ARBA Bulletin 1958 Vol. 1, No. 7 – August-September
Collection: 1958 ARBA Bulletins

ARBA Bulletin 1958 Vol. 1, No. 7 – August-September
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
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American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1958 Vol. 1, No. 7 – August-September,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 12, 2025,
By Fred R. Applegate, Chairman of Publicity
Springfield, Illinois, the Capital of the State of Illinois, the World Famous Lincoln Shrine City, and in which is located the many beautiful State Buildings including the State Capitol Building, Illinois State Armory, Supreme Court Building, Centennial Building, the Archives Building, and the new $11,000,000.00 State Office Building, also the home of one of the largest State Fair Grounds, will be your host City for this Premier Convention and Show.
Springfield has been host to Rabbit Shows for over forty years, the first Rabbit Show was held in the old Ar-senel in January or February 1918. I have before me a clipping from the May 1919 issues of one of the Spring-field News Papers, which states that, and I quote “The rabbit industry of Springfield will be boosted May 30, at the Farm of Jerome A. Leland, south of Washington Park, where the first lawn show of the newly organized Capital City Rabbit Breeder’s Association, will be held — not only will there be a rabbit show at Mr. Leland’s Farm, but an added feature will be a basket picnic. In the exhibit there will be five competitive classes, Doe and Litter, the litter to be under three months old; baby class, three to five months old; Junior class, five to seven months old; Special class, seven to nine months old; Senior Class, nine months old or over. Entry fee .25 cents for single entry, or for doe and litter.” End of quote.
The first Rabbit Show at the State Fair Ground was held under canvass awning just South of the Machinery Hall. The second Rabbit Show at the State Fair, was held in the Old Poultry Building S. W. of the coliseum. Pres. J. S. Bales, then talked the Fair Board
EXHIBITION BUILDING. ILLINOIS STATE FAIR GROUNDS, SPRINGFIELD, ILLS. The Above With Three Additional Buildings Will House THE COMPLETE 35th Annual A.R.B.A. Exhibits. All Equipment And Accomodations For All Rabbits, Etc. Will Be Ready Three Days In Advance Of The Opening Of The Show.
into putting in a roof over the space between two cattle barns for Rabbits only. Rabbits were shown here for many years, the Rabbit Show became so popular that it was moved over in the Machinery Hall, where it is still held.
Facilities For the 35th ARBA Convention
We have the entire Large Exhibition Building, the New Million Dollar Illinois Building, including the beautiful auditorium and stage, the 4-H Home Economic Building where we can seat 1,000 at our Banquet and Farewell party in one room, this room has a connecting stage on one side, the Dairy Building, and the Emmerson annex just across the Street from each other for the D.F. and F.D. Parties, and after the initiation is over we will combine the parties in the Dairy Building for a social evening. Then we have a large
room in the Administration building for meetings. There will be a lunch stand in the Exhibition Building also a large uptodate cafe is located in the Administration Building within a hundred feet of the Exhibition Building.
The State sets up the entire Show under our supervision, furnishing all Coops, Waterers, Feeders, Electricity, we can set up for 5,000 rabbits. THE SHOW IS TO BE SET UP COMPLETE READY TO ACCEPT RABBITS THREE DAYS BEFORE THE OPENING DATE OF THE CONVENTION. The State is under signed contract and agreement to do this. There is unlimited parking space in the Grounds.
The Assistant General Manager of the State Fair, with whom I have worked very close for over two years, said to me, and I quote “Fred, if you have an overflow and need more buildings you will get it.”
An American Rabbit Breeder's Association Publication
ARBA August Fourth 1958 Edition September ARBA
FEHR'S Rabbit Necessities
(Complete with Ink) .......... 75c
DISINFECTANT—(Makes 3 Gallons) 60c LIQUID SULPHO—A Conditioner .. 60c
EAR CANKER REMEDY ............. 60c
COLD REMEDY—One of the Best .. 60c ABOVE $3.15 VALUE—$2.50 POSTPAID RABBIT DISEASES—The Cause. Prevention and Cure—HAVE IT HANDY . 25c RAISING SMALL STOCK—Describing 25 Breeds of Rabbits-Cavies-Hamsters-
Chinchillas .................. 25c
RAISING RABBITS FOR PROFIT—For The Beginner, or Experienced Breeder
18 pages .................... 50c
RABBIT HUTCHES—Self Cleaning. 31 Actual Photographs Shows How to
Build .........................50c
I CHOSE RABBITS—Its Different. Teaches Successful Methods. How to Start.
Continue. Market. 96 Pages ..$1.00
DOMESTIC RABBIT PRODUCTION By Geo. S. Templeton. Director. U. S. Rabbit Experiment Station. 13 Chapters 100 Subjects—201 Separate Items. Best Babbit Book Published.
1302 Woodlawn Ave. Indianapolis. Ind.
where to find
Dr. Max R. Andrews
Sandy Flemish New Zealand White
1117 ½ S. Clinton Street FORT WAYNE, IND.
Pet Tattoo
Kit contains special marking ink. dies (¼" and ⅜") plus NEW tong with concealed spring to prevent pinching; deeper throat for use from any angle; Digits changed individually from front. $4.00 and up according to numbers or letters wanted.
See your dealer or
Send (or FREE Illustrated Price Folder
and good service
The Store with the Checkerboard Sign ... that’s headquarters for rabbit raisers across the country. They make it headquarters because it’s where they get Purina Rabbit Chow and the many “extras” that are available to folks who feed from the Checkerboard Bag.
“Extras” like sales and promotional helps; like Rabbit Chow’s ability to help develop top quality fryers and show stock ... plus the benefits of Purina’s years of research on feeding rabbits for profit.
So make it your headquarters, too... THE STORE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD SIGN.
All-Metal Hutches
Three- and six-compartment hutches. Wire mesh floors with metal pans for easy cleaning.
Write for illustrated description and prices.
Also manufacturers of exhibition coops for shows.
3245 W. Burnham Street MILWAUKEE 15, WIS.
1923 Speer Blvd., Denver 4, Colo.
RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION 4323 Murray Ave.. Pittsburgh 17, Pa.
“To maintain a registration and recording system — afford memberships to persons interested in breeding and marketing of rabbits and allied products — promote and conduct public and private exhibitions — provide judging systems — license its official judges and registrars — make and revise official standards — organize and assist local, County and state associations and specialty clubs — maintain information bureaus — furnish at cost, bulletins, guide books, booklets, posters, placards, supplies and textbooks to members and to the public — investigate markets — assist in securing legislation and publicity — hold annual conventions and meetings of its members and board of directors.
WANTED - Items Of Interest
Please observe the following when contributing articles.
1. Keep them short.
2. Must be on general interest.
3. Name of writer must appear with all articles.
4. Give sources of information if quoting.
5. Must positively be exclusive for this publication.
ADDRESS All comments, suggestions and articles pertaining to this bulletin to: Edw. H. Stahl,
Hickman Mills 34, Missouri
ADDRESS All communications concerning business matters, advertising, renewals, new membership applications, non-receipt of bulletin, changes of address, etc., to: James Blyth, Secretary,
4323-BN Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Advertising Rates
1 Inch, Judges & Registrars only $ 3.50
2 Inches — Single or double col. $ 7.00
3 Inches ” ” ” ” $10.50
4 Inches " ” ” ” $14.00
6 Inches ” ” ” ” $21.00
¼ page, 3¾x4¾ inches $23.50
½ page, 4¾x7¼ inches ........ $46.50
Full page, 7¼x9¾ inches ..... $90.00
Closing Date Next Edition
NOVEMBER 1, 1958
JAMES BLYTH, Secretary 4323-BN Murray Avenue Pittsburgh 17, Pa.
DICK F. PARKER President
As you read this issue of our official bulletin you will find new listings of State Associations, Local Clubs, State Representatives, Judges and Registrars, Old and New Members, as we are including in this issue, The Year Book feature.
This issue will be of special benefit to the New Members, it will give them a guide to the purchase of everything needed, to carry on a nice Rab-bit business. You may ask, what benefit do I get out of this bulletin. I will tell you herein some of the benefits derived from referring to the News items, Advertising and the Membership list.
LOCAL CLUBS — There may be times when a member will want to know something of the happenings in a Local Club, in some other State, how they conduct their meetings, how they arrange for their shows. You may want to visit in another State, if so, you surely would want to visit with some of the members of the Local Club or attend their meeting. You can get the name and address of the Local Club, in any territory, by referring to the Year Book section. It may be possible that you are visiting in a town where a State Association is having a meeting, here again you can refer to this issue for the address of the Secretary and learn where the meeting is to be held. There may come a time when you will want advice from a Local Club about Rabbits, and Club Secretarys will be glad to give you the information wanted.
MEMBERSHIP LIST — Listed herein you will find the name of each A.R. B.A. member, his home address that town and State where he lives. You may be in the market for some new breeding stock. If so, no better place could you purchase this stock than from one of our members. When you
purchase stock from a member of A.R.
.A. you will have the assurance of fair and square dealings, and too, you will find that our members do not try to hold you up in the price. A.R.B.A, members can furnish you the best stock with a true pedigree. When you purchase rabbits from a member of A.R. B.A., you have the assurance of knowing the party you are dealing with. Do not purchase from firms or Breeders who promise to buy back the rabbits that you raise. This plan has not proved satisfactory, to some of our members, and we can not recommend it to you. If you decide to purchase stock from someone not listed in this bulletin, write me, give me the name of the party and I will advise you if we have heard of any unfair dealings by them.
When you purchase registered rabbits from one of our members you will be getting rabbits registered under the A.R.B.A, system, which is known as one of the best registration systems for livestock. It may be that you will need the services of one of the A.R.B.A. Registrars, if so, look in this bulletin, and you will find the letter R just back
of his name. If your Club is planning a show and you want to find the address of a Judge, you will find back of his name, the letters, J-R. All licensed Judges and Registrars are listed and recommended by A.R.B.A.
STATE REPRESENTATIVES—You will find listed just under the name of each State, the names of the State Representative and their address. Should the occasion arise and you want information, about anything pertaining to the rabbit business, get in touch with your Representative, he will be very happy to assist you in any way, if he dose not know the answer, he will find it for you. If you do not have a Local Club, and there are enough members to form one, write to the nearest State Representative and he will come and help organize one. If you are planning a show and want information about how to proceed, write this State Representative he will give you help.
Advertisers — If it were not for the money paid in by our Advertisers, it would not be possible for A.R.B.A, to publish this bulletin. Here again, these ads can be of help to you, in the selection of the people you wish to trade with. When you are in need of supplies and your local dealer can not supply you, look in this bulletin you will most likely find an ad, with the dealers address, for the supplies you need, write this dealer he will be happy to serve you, and furnish your needs. When you buy from an Advertiser who has an ad in this bulletin, you can be assured of fair dealings. Write the Advertiser nearest you, and when you do, tell him that you saw his ad in the A.R.B.A, bulletin. These merchants are business men of long standing and are known to the officers and members of A.R.B.A.
