ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 6 – Nov/Dec
Collection: 1966 ARBA Bulletins

ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 6 – Nov/Dec
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 6 – Nov/Dec,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 13, 2025,
Vo!. 1 November-December, 1966 No. 6
Champion Promoters
Local participating clubs winning the coveted ‘Champion Promoter Awards’ were located in Ohio, Missouri and Washington.
A total of 39 ARBA affiliated rabbit clubs participated and submitted material to be judged in the contest to select the Champion Promoters for 1966 National Rabbit Week. From the total of 39 clubs, preliminary judging reduced the number to the 10 finalists, and it was from the following 10 finalists that the top 3 winners were selected. The 10 finalists: Columbus RBA (Ohio), SEMO Rabbit Club (Missouri), Tri State Rabbit Club (Ohio), Inland Empire RBA (Washington), Mar-maton River Rabbit Club (Kansas), Central East Missouri RBA, Decatur RBA (Georgia), Delphos Rabbit & Fancier Association (Ohio), Southern Rabbit Association, Golden West RB (California).
The top 3 clubs and winners of the ARBA “Champion Promoter Awards” were the Tri State Rabbit Club, East Liverpool, Ohio; the SEMO Rabbit Club of Sikeston, Missouri, and the Inland Empire Rabbit Breeders Association, Spokane, Washington. Mr. Ray Vaughn of the Tri State Club attended the Louisville Convention to receive the ARBA award and Jim Blyth also participated in this clubs’ work during the promotion. Derris and Ruby Gray were in attendance at Convention and received the award for the SEMO Rabbit Club. From Washington state Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stingley and Lawrence Farley, all of Spokane, made the trek to Convention to accept the award for the Inland Empire RBA.
(Continued on Page 3)
Shelly Gray and her Dutch rabbit, ’Babe Ruth.’ Shelly and her rabbit rated feature placement of 3 column 8 inch photo on front page of Sikeston Missouri Daily Standard. Shelly and ‘Babe Ruth’ were featured attractions at the big Charleston, Missouri Fair. Shelly is the 12 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Derris Gray, who were present at Louisville Convention to accept an ARBA Champion Promoter Award for the SEMO Rabbit Clubs promotion of National Rabbit Week. The unusual feature of ‘Babe Ruth’ is the fact that both eyes were crossed since birth.
4323 Murray Avenue — James Blyth, Secy. — Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Page One
W E (Bill) Molen. Editor P.O Box 8. Bronson, Kansas 66716 Edward T Toebbe. Managing Editor 7400 Smyrna Road. Louisville. Ky 40228
Wavne Willmann. Pres James Blyth. Secy Oren Reynolds. V-Pres. Ellis Murray. Treas
Tommv Andrews W H Kennedy
Fred ApDlegate J Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton E P Shilliday
Claude Bennett Edward Stahl
Edward Toebbe
Another ARBA Convention and Show is a part of history. From my observation I would say it was very successful. Those attending seemed to be happy. The Louisville Club did all that was expected of it. Everyone seemed to enjoy the various programs. The entry of rabbits and cavies was less than expected but the quality was excellent.
I feel that we accomplished much at our Board Meetings. We reviewed every show rule—made some alterations and authorized the publication of them. Shortly after January 1 you should be able to get your copy. May I suggest that you spend some time at several Club meetings during 1967 discussing the Show Rules. This will be the first printing since 1961.
The Club President’s meeting and the meeting of State and Local Agents were very well attended. Some very good suggestions were discussed. Several folks mentioned that they had received valuable help from these meetings.
The changes that were voted to our By-Laws will appear in the revised copy as it appears with the Yearbook for 1967.
As no bid was received for the 1967 Convention, I would urge any Club that is interested to get in touch with me soon.
Beginning in January, Director Edward Toebbe will supervise the work in Mississippi - Alabama - Georgia and Florida, as well as Kentucky, Tennessee, North and South Carolina. Director Vern Ashton will work with the State Agents in New York and the New England States.
I believe that Mr. and Mrs. Dan Law,
9540 N.E. Skidmore, Portland, Oregon 97220. would appreciate hearing from their friends at the time of their 50th wedding anniversary, Dec. 20. Dan has been an ARBA Judge for many years—processed rabbits for a long time, and Mrs. Law has always supported the work of the ARBA. Congratulations to these faithful members.
The meeting I had with several breeders from Canada was encouraging to me and I hope it was for them. I believe we shall see more activity and a closer relationship with the folks north of the border.
So much for now. I wish all of you a Blessed Holiday Season.
Wayne Willmann
Jessie Weinhardt. ARBA and Dutch stalwart and promoter was duly honored for her outstanding achievements and accomplishments over the years. The Michigan State 4-H Youth Programs and Annual State Show and conclave, held in the auditorium of Michigan State University, had as its theme. ‘Wider Horizons’.
The highlight of the program was the honoring of—OUR CITIZENS OF NOTE —1966. Citations for Outstanding Contributions to the Michigan 4-H Club Program— Presented by 1967 National 4-H Conference Delegates-elect to: Mrs. Jessie Weinhardt. Active Member of the Michigan Rabbit Breeders Association.
Mr. Ray Bloomer, Hillsdale County, Master of Ceremonies presented Mrs. Weinhardt with a beautiful big citation plaque. Verbal presentation and printed program carried the attesting legend that Jessie is a working and dedicated person. Mrs. Jessie Weinhardt
Mrs. Jessie Weinhardt is an active member of the Michigan Rabbit Breeders Association. She has been instrumental in developing an outstanding rabbit program at the State 4-H Show. Seemingly against great odds, this program now boasts a 99 percent purebred exhibit. Mrs. Weinhardt has served as State 4-H Show rabbit exhibit judge for the last five years. Her patience is describing and demonstrating what the characteristics of a quality rabbit exhibit is, has been the primary factor for the improvement of our 4-H rabbit program. Mrs. Weinhardt has stressed the necessity to follow proper nutrition, management and breeding principles to insure the development of strong specimens. Jessie, said, “This was my greatest thrill and happiest moment. Knowing, that I had been of service to the Youth, my state of Michigan and in some small part to the ARBA.”
Page Two
(Continued from Page 1)
The coverage of National Rabbit Week was absolutely fabulous. Newspaper, magazine, radio, T-V, theater, company house organs and trade journals, tie-ins with feed mills, gracery super market chains as well as our own rabbit trade journals— American Small Stock Farmer, American Rabbit Journal, Small Stock and National Rabbit Raiser were some of the ways our hard working clubs and members were able to publicize National Week 1966.
Mayor Kendall Sikes, Sikeston, Missouri proclaimed July 17-23, 1966 as National Rabbit Week. The Ann Colone Show on WANE-TV, Fort Wayne, Indiana was a real big shot in the arm for our publicity effort. Grace Hartley, food editor, Atlanta Journal, Dorothy Dean, food editor Spokesman Review and Jerry Wigen, staff writer for same Washington newspaper helped tremendously. Sunny Harper, spearheaded the efforts of the Golden West Club in preparing car antennae banners and lucky rabbit feet, plus car window signs to announce National Rabbit Week throughout California and as far away as TiaJuana, Mexico. The Los Angeles Times featured recipes in page offering of 11 major food chains on the coast—they all featured and offered rabbits to eat.
A total of over 1,760 column inches of rabbit news publicity was forwarded for consideration and judging. Television stations to the tune of 17 featured National Rabbit Week in the states of Georgia, Ohio, Missouri, Indiana, Washington. Photographic coverage in newspapers and house trade journals and magazines totaled a whopping 45 in number, all of the large 2 column or larger variety and most strategically place on front or lead pages of sections. Bill Ziff, in his column Rural Report, Columbus Dispatch placed rabbits in the lead position and very timely photos of the Bill Breckenridge family.
Mrs. Rebecca Stiff, Wilson Creek, Washington started the ball rolling long before the dates of the official contest, in her efforts to make the Inland Empire RBA a winner. In conjunction with the U.S. Department of Agriculture the Stiff’s Hillside Rabbitry was the focal point of an escorted and educational tour for the foreign exchange students from Cyprus, Jordan, Tunisia, Congo, Uruguay, India and Turkey.
The ARBA Publicity Committee wish to commend the following ARBA members that contributed so much, to the success of our 1966 National Rabbit Week. Myron Stinehelfer, Sally Fair, Sunny Harper, Sally Stick, Jeannette Nelson, Jodie Cro-ker, Bill & Delores Breckenridge and fam-
ily, Gregg Williams, Mr. and Mrs. George Williams, David Hughes, Sherril Kenser, Derris Gray, Vivian Jones, Walter Clap-saddle, Linda Starr, Ray Vaughn, Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Beatty, Avery Keck, Rebecca Stiff, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Youngs, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Adcock, Jim Blyth, Virginia Falloon, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lawson, Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Davies, Don Long, Marilyn Armstrong.
There was a negative side to the report on efforts and results of National Rabbit Week - 1966. Not one State Association entered material. Not one National Specialty Club submitted material. The ARBA Commercial Department and the ARBA Youth Department did not participate in National Rabbit Week. There were only 2 ARBA State Agents that participated, they were, Jodie Croker, Georgia and Mark Youngs, Washington.
National Rabbit Week - 1966 was a great success, a true team effort. The Champion Promotors have been named and honored at the ARBA Convention, Louisville, Kentucky. Let us begin immediately to prepare for an even bigger and better National Rabbit Week - 1967. The dates are July 16-22, 1967.
Jodie Croker, ARBA State Agent for Georgia appeared on the “Today in Georgia” program on WSB-TV, Atlanta. This, a color program, featured New Zealand, Polish, 2 varieties of Dutch and English Spot rabbits. Ruth Kent, hostess for the “Today In Georgia” program is shown holding a baby Dutch and Jodie is posing her Grand Champion—‘Tuxedo Lad.’ This was a part of the National Rabbit Week promotion. Another fine result of National Rabbit Week includes the interest for a new chartered club in the Augusta, Georgia area.
Page Three
GRAND CHAMPIONS VALUE Improve Quality; Advance Fancy
Wendell Vaile and Harold Nickerson, of the Bardall Rabbitry, Chester, Vermont are avid boosters of the ARBA Grand Champion procedures. They have seen the results of improvement of quality and dependability of breeding in their Dutch rabbit stud.
In the mind of every conscientious rabbit breeder there is a vision of the ideal rabbit of his particular breed. Here at Bardall Rabbitry, we raise Dutch as an avocation, not as a commercial enterprise. We have a relatively small herd, comprised of 40 hutches. The challenge and pride in producing Grand Champions, is well worth the toil, trials and tribulations. The reward is great.
It is important for the serious breeder to participate in the regular show circuits, since it is not easy for him to view his animals, objectively, strictly, within the confines of his own rabbltry. Faults are more obvious to another breeder, to a ARBA registrar, or ARBA judge. Furthermore, study of show records reveals the weakness of the entries. The particular area or section of the Standard of Perfection in which the particular animal fails. The breeder can balance these revealed weaknesses or faults in each mating. Eventually, eliminating these weaknesses or faults by the selective breeding practices. The improved offspring is shown, and its value increases proportionately with its record of special awards. These Dutch which have completed their requirements for Grand Champion Certificates are registered. We retire these Grand Champion Dutch from the show circuit. Proven winners become our breeding stock.
When a breeder, experienced or novice, purchases stock from a registered, Grand Champion herd, he must expect to pay more per each animal. Quality stock may be considered as expensive to some, but mediocre or grade stock will cost much more to manage over the 12 month period.
Due to excessive Medical and Hospital expenses, a large percent of the outstanding NZ White herd developed and owned by Judge W. II. Smith must be sold. All young stock Is priced at $2.00 per month in age. Seniors at $20.00 each Write him at Rt. 2, Box 271, Strawberry Plains, Tenn.
Signed: IUJQH J. BETTS, his partner.
And incidently the breeding results are almost always disastrous.
Consistent winners pay their way through additional sales, as well as earning more honors on the show table. The novice breeder avoids many pitfalls if his foundation stock comes from a rabbitry which has maintained a high record of wins. At the show table a breeder realizes the actual value of his stock.
A Grand Champion means a long process; balancing faults of sire and dam: culling litters; culling juniors at four months; trips to shows; “Near Misses”; winnings; special; registry and Grand Champion Certificates. Finally, a great deal of satisfaction to the owners. They know their efforts have contributed to the advancement of the breed and progress of the great rabbit fancy.
The budding rabbit meat industry in the state of West Virginia has been challenged very seriously by proposed and enacted legislation of the state legislature.
The public law in itself is a voluminous piece of legislation and we will publish the highlights of it, only as it pertains to the rabbit industry, which is our concern. One of the provisions of the bill calls for inspection of the live rabbits, that is prior to butchering. Inspection is again called for after butchering and during the processing. Fees for the state approved rabbit meat inspector would be prohibitive and be a death blow to the budding rabbit meat industry.
Mrs. Betty Wingrove, secretary Little Kanawaha Rabbit Club, Waverly, West Virginia first called this pending disaster to the attention of the publicity committee during plans for National Rabbit Week, back in May, 1966.
We immediately alerted president Will-mann and secretary Blyth of the impending legislation. We also wrote to Mr. Gus R. Douglas, Commissioner of Agriculture, Charleston, West Virginia. In our letter we pointed up the value of rabbits to the economy of West Virginia as well as their value both as meat and humanitarian aids.
A meeting was called by the Commissioner of Agriculture June 16th in his offices. Present at the hearing: Mrs. Win-grove representing ARBA; Leroy Buffington, M. G. Fisher, Harry McKibbin, Kenneth Bragg and Mrs. Harry McKibbin. Messrs. George Camp and M. M. Camp were not present at the meeting but published as interested parties to the pending legislation.
Mr. Kenneth Bragg, president of West Virginia Feed Dealers Association acted
as spokesman for the assembled group of interested rabbit industry persons.
The substance of the change requested in the Regulations-Meat Inspection Law, concerned the wording of b. 2. under 4.03 Exemptions to read as follows: “The provisions of these Regulations shall not apply to rabbit slaughter and processors at this time.”
Mr. Bragg, called to attention of the Commissioner—“This change would permit the undisturbed growth of commercial rabbit production in West Virginia until the industry is of sufficient size to justify some central slaughtering.
It was the general feeling of the group present at the hearing and the groups represented, if a date is placed on mandatory compliance with these regulations, this fear of regulations which are new and untried, many people would lose interest and the further development of this industry would be impeded.”
On September 15, 1966, Mrs. Wingrove writes that the results of the June 16 meeting with the commissioner have been published. The budding rabbit meat industry, producers and processors alike have been given an extension of time only until July 1, 1968 till compliance with the inspection procedures, necessary in live state of rabbits and in butchered and processed state must take place.
This in its most optimistic light is only a stop-gap or temporary relief. It is the wishes and hopes of all, for the good of the economy of the state of West Virginia, and for the relief of budding rabbit meat industry—That rabbits can be eliminated from the law altogether, till the further development of the rabbit meat industry demands inclusion.
Betty Wingrove, Box 62, Waverly, West Virginia 26184. Kenneth Bragg, 92 W. Lincoln, Buckhannon, West Virginia. Both of these parties need the support of all rabbit breeders in the State of West Virginia and all the impact possible from the ARBA Executive Board to pursue this aim and object to a successful conclusion. Mrs. Wingrove, writes, “We want to thank you Mr. Molen for all your help in our campaign so far. We are counting on the ARBA to stand behind us in our fight.”
The ARBA Publicity committee in the interests of the many individuals and clubs that have written in for information pertinent to the sponsoring of a National ARBA Convention & Show — are hereby including the complete rules, herewith, in November Bulletin.
Interest is running high and in a number of our geographic areas. This is a good sign and we hope to encourage this spirit and at the same time inform all
concerned-True, there is work and Planning involved with such an under-Shkowe tlani,ARBA National Convention-tcamwo" ^ ‘° such W°i«* *
The 1954 ARBA Convention at York. Pennsylvania is well remembered as one of our well planned conventions. Yet, it was headed up by a gentleman, Mr Alien F Bahn, serving as general chairman — and Mr. Bahn had never attended an ARBA Convention & Show previous to the York Convention.
The 1963 ARBA Convention at Sedalia. Missouri, likewise is remembered as well planned; largest registered attendance of any convention and very large attendance at official business meetings. Banquets were very well planned and all segments of the entire convention were carried out. on time, as scheduled. All of this was accomplished with possibly one of the smallest group of workers in convention annuals—Ten workers, tried and true staged the 1963 Sedalia ARBA Convention in 1963.
National ARBA Convention & Show Rules
We realize that many rabbit breeders and local associations are not familiar with all the ramifications that are involved in putting on a National ARBA Convention & Show. The Board of Directors have therefore compiled the following set of Rules & Regulations, that must be observed, and some optional suggestions, to assist those organizations planning to sponsor a National Convention & Show.
It must be pointed out, at the beginning, that the ARBA Inc. is in no way responsible, legally or financially, for the staging of the National Convention & Show. However, every assistance possible is rendered to the sponsoring body, by the ARBA, for the privilege of holding a National Convention, in conjunction with a National Show.
1. All sponsoring associations or clubs putting on a National ARBA Convention & Show, must be incorporated, so as to relieve any individuals or clubs from losses due to accidents or negligence. Certified copy of the incorporation papers must be furnished to the Secretary or President of the ARBA at least 180 days before the beginning of the Show. Names of key personnel must be listed at time of incorporation.
2. ARBA accepts no liability or responsibility for debts, losses or any law suits, nor for awards offered or for reports on the Show.
3. All ARBA Convention Shows must be conducted strictly under the latest ARBA Show Rules & Regulations.
3A. Show Judges. Only qualified ARBA judges should be used at a National Convention. They should be thoroughly famil-
Page Fit e
iar with the breed to which they are assigned. The Convention Show committee has the right to select the judges. Specialty Club recommendations are NOT binding on the Convention Show Committee. Convention Show Judges will be expected to talk at the judges’ conference on all breeds at the Convention.
3B. The Convention Show Committee has the right to select the Breed Chairman.
4. Convention Committee must submit the Plans and Schedule of Meetings to the ARBA President & Secretary before they are printed in catalog.
4A. All National Conventions & Shows must be known as “American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. (show number —such as 40th, etc. Annual Convention & Show.” and all advertising, entry blanks, catalogs, letterheads and envelopes, etc., shall be printed in this manner. Sponsoring organizations’ name or names to follow in much smaller type. Copies of such printed material, must be furnished to the Office of the Secretary or the ARBA for approval, before final printing.
5. All ARBA Business Meetings will be set by the President or Secretary of ARBA. No changes can be made by the Convention Committee without the approval of the ARBA President or Secretary.
5A. The official duration of the National ARBA Convention & Show, shall be four days. All stock shall be released after the official closing of the Convention. However. the ARBA has no objection to the Sponsoring organization planning additional activities AFTER the completion of the official Convention & Show.
6. No other Meeting, regardless of what it is for, can be set at the same time of a scheduled ARBA Business Meeting, unless permission is given by the President or Secretary of ARBA.
7. The National Convention is an ARBA Convention and not a Local Club Convention.
8. ARBA does not receive any of the money made out of the Convention; all profits go to the Local Club or Clubs that are sponsoring the Convention.
8A. A complete financial report must be submitted to the Secretary of the ARBA not later than sixty days, following the official closing of the Convention.
9. All hotel reservations must be offered the Headquarters Hotel, unless otherwise specified.
10 Trophies awarded by ARBA will be listed and distributed by the direction of ARBA officials.
10A. The Secretary of the ARBA shall purchase all Convention Show Ribbons and Convention Show Badges.
