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ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 1 – January
Collection: 1966 ARBA Bulletins


ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 1 – January


ARBA member periodicals



American Rabbit Breeders Association


American Rabbit Breeders Association




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American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1966 Vol. 1, No. 1 – January,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed July 27, 2024,

Vol. I January, 1966 No. 1
Convention BOB & BOS
1966 Committee Appointments
Advice To The Beginner
State Agents Announced
Sanctioned Shows Calendar
Membership & Registration Contests
Registrations and
Grand Champions
General News

For me, the Pomona Convention was a wonderful experience. I shall never forget all the happy things that happened. The weather was perfect. The Convention Committee with Pete Schnetzler in charge handled every item like professionals. The spirit was good-will everywhere. The Board meetings accomplished more than I had hoped for, because I went to the meetings with several requests that meant some real changes for our Association. The Board members were wonderful in their attitude and very careful in examining each matter brought before them. I believe that all decisions were made for the betterment of the ARBA. My sincere thanks go to each one who had anything to do in making the Convention one of the best ever held. My hopes were lifted by the encouragement that came from many of the people who attended. So many folks volunteered to work for the ARBA. It was just WONDERFUL.
I have included in this Bulletin — the Committee appointments for 1966. Please contact them when you have business for which they have been chosen. Notice the NEW pattern of operation which we adopted. Our ARBA Directors will not serve as Committee Chairman during 1966. They will direct ALL the work of the ARBA in the States assigned to them. Working with them in each State will be one person (except Calif.) who will be responsible to the Director for the development of the ARBA within that State. Reports will be expected every 60 days. Material for the Bulletin will be prepared from these reports. The State Leader (representative—Agent) will have charge of all Local Clubs within his state. Each Local Club shall select ONE person who will serve as Local Agent and be responsible to the STATE person—and report to him every 60 days—what is being done in the Local Club to further the work of the ARBA. The complete list of duties for the Directors—STATE leaders and LOCAL agents is included in this issue of the Bulletin. We hope to accomplish a much closer relationship between members in the local clubs and the officers of the ARBA. Our National Specialty Clubs will have our Vice-President as their guiding light. All standing committees (16) will report to the President and the Secretary of the ARBA. This means that all our work is tied together in a much more efficient manner. If there is a weak link in our chain of communication we will be able to find it easily.
Our Bulletin will be printed and issued 6 times during 1966. The NEW Book of Standards is about ready for mailing. The Yearbook with names and addresses of members will be mailed early in MAY. Be sure to renew your membership—and sign up new members—before March 15th.
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Our Secretary needs part of March to prepare copy, for the printer, who will do the job in April ready for an early May mailing.
I hope our members will prepare articles —news items—etc. and send them to the Publicity Committee. Prepare your ads and send them to Jim Blyth’s office where the Advertising Committee will process them. I feel that we can make our ARBA Bulletin a very helpful organ for the ARBA.
Now that we have our machinery set up, I shall direct my attention to helping all those who have a special job—so that we can accomplish many things that all of us have dreamed about. With your help it will be done.
Wayne Willmann
James Blyth
It is a good aim to always do something better than you have done before. If we have this in mind continually, there is no reason why we cannot improve. This brings us upon a new year of 1966 and of course if we keep in mind doing things better and avoiding the mistakes we have made in the old year, we are sure to improve. There is plenty of room for improvement in rabbit fancy and business. Many mistakes were made last year, the year before and on down the line. These in many cases have not been corrected. We are sure if each one tries just a little harder to correct these things and work for the interest of rabbits and rabbit raising, we will have a banner year in 1966. There are many things to be remembered that were: increases in the judges licenses and dues for the ARBA. Many of these have been sent in by old members at the old rate which has caused us to write these members, taking extr.u postage and time when other services coi^lJ be rendered by the office of Secretary of the ARBA. We hope now each and every member will remember plainly the dues are now $5.00 per year and that a combination membership of husband and wife is $7.00 per year. We can accomplish a great deal this year if we will just watch little things. There was no war ever won by generals, colonels, or majors. The rank and file of the soldiers must carry the ball to a successful conclusion. It is our opinion under the new administration in the ARBA, this will be attempted to be done. More will be expected from the rank and file members and since there will be more people working, we are sure more will be accomplished.
Do not take the new set up lightly, but give it a fair trial. It’s explanation or formation through all of us was met with enthusiasm. The only question is. will the
rank and file take up their post on the battle line and go forward in cooperation with local, state agents. This will be explained by our President in detail and I hope every person will consider he or she as a real part of this big machine which is going to turn out a better association, more information and help to its members, more and better rabbit breeders and a better understanding among all of us there is one job in view, one point in view, and that is the promotion of rabbits in the new year. It can only be done by those who are on the ground floor, under the direction of the officials who have been duly elected to office.
It is not a big task after one puts his mind to it to contact the rabbit breeders in their area and draw them into the largest organization of rabbit breeders in the United States, the ARBA, and thus help educate them to produce better rabbits, to give rabbits more publicity upon a local level, and see shows are improved on a local level. It is our opinion this is the proper place to start and we promise we will whole-heartedly support the new movement and will do everything possible for its success. This can bring us nothing but better results in the new years and we are looking forward to every rank and file member’s cooperation. After all, they are all members, all just as big as any officer or official of the parent organization. And the organization is only as good as you members make it. If every person will do their part in this new year, I am sure we will have more of what we have been looking for over the years than at any time in the history of the ARBA.
Judge Oliver Milliken, formerly of South Bend, Indiana, an active judge, registrar and member of the ARBA for many years, moved to Florida some years ago and was one of the most respected rabbit men in that State. He was the developer and originator of the Florida Whites. He passed away October 3, 1965 from a heart attack. Mr. Milliken was known by people in all sections of our country. He was an ardent Dutch fancier and promoted the Dutch rabbit to a great extent in that area of the country. His passing will be a real shock to many of his friends. We too will miss him in the ARBA. Mr. Milliken joined the ARBA in 1956. To his family we extend our most heart felt sympathy in their bereavement.
Carl W. Schalip of Galion, Ohio, who joined the ARBA August 17, 1945, was an active member all through the years, up until the day of his death, which happened on November 6, 1965 from a heart attack. Mr. Schalip was very active in the ARBA and the American Dutch Rabbit Club, and
was an ardent fancier of Dutch. And has a fine record of membership in the ARBA. He was well liked by most all who knew him well. It is men like Mr. Schalip who are valuable members to the Association in showing activity and continuous membership for over 20 years. These are the real things that count in any organization —the continuous membership which was unbroken with Mr. Schalips record. To his wife and family we extend our most heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement.
We of the publicity committee are eager, willing and able to get our program of RABBITS FRONT & CENTER—ARBA style on the road. The revival-like spirit that prevailed at the Pomona Convention, wherein a new conception and businesslike approach to the whole of the ARBA operation, certainly has prevailed upon our committee. On short notice such as this the first issue of our new ARBA Bulletin, Marie Harrell, Bett Hickman, Ray Hettler and Joe Lutes rolled up their sleeves and began a new era of Rabbitt Publicity on a National scale and for our ARBA, just like they have been doing in their own local for years. The interesting and informative material in this Bulletin attests to their professional ability. We were also assisted by outstanding material from our officers Wayne Willmann, Jim Blyth and Oren Reynolds. Likewise hard working members such as Kenneth Froebeese, A1 Meier, Jr., Lyman Franklin, Hugh Bowers, Elizabeth Gammon all have contributed materially.
To use an old Navy term, this ARBA Bulletin is an “All Hands Job.” Notice elsewhere in the Bulletin the deadlines for material for each issue. Submit publicity to your Director, member of our Committee, or to the committee involved— they will forward to us for inclusion in each Bulletin. We are on the job for you, members of ARBA. I ask each National Specialty Club sponsoring an annual National One-Breed Show, to forward to me at once the dates, location and other pertinent information of their National Show, in order that I may make releases to the newspaper wire services and also list in “World Convention Dates.” We need material and facts for Year Book, good timely items that are new and relevant. For the March issue we have interesting articles in the making on such subjects as Peace Corps, Show Circuit, Ways to Contact Retired Persons, Plans for new U.S. Experiment Station, and Unusual uses for Rabbits in the Laboratory. RABBITS FRONT AND CENTER in 1966.
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Appointed by President with the help of breeders throughout the country who sent in their nominations — Approved by the BOARD at Pomona.
A few changes were made by special request, other changes will be made as the need arises.
Advertising — Chairman, Walter Rawsthorne, Penna.; Mel Behrens, New York; Arnold Stebbins. New York; W. H. Kennedy (Director) Penna.; Ed Stahl (Director) Missouri. (Constitution requires 2 officers).
Commercial—Chairman Pat Bass, Missouri; Lirton Jones, Illinois; Ben Oesch, Calif.; Philip Lowman, Wisconsin; Bruce Fillmore. Mass.; Bing Harris, Canada; Clarence Lohse, Minn.
