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American Rabbit Breeders Association

ARBA Bulletin 1963 - May
Collection: 1963 ARBA Bulletins


ARBA Bulletin 1963 - May


ARBA member periodicals



American Rabbit Breeders Association


American Rabbit Breeders Association


American Rabbit Breeders Association




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8 1/2 inches x 11 inches



American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1963 - May,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed October 22, 2024,

Dick F. Parker, President James Blyth, Secretary
3429 Lorna Road 4323 Murray Ave.
Birmingham 16, Alabama Pittsburgh 17, Penna.
Oren R. Reynolds, Editor 3438 Mac Arthur Road Decatur, Illinois
To The Beginner —To The Established Breeder
Here’s Your Guide to Successful Rabbit Raising
A Monumental Reference Book by leading authorities covering such subjects as. Rabbits as a Hobby — As a Business — As a Commercial Factor—
Angora Wool — Markets —
Rabbits and Earthworms.
45 Subjects — 262 Pages —288 Illustrations
Single — $4.00; Man and Wife Combined - $6.00. Which includes membership card and Official Guide.
Electrotype of Emblem Above
.3/4 inch ................. $1.50
1 1/4 inch ................ $1.75
BOOK — Standard Of Perfection of All Recognized Breeds of Rabbits and Cavies
112 Pages — 40 Illustrations
BEGINNER’S BOOKLET 12 — $1.00 25 — $1.75
50 — $3.00
PEDIGREE BOOK 25 Originals — 25 Duplicates Price $1.50
For Use at Shows .... $1.25
COOKING RECIPES 4 Pages, Tested — Approved 25—35c; 50—65c;
3 3/4 inch............ $1.25
7 3/8 inch ........... $2.25
Electrotype ......... $1.50
Rubber Stamp ......... $1.50
JAMES BLYTH, Secy., 4323-A Murray Ave., Pittsburgh 17, Pa.
THE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE by Dick F. Parker, A.R.B.A. President
I am very happy to announce that our association is starting back with the issuing of the ARBA Bulletin for all our members. It will be hard for me to say how many of these bulletins we will get out this year, but we will do all we can to give you at least three of them. In the pages of our bulletin we hope to bring you news from every part of the United States that will be of interest to all our members. We do not promise to give you records of shows held during the year, for we feel that you are not interested enough in this kind of news to give up space to something that will bring you facts worth knowing, AND THAT IS JUST WHAT WE INTEND TO DO.
To start with, I have an announcement to make first, one that.
I am sure all of you will agree on, and that is OUR GOOD DIRECTOR,
OREN R. REYNOLDS, DECATUR ILLINOIS, IS THE EDITOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THIS NEW BULLETIN. Mr. Reynolds will have complete charge over what is published in the Bulletin and I am sure that if you have news that will be of interest to our Members, if you will send it to him he will find space for it in one of our Bulletins.
At last, all of the ARBA Committees and Stater Representatives have been appointed, and I feel sure that those committees that have not already been printed in our Magazines will be in this issue of the Bulletin. We do not intend to take anything away from the National Magazines, on the other hand we still intend to write for them and send them all the news possible, for I am one that realizes that without the magazines we could not get along very well. Two of the outstanding magazines carried our Bulletin for a year each, but due to financial reasons we had to discontinue both. Under the present set-up, we knew that we can give you at least three if not four of this type Bulletin,
There is an article appearing on page number 0, v/ritten by our Director J, Cyril Lowit, Portland, Oregon. This article will be one of the "HIGH NOTES” of this issue, for I have already had the pleasure of reading it. This article brings home to me some very fond memories, and too, it makes me know that I was one of the "HIGH BUTTON SHOES" Breeders, and that was fifty years ago. When I first read Mr. Lowit's article, I had to remark to my wife that we are now operating under the same laws, rules and regulations now that we did back in those
HIGH BUTTON SHOE DAYS. The style of the shoes have changed many times, but our laws have gone on as they were. I want each of you to read Mr. Lowit's article, and I know that you will say the same as I said, and I know that he would like very much to have you express your thoughts to him about it. We can't go on living in the days of HIGH BUTTON SHOES we have got to change our ways to meet the present day living. Our laws are inadequate for the modern days and times, and I am sure that you will agree that they must be made to meet the present day trend.
There is now a committee working on a complete revision of the ARBA Laws, headed by members of the Board who know about the old days and realize that there must be a change made. I hope that this revision of the laws will be ready to be presented to you at the Sedalia Convention which will be held October 7th to October 10th, 1963.