11. The Convention Committee must arrange to have a licensed ARBA Registrar on duty at all times during the Conven-
tion. Registrar must have sufficient blanks on hand.
12. FINANCES: A large amount of money is not necessary to stage a successful Convention and Show. However, a minimum should be approximately $1,-
000.00 or more, depending upon the initial outlay for various facilities required.
13. PERSONNEL: Dependable key people who can work in harmony is an absolute necessity. Key people should include a General Chairman, Show Superintendent, General Show Secretary, Advertising Chairman, Treasurer, etc., and sufficient manpower to put on the Show.
14. General Chairman, Show Superintendent and General Show Secretary must live in Convention City, or close to the location of the Show.
15. SHOW ROOM FACILITIES: This must be sufficient size to house the entire Show and exhibition booths. The buildings must be well ventilated, and heated, if necessary, well lighted, adequate rest rooms, and of sufficient size to handle anticipated number of rabbits, exhibitors and visitors.
15A. Arrangements shall be made that the entire show room is completely set up ready to receive rabbits at least one complete day before rabbits are due to arrive. All coop cards must be in place before rabbits arrive.
15B. The Show Superintendent shall be responsible for the feeding and watering, and general care of all rabbit entries. This is NOT the responsibility of the Breed Chairman.
16. MEETING ROOMS: There must be at least six separate rooms available for scheduled Specialty Club meetings. Additional rooms must be available for Judges Conference, open Forums, etc. These meeting rooms should be adjacent to the Show Room, or in adjoining buildings. They should be quiet, contain enough chairs for average size groups, and table for Chairman and Secretary. If size of room and attendance indicates, loud speaker eouinment must be supplied.
17. EXHIBITION BOOTHS: Sufficient booths must be available, fully equipped and at moderate prices, for all Specialty Clubs, Magazines and Commercial exhibitors.
18. One large, or double booth, at least 10'X20', to be furnished free of charge to the ARBA. This booth must be in a prominent position and equipped with two long tables and approximately eight chairs. At least two typewriters to be used for registration purposes, for the first two days of Convention (these are often obtained, together with typists, without charge, through the local Chamber of Commerce).
19. The ARBA Commercial Department will also require one booth, approximately the same size as above.
The ARBA Youth Committee will also require one booth, approximately 10'XIO'.
These three booths are to be furnished without charge to the ARBA.
It is suggested that a lunch counter should be provided in the Show room, to operate during Show hours, unless eating facilities are close by. Coffee and soft drinks should be available in the Show room, at all times.
Rest areas should be provided at several locations in the Show room. We now have many older people raising rabbits and exhibiting, who cannot stay on their feet all day. Rest rooms should be clean and kept clean, and adequately supplied at all times.
21. LOCATION OF SHOW ROOM: This should be as close to the Headquarters Hotel as possible, with convenient public transportation facilities.
A. This should be of sufficient size to accommodate a large portion of those breeders who will attend the Convention.
B. The hotel must furnish the ARBA board, a meeting room, to be available two days prior to Convention proper. This room must be furnished without charge to ARBA.
C. A Banquet room of sufficient size to seat a minimum of approximately 500 must be available.
D. An Assembly Room of sufficient size must be available for the general ARBA meetings, and must be available for two or three sessions. This room must be furnished without charge to the ARBA.
E. Space for ARBA Registration Booth, in hotel lobby, or balcony, completely equipped with two typewriters and typists, on day prior to Conventions opening, is necessary.
A. Hotel rates and number of rooms available must be submitted by each hotel suggested. If possible, several hotels should be recommended to the ARBA Board. Suites of rooms must be furnished to the President and the Secretary of the ARBA at no charge to them, or to the ARBA.
B. The Headquarters Hotel will be selected by the Show Sponsors, but must be approved by the ARBA Board.
C. All hotel reservations must be given to the Headquarters Hotel, until their supply of rooms is exhausted, unless otherwise specified by the one making the reservations.
A. Arrangements must be made ahead of Convention, for rooms and banquet facilities for the Farewell Party; the
D.F. & F.D. parties, and any other planned group events.
B. Arrangements should be made for tours to interesting places, in vicinity of the Convention city.
C. Depending upon size of the city, interesting activities may be planned for women, such as a luncheon, card party, style show, etc.
A. Members of the Board of Directors of the ARBA or its National Officers must not be asked to serve as judges. They should be available at all times, to attend Specialty Club Meetings, and to hove time to talk to members and exhibitors, many of whom they only see once a year.
B. Directional posters, to and from the show rooms are always advisable.
C. We urge the Convention committee to make every effort to start the Convention on a Monday. This enables breeders and exhibitors to travel on Saturday and Sunday, eliminating the necessity of breaking up two different weeks.
D. Have all details worked out, before presenting your bid for the Convention. Have the key officials appointed, and have these appointments accepted, before presenting bid to the Board.
A. Details on all of the above material and arrangements, facilities, etc., must be confirmed, and presented in writing, by a Committee of three or more, representing the sponsors.
1. Letter outlining in detail, price of show room, details of all facilities, dates of availability confirmed, and details of extra charges where applicable.
2. Letters from suggested hotels, confirming rates, and outlining available facilities, and definite confirmation on dates.
3. Letters from motels, confirming rates, facilities, dates, etc.
4. It is suggested that cooperation be solicited from Chamber of Commerce, Mayor, City Commissioners, and other organizations interested in making the Convention in their city a success. These should be presented with your bid. Pictures and descriptions of Show building, hotels and other facilities should accompany the bid.
Page Seven
Owner Breed Ear No. Reg. No.
J, Eve English E-6 6641-X
Jodie’s Bunnyland Black Dutch XJJ 239-X
Jodie’s Bunnyland Dutch JC37 4476-X
Jodie’s Bunnyland Dutch J045 4475-X
J. Holmes Checkered Giant P4934 1412-T
J. Holmes Checkered Giant PU056 2117-X
J. Holmes Checkered Giant PU887 1411-X
R. Wallace Checkered Giant ESI 700 5917-X
L. Bowers Standard Chin W02 5377-X
G. Olsen Ruby Eyed Polish Cl 8987-V
E. Nase New Zealand Red BA-6 9965-V
Twin Valley Rabbitry Dutch 584 5991-X
S. Kolander New Zealand S10 3689-X
R. R. Sheirl New Zealand White S165 5614-X
G. Kendall Am. Chin. SK2 3526-X
P. Naylor Satin Bing 5344-X
October 1965 to October 1966
1. Wm. T. Robinson, 111..............27
2. Harry Coles, Missouri ............26
3. Harold Dickson, 111...............25
4. Duane Shrader, Nebraska ..........23
5. Emmett Bobo, Texas ...............22
6. Hugh J. Betts, Tenn...............21
7. Oren Reynolds, 111................20
8. J. L. Bi dwell, Calif. ...........11
9. Leland F. Clark, Calif............10
10. John Phillips, Calif.............10
11. Don Smith, N.Y...................10
New Zealand
1. Harold Johnson, Mich..............88
2. Wm. T. Robinson, 111..............82
3. Claudius Poer, Ind................73
4. Don Reid, 111.....................57
5. G. S. Davis, Iowa.................53
6. Marvin F. Carley, Vt..............44
7. Frank Westley, Pa.................44
8. Dennis Holcomb, Iowa..............41
9. Eugene Henry, Conn................38
10. Stuart W. Griffith, Tenn.........31
11. Jack Ellis, Mich.................30
12. H. J. Merrihue, La...............30
1. Wm. T. Robinson, 111.............139
2. Harold Johnson, Mich.............114
3. Harry Coles, Missouri ........... 82
4. Don Reid, 111.....................80
5. Claudius Poer, Ind. ... 73
6. Pete Naylor, Kansas...............71
7. Dennis Holcomb, Iowa..............59
8. G. S. Davis, Iowa.................58
9. Eugene Henry, Conn............... 51
10. Robert F. Wallace, Iowa . ... .48
As of September 30, 1966
1. Edward H. Stahl, Mo...............40
2. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif. ...........28
3. Melvin Behrens, N.Y...............26
4. Fred R. Applegate, I1L ...........22
5. Tommy Andrew, Pa.................13
6. Mark Youngs, Wash................12
7. Claude Bennett, Ind.............. 8
1. Lawrence Co. R.B. Ass’n, Tenn......7
2. Cactus R.B. Ass’n, Ariz............6
3. So. W. Va. Rabbit Club............5
4. Madison Co. R.B. Ass’n, I1L ......4
5. Western 111. R.B. Ass’n...........2
6. Finger Lakes, N.Y. ...............2
7. Badger R.B. Ass'n, Wise...........2
New Zealands 138
Californians .......................39
Dutch .............................. 21
Champagnes.......................... 18
Checkered Giant . 16
American Chin ...................... 13
Flemish ............................ 11
Satins ............................. 10
Polish 9
English .............................7
Angora 5
Havana ..............................4
Palomino ............................1
Belgian Hare ........................1
Standard Chin........................1
HI Eieht
Entry Breed
299 N.Z. White B&Z Rabbitry Johnson’s Rabbitry
137 N.Z. Red W. A. Walker L. G. Dunken
71 N.Z. Black Guarantee Rabbitry Gebhardt’s Rabbitry
304 Dutch B.&J. Walker Cooper’s Rabbitry
213 Satins Lou Slavens (Siamese) Sam J. Elder (White)
178 Checkered Giant R. J. Moberly Conrad Kraft
172 Californian Ray Rogers Robert Kellar
138 Marten Art Micklei (Black) G. W. Long (Black)
114 Flemish Herb Anthony Midway Rabbitry
110 Champagne Wayne Cleer F. P. Bennett
100 English Spot H. Bortow (Black) Ky. Fancy Rbty. (Blue)
93 Amer. Chin. Everett Johnson Everett Johnson
83 Rex Rex Rabbit Farm (Black) J. J. Stankus (Seal)
59 Polish W. Willmann (Bl-eyed) Russ-L-Acre (Bl-eyed)
54 Havana L. O. Stamm L. O. Stamm
44 Palomino Viking Rbty. (Lynx) Viking Rbty. (Golden)
39 Creme D'Argent Wayne Cleer G. H. Hines
36 English Angora Ray Cunningham Mrs. L. P. Meyer
33 French Angora Gladys Ford Gladys Ford
33 Tan Valley Acre Rbty. (Black) Phil Macy (Black)
20 Himalayan Dave Holland F. P. Riffle
13 Standard Chin. Lou Slavens Lou Bowers, Jr.
12 Lilac Taylor’s Rabbitry E. E. Rausch
9 Florida White H&S Rabbitry H&S Rabbitry
8 Giant Chin. Behren’s Rabbitry Behren’s Rabbitry
5 Belgian Hare David Ross David Ross
5 Beveren Virgil Morton Ernest Vogwill
110 American Cavy Russ-L-Acre Russ-L-Acre
3 Abyssinian Cavy Ronald Jones Joan Denman
16 Peruvian Cavy Russ-L-Acre Krider’s Kritters
First in Fur Classes
34 Colored Satin Roger Fitchom
33 White Satin Sam J. Elder
28 Colored Normal Ward’s Rabbitry
9 White Normal Joe Eve
10 Fr. Angora Wool Shooting Star Ranch
7 Eng. Angora Wool D. Grantham
10 Colored Rex Rex Rabbit Farm
5 White Rex Leon & Joan Wallace
First in Commercial
16 Meat Pen (3 rabbits) Earl Klubertanz
8 Single Fryer Billie E. Dodge
3 Fryer Fur Lohman’s Rbty.
Breed B.O.B.
Champagne Patsy Hetland
N.Z. White J. T. Wanthen
Polish Charlotte Hansen
N.Z. Red Pam Breckenridge
Californian Greg Williams
Dutch Sally Watters
English Spot Ralph Hole (Black)
Checkered Gt. J. C. Wells (Black)
Satin Susan Peifer (White)
Rex J. Southworth (Blue)
Palomino Elaine Newport
Silver Marten Greg Williams (Black)
Tan J. K. Jordan
Cavy Diana Southworth
John Platt J. T. Wanthen Ponderosa Rbty.
J. K. Jordon, Jr.
Cindy Vance Greg Williams Mike Wardrip (Blue)
J. C. Wells (Black)
Greg Williams (Siamese)
J. Southworth (White) Elaine Newport Cindy Zimmerman (Black) J. S. Wells (None Shown)
Page Nine
THE ARBA HONORS 4 STALWARTS Life Memberships Awarded
The ARBA Executive Board at session on Thursday October 20th bestowed the associations highest honors upon 4 of its most eminent members, breeders, registrars and judges. No higher honor within the ARBA could be preferred or bestowed. No finer gentlemen and true sportsman, within the high ideals sought throughout a lifetime, could have been selected for this honor. Earned over the years, by their every thought, word and deed.
The recipients of the LIFE MEMBER AWARDS, Jack Bryant, Garden Grove, California; Walter Caudell, Charlotte, North Carolina; Leonard Dunlap, Arkansas City, Kansas; Lawrence Ritter, Baltimore, Maryland.
The ARBA Bulletin will carry biographical sketches of these 4 outstanding men and members during the 1967 year. Our first biographical sketches will appear in the January 1967 Bulletin and will feature Life Member Jack Bryant, California and Life Member Walter Caudell, North Carolina.
It was exactly one year ago that we were busy contacting our ARBA membership in all corners of our continent. We had received the challenge from ARBA President, Wayne Willmann, to supply the best ARBA Bulletin that was possible, for the ARBA membership.
Thanks to the wonderful cooperation of our fine membership, and the excellent harmony and cooperation of Mr. Ed Schuhmann, the publisher of our ARBA Bulletin—we did place an excellent publication in your hands. This is not self appraisal, rather a summary of hundreds upon hundreds of letters received attesting to high regard our ARBA Bulletin has been accorded and received. All of us of the publicity committee are happy to have contributed toward the advancement of the American Rabbit Breeders Association. We were never awed by the task ahead. However, the delight experienced by one and all, as the cooperation continued full force and gained momentum—has engulfed us all. All of you have contributed to the success of these the first 6 issues of volume 1, of ARBA
to Specialty, State and Local Clubs on their club advertisements l/< page or larger. Show Ada receive the same discount. And remember you reach every member. Cash with copy, please.
Bulletin. We ask your continued support and cooperation.
The 43rd ARBA Convention is now history. Preliminary reports will be featured in this issue of the Bulletin, more will be forthcoming in other issues of 1967. Business wise the Louisville Convention was very fruitful with promise of even greater achievements to come. This is the year, 1967—to go all out to increase our membership.
This the November issue of our Bulletin gives full report of the excellent National Rabbit Week promotion, including the announcement of the winners of the 3 coveted CHAMPION PROMOTER AWARDS made by the ARBA. National Rabbit Week - 1966 was truly the best ever. However, 1967 National Rabbit Week will be an even greater event. The ARBA will have Publicity Material Packets to furnish, at cost, to all local and state associations. The first ARBA Bulletin in 1967 will carry full details. Plan your 1967 promotion, well in advance.
This November Bulletin announces the 5 eminent ARBA members honored by award of Life Memberships for outstanding contributions to our association. Jessie Weinhardt, Dutch Club secretary and ARBA stalwart has been honored in her state of Michigan.
The value of a registered herd of rabbits and the satisfaction and honor of a Grand Champion herd is fully discussed.
Our West Virginia membership are on the brink of a very serious blow to the fulfillment of a budding rabbit meat industry within their state. Assistance and understanding is needed urgently, to alleviate this problem. The so called Dog & Cat Law, Public Law 89-544 is discussed in this issue. For further details by all means contact U.S. Senator Frank Carlson.
Official ARBA Convention & Show Rules are published herewith.
The Chinchilla Promoters are hard at work in many sections of our land. In at least 3 instances, they have used official publications of the ARBA to gain contacts with possible prospects. The legitimacy of their claims are left entirely up to you. However, we did wish to bring this timely and topical article—‘Chinchilla Revival’ Hoax or Honey? to your attention. Two very important articles relative to nutrition and rations will afford important reading and discussions this winter.
Dr. Alfred de Castro, the only ARBA judge in Europe has supplied an unusual article. One that will stimulate thought and provoke constructive, aggressive action, it is hoped. Our president Wayne Willmann will enjoy an extended tour of Europe this coming year and promises
Page Ten
many timely articles gleaned on his trip and tour of the continent.
Read slowly the article “First Impressions of A New Judge.” The author, Rich Whitmore, is a long time ARBA member of distinction. A very learned and unusual man. Take note, this article was written in 1951.
Missouri local organizes another club. This is the second new club this year and one more is expected to organize before first of year. Texas with new slate of officers, including Red Spence, Jerry Swinford, Preston and Pat Giles, and Myrtle Geddes tell one and all they will have an even bigger year than 1966 which was a banner year in Texas, rabbit wise.
Only 7 National Specialty Clubs availed themselves of the opportunity to list their sanction fees and secretaries. We issue the call again, please, send the necessary information relative to securing a sanction from your National Specialty Club and we will print this in the January 1967 ARBA Bulletin. Send this material to Bill Molen, ARBA Publicity Director, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
The ARBA Executive Board discussed the awarding of Best Rabbit in Show, at great length during Board meetings at Louisville. The president and all Board members are quite aware that they represent both a majority group as they also represent any and all minority groups. The opinions offered at Pomona Convention in 1965 were almost equally divided between those that favored same and those that did not favor such an award. Since that time interest seems to have waned on both sides of the issue. It was decided to not change the Show Rules as now published. We did receive a thought provoking article from the Worcester County RBA news bulletin and have printed in this November Bulletin.
Read the plans and interests of Cavy Association secretary, Pat Krider. Also Down To Brass Tacks by Charles Haaf. Show sanctions, contest reports on Membership and Registrations, plus Grand Champions. See who the top publicity promoters are in each of the 9 ARBA geographic districts.
The coverage in the November Bulletin is from Vermont to Texas and Rhode Island to Washington. Truly wide coverage. We also include an article from Switzerland.
Contributors include Wendell Vaile. Harold Nickerson, Betty Wingrove, Jessie Weinhardt, Dr. Alfred de Castro, Bluford Smith, Rich Whitmore, Kenneth Froboese, Ray Mullett, Pat Krider, Pat Giles, Charles Haaf, Beverly Molen, Jodie Cro-ker, David Hughes, Bett Hickman, Ed Stahl, Jim Blyth, Wayne Willmann, Harold Quick.
The Publicity Committee for 1967 will
be announced in the January Bulletin. It is a real hard hitting group. One that will do the ARBA well and serve faithfully. For the year 1966, rapidly departing the scene, we wish to comment on the quality of rabbit news offered each issue of 5 outstanding publications: Finger Lakes RBA News (New York); Worcester County RBA News (Massachusetts); Colorado Rabbit News (Colorado); Texas Rabbit Breeders News (Texas); Hawkeye News (Iowa). These 5 publications certainly carry material of benefit to the rabbit and the rabbit breeder. They hold their social reporting to a minimum and their articles of and about rabbits are very beneficial and meaty.
All material for the ARBA Bulletin is compiled and edited at the home of the Publicity director. Please forward all material to W. E. (Bill) Molen, ARBA Publicity Director, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
By Dr. A. de Castro
American rabbit breeders will be surprised to learn that it is in Stuttgart, Germany, where you find the largest display of show rabbits in the world every four years. This year they had 14,000 rabbits on exhibition! It is not only an exhibition of a great number of rabbits, but of real quality animals, rabbit equipment (10 stands!), rabbit furs, feed and so forth.