Publicity—Chairman, W. E. Molen, Kansas; Joe Lutes, Calif.; Raymond Hettler, Mass.; Marie Harrell, Texas; Robert Dubbell, Arkansas; Bett Hickman, Penna. Budget—Chairman, John Long, Calif.; Forrest Harper, Calif.; Ellis Murray, Calif. (Constitution requires Treasurer on Committee).
Cavy—Chairman. Mrs. Muriel Reid, Illinois; L. H. Ghent, Ohio; Llake Smith, Calif.; Paul Hoffman, Wisconsin; Mrs. Norton McCurdy, Virginia; Mrs. Pat Krider. Rhode Island.
Washington, D. C.—(Matters related to national legislation) — Chairman, Horace Curtis, Virginia; William Franklin, Virginia; William Lockwood, Va. Constitution and Resolutions—(two former committees combined for efficiency)— Chairman. Keith Forbusch, Michigan; Jack Boughton, Ohio; Marshall Hazard, Illinois: H. E. Judkins, Iowa.
Credential — Chairman, Walter Fletcher Kentucky; Mrs. Ellis Murray, Calif.; Mrs. J. L. Hartlage, Kentucky.
Election—Chairman, Mrs. Robert Strath-man, Ohio; Fred Kipp. Ohio; Melvin Heck, Ohio; Donald Weeks, Ohio; Frank Feldhaus, Ohio; (selected so they can meet easily without traveling too far). Membership Service—Chairman, Jock Ingels, Illinois; Robert Gebhart, Indiana; William Sullivan, Mass.; Fred Cremer, Calif.; Tom Whiteaker, Texas.
Standards — Chairman, Lester Wells, Indiana; A1 Meier, Jr., Ohio; Marvin Car-ley, Vermont; W. T. Robinson, Illinois; Charles Lewis, New York; Harold Mc-Govney, Oklahoma; Frances Bennett, Iowa: Don Lovejoy, Calif.
Youth — Chairman, William Montgomery, Illinois: Mrs. Alice Alverson, Oregon; Robert M. Cooper, Calif.: C. W. Spence, Texas; Katherine Roberts. Kansas; Mrs.
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Evelyn Shaw, Mass.; Lewis Brandon, Alabama; Joe Gognat, Kentucky; Mrs. Doris Leibel, Minn.; Mrs. William Breck-enridge, Ohio, Secretary.
Color—Fur—Chairman, Lou Slavens, Illinois; A! Roerdanz, Ohio; Howard Barto, New York; Clyde Taylor, Tenn.; Eddie Hamilton, Calif, (this is a new committee).
Shows, Rules, Planning—Chairman, W. A. Schaefer, Conn.; C. F. Simpkins, Georgia: Lyman Nelson, Calif.; Joe Eve, Tenn.; Robert Byrnes, Ky.
Organizational Survey — Chairman, Pete Schnetzler, Calif.; Otto Richter, Indiana; Jack Pugh, Maryland; Jack Morris, Illinois: Lester Johnson, Kansas.
Education, Research, Laboratory — Chairman. Roscoe Cuozzo, Maine; B. W. Zu-lauf, Maryland: Thomas A. Coleman, Alabama; Weldon Wahl, Minn.; A1 Emery, Ohio.
President Willmann has prepared the following set of instructions for Directors. State Agents, and Local Agents. They are printed here for the information of our entire membership. He plans to make some alterations as the conditions require. He will welcome your suggestions.
1. Direct all the activities of the ARBA within your District.
2. Keep in close working contact with your State Agents.
3. Require Bi-Monthly reports from your State Agents.
4. Urge each Local Club to organize an-v
other Club during the year. |
5. Provide News reports to the Publicity Committee.
6. Answer correspondence from people within your District.
7. Send a report of your District activities to the President Monthly.
8. Urge State Agents to work closely with each Local Agent—this requires each Local Club to select an ARBA member as Local Agent.
9. See that all State and Local Agents have ARBA supplies for their work.
10. Set a goal for NEW members within the District and urge State and Local Agents to achieve the goal.
11. Boost the Commercial aspect of our Association.
12. Encourage Youth Club activities, and Senior Citizen activities.
1. Work under the supervision of the ARBA Director assigned to your Dist.
2. Keep in close contact with each LOCAL agent.
3. Prepare Bi-Monthly reports for your Director on activities within your state.
4. Urge each Local Club to organize another CLUB within the year.
5. Prepare News Items and send them to your Director.
6. Answer correspondence from people within your State.
7. Be sure that each Local Club within your State has an ARBA member who serves with you as a Local Agent.
8. Make sure that you and your Local Agents have the necessary ARBA supplies to do your job successfully.
9. With your Directors help—set a goal of NEW members from your State and urge each Local Agent to help reach that goal.
10. Boost the Commercial aspect of our Association.
11. Encourage Youth Club activities, and Senior Citizen activities.
12. Remember you are a vital LINK in the advancement of the ARBA.
1. You are selected to promote the work of the ARBA at each Club meeting.
2. Your help to enroll NEW members in the ARBA is very important.
3. Have the necessary ARBA supplies to do your work.
4. Faithful cooperation with your State Agent is necessary.
5. Send Bi-Monthly reports to your State Agent.
6. Solicit Ads for our ARBA publications.
7. Help your Club organize another local CLUB during the year.
8. Prepare NEWS items and send them to your State Agent.
9. Be a source of information for anyone who asks.
10. Boost the Commercial aspect of our Association.
11. Encourage Youth Club activities, and Senior Citizen activities.
12. Help build Good-will and enthusiasm for the ARBA.
Why doesn’t the ARBA direct some of its advertising at the Golden Agers?
With compulsory retirement becoming more wide-spread and pension plans encouraging earlier retirement, every year a greater number of active people are faced with a number of years of inactivity. 7 hese active persons need an outlet for their energy—physically and mentally.
If these people could be made aware of the fact that there is an engaging hobby which furnishes competition, supplements the food for the table, raises interesting problems, provides outdoor activity, and hours of enjoyment; who can tell how many persons could be converted to the rabbit fancy.
We try to interest children who have so many activities now they can hardly fit in the proper care of rabbits. The youngster grows older, becomes more aware of the opposite sex and we lose a majority of them.
If rabbit raising is sold for what it is; a delightful hobby, that can be enjoyed every day with a minimum of boredom, we could get more “Stayers.” Let's not pretend there is money for everyone who decides to raise rabbits.
Most fanciers keep too many rabbits.
The thing that drives most people out of the rabbit fancy is the rabbit’s ability to multiply more rapidly than the young can be disposed of.
If a man’s hobby were fishing, he certainly wouldn’t keep pulling fish in till the boat sank, nor would he put more lines in the water than he could manage.
Few people hope to make money from a hobby. In most instances they look forward to having an interesting pastime with some expense attached. Many breeders start to raise rabbits for a hobby. Then let the hobby get out of hand. Some become hungry for money or add too many breeds. These folks end up with a lot of expensive work.
1 firmly believe anyone can raise all the show rabbits and of better quality if he keeps no more than two bucks and three or four does. Then each year he can keep the best young buck and the 2 best young does. He can build his herd with proper selection and have buyers waiting in line for stock. What’s more important, he still has a hobby with not too much work because he doesn’t need more than 15 hutches.
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Oren R. Reynolds, Vice President
During our recent National Convention and Rabbit Show at Pomona, Calif., a new governing Program for the entire Rabbit Industry under the ARBA was introduced by our President Wayne Willmann.
In going over this new program it was brought out that YOU the National Specialty Clubs really had no direct connection or line of communication with the parent organization.
With the thought in mind of correcting this organizational ommission, president Willmann appointed me as a committee of one to work in direct connection with all National Specialty Clubs. In short, I will act as the direct line of communication between you and the parent organization.
With the planning already initiated along the above lines, he felt it wise to arrange a meeting between all officers of the National Specialty Clubs that were present and the executive board of the ARBA, to get the many ideas that each of you as officers would surely have. In the course of this meeting, which was very well attended, there were many things brought out that needed work on at this time. It was felt that from the things that were brought out at this meeting future meetings merited a place at all upcoming Conventions.
One of the more important items discussed at this meeting was that many of the National Specialty Clubs were not aware of the ARBA rules governing them under their charter or if they were it had long since been forgotten. One rule referred to in particular was the one that states that all National Specialty Clubs must furnish the ARBA a financial statement as well as the information requested on the blank for the renewal of the charter. This it was felt by those present could be of tremendous help, not only to the ARBA but to the Specialty Club as well.
Should you be one who has failed to comply with this rule in the past may I suggest that you prepare at this time a detailed report and have it ready to send along with your request for charter renewal. Let’s all cooperate in correcting this lapse of a rule. It is important to the ARBA and to the Specialty Club as well.
My duty, as I understand it. :s to help all of you with any problem that arises and submit your problems and suggestions to the executive board of the ARBA for its consideration.
