ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 1 - Jan/Feb
Collection: 1967 ARBA Bulletins

ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 1 - Jan/Feb
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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8 1/2 inches x 11 inches
American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 1 - Jan/Feb,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 11, 2025,
Vol. 2 January-February, 1967 No. 1
Kansas Governor Robert Docking has accepted the invitation to attend and present address at the March 4th banquet, being held in conjunction with the March 4-5 show of the Midland Empire at Iola, Kansas.
Highlight of the banquet will be presentation of award to ARBA Lifetime Member Judge Leonard Dunlap. Leonard, has been on the scene, working hard for years on end. Judge Dunlap and Mrs. Dunlap will be guests of the highest honor.
Officials for this stellar show will include Judges Vern Ashton, Ed Stahl, Don Guthrie, Bob Wallace. Honored Judge Leonard Dunlap will also be pressed into service.
Jack Bryant, California and Walter Caudell, North Carolina, two of our most prominent and dedicated members, registrars and judges were honored by the ARBA Executive Board at the Louisville Convention of 1966. The award including lifetime membership was bestowed after many words and testimony of their tireless efforts for and in behalf of the rabbit fancy.
The course of the lifetime activities of Judge Bryant and Judge Caudell for the good of the ARBA and advancement of rabbits, do indeed, run an exceedingly striking parallel.
(Continued on Page 4)
Judge Walter Caudell, Charlotte, North Carolina known and admired by one and all as a renowned rabbit breeder, pioneer organizer and excellent ARBA judge. In the Tarheel state W’alter is affectionately known as ‘White Rabbit Caudell.’ Judge Caudell, was honored by Lifetime Membership at Louisville Convention.
The ARBA has a limited supply of promotional book matches available. A full carton of these outstanding promotional ,iieces will be mailed postpaid at the fee cost of $1.00.
These ARBA Specialty match books are complete with ARBA official insignia and promotional legend. There is ample inner space on these match books to place your personal ad or message. Send orders and remittance to Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716. Supply limited.
M. H. Friedman and W. A. Turner
At one time or another claims have been made that almost every dietary ingredient is indispensable for normal breeding performance. To some extent this is un-
(Continued on Page 8)
4323 Murray Avenue — James Blyth, Secy.___________— Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
W E. (Bill) Molen, Editor P.O. Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716
David Ford, Assistant Publicity Chm.
PUBLICITY STAFF Bett Hickman Virginia Flournoy
Joe Lutes Jodie Croker
Pat Krider Mark Youngs
Pat Giles B ng Harris
Wayne Willmnnn. Pres James Blyth, Secy. Oren Reynolds, V.-Pres. Ellis Murray, Treas
Fred Applegate J Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W E Molen
Claude Bennett E P. Shilliday
W. H Kennedy Edward Stahl
Edward Toebbe
I find it difficult to write this message for several matters are still unfinished. I had hoped to give you a goodly list of definite answers.
Today, December 18, as I write, I cannot tell you that the Board has accepted a bid for our 1967 ARBA Convention. I can say that the breeders in New York State have had several meetings, have all materials collected, have their Show Association Incorporated, have selected Syracuse as the site, and picked the dates of October 9 thru the 12th. As soon as they have met all the requirements for submitting a bid, our Board will act. I hope it is settled by the time you read this.
Also I wanted to announce all the changes, where necessary, in the roster of State Agents, but I can’t today. Last year I asked the State Associations to give me names—I used the names—some of them did very little or nothing. Some did an excellent job. This time I am asking our Directors to furnish me with names for appointment. That list is not complete—so I will have to wait until the March Bulletin to publish it.
I urge all State Agents to do all they can to get Articles and Advertising for our NEW Guide Book. There will be no solicitation for Advertising in the Bul-
letin so I urge you to advertise in the Guide Book.
Any information you can secure relative to the sale of wild rabbits in your area, please sent it to Secretary Blyth.
Our secretary will begin—January 2, working on a new three year Contract that was voted by the Board at its meeting in Louisville.
In a few days a contract will be signed with our member Edward Schuhmann of Louisville, Ky. to print 6 issues of our Bulletin in 1967. He did a fine job in 1966. Please support our Bulletin with Articles and news items. Especially do I want to see more about our Youth. Youth Leaders, please get your material to Editor Molen.
I close this message with the announcement of the following Committees for 1967:
W. E. Molen, Chr. David Ford, Asst. Joe Lutes Pat Krider Pat Giles Virginia Flournoy Jodie Croker Mark Youngs Bing Harris Bett Hickman
Ed Stahl, Chr.
W. H. Kennedy William Hartley Mel Behrens David Ross
Rhode Island
Missouri Penna. Michigan New York Ohio
Ellis Murray, Chr. Robert Herschbach John Long
Lester Wells, Chr. A1 Meier, Jr. Marvin Carley W. T. Robinson Charles Lewis Harold McGovney Frances Bennett Don Lovejoy
New York
Roscoe Cuozzo Bing Harris Alfred DeCastro Manuel DeJuan Murilo Rego
Maine Canada Switzerland Puerto Rico Brazil
Other Committee announcements should be ready for the March Bulletin. Wishing all our members a Healthy and a Prosperous New Year.
Wayne Willmann
Page Two
I The excellent building at the New York State Fairgrounds, wherein the rabbits and 'cavies at 1959 ARBA Convention-Show were housed and judged. The New York group is looking forward to staging the 1967 ARBA Convention-Show in this building.
The New York Rabbit Shows Inc., will sponsor the 1967 ARBA National Convention-Show. Dates are October 9-12, 1967. The site of the show is the beautiful New York State Fairgrounds and the convention headquarters hotel is the Syracuse Hotel.
The officers of the New York State sponsoring group: Howard Carr, president; Fred Wickman, vice-president; Virginia Carr, general secretary; George Berl. show secretary; H. T. Vreeland, treasurer; Tillie Morehead, publicity; Harold Wickman, advertising and catalog.
Each issue of the ARBA Bulletin will carry details and plans of the New York Sponsoring group. Remember, the ARBA Convention requires the support of all. The 1959 Syracuse Convention was a line event, well-managed and directed— the 1967 Syracuse Convention will be even better. Make your plans now—It’s Syracuse, October 9-12, 1967.
July 16-22, 1967 has been officially designated as National Rahhit Week. The ARBA Executive board officially voted the July dates and authorized the expenditure necessary to obtain and distribute the necessary promotional items to aid and assist the local, state and national clubs. Many local clubs thru their secretaries had either requested such promotional material be furnished and in some instances even offered suggestions for and of the type needed.
A hardhitting National Rabbit Week — Promotional Packet is now available. These packets are mailed postpaid, on a first come- first served basis. This the first year of offering Promotional Packets, the supply is necessarily limited. The cost for these fine Promotional Packets is $5.00, the exact cost. This is not a money making venture for the ARBA, rather a hard hitting assemblage of real promotional items.
Included in the Promotional Packet:
A good supply of 2-color Day-Glow automobile bumper stickers. An ample supply of 2-color Day-Glow automobile radio aerial pennants. A supply of simulated leather, purse and pocket note and memo pads and portfolios. Abundant quantities of handy purse emery boards. Numerous folder type rabbit recipe brochures. A fine supply of the recently revised — “Little Known Facts of Rabbits.” We have also included a general information sheet and suggested modes and methods of staging your own publicity campaign.
Again this year there will be 3 outstanding and distinctive trophy awards to the top winners. The ARBA Champion Promoter Awards. These Champion Promoter Award Trophies were presented to the 1966 winners at Louisville Convention and were not only received with enthusiasm by the 3 top winners but provoked comment from one and all that these were truly outstanding awards, worthy of winning and showing off.
We urge each club to submit their order and remittance of $5.00 to Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716, at once. Remember, these Promotional Packets are on a first-come, first-served basis. Order your clubs packet today.
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(Continued from Page 1)
Caudell, a native of North Carolina, first became interested in rabbits in 1919 after return from service in World War
I. Bryant, a native of Kansas, who migrated to California by way of Iowa, first became interested in rabbits in 1920, and in World War II served his country well.
Both have raised many breeds of rabbits but each achieved outstanding results and success with the New Zealand Whites. Bryant and Caudell with dedication to purpose each, in turn, were ARBA registrars then ARBA judges. Each in their own geographic areas were paramount promoters and sought after officials.
Their rabbit activities continued to parallel even through 1966 when both were selected for the ARBA highest honor—Lifetime Membership.
Lifetime Judge and member, Jack Bryant was born in 1909 at Osawatomie, Kansas. Bryant was educated in Kansas and Iowa graduating from the Harvey, Iowa High School. It wasn’t till 1931 that the Bryant family moved to Santa Anna, California.
In 1920 Bryant purchased his first rabbits, a fine pair of New Zealand Reds, from Ed Stahl’s Outdoor Enterprises. Judge Bryant has raised many breeds, including Checkered Giants, Flemish, Polish, Rex, Beverns, Chinchilla, besides the two varities of New Zealands above mentioned.
It was April 1932 that Jack purchased his first New Zealand Whites and in the late 1930’s and 1940’s the Bryant strain of New Zealand Whites were the outstanding bloodline of the breed.
One of Bryant’s most outstanding herd sires was Captain Kid. Many of the offspring from this outstanding ARBA Grand Champion buck sold for $100.00 each or more. A most vivid recollection of Captain Kid is easily recalled by Bryant. He sold the buck to a breeder in Missouri and shipped him to the new owner. The new owner was not satisfied and returned Captain Kid to Bryant. Three months later Captain Kid was shipped by Bryant to the big rabbit show at St. Louis, Missouri and under Judge Jim Blyth, Captain KidL was best of breed and second in white fur. The purchaser who had been dissatisfied with Captain Kid, three months previous, tried by every means to purchase this outstanding specimen. However, he was shipped back to Bryant’s after this show and proved an outstanding sire for quite some time.
Jack Bryant served in the Air Force in World War II, stationed in England. At each time possible he attended shows in England, many times called upon to assist the Judges. Jack Bryant’s placement of
rabbits in shows of England were well accepted but his manner of picking up the rabbits by the skin over the neck and shoulders of the animal were protested by the exhibitors. The British Rabbit Judges did not handle the rabbits as did the American Judges.
Jack has been confined to a wheel chair because of service connected disability for some years now. The Bryant immediate family consists of wife, Lucille, two daughters and six grandchildren.
Jack would be very happy to hear from all his rabbit friends. The address, Jack Bryant, 10372 Lan Drive, Garden Grove, California 92640.
Lifetime Judge and Member, Walter Caudell, was born in 1896 in Davie County, North Carolina. Caudell was educated in North Carolina and graduated from Queens Business College. Since 1917 Walter has resided in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Judge Caudell says with a smile. “I can’t remember whether I fell in love with my girl friend, who later was to be my wife, Lucille; or with rabbits, first.” However, since Walter Caudell’s return from France, he has ben known affectionately throughout the state and area as “White Rabbit Caudell.” During his dates and courtship of the lovely Lucille. Walter always carried a small white rabbit in his coat pocket.
Judge Caudell has truly been an outstanding breeder and booster of many breeds but it was with New Zealand Whites that he reached the heights. Caudell bloodline of outstanding New Zealand Whites have been the basis of many outstanding breeds in Southeast U.S.
Outstanding contributions of Walter to the rabbit fancy of his area include the founding and the first president of the Piedmont Rabbit Breeders Club. Walter i is also the founder and first president^ of the North Carolina Rabbit Breeders Association.
In 1952 a Caudell led crusade was the prime mover in enlisting the aid of several radio stations of the state to promote rabbits and their utility by playing various tapes and recordings extolling the virtues of rabbits. The year 1952 was also the first year rabbits were included as an important department of the State Fair held at Raleigh.
The ARBA has been served well in Southeast U. S. by lifetime member Walter Caudell. Many have been his jobs and contributions including ARBA State Representative for years.
Walter Caudell served with the 29th division in World War I, stationed most of the time where the going was tough, in France.
After armed forces service and com-
Page Four
pletion of education, Judge Caudell served as manager of the financial accounting department, Esso Standard Oil Company. Walter recently retired from Esso and can now devote more time to his two true loves.
Walter says, “Now in 1966 I can vividly recall it was lovely wife, Lucille, I first fell in love with in 1919, but rabbits were a close second then and now we both love the rabbits.”
Walter would be very happy to hear from all his rabbit friends. The address, Walter Caudell, 401 S. Summit Ave., Charlotte, North Carolina 28208.
(Continued from Page 1) doubtedly correct insofar as normal breeding performance is associated with general health. The matter is considerably different if the question is asked, What are the requirements for reproduction above those necessary to maintain a mature animal? If the discussion is limited to breeding and excludes lactation, the answer is none with one or two questionable exceptions. Undeniably, there are conditions on deficient pasture and on restricted diet under natural conditions in which breeding performance is below par but these examples do not afford evidence that the requirements for reproduction are different quantitatively or qualitatively from the requirements for growth and maintenance. These naturally occuring difficulties, moreover, do not incriminate any one element of the diet specifically, because these deficiencies usually involve not one dietary element but several elements at the same time. For example, pasture deficient in phosphorus is deficient in protein also and perhaps in still other nutritive ingredients not yet investigated.
For the satisfactory determination of the dietary requirements for reproduction we must rely upon carefully controlled experiments in which the deficiencies are limited to single dietary ingredients, with all other ingredients supplied in ample amounts. There are not many data available from experiments of this character on the larger animals, so that we are forced to be guided by the laboratory data secured from experiments on the rat. In many other kinds of work it is justifiable to assume that results obtained with the rat will be very similar to results obtainable from the larger animals. In nutrition, however, the significant differences between species are numerous enough to prohibit the use of any one species of animal for the determination of the nutritional requirements of other animals. It is therefore necessary to examine the available data critically, realizing
their possible shortcomings, and citing those instances in which data from the larger animals are in accord with the results that have been obtained with the rat.
There is no evidence to indicate any special requirement of vitamin D for reproduction, and this is true also of vitamin C. Diets producing definite symptoms of scurvy in the guinea pig do not interfere with estrus or ovulation. Male guinea pigs dying of scurvy have normal testicles with normal sperm. A deficiency of vitamin B in the rat does interrupt the estrus cycle and stop ovulation in the female. However, such a deficiency also causes a severe decrease in energy intake. Restriction of energy intake to an equal degree on a complete diet results in equally severe disturbances in the sex organs. Consequently it is difficult to say that the vitamin B complex affects reproduction beyond its effect on food intake. It is also noteworthy that male rats dying from vitamin B deficiency may show normal testes. In view of the difficulty of producing vitamin B deficiency in the larger domestic animals and the abundance of the vitamin in the common stock feeds, there is probably little need to be concerned about vitamin B deficiency in the breeding of farm animals.
Two vitamins, A and E, do influence reproduction markedly. In the rat, diets low in these vitamins may be sufficient to maintain animals in apparently good health and to permit growth at a rate not very far below normal, but not sufficient for normal reproduction. The reproductive system is therefore somewhat more sensitive to lack of vitamins A and E than the rest of the body, and apparent good health is not a safe guide.
In the rat a mild deficiency of vitamin A leads to an abnormal formation of horny scales on all of the soft membranes of the body. Not all parts of the body are equally susceptible to this change. Among the first to be affected in the female rat is the soft membrane of the vagina. At this level of deficiency there is no loss in weight. In fact the animal may continue to gain at a satisfactory rate, but there are definite abnormalities in reproduction. The estrus cycle as determined by mating behavior, and ovulation are not at all affected, nor is the early development of the growing young in the uterus. The difficulty appears after the middle of pregnancy, when degeneration of the placenta takes place, resulting in hemorrhage and abortion. Many of the pregnancies that are not interrupted at this stage continue beyond the normal term. In such cases labor is abnormally long, and many of the young are stillborn.
Mortality of the mothers is high during such prolonged labor.
Male rats are somewhat more resistant of vitamin A deficiency than female. While the female is showing early evidence of a lack of vitamin A, males show no damage to the testicle. With more severe deficiencies, •when lesions begin to appear in the membranes of the eyes, the testes begin to show some damage. Even at this stage, however, the lesions are not very severe, and motile sperm is still being formed. More pronounced lesions are found only after the animal has lost some weight. Strikingly, this damage to the testicle can be repaired by doses of the vitamin too small to permit a gain in weight. The condition in the female rat also can be relieved by proper treatment with the vitamin even after a long period of deficiency.
The symptoms of vitamin A deficiency in the rat are almost identical with those seen in the cow and the sheep. In these species also the difficulty does not appear in the estrus cycle or ovulation, but late in pregnancy, leading to abortion or premature labor with the birth of weak or dead young. In these larger animals also the abnormalities of pregnancy may occur on diets that do not produce pronounced impairment of the general health of the mature animal. From the evidence in the rat the cow, and the sheep, therefore, it would seem clear that the vitamin A requirements for successful reproduction are somewhat higher than the minimum requirements for maintenance of the mature animal. It is not at all clear, however, that the requirements for reproduction are any higher than those for normal growth.
In the female rat, vitamin E deficiency resembles vitamin A deficiency to the extent that here again the trouble does not involve the estrus cycle or the ovary. It occurs after the middle of pregnancy and leads to the resorption of the growing young in the uterus. The disease differs from that produced by vitamin A deficiency in that the membranes are not attacked and abortion does not occur. The disease may be regarded as one that interferes with the growth of the young before birth. In the male, the disease attacks the germ cells which produce the sperm, and the condition cannot be cured by the administration of vitamin E, so that permanent sterility may result. This is in sharp contrasts to the effects of a lack of vitamin A.
So far vitamin E efficiency has been studied chiefly in the rat because it has bean impossible to produce pathological symptoms from it in other animals. On a diet that produces complete sterility in rats, goats and rabbits continue to breed for two or more generations without
difficulty. Regarding vitamin E deficiency purely as a laboratory product is probably justified. Although definite cases of a natural deficiency of other vitamins are recorded for man and animal, there is on record no known instance of a vitamin E deficiency occurring in nature. This is undoubtedly a reflection of the widespread distribution of this vitamin in all natural foodstuffs. Nevertheless one continues to hear of miracles performed by vitamin E concentrates, especially in curing habitual abortion in women and sterility in cows.
It will be recalled that true vitamin E deficiency in the rat does not produce abortion nor does it interfere with estrus or ovulation. The publications on the effects of heat-germ oil on bovine sterility have not been concerned with any abnormality of pregnancy that could conceivably be attributed to a vitamin E deficiency. They have dealt with cows that failed to become pregnant following service at normal heat periods. It is difficult to understand how a single injection of wheat-germ oil at the time of service would facilitate pregnancy in such cows unless the injection somehow or other stimulated ovulation or prolonged the life of the egg. To be sure, there are reports that vitamin E injections in the rat induce estrus and also stimulate the ovary. It has also been claimed that pituitary hormones are suitable substitutes for vitamin E in deficient animals. Finally, the statement has ben made that the pituitaries of vitamin E deficient rats are lower than normal in hormone content, though this claim has been disputed by competent investigators. The claims for estrus-in-ducing or ovary-stimulating activity of vitamin E have been thoroughly discredited. Perhaps it is permissible to characterize most of the vitamin E miracles as products of enthusiasm rather, than of prudence. At least one group on American workers has not been able to confirm the reported beneficial effects of vitamin E concentrate in the breeding of cattle.
The minerals that have been most prominently mentioned in connection with reproduction are phosphorus, calcium and manganese. It is easy to find in the literature reports that a deficiency of one or another of these elements will interfere with reproduction. However, a critical analysis of the available data does not bear out these claims.
Perhaps the experiments most often cited are those dealing with phosphorus deficiency in range cattle. It is true that cattle on phosphorus-deficient ranges experience difficulties in breeding, but this is not necessarily due to a lack of phos-
phorus. In the first place, the low phosphorus content of the pasture is paralleled by a very low protein content, and there may be in addition be still other deficiencies not yet recognized. Again pasture low in phosphorus is not very palatable, so that the food intake is far below normal. As a result the animals are obviously in poor condition and the multiple deficiency is complicated by partial starvation.
It has been reported that the addition of bonemeal to the diet of cattle on such ranges results in marked improvement in general condition and in breeding performance following the increased food consumption upon administration of the supplement But in recent experiments on cows an uncomplicated phosphorus deficiency did not interfere with estrus or ovulation, despite the fact that the phosphorus deficiency was severe enough to lower the blood phosphorus to levels below those usually seen in range cattle on low-phosphorus ranges. Unfortunately the data are not yet extensive enough to warrant the statement that phosphorus deficiency is likewise without effect upon the number of live calves born. It is possible to state, however, that if phosphorus deficiency, uncomplicated by protein and other deficiencies, has any effect whatever on reproduction, it is not great enough to be indicated clearly in the experimental data so far obtained from cows.
The situation is similar in the rat. The low-phosphorus ration is not so palatable as one with a higher phosphorus content, so that food consumption is below normal by 25 percent or more. Nevertheless, when mature rats are placed on such a diet there is no interference with the estrus rhythm. When somewhat less mature rats are used, the low-phosphorus diet results in a marked diminution in rate of growth and a cessation of the estrus cycle. After an interval however, the slowly growing rats eventually reach a mature size and the estrus cycle once more makes its appearance, despite the continuance of the phosphorus deficient ration.
The mineral most closely associated with phosphorus is calcium, and claims have been advanced concerning the necessity of this element for normal reproduction. In the rat there appears to be no reason for such a claim, although there is some evidence that the addition of calcium to some diets results in better growth and more economical gains in weight. In the cow, a calcium deficiency sufficient to lower blood calcium had no apparent effect on reproduction. Only in swine have any real effects of calcium deficiency been reported. Even here, however the results of the deficiency are much more noticeable on the general
One of the ARBA’s most aggressive and esteemed members, judge Bing Harris, St. Jacobs, Ontario, Canada. Bing, like so many of his counterparts in the country of the Maple Leaf, knows only one speed and one direction, that is, fast and forward.
health of the animal than on reproduction. With a disease severe enough to produce rough scaly skin, bending of the bones, and periods of temporary paralysis, estrus occurred normally for two or three generations. The number of young per litter and the average weight of the young at birth were undiminished, although one observer reports an increased percentage of stillbirths. There is general agreement, however, that lactation is seriously impaired by the low-calcium diet.
There is a widespread belief that manganese deficency in the rat interferes with estrus and ovulation despite the fact that one of the most comprehensive studies on this question indicates the contrary.
The early experiments in which the manganese deficiency was produced by milk diets fortified by iron and copper are responsible for this erroneous impression. Later work has demonstrated that the limiting factor on the milk diet was not manganese but energy, since the difficulty with estrus and ovulation as remedied by the addition of sugar to the diet. Still unexplained, however, is the sterility in the male rat produced by diets low in manganese. The early experiments on this phase of the subject have not yet been repeated so that it is impossible to decide whether the sterility was due to an uncomplicated manganese deficiency or to some other factors not yet appreciated. No data are available on manganese deficiency in other species.
Pane Seven
J*mea Birth
It seems that although we have many state associations, locals, sectional groups, this year we have run into a condition which has never faced us before:—lack of some person bidding for the ARBA Convention. The object of this article is an attempt to find out just why this condition exists and to weigh all questions in the light of reason and see really what is lacking. Over the country there are many groups, state or sectional, that have the facilities and personnel to put on a convention.
There are many associations that brag about the large shows they have but they scare off on a National Convention. We must try and find out the reason.
The trouble is there are too many who only talk shows. They want large shows or some convention that is larger than ever before. When you go into these things, you go into extra work, extra money and expense. The ARBA convention can be made profitable like any other business but it takes planning facilities and the personnel to do the job.
In 1932 when Pittsburgh had the convention, we paid $1,000 rental and 17% of the gate for Motor Square Garden where the exhibition was held. The owner of the building at that time had a ticket taker on the door. Every person paid 17c. Coops at that time was no problem because the Keiper Cooping Co. in Milwaukee, Wise., shipped them to Pittsburgh. set them up and took them down. The ARBA Board of Directors at that time insisted we have a combined show of Poultry, Pigeon and Wild Life. We picked up the broken down Poultry Ass’n.
We offered trophies on the best of breed for all standard breeds. We got out a marked catalog at the completion of judging showing the awards. All this was done on $1.00 entry fee. Still the Pittsburgh Ass’n only went in debt $300. It could easily be explained how they went in debt $300 because of the extra entries taken and we did not get the patronage for the marked catalog. Pittsburgh in 1932 and any other city of the United States in 1967 is a different question and cannot be compared because those days are gone and we are in a new system with new people and new conditions.
The Allentown Convention in 1946 was
a profitable convention. The Lehigh Valley Club cleared approximately $1700 on this convention. The Syracuse Convention in New York borrowed money from members or sold stock and they paid back all they borrowed and used the balance of the money for banquets or good times to those clubs that took part in the exhibits. I would say it was profitable.
Sedalia, Missouri, realized about $1700 profit. While all conventions agree when they bid for the convention, they will submit a financial report to the ARBA President and Secretary, this has not been done always. When the convention is over, it seems all matters are forgotten. This question was brought up at the Board of Directors meeting because it would be a great help to future conventions to know what the income was and what the expenditures were of these past conventions. We are lax in not enforcing this rule; and do not have this information available for groups bidding on the convention. This is a good rule and helpful to future conventions.
True, the Columbus, Ohio, convention and the last Springfield, Illinois, convention reportedly lost money. Because financial reports were not sent in we do not know why they lost money but there are a number of things that lead you to believe something was mismanaged in some way. At the first Springfield Convention, they drummed on a large attendance and large entry. They received both. As a result there was only one place in Springfield, 111., to hold a banquet and that was the Elks Club. The sad occasion occurred when some 25-30 prominent delegates could not get seats at the banquet. Of course much of this was their own fault because of the delay in ordering banquet tickets, however, there should have been ample room for all. And of course it would be blamed on the National | Convention.
Things like this cause the delegates to become disgruntled and do not give the convention the cooperation they should. But eyes were set on a large attendance and a large entry.