Not only does this bulletin give you the membership list and the Advertisers, but it will give you, first-handed the news about the workings of A.R.B. A. All reports of the Officers, Secretary and the Treasurer will be found printed in the issue following the making of these reports or the changing of any rules. Here you will find news about our National Conventions, that are held each year in different parts of the Country. To you new Members attend one of these Conventions, for it is here that you can meet and know other members of our Association. Here you will see the largest Rabbit Show, of the year, where some of the best rabbits are put on exhibit by the owners. Here you see many of the supplies on display and you can make your purchase of them there. Enjoy the four day of Business and Fun, meet your Officers and know the workings of your Association.
In bringing this message to a close, let me say a word or two about the people who are responsible for the publishing of this bulletin and at the same time thank them for a job well
(Continued on page four)
afford to give you a guide book and pay for it out of the general fund. Think this over and when the time comes, do your part. If you can write, formulate an article on some subject that you are well informed on. I do not say that all articles will be published, but the best of them will no doubt be used. May we have your help in making this new guide book our greatest?
Since I joined the National Pet Stock Association years ago and which is now the American Rabbit Breeders Ass’n, Inc., I have always prized very highly the various Guide Books and have kept many of these over the years. One that was published by the Association back in 1918 is still in my possession. I am sure that I am no different than most other rabbit raisers in this respect. The guide book to me has always been worth far more than the membership fee paid for the great amount of information it carried, even years ago. Many of our new members make such comments on receipt of their guide book that it is great and the finest handbook a rabbit and cavy raiser could obtain. The guide book has to a great extent been the greatest membership getter of all.
Our supply of the 1954-1956 guide books has been exhausted for sometime and in a way its a good thing because many things have changed since 1954 and this gives the association time to bring a new guide book up-to-date. We, I am sure, all want a new guide book and will prize it just as much as we did the books of the past. Our Board of Directors has authorized Mr. Stahl, Chairman of the Planning Committee, to proceed with the plans for a new guide book to be published early in 1959. He has played a great part in the last two guide books and both these books are to the opinion of many the best books the Association has ever published. He and his Committee can give us another good book, one that will outshine them all. But it is up to you members to support him and myself in this effort. Without your utmost help, we cannot give you a better book. But with your help and cooperation, things will work out very well I am sure.
First of all, we need advertising to finance the book. Everyone can help a little. Remember, advertising in this guide book is an ad that will remain before the members’ eyes for a long period of time. Time after time each member will be going through this book for some information and will read your ad. Contact your feed concerns and that you deal with in your trade. Advise them of the importance in advertising in the new coming guide book. Remember, everyone can help and if each member comes through, we should have no trouble making the guide book pay for itself. Soon we will be soliciting advertising for this valuable book, when you are contacted for ads, do your part. That’s the way we will get a better book than ever.
Many of our members cannot write an article or express themselves in writing. There are, however, many who can and do a very good job. We have many members who can explain things very well in an article. We need these people’s help. Let us have a number of articles in the next guide book. Let us have new articles that are constructive. Many new members want to know about dressing rabbits and the care of the pelt when it is removed. Many want to know about marketing, disease problems, the selection of breeding stock. While some of the oldtimers feel that everyone should know some of the more simple things in rabbit husbandry, I assure you that there are many who are pleading for the simple things that will help them. And we can help them by giving them a better guide book this time. Remember, this new guide book will only be as good as you and I make it. Mr. Stahl and his committee cannot carry the whole load and the Association cannot
(Continued from page 3)
done. Especially do I wish to thank Mr. Edward H. Stahl, Chairman of this Committee and all the members working with him; Mr. James Blyth, our Secretary who has worked hard on this issue; Mr. A. Monroe Courtright, owner of the Westerville Press who prints the bulletins, and I say CONGRATULATIONS, you have done an outstanding job for all the members of the American Rabbit Breeders Association. Thanks to our members who have contributed news items and to our Advertisers, we say thanks and hope that you will receive good returns from our members.
If there is any information I con give you, please write, I assure you it is a pleasure to help you.
Sincerely yours,
Dick F. Parker, President
Aug. 15th, Thru October 1st 1958
Aug. 15th—Leave Birmingham for Pueblo, Colo.
Aug. 21st—Leave Pueblo, for Sacramento, Calif.
Aug. 29th—Leave Sacramento, for Portland, Oregon, one day only.
30 & 31st—At Seattle, Wash.
1st to 5th—On road arriving in Los Angeles, Calif. Send mail c/o Ellis W. Murray to arrive not later than Sept. 11th.
Sept. 15th—Leave Pomona, Calif. arrive Spokane, Wash. Sept. 17th send mail c/o Eastwood Motel, to arrive not later than Sept. 20th mark hold
Sept. 21st thru Sept. 24th—On road, arrive Minneapolis, Minn. Sept. 24th. Mail c/o National Rabbit Raiser, to arrive not later than that day.
Sept. 25th—Arrive St. Joseph, Mo., no mail.
Sept. 26th—Arrive Kansas City, Mo. Send mail c/o Edw. H. Stahl to arrive not later than Sept. 27th.
October 1st—Home.
October 8th—Leave for Springfield, Ill.
Our recent Guide Book of which 15,000 copies were printed are now gone.
Is now in preparation and will be ready for distribution soon after January 1. 1959.
In the meantime this SPECIAL BULLETIN and YEAR BOOK Supplement is being sent to all members Old and New. Please be patient. The new Guide Book will be well worth waiting for.
4901 South Fifth Ave. 1302 Woodlawn Ave.
Birmingham 6, Ala. Indianapolis 3, Ind.
JAMES BLYTH DR. MAX R. ANDREWS 4323 Murray Avenue 1117½ So. Clinton
Pittsburgh 17. Pa. Ft. Wayne 2, Ind.
FRED R. APPLEGATE VERN ASHTON BENNY F. HILL CARL P. KROBOTH J. CYRIL LOWIT ELLIS W. MURRAY 1707 E. Carpenter St. 1626 Oakland Parkway 1603 N. Roberts 107 Westwood Dr. Route 2. Box 160 1714 West 106th St.
Springfield, Ill. Lima, Ohio Amarillo, Texas Lexington, Ky. Troutdale, Greg. Los Angeles 47, Calif.
__________________________ Bainbridge, N. Y. Westport Avenue Hickman Mills, Mo.
Norwalk, Conn.
Since quite a lot of interest was shown in a new membership button of our emblem, the Board of Directors have voted to create and place the order, this has been done.
There will be three different coloring in these buttons, according to the length of time of membership.
Membership under 5 years, the word MEMBER APPEARS. This one of Gilding Metal, Price $1.25.
Membership 5 and under 10 years, the No. 5 will appear. This one is of Sterling Silver. Price $1.50.
There are two 10k Gold, one with No. 10 and the other No. 25, according to the number of years of membership. Price $5.00.
When ordering state number of years you have been a member so that the correct button can be sent. Order from James Blyth, Secretary, 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh 17, Pa.
(2290 Votes Cast)
Pres. Dick Parker 2192
V.-Pres. John Fehr 2148
Treas. Dr. Max Andrews 1704
L. V. Slavens 582
Directors (Five to be Elected)
Edward H. Stahl 1720
V. N. Ashton 1630
E. W. Murray 1392
James E. Rowe 1270
Thomas Andrew 1187
Carl Kroboth 1166
Harry Hurlburt 1125
Charles A. Wade 1084
By E. W. Murray, Chairman
It is the duty of the Organization Survey committee to survey the functions of our association ana make suggestions lor its improvement.
This committee is made up of J. E. Rowe, New York, Ray Grables, Michigan, John McLain Virginia, Ray Gentry, Mississippi, Sam Gerardi, Pennsylvania ana John Long of California. You will note from the above locations of the members of this committee that every section of the country is represented. This has been an asset to the committee in arriving at decisions. Because something that might work out fine in California would not do at all in Virginia or Michigan.
The personnel of this committee is one of the best that this writer has ever been privileged to work with. Nothing constructive can be accomplished if a committee is made up of a group of “yes” men. The committee was unanimous that something to improve the financial condition of the A.R.B.A, must be attempted. The resolutions offered have had many hours of consideration by the committee. They have been presented for consideration by the Delegates at the 1958 convention by a majority vote of our committee. The committee was not 100% in agreement on each resolution. We do not ask or expect the Delegates to be 100% in accord either. But we do ask you all to give careful consideration to resolutions to improve the financial condition of the A.R.B.A.
The financial standing of any association is its strength. The A.R.B.A, has reached the place where it can no longer borrow from “Peter” to pay “Paul”. Drastic action must be taken at the 1958 convention. The Survey Committee feels sure that you as a delegate will give due and proper consideration to improve the financial condition of our association.
Weston Tattoo Outfits .$4.00
Pushbutton Tattoo Pens ........ 1-50
Other Tattoo Pens ......75ȼ and 1.25
Tattoo Ink .60
Pedigree Books either
Stub or Duplicate ... 1.45
Rabbitry Pedigree
Record Books.................. 1.45
I Chose Rabbits, by Stahl 1.00
Judging Manual, by Fehr
(A MUST) ..................... 1.00
Introduction to Genetics. Gering .75 DOMESTIC RABBIT PRODUCTION
by George S. Templeton ....... 3.50
Subscriptions taken for every Magazine or Paper Printed.
Fred R. Applegate,
1707 E. Carpenter St.
Springfield Sang. Co. Illinois
Want to buy or sell some rabbits? You get a classified ad free when you subscribe to the industry's leading monthly magazine!
—another EXTRA from THE NATIONAL
SUBSCRIBE NOW lor more profit and enjoyment
1 year, $2.00 3 years, $4.00
The National Rabbit Raiser 420-Y South 6th Street Minneapolis 15, Minnesota
You Are Assured... Continued Exactness and Uniformity
(Small Animal)
• Rockland Rabbit Ration
• Rockland Guinea Pig Diet
• Rockland Mouse Diet
• Rockland Monkey Diet
• Rockland Rat Diet ('D’ free)
• Rockland Rat Diet (Complete)
The A. E. Staley Manufacturing Co. of Decatur, Illinois is now producing all stock diets formerly manufactured by Arcady Farms Milling Co. There has been no change in operating personnel and the same rigid laboratory control measures are being continued. You are assured of the same high degree of precision and uniformity in all Rockland Stock Diets.
Rockland Diets Are Species Specific and completely free of antibiotic activity and pathogenic organisms (when manufactured). Routinely assayed before shipment for abnormal estrogen activity. Available protein is high by animal assay. Used extensively as reference standard control diets, Rockland ranks most popular in animal breeding and research circles.
Please write for full details and shipments:
Rockland Diets Decatur, Illinois
The “GRAND OLD MAN OF THE RABBIT INDUSTRY,” although Pop as he is affectionately called by his THOUSANDS OF FRIENDS, has never held any high office in the National Association, I do not know of any one in the Industry who has worked harder, nor has done more for the ARBA and the Entire Industry than has Pop, and has gained the respect, admiration, and confidence of all who knows him as he has done, his honesty, and integrity is beyond question, I have heard many Rabbit Breeder’s and Showmen who knows him, say, and I quote “Any time that Pop is judging a show, and wants to enter his own rabbits in any breed, or class he is to judge, he is perfectly welcome to do so, FOR IF HIS RABBIT SHOULD GO OFF THE TABLE FIRST, THEY WILL BE THE FIRST OFF, AND IF THEY ARE THE BEST IN THE CLASS OR BREED, THAT IS WHERE THEY WOULD BE PLACED.” End of quote. I know of no greater TRIBUTE that could be offered or said about any PERSON, for you know Rabbit Breeders.