Read all of this bulletin and when you are finished with it let us know just what you think of this way to deliver to you that latest ARBA News. If you have a friend Rabbit Breeder who is not a member of ARBA pass it along to him, he too will get something out of it.
TREASURERS REPORT Jan. lst,1962 to Dec. 31st, 1963 Ellis W. Murray, Treasurer
Total Receipts
Jan. $3826.92
Feb. 2979.13
Mar . 1372.60
Apr. 783.37
May 926.81
Jun. 941.65
Jul. 61.83
Aug. 1774.62
Sep. 1590.69
Oct. 919.74
Nov. 1743.27
Dec • _2596.64
Advertising $8,084.49
Printing 2,328.57
Ribbons & Trophys 1,561.79
Convention Expenses 2,277•O4
Office Equipment 165.72
Total Disbursements 14417.6l Bank Account 5.099.66
The above report is made for the information of our members.
On the Receipts side it includes all money received from all in-come. Advertising in booklets, Guide book, etc. On the disbursements side advertising is all advertising, in our own trade journals, Specialty club guid books, and advertising in national magazines other than Rabbit Journals. The printing is for all stationary, booklets, bulletins, etc. The Ribbons are for our Sanction show ribbons, Convention Ribbons. The trophys were con-. vention trophy's. Convention Expenses includes badges, officers car fare etc. Thanks to the members and clubs which participated in our membership drives.
Cur good staff of Judges, local clubs and local officers and from many individual members our treasury is in a sound condition. The Board of Officers joins with me in giving you our THANKS.
Advertising and Promotion Committee American Rabbit Breeders Assn.Inc. 1st 1963 QUARTER YEAR (Jan.Feb.Mar)
PERIODICALS USED — Farm, Outdoor Mechanics, Etc. Magazines
New Members At $4.00 Each TOTAL TOTAL
316 $1,264.00
Booklets Sent to Members& Booklets Inquiries 6133 TOTAL
$1,366.86 $2,630.86
EXPENSES: Advertising
three months Total 1,540.42
NOTE: Membership totals and Booklet receipts taken from monthly reports supplied by the Secretary.
NATIONAL ADVERTISING - What It Does. In addition to the above items offered in the booklet resulted in 47 orders. Creates additional new members of which there is no record. Creates new breeders as indicated by the many sales reported by advertisers in the booklet including registered stock which ads to the ARBA registration revenue.
Edward H. Stahl. Chairman
A young woman telephoned the weather bureau in Raleigh, N.C.
"I’m going to be married tomorrow," she burbled happily, "and then we're going up to the mountains for our honeymoon, can you please tell me what is going to happen thereover the weekend?"
Only one American in every two knows how to drive a car well— and she usually sits in the back seat.
HIGH BUTTON SHOES J. Cyril Lowit, Chairman
Chairman: Committee on Constitution and By-Laws Revision No successful business or association can hope to progress, or even keep up with the times, when using the methods of the era of high button shoes. The die-hards, who protested wildly that the gasoline buggy was doomed to oblivion, and the flying machine was an instrument of the devil, have had to accept these indications of progress. But we still have a mild form of die-hards in the rabbit industry's parent organization, the American members, (and some who are not even members !) who feel that the American can continue to EXIST (notice I did not say GROW) using methods that were in vogue when milady wore high button shoes.
The American is a composite of people, people of all tastes, backgrounds, education, locale, hopes and opinions. But unfortunately, we seem to have an over-abundance of people who are afraid of progress, or who are suspicious of the motives of anyone who advocates modern methods, or who is interested in getting the American "on the road" so to speak. I do not feel that these people are deliberately trying to block progress - I feel it is because they are more exposed to other members ( a small minority) who talk first, and find out afterwards; whose short-sighted views, and often mis-informed ideas, are detrimental to the progress of the American in a modern business society.
The Constitution of the United States, under which we enjoy freedom, has been amended many times, and will be, many more. It has kept us up to date, from the days of the horse-drawn carriages to the jet age. It has been adapted to the needs of a growing and progressing country, to the needs of the modern man, and has rectified errors of past generations, to enable our citizens to have a fair chance to be successful, in a highly competitive world, according to their own efforts and capabilities. So, too, must we, in the American, bring our Constitution up to date, in a highly competitive era.
The Constitution and By-Laws Revision Committee, appointed by the president of the American, has analyzed every phase of the modern rabbit industry, with a completely open mind, and with extensive research. We have come to these conclusions: That the rabbit industry is over-organized; That our Constitution and By-Laws are antiquated and unworkable; That our Constitution and By-Laws are sadly in need of revision and modernization, to keep abreast of a rapidly changing and competitive business climate; That there are too many locals.