The same holds true for Columbus, Ohio Columbus was going to top all others They had a large beautiful showroom, well arranged, well handled, however, they did not have enough coop bottoms. Of course had to purchase a number and hire carpenters to make the bottoms which ran into money. Then at the banquet, a high priced quartet was used for entertainment and novelties in the form of lanterns were placed at the banquet tables. These two items were unnecessary and an added expense and the reason no doubt that Columbus lost money.
It should not be the object of a national ARBA Convention to see how large an
Pavp FI oht
entry they can have; Rather, they should strive to put on a model show and everything should be conducted right up to the last minute. This can be easily done if not too large an entry is entertained. Where the entry runs over the facilities for cooping, it means trouble, and big trouble, because these are one of the troubles that faces the ARBA conventions today—the rabbit exhibit. I think if more stress is laid upon a clean cut, well organized convention instead of a large entry, the convention would come out better, be more attractive to those who attend than one of just a large rabbit and cavy show.
It must be remembered we have run for years at $1.50 entry fee at the National Conventions. This year, Louisville Management raised their entry fee to $1.75. Believe the entry was down a little bit but didn’t hear too many complaining. I still believe another raise would be in order, possibly $2.00 because we must remember everything has gone up in price. Not so with ARBA Convention Shows and the facilities they must have. A larger entry fee would certainly curtail the entry to a certain extent. Where some exhibitor would enter 7-8 rabbits at $1.75 or $1.50, if you added another 25c you would lose some of these entries.
As we mentioned before the smaller well conducted convention is better than a large convention that is mishandled. The ARBA has done things to improve the convention. The awarding of trophies for the best of breed and best opposite sex on all standard bred rabbits. The ARBA pays for the convention badges and the premium ribbon at no expense to the local clubs. All these improvements have been taken to help those who will be seeking ARBA national conventions in the future.
| There is no magic to sponsoring a convention. All it takes is some level headed thinking and planning and hard work when the convention is on. In most every case, many of the out of towners who come in throw off their coats and go to work and act as breed chairmen and various other capacities which is a great help to the association sponsoring the show.
I hope we will not see the condition like this again, where there is a reluctance in submitting a bid for the 1967 convention. A convention can bring your town out in front of rabbitdom. Many people in years to come will refer to such and such a convention and what happened, what was done there. You as a member of your community helped to bring this out by cooperating with others who plan on submitting a bid for the 1967 or future conventions.
It seems some of the people, in the
group, who are going to bid on the convention bring in personalities and this as a result brings in disunity. No convention can be successful unless each and every person associated with that convention gets into the harness and does their share. Personalties should be left out. We have no time to discuss them. We hope there will be a bid submitted for the 1967 convention. We are sure that with careful planning; possibly an increase in entry fee; hard work; a convention can be successful and will pay off well for those who made it possible.
If you are one of the groups who have been talking conventions, get down to earth and take stock in yourselves and what you have to work with. See if it is possible to do this job and do it right. It is much better to do it on a smaller scale, and do it right, than on a larger scale, and do it wrong. Rabbit breeders, do not demand any high priced or fancy entertainment, they do not need novelties, but they do need a successful convention.
The American Rabbit Breeders Ass’n is one of the only associations who holds a charter that does not charge a convention registration fee. Most every other organization does. However, you are permitted to enter the convention and given the rights and privileges of every person without any additional charge. Possibly a registration fee and turning it over to the association sponsoring the convention would be helpful financially. But it has been proven ARBA conventions can be profitable and can be successful.
The time is now, for your group or association to prepare plans and bids for The ARBA National Convention. How long has it been since your geographic area has been the site of an ARBA convention? There are many geographic areas that have never sponsored an ARBA convention. I’ll bet you could put on a fine one and can tell you our membership always look forward to new cities to visit and convention in.
Dick F. Parker, Alabama ...........J&R
W. F. Gilbert, California .........J&R
R. C. Shoptaw, Indiana.............J&R
R. J. Bernhardt, Missouri, ........J&R
John Furrer, Missouri .............J&R
Edward H. Stahl, Missouri .........J&R
Vern Ashton, Ohio..................J&R
James Blyth, Pennsylvania .........J&R
Wesley Dixon, California...........J&R
W. R. Caudell. North Carolina .....J&R
Jack Bryant, California ...........J&R
L. T. Ritter, Maryland.............J&R
J. F. Almond, North Carolina ......J&R
R, C. Huggins, Tennessee ..........J&R
Ellis W. Murray, California .......Reg.
L. A. Dunlap, Kansas ..............J&R
Robert C. Hoer, Jr. of New Haven, Connecticut, a long time active member of the ARBA, passed away October 22, 1966. Mr. Hoer was an old time breeder and a very close friend of our late President, Mr. Oscar F. Schultz. Hoer, was active in the New Haven Convention and was known by all breeders through that area. We are sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. Hoer. To his daughter, Mrs. Winifred H. Langhoff, we extend our heartfelt sympathy in her bereavement. We have lost a good member and a grand fancier in the death of Mr. Hoer.
Peggy Carter, one of the pioneer rabbit raisers in Florida, expired November 10, 1966. Peggy Carter was an ARBA Registrar but even more important she was a conscientious and willing worker, for anybody and anything connected with rabbits be it fancy or commercial. Peggy Carter, was a recognized authority on rabbits. She was a co-developer of the new ARBA Breed, Florida Whites. Condolence of the ARBA for the great loss of a fine lady and member.
Director Ed Stahl, and Mrs. Stahl arrived home from the Louisville Convention to find that their home had been entered by thieves. The home and basement working office of Ed had been ransacked and many valuable items stolen. Among the missing items were a typewriter, adding machine, two radios, and tape recorder. Two old heirloom watches were also missing. Ed, lost some very old and valuable coins. The Kansas City police were called to the scene. No recovery of stolen articles has been made at this date.
Don Guthrie, editor of Small Stock Magazine was the victim of a potentially serious automobile wreck, Friday, October 28th. The wreck occurred at 2:30 A.M. on a curving section of U.S. 69 highway, 6 miles south of Bethany, Missouri. The radio news account of the wreck, stated that the truck left the highway and traveled over some trees some 20 feet tall before coming to rest. Don, had departed Nevada, Missouri at 11:00 P.M. for Lamoni. He had a load of laboratory rabbits and cavies. The accident impact killed the load of animals and demolished the truck.
Don, was a patient at Noll Hospital, Bethany, Missouri, and has been released minus some of mother natures teeth.
Howard Morris, Editor of Hlinois Rabbit News, compiled, printed and mailed a full 17 page report of the 43rd ARBA Convention just 6 days after the conclusion of the Louisville event. This was a
Edw. H. Stahl
most comprehensive coverage and is a remarkable accomplishment. One that is a credit to the Illinois State Association, Editor Morris and the ARBA. We congratulate Howard Morris for another wonderful job, typical of his hard work for over a score of years.
Tommy Andrew, former chairman of the commercial committee of the ARBA, has submitted his final financial report and accounting to Treasurer Ellis Murray. All materials of an educational nature, such as slides and film strips with accompanying voice tape have been forwarded to the present Commercial Committee Chairman, Phil Lohman. Rabbit meat cartons have been forwarded to secretary Jim Blyth. Tommy, is to be commended for his years of hard work and service to the commercial committee. Future correspondence to the commercial committee should be addressed to Philip Lohman, 11800 W. Howard Ave., Greenfield, Wisconsin 53228.
Enter New Year 1967 and the opportunity to embark upon the greatest year ever for ARBA accomplishments. The publicity committee herewith offers its initial efforti with Volume II, Number 1 of the ARB^ Bulletin. Our plan, continues, the offering of the most beneficial and most diversified rabbit news and information that it is possible to obtain.
National Rabbit Week, 1967 is July 16-22. The promotional efforts of 1966 by 39 clubs was really a bang-up job and very heartening. Because of this fine effort and because there were those clubs asking for Promotional Material, the Publicity Committee presented the facts and figures to the ARBA Board at Louisville. Also the Publicity Committee presented a request for money and a sampling of supplies and promotional material they wished to purchase. All of this was unanamously approved by the ARBA Board and these Promotional Packets for National Rabbit Week 1967 are now available for immediate mailing to all those requesting. Send along your request and $5.00 cost fee
Tommy Andrews
to Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
A priceless scientific report, entitled Nutrition and Reproduction, is included in this the January-February Bulletin. Read this article,
M. H. Friedman wrote this article while Senior Physiologist, Division of Nutrition and Physiology, Bureau of Dairy Industry and the co-author of the report W. A. Turner was Associate Chemist.
Minutes of the meetings of ARBA Board and minutes of the 2 general membership and business meetings are printed in their entirety, this issue. A timely and topical analysis of the subject relative to ARBA Convention Bids, by Jim Blyth is worthy of your serious consideration. Just how long has it been since your general area sponsored the ARBA Convention & Show? Maybe, your area comes under the category of having never experienced the fine feeling of hosting the great ARBA Convention. Whatever your geographic area category — now is the time to prepare to submit bids for future ARBA Conventions.
Biographical sketches of two of our finest. Lifetime Members and Judges Jack Bryant and Walter Caudell appear in this issue. We are proud of these men and our other Lifetimers. Complete listing of Lifetime Member Judges & Registrars in included herewith, the March-April issue will include biographical sketches of Lifetime Member Judges Leonard Dunlap and Lawrence Ritter. Also complete list of Lifetime Members.
National Specialty Clubs with ambitious programs for 1967 include the Polish, Satin, Checkered Giant, Palomino, Cavy, Rex, Dutch, and Californian. Others will be reported as information and announcement of their plans is received.
Ed Stahl, makes a concise report on results of the National Advertising, which he originated and has nourished to the greatest single effort of the ARBA. Read this report, you will see the magnificent results to the benefit of the ARBA. The amount of activity and progress plus news eminating from Canada is staggering. The Canadian Rabbit activities are astounding —Read the article on the Ontario Council of Clubs. Their big show date is included, make your plans now to support the windup of the 1967 season up North. Director Cyril Lowit's report of the fabulous Calgary Rabbit Show is included this issue; as is a much deserved testimonial to Registrar applicant Elliott M. Barnes. Mr. Barnes, has promised a complete article and photos of a brand new rabbit processing plant in Calgary.
New member and new fancier Lyle Grundish of Florida offers some welcome comments and veteran member and promoter Burley Rewey of Montana pens
one of his respected items, again. Scott Wells, ARBA Youth Judging Contest winner at Louisville offers a thank you to all who helped and a challenge to all other youth.
Rex Specialty Club secretary, Mary Battista, S-M Farm R.D. 2 Neshanic Station, New Jersey 08853 sends along information Rex sanction fee is $3.00. June Dutton Rt. 1 Box 167, South Elgin, Illinois 60177 writes there isn’t a cost for the sanction of Belgian Hare and asks that all send their requests for Belgian Hare sanction to her, they are in a big revival of interest period. You can help yourself and help your show with a Belgian Hare sanction. The history of this fine breed is high in the annals of ARBA lore.
We tried our utmost to obtain a photo of some of the hard working Canadian rabbit fanciers—and came up with Bing Harris, a tried and true booster; an ARBA judge and Registrar. Also included is a photo of ‘White Rabbit Caudell’; and a very fine photo of the building used at the New York Fairgrounds when the 1959 ARBA Convention & Show was sponsored by the New York folks. There is preliminary information that a bid will be submitted by the New York folks to sponsor the 1967 ARBA Convention & Show to be held in this same building at Syracuse. The March-April issue of the Bulletin will have complete and factual report on the 1967 Convention.
Additional articles to appear in March-April issue photos and article by David Hughes, officer and publicity director of the SEMO Rabbit Club, one of the winners of ARBA Champion Promoter Award trophy for promotion of 1966 National Rabbit Week. Treasurer Ellis Murray, has submitted a thought provoking poem. ‘ARBA Builders’. Tough, reliable old-timer Charles Henry will also be featured. Another reminder why it is so important to secure your copy of the Standards of Perfection from Secretary Jim Blyth, cost is $2.00 paper back and $3.00 cloth bound.
Marvin Cummings, president of Florida State RBA has asked some fine questions and offered some sound advice—we will attempt to have qualified answers for Cummings and ARBA membership in March-April Bulletin. We will report activities of the award banquet held by the Golden West RBA, at Knotts Berry Farm. February 11, in honor of ARBA Lifetime Member judge Jack Bryant. Hard working, secretary Sunny Harper, who we can always depend upon for a first rate job. will furnish this bit. Look for factual information or expose on the possibility that Australian Rabbit are again being offered for sale in the U.S. for table use.
Contributors of material for this edition, include, Lyman Franklin, Betty Stratham, Ray Mullett, Charles Henry.
Pete Naylor, Katherine Roberts, Bing Harris, Beverly Molen, Lyle Grundish, Pat Krider, Burley Rewey, Scott Wells, Joan Schiermeyer, Elliott Barnes, Martin Bettin, Dorothy Newport, Marvin Cummings, Ellis Murray, Wayne Willmann, Jim Blyth, Vern Ashton, Cyril Lowit, Ed Stahl. Material from 14 states Florida to Oregon and California to Massachusetts with additional material from Ontario and Alberta.
Send all material, articles, photos, etc. for inclusion in the ARBA Bulletin to Bill Molen, editor, Box 8. Bronson, Kansas 66716.
Vern Ashton Ohio
A long established custom, was started many years ago, at ARBA Convention banquets. The custom of singling out a tried and true, old-timer, and thus honoring him, with the awarding of a testimonial plaque.
This years recipient at the banquet, held in the Flagroom of the Kentucky Hotel, was director Vern Ashton, Lima, Ohio.
In 1944, Vern Ashton, was first elected to the ARBA Board, as a director and has thus served without interuption.
Vern, has served faithfully and ably in many capacities. He is best known for tireless efforts in upgrading the functions and duties of the highly important Committee on Standards. Vern Ashton, served the ARBA well as the committee chairman and was responsible for the revised Standard of Perfection, recently published.
Director Ashton, has raised rabbits continuously for 52 years, beginning in 1914. In 1916 Vern assisted in organizing the Lima Rabbit and Cavy Breeders Association and is the only charter member still active.
In 1921, the Lima club wanted a Registrar in their area and he was selected for the honor. They provided funds for his first Registrar’s License, and he was in business. How unhappy the Breeders would get when Vern would not register their rabbits. At this time, rabbits were registered A, B, or C. The ones that were registered in A were outstanding. Vern recalls he only registered three class A, while this system was in effect. Rabbits
registered in B were very good rabbits. Rabbits that had a slight defect but very good breeders were classed as C. The breeders used to quiz Ashton why he did not register their rabbit in A. His stock answer, “Did you ever see a rabbit you would trade your rabbit for?" They usually would say, “Yes.” And Vern, would continue “That is the rabbit that should be registered in A.”
Vern Ashton has a duplicate registration copy of every rabbit he has registered.
Vern Ashton was heard to comment after receiving the award and plaque— “One never knows what to expect. Little did I think when I started raising rabbits in 1914 the path would lead to my becoming a rabbit judge and a director of a national organization.” “I sincerely wish to say thank you! Thank you very much."
“If I have any advice to young breeders and new members of ARBA—be honest be sincere, have faith in your rabbits and your friends.”
The Ontario Council of Rabbit Clubs, may well be compared to a grizzly bear, just coming out of hibernation.
Now that they have shaken-off the effects of their rest period—the wheels of progress and accomplishment are really rolling. Rolling forward, that is, because after dwindling to a bare 2 affiliated clubs, they now boast 6 hard working and high ideal affiliates.
Considerable credit must be given to William Croft, Lloyd Shantz, Bing and Georgina Harris and John Service. Bill Croft, incidently, edits the Canadian Rabbit News, a very worthy publication. Lloyd Shantz, is the industrious gentleman many of us met at Louisville. Bing Harris and Mrs. are always working and Bing sends along the following.
The Ontario Council of Rabbit Clubs held their fifth annual conference show at the Merritt Bldg., Ancaster, Ontario Fairgrounds on October 8, 1966. At the time of this show we had two affiliated local clubs, namely the Southern Ontario Rabbit Breeders Assoc., and the Kitchener-Waterloo Rabbit Breeders Club. The SORBA hosted the show and the KWRBC supplied the coffee, Rabbit pies, and other kinds of dessert pies. The rabbit pies really went over big as they always do and were baked by a local bakery with the meat supplied by the breeders.
On Friday, October 7, the council held a general meeting of the delegates from the two affiliated clubs at which time four other clubs officially came into the council, which now makes a total of six
Page Twelve
local clubs affiliated. A bid from the Locke City Rabbit Breeders Assoc., was accepted and the 1967 conference will be held in Sault Ste. Marie, the latter part of October. This will be the first time this conference has left the southern part of the province and we are looking for the northern folks to really put on a show for us. This is not too far from the northern Michigan breeders and I am sure the breeders from Sault Ste. Marie will try and lure the U.S. breeders over for the big event.
The governing board of the Council is made up of a President, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer and three delegates from each local club. The President, Vice President, and Secretary Treasurer are elected at the general meeting by the governing board and the delegates are elected by the local clubs.
The following are the officers of the Council and the names of the six local clubs and their presidents.
The Ontario Council of Rabbit Clubs. President, W. F. Croft, RR #1, Hannon, Ontario
Vice President, L. S. Shantz, RR #2, Waterloo, Ontario
Secy-Treas., Georgina Harris, RR #1, St. Jacobs, Ontario
Affiliated local clubs and Presidents.
(1) Southern Ontario Rabbit Breeders Assoc., Pres. W. F. Croft, RR #1, Hannon, Ontario
(2) Kitchener Waterloo Rabbit Breeders Club, Pres. John Service, 55 Nelson Ave., Bridgeport, Ontario
(3) Locke City Rabbit Breeders Assoc., Pres. M. Atkinson, Richards Landing, Ontario
<4) Forest City Rabbit Breeders Assoc., Pres. F. A. Marsh, RR #1, London, Ontario
(5) The Central Ontario Commercial Rabbit Breeders Assoc., Pres. E. Huggins, RR #1, Hampton, Ontario
(6) Ottawa Valley Rabbit Breeders Assoc. Pres. R. Boucher, Alymer, Quebec
The Show Superintendent for the conference show at Sault Ste. Marie will be Mr. Wayne Rodgers, 174 Balfour Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.
Ray Mullett, 75 Lake Ave., Leicester, Massachusetts 01524, editor of The Worcester County ARBA bulletin—The Chatter, consistently has broad and diversified coverage, each issue.
The following topical subjects appeared in the November 1966 issue of, The Chatter, and wil be of interest to all.
Prospective Rabbit Raisers often write us, and expect to get complete information about raising, feeding, housing, and
where to purchase stock in one letter. The subject of rabbit raising is so complex that it is impossible to give much information in a letter. We usually suggest that the “new” raiser join a Rabbit Club, attend, get to know some local raisers, and then visit their rabbitries to see what goes on. This gives them the opportunity to ask questions as the question may arise. Sadly, there are not many good books on the question. Most of the available books are out of date, and do not go into detail on the many phases of rabbit keeping.
If you plan to visit a rabbitry, make arrangements with the owner, so that he can give you time to make your visit worth while. If you drop in at a rabbit raisers place, NEVER open coops or handle rabbits unless you are given permission by the owner. It is very disturbing for a rabbit raiser to find out that anyone has been “poking around” in his absence.
The Rabbit magazines are a good source of information, there are many helpful and interesting articles in each issue. There are also advertisements and illustrations of good rabbits that may be of value in choosing the right breed and in purchasing stock. Most all rabbit raisers are willing to help the “new” raiser in any way within their power. There are no real “trade Secrets” in the rabbit business.
If you hear of anyone considering rabbit raising as a hobby or as a business, advise them to gain as much information as possible before buying any rabbits. Then they’ll have a better chance of success.
ANOTHER INQUIRY comes from a non-member of any Rabbit Organization, who has a female, Dutch-marked rabbit weighing “from 15 to 20 lbs.” and asking for information about the largest rabbits grown. We don’t know why the weight is so indefinite, but can answer that the Flemish Giant is the largest Standard breed. We have been told that in some cases, Flemish have been raised that weigh up to 30 pounds, but we don’t see them around here. We have heard of the Swiss “Rams” which may attain weight of 30 to 50 pounds, but know of no imports of this breed. This inquiry also asks about the market potential for Giant rabbits (guess he wants to sell steaks). We believe that the medium-sized breeds, are the most popular meat producers, and recommend working on these breeds to improve their production.
FEEDS AND FEEDING seems always to be a popular subject among rabbit raisers. We just heard of raisers in another State down south, where breeding difficulties were definitely traced to a pelleted feed, and more specifically, to med-
Page Thirteen
ical additives to the feed. In this case, an additive was used that had given great success with poultry and swine, but upset the reproductive organs of the doe rabbits. The feed company was acting in good
faith, but had done no research with rabbits, they just figured this additive would work. Needless to say, this grain company has lost all of the business of the rabbit raisers in the area.
January — February — March
308 Memberships ($5.00) $1,540.00
6,748 Inquiries @ 25c 7 1,687.00
Total Receipts $3,227.00 $3,227.00
Advertising Cost 1,642.46
Receipts In Excess of Advertising Cost $1,584.54
Inquiry Receipts (shown above) $1,687.00
On Secretary’s Report 1.422.17
$ 264.83 264.83
Net over Advertising Cost $1,319.71
357 1965 Memberships — Net over Adv. Cost $1,290.00
April — May — June
287 Memberships ($5.00) $1,435.00
5,379 Inquiries (a) 25c 1,344.75
Total Receipts . . . $2,779.75 $2,779.75
Advertising Cost 1,596.58
Receipts in Excess of Advertising Cost $1,183.17
Inquiry Receipts (shown above) $1,344.75
On Secretary’s Report 1,168.55
$ 176.20 176.20
Net over Advertising Cost $1,006.97
296 1965 Memberships — Net over Adv. Cost
$ 978.22
July — August — September
236 Memberships ($5.00) 4,413 Inquiries (® 25c $1,180.00 1,103.25
Total Receipts Advertising Cost $2,283 25 $2,283.25 1,515.38
Receipts in Excess of Advertising Cost Inquiry Receipts (shown above) On Secretary’s Report $1,103.25 $ 979.56 $ 767 87
$ 123.69 123.69
Net over Advertising Cost $“644.18
277 1965 Memberships — Net over Adv. Cost $ 758.62
831 Memberships ($5.00) .........................................$4,155.00
16,540 Inquiries @ 25c .............................................4,135.00
Total Receipts ........................ .... $8^290.00
Advertising Cost ............................ ..............
Receipts in Excess of Advertising Cost Adjustments from Secretary’s Reports Net over Advertising Cost ............
$8,290.00 4,754.42 $37535.58 564/72 $2,970.86
Page Fourteen
Submitted by EDWARD H. STAHL
Canada’s Finest
Cyril Lowit
After declining several invitations to the Calgary Show, over a period of several years, I felt it was high time that I accept their kind invitation, especially so, after considerable correspondence with Mr. Elliott M. Barnes, who wanted to take his registrar’s examination.
The most interesting aspect of this show was the fact that there has never been an ARBA judge officiate at their show. I had many mental reservations about this assignment, as to just what kind of stock I was going to run into. I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of stock found in this show. Fortunately, most of the breeders had brought in good stock to start with, and they had the services of Mr. Barnes, who has raised Flemish since 1912, and Mr. C. Vandemeer, of Ellersly Farm, University of Alberta, Edmonton, which is about 200 miles north of Calgary. Mr. Vandemeer is from Holland, and judged rabbits before coming to Canada.
The Alberta Rabbit Breeders Assn, hold their winter show in conjunction with the Alberta Provincial Poultry Show. This poultry show was holding their 52nd annual exhibit. It was a very large show from the poultry standpoint, and the rabbit breeders had the largest rabbit show they have ever held, with 257 rabbits; the Youth group exhibited 87 rabbits. Bear in mind that this Show was ijudged previously by English standards, so most of the ARBA procedure was new to them. We started out by setting up an adequate judging table. This table was covered with paper, so our next move was to get burlap sacks nailed to the table.
Under their previous judging, no comments or notes were taken, so our next move was to set up classes so that proper remarks could be given on each rabbit, as we do in the States. Mrs. L. J. Hjelme-land, acted as clerk, and did an outstanding job, considering this was her first experience in taking comments from a judge. Mr. Barnes worked with me through the entire Show and handled all breeds and classes except Flemish, as he was exhibiting in this breed. Carriers were plentiful and cooperative.
The fact that we mentioned earlier, that good quality stock had been brought in, certainly showed up in this show. The
best animals in each class were quite comparable to the best in our Shows in the States. However, the breeders were not selecting, in many cases, the proper animals to keep and were not aware of our weight requirements, disqualifications and eliminations. I feel that a great deal of good was accomplished, because Mr. Barnes and I found most all of the major disqualifications that we come across occasionally in our shows. Many marking disqualifications were found in the Dutch breed. Each disqualification, elimination or marking fault was shown to the breeders and thoroughly explained.
This was a fair sized show, considering they showed no intermediate classes, and no fur classes. Surprising as it may seem, the fur quality in general was not good, once again bringing to our attention that climate is secondary to good breeding, when it comes to producing ideal quality fur.
In their show catalog they listed trophies for the Grand Champion Rabbit, Reserve Champion Rabbit, best Fancy Rabbit, and the best Fur Rabbit. Since the ARBA has not seen fit to recognize “Best in Show,” I placed best and best opposite in all breeds exhibited. We then had these “bests” and “Best opposites” all brought up to the table, after which I called in Mr. Vandemeer (with the approval of the breeders) to place these Champion specials. I was keenly interested to see if his selections would match my mental selections. To my pleasure, he selected a blue Rex as the best Fancy, and the New Zealand White senior doe. that I had placed best White New Zealand, as the best of the larger breeds. He then brought these two together and selected the New Zealand White for the Grand Champion in the Show. If the ARBA regulations would have permitted me, I would have made this same selection.
There was a small showing of thirty or so cavies, mostly smooth hair with a few Peruvians and Abbyssinians. They all conformed quite closely to our Standard, but the adult stock were all smaller in size.
The Show was well cooped, with wood floors used throughout, and plenty of fresh straw.