Pop, bought a pair of rabbits for his two daughters in 1914, they soon tired of them, but not Pop, he developed into an enthusiastic Rabbit Breeder and Fancier, he raised Flemish at this time. He showed some Flemish in the First Show that Colorado Springs ever had, in 1917, this show was judged by Judge John C. Fehr, Pop won 2nd 6-8 Flemish Steel Grey Doe, I have seen his hundreds of ribbons he has won, and he is prouder of that Ribbon won at Colorado Springs in 1917, than any of the others. Judge Fehr, knew that Pop wanted some good Flemish, so he bought a pair of Steel Greys for $65.00 and shipped them to Pop, here
at Springfield, Pop showed a daughter of this pair at the May 30th 1919 show at the Leland Farm, and sold her to a Dr. Pyle for $50.00, Dr. Pyle showed her that fall at the State Fair, winning with her, and sold her to a man from Pittsburg, Pa., for $100,000.
Pop got his Registrars License in 1919, also his Judges License in 1919 or 1920, he has Registrared Thousands of Rabbits and Judged Hundreds of Shows.
Pop, had a very serious accident in 1955, getting one hand badly maimed in a Power Saw, he has had to quit raising rabbits, but still retains his profound interest in the Industry. Plan to attend the Convention and meet Pop, it will be a welcome reunion for many. You will like Pop when you meet him.
Edward Steinkuehler. Another Stalwart of the Industry
Ed, as he is known by his many friends, like Pop, bought some rabbits for his daughter in 1914, Ed became more interested than the daughter, in fact he became an avid rabbit fancier and an enthusiastic and ardent showman.
Ed and Pop have been cronies ever since 1914, Pop was instrumental in Ed buying his first Pedigreed Flemish Doe in 1916, since that time he has raised all varieties of Flemish, at the present time he has only white flemish. Ed and his Brother Bill, in 1918 and 1919 raised and showed Rufus Red Belgians, winning many prizes with them, Ed has raised Standard Havanas, Heavyweight Havanas, Red and White New Zealands, Lilacs, Himalayan’s, Dutch all Colors, Polish, Caster Rex, and Checkered Giants.
He was Secretary of the May 30th, 1919 Show at the Leland Farms, show-
All A.R.B.A. Meetings, Judge’s Conference, Educational Research Committee, Etc. Will Be Held In The Beautiful Auditorium Of The Building.
Left, Judge P. A. “POP” Boden.—Right Edward Steinkuehler, Both of Springfield, III., To Whom the 35th, A.R.B.A. Convention is Dedicated. Above Photo Taken in 1918. Rabbit “POP” Is Holding Is A Flemish Doe, One Of A Pair Purchased By John C. Fehr, At The Colorado Springs Show In 1916.
ed at the First Illinois State Fair Rabbit Show, and every State Fair from then until the Fair was discontinued during the War, in 1941 I believe it was. He does not show any more, but no State Fair Rabbit Show, nor any State Association Convention show is complete without his presence, greeting his many friends, and looking the Rabbits over. He has always worked hard to help the Industry. Years ago, when the Springfield Club was having a meeting and Supper in the Joe Schaffer Feed Store, the Breeder’s dressed and donated rabbits for the supper, delivering them to Ed’s home. After he and his wife had boned them, Ed took them to his store and ground them up for Rabbit Sausage. Our Old and Dearly Eeloved Lewis Griffin, came and went out to Ed’s home and helped make the sausage, fried it and made it into sand-witches, these were taken to the supper, and they had done such a good job that they were all ate and they called for more.
Ed, started to count his many ribbons for me, but they were so numerous that he had to quit. BE SURE AND ATTEND THIS PREMIER CONVENTION AND WITHOUT FAIL ATTEND THE BANQUET AND PAY HONOR AND TRIBUTE TO THESE TWO STALWARTS.
To be presented at the 35th Annual A.R.B.A. Convention October 11-14, 1958, Springfield, Illinois
Resolution No. 1
BE IT RESOLVED, that under Article VII, Section 1, of our Constitution an amendment be added; “He shall be ex-officio member of the Committees.’’ Otherwise said Section of said Article shall remain as written.
Resolution No. 2
BE IT RESOLVED, that under Article VII, Section 3 of our Constitution the wording “pay all bills” be changed to read “Pay all petty accounts.” Furthermore the sentence “He shall be custodian of and keep well insured all the property of the Association and shall give a bond in favor of the Association for the sum to be set by the Board of Directors, said sum to be not less than $3,000.00.” To read as follows: “He shall be custodian of and see that all property of the Association is insured which shall be approved by the Board of Directors. He shall be bonded in favor of the Association for the sum to be set by the Board of Directors, said sum not to be less than $3,000.00.” Otherwise said Section of said Article remain as written.
Resolution No. 3
BE IT RESOLVED, that under Article VII, Section 4 of our Constitution be repealed in its entirety and the following revised Section 4 be substituted in lieu there of: “The Treasurer shall accept and keep records of all money turned over by the Secretary at the end of each month or any other sources from which we derive an income. He shall pay outstanding accounts when authorized in writing by the President or Secretary: also pay any bills presented by a Chairman of a Committee, which must be itemized. However, if said Chairman overdraws his budget, it will be necessary for the President and Secretary to approve same. The Board of Directors may order said Treasurer to pay any allowance that is approved. He shall be bonded in favor of the Association for sum to be set by the Board of Directors, said sum to be not less than $15,000.00. Shall make quarterly financial reports to the Board of Directors and an annual report at the Convention. He shall be a member of the Board of Directors and the Budget Committee.
Resolution No. 4
BE IT RESOLVED, that under Article
VII, Section 5 of our Constitution the wording “See that the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s books are audited at the annual meeting” to read: “See that the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s books are audited at end of our fiscal year.” Otherwise said Section of said Article shall remain as written.
Resolution No. 5
BE IT RESOLVED, that under Article
VIII, Section 1, of our Constitution be repealed in its entirety and the following revised Section 1 be substituted in lieu there of: “The Secretary shall receive a salary of $6,000.00 annually, payable $500.00 monthly. An additional allowance for secretarial and office expense shall be given each year; in an amount to be determined annually by the Board of Directors; this allowance shall be paid monthly. An itemized
(Continued on next page)
Write for Catalog to JUDGE TOMMY ANDREWS
• Up to $250.00 in breeding stock supplied.
• Pay original cost in young stock produced.
• Business volume and capital makes possible our amazing
Special Offer, withdrawal after 500 Breeders added.
• Let’s commercialize, help us produce HI-CLASS breeders,
Laboratory & Meat Stock, Coney.
• Complete Information on Beginners Greatest Opportunity,
Book, Photographic Hutch Plans, Prices — $1.00 Postpaid (Refundable).
BEHREN'S BUNNYVILLE Pearl River 14, New York
Small Stock Magazine
Gives You MORE For Your MONEY
Just Compare the contents
● MORE exclusive feature articles
• MORE articles for the fancier
• MORE commercial news
• MORE ARBA news
• MORE Club news
• MORE pictures
• MORE show news
• MORE regular departments
• MORE classified ads
• MORE market information
Small Stock Magazine has MORE advertisers.................
.......because it has MORE readers
Small Stock Magazine
Box 8-Z 1 year, $2.00
2 years, $3.50
Lamoni, Iowa 3 years, $5.00
Never Missed An Issue In Forty-Two Years
statement on this expenditure must be given to the Board of Directors at our annual meeting, also request for allowance to the Budget Committee.
A commission of ten (10%) percent will be paid to the Secretary as a bonus on all over $36,500.00 received during our fiscal year. This gross sum is not to include any rent, voluntary contributions, refunds or withholding taxes.
Resolution No. 6
BE IT RESOLVED, that under Article IX, Section 3 of our Constitution be repealed in its entirety and following revised Section 3 be substituted in lieu there of: “The Constitution can only be altered or amended when such alteration or amendment has been signed by twenty-five (25) or more members in good standing of the American Rabbit Breeders Association.”
Resolution No. 7
BE IT RESOLVED, that under Article VI, Section 3 of our By-Laws be repealed in its entirety and following revised Section 3 be substituted in lieu there of: “The By-Laws can only be altered or amended, when such alteration or amendment has been signed by twenty-five (25) or more members in good standing of the American Rabbit Breeders Association.” RESOLUTIONS No. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Presented by Compiling Committee, Max R. Andrews, Chairman. Approved and signed by all Officers and Board of Directors of the ARBA, and 25 or more members of the ARBA.
Resolution No. 8
WHEREAS, The stud book is maintained by the ARBA and WHEREAS, The expense of printing and mailing of the legs is born by the ARBA, and
WHEREAS, Grand Championships are issued and recognized by the ARBA, and
WHEREAS, Those participating in these functions of the ARBA should belong to and support the organization. therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that legs as are now issued on deserving rabbits be only issued to members of the ARBA and member’s membership number must be on leg, or leg will not be honored toward Grand Championship.
Membership number and date of expiration must be on entry blank. (All show secretaries to be so notified with show sanction.)
Signed by Wayne Boslaugh and 25 members of the ARBA.
Resolution No. 9-10-11-12-13
WHEREAS, It is a known fact that expenses have increased from 25 to 100 percent, in most cases, since the A-merican Rabbit Breeders Association has asked for a yearly increase in dues and fees, from the membership; Judges and Registrars, and WHEREAS, We are now giving our members a new Bulletin, at an additional expenditure, which we want to continue. This Bulletin is issued to give our members first-hand information about the operation of our Association, and matters of importance to all Rabbit Breeders; and WHEREAS; Plans are now being worked on to have printed a new Colored Picture Standards of Perfection or
Guide Book for our members. This Book will be outstanding, showing the rabbits, that are recognized by our Standards, in their natural color. It
may take several years to complete this book and we need money to pay for it, as we go along; and
(Continued on next page)
liaise Under Hutches. BOOKLET 32 Pages Illustrated Bed & Pit methods. Inexpensive to raise. Markets, Profits.
BOOK 64 Pages Illustrated Earthworms and Rabbits. Everything you need to know.
PRICE $1.00
Both Booklet & Book, Also Booklet Rabbit Facts $1.25
EDWARD H. STAHL Hickman Mills 34-A Missouri
These pedigree books are of our own design with ample room for all information, show winnings and production records. 100 to the book with sales stub for your record. Price S2.50 postpaid. You will like them. Free Sample on request.
JOHNSON'S RABBITRY Route 5 Coldwater, Michigan
Combine with Angora Rabbit Magazine Leading Trade Magazine Of The Commercial Rabbit Industry
(Est. 1931)
Canada and other Foreign Countries 50c a year extra.
Articles on Markets & Marketing, Hutch Construction, Rabbitry Management, Experiment Stations, Butchering, New Ideas, Rabbit Diseases and Much More.
Written by Practicing Commercial Breeders for Your Information. Especially for breeders who must make money with Rabbits.
If You Want It Printed...
Westerville Press Inc.
