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American Rabbit Breeders Association

ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 5 – Sept/Oct
Collection: 1966 ARBA Bulletins


ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 5 – Sept/Oct


ARBA member periodicals



American Rabbit Breeders Association


American Rabbit Breeders Association




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American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 5 – Sept/Oct,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed October 22, 2024,

Vol. 1 September-October, 1966 No. 5
October 17,18,19,20
In the July Bulletin I told you that the location for all Committee meetings would be announced in this Sept. Bulletin. After talking with Mr. Toebbe, we feel there will be plenty of spots around the show room where Committees can get off to themselves for a meeting. I hope they will meet Sunday evening, October 16th and prepare their reports for the First Business session of the ARBA. Their reports should be interesting to all of us.
I hope you will read and discuss the Resolutions printed in this Bulletin. Come to the Convention prepared to speak and vote on them. Each Club should have a delegate. Credentials must be signed by the Secretary of the Club.
If any state organization has a name to suggest to me for a committee appointment, please let me know. I am anxious to strengthen the committees with people twho are anxious to work for the ARBA.
Since Louisville, Ky. is near the center 'of a great majority of our ARBA membership, I feel that our Convention this year should draw one of the largest crowds we have ever had.
Each year people ask if they may attend the Judge’s Conference on Thursday. Yes. Indeed! We hope you will. It will afford you an excellent opportunity to hear the various breeds discussed.
Try real hard to attend the Convention. Introduce yourself to me so I can get to know you. If you have a good idea for the ARBA let me know about it. We have much to accomplish. Let’s all pull together.
Wayne Willmann
Jim Blyth
Many of us rabbit breeders who have been interested in the raising of standard bred rabbits over a period of years will really look forward to the classic of each year—the ARBA Convention where there will be assembled about the finest rabbits there are in the world competing for prizes. There will be some of the finest breeders assembled anywhere in the world to discuss rabbits and have a good time. If you have never attended an ARBA National Convention, make your plans now. You won’t regret it. If you are interested in the welfare of rabbits and enjoy the company, and hearing the know-how from rabbit breeders with years of experience, make plans now to attend the 1966 annual convention—the American Rabbit Breeders Association at Louisville, Kentucky, October 17-20, 1966.
Those of our organization and others outside interested in cavy fancy, this by no means leaves you out. There will be some of the finest cavies in existence on exhibition at Louisville, to compete for national awards. There is no end to what you can learn at an ARBA Convention and the good time you can have.
Some know and some do not know this will be the 3rd National Convention held in Louisville, Ky. How many will be abie to get up at the banquet and say they attended all 3 Louisville Conventions? How many will say they remembered the Kentucky Hotel when it was perfectly new and the initiary degrees that were carried on in the kitchen in the basement? How many will say they recall Joe Penner and his duck and the amount of fun that was brought about through a
(Continued on Page 3)
4323 Murray Avenue — James Blyth, Secy. — Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Page One
W. E (Bill) Molen, Editor P.O. Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716 Edward T. Toebbe, Managing Editor 7400 Smyrna Road, Louisville, Ky. 40228
Wayne Willmann, Pres. James Blyth, Secy Oren Reynolds. V.-Pres. Ellis Murray, Treas
Tommy Andrews W. H. Kennedy
Fred Applegate J. Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton E P. Shilliday
Claude Bennett Edward Stahl
Edward Toebbe
Resolutions To Be Presented To The Convention
WHEREAS certain parts of our By-Laws are similar and separate from other sections referring to the same condition, thus membership cannot get a complete understanding of these operations. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that under Article IV—JUDGES AND REGISTRARS Section lg, be moved over to Section 3e and follow this.
Submitted with 31 signatures
WHEREAS some of our judges and registrars must leave the fancy at times in their lifetime, some due to illness, schooling or other unavoidable things. Therefore, their membership lapses as do their judges and registrars licenses or cavy license;
WHEREAS it has been difficult to find good judges and enough registrars and should these people decide to retain their judges or registrars license or both in accorance with the by-laws, they must pay up all back dues, work at 3 shows, pay a re-examination fee and be reexamined;
WHEREAS working the shows gives them experience and refreshes them in judging or registering and makes them eligible after an examination to qualify as judges or registrars again, providing they have paid all back dues;
WHEREAS we feel the paying of back dues is unjust and unfair to men who for some reason beyond their control have had to leave the service of the American Rabbit Breeders Association for a period of time, we feel there is a place for these men in the American Rabbit Breeders Association that they can service it well as they have done in the past; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED under Article IV, Section 1, Item G, the last sentence be struck from the rules; and Article TV. Section 3, Item E, under this article
we strike out renewal applications must be accompanied by all lapsed dues plus a penalty of $2.00 to be charged.
Submitted with 30 signatures
BE IT RESOLVED that Article IV, Section 1 of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Incorporated, BY-LAWS be changed by making this addition to it:
“(i) Any judge, any registrar or any judge/registrar having completed twenty-five years in that capacity shall be honored by being designated as an EMERITUS JUDGE, REGISTRAR or JUDGE/ REGISTRAR for the balance of his/her natural life. This member thus designated shall be exempt from all renewal fees. However, to be eligible for continuing active judging such judge shall still be subject to the requirement of attending one judge’s conference every five years. '
Submitted with 62 signatures
BE IT RESOLVED that Article III, Section 3, of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Incorporated, Constitution be deleted and the following substituted in its place:
“Section 3. All members who have held a membership in this Association for a period of Twenty-five consecutive years, shall upon the completion of that twenty-fifth year be honored by being designated as an EMERITUS MEMBER for the balance of his/her natural life. Emeritus members shall be exempt from all dues, fees or assessments but shall have the right to vote at any meeting of the Association and to hold office if and when elected.”
Submitted with 72 signatures
BE IT RESOLVED that Article VI, Section 2, of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Incorporated, Constitution b'J deleted and the following enacted in it" place:
“Section 2. The elective officers of the Association shall enter upon the discharge of their duties following their installation; in office at the First Session of the next annual meeting following their election, and shall serve for the period for which they were elected, or until their successors are elected and qualified.”
Submitted with 56 signatures
BE IT RESOLVED that Article I, Section 4 of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Incorporated. By-Laws be changed by making this addition to the FIRST SESSION:
“4th. Installation of Officers.”
Submitted with 56 signatures (See Page 18 for Resolution No. 7)
(Continued from Page 1)
65? purchase? How many will remember the grand party that was held at Fehr’s Brewery at Louisville? How many will remember the large decorated cake won by Bill Stickels? How many will remember the grand Belgian Hare Doe exhibited by that outstanding fancier of Louisville, Ky., Winnie Gilcrist? How many will remember Lantz, that great cavy breeder of some years ago? These will bring out fond memories of those who attended the first Louisville Convention.
Now, what about those who attended the second convention? What will they have to remember? What will they have to think about? You can rest assured there will be plenty and now we come into the 3rd convention at Louisville which must prove an outstanding convention city because the Board of Directors of the ARBA have seen fit to return it to that fair city 3 times. Of course this year like the last one will be held on the exposition grounds which is outstanding in every respect for exhibition purposes. And the Kentucky Hotel again will be used which was brand new at the first Louisville Convention.
Louisville, Kentucky is in the center of most of the rabbit raisers who belong to the ARBA in the United States. And there are many fancy breeds that will compete for top prizes such as Checkered Giants, where Joe Gognat of Louisville is sure to bring the Checkered breeders in and give them some real competition.
It is the former home of the Secretary of the American English Rabbit Club. Ward Hatcher, and will be remembered where he produced some of the finest English in the country. When he left Louisville, I am sure he left some seed there where some good English will crop up in that area. Interest in Tans is increasing and we expect a very good entry of them. In fact, believe most all breeds will be represented at Louisville. How about the people? Will you be there? If not you are going to miss the classic of the year. We will be looking forward to you, whether if you were at the first or second Louisville conventions or whether you are attending your first. You can enjoy it and enjoy the educational features attached to the convention. Be sure to attend, we all will be looking for you.
C. F. Dickinson Passes On
C. F. Dickinson of 813 Burr Oak St.. Albion, Mich., one of the oldest licensed AF^A. judges and a member from way back was granted his judge’s license in 1918 and today was considered ~ne holding a judge’s license for the longest duration. Mr. Dickinson was 81 years of age
and he retired from the Union Steel Products Co. where he was a tool and die maker. He had been making his residence with his daughter, Mrs. Wilbur Bangs in Whittier. Through his long years of association with the American, I do not believe Clarence Dickinson ever made an enemy of any person. Many times he reminded us of the finest Secretary the ARBA ever had, Mr. A. Weygandt. He resembled Mr. Weygandt to a certain extent and had that soft spoken way about him. And many times that some of us met Mr. Dickinson the thoughts of A. Weygandt that Secretary of the past came into our memory.
We are really sorry at the death of Mr. Dickinson. He was an outstanding rabbit breeder and had exhibited at the Chicago World's Fair Convention and won przies there. He was an organizer of the American Sable Rabbit Association and active in many other rabbit organizations. We express our regret of his death and offer our most heartfelt sympathy to those of his relations in their bereavement.
Fred R. Franklin Dies
Fred R. Franklin of Hudson, Mass., passed away on July 2, 1966. He was the founder of the Middlesex Rabbit Breeders Ass’n and a life member of the same. He was an ardent Dutch and Cavy fancier and held a judge’s license for both Dutch Rabbits Exclusively and a Cavy Judge.
He with his devoted wife operate the Town Line Pet Shop in Hudson, Mass. Although he was confined to a wheelchair, he was at most every rabbit and cavy exhibit in a reasonable distance of his home. He was very active. We extend to his widow our sincerest sympathy in her bereavement. We too are very much hurt to lose men of the type of Mr. Franklin and we are sure his work among Dutch rabbits and cavies will be missed in years to come.
