for their state.
Judge George S West
I have in the past thirty years raised most of the breeds of rabbits and I consider the Californian the best commercial breed, not because I originated the breed, but because it produces more meat per year with a better dress out and better texture of fur.
In 1923 I had the idea of originating a rabbit with better meat and fur texture; to develop a rabbit on the order of the way hogs and cattle are bred and improved—that is, to get broader shoulders, more meat, smaller bone and better fur. The Himalayan had the fur texture and small bone I wanted, the White New Zealand had the size and the standard Chinchilla had the desired meat type.
I then started to work with these breeds, crossing, recrossing, rejecting and watching development until in 1928 I had developed a rabbit that bred true to type and color and conformed fairly well to the rabbit I had visualized. All this produced a rabbit which dressed out a betteY percentage of meat and better texture of fur. I was fortunate in having as nearly as is possible pure strains of stock in starting this breed and without boasting should like to say my strain of Californians were exceptionally resistant to the prevalent rabbit diseases.
I named the rabbit “California Ermine”. A number of years later in applying for a standard there was some objection to “Ermine” and it was decided to call the breed “Californian”.
I do not have rabbits for sale, having sold my rabbltry and feed business in 1946.
If you wish information on Californian rabbits, contact the Californian Specialty Club or some of its members, who have breeding stock for sale.
I hope the above will be of some service to you
Editor Note: This is the first of 3 important articles on the Californian Rabbit. The May-June ARBA Bulletin will carry the 2nd article, Development of Breed, by Wesley Dixon and the July-August ARBA Bulletin will carry Commercial Value of the Breed, by Roy Fisher. These articles originally appeared in the February 1950, issue of California Rabbits Magazine, Nyda Kammerdiener, editor.
Page Nine
Bill Molen
The door to the Henry’s room at Kentucky Hotel was opened by Mrs. Henry, in response to my knock, at the rather late hour of 9 P.M., but the late hour bothered Charles Henry not one bit. He was hard at work on correspondence at the small desk in their room.
Charlie, looked up from his stack of papers and stuck out his hand in friendship, saying, “Bill, I’m sure glad you came up.” He followed, with—“Bill, there is no doubt the wife and I are getting along in years but we have no regrets. Between us we make up close to 158 years. Still both active and feeling good, and 48 years with the same woman, still, no regrets. We have a good rabbit and cavy business. We are only a couple who like to keep busy and when we do have to go to our reward—No regrets, just that we each pass quickly.”
How prophetic were Charles Henrys’ words to become when he swiftly and silently passed to his reward December 20th. Course this was like Charlie, one almost felt he planned his destiny.
Laying on the desk in front of Charlie, were business transactions with doctors and scientists throughout the U.S. There were letters from Japan, Mexico, Columbia, Ecuador, Taiwan. All evidence of the traffic and sales of Henry’s rabbits and cavies, throughout the world.
Charlie, had an extensive operation in a building 100’X110’ which he utilized for the propagation of the following animals, which at most times filled his hutches. The building featured an aluminum roof, which hail seemed to loosen at each heavy downpour or pelting. The rabbits were all housed in wire pens. Normally, 72 Polish breeders: 70 New Zealand White and 20 Dutch. Using large hutch pens 4 decked and small hutch pens 3 decked depending upon the breed. The cavies were housed in solid floored pens, 10 sows to 1 boar and normal capacity was 320 Americans; 60 Peruvian and 60 Abyssinian.
The Henry’s, both Mr. and Mrs. were quite proud of their rabbit activities and cavy accomplishments. They were equally proud of their affiliation with the ARBA. The Henry’s first convention was at New Haven, Connecticut, year 1935. In the passing years, they missed only one, that at Long Beach, year 1949. Charlie, possessed badges, ribbons and other paraphernalia to back his claims. There were only 3 such annual items missing and Charlie was very upset that they were not ready to touch when departing for Louisville.
He went on at great length and for many minutes of how the convention of years gone by were so completely dominated by the excellent rabbits exhibited
by Ed Stahl. Charlie, would not venture the exact number of years, but said they were many—when Ed Stahl, year in and year out, convention after convention would be the heavy winner and winner of Best Display of Convention.
Charles Henry, said he judged them all for 17 years and many of us vividly recall how he would turn to the show writer, and say, “As I see it today, this animal is First”—or Fourth or whatever the placement; and then go on to give his complete remarks.
Years back Charlie, recalled he judged almost 95% of the shows in Maine. Also for a number of years when rabbit shows were predominately Chinchilla Rabbits. Big Flemish shows South of Boston, were also highlights of his recollections.
In recent years some of Charlie’s highlights of judging were the All Polish Show at Pittsburgh, Pa. 1966. Cavy judging at Pomona and Springfield and he auickly added, “Tomorrow, I will judge Polish here at Convention and though I would like to judge them again at 1967 Convention, rules will not allow it. However, 1968 will soon be here and maybe then.”
Charles Henry, was 14 years secretary-treasurer of the Polish Rabbit Club. Polish Club records indicated that a total of 278 members had at one time graced the club roles, when he took over. Since Charlie’s tenure as Secretary a total of over 800 members have been added to this figure. Charlie, recalled that he had been instrumental in compiling and issuing the 1957 and 1966 Polish Guide Book and Standard. Rightfully the 1966 Guide Book should have gone to press in 1964, but was held up as Charlie said, “To revise and edit some of Charlie Henry’s english. Then when it did finally come out, only 1 word in the last paragraph of Standard was changed.”
Charles Henry, was 3 years chairman of Board of Governors of Cavy Club and the same number of years vice-chairman. I don’t know whether it would be correct to say Charlie was dissappointed or bitter at the action taken at Portland Convention, when the name of the parent body was changed from American Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Association, to The American Rabbit Breeders Association. There was definite glow in his eyes and raising of tone of his voice when he discussed. He felt until Portland the association name showed an equality of interest and importance of the rabbit and cavy in the parent organization. He said, “We know cavies are not rabbits—yet, now, they are classified a specialty club within the ARBA and delegated to second class stature.”
Two letters relative to the origination and ownership of the original cavy Standard were prized possessions of his.
Twenty-six years a 4-H leader. Twelve years chairman of AR&CBA 4-H Committee. Forty-seven years service to area fair associations, commencing with affiliation with Greater Boston Poultry Show. Originator of Massachusetts State Show Circuit. Incorporator of present Massachusetts Federation of Rabbit & Cavy Clubs. He smiled as he recalled, that neighboring state local clubs were invited in, they declined, and formed rivaling Show Circuit. “Where do they hold most of their shows, my home base, where a new 70’X 400’ steel building is available. The same building I use for my operation.’’
Charles Henry, offered a personal opinion regarding the decline of activities in local clubs. Charles Henry’ contention, “Most rabbit clubs are officered by people, who at one time had a few rabbits, but are now non-breeder politicians.” The ARBA is the better for men like Charles A. Henry. Like so many others, I too am glad I knew him, and was his friend. No fitting word to best close this testimony. Charlie, was hard as nails but Charlie was a worker, tried and true.
This past Spring I was asked by ARBA President Willmann to visit the 4-H headquarters here in Washington, D.C., and try to establish a contact between the ARBA and the National 4-H. This I did along with my other committeeman, Mr. William Lockwood. We first visited the 4-H Foundation and met with Mr. Sief-reit, who is the Publicity and Public Relations Representative. He gave us an organizational briefing and also suggested that we talk with Mr. Downey, 4-H Director, employed by the United States Government. We visited with Mr. Downey and his staff who very carefully explained the purpose of the 4-H and the whys and wherefores of the reason for their judging by the Danish system. Incidentally the 4-H is the only organization for youth that is sponsored and financed by the United States Government.
The prime purpose of the 4-H is to encourage and educate youth. They claim that the Danish system does this since it divides the rabbits into three groups. The better group is given a Blue ribbon, the good group is given a Red ribbon and the poor group is given a White ribbon. The animals are then placed in their respective places within these groups. However the system of judging is left entirely up to the local 4-H leaders and representatives and they are not required to use it. Most people think the Headquarters here in Washington issues orders and sets the rules for the leaders
in the field to follow. This is untrue. They merely give guidance.
Now let us think just a little about how our ARBA system of judging and how the better ARBA judges go about judging a class of rabbits. As the judge checks over the class for disqualifications or eliminations he actually goes about grouping these animals into at least three categories, the best ones, the good ones, and the poor ones. He then proceeds to place them from the bottom up to the best rabbit in the class. When the remarks are given the poor ones receive the worst remarks—the good ones receive good remarks and the best ones are usually given pretty good remarks.
Is this any different from the Danish system? Actually it is pretty close. Therefore there shouldn’t be any problem for one to judge the ARBA system and for the 4-H Secretary to fulfill the requirement of the 4-H (if they insist on the, Danish system being used). f
Let me attempt to explain how I have been successful in handling the situation. When I judge a show in a section of the country where the Danish system is used I follow this procedure. First, I explain to the 4-H leader how our ARBA system of judging works; that I must conform to it and that it has a Standard of Perfection for each breed that is unequalled anywhere. The leader recognizes the superiority of the system. However, if they say that they must conform by the Danish system, then I explain the two systems to them in this manner. I instruct the person who is writing the remarks and marking the show sheets to listen closely to my remarks and that as long as I am using the word “poor” in my remarks, the rabbit will belong in the low group, when I change my remarks and begin using the word “good” in my remarks this is the middle group and when I start using “Very Good” or “excellent”^^ in my remarks then this animal will b‘^^R in the first group or best group. This^^ system has worked very successfully and usually with a little extra effort on the part of the judge the show is judged by the ARBA system and the 4-H secretary is able to meet the requirements nf their 4-H leadership by their grouping the rabbits as they desire. Using this procedure both systems of judging have actually been met.
There are several problems which can be encountered when judging 4-H rabbits. One of which is the class for one rabbit when it cannot be disqualified or eliminated according to ARBA rules. ARBA rules state we must give it a first place if it doesn’t disqualify or eliminate.
It may actually not be a very good specimen or it may be very good. The 4-H use of the Danish system requires that this animal be placed in a quality class,
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Very good, good, or poor. If care is exercised when remarks are given to the secretary, the 4-H leader can easily determine the quality group it fits into by your remarks.
Perhaps the most difficult problem in 4-H judging is when we run into animals of unknown origin (mixed). These according to the rules of the ARBA cannot be judged by licensed ARBA judges. Let me explain how this situation may be handled. First talk with the leaders casually and find out how they have the animals classified, whether they are according to breed or not. They will no doubt welcome your interest in their problem. If they know anything at all about rabbits, they will know whether there are mixed rabbits entered in the show with the recognized breeds. If there are mixed rabbits, explain to the Secretary that you are not allowed to judge them but that if they will separate them from the regular breeds and place them together according to age and sex that you will see to it that they are checked over. Seldom will there be a refusal to do this because when a 4-H leader knows you are willing to help in any way possible they are most cooperative so that the judging job may be accomplished. All it takes is a little effort and thoughtfulness to handle the situation. We as judges are representing a national system of recognized judging and we should act accordingly.
I always select one or more youngsters who are either showing rabbits or show an intense interest in them to assist- me in holding the rabbits during the judging. When I am judging I let the youngster see and feel and ask as many questions as he or she wants to ask. This is quite a challenge to them and they are willing and eager to learn. I try to determine the temperament and humor of the child and also how much he knows about rab-jbits. After I have judged the recognized '' reeds with the youth assisting me, and the time comes for someone to judge the mixed rabbits, I step from behind the judging table and let one of the young people who has been assisting me do the judging of these rabbits based on the knowledge that the child has shown in assisting me on the recognized breeds. I will instruct them to judge them for meat qualities only. I then step away from the table keeping within sight. As each animal is placed I usually ask a question to ascertain his capability to judge, asking why he placed the rabbit as he did. Usually a great deal of interest and enthusiasm and participation is shown in this type of instruction. If there is more than one class I try to let several children take their turn. In this way the youth are learning and I as an ARBA judge have been conforming to
the ARBA rules and helping the youth of our country at the same time.
We hope in the not too distant future the ARBA system of judging will be the recognized system for judging 4-H rabbits. Since the National 4-H Headquarters only guides the local clubs instead of telling them exactly what they must do, it is more difficult to get the system changed. Many judges have been able to get the local 4-H leaders to adopt our system in their locality. We believe we can get this worked out but it will take time and patience. The National 4-H was glad to see my Committee and are looking forward to more progress.
I would like to say in closing that only through cooperation, patience and understanding can the rabbit industry progress. The youth who are raising rabbits today in 4-H will be the members of the ARBA in the future. They are eager to learn and work with us. All we have to do is work with them.
Horace M. Curtis
Committee in Washington
Don J. Snyder, 212 S. 37th St., Nederland, Texas 77627 reports the Gulf Coast RBA have initiated an ambitious program for 1967, which they hope will grow bigger and better each year, eventually growing into a National Awards Program for 4-H rabbit projects.
The Gulf Coast Club is in the center of a very large 4-H rabbit project area and are leading the way with new programs. They have offered and will award 2 beautiful trophies in 1967, to the top two 4-H rabbit project record book winners of Jefferson County, Texas. They report excellent cooperation from their assistant county agent, in this effort.
It is felt by the Gulf Coast Club that their pilot project may be of interest to other areas of the U.S. and that support from ARBA would be most welcome and fruitful. T othis end we have forwarded correspondence to Mr. Horace Curtis, Chairman of ARBA Committee at Washington, who has had some excellent results of initial contacts with 4-H in Washington, D.C.
Let us know if we have wrong spelling, address or zip code.