State, and specialty clubs, competing for the same breeders; That too many of these groups are carrying the burden of the total expense for too many non-members who "reap the harvest, but sow no seed" - furnishing shows, trophies, information, etc., for breeders who do not contribute one nickel to the overall expenses of the ARBA; That the Average length of membership of a rabbit breeder in any club is from two to three years; That these "short term" breeders contribute little tv nothing to the progress of the club, but take from, and receive a great deal in the way of time, information, advice, trophies and programs, while doing nothing to reciprocate; That the members of the clubs, who are members of the ARBA and the backbone of the industry, tarry the full financial load; That local, State and specialty clubs by their very nature, are individual organizations, hence do not have the real interest or "family tie" to the parent organization.
Why should the American continue to assist, support and cooperate with non-members in the rabbit industry, who take all they can get for nothing, expecting the ARBA members in the locals, State and specialty clubs, to bear the whole financial, educational and national advertising burden? We members of the American must realize that we must do something, and do it fast, and effectively, if we are to enjoy a fair chance to be a modern, successful organization, and stay in existence. Most of the rabbit breeders are fair-minded, forward-looking people, willing to contribute their fair share to any reasonable plan for a progressive industry, but many rabbit breeders do not have the courage of their convictions. When confronted with ill-advised, ill-informed, bigoted, and often plain untruths from the disgruntled or "pet peeve” breeder, they hesitate to demand proof, or weakly protest, then fall into silence.
We must stand up for our convictions; we must find out for ourselves, what the American is up against, and what it is going to have to do, to survive, we must seek and get information from the man in the industry and the American, who KNOW what we are up against. We must "step forward and be counted" and support them. ONLY in this way, will we put the American "on the map" as a vital, growing, interest inspiring organization of live-wire members.
The committee on the Revision of the Constitution and By-Laws has completed its survey, and is about ready to present its final findings and recommendations to the ARBA Board, BUT there is still time for the committee to receive, and carefully consider good, sound, practical suggestions from ANY member of the ARBA. Since this article is appearing ONLY in the ARBA Bulletin, we feel we are talking to members of the ARBA only, breeders who are interested in the continuation and progress of the American.
In order to create a strong rabbit industry, it is necessary to have real unification and complete cooperation from ALL those who are participating in all phases of our industry. When this takes place, and we have the complete coverage, the American will automatically increase its membership many-fold, to where it can assume its rightful place as the parent organization of the rabbit industry.
Today we live in the days of jet planes, IBMs, astronauts, sport cars, discount stores, bikinis, color TV, stereo, 75-mile-and-hour freeways, and nucleur subs. Progress - that depends upon your personal tastes. But progress, and unification, in the rabbit industry and the American, WE MUST HAVE, if we are to survive. We no longer live in the days of the high button shoes.
Drive-in banks were established so that the cars could see their real owners.
The only sound opinions some people have about affairs are a lot of noise.
A patient in a hospital was awakened at a ghoulish hour by a nurse wanting a blood sample. "Oh, all right," she groaned. "But all you'll get is tired blood."
4Oth A.R.B.A. CONVENTION & SHOW October 7-10, 1963 Sedalia, Missouri
W.E. (Bill) Molen, General Chairman and Publicity
With only 5 months remaining till our banner event of the year takes place, we out here in the Midwest are hard at work making final preparations, to insure that the 40th ARBA Convention and Show is an event we will all be proud to have been a part of.
If by chance, you have not attended a previous ARBA Convention, by all means make every effort to be in Sedalia, Missouri, October 7-10, 1963. It is at our ARBA Convention, that you will see all of the breeds, that you have read about in our ARBA Guide Book and Standard of Perfection. This row after row of rabbits in orderly arrangement is truly a sight and experience you will not soon forget.
While attending this 40th ARBA Convention and Show, you will also be able to meet our officers, meet many of the foremost breeders of the particular breeds of rabbits, as well as being able to avail yourself of attending the various educational meetings, thereby learning first hand the factual knowledge so necessary in the successful raising of rabbits, whether it be for profit or an a more limited scale for personal satisfaction. In either event, the facts are necessary, for more profit or fun.
We would also like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the official committee and various committee chairmen that are devoting much time, effort and in many cases their own personal finances to help make this, the 40th ARBA Convention, the best Convention ever sponsored.
The general chairman of this 40th ARBA Convention Committee is W. E. (Bill) Molen of Bronson, Kansas. Bill Molen, was a resident of the Kansas City area for over 45 year and only recently moved to Bronson, which is located 110 miles South of Kansas City. Bill Molen, has had experience in promoting and assisting in many large Shows and Conventions in the past, not only in the rabbit industry but in veterans organizations as well as various business seminars.