Mr. Thurston D. Stewart Passes On
Mr. Thurston D. Stewart of 8165 Lillian Street, Center Line, Michigan, a long time member of the ARBA, passed away on June 25, 1966. Mr. Stewart was an active member of the ARBA and considered one of its regulars in the State of Michigan where there is much activity in rabbit raising. To his daughter and other relatives, we extend our most heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement.
W. A. Seldon Passes On
Word has been received from Pete Leeuwenburg in regard to the death of William A. Seldon, a Life Member of the ARBA, of Provo and Grand Junction, Colorado. Mr. Seldon was a Flemish Giant Breeder for many years and a licensed registrar for the ARBA. He was 80 years of age and passed away on July 2, 1966
PnOM Tfci
in a local hospital of natural causes. Mr. Seldon was born in England and was a retired railroad conductor. There are many old timers who will recall Mr. Seldon and we were very sorry to hear of his passing and extend our most heartfelt sympathy to any survivors that he might have.
Mr. Earl H. Mollet, CPA, 6560 South Western Ave., Los Angeles, California submitted the following report on August 3, 1966.
Your association has a bank account at: Bank of America N.T. & S.A.
8701 South Western Avenue Los Angeles, California A/C No. 302380
We have examined the items that were deposited to and the checks issued from this account. We find that they agree with the books and records kept by your treasurer, Ellis W. Murray.
A summary of the transactions that flowed through this account during the period of our examination, which was from July 10, 1965 to July 9, 1966, is submitted below:
Cash on hand at the beginning of
July 10, 1965..................$ 7,826.21
Add: Deposits for the period
from July 10, 1965 to July 10,
(a) Receipts from secretary Blyth. .$30,114.48
(b) Receipts from Tommy Andrew
for meat cartons. 200.00
(c) Interest Received from Home Savings & Loan Ass. from
A/C 03-022000-8.. 367.50
(Note: This account has a $10.000 00 Balance as of 7-10-66)
The Smoky Mountain Boys
White New Zealands
W H (Bill) Smith, ARBA Judge, Rt. 2, Box 271. Smoky Row Road, Strawberry Plains, Tenn.
Hugh I Betts, ARBA Registrar, 911 Church-well Ave., N.E. Knoxville, Tenn.
A Week-end Visit Will Pay—Save Shipping Costs—See What You're Buying. We sell only top-cjuality stock to particular breeders who want the best ior SHOW and COMMERCIAL.
<d) Miscellaneous Refunds & Rentals Received ........... 15.75
Total Receipts for Period. . 30,697.73 Total Cash to be accounted for.$38,523.94 We found that all of this cash was accounted for in the following manner:
(1) Checks issued by the treasurer in payment of vouchers incurred by the association ............................$27,207.41
12) Balance in Bank of America N.T. & S.A. as of July 10, 1966 ......................... 11,316.53
Total Cash Accounted for During Period Examined..........$38,523.94
During the course of our examination we inspected some of the vouchers and on a test basis traced some of the checks issued in lieu of these vouchers to the vouchers. In all cases tested no variances were found. The bank balance was rec-1 onciled to the book balance.
Our examination was limited to the auditing of only this single bank account.
Our examination disclosed that a check from Home Savings and Loan Association for interest earned in the first quarter of 1966 $121.25 will be included with next years deposits.
Respectfully submitted.
By Earl H. Mollet Certified Public Accountant
Fellow Officers & ARBA Membership:
All outstanding accounts for the fiscal year that have been presented to me have been paid. Last year when the year ended we had $7826.21 in our checking account and, of course, we had our $10,000 insured account in the Home. Building and Loan. This year we still have our $10,000 in the Home Building and Loan and we have in our checking account $11,316.53.
As you can see this is a nice gain and each of you can take pride that under your management we did not stand still but showed a nice gain. My congratulations to you all.
However, let me remind you that you authorized $3500.00 for repairs on our home office, but even if you deduct this from our bank balance you will see we gained. I don’t think it wise or necessary to carry such a large checking account and with your permission will ooen a new Federal insured account that will draw 514 per cent interest. I will not do this until I see what the building repairs will amount to and perhaps not then until the Convention Expenses are paid.
Again my Congratulations and BEST WISHES.
Page Four
Ellis W. Murray
October 17, 18, 19 and 20, 1966 Edward T. Toebbe
As we all are experiencing a very busy way of life with everyone working long hours creating a challenge in several respects to our convention committee, we decided not to make any announcements regarding the 43rd ARBA Convention until all details were completed.
The committee feels this convention is going to the one everyone will talk about because this one is being planned first for the rabbits and their breeders. The rabbits will be judged all on the first day. We have gone all out to hire the judges of the breeders’ choice. Additional judges will be hired to accomplish this goal, if necessary, so each entry receives proper attention.
A convention first — Tuesday night will be a free night so that the Specialty Clubs can have their own get-togethers, which is needed to promote our breeds.
The headquarters hotel is the Kentucky Hotel, Fifth and Walnut, in the heart of downtown, with free parking for guests just across the street from hotel easy to get in and out to go to fairgrounds. Get your reservations in early. Headquarters hotel reservation cards, as well as information on other housing, are available upon request from the committee, Louisville Rabbit Convention Shows, Inc., 7400 Smyrna Road, Louisvlile, Ky. 40228.
Please get your request for a catalog in by August 15—just a postcard with name and address (and zip!) will do it. A headquarters reservation card will be included with catalog, which should be in the mail by September 1.
Entry deadline is post mark no later than October 2. Please cooperate with us on this so we can have everything shipshape when you and your rabbits arrive.
The convention committee is as follows: Edward T. Toebbe, General Manager; Mrs. Louise Toebbe, Secretary-Treasurer; Harold C. Quick, Show Manager; Joe Gognat, Show Superintendent; Walter Fletcher, Chairman Ticket Sales and Information Booth; Edward N. Schuhmann, Chairman Advertising and Catalog; Robert Byrne, Assistant Superintendent.
The convention committee has made the following appointments: Youth Department—Mrs. Dolores Breckinridge, new Youth Chairman, assisted by her better half, William. Commercial Department— Phil Lohman, new Commercial Chairman, assisted by his committee. We particularly solicit your help with these two departments when called upon as they are very willing workers and must have your cooperation if the aims of our association are to be achieved.
Also: Mrs. Ann Gardner, Tours; Mrs. Marian Fletcher, Entertainment and Food;
Mrs. Muriel Reid, Chairman F.D. Party; Mrs. Katherine Gould, Raffle Chairman; Mrs. Alice Albright, Assistant Secretary; Mrs. Charles Emery,. Assistant Secretary; Donald Busing, Ticket Sales; Carl E. Forman, Night Superintendent; William Heil. Joe Harman, Charles Emery, William Hester, Richard Rankin, Burch Good, Wilburn Gardner, A1 Henry, Assistant Superintendents.
We had hoped to announce at this time our Breed Chairmen and Judges, but as this is not complete,. we will list them next month.
There is much to see in our beautiful state of Kentucky and in our All-American city Louisville. Historical landmarks which have been restored to their old style; tours of our industrial plants and beautiful horse farms; our State Capitol at Frankfort, which has much interesting history (you might even get shot as did one of our governors-elect). I warn you bad guys who raise a lot of hell at conventions, our planned trip is up the river, not down. We have a steam boat going both ways and if you enjoy the trip on the Belle of Louisville, you might want to go down the river through the locks too. Just where can you go to a convention and have so much to see and do. Yes. we in Kentucky have the reputation of having fast and beautiful horses and
.........! Your wives must come along
too and enjoy the convention.
Here are a few highlights being planned for you at our convention. Monday, judging and Monday night ARBA banouet and dance (please, no long speeches, dancing promptly at 9 p.m. with one of the best dance bands in the South). Tuesday morning, Specialty Club meetings; ARBA first meeting in the afternoon. Youth banouet and crowning of Queen and free night for Specialty Club get-togethers Tuesday night. Wednesday, tours, various ARBA committee meetings and second ARBA business meeting in afternoon. Now for the fun of vour life,
D.F. and F.D. parties, followed bv fish fry. Yes, Jim Blyth, Green River style. This party is in honor of our beloved Secretary, James Blyth, who will be one of the very few ARBA members who can say he has attended all three Lou'sville conventions—1934. 1961 and 1966. Don’t let the cat out of the bag, but if Jim finds out, it’s ok. Also at this narty we are having a Kentucky style Hillb’llv Band for good old round and sauare dancing so you’ll have a chance to swing grandna like he hasn’t been swung since last fall.
I know Ernie Parks will like this. Now we want you all to have fun and all are welcome, but this is no place for a city slicker. Just don’t be caught with a tie on or Jake Holmes and his sidekick, Ozzie Eisenhaur, will cut it off as ties are not considered safe to wear while attending a
J•j.nm E7,
real shotgun wedding—in such a solemn undertaking, one might just get hung while wearnig one. Thursday we wind up our convention with a tour and Judges Conference and Farewell party and dance. We have a real surprise for this party, but remember you guys, no long speeches. Here in Kentucky they might think you are another political candidate. Yes, we will release your rabbits before the Farewell Party and again after party.
Now this is your convention—we need you to make it complete. The welcome mat is out — y’all come.
