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ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 3 – May
Collection: 1966 ARBA Bulletins


ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 3 – May


ARBA member periodicals



American Rabbit Breeders Association


American Rabbit Breeders Association




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American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 3 – May,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 14, 2025,

May, 1966
Cooking Contest a Bellringer Cavy Club Elects Official Show Calendar Nominating Petition Deadline Financial Report Meat Pens Bring $22,000 Registration Contest Membership Contest
W. E. (Bill) Molen, Editor P.O. Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716 Edward T. Toebbe, Managing Editor 7400 Smyrna Road, Louisville, Ky. 40228
Wayne Willmann James Blyth President Secretary
Oren Reynolds Ellis Murray
Vice-President Treasurer
Tommy Andrews Fred Applegate Vern Ashton Claude Bennett
W. H. Kennedy J. Cyril Lowit E. P. Shilliday Edward Stahl Toebbe
I hope our members appreciate the wonderful service that is being given our Association by Mr. W. E. Molen, the Editor of our Bulletin and Chairman of our Publicity Committee. He has very fine members on his committee. He tells me they are doing a wonderful job but he would like more help from other members and from the Officers. Maybe this issue of the Bulletin will show that many of them have responded.
When I consider the work of our Association since the first of this year, I do so with mixed emotions. On the one hand I am encouraged because I can see we have taken several steps in the right direction. I thank you for the many letters stating how happy you are with our Bulletin. We are trying to provide you with the kind of a Bulletin that people said they wanted when they answered my questionnaire one year ago. May I ouote from one letter coming from a President of a local club. He says, “I want to congratulate the ARBA and those working on the ARBA Bulletin for the fine magazine being put out. In 1966 alone, I can see more interest from our Club members in the ARBA. There are things to be done. It takes time but it is better than standing still”. He said what so many have told me—“It takes time”.
Time — let’s remember that ingredient. The Directors told me at our Board meeting in Pomona that it would take from three to five years to get all parts of our Association functioning smoothly. I hope you realize it also.
I am encouraged the way some of the Page Two
Directors are working their districts. Some directors are not getting the response that their State Agents should be giving. This is the other side of my mixed emotions. It is difficult for me to understand why some of those honored with the chance to serve as a State Agent have not replied or reported to their Director. These members were recommended to me by their fellow breeders. I did not pull their names out of a hat. When people are recommended to me I like to think they will do us a good job.
When Directors were asked to assume the leadership in certain districts of our nation, I had several things in mind. How much work have they done for the ARBA and is it about time to let them take it a little easier? How much vim and vigor do they have for the task ahead? Are they newly elected with the enthusiasm to see our ARBA go forward? In the case of one Director—I gave him a smaller District because he has a great responsfl bility to see that our 1966 Convention i? a huge success. This is a big job in itself. Since the Pomona Convention some of our Directors with small geographical areas have found that there is a great amount of pioneering to do in their district. I feel sure that every officer has more to do than he has time to do it in.
After putting in 12 to 14 hours each day, seven days a week, trying to meet my professional obligations, I find very little time late at night to answer all the mail. Some nights I’m just too tired to do ARBA work. But I shall keep trying and I know all our officers feel as I do. If you have to wait for some answers to your letters, please understand. With the exception of Secretary Blyth, the rest of your officers have only a limited amount of time for ARBA business.
I referred to Director Edward Toebbe in the above paragraph as the one who has a big job planning for the 1966 Co A vention. Since he accepted that task, A asked him to assist our printer in preparing the Bulletin. Our printer is Mr. Edward Schuhmann, a member of the ARBA and an officer in the Miller & Bauer Co., Louisville, Ky. Mr. Schuhmann asked me to appoint someone who would help him set up the advertising for the Bulletin — to look over the proof of the Bulletin before the final printing, and to discuss with him other details as they appear. I could think of no one better able to do this, who lived near the printer, so I asked Mr. Toebbe to assume this added responsibility. He will also keep the financial records of all ads received for the Bulletin and make his report to our Board. For the want of a better word, I call him our Managing Editor. He is not responsible for news items, articles or reports that go into our

Bulletin. Please send everything (except ads) to Mr. Molen at his home, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas. He is our Editor-in-Chief.
For several years I have been ashamed of the appearance of our ARBA booth at the National Convention. This is not a reflection on Secretary Blyth. He always spends two days before the Convention in Board meetings so has no time to decorate a booth. He can’t spend all day Monday doing that when his regular duties as Secretary require all his time. This year it will be different. I have asked the breeders of Tennessee to accept this as a project. Mr. Stuart Griffith, State Agent for Tennessee, has assured me that his members will decorate our booth at Louisville. This is a wonderful spirit. Secretary Blyth is happy. I’m sure our members will be proud of our booth this year. It is just too much to expect fthe Louisville breeders to do this when they have so much other work. It is my idea that each year our ARBA booth be decorated by a different State Association.
Resolutions for presentation at the Convention must be in the hands of the Resolution Committee (see January Bulletin) by July 17th. Write them carefully and have them signed by 25 members of the ARBA.
Soon you should receive your 1966 Yearbook in which will be a copy of our Constitution. We decided to include it with the Yearbook to save printing costs (we save a front & back cover) and to save a separate mailing cost. If this procedure is followed in succeeding years, the constitution will always be up to date—having in it any changes made at the previous convention.
Members are asking for copies of our show rules and what changes (if any) khave been made since they were last published. I’ve been told that studies have been made for a few years but no action taken. I sincerely hope that Mr. W. A. Schaefer and his Committee (January Bulletin) will proceed with this project until we have a new revised copy of all show rules. This is going to take time. In the meantime send him your suggestions. He has four good breeders to help him.
I notice that Pamela Granderson, New Harmony, Indiana, has volunteered to publish “The Himmie News’’ for the Himalayan Association. I wish her well in her task.
Keep your Ads coming for the Bulletin. Advertising pays.
Put your show ads and Specialty Club ads where every ARBA member will see them: in the Bulletin.
1. Harry Coles, Mo...................21
2. Emmett Bobo, Texas ...............16
3. Wm. T. Robinson, 111..............11
4. J. L. Bidwell, Calif..............10
5. Leland F. Clark, Calif............10
6. G. S. Davis, Iowa ................ 9
7. A. F. Housman, Texas ............. 9
8. John Phillips, Calif...............9
9. P. D. Ellison, Texas ............. 8
New Zealand
1. Harold Johnson, Mich..............63
2. Claudius Poer, Ind................54
3. Eugene Henry, Conn................37
4. Don Reid, 111.....................33
5. Marvin F. Carley, Vt..............33
6. Wm. T. Robinson, 111..............21
7. Gerald Fast, Kansas ..............20
8. G. S. Davis, Iowa ................19
9. Eugene Lamon, Ala.................17
1. Harold Johnson, Mich..............87
2. Claudius Poer, Ind................54
3. Eugene Henry, Conn................49
4. Harry Coles, Mo...................45
5. Don Reid, 111.....................44
6. Wm. T. Robinson, 111..............44
7. Marvin F. Carlet, Vt..............34
8. Eugene Lamon, Ala.................29
9. G. S. Davis, Iowa ................28
10. Fred Franklin, Mass................26
The March ARBA Bulletin reported the big promotional effort of the Iowa folks, in holding a rabbit cooking contest in conjunction with their state convention, Cedar Rapids, April 30th.
Dorothy Newport and Mrs. C. Jay Miller, were the wheelhorses behind this innovation. To say this project has been successful, in its advance publicity and interest aroused, is putting it mildly.
In February, Dorothy, contacted the buyers and officials of the big grocery outlets in and around Cedar Rapids, telling them of this big rabbit cooking contest and event. This was done, so that they would have plenty of table-ready rabbit fryers when the publicity was released thru the news media.
Here it is April. The Fort Dodge, Iowa TV outlet featured rabbits and rabbit cookery last week and will follow up with another rabbit program this week. On April 5th, the Cedar Rapids TV outlet staged a half-hour rabbit cookery promotion, complete with cooking demonstration and suggested recipes.
Results, to date — the supermarkets, the radio and TV stations are being deluged with requests as to where to purchase delicious and nutritious rabbits.
Page Three
To those local or state clubs or associations wishing to try a similar rabbit stimulator — we are printing, immediately following the “Domestic Rabbit Cooking Contest Rules” as used by the Cedar Rapids group. For additional information, contact — Dorothy Newport, 2401 Wilson Ave., S.W., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Contest Rules
1. Contest is limited to Domestic Rabbit Recipes only. (This contest to promote rabbit for the table.)
2. Adult men and women will compete together. Those 18 and under will compete in the Junior Division. (Adults will compete for prizes in each category, and those competing in the Junior division, for 1, 2, 3, place winners, all recipes competing together).
3. Entry fee of $1.00 per person entitles him or her to enter one or more dishes in contest. (For $1.00 a contestant may enter just as many dishes as he wishes.)
4. Recipes for each dish being entered, and permission for publication of recipe must accompany the $1.00 entry fee. (If it is possible, we would like to publish a recipe book.)
5. Late entries will be accepted ONLY if there is still available working space. All entries must be sent to Mrs. C. Jay Miller, Kalona, Iowa, on or before midnight, April 10th. (We will have a limited amount of appliances and work area, so contestants will be assigned stoves and work area according to post mark on entry.)