In connection with this line of thought I know now that I DON’T have the answers to many of your problems. I feel that you Specialty Clubs have no doubt • experienced many of them for years. By all working together we can solve many
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of the problems. As they are referred tc me I expect to consult you for your solution if you have had a similar problem. If you have not encountered this problem I would like your ideas as to how you would cope with it. From all of this information I feel we will be able to come up with correct solutions.
If we work together on these terms we will find strength in number and make better Specialty Clubs. We can all profit from our mistakes if we look at them in the proper light. Better Specialty Clubs will also lead to a better ARBA which is the aim of all of us.
I welcome any and all of your problems. ideas or suggestions, regardless of how trivial you feel they are, and will see that they reach the proper channel to receive the consideration of the ARBA.
Please contact me and let me prove to you that this is a sincere desire of the ARBA to cooperate with you to the fullest extent of our ability and knowledge.
President Willmann has appointed Director Ed. Toebbe as managing editor in charge of working with the Printer in Louisville. Ky., to see that the copy is ready for final run—and to help work out any other matters that may arise regarding the printing of our ARBA Bulletin. The printer. Mr. Ed. Schuhmann is a member of our ARBA. We appreciate his offer to help us get a better Bulletin. Management of production and the financial success of the Bulletin will be Mr. Toebbe’s responsibility.
Publication dates are March 1, May 1, July 1, Sept. 1, Nov. 1. Be sure that your material is ready by the first of the month before Publication. Mr. W. E. Molen, Box 8, Bronson, Kansas, is Publicity Chairman. All material for the bulletin goes to Bill Molen except for advertising. Advertising copy must be prepared and in the printers hands by at least 15 days before mailing the finished Bulletin. Advertising copy should be sent direct to the managing editor’s office: 7400 Smyrna Road, Louisville, Ky. 40228. Our Bulletins will depend largely on how much support we get from the members.
The 1965 ARBA Convention held at Pomona, California Oct. 25th thru 28th is now history. We in California know the Conventioneers will remember it for a long time. We hope the many breeders attending a convention for the first time enjoyed every minute of it. The ARBA meetings were well attended; the interest was sincere. President Willmann did a fine job of conducting the meeting.
The most interest was shown at the second meeting where a vote was taken on whether to pick the best rabbit in show. There was some misunderstanding among the members about a vote being taken on this measure as some of the delegates thought that it would have to be by mailed ballot among all of the membership. Most of the clubs in this area did not apply for a delegate vote from their clubs. Many members failed to bring their voting cards to the meeting. Good arguments were presented Pro and Con. The big disagreement in picking the best rabbit in the show was that they might make an exhibitor angry if his rabbit failed to win. That some of the judges were not qualified to pick best rabbit in show. The best arguments for picking best in show that the rabbit industry would get good publicity through newspapers, radio and television, that could not be obtained otherwise. That it would create more interest among the breeders to work toward another higher goal.
It lost by nine votes. I was in favor of picking the best rabbit in show as I felt that the gains would outweigh the other points. I could care less how mad an exhibitor who loses and pouts about it. As long as a judge does his best to place the best rabbit, that is good enough for me. I hope this will be brought up at Louisville. It may win or it might lose, but if it should win I think that it should be left up to the show committee putting on the show whether the best rabbit in show is to be picked. They will be the ones who will have to put up the money or trophy.
Interested in specialty clubs, I enjoyed the meeting very much between President Willmann and board of directors with the specialty club officers. Many problems were discussed and many good ideas from officers of specialty clubs shared with each other.
This initial meeting will bring better understanding among the specialty clubs and the ARBA. A similar meeting will be on the program at Louisville.
The banquets were well attended. The ARBA banquet attendance 281; the Farewell Banquet 145. The Hawaiian theme, replete with native food fare and entertainment was a huge success. Orlan Onkst did a wonderful job handling this big banquet.
Conventioneers certainly enjoyed the
swimming pool. Bill Kennedy, Ed Toebbe, Max Vaughn, Don Reid and Torn Shuttle-botham froliced in the pool most of the time. They were a show in themselves. The D. F. and F. D. candidates were given the royal treatment. Bill Kennedy, Don Reid and Ed Toebbe did the honors with George Bayliss getting in the act. The new D. F. members almost had George in the pool fully clothed.
The board of directors had the caterer fix up a large birthday cake for our good secretary. James Blyth, who was just 39 years old. All of the 145 attending had a piece of Jim’s cake. Jim was also presented with a new brief case
The Rabbit Beetles shook up the conventioneers, and were not recognized until they took off their make up. They were Vince Hunter, Ellis Murray and Sunny Harper. These kids can shake a wicked hip. Bill Sousa, and his three dancers did some Island Songs and Hawaiian dances. The girls taught some of our boys how to wiggle. Don Reid won the contest and was named Best Wiggler.
This was the shortest Convention that I have ever attended. Every day passed so fast it seems like each day had only 4 or 5 hours in it. We in California enjoyed having you. We hope that you will favor us again with another convention soon. Pete Schnetzler and the Committee enjoyed the work and planning, during the past 18 months. If those attending enjoyed it half as much, our work was well rewarded.
We take this means to say thank you to all who have served the past year as State Representatives. Several were able to attend the special meeting we held for them at the Pomona Convention. Under the new pattern of operation adopted by the Board at Pomona—we will in 1966 depend on one representative in each state with the exception of California where there will be two. President likes to think of these individuals as STATE AGENTS—for he feels that they should do more than REPRESENT. He feels they ought to have special assignments that will help build up all phases of our work. A list of their duties is printed in this issue of the Bulletin. State Agents are not trouble shooters. They will help get one agent selected in each local club in their state—receive reports from the local agent and pass on this information to the ARBA Director who is in charge of that STATE. This will give us a direct line of communication from the local club to the ARBA Board. At Pomona we took special notice of the following 10 Representatives who did exceptionally well during the past year: B. B. Rewey, Montana:
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Glenn Fitch, Indiana; Ted Wengert, Illinois; Mark Youngs, Washington; Robert Norris, Florida; Mrs. S. N. Gates, Kansas; Robert Rome, New Jersey; Walter Taylor, New Jersey; Tom Whiteaker, Texas; John McLain, Virginia. Congratulations to the top ten for 1965. Also, let us not forget the encouragement they received from the faithful efforts of Director Claude Bennett who was in charge.
The Judges divided the booths into three groups, National Specialty Clubs, Local and State Associations and Commercial.
The placements were:
Specialty Clubs 1st Rex Rabbit Club 2nd English Rabbit Club 3rd Californian Rabbit Club Honorable mention—Dutch Rabbit Club and ARBA Youth Club
Local and State Associations 1st Fontana Rabbit Breeders 2nd San Gabriel Cavy Breeders 3rd Council of Calif. Rabbit Clubs Commercial 1st Purina Feeds 2nd Albers Feeds 3rd Carols Book Shop Our sincere thanks are extended to the Judges, Mr. Edward Toebbe, Mrs. S. N. Gates and Mrs. G. A. Burke.
At the request of President Willmann, a meeting was held at the Pomona Convention for all the officers of National Specialty Clubs. One hour and a half was spent in discussing matters of common interest. Many worthwhile comments were made by several officers. Some officers of our Specialty Clubs were not aware of some rules of the ARBA. Many questions were asked. Mr. Oren Reynolds was introduced as the Officer (Vice-President of the ARBA) in charge of all Specialty Clubs. He has been a very fine officer in Specialty Club work and is very well qualified to help Club Officers with their problems. Even before this is written, he has been contacted by two Specialty Clubs about their problems. This is something NEW. In the past there has been no arrangement whereby Specialty Clubs knew that they were being tied in closely with the ARBA BOARD. This meeting in Pomona was so worthwhile in the thinking of those who attended that they voted to hold another meeting like it at the Louisville Convention in 1966. SPECIALTY CLUB OFFICERS please note—if you have any problems or want some information, then write to Mr. Oren Reynolds. R R. 3, Box 509, Decatur, Illinois 62526.
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Mr. Vern Ashton deserves special thanks for the many hours of careful work which he has put into getting the BOOK OF STANDARDS ready for publication. He, with his committee, can be proud of their efforts. Also we need to thank him for the many years he has served on the STANDARD COMMITTEE. We feel sure that his place on this committee will be assumed by Mr. Lester Wells who will give the work the same careful attention that Mr. Ashton has given it. As soon as the Judges get their NEW BOOK OF STANDARDS off the printing press—the STANDARDS will then be in effect. We expect them off the press in January.
Host Club: Falls City R & C Breeders Assn., Louisville, Ky.
Exhibit: Ky. State Fair & Exposition Center.
Headquarters: The Kentucky Hotel.
Edw. T. Toebbe, General Mgr.
Harold Quick, Show Manager Joe Gognat and Robert Byrne, Supts.
Louise Toebbe, Secy-Treas.
Walter N. Fletcher, oBoth Chmn.