120 S. State St.
Westerville, Ohio
Phone TU 2-2138
WHEREAS; Office help and supplies, used in operation of the Pittsburgh office, have both increased in cost during the past five years to the extent that it now becomes necessary to secure more income in order that we still maintain our high standards of business; and
WHEREAS; Time has now come that the operation cost of serving our membership has increased to the point that we must secure more revenue, in order that we may serve our members as they deserve;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the yearly dues for members, the application fee, and the yearly renewals for Judges and Registrars, be increased as set out in Resolutions number 9-10-11-12-13, and that the increase shall become effective at the expiration of the current card held by the members.
Resolution No. 9
BE IT RESOLVED, that Section 1 of Article II, of the By-Laws, be changed to read: “Individual members shall pay a fee of Four Dollars ($4.00) per annum, said fee to accompany the application for membership. Memberships can be renewed each year for the same amount.
A combination membership for Husband and Wife (no other combination) shall be available for six dollars ($6.00) per year, provided the application for both is made at the same time.”
Resolution No. 10
BE IT RESOLVED, that Section 2 of Article VIII, of the By-Laws, be changed to read: “Application for Registrar’s license are to be made to the office of the Secretary, who upon request will supply the applicant with the necessary blank, which is to be filled out by the applicant, and sent back to the Secretary’s office together with the fee of seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50).” The remainder of the section to remain.
Resolution No. 11
BE IT RESOLVED, that in Section 4 of Article VIII, of the By-Laws, the first line be changed to read: “The yearly fee for the renewal of a Registrar’s license shall be three Dollars ($3.00).” The remainder of the section to remain as is.
Resolution No. 12
BE IT RESOLVED, that Section 3 of Article IX, of the ByLaws, be changed to read: “Each applicant for Judges license must be accompanied by the regular fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00).” The remainder of this section to remain as is.
Resolution No. 13
BE IT RESOLVED, that in Section 5 of Article IX, of the By-Laws, the first line be changed to read: “The yearly fee for renewal of Judge’s license shall be seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50).” The remainder of the section to remain as is.
Resolutions No. 9-10-11-12-13 submitted by
The Organization Survey Committee
and ARBA Board of Directors and
signed by 25 members of the ARBA.
Resolution No. 14
WHEREAS, only a small percentage of our Judges and Registrars attend the National Convention and WHEREAS, Judges conferences are educational for the breeders and serve as refresher courses for the Judges and Registrars,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that regional Judges Conferences will be granted to shows when 10 or more judges agree to attend said conference, The ARBA will charge a fee of $3.00 for such a conference. Judges shall attend one official conference once every 2 years. Not more than 3 official conferences will be granted in any state in any calender year.
Submitted by the Organization Survey Committee and signed by 25 members of the ARBA.
Resolution No. 15
WHEREAS, the ARBA has an expense of about $1.83 out of each sanction issued and
WHEREAS, The cost of issuing sanctions will go up due to increased postage and supplies and,
WHEREAS, the entire present fee is used to purchase trophies for the convention show,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That in addition to the regular $2.00 fee, at all local, state and Specialty club shows, one cent of each rabbit entry fee is to be remitted to the ARBA Secretary when the show report is sent in, and the sum remitted will go into the general fund to cover the cost of the sanction.
Submitted by the Organization Survey Committee and signed by 25 members of the ARBA.
Raise Earthworms Under Hutches 1000 Breeders $7.50 Postpaid With Free Instructions
Colonie Bait Farms 1273 Central Albany 5, N.Y.
Angora Rabbit Magazine
Angora Foundation Stock
Angora Supplies and Books
Box 104 — 121 West 1st Street Waterford, Penna.
You can put a rabbit in any of them, and they will not complain. But to raise rabbits properly you should raise them in rabbit hutches, that are made to raise rabbits in, like the Glick all metal hutch made with special rabbit hutch (baby saver) wire.
Phone 2-5357
A.R.B.A. Judge & Registrar
(All Breeds)
Giving full time to the A.R.B.A. Your shows will be appreciated. Request your bookings early.
Tattoo boxes for sale, $5.00 each.
Member of the Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin State Clubs.
E. E. (Ernie) JOHNSTON
2505 Broadway DUBUQUE, IOWA
Dubuque’s First and Oldest JUDGE
Who Desire to Assist You and Serve You Register Your Rabbits — Judge Your Shows
By Dr. Max R. Andrews
First stock will sell better from Red, White and Blue registered rabbits, than just plain pedigreed rabbits. I don’t mean that a pedigreed rabbit is no good but when a pedigree has no registered rabbits in it, you certainly do not have the protection from the American, that you have with registered rabbits.
You know that all registrations are checked when they are sent to the ARBA. Second, the easiest way in the world to give a pedigree on young rabbits is to have the sire and dam registration papers, in that way you eliminate looking through several pedigrees to make a pedigree for the young rabbit you are selling. It also impresses the buyer, as he will say to himself, this fellow really keeps his rabbits registered and must take a real interest in his herd.
Again this year the ARBA requires “all rabbits that are eligible to be registered, must be registered at time of award.” Last year was the first year that the ARBA required this of a winner and to my surprise not one winner was entered under a registration number. However, I sent cards to the winners and again I had a surprise, everyone was registered. I draw my conclusion from the fact I checked each letter and everyone had their card back to me so soon, that to me it would have been impossible to get the rabbits registered and send the number to me from the time I wrote until I received all the answers.
The ARBA is also offering a trophy for the most registered rabbits entered by one breeder and a trophy for second place on next largest number of registered rabbits by a breeder. I can check on the breed winners, but I have only one way to check the largest number registered rabbits entered by a breeder.
You must enter your rabbits under its registration number so the show officials can check how many registered rabbits you have entered. In other words the entry blank tells the story.
I realize it is easier to write your private ear number on your entry blank. Some shows will not accept entries when registration numbers only are shown. This is wrong. Be proud of the registration number. Please use your registration number on your entry.
It pays to register your stock, even though they may not win a first or best.
Judge and Registrar
HILLIARDS, OHIO Judge and Registrar
R.R. NO. 2 WINCHESTER, IND. Judge and Registrar
216 CANAL ST. BRATTLEBORO, VT. Judge and Registrar
401 SOUTH SUMMIT AVE. CHARLOTTE 8, N.C. Judge and Registrar
BOX 205
ST. JOSEPH, MINN. Judge and Registrar
213 SOUTH STREET WATTSBURGH, PA. Judge and Registrar
26 HILLCREST DR. PARAGOULD, ARK. Judge and Registrar
74 TERRACE DRIVE SHAVERTOWN, PA. Judge and Registrar
1626 OAKLAND PARKWAY LIMA, OHIO Judge and Registrar
16358 BROADWAY MAPLE HEIGHTS, OHIO Judge and Registrar
Registrar Rabbits & Hutches
Rabbits & Cavies
Licensed A.R.B.A.
4323 Murray Ave. Pittsburgh 17, Pa.
Judge and Registrar
2291-B 48TH ST. LOS ALAMOS, N. MEX. Registrar
5909 MIDWAY FORT WORTH, TEXAS Phone 4-0198 Judge and Registrar
RD NO. 1 CAZENOVIA, N.Y. Registrar
222 SOOSE ROAD PITTSBURGH 9, PA. Judge and Registrar
LEXINGTON, KY. Judge and Registrar
2730 APPLELANE AVE. KALAMAZOO, MICH. Judge and Registrar
RT. 3, BOX 157-D LAKE CHARLES, LA. Judge and Registrar
GET READY for this year's outstanding event—The 35th Annual A.R.B.A. Convention, Springfield, Illinois
ALBION, MICH. Judge and Registrar
RT. 3, BOX 499 TRAVERSE CITY, MICH. Judge and Registrar
17322 RAYMER ST. NORTHRIDGE, CALIF. Judge and Registrar
RT. 1
RD NO. 2
LITTLE VALLEY, N.Y. Judge and Registrar
10405 EAST 56TH ST. RAYTOWN, MO. Registrar
300 WALNUT ST. WARREN, PA. Judge and Registrar
P.O. BOX 174 LINCOLN ACRES, CALIF. Judge and Registrar
P.O. BOX 643 MUNCIE, IND. Judge and Registrar
RR NO. 1
LEWISBURG, OHIO Judge and Registrar
75 LAKE AVE. LEICESTER, MASS. Phone Twin Oaks 5-5751 Judge and Registrar
1012 N. ELWOOD TULSA 6, OKLAHOMA Phone Gibson 7-4636 Judge and Registrar
WESTPORT AVE. NORWALK, CONN. Judge and Registrar
R.D. NO. 1, BOX 162 RIVERSIDE, N.J. Judge and Registrar
Names of Registrars who have pur- Harold Johnson, Mich. 50
chased 40 or more registration Applica- Don Reid, I11. 50
tions since January 1, 1958. H. E. Dickson, Ill. 50
W. A. Meyers, Ill. 70 A. Klubertanz, Wisc. 40
W. T. Robinson, Ill. 60 Francis Bennett, Iowa 40
G. R. Barnes, Colo. 60 V. N. Ashton, Ohio 40
Ted Wengert, Ill. 60 H. L. Paden, Missouri 40
Thomas Ayers, Ill. 50 Dick F. Parker, Alabama 40
Open For Show Judging Engagements JUDGE
4901 — 5th Avenue, So. Birmingham, Alabama
S. D. "SI" SCHERTZER 214 EAST SECOND ST. KEWANEE, ILL. Dial 5712 Registrar
1813 24TH DRIVE DES MOINES, IOWA Registrar
3404 SO. 17TH ST.
ST. JOSEPH, MO. Judge and Registrar
P.O. BOX 85 ALPHA, N.J. Judge and Registrar
69 Godby St.,
LOGAN, W. VA. Registrar
819 SOUTH ROENA ST. INDIANAPOLIS 41, IND. Judge and Registrar
2117 GLENCREST DR. FORT WORTH 5, TEXAS Judge and Registrar
RT. 4
4191 MERCER ROAD DECATUR, GEORGIA Judge and Registrar
TAMPA 11, FLA. Judge and Registrar
P.O. BOX 143 PENN YAN, N.Y. Registrar
RT. 2, BOX 408 BIRMINGHAM 9, ALA. Phone TR 9-0357 Judge and Registrar
P. O. BOX 13 OAKLANDON, IND. Judge and Registrar
By T. A. Loveland
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the rabbit raising part of the Rabbit Industry but other phases of the industry have been sadly neglected and have received very little attention and less study.
I received a letter from a man who says that he has about 75 lbs. of rabbit skins per week that he throws away, and to do that costs him something. These skins have a market value of $975.00 per year. This loss is not this man’s fault, it is the fault of the industry by not educating him and showing him how he can handle these skins to make a profit. Then there is the manure, dead rabbits and usual waste around the place that can be turned into income. Then there is the raising of the rabbits, housing, feeding and marketing of the meat, skins and byproducts, but literature alone will not help the individual rabbit raiser, he needs personal contact with someone who knows and can give directions that are best to follow. Very few peo-le are good managers, students, mar-et experts, butchers, salesmen and doctors, so it takes organization to handle everything to make a success for all but a very few geniuses among a million people, lucky to find one.
I have a letter from Mr. C. L. Scott who had read my advertisement in the A.R.B.A. Booklet “A Practical Beginning to Successful Rabbit Raising.” I sent him the usual information, several weeks later he called on me in person and spent several hours and saw about 300 samples of Compost-Humus made from rabbitry waste, poultry waste, garbage, etc. Mr. Scott is a business man and conducts a large poultry operation and several years ago had a rabbitry of several hundred
You certainly do not know how to run a business to increase profits when you don't know how to pay the feed bills with dead rabbits, manure, bedding, offal, garbage, or poultry waste, etc.