6. Contestant must check in at registration desk and be assigned to work area by 9:00 A.M. Saturday, April 30th. (Contestant must check in at registration desk and be signed in, but not all will start work on their recipes at the same time. A work schedule will be assigned to you at that time—dishes to be in place for judging at 1:30, and judging to start just as soon after this as possible, no later than 2:00.)
7. Each contestant must furnish their own ingredients and prepare dish at assigned work space. (Refrigerators will be available—those watching might like to ask questions as the dish is being prepared.)
8. Milk, flour, sugar, salt and pepper will be available. Pre-cooking, chopping, grinding, etc. . . . may have been done before entry checks in. (To make things easier, we will have the above ingredi ents available for those who do not want to bring them from home. To speed things up, partial preparation may be made at home—such as pre-cooking, and taking off the bone, or grinding of meat so as not to have to bring the grinder etc. . . . Assembling recipe, baking, frying, etc. will be done there.)
9. Entries will be judged on a point system with prizes awarded in each category. A Grand Champion Trophy will be awarded to the person acquiring the greatest total of points. Tie to be broken by judges.
10. This contest is open to anyone, not just club members, and for several from one family if each has paid their entry fee and prepared their own dish. Any official or anyone serving on any committee is not barred from competition, since the judges will have no way of knowing what was prepared by any contestant.
11. Contest committee reserves the right to substitute or add a judge if for some reason this should be necessary.
The new Board of Governors and the Officers for 1966 are: Chairman C. A. Henry; Vice-Chairman, Don Reid; Sec.-^^F Treas., Mrs. Pat Krider; also Muriel Reid, Merle Emery, Louis Ghent and Thomas Coatoam.
You will find some of these names on the ARBA Cavy Committee. This makes for good relationship.
Adrian G. Gum, 59, treasurer of a large wholesale food and grocery corporation, St. Joseph, Missouri, died March 30 after a lengthy illness.
In 1932 he received his bachelor of journalism degree from the Univ. of Missouri. He was a charter member of the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity at the university, and was founder and publisher of the American Rabbit Journal.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jones, Fort Worth, were honored as the “Breeder of the Year” in and by the Texas Rabbit Breeders. Outstanding efforts in promoting and exhibiting rabbits earned this high award.
Miss Alice Park, Dayton, Texas and Mr. Morris Threadgill, Fort Worth were named Youth Queen and King. Dennis Bishop, Port Neches, won the Youth judging contest.
Secretary, Mrs. J. W. Snyder, Eastern Rabbit and Cavy Fanciers Association writes that we were in error, page 20 of March ARBA Bulletin. We reported Mr. John Tate and Mr. A1 Woehr were honored by life membership in the Eastern.
Mrs. Snyder states the subject of life memberships was discussed and placed in committee for recommendation.
We have written to Mr. Tate and to Mr. Woehr apologizing for our premature reporting and ask that they excuse any embarrassment caused. Mr. Bob Rome and Mr. Horace Curtis, of the Eastern were also recipients of our apology.
Page Four
Be sure only your Show Secretary applies for ARBA Sanction so that we have the proper name in this calendar.
Williams Co. RBA—Mrs. K. O. Engler, 313 N. Elm St.f Edgerton, Ohio.......May 14-15
Portsmouth RBA—Marion Bess, Jersey Ridge Rd., Maysville, Ky..............May 14-15
Huron Co. Rabbit Club—Wells Ortner, Collins, Ohio .......................May 14-15
New Zealand RBA of Calif.—Sunny Harper, 20041 Clark St., Orange, Calif....May 15
Empire State RBA—Frank T. Hayes, 210 Gillespie Ave., Syracuse, N.Y........May 15
Iowa Progressive Rabbit Club—C. J. Miller, 303 6th St., S., Kalona, Iowa .May 15
Bucks Co. R&CBA—Sarah Siegrist, RD 1, Collegeville, Pa....................May 15
Kiam Egyptian RBA—Marilyn Ward, Fairview Dr., Sparta, 111.................May 15
New England N.Z. RBA—Marvin F. Carley, 216 Canal St., Brattleboro, Vt........May 15
San Gabriel Valley CBA—Mrs. Diane Ford, 400 W. Leadora, Glendora, Calif...May 15
Victoria Exhibition—Donald C. Mathison, 1217 Douglas St., Victoria, B. C.,
Canada ............................................................May 16-21
Suburban Twins RC—Doris Leibel, 3850 Beau d’Rue Dr., St. Paul, Minn......May 21
P&O Rabbit & Fur Breeders—Mabel Brucker, Rt. 2, Box 251, West Middlesex, Pa. May 21 Iowa State Checkered Gt. Club—Dorothy Newport, 2401 Wilson Ave., S.W.,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa ................................................May 21
Tri Co. RBA All Havana Show—Dennis Janisse, Rt. 2, Box 122, Grafton, Wise. . .May 21
Springfield RBA—C. C. Russell, 619 N. Grant Ave., Springfield, Mo........May 21-22
Saginaw Valley R&CBA—Karl F. Schmidt, Saginaw, Mich......................May 21-22
York County R&CBA—Gerald E. Liek, RD 1, Hellam, Pa........................May 22
P&O Rabbit Club—Mabel Brucker, Rt. 2, Box 251, West Middlesex, Pa.........May 22
Ohio Rex RBA—Joan Wallace, Rt. 5, Box 206, Ashland, Ohio ................May 22
Tri County RBA—Lawrence A. Schutten, 3416 So. 9th St., Milwaukee, Wise. ...May 22 Council Bluffs RBA—Mrs. Violet Smith, 302 E. Orchard Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa May 22 Central Conn. R&CBA—Harry Anthony, Jr., 120 Miller Ave., Meriden, Conn. .. May 22
Michiana RBA—Mrs. Myrl Milhahn, 480 Green St., Constantine, Mich.........May 22
Northern Calif. RBA—Mrs. Leila Hill, 1844 C St., Rio Linda, Calif........May 26-30
Inland Empire RBA—Ida Storkson, E. 2107 Columbia Ave., Spokane, Wash.....May 28
Wichita Valley RBA—Mrs. Ruth Ford, 1618 Mansard St., Vernon, Texas ------May 28-29
Green Mountain RBA—Mrs. Sheila Rondeau, Rutland, Vt......................May 29
Cattaraugus Co. RBA—Mrs. Dorothy Sturm, 410 S. Union St., Olean, N.Y.....May 29
State Line Rabbit Club—Mrs. Gladys Fuller, Box 238, Wauseon, Ohio .......Jun. 4-5
San Fernando Valley RBA—Elmer Paquette, 334 Acacia Rd., Santa Paula, Calif. . .Jun. 4
Ventura Co. RBA—Ronald Gilbertson, 327 Felkins Rd., Santa Paula, Calif......Jun. 5
Tri State Rabbit Club—Mabel Brucker, Rt. 2, Box 251, West Middlesex, Pa...Jun. 5
