ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 4 – Jul/Aug
Collection: 1966 ARBA Bulletins

ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 4 – Jul/Aug
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 4 – Jul/Aug,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 14, 2025,
Vol. 1
July-August, 1966
No. 4
FISH WORMS Fat — Tough — Lively
Tips On Management and Marketing by CARL F, NAGEL
The raising of worms in conjunction with a rabbit operation is certainly an aid in manure removal. Redworms, especially, do an excellent job Of Converting manure into atl odor-free Compost. Soon the breeder has worms in excess So he tries to sell the worms. If selling to other rabbit breeders he sells culture; a mixture of compost, manure and worms, plus worm capsules,
Many breeders try their hand at local sales of worms, for fishermen and organic gardeners. It is the hope of this article to try to help those who desire to produce a good fishing worm for sales to bait dealers.
Most fishermen like big worms that are fat, tough and lively. The Red worm, also jtnown as the Red Wiggler. California ted. Hybrid Red, etc., is a good fishing worm, if you will take time to produce him to his fullest size. It is impossible to produce. In volume, a fat, big Red worm under the rabbit hutch. Sure you will get some big ones but as a rule the breeding area will not produce worms that the bait trade desires. It is far better to raise worms in pits separate from the rabbits. Take the rabhit manure to the worms rather than having the worms under the hutches. Rabbits defecate in the same place and this gives a wet, or hot spot in the worm bed while other areas are devoid of worm food. Raising worms for sales to bait dealers is a competitive business and when you can get a steady outlet
(Continued on Page li)
JULY 17-23
Now is the time to activate a public relations in action drive. Now is the time to make every person in your area aware of the importance of rabbits.
We suggest that a Publicity Director be designated in every club to serve as coordinator of this important event. Each and every member of your club should assist in any way possible, this is an important event for all. NATIONAL RABBIT WEEK — needs each one's support
We can, by appropriate action in your community, transform this idea and vision into beneficial action and results. From now to the closing day of National Rabbit Week—all effort! should be made to make this the BEST, National Rabbit week.
As a suggested plan the publicity Di-rector should contact each local newspaper, radio and television station. Big town or little town, news of public interest is always sought out by the news media. It is our duty to make them aware of the news item It may be a club project that should be publicized. Maybe a human interest angle of one of your members. The news media could be informed of the many ways in which rabbits benefit mankind in the biological and pathological uses, Don’t forget rabbits have, played a big part in the testing of almost all drugs; cornea transplants; research in burns, etc.
By all means stress the commercial and feed value of rabbits. Impress upon one and all, the fact, rabbits may be the most important source of meat in our crowded world. The Office of Economic
(Continued on Page 3)
Pqrc One
W. E. \ Dilij Molcn, Editor P O. Box. a. Bronson, Kans-a*- 6-6716 Edward T. Toebbe, Managing Editor 7400 Smyrna Road, Lotiisvillo, Ky 4G22S
VtTayne Willmann, Pres. James Blyth, Secy Oren Hey Molds, V,-Pres. Ellis Murray, Treas
Tommy Andrews W. H, Kennedy
Ered Applegate J Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton E. P ShtHiday
Claude Bennett Edward Stahl
Edward Toebbe
When you receive this issue of our Bulletin it will be near the deadline date for all Resolutions to be in the hands of the Committee. July 17 is the deadline as fixed by our Constitution, ninety days before the opening of the Annual Convention.
We want to publish the Resolutions in the September Bulletin so you can study them and instruct your delegate how to vote.
On page four of our January Bulletin you will find Mrs, William Breckenridge listed as Secretary of the Youth Dept. Her name and address is given on page 20 in the March Bulletin, with information concerning Youth Memberships and Youth Show Sanctions Still our members write to Secretary Blyth saying they do not know who the Youth Secretary is Please read your Bulletins and save officers a lot of unnecessary correspondence.
The March Bulletin (page 20) carried the name and address of Mr. Phil Lohman as the chairman of the Commercial Dept. All communications regarding anything you call "Commercial” should be addressed to him.
I believe that our usefulness to people in other countries will increase in the future. so I have appointed Prof. Roscoe Cuozzo, University of Maine, as our official ARBA representative for matters dealing with rabbits and rabbit raisers in foreign countries. He has been in contact with several foreign breeders and has had considerable experience with importations. I hope he will be present at the Louisville Convention to report on this matter
It is time for you to settle on your plans to attend the great Convention in Louisville. Oct. 17-20. I would like to have all ARBA Committees plan for meetings— Sunday evening—Oct. 16. The place will be announced in Sept. Bulletin, Each Committee should meet—discuss Its work and prepare its report to be given at the first Business session. I shall call for a
short report from each committee in addition to the reports of the ARBA Directors—who this year will not be reporting as committees, but who will report on the activities of their respective districts. If any Committee has a request—or a suggestion — to take to the ARBA Board, please get these matters to the president by October 1. One Committee has already made a request. I am sure there must be others who have directives for the Board.
All election ballots must be In the hands of Mrs. Robert Strathman by midnight, Aug. 15, in order to be counted. Those arriving after that date will not be counted. Results will be announced in the September Bulletin.
I am just as disappointed as you are that our J966 Yearbook did not reach you in the Month of May as our Board had decided it should. We wanted to give our members and clubs plenty of time to renew their memberships 60 the Board de elded to include those who renewed up to March 30. Maybe we should set the deadline earlier.
The 12 instructions listed jn the January Bulletin for the State Agents and those listed for Local Clubs should keep those folks busy for many years. Some new clubs have been organized—and new members are being enrolled, This is good news. Boosting rabbits for table use— boosting quality rabbits for laboratory use—boosting rabbits for youth projects— boosting rabbits as ideal pastime for Senior Citizens—building goodwill for the ARBA—preparing news items—are activities that should go on and on. This work will keep everyone busy without adding other duties But we do need encouragement. Our Directors decided they would keep in touch with each State Agent who in turn will keep in touch with his Ixical Clubs. The task is clear. Let's all work at it, How many NEW members has your Club signed for the ARBA this year? We would like to recognize this in the Bulletin, Cultivate the interest of the New member so he becomes a Long-Term member. I thank you for your help.
Wayne Willmann
Worcester County Assn. Active
The Worcester, Mass, association have served their area well in recent meetings. Judge John Rod, recently held breed seminars similar to our judges conference at National Convention Breeds gone over most recent were the Dutch and Red New Zealand.
One of Worcesters younger members. Joseph Jurgelonis Jr., Millbury, Mass., successfully passed his ARBA judges examination with flying colors and has received notification lie is now an official ARBA judge.
Past Two
(Continued from Page 1) Opportunity in their anti-poverty program are well aware of the importance Of rabbits.
We suggest an open meeting with nil interested local persons invited, regardless whether they are now rabbit breeders or not, Plan your program to include the explanation of the ARBA, your local club and the general advantages offered by the rabbit industry. Secure ample supplies of the ARBA — "A Practical Beginning to Successful Rabbit Raising," ARBA rabbit recipes or recipes from your own club members. Also advertising copies of rabbit trade journals as well as other rabbit literature.
Ours is a golden opportunity to make ^everyone within our sight or sound aware 'of rabbits. The value of rabbits as a hobby is important. The value of rabbits to retired persons to augment their supply of healthful food as well as to afford them an opportunity to apply their energy. The value of rabbits to the Youth and the opportunity to apply management, motivation and industry as important to their iife. The value of rabbits as a delicious table meat and popularize rabbit dinners with thousands of new users in your community.
You already know special ways to publicize National Rabbit Week in your town or city. But here are a few methods that arc tried and proved:
1. Publicity and advertising in your local papers, radio and TV stations.
2. Arrange with local restaurants to serve rabbit dinners,
3. Have local butchers feature rabbiLs at attractive prices
4. Contact local service clubs, such as Lions. Kiwanis, Rotary, Advertising and Chamber of Commerce groups, to serve rabbit luncheons.
5. Suggest rabbit luncheons to women’s clubs, church and school organizations.
6. Enlist the Youth to help through
their own Youth Rabbit Club or their 4-H Club, and other agriculture organizations.
You and your local club efforts combined with your Publicity Director are the MOST IMPORTANT PART OF NATIONAL RABBIT WEEK, 196G. With each club and individual participating this will truly be NATIONWIDE.
Your ARBA Publicity Committee will cooperate 100%. If you need help of any kind, contact W. E. (Bill) Molen, Box 8, Bronson. Kansas 66716.
WIN A PRIZE! During National Rabbit Week, July 17-23, 1996,
The ARBA would like to know of your success in promoting Nationai Rabbit Week in your town. Three (3) prizes will be offered for the best letters giving results of a special local drive. Include with your letters any newspaper coverage obtained by clipping stories and photos thereto.
Three (3> beautifully engraved trophies will be awarded and forwarded to the winning clubs. Mail letters and clippings to Bill Molen. Letters must be received by August 20, 1966, and winners will be announced in ARBA Bulletin,
N.Y. State Agent Poses Question
Mrs George Morehead, Maine, New York and ARBA State Agent for New York suggests that the ARBA have packets of material assembled and mail these out to all State Agents. The State Agents in turn would be better equipped to assist the Local Agents.
Mrs. Morehead, reports that she contacted all local clubs and only 4 mailed in a reply or report of their activities. Mr. Erwin Kenyon, local agent for Capitol District Rabbit Fanciers, Troy, N.Y. reported his activities, including an increased tempo as to number of rabbits registered. Also Mr. Kenyon, was instrumental in organizing the Broome County Rabbit Breeders—newly formed New York Club
Jefferson County Fair, Louisville, Ky,, July 39-30 ARBA Sanctioned
KENTUCKY STATE FAIR LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY AUG. 18-27 Sweepstakes and AREA Sancfioned DUTCH • CALIFORNIANS • SATINS ENGLISH • N. Z. REDS & WHITES CHECKERS • CHINS • ARBA YOUTH SILVER MARTENS Judge« Harry Rice, Robt. Byrne Oren Reynolds HAROLD QUICK, Secy., 4619 South First Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40214
W. VIRGINIA BREEDERS' DILEMMA Costly Meat Inspection Law
The secretary of Little Kanawha Rabbit Club, Betty Wingrove wrote the publicity committee a letter of thanks for the timeliness of the mailed announcement of National Rabbit Week. Additionally secretary Wmgroves’ letter carried an urgent request for maybe additional assistance in informing the Commissioner of Agriculture, State of West Virginia, Mr. Gus R- Douglas of the hardship a new law, known as Senate Bill No. 32, “Inspection of Meat and Meat Products'’ would create for the West Virginia members.
We immediately composed a 3 page “Rabbit Fact Sheet" and forwarded same to Commissioner Douglas. We also included a request that ARBA representation be allowed at June 16 meeting at Charleston, W. Va.
In the short time of 4 days we had received a reply from Mr. Earl K. Kelley, Deputy Commissioner of Agriculture. Mr. Kelley thanked us for the “Rabbit Fact Sheet” and we will quote from 3 paragraphs of his letLer.
Dear Mr. Molen,
"We in the State Department of Agriculture are cognizant of the importance of the rabbit industry in West Virginia and expect to work closely with this group to establish an orderly entry into the program.”
“We would be delighted to Lave an official representative of your association present for the meeting June 16 at which time we will explain what we intend to do in the Laws and Regulations for the rabbit industry."
"I appreciate your interest in the rabbit industry of West Virginia, and will be looking forward to meeting you or yOur representative at the June 16 meeting.” We will report first hand results of this meeting in Sept. ARBA Bulletin.
Hopefully, a satisfactory solution to the financial imposition this new law will
The Smoky Mountain Boys
White feoltmili
W H (Bill) Smith, ARBA Judge, Rl. 2, Bor 221, Smnty Row Road. Strawberry Plains. Term.
Hugh I. Betts, ARBA Registrar, 911 Church-well Aye.. HE. Knoxville, Tone.
A Week-end Visit Will Pay—Save Shipping Costs—See What You're Buying We sell only top-quality Block to particular breeders who want the best for SHOW and COMMERCIAL.
create, may be able to be arrived at. Mr. Kelley, forwarded copies of the new law and an outline for procedures. Properly approached the director and commissioner could within the meaning and word of the law. offer much relief. The state officials have been most understanding and though all other meals will come under this law at once, rabbits, will not be affected till 1967. We have 12 months in which to work out a solution.
While some rabbit breeders have come to the false conclusion that the ARBA is a waste of one’s money and does one little, if any, good. This is far from the truth if facts are considered and prejudices are discarded.
Upon joining this parent organization of the American system of rabbit clubs, one receives, in addition to a membership card, a Guide Book, Year Book, and bi-monthly bulletins. Any of you who have read an ARBA Guide Book know that it is a fine collection of writings relative to the different phases of rabbit raising. The Year Book is made up primarily of a listing of the names and addresses of ARBA members by state. Where else can one obtain a reliable, up-to-date listing of rabbit enthusiasts in America" The bulletins, which have been improved immeasurably this year, Keep one in the know as far as the ARBA’s actions are concerned. Additionally, it is timely and topical — a real source of rabbit news and help.
Of immeasurable import are the systems for rabbit club organization, rabbit exhibitions, and rabbit registrations. No other club is in the position to provide such services for the American breeder, What would we be without an organized echelon of clubs on a national scale? Tha structure of the ARBA provides for local? clubs, state associations, state specialty clubs, national specialty clubs, and, at the top, the ARBA itself. Such a system of organization cannot be djsSpcllcd as worthless. Neither can the ARBA’s provision for sanctioning rabbit shows and sponsoring an annual convention be considered as nothing. How would a mass of unrelated rabbit clubs progress without a central authority to set standards for breeds and judging? Certainly it can be seen that the ARBA fills a big need in this area. How can a certain degree of quality be guaranteed in a rabbit without the process of registration in rabbits? While it is true that many excellent rabbits are not registered, a registered rabbit does have the distinction of meeting a certain standard of quality. The benefit of registration, to guarantee quality in breeding stock sales, cannot be over-
Pnee Four
estimated. The advantages of a central authority to accept and encourage registrations by its duly recognized judges are many. What other organization could assume the duty of registration, if not a central organization such as the ARBA?
Therefore, your five dollars for a year’s membership in the ARBA will bring you not only those tangible items such as the Guide Book, Year Book and bulletins, but it will bring you many taken-for-granted intangibles such as the above mentioned duties and assumed responsibilities. Your five dollars is therefore promoting a better system of organization for the rabbit fancy in general.
Some very tolerant young rabbits may become future factories producing serum that can fight specific human cancers, a researcher reported recently.
Dr. Blaine Levi of Los Angeles said that the rabbits were innoculated with human white cells at a young age—when their bodies were still incapable of recognizing and fighting off the human characteristics of the cells.
The human white cells were collected from 30 normal individuals, and Dr. Levi beheves that they represent all human cell characteristics for the entire human race.
Now the rabbits are ready to receive cells from specific human cancers — with the hope that they will produce serums against those cancers, she told the American Cancer Society’s eighth science writers seminar.
As they mature, animals and humans develop an immune mechanism that acts as a protection against disease and agents recognized as being foreign to the body. The body recognizes the foreign material and produces antibodies against it.
But in young animals, such as the rabbits, there is a period before the immune mechanism becomes effective. It is in that period that Dr. Levi, a research immunologist at Cedars-Sinsi Medical Center, injected the human cells in the rabbits. They then grew up with a built-in tolerance for human cells other rabbits would have cast off.
As the rabbits mature, they become capable of producing antibodies against foreign materials with the exception of human cells. The idea is to challenge the animals later with specific human cancers, reap the antibodies in serum that they produce and inject these cancer-fighting antibodies back into the human suffering from the cancer.
Dividing the rabbit herd into two or three groups according to production can provide a practical and economical method of providing adequate nutrition at the lowest possible cost.
Ones own operation determines the production economies involved—whether feed costs and marketable product, demands grain, pellet or other feeding combinations Good quality hay and plenty of fresh clean water are necessities in any money making rabbit operation.
The high producing group, which needs more energy in the form of grain. In most instances, can be fed extra amounts than is offered to the lower producing group or groups. Usually the lower producing group or groups determine their own future in the herd in a short time. Disposal of does from this group on a calculated schedule is the means of upgrading a good rabbit operation into an excellent profitable operation. Culling is evident from production.
Feeding grain in total or as supplement according to production Is a key factor involved in achieving financial success with a rabbit herd today.
This the July issue of our ARBA Bulletin is the most informative and factr filled rabbit publication to be placed in the rabbit breeders home in many a year. The importance of these articles cannot be stressed too much, Ours is a fast moving world and as rabbit breeders we definitely are part and parcel of this action.
This issue announces National Rabbit Week—July 17-23. A reprint of the letter mailed to each and every affiliated club of the ARBA is included in the Bulletin. For many years now a date has been set for National Rabbit Week, each year, and promotional work was at a minimum. In other words National Rabbit Week was a well kept secret. This we hope to change in 1956 and with the support of each local and state club, a change for the good is imminent.
Prizes in form of 3 beautifully engraved trophies will be awarded to the 3 clubs that accomplish the most for National Rabbit Week in their area. The trophies are engraved—CHAMPION PRODUCER NATIONAL RABBIT WEEK 1966. ARBA
The ARBA would like to know of your success in promoting National Rabbit Week in your town. Send the letters giving results of special local drive. Include with your letters any newspaper coverage obtained by clipping stories and
photos thereto, Mali letters and clippings to 6111 Molen. Letters must be received by August 20, 1966 and -winners will be announced in ARBA Bulletin.