THIS HAS BEEN PROVED Others pay feed bills with waste and solve odor and waste disposal prob-lems, save work and expense and at same time make a valuable product from the waste that has no equal In value for plants, soil and animals.
KNOW HOW OTHERS DO IT See the product made from waste by rabbit and poultry raisers in the attractive customer package; send $1 for 2½ lb., with definite facts, or 10ȼ for special data.
Free General Information Write today - Learn what you can do
215 Fulton St.,
New York City 7. N. Y.
breeding does in South America, after reading the ad in “A Practical Beginning,” he apparently has decided to purchase some breeding stock and raise rabbits as well as chickens. He said he had written to breeders about stock, so here is direct evidence that a man becomes interested in rabbits because of the possibilities for additional income from the waste, knows from experience with poultry that
there is additional profit from waste and that the same applies to rabbits commercially. It is encouraging to note that we have today as we have always had those who feel that the commercial end of rabbit production has been neglected, encouraging to note that at last something is going to be done to bring the commercial end of this industry to the front where it rightfully belongs.
Complete Line
Welded Wire for Hutch Floors & Sides — All-Wire Rabbit Hutches Feed & Water Crocks — Weston Tattoo Outfits Write for Catalog
216 Canal St., Dept. A Brattleboro, Vt.
To Settle Estate of the Late Judge Geo. S. West we offer
Mrs. Geo. S. West 35412 Ave. "D”
Yucaipa, California
in your rabbit feeds keeps bunnies a hop ahead of disease
nf-180 is the answer to important rabbit disease problems. Feeding trials show that continuous feeding of 1 pound nf-180 per ton of complete feed:
● Reduces enteritis in young stock.
* Cuts pneumonia cases and losses.
● Increases weaning percentage by 7 %.
* Boosts average weaning weights by more than ¼ lb. per fryer.
nf-180 is non-toxic . . . safe to use even on the youngest bunnies, nf-180
is used up as it works.. . it can be fed right up to market time. There’s no danger of drug residues in the meat.
Market the slickest, healthiest rabbits ever. It costs so little you just can't afford to be without nf-180 protection. If your feed supplier doesn’t have nf-180 on hand, have him contact Hess & Clark, Inc., Ashland, Ohio.
Silver Martens Himalayans
E. L. Waterstreet Kewaunee, Wis.
Consistent Winners
N. Zealand Whites White American Cavies
I have some New Zealand White Jr. Does; from good commercial pedi-greed and registered stock; bred for Production.
McDonald Rabbitry
9 S. Date St., Perryton, Texas
Licensed Registrar
For Show — BRED — For Meat
All Breeders From Registered Stock — A.R.B.A. Registrar
Phone GLendale 4-3574 PROMPT
3301 Klondike Lane Replies to all
Louisville 7, Ky. Inquiries
115-South 41st Street Phone LY 2-2253
2309-31 st Street S.W. Phone ST 6-8791
Birmingham, Alabama
Box 266 Marlow, Okla.
Breeding and Show Stock
Some of Americas Best Bloodlines of Black,
Blue, Chocolate and Tortoise Dutch Also
Outstanding White Satins from Strain that produced 1st & 2nd Sr. White Satin Does Class of 22 2nd & 3rd 6-8 White Satin Does Class of 16 2nd & 4th Jr. White Satin Does Class of 16 At Little Rock, ARBA Convention Show
Few of our members realize just what it takes to put this publication into their hands. It is not at all difficult for the A.R.B.A. Board of Directors to sit around a conference table and exchange ideas, make plans, but it is an entirely different matter to carry them out. The enthusiasm shown at convention time seems to disappear entirely after the excitement of the convention is over with few exceptions, the exception being a few hardy souls who take hold, endure the few who criticize and smilingly go on doing the things that they know are appreciated by many who have gone to the trouble of writing to headquarters with favorable comments regarding the Bulletin and those who make it possible.
It was decided at the meeting of the Board of Directors at the last convention to issue a bulletin every two months during 1958, so far, an issue has reached the members in February, April and June. This one is a combination of the August bulletin and the October Year Book. The Year Book is a regular yearly feature so voted on by resolution presented on the floor of a convention.
Another issue of the bulletin will reach the members after the coming convention to be held in Springfield, Ill. in October. It will carry the reports of the conventions activities. The minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors. Reports of committees, financial statements etc. With that, the consignment given this committee as to the bulletin will have been carried out.
The continuation of the bulletin and its future may be in the hands of the A.R.B.A, members. Its continuance may depend to a great degree on you, that is why the two questions below are being asked. It is very important that as many as possible make their wishes in this respect known. If only a few show an interest, this after convention issue may be the last. So far the Board of Directors have voted to give the members this bulletin. (At the convention held at Little Rock, last year NOT ONE OFFICER OPPOSED IT). Now it is up to you, members to let YOUR wishes be known, you are the ones to decide. If the vote is overwhelming in favor, it is possible that the matter will be presented by resolution at the 1959 convention and the matter settled by the majority vote of those attending.
VOTE, sign your name and address, and mail to me, John C. Fehr, Chairman A.R.B.A. Bulletin Committee, 1302 Woodlawn Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Mail on or before October 1, 1958. If you do not wish to use the above form one on a sheet of paper will do.
John C. Fehr, Chairman.
BD-1 BD STANDARD (With Elevated Floor) SIZE: 42" X 30" X 18")
Rabbit Pens Feeders
Judging Coops Nest Boxes
Show Coops Accessories
B-D Rabbit Hutch Co.
Complete line of ALL WIRE Rabbit Pens, Coops end Accessories for the Rabbit Breeder and Rabbit Clubs.
“Custom Manufacturing A Speciality”
Write For Free Circular Financing Available
We like to refer to this unit as the B-D Special 6-24 $6.2S F.O.B. W/D Floor
Devoted to the interest of JUNIOR RABBIT BREEDERS
Membership $1.50
For information write Daisye Valouch, Sec'y-425 S.W. Avenue Bethany, Oklahoma
Official Publication of the American Rabbit Breeders Association
By Edward H. Stahl, General Chairman Advertising and Promotion Committee In making comparison of the results of the A.R.B.A. Advertising Campaign for the first six months of 1958, with that of the first six months of 1957, we find the results most interesting and gratifying. Those of you who will read and compare will no doubt agree that ADVERTISING has proven to be,, in deed and in fact, the Silver Lining on any dark clouds that may appear on the horizon.
For the 1958 advertising schedule we selected 31 of America’s leading Farm, Agricultural, Poultry, Outdoor and Mechanical publications, 14 of them on a TF (Till Forbid) basis.
In making the following comparison we selected the six publications with the largest circulation, using the same advertising copy, at the same cost with the following results:
4545—1958. 5683.
The total inquiries received from the 31 publications, using the same comparison as above resulted as follows:
TOTAL INQUIRIES — 1957, 6157 — 1958, 9048 INCREASE 2891
The gain in members received over the six months period from the A.R.
B.A. booklet which is sent to each inquiry should be of considerable interest. The comparison follows. MEMBERS — 1957, 345 — 1958, 558 INCREASE 213
Next, we present the advertising expenditures over the same period for which the above figures are given. ADVERTISING COST — 1957, $2,-224.74 — 1958, $2,846.42 INCREASE $621.69 As shown, we spent $621.69 more for advertising in the first six months of 1958 over 1957. But the percentage in the increase in the inquiries as well as members received is greater than the increase in advertising costs.
Another very unusual observation is presented in the fact that the six publications selected to give the above comparison produced in June 1957, 432 inquiries, and in June 1958, 733 a gain of 301 inquiries in one of the dullest months of the year. This clearly indicates that more people for one reason or another are becoming interested. Yes, THERE’S ALWAYS A SILVER LINING.
The first six months of the 1958 Membership drive Contest show a marked gain over the same period in 1957.
In 1957, January 1, to June 30, 671 members were credited to our drive but the corresponding period this year shows 785 members or a gain of 114.
Of course this is not exactly spectacular but it indicates a very definite trend and in this respect in line with the upward trend reported by our general chairman.
If each member would put forth just a little more effort and every club would enter this membership drive contest not only would all that participate benefit financially but you would be doing a great service to a great organization, the A.R.B.A.
There will be cash awards totaling $150.00 divided among the top ten in both the local club and the individual membership contest.
Why not start right now, it’s not too late. Secretary Blyth has plenty of membership application blanks and will be happy to send you a supply.
Write to Mr. Blyth today, get some blanks and enclose one with your (Continued on page 7)
EMILY ANN DAVIS COLORADO’S FIRST RABBIT QUEEN At the Banquet following the Judging of rabbits at the Colo. State Fair Show, Pueblo, Colo. August 19, 1958 Emily Ann will be crowned Colorado’s First Rabbit Queen. She is a member of the Northern Colo. R.B.A., The Californian Specialty Club, and the A.R.B.A. She has been named the First President of the newly organized Youth Club, and will preside at the National Convention of this group in Springfield, Ills, in October. This young Lady beginning in 1955 has made many outstanding contributions and has excelled in them all.
Membership Application
ARBA Youth Rabbit Club
Daisye Valouch, Sec’y 425 Southwest Ave.
Bethany, Okla.
Inclose $1.50 for one years membership which entitles me to a copy of the Official Youth Guide Book and other privileges provided by this club.
Name ...............................
City........ State
WINNERS. JUNIOR JUDGING CONTEST AT LITTLE ROCK CONVENTION, 1957 Left to Right—Benny F. Hill, Chairman, A.R.B.A. Youth Committee. M. B. Moore, Okla., Dale Grabarczyk, N. J. Mike Eich, Iowa. Photo By Small Stock Magazine.
America Beveren Club ........ Robert H. Knowles, Rt. 2, Quakertown, Pennsylvania
American Checkered Giant Club. E. B. Schultz, 512 First National Bank Building,
Alton, Illinois
American Chinchilla Rabbit Breeders Ass’n American Dutch Rabbit Club
American English Rabbit Club
National Federation Flemish Giant Breeders American Federation of Havana Breeders American Federation of New Zealand Breeders
O. H. Greene, Babley Road, Rt 5., Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. Jessie Weinhardt, Bethel Church Road,
Rt. 3, Manchester, Michigan Ward Hatcher, Rt. 3, Box 144-A,
Mountain Grove, Mo.
Don Reid, Rt. 1, Lockport, Illinois
J. A. Abbott, 838 Warsaw Avenue, St. Joseph, Mo.
Walter N. Mann, 811 Prospect St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Join Now
Membership $3.00 per year, includes new Guide Book and monthly publication Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. W. A. Weinhardt 17990 Bethel Church Rd.
R. 3, Manchester, Michigan
"The Rabbit of Beauty and Distinction”
Eight Standard Varieties
The American Satin Rabbit Breeders Association Mrs. C. B, Allen, Sect'y.
200 E. Burney, Madill, Oklahoma
Membership $2. which includes guidebook and Satin News, A meat type breed with elegant commercial fur.
We can make the deadline if you write Mrs. Allen NOW.
For a Rabbit that is TOPS on the SHOW TABLE or the DINNER TABLE its the CALIFORNIAN Dues $2.00 per yr.