Indianapolis RBA—Ruth Scott, RR 1, Box 122, Morristown, Ind.................Jun. 5
Tri City RBA—Mrs. Helen Forsberg, RR 2, Box 150 A, Davenport, Iowa ......Jun. 5
Saugus 4-H Rabbit Club—C. A. Henry, 49 Auburn St., Saugus, Mass.............Jun. 5
Coshocton Rabbit Club—Jack Wireman, 5475 Seeman St., S.W., Navarre, Ohio-Jun. 12
Santa Cruz Co. RBA—E. A. Thompson, 622 San Juan Ave., Santa Cruz, Calif. ..Jun. 12 Interstate RFA—Mrs. Kenneth Avery, RD 3, Madison Hill, Wellsville, N.Y...Jun. 12
•Merrimack Valley R&CBA—Verna Huson, Warner Hill Rd., Derry, N.H..............Jun. 12
Washington State RBA—Dorothy Chase, 104 Ida St., Bremerton, Wash.........Jun. 18-19
Mad River Valley R&CBA—Sylvia M. Bailey, RR 4, Box 37, Bellefontaine, Ohio . .Jun. 19
Central Wise. RBA—Charles Riley, 416 Nash Rd., Wise. Rapids, Wise........Jun. 26
San Diego Co. Fair—Wm. M. Tumquist, Entry Sup., Del Mar, Calif.....Jun. 24-July 4
Alameda County Fair—James W. Trimingham, P.O. Box 579, Pleasanton, Calif. .. Jul. 3-17 Sonoma Co. Fair & Expo.—James F. Lyttle, P.O. Box 1451, Santa Rosa, Calif. .. Jul. 20-30
Shelby Co. Fair—Mrs. W. T. Chenault, 912 Plainview Dr., Shelbyville, Ky..Jul. 25-31
Madison Co. Fair—A. M. Gibson, RR 1, Box 371, Edwardsville, 111..........Jul. 26-30
Orange County Fair—Sunny Harper, 20041 Clark St., Orange, Calif..........Jul. 26-31
Lake County Fair Ass’n—L. A. Nordhausen, P.O. Box 27, Grayslake, 111.....Jul. 27-31
Sandusky Valley RBA—Mrs. Albert May, Box 506, Sycamore, Ohio ......Jul. 27-Aug. 2
Mother Lode Fair—B. S. Craig, 220 S. Southgate Dr., Sonora, Calif........Jul. 28-31
Multnomah Co. Fair—Duane Hennessy, P.O. Box 71, Gresham, Oregon....Jul. 28-Aug. 6
Kewaunee Co. RBA—E. L. Waterstreet, Kewaunee, Wise.......................Jul. 30-31
West Branch RBA—Marlin P. Andrews, RD 1, Williamsport, Pa.........Jul. 31-Aug. 6
Jefferson Co. Fair—Glenn L. Feistel, 565 Mill St., Watertown, N.Y.Jul. 31-Aug. 6
Boone Co. RBA—Mrs. Anne Fitzpatrick, 212 Avelon Dr., Vestal, N.Y..Jul. 31-Aug. 6
Rock Island Co. Fair Ass’n—Mrs. Evelyn Ristau, P.O. Box 267, East Moline, 111. . .Aug. 2-6
Williams Co. RBA—Mrs. K. O. Engler, 313 N. Elm St., Edgerton, Ohio.Jul. 31-Aug. 7
Napa Town & Country Fair—Robert P. Manasse, Fairgrounds, Napa, Calif.....Aug. 4-7
Allentown Fair—Moulton L. C. Frantz, 1239'/2 Tilghman St., Allentown, Pa.Aug. 5-13
Lenawee Co. Fair—William E. Marvin, 5455 So. Adrian Rd., RD 2, Adrian, Mich..Aug. 7-13
Page Five
Howell Co. Heart of Ozarks Fair—Robert M. Pease, Jr., Pres, c/o Pease-Moore Mill,
204 E. Broadway, West Plains, Mo................................Aug. 8-13
Mower County Fair—Arnold M. Johnson. R. 1, Box 148, Austin, Minn.......Aug. 8-14
Lower Fraser Valley Exhib. Soc.—J. T. Sullivan, Box 489,
Cloverdale, B. C., Canada ......................................Aug. 10-13
Mason County Fair, Inc.—Mrs. Gwen Carter, P.O. Box 334, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Aug. 10-13
Winn-Forest Rabbit Club—Ted Wengert, 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford, 111....Aug. 11-15
Western Mich. Fair Ass’n—Hans C. Rasmussen, Rl, Ludington, Mich........Aug. 12-16
Illinois State Fair—Mrs. Florence Ayers. 2912 Hoover, Springfield, 111.Aug. 12-21
State Fair of Wisconsin—Vernon G. Wendland, State Fair Park,
West Allis, Wise.................................................Aug. 12-21
Cedar Rapids Small Stock Ass’n—Mrs. Ethel Becicka, 5000 J St., S.W.,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa .............................................Aug. 13-14
Scioto Co. Agri. Society—Marion Bess, Jersey Ridge Rd., Maysville, Ky..Aug. 15-19
Morros Co. Fair—Eileen E. Ghent. R 1, Mt. Gilead, Ohio ................Aug. 15-20
Zanesville RBA—Edna Andrews, Rt. 3, Newark, Ohio ......................Aug. 15-20
Douglas County Fair—Bert L. Allenby, Box 759, Roseburg, Oregon ........Aug. 16-20
Washington Co. Fair—Betty Shearer, 1455 SE 21st Ave., Hillsboro, Oregon . Aug. 16-20
Clermont Co. Fair—Fred C. Kipp, 4351 Mt. Carmel-Tobasco Rd., Cincinnati O. Aug. 16-20
Clark County Fair—Roger C. Miller, P.O. Box 162, Sabina, Ohio .........Aug. 16-20
Whiteside Co. RBA—Vernon Schroeder, R 3, Morrison, 111.................Aug. 17-20
Kitsap County Fair—Lee R. Hall, 644 5th St., Bremerton, Wash...........Aug. 18-21
Winn-Forest Rabbit Club—Ted Wengert, 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford. Ill....Aug. 18-22
Del Norte County Fair—C. W. Glover, P.O. Box 26, Crescent City, Calif..Aug. 19-21
Niagara Frontier Rabbit Club—Sybil Myers, 5998 Stone Rd., Lockport, N.Y. . .Aug. 20-27
Missouri State Fair—W. C. Askew, Box 111, Sedalia, Mo..................Aug. 20-28
Colorado State Fair—Marjorie Vaughn, 2416 Rice St., Pueblo, Colo.......Aug. 21-27
Lake County Fair—Mrs. J. H. Belcher. 489 King Highway, Mentor, Ohio ...Aug. 24-28
Indiana State Fair—Floyd Moye, RR 1, Poseyville, Ind......’......Aug. 26-Sept. 5
Oregon State Fair—Howard Maple, P.O. Box 7045, Salem, Oregon ....Aug. 28-Sept. 5
Fremont Ohio RBA—Herbert Giebel, 514 Elizabeth St., Fremont. Ohio .....Sept. 1-5
Stark County R&CBA—Francis P. Riffle. P.O. Box 4, Middlebranch, Ohio ..Sept. 1-6
Utah State Fair—Theron Garrard. P.O. Box 16006, Salt Lake City, Utah . 1st week Sept. Montgomery Co. Fair—Goldie V. Scheible, 1043 So. Main St.. Dayton, Ohio . .. Sept. 2-6
Terre Haute R&CA—Donald E. Cook, 1320 First Ave., Terre Haute, Ind.....Sept. 9-11
Tennessee Valley Agri. & Ind. Fair—Crosby Murray, Box 6066,
Knoxville, Tenn................................................. Sept. 9-17
Badger RBA—Ruth Strunk, Rt. 2, Fort Atkinson, Wise..................... Sent. 10-11
Inland Fmo're RBA—Ida Storkson, E 2107 Columbia Ave., Spokane, Wash....Sept. 10-18
West Texas Fair—Joe Cooley, Box 2281, Abilene, Texas ..................Sept. 12-17
New Mexico State Fair—Chloe Baker, P.O. Box 8546, Albuquerque, N. Mex. . .Sept. 15-25
Wayne County Fair—A. C. Camp, Rt. 1, Lavalette. W. Va..................Sent. 7-10
Los Angeles Co. Fair—Phil D. Shepherd, P.O. Box 2250, Pomona, Calif....Sent. 16-21
All State Rabbit Club—Mrs. Linda Eckert, Big Springs, Nebr.............SeDt. 17-18
Kansas State Fair—Wallace M. White, State Fairgrounds, Hutchinson, Kan. . .Sept. 17-22
Western Wash. Fair—John H. McMurray, P.O. Box 189, Puyallup, Wash......Sept. 17-25
New Jersey State Fair—Arthur B. Porter, P.O. Box 669, Trenton, N.J.....Sept. 17-25^^t
Decatur Co. RBA—Fay Downey, RR 1, Hope, Ind...............................Sept.