From the advance interest aroused as signified by the many club secretaries writing for some additional information —NATIONAL RABBIT WEEK 1S66 will be the BEST.
Read and reread the article on Million Dollar Rabbit Industry Loss. This is of very serious proportions and though it has abated to a degree, the important question now—will these does come back? What course is the ARBA going to take in the solution? What avenue Will the feed industry take—there are strong indications that nutrition is the underlying factor involved, Vitamins, trace minerals either could be the culprit Exposure to the benefit and enlightenment of one and all is needed. Hush-hush tactics do not serve. A plan is needed now. The answer may be years in coming, though we hope not.
West Virginia breeders and those butchering rabbits for market are faced with a very serious situation. Admittedly, health precautions must be applied to all meats for table Consumption but wo hope the cost of inspections may be minimised.
New York, Massachusetts. Montana, Washington, California, Oregon, Ohio, Illinois. Arkansas, Wisconsin, Kansas, Utah, Colorado—all have coverage in this July Bulletin.
Carl Nagel. Clarence Banker, Dave Wharton, Charles Ilaaf, Bill Hiser, Earl Drumm, Mrs. George Morehead, Wilford Wells, Joe Lutes, Burley Hewey, David Ford, Betty Wingrove, Beverly Molen, Jim Blyth, Wayne Willmann, Fred Apple-gate, Cyril Lowit all contributed material July Bulletin.
The SOS is out —we need your continued support. Send in all rabbit news items to Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716 All have been wonderful and doing an excellent job of sending in material, bulletins, etc. Keep up the good work and those of you that have not contributed material for the Bulletin— Today, is the time to start.
We recommend that you read the article—"Why You Should Belong to The ARBA." David Ford, has assembled some strong reasoning that will stand the gaff.
September Issue we plan on devoting a number of pages to the specialty clubs or prominent breeders and judges to expound facts and publicity on their favorite breeds and specialty clubs. Already we have material from the following breeds. Satins, Californians, New Zealand, Dutch —we need more. Resultions will also appear in September Bulletin We have asked Horace Curtis, Falls Church, Va., to forward article on his great venture and success with 4-H plans.
Abortive Does, Abnormal Young
The most serious problem confronting rabbit breeders in the last 50 years, has at last been halted. Whether this problem has been solved permanently or only temporarily, is not known.
We here in commercial rabbit country Missouri, Kansas. Oklahoma and Arkansas, as well as breeders in all parts of the U.S. had some new wrinkles show up. It was thought that our experience and its solution might be of value to some of you.
At the outset, we are assuming that Only a healthy and happy rabbit can give maximum desirable results During the spring of 1965. we started facing problems of Does not conceiving. We had does that were aborting and passing reabsorbed fetuses, or knots. This could occur in all or part of the litter. Some young were born without part of the bone Structure, or with large watery heads- Those that were born alive did not make normal growth and often died. The size of the litters was from 2 or 3 young to normal As the summer progressed our rabbits developed bad colds and nasal discharge. Also, adults were suddenly becoming pnralized and showing no interest in food or water. The weight loss per day was fantastic. It would take about 5 days from the first sign of paralysis to death One of our commercial rabbitries had 50 does from 8 to 18 months Of age that would breed, but not conceive.
Tn all eases the rabbits were in good physical shape and fed on a good grade of commercial pellet. Several brands were being used Both commercial and fancy breeders were involved in the project to determine the cause and remedy of the problem. We selected a cross section of rabbitries that totaled about 1050 breeding does.
With the cooperation of a local veterinarian who is an expert on nutrition, we attacked the problem. The symptoms seemed to point to an incomplete diet. In particular a lack of vitamins A, D, and perhaps E was indicated. At this point it would be well for you to go to the library or your own book shelf and look up vitamins in the Encyclopedia. Notice what the lack of vitamins will do to living animals.
In the advanced cases we used intramuscular injections of 1 cc of water emulsifiable vitamins A, D. and E. Also 1 Cc of aqueous suspension Procaine Fennicillin, In the cases of advanced paralysis, severe respiratory problems and nasal discharge, we saw improvement in about 3 hours. From past experience, the afflicted rabbits should have been dead in about 12 hours. Within 3 hours, they were showing interest in food and water and responded to attention. In 12
Page Sir
hours, they were on their feet and moving about the hutch. The nasal discharge Was decreasing also. In 3 days, the animals were acting normal, except jfor being weak. The nasal problems appeared to be cured, The appetite had returned with vigor and the rabbits were well On the way to recovery.
In the case of the rabbits not in the advanced stages, we administered an oral vitamin in the drinking Water, This was an antibiotic plus vitamins A, D and E that is used for chickens. The dosage recommended for laying hens was used. This was given for a period of 15 days and then reduced to 3 days out of 10.
The results were consistent throughout the herd? cooperating with our program. There was very little change in conception or reproduction in the Does in the first 30 days. There was marked 1m-
Iprovement in their vigor almost at once, find their physical problems resolved themselves rapidly. The bucks showed great interest in mating within 2 weeks. All Docs that were bred at the time of the beginning of treatment had the same aborted or weak young. At the 60 day point from the start of treatment, the does were producing 00% normal. Prom that time on, the Does Would take the buck any time during the 13 day heat period, Misses were almost nil and the young were large, healthy and vigorous. Now my friends are asking me ‘‘What do you do with 14 to 15 young?”
Some desirable side effects were also noted. The 50 does (mentioned in paragraph 2) were all bred within 30 days and only one did not have a normal pregnancy. All colds in the rabbitries were cleared up. All of the rabbits showed improved fur condition within 90 days, Hair pulling ceased. Sore hocks that were considered incurable cleared up. These .rabbits remained on wire during this time, ■“he fur pads came in thicker than ever fftefore. The food consumption was increased along with reproduction.
In the case of my rabbits, after treatment. the litters ranged from 13 to 15 young. These litters were reduced to 3 or 9. We were elated, especially since last summer T did not have one litter from July 1 to Jan. 1 The growth rate has been the best since I have been raising rabbits. Needless to say the milk production records have improved.
To date there is no evidence here in the 4-state area of summer sterility of our bucks. They arc eager and active, always ready to service anything, anytime. anywhere.
The medication mentioned can be secured at any store that sells veterinary supplies under several different trade names. The injections run less than lOe each. The vitamins that were given orally
will cost about $3,00 per lb Using 1 tsp. to 3 gallons of water brings the cost down to very Jittle per animal.
We recommend the oral method whenever possible, because your animal can be over-vitaminized by intramuscular injections. We do not know what this would mean as we stopped when we had the desired results.
We hope that this information may be of value to our AREA membership. We know that the 3-week abortions in rabbits has been prevalent in large and small rabbitries coast to coast. Abnormal rabbits being born in over increasing number and considered related to this abortion problem were also of serious proportions. Needless to say the feed manufacturers were duly concerned and field men were on the scene at each catastrophic outbreak.
ARBA member, Dave Wharton, Salt Lake City, Utah, has been a barber for 10 years, started to raise English Angora's in 3954 With his barber background he has this advice for easier and faster shearing.
"I wear white coveralls for the clipping operation, and start off by oiling the clipper blades (clean w/old toothbrush and oil between each haircut). Several types of clippers are available. I have found a commercial Small Animal Clipper, with new ANGORA blade (made especially for the clip job on Angora Rabbits) works the best. This is the same clipper used by the Poodle Groomers, using other blades, The smaller and cheaper vibrator type clippers overheat and have much less cutting power, and do not have the changeable head and blade uses.
A tie down board is used on rabbits over 4 months old. unless they are extremely tame. Heavy twine is cut into four. 2-ft long pieces. Half the length is used for a loop, and the loose end is passed through the loop and snugged down on the lower part of the leg of the rabbit—then the strings on the back legs are tied in a standard shoe lace bow and put behind cupboard hooks spaced about 12 inches apart—to the left, if right handed, of the work table. Front legs are then Stretched out by pulling the front leg strings around hooks to the front and again tying a bow, which will stretch out the rabbit for easy combing and cutting A wide tooth metal comb will smooth tangles and aid cutting speed. The wool is clipped from front to back. Do not force blades to cut too fast or they will clog up and require cleaning and oiling again Separate soiled and dirty
wool from the other free wool and place in marked grocery sacks, about a pound per sack. Close cutting is possible even in winter if a nest box w/straw is placed in the hutch for about 10 days or 2 weeks after clipping. When you're dipping off the wool on the back anti Side areas, try holding the rabbit by the loose Skin of the neck, on the side planned to cut, and then after the cutting stroke is started (front to back) pull the skin forward This helps make the sool stand up and cut off faster and easier. Un-tie front bow only and take the string off the rear cup-hooks and turn rabbit over. Then complete clipping of underside. Doe about to litter needs belly wool for the nest trimmings.
The rabbit won’t be So jumpy in leg and rear area if you make and hold Contact w/frec hand on leg before starting to clip this area/legs, tail, teats are most easily nicked areas. Treat w/car-bolated VaSoline, all abrasions.
Wool grading has changed lately from ], 2, 3, 4. 5, and dirty grades to mainly two grades. No. 1 Clean free wool. No. 2 Dirty and matted wool. Length not so important.
Three month old rabbits are usually due for their first clipping and I do it the easy way, no Tie Down Board at all. Start by combing olit tangles, working from front to back, then grip the wool and skin in the neck area, left side, steady things by bringing the left elbow in close to the left side of the rabbit. Hold him tight to body first if necessary or if he becomes excited during haircut. Clip three swaths down the middle of the back area, then without changing hold on the left side of the neck, stretch the skin forward and cut a few more swaths down left side as far as possible, Now move your hand-hold to the right side of the neck, still controlling the squirm w/elbow and arm on the left side, stretch the skin on the right side, forward and continue cutting down side as before. All other areas are cut with the rabbit lifted off the work table, as follows:
Pick up rabbit in Mother cat fashion, by nap of the neck, and hold in the air with the back legs banging. After combing wool to be cut. turn clippers over so you can cut from top to bottom. Start cutting on the right side, where you left off, in the usual neck to rump direction. Turn the rabbit after each cut in the clockwise direction as you go all the way around. The back legs hanging in the air help stretch the skin and stand up the wool on each side. You can cut in one continuous Swath from the cheek area to the lower back leg. The wool under the neck and around the legs can be cut at this time also. To finish the rump area, pick up by-loose skin or wool stubble in the small of the back and cut any direction neces-
sary to do the job. Finish the rough spots in all cases With barber shears that have been sharpened with corrugations on one or better still, both blades (this helps keep the w-ool from slipping out while cutting.)
If you are culling this particular rabbit for meat, shear the right and/or left leg and rump in the pelt cut areas—very clean to overcome the hairy problems of dressing out Angora Rabbits.
Patience is the greatest requirement! Happy haircuts.
My breeding does are clipped every six weeks, just before breeding, which seems to work best. Remember to protect your clipper investment by oiling the blades between each haircut and other oil-points occasionally.
I have sold free white wool at prices as high as J6.40 per pound but the most available price is $4 00 per pound
Director Lowit Soys They're Best
The Western District composed of Washington. Oregon, Nevada, Idaho and California boast their state and local agents are tops in ARBA, Mark Youngs. Washington agent sends in complete, concise reports. Mark, doesn’t wait to be asked and takes the initiative and keeps the reports coming on a regular basis. The most recent report contained the excellent comments on Judge Stephen West’s appearance at the Inland Empire Rabbit Show. Judge West was behind the table from 6 a.m, to 8 p.m.—and commented, "This workout made me realize that I’m not as young as I used to be.” Mark Youngs, also reports that new ARBA member Herbert Carlost, Hawaii is establishing a commercial rabbltry and processing plant,
Edna Beebe, editor of the Washington State RBA bulletin is another hardy soui and hard worker. One of the important cogs that keeps the state of Washington in its leading position.
Indian Empire RBA has appointed Lawrence McCawley, Rockford, Wash,, as its local agent.
Steve West has accepted the position of state agent for Oregon. West replaces Dan Law. who is unable to serve because of health factors. State Agent West, report* that a new- club at Astoria will be chartered soon. West, with help from LaVeme
lower Progressive Rabbit Club, Inc.
Fall Show. September lBr 1966; Harper, Iowa AFP A & fewer SVrle Sanelianed Sweepstakes: English, Dutch, Sal in, Sit. Marten, N.Z. Whl. Rea & Black; Lilac; Am. Chin; Havanas: Calif.; Rex; Checker Gt. Flemish; Palomino, & ChatTDaaneR.
Judges: Henry Zimmerman 6 Ivan Miller Show Sea ‘ C Jay Miller, 303 So. olh, Kaloncr, Iowa 5224?____________________________
Palmblad, Duane Johnson and Mr Gresham staged a 4-H Rabbit School for the counties of Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington Results were encouraging and it is planned to make this an annual event.
Orlan Onkst. state agent for southern California reports that he has contacted every club In his area and all clubs but one have responded and forwarded the name of the local agent. Onkst, reports the San Gabriel Valley Cavy Club staged a very successful 241-head entry show. Open meetings are held 2nd Saturday each month, 7432 Walnut Ave., Buena Park, Calif- Mr. Jess Pickering, was given a life membership in the San Gabriel Cavy Club. Jess is currently confined to bed, ill.
Bob Herschback. state agent for northern California is one of our most ambitious state agents. Bob, is making it a point to visit each club, giving them a short talk, followed by a question session. Bob, reports that the questions most frequently asked at these meetings: Why the $1.00 assessment on non-members? What is the ARBA doing for the commercial man? Where husband and wife are joint members of a club and only the husband belongs to the ARBA, why should the wife be taxed $1.00'' ARBA dues are $5 00 for single, and $7.00 for husband and wife —this is too high, where does the money go7 State Agent Bob Herschback. said. "I felt I have been giving the correct answer and explanation to all these questions, except No. 3. That 1 cannot answer to my satisfaction."
GLICK SLOWS DOWN Pioneer of Industry Looks Back
May 19th issue of Los Angeles Herald Examiner carried almost the full front page of photos and feature article on Coleman Glick. A pioneer and leader of the rabbit industry and one of the most proficient members of the ARBA in'securing new members over the years, will be sorely missed by all. at all levels, local, state and nationally
Two large photos carry the following captions in the Herald Examiner: “Coleman Click and one of few remaining rabbits, Human population explosion here has hurt rabbit industry," Glick says. 2nd photo: “Fifteen years ago San Gabriel Valley was rabbltry capital of nation. Coleman Click is shown then inspecting his herd which numbered some 2500 rabbits.”
Jerry Rollings, Herald-Examiner staff writer penned the following:
“People are crowding rabbits out of the San Gabriel Valley — once the rabbit capital of the nation.
“The $15 million per year industry of breeding rabbits for fur and food is al-
most gone. All the large rabbitries have given way to residential building for suburbanites, One of the few remnants of this once prolific industry here is a rabbltry belonging to Coleman Glick, 72, who still has a few furry creatures on his property at 2720 Mountain View Road, El Monte"
A pioneer in the rabbit industry, Glick operated the Click Mfg. Co , which in addition to raising rabbits, also suppled other breeders with cages and other materials to get started in the field.
"Of all animals, rabbits are probably the easiest to raise,” Glick declared,
"They are clean animals and there is no known disease which can sweep through a herd and destroy them as with fowl.”
Glick said that despite the demise of the local industry, “there is a crying need for rabbit meat in this country."
"Producers cannot meet one-tenth the demand,” he said. A 46-year veteran of the industry, Glick, said he began raising rabbits in the San Fernando Valley but moved over to the San Gabriel Valley when producers began settling there.
He said that Guatamala and other “meat poor" countries in Larin America arc “going big" for rabbits because the great supply of meat can be produced quickly and it is helping to alleviate their shortage of meat.
Despite the beautiful texture and appearance of fine rabbit fur, Glick said it is mainly ground up and used for felt.
“Rabbit fur is beautiful and soft,” he declared, “but you need a gimmick name to sell a coat made of it.”
He said conducive climate conditions and other factors have made San Diego County the current rabbltry center in California.
State Agent Burley Rewey. writes that he eagerly awaits each issue of the new ARBA Bulletin. Rewey, says each issue is better than the previous one and he is impressed with the broad coverage of material and fields of interest.
Rewey, also writes that he has been impressed that there is no news from Montana in any of the issues to date. Finally, it dawned upon me, reports Rewey, there was no news from Montana and it was my own fault As state agent it is my duty and obligation to get busy and do something about this no news from Montana situation. Also, push ARBA and rabbits in any other way, throughout the state.
Rewey, says the rabbit census initiated in his state and district is a slow proposition but he is obtaining satisfactory results Especially, after appointing 3 assistant state agents: Tom Winters, Jar-
dine, Montana., Beverly Ingersoll, Wolf Creek and Mrs. Gene Severns, Lolo, Montana, Montana, being one of our truly large states, area-wise, the job taken on by these 4 hard workers is tremendous. Rewey, has written to over 20 Chamber of Commerce in Montana. They also are contacting feed stores in their state to determine any rabbit breeders and interest them in ARBA and the local club. The sincere hope of all working in Montana is to be able to round out the requirement of having 3 local clubs, in order that they may form the Montana State Rabbit Club.
Exhibitors Standard of Perfection
Are you a Rabbit Raiser? How many times has someone approached you with this question and you have answered “yes.” Many times, I'm sure. But do you really fill the bill. Ask yourself this, “Atn 1 a rabbit raiser just because I’ve got a few coops of rabbits in the back yard.” Maybe you are! We really don't have a standard for the breeder. We have a standard for each breed of rabbit, so why not one for the breeder himself. We class our rabbits for the shows, but how about ourselves We put ourselves out in front qf the other breeders just as we do our animals.