AS OF JULY 29, 1966 Individuals
1. Edward H. Stahl, Missouri. .37
2. Melvin Behrens, New York.......23
3. Click Mfg. Co., Calif..........17
4. Fred R. Applegate, 111.........16
5. Mark Youngs, Wash..............11
6. Tommy Andrew, Pa............... 9
7. Claude Bennett, Ind............ 8
8. E. R. McGehee. Okla............ 5
9. J. W. Snyder, Pa................5
10. Irwin Lape, 111.................5
1. Cactus R.B. Ass’n, Ariz......... 6
2. So. W. Va. Rabbit Club.......... 4
3. Western 111. R.B. Ass’n......... 2
4. Lawrence Co. R.B. Ass’n, Tenn... 2
5. Finger Lakes R.B. Ass’n, N.Y.... 2
AS OF JULY 29, 1966 Californian
1. Harry Coles, Missouri............25
2. Harold Dickson, 111..............25
3. Emmett Bobo, Texas...............22
4. Oren Reynolds. Ill...............20
5. Duane Shrader, Nebr..............18
6. Hugh J. Betts....................16
7. Wm. T. Robinson, 111.............12
8. J. L. Bidwel, Calif..............11
9. Leland F. Clark, Calif...........10
New Zealand
1. Harold Johnson. Mich.............88
2. Claudius Poer. Ind...............58
3. Don Reid, 111....................54
4. Marvin F. Carley, Vt..............41
5. Dennis Holcomb. Iowa..............41
6. Eugene Henry, Conn...............37
7. Frank Westley, Pa................34
8. Wm. T. Robinson, 111.............32
9. G. S. Davis. Towa................31
10. Stuart W. Griffith, Tenn........ 31
11. Jack Ellis, Mich...................30
1. Harold Johnson, Mich.............114
2. Don Reid. Ill.....................76
3. Harry Coles, Missouri.............70
4. Pete Naylor. Kansas...............67
5. Wm. T. Robinson, 111..............59
6. Dennis Holcomb. Iowa..............59
7. Claudius Poer, Ind................58
8. Eugene Henry, Conn................50
9. Harold Dickson, 111...............45
Each day’s mail brings another report and evidence of the efforts of clubs and individuals — toward making National Rabbit Week—1966 THE BEST.
Ed Stahl and Bill Molen were on hand at the great Farmers Night sponsored by the Kansas City Athletics, American League Baseball Club, when 30,000 fans were notified of the fact that National Rabbit Week was being featured July 17-23. The Fan-O-Gram scoreboard located in centerfield blazed forth the message for all to see. Also one fan was the happy and lucky winner of 100 commercial type rabbits furnished by Bill Molen.
The George Williams of Streator, Illinois and their fine son Gregg surely offered outstanding individual support to our fine week. The Streator Times-Press had a feature article on son Gregg and his rabbit activities and plans. Then the outstanding house publication of the Owens-Illinois Glass Company plant at Streator also featured the activities of the Williams family. Photos of excellent quality and promotion appeared in both publications. They featured Dutch and Satin rabbits. Trophies and a very fascinating rabbit sign at the Williams also came into focus.
Myron Stinehelfer, Bucyrus, Ohio, initiated a very worthy contest and rabbit prize in conjunction with his local theater. Mr. Moore of radio WBCO, Bucyrus, also spoke very complimentary of Myron and his fine approach to the promotion.
Mrs. Vivian N. Jones, of the Tri-State R&CBA. East Liverpool, Ohio, secured a full page in the East Liverpool Review. Excellent coverage in every resoect. Photo featured members were Walter Clapsaddle and his Checkered Giants with trophies; Linda Starr and Angora; Ray| Vaughn with fine display of New Zealand " Reds and trophies: The Flovd Beattvs and son Richard Keck with Polish and Silver Martens and trophy display; Vivian Jones had a very cute Polish and litter photo; a contrast of size photo featuring a Flemish and Polish rounded out this fine Tri-State effort.
The SEMO Rabbit Breeders Club of Sikeston, Missouri secured radio coverage, T-V exposure for National Rabbit Week, fine items in The Dailv Sikeston Standard and also the Portageville Southeast Missourian. July 15 issue of Standard carried fine photo of eauipment, hushes, nlus D->v»d Hughes with Cals and NZW. They followed this un with Huehes and Derris Gray appearing on KFVS-TV with NZW. Cals. Checkered Giants, Dutch. On July 21 a follow un 10 minute report on local radio. Continuing the follow up promotion, fine articles and photos appeared
in the July 28 and August 4 Southeast Missourian.
ARBA member Hiram Davies of Georgia, a World War II crew chief in the Air Force is now devoting much of his energy and know-how to the rabbit game. Davies is vice-president of Southern Rabbit Association and his family of wife and children Elaine, Diane, Hiram Jr. and Richard are outstanding workers for the rabbit and ARBA. The Atlanta Journal featured an article, “Family Works As Team.”
There you have it in this preliminary report. Rabbit Week 1966 was a fine effort and each passing day’s mail proves the point. We will assemble and evaluate all material submitted prior to August 20. The 3 beautiful trophy awards are ready for presentation to the ‘CHAMPION PROMOTER’. Send National Rabbit Week material to Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
Many of you will no doubt be surprised at suddenly having a woman President. A First, I believe, for the Standard Chin Club, a First, for myself. I have never been President of anything. A worker, yes, but never a leader. I will honestly try to work for the best interests of our Club.
The Standard Chinchilla Assoc, is, at present, in a slump. We, as members, know it, others know it. The secret is out in the open. It is now up to us to do something about it.
Plans for a strong come-back at the ARBA National Convention are already underway. We were fortunate to have nine members present at the Eastern Mid-Year in April, enough to call a meeting.
Our membership needs bolstering. If we all give away one Standard Chin, in return for a membership, we could double our Club.
I tried it, and it works. One rabbit would not be missed by anyone, but one member counts in our Club, at present.
I wish to thank you for your confidence in my ability to help our Club. BUT, remember, a President is supposed to be a leader. However, a President is also subservient to the Directors and members. Any member with an idea to further our Club interests should contact me, and we will work on it at once. Complaints also should be aired out. calmly and honestly. A happy Club will go forward, discontent will split the Club asunder.
So, let us all work together, and get our CHTNS UP. Back where they belong —ON TOP.
Mary Battista President
P. to r. Kay Mayberry and Marilyn Erdhal. Badger KBA, Youth Rabbit Queen Finalists. Kay Is 1st runner-up; Marilyn the 1!>66 Queen will compete in Wisconsin state contest.
Stop Misinformation Get The True Facts
Important and basic changes have been incorporated in the new book of Standards. How can any judge, registrar or breeder hope to function properly without a copy?
The new issue of the ARBA publication. Standard of Perfection, covering all recognized breeds of rabbits and cavies is hot off the press and available to all judges, registrars and breeders.
Many have requested their copy and forwarded correct remittance to Secretary Blyth. These copies have all been mailed. However, there are many, reading this article, that have not availed themselves of this most important ARBA publication.
How can any judge properly handle a class of rabbits or cavies in the show ring, if he is not completely and currently versed on all breeds?
The same is true in the proper discharge of duties by our registrars. The current issue of Standard of Perfection must be in their hands for study and utilization.
Too many breeders follow the Word-of-Mouth Standard. That is, one fellow has overheard two other breeders talking over a point. He then at a later date recalls this conversation, and with additions or changes, he supplies to th's oral Standard, passes along more misinformation. How much time, trouble and money could be saved by these Word-of-Mouth Standard breeders if they had in their possession the current issue of ARBA publication. Standard of Perfection.

So if you think you can breed rabbits and cavies to perfection. If you think you can compete successfully in the show room. If you feel you are honestly judging and registering rabbits and cavies according to your ARBA code; without the new book of Standards you are grossly In error.
An Illegible Ear Number is now considered a General Elimination.
Absence of toe nail or toe nails including claw nail on all breeds is a General Elimination.
Changes in Judging of meat Classes.
We have two breeds listed in the New Book of Standards that are not in the Old Book of Standards: Florida White and Harlequin.
One new variety in the Havana, the Blue Havana, and in the Satin, the Siamese Satin.
Breeds with changes in the New Book of Standards: Californian, American Checkered Giant, Dutch, Flemish Giants, Havana, New Zealands, Lilac, Polish, Satins, Tans and Silver Fox.
The ARBA Standard Committee that made up the New Standard approved the official recognition of Peruvian and Abyssinian Cavies. The Cavies now have three classes Juniors, Intermediates and Seniors. Che^k General Eliminations in the Cavy Standard for weights.
Paper bound copies of the Standard sell at $2.00 each, cloth bound copies sell at $3.00. Judges, registrars, and breeders may forward their order and remittance direct to Secretary Jim Blyth, 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217. This new issue of the book of Standards will remain in effect for five years, until 1970.
Ted Wengert (111.)—Commercial, Std. & Gt. Chins.
Sam Gerardi (Pa.)—Youth.
Luke Smith (Calif.)—Cavies.
Robt. T. Byrnes (Ind.)—Rex.
Chas. A. Henry (Mass.)—Polish.
Marvin Carley (Vt.)—NZW.
Joe Lutes (Calif.)—NZW.
Harry Rice (Ohio)—NZR&B.
G. A. Burke (Ohio)—Flemish.
Don Reid (111.)—Dutch.
Harry Fisher (Mo.)—Californians.
Wm. T. Robinson (111.)—Eng. Spots.
Jack Pugh (Md.)—Silver Marten.
Horace Curtis (Va.)—Amer. Chins. & Youth.
Harold Guthrie (Ohio)—Champ. d’Argent. Creme d’Argent. Beveren, Lilac.
Clarence E. Lewis (Ariz.)—-Satin.
George H. Bayliss (Calif.)—Himalayan, Silvers, Silver Fox, Tans, Belgian Hare, Havana.
Marshall Hazard (111.)—Checker Gt.
Lester C. Wells (Ind.)—Angora, Harlequin, Palomino, Sable, Lop.
This the Convention issue of our ARBA Bulletin is a dandy. Like the U S. missiles, rockets and Tel-Star—the Publicity Committee of ARBA initiated their own program and plan of exploration and we are reaping the rewards, in this issue, with timely and factual articles. These are of the type you have wanted and needed. We are happy and proud that the ARBA is now able and capable to offer these services and information, thru the ARBA Publicity Committee.
The coverage of this September Bulletin is varied but a definite Fur Slant can be detected. John Furrer, one of the real ARBA Old Timers and hard worker and framer of many aggressive ARBA programs, has an excellent article in this issue—‘Proper Handling of Rabbit Pelts For Gain’. A1 Roerdanz, another of our most accomplished judges and authorities on color and fur has an outstanding article. Jack Morris contributed an excellent article on the very popular Satin rabbit, its fur.