Iowa Progressive Rabbit Club—C. Jay Miller, 303 S. 6th St., Kalona, Iowa .Sept. 18^^
Capitol District R. F.—Shirley A. Kenyon, RD 4. Box 383, Troy, N. Y.......Sept. 18
Erie Rabbit Club—Art Heberlein, 3051 W 32 St. Erie, Pa....................Sept. 18
Ohio Checkered Giant Club—Glen C. Carr, 454 So. Terrace, Ave.,
Columbus, Ohio ....................................................Sept. 18
Tulare Co. Fair—A. C. Slinde, 1495 E. Burton, Tulare, Calif............Sept. 20-25
Fox River Valley R&CBA—Mrs. Paul Ansloos, 1672 Cass St., Green Bay, Wise. . .Sept. 24
Soo Valley RBA—Leona Skillman, 214 (Box), George, Iowa (Calif. Show) ..Sept. 24
Soo Valley RBA—Leona Skillman, Box 214, George, Iowa (N. Z. Show) ....Sept. 24
Sandusky Valley RBA—Mrs. Clarence Counts, 1800 Crystal Ave., Findlay, Ohio Sept. 24-25 Soo Valley RBA—Leona Skillman, Box 214. George, Iowa (All Breed) ... Sept. 25
Tri State Rabbit Club—Mabel Brucker, Rt. 2, Box 251, W. Middlesex, Pa....Sept. 25
Cal-Bra-Hill Rabbit Club—Dean Daglow, 213 E. Leigh St., Homer, Mich. . .Sept. 25-Oct. 1 Panhandle So. Plains Fair—A. B. Davis, P.O. Box 208, Lubbock, Texas .... Sept. 26-Oct. 1 Central Washington Fair—J. Hugh King, P.O. Box 1381, Yakima. Wash. ..Sept. 28-Oct. 2 Lorain Co. Rabbit Club—Mrs. Mike Honashofsky, RD 2,
West Ridge Road, Elyria, Ohio .....................................Oct. 1-2
Washington Co. RBA—Mrs. Ruth N. Caldwell, RD 2. Box 247, Eighty-Four, Pa..Oct. 2
Delaware State RBA—Mrs. John J. Klekotka, 2300 Foulk Road, Wilmington, Del.. .Oct. 2
Heart O’Texas Fair—Mrs. Doris Spence, P.O. Box 7581, Waco, Texas .........Oct. 4-8
Arkansas Livestock Expo.—Clyde E. Byrd, P.O. Box 907. Little Rock, Ark....Oct. 4-8
Page Six
Coshocton R&CBA—Jack Wireman, 5475 Seeman St., S.W., Navarre, Ohio.......Oct. 5-8
Fresno District Fair—T. A. Doge, 1121 Chance Ave., Fresno, Calif.........Oct. 6-16
Auto City RBA—Angeline Ellis, 21224 Sherman, Southfield, Mich............Oct. 8
North Central Iowa RFA—LuVerne Vannatta, Box 317, Cherokee, Iowa ........Oct. 8-9
Mississippi RBC—Mrs. Thelma Purser, Rt. 5, Box 22, Jackson, Miss.........Oct. 10-15
Pensacola Interstate Fair—John E. Frendel, Sr., P.O. Box 255, Pensacola, Fla. ..Oct. 17-23 Greater Jacksonville Fair—Sandra C. Carter, 1245 E. Adams St.,
Jacksonville, Fla..................................................Oct. 19-29
Salt City Rabbit Club—Mrs. Louise Johnson, 712 North St., Halstead, Kan. ...Oct. 29-30
Arizona State Fair—1826 W. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, Ariz...................Nov. 4-13
Progressive Rabbit Club—Mrs. Chester L. Roberts, 4742 Parkview,
Kansas City, Kan......................’............................Nov. 5-6
San Antonio RBA—259 E. Elmview, San Antonio, Texas ......................Nov. 6
Witt Ed. RB Club—Naomi Petty, Box 256, Witt, 111.........................Nov. 6
Cuyahoga R&CBA—David A. Leeseberg, 25170 Lorain Rd., No. Olmsted, Ohio ...Nov. 5
South Euclid RF Inc—E. P. Shilliday, 5188 Eastover Rd., Cleveland, Ohio .Nov. 6
Decatur RBA—Mrs. C. F. Simpkins, 4191 Mercer Rd., Decatur, Ga............Nov. 11-13
Baltimore Co. R&CBA—Warren J. McNamara, Rt. 2, Box 36, Reistertown, Md...Nov. 13
Council Bluffs RBA—Mrs. Violet Smith, 302 E. Orchard Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa Nov. 13
Will County RBA—Mrs. Norma Hart, 195 Marguerite St., Coal City, 111......Nov. 13
Whiteside Co. RBA—Vernon Schroeder, R 3, Morrison, 111...................Nov. 20
Zanesville RBA—Edna Andrews, Rt. 3, Newark, Ohio ........................Nov. 20
.Beehive RBA—Dorothy Park, 3616 So. 2200 West, Salt Lake City, Utah .....Dec. 4
fCalif. Rabbit Club of Calif.—George B. Sutherland, 16041 Hayland,
Valinda, Calif.....................................................Dec. 11
Satin RB of Calif—George B. Sutherland, 16041 Hayland, Valinda, Calif....Dec. 11
The deadline for filing of petitions for those wishing their names to appear on the official ARBA Ballot — is June 1, 1966.
The petitions are available from the office of secretary Blyth, 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh 17, Pennsylvania. The petitions have space for the signatures of 25 ARBA members in good standing and this number of signatures is required.
The following officers positions are to be included in the ballot: President; Vice-President; Treasurer and five (5) Directors.
1. Cactus R. B. A., Ariz..............5
2. So. W. Va. Rabbit Club ............2
3. Progressive R. Club, Kan...........1
4. Stanislaus Co. R. B., Calif. ......1
5. Southwest R. B. A., Texas .........1
6. Western 111. R. B. A...............1
7. Kaw Valley R. Club, Mo.............1
8. Smoky Mtn. R. B. A., Tenn..........1
9. So. Fla. R. B. A...................1
1. Edward H. Stahl, Mo...............17
2. Melvin Behrens, N.Y...............13
3. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif..............9
4. E. R. McGehee, Okla............... 5
5. F. R. Applegate, 111.............. 5
6. Tommy Andrew, Pa.................. 4
7. Claude Bennett, Ind................4
8. Mark Youngs, Wash................. 4
Director Edward Toebbe, district 6, South Central, comprised of Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina, reports that all state agents are moving and hope to be in high gear, soon.
Kentucky State Agent, Harold Quick with stellar help from many, but Local Agent Don Bushing in particular, is well along with production plans for 43rd ARBA Convention October 17-20, 1966— Louisville.
Tennessee State Agent, Stuart W. Griffith holds rabbit information classes at Murfreesboro and Clarksville. The organization of new locals at Parsons, Clarksville and Murfreesboro are progressing.
North Carolina State Agent, Lyman C. Franklin reports plans for formation of new local in eastern section of state. Dr. Cassaday, former director of Fontana Station has appeared in North Carolina recently. Possibilities of a bid for 1967 or 1968 ARBA Convention, Asheville—Mayor E. W. Eller, Asheville and Convention Bureau are most solicitous and cooperative. The geographic location is ideal for North Carolinians and Eastern Tennesseans to really show the rabbit world a dandy convention. The Great Smoky Mountains, Cherokee Village and good trout fishing at Maggie are salient points to consider.
South Carolina State Agent, M. L. Love reports there are high hopes of organizing a local club in his state.
Summarizing from district 6, things are on the go. Progress is the key word.
Page Seven
The publicity committee feels that with this 3rd edition of the ARBA Bulletin, we are now able to slip into high gear. Our work and efforts are being augmented by assistance from many of our members from all geographic areas. This edition carries factual, meaty material from writers of 13 states. From Alaska to Kentucky and from Massachusetts to California. There are either articles or other material that is germaine to 27 states.
Publicity-wise the ARBA publicity committee is proud to offer, with the assistance of so many dedicated persons, the most complete coverage of rabbit information, on a current basis, that is obtainable.
Contributors to this edition are: Emmet Bobo, Cathy Stevenson, David Ford, Dorothy Newport, Edward M. Seacord, Philip N. Lohman, Thomas Coatoam, Ray Hett-ler, Don Reid, Marie Harrell, David Hughes, Vern Ashton, Ed Toebbe, Fred Applegate, Ed Stahl, Jim Blyth, Wayne Willmann, E. S. Albright, Lou Slavens.
Sweepstakes—Pro & Con scheduled to appear in this issue will, we hope, appear in a coming edition. All material received on this subject to date has been highly argumentative, loaded with sarcasm not facts. Or if facts, not tempered with reason.
Management and Marketing of Earthworms will definitely appear in July issue—we apologize to Mr. Carl Nagel, Marysville, California for holding this up but editing is required and time was short. How To Get Rid of Recessive Genes, by professor John F. Lasley, University of Missouri submitted by Oren Reynolds is being forwarded to secretary Blyth with the suggestion this article be included in the forthcoming issue of ARBA Guide Book. The subject article is of 6 pages and of the nature to rightfully appear in this Guide Book. We have purposely held off on article ‘Sponsorship of ARBA Convention.’ At this time there are definite trends toward a possible bid in the next two or three years from Colorado, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina with strong assist from Eastern Tennessee. We hope to have complete resume of activity to report in July issue.
We are encouraged that three of our district directors have submitted material. We solicit material from all directors. Additionally, we solicit articles and photos from all ARBA members. A number of specialty clubs, quite a few state associations forward their monthly or bi-monthly bulletins and newsletters. These are also welcome and we find them most helpful to keep abreast of the times, rabbit-wise for factual reporting.
Page Eight
All material for publication in the ARBA Bulletin is assembled, edited and compiled for publication at address of chairman, W. E. (Bill) Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas 66716. Forward direct or to other members of the committee, Marie Harrell, Texas; Bett Hickman, Pennsylvania; Ray Hettler, Massachusetts or Joe Lutes, California. They will forward along with their regular material.
Local and State Agents are advised to follow the procedures outlined in January, 1966 issue of Bulletin. ARBA — Rabbits Front & Center, is on the move.
Began Rabbit Breeding in 1904
Bett Hickman and J. Milton Hood, recently motored to Jersey City, New Jer-, sey for a visit and interview with one of|
Americas most illustrious rabbit breeders, Frank Eichert. Mr. Eichert, is truly a remarkable man, in that physically he is a very well preserved man and mentally he is truly alert. When it comes to rabbits his eyes glow as he recounts his early experiences which began in 1904. Today his memories of early day experiences are very vivid and alive. Frank’s, knowledge and know-how of rabbits, especially Checkered Giants is phenomenal. His home is literally full of championship trophies.
Today in 1966 Frank Eichert’s rabbitry is well equipped and maintained for the propagation of rabbits. Frank Eichert’s rabbitry is today, as always, abounding with good type, well marked Checkered Giant rabbits. The rabbitry is warm in winter and cool in summer — fine old grape vines are trained to grow some 18" above the roof of the rabbitry. Hutches are equipped with nest boxes located be-low the level of the hutch floor. The top^H) of the nest box is equipped with a sliding door so that litters may be inspected and also to keep a clean and sanitary nest box when does are not with young.
Frank recalls that between 1910 and 1912 four shipments of Checkered Giants were made to the New York and New Jersey Rabbit Breeders Club. These original rabbits were shipped from the rabbitries of Otto Reinhardt and William Lemke of Kaiserlanden, Germany and from Phillip Keller of Leipzig.