Another interesting aspect of this Show is the admission charge of fifty cents, to the public, and I am advised that between three and four THOUSAND people will pay to come and see this three-day show! The Show is held in the Agriculture Building, on the Exhibition Grounds, where the famous Calgary Stampede is held each year. Even though the temperature was zero and below, the building was quite comfortable, being heated with Alberta Province natural gas.
Page Fifteen
A feature of the Show, was the auction of dressed stock which brought exceptionally good prices ... as high as Two Dollars a pound. We noted that most of the dressed stock was bought by the chain groceries.
Another interesting annual feature of this Show was the “crowing contest.” The champion of the rooster crowing contest was a Leghorn which crowed twenty-four times in ten minntes!
After the auction, a get-together was held in the evening, and the poultry show trophies were presented. Also presented at this gathering were white Calgary Stampede cowboy hats to the poultry judge, G. W. Barrett, of the American Poultry Association, and myself. The Mayor of
Calgary, who was present during the entire evening, autographed our hats for us.
The Alberta Rabbit Breeders Association presented me with a lovely engraved rabbit desk set which is most appreciated and prized. The breeders of Calgary assured me that they will be sending in for an ARBA Charter shortly, and I feel sure that they will do this. I also understand that within a few weeks, there will be a processing plant in operation, under the name of “Calgary Rabbit Processors, Ltd.” Share holders will be rabbit raisers; in charge will be Mr. Alexander George Reid. Mr. Reid tells me he has had years of experience in merchandising meat. This should be a great boom to the rabbit industry in Calgary.
Pat Krider, who doubles as member of ARBA Publicity Committee and Secretary-Treasurer of American Cavy Breeders Association, sends along the information that the fee for a cavy sanction is $3.00.
The 1967 officers are Don Reid, chairman; C. A. Henry, vice-chairman and Pat Krider, Secretary-Treasurer. Governors—Muriel Reid, Thomas Coatoam, Merle Emery, L. Lake Smith.
Secretary Krider reports 161 cavies entered at Louisville Convention with following placements.
(Americans) 112 Entered
White .....................Russ-L-Acre (B.O.B.)
Black .. ...............Harry Claus ........
Cream............. ........Russ-L-Acre.........
Red .......................Russ-L-Acre.........
Red Eyed Orange ...........Ronald Jones........
Lilac .....................Harry Claus ........
Beige......................Harry Claus ........
Himalayan .................Harry Claus ........
Dutch .....................Kriders Kritters....
Broken Color...............John Hizey..........
Golden Agouti..............Don Reid............
Silver Agouti .............Don Reid............
Tortoise Shell & White.....Joan Denman
Chocolate .................Elmer Kissel
Ronald Jones Russ-L-Acre (B.O.S.) Ronald Jones Ray Rogers Ronald Jones Irvin Reinhart Harry Claus Harry Claus Krider’s Kritters John Hizey Ronald Jones Don Reid
(Abyssinians) 33 Entered
Tortoise, Shell & White .... Joan Denman........
Broken Color................Dave Leeseberg .......
White ......................A1 & Merle Emery ..
Black ......................Ronald Jones (B.O.B.)
Chocolate ..................Ronald Jones
Silver Agouti ..............Russ-L-Acre
Golden Agouti...............Joan Denman
Robert Mitchell II
Joan Denman (B.O.S.) Krider’s Kritters
(Peruvians) 16 Entered
Broken Color ...............Russ-L-Acre (B.O.B.).........Krider’s Kritters (B.O.S.)
Cream ......................Russ-L-Acre .................Krider’s Kritters
Chocolate ..................Krider’s Kritters
White ......................Krider’s Kritters
Tortoise Shell & White......Krider’s Kritters
Red ........................Krider’s Kritters
Ronald Jones had Best Display Cavies and Best Display Americans.
Page Sixteen
So. Fla R B. Ass'n. Mrs. Oreen Hoblitzell, R 6. Box 511. Tampa, Fla. Feb 7-8
Alabama R.B. Ass’n, Jimmy M. Bradfield, McCormick Dr., New Castle, Ala. Feb 10-12
Golden West R.B. Ass’n, Sunny Harper, 20041 Clark St., Orange, Calif. Feb 11-12
Cen-Tex R.B. Ass’n, Arthur C. Miller, Jr., Waco, Texas Feb 12
South Dakota R B. Ass'n, Mrs. R. D. Roe. 831 10th Ave., Belle Fourche, S. Dak. Angora Show
Feb 18
South Dakota R B. Ass'n, Mrs. R. D. Roe, 831 10th Ave., Belle Fourche, S. Dak. All Breed
Feb 19
State of Indiana N.Z , Walter N. Mann, 811 Prospect St., Indianapolis, Ind. Feb 19
Badger R.B. Ass’n, Ruth Strunk, R 2, Fort Atkinson, Wise. Feb 19
Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, Ruth Teas-dale. 1113 E. Davis St., Conroe, Texas Feb 22-26 Delphos R&FB Ass'n, 127 S. Clay St., Pelphos. Ohio Feb 25-26
Peoria Area R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Helen Miller, Box 25, Maquon, 111. Feb 26
Central Fla. R B. Ass'n, Mrs. Octavia T. Underhill. P O Box 107. Clarcona. Fla Feb 27-Mar 11 Marmaton River R B. Ass'n, Darla Beth Molen, lox 8, Bronson, Kansas Mar 4-5
fibbar R.B. Ass'n, Bob Kahler, Box 11, Custer fiark. 111. Mar 6
Stark Co. R&CB Ass’n, Mrs. John Ritz, 2950 Harmont Ave. NE, Canton, Ohio Mar 11-12 Fort Wayne R.B, Ass'n, Robert Gebhart, 2105 Covington Rd., Fort Wayne, Ind. Chinchilla Show
Mar 11
Baltimore Co. R&CB Ass’n, Warren J. McNamara. K 2, Box 36. Reistertown, Md. Mar 12 Fort Wayne R.B Ass'n, Robert J. Gebhart, 1105 Covington Rd., Fort Wayne, Ind. Mar 12
Kaw Valley Rabb't Club, Pete Naylor, 2019 N. 13th, Kansas City Kan. Mar 12
Northern 111. R. Ranchers, Mrs. Dora O’Hare, 1015 Franklin, Winthrop Harbor, 111. Mar 12
Michigan State R.B. Ass'n, Betty Torrey, 4005 Jackson Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. Mar 16-18
Deeatur R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. V. L. Casper, 1880 White Oak Dr.. Decatur, Ga. Mar 17-18
Champagne Co. R B. Ass’n, Mrs. Viletha Lindsey, RR 3. Champion, 111. Mar 19
Fairfield Co. R B. Ass’n, Victor T. Sweetland, 264 Chestnut Hill Ave., Norwalk, Conn. Mar 19 Kansas State Dutch R B., Mrs. R. L. Ernst. 301 E. First, Hoisington, Kan. Mar 19
N. Central Iowa R.B Ass’n, Lu Verne Vannatta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa Mar 19
Pony Express R B Ass'n, Cecil N. Green, 1809 Beattie, St Joseph. Mo. Mar 25-26
^Champagne Co. R B Ass’n, Mrs. Viletha Lind-I y, RR 3. Champion, 111. Mar 26
wa State Ck Gt. Club, Dorothy Newport, 2401 KVilson Ave.. S.W., Cedar Rapids, Ia. Mar 26-27 Mall City R.B. Ass’n. O R. Chaney, 3716 Wood-hams Dr., Kalamazoo, Mich. Mar 31-Apr 1
Stanislaus Co. R.B. Ass’n, Virgilene Schmitz, 5412 Roeding Rd., Hugsac, Calif. Apr 1-2
Three Corners Rabbit Club, Mrs. R. Schlotthauer, Box 513, Ellinwood, Kan. Apr. 1-2
Eastern Dutch R F. Club, Christine V. Hall, RD 2. Box 140, Quakertown. Pa. Apr 2
Free State R B. Ass’n, Mrs. Mina S. Uebel, R 1. Yeagertown Rd . Mt. Airy, Md. Apr 2
Grundy Co. R B Ass’n, Mrs. Dorothy Johnson. RR 1, Box 30, Mazon, 111. Apr 2
Western Mass. R.B Ass’n, Mrs. G. A Carbon-neau, Granville Rd., Box 311, Southwick, Mass
Apr 2
Little Kanawha Rabbit Club, Betty A. Wingrove, Box 62, Waverly. W. Va. Apr 7-8
Akron Rabbit Club. Inc., M. L. Clevenger, 428 Palm Ave., Akron. Ohio Apr 7-9
Kaw Valley Rabbit Club, Alice Naylor, 2019 N. 13th, Kansas City, Kan. Satin Show Apr 8-9 Elgin R.B. Club. Mrs. June Dutton, R 1, Box 167, So. Elgin, 111. Apr 9
South Jersey R.B. Ass'n. Harry S. Claus. 6236 Washington Lane, Cornwells Hgts, Pa. Apr 9
Michiana R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. Myrl Milhahn, 480 Green St., Constantine. Mich. Apr 9
Mid Counties R.B. Ass’n, Stan Freed, 1607 E. Sycamore, Kokomo, Ind. Apr 9
North Texas R.B. Ass'n, A1 Rodriguez, 2020 Pleasant Dr.. Dallas, Texas Apr 9
Van Wett Co R.B. Ass’n, Jo Ann Lewis, Box 15, Middle Point, Ohio Apr 15-16
Am. Ck. Gt. Rabbit Club, Dorothy Newport, 2401 Wilson Ave., S W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Apr 15-16
Lebanon Valley R&CB Ass’n, Alfred W. Fisher, RD 1, Box 505, Palmyra, Pa. Apr 16
Decatur Area R B Ass’n, William McKee, RR 3. Box 87, Decatur, 111. Apr 16
Iowa Progressive R. Club, C. Jay Miller, 303 S. 6th St., Kalona, Iowa Apr 16
Pittsburgh R B. Ass’n, Sophie Polcsak, RD 1. Valencia, Pa. 16059 Apr 22-23
Falls Cities RB Ass’n, Harold C. Quick, 4619 So. 1st, Louisville, Ky. Apr 22-23
Kankakee Valley R B Ass’n, Mrs. Mary Strom, 2220 Black Rd , Joliet, 111. Apr 23
Lima R&CB Ass’n, Dale Place, R 3, Wapakoneta. Ohio Apr 23
York Co R&CB Ass’n, Gerald E. Liek, RD 1,
Hellam, Pa Apr 23
Western Mich RB Ass’n, Pete Hager, 6930 Willard, S E , Grand Rapids, Mich. Apr 28-29 Oklahoma R.B. Ass’n, Virginia L. Pavey, 425 S.W 45th, Oklahoma City, Okla Apr 29-30
Williams Co. R B Ass’n, Robert Burns, R 2,
Edgerton, Ohio Apr 29-30
Ohio State Dutch Rabbit Club, Donald F. Weeks, RR1, Highland, Ohio Apr 29-30
Tri County R.B. Ass’n, David Brueggemann, W195 S2234 Racine Ave , Muskego, Wise. Apr 30 St. Clair Co. R.B. Club, Mrs. L. Abbott, 110 Ash, East St. Louis, 111. Apr 30
Mr. Molen, I would like to call your attention to the article in the November -December issue of the ARBA Bulletin on page sixteen, under the heading ARBA PUBLICITY PROMOTERS, Tops in their district. I note that my name was among that list for Montana district.
I wish to mention that the work that I did could not have been accomplished had it not been for the HARD WORK of two people that assisted me. They were Tom Winters of Jardine and Mrs. Beverley Ingersoll of Wolf Creek. THEY BOTH USED EVERY EFFORT TO accomplish new members for the ARBA and to obtain census reports.
I don’t believe that VIET NAM or HANOI WOULD HAVE BEEN ANY HARDER to get response to the questionnaire’s that were sent out. It is impossible to enumerate the number of questionnaire’s that were sent out and NO response. A great many were never answered.
Montana is a large state and many miles of mountain roads separate the different localities, but both Mr. Winters and Mrs. Ingersoll worked, never tiring of fighting a loosing game.
I think that you perhaps met Mr. & Mrs. Milton Ingersoll at the convention.
I have reason to believe that they represented Montana while at the convention.
B. B. Rewey
Page Seventeen
---------ANNUAL LISTING $1.50---
”D©o" Reid, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, Rt. 1, Box 159, Lockport, 111. 60441.
Ross Flower, Judge, 7043 9th Ave , Rio Linda, Calif., Ph: 991-2098.
Clandlns Poer, Judge, 1317 Q Ave , New Castle, Ind. 47382, Ph: 529-3729.
Dr. Thomas Coatoam, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 213 South St., Wattsburg, Pa. 16442. Ph: 814, 739-2773.
George Camp, Judge, 3853 Green Valley Rd , Huntington, W. Va
Douglas Noble, Registrar, P.O. Box 203, Brusly, Louisiana 70719.
Lewis Bowers, Registrar, Route 1. Manteno, Illinois, Ph: 476-6277.
Don Smith, Registrar, P.O. Box 15, Waterloo, N.Y. 13165.
Marvin Kroenlng, Judge, RR 5, Marshfield, Wise. 54449.
Walter L. Patton, Judge, 69 Godby St., Logan, W. Va.
G. A. Burke, Judge, 6400 Scioto Darby Creek Rd, Hilliard, Ohio Ph: 876-7605.
William Dlngman, Registrar, Rt 3. Box 499. Traverse City, Mich.
Marvin H. Langeland, Judge, 1985 N. 9th Street. Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001, Ph: 616, 349-4424.
William Chance. Judge, St Joseph, Minn.
Harold Drudge, Judge, Rt. 1, Ronnn. Ind 46974. Ph: 982-2021. J. Cyril Lowit, Judge, Rt. 2, Box 440, Troutdale, Ore. 97060. Stan Freed, Judge, 1607 E Svcamore. Kokomo, Ind. 46901 Ph: 317 457-8084.
Betty Beckendorf Registrar. Rt. 2, Box 28B, Crescent City. Calif. 95531.
H. J. Merrihue, Registrar, P.O. Box 23123, New Orleans, La. 70123, Ph: 504, 729-2114 Leonard L. Blskle. Judge. 2080 Hendershot Rd., Parma, Michigan, Ph: 517, 531-4015
ANGORA—See Cleo, Page 28 New Standards Book. 6 generation pedigree registered stock. Dept. A for prices Shooting Star, Pellston, Michigan.
•METHODS, MEDICINES, MANAGEMENT To Control Rabbit Ailments.” Booklet covers 16 common diseases, helps diagnose them, recommends treatments and remedies. Price 50c p.p. (coins or stamps I refunded with first order for remedies. Ozark Enterprises, Willard 8. Missouri.
NEW ZEALAND WHITES (All Red, White & Blue Stock!, American Blues. Breeding stock registered. Pedigrees with all orders Highest quality for research, commercial and fancier use Satisfaction guaranteed or return at our cost All stock reasonably priced and shipped f ob. Write for descriptive details Chenango Valley Research Farm, Box 118, RD 1, Greene, N.Y. 13778.
Mrs. Joan Schiermeyer, RD #1, Averill Park, New York 12018 has issued a call for all interested breeders and fanciers of the Checkered Giant Rabbit.
A New York State Checkered Giant Rabbit Club is being formed for the purpose of boosting the breed and affording an organization clearing house.
The next organizational meeting will be held April 30, 1967 at Syracuse, New York Show. Election of officers and approval of Constitution and By-Laws will take place at this meeting. Early application to ARBA for State Specialty Club Charter is anticipated.
Interest is running high and all Checkered Giant Rabbit Breeders of the state are urged to contact Mrs. Schiermeyer immediately.
Printer and publisher Ed Schuhmann, an ARBA member, will again print the 1967 ARBA Bulletin. Contract for the publication of 6 issues in 1967 has been completed and the same high quality workmanship and cooperation of ARBA Bulletins can be looked for throughout the year of 1967. Bill Molen, will continue to serve as editor, with David Ford, Boulder, Colorado serving as assistant publicity chairman and Bett Hickman, Joe Lutes, Pat Krider, Pat Giles, Virginia Flournoy, Jodie Croker, Mark Youngs, and Bing Harris comprising the complete ARBA Publicity Committee. The established policy of the ARBA Bulletin in 1967, includes no advertisting. Paid advertising from 1966 will be continued until end of paid contracted space and issue.
Elliott M. Barnes, RR 3, Calgary, Alberta is hundreds of miles distant from the normal and usual rabbit show offerings, but none the less has maintained his personal interest and stimulated those of his area.
Barnes, is a long time Flemish breeder and exchanged notes and views with such stalwarts as Ted Holtzinger, Lew Griffin, Doc Andrews, Dr. Krai jack.
Mr. Barnes likely will be the first ARBA Registrar in Alberta. Working the recent Calgary show with Judge Lowit and also passing other qualification, Barnes performed very ably. Lowit, said Barnes has a very thorough and comprehensive knowledge of rabbits and is a credit to his area and country and will make an outstandingly good representative as ARBA Registrar.
Page Eighteen
October 17-20, 1966 General Meeting
The first meeting of the ARBA was called to order by President Wayne Will-mann on October 18, 1966 in the Louisville State Fairgrounds. Meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. Mr. Harry Sagarsee of Michigan offered the invocation. After this. President Willmann called upon the Secretary to read the minutes of the meeting at Pomona, Calif. Since Mr. Blyth had left the minutes at the hotel, they were not available and Mr. Willmann said we would either wait until these were available or read them at the next meeting. A voice then made a motion the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting be held over until tomorrow morning. This was seconded and put to a vote and carried.
President Willmann then called for a report from Vice President Oren Reynolds who carried on the work with the National Specialty Clubs. He gave a report and it was moved by Jeanne Maddox and seconded by a voice that Mr. Reynolds’ report be accepted. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Secretary Blyth was then called upon to give his report. A motion was made to accept this report. It was seconded and unanimously carried.
Treasurer Murray was called upon to make the Treasurer’s report. After doing so, it was moved by Mr. Don Reid and seconded by Leonard Biskie the report be accepted. It was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
The President called upon Mr. Stahl for his report which he went into detail on the advertising plan which he had carried out for many years. After it was complete, it was moved by Jeanne Maddox and seconded by a voice the report be accepted. There was a question on the motion and put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Vern Ashton was then called upon to report which he did and a voice made a motion it be accepted. It was seconded by a voice and unanimously carried.
Fred Applegate was called upon to report and voices moved and seconded his report be acepted. Question was called for and unanimously carried.
J. Cyril Lowit was then called upon for a report which he went into detail on the district on the West Coast States and it was moved by Mr. Stingley and seconded by a voice, Mr. Lowit’s report be accepted. After some discussion it was put to a vote and unanimously accepted.
Mr. Bennett then reported and Rose Murphy made a motion Mr. Bennett’s re-
port be accepted. This was seconded by a voice and motion was unanimously carried.
W. H. Kennedy was then called upon for his report and after completing it was moved by Jack Pugh and seconded by a voice his report be accepted. This was unanimously carried.
Mr. Shilliday was called upon to report and gave a detailed report on his district. Don Reid asked questions and then moved the report be accepted. This was seconded by a voice and unanimously carried.
Mr. Toebbe was then called upon to report on his district and he mentioned the names of Lyman Franklin, Stuart Griffin who had worked well in their area. After completing his report, it was moved by a voice and seconded by another voice the report be accepted. A question on this motion and it was unanimously carried.
President Willmann then called for a report of the Cavy Committee and Mrs. Muriel Reid stepped forward to give the report. After she reported, it was moved by A1 Emery to accept the Cavy Committee’s report. It was seconded by a voice and put to a vote and unanimously carried.
The committee on Color and Fur was called upon, however, none were present to report.
The commercial committee was called upon. Mr. Phil Lohman was not present and no report was made.
After the completion of these reports, the President called upon Mr. Keith Forbush, Chairman of the Resolutions Committee, to read the resolutions and make recommendations of his committee. It was moved by Bill Montgomery and seconded by a voice the report of the Resolutions Committee be accepted. This was put to a voice and carried.
Mr. W. E. Molen, Chairman of the Publicity Committee, then reported on National Rabbit Week and his Publicity Committee. He mentioned the names of Lyman Franklin, Dennis Holcomb, Jody Croker, Dorothy Newport, Lloyd Shantz and Charles Haaf as being very active on the Publicity Committee advising the assembled delegates how active these people were. He spoke on awarding the trophies for National Rabbit Week and mentioned the winners as the SEMO Rabbit Club, the Inland Empire Rabbit Breeders Ass’n and mentioned Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stingley of Washington and Lawrence Farley who were active in this work. Also the Tri State R.B. Ass’n of East Liverpool, Ohio, who were the 3 winners of these trophies offered by the ARBA for National Rabbit Week. It was moved by Tom Jermyn and seconded by Francis Bennett the report be accepted. This was put to a vote and carried.
Pace Nineteen
President Willmann then called upon the Credential Committee to report and since Mrs. E. W. Murray had been taking care of the ARBA business, Mrs. E. P. Shiiliday acted as Chairman of the Credential Committee. Mrs. Shiiliday gave her report and advised she would have a more complete report at a later meeting. It was moved by a voice and seconded by another voice the report be accepted This was put to a vote and carried.
The President then called upon a report on the Foreign Committee and advised the General Meeting the Chairman of the Foreign Committee, Mr. Roscoe Cuozzo, could not be present, however, he read the report which showed a great deal of progress. A motion was made by a voice and seconded by another voice the report be accepted. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
The Election Committee was then called upon to give a report and Mrs. Strath-man, Chairman, made this report which Mr. Lyman Franklin moved to be accepted and seconded by Jeanne Maddox It was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
The Show Rules and Planning Committee was then called upon to report and Mr. William Shaffer of Connecticut made the report. It was moved by Mr. Horace Curtis seconded by George Smith to accept this report. It was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Mr. A1 Meier was then called upon to report for the Standard Committee. He mentioned the Blue New Zealands were not the proper type, not improved in color. Also mentioned the Yellow English had none on exhibition and this completed his report. It was moved and seconded that the report of the Standard Committee be accepted. There was a question on the motion and after being put to a vote, it was unanimously accepted.
The Committee at Washington was then called upon to report and Mr. Horace Curtis made the report. He mentioned about shipments overseas and the raising of rabbits which no license was required. He went into detail on the raising of dogs, cats and rabbits and explained this fully. He then went into 4-H conference, what it does and how it works and it is a large Federal expenditure, explained the work of the 4-H movement and what it was accomplishing. He mentioned the Danish System and it is not mandatory for 4-H clubs to use. Mr. Curtis gave a very fine report and it was moved by Mr. Lyman Franklin seconded by a voice the report of the Committee at Washington be accepted. Motion was carried. Mr. Curtis said he would be happy to meet with individuals over the showroom and explain further details of the 4-H system and other Federal acts concerning rabbits.
President Willmann then mentioned about Mr. Davis Leeseburg importing some Black & Tans from England and congratulated him on his trip to that country and his news to the American Rabbit Breeders.
There were a number of announcements made pertaining to different affairs by the President.
The report of the Youth Committee was called upon and Mrs. Dolores Breck-enridge came forward to make the report and spoke on the crowning of the King and Queen and other activities of the Youth Department.
It was moved by Lyman Franklin and seconded by a voice this be carried. It was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
The President then made several more announcements and the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 P.M.
2nd General Meeting The second general meeting of the ARBA was held at the Fairgrounds on October 19, 1966. It was called to order by President Wayne Willmann at 2:30 P.M. Secretary Blyth was then called upon to read the minutes of the last year meeting. After these were read, a motion was made to approve them and seconded and put to a vote and unanimously carried.
President Willmann then called upon the Chairman of the Resolutions Committee, Mr. Keith Forbush who stepped forward and read the resolutions.
Resolution #1
It was moved this resolution be referred to the Constitution Committee to be placed in the proper place. It was seconded and after some discussion, was put to a vote and carried. Resolution #2
This resolution was discussed and a motion made to approve it, seconded and put to a vote and carried. Resolution #3
There was considerable discussion. It was finally moved and seconded to reject this resolution. This rejection was carried by a large majority.
Resolution #4
A voice made a motion to reject this It was seconded and put to a vote and carried to reject this resolution. Resolution #5
There was considerable discussion on whether incoming and outgoing officers and directors would have to be paid. The motion was amended that it would go into effect after the first Board meeting. The amendment was carried and the motion as amended was called before the assembled delegates for action. The resolution as amended was voted upon and there were 105 in favor of it and 26 opposing it. Therefore, the resolution as amended was carried.
Resolution #6
It was moved to accept this resolution. After being seconded it was put to a vote and carried by a large majority. Resolution #7
It was commented on its late submit-tance to the resolutions committee. President Willmann then advised he would rule this resolution out of order. Mr. Don Reid advised the delegates present he would have the resolution again presented at the 1967 convention. After some discussion, the delegates voted their approval to submitting this resolution in 1967.
Mr. Willmann then called upon silence for a few moments in memory of the judges and registrars who had passed away in the last year. This was complied with.
Mr. Willmann then read the winners ,of the registration contest of the ARBA, fin the National Federation of New Zealand Breeders, Californian Specialty Club and each of the winners arose and accepted recognition. There was a big approval of the winners and the work they had done in 1965-66.
A discussion on the specialty club booths came up. It was advised by the committee in judging booths the American Chinchilla Rabbit Club’s booth had won first prize, the National Angora Rabbit Club had won second prize.
In the commercial booth, the Ralston Purina Booth won first prize, the Circle K Industry was awarded second prize.
There were various announcements made by the President and delegates present and a motion to adjourn was made at 4:20 P.M. and unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted James Blyth, Secretary
F Louisville, Kentucky—October 1966
The Board of Directors meeting was called to order in Room 317 of the Kentucky Hotel, October 15, 1966 by President Wayne Willmann who offered a prayer for the success of the convention. Those present were: Wayne Willmann, Oren Reynolds, Ellis Murray, Edward H. Stahl, Ed Toebbe, Wm. Molen, Ev Shilli-day, Claude Bennett, Vern Ashton, Fred R. Applegate, J. C. Lowit, Tommy Andrew, W. H. Kennedy and James Blyth.