The planning committee has functioned for over 2½ years with many trips being taken at their personal expense to Jefferson City, Missouri, the Capitol as well as Sedalia and other cities. The planning committee consists of W. E. (Bill) Molen, Edward H. Stahl, Joe Crawford, Harry L. Fisher and Ray Twyman. The very important task of Convention Secretary is ably handled by Mrs. Loretta Abbott of East St. Louis, Illinois, a real hard worker and a very competent secretary as those familiar with her work are well aware.
The task of Convention Superintendent is another tremendous task with Harry L. Fisher, Pete Naylor, Silas Gates, Hubert Arnold and Ray Twyman all taking very responsible jobs and guiding the efforts of many other volunteer workers. Convention Treasurer is Edward H. Stahl. Convention Corresponding secretary is Beverly J. Molen, plus the additional responsibilities of assisting Show Secretary Loretta Abbott.
Our most recent organizational and reporting of the activities of the work of the various committees, took place April 20th at the
Missouri State Fairgrounds, All of the following Committee Chairman reported favorable progress toward a successful 40th ARBA Convention and Show,
Gene Loveland --------- Catalog
Beverly J. Molen ------- Banquet
C. N. Farley --------- Reservations
Katherine Roberts ------- Youth
Ward Hatcher --------- Tours
Cecil Green -------- — Meetings Schedule(Program
Mrs. S. N. Gates ------- Advertising
With but an exception of maybe one or two, here and there, due to reasons of conflict with employment, it can truly be said that the area clubs and their membership are really going all out to make this a memorable event. Among the things we hope to see accomplished at this Convention thru the efforts, of our Committee, include, banquet cost reduced and more in line with our pocketbooks, non-conflict of meetings and events to the degree that we are able in so few days, an introduction to the 1st Commercial Day at a Convention,
A.R.B.A. CONVENTION NEWS by Dick F, Parker, President
The dates set by the ARBA Board of Directors for the 40th Annual Convention will be October 7th. to and including October 10th., which means that all A.R.B.A, business will be completed at the close of the 4th day. This does not include two days of Board of Directors meetings that will be held Saturday and Sunday before the Show and convention starts. It has been a rule since 1956 that the time of an ARBA convention will be for 4 days, each convention since that time has been for that length of time. This ruling was made due to the length of time any of our members had to be away from their home and rabbits. Some of the members attending our conventions will be away from their homes for a period of 6, 8, 10 and some as much as 12 days. It was at the request of many of the members that the time of the convention be cut from 5 to 4 days.
I read in the May issue of our Rabbit Journals the following:
"There will be a caravan tour of the Ozarks on Friday October 11th, All persons wishing to. viewthe beauty and opportunities affording by this country may do so as leisurely as the caravan progresses. With a total round trip of less than 175 miles and an early start, say 7:30 a.m., one may truly experience the exhilaration of an inspiring Ozark sunrise".
I am sure that the convention committee has arranged a very nice trip for those who can stay over and make it. Many of our members do not have to hurry back home and I feel sure that you would enjoy this wonderful trip into this part of our country and enjoy the hospitality of the natives of Missouri.
Drive-in banks were established so that the cars could see their real owners.
If you eat fresh vegetables for ninety years you can be sure you won't die young.
In the selection of the members who will work as State Representatives I have asked the State Associations to select the number wanted from their State. In most cases we had extra good cooperation from the State Association, In one or two of the States where I did not get a reply to my letters asking for the names of those whom could do the job, I did the best I could, by asking some of the local clubs or some of the ARBA Directors for the names.
Listed below is a complete list of each State’s members whom have been appointed as State Representative- for your State. It is the desire of the ARBA Board of Directors that we can have complete cooperation between the members and the State Representatives. We feel that through this cooperation we will soon build up the membership of our organization.
Director Claude H. Bennett, 1136 4th Ave., Terre Haute, Indiana has been appointed Chairman of the State Representatives ana he stands ready at all times to help in anyway he can, for anything that will build up a Loval or State Club. It is your duty as an ARBA member to call on this branch of cur service to help you. This help will be in the form of suggestions and information to help you. It is not the purpose of this branch to have the authority to change the working of your club, or demand that your club do as they ask. They are only here to help you in anyway they can, to secure new members to offer ideas that will come from the Chairman that may help you.