The new ARBA publication, ‘Standard of Perfection’, is fully explained this issue. Too, too many judges, registrars and fanciers ignore the importance of this publication. Do you have your copy? Election results appear in this issue. Resolutions to be acted upon at Louisville. We have included an application blank for membership—why not sign up a new member and bring him along to the 43rd ARBA Convention? Secretary Jim Blyth, gives nostalgic coverage of past Louisville Convention and a warm welcome to come to Derby Town in 1966.
A new service, the listing of new ARBA judges appears in the issue. Oren Reynolds, invitation to all specialty club officers to meet with him at Louisville. Lloyd Shantz, Registrar up Canada way offers excellent plans for upgrading show-room equipment.
Contributors to this Convention issue of the ARBA Bulletin reside in 14 states, from coast to coast. Washington to Virginia and Massachusetts to California. One of our fine members and Registrars from the north, Ontario, Canada also has a nice contribution. Lloyd S. Shantz, John Furrer, Merle T. Franz, Clarence Banker, C. A. Henry, Horace Curtis, Mary Battista, Ken Froboese, David Ford, A1 Roerdanz, Jack Morris, Ray Mullett, Beverly Molen, Joyce Smith, Mark Youngs, Vern Ashton, Ellis Murray, Tommy Andrew, Oren Reynolds, Wayne Willmann, Jim Blyth, Ed Stahl, Mrs. Robert Strathman and Keith Forbush round out the list of hard working members that are interested in their ARBA and the ARBA Bulletin.
The ladies are not forgotten in this important issue. Marilyn Erdhal, local
rabbit 4queen of Wisconsin, as well as the first runner-up Kay Mayberry appear in photo.
The Hiram Davies, 100% rabbit raising family of Stockbridge, Georgia were featured in the Atlanta Journal. Grace Hartley, Atlanta Journal Food Ed., visited the home and rabbitry and penned a full half page feature article replete with wonderful photo coverage and tasty recipes. A photo showing Mrs. Hiram Davies serving delicious and tasty rabbit salad to two local officials appears in this ijssue. Included in the table foods are rabbit pie, fried rabbit and rabbit potpourri.
Another of our outstanding rabbit ladies, Mary Battista, of New Jersey, new president of the Standard Chinchilla Club exemplifies the support we receive from the fair sex.
National Rabbit Week, July 17-23 really came off in fine style and with a big bang. Newspaper, magazine, radio, T.V., Theater—were a few of the means of coverage we obtained. Our individual members and clubs really rolled up their colective sleeves. Thanks.
Study the great Development Contest they hold in Colorado each year. Then write David Ford for copy of rules. This is a fine promotion for the good of the rabbits and stimulus to the club.
Rabbits in Viet Nam. Report on Federal legislation, HR. 13881, appears in this issue with complete information to appear in November ARBA Bulletin, thru efforts and courtesy of Senator Frank Carlson, Kansas.
A surprising article of a very unusual happening in Texas will be found in this issue.
An article and testimonial to the late APP A judge Fred Franklin, Hudson, Massachusetts, graces our pages. We received over 7 letters and notes relative to judge Franklin’s death. Each testified to his devotion to duty and cause. Many spoke of his determination and outstanding work with the Youth of New England area.
We hope you enjoy this Convention issue. It is for your benefit and pleasure.
Mr. A1 Roerd^nz replaces Lou Slavens as chairman ARBA Color-Fur Committee. A thought-provoking news release and realistic aoproach to the nroblems confronting this committee, follow.
Nature obvioustv know wh->t she was doing when she made rabbits so nrolific, for it may be that bunnies will be given the task of clothing the exploding population of people.
A rabbit who was never before in danger of being dved unless it was Easter, may now find himself made over into a
pin stripe stenciled shirt, a polka dotted swim suit, or a rosy pink bathrobe.
This seemed to be the message that Ku-Ku furs had for its kleig-light roasted audience the day its two owners Reinette Foster and Joan Thorton Booker tossed its opening bash.
While the two new girls did it zanier, veteran stylist Lilli Dache earlier delivered much the same fashion story when she presented her fur designs for Wells-Treister.
Nobody is probably more surprised than the poor bunny that he is very “In” in fashion unless it is the squirrel, or the raccoon, or the muskrat. These are other “Out” furs bearers suddenly in, now that there is a trend among the elite to be very democratic about the pelts on their backs.
If the Bunny is flattered but saddened over his life shortening new status, the husbands of the world are gladdened.
They can now foot the bills for new coats without really being big spenders.
On the other hand, the fur buying may not stop with coats. Bunny fur dresses, fur slacks, fur bikinis, fur formalwear, sheered or fuzzy, patterned or plain, may also be on a wife’s shopping list these days.
How practical is a fur dress or pair of slacks?
They cost a little more in the first place, but they only require cleaning once a year. And they last a lifetime.
Ask a bunny.
The above article was not reprinted merely to amuse you, but seriously it can have a favorable effect on the buying public. The name of Lilly Dache lends a serious note to the article, but I noticed the article did not mention the very attractive parkas made from bunny fur and seen in ever-increasing numbers at popular ski resorts.
An obvious thing about the article is the omission of any reference to Lapin or Coney, and in my opinion this is to our benefit—frankness and promotion is fine, you can’t sell or promote by confusion.
The questionnaire recently mailed to all National Specialty Clubs from this committee revealed among other things that these clubs desire help from the ARBA through this committee to compensate the breeder, especially in the colored breeds, for producing a good commercial duality fur. Until now he has benefited only in the showroom, provided the Specialty Club has put emphasis on the fur classes. It would be more rewarding if we could eliminate the price differential between colors and white, and if because of increased public acceptance and demand, our by-product becomes an

item of more value.. Then we must produce both quality and quantity to combat the imported product. By studying the business and marketing methods of fur ranchers who produce the more expensive furs such as mink and chinchilla, we could learn how best to establish a dependable market.
Fortunately the Fur Standard on page nine of the ARBA Standard of Perfection for the ’66 to ’70 lists the essential factors necessary for a good commercial pelt in normal fur. The Color-Fur committee will not seek to change the points allotted to each section. The only suggestions we will offer will be changes or additions which will simplify, clarify, and define: mindful of the problems of semantics and interpretation. The Fur Glossary should be up-dated to coincide. The Satin Fur Standard on page eighty-six of New Standard also stresses the factors necessary for a good commercial pelt in this fur type. Our third fur type, the Rex, will require some revising of the section on fur. The need for this has already been expressed by members of the National Rex Specialty Club. Presently this committee will work with interested officials and members of the Rex Club, and the ARBA Standard committee to formulate an improved Rex Fur Standard for 1970.
This committee welcomes the promotion of rabbit fur for commercial use because it presents the best manner in which to encourage the production of quality fur on American breeds. The American product should be the top choice of designers and manufacturers catering to the jet set. Let them create jump suits, a go-go togas, and swinging dance ensembles from quality American bunny fur.
The French furriers have created an array of rabbit fur garments inspired by Pop and Op art which stems from the Mondrian art craze. These striking creations are worn by chic ladies who may be wealthy movie and T.V. stars or students and working girls.
Any large rabbit promotion such as National Rabbit Week or the national convention and show should include appropriate literature or attractive displays of items made from rabbit fur. A style show should be a part of every annual convention program. Can we find a furrier to supply garments made from bunny fur for the Louisville Convention? Wear your Bunny Booster button, Buster!
to Specialty, State and Local Clubs on their club advertisements V< page or larger. Show Ada receiT* the aame discount. And remember you reach every member. Cash with copy, please.
ARBA Registrar Lloyd S. Shantz, Waterloo, Ontario, is national representative of Kitner-Waterloo Club. Shantz, as well as other club members, are very active, as this new innovation in judging equipment attests.
It is the rabbit shows that provide the greatest educational features of the rabbit industry. After taking part in and watching many judging operations our Club members decided to study and provide a more interesting judging session for the exhibitors and the general public.
Our members discussed the possibilities and plans were projected for a brand-new set-up. The members provided the finances and worked several evenings to make up the equipment.
This equipment was finished in time for the first winter show to be held in this district.
The main judging table is made of 3/4 inch presswood, arranged in two sections of 4'x4'; the legs are made of 3/4 inch galvanized pipe which are threaded into a steel plate bolted underpart of table. These legs are easily removed. The two sections are held together by bolts underneath. On the sides of this judging table are two narrower tables 2'x7' forming a U-shaped judging area.
Along the front of the table are two sections of holding pens of five pens to a section, giving us ten spaces. On the one side are two more sections of five pens each where the carriers place the next class. As the Judge examines each individual rabbit for disqualification or elimination he can set them into these holding pens as he finds their quality. The better specimens are placed at one end and poorer specimens placed at the other, thus speeding up the total judging procedure. The judge then starts to send back the specimens after comparison, leaving the better specimens for final placing.
These holding pens are on both side tables and on one side. Pens are marked very clearly, front and back and indicate 1st Senior Buck, 1st Senior Doe, 1st Intermediates and 1st Juniors as they are held for Best of Breed.
It was felt that this would provide greater spectator interest as well as speed up the judging.
It should also be noted that provision is made at one end of the table for the judging clerks to carry out their duties.
The final touch to this lay-out was the use of a bright RFD CARPET covering the table tops. The red shows up the various breed colours to advantage.
Mrs. Hiram Davies, Stockbridge. Georgia, briefs John Pipkin, C. E. Sherard on the virtues and values of rabbit salad. Rabbit pie, tasty fried rabbit and tempting rabbit potpourri completes the table delicacies.
John Furrer
Many columns have been written regarding an ever absorbing topic, selling rabbit pelts, and while many valuable hints have been received, some may have been forgotten and others overlooked. It is my intention to tell you of some small, but at the same time, important features that may have been overlooked. The average breeder is prone to criticize the Fur Buyer who does not always give the price that the breeder thinks he is entitled to. In some cases the breeder is justified. In other cases, he has. thru lack of knowledge or carelessness, cut down the value of his goods appreciably, by poor handling of his rabbit pelts.