President Willmann called upon Director-Elect Wm. Molen to make a few remarks which he did briefly and was welcomed to sit in on the Board. President Willmann then made some inductory remarks and said what we had accomplished the last year and what would face us in the coming year. After this, the President discussed the minutes of the last Board meeting. It was moved by Mr.
Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Applegate, that the minutes stand approved as printed. There was a question on the motion and it was unanimously carried.
The Secretary was then called upon to give a report and passed out the yearly report, certified public accountant’s report of the business for the year, and the quarterly report. There were some questions asked and some discussion. It was moved by Oren Reynolds seconded by J. C. Lowit we accept the report with thanks. It was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
President Willmann then called for the Treasurer’s report. He had already mailed out the report to the members of the Board. After a discussion, a motion made by Mr. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Shilli-day that we accept the Treasurer’s Report and give him a vote of thanks. It was unanimously carried.
J. C. Lowit mentioned a comparison figure as to how many members, judges, registrars, local associations we have each year and to compare these for 2-3 years and submit the comparison report at the next meeting.
A complete discussion w-as held in regards to the Official Show Rules. Oren Reynolds read the section pertaining to show sponsors. A discussion was held on the various sections and the following sections were corrected or eliminated as follows:
Section 2a, 2b, 4a, 12, 12a, 18, 24. Each one of these sections were thoroughly discussed and a show' of hands was taken on the various sections that were eliminated or corected. After this, a motion was made by Mr. Shilliday, seconded by Mr. Applegate. The Chairman put this to a vote, question called for and passed unanimously.
After a further discussion on the show-rules, meeting adjourned at 12 o’clock for lunch to reconvene at 1 P.M.
Meeting reconvened at 1:15 P.M. Everyone present with the exception of Mr Kennedy and Mr. Toebbe.
Under official show rules for exhibitors, the entire article and various sections were read and discussed. Motion made by Mr. Shilliday, seconded by Mr. Ashton, that 3 minor changes be made—section 1. section 3 and section 7. This was put to a vote by the President and unanimously passed.
The show rules were gone over carefully and there was much discussion and a few revisions. The Board then turned to the next order of business.
The President then called upon a report of the Committee appointed to make repairs on the office building in Pittsburgh. Mr. Kennedy made the report and gave detailed description of the work that had been done so far and what some of the
Pnop Twpntv-Onp
work still to be completed. After hearing Mr. Kennedy’s report, the President then called upon Mr. Vern Ashton, the former Chairman of the Standard Committee, to complete his report.
Since Mr. Ashton was not in attendance at the Pomona Convention, he gave a short report of what was accomplished and what happened to the Standard and answered questions.
On the discussion of the Standards, a question came up and Mr. Tommy Andrew agreed to get together with the other two Chinchilla Clubs to arrange to take the name “American" from in front of them and try to iron the difficulties out.
Motion made by Mr. Stahl, seconded by Mr. Kennedy, we give Mr. Ashton a vote of thanks for the fine work he did in preparing this Standard. It was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Tommy Andrew gave a report on the Commercial Department. Various subjects were discussed and questions asked. Mr. Andrew asked for disposition of the cartons and various other literature and money he still retained in this department. It was suggested all cartons be sent to the home office in Pittsburgh to the attention of James Blyth, the money be sent to Ellis Murray in Los Angeles, and other miscellaneous items such as the films, educational data to be sent to Mr. Lohman. It was suggested by Mr. Toebbe that all of this transportation be by freight or motor express collect and any other property belonging to the Commercial Department would be shipped to the proper parties. It was suggested by President Willmann this all be concluded by November 1st.
Motion was then made by Mr. Toebbe, seconded by Mr. Shilliday, that all materials be shipped by November 1st—cartons to Mr. Blyth, money to Mr. Murray, balance of equipment to Mr. Lohman. This was put to a vote and unanimously passed.
Meeting adojumed at 5:30 P.M. to meet again at 7:30 P.M.
Meeting reconvened at 7:30 P.M. It was moved by Vern Ashton and seconded by Fred Applegate that we express our appreciation to Tommy Andrew for the good he has done for the American during the years he had been on the Board. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion made by Mr. Kennedy seconded by Mr. Blyth that the financial report of Kay Malott of the Youth Committee be accepted and the President be instructed to write her a letter thanking her for her cooperation and the fine work she accomplished with the Youth Committee. This was put to a vote and unanimously passed.
It was suggested by Mr. Kennedy that
the motion made previously in thanking Tommy Andrew for the fine work he had done for the American, that Jimmy Blyth be instructed to write a letter to Mr. Andrew expressing the thoughts of the previous motion.
The tabled motion of Best in Show was brought on the floor for discussion. After a very lengthy discussion regarding the Best in Show, a motion was made by Mr. Lowit seconded by Mr. Toebbe that we adopt Best in Show. A vote was taken and failed by a large majority.
After a very lengthy discussion and a complete reading of the Official Show Rules, Mr. Blyth made a motion seconded by Mr. Kennedy that the Show Rules be adopted as amended and revised. This was put to a vote and unanimously passed.
A motion was made by Ellis Murray seconded by Vern Ashton that Oren Reynolds be instructed to contact the Net Zealand Specialty Club and the Havant Specialty Club to correct their sweep-stake sanctions to the extent of asking for one fee per breed. This motion was put to a vote and unanimously passed.
A motion made by Mr. Lowit seconded by Mr. Kennedy that Oren Reynolds send a letter to all specialty clubs advising them some specialty clubs have in their sweepstake show rules a clause to the effect that monies put up by local clubs cannot be given to non-members of their respective specialty clubs. The ARBA Board requests that this situation be corrected at the earliest possible moment, preferably before the spring shows get under way. This was put to a motion and unanimously passed. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
President Willmann called the Board of Directors meeting to order 9:10 A.M., Sunday morning, October 16, in Room 317, of the Kentucky Hotel. Those pres-sent were: Wayne Willmann, Ed Stahl^ Oren Reynolds, Tommy Andrew, Bil^ Kennedy, Ev Shilliday, Fred Applegate, Claude Bennett, Vern Ashton, James Blyth, E. W. Murray, J. C. Lowit, Ed Toebbe, Bill Molen.
President Willmann called upon Mr. Stahl and Mr. Kennedy to give a report on the Advertising and Planning Committee.
Mr. Stahl went into detail and explained how he had tabulated the various results from the various magazines. Mr. Kennedy commented on these too. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Mr. Blyth, seconded by Mr. Reynolds, that we accept the Advertising and Planning Committee’s report and give them a vote of thanks for a job well done last year. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
President Willmann then called upon Mr. Molen to give a report of the Pub-
Page Twenty-Two
licity Committee. Mr. Molen went into detail about how he had handled the publicity for the National Rabbit Week and various other projects he had entered into. After much discussion on this, a motion was made by Mr. Blyth seconded by Ed Stahl we accept Mr. Molen’s report and give him a vote of thanks for the fine job he did in the last year. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Mr. Applegate then made a motion seconded by Mr. Bennett we accept the Election Committee’s report and give them a vote of thanks for a job well done. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Mr. Reynolds and seconded by Mr. Shilliday we accept the Resolution's Committee’s report and give them a vote of thanks. This was put to a [V'ote and unanimously passed.
Mr. Ed Sehuhmann, the printer of our ARBA Bulletin, was then ushered into the meeting and gave an explanation of what problems had faced him in getting out the ARBA Bulletin and a number of suggestions, questions and recommendations were made. After much discussion and talk and clarifying many questions, it was moved by Mr. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Lowit that Mr. Sehuhmann be invited back on Thursday, October 20, for our final meeting at the Fairgrounds, to present us figures on the publication of the bulletin. A question was called on this motion and it was unanimously carried.
President Willmann called for an adjournment of the meeting at 12 o’clock to meet at 1:15.
Meeting reconvened at 1:15 P.M.
Ellis Murray brought up the question regarding Ceil’s salary. After considerable discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Lowit, seconded by Oren Reynolds, that her salary be raised to $80 per week, gross pay. This motion was passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Mr. Shilliday seconded by Vern Ashton that in the future, the contract for our Secretary be reviewed on a yearly basis, after he reaches the age of 65. This motion was made basically to establish a future Board policy. This motion was put to a vote and unanimously passed.
A motion was made by Oren Reynolds seconded by Fred Applegate to give James Blyth a new contract for 3 years to be employed by the American Rabbit Breeders Ass’n as Secretary at the same salary as the present time. This was put to a vote and unanimously passed.
A motion was made by Oren Reynolds seconded by Mr. Shilliday that the Auditor’s report be accepted as printed and mailed to each one of us and printed in
the bulletin. This was passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Vern Ashton and seconded by Mr. Kennedy the trophies for the 1967 convention be a clock trophy type. This was put to a motion and passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Mr. Kennedy, seconded by Vern Ashton, that trophies be purchased for the 1967 convention, the price of these trophies not to exceed $25 including engraving and transportation per breed. In other words, best of breed, best opposite sex trophy together including engraving and transportation will be $25 per breed. This was put to a vote and passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Mr. Shilliday the Board does not consider it a function to offer trophies for scrap books and booths awards. This was seconded by Mr. Kennedy. It was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
A discussion then came up regarding trophies awarded Mr. Molen for National Rabbit Week in 1966. A motion was made by Mr. Blyth seconded by Mr. Ashton, the ARBA Treasurer issue Mr. Molen a check for $37.50, the price of the trophies. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Mr. Blyth and seconded by Mr. Lowit in the year 1966 the Association shall award 3 trophies for National Rabbit Week not to exceed $40, the price for 3. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Ed Stahl we get 3 or more competitive bids from reliable printers on printing various pieces of literature for the association. This was discussed and put to a vote and unanimously carried. It was seconded by Oren Reynolds.
Mr. Kennedy made a motion seconded by Mr. Applegate; Ed Stahl, Bill Molen, and Jim Blyth be appointed to solicit bids and award contracts for future publications. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Murray and seconded by Mr. Bennett, the Constitution and By-Laws will appear in the year book until further action is taken. This motion was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
The President has appointed a committee consisting of Mr. Blyth, Mr. Stahl and Mr. Molen to handle the assembling and gathering of material for the new guide book and publication of it.
President Willmann then called for the advertising committee program for 1967 and Mr. Blyth made a motion seconded by Claude Bennett we proceed with the same national advertising program which we have in the past year for the coming year. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Mr. Applegate made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kennedy, we revise and bring up-to-date the sheet known as “Little Known Facts About Rabbits". Mr. Oren Reynolds agreed to make this revision and bring it up-to-date. The motion was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Mr. Blyth seconded by Mr. Ashton, Mr. Molen, Publicity Chairman, be allotted $250 to make up packets for National Rabbit Week. This was discussed. Question called on the motion, put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Motion made by Vern Ashton, seconded by Fred Applegate, we get 2,000 letterheads printed for State Agents and 2,000 envelopes. This was discussed, question being called for. President put it to a vote and unanimously carried.
Ed Toebbe made a motion, Cyril Lowit seconded it, that all saleable commercial articles be sold out of the office in Pittsburgh. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Mr. Blyth, seconded by Ed Stahl, the 3rd week in July 1967 be designated as National Rabbit Week. This was discussed, put to a vote and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Mr. Blyth, seconded by Mr. Shilliday, that any person, officer or committee member who handles more than $100 of ARBA money be bonded. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Mr. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Applegate, the Youth Department have an audit in July, by a certified auditor, and that a report be submitted to the President of the ARBA and the Secretary. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Treasurer Murray made a report on the expenses of the convention and they were travelling expenses and room $1040.87. This was seconded by Mr. Toebbe. It was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Ed Toebbe and seconded by Oren Reynolds that we accept the 1966 budget with the two changes made—one for $50 for the Committee at Washington, and one for building repairs from $500 to $2,000. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Mr. Kennedy made a motion seconded by Mr. Ashton, the FD and DF parties not be listed in the programs of the national convention. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried. This also includes the Old Timers Party which is not to be included in the program.
Meeting adjourned 5:50 P.M.
The 3rd meeting of the Board of Directors was held at the Fairgrounds October 20, 1966 in a side room off the main building. The meeting was called to order at 3:30 P.M. by President Wayne Willmann. Those present were: W. E. Molen, E. P.
Shilliday, W. H. Kennedy, E. W. Murray. V. N. Ashton, Fred R. Applegate, Oren R. Reynolds, James Blyth, E. H. Toebbe and Wayne Willmann. Mr. Claude Bennett and Ed Stahl were not present at this meeting. Mr. Lowit had not showed up yet. After the meeting was called to order, Mr. Murray moved that we give the best of breed and best opposite sex trophy to every breed which was exhibited at the Louisville Convention and at all future conventions whether registered or not. It was seconded, put to a vote and carried.
At this time, Mr. Lowit entered.
Mr. Schuhmann, who was in attendance at this meeting, was then called upon to explain prices on the bulletins, pictures, cuts and additional printing prices. Many questions were asked and he explained most everything in detail. After the Board had completed questioning Mr^ Schuhmann, he retired. There was a mol tion by Mr. Murray seconded by Mr." Applegate to give Mr. Schuhmann a vote of thinks for the fine work he had done on the bulletin. This was put to a vote and carried.
Mr. Molen then presented a bid for printing the bulletin by the Iola Printing Company of Kansas. He then talked about receiving a bid later on from Small Stock Magazine for printing the ARBA bulletin. Both of these items were discussed. Of course the only price quotation on paper being from the Iola Printing Co. After much discussion, it was moved by Murray the printing committee of the ARBA should examine these bids as they are the duties of this committee. This motion was seconded by Mr. Reynolds, put to a vote and carried.
Mr. Toebbe was asked how much advertising was received for the bulletin and the Board was advised that $166.20 had been the amount of advertising ap-i pearing in the bulletin. This was passeq along, leaving the reviewing of these various bids to the committee of Stahl. Molen and Blyth.
It was then brought up about honoring members for judges and registrars and the names of Walter R. Caudell, L. A. Dunlap, L. T. Ritter and Jack Bryant were presented. There was some discussion on these and it was moved by Mr. Murray and seconded by Mr. Ashton that these four be granted honorary life memberships and judges and registrars licenses in the American Rabbit Breeders Ass’n This was put to a vote and unanimously carried with Mr. Shilliday dissenting.
The name of R. C. Huggins of Tennessee had been mentioned, however, he had won this high award at a previous convention.
A discussion was then held for the permission to permit foreign countries to
Pno* Twpntx-Fnur
print the ARBA standard. After much discussion, no action was taken.
A letter was then read from a member regarding one of our judges making uncomplimentary remarks about a breed. The Palomino breed was the breed in particular. It was moved that Oren Reynolds write a letter to the judge about these remarks. This closed the discussion on this subject.
It was then moved by Mr. Ashton and seconded by Mr. Applegate that a letter of appreciation be sent the Ralston Purina Company for the wonderful cooperation they have given the association and rabbits in general. This was unanimously carried.
A final report from the Credential committees said there were 498 registered at the ARBA booth with 56 delegates of t various association.
i It was then moved by Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mr. Applegate that a vote of thanks be extended to President Willmann for the fine way he had conducted the ARBA meetings. This was put to a vote and carried.
The meeting adjourned at 5:20 P.M.
The Kansas State Rabbit Breeders Association held their annual meeting and convention show at Hutchinson, Kansas.
Awards were presented for 1966 Sweep-stake Series—L. V. Naylor, 1st; Fast & Son, 2nd. The 1966 Youth Series winners —Terry & Tim Schroeder, 1st; Mike Alger, 2nd.
Eighteen contestants, 8 boys and 10 girls entered the Youth Rabbit Judging competition. Larry Drach, was the top point winner and judged champion.
Kansas State Rabbit Queen and King, mvere Joyce Swegle and Philip Shirk, Respectively.
The Kansas State RBA elected the following officers to direct their activities in 1907:
President—Pete Naylor Vice President—Sam McMurray Secretary—Agnes Bean Treasurer—Ronald Schlautter The Kansas State Dutch Club elected the following officers:
President—Chester L. Roberts Vice President—Walter Schroeder, Jr. Secretary—Irma Ernst Treasurer—Lester Johnson Kansas City, Kansas, April 8-9, 1967 is site and date of the annual National Satin Show. The gala event will be held at Wyandotte County Fairgrounds, Alice Naylor, 2019 N. 13th, Kansas City, Kansas 66104 is Show Secretary. All inquiries should be directed to Mrs. Naylor.
REGISTRATION CONTEST As of November 30, 1966
1. Oren R. Reynolds, 111.............8
2. Hugh J. Betts, Tenn.............. 7
3. Lawrence Stingley, Wash.......... 7
4. Duane Shrader, Nebr.............. 5
5. Robert W. Hill, Fla.............. 5
6. Fred C. Kipp, Ohio .............. 5
7. N. E. Hamilton, Calif............ 4
8. Dean Benker, Colo................ 4
9. W. F. Gilbert, Calif..............4
1. Pete Naylor, Kan................. 6
2. Wm. T. Robinson, 111............. 6
3. Walter Duby, Mass................ 3
4. Joseph Laura .................... 3
5. Robert Berry, Texas ............. 2
6. Marvin Cummings, Fla............. 2
7. W. F. Gilbert, Calif. ........... 2
8. Walter Wheaton, Conn............. 1
New Zealand
1. Walter Duby, Mass................17
2. Claudius Poer, Ind...............14
3. Marvin F. Carley, Vt.............12
4. Harold Drudge, Ind...............12
5. John Jennings, Iowa .............12
6. Jack Ellis, Mich.................11
7. Norman Simbeck, Tenn............. 8
8. O. Clyde Hulit, Maine ........... 7
9. Fred C. Kipp, Ohio .............. 7
10. Corinne Stokes, Ind................ 7
11. Walter Wallace, Iowa .............. 7
Silver Marten
1. John Buehler, 111.................5
2. E. O. Wolff, Texas .............. 3
1. Walter Duby, Mass................20
2. Bemise Bloomquist, 111. ...:.....18
3. Walter Schaeffer, Ind............15
4. Claudius Poer, Ind...............14
5. R. Graham Carver, N.J............13
6. Oren R. Reynolds, 111............12
7. Marvin F. Carley, Vt.............12
8. Robert H. Bell. Okla.............12
9. Harry Coles, Mo..................12
10. Harold Drudge, Ind.................12
11. John Jennings, Iowa ...............12
12. Fred Kipp, Ohio ...................12
13. Walter Wallace, Iowa ..............12
Mrs. Betty Stratham, 417 Washington Ave., Terrace Park, Ohio 45174 has been appointed Publicity Director for the Polish Rabbit Club.
Judge C. A. Henry placed the Polish rabbits at the ARBA National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. Best of Breed went to a Blue-Eyed Senior Buck owned by Wayne Willmann; and Best Opposite Sex honors to the Russ-L-Acres of Ur-bana, Ohio with a Blue-Eyed Senior Doe.
The Polish Rabbit Specialty Club meeting at Louisville, was attended by the following members; W. H. Kennedy, C. A. Henry, the Clarence Everetts, Carldon
Page Twenty-Five
Gaddis, A1 Emery, The Floyd Tobias’, Mrs. Joyce Judy, Bob Jenkins, Lloyd Potts, Erma Youngblood, W. Willmann, and the Bob Strathmans’.
The 1966-67 officers for the Polish Rabbit Club are—President, W. H. Kennedy; Vice President, Frank Pandina; Sec’y-Treas., C. A. Henry; Directors, Clarence Everett, Carldon Gaddis, and Don Reid. President W. H. Kennedy appointed C. E. Lewis as director to fill the unexpired term of Frank Pandina.
The 1967 National All Polish Show was awarded to Wellington, Ohio. The dates June 24-25, 1967 with the Clarence Everetts’ and the A1 Emerys’ being hosts. A1 Emery, Show Secretary, really got the jackpot on specials, for the show, rolling at the Convention. Anyone who has not donated and would like to help support the show, please contact A1 Amery, 210 Marsevilles Ave., Elyria, Ohio 44035.
Sweepstakes standing on the “Top 10” as of this writing are as follows—1st, R. W. Berry; 2nd, Donald Weeks; 3rd, Park’s Petland; 4th, Al & Merle Emery; 5th, Steven Kotches; 6th, Romeley Rabbitry; 7th, Breezy Hollow; 8th, Mueller’s Rabbitry; 9th, Mar-Bet Rabbitry and 10th, Carldon Gaddis.
The Palomino Rabbit Co.—Breeders Association thru the office of the Secretary, Martin H. Bettin, 407 Jenny Drive, Newbury Park, California 91320 announce that the Sweepstake Sanction fee is $2.00.
The year just passed was a highly successful Palomino year with a record number of Palomino sanctions. The Palomino secretary includes two beautiful Rosettes for awards when he mails sponsoring clubs their sanction papers. Top five winners in 1966 Palomino Sweep-stake series:
1. Viking Rabbitry, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
2. Martin H. Bettin, Newbury Park, California
3. Elaine Newport, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
4. James Hargraves, Cucamonga, California
5. H. W. Ziehl, Mio, Michigan
As of November 30, 1966
1. Edward H. Stahl, Mo..............45
2. Melvin Behrens, N.Y..............30
3. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif............29
4. Fred R. Applegate, 111...........25
5. Tommy Andrew, Pa.................14
6. Mark Youngs, Wash................14
7. Claude Bennett, Ind...............8
8. Robert Herschbach, Calif..........8
1. Lawrene Co. R.B. Ass’n, Tenn......7
2. Cactus R.B. Ass’n, Ariz.......... 6
3. So. W. Va. Rabbit Club .......... 5
4. Madison Co. R.B. Ass’n, 111.......4
5. Badger R.B. Ass’n, Wise...........3
6. Western 111. R. B. Ass’n ........ 2
7. Finger Lakes R.B. Ass’n, N.Y......2
8. Peoria Area R.B. Ass’n, 111.......2
9. S. Florida R.B. Ass'n ........... 2
Let us know if we have wrong spelling, address or zip code.
I have been reading the November-December bulletin with much interest.
I was most interested in the article on the subject of the Best of Show. I do not know if the award on this would be of too much importance, to the person making less than three shows a year. For the person showing more often it might make for the better meat of the shows. I believe that if it were to be done that the judges^^ would be more observant of the faults as^^B he goes through on the Best of Breed.
If this is done, the next they would probably want, also, to have a Best Opposite. I don’t think that it would go any farther. Last year was my first to show.
I also enjoyed the article on Protein Content.
Lyle V. Grundish Gibsonton, Florida
ARBA Membership Climbing Daily ARE YOU HELPING?
Use Application Blank on Back Cover
Page Twenty-Six
Iowa State Secretary, Dorothy Newport was surprised at the number of nonmembers exhibiting at Iowa Shows and sent this form letter to each as reminder and an invitation to join and secure full benefits.
Dear Sir,
The Iowa State Rabbit Breeders Association would like to thank you for exhibiting at one of our shows during 1966. We hope you made some new friends sharing your hobby, and enjoyed the competition.
It has come to our attention, however, thru our records that some 95 exhibitors share our hobby, but are not members of our State Organization. As it is now, you are not getting all the benefits you could be receiving, and you are not now eligible to compete for certain specials the state has to offer. All Iowa State members are rateful for your support of our shows, ut we would like to have you receive the Best Of Breed ribbons, and have a chance at one of the 15 trophies we give for sweepstake points. We would like to send you the Hawkeye News which would keep you abreast with the shows and activities within the clubs and our State.
We have come to know you, enjoy your friendship, and the pleasure of your exhibiting with us. In fact, we have become so accustomed to seeing some of you at the shows, that we have overlooked the fact you are not “One of our Own." We hope you have been enjoying us in the same manner, and will see fit to send in the application for membership for the year 1967. Just fill it out, send it with your $4.00 to our Secy.-Treas., Dorothy Newport, 2401 Wilson Avenue S.W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and she will send you this membership card. Do it now. This $4.00 membership applies onlyto to those not members of an Iowa Club. Out of Staters jre welcome.
Respectfully, Dorothy Newport, Secy.
Elmo Smith, President
Scott Wells was the winner of Youth Judging Contest at Louisville Convention. Following is his report and thanks to those that helped him achieve this major accomplishment and honor.
First, I want to thank all the people who have made it possible for me to be awarded Best Youth Judge at the 1966 Convention, because of their help and instructions. Those I especially want to thank are Mrs. William Breckenridge, (ARBA Youth Secretary), and Mr. Glen Carr. These two people have answered my many questions and have helped me in many ways on the subject of rabbits. Also, Mr. Curtis, Youth Judge who was at the Convention and helped all the Youth members that were there by telling what the rabbits should be like, after the judging of each breed. I appreciate the fact that my teachers excused me from school for a total of seven days to go to the Convention and to the All Checker Show. I also want to thank my parents for letting me go to twenty some shows in 1966.
I joined the Columbus Rabbit Breeders Association Youth Club in 1965. Here I learned many things about different rabbits and we studied the Standard. By going to many shows, talking to many people, and watching the various judges, I picked up several important points about the different breeds. At one of our spring meetings the CRBA sponsored a judging contest for the Youth Club. In this I tied for second. I stayed at two fairs this year and while I was there I had a chance to handle and examine rabbits other than the Checkered Giants, my own breed. I also studied the “Standard of Perfection.” All in all I think I have learned much about rabbits this last year.
Thanks again from Scott Wells 3106 Sherman Avenue Middletown, Ohio
1967 ARBA
OCTOBER 9 to 12, 1967
Page Twenty-Seven
ARBA BULLETIN official publication of the
American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. 4323 Murray Ave. BB, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Non-Profit Org.
Louisville, Ky. Permit No. 218
JAMES BLYTH, Secretary 4323 Murray Avenue (BB) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217
I hereby make application for membership in the AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION.