Guide Book & 6 issues of the “News
Porter W. Powers, Sec'y. 21080B Laguna Canyon Rd. Laguna Beach, Calif.
Write for FREE Leaflet
Raise NEW ZEALANDS, join our FEDERATION, receive guide book, New Zealand Newsletter and membership card. For membership—send $2.00 to Walter N. Mann, Sec'y. 81 1 E. Prospect St., Indianapolis 3, Indiana. Combination membership with A.R.B.A. $4.75. Send 10ȼ for descriptive folder.
American Himalayan Association Francis P. Riffle, Box 4, Middlebranch, Ohio
American Satin Rabbit Breeders Association Mrs. C. B. Allen, 200 E. Burney, Madill, Oklahoma American Silver Fox Rabbit Club C. L. Clason, Bloom City, Wisconsin
Angora Specialty Club........ Eugene Carpenter, Rt. 2, Box 36-C, Piqua, Ohio
Californian Specialty Club .. Porter W. Powers, 21080 Laguna Canyon Road,
Laguna Beach, California
HOLD AN OFFICIAL Himalayan sweepstake show Sanction fee, $2.00. Directed specials optional.
Write American Himalayan Association, Francis P. Riffle, Secretary, Box 4, Middlebranch, Ohio
Sponsored by
The American Checkered Giant Club Inc. Organized in 1918
News Bulletin Sweepstake Shows Rosettes Illustrated Guide Book Official Pedigree Books
DUES $2.00 per year - JOIN NOW EUGENE B. SHULTZ, SEC., 501 First National Bank Bldg. — Alton, Illinois
Champagne D’Argent Federation Oren, Reynolds, 3438 McArthur Rd., Decatur, Illinois
Creme DeArgent Federation.......... .. . L. T. Gregory, 527 Hulbert Ave., Erlanger, Ky.
Giant Chinchilla Rabbit Association. Dr. Alfred de Castro, Hunting Ridge Rd.,
Stanford, Conn.
"The workingman’s racehorse”
National Belgian Hare Club of America
HAROLD H. TRETHAWAY, Secretary 832 S. Franklin St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Membership S2.00 includes Guide Book and Newsletters.
North American Marten Specialty Club.
Polish Rabbit Club.......
Rex Rabbit Federation..
Standard Chinchilla Club
American Blue & White Federation American Tan Breeders Ass’n American Vienna Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Palomino Co-Breeders Ass’n
Ray Shupe, 445 Dickinson Ave., Van Wert, Ohio Charles A. Henry, 49 Auburn St., Saugus. Mass.
John Hastings, 3945 Michael Road, Memphis, Tenn. Tommy Andrew, 74 Terrace Drive,
Shavertown, Penna.
A. H. Loudenslager, Rt. 2, Montoursville, Penna.
E. R. Parks, Rt. 2, Box 208, Glendale, Arizona John Stevens, Box 1003, Lake Avenue, Rahway, N. J. Bro. Thomas, C. O., 213 So. Street, Wattsburg, Pa.
Arizona State New Zealand Club Michael Just, Rt. 1, Box 978, Scottsdale, Arizona
Californian Specialty Club of Arizona Marian L. Mikesell, Rt. 9, Box 104, Tucson, Arizona
California Dutch Rabbit Club Alma Cremer, 9704 Enger, Bakersfield. California
D’Argent Club of California . Mrs. T. K. Burwell, Rt. 5, Box 687, Riverside, Calif.
Flemish Fanciers Club of California Wayne Boslaugh, 1608 Gardena Ave.,
Glendale 4, Calif.
Satin Rabbit Breeders of California H. R. Ketchum, 5062 Lakeview Ave.,
Yorba Linda, Calif.
Southern California New Zealand Rabbit Club Mary Oleen, 8459 E. Eucalyptus, Downey, California Empire Dutch Specialty Club Roy Rooks, 1100 E. Cheyenne Rd.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Florida State Dutch Club Mrs. W. B. Janes 1709 E. Henry Ave., Tampa, Fla.
Illinois English Breeders Specialty Club. .. Ivan Miller, Box 25, Maquon, Illinois
Illinois New Zealand R.B. Specialty Club.. Fred R. Applegate, 1707 E. Carpenter St.,
Springfield, Ill.
Illinois Satin Club .............................Roger Fitchorn, 1302 S. Bunn St., Bloomington, Ill.
Illinois State American Checkered Giant Club. Ralph W. Weber, 122 W. James St., Dwight, Ill.
Illinois State Flemish Giant Breeders Ass’n Mary Dale, 1509 E. Melrose Ave., Springfield, Ill.
Illinois-Indiana American Checkered Giant Club Joe Mis, 4326 Baltimore St., Hammond, Ind.
Indiana State Californian Breeders Ass'n Kyle Cunningham, RR #1, Ligonier, Ind.
Indiana State Dutch Club Mrs. Harry Staneart, Rt. 2, Middletown, Indiana
State of Indiana New Zealand Breeders A. C. McKeeman, 5419 S. Hanna St.,
Fort Wayne, Ind.
Iowa State Dutch Rabbit Club Mrs. Rose Earles, 1720 S. 17th St., Fort Dodge, Iowa
Iowa Silver Marten Club Mrs. Helen Forsberg, RR #2,
Box 150-A, Davenport, Iowa
Michigan State Dutch Club Raymond Wells, 2435 S. Main, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Wolverine State Angora Club Alice E. Bills, 14723 W. Howe Road, Portland, Mich.
Eastern Dutch Rabbit Fanciers Club L. C. Van Ness, 13 Park St., West Caldwell, N. J.
Empire State Angora Club Myrtle Gillis, Box 3C5, Sackets Harbor, New York
Ohio Marten Rabbit Club .... Myrtle Shupe, 447 Dickinson Ave., Van Wert, Ohio
Ohio Californian Specialty Club. Paul F. Hanke. 1412 W. Market St.. Sandusky, Ohio
Ohio Checkered Giant Club.. Herb Layton, 25620 Lorain Rd., N. Olmsted, Ohio
Ohio State Dutch Club .................... Merle N. Emery, RD #2, Elyria, Ohio
Ohio State Flemish Giant Breeders Ass’n.. R. T. Kenney, 331 Graham Rd., Reynoldsburg, Ohio Ohio State New Zealand Club William C. Earl, Rt. 1, Baltimore, Ohio
Dutch Specialty Club of Oklahoma Mrs. M. W. Hales, 4321 S.E. 55th St.,
Oklahoma City, Okla.
Bexer County New Zealand E. H. Petmecky, 1323 W. Thompson Pl„
Rabbit Breeders Ass'n San Antonio. Texas
United California Rabbit Breeders Mrs. Earl K. Bennett, Rt. 3, Box 139-C,
of San Antonio ............ San Antonio. Texas
New England New Zealand Breeders Ars’n Marvin F. Carley, 216 Canal St., Brattleboro, Vermont Checkered Giant Breeders of Huntingdon, W, Va. Joseph Kellar. 4245 Washington St.,
W. Charleston, W. Va.
Wisconsin State Californian Specialty Club George C. Schiesel. 641 E. Drexel Ave..
So. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wisconsin State Checkered Giant Club David L. Brueggemann, 2037 North 51st St.,
Milwaukee 8, Wisconsin
Wisconsin State Dutch Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Forest H. Arnold, Rt. 1, Box 76,
Janesville, Wisc.
Champagne - D'Argent Federation
Live Wire Specialty Club JOIN TODAY
Join The
"The Grandaddy Of All Chins”
Quarterly Newsletter — Guide Book and Other Helps DUES $2.00 PER YEAR
Tommy Andrew, Sec'y.-Treas. Shavertown, Pa.
125 Morristown Rd. Bernardsville, N. J.
Route 3 Box 157-D
Lake Charles, La.
Champagne & White New Zealand Stock for Sale
Licensed A.R.B.A. Judge
Want to buy or sell some rabbits? You get a classified ad free when you sub scribe to the industry's leading monthly magazine!
—another EXTRA from THE NATIONAL
“Rabbit Raiser
for more profit and enjoyment
1 year, $2.00 3 years, $4.00
The National Rabbit Raiser 420-Y South 6th Street Minneapolis 15, Minnesota
Alabama Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. E. R. Ferguson, Rt. 2, Box 413, Pinson, Ala.
The "QUALITY" Rabbitry
Breeder and Originator of the
1425 Trumbull Street Bay City, Michigan
California State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Alta Williamson, RR #7, Box 758, Bakersfield, Calif.
Delaware State Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Mary H. Klekotka, 2300 Faulk Rd., RD #3,
Wilmington 3, Delaware
Florida State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Oreen Holtitzell, Rt. 6, Box 115, Tampa, Fla.
Illinois State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n S. D. Schertzer, 214 E. 2nd St., Kcwanee, Illinois
Show with the Best in the Midwest.
S. D. SCHERTZER, Sec’y 214 E. Second St.
Kewanee, Illinois
Indiana State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Iowa State Rabbit Breeders
Kansas State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Louisiana Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Massachusetts Fed. of Rabbit & Cavy Clubs
Michigan State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n
Minnesota State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mississippi Rabbit Breeders Club
Missouri State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n
New Jersey State Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’
New York State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n .........
North Carolina Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Ohio State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Oklahoma State Rabbit Federation Oregon State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Keystone State Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n
Texas Rabbit Breeders Association Association of Virginia Rabbit Breeders Washington State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Wisconsin State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n
R. D. Humbert, 715 Leopold, Huntington, Indiana Darrell E. Bramhall, 124½ So. Virginia,
Mason City, Iowa
Lester Johnson, 712 N. St., Halstead, Kansas D. C. Davis, 2108 5th St., Lake Charles, Louisiana Mrs. Charlotte Keith, 574 Prospect St.,
West Boylston, Mass.
Ray Grables, 527 Sunset Dr., Rt. 2,
Milford, Michigan
Mrs. Gordon Leibel, Rt. 1, St. Paul 11, Minnesota Mrs. O. F, Bockholdt, 3657 Forest Hill Road,
Jackson, Mississippi
H. O. Stevens, 1029 S. Weaver, Springfield, Missouri Carl J. Holinger, 1008 E. 7th, Plainfield, N. J.
Mrs. Tillie Morehead, Box 161, Maine, New York Robert F. Thomas, 309 So. Vance St., Gastonia, N. C. Don Kent, 578 Yo-Pitt Road, Poland 14, Ohio Daisye Valouch, 425 S West St., Bethan, Oklahoma Mrs. Jessie West, Rt. 1, Box 436, West Linn, Oregon J. Filmore Miller, 6851 Blue Ridge Avenue, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania D. E. Geddes, 5025 Avenue R½, Galveston, Texas Morris L. Hancock, 2423 Bay Ave., Hampton, Virginia Barbara Lang, Rt. 1, Box 334, Oak Harbor, Wash. Royal Meyer, 2105 N. 40th St., Sheboygan, Wisconsin
9520 Alpine Rd. Rockford, III.
Outstanding Breeding Stock
Silver Fox, Lilacs, Flemish Giants, Dutch in all colors and N.Z. Reds & Whites.
CLAUDE H. BENNETT 1136 4th. Ave.
Terre Haute, Ind.