Mr. Eichert, stated that Phil Keller went to Germany and brought back two bred Checkered Giant does. Every member in the area put in a request for young from these does. This was impossible to do, so the young from these litters were auctioned off to the members. A Mr. Spaeth, travelled to Germany the following year and brought back two bucks.
These animals all traced their ancestry to the German Reinish Checker, small but a Checkered Giant without a butterfly marking as known today and a Grey Flemish with a visible butterfly.
World War I entered the scene at this time, stopping all importation of Checkered Giants for the duration. After the War ended, rabbit raising and rabbit business, really boomed. With no new stock to be introduced the American Checkered Giant was becoming too in-bred, for satisfactory results.
It was at this time that Mr. Eichert wrote to Judge Helmag, of Germany for help in securing more Checkered Giants. Judge Helmag, wrote back that he would be happy to send some Checkered Giants to America but that there were no German ships available to transport them. However, as money was a scarce commodity in Germany after the war and the German people noted for their resourcefulness, Judge Helmag did find a way to ship six Checkered Giants and two Flemish to America. They were transported on the S.S. Mauritania.
When the ship arrived at Brooklyn, the ships holds were fumigated, as per regulations. The Japanese seamen turned the eight rabbits loose on the deck during this operation. Frank, said “You can imagine my complete surprise when I arrived aboard ship to claim my rabbits, to find them running loose on deck. My surprise was even greater when I viewed the litters kindled later. When my doe kindled she had some young Checkered and a little of everything else. Mr. Fult-mann, also received one of the Checkered Giant does and had similar litter.”
From this litter Mr. Eichert, raised what he considers the finest Checkered rabbit he has ever owned or seen. Frank, entered this rabbit in a 1600 head show at Madison Square Garden, and not a rabbit exhibited could come within hailing distance of this fine specimen — it was the finest in the show. Two days after the show, this fine animal was dead of poisoning.
Mr. Eichert, imported 12 shipment of Checkered Giants from 1918 to 1920 at a cost of $25.00 to $40.00 per animal.
Frank, recalls his dear friend, Frank Graulich, who always had to have the best and each year made a trip to Germany to secure the finest available. Mr. Graulich, would pay any amount to secure the finest, was an excellent breeder and true sportsman.
Frank Eichert, is a true fancier and sportsman. He is always availing himself to helping breeders of the area. Advice of a sound and tested nature is fully shared
with his rabbit fancy friends. One of Franks secrets of great success, which he readily shares—“I always rebreed a doe six hours after the first breeding and I always breed three does so that they kindle about the same time. I then, only keep six of the young, kindled by the doe. That is all the doe can feed well. You know, not every doe nurses the same—I take the best marked from each litter and put them on the doe with the heavy milk supply.”
The trip and interview to the Eichert home and rabbitry was so interesting and such a pleasure that the ending and time for departure came all too soon. Not however, till Mrs. Hickman and Mr. Hood were guests of the Eicherfs hospitality of a fine meal. The meal included stuffed cabbage, wuerst, rye bread, coffee and fruit cake from County Cork, Ireland. Also a tantalizing wine made from the grapes that surround the Eichert Rabbitry. The ARBA and all of rabbitdom salute Mr. Frank Eichert, a rabbit breeder and rabbit fancier—1904 thru 1966, a whopping 62 years.
Frank and Edna Vaccaro, former commercial rabbit raisers of the great Pacific Northwest, have embarked upon a new venture, this time a service to mankind. The Vaccaro’s have been charged with the challenge of developing a commercial rabbit project which in time it is hoped will cover all of Central America. The U. S. Government, thru its Peace Corps program could not have selected two people more qualified and dedicated in this field, if they had looked forever.
The Vacarro’s are the subject of a feature article in the February, 1959 issue of Small Stock Magazine, the article begins on page 9 of this issue. We suggest you look this very infomative article up. The Vacarro’s operated a commercial rabbitry on Orcas Island, located in Puget Sound in the San Juan Island group.
Here again a Peace Corps project, that was started off by a joint venture of Bill Molen and numerous Kansas rabbit raisers and the National Grange, has experienced mild success but could really be a huge success with just a little effort, on the part of us reading this article.
A recent letter from the Vaccaro’s follows:
Dear Mr. Molen,
“We are writing to you and your members for some help. We are Peace Corps Volunteers stationed here in Guatemala for two years. We are starting rabbit projects.
Page Nine
This is new here in Guatemala. We hope that by getting the people to raise rabbits, we can get a little more protein in their diets. We need something to educate them with. Most of the Indians, being illiterate, we would like to use film strips or movies. Does your club have any of these that we could borrow? Does any of your members know where they could be obtained?
We would appreciate any help we could get from anyone.
Also we are trying to locate a small pelleting machine to bring down here to make the rabbit feed. All the feed has to be imported from the U.S.A.
Please, let us know if you can help us. Thank you very much.”
Frank and Edna Vaccaro Peace Corps Volunteers 6 Calle $15
Chimaltenango, Guatemala Central America
From the above letter you can see that the Vaccaro’s needs are relatively simple in that they are not asking for high donations of educational material and a pelleting machine. However, the needs are highly important for success. We in the American have accomplished much more complicated and costly projects in the past. Let’s get behind this worthy project and put it over. The Vaccaro’s are doing their part — the Peace Corps Volunteer pay is $75.00 per month and they pay their living expenses out of this.
Narrowing profit margins in rabbit production makes it necessary for rabbit-men to explore all possible ways to reduce production costs.
Some areas of concern include problems of reproduction, rabbit herd diseases, selecting replacement animals (sires & dams), and using new veterinary medicine products.
A list of good management procedures would include:
1) Do not overfeed your production does.
2) Control environmental factors and stress possibilities.
3) Sell does for butcher that do not produce a minimum of 4 litters of young per year to market stage. These litters to have minimum of 8 young.
4) Palpate bred does and dispose of all open does.
5) Water is the most plentiful and cheapest food—provide plenty of same.
6) Give herd sires a complete physical exam, at established intervals.
7) Sell does with poor teeth, bad teats, or other physical problems. This also applies to bucks. Sell for butcher or laboratory use.
8) Include medication, inoculation or vaccination where needed and financially feasible — otherwise eliminate subject animals.
9) Isolate first breeding does for 15 days, then retest.
10) Include your veterinarian on your management team.
New Zealands Californians
Flemish .....
Dutch .......
Angoras .....
R. Reber . G. Prestka
169 English 12 Satins 6
47 Am. Chins 9 Martens 3
Rex 7 Palominos . ... 3
Giant Chins .. 6 Checkers 3
Florida Whites . 6 Belgian Hares ... . . . . 1
14 Champagnes 5 Std. Chins . 1
Breed Private Ear No. Reg. No.
New Zealand White .........R-39 ........ 1061-X
Std. Havana ...............H2 ...................
Bunny Grove ...........Californian .........
Stan Freed ............New Zealand Black
R. Wallace ............Checkered Giant . .
C. Ogg ................Californian .........
Double WW Rabbitry .Californian ............
Double G Rabbitry . . Californian ..........
Mar-Cel Rabbitry . .. .New Zealand ... . Mar-Cel Rabbitry . .. .New Zealand ... .
Mar-Cel Rabbitry . . .New Zealand ..........
M. Battista ...........Rex .................
Mary Battista .........Chin Rex ............
M. Battista ...........Chin Rex ............
J. Eve ................Eng. Spot ...........
J. Gentile ............New Zealand ....
Johnson’s Am. Chin . .Am. Chin .............
ci q
RW236 . .
715 .....
B-8 . ...
C-14 ....
MC626 . . . MC485 . MC467 . . . OW ....
007 .....
El ......
FSCH . J455 ....
3502-X 725-X 3463-X 9757-T 9760-T 9327-V 147-X 146-X 145-X 9998-U 2491-X 2493-X 3016-X 154-V 3874-X
Page Ten
to Specialty, State and Local Clubs on their club advertisements y4 page or larger. Show Ads receive the same discount. And remember you reach every member. Cash with copy, please.
Don Reid, Chairman ACBA Standards Committee reports inadvertently or mistakenly, some licensed Cavy Judges have been judging Tortoise Shell & White Cavies incorrectly. As a matter of fact some have told exhibitors to put TS & W cavies in broken color class because their colors were not evenly divided. Quote the Standard on TS & W as it appears in new ARBA Book of Standards.
Tortoise Shell and White Patches — Clean, clear cut and
distinct as possible ..........25 points
Distribution of Patches — Equal distribution with uniform placing .............................25 points
Color — Red, black and white as in standard of these varieties . .20 points Shape — Broad shoulders< Roman nose, body not too short . ... 10 points Size — Large, well proportioned . 5 points
Eyes and Ears ................... 5 points
Coat — Short and smooth .... 5 points Condition ....................... 5 points
Remarks: Colors should not be intermixed with brindle. (splashed). Patches to be cut clean and evenly distributed. The more patches of each color the better.