From my experience, both as a rabbit breeder of many years, also as a fur-buyer and handler, I will try to point out some of the mistakes which I see when handling pelts, which take dollars out of the pocket of many breeders. If in the future you will avoid some of these mistakes and profit thereby, I shall feel amply rewarded, as I am fancier enough to want to see the breeder get every penny that is coming to him for his rabbit pelts. Still, it is hard to understand why some breeders strive to build better herds, spend good money for herd bucks to improve the Fur Structure of their herd and much time in feeding for better fur, and then take pelts from their rab-
bits, carelessly stretch them, and then toss them away in a box somewhere where moths, weevil and fur worms have free play and take their toll, until such time as they send them off to a Fur-Buyer, who, much to his regret, sees many furrier pelts poorly handled and relegated to the hatter stack or possibly even damaged hatter stack. I shall start out as my first topic, one which I believe most important.
The Handling of Furs: 1. Casing the pelt. First of all, after taking the pelt from your rabbit, the pelt should be cased, by this I mean the pelt of the rabbit should be drawn over the carcass, inside out and so placed on the fur stretcher shin out. There are many reasons why you should case the pelt, first of all it is easier to handle, and protects the fur part of the pelt from dirt and stains and wear, and when packed away and stored, and also in shipping, protects in a measure from grease staining and fat-burning. Then too it is easier to handle the pelt by everyone concerned, and in storing until ready to be tanned.
2. Stretching the pelt. Many breeders make the mistake of stretching the pelts too narrow thru the shoulder portions and extremely wide at the hips. They should be stretched well at the shoulders, running almost parallel of slightly wider at the hips. They should not be stretched V shaped, but just tapering slightly, and pulled down taunt and then a clothes pin placed at each side of the bottom of the
pelt to hold them in that position, but. the pelt should not be over-stretched, that is stretched longer than it was originally while on the rabbit, as this thins down the skin and may cause a paper-shell pelt. Care should be taken to see that the neck and dewlap are pulled down well, so that they may not fold over, also the tail and front legs should be pulled out well, as if these parts are allowed to fold over and so dry, with the deposits of fat there, this leaves natural places for weevils and fur worms to propogate. and for blow-flies to deposit knits, and thereby cause damage to the pelts. Care should also be used not to permit blood to get on the pelt or fur. The head and ears of the rabbit should not be left on the pelt. You may gain a little weight three-by, but the head is usually very bloody and will soon cause rot, and the ears will mold and cause damage to the fur at the shoulders, causing the fur to drop out, damaging the value of the pelt as a furrer. If the pelt is bloody, this will badly stain the pelt, and leave a rusty stain on the fur after tanning, then too. the blood is an agent for attracting blowflies and vermin to the pelt.
Some breeders make a practice of fleshing the pelt, this should not be attempted except to remove the lumps of fat from the shoulders and belly and from under the legs. When removing these fat lumps, do not do so until the pelt has dried on the stretcher for at least 10 hours, then these lumps may be removed with a dull knife, or by the fingers. A sharp knife should never be used as if you penetrate the hide below the 1st layer of skin, you may damage the pelt as a furrier. The pelt should be left to dry thoroughly on a stretcher, in a dry place, but never in the sunlight or near extreme heat as this will shrink the pelt. Usually 3 or 4 days will suffice to dry the pelt enough to eliminate the danger of mould.
Copy deadline 15th of month preceding month Feb. 15, Apr. 15, June 15, Aug. 15, Oct. 15, Dec. 15. On annual contract deduct 10% from the rates listed below. Deduct additional 5% for cash with copy. This helps cut down our bookkeeping.
Send Advertising copy and payments direct to: Managing Editor, E. T. Toebbe ARBA Bulletin 7400 Smyrna Road Louisville, Ky. 40228
Please make checks payable to ARBA Bulletin.
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If left hanging exposed too long, there is more chance for blow-flies to lay eggs in the crevices and maggots will damage the pelts.
3. Storing the pelts. After the pelt is sufficiently dry to remove from the fur stretcher, place them in an air-tight box if possible, which is in a dry place. An economical box can be constructed merely by taking a large box which is fairly tightly constructed and cover with tarpaper all over. After placing the pelts in the box. Flake Naptholene may be sprinkled in the box to guard against vermin and moths, and the pelts held a reasonable length of time before disposing of them. Care must also be used against damage from mice, as they delight in paring the top layer of skin from the pelt, which contains a little fat, and they often penetrate to the lower layer of skin, damaging same badly.
If you would like to receive top price for your pelts, do not hold them too long before shipping as the pelts will deteriorate if held too long. They run the danger of becoming grease or fat-burned, or may in some cases become too difficult to remove these stains in the tanning process, if they can be removed at all.
So summing this all up, if you have been getting remarks from your fur-buyer to the effect that the pelts you sent him were damaged or poorly handled, check back over this article, perhaps you have been at fault in some respects and by avoiding these mistakes in the future, get a bigger and better check from your fur-buyer.
Who Is Secretary—
What Is Cost??
The rabbitry Log, official publication of Finger Lakes RBA (New York) posed a very timely question in a recent issue of their publication. Joyce Smith is editor of this fine Bulletin..
It carried the legend that each new show season, the local club secretary always has the same questions bothering the orderly mailing of specialty club sanction requests.
The National Specialty Club secretaries in many instances change with their club elections. Also in many instances the sanction fee changes.
In order to help alleviate this problem. The Rabbit Log, printed as many addresses and fees as they were able to secure, that were current.
We will print this information for all Specialty Clubs in the November ARBA Bulletin. Secretaries mail this information to Editor. Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716.
Pace Twelve
For many years the development contest has been an annual affair for several of Colorado’s rabbit clubs. The development contest is so named because of one of its primary functions—the measurement of the growth and development of young rabbits from the approximate age of two months to five months.
Development contests, as held in Colorado, are conducted similarly to the judging of a class in a regular rabbit show. Two major exceptions are evident however. First of all, each rabbit is judged three times before final placings are compiled. Each judging is a month apart. The second exception resides with the fact that rabbits of all breeds are competing in one class. Rabbits are judged accord-^ ng to their individual standard as laid Blown by the American Rabbit Breeders wAssociation. A special emphasis, however, is placed upon weight gain and body development from judging to judging. Weights are compared for the three judgings.
Awards are divided into two categories —those for the best individual rabbit and those for best display (up to three rabbits). Points are given to each rabbit at each judging according to its placing for that month. These points are subsequently compiled to determine the winners at the completion of the third, and final judging. The rabbit with the most points is the winner in the individual rabbit contest. Awards are usually made to sixth place in this category. In the best display category, points are totalled again, but this time on the basis of exhibitor. Each person may enter one, two, or three rabbits. The exhibitor who earns the most points with his total entry of rabbits is ^the winner of the best display contest.
^ The development contest can also be designed with two objectives in mind other than those of entertainment and the stimulation of interest. First, the youth of the club may be placed in charge of running this “miniature show” in order to give them experience in managing a show. Secondly, the judge may be chosen with the intent of giving a club member some exDerienee in the art of rabbit judging. This person does not have to be a rabbit judge.
Colorado’s development contests are solely club affairs and non-local club members are not allowed to compete in the contest. The judging, as mentioned, spans over three successive monthly club meetings. Attendance at club meetings during the development contest iudeings is always considerably greater than for regular meetings. The development con-
test, therefore, is one of the year’s major attractions for each club.
The development contest has helped keep interest alive in the Colorado clubs. If your club needs stimulation, stage a development contest. For further information and a set of show rules, write David Ford, 2945 17th Street, Boulder, Colorado 80302.
The YOAKUM HERALD-TIMES (Texas) recently carried a 2 column feature article on the double kindling of a rabbit in this city. A 2 column by 5 inch photo of Gloria Myers and Mrs. Morris White with the doe and litters substantiated the article—which follows, quote
“Gloria Myers, a Junior High student at Yoakum, was all smiles here this past Saturday. Her mama doe rabbit gave birth to a second litter of baby rabbets within one week after she had a litter of eight baby rabbits the previous Saturday. That made a total of 17 baby rabbits, all within a week, from one mama rabbit. However, from the first birth only three were living by the time the second litter was born, but deaths were attributed to circumstances other than natural.
The question of whether the rabbits might not all be from this one doe was quickly ruled out when it was learned the does next door also had litters.
For Gloria it all began about a year ago when she obtained the pedigreed Red New Zealand doe from the Bear Creek Rabbitry operated by Mr. and Mrs. Morris
E. White of the Hebron Community of FM 682. Mrs. White is pictured with Gloria, in the photo.
It was the first time that either of the two had experienced a happy event of this type. The Rabbitry has upwards of 150 rabbits in its confines and all are pedigreed stock and many of them have appeared in rabbit shows throughout Texas, New Mexico, Iowa and Illinois, Mrs. White said. The Whites moved to the Hebron community from Victoria several years ago and got themselves into the rabbit business in a tradeout for ducks. Mr. White was reportedly confined to the Victoria hospital at the time. It wasn’t confirmed whether his ailment was anywhere similar to that of an expectant father, but all was reported well on the home front.
Gloria is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Myers. Other members of the family are her five brothers: Charlie .Toe at West Point. Marcus at the University of Texas and Tommy, Anthony and Hugh at home.”