It is marvelously well organized. In just one day all rabbits are judged by the point system and visitors find at 7:30 AM the following morning, a 500 page catalog listing, for each rabbit, the name and address of the owner, the number of points obtained, the prizes won, the sales price and the judges remarks.
Every rabbit breed is represented. Champagnes (690 animals) and White Vienas (870) are very popular and highly developed in Germany. New Zealands are coming up in popularity (540 animals), the red variety being more numerous than the white. Admirers of the Giant Chinchilla rabbit would have been in ecstasy contemplating 480 of them.
Unquestionably, Germany is the leading nation in Europe insofar as rabbit raising is concerned, both as to quantity and quality. A gigantic rabbit show such as the one held at Stuttgart is the result of well organized and integrated associations grouping 80,000 rabbit breeders. Members of the ARBA should wake up, rub their eyes, take notice and draw their own conclusions. We may thus be shaken out of self-complacency and delusions of grandeur.
Page Eleven
The increased numbers of advertisements in almost all metropolitan newspapers; the spot announcements on TV and radio; plus the personal contacts rampant in many areas of our country— bode well to warn one and all—The appearance on the scene of the, get-rich-quick, and the exaggerated claims of the Chinchilla promoter are again with us.
A new twist has been added in two localities of which we are aware. The plan works as follows: A gentleman, sometimes two, drives up to your rabbitry. They alight and after a friendly and cordial greeting, much too friendly and much too cordial, they ask if they may visit your rabbitry. They state they have an old knawing interest in rabbit raising and they know that you, the one they are talking to, are an old established rabbit breeder.
Flattery rolls off their lips, into your unsuspecting ears. Then with proper build-up and perfect timing, they ask, “Did you ever think about applying your rabbit raising knowhow to raising Chinchillas?” “Instead of raising rabbits for peanuts, why not join the big leagues and raise Chinchillas, to become a millionaire.”
These rags to riches boys are smooth. They make it sound just as convincing as the Chinchilla promoters of the ’40s. Whether they leave you material in person or maybe you have answered an advertisement in newspaper, magazine, radio, TV or maybe a booth at a fair or exposition—After reading this article take the printed material out and reread it. Look for the items that are pointed out herewith.
Highlights, from brochures left at our home by these wealth peddlers, relative to Chinchillas for profit. ‘A breeder chinchilla, like any other fur-bearing animal, is worth about three to four times its pelt
Copy deadline 15th of month preceding month of issue: Feb. 15, Apr. 15, June 15, Aug. 15, Oct. 15, Dec. 15. On annual contract deduct 10% from the rates listed below. Deduct additional 5% for cash with copy. This helps cut down our bookkeeping.
Send Advertising copy and payments direct to: Managing Editor, E. T. Toebbe ARBA Bulletin 7400 Smyrna Road Louisville, Ky. 40228
Please male# checks payable to ARBA Bulletin.
Vs Page vertical or horizontal ............$ 14 00
Page vertical or horizontal .....—..... 23.00
Ut Page vertical or horizontal .........— 45 00
Full Inside Page .......................... 87.50
Inside Cover Pages ............-........... 100.00
Type Page Size: 5” x T>hT
value as a breeder. Pelt sales prices can range from $5.00 to $60.00, or slightly
more.’----‘With a reasonably intelligent
start, a little knowledge of genetics and some care, a rancher should be able to produce pelts averaging $20.00 to $30.00
each.’----‘Larger ranchers estimate that
it costs from $10.00 to $15.00 to produce a pelt. This includes housing, feed, labor
and overhead.’------‘Female Chinchillas
have young on the average of twice a year, rarely three times a year. Average litter size is between one and a half and two babies.’
Now just what have these promoters left in your hands, to read, and then let your imagination run wild with. Let us recap the money angle as determined from their own literature.
Average prices for pelts sold is $30.00 (and at this figure we are using their top average-not the bottom average of $20.00). Larger ranchers say it costs a minimum of $10.00 to produce a pelt (here again the top figure is $15.00 per pelt). Average females bear young twice a year, sometimes two babies at a time.
1 female—produces 4 babies a
year—pelt values..............$120.00
Cost of producing each of 4 pelts
@10.00 equals................. 40.00
Possible net earned from 1 female .....................$ 80.00
Why are we quoting much of this material in our ARBA Bulletin. Because, some of these promoters are joining our ARBA. Securing our 1966 Year Book, that lists each and every ARBA members name and address, and then using this for a prospect list. A gentleman calling at our home, here in Kansas, carelessly had his 1966 ARBA Year Book lying in his front car seat as we walked with him to the auto.
By all means beware. Be on your guard. Check each claim out. There are reliable chinchilla breeders. From everything that we have read in the past 15 years, there is money to be made by the sale of breeder stock; questionable results and hard work in marketing pelts.
It has long been known that all animals must receive in their food at least a certain minimum amount of protein. More recently, investigations have shown that for man and for such animals as swine, poultry, rabbits, dogs, and rats, the quality or kind of protein is fully important as the amount.
The general requirements of protein for various body functions is maintenance of growth, reproduction, fattening and the production of milk. If the protein is of superior quality, a somewhat smaller amount will suffice. On the contrary, if
the protein is of inferior nutritive value, a greater amount will be needed and even then the production of the animals will generally be lowered, in spite of the liberal supply of the inefficient protein.
Protein rich feeds are generally more expensive than those which are low in protein but rich in carbohydrates and fat. In practical livestock feeding we are therefore commonly interested only in knowing the minimum amounts of protein that animals ned for the best results.
Under certain conditions, however, protein rich feeds may be cheaper than carbohydrate rich feeds. This is often the case, for example, with cottonseed meal in the South and with alfalfa hay in certain sections of the West. The question then arises as to how much protein animals can be fed without injury. This problem is of special interest because the consuming of an excessive amount of protein throws an increased load on the liver and kidneys, which must excrete the surplus nitrogen.
Experiments have shown that there is no danger from feeding animals considerable larger amounts of protein than they actually require. In spite of statements that are sometimes made to the contrary, there is no proof that the heavy feeding on cottonseed meal or other protein rich concentrates to dairy cows increases the trouble. Ailments in pigs have sometimes been diagnosed as “protein poisoning” caused by feeding an excessive amount of protein. It is very doubtful whether such trouble is due to this cause, for in an Ohio experiment pigs remained healthy and made normal gains when fed for 13 weeks on a ration having 42 percent of protein. This was aproximately 2.5 times the normal amount. The only detrimental effect of this unusual ration was that it was too laxative. In an Illinois test pigs were not injured by feeding them a ration having 30 percent protein, from weaning time on. It is well known that Eskimos live on meat. In a careful experiment tw’o men in this country lived exclusively on meat (including some fat) for 11 months and remained in excellent health. In certain tests rats have grown normally on rations containing more than 90 percent of protein.
In the case of young animals that are growing and fattening, the feeding of a ration very high in protein may tend to make them grow more rangy and to lay on less fat than if fed rations lower in protein.
Proteins are exceedingly complex substances, made up of 23 or more different amino acids. In the digestion of food, the proteins are split into these amino acids, which are absorbed from the digestive system and enter the blood stream.
The mixture of amino acids is then carried in the blood to the various body
tissues, where each organ or tissue takes the quantities of the different amino acids that it needs for its repair or functioning. The nitrogen is split off from the excess amino acids by the liver and this waste nitrogen is excreted in the urine by the kidneys. The onn-nitrogenous residue from the amino acids can be converted into glucose and glycogen and thus be used in place of carbohydrate food.
Certain of the simpler amino acids can be made in the bodies of animals, either from some of the more complex amino acids or by combining ammonia or other simple nitrogenous compounds with organic acids formed from other food nutrients. However, the body is not able to synthesize several of the more complex amino acids in the body tissues, and these must therefore be provided from the proteins of the food. In certain cases the body may be able to make small amounts of amino acid, but not enough to permit rapid growth.
The amino acids which cannot be made in the body from other substances, or which cannot be made in sufficient amounts are called the essential amino
Protein for the growth of protein tissues of the body or for such purposes as the production of milk cannot be made by the animal unless it has an adequate supply of each of the essential amino acids.
Public Law 89-544, passed by the 89th Congress, H.R. 13881 on August 24, 1966. To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to regulate the transportation, sale, and handling of dogs, cats, and certain other animals intended to be used for purposes of research or experimentation, and for other purposes.
Section 2 (h)—The term “animal” means live dogs, cats, monkeys (nonhuman primate mammals), guinea pigs, hamsters, and rabbits.
Licensing requirements, registration, restrictions, enforcement, recordkeeping, identification, humane standards, promulgation, inspections, suspension of license, penalty, fees, and effective dates are all included in the complete act printed by government printing office.
United States Senator Frank Carlson, has supplied a number of these printed booklets for use by the ARBA Board. Senator Carlson is one of the finest supporters to the rabbit industry in Washington. You may write to Senator Frank Carlson, United States Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D.C., requesting a copy of the ‘dog and cat public law’. The Senator will forward one by return mail.
Page Thirteen
CALIFORNIANS—good quality, pedigreed and registered. Prices and information on request. Always a few good ones for sale. Duane Shrader & Sons, 625 S 51st St., Lincoln, Neb. 68510.
POLISH—Black, Blue-eyed White, Californian Satins. Write for prices. Breeze Hollow Rabbitry, RD No. 1, Box 37, Wellington, O. 44090
SANDY FLEMISH GIANTS—Good quality stock available. Good type, size and production. Pedigreed. Mansfield’s Giant Rabbits, 1004 S. Garden Ave., Stockton, Calif. 95205.
’’ROTHSVILLE DUTCH”—Home of Champions. Black, Blue, Chocolate. Pictured in the 1966 ARBA Offciial Guide Book. Pedigreed Junior, showmarked, foundation trios $12 00. Satisfaction guaranteed. Jack Messner, Box 267A, Roths-ville, Penn.
America’s new breed Pictured in the 1966 ARBA Official Guide Book. Pedigreed Junior foundation trios $12 00 Satisfaction guaranteed. Jack Messner, Box 267A, Rothsville, Penn.
ANGORA—See Cleo, Page 28 New Standards Book. 6 generation pedigree registered stock. Dept A for prices. Shooting Star, Pellston, Michigan.
“METHODS, MEDICINES,- MANAGEMENT To Control Rabbit Ailments.” Booklet covers 16 common diseases, helps diagnose them, recommends treatments and remedies. Price 50c p.p. (coins or stamps) refunded with first order for remedies. Ozark Enterprises, Willard 8, Missouri.
”THE LUCKY DUTCHMAN" Pedigreed Dutch in Black or Blue for show or breeding. Polish. Art Ammon, 4070 Sunnyhill Dr., Carlsbad, Calif 90028. Ph: 714-729-5681.
SELLING OUT—Wood Pens, Wood 4c wire Pens, Crocks. Double B Rabbitry, Bill Raymond, ARBA No. B34, 403 S. Franklin Rd., Indianapo-lis, Ind. 46219.
"HOW TOSTART A COMMERCIAL RABBIT -RY”—This book is written by and based on the actual eperience of a successful operator of a 1000 hole commercial rabbltry. A great help for any rabbit raiser—a must for the beginner. Covers equipment and how to build it, how to select commercial breeds, covers feeds, feeding and feed cost, how to handle rabbits, breed, wean, sex, market, keep records, etc Numerous drawings and pictures makes every subject easy to understand. Price $2.50, postage paid. Ozark Enterprises, Willard 8C, Missouri.
QUALITY EQUIPMENT—at lowest prices. Free catalog. Ozark Enterprises, Willard 8C, Missouri.
FLEMISH GIANTS—All colors7~Sandys of all ages. Colors limited. Andrews Circle "A" Rab-bitry, Rt No 3, Newark, O. 43055.
NEW ZEALAND WHITES (All Red, White & Blue Stock). American Blues. Breeding stock registered. Pedigrees with all orders Highest quality for research, commercial and fancier use. Satisfaction guaranteed or return at our cost. All stock reasonably priced and shipped f ob. Write for descriptive details. Chenango Valley Research Farm, Box 118, RD 1, Greene NY. 13778.
7 cents per word—one insertion; 6 cents per word—two insertions; 5 cents per word—six issues (1 year).
Cash, check or money order must accompany classified copy. Deadline 15th of month preceding month of issue.
"Stock for Sale” advertising accepted only from members.
Whiteside Co R.B. Ass’n, Vernon Schroeder, R 3, Morrison, 111. N'ov *•
Cactus R.B. Ass’n, Dorothy Dunbar, R 1, Box 448-E, Tucson, Ariz. Nov »
Zanesville R.B. Ass’n, Edna Andrews, R 3 New-
ark, Ohio. No* 2#
Southern Ind-Ill R&CB Ass’n, John M. McMiUln. 3027 Forrest Ave., Evansville, Ind. Nov 26-S Southwest R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. Geo. Ruzicka, 5309 Nell St., Fort Worth, Tex. Nov 27
Missouri State R P. Ass’n, Mrs. Edward Lawson. Frankford, Mo Deo
Indianapolis R.F. Ass’n, Ruth Scott, RR 1. Box 122, Morristown, Ind. °ec ®-4
North Central Iowa R.F. Ass'n, LuVerne Van-natta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa Dec 3-4
Madison Co. R.B. Ass'n, Glenn Summers, RR 2, Box 78, Alhambra, 111. Dec *
Beehive R.B. Ass’n, Dorothy Park, 3616 So. 2200 West, Salt Lake City, Utah Dec 4
Californian R. Spec. Club of Texas, W. D. Parsons, 4000 Beverly Dr., Waco, Texas Dec 4
Silver Marten Rabbit Club, Mrs. Pat Giles, 607 Star Ave., Wichita Falls, Tex. Dec 4
Californian Rabbit Spec. Club of Calif., Geo. B. Sutherland, 16041 Hayland, Valinda, Calif. Dec 11 Satin Rabbit B. of Calif., Geo. B. Sutherland, 16041 Hayland, Valinda, Calif. Dec 11
Springfield R&CB Ass’n, Roger C. Miller, Box 162, Sabina, Ohio Jan 27-29
Southwestern Expo. & Fat St. Show, W. R Watt, P.O. Box 150, Fort Worth, &Texas
Jan 27-Feb f*
Delphos R&FB Ass'n, 127 S. Clay St., Pelphos. Ohio Feb 25-26
Badger R.B. Ass’n, Ruth Strunk, R 2, Fort Atkinson, Wise. Feb 19
Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, Ruth Teas-dale. 1113 E. Davis St., Conroe, Texas Feb 22-26 Peoria Area R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. Helen Miller, Box 25, Maquon, 111. Feb 26
Central Fla. R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Octavia T. Underhill, P.O. Box 107, Clarcona, Fla. Feb 27-Mar 11 Marmaton River R.B. Ass’n, Darla Beth Molen. Box 8, Bronson, Kansas Mar 4-5
Tibbar R.B. Ass’n, Bob Kahler, Box 11, Custex Park, 111 Mar 6
Stark Co. R&CB Ass’n, Mrs. John Ritz, 2950 Harmont Ave., N.E., Canton, Ohio Mar 11-12 Baltimore Co. R&CB Ass’n, Warren J. McNamara, R 2, Box 36, Reistertown, Md. Mar 12
Northern 111. R. Ranchers, Mrs. Dora O'Hare. 1015 Franklin, Winthrop Harbor, 111. Mar 12
Fairfield Co. R.B. Ass’n, Victor T. Sweetland. 264 Chestnut Hill Ave., Norwalk, Conn. Mar 19 Pony Express R B. Ass’n, Cecil N. Green, 1809 Beattie, St. Joseph, Mo. Mar 25-26
Champagne Co. R B. Ass’n, Mrs. Viletha Lind-sev, RR 3, Champion, 111. Mar 26
Mall City R.B. Ass’n, O. R. Chaney, 3716 Wood-hams Dr., Kalamazoo, Mich. Mar 31-Apr 1
Eastern Dutch R.F. Club, Christine V. Hall, RD 2, Box 140, Quakertown, Pa. Apr 2
Free State R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Mina S. Uebel, R 1, Yeagertown Rd . Mt. Airy, Md. Apr 2
Grundv Co. R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. Dorothy Johnson. RR 1, Box 30, Mazon, 111. Apr 2
Little Kanawha Rabbit Club, Betty A. Wingrove. Box 62. Waverly, W. Va. Apr 7-8
Akron Rabbit Club, Inc., M. L. Clevenger. 428 Palm Ave . Akron, Ohio Apr 7-9
Elgin R.B. Club. Mrs. June Dutton, R 1, Box 167, So. Elgin, 111. Apr B
Iowa State R.B. Ass’n. Dorothy Newport, 2401 Wilson Ave , S.W., Cedar Rapids Iowa Apr 15-16 Lebanon Valley R&CB Ass’n, Alfred W. Fisher. RD 1, Box 505, Palmyra, Pa. Apr 1#
Kankakee Valley R B Ass’n, Mrs. Mary Strom. 2220 Black Rd , Joliet, 111. Apr 23
Lima R&CB Ass’n, Dale Place, R 3, Wapakoneta. Ohio Apr 23
York Co R&CB Ass’n, Gerald E. Liek, RD 1. Hellam, Pa. Apr 23
Ohio State Dutch Rabbit Club. Donald F. Weeks. RR1, Highland, Ohio Apr 29-30
Pjpc Fourteen
Tri County R.B. Ass’n, David Brueggemann. W195 S2234 Racine Ave , Muskego, Wise Apr 30 Iowa State RB Ass’n. Dorothy Newport, 2401 Wilson Ave., S.W.. Cedar Rapids, Iowa May 6-7 Flemish Giant R B. Ass’n, Herb Anthony, 746 Garfield Ave , Newark, Ohio ”*7
Richland Co. SB. Ass’n, Mrs. HUdred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Rd . RR 3. Mansfield. Ohio May 6-7 Huron Co R B. Ass’n, Wells W Ortner. US 20, Rt. 1, Collins, Ohio May 13-14
Tulsa RB Ass'n, Bill Spicer, 1710 E. 71st No., Tulsa, Okla J* 3'14
Zanesville R.B. Ass’n, Edna Andrews, Rt- 3# Newark. Ohio
Springfield R.B. Ass'n, Mrs Juanita Fisher, 819 E. Kearney St.. Springfield. Mo. May 20-21 Tri City R.B. Ass’n. Mrs. Helen Forsberg, RR 2 Box 150A, Davenport, Iowa May 21
Tri State R&CB. Mildred E. Beatty, RD 1, Apples Corners. East Liverpool, Ohio June 4
Coshocton Co R&CB Ass’n. Jack Wireman, 5475 Seeman St.. S.W., Navarre. Ohio June 11
Mad River Valley R&CB Ass'n, Joyce Judy, 10 Central Ave., Mechanicsburg, Ohio June 17-18 Ohio Californian R. Spec. Club. Mrs Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rod Rd. RR 3, Mansfield, Ohio
June 17-18
Tri State R&CB Ass’n, Mildred E. Beatty, RD 1, Apples Corner, East Liverpool, Ohio Sept 24 Lorain Co. RCB Ass'n, Mrs. M. J. Honoshof-sky, RD 2, Elyria. Ohio Oct 7-8
The Best
Importance of adequate rations for breeding animals. It is essential that breeding animals receive rations that fully meet the needs of their own bodies and also supply sufficient amounts of the various nutrients for the unborn young. Without question, many of the failures in raising young stock are due to faulty nutrition of the breeding females. The sires must also be fed and cared for properly or theri fertility will be low.