A.R.B.A. STATE REPRESENTATIVES FOR 1963 & 1964 Claude H. Bennett, Chairman
Max Griffith P. 0. Box 403 Alabaster
C. E. Lewis
2746 El Caminto Drive
S. Ted Monroe Rt. J, Box 133 Tucson
Fred Creamers 94O4 Enger Street Bakersfield
Wesley W. Dixon 7322 Raymer Street Northridge
Robert Herschbach 575 Brown Valley Road Watsonville
N. E. Hamilton
21214 So. Figueroe Street
John Long
1019 East Mayfair
Robert E. Sprague 3317 42nd Street Sacramento
Gordon A. Ash 3248 Glasgow Victoria, B.C.
Maurice Blain 9 Rue St.Joseph St, Rosalie, P, Q.
William Croft Hamilton, Ontario
Bing A. Harris Stoney Creek Ontario
E. Vaugeois
652 Grendville Rd.
Florence Yates 542 Merten Street Toronto, Ontario
L. A. Hambrick 4l3 Park Drive Pueblo
Arthur L. Nelson I8O6 W. Pikes PeakAve Colorado Springs
Gail G. Wares Rt. 2 Box 260 Ft. Collins

Eugene E. Henry 103 Thames View, Rt. 1 Quaker Kill
Ralph Mosher 608 Kennedy Road Windsor
Victor T# Sweetland 264 Chestnut Hill Rd. Norwalk
Kendall Robinson 1108 Highland Ave. Wilmington 8
Mrs. Glenwood Sturgis, Sr. I704 Newport Gap Pike Wilmington 8
Millard Hess 5404 Macomb Street Washington 16
Oliver Barber Rt. 1, Box 486 Apopka
James D. Collins 2512 51st Ave.Drive West Bradenton
Billy E. Dodge 333 N. High Deland
Oreen M. Hoblitzell Rt. 6 Box 511 Tampa
C. F. Simpkins 4191 Mercer Rd.
J. T. Anderson 1731 Hicks Street Augusta
Chas. L. Dezsy 3838 Likini Street Honolulu
Woodrwo Brimm 2200 Boise Ave. Boise
Lirten Jones Rt. 2 Box 595-D Lake Villa
Wm. T. Robinson 418 Chestnut St. Anna,
Don Reid Rt. 1 Lockport
Ted Wengert 2830 Kinsey Street Rockford
Randolph Bagby 3011 Eastview Dr. Evansville
Glenn E. Fitch 6432 W. Jackson St. Indianapolis
Carldon Gaddis Rt. 2
Frank E. Miller P. O. Box 352 North Liberty
Romon Block Box 422
Silas Gates 4344 Pearl Street Kansas City 3
Joe Gognet
1139 Charles Street
W. E. Haggard Rt. 2
Paul Willett 716 2nd Street Henderson
Glendon King
4305 Greenwood Blvd
Guy J. Leger 3701 Heard Road Lake Charles
Ed Story Rt. 4 Box 118 Baton Rouge
Roscoe Cuozzo University of Maine Orono
Clude Hulit 53 Langley Road Westbrook
Louis C. Helm 3609 Buckingham Rd. Baltimore 7
Robert P. Talley Box 139 Garrett Park
Miss Alice B.
Box 121, Granville Rd Southwick
Edward L# Hatfield 999 Plymouth Street East Bridgewater
Harold A# Johnson Rt. 5 Coldwater
Herb Butterworth 2350 44th Street S.R. Grand Rapids
Ralph Higgins
563 Kenney Road, N.W.,
Grand Rapids
Sharlotte Sargarsee 7281 Clio Road Mt. Morris
William Chance St. Joseph
Doris Leibel Rt. 1
St. Paul 11
Ray Gentry P. 0. Box 6504 Jackson
Harry L. Fisher 10405 E. 56th St. Raytown
Cecil Green 1809 Beattlie St.
St. Joseph
Ward Hatcher Rt. 3 Box l44-A Mountain Grove
B. B. Rewey
2250 Peterson Ave.
J. 0. Malstrom 304 N. Grand Ave. Bozeman
Clair Shafer P. 0. Box I Shubert
Paul Brendle
IO47 E. Bracken Ave.
Los Vegas
James Eastman Box 53 Pennacook
Mrs. P. F. Benedict 39 Oakley Ave.
Robert Rome
125 Morristown Road
R. Graham Carver
Rd. No. 3, Highway 22
Ralph M. Collins 291 S. Church Street Moorestown
C. B. Groff
127 Valley Drive
Ross C. Schwab
102 No. Kansas Ave.
Michael Alessio 119 E. Elisha St. Waterloo
James Marland Rt. 2 Cazenovia
William Stedman 150 Main Street Newfane
Ed Sturm 10 S. Main St.