New Mexico State Fair, Chloe Baker, P.O. Box 8546, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Sept 15-25
Los Angeles Co. Fair. Phil D. Shepherd, P.O Box 2250, Pomona, Calif. Sept 16-21
Columbus R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. Dolores Brecken-ridge, 1487 Cole Road, Columbus, Ohio Sept 17-18 Badger R B. Ass’n, Ruth Strunk, Rt. 2, Fort Atkinson, Wise. Sept 17-18
All States Rabbit Club, Mrs. Linda Eckert, Big Springs, Nebr. Sept 17-18
Texas Panhandle R B. Ass’n, Mrs. Charles O’Dell. 814 Floria, Amadrillo, Tex. Sept 17-18 Kansas State Fair, Wallace M. White, State Fairgrounds, Hutchinson, Kan. Sept 17-22
New Jersey State Fair, Arthur B. Porter, P.O. Box 669, Trenton, N.J. Sept 17-25
Western Washington Fair, John H. McMurray, P.O. Box 189, Puyallup, Wash. Sept 17-25
Capitol District R.F., Shirley A. Kenyon, Box 383, RD 4. Troy, N Y. Sept 18
Ohio Checkered Giant Club, Glen C. Carr, 454 So. Terrace Ave., Columbus, O. Sept 18
Decatur Co. R.B. Ass’n, Fay Downey, RR 1, Hope, Ind. Sept 18
Iowa Progressive Rabbit Club, C. Jay Miller, 303 S. 6th St., Kalona, Iowa Sept 18
Tennessee Valley Rabbit Club, Mrs. Robert Wilcox, R 5, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Sept 18-24
Ashland Co. Agri. Society, Mrs. Robert Moher-man, 420 Forrestdale Rd., Ashland, O. Sept 19-24 Chattanooga R.B. Club, David Griffith, 3307 Kelly Ferry Rd., Chattanooga, Tenn. Sept 19-25 Tulare Co. Fair, A. C. Slinde, 1495 E. Burton, Tulare, Calif. Sept 20-25
W. Va. Am. Ck. Gt, Club, George Camp, 3800 Green Valley Rd.. Huntington, W. Va. Sept 23-24 Illinois R B Ass'n, Mrs. Bernise Bloomquist, Box 8, Sherrard. 111. Sept 23-25
Richmond R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Virginia Flournoy, Rt. I, Box 585, Mechanicsville, Va. Sept 23-Oct 1 Wichita Valley R B. Ass’n, Mrs. Ruth Ford. 1618 Mansard St., Vernon, Texas Sept 24
Fox River Valley R&CB Ass’n, Mrs. Paul An-sloos, 1672 Cass St., Green Bay, Wic. Sept 24 Sandusky Valley R B. Ass’n, Mrs. Clarence Counts, 1800 Crytal Ave., Findlay, O. Sept 24-25 Soo Valley R B. Ass'n (Calif. Show), Leona Skillman, Box 214, George, Iowa Sept 24
Soo Valley R.B. Ass'n (N.Z. Show), Leona Skill-man, Box 214, George, Iowa Sept 24
Illinois Ck. Gt. R. Club, George Thoms. R 2, Box 17, Orland Park, 111. Sept 24-25
Michigan Ck. Gt. Club, Mrs. Jennie Roach, 770 Pensacola, Pontiac, Mich. Sept 23
Tri State Rabbit Club, Mabel Brucker, Rt. 2. Box 251, West Middlesex, Pa. Sept 25
Eastern Dutch R F. Club, Mrs. Christine V. Hall. RD 2, Box 140, Quakertown, Pa. Sept 25
Clarinda R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Dorothy Walter, Noda-wav, Iowa Sept 25
Cal-Bra-Hill R Club, Dean Daglow, 213 E
Leigh St., Homer, Mich. Sept 25-Oct 1
Soo Valley R.B Ass'n (All Breed), Leona Skill-man, Box 214, George, Iowa Sept 25
Panhandle South Plains Fair, A. B. Davis, P.O Box 208. Lubbock, Texas Sept 26-Oct 1
R 2. Old Florence Hwy., Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Lawrence Co. R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. Norman Simback.
Sept 26-Oct 1
Kern Co. R.B. Ass’n, Alma Cremer, P.O Box 1735, Bakersfield, Calif. Sept 26-Oct 2
Eastern N. Mex. State Fair, Mrs. John E Fry, R 2. Box 153-R, Roswell. N Mex. Sept 28-Oct 2 Central Washington Fair, J. Hugh King, P.O Box 1381, Yakima, Wash. Sept 28-Oct 2
Waterloo RB Ass’n, William C. Mixdorf, 3210 Logan Ave., Waterloo, Iowa Sept 30-Oct
Tulsa Rabbit Club, Spicer, 1710 E. 71st No.; Tulsa 30, Okla. Sept SO-OetO
Lorain Co. Rabbit Club, Mrs. Mike Honashofsky. RD 2, West Bridge Road, Elyria, Ohio Oct 1-2 Rochester R B. Ass’n. Irene Jessmer, 4366 Sweden Walker Road, Brockport, N.Y. Oct 1-2
Delaware State R B Ass’n. Mrs. J J Klekotka. 2300 Foulk Rd., Wilmington, Del. Oct 2
Connecticut R.B. Ass’n, Jessica V. Moran. 257 Fern Rd., Cheshire. Conn. Oct 2
Washington Co. R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Ruth N. Caldwell, RD 2, Box 247, Eighty-Four, Pa Oct 2 Alabama R.B. Ass’n, Jimmy M. Bradfield, McCormick Dr. New Castle, Ala. Oct 8-4
Heart O’Texas Fair, Mrs. Doris Spence, P.O. Box 7581. Waco, Texas Oct 4-8
Arkansas Livestock Expo., Clyde E Byrd. P.O Box 907, Little Rock. Ark. Oct 4-8
Coshocton R&CB Ass'n, Jick Wireman, 5475 See-man St., S.W., Navarre, Ohio Oct 5-8
Venura Co. R.B. Ass’n, Elmer Paquette, 334 Acacia Rd., Santa Paula, Calif. Oct 5-9
CALIFORNIANS—good quality, pedigreed and registered. Prices and information on request. Always a few good ones for sale Duane Shrader & Sons, 625 S 51st St., Lincoln, Neb. 68510.
POLISH—Black, Blue-eyed White, Californian Satins. Write for prices. Breeze Hollow Rabbitry, RD No. 1, Box 37, Wellington, O. 44090
SANDY FLEMISH GIANTS—Good quality stock available. Good type, size and production. Pedigreed. Mansfield’s Giant Rabbits, 1004 S. Garden Ave., Stockton, Calif. 95205.
"ROTHSVILLE DUTCH’’—Home of Champions Black, Blue. Chocolate. Pictured in the 1966 ARBA Offciial Guide Book. Pedigreed junior, showmarked, foundation trios $12 00 Satisfaction guaranteed. Jack Messner, Box 267A, Roths-ville, Penn.
"ROTHS VILLE GOLDEN PALOMINOS” — America's new breed. Pictured in the 1966 ARBA Official Guide Book. Pedigreed junior foundation trios $12.00. Satisfaction guaranteed. Jack Messner, Box 267A, Rothsville, Penn.
ANGORA—See Cleo, Page 28 New Standards Book. 6 generation pedigree registered stock. Dept A for prices Shooting Star, Pellston, Michigan.
SELLING OUT—Wood Pens. Wood & Wire Pens, Crocks. Double B Rabbitry, Bill Raymond, ARBA No B34 , 403 S. Franklin Rd., Indianapo-lis, Ind. 46219._________________________
"HOW TO START A COMMERCIAL RABBIT-i RY”—This book is written by and based on thrf actual eperience of a successful operator of a 1000 hole commercial rabbltry. A great help for any rabbit raiser—a must for the beginner Covers equipment and how to build it, how to select commercial breeds, covers feeds, feeding and feed cost, how to handle rabbits, breed, wean, sex, market, keep records, etc. Numerous drawings and pictures makes every subject easy to understand Price $2 50. postage paid. Ozark Enterprises, Willard 8C, Missouri.
QUALITY EQUIPMENT—at lowest prices Free catalog. Ozark Enterprises, Willard 8C. Missouri.
FLEMISH GIANTS—All colors. Sandys of all ages. Colors limited. Andrews Circle ”A” Rabbitry, Rt. No. 3, Newark, O. 43055.
7 cents per word—one insertion; 6 cents per word—two insertions: 5 cents per word—six issues (1 yean.
Cash, check or money order must accompany classified copy Deadline 15th of month preceding month of issue.
"Stock for Sale” advertising accepted aaly from members.