If the mother is fed inadequately, the offspring are apt to be weak or undersized at birth and also the supply of milk may be scanty or of low vitamin content. Occasionally, the ration is so deficient that the young are born dead. Fortunately the mother is able to protect the unborn offspring to a certain extent against temporary or small deficiencies in her food by drawing on stores in her own body. Thus she can draw on her skeleton for calcium and phosphorus and on her muscular tissues for protein. Such maternal protection is, however, at the expense of her own body.
Not only must the ration for pregnant animals supply a greater amount of protein than is needed for mere maintenance, but also the protein must be of proper quality. A deficiency may cause reproductive disaster.
Oren R. Reynolds, Judge, RR
3. Box 509. Decatur, 111. 62526, Ph: 317, 877-6518.
"Don” Reid, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, Rt 1. Box 159, Lockport. 111. 60441.
Ross Flower, Judge, 7043 9th Ave . Rio Linda, CaliL, Ph: 991-2006.
Walter L. Patton, Judge, 69 Godby St., Logan, W. Va.
L R. (Jake) Holmes, Judge, 440 Pulaski Rd., Calumet City, 111.
Vern N. Ashton, Judge, 1626 Oakland Parkway, Lima, Ohio 45805.
George Camp, Judge, 3853 Green Valley Rd., Huntington, W. Va.
Philip A. Macy, Judge, 210 N. Third St., Tipp City, Ohio. Robert Byrne, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 1110 W. Harrison Ave., Clarksville, Ind., Ph: 283-8657.
Kirk R. Moore, Judge, 1909 Buchanan St.. Wichita Falls, Texas, Ph: 322-5027 Marvin F. Carley, Judge, 216 Canal St., Brattleboro, Vt. 05301. Ph: 802, 254-4396 Claudius Poer. Judge, 1317 Q Ave., New Castle, Ind. 47362, Ph: 529-3729
A1 Roerdanz, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, Rt. 1, Box 51, Kingsville, Ohio 44048.
Harold Drudge, Registrar, RR 1, Roann, Ind , Ph: 219, 982-2021.
Marvin Kroening, Judge, RR 5, Marshfield, Wise. 54449.
Edward T. Toebbe, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 7400 Smyrna Road, Louisville, Ky. 40228, Ph: 502, 969-8362 Horace Curtis, Judge, 401 E. Jefferson St., Falls Church, Va., Ph: Jeff. 2-3674.
Dewey H. Mains, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, Box 101, Conklin, N. Y.
James Blyth, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 4323 Murray Ave , Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217.
Glen C. Carr, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 454 S. Terrace? Ave , Columbus, Ohio 43204, Ph: 279-8442.
Dr. Thomas Coatoam, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 213 South St., Wattsburg, Pa 16442. Ph: 814, 739-2773.
G. A. Bnrke, Judge. 6400 Scioto Darby Creek Rd., Hilliard, Ohio. Ph: 876-7605.
Stan Freed, Judge, 1607 E. Svcamore. Kokomo, Ind. 46901. Ph: 317 457-8084.
Duane Shrader, Judge, 625 S.
51 St., Lincoln. Nebraska 68510. Betty Beckendorf Registrar. Rt. 2, Box 28B, Crescent City, Calif. 95531.
E. L. Eary, Registrar, 5215 Alpine Drive. Charleston, W. Va. 25312.
William Dlngman, Registrar,
Rt. 3. Box 499, Traverse City, Mich.
Donglas Noble, Registrar, P.O Box 203, Brusly, Louisiana 70719.
Jack Messner, Registrar, Box 267A, Rothsville, Penn., Ph: 898-2197.
Lewis Bowers. Registrar, Route
I, Manteno, Illinois, Ph: 476-6277
J. Cyril Lowit, Judge, Rt. 2. Box 440, Troutdale, Ore. 97060. Leonard L. Blskle, Judge, 2080 Hendershot Rd , Parma. Michigan, Ph: 517, 531-4015.
H. J. Merrlhne, Registrar. P.O Box 23123, New Orleans, La. 70123, Ph: 504, 729-2114.
Marvin H. Langeland, Judge, 1985 N. 9th Street, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001, Ph: 616. 349-4424.
Don Smith, Registrar, P O. Box 15, Waterloo, N.Y. 13165.
Page Fifteen
President Wayne Willmann in his new approach to ARBA promotion, initiated the 9 geographic district type of representation and promotion. This was an entirely new concept and among the hoped for accomplishments, was the funneling of a greater amount of promotional publicity work and results to the Bulletin. Under the particular Director for the geographic district, there were appointed State Agents and also Local Agents.
The publicity committee was very impressed with the amount of material submitted. Also the quality was of exceptional value to the entire membership of ARBA.
ARBA Publicity Director, Bill Molen, wishes to acknowledge the top producers publicity wise in each of the 9 geographic districts. District 1, West Coast, Rebecca Stiff, Wilson Creek, Wash.; District 2, Rocky Mountain, Burley Rewey, Missoula, Montana; District 3, North Plain, Dorothy Newport, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; District 4, South Plain, David Hughes, Sikeston, Missouri; District 5, Great Lakes, Gregg Williams, Streator, Illinois; District 6, South Central, Lyman Franklin, Wake Forest, North Carolina; District 7, South Eastern, Jodie Croker, Alpharetta, Georgia; District 8, East Central, Betty Wingrove, Waverly, West Virginia; District 9, New England, Charles Henry, Saugus. Massachusetts.
The Gateway Rabbit Breeders Association of Missouri met at the home of William W. Moore, Arnold, Missouri, July 31. This was an organizational meeting for the purpose of forming a rabbit breeders club.
The intent of the organizing body is to promote show and commercial breeds, throughout the area, and to seek affiliation with the American Rabbit Breeders Association, and to seek Charter therefrom.
Fifteen person attended the meeting and were unanimous in finalizing proposals and aims of the new organization. Officers elected, Bluford W. Smith, president; William Moore, vice-president; Helen Moore, secretary; Raymond Mires, treasurer; and Harold Gunnels, publicity director.
The geographic area from which the Gateway RBA hopes to draw its membership and to serve the best interests of rabbits, includes all South of Farmington, Mo. west to Washington, Mo.; north to the Missouri River and bounded on the east by the Mississippi River.
This club will be 100% American Rabbit Breeders Association and will comply
with standards set forth by the ARBA. Plans are also being formulated to sponsor a rabbit show once a year displaying rabbits of assorted breeds.
With the rich heritage Abilene enjoys as a cow town, one of the bastions of the West, it would hardly seem possible that Abilene, Texas could be going to the rabbits.
However, a scrutiny of the September 17th and 18th editions of the ‘Abilene Reporter News’ proudly hails the rabbit division of the West Texas Fair, was a rip roaring success. A total of 45 column inches of rabbit publicity was included in the two editions of the Abilene Reporter News, including a 2 column 6 inch photo and a 2 column 5 inch photo.
Byron Wilson was superintendent. Buck Latham, Oklahoma City the ARBA Judge Tom Whiteaker won Best Display, followed by Circle K Rabbitry; Paul Groth-man.
Kenneth Froboese, one of our hard working Texas ARBA members, from Boerne, Texas to be exact, writes the following—quote “I have found that not enough of the newspapers give any writeups, coverage or pictures on their own However, if they are contacted, they usually are glad to get the news.”
It was Kenneth that forwarded these Abilene clippings. Kenneth further informed us that two of Texas’s finest rabbit shows, the Lubbock Fair and the Waco Heart O’ Texas Fair are just around the comer. These two events annually attract thousands of viewers thru the rabbit aisles, each day of the fair.
Some people, upon taking up an interest in rabbits, think that the next necessary step is to become a judge immediately. This ambition I resolutely thrust aside for thirty long years. It was only after learning how reluctant many of our old-time judges are to study and use a new standard, such as the Uniform Standard for Rex rabbits, that I decided the rabbit fancy needs more specialty judges. In England it is customary to have a number of judges at a show, each one handling only one or a few breeds. In this country, because of the great distances to be traveled, one judge is usually expected to handle a whole show. While many are able to do this satisfactorily, it is reasonable to suppose that a man who is interested in only one breed, and has had years of experience with it, might be even more capable in his own restricted field.
Page Sixteen
Having at last gone through the formalities necessary to become a licensed Rex judge, I was very pleased at receiving an invitation from Don Densel to practice my new vocation by judging the Rex at the Inter-Club Show at Hemet, California, on the 14th of April.
The first thing I learned is that things look different from the other side of the table. From the spectators’ side, the game is to guess how the judge will pick them, and wonder what mistakes he will make. From the judge’s side, the object is to place them in the proper order without making mistakes, and this is no game. Quite the contrary, it is serious work. The first class of White Rex to be brought on the table look all alike, and a distressing fear arises that it may be necessary to use the old system of eeny-meeny-miny-mo. This doesn’t last long, however, because a little careful observation shows plenty of differences, and comparison soon sorts them into proper order.
Not having taken notes, and not being blessed with a rentive memory, I can give only the most general of comments. While I found it necessary to disqualify a number of animals, the majority were of good quality, and were better in comparison than those I have seen at our Convention shows. Two things that impressed me in particular were the large number with well padded feet, and the excellent type so many showed. The day has gone by when a Rex can win on fur alone, without good solid type and balance.
To conform with the Rex fur standard, it is necessary that the fur contain plenty of guardhairs, and I was glad to see that quite a number possessed this characteristic, especially among the Whites and Californians. One White Sr. Doe, (Hall’s Rabbitry) which was unfortunately not up to standard in type had a gorgeous coat of fur—one of the best I have ever seen. Two White jr. does were outstanding in type, and had excellent fur, although not as good as the sr. doe, and exceptionally well padded feet. (Enid Densel) Two other animals deserving of special mention were a Havana jr. buck (Ed Schoeberl) and a Blue sr. doe (Helen & Wes Rabke). Both of these animals were lacking in guardhairs, but had excellent fur otherwise, and had excellent type, perfect color, and absolutely wonderful condition.
The show was a most pleasant experience for me, and I wish to express my appreciation to the few Rex breeders who were able to stick it to the bitter end. Getting off to a good start soon after nine in the morning, and with only occasional recess periods to mop the fevered brow or rest the weary feet, the whole job was completed. 42 Rex placed by six
o’clock in the evening. I shall never cease to treasure the sincere compliment someone expressed, “You may not be the BEST judge we have seen, but you certainly are the SLOWEST.”
The September ARBA Bulletin extended the invitation to all specialty clubs First: By vice-president Oren Reynolds, page 17, “Last year at Pomona we had a very good meeting with Specialty Club representatives. It is hoped that we can again have a profitable meeting and that a schedule is worked out whereby we will be allotted more time for this meeting. I know from the letters that I have received during the year since Pomona that many have taken an active interest in wanting to see the Specialty Clubs and the ARBA work in closer harmony.” Second: By editor Bill Molen, page 12, “The National Specialty Club secretaries in many instances change with their club elections. Also in many instances the sanction fee changes." The notice and offer was made that all secretary addresses and fees would be printed in the November ARBA Bulletin. This as a service to local and state clubs; likewise, the National Specialty Clubs. “We will print this information for all Specialty Clubs in the November ARBA Bulletin. Secretaries mail this information to Editor, Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
There are 26 Chartered National Specialty Clubs within the framework of the American Rabbit Breeders Association. Only 7 National Specialty Clubs availed themselves of this offer. Valuable publicity for their breed was lost for the want of a 5 cent stamp. Roger Fitchom and Wilbur Wesche, secretaries of the Satin and Havana specialty clubs, respectfully, were the first two to report. The Checkered Giant Club, Angora Rabbit Club, Federation of Flemish Giant Breeders, Silver Fox Rabbit Club and American Cavy Breeders were the others, in order
Roger Fitchom, Secretary Satin RBA, 1302 S. Bunn St., Blooming, Illinois. Fee for Satin sanction, $3.00.
Wilbur W. Wesche, Secretary Federation Havana R.B., Ridgeville Corners. Ohio 43555. Fee for Blue sanction $2.00: Fee for Standard sanction $2.00. Either or both allowable.
Eugene B. Shultz, Secretary Checkered Giant R.C., 502 1st Nat’l Bank Bldg., Alton, Illinois. Fee for Checkered Giant sanction $5.00.
Mrs. Kay Martin, Secretary National Angora RBC, RR 1, Monroe, Indiana 46772. Fee for both breeds, English & French, is $3.00; or $2.00 for either stated breed.
Herb Anthony, Secretary Federation
Page Seventeen
Flemish RB, 746 Garfield, Newark, Ohio 43055. Fee for Flemish Giant sanction
Beverly J. Molen, Secretary Silver Fox RB, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716. Fee for Silver Fox sanction $2.00.
Mrs. Pat Krider, Secretary Cavy Breeders Assoc., 56 Riverside St., Portsmouth, Rhode Island. The amount of sanction fee was unreadable, smeared on copy. However, Secretary is prompt.
Recently there has been quite a lot of agitation to change the ARBA Show Rules to allow the selection of Best in Show at sanctioned shows. This is not an easy decision to make, as it involves changes in our judging techniques, and imposes a difficult job on the judge or judges involved. Let us outline the reasons for and against:
FOR: Best in Show is a regular award in Shows of Dogs, Cattle, Cats, Swine, Sheep, Goats, and most other livestock. This award is usually made in the rabbit shows in England, and most of the European countries.
AGAINST: It is very difficult, under our present judging system, to compare a Polish rabbit, an Angora Best of Breed, and a Flemish Giant — to determine which is the BEST rabbit shown.
WHY? Well, our judging system, which we believe is the best ever evolved for livestock, is based upon comparison of the specimens in their classes. We choose the Best by eliminating specimens having faults detracting from the score of perfection, leaving Best of Breed or Variety shown at the specific show. In Europe, most all shows are judged upon the point system, whereby each animal is given credit for quality in all of the sections covered by the Standards, each section being given points in relation of their importance for the Breed or Variety. The judges wind up with a percentage or point value of the animal being judged. Then at the end of the show, it is easy to say that the New Zealand scoring 89 points wins over the English Spot, having a point score of only 87 points.
Our Standards allot a specific number of point value to each section, size, color, head, ears, feet, markings, type, etc. — so could be judged by the point system, but it would take our judges a lot of extra time, and would certainly involve a lot of added bookkeeping by the Show Secretary.
One way might be, to judge as we now do, by comparison, and then to judge the Best of Breed winners by the point system. This would impose quite a burden on our judges, and might wind up in disputes.
This would be a good topic for discussion at one of our future meetings, let’s think of it as a topic. There are arguments for and against, and we feel sure that we’ll hear more about this subject.
Pat Krider, secretary Cavy Breeders Association is interested in her job, the interests of her club and the success of any local or state associations that apply for a cavy sanction. Pat says, “Boosting cavies, their exhibition and winnings is one of my aims, each show, throughout the year.”
She takes the time and trouble, to her it’s a pleasure, to supply a list of names and addresses of all Cavy Association members, to the attention of the show secretary. This list she mails back to secretary, when the sanction papers are mailed. Another innovation of Pat’s, she sends along a little note that informs the local secretary, that if planning a cavy sanction, send for sanction early. The American Cavy Association will then help boost the cavy entry by listing all pertinent show information.
The year 1966 has been a very productive year for the A.C.B.A. The membership furnished solid support in the efforts to publish a new brochure. This brochure to serve the purpose to send to beginners and potentially interested cavy breeders. The brochure supplies the answers to many questions puzzling beginners.
The A.C.B.A. are proud of the fact 11 trophies and $18 in cash were up on Americans at Louisville Convention; 5 trophies on Abyssinians; 6 trophies on Peruvians, plus trophies for Best Display and Largest Entry.
A full report of placements by Judge Llake Smith, has been promised by secretary Pat Krider, for next issue of ARBA Bulletin.
DOWN TO BRASS TACKS Helping ARBA Helps Yourself
An article on page 10, July issue of ARBA Bulletin, Standard of Perfection For Exhibitors, intrigued me, no end. It struck home at once, and now 4 months later, it still affords a challenge. So pens Charles Haaf, of Ohio.
I sat right down and looked it over sort of quick. There was one short article that I took time to read, “Exhibitors Standard of Perfection.” And my first thought was “boy, what sort of nut would write a thing like that.” Then it was time to feed and water for the day and I lay the Bulletin aside for a while. As I entered the back yard I tripped over that old tube of manure left over from cleaning coops last week, opened the door to the rabbitry (with some effort, I must
Page Eighteei
jay. due to that broken hinge). Anyway I got in and looked around for a minute at the mess that things were in. Then as I went about my feeding I got to thinking maybe that article isn't too far off at that.
I've got rabbits. I've had rabbits a long time. I’m in a club and I show some, but do I still qualify as a Rabbit Raiser? When it comes right down to brass tacks. I'm not even living up to my own standards. Say! Maybe that’s what they were writing about. I don’t think I'd want anyone to come in here and see how run down this rabbitry is. By the way, it’s been a long time since I've been to a club meeting too.
Yes, each and every one of us needs to set some sort of standard for ourself. Not too high, but high enough that it takes a little more effort to reach it than what we have done in the past. There are a few that will always put out that little extra effort, anyway, but there are a lot more of us that are willing to sit back and take it easy because we know the others will carry the load. But, look at it this way—if we all were in there with that little extra effort, think how much nicer things would be for all of us.
When it comes show time, let’s get out and help get coops ready for the show. If we are able to carry, let’s do it rather than stand in the way of the table and argue with the judge. Let’s not depend on the same one to handle all the work time after time. So you don’t know how it’s done! I’m sure there is someone around that would be willing to show you.
Let’s all pull together for the betterment of our rabbit industry. You, the Rabbit Breeder, will be the one to share in the profits, so why not share in some of the work. Let’s make our rabbitry a show place, encourage the new breeder or potential breeder. Keep some literature on hand for the potential breeder. There is a lot available just for the asking. Help the local 4-H’s—they are one of our biggest potentials. But, most of all, let’s get things started on the right track. Most newcomers need help and it’s up to us the older breeders to get in there and
help. Make the ARBA known and show the new breeder how these show rules will work for better rabbit breeding and better showmanship.
ARBA judge Richard Griggs puts his 6 foot frame and 200 pounds of heft to the plumbing trade when not behind the rabbit judging table.
Little did he know when answering the phone in his Austin Shop the other morning of the events to transpire before the day was over. Upon knocking at the door of the requested service call, Griggs was greeted by the lady of the house. The surprise wasn’t the fact she was a very comely lady, but rather she was only 48 inches in height. The lady with the plumbing problem was in a specially fitted house, for little people, and the kitchen sink was waist high to her 48 inches.
This did create quite a problem for the 6 foot, 200 pound Griggs. However, this was a production set for Hunteree Productions. A camera crew was standing by to record this event on film and the hour long special will be viewed on ABC television late fall or early winter. Titled, The Little People of America Convention, all Judge Griggs counterparts, whether judges or rabbit breeders will await this TV showing.
New State Officers
The new Texas RBA officers: Red Spence, Waco, president; Jerry Swinford, Hurlwood, vice pres.; Preston Giles, Wichita Falls, treasurer; Myrtle Geddes, Arcadia, secretary; Mrs. Pat Giles, News Editor.
Rabbit Rustling
Thirty-six head of prime Californian rabbit breeding stock were recently stolen by persons unknown and certainly unwanted. Sharp lookout has been maintained at show rooms and none of the stock has shown up. However, it is not thought that a rabbit raiser was involved in such a theft, because, he would be well aware of the work and heartache involved in establishing such an outstanding herd of fine production rabbits.
ARBA Membership Climbing Daily ARE YOU HELPING?