One feed system
Complete Rabbit Pellets
Breeding & Feeding Selecting Marketing Recording The most information for the commercial rabbit raiser under one cover
Compliments of
PEARL REYNOLDS, Secy. Lexington, Ky.
Carl Frech, Secretary 2123 East Pine Enid, Oklahoma
Compliments of
So. Colo. Rabbit Breeders Ass'n
Rt. 2, Box 251 Pueblo, Colo.
MRS. OLIVER THOMPSON, Sec 2419 Poplar Pueblo, Colo.
join the
specializing in New Zealand Whites and Californians Combination membership with ARBA $4.00
includes ARBA guide book and BULLETINS.
MARY ZAMPATTI, Secy Santa Rosa, Calif.
FEEDERS glazed all white S 7 (7¼" dia.) $4.00 doz.
S 6 (5½" dia.) $3.70 doz. (40 lbs. per doz.)
(25 lbs. per doz.)
WATERERS glazed all white
S 9 (6” dia.) 40 lbs. per doz $4.00 doz.
10% discount on GROSS lots . . . group buying recommended to avoid high freight costs.
All prices F.O.B. Plant. Louisville. Kentucky
Western Illinois Rabbit Breeders Ass'n
Mrs. Bernise A. Bloomquist, Sec’y Box 138 Sherrard, Ill.
Fair Manager’s Name and Address
Greater Gulf State Fair.... Bert Stewart, P. O. Box 172, Mobile, Alabama
Arizona State Fair George N. Goodman, 1826 E. McDowell Road,
Phoenix, Ariz.
Pima County Fair Commission ... Hazel Monroe, Rt. 3, Box 386, Tucson, Arizona
North West Arkansas District Fair Allen Kirkpatrick, Box 413, Harrison, Arkansas
California State Fair & Exhibition P. O. Box 2C36, Sacramento 9, California
Farmer’s Fair of Riverside County Enid Densel, 9647 So. Sierra Ave., Fontana, Calif.
41st District Agricultural Ass’n C. W. Glover, P.O. Box 26, Crescent City, California
Fresno District Fair T. A. Dodge, 1121 Chance Ave., Fresno, Calif.
Los Angeles County Fair C. B. Afflerbaugh, L.A.C.F.A., Pomona, Calif.
Napa Town & Country Fair........................Mrs. Alice Mead, 2288 Kathleen Dr., Napa, California
Orange County Fair Ass’n .......................Enid Densel, 9647 Sierra Ave., Fontana, California
Redwood Acres Fair ........................ R. H. Barnes, 3750 Harris St.,
Red Acres, Eureka, Calif.
Sun Diego County Fair ..........................Paul T. Manne, P. O. Box 578, Del Mar, California
San Joaquin County Fair......................... R. E. Walker, P.O. Box 2154, Storkton, California
Tulare County Fair ........................A. J. Elliott, 24th Dist. Agri. Ass’n, P.O. Box 777,
Tulare, California
24-A District Agricultural Ass’n ...............Jim King, P.O. Box 659, Hanford, California
North and South Saanich Agricultural Society____Stanley K. Hunt, 239 Regina Ave.,
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Victoria Agricultural Exhibition . David G. Nightingale, 816 Wharf St.,
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Colorado State Fair............................. H. F. Pedigo, 940 Veta Ave., Pueblo, Colorado
Pensacola Interstate Fair.......................John E. Frenkel, P.O. Box 255, Pensacola, Florida
Bureau County Agricultural Board................Lee H. Oloffson, Box 33, Wyanet, Illinois
Ford County Fair of Melvin......................Paul E. Danforth, Roberts, Illinois
Illinois State Fair .................S. D. Schertzer, 214 E. Second St., Kewanee, Ill.
Kankakee Fair Ass’n. .......... Percy F. Loiselle, Box 583, Kankakee, Ill.
Logan County Fair .....................Roger Fitchorn, 1302 S. Bunn, Bloomington, Ill.
Ogle County Fair .....................E. D. Landers, 710 Washington St., Oregon, Ill.
Rock Island County Fair ....................Wayne Fester, P.O. Box 267, East Moline, Ill.
Rock River Valley Show Circuit .................Helen Hornberger, RD #4, Freeport, Ill.
Iowa State Fair L. B. Cunningham, State House, Des Moines, Iowa
Kansas State Fair Virgil C. Miller, Hutchinson, Kansas
Shelby County Fair .............................Carroll Clements, Box 21, Shelbyville, Kentucky
Skowhegan State Fair ...........................Mrs. Ralph Stoodley, 9 East St., Skowhegan, Maine
Brockton Fair .........................Ralph S. Lowell, 129 Fort Hill St., Hingham, Mass.
Lenawee County Fair.............................M. R. Mohr, RFD #4, Adrian, Michigan
Missouri State Fair............................. M. C. “Colie” Ervin, Box 111, Sedalia, Missouri
Eastern New Mexico State Fair Mrs. Eleanor Rossow, 104 So. Union,
Roswell, N. Mex,
New Mexico State Fair ..................... Leon H. Harms, P.O. Box 1693, Albuquerque, N. Mex.
West Texas-New Mexico R.B. Show Circuit R. C. Schwab, 102 N. Kansas Ave., Roswell, N. Mex.
Chatauqua Co. Poultry & Pet Stock Ass’n A. J. Hammerstrom, R.F.D. #4, Jamestown, N. Y.
Jefferson Co. Agricultural Society Glenn L. Feister, 559 Mill St., Watertown, N.Y.
Mineola Fair .............. Howard Bartow, 38 Sherman St., Merrith, New York
New York State Fair........ Mr. Wm. F. Baker, N.Y. State Fair, Syracuse, N. Y.
Clermont County Fair................ L. D. Lewis, Box 37, Bethel, Ohio
Lake County Agricultural Society J. H. Belcher, 480 King Highway, Mentor, Ohio
Montgomery County Agricultural Board Goldie V. Scheible, 709-710 Reibold Building,
Dayton 2, Ohio
Ohio State Fair Robert Jones, Columbus, Ohio
Lane County Fair........... Ernest McCullock, 796 W. 13th St., Eugene, Oregon
Multnomah County Fair............... Duane Hennessy, P.O. Box 406, Gresham, Oregon
Oregon Poultry & Pet Stock Ass’n Chriselda Tucker, Rt. 2, Box 100, Boring, Oregon
Oregon State Fair.......... P.O. Box 671, Salem, Oregon
Pacific Rabbit Shows, Inc,... Lois Ragland, Rt. 3, Box 240, Oregon City, Oregon
Reading Fair .............................. Chas. W. Swoyer, 522 Court St., Reading, Penna.
All Southern Rabbit Breeders Show Circuit Mrs. James Brazzell, 205 White Bridge Road,
Nashville, Tennessee
Mid-South Fair, Inc. G. W. Waynne, P.O. Box 3808, Lamar Sta.,
Memphis, Tennessee
Tennessee Valley Agricultural & Industrial Fair Pat W. Kerry, P.O. Box 6066, Burlington Br.,
Knoxville, Tennessee
Houston Fat Stock Show Ruth Teasdale, 5723 Airline, Houston 9, Texas
North Texas Rabbit Show Circuit Woodrow Malone, Box 593, Denton, Texas
Panhandle South Plains Fair Ass’n A. B. Davis, 902 Texas Avenue, Lubbock, Texas
San Antonio Live Stock Exposition ......... Jim Butler, 1028 Drexel Ave., San Antonio, Texas
Southwestern Exposition & Fat Stock Show W. R. Watt, Will Rogers Memorial Coliseum-
Auditorium, Fort Worth 1, Texas
West Texas Fair Ass’n Byron Wilson, P.O. Box 2281, Abilene, Texas
Utah State Fair Ass’n State of Utah, Commission of Finance,
State Capitol Building, Salt Lake City 1, Utah
Central Washington Fair.. J. Hugh King, P.O. Box 1381, Yakima, Washington
Western Washington Fair... . J. H. McMurray, 9th & So. Meridian, Puyallup, Wash.
State Fair of West Virginia... C. T. Sydenstricker, Box 829, Lewisburg, W. Va.
Wisconsin State Fair Willard M. Masterson, Wisc. State Fair,
West Allis 14, Wisconsin
Central Arizona Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Miss Barbara Klamert, 5632 No. 9th St.,
Phoenix, Ariz.
Maricopa Co. Commercial Rabbit Club Ivan Clift, 3423 W. Lincoln, Phoenix, Arizona
Southern Arizona R.B. Ass'n Mrs. Constance Smith, 239 E, Mohave Rd.,
Tucson, Ariz.
Arkansas Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Allen Dalrymple, 6902 Grace Rd., Little Rock
Centark Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Leona Smith, Crystal Springs, Ark.
Council of California ARBA Clubs Wayne F. Boslaugh, 1608 Gardena Ave., Glendale
Golden West Rabbit Club Ann Lequire, 18317 Clarkdale, Artesia, Calif.
Kern County R.B. Ass’n ........................ Josephine Harris, 3317 Lexington Ave., Bakersfield
Ladies Auxiliary of Southern Calif. N.Z.R. Club Mrs. Neva R. White, 229 E. Carson St., Torrance Northern California R.B. Ass’n Robert E. Sprague, 3317 42nd St., Sacramento
Orange Empire Rabbit Showman's Ass’n Carol F. Powers, 21080 Laguna Canyon Road,
Laguna Beach, Calif.
Pacific Rabbit Breeders................ Mrs. Wilma Jackson, 27559 Manon Ave., Hayward
Rabbit Producers of Santa Clara Valley John W. Phillips, 20300 Crescent Dr., Sunnyvale
Redwood Empire Rabbit Producers Ass’n Mrs. Mary M. Zampatti, 2163 Waltzer Rd.,
Santa Rosa
Riverside Co. R.B. Ass’n Marcella E. Stuart, 10965 Arlington Ave., Arlington
San Fernando Valley R.B. Ass'n Charlene Fischer, 10932 Tujunga Canyon Blvd.,
San Gabriel Valley Cavy Breeders Ann Lequire, 18317 Clarkdale, Artesia
Santa Anita Rabbit Growers Ass’n Mrs. Calvin Addington, 3630 N. Barnes, Baldwin Park
Southeast Rabbit Club ........ N. E. Hamilton, 21214 So. Figoruoa, Torrance
Stanislaus Co. R.B. Ass’n Harold C. Wegman, 1440 Watts Ave., Modesto, Calif.
Tehama Rabbit Breeders Ass’n C. C. Dana, P.O. Box 1140, Chico
Torrance Area Rabbit Club Hetty Parks, 4622 W. 163rd St., Lawndale
Pres. Roy Baltz, 2147 W. 237th St., Torrance, Calif. Secy. Mrs. Betty Parks, Box 171, Torrance, Calif.
Ventura Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Francis Seffinga, 1453 Patricia Ave., Simi
B.C. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Harold F. Clarke, 502 12th Ave.,
New Westminster, B.C.
Fraser Valley Rabbit Ass’n... Mrs. J. Allen, 6871 150th St., RR 14, No. Surrey, B.C-
Vancouver Island R.B. Ass’n. Mrs. D. Nightingale, 1330 Blue Ridge Rd.,
Victoria, B.C.