E. Schuhmann, Advertising Chmn. Address correspondence:
Louisville Rabbit Convention Shows, Inc. 7400 Smyrna Road Louisville, Ky. 40228
During 1966 Mr. Pat Bass will be Chairman of our Commercial Dept, succeeding Tommy Andrew who has worked hard during the past several years. Director Andrew will develop our ARBA program in the New England States. Mr. Bass may be contacted at RD 1, Monett, Mo. Write to him or any member of his Committee if you wish more education or information on the commercial possibilities of the rabbit. If you want supplies, such as meat cartons, etc. write to Sec. Jim Blyth. All supplies for the ARBA will be handled from the Secretary’s office. Our sincere thanks to Mr. Andrew and our best wishes to Mr. Bass and his committee.
Mrs. Kay Mallot, secretary of the Youth Department, has resigned effective Jan. 1, 1966. She has moved from Florida to California and her future in rabbit activities is rather uncertain. We appreciate all she has done to help the Youth of the ARBA. May she always have a good feeling when she thinks of her experiences with the youth. We hope she will continue helping the youth in California whenever she can.
President Willmann has divided the United States into 9 Districts and placed a Director in charge of each District. Each State will have one individual (Calif, has 2) who will serve as State Representative (Agent) who will be directly responsible for the activities of each Local Club within the state, and send a report for his Director every 60 days. The Directors will compile their reports from the information they receive from their State Agents. This will furnish us with interesting material for our ARBA Bulletin. Each State Agent shall receive a list of his duties—among them being—the aim to have an ARBA agent in
each Local Club. These Local Agents must work hard to develop the whole program of the ARBA in their LOCAL CLUBS and communities. Local agents are requested to send a report of their activities to their State Agents every 60 days.
The above plan of operation was adopted by the ARBA Board at its meeting in Pomona. We hope everyone will do all he can to make this a great step forward in the ARBA.
The President has appointed the following STATE AGENTS to serve under their respective DIRECTORS for the year 1966.
1. WEST COAST—Director, J. Cyril Lowit
Washington, Mark Youngs; Oregon. D. P. Law; California, Orlan Onkst and Robert Herschbach; Idaho, Clyde R. Smith; Nevada, ?
2 ROCKY MT.—Director Fred Applegate
Montana, B. B. Reyew; Wyoming, R. E. Pfadt; Utah, George M. Scott; Colorado, Andy Diamond; Arizona, Jess Williams: New Mexico, R. C. Schwab.
3. NORTH PLAIN—Director Claude Bennett
North Dakota, Owen Anderson; South Dakota, Dick Rol; Nebraska, Clair Shafer; Kansas, Pete Naylor; Minnesota, Arnold Johnson; Iowa, Mrs. Rose Murphy.
4. SOUTH PLAIN—Director Edward Stahl
Oklahoma, T. L. Owen; Texas. D. E. Geddes; Louisiana, Ed Storey; Arkansas, Charles Wade; Missouri, Cecil Green.
5. GREAT LAKES—Director Everett Shilliday
Wisconsin, Fidelis Steinhoff; Illinois, Ted Wengert; Michigan, Wm. Weinhardt; Indiana, Harold Drudge; Ohio Horace Taylor.
6. SOUTH CENTRAL—Director Edward Toebbe
Kentucky, Harold Quick; Tennessee, Stuart Griffith; North Carolina, Lyman Franklin; South Carolina M. L. Love.
7. SOUTH EASTERN—Director Vern Ashton
Mississippi, Robert Hickman; Alabama, Jimmy Bradfield; Georgia, Mrs. Jodie Croker; Florida, Robert Norris.
8. EAST CENTRAL—Director W. H. Kennedy
Pennsylvania, Sam Gerardi; West Virginia, George Camp; Virginia, John McLain; Maryland, Louis Heim; Delaware, Glenwood Sturgis; District of Columbia ?
9. NEW ENGLAND—Director Tommy Andrew
New York, Mrs. George Morehead: Vermont, Anthony Pisanelli; New Hampshire, James Eastman; Maine, Charles D. Fink; Mass. Charlotte Keith; Rhode Island, Wm. T. Hobin; Conn., George C. Smith.
The breeders of this fine state had 436 entries at their State Fair Show in October. These were exhibited by 26 breeders. The feed for the show was donatd by Nutrena Mills. David G. Johnson is their territory manager. Judge Carl Kroboth, Lexington, Ky., did his usual fine job of placing the awards. Lyman C. Franklin is urging the breeders in three counties (Wake-Durham and Orange) to get together and organize a Club. We hope this happens. Good luck Lyman! Let us know how they respond.
You know this building is at 4323 Murray Ave. in Pittsburgh, Pa. Nothing has been spent in repairs on this building for several years. You know that doesn’t sound wise. So the Board decided at Pomona that something would have to be done to put it in better condition. The Board authorized a committee of W. H. Kennedy as Chairman. with Secretary Blyth and President Willmann to go ahead with the repairs that are really necessary at this time. We hope we can do the job for less than $3,000.00.
Page Nine
A total of 126 exhibitors made official entries at the 42nd ARBA Convention and Show, Pomona, California, October 25-28, 1965. Exhibitors were from following states.
California 73 Washington 6 Montana
Illinois 9 Arizona 5 Missouri
Indiana 6 Nebraska 3 Wisconsin
Colorado 6 Kansas 3 Ohio
Iowa, Kentucky, New York, New Mexico, Minnesota, Oklahoma and Michigan 1 each.
13 12 10
5 2 2
14 13 9
6 6 5 8 5
Dutch . Bill Summers .... Roberts Rabbit Ranch
Satins . Lyman Nelson .... Harry McDonald
English • David Livengood .... . . .. David Livengood
N.Z. White • J. L. Thompson .... J. L. Thompson
Californian • -Circle Bar Rabty ... . Leland Clark
N.Z. Red • -Dee Dingman .... Dee Dingman
Rex • -O. W. Williams . . . .0. W. Williams
Silver Marten • -Don Lovejoy ... .Clipfort Rabbitry
Polish • -Don Lovejoy .. . .C. E. Lewis
Flemish Giant • -Norman Batchelder .. . . . . Norman Batchelder
Champagne • -Don Lovejoy .... Sunny Slope Rabbitry
Himalayan • - Himalayan Fur Farm . .. .Clipfort Rabbitry
T ans • -Parks Petland ... . Parks Petland
Amer. Chinchilla • -Everett Johnson ... . Everett Johnson
Checkered Giant • -Ivan R. Holmes .... George Thoms
Lilac • -Corliss J. Ingels . .. . Kathy Comrack
Palomino • Bunny Haven .... Kyles Rabbitry
English Sliver ■Jack Gillis ... .Jack Gillis
N.Z. Black . .P. & E. Shafer Jerry Knofler
Havana . .Don Lovejoy .... Don Lovejoy
Harlequin . .J. L. Bidwell ....J. L. Bidwell
Blue Havana . .Lee Stamm .... Don Lovejoy
Standard Chinchilla .... . .Jack Gillis Jack Gillis
English Angora . . Ray Cunningham .... Tryggestads Rabbitry
Belgian Hare ..Mays Rabbitry ... .Jack Gillis
French Angora . .Milton Ingersoll .... Milton Ingersoli
English Lops . .Jack Gillis ... .Jack Gillis
Florida White .. Don Lovejoy
Heinz Hofmann exhibited 10 New Zealand Blue.
White Satin Fur .. Sam Elder won first 5 places
Normal Colored Fur ... . . Earl Hord . 1st
White Rex Fur . .O. W. Williams . 1st
Colored Satin Fur ..Mays Rabbitry .1st
Normal White Fur .... .. Don Lovejoy . 1st
Angora Wool • -Tryggestads Rabbitry. . . 1st
Colored Rex Fur . .Corliss J. Ingels .1st
Meat Pens . .Bunny Hutch .1st
Single Fryer .. Lyman Nelson . 1st
The Farmers Co-Op News distributed in Oklahoma and Arkansas featured a 4 column 6 inch feature story on commercial rabbit production in their November Issue. The feature story also highlighted a 2 column 4 inch photo of a doe and her weaning litter.
An excellent slant to this factual article Page Ten
gave basic construction requirements for various rabbitry equipment. They stated that the present average income per doe in the area was 75c to $1.00. profit. “Better breeding stock and education to local breeders will raise this average. The retired and disabled can handle the requirements in this industry.’’
We have Bill Hiser, Mountainburg, Arkansas to thank for this wonderful publicity. The address of the Co-Op News is Box 549, Van Buren, Arkansas 72956.
N» N> N»
Riverside Co. R. B. Ass’n—Mrs. Bea Schott, 630 Main St., Riverside Calif.Jan. 9, 1966
Gulf Coast R P. Ass’n—James D. Collins, 2515 51st Ave. Dr.,
W. Brandenton, Fla..............................................Jan. 24-29, 1966
Springfield R. & C. B. Ass’n—Roger C. Miller, Box 162, Sabina, Ohio....Jan. 28-30, 1966
Southwestern Expo. & Fat Stock Show—W. R. Watt, Will Rogers Mem.