Use Application Blank on Back Cover
Page Nineteen
ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 6 – Nov/Dec
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 6 – Nov/Dec,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 13, 2025,
Vo!. 1 November-December, 1966 No. 6
Champion Promoters
Local participating clubs winning the coveted ‘Champion Promoter Awards’ were located in Ohio, Missouri and Washington.
A total of 39 ARBA affiliated rabbit clubs participated and submitted material to be judged in the contest to select the Champion Promoters for 1966 National Rabbit Week. From the total of 39 clubs, preliminary judging reduced the number to the 10 finalists, and it was from the following 10 finalists that the top 3 winners were selected. The 10 finalists: Columbus RBA (Ohio), SEMO Rabbit Club (Missouri), Tri State Rabbit Club (Ohio), Inland Empire RBA (Washington), Mar-maton River Rabbit Club (Kansas), Central East Missouri RBA, Decatur RBA (Georgia), Delphos Rabbit & Fancier Association (Ohio), Southern Rabbit Association, Golden West RB (California).
The top 3 clubs and winners of the ARBA “Champion Promoter Awards” were the Tri State Rabbit Club, East Liverpool, Ohio; the SEMO Rabbit Club of Sikeston, Missouri, and the Inland Empire Rabbit Breeders Association, Spokane, Washington. Mr. Ray Vaughn of the Tri State Club attended the Louisville Convention to receive the ARBA award and Jim Blyth also participated in this clubs’ work during the promotion. Derris and Ruby Gray were in attendance at Convention and received the award for the SEMO Rabbit Club. From Washington state Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stingley and Lawrence Farley, all of Spokane, made the trek to Convention to accept the award for the Inland Empire RBA.
(Continued on Page 3)
Shelly Gray and her Dutch rabbit, ’Babe Ruth.’ Shelly and her rabbit rated feature placement of 3 column 8 inch photo on front page of Sikeston Missouri Daily Standard. Shelly and ‘Babe Ruth’ were featured attractions at the big Charleston, Missouri Fair. Shelly is the 12 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Derris Gray, who were present at Louisville Convention to accept an ARBA Champion Promoter Award for the SEMO Rabbit Clubs promotion of National Rabbit Week. The unusual feature of ‘Babe Ruth’ is the fact that both eyes were crossed since birth.
4323 Murray Avenue — James Blyth, Secy. — Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Page One
W E (Bill) Molen. Editor P.O Box 8. Bronson, Kansas 66716 Edward T Toebbe. Managing Editor 7400 Smyrna Road. Louisville. Ky 40228
Wavne Willmann. Pres James Blyth. Secy Oren Reynolds. V-Pres. Ellis Murray. Treas
Tommv Andrews W H Kennedy
Fred ApDlegate J Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton E P Shilliday
Claude Bennett Edward Stahl
Edward Toebbe
Another ARBA Convention and Show is a part of history. From my observation I would say it was very successful. Those attending seemed to be happy. The Louisville Club did all that was expected of it. Everyone seemed to enjoy the various programs. The entry of rabbits and cavies was less than expected but the quality was excellent.
I feel that we accomplished much at our Board Meetings. We reviewed every show rule—made some alterations and authorized the publication of them. Shortly after January 1 you should be able to get your copy. May I suggest that you spend some time at several Club meetings during 1967 discussing the Show Rules. This will be the first printing since 1961.
The Club President’s meeting and the meeting of State and Local Agents were very well attended. Some very good suggestions were discussed. Several folks mentioned that they had received valuable help from these meetings.
The changes that were voted to our By-Laws will appear in the revised copy as it appears with the Yearbook for 1967.
As no bid was received for the 1967 Convention, I would urge any Club that is interested to get in touch with me soon.
Beginning in January, Director Edward Toebbe will supervise the work in Mississippi - Alabama - Georgia and Florida, as well as Kentucky, Tennessee, North and South Carolina. Director Vern Ashton will work with the State Agents in New York and the New England States.
I believe that Mr. and Mrs. Dan Law,
9540 N.E. Skidmore, Portland, Oregon 97220. would appreciate hearing from their friends at the time of their 50th wedding anniversary, Dec. 20. Dan has been an ARBA Judge for many years—processed rabbits for a long time, and Mrs. Law has always supported the work of the ARBA. Congratulations to these faithful members.
The meeting I had with several breeders from Canada was encouraging to me and I hope it was for them. I believe we shall see more activity and a closer relationship with the folks north of the border.
So much for now. I wish all of you a Blessed Holiday Season.
Wayne Willmann
Jessie Weinhardt. ARBA and Dutch stalwart and promoter was duly honored for her outstanding achievements and accomplishments over the years. The Michigan State 4-H Youth Programs and Annual State Show and conclave, held in the auditorium of Michigan State University, had as its theme. ‘Wider Horizons’.
The highlight of the program was the honoring of—OUR CITIZENS OF NOTE —1966. Citations for Outstanding Contributions to the Michigan 4-H Club Program— Presented by 1967 National 4-H Conference Delegates-elect to: Mrs. Jessie Weinhardt. Active Member of the Michigan Rabbit Breeders Association.
Mr. Ray Bloomer, Hillsdale County, Master of Ceremonies presented Mrs. Weinhardt with a beautiful big citation plaque. Verbal presentation and printed program carried the attesting legend that Jessie is a working and dedicated person. Mrs. Jessie Weinhardt
Mrs. Jessie Weinhardt is an active member of the Michigan Rabbit Breeders Association. She has been instrumental in developing an outstanding rabbit program at the State 4-H Show. Seemingly against great odds, this program now boasts a 99 percent purebred exhibit. Mrs. Weinhardt has served as State 4-H Show rabbit exhibit judge for the last five years. Her patience is describing and demonstrating what the characteristics of a quality rabbit exhibit is, has been the primary factor for the improvement of our 4-H rabbit program. Mrs. Weinhardt has stressed the necessity to follow proper nutrition, management and breeding principles to insure the development of strong specimens. Jessie, said, “This was my greatest thrill and happiest moment. Knowing, that I had been of service to the Youth, my state of Michigan and in some small part to the ARBA.”
Page Two
(Continued from Page 1)
The coverage of National Rabbit Week was absolutely fabulous. Newspaper, magazine, radio, T-V, theater, company house organs and trade journals, tie-ins with feed mills, gracery super market chains as well as our own rabbit trade journals— American Small Stock Farmer, American Rabbit Journal, Small Stock and National Rabbit Raiser were some of the ways our hard working clubs and members were able to publicize National Week 1966.
Mayor Kendall Sikes, Sikeston, Missouri proclaimed July 17-23, 1966 as National Rabbit Week. The Ann Colone Show on WANE-TV, Fort Wayne, Indiana was a real big shot in the arm for our publicity effort. Grace Hartley, food editor, Atlanta Journal, Dorothy Dean, food editor Spokesman Review and Jerry Wigen, staff writer for same Washington newspaper helped tremendously. Sunny Harper, spearheaded the efforts of the Golden West Club in preparing car antennae banners and lucky rabbit feet, plus car window signs to announce National Rabbit Week throughout California and as far away as TiaJuana, Mexico. The Los Angeles Times featured recipes in page offering of 11 major food chains on the coast—they all featured and offered rabbits to eat.
A total of over 1,760 column inches of rabbit news publicity was forwarded for consideration and judging. Television stations to the tune of 17 featured National Rabbit Week in the states of Georgia, Ohio, Missouri, Indiana, Washington. Photographic coverage in newspapers and house trade journals and magazines totaled a whopping 45 in number, all of the large 2 column or larger variety and most strategically place on front or lead pages of sections. Bill Ziff, in his column Rural Report, Columbus Dispatch placed rabbits in the lead position and very timely photos of the Bill Breckenridge family.
Mrs. Rebecca Stiff, Wilson Creek, Washington started the ball rolling long before the dates of the official contest, in her efforts to make the Inland Empire RBA a winner. In conjunction with the U.S. Department of Agriculture the Stiff’s Hillside Rabbitry was the focal point of an escorted and educational tour for the foreign exchange students from Cyprus, Jordan, Tunisia, Congo, Uruguay, India and Turkey.
The ARBA Publicity Committee wish to commend the following ARBA members that contributed so much, to the success of our 1966 National Rabbit Week. Myron Stinehelfer, Sally Fair, Sunny Harper, Sally Stick, Jeannette Nelson, Jodie Cro-ker, Bill & Delores Breckenridge and fam-
ily, Gregg Williams, Mr. and Mrs. George Williams, David Hughes, Sherril Kenser, Derris Gray, Vivian Jones, Walter Clap-saddle, Linda Starr, Ray Vaughn, Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Beatty, Avery Keck, Rebecca Stiff, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Youngs, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Adcock, Jim Blyth, Virginia Falloon, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lawson, Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Davies, Don Long, Marilyn Armstrong.
There was a negative side to the report on efforts and results of National Rabbit Week - 1966. Not one State Association entered material. Not one National Specialty Club submitted material. The ARBA Commercial Department and the ARBA Youth Department did not participate in National Rabbit Week. There were only 2 ARBA State Agents that participated, they were, Jodie Croker, Georgia and Mark Youngs, Washington.
National Rabbit Week - 1966 was a great success, a true team effort. The Champion Promotors have been named and honored at the ARBA Convention, Louisville, Kentucky. Let us begin immediately to prepare for an even bigger and better National Rabbit Week - 1967. The dates are July 16-22, 1967.
Jodie Croker, ARBA State Agent for Georgia appeared on the “Today in Georgia” program on WSB-TV, Atlanta. This, a color program, featured New Zealand, Polish, 2 varieties of Dutch and English Spot rabbits. Ruth Kent, hostess for the “Today In Georgia” program is shown holding a baby Dutch and Jodie is posing her Grand Champion—‘Tuxedo Lad.’ This was a part of the National Rabbit Week promotion. Another fine result of National Rabbit Week includes the interest for a new chartered club in the Augusta, Georgia area.
Page Three
GRAND CHAMPIONS VALUE Improve Quality; Advance Fancy
Wendell Vaile and Harold Nickerson, of the Bardall Rabbitry, Chester, Vermont are avid boosters of the ARBA Grand Champion procedures. They have seen the results of improvement of quality and dependability of breeding in their Dutch rabbit stud.
In the mind of every conscientious rabbit breeder there is a vision of the ideal rabbit of his particular breed. Here at Bardall Rabbitry, we raise Dutch as an avocation, not as a commercial enterprise. We have a relatively small herd, comprised of 40 hutches. The challenge and pride in producing Grand Champions, is well worth the toil, trials and tribulations. The reward is great.
It is important for the serious breeder to participate in the regular show circuits, since it is not easy for him to view his animals, objectively, strictly, within the confines of his own rabbltry. Faults are more obvious to another breeder, to a ARBA registrar, or ARBA judge. Furthermore, study of show records reveals the weakness of the entries. The particular area or section of the Standard of Perfection in which the particular animal fails. The breeder can balance these revealed weaknesses or faults in each mating. Eventually, eliminating these weaknesses or faults by the selective breeding practices. The improved offspring is shown, and its value increases proportionately with its record of special awards. These Dutch which have completed their requirements for Grand Champion Certificates are registered. We retire these Grand Champion Dutch from the show circuit. Proven winners become our breeding stock.
When a breeder, experienced or novice, purchases stock from a registered, Grand Champion herd, he must expect to pay more per each animal. Quality stock may be considered as expensive to some, but mediocre or grade stock will cost much more to manage over the 12 month period.
Due to excessive Medical and Hospital expenses, a large percent of the outstanding NZ White herd developed and owned by Judge W. II. Smith must be sold. All young stock Is priced at $2.00 per month in age. Seniors at $20.00 each Write him at Rt. 2, Box 271, Strawberry Plains, Tenn.
Signed: IUJQH J. BETTS, his partner.
And incidently the breeding results are almost always disastrous.
Consistent winners pay their way through additional sales, as well as earning more honors on the show table. The novice breeder avoids many pitfalls if his foundation stock comes from a rabbitry which has maintained a high record of wins. At the show table a breeder realizes the actual value of his stock.
A Grand Champion means a long process; balancing faults of sire and dam: culling litters; culling juniors at four months; trips to shows; “Near Misses”; winnings; special; registry and Grand Champion Certificates. Finally, a great deal of satisfaction to the owners. They know their efforts have contributed to the advancement of the breed and progress of the great rabbit fancy.
The budding rabbit meat industry in the state of West Virginia has been challenged very seriously by proposed and enacted legislation of the state legislature.
The public law in itself is a voluminous piece of legislation and we will publish the highlights of it, only as it pertains to the rabbit industry, which is our concern. One of the provisions of the bill calls for inspection of the live rabbits, that is prior to butchering. Inspection is again called for after butchering and during the processing. Fees for the state approved rabbit meat inspector would be prohibitive and be a death blow to the budding rabbit meat industry.
Mrs. Betty Wingrove, secretary Little Kanawaha Rabbit Club, Waverly, West Virginia first called this pending disaster to the attention of the publicity committee during plans for National Rabbit Week, back in May, 1966.
We immediately alerted president Will-mann and secretary Blyth of the impending legislation. We also wrote to Mr. Gus R. Douglas, Commissioner of Agriculture, Charleston, West Virginia. In our letter we pointed up the value of rabbits to the economy of West Virginia as well as their value both as meat and humanitarian aids.
A meeting was called by the Commissioner of Agriculture June 16th in his offices. Present at the hearing: Mrs. Win-grove representing ARBA; Leroy Buffington, M. G. Fisher, Harry McKibbin, Kenneth Bragg and Mrs. Harry McKibbin. Messrs. George Camp and M. M. Camp were not present at the meeting but published as interested parties to the pending legislation.
Mr. Kenneth Bragg, president of West Virginia Feed Dealers Association acted
as spokesman for the assembled group of interested rabbit industry persons.
The substance of the change requested in the Regulations-Meat Inspection Law, concerned the wording of b. 2. under 4.03 Exemptions to read as follows: “The provisions of these Regulations shall not apply to rabbit slaughter and processors at this time.”
Mr. Bragg, called to attention of the Commissioner—“This change would permit the undisturbed growth of commercial rabbit production in West Virginia until the industry is of sufficient size to justify some central slaughtering.
It was the general feeling of the group present at the hearing and the groups represented, if a date is placed on mandatory compliance with these regulations, this fear of regulations which are new and untried, many people would lose interest and the further development of this industry would be impeded.”
On September 15, 1966, Mrs. Wingrove writes that the results of the June 16 meeting with the commissioner have been published. The budding rabbit meat industry, producers and processors alike have been given an extension of time only until July 1, 1968 till compliance with the inspection procedures, necessary in live state of rabbits and in butchered and processed state must take place.
This in its most optimistic light is only a stop-gap or temporary relief. It is the wishes and hopes of all, for the good of the economy of the state of West Virginia, and for the relief of budding rabbit meat industry—That rabbits can be eliminated from the law altogether, till the further development of the rabbit meat industry demands inclusion.
Betty Wingrove, Box 62, Waverly, West Virginia 26184. Kenneth Bragg, 92 W. Lincoln, Buckhannon, West Virginia. Both of these parties need the support of all rabbit breeders in the State of West Virginia and all the impact possible from the ARBA Executive Board to pursue this aim and object to a successful conclusion. Mrs. Wingrove, writes, “We want to thank you Mr. Molen for all your help in our campaign so far. We are counting on the ARBA to stand behind us in our fight.”
The ARBA Publicity committee in the interests of the many individuals and clubs that have written in for information pertinent to the sponsoring of a National ARBA Convention & Show — are hereby including the complete rules, herewith, in November Bulletin.
Interest is running high and in a number of our geographic areas. This is a good sign and we hope to encourage this spirit and at the same time inform all
concerned-True, there is work and Planning involved with such an under-Shkowe tlani,ARBA National Convention-tcamwo" ^ ‘° such W°i«* *
The 1954 ARBA Convention at York. Pennsylvania is well remembered as one of our well planned conventions. Yet, it was headed up by a gentleman, Mr Alien F Bahn, serving as general chairman — and Mr. Bahn had never attended an ARBA Convention & Show previous to the York Convention.
The 1963 ARBA Convention at Sedalia. Missouri, likewise is remembered as well planned; largest registered attendance of any convention and very large attendance at official business meetings. Banquets were very well planned and all segments of the entire convention were carried out. on time, as scheduled. All of this was accomplished with possibly one of the smallest group of workers in convention annuals—Ten workers, tried and true staged the 1963 Sedalia ARBA Convention in 1963.
National ARBA Convention & Show Rules
We realize that many rabbit breeders and local associations are not familiar with all the ramifications that are involved in putting on a National ARBA Convention & Show. The Board of Directors have therefore compiled the following set of Rules & Regulations, that must be observed, and some optional suggestions, to assist those organizations planning to sponsor a National Convention & Show.
It must be pointed out, at the beginning, that the ARBA Inc. is in no way responsible, legally or financially, for the staging of the National Convention & Show. However, every assistance possible is rendered to the sponsoring body, by the ARBA, for the privilege of holding a National Convention, in conjunction with a National Show.
1. All sponsoring associations or clubs putting on a National ARBA Convention & Show, must be incorporated, so as to relieve any individuals or clubs from losses due to accidents or negligence. Certified copy of the incorporation papers must be furnished to the Secretary or President of the ARBA at least 180 days before the beginning of the Show. Names of key personnel must be listed at time of incorporation.
2. ARBA accepts no liability or responsibility for debts, losses or any law suits, nor for awards offered or for reports on the Show.
3. All ARBA Convention Shows must be conducted strictly under the latest ARBA Show Rules & Regulations.
3A. Show Judges. Only qualified ARBA judges should be used at a National Convention. They should be thoroughly famil-
Page Fit e
iar with the breed to which they are assigned. The Convention Show committee has the right to select the judges. Specialty Club recommendations are NOT binding on the Convention Show Committee. Convention Show Judges will be expected to talk at the judges’ conference on all breeds at the Convention.
3B. The Convention Show Committee has the right to select the Breed Chairman.
4. Convention Committee must submit the Plans and Schedule of Meetings to the ARBA President & Secretary before they are printed in catalog.
4A. All National Conventions & Shows must be known as “American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. (show number —such as 40th, etc. Annual Convention & Show.” and all advertising, entry blanks, catalogs, letterheads and envelopes, etc., shall be printed in this manner. Sponsoring organizations’ name or names to follow in much smaller type. Copies of such printed material, must be furnished to the Office of the Secretary or the ARBA for approval, before final printing.
5. All ARBA Business Meetings will be set by the President or Secretary of ARBA. No changes can be made by the Convention Committee without the approval of the ARBA President or Secretary.
5A. The official duration of the National ARBA Convention & Show, shall be four days. All stock shall be released after the official closing of the Convention. However. the ARBA has no objection to the Sponsoring organization planning additional activities AFTER the completion of the official Convention & Show.
6. No other Meeting, regardless of what it is for, can be set at the same time of a scheduled ARBA Business Meeting, unless permission is given by the President or Secretary of ARBA.
7. The National Convention is an ARBA Convention and not a Local Club Convention.
8. ARBA does not receive any of the money made out of the Convention; all profits go to the Local Club or Clubs that are sponsoring the Convention.
8A. A complete financial report must be submitted to the Secretary of the ARBA not later than sixty days, following the official closing of the Convention.
9. All hotel reservations must be offered the Headquarters Hotel, unless otherwise specified.
10 Trophies awarded by ARBA will be listed and distributed by the direction of ARBA officials.
10A. The Secretary of the ARBA shall purchase all Convention Show Ribbons and Convention Show Badges.