Explanation: You can see that there are 70 points on. Distinct clean cut patches, Equal distribution and uniform placing of these patches, and color which is RED—BLACK and WHITE. This of course is the IDEAL animal and the one we are striving for. It is a fault to have a small amount of one color and a lot of the other two colors but this does not mean animal should be put in Broken Color class as it w'ould be eliminated in B.C. class. Another big fault is that some animal's Red color is too orange or brown or rusty. Also some animal’s Black is very brownish. I would say the biggest fault is intermingling of colors which spoils the beauty of entire animal.
I hope we will have a better job of judging TS & W Cavies and all other Varieties from now on. If in doubt do not hesitate to consult your Standard Book.
The new revised and corrected Standard of Perfection is now available from secretary, James Blyth, 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh 17, Pa.
Marie and Forrest Arnold, Janesville, Wisconsin supplied 5,000 rabbits for the meat trade in Janesville and stated they could easily have used 1,000 more good rabbits if available. The Arnold’s records show they supplied over 20,000 lab and meat rabbits last year.
The Arnold’s are quick to point out that the ARBA and plenty of good hard work and application, on their part, have made this thriving business prosper. It was over 20 years ago, that Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, began their rabbit venture with old type, wooden floored hutches, piled one on top of the other. Mr. Arnold, remembers well that they did not have a wide selection of good pure bred commercial type rabbits to select from at that time. The work of mixing and preparing the feedstuffs of that time was also a time consuming chore.
The Arnold's first venture at a cash market with rabbits, consisted of selling to 4-H clubs and a few Easter bunnies. This they found out was a slow and not too profitable business. They cannot stress too much, the help they feel was afforded them by the ARBA and of course their own hard work and ingenuity. Mr. Arnold, says, he had good quality and informative advertising signs made up announcing the qualities of rabbit meat and supplied one to each of his retail outlets. as he started them out with fresh dressed rabbits. Local newspaper advertising also played a big role in creating demand for rabbit meat in Janesville.
The Arnold's do not sell breeding stock as it keeps them busy raising their own replacement stock. They have two modern rabbit buildings. 400 wire hutches, with automatic waterers. The outstanding feature of their setup is an automatic barn cleaner, and the building is heated. One building they utilize for their own ranch raised rabbits and the other for housing of rabbits purchased for market. The Arnold's won’t give the credit for their hard work and business know-how which they acauired, piece by piece and experience by experience, but they are quick to tell one and all that the ARBA played a big part in their rabbit success.
Page Eleven
New Standard Ready
The new Standard of Perfection for the American Rabbit Breeders Ass’n is now available. The cloth bound copies sell at $3.00 per copy and the paper bound copies sell at $2.00 each. Every judge and registrar must have a copy of this new standard. They cannot conform with the rules and regulations of a licensed judge or registrar unless they have the latest ARBA standards of perfection.
Every breeder of pure bred rabbits and cavies should also have a copy. The Standard gives you both plans and specifications of what constitutes a good standard bred rabbit and nobody can follow this program without this plan by which they must compare their rabbits and cavies.
Many times well known breeders say they have seen a rabbit that is real good; its ears measures up to the standard: its color is wonderful. Yet from experience with these people it is a known fact they never owned a Standard of Perfection. Every Breeder should avail themselves with a copy of this book so they might breed their standard breeds in accordance with the rules and regulations set down by one of the largest rabbit organizations in the world.
The current revised Standard of Perfection is now available. If you intend to exhibit rabbits or produce the best rabbits of your particular breed, this cannot be accomplished without the new Standard. This standard will remain in effect for 5 years or until 1970. Order your copy today and study what constitutes a good standard bred rabbit of any breed or variety.
ARBA Board Takes Action
The American Rabbit Breeders Association Board of Directors took action against Robert Hanson, Jr., of California, who had been a member of the ARBA for several years. He was tried for his unsportsmanlike manner at the Tampa, Fla., Convention and was advised at that time he was suspended for one year and would be reinstated if he would rehabilitate himself. At the end of the year, Mr. Hanson promised the Board he had reconsidered everything and would act in good faith hereafter. However, since the recent Pomona Convention, complaints have been submitted and actions of the Board not carried through. Therefore, the ARBA Board saw fit to suspend or expel Mr. Robert Hanson, Jr., for life. I am sure the Board does not like to take this action. However, when one is a consistent the general membership of the ARBA. The official notice to Mr. Hanson, Registered Letter "424323, dated March 25. 1966, was not claimed and was returned to the ARBA office.
S. H. Sixma Passes On
S. H. Sixma. one of our most prominent judges was a resident of Michigan. Mr. Sixma, was 81 years of age. He was a native of the Netherlands and a graduate of Civil Engineering. He was President of the Muskingum County School Board and had been very active among rabbit breeders for a number of years. Mr. Sixma was one of the judges at the 1932 Pittsburgh Convention and was admired by most all of the breeders both as a judge and a fancier. While Mr. Sixma had dropped his membership in late years, he was still recorded in the local area as an outstanding hobbiest and gentleman. To surviving relatives, we extend our most heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement. Madeline Tattle Grables
Many will remember Madeline Tuttle Grables as the outstanding former Secretary of the American Dutch Rabbit Club. Madeline, will be remembered well by fanciers of Dutch rabbits. She passed away a short time ago. Mrs. Grables, had not been active in rabbit circles for several years. She started her rabbit career by writing a column for successful rabbit breeding magazines which was published out of Kalamazoo, Michigan. She later became Secretary of the American Dutch Rabbit Club and married another rabbit fancier. Mr. Raymond Grables. They conducted their rabbit business as Grables Rabbit Ranch. However, in later years both of the Grables retired from the fancy, much to the loss of the American Rabbit Breeders. Mrs. Grables proved to be an outstanding Secretary and journalist and Ray Grables an outstanding all around judge. I am sure all will be sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Grables. She will be remembered for the great amount of work she did to improve the Dutch rabbit and the Dutch Rabbit Club. To her husband we extend our most heartfelt sympathy in his bereavement.
Director Vern Ashton, district 7, South Eastern, comprised of Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama and Florida, requests help in getting the ARBA ball rolling in his district. Vern, has written to his districts State Agents without one reply received to date.
Ashton, feels the reason for delay in getting to work is the result of Local Clubs not appointing local agents to work with the State Agent. It is urged that all concerned get this important man or woman agent appointed.
There are many worthwhile projects and events that the Local Agent should report to the State Agent so this in turn can be relayed to the Director. Publicity and public relations are fine—let’s get them in action.
Page Twelve
San Diego County Fair ★
June 24 thru July 4, 1966

C. E. LEWIS, Superintendent JUDGES:
Don Guthrie, Lamoni, Iowa Joe S. Lutes, Garden Grove, California Orlan Onkst, Downey, California Elmer Paquette, Santa Paula, California
Sweepstakes: Californian, Dutch, English, Standard Havana. Himalayan, Lilac, New Zealand, Polish, Rex, Satin, Palomino
For Premium List Write:
Entry Supervisor, Fairgrounds Del Mar, California 92014 Entries open to the United States
A member of the Committee, A1 Roer-danz suggests that we get a workable plan for compiling a basic reference and procurement of authenic information on Color and Fur.
Compile a recommended list of lithographing firms capable of fine color reproductions and the approximate cost.
Obtain facts on technical instruments used by color technicians in industry with related application to the projects of this Committee.
To find books prepared and written by experts on the subject of the genetics of color of the domestic rabbit.
Prepare a roster of Furriers dealing in raw rabbit pelts; manufacturers of garments, accessories and novelties made from rabbit pelts (Satin, Rex or Normal); and Co-op’s or Manufacturing concerns who specialize in Angora wool or who use Angora wool in combination with natural or synthetic fibers.
Locate a source of information pertaining to patterns and instructions in fur craft, also information on wool spinning and using the yarn for hobby projects or home enterprise.
Search out experts in the field of color and fur in chartered National Specialty Clubs. A brief questionnaire to be filled in and returned by the Specialty Club Secretary.
Obtain permission to use articles that have been published in Specialty Club Guide Books that comply with present day standards of the ARBA for fur or wool, especially if they contain detailed information and clear descriptions.
We are asking the ARBA Executive Board for two awards, in appreciation for outstanding contributions made by an individual to this Committee to further its study in either the field of color or fur. Our Committee suggests two types of awards. One award expressly for an ARBA judge, which would be a gold judge’s badge, the other award to a member of the ARBA, a Scroll signed by the ARBA President, Secretary, and Chairman of the Color and Fur Committee. We feel that mentioned awards would offer recognition for worthwhile material of value and assistance to ARBA members, clubs, and rabbit industry and fancy.
To send articles on Color and Fur, to be published in the ARBA bulletin, rabbit trade journals and other news media.
Attend the Judge's Conference at the National Convention Shows to answer any questions that the attending rabbit breeders, may ask, on Color and Fur.
Members of the ARBA Color and Fur Committee: Lou Slavens, A1 Roerdanz, Howard Bartow, Clyde Taylor and Eddie Hamilton.
Page Thirteen
CALIFORNIANS—good quality, pedigreed and registered. Prices and information on request. Always a few good ones for sale. Duane Shrader & Sons, 625 S 51st St., Lincoln, Neb. 68510.
POLISH—Black, Blue-eyed White, Californian Satins. Write for prices. Breeze Hollow Rabbitry, RD $1, Box 37, Wellington, O. 44090.