From what I've seen around the show tables the past few years, there is a lot more than just getting a few rabbits or cavies on the show (able. You come in contact with people from all walks of life. The rabbits are here today, but next season it will be a new batch. But you, the breeder, will have your same old self back again and again Wherever you go you are the real representative of the rabbltry and the rabbit is just the product. You, the breeder, a member of a local club and a member of the ARBA, are looked upon by others as a representative of the club to which you belong.
Let’s not do so much griping about how things are being run when all we do is sit back and let the others do the work, Don't ask the question: “What is the club doing for me?" till you have asked the question “What am I doing for my club?” Let’s not tell the judge to get new glasses till we have cleaned our own.
So what do you say, let’s each and every one of us set up some standards for ourselves that will help make our shows more enjoyable, boost our clubs and make more friends.
ie> Specialty, Slate and Lcc-a] Clubs on their dub advertisomwiis pag* ct- lat-tyer- Show Ada r*c*jT* (ha cam* dlocouol. And remember you raach every member. Cash with copy, pteaft*.
As long as can be remembered, the ARBA Guide Book has been THE FOREMOST item for the American. Most of ARBA literature distributed suggests those interested in rabbits join the Association and receive a copy of the guide hook. The new edition will be an outstanding publication in every way, helpful to both the beginners and the older breeders. The new guide book must be more helpful to these people than any book that has ever been published.
For many years, the guide books have been late in coming out. This is not the fault of any one or two individuals, but rather the organization in general After all, a book of this type does not have one author but many.
The American Rabbit Breeders Ass’n is composed of many different type mem-bers. We have some who arc millionaires, others who are strapped to earn their liv-ing, in our inflationary world. We number as members some of the finest educated people in the United States and others not so endowed. With this cross section of membership, wc should be able to come out with a very good guide book It should be Started right now, the supply on hand of current issue guide books is low. Some members believe more educational articles should appear in the guide book, others demand more and better photos. Let us make the next guide book the best ever published. If we refuse to contribute to this publication, then we certainly have no reason to condemn it.
We have many people in the American who understand and know rabbit breeding from A to Z. We have many fdso who arc highly educated and can put their ■words in the right place and make the proper meaning. It is at this time we call on these people to help make our new guide book the greatest we have ever had. If you are an experienced breeder that cannot put your thoughts into words I would suggest you contact some member close to you who might have this writing ability. Between the two of you working together, submit articles on various subjects. Be a contributor to the greatest ARBA guide hook.
We need articles on hutches, medication, breeding, and many other subjects relative to the art of raising rabbits. It is within our organization to come out with the very best, That is what we are trying to put across to you. We need this material and need it now. Sit down and write an article on some particular subject that will be helpful to other rabbit breeders over the world, Our ARBA guide book goes to most every foreign country and leading libraries in the United States,
At rabbit shows all over the country amateur photographers are taking pic-
Paer Ten
tures of exhibits and people. We are most interested in the photos of rabbit specimens and exhibits. These are badly needed for the new guide book. We need to up-date our photos and to bring out better specimens in all breeds of rabbits. If you are a professional or an amateur photographer, make an attempt to get some good photographs of whatever breeds of rabbits you can obtain. It takes 3 things to obtain a good photograph of any breed of rabbit. Focus the camera, get the object in the center of the picture: select a good specimen of that particular breed: you must have an accomplice who will work with you and place the rabbit in a position that will best show its fine characteristics. It is important to have proper background that will contrast so that the rabbit can be plainly seen. Its color, markings, type, alertness and conformation.
k We are in need of photographs of good gype hutches. Whether they be wood or wire. Take pride in your hutches, if you believe you have a good modern hutch, or one that serves rabbit breeding w-ell. Take a picture now and submit it to the guide books have been in circulation for needed now. These articles are needed now.
Some of the photographs used in the guide books have been in circulation for years We have improved during that time We need changes. We need modern methods and modern equipment.
Some years ago, we visited a rabbitry in western New York. This was a small rabbitry, painted Snowy white with green trimmings. It was a beautiful example of a rabbitry. There are others, beautiful and functional throughout the country. These should be photographed and used in our new guide book.
This is an appeal for help from you people who can write articles, have vast
I experience with rabbits and take good l holographs. It is not my promise all of these will be used. They will be used at the discretion of the guide book committee. The time is now to make a greater ARBA, assist our member rabbit breeders and publish our greatest guide book. It is up to you. the membership of the ARBA, to do this. Make it a point to start now. You will derive personal satisfaction from your services and cooperation in the newest and best ARBA guide book,
Buckeye Breeders Bring Entries
Wilford Wells, reporter for the Columbus RBA forwards copy of latest news letter and it offers proof positive that the Columbus members support shows in Ohio with big entries.
Seven of their members entered 52 head at the big Van Wert show. At the Mansfield show that also featured an
All-Dutch outing on Saturday, agafn their club was well represented with entrants and entries. Then way down in Portsmouth, 6 Columbus RBA members swelled the entry list with 35 head.
Some of their members that make the rounds of shows, Frizzells, Southworlh, Mrs. Edna Andrews (she exhibits while husband works), Molyneaux, Egelhoff, Wells, Carr, Fairbanks.
Mrs. Andrews exhibited 16 head of Flemish at Van Wert and a big entry at Portsmouth. The Walkers, and their outstanding Dutch are really cutting a wide swath of big wins They had BOB in 103 Dutch at Mansfield, The Fairbanks', newest Columbus member, entered 11 cavies at Mansfield,
These Buckeye Breeders not only show in their own state but drove to the tune of 1728 miles round trip to Sedalia, Missouri and the Annual Checkered Giant Show. Wilford Wells. Scotty Wells and Glen Carr made the Missouri trek. They did alright with their entries too. Wells had best 6-8 and Carr had best pre-junior, winning leg on Chet Yocom Award.
Glen Carr, who recently passed the examination and Was named an official ARBA judge will return to Sedalia, Missouri. August 25th to judge the Missouri State Fair. His cow'orker in judging will be another of our new ARBA judges, Duane Shrader of Lincoln. Nebraska.
Badger Rabbit Breeders
The Badger Rabbit Breeders Club is an active group of ARBA boosters in Southern Wisconsin. The officers for 1966: Don Foavol, Milton Junction. Pres ; Clarence Banker, Deerfield, Vice-Pres.; Virginia Peterson. Verona, Treasurer; and Ruth Strunk. Fort Atkinson, Wis., Secretary.
Our 1966 Spring show in March was a successful, 689 entry show. Highlights included bumper entry in youth division. Our club will sponsor the Wisconsin State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Convention and Show September 17 and 18. 1966 at Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin.
The State Rabbit Queen Contest will be finalized and winner announced at the gala state banquet. Sept. 17th. The Badger Rabbit Breeders State Rabbit Queen candidate will be selected in July.
Washington President Analixes
For the past month my work hasn’t been so rushing and I have had a chance to catch up on my reading, do a little more studying, and a lot of thinking in terms of rabbits. Studying the fundamentals of the Industry and Organization, our good parts and bad, our wants and how might be the best way to go about reaching a higher standard. In the study and research I have found that for the past thirty years the rabbit industry has
Page Eleven
been too close to the forest to see the trees, in short, lack o( Organization and co-operation. Yes, we have local clubs, state clubs, a national organization, and a number of specialty clubs, and what is each doing? My answer—each one spends so much time and energy in arguing, smoothing over, ignoring and protesting that there is no time or energy to educate, experiment, and help themselves. Now, let me ash ourselves a few questions. What have I contributed to my Club? Does my club set aside a time in each meeting for education of new (and oldj members alike? Does my club seek constructive information from the State, the \R B A, and Specialty organizations? If so, what percent of your questions are answered completely? Have you. Mr. President of the ABBA, ever asked the State or Local Clubs what THEY would like? How many members has my club Secured the past year? How many have dropped? How many of those who dropped had a membership of less than three years? Do you, united or individually, secure, encourage or advise these new members? If you can answer “yes" to all of the foregoing questions then you ere an ''Ideal" member and let me shake your hand, and hold it high for all to see* Each organization, club and individual, periodically has to go back and study the fundamentals—the Constitution —for the basic purpose of its being. Now, PLEASE understand this, I don’t intend to revise the local, state or national rabbit industry, but it does make an impression on my mind, that probably 70% of the industry's members have less than 20 holes. That new member and “dropouts” just about balance. That the “dropouts” have a membership of less than three years. WHY"7
President, Earl Dmmm, Yakima, Washington
Copy deadline 15 th o! month preceding mcnLh
of issue: Tefc. lSr Apr J5, June 15. Aug, I5r Oct, J5, Dec. 15. On annual contract deduct 10% team the rates listed below. D^thiel adds 1 tonal 5% far cash with copy- Thi* helps cut
dawri aiir b-c okkceping.
SGnd Advertising copy and paym*n:s direct tu Managing Editor, E. T. Toebb*
ARBA’ BujlarLn 7400 Smyrna Road Lcuisvilie, Ky. 4Q22B
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(Continued from Page l)
you will find, as many before you, that you will be expanding the worms more than the rabbit operation.
We have both inside and outside pits. Inside, we have concrete block pits on the ground and have double decked metal water troughs on top to give twice the square footage in the same space. For the South and West sections of the U,S„ two blocks on top of the ground are epough,
Tn the North and East the pits should extend below the frost line and need additional protection from cold weather.
Two types of pits are needed, breeders pits and fattening pits. The actual number of pits depends on sales volume.
Here in our area we hove two small cities with a population of about 30,000^^^ There are six worm breeders supplying^^F the area. The area has ten bait dealers, plus many smaller outlets, such as groceries, etc. During the peak, the area sells about 60 dozen worm containers a week.
Each container usually has from 50 to 100 red worms. As you start your own Operation it is imperative that you canvass your area and see what the potential will be. Are new lakes and reservoirs baing built? Also find who is supplying the dealers at present, and at prices, both in single dozen lots, and in large quantity. Without this knowledge you can’t begin to plan your operation and the number of pits that will be needed.
We use peat moss in our pits. We have used a lot of rabbit manure mixed with the peat moss but now feel that regular cow or steer manure is just a little better. Of course if you have a rabbltry use the rabbit manure. Mix the manure and peat moss half and half. Add agricultural^^ limestone to the mixture to keep it sweet When worms crawl out of a pit it’s usu-^^J ally due to the mixture becoming too acid and heating. Aging the manure and using limestone helps prevent this problem. On outside pits drainage is very important: inside pits where you control the watering, drainage is a secondary consideration.
Though worms will eat anything, worms will do much better on some feeds than others. Those feeds avoilable locally at a reasonable price should be considered. In Breeder pits or under the hutches the regular rabbit manure and peat moss mixture will work quite well. For fattening the worm to fish bait size, grain feed or special sewage sludge is needed. Beware of feeds that have any additives such as a poultry mash that has a worm expeller added. Many feeds are fortified with various additives, even floor sweepings from a feed mill, a good, cheap feed
Page Twelve
for worms csn't be trusted 1 '"'0_ due to the additives.
At present we use corn meet and its certainly pure enough but other problems, such as feed mites to develop. Also. Staphilmiate. a flour beetle, hatch out of corn products If you con get cottonseed meal and mix it with a bulk material, like composted grass or leaves you will have an ideal feed. Otherwise we recommend earn.
In breeding pit do not get feed mixed in with the bedding as it will heat the bed and cause worms to crawl away. This also means feed from the self feeder that falls onto the bedding. For fattening, place the feed right on top lightly and then water or you can mix a slop of grain, finely ground, with added water and sprinkle it on the top Of the bedding. Then water lightly afterwards.
One problem a lot of growers have is
orms crawling away from the beds, on 'damp or rainy days We keep lights burning over the pits on these days and nights A 15 watt bulb every ten feet will keep the worms from crawling hut during heavy ram storms we now use 100 watt bulbs, ami even then some of the worms will crawl if the sides of the pits □ re shaded. The light on damp days and nights is certainly a must ... if you want to grow big bait worms.
Harvesting and marketing the bait worms is the most important factor in the rabbitry or wprmery, Counting the worms into containers filled with moistened peat moss takes a lot of time. With steady work, you can pick, count and fill about three dozen containers per hour, per man. We put 50 worms to a container, with a 10% overcount making it 55 worms total.
There arc many types of containers available, Paper, waxed paper, and the new plastic containers. While on fishing ,trips, we noticed that the plastic container
eated up faster in the hot sun. The worms started to die. We have settled on the waxed paper container. The regular round container that has a wax coating, You can get 50 worms in an 8 ounce container. However in the IS ounce size, the worms have more room and will live a few days longer in the bait shops. Should you get orders for 75 or even 100 worms per container this 16 ounce size will serve the purpose.
Holes are prepunched in the lids for air. The worms should live from 5 to 10 days, though after 7 days they will start to shrink in size.
Container cost is certainly important If it costs 30c to grow the 55 worms, the container costs 5c and the label another lc; you have 16c tied up with no depreciation figure, labor, bedding costs, advertising. delivery, etc. Even though these 50 worms will sell to the fisherman at
from 50c to G5c, your price to the dealer will be around 25c to 35c. Thus, anyplace you can cut costs without sacrificing the worm quality is very important. By ordering 16 ounce containers out of Kansas City, by the 100's the cost including shipping is 5c By ordering 5,000 at a time the supplier prepays the freight so the cost per container comes to 3M.C.
This article is certainly not the last word on worm culture. Perhaps it will give some ARBA members a new understanding and different slant. We hope that it will help you to larger profits from your hobby. This plan is working for us' We hope it works for you.
AS OF MAY 31. 196B
] Edward H. SUlhl. Missouri---
2 Melvfn Behrens, New York ----------
2 Glick Mfg. Co . Calif...........—
4 Fred R Ar/plegate, 111 ...........
5 Mark Youngs, Washington--------~ -
(3 Tommy Andrew, Per™, --------------
7. Claude Bennett, Ind---------------
ft. E R McGehee, Oklahoma------------
9 J W Snyder, Pa ..... -------------
10. E, R Kenyon, New York------------—
1- Cactus R.B. Ass n, Arix. ---------
2 So W Vb, Rabbit Club............—
3. Progressive Rabbit Club. Kansas---
4. Stanislaus Co. R.B. Club, Calif,--
5. Southwest R.B, Ass'n, Texas-------
5. Western Illinois R.B Ass'n -------
7. Kaw Valley Rabbit CJub, Missouri...
ft. Smoky Mtn R.B. Ass'n, Tenn-------
9. So Florida R.B Ass'n--------------
10 Eastern Carolina R.B. An'n,
11 Tri County Rabbit CJub, Mass-----
12 Lawrence Co. R.B. Ass'n, Tenn....
._ 7 ._ 7 ._ 5 ._ 5 4
._ 5 ._ 3
1. Harry Coles, Missouri________________ .21
2 Harold Dirk son, 111---------------- 2S
3 Oren Reynolds, III.________*__________W
+. Duane Shrader, Nebr_________________ 17
5 Emmett Bobo, Texas -----------------...16
6. Hugh J. Betts_________________________14
7 Wm T, Robin ton, III-------------------11
fl. J L. Bid.we 11, Calif________________ U
9 Leland F C]aTk, Calif__________________10
] Harold Johnson, Wfch- --„_____
2. Claudius Peer, Ind,________^_ri.______--55
3. Don Reid, III....................... 49
4 Marvin F. Carley, Vt.__________________39
5. Eugene Henry, Conn__________________ 37
5 Wm t Robinson, IlL--------------------3n
7 Dennis Holcomb. Iowa________________ 29
S O J- U-gep. La----------------------- 2ft
9 G. 5. Davis. Iowa -------------------- 26
in Frank Westloy, Pa.................. 24
1 Harold Johnson, Michigan_____________ 102
2. Don Reid. ID ....-------------67
3 Pete Naylor. Kansas_________________ 65
4 Claudius Peer. Ind.. _______________ .35
5 Wm. T. Robinson, III----------------- 55
6 Harry Cole*, Missouri______ ___________ M
7 Eugene Henry. Conn._______________ ,..50
E Marvin F Carley, Vt------------------ 40
9 Harold Dickson, 111. .. .. Jft
10. G S Do vis, Iowa__________________ ___35
JI Oren R Reynolds ................... 3S
12 Dennis Holcomb, Iowa .33
Page Thirteen
Sonoma Co Fair & Expo.,. James F Lyttle, P.O. Box 14.51. Santa Rasa, Calif 05403 Jol 20-30
Ohio Cavy Club, Mrs L W Ghent, RR 1, Mt Gilead. Ohio Jol 25-21
Shelby County Fair, Mrs W T Chenault. 812 Plain view Dr, Shelby vLlle, Ky. Jol 25-81
Lawrency Co Fair, Edna Belle Gholson. 413 So 5th St , I ronton, Ohio Jol 26-30
Madison County Fair. A M Gibson, RR l, Box 371, Ed wards villa. 11). Jol W-ao
Orange County Fair, Sunny Harper, 20041 Clark St . Orange. Calif Jol 26-31
Lake County Fair Ass'n, L- A Norcfhausen, P O Box 27. Grayslake, 311. Jul 2"-:il
Sandusky Valley R-B Ass'n , Mrs. Albert May,
Box 506, Sycamore. Ohio Jul 2"*Am 2
So. Jersey R. Ac C B Ass'n, Ralph M. Collins. 291 So. Church St.. Moores town, N.J J a l
Mother Lode Fair, B S. Craig, 220 S Southgate Dr., Sonora. Caljf Jul 28-31
Multnomah Co Fair. Duane Hennessy. P O Box 71, Gresham. Oregon Jal ?A-Aug G
Kfwaunpe Co R.B Ass'n, E L Walerstrect, Kewflunee, Wise Jol SO-31
West Branch RR Ass’n, MaTiin P Andrews, RD 1, Wilh-'imsport, Pa. Jul 31-Ac* 0
Jefferson Co Fair, Glenn L Feistel, brt5 Mill St.. Watertown, N.Y, Jul 31-Ad* 6
Boone County R.B. Ass'n. Mrs Anne Fitzpatrick. 212 Avelon Dr, Vestal, N.Y Jol 31-Aug 6
Akron Rabbit Club, Inc . M L Clevenger. 4ZH Palm Ave , Akron, Ohio Jul 3l
Rock Island Co Fair Ass'n, Mrs. Evelyn. Rijtau, P.O. Box 267, East Moline, til. Aug 2-6
Williams Co R.B, Ass’n, Mrs. K O. Engler, 313 N Elm St, Edgertcit, Ohio Jal 31-Aug J
Napa Town A Country Fair, Robert P. Manage, Fairgrounds, Napa, Calif Aug 4-7
Allentown Fair. Moulton L. C Frantz, 123 SVa Tilghman 5t . Allentown, Pa, Acg 5-13
Houston All Breed Rabbit Club, Frances M Withrow. 350 Wyollffq Dr., Houston, Tex. Aug 6 Lenawee Co. Fair. William E. Marvin, 5455 So Adrian Rd., R 2. Adrian, Mich, An* 7-1.3
CIlnlt)n Co Agri. Society, Donald F Weeks, R l. Highland. Ohio Aug S-J3
Howell Co Heart of Ozarks Fair. Robert M Peasr. J]., 204 E Broadway, West Plains, Mo
Aug 8-J3
CALIFORNIANS—good quality, pedigreed and registered. Prices and information on request Always a few good ones for sale. Duane Shrader St Sons, 625 £ 51st St., Lincoln, Neb. 65510.