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Fort Wayne R.B. Ass’n, Robert Gebhart, 2105 Covington Rd., Fort Wayne, Ind. Chinchilla Show
Mar 11
Stark Co. R&CB Ass’n, Mrs. John Ritz, 2850 Harmont Ave., N.E., Canton, Ohio Mar 11-12 Gulf Coast Rabbit Club, Mrs. Alma Ogg. Rt 3. Box 243, Orange, Texas Mar 12
Kaw Valley Rabbit Club, Pete Naylor, 2019 N. 13th, Kansas City Kan. Mar 12
Baltimore Co. R&CB Ass’n, Warren J. McNamara, R 2, Box 36, Reistertown, Md. Mar 12 Northern 111. R Ranchers, Mrs. Dora O’Hare, 1015 Franklin, Winthrop Harbor, 111. Mar 12
Fort Wayne R.B. Ass’n, Robert J. Gebhart, 2105 Covington Rd., Fort Wayne, Ind. Mar 12
Michigan State R B. Ass’n, Betty Torrey, 4005 Jackson Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. Mar 16-18
Decatur R B Ass'n, Mrs. V. L Casper, 2880 White Oak Dr . Decatur, Ga. Mar 17-18
Kansas State Dutch R B., Mrs. R L Ernst. 301 E. First, Hoisington, Kan. Mar 19
Champagne Co. R B. Ass’n, Mrs. Viletha Lindsey, RR 3, Champion, 111. Mar 19
Fairfield Co. R B. Ass’n, Victor T. Sweetland, 264 Chestnut Hill Ave , Norwalk, Conn. Mar 19 N. Central Iowa R B Ass’n. Lu Verne Vannatta. Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa Mar 19
Wichita Falls Valley R.B. Ass’n, Barbara Hansard, Rt. 2, Wichita Falls, Texas Mar 18-19 West Texas R B. Ass’n, Paul Grohman, 1726 Green, Abilene, Texas Mar 23
Pony Express R B. Ass’n, Cecil N. Green, 1809 Beattie, St. Joseph, Mo. Mar 25-26
West Texas R BA. Tom Whiteaker, Rt. 3, Box 200, Abilene, Texas Mar 25
Iowa State Ck Gt. Club, Dorothy Newport, 2401 Wilson Ave., S.W., Cedar Rapids, Ia Mar 26-27 Silver Martin Rabbit Club, Mrs. G. H. Conner, 917 Moody, Knoxville, Tenn Mar 31-Apr. 1-2 Mall City R.B. Ass’n, O. R. Chaney, 3716 Wood-hams Dr., Kalamazoo, Mich. Mar 31-Apr 1
Stanislaus Co. R.B. Ass’n, Virgilene Schmitz. 5412 Roeding Rd , Hugsac, Calif Apr 1-2
Three Corners Rabbit Club, Mrs. R. Schlotthauer, Box 513, EUinwood, Kan. Apr. 1-2
New Jersey St. R&CB Ass’n, Barbara Jahrling. Box 291, Peapack, N J. Apr 2
Houston All Breed Rabbit Club, Frances Withrow, Rt 1, Box 128 G, Katv, Tex Apr 2
Eastern Dutch R.F. Club, Christine V. Hall, RD 2, Box 140, Quakertown. Pa. Apr 2
Free State R B. Ass’n, Mrs. Mina S. Uebel, R 1. Yeagertown Rd . Mt. Airy, Md. Apr 2
Grundy Co. R B. Ass’n, Mrs. Dorothy Johnson, RR 1. Box 30, Mazon, 111. Apr 2
Western Mass. R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. G. A. Carbon-neau, Granville Rd., Box 311, Southwick, Mass
Apr 2
Central Iowa Rabbit Fanciers Keith DeWitt. East & Sixth St., Gladbrook, Iowa Apr 2
Smoky Mountain Valley Rabbit Breeders Assoc., Wm. Wholey, Rt. 18, Harrell Rd., Knoxville, Tenn Apr. 1-2
Gaston Co R.B. Ass'n. R. G. Watson, 7 North Main St , Belmont, N.C. Apr 7-8
Little Kanawha Rabbit Club, Betty A. Wingrove, Box 62, Waverly, W. Va. Apr 7-8
Kaw Valley Rabbit Club, Alice Naylor, 2019 N. 13th, Kansas City, Kan. Satin Show Apr 8-9 South Jersey R.B. Ass’n, Harry S. Claus, 6236 Washington Lane, Cornwells Hgts., Pa. Apr 9 Michiana R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. Myrl Milhahn, 480 Green St., Constantine, Mich. Apr 9
Elgin RB Club, Mrs. June Dutton, R 1, Box 167, So. Elgin, 111. Apr 9
North Texas R.B. Ass’n, A1 Rodriguez, 2020 Pleasant Dr., Dallas, Texas Apr 9
Akron Rabbit Club. Inc., M. L. Clevenger, 428 Palm Ave., Akron, Ohio Apr 14, 15, 16
Van Wert Co. R.B. Ass’n, Jo Ann Lewis, Box 15, Middle Point. Ohio Apr 15-16
Iowa State RB Ass’n, American Checkered Giant Rabbit Club. Dorothy Newport. 2401 Wilson Ave , S.W, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Apr 15-16 New Mexico RB. Ass’n, Mrs. L. B. Hite, 2003 No Garden, Roswell, New Mexico Apr 15-16 Indianapolis Rabbit Fanciers, Ruth Scott, RR 1. Box 122, Morristown, Ind. Apr 16
Lebanon Valley R&CB Ass’n, Alfred W. Fisher, RD 1, Box 505, Palmyra, Pa. Apr 16
Decatur Area R.B Ass’n, William McKee, RR 3. Box 87, Decatur, 111. Apr 16
Falls Cities R.B Ass’n, Harold C. Quick, 4619 So. 1st. Louisville, Ky. Apr 22-23
Pittsburgh R.B. Ass'n, Sophie Polcsak, RD 1, Valencia, Pa. 16059 Apr 22-23
Kankakee Valley R.B. Ass’n. Mrs. Mary Strom, 2220 Black Rd., Joliet, 111. Apr 23
Lima R&CB Ass'n, Dale Place, R 3, Wapakonetn. Ohio Apr 23
York Co R&CB Ass’n, Gerald E. Liek, RD 1, Hellam, Pa. Apr 23
Mid Counties R.B. Ass'n. Fred Stan Freed. 1607 E. Sycamore, Kokomo, Ind. Apr 23
Council Bluffs RB. Ass’n, Jean Johnston, 1401 No. 20th St., Council Bluffs, Iowa Apr 23
50. W. Va. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n, Sandra Witt,
3241^ 21st St.. Dunbar, W. Va. Apr 22-23
Western Mich. R.B. Ass’n, Pete Hager, 6930 Willard, S.E, Grand Rapids, Mich. Apr 28-29 Ohio State Dutch Rabbit Club, Donald F. Weeks. RR1, Highland. Ohio Apr 29-30
Oklahoma R.B. Ass'n, Virginia L. Pavey, 425 S.W. 45th, Oklahoma City, Okla. Apr 29-30
Williams Co. RB Ass’n, Robert Burns, R 2. Edgerton, Ohio Apr 29-30j
St. Clair Co. RB Club, Mrs. L. Abbott, 11( Ash, East St. Louis, 111. Apr 3il
Tri County R.B. Ass’n, David Brueggemann. W195 S7234 Racine Ave.. Muskego, Wise Apr 30 Capitol District FF, Joan Schiermeyer, RFD 1. Averill Park, N Y Apr 30
Portsmouth Rabbit Breeders. Marion Bess. Portsmouth. Ohio May 6-7
Ohio State Silver Marten Club, Mildred Beatty. RD 1, Apples Corner, E. Liverpool, O. May 6 Illinois-Indiana Am. Ck Giant R. Club Ivan Holmes. 440 Pulaski Rd, Calumet City, 111
May 4-6
Kiam Egyptian R.B. Ass’n, Marilyn Ward, Fair-view Dr., Carmi, 111. May 7
Progressive Rabbit Club, Mrs. Chester Roberts. 4742 Parkview. Kansas City, Kansas May 7
Paulding Rabbit B Ass’n, Dale Broff, Box 28. Latty, Ohio May 7
All Flemish Giant R Show, Herb Anthony, 746 Garfield Ave., Newark. Ohio May 6-7
Richland Co. R.B Ass’n, Hildred Crabbs. 1871 Rock Rd., RR 8, Mansfield, Ohio May 6-7 Iowa State R B Ass’n, Dorothy Newport. 2401 Wilson Ave., SW Cedar Rapids, Iowa May 6-7 Convention and Show, Mason City.
Progressive R.B. Ass’n, Duane Shrader, 625 So
51, Lincoln, Nebr. May 7
Central Conn. R. & C. Breeders, Gertrude Dansro, 15 Fairview PI., Kensington. Conn
May 14
Cattaraugus Co R.B. Ass’n, Dorothy Strum, 410 So. Union St., Olean, N.Y May 1 i “
Buck’s Co. R.B. Ass’n, Sarah Siegrist, RD ll Collegeville, Pa. May 14^
Huron Co R B Ass’n Wells Ortner US 20 Rt. 1, Collins, Ohio May 13-14
Tulsa R.B. Ass’n. Bill Spicer, 1710 E 71st North, Tulsa, Okla. May 13-14
Terre Haute R&CB Ass'n, Donald Cook. 1320 First Ave.. Terre Haute, Ind. May 13-14
Illinois R.B. Ass’n, Florence Ayers. 2912 Hoover Ave , Springfield, 111. May 14
Lawrence Co RB. Ass'n. Mrs. Norman Sim-beck, Rt. 2, Old Florence Hwy., Lawrenceburg.
May 19-20
New England N Z R B Ass’n, George Smith, RR 1, Box 211, Thomaston. Conn. May 20-21 Morgan Co. R.B. Ass'n. Mrs Donald Thacker. P.O. Box 208, Paragon, Ind. May 20-21
Zanesville R.B. Ass'n, Edna Andrews. Rt. 3. Newark. Ohio May 20-21
Springfield R. B. Ass'n, Juanita Fisher, 819 East Kearney St., Springfield, Mo. May 20-21 Illinois RB Ass’n, Madison C.R.B. Ass’n, Orville Isken, RR 1, Box 69B. Bethalto 111 May 21 Tri City R.B. Ass’n, Helen Forsberg, RR 2, Box 150A, Davenport, Iowa May 21
Harvey Co. R B Ass’n Ramon Bloak, Box 422. Moundridge, Kansas May 21
Ohio Rex RB. Ass’n, Grace Haaf, RD 3, Box 230, Wellington, Ohio May 26-27
Page Fourteen
Ohio Calif. R. Spec. Club Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Road. RR 3. Mansfield. Ohio May 26-27 P.&O. Rabbit & Fur B Ass'n, Mable Brucker, R 2, Box 251, West Middlesex, Pa May 19
Ohio State R B. Ass’n, Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Rd., RR 3, Mansfield, Ohio May 28
Central Wise. RB Ass'n, Charles Riley, 416 Nash Road. Wisconsin Rapids, Wise. May 28 Green Mountain R.B. Ass'n, Shelia Rondeaux. 31 Lincoln Ave.. Rutland, Vt. May 28
National Capital R.B.A., Cynthia D Ray, R 1. Box 203, Germantown, Maryland May 27-28
Leonard Dunlap, Kansas and Lawrence Ritter, Maryland, two of our truly great rabbit fanciers, breeders and judges trace their activities almost to the last century. Dunlap and Ritter along with Bryant and Caudill were honored by the bestowing of lifetime member, judge and registrar award at the Louisville Convention, 1966.
ARBA dedication and principles have been their aim. Assistance whenever asked and if not asked, they volunteer. Youth activities and assistance to Youth and younger breeders and judges has been their forte.
The present day interest to rabbits and to ARBA is testimonial to the fact they have applied themselves well in dedication to purpose. They have met the call. We are the better for their answering.
Each of these stalwarts would enjoy hearing from their many friends and may be addressed as follows: Leonard A. Dunlap. 1321 N. 4th, Arkansas City, Kansas 67005. Lawrence T, Ritter, 7435 Inwood Ave., Baltimore, Maryland 21228.
Leonard A. Dunlap, long time ARBA member, judge and registrar, was honored and awarded a lifetime member, judge and registrar of distinction.
Dunlap, who resides in Arkansas City, Kansas, has ben keenly interested in the (rabbit industry for more than forty years: the last thirty years raising purebred stock only. Many breeds of rabbits have benefitted because of Dunlap’s intense interest and his application of sound breeding practices and principles.
Dunlap joined the American in 1938, became registrar in 1941 and a judge in 1943, taking his examination under the late Judge Marion Stoner of Wichita.
In the years when Judge Dunlap was most active in the judging field he worked all the big shows in Kansas, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Colorado. Arkansas with regularity. As time permitted he worked shows in many distant states. On these trips, as in his other rabbit activities, Leonard was always accompanied by his wife, Lesta Mae. Mrs. Dunlap has been confined to a wheel chair for many years. But this has never dampened her spirits or posed
a problem for her keen interest in rabbits and rabbit breeders.
Living in Kansas for the last fifty years, Dunlap was one of the leaders in organizing the first rabbit club in the state. This club was formed in Wichita in 1941 and the meetings were first held in the basement of the Dunlap’s home at 1912 South Seneca.
The Dunlap's left Wichita in 1946, moving to Corbin, Kansas a small hamlet near the Oklahoma-Kansas border. While residing in this area, they were very active in rabbit organizations at Black-well, Enid and Seiling, Oklahoma. Leonard played a leading role in the reorganization of the Oklahoma State Rabbit Federation. In 1949 a special meeting was called for the purpose of reorganization: —J. Cyril Lowit served as chairman and Wally Blair, publisher of Small Stock Magazine and ARBA Director acted as secretary of this important conclave.
A most memorable occasion in the Dunlap’s many years of rabbit association and activities, occurred at the date of their 50th Wedding Aniversary. Various members of the Oklahoma Rabbit Federation were instrumental in an open house at the Dunlap’s home. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Dee, Enid; Daisy Valouch, Oklahoma City and Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCovney, Tulsa were the active host. This was June 24, 1962 and droves of rabbit folk from Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma kept a steady stream of activity at the Arkansas City, Kansas home of the Dunlaps.
The outstanding work and efforts of Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap over the 40 plus years with rabbits, has been the intense desire to help the young breeder. Leonard, has always worked close with the 4-H boy and girl members with an interest in and of rabbits. Leonard, has even went out of his way to interest those that had not so pi*eviosly been engrossed with the worthiness of a 4-H Rabbit Project. Even in 1967, there is hardly a week that passes without 1 or more youngsters visiting and learning of rabbit from the Dunlaps. Again in 1967 Judge Dunlap is serving as leader of rabbit projects in Cowley County, Kansas.
Time has taken its toll on Judge Dunlap as to the number of shows he can attend and officiate at; likewise time has narrowed the geographic area which he can serve. However, he is still called upon and works as judge at many of the smaller fairs and will handle some classes at the big Midland Empire Show, March 4-5 at Iola, Kansas. The Dunlap’s still attend the bigger shows for chance to wisit with their droves of rabbit friends accumulated over the years. New Zealand Whites and Reds are still ac-
Page Fifteen
tively raised and improved at the Dunlap Rabbitry.
Judge Lawrence T. Ritter has retired from a long, dedicated and chosen lifetime of farming. Ritter, is living off the land he loves so well and has truly been the only life he has known, work and toil in the true tradition that has made America great.
Ritter, is known throughout the Eastern Seaboard as the “Old Master” because of the legend built upon years of rabbit raising. Years of dedication and improvement of rabbit breeds. Years of unselfish work with young judges and those aspiring to be ARBA judges or Registrars. Years of voluntary help and guidance to Youth groups of his state and area.
The application of “Old Master" is rightfully bestowed and worn by Judge Ritter. He was born in 1899, son of a prominent poultry judge and small stock raiser of the period. Because of his father duties as judge, Ritter, entered the intriguing world of poultry and rabbit exhibition shows at the tender age of 9. It was in 1914, young Ritter was the proud owner of some beautiful specimen of Flemish Giants imported from Germany.