SANDY FLEMISH GIANTS—Good quality stock available. Good type, size and production. Pedigreed. Mansfield’s Giant Rabbits, 1004 S. Garden Ave., Stockton, Calif. 95205.
“ROTHS VILLE DUTCH” — Home of Champions. Black, Blue, Chocolate. Pictured in the 1966 ARBA Official Guide Book. Pedigreed junior, showmarked, foundation trios $12.00. Satisfaction guaranteed. Jack Messner, Box 267A, Roths-ville, Penn.
“ROTHSVILLE GOLDEN PALOMINOS” —America’s new breed. Pictured in the 1966 ARBA Official Guide Book. Pedigreed junior foundation trios $12.00. Satisfaction guaranteed. Jack Messner, Box 267A, Rothsville, Penn.
FLEMISH GIANTS—AU colors. Sandys of all ages. Colors limited. Andrews Circle “A” Rabbitry, Rt. $3, Newark, O. 43055.
SELLING OUT — Wood Pens, Wood & Wire Pens, Crocks. Double B. Rabbitry, Bill Raymond, ARBA #B34, 403 S. Franklin Rd., Indianapolis, Ind. 46219
70 per word—one insertion 60 per word—two insertions 50 per word—six issues—1 year
Cash, check or money order must accompany classified copy. Deadline 15th of month preceding month of issue. “Stock for Sale” advertising accepted only from members.
Director Fred Applegate, district 2, Rocky Mountain, comprised of Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico has initiated a thorough rabbit census to be completed in this district.
This is an area comprised of many, many miles of unpopulated or sparsely populated districts. The very fact of the sparse settlement seems to make the State Agents of this district the more dedicated to their huge task. Director Applegate, besides the rabbit census has also outlined, what seems to be a very workable membership contest, complete with form and instructions. All of the other districts will watch the progress and reports of this effort.
The state of Wyoming is without an official State Agent at this time due to R. E. Pfadt’s impending transfer. Berl Rewey, Montana; George Scott, Utah; Earl Hord, Colorado; Jess Williams, Arizona and R. C. Schwab, New Mexico round out this hard hitting group of State Agents.
Current developments in Pennsylvania, relative to the recognition of rabbits as a farm animal, as reported in March Bulletin, are factual but have restrictions or modifications. These demand the attention of Pennsylvania breeders.
Governor Scranton, of Pennsylvania, signed a directive that recognizes rabbits as farm animals. However, all is not as rosy as it may seem.
Rabbits are listed under Division “J”. “Rabbits—Commercial breeds used for food”. The state of Pennsylvania only recognizes the following breeds as commercial: New Zealands, Americans, Cali-fomians, Champagne de Argents, Creme de Argents, Beverens, Lilacs, Sables, Amer. Giant Chins, Amer. Standard Chins, Palominos, Satins and Rex.
It is evident that some alterations could easily be made to the list. Efforts are being made to contact Dr. LeLand Bull, Secretary of Agriculture to have changes made in this list.
The breeds listed are the only ones that the State of Pennsylvania will pay half of advertised premiums.
Compliments of
Tri-County Rabbit Breeders Assn.
Serving the Milwaukee Area
Lawrence Schutten, Secretary 3476 South 9th Street Milwaukee, Wise.
Page Fourteen
The SEMO Rabbit Breeders Club was organized at the home of Derris Gray, 127 West Handy. David C. Hughes, Rt. 2, was elected president; Derris Gray, vice-president, and Mrs. Gray, secretary-treasurer.
There are more than 100 commercial rabbit breeders in the Sikeston area. The purpose will be to improve the breeds as well as enlarge the market for table use.
The above item appeared in the March 14 issue of The Daily Sikeston Standard, Sikeston, Missouri. The SEMO has 12 charter members, of which number 10 are ARBA members.
Your name, title and address should be in every issue of the ARBA Bulletin. We are proud of our judging and registration systems and the dedicated members who, through study and work, preserve and perfect both. Annual listing only $1.50.
Oren R. Reynolds
RR 3, Box 509 Decatur, 111. 62526 Phone: 317, 877-6518 “Don” Reid Rabbits and Cavies Rt. 1, Box 159 Lockport, 111. 60441 Ross Flower 7043 9th Ave.
Rio Linda, Calif. Phone: 991-2098 Walter L. Patton 69 Godby St.
Logan, W. Va.
I. R. (Jake) Holmes 440 Pulaski Rd. Calumet City, 111.
Vern N. Ashton 1626 Oakland Parkway Lima, Ohio 45805 George Camp 3853 Green Valley Rd. Huntington, W. Va. Philip A. Macy 210 N. Third St.
Tipp City, Ohio
Robert Byrne
Rabbits and Cavies 1110 W. Harrison Ave. Clarksville, Ind.
Phone: 283-8657 Kirk R. Moore 1909 Buchanan St. Wichita Falls, Texas Phone: 322-5027 Marvin F. Carley 216 Canal St. Brattleboro, Vt. 05301 Phone: 802, 254-4396 Claudius Poer 1317 Q Ave.
New Castle, Ind. 47362 Phone: 529-3729 A1 Roerdanz Rabbits and Cavies Rt. 1, Box 51 Kingsville, Ohio 44048 Duane Shrader 625 S. 51 St.
Lincoln, Nebraska 68510
Marvin Kroening
RR 5
Marshfield, Wise. 54449
Edward T. Toebbe
Rabbits and Cavies 7400 Smyrna Road Louisville, Ky. 40228 Phone: 502, 969-8362 Horace Curtis 401 E. Jefferson St. Falls Church, Va. Phone: Jeff. 2-3674 Dewey H. Mains Rabbits and Cavies Box 101 Conklin, N. Y.
James Blyth Rabbits and Cavies 4323 Murray Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15217
Glen C. Carr
Rabbits and Cavies 454 S. Terrace Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43204 Phone: 279-8442
Dr. Thomas Coatoam
Rabbits and Cavies 213 South St., Wattsburg, Pa. 16442 Phone: 814, 739-2773
Harold Drudge
RR 1, Roann, Ind. Phone: 219, 982-2021
Betty Beckendorf
Rt. 2, Box 28B Crescent City, Calif. 95531
E. L. Eary
5215 Alpine Drive
Charleston. W. Va. 25312
William Dingman
Rt. 3, Box 499
Traverse City, Mich.
Douglas Noble
P.O. Box 203
Brusly, Louisiana 70719
Jack Messner
Box 267A Rothsville Penn. Phone: 898-2197
Lewis Bowers
Route 1
Manteno, Illinois Phone: 476-6277
Page Fifteen
Third Quarter Report January 1, 1966 to March 31, 1966
Membership Dues ................$8,251.10
Combination Dues ................ 200.75
Sanctions ....................... 361.00
Badges .......................... 215.91
Grand Champions .................. 99.00
Charters ...................... 2,291.00
Judges Books ..................... 29.25
Judges License ................ 1,145.00
Registration Blanks ............. 800.00
Supplies ......................... 38.45
Transfers ........................ 10.00
Standards ....................... 259.53
Booklets ...................... 1,422.17
Payroll Taxes — Ded. from Employees ......................... 391.46
Misc. & Advertising ............. 387.55
Pedigree Books .................. 140.03
Registrars License .............. 512.00
Rabbitries ....................... 10.00
Specialty Club Charters ......... 113.00
Accounts Receivable .............. 20.00
Total Receipts .............$16,697.20
Secretary's Salary ............$1,700.01
Office Salaries ................. 941.16
Office Supplies & Expense ........ 89.02
Telephone ....................... 201.86
Bank Charges ..................... 65.04
Accounting ...................... 210.00
NSF Checks ....................... 46.00
Building Maintenance & Expense 316.71 Payroll Taxes — Ded. from Employees ......................... 368.39
Refunds .......................... 12.00
Registrar & Judge Exam Fees . . 52.50
Postage.......................... 550.00
Sales Taxes ....................... 5.28
Freight .......................... 52.80
Remitted to Treasurer .........12,086.43
Total Disbursements ........$16,697.20
Ohio State Convention Show
May 13, 14, 15, 1966
Sponsored by the
Norwalk, Ohio
Sweepstakes on Calilornians—New Zealands: Red, White. Black — Dutch—Polish—Himalayans — Rex — Havanas — Tans — Am. & Ohio Cavies
Wells W. Ortner, Show Secretary Box 153, Rt. 1, Collins, Ohio 44826
Receipts over Advertising Cost. DECEMBER 1965
96 Members $5.00............$ 480.00
1416 Inquiries 25c (Beginners
Booklet) 354.00
TOTAL. $ 834.00 Advertising 503.32
Receipts over advertising cost. . $ 330.68 JANUARY 1966
99 Members $5.00........... $ 495.00
2267 Inquiries 25c (Beginners
Booklet) ..................... 566.75
TOTAL. $1,061.75 Advertising.. 544.26
Receipts over advertising cost. .$ 517.49 FEBRUARY 1966
104 Members $5.00............$ 520.00
2158 Inquiries 25c (Beginners
Booklet) ..................... 539.50
TOTAL. $1,059.50 Advertising. . 551.95
Receipts over advertising cost..$ 507.55
What we want to do, what we can do, our plans for progress and our programs of general and specific interests should be analysed early this year so that we may have a year of fullfilment of the aims, objects and purposes of our association, one with the other.