Coliseum-Auditorium, P.O. Box 150, Amon Carter Square,
Fort Worth, Texas ..............................................Jan. 28-Feb. 6
Western Illinois R. B. Ass’n—Bernice Bloomquist, Box 8, Sherrard, 111..Jan. 30, 1966
South Florida R. B. Ass’n—Mrs. Oreen M. Hoblitzell, Rt. 6, Box 511,
Tampa, Fla......................................................Feb. 1-12, 1966
Central Fla. & Fla. State R. B. Ass’n—Mrs. Octavia T. Underhipp,
P.O. Box 107, Clarcona, Fla...............................Feb. 21-Mar. 5, 1966
Houston Livestock Show—Mrs. Ruth Teasdale, 1113 East Davis St.,
Canroe, Tex.....................................................Feb. 23-27, 1966
Delphos R. B. Ass'n—Mrs. Paul Armstrong, 127 S. Clay St., Delphos, Ohio. .Feb. 26-27, 1966
Morrow Rabbit Raisers—Eileen Ghent, RR 1, Mt. Gilead, Ohio.............Feb. 27, 1966
Peoria Area R. B. Ass’n—Helen Miller. Box 25, Maquon, 111..............Feb. 27, 1966
Richmond R. B. Ass’n—Mrs. Virginia Flournoy, Rt. 1, Box 585,
Mechanicsville, Va..............................................Mar. 4-5, 1966
Tibbar R. B. Ass’n—Geraldine Montgomery, RR 1, Box 217, Tinley Park, 111.Mar. 6, 1966
Michigan State R. B. Ass’n—Raymond Wells, 2435 S. Main,
Ann Arbor, Mich.................................................Mar. 10-12, 1966
Kaw Valley Rabbit Club—Pete Naylor, 2019 N. 13th, Kansas City, Kan.....Mar. 13, 1966
Morrow Rabbit Raisers—Eileen Ghent, RR 1, Mt. Gilead, Ohio.............Mar. 13, 1966
Baltimore Co. R. & C. B. Ass’n—Warren J. McNamara, Rt. 2, Box 36,
Reistertown, Md.................................................Mar. 13, 1966
Badger Rabbit Breeders—Ruth Strunk, Rt. 2, Fort Atkinson, Wise.........Mar. 13, 1966
Fort Wayne R. B. Ass’n—Robert J. Gebhart, 2105 Covington Rd.,
Fort Wayne, Ind.................................................Mar. 18-20, 1966
Northern III. R. Ranchers—Alan Davidson, 830 Cambridge, Mundelein, 111.Mar. 20, 1966
Akron Rabbit Club—M. L. Clevenger, 428 Palm Ave., Akron, Ohio..........Mar. 25-26, 1966
Pony Express R. B. Ass’n—Cecil N. Green, 1809 Beattie St., St. Joseph, Mo.. .Mar. 26-27, 1966
Grundy Co. R. B.—Mrs. Barbara Morphey, RR, Dwight, 111.................Mar. 27, 1966
South Jersey R. & C. B. Ass’n—Harry S. Claus, 6236 Washington Lane,
Cornwells Heights, Pa...........................................Mar. 27, 1966
Fairfield Co. R. B. Ass’n—Victor T. Sweetland, 264 Chestnut Hill Ave.,
Norwalk, Conn...................................................Mar. 27, 1966
Mall City R. B. Ass’n—William M. Smith, 10507 Weatherfield,
Kalamazoo, Mich.................................................Apr. 1-2, 1966
Littlea Knawha Rabbit Club—Betty A. Wingrove, P.O. Box 62,
Waverly, W. Va................................... ..............Apr. 15-16, 1966
Falls Cities R. B. Ass’n—Harold C. Quick, 4619 So. 1st, Louisville, Ky.Apr. 16-17, 1966
Harvey Co. R. Ass’n—Raymond Block, Box 422, Moundridge, Kansas.........Apr. 16-17, 1966
Elgin R. B. Club—John Buehler, R 2. DeKalb, III........................Apr. 17, 1966
Austin R. B. Ass’n—Mrs. Dan Harrell, 8816 Georgian Dr., Austin, Tex....Apr. 17, 1966
Free State R. B. Ass'n—Mina S. Uebel. Rt. 1, Mt. Airy, Md..............Apr. 17, 1966
Van Wert, R B. Ass’n—Richard Smith, RR 1, Van Wert, Ohio...............Apr. 24, 1966
Kankakee Valley R. B., Mrs. Mary A. Strom, 2220 Black Road,
Joliet, 111.....................................................Apr. 24, 1966
Western Mich. R. B. Ass’n—Donna Beemer, 0-1170 Lincoln Road,
Grand Rapids, Mich..............................................Apr. 29-30, 1966
Ohio Calif. Rabbit Club—-Hildred Crabbs, 442 Tracy St., Mansfield, Ohio. . . .Apr. 29-30, 1966 Richland Co. R. B. Ass’n—Hildred Crabbs, 442 Tracy St.,
Mansfield, Ohio...........................................Apr. 30-May 1, 1966
Ohio Flemish Giant R. B. Ass’n—Herb Anthony, 746 Garfield, Ave.,
Newark, Ohio..............................................Apr. 30-May 1, 1966
Progressive Rabbit Club—Mrs. Chester L. Roberts, 4742 Parkview,
Kansas City, Kan..................................................May 1, 1966
Long Island R. B. Ass’n—Thomas A. Farmer, 115 Cedar Ave., Islap, N.Y...May 1, 1966
Terre Haute R. & C. B. Ass’n—Donald E. Cook, 1320 First Ave.,
Terre Haute, Ind..................................................May 7, 1966
Lebanon Valley R. & C. B. Ass’n—Alfred W. Fisher, RD 1, Box 505,
Palmyra, Pa.......................................................May 8. 1966
Huron Co. Rabbit Club—Wells Oetner. Collins, Ohio......................May 14-15, 1966
Williams Co. R. B. Ass’n—Mrs. K. O. Engler, 313 N. Elm St.,
Edgerton, Ohio..................................................May 14-15, 1966
Page Eleven

P. & O. Rabbit Club—Mabel Brucker, Rt. 2, Box 251, West Middlesex, Pa.....May 15, 1966
Iowa Progressive R. Club—C. J. Miller, 303 6th St., S., Kalona, Iowa.....May 15, 1966
Springfield R. B. Ass’n—C. C. Russell, 619 N. Grant Ave., Springfield, Mo.. .May 21-22, 1966
Morrow Rabbit Raisers—Eileen Ghent, RR1, Mt. Gilead, Ohio.................June 4-5, 1966
Tri State Rabbit Club—Mabel Brucker, Rt. 2, Box 251,
West Middlesex, Pa.................................................June 5, 1966
Coshocton Rabbit Club-—Jack Wireman, 5475 Seeman St., S.W..
Nevarre, Ohio .....................................................June 12, 1966
Mad River Valley R. & C. B. Ass’n—Sylvia M. Bailey, RR 4, Box 37,
Bellefontaine, Ohio................................................June 19, 1966
Terre Haute R. & C. B. Ass’n—Donald E. Cook, 1320 First Ave.,
Terre Haute, Ind................................................Sept. 16-18, 1966
Iowa Progressive R. Club—C. Jay Miller, 303 S. 6th St., Kalona, Iowa......Sept. 18, 1966
Sandusky Valley R. B. Ass’n—Mrs. Clarence Counts, 1800 Crystal Ave.,
Findlay, Ohio ..................................................Sept. 24-25, 1966
Tri State Rabbit Club—Mabel Brucker, Rt. 2, Box 251, West Middlesex, Pa...Sept. 25, 1966
Lorain Co. Rabbit Club—Mrs. Mike Honashofsky, RD #2, West Ridge Rd..
Elyria, Ohio.......................................................Oct. 1-2, 1966
Washington Co. R. B. Ass’n—Mrs. Ruth N. Caldwell, RD #2, Box 247,
Eighty-Four, Pa....................................................Oct. 2, 1966
Progressive Rabbit Club—Mrs. Chester L. Roberts, 4742 Parkview,
Kansas City, Kan...................................................Nov. 5-6, 1966
Baltimore Co. R. & C. B. Ass’n—Warren J. McNamara, Rt. 2, Box 36,
Reisertown, Md.....................................................Nov. 13, 1966
By James Blyth
While many people admire and remark about the different seasons of the year, I am sure we rabbit breeders look forward to Spring as the most beautiful season. This brings to life plants, shrubs, trees, flowers and most important it brings us young rabbits. If we are raising them for commercial purposes, of course we expect these to be our best litters of the year and to produce more rabbits in this season for the early spring trade as well as requests for breeding stock. And the fancieer too has had this time of the year planned for the mating of his best animals and is looking forward to something that will be outstanding for the late summer and fall shows. All of this is brought to our attention at this time of year.
Many rabbit breeders complain they are unable to breed their does at certain seasons of the year, but the spring season is the natural breeding season and every doe that is housed should be bred. Most all will conceive at this time of the year. However, caution must be made where does have been left inactive over the cold winter months to cut down on the feed you are feeding because a fat doe often will not breed and if she does breed, does not conceive. If she at some cases attempts to conceive, the fat on the inside intrails of the rabbit will clog the reproductive organs and cause the death of the doe in kindling her young. So, it is advisable to cut down on the feed until you get your does bred, then feed them sparingly until a short time before they are due to kindle. We are sure this is much of a novice rabbit breeder’s troubles and hope some of them will benefit by calling their attention to these things.