Mr. Ritter, judged without license, a practice permitted at that time, during the infancy and while a member of the old National Pet Stock Association. Upon the absorption or combined organization of groups and the eventual forming of the present ARBA. Lawrence T. Ritter, secured his official judging license in the early 1930's and has since applied himself to the upholding of the ARBA and its
principles. Judge Ritter, is the first official ARBA judged licensed on the East Coast and is still actively judging, being much in demand and sought out to handle the big shows.
Some of the outstanding judges of our great history with whom Ritter has had the privilege of working: John Fehr, Lou Griffith, Oscar Schultz, James Blyth, to mention a few. His roots are deep and still growing.
Many are the shows, fairs and exhibitions he has officiated over the years. Likewise he has worked at many ARBA Conventions. His handling of the tremendous entry of Flemish Giants at the 1959 ARBA Convention, Syracuse, New York was an excellent example of the fine job he does.
Judge Ritter and wife Naomi have raised an outstanding son and daughter to adhere to the same high ideals and principles that have been their guiding light, throughout the years. May the ARBA and our country always be blessed with the quality of members and citizens as are the Ritters.
Phillip Alampi, secretary, department of Agriculture, State of New Jersey, is very enthusiastic of the wonderful support and accomplishments of the New Jersey State R&CBA participation and promotion of their department during the New Jersey Farmers Week, 1967.
The highlight of the program was an address, accompanied with slides and pictures, presented by Tommy Andrew, Shavertown, Pennsylvania. Program date was January 28, Trenton, New Jersey.
Bunny Grove ... Twin Valley Rby.
J. Gognat ......
Guarantee Rby. .
D. Reid ..........
H. Betts .........
R. Forman ........
Dixie Rabbitry ......Ga
Dixie Rabbitry ......Ga.
State Breed Peg it Ear #
. .. Calif Satin . .. 7055 X . ... 10K
. . . N.Y Blue Dutch .. ...5996 X V 181
.. .Ky Ck. Giant . ..
. . .La N.Z . . . 4413 X .. ...G 267
... La N.Z ...4408 X . ...G 302
... La N.Z . .. 6654 X . . . . G 316
... La N.Z ...6651 X . RH 61
N.Z. White . .. ... 53 X . . . .HC 38
. . .Mi Cal ...8648 X ...21 B
...Ill Flemish ...4453 X . .6 MO
...Tenn Cal ...9279 X . . . B 414
. .. Vt Satin ...4223 X 6 M<~>
...Ga Eng S R2
. . .Ga Eng
. .. Wn Palomino .... ... J 42
R. Twyman Mo N. Z . . .44 TC
K. O. Engler . . . Ohio Blue Eye Polish . 455 X EX
C. Persails Mich N.Z. White .2518 X CAC 2
C. Persails Mich N.Z .5478 X BAZ
C. Persails Mich N.Z .2159 X CAB
C. Persails Mich N.Z .5164 X . . FY
C. Persails Mich N.Z . 5471 X ... . . CY 2
Page Sixteen
Andrew M. Stodel, vice-president of AR&CBA 1934, one of the most prominent and influential rabbit judge and writer of all time was the moderator of a productive 4-H adult leader training program held January 7 at Pierce College, Woodland Hills, California.
This enthusiastic gathering of 83 adult 4-H leaders from throughout Southern California were treated to one of the best qualified group of experts in their field, who served on the panel type meeting. discussion and question - answer period.
Ellis Murray, ARBA Treasurer, got the program off to a fine start in the right direction with his talk, ‘Making The fight Start With Rabbits’, followed by Ir. E. J. Hauser, farm advisor, Los Angeles County Agriculture Extension Service on the very important subject, ‘Care of Rabbits and Poultry’. They were followed by Mr. Bruce Campbell, Farm Advisor, Orange County Agriculture Extension Service, who presented, ‘Is It For Fun or Profit’.
Commercial committee chairman, Phil Lohman, 11800 W. Howard Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53228, reports that he has asembled and now has available for immediate mailing a good Commercial Packet. This Commercial Packet is available for the cost of postage only, and you may forward your request for this important material direct to him, including
I either 20c cash or 20c in stamps. Forward Itiur ARBA membership number along ^ith your request for this material available to our membership.
Mrs. George Morehead
The 3rd meeting of the New York Rabbit Shows Inc., sponsors of the 44th ARBA Convention-Show, October 9-12, 1967 was held January 29th. The weather was miserable, but all key personnel braved the elements and were in attendance. It was also heartening to see so many interested members present, seeking out the way they could heln make this the best ARBA Convention-Show.
There were two changes in organization at this meeting. Mrs. George More-head, Box 161. Maine, New York 13802, will serve in dual capacity, handling both publicity and catalog and advertising. Mrs. Margaret Burdick will be in charge of reservations. Official headouarters is the Hotel Syracuse. There are 6,000 permanent coops, on two floors with wide and ample aisles, at the New York State Exposition grounds, site of the show. General Chairman of Convention - Show, Howard Carr; and George Berl, Show Secretary. The May-June ARBA Bulletin will carry committee appointments, breed chairman and other important information as available. Remember, its “Syracuse in Sixty-Seven”.
Joe Lutes, Garden Grove, California reports there was a full house, standing room only for the testimonial banquet sponsored by Golden West RBA at Knott’s Berry Farm, February 11th, honoring ARBA Lifetime member Jack Bryant.
This is another in a long standing line and tradition of accomplishment by the Golden West RBA. They were the initiators of the Rabbit of Tomorrow Contest, which was the forerunner of the American Rabbit Fryer Production Contest.
1967 ARBA
Syracuse, N. Y.
OCTOBER 9 to 12, 1967
Page Seventeen
--------ANNUAL LISTING $1.50---
“Don” Reid, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies. Rt. 1, Box 159, Lockport, 111. 60441.
Dr. Thomas Coatomm, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 213 South St, Wattsburg, Pa. 16442. Ph: 814, 739-2773.
George Camp, Judge, 3853 Green Valley Rd., Huntington, W Va.
Douglas Noble, Registrar, P.O Box 203. Brusly, Louisiana 70719.
Lewis Bowen, Registrar, Route 1, Manteno, Illinois, Ph: 476-6277.
Don Smith, Registrar, P.O. Box 15. Waterloo. N Y. 13165.
Ross Flower, Judge. 7043 9th Ave , Rio Linda, Calif., Ph: 991-2098
Marvin Kroenlng, Judge, RR 5. Marshfield. Wise 94449 Walter L. Patton. Judge, 69 Godby St., Logan, W Va.
G. A. Burke, Judge, 6400 Scioto Darby Creek Rd.. Hilliard, Ohio Ph: 876-7605.
William Dlngman, Registrar, Rt 3, Box 499, Traverse City. Mich.
Marvin H. Langeland, Judge, 1985 N. 9th Street. Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001, Ph: 616. 349-4424
William Chance, Judge, St. Joseph, Minn.
Claudius Poer, Judge. 1317 Q Ave., New Castle, Ind. 47362, Ph: 589-3729
Harold Drudge. Judge. Rt 1, Roann, Ind 46974. Ph: 982-2021 J. Cyril Lowit, Judge, Rt. 2, Box 440, Troutdale. Ore 97060 Stan Freed. Judge, 1607 E Sycamore, Kokomo, Ind. 46901. Ph: 317 457-8084.
Betty Beckendorf Registrar, Rt 2. Box 28B, Crescent City, Calif. 95531
H. J. Merrlhue, Registrar, P.O. Box 23123, New Orleans, La. 70123, Ph. 504, 729-2114.
Leonard L. Blskle. Judge, 2080 Hendershot Rd , Parma, Michigan, Ph: 517, 531-4015.
ANGORA—See Cleo, Page 28 New Standards Book. 6 generation pedigree registered stock. Dept A for prices Shooting Star, Pellston, Michigan.
•METHODS, MEDICINES, MANAGEMENT To Control Rabbit Ailments.” Booklet covers 16 common diseases, helps diagnose them, recommends treatments and remedies. Price 50c p.p. 'coins or stamps I refunded with first order for remedies Ozark Enterprises. Willard 8, Missouri.
NEW ZEALAND WHITES (AH Red, White & Blue Stock), American Blues Breeding stock registered. Pedigrees with all orders Highest quality for research, commercial and fancier use. Satisfaction guaranteed or return at our coat. All stock reasonably priced and shipped f ob. Write for descriptive details. Chenango Valley Research Farm, Box 118, RD 1, Greene, NY. 13778.
The men who are building the ARBA for me
Haven’t asked how I wanted it built;
Whether of great regularity,
Or patched, like an old crazy quilt.
They just work along, and I wonder sometimes
As they swarm over footing and wall,
Just how many, committing artistical crimes,
Know they are building the ARBA at all
The men who are running the ARBA for me
Haven’t written or called on the phone.
My precious opinions, that they need so much
They have left absolutely alone.
If they want things done right,
They should know what I think,
And yet there are times when I fear
That the men who running the ARBA for me
Are hardly aware that I’m here. W
It is true that I pay them a pittance av best,
For looking after my rabbit affairs
For all the support it gets out of me
There troubles should come in pairs.
So I’ll not criticize if they skip my advise,
And a secret I’ll whisper to you.
There’s just no way of telling just how proud I am
Of the wonderful things they do.
The men who are running the ARBA for me,
Are building it second to none
And if they had asked me I’d hasten to say
It is built as I wanted it done.
The men who are running this ARBA for me
Are the best that you’ll find anywhere.
And when the day comes that they need my support
You can count on me being right there.
Silver Martens * Prizes & Surprises
Publicity Director, Bob Kahler, reports judging begins promptly at 9 A.M., April 1st and he isn’t fooling.
The Silver Marten Rabbit Club under the able guidance of president T. H. Roberson have secured the services of Judge Vern Ashton, to place the show for exhibitors competiting for over $400.00 in cash and merchandise.
Mrs. T. H. Conner, 917 Moody Ave., Knoxville, Tennessee 37920 is show secretary. All report, if you have some good ones, this is the show. If you don’t have the good ones, and desire to obtain some, Knoxville, Tennessee, April 1-2, is the place. There is plenty to see and do in Knoxville, so head for the hills.
Page Eighteen
The World’s Largest Organization Of Rabbit Breeders — Built Upon Integrity and Service
1966 • 1970
Book of Standards Of All Recognized Breeds of Rabbits & Cavies
Standard & Registration Weights
104 Pages — 37 Illustrations
PRICE $2.00
This Size $1.50
Membership Button in Bronze
Show your A.R.B.A. Affiliation by Wearing One of These Beautiful Buttons.
PRICE $1.25
Our Membership Emblem
Use It On Your Printed Matter
If you wish one of the MEMBERSHIP EMBLEMS shown on right to appear on your printed matter, it is necessary that you secure an electrotype to reproduce it.
We offer them to members at low cost; their use means prestige to you and advertising for the ARBA.- Use on letterheads, circulars, booklets,
Association premium lists, catalogs, etc. Two sizes shoyvn on right.
SLEEVE & BACK PATCH Embroidered — 4 Colors 23,4 Inch $1.25 7% Inch $2.25
Show Your ARBA Affiliation by Using Above Emblem and Slogan
BEGINNERS BOOKLET - 325,000 sold, 48 JUDGES REPORT BOOK - used at most show*
pages Illustrated, copy 25c; 12—$2.00; 24— for judging remarks and other informatioiw
$3.75; 50—S5.25 PRICE $1.25.
25 Originals
25 duplicate* Duplicates may be used as originals A total of 50 Blanks - A Breeding certificate on back of each blank PRICE $1.50
Of our Membership Emblem Stickers For Windshield, Etc.
Size 4 By 4 Inches In 3 Attractive Colors
Each ..............25 Cents
6 For.............. $1.00
OUR SLOGAN — Electrotype, Size as Shown — $1.50.
RUBBER STAMP — Stamp It on Everything — $1.50
This Size $1.75
Page Nineteen
ARBA BULLETIN official publication of the
American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. 4323 Murray Ave. BB, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Non-Profit Org.
Louisville, Ky. Permit No. 218
1. Direct all the activities of the ARBA within your District.
2. Keep in close working contact with your State Agents.
3. Require BiMonthly reports from your State Agents.
4. Urge each Local Club to organize another Club during the year.
5. Provide News reports to the Publicity Committee.
6. Answer correspondence from people within your District.
7. Send a report of your District activities to the President Monthly.
8. Urge State Agents to work closely with each Local Agent—this requires each Local Club to select an ARBA member as Local Agent.
9. See that all State and Local Agents have ARBA supplies for their work.
10. Set a goal for NEW members within the District and urge State and Local Agents to achieve the goal.
11. Boost the Commercial aspect of our Association.
12. Encourage Youth Club activities, and Senior Citizen activities.
1. Work under the supervision of the ARBA Director assigned to your District.
2. Keep in close contact with each LOCAL agent.
3. Prepare BiMonthly reports for your Director on activities within your state.
4. Urge Each Local Club to organize another CLUB within the year.
5. Prepare News Items and send them to your Director.
6. Answer correspondence from people within your state.
7. Be sure that each Local Club within your State has an ARBA member who serves with you as a Local Agent.
8. Make sure that you and your Local Agents have the necessary ARBA supplies to do your job successfully.
9. With your Director’s help—set a goal of NEW members from your State and urge each Local Agent to help reach that goal.
10 Boost the Commercial aspect of our Association.
11. Encourge Youth Club activities, and Senior Citizen activities.
12. Remember you are a vital LINK in the advancement of the ARBA.
1. You are selected to promote the worl^ of the ARBA at each Club meeting.
2. Your help to enroll NEW members in the ARBA is very important.
3. Have the necessary ARBA supplies to do your work.
4. Faithful cooperation with your State Agent is necessary.
5. Send BiMonthly reports to your State Agent.
6. Solicit Ads for our ARBA publications.
7. Help your Club organize another local CLUB during the year.
8. Prepare NEWS items and send them to your State Agent.
9. Be a source of information for anyone who asks.
10. Boost the Commercial aspect of our Association.
11. Encourage Youth Club activities, and Senior Citizen activities.
12. Help build Good-will and enthusiasm for the ARBA.
Original Format
Bound magazine
ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 2 - Mar/Apr
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).
8 1/2 inches x 11 inches
American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 2 - Mar/Apr,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 11, 2025,
conformist in any sense, though in no sense could be considered a character, because he was well aware of the impact and reason for each of his idiosyncrasies. Charlie was wily as a fox.
The thought has often coursed my mind—What if I had been unable to visit Mr. and Mrs. Henry in their room at Kentucky Hotel, when he phoned me at my room. Sunday evening, October 16th, and invited me to spend the evening to reminisce the fleeting years.