Fresno District Fair, T. A. Dodge, 1121 Chance Ave , Fresno, Calif. Oct 6-16
Auto City RB. Ass'n, Angeline Ellis, 21224 Sherman, Southfield, Mich. Oct 8
New England Dutch Rabbit Club, Harry Anthony, Jr , 120 Miller Ave , Meriden, Conn. Oct. 9 Mississippi R B. Club, Mrs. Thelma Purser. R 5, Box 22, Jackson, Miss. Oct 10-15
Gulf Coast Rabbit Club, Mrs Alma Ogg, R 3. Box 64, Orange, Texas Oct 14-17
Oregon Poultry & Pet Stock, Glenn Ulilhelm-son, 103 Illinois St.. Newberg, Oregon Oct 15-23 Pensacola Intertate Fair, John E Frendel, Sr.. P.O Box 255, 378080 Brant Bldg , Pensacola. Fla
Oct, 17-28
Greater Jacksonville Fair, Sandra C. Carter, 1245 E. Adams St., Jacksonville, Fla. Oct 19-29
Salt City Rabbit Club. Mrs. L. Johnson, 712 North St., Halstead, Kan. Oct 29-30
Des Moines R.B. Ass'n, Phillip W. Knight. 4016 41st St., Des Moines, Iowa Oct 30
Phoenix, Ariz. Nov 4-13
Arizona State Fair, 1826 W. McDowell Road, Cuyahoga R&CB Ass’n, David A. Leeseberg, 25170 Lorain Rd , No. Olmsted, Ohio Nov If Finger Lakes R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. Joyce Smith, P.O. 3ox 15, Waterloo, N Y. Nov 5-6
Progressive Rabbit Club, Mrs. C. L. Roberts, 4742 Parkview, Kansas City, Kansas Nov 5-6
San Antonio R.B. Ass’n, 259 E. Elmview, San Antonio, Texas Nov 6
Witt Ed. R B. Club, Naomi Petty, Box 256. Witt. 111. Nov. 6
Tri City R.B. Ass’n, Helen Forsberg, RR 2. Box 150A, Davenport, Ia. Nov 6
South Euclid R.F., Inc., E. P. Shilliday, 5188 Eastover Road, Cleveland, Ohio Nov 6
Decatur RB. Ass’n, Mrs. C. F. Simpkins, 4191 Mercer Rd., Decatur, Ga. Nov 11-13
Delaware Co. RB. Ass’n, Robert Lee Sapp, RR Namara, R 2, Box 36. Reistertown, Md. Nov 13 Baltimore Co. R&CB Ass’n, Warren J. Me-1, Box 144, Alexandria, Ind. Nov 13
Council Bluffs R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Viola Smith, 302 East Orchard Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa
Nov 13
Will County R.B. Ass’n, Mrs. Norma Hart, 195 Marguerite St., Coal City, 111. Nov 13
Zanesville R.B. Ass'n, Edna Andrews, R 3, Newark, Ohio Nov SO
Whiteside Co. RB. Ass’n, Vernon Schroeder, R 3, Morrison, 111. Nov 20
Southern Ind -111. R&CB Ass’n. John M McMIl-lin, 3027 Forrest Ave., Evansville, Ind Nov 26-27 Southwest R.B Ass’n. Mrs. Geo. Ruzlcka. 5309 Nell St.. Fort Worth, Tex. Nov 27
Indianapolis R F. Ass’n, Ruth Scott, RR 1, Box 122, Morristown, Ind. Dm 3-4
North Central Iowa R F. Ass’n, LuVeme Van-natta. Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa Deo 3-4
Beehive R B. Ass’n, Dorothy Park, 3616 So 2200 West, Salt Lake City. Utah Dec 4
Californian R. Club of Calif., Geo. B Sutherland, 16041 Hayland, Valinda, Calif. Dec 11
Satin R.B of Calif., Geo. B. Sutherland. 16041 Hayland. Valinda. Calif. Dec 11
Delphos R&FB Ass’n, 127 S. Clav St . Delphos, Ohio Feb 25-26, 1967
Springfield R&CB Ass’n, Roger C. Miller. Box 162, Sabina, Ohio Jan 27-29. 1967
Southwestern Expo & Fat Stock Show, W R. Watt, P.O. Box 150, Fort Worth. Texas
Jan 27-Feb 5, 1967 Peoria Area R.B. Ass'n, Mrs. Helen M'ller, Box 25, Maquon, 111. Feb 26, 1967
Central Fla. R.B. Ass’n. Mrs O. T Underhill, P.O. Box 107, Clarcona, Fla. Feb 27-Mar 11, 1967 Marmaton River R B Ass’n, Darla Beth Molen. Box 8. Bronson, Kansas March 4-5, 1967
Tibbar R B Ass’n, Bob Kahler, Box 11, Custer Park. 111. March 5. 1967
Stark Co R&CB Ass’n, Warren J McNamara. R 2, Box 36, Reltertown, Md. March 12. 1967 Northern 111. R. Ranchers, Mrs Dora O’Hare. 1015 Franklin, Winthrop Harbor, 111 Mar 12. 1967 Pony Express R.B. Ass’n, Cecil N Green. 1809 Beattie. St. Joseph, Mo Mar 25-26, 1967
Champaign Co. RB. Ass’n, Mrs. Viletha Lindsay, RR 3, Champaign, 111. Mar 26, 1967
Mall City R B. Ass’n. O. R. Chaney, 3716 Wood-hams Dr. Kalamazoo, Mich. Apr 1, 1967
Free State R B. Ass’n. Mrs Mina S Uebel, R 1, Yeagertown Rd., Mt. Airy, Md. Apr 1-2, 1967 Grundv Co R.B. Ass’n Mrs. Dorothy Johnson. RR 1, Box 30, Mazon. Ill Apr 2. 1967
Eastern Dutch R.F. Club, Christine V. Hall. RD 2, Box 140, Quakertown, Pa. Apr 2, 1967
Oren R. Reynolds, Judge, RR 3. Box 509. Decatur, 111. 62526, Ph: 317, 877-6518.
“Don” Reid, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, Rt. 1, Box 159, Lockport. 111. 60441.
Ross Flower, Judge. 7043 9th Ave . Rio Linda, Calif., Ph: 991-2098.
Walter L. Patton, Judge, 69 Godby St., Logan, W. Va.
I. K. (Jake) Holmes, Judge, 440 Pulaski Rd., Calumet City, 111.
Vern N. Ashton, Judge, 1626 Oakland Parkway, Lima, Ohio 45805.
George Camp, Judge, 3853 Green Valley Rd., Huntington, W Va.
Philip A. Macy, Judge, 210 N. Third St , Tipp City, Ohio. Robert Byrne, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 1110 W. Harrison Ave , Clarksville, Ind., Ph: 283-8657.
Kirk R. Moore. Judge, 1909 Buchanan St., Wichita Falls, Texas, Ph: 322-5027 Marvin F. Carley, Judge. 216 Canal St., Brattleboro, Vt. 05301, Ph: 802, 254-4396.
Claudius Poer, Judge. 1317 Q Ave., New Castle, Ind. 47362, Ph: 529-3729.
A1 Roerdanx, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies. Rt. 1, Box 51, Kingsville, Ohio 44048.
Harold Drudge, Registrar, RR 1, Roann, Ind., Ph: 219, 982-2021.
Marvin Kroenlng, Judge, RR 5, Marshfield. Wise 54449.
Edward T. Toebbe, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 7400 Smyrna Road, Louisville, Ky. 40228, Ph: 502, 969-8362.
Horace Cortls, Judge, 401 E. Jefferson St., Falls Church, Va , Ph: Jeff. 2-3674.
Dewey H. Mains, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, Box 101, Conklin, N. Y.
James Blyth, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217.
Glen C. Carr, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 454 S. Terrace Ave.. Columbus, Ohio 43204, Ph: 279-8442.
Dr. Thomas Coatoam, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, 213 South St., Wattsburg, Pa. 16442, Ph: 814, 739-2773.
Dnane Shrader, Judge, 625 S.
51 St., Lincoln, Nebraska 68510 Betty Beckendorf Registrar. Rt 2. Box 28B, Crescent City, Calif 95531.
E. L. Eary, Registrar, 5215 Alpine Drive, Charleston. W Va. 25312
William Dlngman, Registry, Rt. 3, Box 499, Traverse City, Mich
Douglas Noble, Registrar, P.O. Box 203, Brusly, Louisiana 70719.
Jack Messner. Registrar, Box 267A, Rothsville, Penn., Ph: 898-2197
Lewis Bowers, Registrar. Route
I, Manteno, Illinois. Ph: 476-6277
J. Cyril Lowit, Judge, Rt 2, Box 440, Troutdale, Ore 97060. Leonard L. Rlskle. Judge. 2030 Hendershot Rd., Parma, Michigan, Ph: 517, 531-4015
H. J. Merrlhue, Registrar, P.O. Box 23123, New Orleans, La. 70123, Ph: 504 . 729-2114.
Marvin H. Langeland. Judge. 1985 N. 9th Street. Kalamazoo. Michigan 49001, Ph: 616, 349-4429.
Probably for me simpie reason that the Satin raDbit is one of the newest of breeus, we frequently find a wide range of opinions and remarks in the judging of it.
For instance, I have seen cases where some judges would favor sheen over quality on Satin fur to the point where an animal with very poor density and a tremendous flyback, (which are usually the lactors which give a coat extra high sheen) above animals with just good sheen and a very high quality of density and texture. It is without a doubt a fact that an excellent density on a Satin rabbit fur kills a small amount of sheen. I, personally like and admire high sheen on Satin rabbits, but I also know that standard-wise a judge can give very little credit for sheen beyond the amount it takes to prove by sight that the rabbit is a Satin.
Texture-wise, I feel that most judges are either giving too much credit for too soft a fur or much too harsh a fur. The ideal Satin fur should be fine, very dense and thick to the touch, due to a soft very dense undercoat, but in no way should it resemble woolers. This fine, soft, dense undercoat should be interspersed thickly with lustrous, slightly coarser guard hairs, visible to the skin, and should extend above the under fur evenly about one-eighth of an inch. These guard hairs should have enough resilience in texture so that when the fingers are drawn through the coat, it will return to its normal position (not flyback) and lie smoothly over the entire body. If a Satin fur has extremely fast flyback, it is usually too harsh and wiry.
Unbalanced coat should also be strongly discouraged. By this, I mean coats which vary in density or have an uneven extension of guard hair or a combination of both over the body.
The ideal length of Satin fur is one inch to one and one-eighth inches with the allowable length being from about seven-eighths to one and one-quarter inches. I much prefer a balanced coat near the minimum or maximum lengths to an unbalanced coat near the ideal length.
Texture, density, and balance and condition (sheen, length, condition) are the factors of Satin fur in the order of their importance and the fur should be judged accordingly.
The Satin rabbit derives its name from the distinct type of fur that it has and therefore it should not be taken lightly on any judging table. Satin fur is only a portion of the great Satin rabbit and therefore I do not write this article to detract from any other facet of the animal, but to bring to light the fact that the fur portion is sometimes being slighted.
Judge Fred Franklin officiated at his last show, Saugus 4-H Club, June 5. Judge Franklm handled and placed 96 cavies and 41 Dutch. As was his usual custom, Franklin performed his assign-men with dignity. Win or lose under Judge Franklin, you were satisfied with the remarks and reasons of placement.
Judge Franklin was a dedicated stalwart to the rabbit and cavy fancy. He was a member and worker of Worcester County RBA; New England Dutch Club; New England Satin Club and their Nationals. Fred was organizer of Middlesex RBA.