Page Twelve
We do hope this year more of our members will take more interest in our National Association and be more active in making it a bigger and better organization. We can all do this by cooperating with one another, passing along information that has been beneficial to us in the past in raising rabbits and cavies. There is no doubt in my mind there are many rabbit producers and fanciers who have a very good knowledge of all phases of the business. They can help those not so fortunate by writing constructive articles and helping the fellow breeder make a success of rabbit raising.
The business of rabbit raising covers a big field and we are sure no two or three volumes would cover all the information that is needed for success.
We here in the Secretary’s office are criticized many times for things we do or don’t do. I hope all of you will understand we have many problems about which we do not complain. We do not publicize these problems. We still receive hundreds of letters a week requesting certain information regarding the art of raising rabbits, marketing, exhibiting, etc. We perform a very busy day here in the ARBA office. When a member writes to us, they should advise us they are a member or better yet, give us their membership number. Time is a big item in an office where you are trying to serve more than 5,000 people with a minimum number of employees. True if a letter comes in for general information, a form letter is sent out requesting that person’s membership and giving them the useful information they will obtain through the guide book and year book. These form letters will go out to most all who do not inform us of their membership because it requires time to
check our membership files. I do believe we are unjustly criticized at times and feel sure any member or person wanting real information will write us the second time and request that information because it too is possible the letter may have gone astray and maybe no reply would be received whatsoever. After all. we are still receiving inquiries addressed to a place we were located 18 years ago. We are working hard in the office to be patient and trying to give out all information when it is requested in the proper form. In turn, I hope the membership will cooperate with us and be patient when it appears we have goofed.
There is much to be done in the ARBA office aside from answering regular routine mail. Some days it is quite a lot of effort put forth into just reading and trying to digest some of the many letters which are received. We have other obligations such as getting rabbits registered, making grand ^lampions, correcting membership roles or Blling supply orders. We readily admit we ^re a long way from perfection and our association also is a long way from perfection. However, we are trying to improve and with each and every member’s help and cooperation, 1 am sure we will have a better year in 1966.
William T. Sullivan, 1 Cedar St., Wen-ham. Massachusetts, passed away on December 9, 1965 and was buried December 13, 1965. Mr. Sullivan (Bill), was a prominent New Zealand White breeder for many years. He formed a partnership with Alfred B. Handy and their rabbitry was known as Handy and Sullivan Rabbitry. They were very successful in producing top rate White New Zealands and always gave a good account of themselves when they exhibited at shows.
^ Mr. Sullivan was President of the Massachusetts Federation of Rabbit and Cavy vlubs, Inc., past President of the Essex County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n, and a Director of the Essex Club also. He attended several ARBA Conventions and was liked by all who met him. We here feel we have lost a real member in the death of William Sullivan. To his surviving relatives, we extend our most heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement.
Past President Dick Parker is recovering from surgery. He made two trips to the hospital—now we hope he feels much better. Bob Hansen who has worked with the Youth Dept, was stricken with a heart attack after the Youth Banquet at Pomona. He is at home resting. Mr. Vern Ashton.
Director, was unable to attend the Pomona Convention because of illness. We are glad he is feeling better.
The rabbit shows have ended here in the cradle of liberty and we won’t dust off the exhibition coops again until March, 1966. Breeders in this area are busy putting on the plastic sheets to add a bit more protection for the bunnies. Winter and the snows are due and we certainly need lots of the white stuff to help relieve our two-year-long drought.
Rhode Island traditionally has the last show of the season so on November 21 the show was held in Woonsocket. During and after the show were many goodbyes as the show circuit drew to a close. Bill Hartwell and Judge Arthur Burke returned to the Maine snow country. Judge Marvin Carley headed back to Vermont for more deer hunting. Bill Schaffer, George Smith, John Raffa, Bill Sauter and Harry Anthony departed south and west to Connecticut while Don Huson and Bob Zimmerman left for the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Charlie Thompson, Handy and Sullivan, Charlotte Keith, Arthur Verrier and Wayne Winslow went back to Kennedyland. George Mundy and Percy Sanborn closed up the Ice House and the New England show circuit was over for 1965. By now all of the breeders are busy plotting revenge for this years defeats or figuring how to stay on top for another year.
It was a big show year in New England with a record number of rabbits being shown. The big noise of the year was the “arrival of the Satin.” At most shows they were the biggest entry and at others ran second only to the ever popular New Zealands. The New England Satin Club was organized during the year and now joins the New Zealand and Dutch groups as the three regional groups. The new Satin group is so enthusiastic and active that they have already secured the sanction for the 1966 All Satin Show.
The New England Show Circuit continued to function as the Clearing House for all shows and it now has the support and respect of all breeders and clubs in the area. Much of the credit for this goes to President George Smith and Secretary Dick Tomazewski. Both have done a real good job of building the Show Circuit. Recently the Show Circuit delegates voted to hold the March luncheon at the Tower House in Central Massachusetts. They also voted to approve May 14 and 15, 1966 as the dates for the All Satin Show and the New England All New Zealand Show.
And now to get my snow shovel out . . .
Page Thirteen
Owner Breed Reg. No. Private Ear No.
R. A. Vaughn New Zealand 7022-V • RU85
D. E. Lovejoy Dutch 3520-X . ZIP
R. Hershey .. . .Champagne . . . 3969-V. .. . H2
L. V. Vannatta .... . . .Am. Chin 8463-V . . D-l
J. Long English 172-X. . . L09
R. Wallace Checkered Giant 3150-X . . RW226
G. Vessey Lilac 2481-X . .WN
Valley Acre Rbt. . . . Californian 9399-V . .A-12
R. Harris Dutch 3789-X . . AV38
J. S. Scott Checkered Giant 8409-V . .PA38
H. J. Betts Californian 801-X . . KD88
T. Jermyn Dutch 1974-X . .TN
1. New Zealands......................179 1.
2. Californian ...................... 46 2.
3. Flemish .......................... 24 3.
4. Dutch ............................ 24 4.
5. American Chins ................... 18 5.
6. Champ. D’Argents ................. 18 6.
7. Martens .......................... 13 7.
8. Satins ........................... 12 8.
9. Rex ............................... 7 9.
10. Checkered Giant .................. 5 10.
11. Giant Chins ....................... 4 II.
12. English ........................... 3 12.
13. Polish ............................ 2 13.
14. Angoras ........................... 2 14.
15. Standard Chin..................... 1 15.
New Zealands ..............
Californians ..............
Satins ....................
Dutch .....................
Checkered Giants ..........
Flemish ...................
Champagne D’Arg ............
American Chins..............
English ....................
Angoras ....................
Havanas ....................
Giant Chins.................
Palominos ..................
Martens ....................
Creme D’Arg.................
D. D. Porter Champagne D’Argent Champagne D’Argent
D. D. Porter
D. D. Porter Champagne D’Argent
Handy & Sullivan Satin
R. Hettler Satin
R. Hettler Satin
R. Hettler Satin
R. Hettler Satin
R. Wallace Checkered Giant
R. Hageman Flemish Giant
Bower’s Bunnies Creme D’Argent
P. Naylor Satin
L. F. Clark Californian
C. Silvey New Zealand
R. Hettler Satin
R. Hettler Satin
R. Hettler Satin
R. Hettler Satin
J. C. Murphy Flemish
J. C. Murphy Checkered Giant
J. C. Murphy Checkered Giant
Bunny Grove Satin
Double WW Rbty. Californian
Double WW Rbty. Californian
Double WW Rbty. Californian
C. L. Smith Dutch
W. Smith Page Fourteen Champ. D’Argent
Pri. Ear No. Reg. No.
AP 23 72-X
CP 9 69-X
CP 8 70-X
SU 289 3640-X
HR 10W 1211 -X
6 H 1 3634-X
SM 3 2661-X
H 127 3330-X
RW 96 3462-X
RM 9 521-X
B FIA 2391-X
ITL 3363-X
H L 902-X
CS 112 2707-X
RH 11 N 1213-X
ST 5 3329-X
462-H 9969-V
SM 7 3636-X
MC123 9607-V
B 665 7931-V
CM 28 9605-V
80 D 3500-X
I 4 4349-V
13 9321-V
P 80 9325-V
DC7 2299-V
R5W 3115-X
If you plan on entering the rabbit industry as a hobby it would be well worth your while to visit several breeders who raise a variety of breeds. Also visit one of our ARBA sanctioned shows and look over the different breeds. The liking that you take for a breed, also color, will play a far greater part in your future success than you will ever suspect at this stage of the game.
After you have decided on a breed and variety (color), it will be well worth your time to try and visit a reliable breeder and ask for help. In most all cases you will be shown and told all you can assimilate at one session. Next may I suggest that you take membership with the ARBA and receive the guide book which carries much needed information, also obtain a
I standard and study your particular breed Ind after determining what is called foi m the standard make the ideal your target to shoot for.