Vol. 2 March-April, 1967 No. 2
Charles Henry and I had corresponded frequently over the years and had at times offered assistance, each to the other, in the filling of foreign shipments of rabbits. I remember well the surprise at the sight of Charlie and his immense mustache as he and Mrs. Henry entered the lobby of the Kentucky Hotel just 4 short months ago. The mustache was Charlie’s latest splendid departure from the normal. Charles Henry was not a
I did visit their room for 3!£ hours and the narration of my visit appears on page 10 and 11 of this issue of ARBA Bulletin.
Articles and photos for the new ARBA Guide Book are coming in at a slow pace however, the quality of articles and photos submitted, promises that this the new ARBA Guide Book, will be the
(Please turn to Page 3)
4323 Murray Avenue — James Blyth, Secy. —________________Pittsburgh. Pa. 15217
" Bill Molen
This issue of the ARBA Bulletin is a Commemorative issue. Dedicated to the memory of Charles A. Henry, 49 Auburn St., Saugus, Massachusetts. Charlie, ARBA Judge, registrar, civic and veteran affairs leader, commercial rabbit and cavy breeder and fancier par excellence.
The dedication goes still farther than memory alone it is dedicated to the heritage that Charlie leaves behind, one we may all do well to follow.
Charlie, was tough as nails, yet understanding and gentle. Charlie, was dedicated to the honored American principal, that you must work hard for what you want and believe In.
All of ARBA laments the passing, from the current scene, of Charles A. Henry; but his shadow will linger, for years on end. Not too often, does one of the .stature and dedication of principle of ■Charles A. Henry pass our way.
The center pages of this issue reveal much of the story of Charles A. Henry, as he related to me and supplied written facts and figures to substantiate that which he told.
*7He ‘Bul
W. E (Bill) Molen. Editor P.O. Box 8. Bronson. Kansas 66716 David Ford. Assistant Publicity Chm
Bett Hickman Virginia Flournoy
Joe Lutes Jodie Croker
Pat Krider Mark Youngs
Pat Giles Bing Harris
Wayne Willmann, Pres. James Blyth, Secy. Oren Reynolds. V -Pres Ellis Murray, Treas
Fred Applegate J Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W. E. Molen
Claude Bennett E. P. Shilliday
W H Kennedy Edward Stahl
Edward Toebbe
About the time you receive this issue of the Bulletin, our Secretary Mr. Blyth will be putting the finishing touches on the membership roster—preparing it for the 1967 YEARBOOK. I hope your dues are paid so your name will be included. If you can sign up some new members— do so—as we would like for their names to be included.
Also the 1967 YEARBOOK will carry the Constitution and By-Laws with the changes that were authorized at the Louisville Convention.
May I remind you that you should consult the up-to-date constitution when you think about writing a new resolution for this year's convention.
All new resolutions should be in the hands of Mr. Keith Forbush, Michigan, who is chairman of the Resolution Committee. His committee did such a good job in 1966 that I anticipate equal good service in 1967. Our Constitution requires all resolutions be in his hands 90 days before the Convention—which makes July 12th our deadline for this year.
I hope you have sent an Add or an article—or both—to Mr. Molen for the new Guide Book.
Also remember—we can do much to advance the raising and eating of rabbit if we will get behind the promotion of
National Rabbit Week July 16-22. Send to Mr. Molen for your materials. Other help for Commercial Rabbit raising can be secured from Chairman Phil Lohman, 11800 W. Howard Ave., Greenfield, Wise. 53228.
Members on the East Coast—in Tennessee—around Omaha, Nebr.—in Michigan—in Colorado—and in the state of Washington have contacted me about future Conventions and the possibility that they might some time sponsor such a fine affair. I hope you folks will continue your interest and do what you can.
Our biggest need in the ARBA seems to be willing workers who will assume some task and be faithful in seeing it carried out. If you have a favorite committee on which you would be willing to serve—please let me know.
Because so many new members have joined us during the past 12 months, and because many of us need a reminder—I am asking that the Instructions to Directors— to State Agents — and to Local Agents—be published in this issue of our Bulletin. I hope all State and Local agents will do a little more this year than in 1966—since they have had the past year to be acquainted with their tasks. I would like for the Directors to help locate replacements for those who cannot serve.
In Ohio. G. A. Burke has David Ross as his assistant; in Michigan Wm. Wein-hardt will have help from O. R. Chaney, Sr.; in Illinois Ted Wengert will have Don Reid, Don Covey and Robert Vance as assistants; in Iowa Rose Murphy will get help from Dorothy Newport and Ted Coleman; in Kansas Chester Roberts and Walter Schroeder will help Pete Naylor; in Minnesota Mrs. Ben Trygge-stad has Weldon Wahl to help her; in Nebraska Clair Shafer will count on Duane Shrader and Earl Daubert for help; in North Dakota we look to Owen Anderson to carry the ball; and in South Dakota Robert Roe and Harvey Men-nenga should make a good team. In Indiana Harold Drudge is counting on Robert Byrne and John Scott.
As other State Agents select their assistants — please inform your ARBA Director who is in charge of your State. He is supposed to report to me every 60 days the progress that is being made in your state.
May I extend my sincere thanks to all who are doing a good job.
Most Sincerely — Your President
Wayne Willmann
Page Two
best printed. It is hoped that a 200 page Guide Book will be ready for the printer in early summer of this year, 1967. Jim Blyth, Ed Stahl, Bill Molen are hard at work and have been for 2 months now, they need your support with articles and photos.
Your support is also needed in the manner of advertisements. Remember this is the publication that goes to each and every member of ARBA. Each new member receives a Guide Book, immediately upon joining our ARBA. The advertisers in this Guide Book, will be known immediately to each new member and each old member.
You will be gratified with the results of ads in the ARBA Guide Book.
Advertising rates are as follows:
$75.00.......Full Page
$40.00.......One-half Page
$22.50.......One-quarter Page
$12.50.......One-eighth Page
$5.00. . . Judges - Registrars
Breeder - Boosters Listing.
Prepare your copy and forward with remittance to Jim Blyth, secretary, 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217.
CHAIRMAN—JOE BOUTIN, 421 Ave. J., Port Neches, Tex. 77651.
ED CONROY. S.E. Belmont St., Portland, Ore. 97214.
NORMAN SIMBECK, R.R.#2, Old Florence Highway, Lawrenceburg, Tenn. 38464.
CLIFFORD BOUTIN, Rt. 1, Box 90-A. Buna, Tex. 77612.
DUANE SHRADER, 625 S. 51st St., Lincoln, Neb. 68510.
LARRY GRANNEMAN, RD #2, Wenz Rd., Wakeman, O. 44889.
RAY KLUGH, 2291 Munster, Pomona, Calif.
An all out effort is being made to get out a new Guide Book for the Californian Rabbit Specialty Club. We need a new Guide Book and the New Guide Book needs your support.
It will be six inches (6") wide by nine (9") long, with a 220 white glossy cover. The inside pages are to be 60 pounds white enamel paper. We plan to have some new articles that will add greatly to the use and arrangement of the Guide Book. With such an attractive book, what better place to advertise those nice Californians or related products that you might want to sell?
Glick lyifg. Co., Calif...............7
Edward H. Stahl, Mo................ ..4
Melvin E. Behrens, N.Y............... 4
B. W. Smith, Mo........ . ..3
V. N. Ashton, Ohio ... .2
Fred R. Apple, 111. ... .2
W. A. DeGraff, N.Y. . .2
Steven DeVries, Mich. 2
Raintree Rabbitry, La. . .2
Ted Wengert, 111........ ... 2
Meramec Valley RBA, Mo................3
Badger RBA, Wise.................... 2
Off To A Good Start HELP KEEP OUR MEMBERSHIP UP Much Depends On YOU.
THE BIGGEST membership drive ever undertaken by the AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASS’N.
WE SUPPLY FREE OF COST illustrated membership application blanks to insert in your outgoing mail or use in securing members by personal contact.
CASH COMMISSION PAID. A cash commission of 50c is paid on each membership to all who take part in this drive. Commissions are paid by check in January of each year to all who are credited with 3 or more members during the year. CASH AWARDS. In addition to the commissions paid, $150.00 will be awarded. $75.00 to individuals and firms, $75.00 to clubs and associations.
EACH WILL RECEIVE. For 1st award $25.00—2nd $20.00—3rd $15.00—4th $10.00 —5th $5.00. Commissions and cash awards paid on new members only.
FURTHER DETAILS. The cost of membership is $5.00. The full amount must be sent to headquarters at Pittsburgh, Pa., where a record of members received is kept and full credit given to the person or firm whose name appears on the recommended line.
How many blanks can you use.........
(Order One Year’s Supply Only)
Name ......... .....................
Address ............................
City .................State ........
Mail to: JAMES BLYTH, Secretary
4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Page Three
Marvin Cummings, Fla.................35
Andres Rodriguez, Texas . . .31
Walter Duby, Mass................. ..31
Marvin Carley, Vt............ ..26
Harold Drudge, Ind........... .25
H. M. Spince, Texas .. .....24
Ray Twyman, Mo.......................22
Harry Coles, Mo......................22
A. W. Williams, Wash.................22
W. H. Smith, Tenn. . . 20
Walter Voss, Ind.....................20
E. A. Wolff, Texas...................20
W. T. Robinson, 111.......... .... 18
Bernise Bloomquist, 111............ .18
Everett Johnson, 111.................17
Claudus Poer, Ind.................. .16
Robert Berry, Texas.......... ..16
Don Smith. N.Y.......................15
Lloyd Shantz, Canada ..................
Duane Shrader. Nebr..................12
Dean Penker, Colo....................10
John Hoblitzell. Fla.................10
Harold Guthrie. Ohio .................9
Hugh Betts. Tenn...... .8
Oren Reynolds. Ill.................. .8
H. M. Spence, Texas................. .7
Lawrence Stingley, Wash. .7
Harry Coles, Mo.......................6
A. W. Williams, Wash..................6
E. A. Wolff, Texas....................6
A. N. Breid, Mo..................... .6
Lewis Bowers. Ill................... 20
Floyd Shuck. Ohio ...................15
John Buekler, 111.................... 9
A. W. Williams, Wash................. 6
E. A. Wolff, Texas .................. 4
V. N. Ashton, Ohio ............... 2
Walter Duby. Mass....................28
Andre Rodriguez, Texas...............22
Harold Drudge, Ind. . .20
Walter Voss, Ind...... 20
Ray Twyman, Mo........ 17
Claudus Poer, Ind....................16
W. H. Smith, Tenn..................16
Lloyd Shantz, Canada 15
H. M. Spence, Texas................ .14
John Jennings, Iowa..................13
E. R. Kenyon, N.Y....................13
Merwn Davis. Ill.....................11
Jack Ellis, Mich.....................11
Harold Williams, Wash................11
Wm. T. Robinson, 111................ .9
Pete Naylor, Kansas . ..7
Marvin Cummings, Fla. . .6
W. F. Gilbert, Calif..................4
Walter Duby, Mass. . ... 3
Joseph Laura, Mass. . ..3
Robert Berry, Texas . .. 2
Donald Covey, 111.....................2
Rick Marsuchak, Ohio 2
We Won in 1966 . . . Trying in 1967
David Hughes, president of SEMO Rabbit Club, displays the National Rabbit Week, ARBA Champion Promoter Award. The SEMO local club was one of the 3 big winners in 1966. The ARBA will award 3 Champion Promoter Trophies in 1967. Has your club made plans for 1967? The ARBA has available Publicity Packets at S5.00 each—from Bill Molen, Publicity Director.
David C. Hughes, SEMO Rabbit Club
Being President of one of the winning clubs in National Rabbit Week promotion in 1966 makes me feel good. And every time I see that plaque the feeling is renewed. BUT, I do not feel that this makes me an authority on the subject. I feel that we won more by default than by our great effort.
The field is still wide open to every club that will try to win. And I would like to se every club try. Then regardless of who was on top, we would all profit from the mass effort. Rabbits are great, and all of us who work with them know that, but as far as the public is concerned they are unknown. They still need a lot of advertising.
More help is being made available this year than before. Mr. Bill Molen and the ARBA have prepared a packet of material and are offering this at cost to all who are interested. I do not feel that I spent $5.00 when I ordered this packet but that I invested $5.00 in the future of MY rabbits..
As to the how of promotion, it is very
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simple. You have a very news-worthy story to tell. Use every means available to tell it. Newspapers, Radio Stations, T.V. Stations, and every other news media in your area are interested in ideas, that you can convince them, their public will be interested in. Soft-soap them a little if you have to put remember that they are business men and should be approached in a business-like manner. Diplomacy is a great force, be diplomatic. But be confident too, you are a great people. I should know, I’m one of you.
July 16-22, 1967 National Rabbit Week but the supply of Promotional Packets are rapidly being strained. Remember, kthe cost is $5.00 and includes 3-color Bay-Glow auto bumper sticker; 2-color ^Day-Glow aerial pennants; simulated leather purse memo folders; ladies emery boards; rabbit recipe brochures; “Little Known Facts About Rabbits” and general information instructions for planning your local or state National Rabbit Week Promotion.
Clubs that have placed their orders and are readying a big campaign for 1967 include: SEMO Rabbit Club, South Central Missouri RBA, Gateway RBA, All-States Rabbit Club, Poudre Valley RBA, Pecos Valley RBA, Pete Kern, Indian State Agent Harold Drudge, Cactus RBA, Inland Empire RBA, Anne Harris for Michigan State and Mall City Club, Smokey Valley RBA, Evergreen RBA.
Make your effort a real one in 1967. Help the area you serve. Help your state association. This all helps the ARBA. Send for your Promotional Packet, today, $5.00. Send to Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, ^Kansas 66716. Don’t wait till the supply Ls exhausted—then be disappointed. We Still have a good supply. Also ARBA Promotional Book Matches, $1.00 per carton. Order today.
The Publicity Committee ask all of you, reading this, the Charles Henry Commemorative issue of ARBA Bulletin—to take stock of your dedicated and Old-Timer workers in your midst. Each of our areas and clubs have just such long-time hard workers. While they are yet with us among the living, why not honor them with a dedicated show and banquet. They most certainly will feel great, but the real kicker, you will feel even greater and happier.
Read what David Hughes, president of SEMO Rabbit Club, and one of the Champion Promoter Clubs that received
a beautiful ARBA Trophy says about the 1967 National Rabbit Week Contest. Promotional Packets, first come first served $5.00 cost, Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
The 4-H Rabbit Project interest is at an all-time high level of participation. Read activities by Horace Curtis in Washington, D.C.; Gulf Coast Club-Texas and Seminar at Pierce College, California. While on Youth activities read Katherine Robert’s—“On Forming A Youth Club”. She should know, having been on committee for years and has pushed Wyandotte County 4-H Fair to a whopping overflow entry. Katherine, also edited the ARBA Youth Bulletin.
Knoxville, Tennessee hosts the National Silver Marten Show. Ohio hosts both National Polish and National Californian. Iowa the National Checkered Giant with Kansas host to National Satin Show. Palomino National Show at Sedalia, Missouri.