Walter R. Caudell 401 Summit St. Charlotte
R. T. Keenan 19 Brotherton St.
West Ashville
Kenneth Kolberg % Allen Taylor Rt. 2, Larimore
Merle V. Holcomb 8 Madlboro Drive Chillicothe
S. L. Hinaman 2380 Smeltzer Road Mari on
Al. Roerdanz 1005 Wright Street Kingsville
Wayne Willman 2403 Lincoln Ave. Cleveland
Orville Dee 1809 West Randolph Enid Ave.
Walt Hendon
1012 So. 4th Street
H. H. Latham l421 N.W. 94th St. Oklahoma City
M. D. Reinerston Rt. 4 Box 246 Eugene
Bert Searl Rt. 2 Box 371 Molaila
Sam Gerardi 300 Walnut St. Warren
Wm. H. Kennedy 222 Soose Road Pittsburgh 9
J. W. Snyder 750 Grant Street Hazleton
H. H. Trethaway
832 So. Franklin St.
Arnold J. Collison 43 Townsend St.
West Barrington
W. Parks Farrow 913 Lake Ave.
North Augusta
M. L. Love P. 0. Box 1250 Florence
Roy Welsh
5111 Alabama Ave.
Clyde N. Taylor Rt. 2
James L. Vaughters 1872 Valley Blvd. Memphis
Emmitt Bobo
1306 Tidwell Road
J. B. Eaton 1201 Green Abilene
Dan Harrell
8816 Georgian Dr.
W. D. Parsons 4OOO Beverly Dr.
Chas. A. 0'Dell P. 0. Box 1948 Amarillo
J. B. Marshall 24OO Gadis Street Beaumont
R. B. Hopkins 5909 Midway Ft. Worth
W. A. Garringer 3142 S. 9000 W. Magna
Marvin F. Carley 216 Canal Street Brattleboro
Lloyd D. Larson Rt. 3 Box 130 Williamsburg
John McLain 2742 Center Ave. Roanoke 17
Norton McCurdy Arrow Rabbit Farm North Garden
W. A. Pope, Jr.
Rt. 3 Box 218-B Richmond
Lester R. Helm 624 Kitsap St.
Port Orchard
Bruce Nicholson 7239 So. 131 St.
Seattle 78
Mark Youngs Star Rt.
Coulee Dam
George Camp
3853 Green Valley
Phillip N. Lohman ll800 W. Howard Ave. Milwaukee
Mrs. Ruth Strunk Rt. 2 Box 168 Fort Atkinson
E. L. Waterstreet 713 Miller St. KAwaunee
Chas. Larson 2421 Glendale Ave. Green Bay
James W. Henderson Rt. 1 Box 670 Cheyenne
Jose Luis Lainz Rodridues Marin 48 Colonia Crez del Rayo Madrid
MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Claude H. Bennett, Chairman
The membership drive is off, to a very good start. All of the committees on the drive are in the running. For the first quarter of the drive we have 97 new members. Each committee seems to be very much interested and are out to make 1963 the largest year ever.
Here are the standings for the first quarter.
1. N. E, Hamilton, Calif........31
2. Harold P. Guthrie, Ohio......19
3. Hugh Betts, Tenn.............16
Oren Reynolds...............15
5. C. R. Miller. Pa.............10
6. W. R. Caudell, N.C............9
7. Kirk R. Moore, Texas........ 7
8. John Hoblitzell, Fla........ 7
9. G. R. Barnes, Colo........... 7
Coleman Glick, Calif...........21
Edward H. Stahl, Mo............l4
Melvin Behrens, N.Y......... 8
Tommy Andrew, Pa............... 6
Claude Bennett, Ind.............6
Ross Flower, Calif............. 5
Finger Lakes R.B.Assn.,New York..3
Calumet R.B.A, Inc...............2
Granite State R & C B, N.H.......2
So. Florida R.B.A., Fla........ . .2
Western Ill. R.B.A., Ill.........2
January 1962--62 January 1963-67
February 1962- 61 Februaryl963-73
March 1962----- 53 March 1963—- 58
176 198
I am very happy to report that each member of the Membership Drive Committee is also a member of the Member of the Month Club.