POLISH—Black. Blue-eyed White. Californian Slims Write for prices Breeze Hollow Rabbitry, RD No 1, Box 37. Wellington, O 44090
SANDY FLEMISH GIANTS—Good quality stock available- Good type, size and production Pedigreed. Mansfield's Gisnt Rabbi lb, 1004 S Garden Ave., Stockton, Calif. 952q5
"ROTH5V1LLE DUTCH’’—Home of Champions Black. Blue, Chocolate. Pictured in the 1866 Arba Offellal Guide Book. Pedigreed Junior, qhowmarked, foundation trios 312 0Q. Satisfaction guaranteed. Jack Mcsaner, Box 267A, Roths-vjlle, Penn.
■ROTHSVtLLE GOLDEN PALOMINOS" — America’s new breed. Pictured in the 1&96 ARBA Official Guide Book Pedigreed Junior foundation trios 312 00 Satisfaction guaranteed. Jack Messner, Box 257A, Rothsvllle, Penn
ANGORA—See Cleo, Page 26 New Standards Book 6 generation pedigree registered stock Dept A for prices Shooting Star, Pellston, Michigan.
Mowyr County Fair, Arnold M. Johnson. R. 1, Box 148, Austin, Minn Aug 5-14
Lower Fraser Valley Exh. Son.. J T Sullivan., Box 469. Cloverdale, B.C.* Canada Aug 10-18 Ms Ron County Fair. Inc.. Mrs Gwen Carter. P.O Box 334 Pt- Pleasant, W. Vs. Aug 10-18 Ashtabula Co RF, AJ Roerdanz, 1005 Wright St.. Kmgsvjlle. Ohio Aug 10-14
Winn ^Forest Rabbit Club. Ted Wengert, 26$Q Kinsey St., Rockford. Ill Aug Tl-lft
Springfield R.B. Ass'n, Mrs Juaneta Fisher, 518 E Kearney St , Springfield, Mo Aug 11-17
Western Michigan Fair, Hans C. Rasmussen, R l, Ludington, Mich, Aug 12-16
[] lino is State Fair. Mrs. Florence Ayers. 2812
Hoover. Springfield, 111. Aug 12-21
State Fair of Wisconsin, Vernon G, Wendland, State Fair Park. West Allis, Wise Aug 12-21 Cedar Rapids Small Stock Ass'n. Mrs Ethel Becickn, 5000 J St., S.W.. Cedar Rapids. low*
Acg 13-14
Chemung Valley RB Ass'n. Mrs. Geo More-head. P.O. Box 161, Mains, N Y. Aug H-20
Scioto Co. Agri. Society, Marion Bess. Jersey Ridge Rd , Maysville. Ky Aar
Morrow Co Fair, Eileen E. Ghent, R- L Mt Gilead. Ohio A or 15-20
Zanesville R.B. Ass'n. Edna Andrews. R 3. Newark, Ohio Aug 16-20
Washington Co R.B. Ass'n. Mrs. Rglh Caldwell. RD 2. Box 247, Eighty-Four, Pa A eg 15-20
Capitol Pist R. Fanciers, Shirley A Kenyon. Box 333. RD 4r Troy, N.Y. Aug 15-20
Douglas County Fair. Bert L. Allenby. Box 759, Roseburg, Oregon Aug IB-20
Washington Co Fair. Betty Shearer. 1455 S E 2lst Aye., Hillsboro, Oregon Aog 16-20
Clermont Co. Fair, Fred C. Kipp. 4351 Mt Car-mel-Tobasco Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio Aug lfl-20 Clark County Fair, Roger C Miller, P O Box 162. Sabina, Ohio Aug 16-211
Whiteside Co. R.B Ass'n, Vernon Schroeder, R. 3, Morrison, III Aug 17-20
Vancouver Island Exhib , Mrs. W A Feather, Box 373, Nanaimo, V Island, Canada Aug 17-20 Kitsap County Fair, Lei- R Hall, 644 5th St , Bremerton. Wash Aug 1 *-21
Winn-Forest Rabbit Club, Ted Wengert. 253ti Kinsey St. Rockford, 111. Aug IB-22
Luxton Fall Fair, Mr* T F, Lock. 961 Isa by 11 Ave . Victoria, B C , Canada Aug 19-tn
Del Norte County Fair. C W. Glover, P O. Box 26, Cresc ent City, Cal if A ug 18-21
SELLING OUT—Wood Pens. Wood A Wire Pens. Crocks Double B Rabbitry, Bill Raymond, ARBA No B34, *03 5 Franklin Rd-, Indianapolis, Ind 46219
"HOW' TO START A COMMERCIAL RABBITRY"—This book is written by ^nd based on the actual eperience of a successful operator of a 1900 hole commercial rabbltry. A great help for any rabbit raiser—a must for the beginner. Covers equipment and hqw to bvtitd. it, how to select ti-onrimercial breeds, covers feeds, feeding and fend cost, how to handle rabbits, breed, wean, sex, market, keep records, etc- Numerous drawings and pictures mnke* every subject easy to understand Price 12.50, postage paid. Ozark Enterprises, Willard SC, Missouri.
QUALITY EQUIPMENT—at lowest prices. Free catalog Ozark Enterprises,. Willard 8C. Missouri
FLEMISH GIANTS—All colors. Sandys of all ages. Colors limited Andrews circle ‘ A1' Rabbitry, Rt No. 3. Newark. O 43055.
7 cents per word—one Insertion: 8 cents per word—two inTertions; 5 cents per word—six issues U year!
Cash, check or money order must accompany classified copy. Deadline I5lh of month preceding month of issue.
"Stock for Sfcle" advertising accepted ouly from members.
Falla Cities Rabbit Club, Harold C Quick, itilS So. 1st, Louisville. Ky. Aog 19'£7
Santa Clara Valley R.P-, Edward M Seacord, 17015 Pollard Rd., Loe Gatos. Calif. Auf 19-28 Niagara Frontier R. Club, Sybil Myers, 5998 Stone Road, Look-p-ort, NY. A up 30-37
Missouri Slate Fair, W, C Askew, Box 111,
Sedalia, Mo. Aut ?o-in
Colorado State Fair, Marjorie Vaughn, 2416 Rice St., Pueblo, Colo. Aug 21-£7
New Jersey State R flt C Br Mrs George Jahr-linfi, P.O., Far Hills, H.J. Aug 2l-?A
State Fair of W. Va, C T Sydanstricker, Box 8J9, Lewisbur^f, W. Va. Atif £3-21
Freesport R * F B Ass'n, Helen Hornberger. RFD 4. Freeport, 111 Auf 23-tl
Burtiitii Co Agra Board, Lee H. Oloff&on. 31!t W Main St., Wyanel, III. Au* 23-37
Missouri a County Fair. Gail Nelson, 2219 England Avt. Missoula, Mont An* 34-37
Lake County Fair, Mrs. J H Belcher, 480 King Hiihwny, Mentor, Ohio Aug 34-38
Uhlo State Fair, Lillian K. Hergesell, "593 Palmer Rd , Reynoldsburg, Ohio Aug 25-ftep B
Indiana State Fiur. Floyd Moye, Poultry Dept Dir , R L Poaeyville, Ind. Aug 2G-sep a
Oregon State Fair, Howard Maple. P.O. Box
.7045, Salem, Oregon Auf 3B-Sep 5
k herrytand R.B Ass'n, Irma Schwartz, R. 2, 'BOX 120, Cedar, Mich. Aug 211-Seji 3
Fremont Ohio R.B Ass'n, Herbert Gitsbel. 514 Elizabeth St., Fremont. Ohio Sep 1-5
Stark Co R 3c C B Asi'n, Francis P Riffle, P.O. Box 4, Middlebranch. Ohio Sep 1-fi
Utah State Fair, Theron Garrard, P.O Box
lflo08, Salt Lake city, Utah 1st week Sfp
Northwest R.B. Assn, John Stokes, 6612 I9fith S.W., Lynwood, Wash Sep 1-6
Montgomery Co Fair, Goldie V. Scheibte, 1043 So. Main St., Dayton, Ohio Sep 3-fl
Van Wert Co Fair, Jo Ann Lewis, Box 15. Middle Point, Qhjo Sep 3
New York state Fair, Syracuse, N Y Week Sep 5 Green Mountain R.B. Ass'n, Vern Richards, lfi Watkins Ave, Rutland. Vt. Sep o-ll
Wayne Co Fair, A. C. Camp, Rt. 1, Lsvslfttle, W. Va Rep 7-10
Ann Arbor R.B. Ass'n, Betty J Forr*y, 4005 Jackson Rd.. Ann Arbor, Mich Sep 7-TO
Terre Haute R & C B Ass'n, Donald E Cook, 1320 First Ave,, Terre Haute, Ind Rep 9-11
Tennessee Valley AgrS. dc Ind Fair. Crosby Murray, Box flOM. Knoxville, Tenn Rep &-17 Inland Empire R.B. Ass'n, Ida Stork son, E 2107 Colombia Ave., Spokane, Wash Rep 10-IS
West Texas Fair, Joe Cooley* Box 328 3, Abilene, Texas Srp 12-17
Cen-Ark R.B. Ass’n. Mrs. J. S. Trafton, R. 4, Box 425LE, Hot Springs, Ark, Sip 13-17
New Mexico State Fair, Chloe Baker, p Q Box 8540, Albuquerque. N. Mex. Sep 13-2A
Los Angelas County Fair, Phil D. Sheph-erd, P.O. Box 2550, Pomona, Calif. Sep 16-21
Columbus R.B. Ass'n. Mrs. Dolores Breckenridge. 1487 Cole Rd., Columbus, Ohio Scp 1MH
Badger R B Ass''n, Ruth Strunk, Rt 2. Ft Atkinson. Wise. Sp* 17-18
All States Rabbit Club, Mrs Lin<ta Eckert, Big Springs* Nebr. S*p. 17-ij
Kansas State Fair. Wallace M White. Slate Fairgrounds, Hutchinson. Kan. Sep 17-2?
Western Washington Fair, John H. McMurray, p O Box 189, Puyallup, Wash. Sep n.?'i
New Jersey Slate Fair, Arthur B. Porter, P.O Bx fltifl, Trenton. N J 3*p 17-25
Decatur Co. R.B. Ass’n, Fay Downey, RR 1. Hope. Ind Sep 18
Iowa Progressive Rabbit Club. C. Jay Miller, 303 S flth St.. Katana. Iowa Sep 13
Capitol Dist R Fahtiers. Shirley A Kenyon. RD 4. Box 383. Troy* N Y Sep 18
Erie Rabbit Club, Art 3051 U’ 32 St .
Erie, Pa. Sep 18
Ohio dickered Giant CIubr Glen C Carr, 454 So. Terrace Ave, Columbus, Ohio Sep is
Ashland Co. Agrl Society. Mrs Robert Moher-man, 420 Foirestdalr Rd., Ashland. U. Sep 19-E4 Tutare Co Fair, A. C. Slinde. 1495 E. Burton, Tulare Calif, Sep 30-S5
Fox River Valley R A C B, Mrs Paul Ansi ops. 1672 C«ss St.. Green Bay. Wist. Sep 24
Soo Valley R.B Ass’n. Leon?* 5k dim an. Box 314. George, Iowa—Calif Show Sep 31
Soo Valley R.B Ass'n, Leona Skillman, Box 214. George, Iowa—N.Z. Show Rep 94
Sandusky Valley R.B Ass’n Mrs. Clarence Counts. 18tiCi Crystal Ave., Findlay, O. Sep S4-£-f Sno Valley R.B. Ass'n, Leona Ski liman. Box 214, George Iowa—All Bre*d Sep 25
Tri Stale Rabbit Club. Mabel Brucker. R 2. Box 25L West Middlesex. Pa Sep 2,5
Eastern Dutch R.F. Club. Mrs Christine V. Hall, RD 2, Box 140, Quakertown, Pa Sep 35
Oren R. Reynolds, Judge. RR
.1 F?r>x 5r'S. Deealur, 11] 62528, Fit: 317, 877-6516,
’’Don" Reid, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, Rt. I. Box 159, Lookport, 111. 60441.
Fas* Flower, Judge, 7043 9th Ave, Rio Lind^, Calif, Ph: 991-2008
Wilier L. Patton. Judge, 60 Godby S-t . Logan, W. Va.
1, R, (Jake) Holme?, Judge,
440 Pulas-ki Rd , Calumet City,
Vern S. Ashton, Judge, 1626 Oakland Parkway. Lima. Ohio 45805.
Otorge Camp, Judge, 3855 Green Valley Rd , Huntington, W Va.
Philip A. Miry, Judge. 210 N, Third St., Tipp City, Ohio Robert Byrne, Judge, Rabbjta and Cavies, 1110 W. Harrison A \tf-, Clarksville, Ind, Ph: 283-6657.
Kick R. Moore, Judge, 1909 Ruchnn.m Si.. Wichita Falls, Texas, Ph: 322-5027.
Mirvln F. Cirley, Judge. 216 Canal St . Br&Uleboro, Vt. 05391, Ph; 9C0, 254-4396
Claudius Poer, Judge, 1317 Q Ave, New Castle, Ind. 47362,
Ph: 529-3729
A1 Roerdim, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies. Rl 1. Box 51, Kingsville, Ohio 44046 Himi-d Drudge, Registrar, RR 1, Roann. Ind . Ph; 219. 9R3-2^21.
Murriii Kn>«nin(, Judge, RR 5, Marshfield. Wise 54449 Eduird T, To-ebbe, Judge, Rabbits and Caviu.s, 7460 Smyrna Road, Louisville, Ky. 40223, Ph; 503. 9ti9-8362 Hnract Curtis, Judge. 401 E. Jefferson St.. Fall* Church, Va., Ph; Jeff 2-3674 Dewty II. MaJnt, Judge. Rabbits and Cavies, Box 101 . Conklin, N Y.
Junes Blyth, Jud^e, Rnbbits and Cavies, 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa 15217 Glen C. C»rr, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies. 4M S. Terrac* Ave Columbus. Ohio 43204. Ph; 270-R442.
Dr, Thomu Coitoxm, Judge, Rabbits r-nd Cavies. 213 South SI., WattsburfL Pa. 1S44Z, Ph-fll4, 739-2773
Dtutic Shndtr, Judge, 825 5 51 5t., Lincoln. Nebraska SS510 Betty BeekendQrr Registrar, Rt 2, Box 28B, Crescent City, Calif 95531
E, L. Emry. Registrar, 5215 Al-oilie Drive. Charleston, W. Vf3. 25312
Williim Dinrmtn, Registrar.
Rt 3, Box 499, Traverse City. Mich
1>qH[Ii* Noble, Registrar. P O. Box £03. Brusly, Louisiana 70719,
Jack Mcsiiner, Registrar. Box 2S7A. Rothsvllle, Penn., Ph: 890-2197.
Lewli B«wen, Registrar, Route
I. Man tend. Illinois, Ph: 476-6277.
J, Cyril Lowit, Judge, Rt 2. Box 440. Troutdale, Ore 97981 Leonard L. Bl»fcle, Judge, 2680 Hendershot Rd.. Parma, MLehi-gpu, Ph; 517. 531-4015.
H. J. Merrlhne, RegiiUrpr, P.O. Box Z3158- New Orleans. La 70123. Ph: 564h 729-2114 M»tt In H. Lange I and, Judge, 1935 N. 9lh Street. KcrlAmaKCHl. MiohlgHTl 4900], Ph: 815. 349-4429.
Page Fifteen
official publication of ffje
American Robbrf Breeders Association, Inc.