His animal raising activities extended over some 35 years. A 10 year member of ARBA. A judge and registrar, having taken both examinations under Judge C. A. Henry. ,
Judge Franklin’s industry and remark^ able achievement is an inspiration when one considers that one of Mr. Franklin’s legs was amputated some years back. He was a diabetic patient and was confined to a wheel chair for last 6 years.
Mrs. Bess Franklin, the widow, was the cheerful and true companion of the Judge in all his activities. Judge Franklin was a young man of 50 when he expired July 2nd.
The Massachusetts and the New England rabbit fanciers, the ARBA and most particularly the youth have lost a stalwart, hard to replace, in Judge Fred Franklin of Hudson, Mass. The ARBA has also lost one of its finest judges and representatives.
H.R. 13881 which was passed by the^fe U.S. House of Representatives and also^V passed with amendments by the Senate was referred to joint conference of the Agriculture Committees of these legis-tive bodies.
Senator Frank Carlson, Kansas, has advised that the conferees agreed Monday. August 1, and the House Agriculture Committee had advised him the report was completed 4 August. Senator Carlson will send a copy of this report for inclusion in ARBA Bulletin and to interested officials.
Horace Curtis, chairman of ARBA committee in Washington, has been with this legislation all the way.
We can report that the forerunner of H.R. 13881 was H.R. 12488 which many felt was a punitive bit of legislation and as such detrimental to the rabbits and cavies. Thankfully, H.R. 12488 was voted down and replaced by a more acceptable and realistic bill, H.R. 13881.
,Mr. Bob Poos penned the following Associated Press report from Viet Nam.
The village of An Khe in the Central Viet-Namese Highlands boasts a bunny club. But most of its bunnies are destined for the frying pan rather than for magazine pinups.
The hutch honeys have four legs and
The idea, conceived by Capt. Donald Savage of Augusta, Ga. is to establish a rabbit industry to supplement the incomes and victuals of thousands of refugees. He refers to it as “my hare-brained scheme.”
A member of the Army’s 41st Civil Affairs Team, Savage first tried starting a pig program but found the litters didn’t come fast enough. Then he came up with the scheme for the bunny clubs—rabbits usually produce four families a year.
¥ Savage found 11 families willing to invest about $1 (or 118 pasters) each to purchase one male and two female rabbits.
Savage gets half the first litter and a fourth of the second. Then the Viet-Namese family will do the same thing with another family and so on, an ever-widening program.
By cross-breeding and continued expansion of the program, Savage believes he can develop a healthy strain of domestic rabbits and make a vital contribution to the war shattered economy of the area.
“It’s going to be a real great thing when it all gets going right,” he said. “These rabbits will give these people a sense of ownership and when the program starts producing a large number of rabbits it will be a very important supplement to the local diet.”
W Ken Froboese, Texas State RBA sweep-stake recorder, reports a highly successful season in the Lone Star State.
A beautiful array of prizes and trophies were awarded July 10, Waco, Texas to the winners in 8 largest exhibited breeds. FINAL STANDINGS — TEXAS SWEEPSTAKES 1965-1966 NZW, Joe Cramer, Smithfield, 4185; Robert Berry, Lubbock, 1894: NZR, Circle K Rabbitry, Boeme, 4055; Swinford/Nor-man Rabbitry, Hurlwood, 3444; Californians, Tom Whiteaker, Abilene. 2712; Double WW Rabitry, Houston, 2105; Silver Marten, Vernon Phillips. Deer Park. 2741; Lanes Rabbitry, Big Spring, 1190; Dutch, Clyde & Doris Jones. Ft. Worth, 6390; Robert Berrt, 3105; Polish, Robert Berry, 1800; Lloyd Potts, Dallas, 689; Havana, Roy Lee Callicutt, Lubbock, 427; Palominos, Swinford/Norman, 525. Recognition was also given to following
breed winners but trophies were not awarded as they had not met qualifications as to minimum number of shows exhibited.
Champagne, Circle K Rabbitry; Am. Chins, W. H. Bohannan III, Hurst; Flemish Gt., Lanes Rabbitry; English Spot, Swinford/Norman; Belgian Hare, Roy Lee Callicutt; Creme D’Argent, Roy Lee Callicutt; Gt. Chin, Steve Nelson & Kenny Alexander; Satins, Swinford/Norman; Tans, Tom Whiteaker; Rex, Swinford/ Norman; Blk. NZ, Cowboy’s Bunnyland, Lubbock.
Last year at Pomona we had a very good meeting with Specialty Club representatives. It is hoped that we can again have a profitable meeting and that a schedule is worked out whereby we will be allotted more time for this meeting. I know from the letters that I have received during the year since Pomona that many have taken an active interest in wanting to see the Specialty Clubs and the ARBA work in closer harmony.
There are many things that have been discussed and still need answers. Possibly they may be worked out at this meeting in Louisville.
I would like to ask that each Specialty club give careful thought, to your ideas, and come prepared to discuss them in detail. So that all the other clubs present, may have a clear understanding of the ideas, and be able to offer helpful suggestions.
I have several problems that you have written about. I want to take them up with the ARBA board. Then, I will be able to comment more clearly on the questions that you have asked during the year.
With a little planning now, we will have a very fruitful meeting for all.
Oren Reynolds
We are proud to announce our new ARBA Judees These men have worked hard, applied themselves to the study of the various breeds of rabbits and the ARBA Standard of Perfection.
All have satisfied the requirements as stipulated in ARBA Rules They have satisfactorily completed the written, oral and oractical tests, under the guidance of an ARBA Examining Judge
S. T. Monroe, Rt 3, Tucson. Arizona. Willard M. Hole, Box 32. West Chester, Iowa Robert Uebel. Rt 1. Yeagerstown Rd . Mt. Airy. Maryland 21771. Harold Johnson, Rt. 5, Batavia Sta . Coldwater. Mich. Paul Jurgelonls 4. Acworth St.. Millburv, Mass.—Cavies only. Eabert McGehee, 3912 N Winston. Tulsa, Okla Lester Helm, Rt. 2, Box 184, Port Orchard. Wash.
I'm sure you would like to know of the promotional work done in the big trade area of Bucyrus, Ohio in connection with National Rabbit Week. Myron Stinehelfer appeared on our Table Three restaurant interview program this morning and promoted rabbits in breeding, food consumption, fur, pet and medical research. Mike handles himself quite well on the air.
In addition, Mike has tied in with a local theatre promotion in connection with the movie “Bom Free” which has animal appeal to children. The theatre is sponsoring a coloring contest with or.e of Mike’s rabbits as first prize, and will be promoted over WBCO Radio.
Mike probably would not have written these details as his part in promotion of National Rabbit Week, so I am letting you know. Mike’s work with the 4-H kids who wish to set up rabbit projects, and his own work in rabbit breeding is something the city is pretty proud of and would like others to be aware of.
Sincerely, Thomas P. Moore General Manager WBCO Radio
Lyman C. Franklin, ARBA State Agent for N. Carolina, announces the plans for a meeting of the entire South Central Area. The get-together will be hosted by the N. Carolina State RBA on Sept. 11, at 3:00 p.m. at Spindle Center Agriculture
Fair, Gastonia, N.C. All ARBA State and Local Agents are expected to attend and all members are encouraged to participate. Director E. T. Toebbe, Ky., will be on hand to discuss the ARBA program.
Pres. ’Wayne Willmann ............1771
V-Pres. ’Oren Reynolds ...........1776
Treas. ’Ellis Murray .............1801
♦Vern Ashton ...................1427
’Edward H. Stahl ...............136C
’Claude Bennett ................1671
’William Molen .................106t
*J. C. Lowit ...................1031
Tommy Andrews ..................1026
C. E. Lewis .................... 88S
Lester Wells ................... 761
Charles Henry ................. 581
BE IT RESOLVED that Section 8 of Article IV of the ARBA By-Laws be deleted.
The Cavy Association is the only specialty club which has a committee to oversee it. As the Cavy Association is set up under and abides by the same rules as all the other specialty clubs, Section 8 infringes upon the rights of the Cavy Association.
Submitted with 25 signatures
The Fabulous Ky. State Fair and Exposition Center, Louisville, Ky., will house the Show Room of the 43rd Annual ARBA Convention and Show on October 17, 18, 19 and 20, 1966.
The World’s Largest Organization Of Rabbit Breeders — Built Upon Integrity and Service
6how your A.R.B.A. Affiliation by Wearing One of These Beautiful Buttons.
PRICE $1.25
Our Membership Emblem
U*e It On Your Printed Matter
If you wish one of the MEMBERSHIP EMBLEMS shown on right to appear on your printed r^atter, it is necessary that you •ecure an electrotype to reproduce it.
We offer them to members Bt low cost; their use means prestige to you and advertising for the ARBA.- Use on letterheads, circulars, booklets, Association premium lists, catalogs, etc. Two sizes shown on right.
SLEEVE 8. BACK PATCH Embroidered — 4 Colors 23/4 Inch $1.25 73/s Inch $2.25
1 <?66 ■ 1970
Book of Standards Of All Recognized Breeds of Rabbits & Cavies
Standard & Registration Weights
104 Pages — 37
PRICE $2.00
lilirTl'nl CBVIU
This Size $1.50
Of our Membership Emblem Stickers For Windshield, Etc.
Size 4 By 4 Inches In 3 Attractive Colors
Each .-......-...25 Cents
6 For--------—.... $1.00
Under whTtemcTO
OUR SLOGAN — Electrotype, Size as Shown — $1.50.
RUBBER STAMP — Stamp It on Everything — $1.50
This Size $1.75
25 Originals
25 duplicates Duplicates may be used as originals A total of 50 Blanks - A Breeding certificate on back of each blank PRICE $1.50
Page Nineteen

Membership Button in Bronze
Show Your ARBA Affiliation by Using Above Emblem and Slogan
BEGINNERS BOOKLET - 325,000 sold, 48 pages Illustrated, copy 25c; 12—$2.00; 24— $3.75; 50—$5.25
JUDGES REPORT BOOK — used at most showi for judging remarks and other information. PRICE $1.25.