The big show the 1967, 44th ARBA National Convention-Show, October 9-12, Syracuse, New York. Mrs. Morehead, has started the ball rolling with publicity releases and will keep one informed. Their next meeting is February 26th. We have included some memories of the 1959 Syracuse Convention-Show. It’s worth repeating. ’59 was a dandy but 1967 will be better. Remember, its “Syracuse In Sixty-Seven.”
Florida president Marvin Cummings offers some sage comments. May-June Bulletin will feature quite a Florida spread. Editor Pete Kern, Orlando, Florida has promised us some very timely material and it wil be tops, this I promise. Larry Wilt, York, Pa. has Cavy questionnaire, hope they go even farther and publish a questionnaire for York area breeders, to see if they favor putting on another excellent ARBA Convention.
Dunlap and Ritter, our newest Lifetime member honorees find place in our pages this month. Space in May-June Bulletin will feature photos of these two illustrious men. Photos this issue are of Charles Henry and some of his recent accomplishments, plus photo of David Hughes with his clubs “ARBA Champion Promoter Award” Trophy won in 1966 National Rabbit Week efforts.
Why Do We Go There?—Ellis Murray, has provocative article this issue relative to conventions. As Jim Blyth, mentioned last issue, who said a Convention-Show had to be big and sometimes cumbersome to be successful? A good smaller Convention is finer than a big undermanned and managed Convention. The bigger the better is not always true.
Contributors to this months Bulletin, include Orville Dee, Jack Pugh, Marvin Cummings, Joe Lutes, Don Snyder, Horace Curtis, Tillie Morehead, Bob
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Kahlor, Tommy Andrew, David Hughes, Katherine Roberts, Bevery Molen, Larry Wilt, Bett Hickman, Duane Shrader, Charles Haaf, Jim Blyth, Ed Stahl, Wayne Willmann and Ellis Murray rolled a perfect 300 game, sending in 2 articles and a poem.
Nebraska, Virginia, Maryland, Oklahoma, Kansas, Florida, California, Texas, New Jersey, New York, Illinois, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Ohio stepped up and helped out.
E. B. Murray,
No doubt many of the ARBA members wonder sometimes why a certain city is selected to have a convention. The statement “Have a convention’’ is incomplete. We should say “have a convention show.” The Board of Directors meetings and the open ARBA meetings are separate and apart from the rabbit show.
In the November-December ARBA bulletin starting on page five are the official convention guidance and show rules that the Board requests chartered clubs to adhere to and agree upon before the Convention Rabbit show is granted. These rules have been drawn up not to impose any hardship on the association sponsoring the convention but rather to protect YOU the members. The 1926 convention and the 1933 convention both conducted prior to any rules or requirements failed to pay their just debts and caused embarrassment to the ARBA and could have caused a financial loss to the ARBA and to any of its members involved. In the case of the 1926 convention this did happen causing the convention secretary to mortgage her home to pay off the indebtedness.
The most important rule is the one that requires the sponsoring club to be incorporated. This protects all ARBA members from any personal liability. Unfortunately the 1966 Convention Show was sponsored by the Falls Cities Rabbit Breeders Assn., which was not incorporated but the error was not detected by the ARBA Board until the premium list came out just 2 weeks before the opening of the convention show too late for any action to be taken. There was no excuse for such an error as the General Manager was a member of the Board of Directors of the ARBA. The only possible excuse
is that he has been very careless with ARBA rules on several occasions.
It does not require a large sum of money to put on a Convention Show. I will use the 1965 convention held at Pomona, Calif. Sponsored by the Calif. State Rabbit Breeders, Inc. They had no ready cash to start with. They sold shares in the Convention show at $50.00 per share. The sale of the shares was limited to ARBA members and ARBA chartered clubs. A limit of 50 shares was set and these were all sold in 6 weeks. When the books on the Convention show were closed each share holder received in return $60.50. Not bad interest for a 11 months loan?
Some Delegates to our Rabbit Convention shows have the mistaken idea that the quality of the Convention show is determined by the size of the entry. Thi is not true, in fact this writer thinks this is a very poor gauge to go by.
The 1963 Convention held in Sedalia, the 1965 in Pomona, were not large or good if you count entries. But both were outstanding in many ways. Both were held in cities under 40,000. The show rooms were ample, parking was easy, hotels-motels were ample and reasonable. Food was good. You received friendly treatment from the local citizens. In Sedalia we had the BEST co-operation from the city officials, Police Dept., and the merchants of any city we have ever chosen as a Convention city. I feel these things are just as important as having a overflow rabbit show. It is my opinion if you have good facilities and plan on an entry; yes even limit it to 1,500-2,000 you will end up with a lot of satisfaction and good-will. These things you can’t buy but will long be remembered.
The old saying “you can’t all be chiefs’! is so true when planning to put on a convention show. York, Pa., had its Bahn. Amarillo had Mr. Odell, Sedalia had Mr. Molen, and Pomona had Mr. Schnetzler. Two of these men had never attended a convention but they had a lot where it counts from—their neck up. They were leaders, not by force or coercion but because they were looked up to and respected by their fellow rabbit breeders. They chose competent breeders to head their committees and the whole operation turned out to be a success.
Has your state got a State Fair Grounds or other suitable buildings for show and meetings? Have you got a man for leader who will command the confidence and respect of all the rabbit breeders in your state? Will you as a breeder, and will your club financially support a convention? Will the Convention committee
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agree in writing when asking for the convention to abide by the Convention Show Rules? Will you be willing to give 6 days of your time and efforts to the Convention Committee? If your answer is YES to all these questions then the time to think about putting on a convention show is now. You can’t start too soon. How about 1968 or 1969? If you can agree to the above you will know WHY WE GO THERE.
Rill Molen
The 36th ARBA Convention & Show. Syracuse. New York was a dandy. We remember well reading the catalog prior to departing Kansas City. The spirit of the sponsors, the New York Rabbit Shows Inc., was evident from the very first page of their beautiful 106 page catalog. One of the paragraphs read. Instead of “Shuffle Off to Buffalo”, it will be “Marching Into Syracuse”. We are deeply indebted to all that gave their utmost in support and cooperation, when this change in Convention Cities became necessary.
The Syracuse Convention of 1959 of-ficiallv opened on a Saturday, however, we arrived late in the evening of Thurs-dav and happily we were able to help a little here and there, along the way to opening.
Ed Sturm, was the president of this group and it is said that a successful organization official is known by the excellent department heads they have and bv the few times the chairman has to appear upon the scene. The department heads were all experienced and few indeed were the times Sturm was called to the breech.
• We may miss some but remember we are only human and 8 long years .have passed. However, a big impression of efficiency was made by Harold May and Bill Ehlers, superintendents: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parmenteb working with Youth and other jobs. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Meyers put out an excellent catalog, attractive. well edited and concise. Who could complain of the wonderful service and food at banquet arranged by Vi Ehlers?
Ed Bender had the booths well in hand after a little confusion. A couple booth patrons arrived early, and set their displays up in wrong areas. My early arrival. placed me at the disposal, and able to help Mrs. Benedict, in her assembling of chairs and tables for the Rex Booth. Bing Harris, and others staged an absolutely fabulous commercial dress out and operation off the main entranceway to the show room.
Fred Wickman, in charge of Tours— showed Syracuse’s best—Oneida Ltd., University of Syracuse, Verman Park Zoo, Onondaga College for Girls. George Berl, in 1959 was the epitome of perfection as show secretary and again in 1967 will be at the helm. This is a tedious job and a demanding one but George is equal to the occasion.
Breed Chairman that I remember as being especially on the ball and working in perpetual motion, include. Howard Burmack. Flemish; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Avery, Lilac; Big Ed Sheppard, Polish; there were so many working in the Satin aisles that we will name some we remember: Dick Brewer, Mike and Mrs. Alessio and Harry and Mrs. Parmenter.
Judges verv clear in my mind from their outstanding work, include, Marvin Carlev with lots of pressure on in the New Zealand Whites, over $746.00 in specials alone: Marshall Hazard and a gang of Satins, with some very excited Canadian exhibitors and rightfully so, cause they had some big, big wins: Lawrence Ritter, with an entry of Flemish so large it took parts of 3 days. I often wondered how many weeks it took Ritter to ease his sore muscles after lifting these large rabbits, hour after hour. The Flemish had over $355.00 prize money up, thanks to Jack Rowe spearheading the project.
Bob Scott, did an excellent job with the cavies and not too long after this Syracuse event. Bob. passed to his reward. The DF initiations, were the most entertaining of any T have ever attended —seems judge Bob Scott, had ducked the initiation for years and when they finally got him in. his initiation included his being completely judged as a cavy, according to the Standard of Perfection. Judge A1 IGusl Fisher, Little Valiev. New York also received the works at DF.
The exhibition hall at New York Fairgrounds, includes a complete balcony circle for exhibition purposes, besides the ground floor area. I remember Dutch, Polish, Tans, and Cavies up top floor. Cavies made nightly forays from their coons, due to wire spacing. This was a little amusing to me in 1959 but come 1963 and our sponsorship of the Sedalia Convention, it wasn’t auite so funny. We had the same problem.
Unless my directions were completely off, and that may well be, because every-time I left downtown for the showroom. I became lost—the North end of the building had 3 judges working at one time that had the biggest contrast of styles that I have ever witnessed in the show room. All 3 were tops in their breed, and dedicated, but at the far end was Judge Jack Pugh, Baltimore. Maryland, working the Silver Martens—boy this guy has an attitude everyone is his enemy if
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he is in front of the judging table. This guy Jack, one of my good friends, is a fighter. In the center was steady, calm, reliable Carl Kroboth, Lexington, Kentucky, winding his way thru the Californian classes. With the homey Kentucky manner, spiked with Carl’s reserved manner, the Californians were soon dispatched to and in their proper placements. At the far end the last of the 3 judges, Jake Holmes, Calumet City, Illinois, had his big jaw of tobacco working overtime on the Checkered Giants— the equipment was just a little the wrong height for Jake and to top this there was one extremely troublesome class that had to be rejudged. Jake, wasn’t smiling, the sweat was popping and the tobacco chomping. These three judges, a sight, fit for posterity by camera and not one around.
Mrs. Russell Arch, Saginaw, Michigan, jumping like a jack-in-the-box when her club was announced as winner of the Wally Blair Scrapbook Trophy; Herb Butterworth, Grand Rapids, entering one solitary Flemish Giant and walking off with BOB. Edward Leppard, hypnotizing Giant Chinchillas. The fine River Hill Rabbitry Booth, of the E. Shultzs, Cata-wissa. Pa., and their stunning fur items. The V. H. Lang Trophy booth. It was also at the side of the Checkered Giant booth that Herb Layton and I talked and teased with Reg Weston, the better part of one afternoon, only to learn that Reg had passed on at the Hotel after leaving us at the booth.
I think the 36th ARBA Convention & Show at Syracuse, New York was one of the best I’ve ever attended, certainly the most memorable. I was glad after I arrived from a weary 1,500 mile drive that I did “March Into Syracuse,” and you can bet your bottom dollar I and 100’s more who had a fine time in 1959 will be in Syracuse for the 44th ARBA Convention, come, October 9th.
By Larry Wilt
A questionnaire is being circulated to help lay ground work for the organization of a regional cavy club. This questionnaire is designed not only to gather the names of potential members, but also to serve as a poll of cavy breeders.
For this questionnaire, write to: Larry Wilt, 1134 E. Market St., York, Pa., 17403.
Are you raising Cavies now? How many? What breeds? What varieties?
What are your reasons for raising Cavies? Lab? Show? Pet?
I am a member of the following; ARBA? ACBA? EASTERN R&CFA? List any others.
Would you be interested in joining a regional cavy club? Give your name, address and zip code.
Katherine Roberts
There is an official set of rules for forming an ARBA Youth Club. These are available from the Youth Club Secretary, Mrs. Delores Breckenridge. Rather than copy them I wil give you a short resume, along with an opinion or two of my own.
In forming a Youth Club there must be at least seven members who belong to the ARBA Youth Rabbit Club. The charter fee is $1.50. A Youth Club must either be sponsored by an adult club or an adult member of the ARBA. It is suggested that the Youth Club have two meetings a month with informative programs on rabbit raising. An occasional party or other social gathering will help maintain interest.
Having been a member of the ARBA Youth Committee for several years this next suggestion may sound strange. It is my belief and is a proven fact in myj local club that the Youth are better off and so is our club by having them as members of our local club. We give them a reduced membership and out of this we pay their ARBA Youth Club dues. Our kids have full membership privileges including a vote. For at least four years one or more Youth have been on the Board of Directors. We expect a lot from our kids and get it. If there is work to be done they do their share and more. They are still kids and still goof off sometimes but then our adult members do the same.
I do believe that whether they have their own club or are members of a regular club our kids have to know that they are an important part of our rabbit organization, whether at the local, state or national level.
Does your club have a Youth Division in your local show? You should. The first show or two your entries in Youth may be small, the quality doubtful, but watch things change as they get a little experience. Do have a separate Youth Judge, if at all possible. Use one that likes to work with children and ask him to take time to answer questions and explain things as he goes along. Here in our area very few of our judges will charge for judging youth division shows. Many of them seem to consider it a privilege to be asked. After a show or two with a Youth Division the quality of rabbits shown in Youth is as good and sometimes better than in open class. In fact, many of our Youth show part of their entry in the Open class with very satisfactory results and placements.
A rabbit cannot be shown in both the Youth and Open Classes but any youth can show different animals in the different divisions.
Now that you are considering (I hope)
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having a Youth Division in your next show, how about getting an ARBA Youth Club sanction. The cost is only $1.50. Points earned by members count toward the annual Best Display awards.
ARBA Youth Club membership is $1.50. I don’t know why but it seems everything is $1.50 in the youth club. These rates were apparently set when the first ARBA Youth Committe first planned the Youth Club.
Whether you sponsor a Youth Club or have a Youth membership in your local club, let’s get behind our kids and help them succeed.
To charter a Youth Club, sanction a show or send in a Youth membership write Mrs. Delores Breckenridge, 1487 Cole Rd., Columbus, Ohio. 43328.
President Marvin Cummings, Florida State RBA an active worker, one that is not one to go off without thoroughly exploring a situation and then and only then acting, has forwarded some timely suggestions, worthy of print and possibly stimulate us all. Marvin, also has some questions that pose a problem to him, maybe others.
“Mr. Molen, until receipt of your letter, I was not aware that a new ARBA Guide Book was in the offing. May I make a couple suggestions?”
1. Better photographs of various breeds. The last issue was a disgrace to some breeds. Surely, there is a professional photographer in the ARBA membership who could give of his time and talents and secure some really fine and typical outstanding photos for the ARBA Guide Book.
2. Give an advance notice and listing of the various kinds and sizes of ads available in the ARBA Guide Book, including ad prices and costs.