7400 Smyrna Rood Louisville, Kentucky 40228
Non-Prolit Of.J
Louisville, Ky. Permit No. 2 I 8
43rd ARBA
Oct. 17,18,19, 20
Page Sixteen
Original Format
Bound magazine
ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 4 – Jul/Aug
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 4 – Jul/Aug,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 14, 2025,
Vol. 1
July-August, 1966
No. 4
FISH WORMS Fat — Tough — Lively
Tips On Management and Marketing by CARL F, NAGEL
The raising of worms in conjunction with a rabbit operation is certainly an aid in manure removal. Redworms, especially, do an excellent job Of Converting manure into atl odor-free Compost. Soon the breeder has worms in excess So he tries to sell the worms. If selling to other rabbit breeders he sells culture; a mixture of compost, manure and worms, plus worm capsules,
Many breeders try their hand at local sales of worms, for fishermen and organic gardeners. It is the hope of this article to try to help those who desire to produce a good fishing worm for sales to bait dealers.
Most fishermen like big worms that are fat, tough and lively. The Red worm, also jtnown as the Red Wiggler. California ted. Hybrid Red, etc., is a good fishing worm, if you will take time to produce him to his fullest size. It is impossible to produce. In volume, a fat, big Red worm under the rabbit hutch. Sure you will get some big ones but as a rule the breeding area will not produce worms that the bait trade desires. It is far better to raise worms in pits separate from the rabbits. Take the rabhit manure to the worms rather than having the worms under the hutches. Rabbits defecate in the same place and this gives a wet, or hot spot in the worm bed while other areas are devoid of worm food. Raising worms for sales to bait dealers is a competitive business and when you can get a steady outlet
(Continued on Page li)
JULY 17-23
Now is the time to activate a public relations in action drive. Now is the time to make every person in your area aware of the importance of rabbits.
We suggest that a Publicity Director be designated in every club to serve as coordinator of this important event. Each and every member of your club should assist in any way possible, this is an important event for all. NATIONAL RABBIT WEEK — needs each one's support
We can, by appropriate action in your community, transform this idea and vision into beneficial action and results. From now to the closing day of National Rabbit Week—all effort! should be made to make this the BEST, National Rabbit week.
As a suggested plan the publicity Di-rector should contact each local newspaper, radio and television station. Big town or little town, news of public interest is always sought out by the news media. It is our duty to make them aware of the news item It may be a club project that should be publicized. Maybe a human interest angle of one of your members. The news media could be informed of the many ways in which rabbits benefit mankind in the biological and pathological uses, Don’t forget rabbits have, played a big part in the testing of almost all drugs; cornea transplants; research in burns, etc.
By all means stress the commercial and feed value of rabbits. Impress upon one and all, the fact, rabbits may be the most important source of meat in our crowded world. The Office of Economic
(Continued on Page 3)
Pqrc One
W. E. \ Dilij Molcn, Editor P O. Box. a. Bronson, Kans-a*- 6-6716 Edward T. Toebbe, Managing Editor 7400 Smyrna Road, Lotiisvillo, Ky 4G22S
VtTayne Willmann, Pres. James Blyth, Secy Oren Hey Molds, V,-Pres. Ellis Murray, Treas
Tommy Andrews W. H, Kennedy
Ered Applegate J Cyril Lowit
Vern Ashton E. P ShtHiday
Claude Bennett Edward Stahl
Edward Toebbe
When you receive this issue of our Bulletin it will be near the deadline date for all Resolutions to be in the hands of the Committee. July 17 is the deadline as fixed by our Constitution, ninety days before the opening of the Annual Convention.
We want to publish the Resolutions in the September Bulletin so you can study them and instruct your delegate how to vote.
On page four of our January Bulletin you will find Mrs, William Breckenridge listed as Secretary of the Youth Dept. Her name and address is given on page 20 in the March Bulletin, with information concerning Youth Memberships and Youth Show Sanctions Still our members write to Secretary Blyth saying they do not know who the Youth Secretary is Please read your Bulletins and save officers a lot of unnecessary correspondence.
The March Bulletin (page 20) carried the name and address of Mr. Phil Lohman as the chairman of the Commercial Dept. All communications regarding anything you call "Commercial” should be addressed to him.
I believe that our usefulness to people in other countries will increase in the future. so I have appointed Prof. Roscoe Cuozzo, University of Maine, as our official ARBA representative for matters dealing with rabbits and rabbit raisers in foreign countries. He has been in contact with several foreign breeders and has had considerable experience with importations. I hope he will be present at the Louisville Convention to report on this matter
It is time for you to settle on your plans to attend the great Convention in Louisville. Oct. 17-20. I would like to have all ARBA Committees plan for meetings— Sunday evening—Oct. 16. The place will be announced in Sept. Bulletin, Each Committee should meet—discuss Its work and prepare its report to be given at the first Business session. I shall call for a
short report from each committee in addition to the reports of the ARBA Directors—who this year will not be reporting as committees, but who will report on the activities of their respective districts. If any Committee has a request—or a suggestion — to take to the ARBA Board, please get these matters to the president by October 1. One Committee has already made a request. I am sure there must be others who have directives for the Board.
All election ballots must be In the hands of Mrs. Robert Strathman by midnight, Aug. 15, in order to be counted. Those arriving after that date will not be counted. Results will be announced in the September Bulletin.
I am just as disappointed as you are that our J966 Yearbook did not reach you in the Month of May as our Board had decided it should. We wanted to give our members and clubs plenty of time to renew their memberships 60 the Board de elded to include those who renewed up to March 30. Maybe we should set the deadline earlier.
The 12 instructions listed jn the January Bulletin for the State Agents and those listed for Local Clubs should keep those folks busy for many years. Some new clubs have been organized—and new members are being enrolled, This is good news. Boosting rabbits for table use— boosting quality rabbits for laboratory use—boosting rabbits for youth projects— boosting rabbits as ideal pastime for Senior Citizens—building goodwill for the ARBA—preparing news items—are activities that should go on and on. This work will keep everyone busy without adding other duties But we do need encouragement. Our Directors decided they would keep in touch with each State Agent who in turn will keep in touch with his Ixical Clubs. The task is clear. Let's all work at it, How many NEW members has your Club signed for the ARBA this year? We would like to recognize this in the Bulletin, Cultivate the interest of the New member so he becomes a Long-Term member. I thank you for your help.
Wayne Willmann
Worcester County Assn. Active
The Worcester, Mass, association have served their area well in recent meetings. Judge John Rod, recently held breed seminars similar to our judges conference at National Convention Breeds gone over most recent were the Dutch and Red New Zealand.
One of Worcesters younger members. Joseph Jurgelonis Jr., Millbury, Mass., successfully passed his ARBA judges examination with flying colors and has received notification lie is now an official ARBA judge.
Past Two
(Continued from Page 1) Opportunity in their anti-poverty program are well aware of the importance Of rabbits.
We suggest an open meeting with nil interested local persons invited, regardless whether they are now rabbit breeders or not, Plan your program to include the explanation of the ARBA, your local club and the general advantages offered by the rabbit industry. Secure ample supplies of the ARBA — "A Practical Beginning to Successful Rabbit Raising," ARBA rabbit recipes or recipes from your own club members. Also advertising copies of rabbit trade journals as well as other rabbit literature.
Ours is a golden opportunity to make ^everyone within our sight or sound aware 'of rabbits. The value of rabbits as a hobby is important. The value of rabbits to retired persons to augment their supply of healthful food as well as to afford them an opportunity to apply their energy. The value of rabbits to the Youth and the opportunity to apply management, motivation and industry as important to their iife. The value of rabbits as a delicious table meat and popularize rabbit dinners with thousands of new users in your community.
You already know special ways to publicize National Rabbit Week in your town or city. But here are a few methods that arc tried and proved:
1. Publicity and advertising in your local papers, radio and TV stations.
2. Arrange with local restaurants to serve rabbit dinners,
3. Have local butchers feature rabbiLs at attractive prices
4. Contact local service clubs, such as Lions. Kiwanis, Rotary, Advertising and Chamber of Commerce groups, to serve rabbit luncheons.
5. Suggest rabbit luncheons to women’s clubs, church and school organizations.
6. Enlist the Youth to help through
their own Youth Rabbit Club or their 4-H Club, and other agriculture organizations.
You and your local club efforts combined with your Publicity Director are the MOST IMPORTANT PART OF NATIONAL RABBIT WEEK, 196G. With each club and individual participating this will truly be NATIONWIDE.
Your ARBA Publicity Committee will cooperate 100%. If you need help of any kind, contact W. E. (Bill) Molen, Box 8, Bronson. Kansas 66716.
WIN A PRIZE! During National Rabbit Week, July 17-23, 1996,
The ARBA would like to know of your success in promoting Nationai Rabbit Week in your town. Three (3) prizes will be offered for the best letters giving results of a special local drive. Include with your letters any newspaper coverage obtained by clipping stories and photos thereto.
Three (3> beautifully engraved trophies will be awarded and forwarded to the winning clubs. Mail letters and clippings to Bill Molen. Letters must be received by August 20, 1966, and winners will be announced in ARBA Bulletin,
N.Y. State Agent Poses Question
Mrs George Morehead, Maine, New York and ARBA State Agent for New York suggests that the ARBA have packets of material assembled and mail these out to all State Agents. The State Agents in turn would be better equipped to assist the Local Agents.
Mrs. Morehead, reports that she contacted all local clubs and only 4 mailed in a reply or report of their activities. Mr. Erwin Kenyon, local agent for Capitol District Rabbit Fanciers, Troy, N.Y. reported his activities, including an increased tempo as to number of rabbits registered. Also Mr. Kenyon, was instrumental in organizing the Broome County Rabbit Breeders—newly formed New York Club
Jefferson County Fair, Louisville, Ky,, July 39-30 ARBA Sanctioned
KENTUCKY STATE FAIR LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY AUG. 18-27 Sweepstakes and AREA Sancfioned DUTCH • CALIFORNIANS • SATINS ENGLISH • N. Z. REDS & WHITES CHECKERS • CHINS • ARBA YOUTH SILVER MARTENS Judge« Harry Rice, Robt. Byrne Oren Reynolds HAROLD QUICK, Secy., 4619 South First Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40214
W. VIRGINIA BREEDERS' DILEMMA Costly Meat Inspection Law
The secretary of Little Kanawha Rabbit Club, Betty Wingrove wrote the publicity committee a letter of thanks for the timeliness of the mailed announcement of National Rabbit Week. Additionally secretary Wmgroves’ letter carried an urgent request for maybe additional assistance in informing the Commissioner of Agriculture, State of West Virginia, Mr. Gus R- Douglas of the hardship a new law, known as Senate Bill No. 32, “Inspection of Meat and Meat Products'’ would create for the West Virginia members.
We immediately composed a 3 page “Rabbit Fact Sheet" and forwarded same to Commissioner Douglas. We also included a request that ARBA representation be allowed at June 16 meeting at Charleston, W. Va.
In the short time of 4 days we had received a reply from Mr. Earl K. Kelley, Deputy Commissioner of Agriculture. Mr. Kelley thanked us for the “Rabbit Fact Sheet” and we will quote from 3 paragraphs of his letLer.
Dear Mr. Molen,
"We in the State Department of Agriculture are cognizant of the importance of the rabbit industry in West Virginia and expect to work closely with this group to establish an orderly entry into the program.”
“We would be delighted to Lave an official representative of your association present for the meeting June 16 at which time we will explain what we intend to do in the Laws and Regulations for the rabbit industry."
"I appreciate your interest in the rabbit industry of West Virginia, and will be looking forward to meeting you or yOur representative at the June 16 meeting.” We will report first hand results of this meeting in Sept. ARBA Bulletin.
Hopefully, a satisfactory solution to the financial imposition this new law will
The Smoky Mountain Boys
White feoltmili
W H (Bill) Smith, ARBA Judge, Rl. 2, Bor 221, Smnty Row Road. Strawberry Plains. Term.
Hugh I. Betts, ARBA Registrar, 911 Church-well Aye.. HE. Knoxville, Tone.
A Week-end Visit Will Pay—Save Shipping Costs—See What You're Buying We sell only top-quality Block to particular breeders who want the best for SHOW and COMMERCIAL.
create, may be able to be arrived at. Mr. Kelley, forwarded copies of the new law and an outline for procedures. Properly approached the director and commissioner could within the meaning and word of the law. offer much relief. The state officials have been most understanding and though all other meals will come under this law at once, rabbits, will not be affected till 1967. We have 12 months in which to work out a solution.
While some rabbit breeders have come to the false conclusion that the ARBA is a waste of one’s money and does one little, if any, good. This is far from the truth if facts are considered and prejudices are discarded.
Upon joining this parent organization of the American system of rabbit clubs, one receives, in addition to a membership card, a Guide Book, Year Book, and bi-monthly bulletins. Any of you who have read an ARBA Guide Book know that it is a fine collection of writings relative to the different phases of rabbit raising. The Year Book is made up primarily of a listing of the names and addresses of ARBA members by state. Where else can one obtain a reliable, up-to-date listing of rabbit enthusiasts in America" The bulletins, which have been improved immeasurably this year, Keep one in the know as far as the ARBA’s actions are concerned. Additionally, it is timely and topical — a real source of rabbit news and help.
Of immeasurable import are the systems for rabbit club organization, rabbit exhibitions, and rabbit registrations. No other club is in the position to provide such services for the American breeder, What would we be without an organized echelon of clubs on a national scale? Tha structure of the ARBA provides for local? clubs, state associations, state specialty clubs, national specialty clubs, and, at the top, the ARBA itself. Such a system of organization cannot be djsSpcllcd as worthless. Neither can the ARBA’s provision for sanctioning rabbit shows and sponsoring an annual convention be considered as nothing. How would a mass of unrelated rabbit clubs progress without a central authority to set standards for breeds and judging? Certainly it can be seen that the ARBA fills a big need in this area. How can a certain degree of quality be guaranteed in a rabbit without the process of registration in rabbits? While it is true that many excellent rabbits are not registered, a registered rabbit does have the distinction of meeting a certain standard of quality. The benefit of registration, to guarantee quality in breeding stock sales, cannot be over-
Pnee Four
estimated. The advantages of a central authority to accept and encourage registrations by its duly recognized judges are many. What other organization could assume the duty of registration, if not a central organization such as the ARBA?
Therefore, your five dollars for a year’s membership in the ARBA will bring you not only those tangible items such as the Guide Book, Year Book and bulletins, but it will bring you many taken-for-granted intangibles such as the above mentioned duties and assumed responsibilities. Your five dollars is therefore promoting a better system of organization for the rabbit fancy in general.
Some very tolerant young rabbits may become future factories producing serum that can fight specific human cancers, a researcher reported recently.
Dr. Blaine Levi of Los Angeles said that the rabbits were innoculated with human white cells at a young age—when their bodies were still incapable of recognizing and fighting off the human characteristics of the cells.
The human white cells were collected from 30 normal individuals, and Dr. Levi beheves that they represent all human cell characteristics for the entire human race.
Now the rabbits are ready to receive cells from specific human cancers — with the hope that they will produce serums against those cancers, she told the American Cancer Society’s eighth science writers seminar.
As they mature, animals and humans develop an immune mechanism that acts as a protection against disease and agents recognized as being foreign to the body. The body recognizes the foreign material and produces antibodies against it.
But in young animals, such as the rabbits, there is a period before the immune mechanism becomes effective. It is in that period that Dr. Levi, a research immunologist at Cedars-Sinsi Medical Center, injected the human cells in the rabbits. They then grew up with a built-in tolerance for human cells other rabbits would have cast off.
As the rabbits mature, they become capable of producing antibodies against foreign materials with the exception of human cells. The idea is to challenge the animals later with specific human cancers, reap the antibodies in serum that they produce and inject these cancer-fighting antibodies back into the human suffering from the cancer.
Dividing the rabbit herd into two or three groups according to production can provide a practical and economical method of providing adequate nutrition at the lowest possible cost.
Ones own operation determines the production economies involved—whether feed costs and marketable product, demands grain, pellet or other feeding combinations Good quality hay and plenty of fresh clean water are necessities in any money making rabbit operation.
The high producing group, which needs more energy in the form of grain. In most instances, can be fed extra amounts than is offered to the lower producing group or groups. Usually the lower producing group or groups determine their own future in the herd in a short time. Disposal of does from this group on a calculated schedule is the means of upgrading a good rabbit operation into an excellent profitable operation. Culling is evident from production.
Feeding grain in total or as supplement according to production Is a key factor involved in achieving financial success with a rabbit herd today.
This the July issue of our ARBA Bulletin is the most informative and factr filled rabbit publication to be placed in the rabbit breeders home in many a year. The importance of these articles cannot be stressed too much, Ours is a fast moving world and as rabbit breeders we definitely are part and parcel of this action.
This issue announces National Rabbit Week—July 17-23. A reprint of the letter mailed to each and every affiliated club of the ARBA is included in the Bulletin. For many years now a date has been set for National Rabbit Week, each year, and promotional work was at a minimum. In other words National Rabbit Week was a well kept secret. This we hope to change in 1956 and with the support of each local and state club, a change for the good is imminent.
Prizes in form of 3 beautifully engraved trophies will be awarded to the 3 clubs that accomplish the most for National Rabbit Week in their area. The trophies are engraved—CHAMPION PRODUCER NATIONAL RABBIT WEEK 1966. ARBA
The ARBA would like to know of your success in promoting National Rabbit Week in your town. Send the letters giving results of special local drive. Include with your letters any newspaper coverage obtained by clipping stories and
photos thereto, Mali letters and clippings to 6111 Molen. Letters must be received by August 20, 1966 and -winners will be announced in ARBA Bulletin.