I enclose $5.00 for a one year membership which entitles me to a copy of the Official Guide Book, Year Book, Bulletins, and other benefits and privileges of the Association. Husband and Wife Combination Membership — $7.00
( ) New ( ) Renewal
Recommended by Page Twenty-Eight
Original Format
Bound magazine
ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 1 - Jan/Feb
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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8 1/2 inches x 11 inches
American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1967 Vol. 2, No. 1 - Jan/Feb,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 11, 2025,
Vol. 2 January-February, 1967 No. 1
Kansas Governor Robert Docking has accepted the invitation to attend and present address at the March 4th banquet, being held in conjunction with the March 4-5 show of the Midland Empire at Iola, Kansas.
Highlight of the banquet will be presentation of award to ARBA Lifetime Member Judge Leonard Dunlap. Leonard, has been on the scene, working hard for years on end. Judge Dunlap and Mrs. Dunlap will be guests of the highest honor.
Officials for this stellar show will include Judges Vern Ashton, Ed Stahl, Don Guthrie, Bob Wallace. Honored Judge Leonard Dunlap will also be pressed into service.
Jack Bryant, California and Walter Caudell, North Carolina, two of our most prominent and dedicated members, registrars and judges were honored by the ARBA Executive Board at the Louisville Convention of 1966. The award including lifetime membership was bestowed after many words and testimony of their tireless efforts for and in behalf of the rabbit fancy.
The course of the lifetime activities of Judge Bryant and Judge Caudell for the good of the ARBA and advancement of rabbits, do indeed, run an exceedingly striking parallel.
(Continued on Page 4)
Judge Walter Caudell, Charlotte, North Carolina known and admired by one and all as a renowned rabbit breeder, pioneer organizer and excellent ARBA judge. In the Tarheel state W’alter is affectionately known as ‘White Rabbit Caudell.’ Judge Caudell, was honored by Lifetime Membership at Louisville Convention.
The ARBA has a limited supply of promotional book matches available. A full carton of these outstanding promotional ,iieces will be mailed postpaid at the fee cost of $1.00.
These ARBA Specialty match books are complete with ARBA official insignia and promotional legend. There is ample inner space on these match books to place your personal ad or message. Send orders and remittance to Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716. Supply limited.
M. H. Friedman and W. A. Turner
At one time or another claims have been made that almost every dietary ingredient is indispensable for normal breeding performance. To some extent this is un-
(Continued on Page 8)
4323 Murray Avenue — James Blyth, Secy.___________— Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
W E. (Bill) Molen, Editor P.O. Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716
David Ford, Assistant Publicity Chm.
PUBLICITY STAFF Bett Hickman Virginia Flournoy
Joe Lutes Jodie Croker
Pat Krider Mark Youngs
Pat Giles B ng Harris
Wayne Willmnnn. Pres James Blyth, Secy. Oren Reynolds, V.-Pres. Ellis Murray, Treas
Fred Applegate J Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton W E Molen
Claude Bennett E P. Shilliday
W. H Kennedy Edward Stahl
Edward Toebbe
I find it difficult to write this message for several matters are still unfinished. I had hoped to give you a goodly list of definite answers.
Today, December 18, as I write, I cannot tell you that the Board has accepted a bid for our 1967 ARBA Convention. I can say that the breeders in New York State have had several meetings, have all materials collected, have their Show Association Incorporated, have selected Syracuse as the site, and picked the dates of October 9 thru the 12th. As soon as they have met all the requirements for submitting a bid, our Board will act. I hope it is settled by the time you read this.
Also I wanted to announce all the changes, where necessary, in the roster of State Agents, but I can’t today. Last year I asked the State Associations to give me names—I used the names—some of them did very little or nothing. Some did an excellent job. This time I am asking our Directors to furnish me with names for appointment. That list is not complete—so I will have to wait until the March Bulletin to publish it.
I urge all State Agents to do all they can to get Articles and Advertising for our NEW Guide Book. There will be no solicitation for Advertising in the Bul-
letin so I urge you to advertise in the Guide Book.
Any information you can secure relative to the sale of wild rabbits in your area, please sent it to Secretary Blyth.
Our secretary will begin—January 2, working on a new three year Contract that was voted by the Board at its meeting in Louisville.
In a few days a contract will be signed with our member Edward Schuhmann of Louisville, Ky. to print 6 issues of our Bulletin in 1967. He did a fine job in 1966. Please support our Bulletin with Articles and news items. Especially do I want to see more about our Youth. Youth Leaders, please get your material to Editor Molen.
I close this message with the announcement of the following Committees for 1967:
W. E. Molen, Chr. David Ford, Asst. Joe Lutes Pat Krider Pat Giles Virginia Flournoy Jodie Croker Mark Youngs Bing Harris Bett Hickman
Ed Stahl, Chr.
W. H. Kennedy William Hartley Mel Behrens David Ross
Rhode Island
Missouri Penna. Michigan New York Ohio
Ellis Murray, Chr. Robert Herschbach John Long
Lester Wells, Chr. A1 Meier, Jr. Marvin Carley W. T. Robinson Charles Lewis Harold McGovney Frances Bennett Don Lovejoy
New York
Roscoe Cuozzo Bing Harris Alfred DeCastro Manuel DeJuan Murilo Rego
Maine Canada Switzerland Puerto Rico Brazil
Other Committee announcements should be ready for the March Bulletin. Wishing all our members a Healthy and a Prosperous New Year.
Wayne Willmann
Page Two
I The excellent building at the New York State Fairgrounds, wherein the rabbits and 'cavies at 1959 ARBA Convention-Show were housed and judged. The New York group is looking forward to staging the 1967 ARBA Convention-Show in this building.
The New York Rabbit Shows Inc., will sponsor the 1967 ARBA National Convention-Show. Dates are October 9-12, 1967. The site of the show is the beautiful New York State Fairgrounds and the convention headquarters hotel is the Syracuse Hotel.
The officers of the New York State sponsoring group: Howard Carr, president; Fred Wickman, vice-president; Virginia Carr, general secretary; George Berl. show secretary; H. T. Vreeland, treasurer; Tillie Morehead, publicity; Harold Wickman, advertising and catalog.
Each issue of the ARBA Bulletin will carry details and plans of the New York Sponsoring group. Remember, the ARBA Convention requires the support of all. The 1959 Syracuse Convention was a line event, well-managed and directed— the 1967 Syracuse Convention will be even better. Make your plans now—It’s Syracuse, October 9-12, 1967.
July 16-22, 1967 has been officially designated as National Rahhit Week. The ARBA Executive board officially voted the July dates and authorized the expenditure necessary to obtain and distribute the necessary promotional items to aid and assist the local, state and national clubs. Many local clubs thru their secretaries had either requested such promotional material be furnished and in some instances even offered suggestions for and of the type needed.
A hardhitting National Rabbit Week — Promotional Packet is now available. These packets are mailed postpaid, on a first come- first served basis. This the first year of offering Promotional Packets, the supply is necessarily limited. The cost for these fine Promotional Packets is $5.00, the exact cost. This is not a money making venture for the ARBA, rather a hard hitting assemblage of real promotional items.
Included in the Promotional Packet:
A good supply of 2-color Day-Glow automobile bumper stickers. An ample supply of 2-color Day-Glow automobile radio aerial pennants. A supply of simulated leather, purse and pocket note and memo pads and portfolios. Abundant quantities of handy purse emery boards. Numerous folder type rabbit recipe brochures. A fine supply of the recently revised — “Little Known Facts of Rabbits.” We have also included a general information sheet and suggested modes and methods of staging your own publicity campaign.
Again this year there will be 3 outstanding and distinctive trophy awards to the top winners. The ARBA Champion Promoter Awards. These Champion Promoter Award Trophies were presented to the 1966 winners at Louisville Convention and were not only received with enthusiasm by the 3 top winners but provoked comment from one and all that these were truly outstanding awards, worthy of winning and showing off.
We urge each club to submit their order and remittance of $5.00 to Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716, at once. Remember, these Promotional Packets are on a first-come, first-served basis. Order your clubs packet today.
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(Continued from Page 1)
Caudell, a native of North Carolina, first became interested in rabbits in 1919 after return from service in World War
I. Bryant, a native of Kansas, who migrated to California by way of Iowa, first became interested in rabbits in 1920, and in World War II served his country well.
Both have raised many breeds of rabbits but each achieved outstanding results and success with the New Zealand Whites. Bryant and Caudell with dedication to purpose each, in turn, were ARBA registrars then ARBA judges. Each in their own geographic areas were paramount promoters and sought after officials.
Their rabbit activities continued to parallel even through 1966 when both were selected for the ARBA highest honor—Lifetime Membership.
Lifetime Judge and member, Jack Bryant was born in 1909 at Osawatomie, Kansas. Bryant was educated in Kansas and Iowa graduating from the Harvey, Iowa High School. It wasn’t till 1931 that the Bryant family moved to Santa Anna, California.
In 1920 Bryant purchased his first rabbits, a fine pair of New Zealand Reds, from Ed Stahl’s Outdoor Enterprises. Judge Bryant has raised many breeds, including Checkered Giants, Flemish, Polish, Rex, Beverns, Chinchilla, besides the two varities of New Zealands above mentioned.
It was April 1932 that Jack purchased his first New Zealand Whites and in the late 1930’s and 1940’s the Bryant strain of New Zealand Whites were the outstanding bloodline of the breed.
One of Bryant’s most outstanding herd sires was Captain Kid. Many of the offspring from this outstanding ARBA Grand Champion buck sold for $100.00 each or more. A most vivid recollection of Captain Kid is easily recalled by Bryant. He sold the buck to a breeder in Missouri and shipped him to the new owner. The new owner was not satisfied and returned Captain Kid to Bryant. Three months later Captain Kid was shipped by Bryant to the big rabbit show at St. Louis, Missouri and under Judge Jim Blyth, Captain KidL was best of breed and second in white fur. The purchaser who had been dissatisfied with Captain Kid, three months previous, tried by every means to purchase this outstanding specimen. However, he was shipped back to Bryant’s after this show and proved an outstanding sire for quite some time.
Jack Bryant served in the Air Force in World War II, stationed in England. At each time possible he attended shows in England, many times called upon to assist the Judges. Jack Bryant’s placement of
rabbits in shows of England were well accepted but his manner of picking up the rabbits by the skin over the neck and shoulders of the animal were protested by the exhibitors. The British Rabbit Judges did not handle the rabbits as did the American Judges.
Jack has been confined to a wheel chair because of service connected disability for some years now. The Bryant immediate family consists of wife, Lucille, two daughters and six grandchildren.
Jack would be very happy to hear from all his rabbit friends. The address, Jack Bryant, 10372 Lan Drive, Garden Grove, California 92640.
Lifetime Judge and Member, Walter Caudell, was born in 1896 in Davie County, North Carolina. Caudell was educated in North Carolina and graduated from Queens Business College. Since 1917 Walter has resided in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Judge Caudell says with a smile. “I can’t remember whether I fell in love with my girl friend, who later was to be my wife, Lucille; or with rabbits, first.” However, since Walter Caudell’s return from France, he has ben known affectionately throughout the state and area as “White Rabbit Caudell.” During his dates and courtship of the lovely Lucille. Walter always carried a small white rabbit in his coat pocket.
Judge Caudell has truly been an outstanding breeder and booster of many breeds but it was with New Zealand Whites that he reached the heights. Caudell bloodline of outstanding New Zealand Whites have been the basis of many outstanding breeds in Southeast U.S.
Outstanding contributions of Walter to the rabbit fancy of his area include the founding and the first president of the Piedmont Rabbit Breeders Club. Walter i is also the founder and first president^ of the North Carolina Rabbit Breeders Association.
In 1952 a Caudell led crusade was the prime mover in enlisting the aid of several radio stations of the state to promote rabbits and their utility by playing various tapes and recordings extolling the virtues of rabbits. The year 1952 was also the first year rabbits were included as an important department of the State Fair held at Raleigh.
The ARBA has been served well in Southeast U. S. by lifetime member Walter Caudell. Many have been his jobs and contributions including ARBA State Representative for years.
Walter Caudell served with the 29th division in World War I, stationed most of the time where the going was tough, in France.
After armed forces service and com-
Page Four
pletion of education, Judge Caudell served as manager of the financial accounting department, Esso Standard Oil Company. Walter recently retired from Esso and can now devote more time to his two true loves.
Walter says, “Now in 1966 I can vividly recall it was lovely wife, Lucille, I first fell in love with in 1919, but rabbits were a close second then and now we both love the rabbits.”
Walter would be very happy to hear from all his rabbit friends. The address, Walter Caudell, 401 S. Summit Ave., Charlotte, North Carolina 28208.
(Continued from Page 1) doubtedly correct insofar as normal breeding performance is associated with general health. The matter is considerably different if the question is asked, What are the requirements for reproduction above those necessary to maintain a mature animal? If the discussion is limited to breeding and excludes lactation, the answer is none with one or two questionable exceptions. Undeniably, there are conditions on deficient pasture and on restricted diet under natural conditions in which breeding performance is below par but these examples do not afford evidence that the requirements for reproduction are different quantitatively or qualitatively from the requirements for growth and maintenance. These naturally occuring difficulties, moreover, do not incriminate any one element of the diet specifically, because these deficiencies usually involve not one dietary element but several elements at the same time. For example, pasture deficient in phosphorus is deficient in protein also and perhaps in still other nutritive ingredients not yet investigated.
For the satisfactory determination of the dietary requirements for reproduction we must rely upon carefully controlled experiments in which the deficiencies are limited to single dietary ingredients, with all other ingredients supplied in ample amounts. There are not many data available from experiments of this character on the larger animals, so that we are forced to be guided by the laboratory data secured from experiments on the rat. In many other kinds of work it is justifiable to assume that results obtained with the rat will be very similar to results obtainable from the larger animals. In nutrition, however, the significant differences between species are numerous enough to prohibit the use of any one species of animal for the determination of the nutritional requirements of other animals. It is therefore necessary to examine the available data critically, realizing
their possible shortcomings, and citing those instances in which data from the larger animals are in accord with the results that have been obtained with the rat.
There is no evidence to indicate any special requirement of vitamin D for reproduction, and this is true also of vitamin C. Diets producing definite symptoms of scurvy in the guinea pig do not interfere with estrus or ovulation. Male guinea pigs dying of scurvy have normal testicles with normal sperm. A deficiency of vitamin B in the rat does interrupt the estrus cycle and stop ovulation in the female. However, such a deficiency also causes a severe decrease in energy intake. Restriction of energy intake to an equal degree on a complete diet results in equally severe disturbances in the sex organs. Consequently it is difficult to say that the vitamin B complex affects reproduction beyond its effect on food intake. It is also noteworthy that male rats dying from vitamin B deficiency may show normal testes. In view of the difficulty of producing vitamin B deficiency in the larger domestic animals and the abundance of the vitamin in the common stock feeds, there is probably little need to be concerned about vitamin B deficiency in the breeding of farm animals.
Two vitamins, A and E, do influence reproduction markedly. In the rat, diets low in these vitamins may be sufficient to maintain animals in apparently good health and to permit growth at a rate not very far below normal, but not sufficient for normal reproduction. The reproductive system is therefore somewhat more sensitive to lack of vitamins A and E than the rest of the body, and apparent good health is not a safe guide.
In the rat a mild deficiency of vitamin A leads to an abnormal formation of horny scales on all of the soft membranes of the body. Not all parts of the body are equally susceptible to this change. Among the first to be affected in the female rat is the soft membrane of the vagina. At this level of deficiency there is no loss in weight. In fact the animal may continue to gain at a satisfactory rate, but there are definite abnormalities in reproduction. The estrus cycle as determined by mating behavior, and ovulation are not at all affected, nor is the early development of the growing young in the uterus. The difficulty appears after the middle of pregnancy, when degeneration of the placenta takes place, resulting in hemorrhage and abortion. Many of the pregnancies that are not interrupted at this stage continue beyond the normal term. In such cases labor is abnormally long, and many of the young are stillborn.
Mortality of the mothers is high during such prolonged labor.
Male rats are somewhat more resistant of vitamin A deficiency than female. While the female is showing early evidence of a lack of vitamin A, males show no damage to the testicle. With more severe deficiencies, •when lesions begin to appear in the membranes of the eyes, the testes begin to show some damage. Even at this stage, however, the lesions are not very severe, and motile sperm is still being formed. More pronounced lesions are found only after the animal has lost some weight. Strikingly, this damage to the testicle can be repaired by doses of the vitamin too small to permit a gain in weight. The condition in the female rat also can be relieved by proper treatment with the vitamin even after a long period of deficiency.
The symptoms of vitamin A deficiency in the rat are almost identical with those seen in the cow and the sheep. In these species also the difficulty does not appear in the estrus cycle or ovulation, but late in pregnancy, leading to abortion or premature labor with the birth of weak or dead young. In these larger animals also the abnormalities of pregnancy may occur on diets that do not produce pronounced impairment of the general health of the mature animal. From the evidence in the rat the cow, and the sheep, therefore, it would seem clear that the vitamin A requirements for successful reproduction are somewhat higher than the minimum requirements for maintenance of the mature animal. It is not at all clear, however, that the requirements for reproduction are any higher than those for normal growth.
In the female rat, vitamin E deficiency resembles vitamin A deficiency to the extent that here again the trouble does not involve the estrus cycle or the ovary. It occurs after the middle of pregnancy and leads to the resorption of the growing young in the uterus. The disease differs from that produced by vitamin A deficiency in that the membranes are not attacked and abortion does not occur. The disease may be regarded as one that interferes with the growth of the young before birth. In the male, the disease attacks the germ cells which produce the sperm, and the condition cannot be cured by the administration of vitamin E, so that permanent sterility may result. This is in sharp contrasts to the effects of a lack of vitamin A.
So far vitamin E efficiency has been studied chiefly in the rat because it has bean impossible to produce pathological symptoms from it in other animals. On a diet that produces complete sterility in rats, goats and rabbits continue to breed for two or more generations without
difficulty. Regarding vitamin E deficiency purely as a laboratory product is probably justified. Although definite cases of a natural deficiency of other vitamins are recorded for man and animal, there is on record no known instance of a vitamin E deficiency occurring in nature. This is undoubtedly a reflection of the widespread distribution of this vitamin in all natural foodstuffs. Nevertheless one continues to hear of miracles performed by vitamin E concentrates, especially in curing habitual abortion in women and sterility in cows.
It will be recalled that true vitamin E deficiency in the rat does not produce abortion nor does it interfere with estrus or ovulation. The publications on the effects of heat-germ oil on bovine sterility have not been concerned with any abnormality of pregnancy that could conceivably be attributed to a vitamin E deficiency. They have dealt with cows that failed to become pregnant following service at normal heat periods. It is difficult to understand how a single injection of wheat-germ oil at the time of service would facilitate pregnancy in such cows unless the injection somehow or other stimulated ovulation or prolonged the life of the egg. To be sure, there are reports that vitamin E injections in the rat induce estrus and also stimulate the ovary. It has also been claimed that pituitary hormones are suitable substitutes for vitamin E in deficient animals. Finally, the statement has ben made that the pituitaries of vitamin E deficient rats are lower than normal in hormone content, though this claim has been disputed by competent investigators. The claims for estrus-in-ducing or ovary-stimulating activity of vitamin E have been thoroughly discredited. Perhaps it is permissible to characterize most of the vitamin E miracles as products of enthusiasm rather, than of prudence. At least one group on American workers has not been able to confirm the reported beneficial effects of vitamin E concentrate in the breeding of cattle.
The minerals that have been most prominently mentioned in connection with reproduction are phosphorus, calcium and manganese. It is easy to find in the literature reports that a deficiency of one or another of these elements will interfere with reproduction. However, a critical analysis of the available data does not bear out these claims.
Perhaps the experiments most often cited are those dealing with phosphorus deficiency in range cattle. It is true that cattle on phosphorus-deficient ranges experience difficulties in breeding, but this is not necessarily due to a lack of phos-
phorus. In the first place, the low phosphorus content of the pasture is paralleled by a very low protein content, and there may be in addition be still other deficiencies not yet recognized. Again pasture low in phosphorus is not very palatable, so that the food intake is far below normal. As a result the animals are obviously in poor condition and the multiple deficiency is complicated by partial starvation.
It has been reported that the addition of bonemeal to the diet of cattle on such ranges results in marked improvement in general condition and in breeding performance following the increased food consumption upon administration of the supplement But in recent experiments on cows an uncomplicated phosphorus deficiency did not interfere with estrus or ovulation, despite the fact that the phosphorus deficiency was severe enough to lower the blood phosphorus to levels below those usually seen in range cattle on low-phosphorus ranges. Unfortunately the data are not yet extensive enough to warrant the statement that phosphorus deficiency is likewise without effect upon the number of live calves born. It is possible to state, however, that if phosphorus deficiency, uncomplicated by protein and other deficiencies, has any effect whatever on reproduction, it is not great enough to be indicated clearly in the experimental data so far obtained from cows.
The situation is similar in the rat. The low-phosphorus ration is not so palatable as one with a higher phosphorus content, so that food consumption is below normal by 25 percent or more. Nevertheless, when mature rats are placed on such a diet there is no interference with the estrus rhythm. When somewhat less mature rats are used, the low-phosphorus diet results in a marked diminution in rate of growth and a cessation of the estrus cycle. After an interval however, the slowly growing rats eventually reach a mature size and the estrus cycle once more makes its appearance, despite the continuance of the phosphorus deficient ration.
The mineral most closely associated with phosphorus is calcium, and claims have been advanced concerning the necessity of this element for normal reproduction. In the rat there appears to be no reason for such a claim, although there is some evidence that the addition of calcium to some diets results in better growth and more economical gains in weight. In the cow, a calcium deficiency sufficient to lower blood calcium had no apparent effect on reproduction. Only in swine have any real effects of calcium deficiency been reported. Even here, however the results of the deficiency are much more noticeable on the general
One of the ARBA’s most aggressive and esteemed members, judge Bing Harris, St. Jacobs, Ontario, Canada. Bing, like so many of his counterparts in the country of the Maple Leaf, knows only one speed and one direction, that is, fast and forward.
health of the animal than on reproduction. With a disease severe enough to produce rough scaly skin, bending of the bones, and periods of temporary paralysis, estrus occurred normally for two or three generations. The number of young per litter and the average weight of the young at birth were undiminished, although one observer reports an increased percentage of stillbirths. There is general agreement, however, that lactation is seriously impaired by the low-calcium diet.
There is a widespread belief that manganese deficency in the rat interferes with estrus and ovulation despite the fact that one of the most comprehensive studies on this question indicates the contrary.
The early experiments in which the manganese deficiency was produced by milk diets fortified by iron and copper are responsible for this erroneous impression. Later work has demonstrated that the limiting factor on the milk diet was not manganese but energy, since the difficulty with estrus and ovulation as remedied by the addition of sugar to the diet. Still unexplained, however, is the sterility in the male rat produced by diets low in manganese. The early experiments on this phase of the subject have not yet been repeated so that it is impossible to decide whether the sterility was due to an uncomplicated manganese deficiency or to some other factors not yet appreciated. No data are available on manganese deficiency in other species.
Pane Seven
J*mea Birth
It seems that although we have many state associations, locals, sectional groups, this year we have run into a condition which has never faced us before:—lack of some person bidding for the ARBA Convention. The object of this article is an attempt to find out just why this condition exists and to weigh all questions in the light of reason and see really what is lacking. Over the country there are many groups, state or sectional, that have the facilities and personnel to put on a convention.
There are many associations that brag about the large shows they have but they scare off on a National Convention. We must try and find out the reason.
The trouble is there are too many who only talk shows. They want large shows or some convention that is larger than ever before. When you go into these things, you go into extra work, extra money and expense. The ARBA convention can be made profitable like any other business but it takes planning facilities and the personnel to do the job.
In 1932 when Pittsburgh had the convention, we paid $1,000 rental and 17% of the gate for Motor Square Garden where the exhibition was held. The owner of the building at that time had a ticket taker on the door. Every person paid 17c. Coops at that time was no problem because the Keiper Cooping Co. in Milwaukee, Wise., shipped them to Pittsburgh. set them up and took them down. The ARBA Board of Directors at that time insisted we have a combined show of Poultry, Pigeon and Wild Life. We picked up the broken down Poultry Ass’n.
We offered trophies on the best of breed for all standard breeds. We got out a marked catalog at the completion of judging showing the awards. All this was done on $1.00 entry fee. Still the Pittsburgh Ass’n only went in debt $300. It could easily be explained how they went in debt $300 because of the extra entries taken and we did not get the patronage for the marked catalog. Pittsburgh in 1932 and any other city of the United States in 1967 is a different question and cannot be compared because those days are gone and we are in a new system with new people and new conditions.
The Allentown Convention in 1946 was
a profitable convention. The Lehigh Valley Club cleared approximately $1700 on this convention. The Syracuse Convention in New York borrowed money from members or sold stock and they paid back all they borrowed and used the balance of the money for banquets or good times to those clubs that took part in the exhibits. I would say it was profitable.
Sedalia, Missouri, realized about $1700 profit. While all conventions agree when they bid for the convention, they will submit a financial report to the ARBA President and Secretary, this has not been done always. When the convention is over, it seems all matters are forgotten. This question was brought up at the Board of Directors meeting because it would be a great help to future conventions to know what the income was and what the expenditures were of these past conventions. We are lax in not enforcing this rule; and do not have this information available for groups bidding on the convention. This is a good rule and helpful to future conventions.
True, the Columbus, Ohio, convention and the last Springfield, Illinois, convention reportedly lost money. Because financial reports were not sent in we do not know why they lost money but there are a number of things that lead you to believe something was mismanaged in some way. At the first Springfield Convention, they drummed on a large attendance and large entry. They received both. As a result there was only one place in Springfield, 111., to hold a banquet and that was the Elks Club. The sad occasion occurred when some 25-30 prominent delegates could not get seats at the banquet. Of course much of this was their own fault because of the delay in ordering banquet tickets, however, there should have been ample room for all. And of course it would be blamed on the National | Convention.
Things like this cause the delegates to become disgruntled and do not give the convention the cooperation they should. But eyes were set on a large attendance and a large entry.