11. The Convention Committee must arrange to have a licensed ARBA Registrar on duty at all times during the Conven-
tion. Registrar must have sufficient blanks on hand.
12. FINANCES: A large amount of money is not necessary to stage a successful Convention and Show. However, a minimum should be approximately $1,-
000.00 or more, depending upon the initial outlay for various facilities required.
13. PERSONNEL: Dependable key people who can work in harmony is an absolute necessity. Key people should include a General Chairman, Show Superintendent, General Show Secretary, Advertising Chairman, Treasurer, etc., and sufficient manpower to put on the Show.
14. General Chairman, Show Superintendent and General Show Secretary must live in Convention City, or close to the location of the Show.
15. SHOW ROOM FACILITIES: This must be sufficient size to house the entire Show and exhibition booths. The buildings must be well ventilated, and heated, if necessary, well lighted, adequate rest rooms, and of sufficient size to handle anticipated number of rabbits, exhibitors and visitors.
15A. Arrangements shall be made that the entire show room is completely set up ready to receive rabbits at least one complete day before rabbits are due to arrive. All coop cards must be in place before rabbits arrive.
15B. The Show Superintendent shall be responsible for the feeding and watering, and general care of all rabbit entries. This is NOT the responsibility of the Breed Chairman.
16. MEETING ROOMS: There must be at least six separate rooms available for scheduled Specialty Club meetings. Additional rooms must be available for Judges Conference, open Forums, etc. These meeting rooms should be adjacent to the Show Room, or in adjoining buildings. They should be quiet, contain enough chairs for average size groups, and table for Chairman and Secretary. If size of room and attendance indicates, loud speaker eouinment must be supplied.
17. EXHIBITION BOOTHS: Sufficient booths must be available, fully equipped and at moderate prices, for all Specialty Clubs, Magazines and Commercial exhibitors.
18. One large, or double booth, at least 10'X20', to be furnished free of charge to the ARBA. This booth must be in a prominent position and equipped with two long tables and approximately eight chairs. At least two typewriters to be used for registration purposes, for the first two days of Convention (these are often obtained, together with typists, without charge, through the local Chamber of Commerce).
19. The ARBA Commercial Department will also require one booth, approximately the same size as above.
The ARBA Youth Committee will also require one booth, approximately 10'XIO'.
These three booths are to be furnished without charge to the ARBA.
It is suggested that a lunch counter should be provided in the Show room, to operate during Show hours, unless eating facilities are close by. Coffee and soft drinks should be available in the Show room, at all times.
Rest areas should be provided at several locations in the Show room. We now have many older people raising rabbits and exhibiting, who cannot stay on their feet all day. Rest rooms should be clean and kept clean, and adequately supplied at all times.
21. LOCATION OF SHOW ROOM: This should be as close to the Headquarters Hotel as possible, with convenient public transportation facilities.
A. This should be of sufficient size to accommodate a large portion of those breeders who will attend the Convention.
B. The hotel must furnish the ARBA board, a meeting room, to be available two days prior to Convention proper. This room must be furnished without charge to ARBA.
C. A Banquet room of sufficient size to seat a minimum of approximately 500 must be available.
D. An Assembly Room of sufficient size must be available for the general ARBA meetings, and must be available for two or three sessions. This room must be furnished without charge to the ARBA.
E. Space for ARBA Registration Booth, in hotel lobby, or balcony, completely equipped with two typewriters and typists, on day prior to Conventions opening, is necessary.
A. Hotel rates and number of rooms available must be submitted by each hotel suggested. If possible, several hotels should be recommended to the ARBA Board. Suites of rooms must be furnished to the President and the Secretary of the ARBA at no charge to them, or to the ARBA.
B. The Headquarters Hotel will be selected by the Show Sponsors, but must be approved by the ARBA Board.
C. All hotel reservations must be given to the Headquarters Hotel, until their supply of rooms is exhausted, unless otherwise specified by the one making the reservations.
A. Arrangements must be made ahead of Convention, for rooms and banquet facilities for the Farewell Party; the
D.F. & F.D. parties, and any other planned group events.
B. Arrangements should be made for tours to interesting places, in vicinity of the Convention city.
C. Depending upon size of the city, interesting activities may be planned for women, such as a luncheon, card party, style show, etc.
A. Members of the Board of Directors of the ARBA or its National Officers must not be asked to serve as judges. They should be available at all times, to attend Specialty Club Meetings, and to hove time to talk to members and exhibitors, many of whom they only see once a year.
B. Directional posters, to and from the show rooms are always advisable.
C. We urge the Convention committee to make every effort to start the Convention on a Monday. This enables breeders and exhibitors to travel on Saturday and Sunday, eliminating the necessity of breaking up two different weeks.
D. Have all details worked out, before presenting your bid for the Convention. Have the key officials appointed, and have these appointments accepted, before presenting bid to the Board.
A. Details on all of the above material and arrangements, facilities, etc., must be confirmed, and presented in writing, by a Committee of three or more, representing the sponsors.
1. Letter outlining in detail, price of show room, details of all facilities, dates of availability confirmed, and details of extra charges where applicable.
2. Letters from suggested hotels, confirming rates, and outlining available facilities, and definite confirmation on dates.
3. Letters from motels, confirming rates, facilities, dates, etc.
4. It is suggested that cooperation be solicited from Chamber of Commerce, Mayor, City Commissioners, and other organizations interested in making the Convention in their city a success. These should be presented with your bid. Pictures and descriptions of Show building, hotels and other facilities should accompany the bid.
Page Seven
Owner Breed Ear No. Reg. No.
J, Eve English E-6 6641-X
Jodie’s Bunnyland Black Dutch XJJ 239-X
Jodie’s Bunnyland Dutch JC37 4476-X
Jodie’s Bunnyland Dutch J045 4475-X
J. Holmes Checkered Giant P4934 1412-T
J. Holmes Checkered Giant PU056 2117-X
J. Holmes Checkered Giant PU887 1411-X
R. Wallace Checkered Giant ESI 700 5917-X
L. Bowers Standard Chin W02 5377-X
G. Olsen Ruby Eyed Polish Cl 8987-V
E. Nase New Zealand Red BA-6 9965-V
Twin Valley Rabbitry Dutch 584 5991-X
S. Kolander New Zealand S10 3689-X
R. R. Sheirl New Zealand White S165 5614-X
G. Kendall Am. Chin. SK2 3526-X
P. Naylor Satin Bing 5344-X
October 1965 to October 1966
1. Wm. T. Robinson, 111..............27
2. Harry Coles, Missouri ............26
3. Harold Dickson, 111...............25
4. Duane Shrader, Nebraska ..........23
5. Emmett Bobo, Texas ...............22
6. Hugh J. Betts, Tenn...............21
7. Oren Reynolds, 111................20
8. J. L. Bi dwell, Calif. ...........11
9. Leland F. Clark, Calif............10
10. John Phillips, Calif.............10
11. Don Smith, N.Y...................10
New Zealand
1. Harold Johnson, Mich..............88
2. Wm. T. Robinson, 111..............82
3. Claudius Poer, Ind................73
4. Don Reid, 111.....................57
5. G. S. Davis, Iowa.................53
6. Marvin F. Carley, Vt..............44
7. Frank Westley, Pa.................44
8. Dennis Holcomb, Iowa..............41
9. Eugene Henry, Conn................38
10. Stuart W. Griffith, Tenn.........31
11. Jack Ellis, Mich.................30
12. H. J. Merrihue, La...............30
1. Wm. T. Robinson, 111.............139
2. Harold Johnson, Mich.............114
3. Harry Coles, Missouri ........... 82
4. Don Reid, 111.....................80
5. Claudius Poer, Ind. ... 73
6. Pete Naylor, Kansas...............71
7. Dennis Holcomb, Iowa..............59
8. G. S. Davis, Iowa.................58
9. Eugene Henry, Conn............... 51
10. Robert F. Wallace, Iowa . ... .48
As of September 30, 1966
1. Edward H. Stahl, Mo...............40
2. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif. ...........28
3. Melvin Behrens, N.Y...............26
4. Fred R. Applegate, I1L ...........22
5. Tommy Andrew, Pa.................13
6. Mark Youngs, Wash................12
7. Claude Bennett, Ind.............. 8
1. Lawrence Co. R.B. Ass’n, Tenn......7
2. Cactus R.B. Ass’n, Ariz............6
3. So. W. Va. Rabbit Club............5
4. Madison Co. R.B. Ass’n, I1L ......4
5. Western 111. R.B. Ass’n...........2
6. Finger Lakes, N.Y. ...............2
7. Badger R.B. Ass'n, Wise...........2
New Zealands 138
Californians .......................39
Dutch .............................. 21
Champagnes.......................... 18
Checkered Giant . 16
American Chin ...................... 13
Flemish ............................ 11
Satins ............................. 10
Polish 9
English .............................7
Angora 5
Havana ..............................4
Palomino ............................1
Belgian Hare ........................1
Standard Chin........................1
HI Eieht
Entry Breed
299 N.Z. White B&Z Rabbitry Johnson’s Rabbitry
137 N.Z. Red W. A. Walker L. G. Dunken
71 N.Z. Black Guarantee Rabbitry Gebhardt’s Rabbitry
304 Dutch B.&J. Walker Cooper’s Rabbitry
213 Satins Lou Slavens (Siamese) Sam J. Elder (White)
178 Checkered Giant R. J. Moberly Conrad Kraft
172 Californian Ray Rogers Robert Kellar
138 Marten Art Micklei (Black) G. W. Long (Black)
114 Flemish Herb Anthony Midway Rabbitry
110 Champagne Wayne Cleer F. P. Bennett
100 English Spot H. Bortow (Black) Ky. Fancy Rbty. (Blue)
93 Amer. Chin. Everett Johnson Everett Johnson
83 Rex Rex Rabbit Farm (Black) J. J. Stankus (Seal)
59 Polish W. Willmann (Bl-eyed) Russ-L-Acre (Bl-eyed)
54 Havana L. O. Stamm L. O. Stamm
44 Palomino Viking Rbty. (Lynx) Viking Rbty. (Golden)
39 Creme D'Argent Wayne Cleer G. H. Hines
36 English Angora Ray Cunningham Mrs. L. P. Meyer
33 French Angora Gladys Ford Gladys Ford
33 Tan Valley Acre Rbty. (Black) Phil Macy (Black)
20 Himalayan Dave Holland F. P. Riffle
13 Standard Chin. Lou Slavens Lou Bowers, Jr.
12 Lilac Taylor’s Rabbitry E. E. Rausch
9 Florida White H&S Rabbitry H&S Rabbitry
8 Giant Chin. Behren’s Rabbitry Behren’s Rabbitry
5 Belgian Hare David Ross David Ross
5 Beveren Virgil Morton Ernest Vogwill
110 American Cavy Russ-L-Acre Russ-L-Acre
3 Abyssinian Cavy Ronald Jones Joan Denman
16 Peruvian Cavy Russ-L-Acre Krider’s Kritters
First in Fur Classes
34 Colored Satin Roger Fitchom
33 White Satin Sam J. Elder
28 Colored Normal Ward’s Rabbitry
9 White Normal Joe Eve
10 Fr. Angora Wool Shooting Star Ranch
7 Eng. Angora Wool D. Grantham
10 Colored Rex Rex Rabbit Farm
5 White Rex Leon & Joan Wallace
First in Commercial
16 Meat Pen (3 rabbits) Earl Klubertanz
8 Single Fryer Billie E. Dodge
3 Fryer Fur Lohman’s Rbty.
Breed B.O.B.
Champagne Patsy Hetland
N.Z. White J. T. Wanthen
Polish Charlotte Hansen
N.Z. Red Pam Breckenridge
Californian Greg Williams
Dutch Sally Watters
English Spot Ralph Hole (Black)
Checkered Gt. J. C. Wells (Black)
Satin Susan Peifer (White)
Rex J. Southworth (Blue)
Palomino Elaine Newport
Silver Marten Greg Williams (Black)
Tan J. K. Jordan
Cavy Diana Southworth
John Platt J. T. Wanthen Ponderosa Rbty.
J. K. Jordon, Jr.
Cindy Vance Greg Williams Mike Wardrip (Blue)
J. C. Wells (Black)
Greg Williams (Siamese)
J. Southworth (White) Elaine Newport Cindy Zimmerman (Black) J. S. Wells (None Shown)
Page Nine
THE ARBA HONORS 4 STALWARTS Life Memberships Awarded
The ARBA Executive Board at session on Thursday October 20th bestowed the associations highest honors upon 4 of its most eminent members, breeders, registrars and judges. No higher honor within the ARBA could be preferred or bestowed. No finer gentlemen and true sportsman, within the high ideals sought throughout a lifetime, could have been selected for this honor. Earned over the years, by their every thought, word and deed.
The recipients of the LIFE MEMBER AWARDS, Jack Bryant, Garden Grove, California; Walter Caudell, Charlotte, North Carolina; Leonard Dunlap, Arkansas City, Kansas; Lawrence Ritter, Baltimore, Maryland.
The ARBA Bulletin will carry biographical sketches of these 4 outstanding men and members during the 1967 year. Our first biographical sketches will appear in the January 1967 Bulletin and will feature Life Member Jack Bryant, California and Life Member Walter Caudell, North Carolina.
It was exactly one year ago that we were busy contacting our ARBA membership in all corners of our continent. We had received the challenge from ARBA President, Wayne Willmann, to supply the best ARBA Bulletin that was possible, for the ARBA membership.
Thanks to the wonderful cooperation of our fine membership, and the excellent harmony and cooperation of Mr. Ed Schuhmann, the publisher of our ARBA Bulletin—we did place an excellent publication in your hands. This is not self appraisal, rather a summary of hundreds upon hundreds of letters received attesting to high regard our ARBA Bulletin has been accorded and received. All of us of the publicity committee are happy to have contributed toward the advancement of the American Rabbit Breeders Association. We were never awed by the task ahead. However, the delight experienced by one and all, as the cooperation continued full force and gained momentum—has engulfed us all. All of you have contributed to the success of these the first 6 issues of volume 1, of ARBA
to Specialty, State and Local Clubs on their club advertisements l/< page or larger. Show Ada receive the same discount. And remember you reach every member. Cash with copy, please.
Bulletin. We ask your continued support and cooperation.
The 43rd ARBA Convention is now history. Preliminary reports will be featured in this issue of the Bulletin, more will be forthcoming in other issues of 1967. Business wise the Louisville Convention was very fruitful with promise of even greater achievements to come. This is the year, 1967—to go all out to increase our membership.
This the November issue of our Bulletin gives full report of the excellent National Rabbit Week promotion, including the announcement of the winners of the 3 coveted CHAMPION PROMOTER AWARDS made by the ARBA. National Rabbit Week - 1966 was truly the best ever. However, 1967 National Rabbit Week will be an even greater event. The ARBA will have Publicity Material Packets to furnish, at cost, to all local and state associations. The first ARBA Bulletin in 1967 will carry full details. Plan your 1967 promotion, well in advance.
This November Bulletin announces the 5 eminent ARBA members honored by award of Life Memberships for outstanding contributions to our association. Jessie Weinhardt, Dutch Club secretary and ARBA stalwart has been honored in her state of Michigan.
The value of a registered herd of rabbits and the satisfaction and honor of a Grand Champion herd is fully discussed.
Our West Virginia membership are on the brink of a very serious blow to the fulfillment of a budding rabbit meat industry within their state. Assistance and understanding is needed urgently, to alleviate this problem. The so called Dog & Cat Law, Public Law 89-544 is discussed in this issue. For further details by all means contact U.S. Senator Frank Carlson.
Official ARBA Convention & Show Rules are published herewith.
The Chinchilla Promoters are hard at work in many sections of our land. In at least 3 instances, they have used official publications of the ARBA to gain contacts with possible prospects. The legitimacy of their claims are left entirely up to you. However, we did wish to bring this timely and topical article—‘Chinchilla Revival’ Hoax or Honey? to your attention. Two very important articles relative to nutrition and rations will afford important reading and discussions this winter.
Dr. Alfred de Castro, the only ARBA judge in Europe has supplied an unusual article. One that will stimulate thought and provoke constructive, aggressive action, it is hoped. Our president Wayne Willmann will enjoy an extended tour of Europe this coming year and promises
Page Ten
many timely articles gleaned on his trip and tour of the continent.
Read slowly the article “First Impressions of A New Judge.” The author, Rich Whitmore, is a long time ARBA member of distinction. A very learned and unusual man. Take note, this article was written in 1951.
Missouri local organizes another club. This is the second new club this year and one more is expected to organize before first of year. Texas with new slate of officers, including Red Spence, Jerry Swinford, Preston and Pat Giles, and Myrtle Geddes tell one and all they will have an even bigger year than 1966 which was a banner year in Texas, rabbit wise.
Only 7 National Specialty Clubs availed themselves of the opportunity to list their sanction fees and secretaries. We issue the call again, please, send the necessary information relative to securing a sanction from your National Specialty Club and we will print this in the January 1967 ARBA Bulletin. Send this material to Bill Molen, ARBA Publicity Director, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
The ARBA Executive Board discussed the awarding of Best Rabbit in Show, at great length during Board meetings at Louisville. The president and all Board members are quite aware that they represent both a majority group as they also represent any and all minority groups. The opinions offered at Pomona Convention in 1965 were almost equally divided between those that favored same and those that did not favor such an award. Since that time interest seems to have waned on both sides of the issue. It was decided to not change the Show Rules as now published. We did receive a thought provoking article from the Worcester County RBA news bulletin and have printed in this November Bulletin.
Read the plans and interests of Cavy Association secretary, Pat Krider. Also Down To Brass Tacks by Charles Haaf. Show sanctions, contest reports on Membership and Registrations, plus Grand Champions. See who the top publicity promoters are in each of the 9 ARBA geographic districts.
The coverage in the November Bulletin is from Vermont to Texas and Rhode Island to Washington. Truly wide coverage. We also include an article from Switzerland.
Contributors include Wendell Vaile. Harold Nickerson, Betty Wingrove, Jessie Weinhardt, Dr. Alfred de Castro, Bluford Smith, Rich Whitmore, Kenneth Froboese, Ray Mullett, Pat Krider, Pat Giles, Charles Haaf, Beverly Molen, Jodie Cro-ker, David Hughes, Bett Hickman, Ed Stahl, Jim Blyth, Wayne Willmann, Harold Quick.
The Publicity Committee for 1967 will
be announced in the January Bulletin. It is a real hard hitting group. One that will do the ARBA well and serve faithfully. For the year 1966, rapidly departing the scene, we wish to comment on the quality of rabbit news offered each issue of 5 outstanding publications: Finger Lakes RBA News (New York); Worcester County RBA News (Massachusetts); Colorado Rabbit News (Colorado); Texas Rabbit Breeders News (Texas); Hawkeye News (Iowa). These 5 publications certainly carry material of benefit to the rabbit and the rabbit breeder. They hold their social reporting to a minimum and their articles of and about rabbits are very beneficial and meaty.
All material for the ARBA Bulletin is compiled and edited at the home of the Publicity director. Please forward all material to W. E. (Bill) Molen, ARBA Publicity Director, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
By Dr. A. de Castro
American rabbit breeders will be surprised to learn that it is in Stuttgart, Germany, where you find the largest display of show rabbits in the world every four years. This year they had 14,000 rabbits on exhibition! It is not only an exhibition of a great number of rabbits, but of real quality animals, rabbit equipment (10 stands!), rabbit furs, feed and so forth.