From the advance interest aroused as signified by the many club secretaries writing for some additional information —NATIONAL RABBIT WEEK 1S66 will be the BEST.
Read and reread the article on Million Dollar Rabbit Industry Loss. This is of very serious proportions and though it has abated to a degree, the important question now—will these does come back? What course is the ARBA going to take in the solution? What avenue Will the feed industry take—there are strong indications that nutrition is the underlying factor involved, Vitamins, trace minerals either could be the culprit Exposure to the benefit and enlightenment of one and all is needed. Hush-hush tactics do not serve. A plan is needed now. The answer may be years in coming, though we hope not.
West Virginia breeders and those butchering rabbits for market are faced with a very serious situation. Admittedly, health precautions must be applied to all meats for table Consumption but wo hope the cost of inspections may be minimised.
New York, Massachusetts. Montana, Washington, California, Oregon, Ohio, Illinois. Arkansas, Wisconsin, Kansas, Utah, Colorado—all have coverage in this July Bulletin.
Carl Nagel. Clarence Banker, Dave Wharton, Charles Ilaaf, Bill Hiser, Earl Drumm, Mrs. George Morehead, Wilford Wells, Joe Lutes, Burley Hewey, David Ford, Betty Wingrove, Beverly Molen, Jim Blyth, Wayne Willmann, Fred Apple-gate, Cyril Lowit all contributed material July Bulletin.
The SOS is out —we need your continued support. Send in all rabbit news items to Bill Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716 All have been wonderful and doing an excellent job of sending in material, bulletins, etc. Keep up the good work and those of you that have not contributed material for the Bulletin— Today, is the time to start.
We recommend that you read the article—"Why You Should Belong to The ARBA." David Ford, has assembled some strong reasoning that will stand the gaff.
September Issue we plan on devoting a number of pages to the specialty clubs or prominent breeders and judges to expound facts and publicity on their favorite breeds and specialty clubs. Already we have material from the following breeds. Satins, Californians, New Zealand, Dutch —we need more. Resultions will also appear in September Bulletin We have asked Horace Curtis, Falls Church, Va., to forward article on his great venture and success with 4-H plans.
Abortive Does, Abnormal Young
The most serious problem confronting rabbit breeders in the last 50 years, has at last been halted. Whether this problem has been solved permanently or only temporarily, is not known.
We here in commercial rabbit country Missouri, Kansas. Oklahoma and Arkansas, as well as breeders in all parts of the U.S. had some new wrinkles show up. It was thought that our experience and its solution might be of value to some of you.
At the outset, we are assuming that Only a healthy and happy rabbit can give maximum desirable results During the spring of 1965. we started facing problems of Does not conceiving. We had does that were aborting and passing reabsorbed fetuses, or knots. This could occur in all or part of the litter. Some young were born without part of the bone Structure, or with large watery heads- Those that were born alive did not make normal growth and often died. The size of the litters was from 2 or 3 young to normal As the summer progressed our rabbits developed bad colds and nasal discharge. Also, adults were suddenly becoming pnralized and showing no interest in food or water. The weight loss per day was fantastic. It would take about 5 days from the first sign of paralysis to death One of our commercial rabbitries had 50 does from 8 to 18 months Of age that would breed, but not conceive.
Tn all eases the rabbits were in good physical shape and fed on a good grade of commercial pellet. Several brands were being used Both commercial and fancy breeders were involved in the project to determine the cause and remedy of the problem. We selected a cross section of rabbitries that totaled about 1050 breeding does.
With the cooperation of a local veterinarian who is an expert on nutrition, we attacked the problem. The symptoms seemed to point to an incomplete diet. In particular a lack of vitamins A, D, and perhaps E was indicated. At this point it would be well for you to go to the library or your own book shelf and look up vitamins in the Encyclopedia. Notice what the lack of vitamins will do to living animals.
In the advanced cases we used intramuscular injections of 1 cc of water emulsifiable vitamins A, D. and E. Also 1 Cc of aqueous suspension Procaine Fennicillin, In the cases of advanced paralysis, severe respiratory problems and nasal discharge, we saw improvement in about 3 hours. From past experience, the afflicted rabbits should have been dead in about 12 hours. Within 3 hours, they were showing interest in food and water and responded to attention. In 12
Page Sir
hours, they were on their feet and moving about the hutch. The nasal discharge Was decreasing also. In 3 days, the animals were acting normal, except jfor being weak. The nasal problems appeared to be cured, The appetite had returned with vigor and the rabbits were well On the way to recovery.
In the case of the rabbits not in the advanced stages, we administered an oral vitamin in the drinking Water, This was an antibiotic plus vitamins A, D and E that is used for chickens. The dosage recommended for laying hens was used. This was given for a period of 15 days and then reduced to 3 days out of 10.
The results were consistent throughout the herd? cooperating with our program. There was very little change in conception or reproduction in the Does in the first 30 days. There was marked 1m-
Iprovement in their vigor almost at once, find their physical problems resolved themselves rapidly. The bucks showed great interest in mating within 2 weeks. All Docs that were bred at the time of the beginning of treatment had the same aborted or weak young. At the 60 day point from the start of treatment, the does were producing 00% normal. Prom that time on, the Does Would take the buck any time during the 13 day heat period, Misses were almost nil and the young were large, healthy and vigorous. Now my friends are asking me ‘‘What do you do with 14 to 15 young?”
Some desirable side effects were also noted. The 50 does (mentioned in paragraph 2) were all bred within 30 days and only one did not have a normal pregnancy. All colds in the rabbitries were cleared up. All of the rabbits showed improved fur condition within 90 days, Hair pulling ceased. Sore hocks that were considered incurable cleared up. These .rabbits remained on wire during this time, ■“he fur pads came in thicker than ever fftefore. The food consumption was increased along with reproduction.
In the case of my rabbits, after treatment. the litters ranged from 13 to 15 young. These litters were reduced to 3 or 9. We were elated, especially since last summer T did not have one litter from July 1 to Jan. 1 The growth rate has been the best since I have been raising rabbits. Needless to say the milk production records have improved.
To date there is no evidence here in the 4-state area of summer sterility of our bucks. They arc eager and active, always ready to service anything, anytime. anywhere.
The medication mentioned can be secured at any store that sells veterinary supplies under several different trade names. The injections run less than lOe each. The vitamins that were given orally
will cost about $3,00 per lb Using 1 tsp. to 3 gallons of water brings the cost down to very Jittle per animal.
We recommend the oral method whenever possible, because your animal can be over-vitaminized by intramuscular injections. We do not know what this would mean as we stopped when we had the desired results.
We hope that this information may be of value to our AREA membership. We know that the 3-week abortions in rabbits has been prevalent in large and small rabbitries coast to coast. Abnormal rabbits being born in over increasing number and considered related to this abortion problem were also of serious proportions. Needless to say the feed manufacturers were duly concerned and field men were on the scene at each catastrophic outbreak.
ARBA member, Dave Wharton, Salt Lake City, Utah, has been a barber for 10 years, started to raise English Angora's in 3954 With his barber background he has this advice for easier and faster shearing.
"I wear white coveralls for the clipping operation, and start off by oiling the clipper blades (clean w/old toothbrush and oil between each haircut). Several types of clippers are available. I have found a commercial Small Animal Clipper, with new ANGORA blade (made especially for the clip job on Angora Rabbits) works the best. This is the same clipper used by the Poodle Groomers, using other blades, The smaller and cheaper vibrator type clippers overheat and have much less cutting power, and do not have the changeable head and blade uses.
A tie down board is used on rabbits over 4 months old. unless they are extremely tame. Heavy twine is cut into four. 2-ft long pieces. Half the length is used for a loop, and the loose end is passed through the loop and snugged down on the lower part of the leg of the rabbit—then the strings on the back legs are tied in a standard shoe lace bow and put behind cupboard hooks spaced about 12 inches apart—to the left, if right handed, of the work table. Front legs are then Stretched out by pulling the front leg strings around hooks to the front and again tying a bow, which will stretch out the rabbit for easy combing and cutting A wide tooth metal comb will smooth tangles and aid cutting speed. The wool is clipped from front to back. Do not force blades to cut too fast or they will clog up and require cleaning and oiling again Separate soiled and dirty
wool from the other free wool and place in marked grocery sacks, about a pound per sack. Close cutting is possible even in winter if a nest box w/straw is placed in the hutch for about 10 days or 2 weeks after clipping. When you're dipping off the wool on the back anti Side areas, try holding the rabbit by the loose Skin of the neck, on the side planned to cut, and then after the cutting stroke is started (front to back) pull the skin forward This helps make the sool stand up and cut off faster and easier. Un-tie front bow only and take the string off the rear cup-hooks and turn rabbit over. Then complete clipping of underside. Doe about to litter needs belly wool for the nest trimmings.
The rabbit won’t be So jumpy in leg and rear area if you make and hold Contact w/frec hand on leg before starting to clip this area/legs, tail, teats are most easily nicked areas. Treat w/car-bolated VaSoline, all abrasions.
Wool grading has changed lately from ], 2, 3, 4. 5, and dirty grades to mainly two grades. No. 1 Clean free wool. No. 2 Dirty and matted wool. Length not so important.
Three month old rabbits are usually due for their first clipping and I do it the easy way, no Tie Down Board at all. Start by combing olit tangles, working from front to back, then grip the wool and skin in the neck area, left side, steady things by bringing the left elbow in close to the left side of the rabbit. Hold him tight to body first if necessary or if he becomes excited during haircut. Clip three swaths down the middle of the back area, then without changing hold on the left side of the neck, stretch the skin forward and cut a few more swaths down left side as far as possible, Now move your hand-hold to the right side of the neck, still controlling the squirm w/elbow and arm on the left side, stretch the skin on the right side, forward and continue cutting down side as before. All other areas are cut with the rabbit lifted off the work table, as follows:
Pick up rabbit in Mother cat fashion, by nap of the neck, and hold in the air with the back legs banging. After combing wool to be cut. turn clippers over so you can cut from top to bottom. Start cutting on the right side, where you left off, in the usual neck to rump direction. Turn the rabbit after each cut in the clockwise direction as you go all the way around. The back legs hanging in the air help stretch the skin and stand up the wool on each side. You can cut in one continuous Swath from the cheek area to the lower back leg. The wool under the neck and around the legs can be cut at this time also. To finish the rump area, pick up by-loose skin or wool stubble in the small of the back and cut any direction neces-
sary to do the job. Finish the rough spots in all cases With barber shears that have been sharpened with corrugations on one or better still, both blades (this helps keep the w-ool from slipping out while cutting.)
If you are culling this particular rabbit for meat, shear the right and/or left leg and rump in the pelt cut areas—very clean to overcome the hairy problems of dressing out Angora Rabbits.
Patience is the greatest requirement! Happy haircuts.
My breeding does are clipped every six weeks, just before breeding, which seems to work best. Remember to protect your clipper investment by oiling the blades between each haircut and other oil-points occasionally.
I have sold free white wool at prices as high as J6.40 per pound but the most available price is $4 00 per pound
Director Lowit Soys They're Best
The Western District composed of Washington. Oregon, Nevada, Idaho and California boast their state and local agents are tops in ARBA, Mark Youngs. Washington agent sends in complete, concise reports. Mark, doesn’t wait to be asked and takes the initiative and keeps the reports coming on a regular basis. The most recent report contained the excellent comments on Judge Stephen West’s appearance at the Inland Empire Rabbit Show. Judge West was behind the table from 6 a.m, to 8 p.m.—and commented, "This workout made me realize that I’m not as young as I used to be.” Mark Youngs, also reports that new ARBA member Herbert Carlost, Hawaii is establishing a commercial rabbltry and processing plant,
Edna Beebe, editor of the Washington State RBA bulletin is another hardy soui and hard worker. One of the important cogs that keeps the state of Washington in its leading position.
Indian Empire RBA has appointed Lawrence McCawley, Rockford, Wash,, as its local agent.
Steve West has accepted the position of state agent for Oregon. West replaces Dan Law. who is unable to serve because of health factors. State Agent West, report* that a new- club at Astoria will be chartered soon. West, with help from LaVeme
lower Progressive Rabbit Club, Inc.
Fall Show. September lBr 1966; Harper, Iowa AFP A & fewer SVrle Sanelianed Sweepstakes: English, Dutch, Sal in, Sit. Marten, N.Z. Whl. Rea & Black; Lilac; Am. Chin; Havanas: Calif.; Rex; Checker Gt. Flemish; Palomino, & ChatTDaaneR.
Judges: Henry Zimmerman 6 Ivan Miller Show Sea ‘ C Jay Miller, 303 So. olh, Kaloncr, Iowa 5224?____________________________
Palmblad, Duane Johnson and Mr Gresham staged a 4-H Rabbit School for the counties of Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington Results were encouraging and it is planned to make this an annual event.
Orlan Onkst. state agent for southern California reports that he has contacted every club In his area and all clubs but one have responded and forwarded the name of the local agent. Onkst, reports the San Gabriel Valley Cavy Club staged a very successful 241-head entry show. Open meetings are held 2nd Saturday each month, 7432 Walnut Ave., Buena Park, Calif- Mr. Jess Pickering, was given a life membership in the San Gabriel Cavy Club. Jess is currently confined to bed, ill.
Bob Herschback. state agent for northern California is one of our most ambitious state agents. Bob, is making it a point to visit each club, giving them a short talk, followed by a question session. Bob, reports that the questions most frequently asked at these meetings: Why the $1.00 assessment on non-members? What is the ARBA doing for the commercial man? Where husband and wife are joint members of a club and only the husband belongs to the ARBA, why should the wife be taxed $1.00'' ARBA dues are $5 00 for single, and $7.00 for husband and wife —this is too high, where does the money go7 State Agent Bob Herschback. said. "I felt I have been giving the correct answer and explanation to all these questions, except No. 3. That 1 cannot answer to my satisfaction."
GLICK SLOWS DOWN Pioneer of Industry Looks Back
May 19th issue of Los Angeles Herald Examiner carried almost the full front page of photos and feature article on Coleman Glick. A pioneer and leader of the rabbit industry and one of the most proficient members of the ARBA in'securing new members over the years, will be sorely missed by all. at all levels, local, state and nationally
Two large photos carry the following captions in the Herald Examiner: “Coleman Click and one of few remaining rabbits, Human population explosion here has hurt rabbit industry," Glick says. 2nd photo: “Fifteen years ago San Gabriel Valley was rabbltry capital of nation. Coleman Click is shown then inspecting his herd which numbered some 2500 rabbits.”
Jerry Rollings, Herald-Examiner staff writer penned the following:
“People are crowding rabbits out of the San Gabriel Valley — once the rabbit capital of the nation.
“The $15 million per year industry of breeding rabbits for fur and food is al-
most gone. All the large rabbitries have given way to residential building for suburbanites, One of the few remnants of this once prolific industry here is a rabbltry belonging to Coleman Glick, 72, who still has a few furry creatures on his property at 2720 Mountain View Road, El Monte"
A pioneer in the rabbit industry, Glick operated the Click Mfg. Co , which in addition to raising rabbits, also suppled other breeders with cages and other materials to get started in the field.
"Of all animals, rabbits are probably the easiest to raise,” Glick declared,
"They are clean animals and there is no known disease which can sweep through a herd and destroy them as with fowl.”
Glick said that despite the demise of the local industry, “there is a crying need for rabbit meat in this country."
"Producers cannot meet one-tenth the demand,” he said. A 46-year veteran of the industry, Glick, said he began raising rabbits in the San Fernando Valley but moved over to the San Gabriel Valley when producers began settling there.
He said that Guatamala and other “meat poor" countries in Larin America arc “going big" for rabbits because the great supply of meat can be produced quickly and it is helping to alleviate their shortage of meat.
Despite the beautiful texture and appearance of fine rabbit fur, Glick said it is mainly ground up and used for felt.
“Rabbit fur is beautiful and soft,” he declared, “but you need a gimmick name to sell a coat made of it.”
He said conducive climate conditions and other factors have made San Diego County the current rabbltry center in California.
State Agent Burley Rewey. writes that he eagerly awaits each issue of the new ARBA Bulletin. Rewey, says each issue is better than the previous one and he is impressed with the broad coverage of material and fields of interest.
Rewey, also writes that he has been impressed that there is no news from Montana in any of the issues to date. Finally, it dawned upon me, reports Rewey, there was no news from Montana and it was my own fault As state agent it is my duty and obligation to get busy and do something about this no news from Montana situation. Also, push ARBA and rabbits in any other way, throughout the state.
Rewey, says the rabbit census initiated in his state and district is a slow proposition but he is obtaining satisfactory results Especially, after appointing 3 assistant state agents: Tom Winters, Jar-
dine, Montana., Beverly Ingersoll, Wolf Creek and Mrs. Gene Severns, Lolo, Montana, Montana, being one of our truly large states, area-wise, the job taken on by these 4 hard workers is tremendous. Rewey, has written to over 20 Chamber of Commerce in Montana. They also are contacting feed stores in their state to determine any rabbit breeders and interest them in ARBA and the local club. The sincere hope of all working in Montana is to be able to round out the requirement of having 3 local clubs, in order that they may form the Montana State Rabbit Club.