3. In regard to National Rabbit Week, the feeling prevailed in Florida in 1966 that since the demand far exceeds the supply of dressed rabbit for table use— that we in Florida would be wasting our time trying to promote something we cannot supply. However, after learning of the ARBA spirited interest and the supplying of National Rabbit Week— Promotional Packets in 1967—we may have to alter our stand of 1966. National Rabbit Week, properly promoted and presented could not only serve the purpose of creating more demand but could likewise secure more and more potential raisers of rabbits to meet the lagging supply.
4. I believe that if different localities, that have never sponsored a National ARBA Convention & Show, would be able to experience beforehand the won-
derful feeling that comes from serving the parent body, we would have less reluctance on the part of securing sites and sponsors for ARBA Conventions.
5. We feel there is too long a delay in the notification of State Agents, who in turn are delayed in starting their programs for their state.
Judge George S West
I have in the past thirty years raised most of the breeds of rabbits and I consider the Californian the best commercial breed, not because I originated the breed, but because it produces more meat per year with a better dress out and better texture of fur.
In 1923 I had the idea of originating a rabbit with better meat and fur texture; to develop a rabbit on the order of the way hogs and cattle are bred and improved—that is, to get broader shoulders, more meat, smaller bone and better fur. The Himalayan had the fur texture and small bone I wanted, the White New Zealand had the size and the standard Chinchilla had the desired meat type.
I then started to work with these breeds, crossing, recrossing, rejecting and watching development until in 1928 I had developed a rabbit that bred true to type and color and conformed fairly well to the rabbit I had visualized. All this produced a rabbit which dressed out a betteY percentage of meat and better texture of fur. I was fortunate in having as nearly as is possible pure strains of stock in starting this breed and without boasting should like to say my strain of Californians were exceptionally resistant to the prevalent rabbit diseases.
I named the rabbit “California Ermine”. A number of years later in applying for a standard there was some objection to “Ermine” and it was decided to call the breed “Californian”.
I do not have rabbits for sale, having sold my rabbltry and feed business in 1946.
If you wish information on Californian rabbits, contact the Californian Specialty Club or some of its members, who have breeding stock for sale.
I hope the above will be of some service to you
Editor Note: This is the first of 3 important articles on the Californian Rabbit. The May-June ARBA Bulletin will carry the 2nd article, Development of Breed, by Wesley Dixon and the July-August ARBA Bulletin will carry Commercial Value of the Breed, by Roy Fisher. These articles originally appeared in the February 1950, issue of California Rabbits Magazine, Nyda Kammerdiener, editor.
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Bill Molen
The door to the Henry’s room at Kentucky Hotel was opened by Mrs. Henry, in response to my knock, at the rather late hour of 9 P.M., but the late hour bothered Charles Henry not one bit. He was hard at work on correspondence at the small desk in their room.
Charlie, looked up from his stack of papers and stuck out his hand in friendship, saying, “Bill, I’m sure glad you came up.” He followed, with—“Bill, there is no doubt the wife and I are getting along in years but we have no regrets. Between us we make up close to 158 years. Still both active and feeling good, and 48 years with the same woman, still, no regrets. We have a good rabbit and cavy business. We are only a couple who like to keep busy and when we do have to go to our reward—No regrets, just that we each pass quickly.”
How prophetic were Charles Henrys’ words to become when he swiftly and silently passed to his reward December 20th. Course this was like Charlie, one almost felt he planned his destiny.
Laying on the desk in front of Charlie, were business transactions with doctors and scientists throughout the U.S. There were letters from Japan, Mexico, Columbia, Ecuador, Taiwan. All evidence of the traffic and sales of Henry’s rabbits and cavies, throughout the world.
Charlie, had an extensive operation in a building 100’X110’ which he utilized for the propagation of the following animals, which at most times filled his hutches. The building featured an aluminum roof, which hail seemed to loosen at each heavy downpour or pelting. The rabbits were all housed in wire pens. Normally, 72 Polish breeders: 70 New Zealand White and 20 Dutch. Using large hutch pens 4 decked and small hutch pens 3 decked depending upon the breed. The cavies were housed in solid floored pens, 10 sows to 1 boar and normal capacity was 320 Americans; 60 Peruvian and 60 Abyssinian.
The Henry’s, both Mr. and Mrs. were quite proud of their rabbit activities and cavy accomplishments. They were equally proud of their affiliation with the ARBA. The Henry’s first convention was at New Haven, Connecticut, year 1935. In the passing years, they missed only one, that at Long Beach, year 1949. Charlie, possessed badges, ribbons and other paraphernalia to back his claims. There were only 3 such annual items missing and Charlie was very upset that they were not ready to touch when departing for Louisville.
He went on at great length and for many minutes of how the convention of years gone by were so completely dominated by the excellent rabbits exhibited
by Ed Stahl. Charlie, would not venture the exact number of years, but said they were many—when Ed Stahl, year in and year out, convention after convention would be the heavy winner and winner of Best Display of Convention.
Charles Henry, said he judged them all for 17 years and many of us vividly recall how he would turn to the show writer, and say, “As I see it today, this animal is First”—or Fourth or whatever the placement; and then go on to give his complete remarks.
Years back Charlie, recalled he judged almost 95% of the shows in Maine. Also for a number of years when rabbit shows were predominately Chinchilla Rabbits. Big Flemish shows South of Boston, were also highlights of his recollections.
In recent years some of Charlie’s highlights of judging were the All Polish Show at Pittsburgh, Pa. 1966. Cavy judging at Pomona and Springfield and he auickly added, “Tomorrow, I will judge Polish here at Convention and though I would like to judge them again at 1967 Convention, rules will not allow it. However, 1968 will soon be here and maybe then.”
Charles Henry, was 14 years secretary-treasurer of the Polish Rabbit Club. Polish Club records indicated that a total of 278 members had at one time graced the club roles, when he took over. Since Charlie’s tenure as Secretary a total of over 800 members have been added to this figure. Charlie, recalled that he had been instrumental in compiling and issuing the 1957 and 1966 Polish Guide Book and Standard. Rightfully the 1966 Guide Book should have gone to press in 1964, but was held up as Charlie said, “To revise and edit some of Charlie Henry’s english. Then when it did finally come out, only 1 word in the last paragraph of Standard was changed.”
Charles Henry, was 3 years chairman of Board of Governors of Cavy Club and the same number of years vice-chairman. I don’t know whether it would be correct to say Charlie was dissappointed or bitter at the action taken at Portland Convention, when the name of the parent body was changed from American Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Association, to The American Rabbit Breeders Association. There was definite glow in his eyes and raising of tone of his voice when he discussed. He felt until Portland the association name showed an equality of interest and importance of the rabbit and cavy in the parent organization. He said, “We know cavies are not rabbits—yet, now, they are classified a specialty club within the ARBA and delegated to second class stature.”
Two letters relative to the origination and ownership of the original cavy Standard were prized possessions of his.
Twenty-six years a 4-H leader. Twelve years chairman of AR&CBA 4-H Committee. Forty-seven years service to area fair associations, commencing with affiliation with Greater Boston Poultry Show. Originator of Massachusetts State Show Circuit. Incorporator of present Massachusetts Federation of Rabbit & Cavy Clubs. He smiled as he recalled, that neighboring state local clubs were invited in, they declined, and formed rivaling Show Circuit. “Where do they hold most of their shows, my home base, where a new 70’X 400’ steel building is available. The same building I use for my operation.’’
Charles Henry, offered a personal opinion regarding the decline of activities in local clubs. Charles Henry’ contention, “Most rabbit clubs are officered by people, who at one time had a few rabbits, but are now non-breeder politicians.” The ARBA is the better for men like Charles A. Henry. Like so many others, I too am glad I knew him, and was his friend. No fitting word to best close this testimony. Charlie, was hard as nails but Charlie was a worker, tried and true.
This past Spring I was asked by ARBA President Willmann to visit the 4-H headquarters here in Washington, D.C., and try to establish a contact between the ARBA and the National 4-H. This I did along with my other committeeman, Mr. William Lockwood. We first visited the 4-H Foundation and met with Mr. Sief-reit, who is the Publicity and Public Relations Representative. He gave us an organizational briefing and also suggested that we talk with Mr. Downey, 4-H Director, employed by the United States Government. We visited with Mr. Downey and his staff who very carefully explained the purpose of the 4-H and the whys and wherefores of the reason for their judging by the Danish system. Incidentally the 4-H is the only organization for youth that is sponsored and financed by the United States Government.
The prime purpose of the 4-H is to encourage and educate youth. They claim that the Danish system does this since it divides the rabbits into three groups. The better group is given a Blue ribbon, the good group is given a Red ribbon and the poor group is given a White ribbon. The animals are then placed in their respective places within these groups. However the system of judging is left entirely up to the local 4-H leaders and representatives and they are not required to use it. Most people think the Headquarters here in Washington issues orders and sets the rules for the leaders
in the field to follow. This is untrue. They merely give guidance.
Now let us think just a little about how our ARBA system of judging and how the better ARBA judges go about judging a class of rabbits. As the judge checks over the class for disqualifications or eliminations he actually goes about grouping these animals into at least three categories, the best ones, the good ones, and the poor ones. He then proceeds to place them from the bottom up to the best rabbit in the class. When the remarks are given the poor ones receive the worst remarks—the good ones receive good remarks and the best ones are usually given pretty good remarks.
Is this any different from the Danish system? Actually it is pretty close. Therefore there shouldn’t be any problem for one to judge the ARBA system and for the 4-H Secretary to fulfill the requirement of the 4-H (if they insist on the, Danish system being used). f
Let me attempt to explain how I have been successful in handling the situation. When I judge a show in a section of the country where the Danish system is used I follow this procedure. First, I explain to the 4-H leader how our ARBA system of judging works; that I must conform to it and that it has a Standard of Perfection for each breed that is unequalled anywhere. The leader recognizes the superiority of the system. However, if they say that they must conform by the Danish system, then I explain the two systems to them in this manner. I instruct the person who is writing the remarks and marking the show sheets to listen closely to my remarks and that as long as I am using the word “poor” in my remarks, the rabbit will belong in the low group, when I change my remarks and begin using the word “good” in my remarks this is the middle group and when I start using “Very Good” or “excellent”^^ in my remarks then this animal will b‘^^R in the first group or best group. This^^ system has worked very successfully and usually with a little extra effort on the part of the judge the show is judged by the ARBA system and the 4-H secretary is able to meet the requirements nf their 4-H leadership by their grouping the rabbits as they desire. Using this procedure both systems of judging have actually been met.
There are several problems which can be encountered when judging 4-H rabbits. One of which is the class for one rabbit when it cannot be disqualified or eliminated according to ARBA rules. ARBA rules state we must give it a first place if it doesn’t disqualify or eliminate.
It may actually not be a very good specimen or it may be very good. The 4-H use of the Danish system requires that this animal be placed in a quality class,
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Very good, good, or poor. If care is exercised when remarks are given to the secretary, the 4-H leader can easily determine the quality group it fits into by your remarks.
Perhaps the most difficult problem in 4-H judging is when we run into animals of unknown origin (mixed). These according to the rules of the ARBA cannot be judged by licensed ARBA judges. Let me explain how this situation may be handled. First talk with the leaders casually and find out how they have the animals classified, whether they are according to breed or not. They will no doubt welcome your interest in their problem. If they know anything at all about rabbits, they will know whether there are mixed rabbits entered in the show with the recognized breeds. If there are mixed rabbits, explain to the Secretary that you are not allowed to judge them but that if they will separate them from the regular breeds and place them together according to age and sex that you will see to it that they are checked over. Seldom will there be a refusal to do this because when a 4-H leader knows you are willing to help in any way possible they are most cooperative so that the judging job may be accomplished. All it takes is a little effort and thoughtfulness to handle the situation. We as judges are representing a national system of recognized judging and we should act accordingly.
I always select one or more youngsters who are either showing rabbits or show an intense interest in them to assist- me in holding the rabbits during the judging. When I am judging I let the youngster see and feel and ask as many questions as he or she wants to ask. This is quite a challenge to them and they are willing and eager to learn. I try to determine the temperament and humor of the child and also how much he knows about rab-jbits. After I have judged the recognized '' reeds with the youth assisting me, and the time comes for someone to judge the mixed rabbits, I step from behind the judging table and let one of the young people who has been assisting me do the judging of these rabbits based on the knowledge that the child has shown in assisting me on the recognized breeds. I will instruct them to judge them for meat qualities only. I then step away from the table keeping within sight. As each animal is placed I usually ask a question to ascertain his capability to judge, asking why he placed the rabbit as he did. Usually a great deal of interest and enthusiasm and participation is shown in this type of instruction. If there is more than one class I try to let several children take their turn. In this way the youth are learning and I as an ARBA judge have been conforming to
the ARBA rules and helping the youth of our country at the same time.
We hope in the not too distant future the ARBA system of judging will be the recognized system for judging 4-H rabbits. Since the National 4-H Headquarters only guides the local clubs instead of telling them exactly what they must do, it is more difficult to get the system changed. Many judges have been able to get the local 4-H leaders to adopt our system in their locality. We believe we can get this worked out but it will take time and patience. The National 4-H was glad to see my Committee and are looking forward to more progress.
I would like to say in closing that only through cooperation, patience and understanding can the rabbit industry progress. The youth who are raising rabbits today in 4-H will be the members of the ARBA in the future. They are eager to learn and work with us. All we have to do is work with them.
Horace M. Curtis
Committee in Washington
Don J. Snyder, 212 S. 37th St., Nederland, Texas 77627 reports the Gulf Coast RBA have initiated an ambitious program for 1967, which they hope will grow bigger and better each year, eventually growing into a National Awards Program for 4-H rabbit projects.
The Gulf Coast Club is in the center of a very large 4-H rabbit project area and are leading the way with new programs. They have offered and will award 2 beautiful trophies in 1967, to the top two 4-H rabbit project record book winners of Jefferson County, Texas. They report excellent cooperation from their assistant county agent, in this effort.
It is felt by the Gulf Coast Club that their pilot project may be of interest to other areas of the U.S. and that support from ARBA would be most welcome and fruitful. T othis end we have forwarded correspondence to Mr. Horace Curtis, Chairman of ARBA Committee at Washington, who has had some excellent results of initial contacts with 4-H in Washington, D.C.
Let us know if we have wrong spelling, address or zip code.