It is marvelously well organized. In just one day all rabbits are judged by the point system and visitors find at 7:30 AM the following morning, a 500 page catalog listing, for each rabbit, the name and address of the owner, the number of points obtained, the prizes won, the sales price and the judges remarks.
Every rabbit breed is represented. Champagnes (690 animals) and White Vienas (870) are very popular and highly developed in Germany. New Zealands are coming up in popularity (540 animals), the red variety being more numerous than the white. Admirers of the Giant Chinchilla rabbit would have been in ecstasy contemplating 480 of them.
Unquestionably, Germany is the leading nation in Europe insofar as rabbit raising is concerned, both as to quantity and quality. A gigantic rabbit show such as the one held at Stuttgart is the result of well organized and integrated associations grouping 80,000 rabbit breeders. Members of the ARBA should wake up, rub their eyes, take notice and draw their own conclusions. We may thus be shaken out of self-complacency and delusions of grandeur.
Page Eleven
The increased numbers of advertisements in almost all metropolitan newspapers; the spot announcements on TV and radio; plus the personal contacts rampant in many areas of our country— bode well to warn one and all—The appearance on the scene of the, get-rich-quick, and the exaggerated claims of the Chinchilla promoter are again with us.
A new twist has been added in two localities of which we are aware. The plan works as follows: A gentleman, sometimes two, drives up to your rabbitry. They alight and after a friendly and cordial greeting, much too friendly and much too cordial, they ask if they may visit your rabbitry. They state they have an old knawing interest in rabbit raising and they know that you, the one they are talking to, are an old established rabbit breeder.
Flattery rolls off their lips, into your unsuspecting ears. Then with proper build-up and perfect timing, they ask, “Did you ever think about applying your rabbit raising knowhow to raising Chinchillas?” “Instead of raising rabbits for peanuts, why not join the big leagues and raise Chinchillas, to become a millionaire.”
These rags to riches boys are smooth. They make it sound just as convincing as the Chinchilla promoters of the ’40s. Whether they leave you material in person or maybe you have answered an advertisement in newspaper, magazine, radio, TV or maybe a booth at a fair or exposition—After reading this article take the printed material out and reread it. Look for the items that are pointed out herewith.
Highlights, from brochures left at our home by these wealth peddlers, relative to Chinchillas for profit. ‘A breeder chinchilla, like any other fur-bearing animal, is worth about three to four times its pelt
Copy deadline 15th of month preceding month of issue: Feb. 15, Apr. 15, June 15, Aug. 15, Oct. 15, Dec. 15. On annual contract deduct 10% from the rates listed below. Deduct additional 5% for cash with copy. This helps cut down our bookkeeping.
Send Advertising copy and payments direct to: Managing Editor, E. T. Toebbe ARBA Bulletin 7400 Smyrna Road Louisville, Ky. 40228
Please male# checks payable to ARBA Bulletin.
Vs Page vertical or horizontal ............$ 14 00
Page vertical or horizontal .....—..... 23.00
Ut Page vertical or horizontal .........— 45 00
Full Inside Page .......................... 87.50
Inside Cover Pages ............-........... 100.00
Type Page Size: 5” x T>hT
value as a breeder. Pelt sales prices can range from $5.00 to $60.00, or slightly
more.’----‘With a reasonably intelligent
start, a little knowledge of genetics and some care, a rancher should be able to produce pelts averaging $20.00 to $30.00
each.’----‘Larger ranchers estimate that
it costs from $10.00 to $15.00 to produce a pelt. This includes housing, feed, labor
and overhead.’------‘Female Chinchillas
have young on the average of twice a year, rarely three times a year. Average litter size is between one and a half and two babies.’
Now just what have these promoters left in your hands, to read, and then let your imagination run wild with. Let us recap the money angle as determined from their own literature.
Average prices for pelts sold is $30.00 (and at this figure we are using their top average-not the bottom average of $20.00). Larger ranchers say it costs a minimum of $10.00 to produce a pelt (here again the top figure is $15.00 per pelt). Average females bear young twice a year, sometimes two babies at a time.
1 female—produces 4 babies a
year—pelt values..............$120.00
Cost of producing each of 4 pelts
@10.00 equals................. 40.00
Possible net earned from 1 female .....................$ 80.00
Why are we quoting much of this material in our ARBA Bulletin. Because, some of these promoters are joining our ARBA. Securing our 1966 Year Book, that lists each and every ARBA members name and address, and then using this for a prospect list. A gentleman calling at our home, here in Kansas, carelessly had his 1966 ARBA Year Book lying in his front car seat as we walked with him to the auto.
By all means beware. Be on your guard. Check each claim out. There are reliable chinchilla breeders. From everything that we have read in the past 15 years, there is money to be made by the sale of breeder stock; questionable results and hard work in marketing pelts.
It has long been known that all animals must receive in their food at least a certain minimum amount of protein. More recently, investigations have shown that for man and for such animals as swine, poultry, rabbits, dogs, and rats, the quality or kind of protein is fully important as the amount.
The general requirements of protein for various body functions is maintenance of growth, reproduction, fattening and the production of milk. If the protein is of superior quality, a somewhat smaller amount will suffice. On the contrary, if
the protein is of inferior nutritive value, a greater amount will be needed and even then the production of the animals will generally be lowered, in spite of the liberal supply of the inefficient protein.
Protein rich feeds are generally more expensive than those which are low in protein but rich in carbohydrates and fat. In practical livestock feeding we are therefore commonly interested only in knowing the minimum amounts of protein that animals ned for the best results.
Under certain conditions, however, protein rich feeds may be cheaper than carbohydrate rich feeds. This is often the case, for example, with cottonseed meal in the South and with alfalfa hay in certain sections of the West. The question then arises as to how much protein animals can be fed without injury. This problem is of special interest because the consuming of an excessive amount of protein throws an increased load on the liver and kidneys, which must excrete the surplus nitrogen.
Experiments have shown that there is no danger from feeding animals considerable larger amounts of protein than they actually require. In spite of statements that are sometimes made to the contrary, there is no proof that the heavy feeding on cottonseed meal or other protein rich concentrates to dairy cows increases the trouble. Ailments in pigs have sometimes been diagnosed as “protein poisoning” caused by feeding an excessive amount of protein. It is very doubtful whether such trouble is due to this cause, for in an Ohio experiment pigs remained healthy and made normal gains when fed for 13 weeks on a ration having 42 percent of protein. This was aproximately 2.5 times the normal amount. The only detrimental effect of this unusual ration was that it was too laxative. In an Illinois test pigs were not injured by feeding them a ration having 30 percent protein, from weaning time on. It is well known that Eskimos live on meat. In a careful experiment tw’o men in this country lived exclusively on meat (including some fat) for 11 months and remained in excellent health. In certain tests rats have grown normally on rations containing more than 90 percent of protein.
In the case of young animals that are growing and fattening, the feeding of a ration very high in protein may tend to make them grow more rangy and to lay on less fat than if fed rations lower in protein.
Proteins are exceedingly complex substances, made up of 23 or more different amino acids. In the digestion of food, the proteins are split into these amino acids, which are absorbed from the digestive system and enter the blood stream.
The mixture of amino acids is then carried in the blood to the various body
tissues, where each organ or tissue takes the quantities of the different amino acids that it needs for its repair or functioning. The nitrogen is split off from the excess amino acids by the liver and this waste nitrogen is excreted in the urine by the kidneys. The onn-nitrogenous residue from the amino acids can be converted into glucose and glycogen and thus be used in place of carbohydrate food.
Certain of the simpler amino acids can be made in the bodies of animals, either from some of the more complex amino acids or by combining ammonia or other simple nitrogenous compounds with organic acids formed from other food nutrients. However, the body is not able to synthesize several of the more complex amino acids in the body tissues, and these must therefore be provided from the proteins of the food. In certain cases the body may be able to make small amounts of amino acid, but not enough to permit rapid growth.
The amino acids which cannot be made in the body from other substances, or which cannot be made in sufficient amounts are called the essential amino
Protein for the growth of protein tissues of the body or for such purposes as the production of milk cannot be made by the animal unless it has an adequate supply of each of the essential amino acids.
Public Law 89-544, passed by the 89th Congress, H.R. 13881 on August 24, 1966. To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to regulate the transportation, sale, and handling of dogs, cats, and certain other animals intended to be used for purposes of research or experimentation, and for other purposes.
Section 2 (h)—The term “animal” means live dogs, cats, monkeys (nonhuman primate mammals), guinea pigs, hamsters, and rabbits.
Licensing requirements, registration, restrictions, enforcement, recordkeeping, identification, humane standards, promulgation, inspections, suspension of license, penalty, fees, and effective dates are all included in the complete act printed by government printing office.
United States Senator Frank Carlson, has supplied a number of these printed booklets for use by the ARBA Board. Senator Carlson is one of the finest supporters to the rabbit industry in Washington. You may write to Senator Frank Carlson, United States Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D.C., requesting a copy of the ‘dog and cat public law’. The Senator will forward one by return mail.
Page Thirteen
CALIFORNIANS—good quality, pedigreed and registered. Prices and information on request. Always a few good ones for sale. Duane Shrader & Sons, 625 S 51st St., Lincoln, Neb. 68510.
POLISH—Black, Blue-eyed White, Californian Satins. Write for prices. Breeze Hollow Rabbitry, RD No. 1, Box 37, Wellington, O. 44090
SANDY FLEMISH GIANTS—Good quality stock available. Good type, size and production. Pedigreed. Mansfield’s Giant Rabbits, 1004 S. Garden Ave., Stockton, Calif. 95205.
’’ROTHSVILLE DUTCH”—Home of Champions. Black, Blue, Chocolate. Pictured in the 1966 ARBA Offciial Guide Book. Pedigreed Junior, showmarked, foundation trios $12 00. Satisfaction guaranteed. Jack Messner, Box 267A, Roths-ville, Penn.
America’s new breed Pictured in the 1966 ARBA Official Guide Book. Pedigreed Junior foundation trios $12 00 Satisfaction guaranteed. Jack Messner, Box 267A, Rothsville, Penn.
ANGORA—See Cleo, Page 28 New Standards Book. 6 generation pedigree registered stock. Dept A for prices. Shooting Star, Pellston, Michigan.
“METHODS, MEDICINES,- MANAGEMENT To Control Rabbit Ailments.” Booklet covers 16 common diseases, helps diagnose them, recommends treatments and remedies. Price 50c p.p. (coins or stamps) refunded with first order for remedies. Ozark Enterprises, Willard 8, Missouri.
”THE LUCKY DUTCHMAN" Pedigreed Dutch in Black or Blue for show or breeding. Polish. Art Ammon, 4070 Sunnyhill Dr., Carlsbad, Calif 90028. Ph: 714-729-5681.
SELLING OUT—Wood Pens, Wood 4c wire Pens, Crocks. Double B Rabbitry, Bill Raymond, ARBA No. B34, 403 S. Franklin Rd., Indianapo-lis, Ind. 46219.
"HOW TOSTART A COMMERCIAL RABBIT -RY”—This book is written by and based on the actual eperience of a successful operator of a 1000 hole commercial rabbltry. A great help for any rabbit raiser—a must for the beginner. Covers equipment and how to build it, how to select commercial breeds, covers feeds, feeding and feed cost, how to handle rabbits, breed, wean, sex, market, keep records, etc Numerous drawings and pictures makes every subject easy to understand. Price $2.50, postage paid. Ozark Enterprises, Willard 8C, Missouri.
QUALITY EQUIPMENT—at lowest prices. Free catalog. Ozark Enterprises, Willard 8C, Missouri.
FLEMISH GIANTS—All colors7~Sandys of all ages. Colors limited. Andrews Circle "A" Rab-bitry, Rt No 3, Newark, O. 43055.
NEW ZEALAND WHITES (All Red, White & Blue Stock). American Blues. Breeding stock registered. Pedigrees with all orders Highest quality for research, commercial and fancier use. Satisfaction guaranteed or return at our cost. All stock reasonably priced and shipped f ob. Write for descriptive details. Chenango Valley Research Farm, Box 118, RD 1, Greene NY. 13778.
7 cents per word—one insertion; 6 cents per word—two insertions; 5 cents per word—six issues (1 year).
Cash, check or money order must accompany classified copy. Deadline 15th of month preceding month of issue.
"Stock for Sale” advertising accepted only from members.
Whiteside Co R.B. Ass’n, Vernon Schroeder, R 3, Morrison, 111. N'ov *•
Cactus R.B. Ass’n, Dorothy Dunbar, R 1, Box 448-E, Tucson, Ariz. Nov »
Zanesville R.B. Ass’n, Edna Andrews, R 3 New-
ark, Ohio. No* 2#
Southern Ind-Ill R&CB Ass’n, John M. McMiUln. 3027 Forrest Ave., Evansville, Ind. Nov 26-S Southwest R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. Geo. Ruzicka, 5309 Nell St., Fort Worth, Tex. Nov 27
Missouri State R P. Ass’n, Mrs. Edward Lawson. Frankford, Mo Deo
Indianapolis R.F. Ass’n, Ruth Scott, RR 1. Box 122, Morristown, Ind. °ec ®-4
North Central Iowa R.F. Ass'n, LuVerne Van-natta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa Dec 3-4
Madison Co. R.B. Ass'n, Glenn Summers, RR 2, Box 78, Alhambra, 111. Dec *
Beehive R.B. Ass’n, Dorothy Park, 3616 So. 2200 West, Salt Lake City, Utah Dec 4
Californian R. Spec. Club of Texas, W. D. Parsons, 4000 Beverly Dr., Waco, Texas Dec 4
Silver Marten Rabbit Club, Mrs. Pat Giles, 607 Star Ave., Wichita Falls, Tex. Dec 4
Californian Rabbit Spec. Club of Calif., Geo. B. Sutherland, 16041 Hayland, Valinda, Calif. Dec 11 Satin Rabbit B. of Calif., Geo. B. Sutherland, 16041 Hayland, Valinda, Calif. Dec 11
Springfield R&CB Ass’n, Roger C. Miller, Box 162, Sabina, Ohio Jan 27-29
Southwestern Expo. & Fat St. Show, W. R Watt, P.O. Box 150, Fort Worth, &Texas
Jan 27-Feb f*
Delphos R&FB Ass'n, 127 S. Clay St., Pelphos. Ohio Feb 25-26
Badger R.B. Ass’n, Ruth Strunk, R 2, Fort Atkinson, Wise. Feb 19
Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, Ruth Teas-dale. 1113 E. Davis St., Conroe, Texas Feb 22-26 Peoria Area R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. Helen Miller, Box 25, Maquon, 111. Feb 26
Central Fla. R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Octavia T. Underhill, P.O. Box 107, Clarcona, Fla. Feb 27-Mar 11 Marmaton River R.B. Ass’n, Darla Beth Molen. Box 8, Bronson, Kansas Mar 4-5
Tibbar R.B. Ass’n, Bob Kahler, Box 11, Custex Park, 111 Mar 6
Stark Co. R&CB Ass’n, Mrs. John Ritz, 2950 Harmont Ave., N.E., Canton, Ohio Mar 11-12 Baltimore Co. R&CB Ass’n, Warren J. McNamara, R 2, Box 36, Reistertown, Md. Mar 12
Northern 111. R. Ranchers, Mrs. Dora O'Hare. 1015 Franklin, Winthrop Harbor, 111. Mar 12
Fairfield Co. R.B. Ass’n, Victor T. Sweetland. 264 Chestnut Hill Ave., Norwalk, Conn. Mar 19 Pony Express R B. Ass’n, Cecil N. Green, 1809 Beattie, St. Joseph, Mo. Mar 25-26
Champagne Co. R B. Ass’n, Mrs. Viletha Lind-sev, RR 3, Champion, 111. Mar 26
Mall City R.B. Ass’n, O. R. Chaney, 3716 Wood-hams Dr., Kalamazoo, Mich. Mar 31-Apr 1
Eastern Dutch R.F. Club, Christine V. Hall, RD 2, Box 140, Quakertown, Pa. Apr 2
Free State R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Mina S. Uebel, R 1, Yeagertown Rd . Mt. Airy, Md. Apr 2
Grundv Co. R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. Dorothy Johnson. RR 1, Box 30, Mazon, 111. Apr 2
Little Kanawha Rabbit Club, Betty A. Wingrove. Box 62. Waverly, W. Va. Apr 7-8
Akron Rabbit Club, Inc., M. L. Clevenger. 428 Palm Ave . Akron, Ohio Apr 7-9
Elgin R.B. Club. Mrs. June Dutton, R 1, Box 167, So. Elgin, 111. Apr B
Iowa State R.B. Ass’n. Dorothy Newport, 2401 Wilson Ave , S.W., Cedar Rapids Iowa Apr 15-16 Lebanon Valley R&CB Ass’n, Alfred W. Fisher. RD 1, Box 505, Palmyra, Pa. Apr 1#
Kankakee Valley R B Ass’n, Mrs. Mary Strom. 2220 Black Rd , Joliet, 111. Apr 23
Lima R&CB Ass’n, Dale Place, R 3, Wapakoneta. Ohio Apr 23
York Co R&CB Ass’n, Gerald E. Liek, RD 1. Hellam, Pa. Apr 23
Ohio State Dutch Rabbit Club. Donald F. Weeks. RR1, Highland, Ohio Apr 29-30
Pjpc Fourteen
Tri County R.B. Ass’n, David Brueggemann. W195 S2234 Racine Ave , Muskego, Wise Apr 30 Iowa State RB Ass’n. Dorothy Newport, 2401 Wilson Ave., S.W.. Cedar Rapids, Iowa May 6-7 Flemish Giant R B. Ass’n, Herb Anthony, 746 Garfield Ave , Newark, Ohio ”*7
Richland Co. SB. Ass’n, Mrs. HUdred Crabbs, 1871 Rock Rd . RR 3. Mansfield. Ohio May 6-7 Huron Co R B. Ass’n, Wells W Ortner. US 20, Rt. 1, Collins, Ohio May 13-14
Tulsa RB Ass'n, Bill Spicer, 1710 E. 71st No., Tulsa, Okla J* 3'14
Zanesville R.B. Ass’n, Edna Andrews, Rt- 3# Newark. Ohio
Springfield R.B. Ass'n, Mrs Juanita Fisher, 819 E. Kearney St.. Springfield. Mo. May 20-21 Tri City R.B. Ass’n. Mrs. Helen Forsberg, RR 2 Box 150A, Davenport, Iowa May 21
Tri State R&CB. Mildred E. Beatty, RD 1, Apples Corners. East Liverpool, Ohio June 4
Coshocton Co R&CB Ass’n. Jack Wireman, 5475 Seeman St.. S.W., Navarre. Ohio June 11
Mad River Valley R&CB Ass'n, Joyce Judy, 10 Central Ave., Mechanicsburg, Ohio June 17-18 Ohio Californian R. Spec. Club. Mrs Hildred Crabbs, 1871 Rod Rd. RR 3, Mansfield, Ohio
June 17-18
Tri State R&CB Ass’n, Mildred E. Beatty, RD 1, Apples Corner, East Liverpool, Ohio Sept 24 Lorain Co. RCB Ass'n, Mrs. M. J. Honoshof-sky, RD 2, Elyria. Ohio Oct 7-8
The Best
Importance of adequate rations for breeding animals. It is essential that breeding animals receive rations that fully meet the needs of their own bodies and also supply sufficient amounts of the various nutrients for the unborn young. Without question, many of the failures in raising young stock are due to faulty nutrition of the breeding females. The sires must also be fed and cared for properly or theri fertility will be low.