When you are ready to purchase your stock pick a reputable breeder and remember a good rabbit warrants a good price. Don’t try to spread your capital too thin. It is better to buy a good trio than to buy inferior stock in order to have a greater number to start with.
The well being of your stock rests with you. Space is the first thing. Allow at least a four foot hutch for each breeding doe. The hutches will look very empty for a while, but you will find the rabbits soon creeping up and overtaking the size and then the real trouble maker (over-crowding) takes over. If you wish to keep your stock in that condition which is the trademark of a good rabbit, DO NOT OVER CROWD.
Most fanciers wean their young at eight weeks of age and some leave the sexes to-
Igether for another four weeks, but if the koung are being saved for show animals " might be best to separate into individual hutches at weaning.
Cleanliness is the next thing in importance, and allied to space will reduce your problems. Clean as often as possible and use a good disinfectant.
Your original purchase should be fed as near the system of the original owner as possible and gradually adapted to your own, which will differ according to where you might live, feed available, hours, etc. Some people feed once a day others twice a day and still some three times a day. The once a day is the most widely used. Which ever you use do make it regular. Regularity in feeding has as much to do with keeping rabbits fit as the quality of the feed. Rabbits will not thrive if over fed at one meal and left for hours until the next feeding. Do not forget that nursing does can always do with that little bit extra.
Each animal is an individual, so watch them when you feed. Find their likes and dislikes and don’t be afraid to cater to them a little—it will pay dividends at show time.
After having picked your breed and color, stick to it. In a very short time you will have shed the “TERM” beginner.
The Bear Creek Rabbitry owned and operated by Morris and Lola White of Yoakum, Texas is one of the most modern and complete rabbitrys in the state.
All-wire hutches make up the housing for about 15 New Zealand Whites and 5 New Zealand Red breeding does that are kept in the Bear Creek Rabbitry. These does are kept in production most of the year and keep the rabbitry supplied with top youngsters for the shows.
The does and litters are housed in 30" x 32" hutches as are most of the rabbits in the herd. Smaller hutches are used for developing young stock.
The Bear Creek Rabbitry has New Zealand Whites from some of the leading show herds in the country, such as: McGehee, Oklahoma; Johnson and Sagarsee, Michigan; Leger, Louisiana; and Hamilton Strain, California. These are surely the top show breeders in the United States today.
The New Zealand Reds in the Whites Rabbitry are Krueger Strain of Illinois. This the only line of Reds that Morris has. These Reds have top color and fur with excellent type, and do very well in the shows.
Since I saw most of the youngsters in the developing pens, I can say that Bear Creek Rabbitry will be real tough in the fall shows. (Red and White New Zealand Breeders, Beware!!!)
The Rabbitry building is approximately 60 feet long and about 30 feet wide, and has all sides open, except the North end. The shed is set on a cement outer frame that is about 12 inches in the ground. This keeps water out and wild animals from digging in. The entire shed is covered with Vt inch mesh netting that keeps wild animals out and any loose rabbits in.
The ceiling of the shed is complete with two revolving vents and a center vent that keeps the warm air moving up and out of the building. This helps to keep the shed cool inside, even when the temperature is over 100 degrees outside. The rabbitry does not use fog sprays on the roof.
The west side of the shed is the entry side with burlap curtains that can be hooked up during the early morning and after the sun starts to shine in on the rabbitry, these can be let down. Since the roof of the shed has about a three foot overhang on each side, the air circulates easily.
The floor under the hutches is soil covered with wood shavings. These shavings
Page Fifteen
have cut odor completely and also will rot and have everything ready for worms, which will be added later. The rabbltry is complete with cement walks throughout the shed. Those are both practical and add to the beauty of the building.
To keep the rabbits supplied with cool, clean water at all times, the Bear Creek Rabbitry uses an automatic watering system that consists of “dripless founts” in each cage. Only one, small funnel-shaped fountain, with a “toothpick-like” pin in the center that the rabbits move in any direction, lets the water enter the cup. This always keeps cool, clean water readily available at all times.
Although metal feeders are used, they are the round type that are placed on the inside on the hutch floor. Morris has used the type that are mounted on the hutch for easy feeding, but he has found that the round type is just right for his type of operation.
The Whites have installed a wash basin in their rabbitry, which, I believe, is one of the best new ideas I have seen. This basin can be used for many uses, such as cleaning feed bowls, washing hands, and other things.
In another smaller shed near the main rabbitry building, the top White New Zealand Herd buck is kept on the ground. An extra pen is also available for the top New Zealand Red Buck.
In the winter months, the White’s have no plans for closing the three open sides of their rabbitry. Morris said that he will lose some rabbits from the cold temperature of winter, but he thought not enough to warrant closing the shed completely.
Over-all, the White’s have a sizable investment in their new rabbitry, but in my opinion, their complete rabbitry is something to be proud of. Mainly, because Morris and Lola White took time to visit other rabbitries and see what they had that they wanted, or could improve on, they now have just what they want.
The Whites also have a large cattle feed lot on their ranch, about 3 miles from their home and rabbitry. This is Morris’s business and he handles it just as efficiently as the rabbitry.
I am sure that visitors are always welcome at the Bear Creek Rabbitry. I believe it would be well worth visiting before investing money in a new rabbitry to get ideas from rabbitries like this one.
There were 37 enthusiastic competitors in all. The children were divided into three units. Unit I under 9 and beginners; Unit II under 14 and those over 14 with less than 2 years experience; Unit III over 14 and under 18.
Page Sixteen
The youngest in Unit I had to answer 5 oral questions, pick up 2 rabbits and carry them, and identify 5 common breeds of rabbit. Christine Izzo of Bound Brook, N. J. carried home her first trophy with a big smile. Second, winning a big rosette was Bob Ader, Third was David Bobiak of Somerville, N. J. (Aged 5). Fourth. Kathy Battista of Neshanic Station, N. J. (5 years). Fifth was a tie with John Ader and Peter Paetzow closely followed by Tim Stasyshyn.
The 17 children in Unit II had to answer 20 harder written questions (did you know that there are 30 rabbits in a meat pen?!!!!) They also had to handle five breeds of rabbits while making comments on their show qualities. This unit was won easily by Art Gillen of East Brunswick. N. J. with a score of 53V£ out of 55. Jean Apgar was second, David Hershey was third, Harry Brokaw was fourth and Charlem^ Loux, Fifth. m
Unit III had 11 entrants for a sorm^ what harder test. They judged a class of white fur and a New England Red group. Most of them noticed that we had slipped in a red with a moon-eye! In addition to the judging, they answered 25 questions on the care and showing of rabbits.
Tom Gamon of Skillman, N. J. took home the trophy with a score of 88 out of 90. Susan Stasyshyn was second, Elaine France was Third. Richard Smith, Fourth and Betty Beatty was fifth.
The children all exhibited good sportsmanship and a high degree of skill and knowledge. The rabbit industry should encourage these children; we have some potential judges here.
1. What two classifications of rabbits are there?
2. Name the colors of New Zealand.
3. There are 3 types of rabbit fur; them.
4. What is the registration weight for New Zealand White Senior Buck?
5. What is the top weight limit for Junior New Zealand in shows?
6. What is the weight of a Senior Dutch Buck? Junior Dutch Doe? Is there a top weight limit on Flemish?
7. Name the colors of Dutch.
8. Name as many colors of Rex as you
9. Name the general disqualifications of rabbits.
10. What ear is the registration number put in What ear is the owner’s number put in?
The above is the written examination that the youth members completed who had taken part in the Youth Judging Contest.
By Hugh Bowers
I would like to describe some nest warmers that I tried this past winter for the new bunnies. 1 bought the 6 foot length heating cable used to wrap pipes to keep them from freezing at a cost of $2.65 each. I made a form slightly smaller than the floor of the nest box. Then I poured I inch of concrete in this frame and wound the tape back and fourth through the concrete, being careful not to let it cross. When this cement is dry you have a slab that when plugged in gives off heat and can be placed on the floor of your nest boxes. I found it is best to use a masonite floor above it which is held away from the concrete slab by a 1 inch wooden frame. This creates an air space so that the floor doesn’t get too hot. You will need a thermostat for these warmers. I used 1 thermostat for 5 warmers but you could attach many more if desired. I set the thermostat for 30 degrees and since the thermostats are on the outside of the box it is much warmer in where the babies are. Just be sure when you run the tape out the back of the box and through the back of the hutch, the rabbits can’t get to it to chew on it. This slab can be removed when the young ones are about 3 weeks old and used in another box. They are easy to clean. Since the entire floor of the box is heated and the heat comes up through the straw and fur the nest is always warm and fluffy. As for economy, I ran 5 of these warmers most of the winter and could not see any difference in my electric bill. I would’nt be without them. . .