Page Thirteen
Fort Wayne R.B. Ass’n, Robert Gebhart, 2105 Covington Rd., Fort Wayne, Ind. Chinchilla Show
Mar 11
Stark Co. R&CB Ass’n, Mrs. John Ritz, 2850 Harmont Ave., N.E., Canton, Ohio Mar 11-12 Gulf Coast Rabbit Club, Mrs. Alma Ogg. Rt 3. Box 243, Orange, Texas Mar 12
Kaw Valley Rabbit Club, Pete Naylor, 2019 N. 13th, Kansas City Kan. Mar 12
Baltimore Co. R&CB Ass’n, Warren J. McNamara, R 2, Box 36, Reistertown, Md. Mar 12 Northern 111. R Ranchers, Mrs. Dora O’Hare, 1015 Franklin, Winthrop Harbor, 111. Mar 12
Fort Wayne R.B. Ass’n, Robert J. Gebhart, 2105 Covington Rd., Fort Wayne, Ind. Mar 12
Michigan State R B. Ass’n, Betty Torrey, 4005 Jackson Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. Mar 16-18
Decatur R B Ass'n, Mrs. V. L Casper, 2880 White Oak Dr . Decatur, Ga. Mar 17-18
Kansas State Dutch R B., Mrs. R L Ernst. 301 E. First, Hoisington, Kan. Mar 19
Champagne Co. R B. Ass’n, Mrs. Viletha Lindsey, RR 3, Champion, 111. Mar 19
Fairfield Co. R B. Ass’n, Victor T. Sweetland, 264 Chestnut Hill Ave , Norwalk, Conn. Mar 19 N. Central Iowa R B Ass’n. Lu Verne Vannatta. Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa Mar 19
Wichita Falls Valley R.B. Ass’n, Barbara Hansard, Rt. 2, Wichita Falls, Texas Mar 18-19 West Texas R B. Ass’n, Paul Grohman, 1726 Green, Abilene, Texas Mar 23
Pony Express R B. Ass’n, Cecil N. Green, 1809 Beattie, St. Joseph, Mo. Mar 25-26
West Texas R BA. Tom Whiteaker, Rt. 3, Box 200, Abilene, Texas Mar 25
Iowa State Ck Gt. Club, Dorothy Newport, 2401 Wilson Ave., S.W., Cedar Rapids, Ia Mar 26-27 Silver Martin Rabbit Club, Mrs. G. H. Conner, 917 Moody, Knoxville, Tenn Mar 31-Apr. 1-2 Mall City R.B. Ass’n, O. R. Chaney, 3716 Wood-hams Dr., Kalamazoo, Mich. Mar 31-Apr 1
Stanislaus Co. R.B. Ass’n, Virgilene Schmitz. 5412 Roeding Rd , Hugsac, Calif Apr 1-2
Three Corners Rabbit Club, Mrs. R. Schlotthauer, Box 513, EUinwood, Kan. Apr. 1-2
New Jersey St. R&CB Ass’n, Barbara Jahrling. Box 291, Peapack, N J. Apr 2
Houston All Breed Rabbit Club, Frances Withrow, Rt 1, Box 128 G, Katv, Tex Apr 2
Eastern Dutch R.F. Club, Christine V. Hall, RD 2, Box 140, Quakertown. Pa. Apr 2
Free State R B. Ass’n, Mrs. Mina S. Uebel, R 1. Yeagertown Rd . Mt. Airy, Md. Apr 2
Grundy Co. R B. Ass’n, Mrs. Dorothy Johnson, RR 1. Box 30, Mazon, 111. Apr 2
Western Mass. R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. G. A. Carbon-neau, Granville Rd., Box 311, Southwick, Mass
Apr 2
Central Iowa Rabbit Fanciers Keith DeWitt. East & Sixth St., Gladbrook, Iowa Apr 2
Smoky Mountain Valley Rabbit Breeders Assoc., Wm. Wholey, Rt. 18, Harrell Rd., Knoxville, Tenn Apr. 1-2
Gaston Co R.B. Ass'n. R. G. Watson, 7 North Main St , Belmont, N.C. Apr 7-8
Little Kanawha Rabbit Club, Betty A. Wingrove, Box 62, Waverly, W. Va. Apr 7-8
Kaw Valley Rabbit Club, Alice Naylor, 2019 N. 13th, Kansas City, Kan. Satin Show Apr 8-9 South Jersey R.B. Ass’n, Harry S. Claus, 6236 Washington Lane, Cornwells Hgts., Pa. Apr 9 Michiana R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. Myrl Milhahn, 480 Green St., Constantine, Mich. Apr 9
Elgin RB Club, Mrs. June Dutton, R 1, Box 167, So. Elgin, 111. Apr 9
North Texas R.B. Ass’n, A1 Rodriguez, 2020 Pleasant Dr., Dallas, Texas Apr 9
Akron Rabbit Club. Inc., M. L. Clevenger, 428 Palm Ave., Akron, Ohio Apr 14, 15, 16
Van Wert Co. R.B. Ass’n, Jo Ann Lewis, Box 15, Middle Point. Ohio Apr 15-16
Iowa State RB Ass’n, American Checkered Giant Rabbit Club. Dorothy Newport. 2401 Wilson Ave , S.W, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Apr 15-16 New Mexico RB. Ass’n, Mrs. L. B. Hite, 2003 No Garden, Roswell, New Mexico Apr 15-16 Indianapolis Rabbit Fanciers, Ruth Scott, RR 1. Box 122, Morristown, Ind. Apr 16
Lebanon Valley R&CB Ass’n, Alfred W. Fisher, RD 1, Box 505, Palmyra, Pa. Apr 16
Decatur Area R.B Ass’n, William McKee, RR 3. Box 87, Decatur, 111. Apr 16
Falls Cities R.B Ass’n, Harold C. Quick, 4619 So. 1st. Louisville, Ky. Apr 22-23
Pittsburgh R.B. Ass'n, Sophie Polcsak, RD 1, Valencia, Pa. 16059 Apr 22-23
Kankakee Valley R.B. Ass’n. Mrs. Mary Strom, 2220 Black Rd., Joliet, 111. Apr 23
Lima R&CB Ass'n, Dale Place, R 3, Wapakonetn. Ohio Apr 23
York Co R&CB Ass’n, Gerald E. Liek, RD 1, Hellam, Pa. Apr 23
Mid Counties R.B. Ass'n. Fred Stan Freed. 1607 E. Sycamore, Kokomo, Ind. Apr 23
Council Bluffs RB. Ass’n, Jean Johnston, 1401 No. 20th St., Council Bluffs, Iowa Apr 23
50. W. Va. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n, Sandra Witt,
3241^ 21st St.. Dunbar, W. Va. Apr 22-23
Western Mich. R.B. Ass’n, Pete Hager, 6930 Willard, S.E, Grand Rapids, Mich. Apr 28-29 Ohio State Dutch Rabbit Club, Donald F. Weeks. RR1, Highland. Ohio Apr 29-30
Oklahoma R.B. Ass'n, Virginia L. Pavey, 425 S.W. 45th, Oklahoma City, Okla. Apr 29-30
Williams Co. RB Ass’n, Robert Burns, R 2. Edgerton, Ohio Apr 29-30j
St. Clair Co. RB Club, Mrs. L. Abbott, 11( Ash, East St. Louis, 111. Apr 3il
Tri County R.B. Ass’n, David Brueggemann. W195 S7234 Racine Ave.. Muskego, Wise Apr 30 Capitol District FF, Joan Schiermeyer, RFD 1. Averill Park, N Y Apr 30
Portsmouth Rabbit Breeders. Marion Bess. Portsmouth. Ohio May 6-7
Ohio State Silver Marten Club, Mildred Beatty. RD 1, Apples Corner, E. Liverpool, O. May 6 Illinois-Indiana Am. Ck Giant R. Club Ivan Holmes. 440 Pulaski Rd, Calumet City, 111
May 4-6
Kiam Egyptian R.B. Ass’n, Marilyn Ward, Fair-view Dr., Carmi, 111. May 7
Progressive Rabbit Club, Mrs. Chester Roberts. 4742 Parkview. Kansas City, Kansas May 7
Paulding Rabbit B Ass’n, Dale Broff, Box 28. Latty, Ohio May 7
All Flemish Giant R Show, Herb Anthony, 746 Garfield Ave., Newark. Ohio May 6-7
Richland Co. R.B Ass’n, Hildred Crabbs. 1871 Rock Rd., RR 8, Mansfield, Ohio May 6-7 Iowa State R B Ass’n, Dorothy Newport. 2401 Wilson Ave., SW Cedar Rapids, Iowa May 6-7 Convention and Show, Mason City.
Progressive R.B. Ass’n, Duane Shrader, 625 So
51, Lincoln, Nebr. May 7
Central Conn. R. & C. Breeders, Gertrude Dansro, 15 Fairview PI., Kensington. Conn
May 14
Cattaraugus Co R.B. Ass’n, Dorothy Strum, 410 So. Union St., Olean, N.Y May 1 i “
Buck’s Co. R.B. Ass’n, Sarah Siegrist, RD ll Collegeville, Pa. May 14^
Huron Co R B Ass’n Wells Ortner US 20 Rt. 1, Collins, Ohio May 13-14
Tulsa R.B. Ass’n. Bill Spicer, 1710 E 71st North, Tulsa, Okla. May 13-14
Terre Haute R&CB Ass'n, Donald Cook. 1320 First Ave.. Terre Haute, Ind. May 13-14
Illinois R.B. Ass’n, Florence Ayers. 2912 Hoover Ave , Springfield, 111. May 14
Lawrence Co RB. Ass'n. Mrs. Norman Sim-beck, Rt. 2, Old Florence Hwy., Lawrenceburg.
May 19-20
New England N Z R B Ass’n, George Smith, RR 1, Box 211, Thomaston. Conn. May 20-21 Morgan Co. R.B. Ass'n. Mrs Donald Thacker. P.O. Box 208, Paragon, Ind. May 20-21
Zanesville R.B. Ass'n, Edna Andrews. Rt. 3. Newark. Ohio May 20-21
Springfield R. B. Ass'n, Juanita Fisher, 819 East Kearney St., Springfield, Mo. May 20-21 Illinois RB Ass’n, Madison C.R.B. Ass’n, Orville Isken, RR 1, Box 69B. Bethalto 111 May 21 Tri City R.B. Ass’n, Helen Forsberg, RR 2, Box 150A, Davenport, Iowa May 21
Harvey Co. R B Ass’n Ramon Bloak, Box 422. Moundridge, Kansas May 21
Ohio Rex RB. Ass’n, Grace Haaf, RD 3, Box 230, Wellington, Ohio May 26-27
Page Fourteen
Ohio Calif. R. Spec. Club Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Road. RR 3. Mansfield. Ohio May 26-27 P.&O. Rabbit & Fur B Ass'n, Mable Brucker, R 2, Box 251, West Middlesex, Pa May 19
Ohio State R B. Ass’n, Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Rd., RR 3, Mansfield, Ohio May 28
Central Wise. RB Ass'n, Charles Riley, 416 Nash Road. Wisconsin Rapids, Wise. May 28 Green Mountain R.B. Ass'n, Shelia Rondeaux. 31 Lincoln Ave.. Rutland, Vt. May 28
National Capital R.B.A., Cynthia D Ray, R 1. Box 203, Germantown, Maryland May 27-28
Leonard Dunlap, Kansas and Lawrence Ritter, Maryland, two of our truly great rabbit fanciers, breeders and judges trace their activities almost to the last century. Dunlap and Ritter along with Bryant and Caudill were honored by the bestowing of lifetime member, judge and registrar award at the Louisville Convention, 1966.
ARBA dedication and principles have been their aim. Assistance whenever asked and if not asked, they volunteer. Youth activities and assistance to Youth and younger breeders and judges has been their forte.
The present day interest to rabbits and to ARBA is testimonial to the fact they have applied themselves well in dedication to purpose. They have met the call. We are the better for their answering.
Each of these stalwarts would enjoy hearing from their many friends and may be addressed as follows: Leonard A. Dunlap. 1321 N. 4th, Arkansas City, Kansas 67005. Lawrence T, Ritter, 7435 Inwood Ave., Baltimore, Maryland 21228.
Leonard A. Dunlap, long time ARBA member, judge and registrar, was honored and awarded a lifetime member, judge and registrar of distinction.
Dunlap, who resides in Arkansas City, Kansas, has ben keenly interested in the (rabbit industry for more than forty years: the last thirty years raising purebred stock only. Many breeds of rabbits have benefitted because of Dunlap’s intense interest and his application of sound breeding practices and principles.
Dunlap joined the American in 1938, became registrar in 1941 and a judge in 1943, taking his examination under the late Judge Marion Stoner of Wichita.
In the years when Judge Dunlap was most active in the judging field he worked all the big shows in Kansas, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Colorado. Arkansas with regularity. As time permitted he worked shows in many distant states. On these trips, as in his other rabbit activities, Leonard was always accompanied by his wife, Lesta Mae. Mrs. Dunlap has been confined to a wheel chair for many years. But this has never dampened her spirits or posed
a problem for her keen interest in rabbits and rabbit breeders.
Living in Kansas for the last fifty years, Dunlap was one of the leaders in organizing the first rabbit club in the state. This club was formed in Wichita in 1941 and the meetings were first held in the basement of the Dunlap’s home at 1912 South Seneca.
The Dunlap's left Wichita in 1946, moving to Corbin, Kansas a small hamlet near the Oklahoma-Kansas border. While residing in this area, they were very active in rabbit organizations at Black-well, Enid and Seiling, Oklahoma. Leonard played a leading role in the reorganization of the Oklahoma State Rabbit Federation. In 1949 a special meeting was called for the purpose of reorganization: —J. Cyril Lowit served as chairman and Wally Blair, publisher of Small Stock Magazine and ARBA Director acted as secretary of this important conclave.
A most memorable occasion in the Dunlap’s many years of rabbit association and activities, occurred at the date of their 50th Wedding Aniversary. Various members of the Oklahoma Rabbit Federation were instrumental in an open house at the Dunlap’s home. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Dee, Enid; Daisy Valouch, Oklahoma City and Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCovney, Tulsa were the active host. This was June 24, 1962 and droves of rabbit folk from Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma kept a steady stream of activity at the Arkansas City, Kansas home of the Dunlaps.
The outstanding work and efforts of Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap over the 40 plus years with rabbits, has been the intense desire to help the young breeder. Leonard, has always worked close with the 4-H boy and girl members with an interest in and of rabbits. Leonard, has even went out of his way to interest those that had not so pi*eviosly been engrossed with the worthiness of a 4-H Rabbit Project. Even in 1967, there is hardly a week that passes without 1 or more youngsters visiting and learning of rabbit from the Dunlaps. Again in 1967 Judge Dunlap is serving as leader of rabbit projects in Cowley County, Kansas.
Time has taken its toll on Judge Dunlap as to the number of shows he can attend and officiate at; likewise time has narrowed the geographic area which he can serve. However, he is still called upon and works as judge at many of the smaller fairs and will handle some classes at the big Midland Empire Show, March 4-5 at Iola, Kansas. The Dunlap’s still attend the bigger shows for chance to wisit with their droves of rabbit friends accumulated over the years. New Zealand Whites and Reds are still ac-
Page Fifteen
tively raised and improved at the Dunlap Rabbitry.
Judge Lawrence T. Ritter has retired from a long, dedicated and chosen lifetime of farming. Ritter, is living off the land he loves so well and has truly been the only life he has known, work and toil in the true tradition that has made America great.