If the mother is fed inadequately, the offspring are apt to be weak or undersized at birth and also the supply of milk may be scanty or of low vitamin content. Occasionally, the ration is so deficient that the young are born dead. Fortunately the mother is able to protect the unborn offspring to a certain extent against temporary or small deficiencies in her food by drawing on stores in her own body. Thus she can draw on her skeleton for calcium and phosphorus and on her muscular tissues for protein. Such maternal protection is, however, at the expense of her own body.
Not only must the ration for pregnant animals supply a greater amount of protein than is needed for mere maintenance, but also the protein must be of proper quality. A deficiency may cause reproductive disaster.
Oren R. Reynolds, Judge, RR
3. Box 509. Decatur, 111. 62526, Ph: 317, 877-6518.
"Don” Reid, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, Rt 1. Box 159, Lockport. 111. 60441.
Ross Flower, Judge, 7043 9th Ave . Rio Linda, CaliL, Ph: 991-2006.
Walter L. Patton, Judge, 69 Godby St., Logan, W. Va.
L R. (Jake) Holmes, Judge, 440 Pulaski Rd., Calumet City, 111.
Vern N. Ashton, Judge, 1626 Oakland Parkway, Lima, Ohio 45805.
George Camp, Judge, 3853 Green Valley Rd., Huntington, W. Va.
Philip A. Macy, Judge, 210 N. Third St., Tipp City, Ohio. Robert Byrne, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 1110 W. Harrison Ave., Clarksville, Ind., Ph: 283-8657.
Kirk R. Moore, Judge, 1909 Buchanan St.. Wichita Falls, Texas, Ph: 322-5027 Marvin F. Carley, Judge, 216 Canal St., Brattleboro, Vt. 05301. Ph: 802, 254-4396 Claudius Poer. Judge, 1317 Q Ave., New Castle, Ind. 47362, Ph: 529-3729
A1 Roerdanz, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, Rt. 1, Box 51, Kingsville, Ohio 44048.
Harold Drudge, Registrar, RR 1, Roann, Ind , Ph: 219, 982-2021.
Marvin Kroening, Judge, RR 5, Marshfield, Wise. 54449.
Edward T. Toebbe, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 7400 Smyrna Road, Louisville, Ky. 40228, Ph: 502, 969-8362 Horace Curtis, Judge, 401 E. Jefferson St., Falls Church, Va., Ph: Jeff. 2-3674.
Dewey H. Mains, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, Box 101, Conklin, N. Y.
James Blyth, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 4323 Murray Ave , Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217.
Glen C. Carr, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 454 S. Terrace? Ave , Columbus, Ohio 43204, Ph: 279-8442.
Dr. Thomas Coatoam, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 213 South St., Wattsburg, Pa 16442. Ph: 814, 739-2773.
G. A. Bnrke, Judge. 6400 Scioto Darby Creek Rd., Hilliard, Ohio. Ph: 876-7605.
Stan Freed, Judge, 1607 E. Svcamore. Kokomo, Ind. 46901. Ph: 317 457-8084.
Duane Shrader, Judge, 625 S.
51 St., Lincoln. Nebraska 68510. Betty Beckendorf Registrar. Rt. 2, Box 28B, Crescent City, Calif. 95531.
E. L. Eary, Registrar, 5215 Alpine Drive. Charleston, W. Va. 25312.
William Dlngman, Registrar,
Rt. 3. Box 499, Traverse City, Mich.
Donglas Noble, Registrar, P.O Box 203, Brusly, Louisiana 70719.
Jack Messner, Registrar, Box 267A, Rothsville, Penn., Ph: 898-2197.
Lewis Bowers. Registrar, Route
I, Manteno, Illinois, Ph: 476-6277
J. Cyril Lowit, Judge, Rt. 2. Box 440, Troutdale, Ore. 97060. Leonard L. Blskle, Judge, 2080 Hendershot Rd , Parma. Michigan, Ph: 517, 531-4015.
H. J. Merrlhne, Registrar. P.O Box 23123, New Orleans, La. 70123, Ph: 504, 729-2114.
Marvin H. Langeland, Judge, 1985 N. 9th Street, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001, Ph: 616. 349-4424.
Don Smith, Registrar, P O. Box 15, Waterloo, N.Y. 13165.
Page Fifteen
President Wayne Willmann in his new approach to ARBA promotion, initiated the 9 geographic district type of representation and promotion. This was an entirely new concept and among the hoped for accomplishments, was the funneling of a greater amount of promotional publicity work and results to the Bulletin. Under the particular Director for the geographic district, there were appointed State Agents and also Local Agents.
The publicity committee was very impressed with the amount of material submitted. Also the quality was of exceptional value to the entire membership of ARBA.
ARBA Publicity Director, Bill Molen, wishes to acknowledge the top producers publicity wise in each of the 9 geographic districts. District 1, West Coast, Rebecca Stiff, Wilson Creek, Wash.; District 2, Rocky Mountain, Burley Rewey, Missoula, Montana; District 3, North Plain, Dorothy Newport, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; District 4, South Plain, David Hughes, Sikeston, Missouri; District 5, Great Lakes, Gregg Williams, Streator, Illinois; District 6, South Central, Lyman Franklin, Wake Forest, North Carolina; District 7, South Eastern, Jodie Croker, Alpharetta, Georgia; District 8, East Central, Betty Wingrove, Waverly, West Virginia; District 9, New England, Charles Henry, Saugus. Massachusetts.
The Gateway Rabbit Breeders Association of Missouri met at the home of William W. Moore, Arnold, Missouri, July 31. This was an organizational meeting for the purpose of forming a rabbit breeders club.
The intent of the organizing body is to promote show and commercial breeds, throughout the area, and to seek affiliation with the American Rabbit Breeders Association, and to seek Charter therefrom.
Fifteen person attended the meeting and were unanimous in finalizing proposals and aims of the new organization. Officers elected, Bluford W. Smith, president; William Moore, vice-president; Helen Moore, secretary; Raymond Mires, treasurer; and Harold Gunnels, publicity director.
The geographic area from which the Gateway RBA hopes to draw its membership and to serve the best interests of rabbits, includes all South of Farmington, Mo. west to Washington, Mo.; north to the Missouri River and bounded on the east by the Mississippi River.
This club will be 100% American Rabbit Breeders Association and will comply
with standards set forth by the ARBA. Plans are also being formulated to sponsor a rabbit show once a year displaying rabbits of assorted breeds.
With the rich heritage Abilene enjoys as a cow town, one of the bastions of the West, it would hardly seem possible that Abilene, Texas could be going to the rabbits.
However, a scrutiny of the September 17th and 18th editions of the ‘Abilene Reporter News’ proudly hails the rabbit division of the West Texas Fair, was a rip roaring success. A total of 45 column inches of rabbit publicity was included in the two editions of the Abilene Reporter News, including a 2 column 6 inch photo and a 2 column 5 inch photo.
Byron Wilson was superintendent. Buck Latham, Oklahoma City the ARBA Judge Tom Whiteaker won Best Display, followed by Circle K Rabbitry; Paul Groth-man.
Kenneth Froboese, one of our hard working Texas ARBA members, from Boerne, Texas to be exact, writes the following—quote “I have found that not enough of the newspapers give any writeups, coverage or pictures on their own However, if they are contacted, they usually are glad to get the news.”
It was Kenneth that forwarded these Abilene clippings. Kenneth further informed us that two of Texas’s finest rabbit shows, the Lubbock Fair and the Waco Heart O’ Texas Fair are just around the comer. These two events annually attract thousands of viewers thru the rabbit aisles, each day of the fair.
Some people, upon taking up an interest in rabbits, think that the next necessary step is to become a judge immediately. This ambition I resolutely thrust aside for thirty long years. It was only after learning how reluctant many of our old-time judges are to study and use a new standard, such as the Uniform Standard for Rex rabbits, that I decided the rabbit fancy needs more specialty judges. In England it is customary to have a number of judges at a show, each one handling only one or a few breeds. In this country, because of the great distances to be traveled, one judge is usually expected to handle a whole show. While many are able to do this satisfactorily, it is reasonable to suppose that a man who is interested in only one breed, and has had years of experience with it, might be even more capable in his own restricted field.
Page Sixteen
Having at last gone through the formalities necessary to become a licensed Rex judge, I was very pleased at receiving an invitation from Don Densel to practice my new vocation by judging the Rex at the Inter-Club Show at Hemet, California, on the 14th of April.
The first thing I learned is that things look different from the other side of the table. From the spectators’ side, the game is to guess how the judge will pick them, and wonder what mistakes he will make. From the judge’s side, the object is to place them in the proper order without making mistakes, and this is no game. Quite the contrary, it is serious work. The first class of White Rex to be brought on the table look all alike, and a distressing fear arises that it may be necessary to use the old system of eeny-meeny-miny-mo. This doesn’t last long, however, because a little careful observation shows plenty of differences, and comparison soon sorts them into proper order.
Not having taken notes, and not being blessed with a rentive memory, I can give only the most general of comments. While I found it necessary to disqualify a number of animals, the majority were of good quality, and were better in comparison than those I have seen at our Convention shows. Two things that impressed me in particular were the large number with well padded feet, and the excellent type so many showed. The day has gone by when a Rex can win on fur alone, without good solid type and balance.
To conform with the Rex fur standard, it is necessary that the fur contain plenty of guardhairs, and I was glad to see that quite a number possessed this characteristic, especially among the Whites and Californians. One White Sr. Doe, (Hall’s Rabbitry) which was unfortunately not up to standard in type had a gorgeous coat of fur—one of the best I have ever seen. Two White jr. does were outstanding in type, and had excellent fur, although not as good as the sr. doe, and exceptionally well padded feet. (Enid Densel) Two other animals deserving of special mention were a Havana jr. buck (Ed Schoeberl) and a Blue sr. doe (Helen & Wes Rabke). Both of these animals were lacking in guardhairs, but had excellent fur otherwise, and had excellent type, perfect color, and absolutely wonderful condition.
The show was a most pleasant experience for me, and I wish to express my appreciation to the few Rex breeders who were able to stick it to the bitter end. Getting off to a good start soon after nine in the morning, and with only occasional recess periods to mop the fevered brow or rest the weary feet, the whole job was completed. 42 Rex placed by six
o’clock in the evening. I shall never cease to treasure the sincere compliment someone expressed, “You may not be the BEST judge we have seen, but you certainly are the SLOWEST.”
The September ARBA Bulletin extended the invitation to all specialty clubs First: By vice-president Oren Reynolds, page 17, “Last year at Pomona we had a very good meeting with Specialty Club representatives. It is hoped that we can again have a profitable meeting and that a schedule is worked out whereby we will be allotted more time for this meeting. I know from the letters that I have received during the year since Pomona that many have taken an active interest in wanting to see the Specialty Clubs and the ARBA work in closer harmony.” Second: By editor Bill Molen, page 12, “The National Specialty Club secretaries in many instances change with their club elections. Also in many instances the sanction fee changes." The notice and offer was made that all secretary addresses and fees would be printed in the November ARBA Bulletin. This as a service to local and state clubs; likewise, the National Specialty Clubs. “We will print this information for all Specialty Clubs in the November ARBA Bulletin. Secretaries mail this information to Editor, Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
There are 26 Chartered National Specialty Clubs within the framework of the American Rabbit Breeders Association. Only 7 National Specialty Clubs availed themselves of this offer. Valuable publicity for their breed was lost for the want of a 5 cent stamp. Roger Fitchom and Wilbur Wesche, secretaries of the Satin and Havana specialty clubs, respectfully, were the first two to report. The Checkered Giant Club, Angora Rabbit Club, Federation of Flemish Giant Breeders, Silver Fox Rabbit Club and American Cavy Breeders were the others, in order
Roger Fitchom, Secretary Satin RBA, 1302 S. Bunn St., Blooming, Illinois. Fee for Satin sanction, $3.00.
Wilbur W. Wesche, Secretary Federation Havana R.B., Ridgeville Corners. Ohio 43555. Fee for Blue sanction $2.00: Fee for Standard sanction $2.00. Either or both allowable.
Eugene B. Shultz, Secretary Checkered Giant R.C., 502 1st Nat’l Bank Bldg., Alton, Illinois. Fee for Checkered Giant sanction $5.00.
Mrs. Kay Martin, Secretary National Angora RBC, RR 1, Monroe, Indiana 46772. Fee for both breeds, English & French, is $3.00; or $2.00 for either stated breed.
Herb Anthony, Secretary Federation
Page Seventeen
Flemish RB, 746 Garfield, Newark, Ohio 43055. Fee for Flemish Giant sanction
Beverly J. Molen, Secretary Silver Fox RB, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716. Fee for Silver Fox sanction $2.00.
Mrs. Pat Krider, Secretary Cavy Breeders Assoc., 56 Riverside St., Portsmouth, Rhode Island. The amount of sanction fee was unreadable, smeared on copy. However, Secretary is prompt.
Recently there has been quite a lot of agitation to change the ARBA Show Rules to allow the selection of Best in Show at sanctioned shows. This is not an easy decision to make, as it involves changes in our judging techniques, and imposes a difficult job on the judge or judges involved. Let us outline the reasons for and against:
FOR: Best in Show is a regular award in Shows of Dogs, Cattle, Cats, Swine, Sheep, Goats, and most other livestock. This award is usually made in the rabbit shows in England, and most of the European countries.
AGAINST: It is very difficult, under our present judging system, to compare a Polish rabbit, an Angora Best of Breed, and a Flemish Giant — to determine which is the BEST rabbit shown.
WHY? Well, our judging system, which we believe is the best ever evolved for livestock, is based upon comparison of the specimens in their classes. We choose the Best by eliminating specimens having faults detracting from the score of perfection, leaving Best of Breed or Variety shown at the specific show. In Europe, most all shows are judged upon the point system, whereby each animal is given credit for quality in all of the sections covered by the Standards, each section being given points in relation of their importance for the Breed or Variety. The judges wind up with a percentage or point value of the animal being judged. Then at the end of the show, it is easy to say that the New Zealand scoring 89 points wins over the English Spot, having a point score of only 87 points.
Our Standards allot a specific number of point value to each section, size, color, head, ears, feet, markings, type, etc. — so could be judged by the point system, but it would take our judges a lot of extra time, and would certainly involve a lot of added bookkeeping by the Show Secretary.
One way might be, to judge as we now do, by comparison, and then to judge the Best of Breed winners by the point system. This would impose quite a burden on our judges, and might wind up in disputes.
This would be a good topic for discussion at one of our future meetings, let’s think of it as a topic. There are arguments for and against, and we feel sure that we’ll hear more about this subject.
Pat Krider, secretary Cavy Breeders Association is interested in her job, the interests of her club and the success of any local or state associations that apply for a cavy sanction. Pat says, “Boosting cavies, their exhibition and winnings is one of my aims, each show, throughout the year.”
She takes the time and trouble, to her it’s a pleasure, to supply a list of names and addresses of all Cavy Association members, to the attention of the show secretary. This list she mails back to secretary, when the sanction papers are mailed. Another innovation of Pat’s, she sends along a little note that informs the local secretary, that if planning a cavy sanction, send for sanction early. The American Cavy Association will then help boost the cavy entry by listing all pertinent show information.
The year 1966 has been a very productive year for the A.C.B.A. The membership furnished solid support in the efforts to publish a new brochure. This brochure to serve the purpose to send to beginners and potentially interested cavy breeders. The brochure supplies the answers to many questions puzzling beginners.
The A.C.B.A. are proud of the fact 11 trophies and $18 in cash were up on Americans at Louisville Convention; 5 trophies on Abyssinians; 6 trophies on Peruvians, plus trophies for Best Display and Largest Entry.
A full report of placements by Judge Llake Smith, has been promised by secretary Pat Krider, for next issue of ARBA Bulletin.
DOWN TO BRASS TACKS Helping ARBA Helps Yourself
An article on page 10, July issue of ARBA Bulletin, Standard of Perfection For Exhibitors, intrigued me, no end. It struck home at once, and now 4 months later, it still affords a challenge. So pens Charles Haaf, of Ohio.
I sat right down and looked it over sort of quick. There was one short article that I took time to read, “Exhibitors Standard of Perfection.” And my first thought was “boy, what sort of nut would write a thing like that.” Then it was time to feed and water for the day and I lay the Bulletin aside for a while. As I entered the back yard I tripped over that old tube of manure left over from cleaning coops last week, opened the door to the rabbitry (with some effort, I must
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jay. due to that broken hinge). Anyway I got in and looked around for a minute at the mess that things were in. Then as I went about my feeding I got to thinking maybe that article isn't too far off at that.
I've got rabbits. I've had rabbits a long time. I’m in a club and I show some, but do I still qualify as a Rabbit Raiser? When it comes right down to brass tacks. I'm not even living up to my own standards. Say! Maybe that’s what they were writing about. I don’t think I'd want anyone to come in here and see how run down this rabbitry is. By the way, it’s been a long time since I've been to a club meeting too.
Yes, each and every one of us needs to set some sort of standard for ourself. Not too high, but high enough that it takes a little more effort to reach it than what we have done in the past. There are a few that will always put out that little extra effort, anyway, but there are a lot more of us that are willing to sit back and take it easy because we know the others will carry the load. But, look at it this way—if we all were in there with that little extra effort, think how much nicer things would be for all of us.
When it comes show time, let’s get out and help get coops ready for the show. If we are able to carry, let’s do it rather than stand in the way of the table and argue with the judge. Let’s not depend on the same one to handle all the work time after time. So you don’t know how it’s done! I’m sure there is someone around that would be willing to show you.
Let’s all pull together for the betterment of our rabbit industry. You, the Rabbit Breeder, will be the one to share in the profits, so why not share in some of the work. Let’s make our rabbitry a show place, encourage the new breeder or potential breeder. Keep some literature on hand for the potential breeder. There is a lot available just for the asking. Help the local 4-H’s—they are one of our biggest potentials. But, most of all, let’s get things started on the right track. Most newcomers need help and it’s up to us the older breeders to get in there and
help. Make the ARBA known and show the new breeder how these show rules will work for better rabbit breeding and better showmanship.
ARBA judge Richard Griggs puts his 6 foot frame and 200 pounds of heft to the plumbing trade when not behind the rabbit judging table.
Little did he know when answering the phone in his Austin Shop the other morning of the events to transpire before the day was over. Upon knocking at the door of the requested service call, Griggs was greeted by the lady of the house. The surprise wasn’t the fact she was a very comely lady, but rather she was only 48 inches in height. The lady with the plumbing problem was in a specially fitted house, for little people, and the kitchen sink was waist high to her 48 inches.
This did create quite a problem for the 6 foot, 200 pound Griggs. However, this was a production set for Hunteree Productions. A camera crew was standing by to record this event on film and the hour long special will be viewed on ABC television late fall or early winter. Titled, The Little People of America Convention, all Judge Griggs counterparts, whether judges or rabbit breeders will await this TV showing.
New State Officers
The new Texas RBA officers: Red Spence, Waco, president; Jerry Swinford, Hurlwood, vice pres.; Preston Giles, Wichita Falls, treasurer; Myrtle Geddes, Arcadia, secretary; Mrs. Pat Giles, News Editor.
Rabbit Rustling
Thirty-six head of prime Californian rabbit breeding stock were recently stolen by persons unknown and certainly unwanted. Sharp lookout has been maintained at show rooms and none of the stock has shown up. However, it is not thought that a rabbit raiser was involved in such a theft, because, he would be well aware of the work and heartache involved in establishing such an outstanding herd of fine production rabbits.
ARBA Membership Climbing Daily ARE YOU HELPING?
Use Application Blank on Back Cover
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