1. Harold Johnson, Mich..........66
2. Oren Reynolds, Ill............28
3. W. R. Caudell, N.C............28
4. Ross Flowers, Calif...........27
5. E. H. Petmecky, Texas.........26
6. Harold Drudge, Ind............25
7. H. M. Spence, Texas...........25
8. E. W. Storey, La..............22
9. G. S. Davis, Iowa.............20
,10. 0. Clyde Hulit, Maine.......20
• Harold Johnson, Mich........85
2. Oren Reynolds, Ill...........55
3. H. R. Anthony, Ohio.........54
4. Fidelis Clem Steinhoff,Wisc.44
5. W. R. Caudell, N. C..........38
6. N. E. Hamilton, Calif.......36
7. Matt Kevil, Texas............34
8. Ross Flowers, Calif.........32
9. E. W. Storey, La.............31
10. H. M. Spence, Texas.........30
The one thing that has caused the Youth Rabbit Club to grow and propser has been the work of the many adult rabbit breeders, who are keenly interested in working with the Junior Breeders. I wish it were possible to mention the names of all of those who have contributed. If every local club had at least one member who would take an interest in the Junior Breeders, we would have many more members.
I hope you will note the members of the Youth Committee for 1963, and ask for their help in your particular areas. This includes: Kay Malott, Florida, Sam Gerardi, Pa., Fred Kipp, Ohio, Mrs. Chester Roberts, Kansas, and J. L. Bidwell of California.
GUIDE BOOK COMMITTEE Walter Rawsthorne, Chairman
President Dick Parker and the A.R.B.A, Board of Directors has appointed a committee to prepare a new 1963 Guide Book,

The committee consists of Walter Rawsthorne, Chairman; James Blyth, Thomas Coatam, and Arnold Stebbins. Mr. Rawsthorne and Mr. Blyth both live in Pittsburgh, Pa. Thomas Coatam is from Wattsburg,
Pa. and Arnold Stebbins lives in New York state near Buffalo.
At the present time, it is the wish of the committee to get the work organized in a business like manner. The job will be analyzed carefully—and the functions of each committee member will be carefully defined.
The three men, in addition to secretary Blyth, are experienced in the raising of rabbits and have been ARBA members for years. Also, all three are engaged professionally in the graphic arts business and have useful knowledge to guide them.
As members of the A.R.B.A., it is hoped that individuals will be willing to do their part towards contributing something of value when called upon.
You will be hearing more about this effort with successive Issues of the Bulletin.
Muriel Reid, Chairman
1963 has been showing a marked increase in the number of Cavy Sweepstaked Shows, and more shows have been sweepstaked so far this year than the entire year of 1962. Springfield, Ohio had a record entry of 94 at their April show. Sweepstake Standings to date are:
1. Josephine Taggart
2. Muriel Reid
3. Manuel Anselmo Gary Foster
5. Wm. Schaefer
Many new people are going into the raising of cavies as the demand now exceeds the supply. However, great care should be taken to be sure of a good outlet before going into it on a large scale.
Cavy raising has its cycles and while things are good at present, they can get bad with little notice.
Our membership has been going along steadily and our supply of guide books is almost exhausted. A current project will be the putting out of a new one. What would like to see in a new one?
Our Sedalia Convention Breed Superintendent will be Donald Weeks and our Convention Breed Secretary will be Donald Krider. Tom Coatoam has been recommended for Breed Judge. Specials would be appreciated from anyone interested in promoting cavies. We are hoping for an extra large entry this year.
Anyone having show quality stock for sale in any breed or variety please let me know.
Ellis W. Murray
Somewhere back on the Murray pedigree there must have been a man of great adventure because I like to try something new. I hate going along in the same old manner. Every year Mrs. Murray and I drive to the convention city and never do I take the same route going or coming. I am always looking for something new and for a shorter and faster route home especially.
President Parker and the Board of Officers havelong felt that it is time our Constitution and By-Laws were re-wrote and brought up-to-date. When a resolution is offered and adopted at a convention it becomes part of our Constitution and By-Laws. The first time any steps were taken to bring our laws up to date was at York in 1954 and the entire work was done by the late Charlie Pine. Nine years have passed. Resolutions have been adopted; added in, amended, etc. until if our present Constitution and By-Laws were brought before the Corporation Commissioner of the State of Illinois I feel sure he would DEMAND that we correct and revise them. It is with this thought in mind that the President appointed a committee with Cyril Lowit as chairman.
I don’t think a better man could have been selected. Cyril don’t "stampede", rush in where fools fear to tread or go off half-cocked.
Mr. Lowit is a business man. He took over a small company of some 5 employees that was operating in 3 states and has built it into a large, if not one of the largest of its line in the country. You don’t do that with a highly competitive business unless you have "both feet on the ground" and know your business.