Dr. Robert Casady, former Director of the U.S. Rabbit Experiment Station, Fontana, California, offered some timely tips and general summarization to the members 'and guests of the Eastern Rabbit & Cavy Fanciers Convention assembled at their banquet. Happily Bett Hickman, was able to relay the following talk by Bob Casady, for inclusion in our A.R.B.A. Bulletin.
“This is my first Eastern Show and I recognize some of your faces, and I hope that I will soon get to know your names. As you have heard I was formerly connected with the U. S. Rabbit Experiment Station in Fontana, Calif. I first found out about the proposed closing of the station in December of 1964 and as usual found out about it from the newspapers. I called Washington, D.C. and was told, ‘O yes, but you are not supposed to know about it yet.’Our President Johnson and his assistant in an economy move, closed several agricultural stations. You rabbit people put up a good fight and we thank you, but the economy move prevailed. The Mink station is still in operation, but the rabbits are out.
Now that I am stationed in Beltzville, I hope to get to more of the shows and get to meet all of you good people. I am still the government’s representative on rabbits, and I will still answer your letters, but your inquiries must be sent to Beltzville, Md. now.
"The experiment station at Fontana is like a Ghost town. The government still retains an interest in rabbits but research will be conducted on the University level. The University of California will continue in Rabbit Research but they are hampered by lack of funds.
“Your programs and aims should be directed to your state rabbit research. Most states will use some funds for this. Don’t give up! and don’t let Rabbit Research die. I like rabbits. I have been with them for over 8 years and there is a lot to be done.
“There has been a tremendous interest in rabbits in the last few years for laboratory and medical research. All types of research are done on rabbits. It is better and cheaper for the labs to buy rabbits but they are not getting the quantity or the quality that they require. What they are getting are sick, and scrubby animals with no background, no records, no age or pedigrees. Labs will pay premium prices for the type of rabbits that they require. One source offers $100.00 each for a specific rabbit. There have been calls from all over the country for old rabbits, at least three years old, but they must be healthy. These animals are used for lung programs in the study of emphysema in smog research.
“Many breeders would like to raise rabbits for research, but this requires a large initial cash investment. Rabbits are here to stay and those who will furnish what is required will be successful.
“A standard for the breeding, care and housing of rabbits for research should be set up. I hope to stay with rabbits. Maybe someday the government will again take up a rabbit research project. I was born and raised in California, but I like the East too, if I can stand the summers. One thing I want to get to know you all better. Thank you for having me.”
1. Glick Mfg. Co., Calif...............39
2. Edward H. Stahl, Mo.................33
3. Tommy Andrew, Pa....................15
4. Melvin E. Behrens, N.Y..............14
5. Mark Youngs, Wash...................12
6. F. R. Applegate, Ind................10
7. Claude Bennett, Ind................. 7
8. Marvin Carley, Vt................... 6
1. So. Florida R. B. Ass’n ............ 9
2. Badger R. B. Ass’n, Wise.............4
3. Western 111. R. B Ass’n ............ 3
4. American Satin Club ................ 3
Page Seventeen
1. Marshel Preston, Ind................42
2. Harry Coles, Mo....................34
3. Hugh Betts, Tenn...................23
4. H. M. Spence, Texas ...............22
5. R. E. Norris, Fla..................22
6. W. H. Smith, Tenn..................22
7. Oren R. Reynolds, 111..............21
8. D. E. Geddes, Texas................18
9. Jeanne Maddox, Kansas .............16
10. H. F. Guthrie, Ohio.................14
New Zealand
1. Eugene Henry, Conn.................123
2. Harold Drudge, Ind................121
3. Claudius Poer, Ind................ 72
4. W. H. Smith, Tenn................. 67
5. Harold Johnson, Mich.............. 66
6. Orville Bloomquist, 111........... 51
7. Marvin Davis, 111................. 44
8. Marshel Preston, Ind.............. 41
9. Wm. T. Robinson, 111.............. 38
10. Richard Smith, Ohio ............... 37
11. John Phillips, Calif............... 37
1. Harold Drudge, Ind.................148
2. Eugene Henry, Conn................135
3. W. H. Smith, Tenn.................101
4. Marshel Preston, Ind.............. 87
5. Harold Johnson, Mich.............. 85
6. Harry Coles, Mo................... 84
7. Robert Berry, Texas............... 82
8. Claudius Poer, Ind................ 80
9. Orville Bloomquist, III........... 75
10. Wm. T. Robinson, 111................74
1. Wm. T. Robinson, 111............... V
2. Emmett Bobo, Texas ............... 7
3. J. L. Bidwell, Calif.............. 5
4. Leland F. Clark, Calif.............5
5. G. S. Davis, Iowa ................ 5
6. Robert W. HiU, Fla.................4
7. Curtis Himmelburger, Pa............4
8. Jessie Weinhardt, Mich.............4
9. John Phillips, Calif.............. 3
New Zealand
1. Don Reid, 111......................28
2. Claudius Poer, Ind................20
3. Harold A. Johnson, Mich...........17
4. Marvin F. Carley, Vt..............15
5. Wm. T. Robinson, 111.............. 9
6. Robert T. Byrne, Ind.............. 8
7. Ross Flowers, Calif............... 7
8. John I. Scott, Ind................ 7
9. Curtis Himmelburger, Pa............&
10. Dennis Holcomb, Iowa.............. 61
11. John Phillips, Calif................6
1. Don Reid, 111......................30
2. G. R. Barnes, Colo................21
3. Claudius Poer, Ind................20
4. Wm. T. Robinson, 111..............20
5. Harold A. Johnson, Mich...........17
6. Marvin F. Carley, Vt..............15
7. Emmett Bobo, Texas................12
8. Robert Berry, Texas...............11
9. John I. Scott, Ind................11
10. Fred Franklin, Mass................10
11. Curtis Himmelburger, Pa............10
12. Dennis Holcomb, Iowa ..............10
13. E. R. Kenyon, N.Y..................10
David Ford, 18 year old ARBA and general rabbit booster of Boulder, Colorado was the recipient of a $300.00 cash award college scholarship. The competition was statewide and sponsored by the Colorado State Bowling Proprietors’ Association.
In the final competition 24 entrants were still in contention. David, in his on-the-spot speech of thanks and acceptance, attracted considerable attention from the sponsors and the press, when he announced he intended to use his scholarship for study at Colorado State University and planned to major in Business Administration and a minor in Animal Husbandry—with special work in rabbit propagation.
David is very active in Colorado rabbit activities and was instrumental in helping to revive the printing of the Colorado Rabbit News, David serves as editor of this publication.
The Boulder Dam Camera and the Rocky Mountain News, Denver, carried feature stories and photos of young Fords achievements. Ford will be one of the pillars of strength in the rabbit industry for many a
Page Eighteen
year. The A.R.B.A, salutes David Ford and his wonderful record and accomplishments.
The Texas Rabbit Breeders are located! far and wide in this big state but at the present time we are 100% United-in-Texas. At the present time the Texas Rabbit Breeders Assn, has fifteen member clubs, more than at any time during its short history.
Our clubs are located from Amarillo to Galveston, with some 650 miles apart. Distance does not seem to keep our entries down at the shows. For instance, the South Plains Rabbit Breeders of Lubbock held a night show July 31st with some 600 rabbits being judged. On Nov. 28th the Wichita Valley Rabbit Club held a one day show with over 500 rabbits being entered. This almost turned into a one day Dutch show, with 167 Dutch being judged.
At the present time all breeders are getting ready for the stock shows that are held in January and February and the big State show which is scheduled for March 19-20.
to Specialty, State and Local Clubs on their club advertisements V4 page or larger. Show Ads receive the same discount. And remember you reach every member. Cash with copy, please.
You con guarantee bigger and better “Bulletins” by helping us sell Ads and by sending news and pictures.
Copy deadline 15th of month preceding month of issue: Feb. 15, Apr. 15, June 15, Aug. 15, Oct. 15, Dec. 15. On annual contract deduct 10% from the rates listed below. Deduct additional 5% for cash with copy. This helps cut down our bookkeeping.
Send Advertising copy direct to: Managing Editor, E. T. Toebbe ARBA Bulletin 7400 Smyrna Road Louisville, Ky. 40228
One column inch ................$ 4.00
Vs Page vertical or horizontal . . . 14.00
Va Page vertical or horizontal ... 23.00
Vi Page vertical or horizontal ... 45.00
Full Inside Page ............... 87.50
Inside Cover Pages.............. 100.00
Type Page Size: 5" x 7%
Your name, title and address should be in every issue of the ARBA Bulletin. We are proud of our judging and registration systems and the dedicated members who, through study and work, preserve and perfect both. Annual listing only SI.50.
70 per word—one insertion
60 per word—two insertions
50 per word—five remaining 1966 issues
Cash, check or money order must accompany classified copy. Deadline 15th of month preceding month of issue. “Stock for Sale” advertising accepted only from members.
Page Nineteen
official publication of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. 7400 Smyrna Road Louisville, Kentucky 40228
Non-Profit Or9.
Louisville, Ky. Permit ^218
43rd ARBA
/’au'c Twenty
Oct. 17,18,19, 20

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