Exhibitors Standard of Perfection
Are you a Rabbit Raiser? How many times has someone approached you with this question and you have answered “yes.” Many times, I'm sure. But do you really fill the bill. Ask yourself this, “Atn 1 a rabbit raiser just because I’ve got a few coops of rabbits in the back yard.” Maybe you are! We really don't have a standard for the breeder. We have a standard for each breed of rabbit, so why not one for the breeder himself. We class our rabbits for the shows, but how about ourselves We put ourselves out in front qf the other breeders just as we do our animals.
From what I've seen around the show tables the past few years, there is a lot more than just getting a few rabbits or cavies on the show (able. You come in contact with people from all walks of life. The rabbits are here today, but next season it will be a new batch. But you, the breeder, will have your same old self back again and again Wherever you go you are the real representative of the rabbltry and the rabbit is just the product. You, the breeder, a member of a local club and a member of the ARBA, are looked upon by others as a representative of the club to which you belong.
Let’s not do so much griping about how things are being run when all we do is sit back and let the others do the work, Don't ask the question: “What is the club doing for me?" till you have asked the question “What am I doing for my club?” Let’s not tell the judge to get new glasses till we have cleaned our own.
So what do you say, let’s each and every one of us set up some standards for ourselves that will help make our shows more enjoyable, boost our clubs and make more friends.
ie> Specialty, Slate and Lcc-a] Clubs on their dub advertisomwiis pag* ct- lat-tyer- Show Ada r*c*jT* (ha cam* dlocouol. And remember you raach every member. Cash with copy, pteaft*.
As long as can be remembered, the ARBA Guide Book has been THE FOREMOST item for the American. Most of ARBA literature distributed suggests those interested in rabbits join the Association and receive a copy of the guide hook. The new edition will be an outstanding publication in every way, helpful to both the beginners and the older breeders. The new guide book must be more helpful to these people than any book that has ever been published.
For many years, the guide books have been late in coming out. This is not the fault of any one or two individuals, but rather the organization in general After all, a book of this type does not have one author but many.
The American Rabbit Breeders Ass’n is composed of many different type mem-bers. We have some who arc millionaires, others who are strapped to earn their liv-ing, in our inflationary world. We number as members some of the finest educated people in the United States and others not so endowed. With this cross section of membership, wc should be able to come out with a very good guide book It should be Started right now, the supply on hand of current issue guide books is low. Some members believe more educational articles should appear in the guide book, others demand more and better photos. Let us make the next guide book the best ever published. If we refuse to contribute to this publication, then we certainly have no reason to condemn it.
We have many people in the American who understand and know rabbit breeding from A to Z. We have many fdso who arc highly educated and can put their ■words in the right place and make the proper meaning. It is at this time we call on these people to help make our new guide book the greatest we have ever had. If you are an experienced breeder that cannot put your thoughts into words I would suggest you contact some member close to you who might have this writing ability. Between the two of you working together, submit articles on various subjects. Be a contributor to the greatest ARBA guide hook.
We need articles on hutches, medication, breeding, and many other subjects relative to the art of raising rabbits. It is within our organization to come out with the very best, That is what we are trying to put across to you. We need this material and need it now. Sit down and write an article on some particular subject that will be helpful to other rabbit breeders over the world, Our ARBA guide book goes to most every foreign country and leading libraries in the United States,
At rabbit shows all over the country amateur photographers are taking pic-
Paer Ten
tures of exhibits and people. We are most interested in the photos of rabbit specimens and exhibits. These are badly needed for the new guide book. We need to up-date our photos and to bring out better specimens in all breeds of rabbits. If you are a professional or an amateur photographer, make an attempt to get some good photographs of whatever breeds of rabbits you can obtain. It takes 3 things to obtain a good photograph of any breed of rabbit. Focus the camera, get the object in the center of the picture: select a good specimen of that particular breed: you must have an accomplice who will work with you and place the rabbit in a position that will best show its fine characteristics. It is important to have proper background that will contrast so that the rabbit can be plainly seen. Its color, markings, type, alertness and conformation.
k We are in need of photographs of good gype hutches. Whether they be wood or wire. Take pride in your hutches, if you believe you have a good modern hutch, or one that serves rabbit breeding w-ell. Take a picture now and submit it to the guide books have been in circulation for needed now. These articles are needed now.
Some of the photographs used in the guide books have been in circulation for years We have improved during that time We need changes. We need modern methods and modern equipment.
Some years ago, we visited a rabbitry in western New York. This was a small rabbitry, painted Snowy white with green trimmings. It was a beautiful example of a rabbitry. There are others, beautiful and functional throughout the country. These should be photographed and used in our new guide book.
This is an appeal for help from you people who can write articles, have vast
I experience with rabbits and take good l holographs. It is not my promise all of these will be used. They will be used at the discretion of the guide book committee. The time is now to make a greater ARBA, assist our member rabbit breeders and publish our greatest guide book. It is up to you. the membership of the ARBA, to do this. Make it a point to start now. You will derive personal satisfaction from your services and cooperation in the newest and best ARBA guide book,
Buckeye Breeders Bring Entries
Wilford Wells, reporter for the Columbus RBA forwards copy of latest news letter and it offers proof positive that the Columbus members support shows in Ohio with big entries.
Seven of their members entered 52 head at the big Van Wert show. At the Mansfield show that also featured an
All-Dutch outing on Saturday, agafn their club was well represented with entrants and entries. Then way down in Portsmouth, 6 Columbus RBA members swelled the entry list with 35 head.
Some of their members that make the rounds of shows, Frizzells, Southworlh, Mrs. Edna Andrews (she exhibits while husband works), Molyneaux, Egelhoff, Wells, Carr, Fairbanks.
Mrs. Andrews exhibited 16 head of Flemish at Van Wert and a big entry at Portsmouth. The Walkers, and their outstanding Dutch are really cutting a wide swath of big wins They had BOB in 103 Dutch at Mansfield, The Fairbanks', newest Columbus member, entered 11 cavies at Mansfield,
These Buckeye Breeders not only show in their own state but drove to the tune of 1728 miles round trip to Sedalia, Missouri and the Annual Checkered Giant Show. Wilford Wells. Scotty Wells and Glen Carr made the Missouri trek. They did alright with their entries too. Wells had best 6-8 and Carr had best pre-junior, winning leg on Chet Yocom Award.
Glen Carr, who recently passed the examination and Was named an official ARBA judge will return to Sedalia, Missouri. August 25th to judge the Missouri State Fair. His cow'orker in judging will be another of our new ARBA judges, Duane Shrader of Lincoln. Nebraska.
Badger Rabbit Breeders
The Badger Rabbit Breeders Club is an active group of ARBA boosters in Southern Wisconsin. The officers for 1966: Don Foavol, Milton Junction. Pres ; Clarence Banker, Deerfield, Vice-Pres.; Virginia Peterson. Verona, Treasurer; and Ruth Strunk. Fort Atkinson, Wis., Secretary.
Our 1966 Spring show in March was a successful, 689 entry show. Highlights included bumper entry in youth division. Our club will sponsor the Wisconsin State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Convention and Show September 17 and 18. 1966 at Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin.
The State Rabbit Queen Contest will be finalized and winner announced at the gala state banquet. Sept. 17th. The Badger Rabbit Breeders State Rabbit Queen candidate will be selected in July.
Washington President Analixes
For the past month my work hasn’t been so rushing and I have had a chance to catch up on my reading, do a little more studying, and a lot of thinking in terms of rabbits. Studying the fundamentals of the Industry and Organization, our good parts and bad, our wants and how might be the best way to go about reaching a higher standard. In the study and research I have found that for the past thirty years the rabbit industry has
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been too close to the forest to see the trees, in short, lack o( Organization and co-operation. Yes, we have local clubs, state clubs, a national organization, and a number of specialty clubs, and what is each doing? My answer—each one spends so much time and energy in arguing, smoothing over, ignoring and protesting that there is no time or energy to educate, experiment, and help themselves. Now, let me ash ourselves a few questions. What have I contributed to my Club? Does my club set aside a time in each meeting for education of new (and oldj members alike? Does my club seek constructive information from the State, the \R B A, and Specialty organizations? If so, what percent of your questions are answered completely? Have you. Mr. President of the ABBA, ever asked the State or Local Clubs what THEY would like? How many members has my club Secured the past year? How many have dropped? How many of those who dropped had a membership of less than three years? Do you, united or individually, secure, encourage or advise these new members? If you can answer “yes" to all of the foregoing questions then you ere an ''Ideal" member and let me shake your hand, and hold it high for all to see* Each organization, club and individual, periodically has to go back and study the fundamentals—the Constitution —for the basic purpose of its being. Now, PLEASE understand this, I don’t intend to revise the local, state or national rabbit industry, but it does make an impression on my mind, that probably 70% of the industry's members have less than 20 holes. That new member and “dropouts” just about balance. That the “dropouts” have a membership of less than three years. WHY"7
President, Earl Dmmm, Yakima, Washington
Copy deadline 15 th o! month preceding mcnLh
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(Continued from Page l)
you will find, as many before you, that you will be expanding the worms more than the rabbit operation.
We have both inside and outside pits. Inside, we have concrete block pits on the ground and have double decked metal water troughs on top to give twice the square footage in the same space. For the South and West sections of the U,S„ two blocks on top of the ground are epough,
Tn the North and East the pits should extend below the frost line and need additional protection from cold weather.
Two types of pits are needed, breeders pits and fattening pits. The actual number of pits depends on sales volume.
Here in our area we hove two small cities with a population of about 30,000^^^ There are six worm breeders supplying^^F the area. The area has ten bait dealers, plus many smaller outlets, such as groceries, etc. During the peak, the area sells about 60 dozen worm containers a week.
Each container usually has from 50 to 100 red worms. As you start your own Operation it is imperative that you canvass your area and see what the potential will be. Are new lakes and reservoirs baing built? Also find who is supplying the dealers at present, and at prices, both in single dozen lots, and in large quantity. Without this knowledge you can’t begin to plan your operation and the number of pits that will be needed.
We use peat moss in our pits. We have used a lot of rabbit manure mixed with the peat moss but now feel that regular cow or steer manure is just a little better. Of course if you have a rabbltry use the rabbit manure. Mix the manure and peat moss half and half. Add agricultural^^ limestone to the mixture to keep it sweet When worms crawl out of a pit it’s usu-^^J ally due to the mixture becoming too acid and heating. Aging the manure and using limestone helps prevent this problem. On outside pits drainage is very important: inside pits where you control the watering, drainage is a secondary consideration.
Though worms will eat anything, worms will do much better on some feeds than others. Those feeds avoilable locally at a reasonable price should be considered. In Breeder pits or under the hutches the regular rabbit manure and peat moss mixture will work quite well. For fattening the worm to fish bait size, grain feed or special sewage sludge is needed. Beware of feeds that have any additives such as a poultry mash that has a worm expeller added. Many feeds are fortified with various additives, even floor sweepings from a feed mill, a good, cheap feed
Page Twelve
for worms csn't be trusted 1 '"'0_ due to the additives.
At present we use corn meet and its certainly pure enough but other problems, such as feed mites to develop. Also. Staphilmiate. a flour beetle, hatch out of corn products If you con get cottonseed meal and mix it with a bulk material, like composted grass or leaves you will have an ideal feed. Otherwise we recommend earn.
In breeding pit do not get feed mixed in with the bedding as it will heat the bed and cause worms to crawl away. This also means feed from the self feeder that falls onto the bedding. For fattening, place the feed right on top lightly and then water or you can mix a slop of grain, finely ground, with added water and sprinkle it on the top Of the bedding. Then water lightly afterwards.
One problem a lot of growers have is
orms crawling away from the beds, on 'damp or rainy days We keep lights burning over the pits on these days and nights A 15 watt bulb every ten feet will keep the worms from crawling hut during heavy ram storms we now use 100 watt bulbs, ami even then some of the worms will crawl if the sides of the pits □ re shaded. The light on damp days and nights is certainly a must ... if you want to grow big bait worms.
Harvesting and marketing the bait worms is the most important factor in the rabbitry or wprmery, Counting the worms into containers filled with moistened peat moss takes a lot of time. With steady work, you can pick, count and fill about three dozen containers per hour, per man. We put 50 worms to a container, with a 10% overcount making it 55 worms total.
There arc many types of containers available, Paper, waxed paper, and the new plastic containers. While on fishing ,trips, we noticed that the plastic container
eated up faster in the hot sun. The worms started to die. We have settled on the waxed paper container. The regular round container that has a wax coating, You can get 50 worms in an 8 ounce container. However in the IS ounce size, the worms have more room and will live a few days longer in the bait shops. Should you get orders for 75 or even 100 worms per container this 16 ounce size will serve the purpose.
Holes are prepunched in the lids for air. The worms should live from 5 to 10 days, though after 7 days they will start to shrink in size.
Container cost is certainly important If it costs 30c to grow the 55 worms, the container costs 5c and the label another lc; you have 16c tied up with no depreciation figure, labor, bedding costs, advertising. delivery, etc. Even though these 50 worms will sell to the fisherman at
from 50c to G5c, your price to the dealer will be around 25c to 35c. Thus, anyplace you can cut costs without sacrificing the worm quality is very important. By ordering 16 ounce containers out of Kansas City, by the 100's the cost including shipping is 5c By ordering 5,000 at a time the supplier prepays the freight so the cost per container comes to 3M.C.
This article is certainly not the last word on worm culture. Perhaps it will give some ARBA members a new understanding and different slant. We hope that it will help you to larger profits from your hobby. This plan is working for us' We hope it works for you.
AS OF MAY 31. 196B
] Edward H. SUlhl. Missouri---
2 Melvfn Behrens, New York ----------
2 Glick Mfg. Co . Calif...........—
4 Fred R Ar/plegate, 111 ...........
5 Mark Youngs, Washington--------~ -
(3 Tommy Andrew, Per™, --------------
7. Claude Bennett, Ind---------------
ft. E R McGehee, Oklahoma------------
9 J W Snyder, Pa ..... -------------
10. E, R Kenyon, New York------------—
1- Cactus R.B. Ass n, Arix. ---------
2 So W Vb, Rabbit Club............—
3. Progressive Rabbit Club. Kansas---
4. Stanislaus Co. R.B. Club, Calif,--
5. Southwest R.B, Ass'n, Texas-------
5. Western Illinois R.B Ass'n -------
7. Kaw Valley Rabbit CJub, Missouri...
ft. Smoky Mtn R.B. Ass'n, Tenn-------
9. So Florida R.B Ass'n--------------
10 Eastern Carolina R.B. An'n,
11 Tri County Rabbit CJub, Mass-----
12 Lawrence Co. R.B. Ass'n, Tenn....
._ 7 ._ 7 ._ 5 ._ 5 4
._ 5 ._ 3
1. Harry Coles, Missouri________________ .21
2 Harold Dirk son, 111---------------- 2S
3 Oren Reynolds, III.________*__________W
+. Duane Shrader, Nebr_________________ 17
5 Emmett Bobo, Texas -----------------...16
6. Hugh J. Betts_________________________14
7 Wm T, Robin ton, III-------------------11
fl. J L. Bid.we 11, Calif________________ U
9 Leland F C]aTk, Calif__________________10
] Harold Johnson, Wfch- --„_____
2. Claudius Peer, Ind,________^_ri.______--55
3. Don Reid, III....................... 49
4 Marvin F. Carley, Vt.__________________39
5. Eugene Henry, Conn__________________ 37
5 Wm t Robinson, IlL--------------------3n
7 Dennis Holcomb. Iowa________________ 29
S O J- U-gep. La----------------------- 2ft
9 G. 5. Davis. Iowa -------------------- 26
in Frank Westloy, Pa.................. 24
1 Harold Johnson, Michigan_____________ 102
2. Don Reid. ID ....-------------67
3 Pete Naylor. Kansas_________________ 65
4 Claudius Peer. Ind.. _______________ .35
5 Wm. T. Robinson, III----------------- 55
6 Harry Cole*, Missouri______ ___________ M
7 Eugene Henry. Conn._______________ ,..50
E Marvin F Carley, Vt------------------ 40
9 Harold Dickson, 111. .. .. Jft
10. G S Do vis, Iowa__________________ ___35
JI Oren R Reynolds ................... 3S
12 Dennis Holcomb, Iowa .33
Page Thirteen
Sonoma Co Fair & Expo.,. James F Lyttle, P.O. Box 14.51. Santa Rasa, Calif 05403 Jol 20-30
Ohio Cavy Club, Mrs L W Ghent, RR 1, Mt Gilead. Ohio Jol 25-21
Shelby County Fair, Mrs W T Chenault. 812 Plain view Dr, Shelby vLlle, Ky. Jol 25-81
Lawrency Co Fair, Edna Belle Gholson. 413 So 5th St , I ronton, Ohio Jol 26-30
Madison County Fair. A M Gibson, RR l, Box 371, Ed wards villa. 11). Jol W-ao
Orange County Fair, Sunny Harper, 20041 Clark St . Orange. Calif Jol 26-31
Lake County Fair Ass'n, L- A Norcfhausen, P O Box 27. Grayslake, 311. Jul 2"-:il
Sandusky Valley R-B Ass'n , Mrs. Albert May,
Box 506, Sycamore. Ohio Jul 2"*Am 2
So. Jersey R. Ac C B Ass'n, Ralph M. Collins. 291 So. Church St.. Moores town, N.J J a l
Mother Lode Fair, B S. Craig, 220 S Southgate Dr., Sonora. Caljf Jul 28-31
Multnomah Co Fair. Duane Hennessy. P O Box 71, Gresham. Oregon Jal ?A-Aug G
Kfwaunpe Co R.B Ass'n, E L Walerstrect, Kewflunee, Wise Jol SO-31
West Branch RR Ass’n, MaTiin P Andrews, RD 1, Wilh-'imsport, Pa. Jul 31-Ac* 0
Jefferson Co Fair, Glenn L Feistel, brt5 Mill St.. Watertown, N.Y, Jul 31-Ad* 6
Boone County R.B. Ass'n. Mrs Anne Fitzpatrick. 212 Avelon Dr, Vestal, N.Y Jol 31-Aug 6
Akron Rabbit Club, Inc . M L Clevenger. 4ZH Palm Ave , Akron, Ohio Jul 3l
Rock Island Co Fair Ass'n, Mrs. Evelyn. Rijtau, P.O. Box 267, East Moline, til. Aug 2-6
Williams Co R.B, Ass’n, Mrs. K O. Engler, 313 N Elm St, Edgertcit, Ohio Jal 31-Aug J
Napa Town A Country Fair, Robert P. Manage, Fairgrounds, Napa, Calif Aug 4-7
Allentown Fair. Moulton L. C Frantz, 123 SVa Tilghman 5t . Allentown, Pa, Acg 5-13
Houston All Breed Rabbit Club, Frances M Withrow. 350 Wyollffq Dr., Houston, Tex. Aug 6 Lenawee Co. Fair. William E. Marvin, 5455 So Adrian Rd., R 2. Adrian, Mich, An* 7-1.3
CIlnlt)n Co Agri. Society, Donald F Weeks, R l. Highland. Ohio Aug S-J3
Howell Co Heart of Ozarks Fair. Robert M Peasr. J]., 204 E Broadway, West Plains, Mo
Aug 8-J3
CALIFORNIANS—good quality, pedigreed and registered. Prices and information on request Always a few good ones for sale. Duane Shrader St Sons, 625 £ 51st St., Lincoln, Neb. 65510.