The same holds true for Columbus, Ohio Columbus was going to top all others They had a large beautiful showroom, well arranged, well handled, however, they did not have enough coop bottoms. Of course had to purchase a number and hire carpenters to make the bottoms which ran into money. Then at the banquet, a high priced quartet was used for entertainment and novelties in the form of lanterns were placed at the banquet tables. These two items were unnecessary and an added expense and the reason no doubt that Columbus lost money.
It should not be the object of a national ARBA Convention to see how large an
Pavp FI oht
entry they can have; Rather, they should strive to put on a model show and everything should be conducted right up to the last minute. This can be easily done if not too large an entry is entertained. Where the entry runs over the facilities for cooping, it means trouble, and big trouble, because these are one of the troubles that faces the ARBA conventions today—the rabbit exhibit. I think if more stress is laid upon a clean cut, well organized convention instead of a large entry, the convention would come out better, be more attractive to those who attend than one of just a large rabbit and cavy show.
It must be remembered we have run for years at $1.50 entry fee at the National Conventions. This year, Louisville Management raised their entry fee to $1.75. Believe the entry was down a little bit but didn’t hear too many complaining. I still believe another raise would be in order, possibly $2.00 because we must remember everything has gone up in price. Not so with ARBA Convention Shows and the facilities they must have. A larger entry fee would certainly curtail the entry to a certain extent. Where some exhibitor would enter 7-8 rabbits at $1.75 or $1.50, if you added another 25c you would lose some of these entries.
As we mentioned before the smaller well conducted convention is better than a large convention that is mishandled. The ARBA has done things to improve the convention. The awarding of trophies for the best of breed and best opposite sex on all standard bred rabbits. The ARBA pays for the convention badges and the premium ribbon at no expense to the local clubs. All these improvements have been taken to help those who will be seeking ARBA national conventions in the future.
| There is no magic to sponsoring a convention. All it takes is some level headed thinking and planning and hard work when the convention is on. In most every case, many of the out of towners who come in throw off their coats and go to work and act as breed chairmen and various other capacities which is a great help to the association sponsoring the show.
I hope we will not see the condition like this again, where there is a reluctance in submitting a bid for the 1967 convention. A convention can bring your town out in front of rabbitdom. Many people in years to come will refer to such and such a convention and what happened, what was done there. You as a member of your community helped to bring this out by cooperating with others who plan on submitting a bid for the 1967 or future conventions.
It seems some of the people, in the
group, who are going to bid on the convention bring in personalities and this as a result brings in disunity. No convention can be successful unless each and every person associated with that convention gets into the harness and does their share. Personalties should be left out. We have no time to discuss them. We hope there will be a bid submitted for the 1967 convention. We are sure that with careful planning; possibly an increase in entry fee; hard work; a convention can be successful and will pay off well for those who made it possible.
If you are one of the groups who have been talking conventions, get down to earth and take stock in yourselves and what you have to work with. See if it is possible to do this job and do it right. It is much better to do it on a smaller scale, and do it right, than on a larger scale, and do it wrong. Rabbit breeders, do not demand any high priced or fancy entertainment, they do not need novelties, but they do need a successful convention.
The American Rabbit Breeders Ass’n is one of the only associations who holds a charter that does not charge a convention registration fee. Most every other organization does. However, you are permitted to enter the convention and given the rights and privileges of every person without any additional charge. Possibly a registration fee and turning it over to the association sponsoring the convention would be helpful financially. But it has been proven ARBA conventions can be profitable and can be successful.
The time is now, for your group or association to prepare plans and bids for The ARBA National Convention. How long has it been since your geographic area has been the site of an ARBA convention? There are many geographic areas that have never sponsored an ARBA convention. I’ll bet you could put on a fine one and can tell you our membership always look forward to new cities to visit and convention in.
Dick F. Parker, Alabama ...........J&R
W. F. Gilbert, California .........J&R
R. C. Shoptaw, Indiana.............J&R
R. J. Bernhardt, Missouri, ........J&R
John Furrer, Missouri .............J&R
Edward H. Stahl, Missouri .........J&R
Vern Ashton, Ohio..................J&R
James Blyth, Pennsylvania .........J&R
Wesley Dixon, California...........J&R
W. R. Caudell. North Carolina .....J&R
Jack Bryant, California ...........J&R
L. T. Ritter, Maryland.............J&R
J. F. Almond, North Carolina ......J&R
R, C. Huggins, Tennessee ..........J&R
Ellis W. Murray, California .......Reg.
L. A. Dunlap, Kansas ..............J&R
Robert C. Hoer, Jr. of New Haven, Connecticut, a long time active member of the ARBA, passed away October 22, 1966. Mr. Hoer was an old time breeder and a very close friend of our late President, Mr. Oscar F. Schultz. Hoer, was active in the New Haven Convention and was known by all breeders through that area. We are sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. Hoer. To his daughter, Mrs. Winifred H. Langhoff, we extend our heartfelt sympathy in her bereavement. We have lost a good member and a grand fancier in the death of Mr. Hoer.
Peggy Carter, one of the pioneer rabbit raisers in Florida, expired November 10, 1966. Peggy Carter was an ARBA Registrar but even more important she was a conscientious and willing worker, for anybody and anything connected with rabbits be it fancy or commercial. Peggy Carter, was a recognized authority on rabbits. She was a co-developer of the new ARBA Breed, Florida Whites. Condolence of the ARBA for the great loss of a fine lady and member.
Director Ed Stahl, and Mrs. Stahl arrived home from the Louisville Convention to find that their home had been entered by thieves. The home and basement working office of Ed had been ransacked and many valuable items stolen. Among the missing items were a typewriter, adding machine, two radios, and tape recorder. Two old heirloom watches were also missing. Ed, lost some very old and valuable coins. The Kansas City police were called to the scene. No recovery of stolen articles has been made at this date.
Don Guthrie, editor of Small Stock Magazine was the victim of a potentially serious automobile wreck, Friday, October 28th. The wreck occurred at 2:30 A.M. on a curving section of U.S. 69 highway, 6 miles south of Bethany, Missouri. The radio news account of the wreck, stated that the truck left the highway and traveled over some trees some 20 feet tall before coming to rest. Don, had departed Nevada, Missouri at 11:00 P.M. for Lamoni. He had a load of laboratory rabbits and cavies. The accident impact killed the load of animals and demolished the truck.
Don, was a patient at Noll Hospital, Bethany, Missouri, and has been released minus some of mother natures teeth.
Howard Morris, Editor of Hlinois Rabbit News, compiled, printed and mailed a full 17 page report of the 43rd ARBA Convention just 6 days after the conclusion of the Louisville event. This was a
Edw. H. Stahl
most comprehensive coverage and is a remarkable accomplishment. One that is a credit to the Illinois State Association, Editor Morris and the ARBA. We congratulate Howard Morris for another wonderful job, typical of his hard work for over a score of years.
Tommy Andrew, former chairman of the commercial committee of the ARBA, has submitted his final financial report and accounting to Treasurer Ellis Murray. All materials of an educational nature, such as slides and film strips with accompanying voice tape have been forwarded to the present Commercial Committee Chairman, Phil Lohman. Rabbit meat cartons have been forwarded to secretary Jim Blyth. Tommy, is to be commended for his years of hard work and service to the commercial committee. Future correspondence to the commercial committee should be addressed to Philip Lohman, 11800 W. Howard Ave., Greenfield, Wisconsin 53228.
Enter New Year 1967 and the opportunity to embark upon the greatest year ever for ARBA accomplishments. The publicity committee herewith offers its initial efforti with Volume II, Number 1 of the ARB^ Bulletin. Our plan, continues, the offering of the most beneficial and most diversified rabbit news and information that it is possible to obtain.
National Rabbit Week, 1967 is July 16-22. The promotional efforts of 1966 by 39 clubs was really a bang-up job and very heartening. Because of this fine effort and because there were those clubs asking for Promotional Material, the Publicity Committee presented the facts and figures to the ARBA Board at Louisville. Also the Publicity Committee presented a request for money and a sampling of supplies and promotional material they wished to purchase. All of this was unanamously approved by the ARBA Board and these Promotional Packets for National Rabbit Week 1967 are now available for immediate mailing to all those requesting. Send along your request and $5.00 cost fee
Tommy Andrews
to Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
A priceless scientific report, entitled Nutrition and Reproduction, is included in this the January-February Bulletin. Read this article,
M. H. Friedman wrote this article while Senior Physiologist, Division of Nutrition and Physiology, Bureau of Dairy Industry and the co-author of the report W. A. Turner was Associate Chemist.
Minutes of the meetings of ARBA Board and minutes of the 2 general membership and business meetings are printed in their entirety, this issue. A timely and topical analysis of the subject relative to ARBA Convention Bids, by Jim Blyth is worthy of your serious consideration. Just how long has it been since your general area sponsored the ARBA Convention & Show? Maybe, your area comes under the category of having never experienced the fine feeling of hosting the great ARBA Convention. Whatever your geographic area category — now is the time to prepare to submit bids for future ARBA Conventions.
Biographical sketches of two of our finest. Lifetime Members and Judges Jack Bryant and Walter Caudell appear in this issue. We are proud of these men and our other Lifetimers. Complete listing of Lifetime Member Judges & Registrars in included herewith, the March-April issue will include biographical sketches of Lifetime Member Judges Leonard Dunlap and Lawrence Ritter. Also complete list of Lifetime Members.
National Specialty Clubs with ambitious programs for 1967 include the Polish, Satin, Checkered Giant, Palomino, Cavy, Rex, Dutch, and Californian. Others will be reported as information and announcement of their plans is received.
Ed Stahl, makes a concise report on results of the National Advertising, which he originated and has nourished to the greatest single effort of the ARBA. Read this report, you will see the magnificent results to the benefit of the ARBA. The amount of activity and progress plus news eminating from Canada is staggering. The Canadian Rabbit activities are astounding —Read the article on the Ontario Council of Clubs. Their big show date is included, make your plans now to support the windup of the 1967 season up North. Director Cyril Lowit's report of the fabulous Calgary Rabbit Show is included this issue; as is a much deserved testimonial to Registrar applicant Elliott M. Barnes. Mr. Barnes, has promised a complete article and photos of a brand new rabbit processing plant in Calgary.
New member and new fancier Lyle Grundish of Florida offers some welcome comments and veteran member and promoter Burley Rewey of Montana pens
one of his respected items, again. Scott Wells, ARBA Youth Judging Contest winner at Louisville offers a thank you to all who helped and a challenge to all other youth.
Rex Specialty Club secretary, Mary Battista, S-M Farm R.D. 2 Neshanic Station, New Jersey 08853 sends along information Rex sanction fee is $3.00. June Dutton Rt. 1 Box 167, South Elgin, Illinois 60177 writes there isn’t a cost for the sanction of Belgian Hare and asks that all send their requests for Belgian Hare sanction to her, they are in a big revival of interest period. You can help yourself and help your show with a Belgian Hare sanction. The history of this fine breed is high in the annals of ARBA lore.
We tried our utmost to obtain a photo of some of the hard working Canadian rabbit fanciers—and came up with Bing Harris, a tried and true booster; an ARBA judge and Registrar. Also included is a photo of ‘White Rabbit Caudell’; and a very fine photo of the building used at the New York Fairgrounds when the 1959 ARBA Convention & Show was sponsored by the New York folks. There is preliminary information that a bid will be submitted by the New York folks to sponsor the 1967 ARBA Convention & Show to be held in this same building at Syracuse. The March-April issue of the Bulletin will have complete and factual report on the 1967 Convention.
Additional articles to appear in March-April issue photos and article by David Hughes, officer and publicity director of the SEMO Rabbit Club, one of the winners of ARBA Champion Promoter Award trophy for promotion of 1966 National Rabbit Week. Treasurer Ellis Murray, has submitted a thought provoking poem. ‘ARBA Builders’. Tough, reliable old-timer Charles Henry will also be featured. Another reminder why it is so important to secure your copy of the Standards of Perfection from Secretary Jim Blyth, cost is $2.00 paper back and $3.00 cloth bound.
Marvin Cummings, president of Florida State RBA has asked some fine questions and offered some sound advice—we will attempt to have qualified answers for Cummings and ARBA membership in March-April Bulletin. We will report activities of the award banquet held by the Golden West RBA, at Knotts Berry Farm. February 11, in honor of ARBA Lifetime Member judge Jack Bryant. Hard working, secretary Sunny Harper, who we can always depend upon for a first rate job. will furnish this bit. Look for factual information or expose on the possibility that Australian Rabbit are again being offered for sale in the U.S. for table use.
Contributors of material for this edition, include, Lyman Franklin, Betty Stratham, Ray Mullett, Charles Henry.
Pete Naylor, Katherine Roberts, Bing Harris, Beverly Molen, Lyle Grundish, Pat Krider, Burley Rewey, Scott Wells, Joan Schiermeyer, Elliott Barnes, Martin Bettin, Dorothy Newport, Marvin Cummings, Ellis Murray, Wayne Willmann, Jim Blyth, Vern Ashton, Cyril Lowit, Ed Stahl. Material from 14 states Florida to Oregon and California to Massachusetts with additional material from Ontario and Alberta.
Send all material, articles, photos, etc. for inclusion in the ARBA Bulletin to Bill Molen, editor, Box 8. Bronson, Kansas 66716.
Vern Ashton Ohio
A long established custom, was started many years ago, at ARBA Convention banquets. The custom of singling out a tried and true, old-timer, and thus honoring him, with the awarding of a testimonial plaque.
This years recipient at the banquet, held in the Flagroom of the Kentucky Hotel, was director Vern Ashton, Lima, Ohio.
In 1944, Vern Ashton, was first elected to the ARBA Board, as a director and has thus served without interuption.
Vern, has served faithfully and ably in many capacities. He is best known for tireless efforts in upgrading the functions and duties of the highly important Committee on Standards. Vern Ashton, served the ARBA well as the committee chairman and was responsible for the revised Standard of Perfection, recently published.
Director Ashton, has raised rabbits continuously for 52 years, beginning in 1914. In 1916 Vern assisted in organizing the Lima Rabbit and Cavy Breeders Association and is the only charter member still active.
In 1921, the Lima club wanted a Registrar in their area and he was selected for the honor. They provided funds for his first Registrar’s License, and he was in business. How unhappy the Breeders would get when Vern would not register their rabbits. At this time, rabbits were registered A, B, or C. The ones that were registered in A were outstanding. Vern recalls he only registered three class A, while this system was in effect. Rabbits
registered in B were very good rabbits. Rabbits that had a slight defect but very good breeders were classed as C. The breeders used to quiz Ashton why he did not register their rabbit in A. His stock answer, “Did you ever see a rabbit you would trade your rabbit for?" They usually would say, “Yes.” And Vern, would continue “That is the rabbit that should be registered in A.”
Vern Ashton has a duplicate registration copy of every rabbit he has registered.
Vern Ashton was heard to comment after receiving the award and plaque— “One never knows what to expect. Little did I think when I started raising rabbits in 1914 the path would lead to my becoming a rabbit judge and a director of a national organization.” “I sincerely wish to say thank you! Thank you very much."
“If I have any advice to young breeders and new members of ARBA—be honest be sincere, have faith in your rabbits and your friends.”
The Ontario Council of Rabbit Clubs, may well be compared to a grizzly bear, just coming out of hibernation.
Now that they have shaken-off the effects of their rest period—the wheels of progress and accomplishment are really rolling. Rolling forward, that is, because after dwindling to a bare 2 affiliated clubs, they now boast 6 hard working and high ideal affiliates.
Considerable credit must be given to William Croft, Lloyd Shantz, Bing and Georgina Harris and John Service. Bill Croft, incidently, edits the Canadian Rabbit News, a very worthy publication. Lloyd Shantz, is the industrious gentleman many of us met at Louisville. Bing Harris and Mrs. are always working and Bing sends along the following.
The Ontario Council of Rabbit Clubs held their fifth annual conference show at the Merritt Bldg., Ancaster, Ontario Fairgrounds on October 8, 1966. At the time of this show we had two affiliated local clubs, namely the Southern Ontario Rabbit Breeders Assoc., and the Kitchener-Waterloo Rabbit Breeders Club. The SORBA hosted the show and the KWRBC supplied the coffee, Rabbit pies, and other kinds of dessert pies. The rabbit pies really went over big as they always do and were baked by a local bakery with the meat supplied by the breeders.
On Friday, October 7, the council held a general meeting of the delegates from the two affiliated clubs at which time four other clubs officially came into the council, which now makes a total of six
Page Twelve
local clubs affiliated. A bid from the Locke City Rabbit Breeders Assoc., was accepted and the 1967 conference will be held in Sault Ste. Marie, the latter part of October. This will be the first time this conference has left the southern part of the province and we are looking for the northern folks to really put on a show for us. This is not too far from the northern Michigan breeders and I am sure the breeders from Sault Ste. Marie will try and lure the U.S. breeders over for the big event.
The governing board of the Council is made up of a President, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer and three delegates from each local club. The President, Vice President, and Secretary Treasurer are elected at the general meeting by the governing board and the delegates are elected by the local clubs.
The following are the officers of the Council and the names of the six local clubs and their presidents.
The Ontario Council of Rabbit Clubs. President, W. F. Croft, RR #1, Hannon, Ontario
Vice President, L. S. Shantz, RR #2, Waterloo, Ontario
Secy-Treas., Georgina Harris, RR #1, St. Jacobs, Ontario
Affiliated local clubs and Presidents.
(1) Southern Ontario Rabbit Breeders Assoc., Pres. W. F. Croft, RR #1, Hannon, Ontario
(2) Kitchener Waterloo Rabbit Breeders Club, Pres. John Service, 55 Nelson Ave., Bridgeport, Ontario
(3) Locke City Rabbit Breeders Assoc., Pres. M. Atkinson, Richards Landing, Ontario
<4) Forest City Rabbit Breeders Assoc., Pres. F. A. Marsh, RR #1, London, Ontario
(5) The Central Ontario Commercial Rabbit Breeders Assoc., Pres. E. Huggins, RR #1, Hampton, Ontario
(6) Ottawa Valley Rabbit Breeders Assoc. Pres. R. Boucher, Alymer, Quebec
The Show Superintendent for the conference show at Sault Ste. Marie will be Mr. Wayne Rodgers, 174 Balfour Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.
Ray Mullett, 75 Lake Ave., Leicester, Massachusetts 01524, editor of The Worcester County ARBA bulletin—The Chatter, consistently has broad and diversified coverage, each issue.
The following topical subjects appeared in the November 1966 issue of, The Chatter, and wil be of interest to all.
Prospective Rabbit Raisers often write us, and expect to get complete information about raising, feeding, housing, and
where to purchase stock in one letter. The subject of rabbit raising is so complex that it is impossible to give much information in a letter. We usually suggest that the “new” raiser join a Rabbit Club, attend, get to know some local raisers, and then visit their rabbitries to see what goes on. This gives them the opportunity to ask questions as the question may arise. Sadly, there are not many good books on the question. Most of the available books are out of date, and do not go into detail on the many phases of rabbit keeping.
If you plan to visit a rabbitry, make arrangements with the owner, so that he can give you time to make your visit worth while. If you drop in at a rabbit raisers place, NEVER open coops or handle rabbits unless you are given permission by the owner. It is very disturbing for a rabbit raiser to find out that anyone has been “poking around” in his absence.
The Rabbit magazines are a good source of information, there are many helpful and interesting articles in each issue. There are also advertisements and illustrations of good rabbits that may be of value in choosing the right breed and in purchasing stock. Most all rabbit raisers are willing to help the “new” raiser in any way within their power. There are no real “trade Secrets” in the rabbit business.
If you hear of anyone considering rabbit raising as a hobby or as a business, advise them to gain as much information as possible before buying any rabbits. Then they’ll have a better chance of success.
ANOTHER INQUIRY comes from a non-member of any Rabbit Organization, who has a female, Dutch-marked rabbit weighing “from 15 to 20 lbs.” and asking for information about the largest rabbits grown. We don’t know why the weight is so indefinite, but can answer that the Flemish Giant is the largest Standard breed. We have been told that in some cases, Flemish have been raised that weigh up to 30 pounds, but we don’t see them around here. We have heard of the Swiss “Rams” which may attain weight of 30 to 50 pounds, but know of no imports of this breed. This inquiry also asks about the market potential for Giant rabbits (guess he wants to sell steaks). We believe that the medium-sized breeds, are the most popular meat producers, and recommend working on these breeds to improve their production.
FEEDS AND FEEDING seems always to be a popular subject among rabbit raisers. We just heard of raisers in another State down south, where breeding difficulties were definitely traced to a pelleted feed, and more specifically, to med-
Page Thirteen
ical additives to the feed. In this case, an additive was used that had given great success with poultry and swine, but upset the reproductive organs of the doe rabbits. The feed company was acting in good
faith, but had done no research with rabbits, they just figured this additive would work. Needless to say, this grain company has lost all of the business of the rabbit raisers in the area.
January — February — March
308 Memberships ($5.00) $1,540.00
6,748 Inquiries @ 25c 7 1,687.00
Total Receipts $3,227.00 $3,227.00
Advertising Cost 1,642.46
Receipts In Excess of Advertising Cost $1,584.54
Inquiry Receipts (shown above) $1,687.00
On Secretary’s Report 1.422.17
$ 264.83 264.83
Net over Advertising Cost $1,319.71
357 1965 Memberships — Net over Adv. Cost $1,290.00
April — May — June
287 Memberships ($5.00) $1,435.00
5,379 Inquiries (a) 25c 1,344.75
Total Receipts . . . $2,779.75 $2,779.75
Advertising Cost 1,596.58
Receipts in Excess of Advertising Cost $1,183.17
Inquiry Receipts (shown above) $1,344.75
On Secretary’s Report 1,168.55
$ 176.20 176.20
Net over Advertising Cost $1,006.97
296 1965 Memberships — Net over Adv. Cost
$ 978.22
July — August — September
236 Memberships ($5.00) 4,413 Inquiries (® 25c $1,180.00 1,103.25
Total Receipts Advertising Cost $2,283 25 $2,283.25 1,515.38
Receipts in Excess of Advertising Cost Inquiry Receipts (shown above) On Secretary’s Report $1,103.25 $ 979.56 $ 767 87
$ 123.69 123.69
Net over Advertising Cost $“644.18
277 1965 Memberships — Net over Adv. Cost $ 758.62
831 Memberships ($5.00) .........................................$4,155.00
16,540 Inquiries @ 25c .............................................4,135.00
Total Receipts ........................ .... $8^290.00
Advertising Cost ............................ ..............
Receipts in Excess of Advertising Cost Adjustments from Secretary’s Reports Net over Advertising Cost ............
$8,290.00 4,754.42 $37535.58 564/72 $2,970.86
Page Fourteen
Submitted by EDWARD H. STAHL
Canada’s Finest
Cyril Lowit
After declining several invitations to the Calgary Show, over a period of several years, I felt it was high time that I accept their kind invitation, especially so, after considerable correspondence with Mr. Elliott M. Barnes, who wanted to take his registrar’s examination.
The most interesting aspect of this show was the fact that there has never been an ARBA judge officiate at their show. I had many mental reservations about this assignment, as to just what kind of stock I was going to run into. I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of stock found in this show. Fortunately, most of the breeders had brought in good stock to start with, and they had the services of Mr. Barnes, who has raised Flemish since 1912, and Mr. C. Vandemeer, of Ellersly Farm, University of Alberta, Edmonton, which is about 200 miles north of Calgary. Mr. Vandemeer is from Holland, and judged rabbits before coming to Canada.
The Alberta Rabbit Breeders Assn, hold their winter show in conjunction with the Alberta Provincial Poultry Show. This poultry show was holding their 52nd annual exhibit. It was a very large show from the poultry standpoint, and the rabbit breeders had the largest rabbit show they have ever held, with 257 rabbits; the Youth group exhibited 87 rabbits. Bear in mind that this Show was ijudged previously by English standards, so most of the ARBA procedure was new to them. We started out by setting up an adequate judging table. This table was covered with paper, so our next move was to get burlap sacks nailed to the table.
Under their previous judging, no comments or notes were taken, so our next move was to set up classes so that proper remarks could be given on each rabbit, as we do in the States. Mrs. L. J. Hjelme-land, acted as clerk, and did an outstanding job, considering this was her first experience in taking comments from a judge. Mr. Barnes worked with me through the entire Show and handled all breeds and classes except Flemish, as he was exhibiting in this breed. Carriers were plentiful and cooperative.
The fact that we mentioned earlier, that good quality stock had been brought in, certainly showed up in this show. The
best animals in each class were quite comparable to the best in our Shows in the States. However, the breeders were not selecting, in many cases, the proper animals to keep and were not aware of our weight requirements, disqualifications and eliminations. I feel that a great deal of good was accomplished, because Mr. Barnes and I found most all of the major disqualifications that we come across occasionally in our shows. Many marking disqualifications were found in the Dutch breed. Each disqualification, elimination or marking fault was shown to the breeders and thoroughly explained.
This was a fair sized show, considering they showed no intermediate classes, and no fur classes. Surprising as it may seem, the fur quality in general was not good, once again bringing to our attention that climate is secondary to good breeding, when it comes to producing ideal quality fur.
In their show catalog they listed trophies for the Grand Champion Rabbit, Reserve Champion Rabbit, best Fancy Rabbit, and the best Fur Rabbit. Since the ARBA has not seen fit to recognize “Best in Show,” I placed best and best opposite in all breeds exhibited. We then had these “bests” and “Best opposites” all brought up to the table, after which I called in Mr. Vandemeer (with the approval of the breeders) to place these Champion specials. I was keenly interested to see if his selections would match my mental selections. To my pleasure, he selected a blue Rex as the best Fancy, and the New Zealand White senior doe. that I had placed best White New Zealand, as the best of the larger breeds. He then brought these two together and selected the New Zealand White for the Grand Champion in the Show. If the ARBA regulations would have permitted me, I would have made this same selection.
There was a small showing of thirty or so cavies, mostly smooth hair with a few Peruvians and Abbyssinians. They all conformed quite closely to our Standard, but the adult stock were all smaller in size.