Ritter, is known throughout the Eastern Seaboard as the “Old Master” because of the legend built upon years of rabbit raising. Years of dedication and improvement of rabbit breeds. Years of unselfish work with young judges and those aspiring to be ARBA judges or Registrars. Years of voluntary help and guidance to Youth groups of his state and area.
The application of “Old Master" is rightfully bestowed and worn by Judge Ritter. He was born in 1899, son of a prominent poultry judge and small stock raiser of the period. Because of his father duties as judge, Ritter, entered the intriguing world of poultry and rabbit exhibition shows at the tender age of 9. It was in 1914, young Ritter was the proud owner of some beautiful specimen of Flemish Giants imported from Germany.
Mr. Ritter, judged without license, a practice permitted at that time, during the infancy and while a member of the old National Pet Stock Association. Upon the absorption or combined organization of groups and the eventual forming of the present ARBA. Lawrence T. Ritter, secured his official judging license in the early 1930's and has since applied himself to the upholding of the ARBA and its
principles. Judge Ritter, is the first official ARBA judged licensed on the East Coast and is still actively judging, being much in demand and sought out to handle the big shows.
Some of the outstanding judges of our great history with whom Ritter has had the privilege of working: John Fehr, Lou Griffith, Oscar Schultz, James Blyth, to mention a few. His roots are deep and still growing.
Many are the shows, fairs and exhibitions he has officiated over the years. Likewise he has worked at many ARBA Conventions. His handling of the tremendous entry of Flemish Giants at the 1959 ARBA Convention, Syracuse, New York was an excellent example of the fine job he does.
Judge Ritter and wife Naomi have raised an outstanding son and daughter to adhere to the same high ideals and principles that have been their guiding light, throughout the years. May the ARBA and our country always be blessed with the quality of members and citizens as are the Ritters.
Phillip Alampi, secretary, department of Agriculture, State of New Jersey, is very enthusiastic of the wonderful support and accomplishments of the New Jersey State R&CBA participation and promotion of their department during the New Jersey Farmers Week, 1967.
The highlight of the program was an address, accompanied with slides and pictures, presented by Tommy Andrew, Shavertown, Pennsylvania. Program date was January 28, Trenton, New Jersey.
Bunny Grove ... Twin Valley Rby.
J. Gognat ......
Guarantee Rby. .
D. Reid ..........
H. Betts .........
R. Forman ........
Dixie Rabbitry ......Ga
Dixie Rabbitry ......Ga.
State Breed Peg it Ear #
. .. Calif Satin . .. 7055 X . ... 10K
. . . N.Y Blue Dutch .. ...5996 X V 181
.. .Ky Ck. Giant . ..
. . .La N.Z . . . 4413 X .. ...G 267
... La N.Z ...4408 X . ...G 302
... La N.Z . .. 6654 X . . . . G 316
... La N.Z ...6651 X . RH 61
N.Z. White . .. ... 53 X . . . .HC 38
. . .Mi Cal ...8648 X ...21 B
...Ill Flemish ...4453 X . .6 MO
...Tenn Cal ...9279 X . . . B 414
. .. Vt Satin ...4223 X 6 M<~>
...Ga Eng S R2
. . .Ga Eng
. .. Wn Palomino .... ... J 42
R. Twyman Mo N. Z . . .44 TC
K. O. Engler . . . Ohio Blue Eye Polish . 455 X EX
C. Persails Mich N.Z. White .2518 X CAC 2
C. Persails Mich N.Z .5478 X BAZ
C. Persails Mich N.Z .2159 X CAB
C. Persails Mich N.Z .5164 X . . FY
C. Persails Mich N.Z . 5471 X ... . . CY 2
Page Sixteen
Andrew M. Stodel, vice-president of AR&CBA 1934, one of the most prominent and influential rabbit judge and writer of all time was the moderator of a productive 4-H adult leader training program held January 7 at Pierce College, Woodland Hills, California.
This enthusiastic gathering of 83 adult 4-H leaders from throughout Southern California were treated to one of the best qualified group of experts in their field, who served on the panel type meeting. discussion and question - answer period.
Ellis Murray, ARBA Treasurer, got the program off to a fine start in the right direction with his talk, ‘Making The fight Start With Rabbits’, followed by Ir. E. J. Hauser, farm advisor, Los Angeles County Agriculture Extension Service on the very important subject, ‘Care of Rabbits and Poultry’. They were followed by Mr. Bruce Campbell, Farm Advisor, Orange County Agriculture Extension Service, who presented, ‘Is It For Fun or Profit’.
Commercial committee chairman, Phil Lohman, 11800 W. Howard Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53228, reports that he has asembled and now has available for immediate mailing a good Commercial Packet. This Commercial Packet is available for the cost of postage only, and you may forward your request for this important material direct to him, including
I either 20c cash or 20c in stamps. Forward Itiur ARBA membership number along ^ith your request for this material available to our membership.
Mrs. George Morehead
The 3rd meeting of the New York Rabbit Shows Inc., sponsors of the 44th ARBA Convention-Show, October 9-12, 1967 was held January 29th. The weather was miserable, but all key personnel braved the elements and were in attendance. It was also heartening to see so many interested members present, seeking out the way they could heln make this the best ARBA Convention-Show.
There were two changes in organization at this meeting. Mrs. George More-head, Box 161. Maine, New York 13802, will serve in dual capacity, handling both publicity and catalog and advertising. Mrs. Margaret Burdick will be in charge of reservations. Official headouarters is the Hotel Syracuse. There are 6,000 permanent coops, on two floors with wide and ample aisles, at the New York State Exposition grounds, site of the show. General Chairman of Convention - Show, Howard Carr; and George Berl, Show Secretary. The May-June ARBA Bulletin will carry committee appointments, breed chairman and other important information as available. Remember, its “Syracuse in Sixty-Seven”.
Joe Lutes, Garden Grove, California reports there was a full house, standing room only for the testimonial banquet sponsored by Golden West RBA at Knott’s Berry Farm, February 11th, honoring ARBA Lifetime member Jack Bryant.
This is another in a long standing line and tradition of accomplishment by the Golden West RBA. They were the initiators of the Rabbit of Tomorrow Contest, which was the forerunner of the American Rabbit Fryer Production Contest.
1967 ARBA
Syracuse, N. Y.
OCTOBER 9 to 12, 1967
Page Seventeen
--------ANNUAL LISTING $1.50---
“Don” Reid, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies. Rt. 1, Box 159, Lockport, 111. 60441.
Dr. Thomas Coatomm, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 213 South St, Wattsburg, Pa. 16442. Ph: 814, 739-2773.
George Camp, Judge, 3853 Green Valley Rd., Huntington, W Va.
Douglas Noble, Registrar, P.O Box 203. Brusly, Louisiana 70719.
Lewis Bowen, Registrar, Route 1, Manteno, Illinois, Ph: 476-6277.
Don Smith, Registrar, P.O. Box 15. Waterloo. N Y. 13165.
Ross Flower, Judge. 7043 9th Ave , Rio Linda, Calif., Ph: 991-2098
Marvin Kroenlng, Judge, RR 5. Marshfield. Wise 94449 Walter L. Patton. Judge, 69 Godby St., Logan, W Va.
G. A. Burke, Judge, 6400 Scioto Darby Creek Rd.. Hilliard, Ohio Ph: 876-7605.
William Dlngman, Registrar, Rt 3, Box 499, Traverse City. Mich.
Marvin H. Langeland, Judge, 1985 N. 9th Street. Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001, Ph: 616. 349-4424
William Chance, Judge, St. Joseph, Minn.
Claudius Poer, Judge. 1317 Q Ave., New Castle, Ind. 47362, Ph: 589-3729
Harold Drudge. Judge. Rt 1, Roann, Ind 46974. Ph: 982-2021 J. Cyril Lowit, Judge, Rt. 2, Box 440, Troutdale. Ore 97060 Stan Freed. Judge, 1607 E Sycamore, Kokomo, Ind. 46901. Ph: 317 457-8084.
Betty Beckendorf Registrar, Rt 2. Box 28B, Crescent City, Calif. 95531
H. J. Merrlhue, Registrar, P.O. Box 23123, New Orleans, La. 70123, Ph. 504, 729-2114.
Leonard L. Blskle. Judge, 2080 Hendershot Rd , Parma, Michigan, Ph: 517, 531-4015.
ANGORA—See Cleo, Page 28 New Standards Book. 6 generation pedigree registered stock. Dept A for prices Shooting Star, Pellston, Michigan.
•METHODS, MEDICINES, MANAGEMENT To Control Rabbit Ailments.” Booklet covers 16 common diseases, helps diagnose them, recommends treatments and remedies. Price 50c p.p. 'coins or stamps I refunded with first order for remedies Ozark Enterprises. Willard 8, Missouri.
NEW ZEALAND WHITES (AH Red, White & Blue Stock), American Blues Breeding stock registered. Pedigrees with all orders Highest quality for research, commercial and fancier use. Satisfaction guaranteed or return at our coat. All stock reasonably priced and shipped f ob. Write for descriptive details. Chenango Valley Research Farm, Box 118, RD 1, Greene, NY. 13778.
The men who are building the ARBA for me
Haven’t asked how I wanted it built;
Whether of great regularity,
Or patched, like an old crazy quilt.
They just work along, and I wonder sometimes
As they swarm over footing and wall,
Just how many, committing artistical crimes,
Know they are building the ARBA at all
The men who are running the ARBA for me
Haven’t written or called on the phone.
My precious opinions, that they need so much
They have left absolutely alone.
If they want things done right,
They should know what I think,
And yet there are times when I fear
That the men who running the ARBA for me
Are hardly aware that I’m here. W
It is true that I pay them a pittance av best,
For looking after my rabbit affairs
For all the support it gets out of me
There troubles should come in pairs.
So I’ll not criticize if they skip my advise,
And a secret I’ll whisper to you.
There’s just no way of telling just how proud I am
Of the wonderful things they do.
The men who are running the ARBA for me,
Are building it second to none
And if they had asked me I’d hasten to say
It is built as I wanted it done.
The men who are running this ARBA for me
Are the best that you’ll find anywhere.
And when the day comes that they need my support
You can count on me being right there.
Silver Martens * Prizes & Surprises
Publicity Director, Bob Kahler, reports judging begins promptly at 9 A.M., April 1st and he isn’t fooling.
The Silver Marten Rabbit Club under the able guidance of president T. H. Roberson have secured the services of Judge Vern Ashton, to place the show for exhibitors competiting for over $400.00 in cash and merchandise.
Mrs. T. H. Conner, 917 Moody Ave., Knoxville, Tennessee 37920 is show secretary. All report, if you have some good ones, this is the show. If you don’t have the good ones, and desire to obtain some, Knoxville, Tennessee, April 1-2, is the place. There is plenty to see and do in Knoxville, so head for the hills.
Page Eighteen
The World’s Largest Organization Of Rabbit Breeders — Built Upon Integrity and Service
1966 • 1970
Book of Standards Of All Recognized Breeds of Rabbits & Cavies
Standard & Registration Weights
104 Pages — 37 Illustrations
PRICE $2.00
This Size $1.50
Membership Button in Bronze
Show your A.R.B.A. Affiliation by Wearing One of These Beautiful Buttons.
PRICE $1.25
Our Membership Emblem
Use It On Your Printed Matter
If you wish one of the MEMBERSHIP EMBLEMS shown on right to appear on your printed matter, it is necessary that you secure an electrotype to reproduce it.
We offer them to members at low cost; their use means prestige to you and advertising for the ARBA.- Use on letterheads, circulars, booklets,
Association premium lists, catalogs, etc. Two sizes shoyvn on right.
SLEEVE & BACK PATCH Embroidered — 4 Colors 23,4 Inch $1.25 7% Inch $2.25
Show Your ARBA Affiliation by Using Above Emblem and Slogan
BEGINNERS BOOKLET - 325,000 sold, 48 JUDGES REPORT BOOK - used at most show*
pages Illustrated, copy 25c; 12—$2.00; 24— for judging remarks and other informatioiw
$3.75; 50—S5.25 PRICE $1.25.
25 Originals
25 duplicate* Duplicates may be used as originals A total of 50 Blanks - A Breeding certificate on back of each blank PRICE $1.50
Of our Membership Emblem Stickers For Windshield, Etc.
Size 4 By 4 Inches In 3 Attractive Colors
Each ..............25 Cents
6 For.............. $1.00
OUR SLOGAN — Electrotype, Size as Shown — $1.50.
RUBBER STAMP — Stamp It on Everything — $1.50
This Size $1.75
Page Nineteen
ARBA BULLETIN official publication of the
American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. 4323 Murray Ave. BB, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Non-Profit Org.
Louisville, Ky. Permit No. 218
1. Direct all the activities of the ARBA within your District.
2. Keep in close working contact with your State Agents.
3. Require BiMonthly reports from your State Agents.
4. Urge each Local Club to organize another Club during the year.
5. Provide News reports to the Publicity Committee.
6. Answer correspondence from people within your District.
7. Send a report of your District activities to the President Monthly.
8. Urge State Agents to work closely with each Local Agent—this requires each Local Club to select an ARBA member as Local Agent.
9. See that all State and Local Agents have ARBA supplies for their work.
10. Set a goal for NEW members within the District and urge State and Local Agents to achieve the goal.
11. Boost the Commercial aspect of our Association.
12. Encourage Youth Club activities, and Senior Citizen activities.
1. Work under the supervision of the ARBA Director assigned to your District.
2. Keep in close contact with each LOCAL agent.
3. Prepare BiMonthly reports for your Director on activities within your state.
4. Urge Each Local Club to organize another CLUB within the year.
5. Prepare News Items and send them to your Director.
6. Answer correspondence from people within your state.
7. Be sure that each Local Club within your State has an ARBA member who serves with you as a Local Agent.
8. Make sure that you and your Local Agents have the necessary ARBA supplies to do your job successfully.
9. With your Director’s help—set a goal of NEW members from your State and urge each Local Agent to help reach that goal.
10 Boost the Commercial aspect of our Association.
11. Encourge Youth Club activities, and Senior Citizen activities.
12. Remember you are a vital LINK in the advancement of the ARBA.
1. You are selected to promote the worl^ of the ARBA at each Club meeting.
2. Your help to enroll NEW members in the ARBA is very important.
3. Have the necessary ARBA supplies to do your work.
4. Faithful cooperation with your State Agent is necessary.
5. Send BiMonthly reports to your State Agent.
6. Solicit Ads for our ARBA publications.
7. Help your Club organize another local CLUB during the year.
8. Prepare NEWS items and send them to your State Agent.
9. Be a source of information for anyone who asks.
10. Boost the Commercial aspect of our Association.
11. Encourage Youth Club activities, and Senior Citizen activities.
12. Help build Good-will and enthusiasm for the ARBA.
Original Format
Bound magazine