Two important parts of our annual program are already in the planning and preparation stage; namely, the 1966 Annual Council ARBA Convention Rabbit Show and the Rabbit Show at the Santa Clara County Fair in August.
Now, we need a very definite programming of club meetings, with special emphasis on social meetings, educational sessions and demonstrations of rabbits and rabbit husbandry and related subjects. Educational programs should not only be geared for the new member and new rabbit raiser, but should also include subjects of a more advanced nature for the oldtimers and more experienced rabbit men. Subject matter, which may challenge our own thinking and experience, will be very helpful in broadening our knowledge of rabbits and rabbit raising.
Along with increasing our knowledge of show stock, shows and show procedures, we also need to explore the truly commercial aspects and phases of the rabbit as an industry, including breeding prac-
Page Sixteen
tices. feeding for the most profit, sales and marketing and all of the other items of successful Commercial management.
We hope that the above suggestion will have the earnest consideration of our current officers and committeemen and that we may have a year of great progress and knowledge, and one, in which we will all work and play in the utmost harmony and good fellowship.
We like the format of the new ARBA Bulletin (Vol. I, January-No. 1) just received. It was very good for a first issue and we feci sure it will be well received by the ARBA members.
Our congratulations and best wishes to our new officers, Mr. W. E. Molen, Publicity Chairman in charge and all those who contributed.
When you are contacted by a prospective rabbit raiser and especially when you sell breeding stock, try to obtain a new membership for the Club, and the ARBA.
Once again Texas can lay claim to the “BIGGEST RABBIT SHOW IN HISTORY.” In Houston, Texas on Saturday Morning Feb. 26 1966 at 9:37 A.M. the Auctioneer said “SOLD” to Mrs. Edgar Brown of Orange. Texas for $4,500.00 and Linda Steel of Kyle, Texas had received the record price for a meat pen of New Zealand Whites. The Reserve Champion pen shown by Glen Gill of Beaumont, Texas sold for $1,850.00 to Commercial Kitchens. 3rd place pen shown by Alan Wayne Travis of Houston for $550.00 to Citizens State Bank. David Shearer of ^Houston 4th place, sold for $350.00. Buddy fSpence of Dayton 5th place, sold for $325.00. Gary Hatcher of Houston 6th place for $350.00. Betty Jo Bourgeoia of Galveston 7th place for $350.00 David LaRocco of Houston 8th place pen for $300.00. David Ellison of Houston 9th place for $300.00. Allen Baldridge of Port Arthur 10th place for $350.00. The top 50 pens, that survived the sifting committee on Tuesday, and the excellent judging by Don Guthrie on Wednesday, sold at the Auction for just under $22,000.00, over $430.00 per pen average.
These 50 youngsters proved, there is a pot of loot in that rabbit’s nest box. It’s a real boost to the rabbit business and especially to the selling of good breeding stock. A hint to all you breeders for next November! It’s a shame that more big livestock shows and fairs can’t come up with Meat Pens in their shows. After
all, the basic aim is to TEACH and HELP the future generation to raise more and better meat. So give them a better PRICE and they will raise you better meat in all animals. Junior Meat Pen entries totaled 110.
In the onen division, this year, the good breeders from Louisiana carried home much of the long green. Personally I don’t think a nicer bunch of people could have won. The boys from Lubbock, Boerne, Abilene, Ft. Worth and Deer Park got a little feed money back, too. Open division entries, 392.
Month of May Favorable for Breeding
To write authoritatively relative to rabbit raising in Alaska, an actual breeder of the State, is the one to supply the answers. The art of rabbit raising in this far North area, where winters are cold, presents unusual problems. E. S. <Johnny) Albright, of Fairbanks, Alaska — relates some of his problems and solutions in the following excerpt fro a recent letter.
“Raising rabbits in Alaska for a profit can only be done inside a well-insulated building which is heated to 40 +. As new litters are very delicate, all precautions must be taken to save them.
“I do not raise rabbits for profit, but rather as a hobby and because we relish young fried rabbit. I use New Zealand White does crossed with Checkered Giant bucks. This produces a large meaty frier in a short time. Also, quite an array of colors, ranging from snow white with pink eyes, to coal black with black eyes.
“I have an outdoor pen arrangement for wintering my rabbits. It is built of cyclone fence buried a foot into the ground and covered with chicken wire. This wire is to keep out ravens, eagles, owls, and wildcats. The heavy sides are necessary to keep out loose dogs, which often run in packs. The animals are kept in these pens, where they burrow from September to May. They are kept on a diet of alfalfa pellets and snow water.
“The temperature of the frozen ground never gets below 31 above zero, even though we have -40 to -50 degrees for days at a time. They come out each day for a short time to feed and eat snow.
“From May to September my animals are kept in conventional hutches, where they are bred. I usually get three litters from each doe, averaging from eight to twelve per litter.
“I have found it very impractical to let a litter be born in a burrow. The young are as spooky and wild as a Snow-shoe Hare, and can only be caught by trapping or shooting.”
Page Seventeen

The New England Show Circuit held its annual luncheon meeting on March 13 with President George Smith of Connecticut presiding. Officers elected for 1966 Bill Hartwell, Maine, president; Bob Zimmerman, Vermont, Vice Pres.; Secretary-Treasurer Marvin Carley, Vermont. Satins were the top breed in New England this year with 1,188 registered with the Show Circuit. New Zealand Whites were 2nd with 1,109. Trophies were awarded to the top five in New England for sweep-stakes in all breeds: Winners were: 1st Ray Hettler (Satins); 2nd Marvin Carley (New Zealands and Satins); 3rd Bill Schaefer (Califomias, Dutch); 4th Bill Hartwell (Satins and red New Zealands) and 5th Richard Tomazewski (New Zealands).
Show Circuit awards in the varieties were awarded as follows:
Satins: Ray Hettler, 1st; Bill Hartwell, 2nd. New Zealands: Marvin Carley, 1st; Tomazewski, 2nd.
Dutch: Ted Stefanski, 1st; Bob Zimmerman, 2nd.
Red New Zealands: Charlie Thompson, 1st; Bill Hartwell, 2nd.
Cavies: Freddie Franklin, 1st; M. Baker, 2nd.
Californias: Bill Schaefer, 1st; R. Gratton, 2nd.
Rex: Cuozzo-Noble, 1st; R. Gratton> 2nd. Black New Zealand: H. Kinscherf, 1st;
Rice Bros., 2nd.
Polish: Charlie Henry, 1st.
Tans: Leroy Carpentier, 1st.
Checkered Giants: R. Pelletier, 1st.
The 1966 All New Zealand Show of New England is still scheduled for May 14 and 15. Marvin Carley is show secretary.
National Satin show dates have been changed to May 7-8, Topsfield, Massachusetts. Eugene Henry, Connecticut, official judge and Marvin Carley and Glen Ball as standby judges.
In judging Flemish Giants the first thing I do is look to see if legs are straight. In colored varieties we don’t want any white toenail or nails. As I look at the hind legs for cow-hock I always see that there is no sore feet or sore hocks. At this time I check the sex. Watch closely for weak ankles because a Flemish Giant should stand up well on front feet.
Now I start at the head and look over the Flemish Giant for balance. The head should have large full cheeks with color same as body color. Ears should be of good length: set on a good ear base and well furred. Good head, ears and ear base is the crowning feature of a good Flemish
Page Eighteen
Giant, and has been the deciding factor many times.
We want good length of body with good full shoulders, loin and hips. It is very important the hips be well filled out.
Condition of fur and flesh is very important. We want the head, ears, length and width of body to balance.
The ideal weight on Flemish Giants is: Bucks 14 pounds, Does 15 pounds or more. Some breeders seem to think if they have a Flemish Giant that weight 18 to 20 pounds, very fat with no type, no arch and no balance, they should win. If you have a Flemish Giant Buck that weighs 14 pounds and a Doe that weighs 15 pounds and are well balanced and carry their weight well, they have done all the Standard has required of them. The extra pounds don’t mean a thing unless you feel the decision is very close and then I would decide on the heavier rabbit.
I like to see Flemish Giant Bucks that weigh 15 to 16 pounds. Does 16 to 18 pounds that carry their weight well, and have good head, ears, and bone and are in good condition of fur and flesh with good color.
They are a joy to judge. And as Otto Richter says the cream of the crop.
Yours For Better Flemish, Vern N. Ashton.
Copy deadline 15th of month preceding month of issue: Feb. 15, Apr. 15, June 15, Aug. 15, Oct. 15, Dec. 15. On annual contract deduct 10% from the rates listed below. Deduct additional 5% for cash with copy. This helps cut down our bookkeeping.
Send Advertising copy and payments direct to:
Managing Editor, E. T. Toebbe ARBA Bulletin 7400 Smyrna Road Louisville, Ky. 40228
Please make checks payable to ARBA Bulletin.
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FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1966
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We hereby contract for the above AD and/or BOOTH SPACE for the 43rd A.R.B.A. Convention and Show to be held in Louisville, Kentucky, October 17-20, 1966. It is understood that we will furnish mats or cuts at our expense.
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