The Show was well cooped, with wood floors used throughout, and plenty of fresh straw.
Another interesting aspect of this Show is the admission charge of fifty cents, to the public, and I am advised that between three and four THOUSAND people will pay to come and see this three-day show! The Show is held in the Agriculture Building, on the Exhibition Grounds, where the famous Calgary Stampede is held each year. Even though the temperature was zero and below, the building was quite comfortable, being heated with Alberta Province natural gas.
Page Fifteen
A feature of the Show, was the auction of dressed stock which brought exceptionally good prices ... as high as Two Dollars a pound. We noted that most of the dressed stock was bought by the chain groceries.
Another interesting annual feature of this Show was the “crowing contest.” The champion of the rooster crowing contest was a Leghorn which crowed twenty-four times in ten minntes!
After the auction, a get-together was held in the evening, and the poultry show trophies were presented. Also presented at this gathering were white Calgary Stampede cowboy hats to the poultry judge, G. W. Barrett, of the American Poultry Association, and myself. The Mayor of
Calgary, who was present during the entire evening, autographed our hats for us.
The Alberta Rabbit Breeders Association presented me with a lovely engraved rabbit desk set which is most appreciated and prized. The breeders of Calgary assured me that they will be sending in for an ARBA Charter shortly, and I feel sure that they will do this. I also understand that within a few weeks, there will be a processing plant in operation, under the name of “Calgary Rabbit Processors, Ltd.” Share holders will be rabbit raisers; in charge will be Mr. Alexander George Reid. Mr. Reid tells me he has had years of experience in merchandising meat. This should be a great boom to the rabbit industry in Calgary.
Pat Krider, who doubles as member of ARBA Publicity Committee and Secretary-Treasurer of American Cavy Breeders Association, sends along the information that the fee for a cavy sanction is $3.00.
The 1967 officers are Don Reid, chairman; C. A. Henry, vice-chairman and Pat Krider, Secretary-Treasurer. Governors—Muriel Reid, Thomas Coatoam, Merle Emery, L. Lake Smith.
Secretary Krider reports 161 cavies entered at Louisville Convention with following placements.
(Americans) 112 Entered
White .....................Russ-L-Acre (B.O.B.)
Black .. ...............Harry Claus ........
Cream............. ........Russ-L-Acre.........
Red .......................Russ-L-Acre.........
Red Eyed Orange ...........Ronald Jones........
Lilac .....................Harry Claus ........
Beige......................Harry Claus ........
Himalayan .................Harry Claus ........
Dutch .....................Kriders Kritters....
Broken Color...............John Hizey..........
Golden Agouti..............Don Reid............
Silver Agouti .............Don Reid............
Tortoise Shell & White.....Joan Denman
Chocolate .................Elmer Kissel
Ronald Jones Russ-L-Acre (B.O.S.) Ronald Jones Ray Rogers Ronald Jones Irvin Reinhart Harry Claus Harry Claus Krider’s Kritters John Hizey Ronald Jones Don Reid
(Abyssinians) 33 Entered
Tortoise, Shell & White .... Joan Denman........
Broken Color................Dave Leeseberg .......
White ......................A1 & Merle Emery ..
Black ......................Ronald Jones (B.O.B.)
Chocolate ..................Ronald Jones
Silver Agouti ..............Russ-L-Acre
Golden Agouti...............Joan Denman
Robert Mitchell II
Joan Denman (B.O.S.) Krider’s Kritters
(Peruvians) 16 Entered
Broken Color ...............Russ-L-Acre (B.O.B.).........Krider’s Kritters (B.O.S.)
Cream ......................Russ-L-Acre .................Krider’s Kritters
Chocolate ..................Krider’s Kritters
White ......................Krider’s Kritters
Tortoise Shell & White......Krider’s Kritters
Red ........................Krider’s Kritters
Ronald Jones had Best Display Cavies and Best Display Americans.
Page Sixteen
So. Fla R B. Ass'n. Mrs. Oreen Hoblitzell, R 6. Box 511. Tampa, Fla. Feb 7-8
Alabama R.B. Ass’n, Jimmy M. Bradfield, McCormick Dr., New Castle, Ala. Feb 10-12
Golden West R.B. Ass’n, Sunny Harper, 20041 Clark St., Orange, Calif. Feb 11-12
Cen-Tex R.B. Ass’n, Arthur C. Miller, Jr., Waco, Texas Feb 12
South Dakota R B. Ass'n, Mrs. R. D. Roe. 831 10th Ave., Belle Fourche, S. Dak. Angora Show
Feb 18
South Dakota R B. Ass'n, Mrs. R. D. Roe, 831 10th Ave., Belle Fourche, S. Dak. All Breed
Feb 19
State of Indiana N.Z , Walter N. Mann, 811 Prospect St., Indianapolis, Ind. Feb 19
Badger R.B. Ass’n, Ruth Strunk, R 2, Fort Atkinson, Wise. Feb 19
Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, Ruth Teas-dale. 1113 E. Davis St., Conroe, Texas Feb 22-26 Delphos R&FB Ass'n, 127 S. Clay St., Pelphos. Ohio Feb 25-26
Peoria Area R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Helen Miller, Box 25, Maquon, 111. Feb 26
Central Fla. R B. Ass'n, Mrs. Octavia T. Underhill. P O Box 107. Clarcona. Fla Feb 27-Mar 11 Marmaton River R B. Ass'n, Darla Beth Molen, lox 8, Bronson, Kansas Mar 4-5
fibbar R.B. Ass'n, Bob Kahler, Box 11, Custer fiark. 111. Mar 6
Stark Co. R&CB Ass’n, Mrs. John Ritz, 2950 Harmont Ave. NE, Canton, Ohio Mar 11-12 Fort Wayne R.B, Ass'n, Robert Gebhart, 2105 Covington Rd., Fort Wayne, Ind. Chinchilla Show
Mar 11
Baltimore Co. R&CB Ass’n, Warren J. McNamara. K 2, Box 36. Reistertown, Md. Mar 12 Fort Wayne R.B Ass'n, Robert J. Gebhart, 1105 Covington Rd., Fort Wayne, Ind. Mar 12
Kaw Valley Rabb't Club, Pete Naylor, 2019 N. 13th, Kansas City Kan. Mar 12
Northern 111. R. Ranchers, Mrs. Dora O’Hare, 1015 Franklin, Winthrop Harbor, 111. Mar 12
Michigan State R.B. Ass'n, Betty Torrey, 4005 Jackson Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. Mar 16-18
Deeatur R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. V. L. Casper, 1880 White Oak Dr.. Decatur, Ga. Mar 17-18
Champagne Co. R B. Ass’n, Mrs. Viletha Lindsey, RR 3. Champion, 111. Mar 19
Fairfield Co. R B. Ass’n, Victor T. Sweetland, 264 Chestnut Hill Ave., Norwalk, Conn. Mar 19 Kansas State Dutch R B., Mrs. R. L. Ernst. 301 E. First, Hoisington, Kan. Mar 19
N. Central Iowa R.B Ass’n, Lu Verne Vannatta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa Mar 19
Pony Express R B Ass'n, Cecil N. Green, 1809 Beattie, St Joseph. Mo. Mar 25-26
^Champagne Co. R B Ass’n, Mrs. Viletha Lind-I y, RR 3. Champion, 111. Mar 26
wa State Ck Gt. Club, Dorothy Newport, 2401 KVilson Ave.. S.W., Cedar Rapids, Ia. Mar 26-27 Mall City R.B. Ass’n. O R. Chaney, 3716 Wood-hams Dr., Kalamazoo, Mich. Mar 31-Apr 1
Stanislaus Co. R.B. Ass’n, Virgilene Schmitz, 5412 Roeding Rd., Hugsac, Calif. Apr 1-2
Three Corners Rabbit Club, Mrs. R. Schlotthauer, Box 513, Ellinwood, Kan. Apr. 1-2
Eastern Dutch R F. Club, Christine V. Hall, RD 2. Box 140, Quakertown. Pa. Apr 2
Free State R B. Ass’n, Mrs. Mina S. Uebel, R 1. Yeagertown Rd . Mt. Airy, Md. Apr 2
Grundy Co. R B Ass’n, Mrs. Dorothy Johnson. RR 1, Box 30, Mazon, 111. Apr 2
Western Mass. R.B Ass’n, Mrs. G. A Carbon-neau, Granville Rd., Box 311, Southwick, Mass
Apr 2
Little Kanawha Rabbit Club, Betty A. Wingrove, Box 62, Waverly. W. Va. Apr 7-8
Akron Rabbit Club. Inc., M. L. Clevenger, 428 Palm Ave., Akron. Ohio Apr 7-9
Kaw Valley Rabbit Club, Alice Naylor, 2019 N. 13th, Kansas City, Kan. Satin Show Apr 8-9 Elgin R.B. Club. Mrs. June Dutton, R 1, Box 167, So. Elgin, 111. Apr 9
South Jersey R.B. Ass'n. Harry S. Claus. 6236 Washington Lane, Cornwells Hgts, Pa. Apr 9
Michiana R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. Myrl Milhahn, 480 Green St., Constantine. Mich. Apr 9
Mid Counties R.B. Ass’n, Stan Freed, 1607 E. Sycamore, Kokomo, Ind. Apr 9
North Texas R.B. Ass'n, A1 Rodriguez, 2020 Pleasant Dr.. Dallas, Texas Apr 9
Van Wett Co R.B. Ass’n, Jo Ann Lewis, Box 15, Middle Point, Ohio Apr 15-16
Am. Ck. Gt. Rabbit Club, Dorothy Newport, 2401 Wilson Ave., S W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Apr 15-16
Lebanon Valley R&CB Ass’n, Alfred W. Fisher, RD 1, Box 505, Palmyra, Pa. Apr 16
Decatur Area R B Ass’n, William McKee, RR 3. Box 87, Decatur, 111. Apr 16
Iowa Progressive R. Club, C. Jay Miller, 303 S. 6th St., Kalona, Iowa Apr 16
Pittsburgh R B. Ass’n, Sophie Polcsak, RD 1. Valencia, Pa. 16059 Apr 22-23
Falls Cities RB Ass’n, Harold C. Quick, 4619 So. 1st, Louisville, Ky. Apr 22-23
Kankakee Valley R B Ass’n, Mrs. Mary Strom, 2220 Black Rd , Joliet, 111. Apr 23
Lima R&CB Ass’n, Dale Place, R 3, Wapakoneta. Ohio Apr 23
York Co R&CB Ass’n, Gerald E. Liek, RD 1,
Hellam, Pa Apr 23
Western Mich RB Ass’n, Pete Hager, 6930 Willard, S E , Grand Rapids, Mich. Apr 28-29 Oklahoma R.B. Ass’n, Virginia L. Pavey, 425 S.W 45th, Oklahoma City, Okla Apr 29-30
Williams Co. R B Ass’n, Robert Burns, R 2,
Edgerton, Ohio Apr 29-30
Ohio State Dutch Rabbit Club, Donald F. Weeks, RR1, Highland, Ohio Apr 29-30
Tri County R.B. Ass’n, David Brueggemann, W195 S2234 Racine Ave , Muskego, Wise. Apr 30 St. Clair Co. R.B. Club, Mrs. L. Abbott, 110 Ash, East St. Louis, 111. Apr 30
Mr. Molen, I would like to call your attention to the article in the November -December issue of the ARBA Bulletin on page sixteen, under the heading ARBA PUBLICITY PROMOTERS, Tops in their district. I note that my name was among that list for Montana district.
I wish to mention that the work that I did could not have been accomplished had it not been for the HARD WORK of two people that assisted me. They were Tom Winters of Jardine and Mrs. Beverley Ingersoll of Wolf Creek. THEY BOTH USED EVERY EFFORT TO accomplish new members for the ARBA and to obtain census reports.
I don’t believe that VIET NAM or HANOI WOULD HAVE BEEN ANY HARDER to get response to the questionnaire’s that were sent out. It is impossible to enumerate the number of questionnaire’s that were sent out and NO response. A great many were never answered.
Montana is a large state and many miles of mountain roads separate the different localities, but both Mr. Winters and Mrs. Ingersoll worked, never tiring of fighting a loosing game.
I think that you perhaps met Mr. & Mrs. Milton Ingersoll at the convention.
I have reason to believe that they represented Montana while at the convention.
B. B. Rewey
Page Seventeen
---------ANNUAL LISTING $1.50---
”D©o" Reid, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, Rt. 1, Box 159, Lockport, 111. 60441.
Ross Flower, Judge, 7043 9th Ave , Rio Linda, Calif., Ph: 991-2098.
Clandlns Poer, Judge, 1317 Q Ave , New Castle, Ind. 47382, Ph: 529-3729.
Dr. Thomas Coatoam, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 213 South St., Wattsburg, Pa. 16442. Ph: 814, 739-2773.
George Camp, Judge, 3853 Green Valley Rd , Huntington, W. Va
Douglas Noble, Registrar, P.O. Box 203, Brusly, Louisiana 70719.
Lewis Bowers, Registrar, Route 1. Manteno, Illinois, Ph: 476-6277.
Don Smith, Registrar, P.O. Box 15, Waterloo, N.Y. 13165.
Marvin Kroenlng, Judge, RR 5, Marshfield, Wise. 54449.
Walter L. Patton, Judge, 69 Godby St., Logan, W. Va.
G. A. Burke, Judge, 6400 Scioto Darby Creek Rd, Hilliard, Ohio Ph: 876-7605.
William Dlngman, Registrar, Rt 3. Box 499. Traverse City, Mich.
Marvin H. Langeland, Judge, 1985 N. 9th Street. Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001, Ph: 616, 349-4424.
William Chance. Judge, St Joseph, Minn.
Harold Drudge, Judge, Rt. 1, Ronnn. Ind 46974. Ph: 982-2021. J. Cyril Lowit, Judge, Rt. 2, Box 440, Troutdale, Ore. 97060. Stan Freed, Judge, 1607 E Svcamore. Kokomo, Ind. 46901 Ph: 317 457-8084.
Betty Beckendorf Registrar. Rt. 2, Box 28B, Crescent City. Calif. 95531.
H. J. Merrihue, Registrar, P.O. Box 23123, New Orleans, La. 70123, Ph: 504, 729-2114 Leonard L. Blskle. Judge. 2080 Hendershot Rd., Parma, Michigan, Ph: 517, 531-4015
ANGORA—See Cleo, Page 28 New Standards Book. 6 generation pedigree registered stock. Dept. A for prices Shooting Star, Pellston, Michigan.
•METHODS, MEDICINES, MANAGEMENT To Control Rabbit Ailments.” Booklet covers 16 common diseases, helps diagnose them, recommends treatments and remedies. Price 50c p.p. (coins or stamps I refunded with first order for remedies. Ozark Enterprises, Willard 8. Missouri.
NEW ZEALAND WHITES (All Red, White & Blue Stock!, American Blues. Breeding stock registered. Pedigrees with all orders Highest quality for research, commercial and fancier use Satisfaction guaranteed or return at our cost All stock reasonably priced and shipped f ob. Write for descriptive details Chenango Valley Research Farm, Box 118, RD 1, Greene, N.Y. 13778.
Mrs. Joan Schiermeyer, RD #1, Averill Park, New York 12018 has issued a call for all interested breeders and fanciers of the Checkered Giant Rabbit.
A New York State Checkered Giant Rabbit Club is being formed for the purpose of boosting the breed and affording an organization clearing house.
The next organizational meeting will be held April 30, 1967 at Syracuse, New York Show. Election of officers and approval of Constitution and By-Laws will take place at this meeting. Early application to ARBA for State Specialty Club Charter is anticipated.
Interest is running high and all Checkered Giant Rabbit Breeders of the state are urged to contact Mrs. Schiermeyer immediately.
Printer and publisher Ed Schuhmann, an ARBA member, will again print the 1967 ARBA Bulletin. Contract for the publication of 6 issues in 1967 has been completed and the same high quality workmanship and cooperation of ARBA Bulletins can be looked for throughout the year of 1967. Bill Molen, will continue to serve as editor, with David Ford, Boulder, Colorado serving as assistant publicity chairman and Bett Hickman, Joe Lutes, Pat Krider, Pat Giles, Virginia Flournoy, Jodie Croker, Mark Youngs, and Bing Harris comprising the complete ARBA Publicity Committee. The established policy of the ARBA Bulletin in 1967, includes no advertisting. Paid advertising from 1966 will be continued until end of paid contracted space and issue.
Elliott M. Barnes, RR 3, Calgary, Alberta is hundreds of miles distant from the normal and usual rabbit show offerings, but none the less has maintained his personal interest and stimulated those of his area.
Barnes, is a long time Flemish breeder and exchanged notes and views with such stalwarts as Ted Holtzinger, Lew Griffin, Doc Andrews, Dr. Krai jack.
Mr. Barnes likely will be the first ARBA Registrar in Alberta. Working the recent Calgary show with Judge Lowit and also passing other qualification, Barnes performed very ably. Lowit, said Barnes has a very thorough and comprehensive knowledge of rabbits and is a credit to his area and country and will make an outstandingly good representative as ARBA Registrar.
Page Eighteen
October 17-20, 1966 General Meeting
The first meeting of the ARBA was called to order by President Wayne Will-mann on October 18, 1966 in the Louisville State Fairgrounds. Meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. Mr. Harry Sagarsee of Michigan offered the invocation. After this. President Willmann called upon the Secretary to read the minutes of the meeting at Pomona, Calif. Since Mr. Blyth had left the minutes at the hotel, they were not available and Mr. Willmann said we would either wait until these were available or read them at the next meeting. A voice then made a motion the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting be held over until tomorrow morning. This was seconded and put to a vote and carried.
President Willmann then called for a report from Vice President Oren Reynolds who carried on the work with the National Specialty Clubs. He gave a report and it was moved by Jeanne Maddox and seconded by a voice that Mr. Reynolds’ report be accepted. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Secretary Blyth was then called upon to give his report. A motion was made to accept this report. It was seconded and unanimously carried.
Treasurer Murray was called upon to make the Treasurer’s report. After doing so, it was moved by Mr. Don Reid and seconded by Leonard Biskie the report be accepted. It was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
The President called upon Mr. Stahl for his report which he went into detail on the advertising plan which he had carried out for many years. After it was complete, it was moved by Jeanne Maddox and seconded by a voice the report be accepted. There was a question on the motion and put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Vern Ashton was then called upon to report which he did and a voice made a motion it be accepted. It was seconded by a voice and unanimously carried.
Fred Applegate was called upon to report and voices moved and seconded his report be acepted. Question was called for and unanimously carried.
J. Cyril Lowit was then called upon for a report which he went into detail on the district on the West Coast States and it was moved by Mr. Stingley and seconded by a voice, Mr. Lowit’s report be accepted. After some discussion it was put to a vote and unanimously accepted.
Mr. Bennett then reported and Rose Murphy made a motion Mr. Bennett’s re-
port be accepted. This was seconded by a voice and motion was unanimously carried.
W. H. Kennedy was then called upon for his report and after completing it was moved by Jack Pugh and seconded by a voice his report be accepted. This was unanimously carried.
Mr. Shilliday was called upon to report and gave a detailed report on his district. Don Reid asked questions and then moved the report be accepted. This was seconded by a voice and unanimously carried.
Mr. Toebbe was then called upon to report on his district and he mentioned the names of Lyman Franklin, Stuart Griffin who had worked well in their area. After completing his report, it was moved by a voice and seconded by another voice the report be accepted. A question on this motion and it was unanimously carried.
President Willmann then called for a report of the Cavy Committee and Mrs. Muriel Reid stepped forward to give the report. After she reported, it was moved by A1 Emery to accept the Cavy Committee’s report. It was seconded by a voice and put to a vote and unanimously carried.
The committee on Color and Fur was called upon, however, none were present to report.
The commercial committee was called upon. Mr. Phil Lohman was not present and no report was made.
After the completion of these reports, the President called upon Mr. Keith Forbush, Chairman of the Resolutions Committee, to read the resolutions and make recommendations of his committee. It was moved by Bill Montgomery and seconded by a voice the report of the Resolutions Committee be accepted. This was put to a voice and carried.
Mr. W. E. Molen, Chairman of the Publicity Committee, then reported on National Rabbit Week and his Publicity Committee. He mentioned the names of Lyman Franklin, Dennis Holcomb, Jody Croker, Dorothy Newport, Lloyd Shantz and Charles Haaf as being very active on the Publicity Committee advising the assembled delegates how active these people were. He spoke on awarding the trophies for National Rabbit Week and mentioned the winners as the SEMO Rabbit Club, the Inland Empire Rabbit Breeders Ass’n and mentioned Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stingley of Washington and Lawrence Farley who were active in this work. Also the Tri State R.B. Ass’n of East Liverpool, Ohio, who were the 3 winners of these trophies offered by the ARBA for National Rabbit Week. It was moved by Tom Jermyn and seconded by Francis Bennett the report be accepted. This was put to a vote and carried.
Pace Nineteen
President Willmann then called upon the Credential Committee to report and since Mrs. E. W. Murray had been taking care of the ARBA business, Mrs. E. P. Shiiliday acted as Chairman of the Credential Committee. Mrs. Shiiliday gave her report and advised she would have a more complete report at a later meeting. It was moved by a voice and seconded by another voice the report be accepted This was put to a vote and carried.
The President then called upon a report on the Foreign Committee and advised the General Meeting the Chairman of the Foreign Committee, Mr. Roscoe Cuozzo, could not be present, however, he read the report which showed a great deal of progress. A motion was made by a voice and seconded by another voice the report be accepted. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
The Election Committee was then called upon to give a report and Mrs. Strath-man, Chairman, made this report which Mr. Lyman Franklin moved to be accepted and seconded by Jeanne Maddox It was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
The Show Rules and Planning Committee was then called upon to report and Mr. William Shaffer of Connecticut made the report. It was moved by Mr. Horace Curtis seconded by George Smith to accept this report. It was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Mr. A1 Meier was then called upon to report for the Standard Committee. He mentioned the Blue New Zealands were not the proper type, not improved in color. Also mentioned the Yellow English had none on exhibition and this completed his report. It was moved and seconded that the report of the Standard Committee be accepted. There was a question on the motion and after being put to a vote, it was unanimously accepted.
The Committee at Washington was then called upon to report and Mr. Horace Curtis made the report. He mentioned about shipments overseas and the raising of rabbits which no license was required. He went into detail on the raising of dogs, cats and rabbits and explained this fully. He then went into 4-H conference, what it does and how it works and it is a large Federal expenditure, explained the work of the 4-H movement and what it was accomplishing. He mentioned the Danish System and it is not mandatory for 4-H clubs to use. Mr. Curtis gave a very fine report and it was moved by Mr. Lyman Franklin seconded by a voice the report of the Committee at Washington be accepted. Motion was carried. Mr. Curtis said he would be happy to meet with individuals over the showroom and explain further details of the 4-H system and other Federal acts concerning rabbits.
President Willmann then mentioned about Mr. Davis Leeseburg importing some Black & Tans from England and congratulated him on his trip to that country and his news to the American Rabbit Breeders.
There were a number of announcements made pertaining to different affairs by the President.
The report of the Youth Committee was called upon and Mrs. Dolores Breck-enridge came forward to make the report and spoke on the crowning of the King and Queen and other activities of the Youth Department.
It was moved by Lyman Franklin and seconded by a voice this be carried. It was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
The President then made several more announcements and the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 P.M.
2nd General Meeting The second general meeting of the ARBA was held at the Fairgrounds on October 19, 1966. It was called to order by President Wayne Willmann at 2:30 P.M. Secretary Blyth was then called upon to read the minutes of the last year meeting. After these were read, a motion was made to approve them and seconded and put to a vote and unanimously carried.
President Willmann then called upon the Chairman of the Resolutions Committee, Mr. Keith Forbush who stepped forward and read the resolutions.
Resolution #1
It was moved this resolution be referred to the Constitution Committee to be placed in the proper place. It was seconded and after some discussion, was put to a vote and carried. Resolution #2
This resolution was discussed and a motion made to approve it, seconded and put to a vote and carried. Resolution #3
There was considerable discussion. It was finally moved and seconded to reject this resolution. This rejection was carried by a large majority.
Resolution #4
A voice made a motion to reject this It was seconded and put to a vote and carried to reject this resolution. Resolution #5
There was considerable discussion on whether incoming and outgoing officers and directors would have to be paid. The motion was amended that it would go into effect after the first Board meeting. The amendment was carried and the motion as amended was called before the assembled delegates for action. The resolution as amended was voted upon and there were 105 in favor of it and 26 opposing it. Therefore, the resolution as amended was carried.
Resolution #6
It was moved to accept this resolution. After being seconded it was put to a vote and carried by a large majority. Resolution #7
It was commented on its late submit-tance to the resolutions committee. President Willmann then advised he would rule this resolution out of order. Mr. Don Reid advised the delegates present he would have the resolution again presented at the 1967 convention. After some discussion, the delegates voted their approval to submitting this resolution in 1967.
Mr. Willmann then called upon silence for a few moments in memory of the judges and registrars who had passed away in the last year. This was complied with.
Mr. Willmann then read the winners ,of the registration contest of the ARBA, fin the National Federation of New Zealand Breeders, Californian Specialty Club and each of the winners arose and accepted recognition. There was a big approval of the winners and the work they had done in 1965-66.
A discussion on the specialty club booths came up. It was advised by the committee in judging booths the American Chinchilla Rabbit Club’s booth had won first prize, the National Angora Rabbit Club had won second prize.
In the commercial booth, the Ralston Purina Booth won first prize, the Circle K Industry was awarded second prize.
There were various announcements made by the President and delegates present and a motion to adjourn was made at 4:20 P.M. and unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted James Blyth, Secretary
F Louisville, Kentucky—October 1966
The Board of Directors meeting was called to order in Room 317 of the Kentucky Hotel, October 15, 1966 by President Wayne Willmann who offered a prayer for the success of the convention. Those present were: Wayne Willmann, Oren Reynolds, Ellis Murray, Edward H. Stahl, Ed Toebbe, Wm. Molen, Ev Shilli-day, Claude Bennett, Vern Ashton, Fred R. Applegate, J. C. Lowit, Tommy Andrew, W. H. Kennedy and James Blyth.