POLISH—Black. Blue-eyed White. Californian Slims Write for prices Breeze Hollow Rabbitry, RD No 1, Box 37. Wellington, O 44090
SANDY FLEMISH GIANTS—Good quality stock available- Good type, size and production Pedigreed. Mansfield's Gisnt Rabbi lb, 1004 S Garden Ave., Stockton, Calif. 952q5
"ROTH5V1LLE DUTCH’’—Home of Champions Black. Blue, Chocolate. Pictured in the 1866 Arba Offellal Guide Book. Pedigreed Junior, qhowmarked, foundation trios 312 0Q. Satisfaction guaranteed. Jack Mcsaner, Box 267A, Roths-vjlle, Penn.
■ROTHSVtLLE GOLDEN PALOMINOS" — America’s new breed. Pictured in the 1&96 ARBA Official Guide Book Pedigreed Junior foundation trios 312 00 Satisfaction guaranteed. Jack Messner, Box 257A, Rothsvllle, Penn
ANGORA—See Cleo, Page 26 New Standards Book 6 generation pedigree registered stock Dept A for prices Shooting Star, Pellston, Michigan.
Mowyr County Fair, Arnold M. Johnson. R. 1, Box 148, Austin, Minn Aug 5-14
Lower Fraser Valley Exh. Son.. J T Sullivan., Box 469. Cloverdale, B.C.* Canada Aug 10-18 Ms Ron County Fair. Inc.. Mrs Gwen Carter. P.O Box 334 Pt- Pleasant, W. Vs. Aug 10-18 Ashtabula Co RF, AJ Roerdanz, 1005 Wright St.. Kmgsvjlle. Ohio Aug 10-14
Winn ^Forest Rabbit Club. Ted Wengert, 26$Q Kinsey St., Rockford. Ill Aug Tl-lft
Springfield R.B. Ass'n, Mrs Juaneta Fisher, 518 E Kearney St , Springfield, Mo Aug 11-17
Western Michigan Fair, Hans C. Rasmussen, R l, Ludington, Mich, Aug 12-16
[] lino is State Fair. Mrs. Florence Ayers. 2812
Hoover. Springfield, 111. Aug 12-21
State Fair of Wisconsin, Vernon G, Wendland, State Fair Park. West Allis, Wise Aug 12-21 Cedar Rapids Small Stock Ass'n. Mrs Ethel Becickn, 5000 J St., S.W.. Cedar Rapids. low*
Acg 13-14
Chemung Valley RB Ass'n. Mrs. Geo More-head. P.O. Box 161, Mains, N Y. Aug H-20
Scioto Co. Agri. Society, Marion Bess. Jersey Ridge Rd , Maysville. Ky Aar
Morrow Co Fair, Eileen E. Ghent, R- L Mt Gilead. Ohio A or 15-20
Zanesville R.B. Ass'n. Edna Andrews. R 3. Newark, Ohio Aug 16-20
Washington Co R.B. Ass'n. Mrs. Rglh Caldwell. RD 2. Box 247, Eighty-Four, Pa A eg 15-20
Capitol Pist R. Fanciers, Shirley A Kenyon. Box 333. RD 4r Troy, N.Y. Aug 15-20
Douglas County Fair. Bert L. Allenby. Box 759, Roseburg, Oregon Aug IB-20
Washington Co Fair. Betty Shearer. 1455 S E 2lst Aye., Hillsboro, Oregon Aog 16-20
Clermont Co. Fair, Fred C. Kipp. 4351 Mt Car-mel-Tobasco Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio Aug lfl-20 Clark County Fair, Roger C Miller, P O Box 162. Sabina, Ohio Aug 16-211
Whiteside Co. R.B Ass'n, Vernon Schroeder, R. 3, Morrison, III Aug 17-20
Vancouver Island Exhib , Mrs. W A Feather, Box 373, Nanaimo, V Island, Canada Aug 17-20 Kitsap County Fair, Lei- R Hall, 644 5th St , Bremerton. Wash Aug 1 *-21
Winn-Forest Rabbit Club, Ted Wengert. 253ti Kinsey St. Rockford, 111. Aug IB-22
Luxton Fall Fair, Mr* T F, Lock. 961 Isa by 11 Ave . Victoria, B C , Canada Aug 19-tn
Del Norte County Fair. C W. Glover, P O. Box 26, Cresc ent City, Cal if A ug 18-21
SELLING OUT—Wood Pens. Wood A Wire Pens. Crocks Double B Rabbitry, Bill Raymond, ARBA No B34, *03 5 Franklin Rd-, Indianapolis, Ind 46219
"HOW' TO START A COMMERCIAL RABBITRY"—This book is written by ^nd based on the actual eperience of a successful operator of a 1900 hole commercial rabbltry. A great help for any rabbit raiser—a must for the beginner. Covers equipment and hqw to bvtitd. it, how to select ti-onrimercial breeds, covers feeds, feeding and fend cost, how to handle rabbits, breed, wean, sex, market, keep records, etc- Numerous drawings and pictures mnke* every subject easy to understand Price 12.50, postage paid. Ozark Enterprises, Willard SC, Missouri.
QUALITY EQUIPMENT—at lowest prices. Free catalog Ozark Enterprises,. Willard 8C. Missouri
FLEMISH GIANTS—All colors. Sandys of all ages. Colors limited Andrews circle ‘ A1' Rabbitry, Rt No. 3. Newark. O 43055.
7 cents per word—one Insertion: 8 cents per word—two inTertions; 5 cents per word—six issues U year!
Cash, check or money order must accompany classified copy. Deadline I5lh of month preceding month of issue.
"Stock for Sfcle" advertising accepted ouly from members.
Falla Cities Rabbit Club, Harold C Quick, itilS So. 1st, Louisville. Ky. Aog 19'£7
Santa Clara Valley R.P-, Edward M Seacord, 17015 Pollard Rd., Loe Gatos. Calif. Auf 19-28 Niagara Frontier R. Club, Sybil Myers, 5998 Stone Road, Look-p-ort, NY. A up 30-37
Missouri Slate Fair, W, C Askew, Box 111,
Sedalia, Mo. Aut ?o-in
Colorado State Fair, Marjorie Vaughn, 2416 Rice St., Pueblo, Colo. Aug 21-£7
New Jersey State R flt C Br Mrs George Jahr-linfi, P.O., Far Hills, H.J. Aug 2l-?A
State Fair of W. Va, C T Sydanstricker, Box 8J9, Lewisbur^f, W. Va. Atif £3-21
Freesport R * F B Ass'n, Helen Hornberger. RFD 4. Freeport, 111 Auf 23-tl
Burtiitii Co Agra Board, Lee H. Oloff&on. 31!t W Main St., Wyanel, III. Au* 23-37
Missouri a County Fair. Gail Nelson, 2219 England Avt. Missoula, Mont An* 34-37
Lake County Fair, Mrs. J H Belcher, 480 King Hiihwny, Mentor, Ohio Aug 34-38
Uhlo State Fair, Lillian K. Hergesell, "593 Palmer Rd , Reynoldsburg, Ohio Aug 25-ftep B
Indiana State Fiur. Floyd Moye, Poultry Dept Dir , R L Poaeyville, Ind. Aug 2G-sep a
Oregon State Fair, Howard Maple. P.O. Box
.7045, Salem, Oregon Auf 3B-Sep 5
k herrytand R.B Ass'n, Irma Schwartz, R. 2, 'BOX 120, Cedar, Mich. Aug 211-Seji 3
Fremont Ohio R.B Ass'n, Herbert Gitsbel. 514 Elizabeth St., Fremont. Ohio Sep 1-5
Stark Co R 3c C B Asi'n, Francis P Riffle, P.O. Box 4, Middlebranch. Ohio Sep 1-fi
Utah State Fair, Theron Garrard, P.O Box
lflo08, Salt Lake city, Utah 1st week Sfp
Northwest R.B. Assn, John Stokes, 6612 I9fith S.W., Lynwood, Wash Sep 1-6
Montgomery Co Fair, Goldie V. Scheibte, 1043 So. Main St., Dayton, Ohio Sep 3-fl
Van Wert Co Fair, Jo Ann Lewis, Box 15. Middle Point, Qhjo Sep 3
New York state Fair, Syracuse, N Y Week Sep 5 Green Mountain R.B. Ass'n, Vern Richards, lfi Watkins Ave, Rutland. Vt. Sep o-ll
Wayne Co Fair, A. C. Camp, Rt. 1, Lsvslfttle, W. Va Rep 7-10
Ann Arbor R.B. Ass'n, Betty J Forr*y, 4005 Jackson Rd.. Ann Arbor, Mich Sep 7-TO
Terre Haute R & C B Ass'n, Donald E Cook, 1320 First Ave,, Terre Haute, Ind Rep 9-11
Tennessee Valley AgrS. dc Ind Fair. Crosby Murray, Box flOM. Knoxville, Tenn Rep &-17 Inland Empire R.B. Ass'n, Ida Stork son, E 2107 Colombia Ave., Spokane, Wash Rep 10-IS
West Texas Fair, Joe Cooley* Box 328 3, Abilene, Texas Srp 12-17
Cen-Ark R.B. Ass’n. Mrs. J. S. Trafton, R. 4, Box 425LE, Hot Springs, Ark, Sip 13-17
New Mexico State Fair, Chloe Baker, p Q Box 8540, Albuquerque. N. Mex. Sep 13-2A
Los Angelas County Fair, Phil D. Sheph-erd, P.O. Box 2550, Pomona, Calif. Sep 16-21
Columbus R.B. Ass'n. Mrs. Dolores Breckenridge. 1487 Cole Rd., Columbus, Ohio Scp 1MH
Badger R B Ass''n, Ruth Strunk, Rt 2. Ft Atkinson. Wise. Sp* 17-18
All States Rabbit Club, Mrs Lin<ta Eckert, Big Springs* Nebr. S*p. 17-ij
Kansas State Fair. Wallace M White. Slate Fairgrounds, Hutchinson. Kan. Sep 17-2?
Western Washington Fair, John H. McMurray, p O Box 189, Puyallup, Wash. Sep n.?'i
New Jersey Slate Fair, Arthur B. Porter, P.O Bx fltifl, Trenton. N J 3*p 17-25
Decatur Co. R.B. Ass’n, Fay Downey, RR 1. Hope. Ind Sep 18
Iowa Progressive Rabbit Club. C. Jay Miller, 303 S flth St.. Katana. Iowa Sep 13
Capitol Dist R Fahtiers. Shirley A Kenyon. RD 4. Box 383. Troy* N Y Sep 18
Erie Rabbit Club, Art 3051 U’ 32 St .
Erie, Pa. Sep 18
Ohio dickered Giant CIubr Glen C Carr, 454 So. Terrace Ave, Columbus, Ohio Sep is
Ashland Co. Agrl Society. Mrs Robert Moher-man, 420 Foirestdalr Rd., Ashland. U. Sep 19-E4 Tutare Co Fair, A. C. Slinde. 1495 E. Burton, Tulare Calif, Sep 30-S5
Fox River Valley R A C B, Mrs Paul Ansi ops. 1672 C«ss St.. Green Bay. Wist. Sep 24
Soo Valley R.B Ass’n. Leon?* 5k dim an. Box 314. George, Iowa—Calif Show Sep 31
Soo Valley R.B Ass'n, Leona Skillman, Box 214. George, Iowa—N.Z. Show Rep 94
Sandusky Valley R.B Ass’n Mrs. Clarence Counts. 18tiCi Crystal Ave., Findlay, O. Sep S4-£-f Sno Valley R.B. Ass'n, Leona Ski liman. Box 214, George Iowa—All Bre*d Sep 25
Tri Stale Rabbit Club. Mabel Brucker. R 2. Box 25L West Middlesex. Pa Sep 2,5
Eastern Dutch R.F. Club. Mrs Christine V. Hall, RD 2, Box 140, Quakertown, Pa Sep 35
Oren R. Reynolds, Judge. RR
.1 F?r>x 5r'S. Deealur, 11] 62528, Fit: 317, 877-6516,
’’Don" Reid, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies, Rt. I. Box 159, Lookport, 111. 60441.
Fas* Flower, Judge, 7043 9th Ave, Rio Lind^, Calif, Ph: 991-2008
Wilier L. Patton. Judge, 60 Godby S-t . Logan, W. Va.
1, R, (Jake) Holme?, Judge,
440 Pulas-ki Rd , Calumet City,
Vern S. Ashton, Judge, 1626 Oakland Parkway. Lima. Ohio 45805.
Otorge Camp, Judge, 3855 Green Valley Rd , Huntington, W Va.
Philip A. Miry, Judge. 210 N, Third St., Tipp City, Ohio Robert Byrne, Judge, Rabbjta and Cavies, 1110 W. Harrison A \tf-, Clarksville, Ind, Ph: 283-6657.
Kick R. Moore, Judge, 1909 Ruchnn.m Si.. Wichita Falls, Texas, Ph: 322-5027.
Mirvln F. Cirley, Judge. 216 Canal St . Br&Uleboro, Vt. 05391, Ph; 9C0, 254-4396
Claudius Poer, Judge, 1317 Q Ave, New Castle, Ind. 47362,
Ph: 529-3729
A1 Roerdim, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies. Rl 1. Box 51, Kingsville, Ohio 44046 Himi-d Drudge, Registrar, RR 1, Roann. Ind . Ph; 219. 9R3-2^21.
Murriii Kn>«nin(, Judge, RR 5, Marshfield. Wise 54449 Eduird T, To-ebbe, Judge, Rabbits and Caviu.s, 7460 Smyrna Road, Louisville, Ky. 40223, Ph; 503. 9ti9-8362 Hnract Curtis, Judge. 401 E. Jefferson St.. Fall* Church, Va., Ph; Jeff 2-3674 Dewty II. MaJnt, Judge. Rabbits and Cavies, Box 101 . Conklin, N Y.
Junes Blyth, Jud^e, Rnbbits and Cavies, 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa 15217 Glen C. C»rr, Judge, Rabbits and Cavies. 4M S. Terrac* Ave Columbus. Ohio 43204. Ph; 270-R442.
Dr, Thomu Coitoxm, Judge, Rabbits r-nd Cavies. 213 South SI., WattsburfL Pa. 1S44Z, Ph-fll4, 739-2773
Dtutic Shndtr, Judge, 825 5 51 5t., Lincoln. Nebraska SS510 Betty BeekendQrr Registrar, Rt 2, Box 28B, Crescent City, Calif 95531
E, L. Emry. Registrar, 5215 Al-oilie Drive. Charleston, W. Vf3. 25312
Williim Dinrmtn, Registrar.
Rt 3, Box 499, Traverse City. Mich
1>qH[Ii* Noble, Registrar. P O. Box £03. Brusly, Louisiana 70719,
Jack Mcsiiner, Registrar. Box 2S7A. Rothsvllle, Penn., Ph: 890-2197.
Lewli B«wen, Registrar, Route
I. Man tend. Illinois, Ph: 476-6277.
J, Cyril Lowit, Judge, Rt 2. Box 440. Troutdale, Ore 97981 Leonard L. Bl»fcle, Judge, 2680 Hendershot Rd.. Parma, MLehi-gpu, Ph; 517. 531-4015.
H. J. Merrlhne, RegiiUrpr, P.O. Box Z3158- New Orleans. La 70123. Ph: 564h 729-2114 M»tt In H. Lange I and, Judge, 1935 N. 9lh Street. KcrlAmaKCHl. MiohlgHTl 4900], Ph: 815. 349-4429.
Page Fifteen
official publication of ffje
American Robbrf Breeders Association, Inc.
7400 Smyrna Rood Louisville, Kentucky 40228
Non-Prolit Of.J
Louisville, Ky. Permit No. 2 I 8
43rd ARBA
Oct. 17,18,19, 20
Page Sixteen
Original Format
Bound magazine