His first letter to the Board on his committees work was a request to have direct access to the council and guidance of the ARBA attorney. This was done so that any changes proposed would be in accord with cur incorporation papers. After all we are a corporation and its high time our rules regulations and manner of operation was on the level of other corporations. As of this writing the Committee has not brought one single change to the attention of the Board. Yet there are all kinds of rumors, false statements mole-hills being built into mountains going out in correspondence on which there is not one ounce of truth or foundation.
The Committee will report to the Board at Sedalia, they may or may not tell before then what they intend to propose and WHY they propose it.
I have very strong ideas on things pertaining to our association. There is no doubt, that I will not agree 100% with the proposals made by the committee, but I am going to be surprised if Mr. Lowit and the committee members working with him don’t bring out some changes for the betterment of our association. I may disagree on some point, but I am going to give: him and the committee the benefit of any doubt about his over-all effort. And I think before any of us take issue, start throwing rocks or spread any rumors we should wait and see what is proposed and carefully consider the proposals, I
I think we can stand a revision of the old and we should try some-thing new. After all any changes will have to be done by a vote of the delegates at a convention. If we find after a years trial that we did wrong the same delegates can make a correction. But lets meet progress with progressive thinking. I have faith in Cyril Lowit and his Consti-tution & By-Laws Committee and I look forward to his report feeling that they will propose things for the BETTERMENT of the ARBA.
Following the untimely and shocking passing of Mr, Harry Herrlein last December, the Educational Research and Laboratory Committee has been reorganized and reappointed by ARBA President Dick Parker. The new committee consists of Dr. Robert B. Casady, of the U. S. Rabbit Experiment Station; Dr, L. R. Arrington, of the University of Florida; Dr. Charles A, Slanetz, of Columbia University; Professor Roscoe Cuozzo of the University of Maine, and Mr. Robert W. Dubbell, of the Pel-Free Rabbit Meat Company. Dr. Casady will serve as the chairman of the committee.
Since reorganization, the committee has been making plans for another successful scientific session, and panel at the ARBA convention in Sedalia this fall. So far, Dr. John F. Lasley, a geneticist from the University of Missouri and Mr. R. W. Dubbell have agreed to discuss topics which will be of interest to all rabbit breeders and the committee hopes to round out the program with one or two others who can present pertinent research information for use by the industry.
The committee hopes that all breeders in attendance at the convention will avail themselves of this opportunity to become more familiar with various aspects of rabbit research and the rabbit industry.
Meanwhile, members of the committee are pursuing investigations, the results of which will be applicable to the rabbit industry and should help in the realization of the industry's potential. Though it may appear that the wheels turn slowly, and that results obtained are not as frequent or as spectacular as desired, the committee is interested in helping the members of the ARBA, and in trying to solve problems of rabbit raising which beset us all. A more complete report of the committee's activities since the last convention will be presented at Sedalia.
STANDARD COMMITTEE Vern N. Ashton, Chairman
As most of you know the last book of Standards was published in 1960. There can not be any changes for five years. I get letters from breeders wanting changes for this or that and of course these ideas are placed on file. The Standard Committee can not make changes for the individual.Any idea the breeders have should first go to the Standard Committee of the Specialty Club sponsoring the breed he or she is raising. The Standard Committee of the Specialty Club will study your idea if they feel it would be a benefit to the breed they will then take it. up with the A.R.B.A. Standard Committee.
It has been brought to my attention that some Cavy breeders are showing Himalayan Peruvians and some of the judges are placing awards on them. We do not have a Standard on the Himalayan Peruvian. There Should not be awards placed on any Cavy or Rabbit that is not recognized by the A.R.B.A. standards. I have been asked if the Abyssinian Agouti Cavy should be shown in Broken Colors or Solid Colors. We have the Golden and Silver Agouti Abyssinian and my answer was I think they could be shown in the solid colors although they are not a distinct solid color they are more so than Broken Color. I think it would be a good idea to hear from some of the Cavy Breeders on the subject.
All members of the American Rabbit Breeders Association are auto-matically members of the A C R D and entitled to the many services of the department and privileges of PURCHASING SUPPLIES.
Due to the fact that this dept. costs much more to operate and to do a successful job of promoting the commercial phasesand products of the industry than can be alloted from your yearly duos we do welcome and accept BOOSTER DONATIONS. For your donation we will send you a display insignia and our list of services. Send your Booster Donation to chairman, Tommy Andrew, 82 Perrin Ave., Shavertown, Pa.
Please state your ARBA membership no. and enclose a postage stamp when inquiring about lists of materials, cartons, posters, literature and free supplies.
Kay MaleTT, Secretary Date--------
Brandenton Route # 2, Box 99
Address--- -City-------


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