President Willmann called upon Director-Elect Wm. Molen to make a few remarks which he did briefly and was welcomed to sit in on the Board. President Willmann then made some inductory remarks and said what we had accomplished the last year and what would face us in the coming year. After this, the President discussed the minutes of the last Board meeting. It was moved by Mr.
Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Applegate, that the minutes stand approved as printed. There was a question on the motion and it was unanimously carried.
The Secretary was then called upon to give a report and passed out the yearly report, certified public accountant’s report of the business for the year, and the quarterly report. There were some questions asked and some discussion. It was moved by Oren Reynolds seconded by J. C. Lowit we accept the report with thanks. It was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
President Willmann then called for the Treasurer’s report. He had already mailed out the report to the members of the Board. After a discussion, a motion made by Mr. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Shilli-day that we accept the Treasurer’s Report and give him a vote of thanks. It was unanimously carried.
J. C. Lowit mentioned a comparison figure as to how many members, judges, registrars, local associations we have each year and to compare these for 2-3 years and submit the comparison report at the next meeting.
A complete discussion w-as held in regards to the Official Show Rules. Oren Reynolds read the section pertaining to show sponsors. A discussion was held on the various sections and the following sections were corrected or eliminated as follows:
Section 2a, 2b, 4a, 12, 12a, 18, 24. Each one of these sections were thoroughly discussed and a show' of hands was taken on the various sections that were eliminated or corected. After this, a motion was made by Mr. Shilliday, seconded by Mr. Applegate. The Chairman put this to a vote, question called for and passed unanimously.
After a further discussion on the show-rules, meeting adjourned at 12 o’clock for lunch to reconvene at 1 P.M.
Meeting reconvened at 1:15 P.M. Everyone present with the exception of Mr Kennedy and Mr. Toebbe.
Under official show rules for exhibitors, the entire article and various sections were read and discussed. Motion made by Mr. Shilliday, seconded by Mr. Ashton, that 3 minor changes be made—section 1. section 3 and section 7. This was put to a vote by the President and unanimously passed.
The show rules were gone over carefully and there was much discussion and a few revisions. The Board then turned to the next order of business.
The President then called upon a report of the Committee appointed to make repairs on the office building in Pittsburgh. Mr. Kennedy made the report and gave detailed description of the work that had been done so far and what some of the
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work still to be completed. After hearing Mr. Kennedy’s report, the President then called upon Mr. Vern Ashton, the former Chairman of the Standard Committee, to complete his report.
Since Mr. Ashton was not in attendance at the Pomona Convention, he gave a short report of what was accomplished and what happened to the Standard and answered questions.
On the discussion of the Standards, a question came up and Mr. Tommy Andrew agreed to get together with the other two Chinchilla Clubs to arrange to take the name “American" from in front of them and try to iron the difficulties out.
Motion made by Mr. Stahl, seconded by Mr. Kennedy, we give Mr. Ashton a vote of thanks for the fine work he did in preparing this Standard. It was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Tommy Andrew gave a report on the Commercial Department. Various subjects were discussed and questions asked. Mr. Andrew asked for disposition of the cartons and various other literature and money he still retained in this department. It was suggested all cartons be sent to the home office in Pittsburgh to the attention of James Blyth, the money be sent to Ellis Murray in Los Angeles, and other miscellaneous items such as the films, educational data to be sent to Mr. Lohman. It was suggested by Mr. Toebbe that all of this transportation be by freight or motor express collect and any other property belonging to the Commercial Department would be shipped to the proper parties. It was suggested by President Willmann this all be concluded by November 1st.
Motion was then made by Mr. Toebbe, seconded by Mr. Shilliday, that all materials be shipped by November 1st—cartons to Mr. Blyth, money to Mr. Murray, balance of equipment to Mr. Lohman. This was put to a vote and unanimously passed.
Meeting adojumed at 5:30 P.M. to meet again at 7:30 P.M.
Meeting reconvened at 7:30 P.M. It was moved by Vern Ashton and seconded by Fred Applegate that we express our appreciation to Tommy Andrew for the good he has done for the American during the years he had been on the Board. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion made by Mr. Kennedy seconded by Mr. Blyth that the financial report of Kay Malott of the Youth Committee be accepted and the President be instructed to write her a letter thanking her for her cooperation and the fine work she accomplished with the Youth Committee. This was put to a vote and unanimously passed.
It was suggested by Mr. Kennedy that
the motion made previously in thanking Tommy Andrew for the fine work he had done for the American, that Jimmy Blyth be instructed to write a letter to Mr. Andrew expressing the thoughts of the previous motion.
The tabled motion of Best in Show was brought on the floor for discussion. After a very lengthy discussion regarding the Best in Show, a motion was made by Mr. Lowit seconded by Mr. Toebbe that we adopt Best in Show. A vote was taken and failed by a large majority.
After a very lengthy discussion and a complete reading of the Official Show Rules, Mr. Blyth made a motion seconded by Mr. Kennedy that the Show Rules be adopted as amended and revised. This was put to a vote and unanimously passed.
A motion was made by Ellis Murray seconded by Vern Ashton that Oren Reynolds be instructed to contact the Net Zealand Specialty Club and the Havant Specialty Club to correct their sweep-stake sanctions to the extent of asking for one fee per breed. This motion was put to a vote and unanimously passed.
A motion made by Mr. Lowit seconded by Mr. Kennedy that Oren Reynolds send a letter to all specialty clubs advising them some specialty clubs have in their sweepstake show rules a clause to the effect that monies put up by local clubs cannot be given to non-members of their respective specialty clubs. The ARBA Board requests that this situation be corrected at the earliest possible moment, preferably before the spring shows get under way. This was put to a motion and unanimously passed. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
President Willmann called the Board of Directors meeting to order 9:10 A.M., Sunday morning, October 16, in Room 317, of the Kentucky Hotel. Those pres-sent were: Wayne Willmann, Ed Stahl^ Oren Reynolds, Tommy Andrew, Bil^ Kennedy, Ev Shilliday, Fred Applegate, Claude Bennett, Vern Ashton, James Blyth, E. W. Murray, J. C. Lowit, Ed Toebbe, Bill Molen.
President Willmann called upon Mr. Stahl and Mr. Kennedy to give a report on the Advertising and Planning Committee.
Mr. Stahl went into detail and explained how he had tabulated the various results from the various magazines. Mr. Kennedy commented on these too. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Mr. Blyth, seconded by Mr. Reynolds, that we accept the Advertising and Planning Committee’s report and give them a vote of thanks for a job well done last year. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
President Willmann then called upon Mr. Molen to give a report of the Pub-
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licity Committee. Mr. Molen went into detail about how he had handled the publicity for the National Rabbit Week and various other projects he had entered into. After much discussion on this, a motion was made by Mr. Blyth seconded by Ed Stahl we accept Mr. Molen’s report and give him a vote of thanks for the fine job he did in the last year. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Mr. Applegate then made a motion seconded by Mr. Bennett we accept the Election Committee’s report and give them a vote of thanks for a job well done. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Mr. Reynolds and seconded by Mr. Shilliday we accept the Resolution's Committee’s report and give them a vote of thanks. This was put to a [V'ote and unanimously passed.
Mr. Ed Sehuhmann, the printer of our ARBA Bulletin, was then ushered into the meeting and gave an explanation of what problems had faced him in getting out the ARBA Bulletin and a number of suggestions, questions and recommendations were made. After much discussion and talk and clarifying many questions, it was moved by Mr. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Lowit that Mr. Sehuhmann be invited back on Thursday, October 20, for our final meeting at the Fairgrounds, to present us figures on the publication of the bulletin. A question was called on this motion and it was unanimously carried.
President Willmann called for an adjournment of the meeting at 12 o’clock to meet at 1:15.
Meeting reconvened at 1:15 P.M.
Ellis Murray brought up the question regarding Ceil’s salary. After considerable discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Lowit, seconded by Oren Reynolds, that her salary be raised to $80 per week, gross pay. This motion was passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Mr. Shilliday seconded by Vern Ashton that in the future, the contract for our Secretary be reviewed on a yearly basis, after he reaches the age of 65. This motion was made basically to establish a future Board policy. This motion was put to a vote and unanimously passed.
A motion was made by Oren Reynolds seconded by Fred Applegate to give James Blyth a new contract for 3 years to be employed by the American Rabbit Breeders Ass’n as Secretary at the same salary as the present time. This was put to a vote and unanimously passed.
A motion was made by Oren Reynolds seconded by Mr. Shilliday that the Auditor’s report be accepted as printed and mailed to each one of us and printed in
the bulletin. This was passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Vern Ashton and seconded by Mr. Kennedy the trophies for the 1967 convention be a clock trophy type. This was put to a motion and passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Mr. Kennedy, seconded by Vern Ashton, that trophies be purchased for the 1967 convention, the price of these trophies not to exceed $25 including engraving and transportation per breed. In other words, best of breed, best opposite sex trophy together including engraving and transportation will be $25 per breed. This was put to a vote and passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Mr. Shilliday the Board does not consider it a function to offer trophies for scrap books and booths awards. This was seconded by Mr. Kennedy. It was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
A discussion then came up regarding trophies awarded Mr. Molen for National Rabbit Week in 1966. A motion was made by Mr. Blyth seconded by Mr. Ashton, the ARBA Treasurer issue Mr. Molen a check for $37.50, the price of the trophies. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Mr. Blyth and seconded by Mr. Lowit in the year 1966 the Association shall award 3 trophies for National Rabbit Week not to exceed $40, the price for 3. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Ed Stahl we get 3 or more competitive bids from reliable printers on printing various pieces of literature for the association. This was discussed and put to a vote and unanimously carried. It was seconded by Oren Reynolds.
Mr. Kennedy made a motion seconded by Mr. Applegate; Ed Stahl, Bill Molen, and Jim Blyth be appointed to solicit bids and award contracts for future publications. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Murray and seconded by Mr. Bennett, the Constitution and By-Laws will appear in the year book until further action is taken. This motion was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
The President has appointed a committee consisting of Mr. Blyth, Mr. Stahl and Mr. Molen to handle the assembling and gathering of material for the new guide book and publication of it.
President Willmann then called for the advertising committee program for 1967 and Mr. Blyth made a motion seconded by Claude Bennett we proceed with the same national advertising program which we have in the past year for the coming year. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Mr. Applegate made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kennedy, we revise and bring up-to-date the sheet known as “Little Known Facts About Rabbits". Mr. Oren Reynolds agreed to make this revision and bring it up-to-date. The motion was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Mr. Blyth seconded by Mr. Ashton, Mr. Molen, Publicity Chairman, be allotted $250 to make up packets for National Rabbit Week. This was discussed. Question called on the motion, put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Motion made by Vern Ashton, seconded by Fred Applegate, we get 2,000 letterheads printed for State Agents and 2,000 envelopes. This was discussed, question being called for. President put it to a vote and unanimously carried.
Ed Toebbe made a motion, Cyril Lowit seconded it, that all saleable commercial articles be sold out of the office in Pittsburgh. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Mr. Blyth, seconded by Ed Stahl, the 3rd week in July 1967 be designated as National Rabbit Week. This was discussed, put to a vote and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Mr. Blyth, seconded by Mr. Shilliday, that any person, officer or committee member who handles more than $100 of ARBA money be bonded. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Mr. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Applegate, the Youth Department have an audit in July, by a certified auditor, and that a report be submitted to the President of the ARBA and the Secretary. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Treasurer Murray made a report on the expenses of the convention and they were travelling expenses and room $1040.87. This was seconded by Mr. Toebbe. It was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Ed Toebbe and seconded by Oren Reynolds that we accept the 1966 budget with the two changes made—one for $50 for the Committee at Washington, and one for building repairs from $500 to $2,000. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried.
Mr. Kennedy made a motion seconded by Mr. Ashton, the FD and DF parties not be listed in the programs of the national convention. This was put to a vote and unanimously carried. This also includes the Old Timers Party which is not to be included in the program.
Meeting adjourned 5:50 P.M.
The 3rd meeting of the Board of Directors was held at the Fairgrounds October 20, 1966 in a side room off the main building. The meeting was called to order at 3:30 P.M. by President Wayne Willmann. Those present were: W. E. Molen, E. P.
Shilliday, W. H. Kennedy, E. W. Murray. V. N. Ashton, Fred R. Applegate, Oren R. Reynolds, James Blyth, E. H. Toebbe and Wayne Willmann. Mr. Claude Bennett and Ed Stahl were not present at this meeting. Mr. Lowit had not showed up yet. After the meeting was called to order, Mr. Murray moved that we give the best of breed and best opposite sex trophy to every breed which was exhibited at the Louisville Convention and at all future conventions whether registered or not. It was seconded, put to a vote and carried.
At this time, Mr. Lowit entered.
Mr. Schuhmann, who was in attendance at this meeting, was then called upon to explain prices on the bulletins, pictures, cuts and additional printing prices. Many questions were asked and he explained most everything in detail. After the Board had completed questioning Mr^ Schuhmann, he retired. There was a mol tion by Mr. Murray seconded by Mr." Applegate to give Mr. Schuhmann a vote of thinks for the fine work he had done on the bulletin. This was put to a vote and carried.
Mr. Molen then presented a bid for printing the bulletin by the Iola Printing Company of Kansas. He then talked about receiving a bid later on from Small Stock Magazine for printing the ARBA bulletin. Both of these items were discussed. Of course the only price quotation on paper being from the Iola Printing Co. After much discussion, it was moved by Murray the printing committee of the ARBA should examine these bids as they are the duties of this committee. This motion was seconded by Mr. Reynolds, put to a vote and carried.
Mr. Toebbe was asked how much advertising was received for the bulletin and the Board was advised that $166.20 had been the amount of advertising ap-i pearing in the bulletin. This was passeq along, leaving the reviewing of these various bids to the committee of Stahl. Molen and Blyth.
It was then brought up about honoring members for judges and registrars and the names of Walter R. Caudell, L. A. Dunlap, L. T. Ritter and Jack Bryant were presented. There was some discussion on these and it was moved by Mr. Murray and seconded by Mr. Ashton that these four be granted honorary life memberships and judges and registrars licenses in the American Rabbit Breeders Ass’n This was put to a vote and unanimously carried with Mr. Shilliday dissenting.
The name of R. C. Huggins of Tennessee had been mentioned, however, he had won this high award at a previous convention.
A discussion was then held for the permission to permit foreign countries to
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print the ARBA standard. After much discussion, no action was taken.
A letter was then read from a member regarding one of our judges making uncomplimentary remarks about a breed. The Palomino breed was the breed in particular. It was moved that Oren Reynolds write a letter to the judge about these remarks. This closed the discussion on this subject.
It was then moved by Mr. Ashton and seconded by Mr. Applegate that a letter of appreciation be sent the Ralston Purina Company for the wonderful cooperation they have given the association and rabbits in general. This was unanimously carried.
A final report from the Credential committees said there were 498 registered at the ARBA booth with 56 delegates of t various association.
i It was then moved by Mr. Ashton, seconded by Mr. Applegate that a vote of thanks be extended to President Willmann for the fine way he had conducted the ARBA meetings. This was put to a vote and carried.
The meeting adjourned at 5:20 P.M.
The Kansas State Rabbit Breeders Association held their annual meeting and convention show at Hutchinson, Kansas.
Awards were presented for 1966 Sweep-stake Series—L. V. Naylor, 1st; Fast & Son, 2nd. The 1966 Youth Series winners —Terry & Tim Schroeder, 1st; Mike Alger, 2nd.
Eighteen contestants, 8 boys and 10 girls entered the Youth Rabbit Judging competition. Larry Drach, was the top point winner and judged champion.
Kansas State Rabbit Queen and King, mvere Joyce Swegle and Philip Shirk, Respectively.
The Kansas State RBA elected the following officers to direct their activities in 1907:
President—Pete Naylor Vice President—Sam McMurray Secretary—Agnes Bean Treasurer—Ronald Schlautter The Kansas State Dutch Club elected the following officers:
President—Chester L. Roberts Vice President—Walter Schroeder, Jr. Secretary—Irma Ernst Treasurer—Lester Johnson Kansas City, Kansas, April 8-9, 1967 is site and date of the annual National Satin Show. The gala event will be held at Wyandotte County Fairgrounds, Alice Naylor, 2019 N. 13th, Kansas City, Kansas 66104 is Show Secretary. All inquiries should be directed to Mrs. Naylor.
REGISTRATION CONTEST As of November 30, 1966
1. Oren R. Reynolds, 111.............8
2. Hugh J. Betts, Tenn.............. 7
3. Lawrence Stingley, Wash.......... 7
4. Duane Shrader, Nebr.............. 5
5. Robert W. Hill, Fla.............. 5
6. Fred C. Kipp, Ohio .............. 5
7. N. E. Hamilton, Calif............ 4
8. Dean Benker, Colo................ 4
9. W. F. Gilbert, Calif..............4
1. Pete Naylor, Kan................. 6
2. Wm. T. Robinson, 111............. 6
3. Walter Duby, Mass................ 3
4. Joseph Laura .................... 3
5. Robert Berry, Texas ............. 2
6. Marvin Cummings, Fla............. 2
7. W. F. Gilbert, Calif. ........... 2
8. Walter Wheaton, Conn............. 1
New Zealand
1. Walter Duby, Mass................17
2. Claudius Poer, Ind...............14
3. Marvin F. Carley, Vt.............12
4. Harold Drudge, Ind...............12
5. John Jennings, Iowa .............12
6. Jack Ellis, Mich.................11
7. Norman Simbeck, Tenn............. 8
8. O. Clyde Hulit, Maine ........... 7
9. Fred C. Kipp, Ohio .............. 7
10. Corinne Stokes, Ind................ 7
11. Walter Wallace, Iowa .............. 7
Silver Marten
1. John Buehler, 111.................5
2. E. O. Wolff, Texas .............. 3
1. Walter Duby, Mass................20
2. Bemise Bloomquist, 111. ...:.....18
3. Walter Schaeffer, Ind............15
4. Claudius Poer, Ind...............14
5. R. Graham Carver, N.J............13
6. Oren R. Reynolds, 111............12
7. Marvin F. Carley, Vt.............12
8. Robert H. Bell. Okla.............12
9. Harry Coles, Mo..................12
10. Harold Drudge, Ind.................12
11. John Jennings, Iowa ...............12
12. Fred Kipp, Ohio ...................12
13. Walter Wallace, Iowa ..............12
Mrs. Betty Stratham, 417 Washington Ave., Terrace Park, Ohio 45174 has been appointed Publicity Director for the Polish Rabbit Club.
Judge C. A. Henry placed the Polish rabbits at the ARBA National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. Best of Breed went to a Blue-Eyed Senior Buck owned by Wayne Willmann; and Best Opposite Sex honors to the Russ-L-Acres of Ur-bana, Ohio with a Blue-Eyed Senior Doe.
The Polish Rabbit Specialty Club meeting at Louisville, was attended by the following members; W. H. Kennedy, C. A. Henry, the Clarence Everetts, Carldon
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Gaddis, A1 Emery, The Floyd Tobias’, Mrs. Joyce Judy, Bob Jenkins, Lloyd Potts, Erma Youngblood, W. Willmann, and the Bob Strathmans’.
The 1966-67 officers for the Polish Rabbit Club are—President, W. H. Kennedy; Vice President, Frank Pandina; Sec’y-Treas., C. A. Henry; Directors, Clarence Everett, Carldon Gaddis, and Don Reid. President W. H. Kennedy appointed C. E. Lewis as director to fill the unexpired term of Frank Pandina.
The 1967 National All Polish Show was awarded to Wellington, Ohio. The dates June 24-25, 1967 with the Clarence Everetts’ and the A1 Emerys’ being hosts. A1 Emery, Show Secretary, really got the jackpot on specials, for the show, rolling at the Convention. Anyone who has not donated and would like to help support the show, please contact A1 Amery, 210 Marsevilles Ave., Elyria, Ohio 44035.
Sweepstakes standing on the “Top 10” as of this writing are as follows—1st, R. W. Berry; 2nd, Donald Weeks; 3rd, Park’s Petland; 4th, Al & Merle Emery; 5th, Steven Kotches; 6th, Romeley Rabbitry; 7th, Breezy Hollow; 8th, Mueller’s Rabbitry; 9th, Mar-Bet Rabbitry and 10th, Carldon Gaddis.
The Palomino Rabbit Co.—Breeders Association thru the office of the Secretary, Martin H. Bettin, 407 Jenny Drive, Newbury Park, California 91320 announce that the Sweepstake Sanction fee is $2.00.
The year just passed was a highly successful Palomino year with a record number of Palomino sanctions. The Palomino secretary includes two beautiful Rosettes for awards when he mails sponsoring clubs their sanction papers. Top five winners in 1966 Palomino Sweep-stake series:
1. Viking Rabbitry, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
2. Martin H. Bettin, Newbury Park, California
3. Elaine Newport, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
4. James Hargraves, Cucamonga, California
5. H. W. Ziehl, Mio, Michigan
As of November 30, 1966
1. Edward H. Stahl, Mo..............45
2. Melvin Behrens, N.Y..............30
3. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif............29
4. Fred R. Applegate, 111...........25
5. Tommy Andrew, Pa.................14
6. Mark Youngs, Wash................14
7. Claude Bennett, Ind...............8
8. Robert Herschbach, Calif..........8
1. Lawrene Co. R.B. Ass’n, Tenn......7
2. Cactus R.B. Ass’n, Ariz.......... 6
3. So. W. Va. Rabbit Club .......... 5
4. Madison Co. R.B. Ass’n, 111.......4
5. Badger R.B. Ass’n, Wise...........3
6. Western 111. R. B. Ass’n ........ 2
7. Finger Lakes R.B. Ass’n, N.Y......2
8. Peoria Area R.B. Ass’n, 111.......2
9. S. Florida R.B. Ass'n ........... 2
Let us know if we have wrong spelling, address or zip code.
I have been reading the November-December bulletin with much interest.
I was most interested in the article on the subject of the Best of Show. I do not know if the award on this would be of too much importance, to the person making less than three shows a year. For the person showing more often it might make for the better meat of the shows. I believe that if it were to be done that the judges^^ would be more observant of the faults as^^B he goes through on the Best of Breed.
If this is done, the next they would probably want, also, to have a Best Opposite. I don’t think that it would go any farther. Last year was my first to show.
I also enjoyed the article on Protein Content.
Lyle V. Grundish Gibsonton, Florida
ARBA Membership Climbing Daily ARE YOU HELPING?
Use Application Blank on Back Cover
Page Twenty-Six
Iowa State Secretary, Dorothy Newport was surprised at the number of nonmembers exhibiting at Iowa Shows and sent this form letter to each as reminder and an invitation to join and secure full benefits.
Dear Sir,
The Iowa State Rabbit Breeders Association would like to thank you for exhibiting at one of our shows during 1966. We hope you made some new friends sharing your hobby, and enjoyed the competition.
It has come to our attention, however, thru our records that some 95 exhibitors share our hobby, but are not members of our State Organization. As it is now, you are not getting all the benefits you could be receiving, and you are not now eligible to compete for certain specials the state has to offer. All Iowa State members are rateful for your support of our shows, ut we would like to have you receive the Best Of Breed ribbons, and have a chance at one of the 15 trophies we give for sweepstake points. We would like to send you the Hawkeye News which would keep you abreast with the shows and activities within the clubs and our State.
We have come to know you, enjoy your friendship, and the pleasure of your exhibiting with us. In fact, we have become so accustomed to seeing some of you at the shows, that we have overlooked the fact you are not “One of our Own." We hope you have been enjoying us in the same manner, and will see fit to send in the application for membership for the year 1967. Just fill it out, send it with your $4.00 to our Secy.-Treas., Dorothy Newport, 2401 Wilson Avenue S.W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and she will send you this membership card. Do it now. This $4.00 membership applies onlyto to those not members of an Iowa Club. Out of Staters jre welcome.
Respectfully, Dorothy Newport, Secy.
Elmo Smith, President
Scott Wells was the winner of Youth Judging Contest at Louisville Convention. Following is his report and thanks to those that helped him achieve this major accomplishment and honor.
First, I want to thank all the people who have made it possible for me to be awarded Best Youth Judge at the 1966 Convention, because of their help and instructions. Those I especially want to thank are Mrs. William Breckenridge, (ARBA Youth Secretary), and Mr. Glen Carr. These two people have answered my many questions and have helped me in many ways on the subject of rabbits. Also, Mr. Curtis, Youth Judge who was at the Convention and helped all the Youth members that were there by telling what the rabbits should be like, after the judging of each breed. I appreciate the fact that my teachers excused me from school for a total of seven days to go to the Convention and to the All Checker Show. I also want to thank my parents for letting me go to twenty some shows in 1966.
I joined the Columbus Rabbit Breeders Association Youth Club in 1965. Here I learned many things about different rabbits and we studied the Standard. By going to many shows, talking to many people, and watching the various judges, I picked up several important points about the different breeds. At one of our spring meetings the CRBA sponsored a judging contest for the Youth Club. In this I tied for second. I stayed at two fairs this year and while I was there I had a chance to handle and examine rabbits other than the Checkered Giants, my own breed. I also studied the “Standard of Perfection.” All in all I think I have learned much about rabbits this last year.
Thanks again from Scott Wells 3106 Sherman Avenue Middletown, Ohio
1967 ARBA
OCTOBER 9 to 12, 1967
Page Twenty-Seven
ARBA BULLETIN official publication of the
American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. 4323 Murray Ave. BB, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Non-Profit Org.
Louisville, Ky. Permit No. 218
JAMES BLYTH, Secretary 4323 Murray Avenue (BB) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217
I hereby make application for membership in the AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION.
I enclose $5.00 for a one year membership which entitles me to a copy of the Official Guide Book, Year Book, Bulletins, and other benefits and privileges of the Association. Husband and Wife Combination Membership — $7.00
( ) New ( ) Renewal
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