Arapahoe Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Jack Rice, 4575 So. Lincoln, Englewood
Colorado Rabbit Breeders Cecil Rice, 1090 W. Belleview, Littleton
Morgan County Rabbit Ass’n Earl R. Neville, PO Box 904, Fort Morgan
Northern Colorado R.B. Club Emily Ann Davis, 1320 Virginia St., Fort Collins
Southern Colorado Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. O. E. Thompson, 2419 Poplar, Pueblo
Connecticut Commercial Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Edward A. Sweeney, 59 Meadow St., Winsted Connecticut Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Jessica V. Moran, 257 Fenn Rd., Cheshire
Fairfield County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Victor T. Sweetland, Chestnut Hill Rd., Norwalk
Mattatuck Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Anne Roman, 317 Clinton St., New Britain
The Southern California New Zealand Rabbit Club
Meets the 4th Friday of each month Clark and Oak St., Bellflower, Calif. One of So. Calif.’s most progressive Clubs — Mrs. Mary Oleen, Sec.
8459 E. Eucalyptus St. Downey, Calif.
Traditionally the largest one day show in the West. Show held second Sunday in January. Meetings on third Friday. Marcella E. Stuart, Sec., 10965 Arlington Ave., Arlington, Calif.
Compliments of
South East Rabbit Club
ELLIS W. MURRAY, Pres. 1714 W. 106th St.
Los Angeles 47, Calif.
M. E. HAMILTON, Secy 21214 Figueroa Torrance, Calif.
National Capital Rabbit Ass’n George Ankney, Box 91, Rockville, Maryland
Central Florida R.B. Ass’n Mrs. Gertrude Ellingsworth, 2317 Shannon Rd.,
Gulf Coast Rabbit Producers Ass’n Mrs. E. T. Stewart, Myakka Star Rt., Bradentown
North Florida Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Mrs. Kathleen Summersell, 3357 Peach Dr.,
South Florida Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Oreen Hoblitzell, Rt. 6, Box 511, Tampa 10
Sunshine Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Josephine Detert, 11598 Indian Rocks Road,
Atlanta Rabbit Breeders Club Mrs. W. A. Oglesby, 2127 Nelma Dr., S.W., Atlanta
Decatur Rabbit Breeders Club E. W. Yearwood, 2881 Daws Ave., S.E., Atlanta 17
Savannah River Valley R.B. Ass’n G. M. Sturtis, 1506 Wildor, Augusta
Tri County Rabbit Producers Ass’n Mrs. H. L. Malone, RR #3, Box 39, College Park
Magic Valley Rabbit Ass’n Helen V. Baxter, 113 Broadway N., Buhl
Sunshine Rabbit Breeders Ass'n
Meeting at Largo Fairgrounds, Fla. 1st Friday every month
Mrs. Betty LaGorio, Sec.
Victor T. Sweetland — Secretary Chestnut Hill Rd., Norwalk, Conn.
Write for our Show Catalog
Compliments of
P.O. Box 1735 Bakersfield, Calif.
Meets Third Monday Every Month.
correspondence and help boost the membership of our fine association.
Every new membership or renewal in the A.R.B.A, you send in means 50ȼ in your pocket or your local clubs treasury, and who knows—either you or your local may be in the top ten and share in some real cash.
Your membership drive Committee would like to know just how many local clubs have 50 to 100% of their membership also A.R.B.A, members. SEE LISTINGS OF SUCH CLUBS IN THE YEAR BOOK SECTION.
Won’t you drop us a line and tell us how your club stands? We want to include your club in this special mention.
Edw. H. Stahl, Mo. 39
Mary Zampatti, Calif. 16
Wm. Herdlinger, Mo. 14
A. F. Valouch, Okla. 12
John C. Fehr, Ind. 11
Melvin E. Behrens, N. Y. 11
Bob Madson, Ill. 9
Tommy Andrew, Pa. 9
N. E. Hamilton, Calif. 8
E. R. Parks, Ariz................. 7
Beacon Milling Co., N. Y.......... 7
Marvin Carley, Vt. 6
C. P. Crutz, Colo. 6
Clarinda R.B.A., Iowa 25
Vancouver R.B.A., Canada 11
Gulf Coast R.B.A., Texas 10
Cen-Tex R.B.A., Texas 10
York Co. R.&C B.A., Pa............ 9
Dallas Co. R.B.A., Texas 8
So. Co. R.B.A., Texas ............ 8
Des Moines R.B.A., Iowa .......... 7
Columbus R.B.A., Miss. 7
Springfield R.B.A., Ohio 7
Cal-Bra Hill R B.A., Mich. 7
Jacksonville R.B.A., Ill. 7
William E. Herdlinger, Chairman.
Ambraw Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Eugene Mann, RR #2, Oblong
Bloomington Normal Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Roger Fitchorn, 1302 S. Burn St., Bloomington Cahokia Rabbit Breeders Ass’n V. A, Hundsdorfer, 9812 Baltimore, Belleville
Champagin County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Viletha Lindsey, RR #3, Champaign
Elgin Rabbit Breeders Club Peter Szymanski, Wheaton
Freeport Rabbit & Fur Breeders Ass’n Mrs. B. L. Hornberger, RD £4, Freeport
Galva Rabbit Club Howard R. Craig, 517 S. Center Ave., Galva
Grundy Co. R.B. Ass’n Mrs. Jack Morris, Rt. 1, Morris
Illiana Rabbit Breeders Ass’n .......... Mrs. Mary Burgess, 1515 Georgetown Rd., Danville
Illinois Tri-Angle Rabbit Breeders Club. C. L. Stumm, Edinburg
Jacksonville Rabbit Breeders Club....... Stewart Whitacre, 1067 N. Fayette, Jacksonville
Kankakee Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n.. Eloise Kramer, Chebanse
Kiam-Egyptian Rabbit Breeders Ass’n . W. T. Robinson, 418 E. Chestnut, Anna
Lake Shore Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Lawana Jones, 2903 W. 31st St., Zion
LaSalle County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Wesley Chatman, 1605 W. Jefferson St., Ottawa
Litchfield Rabbit Club ............. Helen Schmidt, 411 Clinton, Litchfield
Mt. Vernon Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Howard Morris, Box 446, Centralia
Peoria Area Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Alvina Richardson, 3301 W. Farmington Rd.,
PRESIDENT — Ivan Miller, Maquon, Ill. SECRETARY — Alvina Richardson 3301 W. Farmington Road Peoria, Ill.
Piasa Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Melvin Snyder, 11221 Old Halls Ferry Rd.,
St. Louis 21, Missouri
Sinnissippi Rabbit Club Mrs. Marion Otter, 900 S. 2nd St., Oregon
Spoon River Rabbit Breeders Ass’ll. Clyde Warren, Rt. 1, Avon
Springfield Rabbit Breeders Club. Richard E. Lewis, RD #5, Box 119, Springfield
Tibbar Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. M. W. Montgomery, RD #1, Box 235, Tinley Park
Tri County Rabbit Club................... S. D. Schertzer, 214 E. Second St., Kewanee
Vermilion County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Harold E. Dickson, 216 E. Roselawn Ave., Danville
Western Illinois Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Bernise A. Bloomquist, Box 138, Sherrard
Whiteside County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Blanche Short, Rt. 3, Sterling
Will County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. John H. Strom, 2214 Black Road, Joliet
Winnebago Forest Rabbit Club ............ Stuart L. Henderson, 1204 W. Locust St., Belvidere
Witt Educational Rabbit Breeders Club. Mrs. Naomi O. Petty, RR #1, Witt
Results of the 4th All American and 21st National
Best of Breed Illinois and Indiana A.C.G.C. Show 258 Head Corniel Bas, Mich. Best Jr. Corniel Bas, Mich.
Best Opp. Robt. Moberly, Ill. Best 6-8 James Hillikes, Ill.
Best Display Robt. Moberly, Ill. Best Sr. Joe Gognat, Ky.
Best Pre. Jr. Jake Holmes, Ill.
Calumet Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Wm. R. Lucas, 12890 E. 18th St., Gary
Cass County Rabbit Club Amy Smith, 1119 George St., Logansport
Decatur Co. Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Fay Downey, Box 123, Hartsville
Breeders of fine stock For Breeding Stock Contact
Mrs. Fay Downey, "Secy.", Hartsville, Indiana, P.O. Box 123
Goshen Rabbit Club............. Mrs, Charles Drake, Rt. 3, Box 52-A, Goshen
Grant County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Hester Barkley, 2316 S. Gallatin St., Marion
Huntington Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Ida D. Humbert, 715 Leopold, Huntington
Indianapolis Rabbit Fanciers Arthur G. Gruner, 1713 So. Talbot Ave., Indianapolis
Ladies Auxiliary of the Fort Wayne R & C B Mrs. M. R. Andrews, 117½ So. Clinton, Fort Wayne Marion County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Marceil Weichel, 3020 W. 61st St., Indianapolis
Michiana Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Jean Kobold, 59297 Hollywood Blvd., South Bend
Noble Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Kyle Cunningham, Ligonier
Northside Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Joy Wenige, Rt. 2, Box 442, Jeffersonville
Shelby Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n.............. Virginia Wicker, RR #4, Shelbyville
Southern Indiana-Illinois Rabbit & Cavy B. William E. DeMunbrun, 2408 Read St., Evansville
Terre Haute Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Emma Lou Sappingfield, 1454 Beech St., Terre Haute
Tippecanoe Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n George Synesael, 1011 So. 4th St., Lafayette
Waynedale Rabbit Fanciers Ass’n Mrs. Lucille Braun, 1525 Taylor St., Fort Wayne
Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
1117½ S. Clinton St. Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Delaware Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Jeanne Maddox, P.O. Box 643, Muncie
Fort Wayne Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Oscar Smith, 1839 Gruber Ave., Fort Wayne 6
Marion County Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
Pres. — A. Somes Exec. Board
V. Pres. — H. Weichel R. C. Shoptaw A. Wooldridge
Secy. — M. Weichel E. Shoptaw J. Reedy
Treas. — B. Arch H. Sanderlin J. McWethy
C. Sanderlin C. Hicks
P. Arch N. Fitch J. Holderfield
M. H. Beckelhimer J. Guthrie L. Gerking
M. Beckelhimer A. J. Henius E. Fritz
L. Bowden R. Henius A. Worth, Jr.
R. Brown G. Hicks D. Worth
J. Burgmann J. Somes B. Beck
H. Burgmann B. Sheetz J. Beck
E. Burbridge Mrs. Wilhelm E. Guthrie
H. Chastain A. Wooldridge M. Wilhoite
E. Downey O. Gaskins C. Hurt
G. Downey H. Gaskins F. Obenchain
G. Fitch R. Collingswood
Trl State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Waterloo Rabbit Breeders Ass’n West Central Iowa Rabbit Breeders Ass'n
Black Hawk County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Lewis M. Nordman, Rt. 2, Cedar Falls Cedar Rapids Small Stock Ass’n Mrs. H. R. Dicus, 1213 10th St., S.E., Cedar Rapids
Clarinda Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. R. Graham, 601 S. 12th, Clarinda
Council Bluffs Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Russell Jolliff, 1020 Fillmore Ave., Council Bluffs
Des Moines Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Rhea N. Dennis, 3737 E. Douglas, Des Moines 17
Iowa Progressive Rabbit Club John W. Miller, Harper
Northwest Iowa Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Ray Julius, 1805 So. 22nd St., Fort Dodge
South Central Iowa Rabbit Fanciers Ass’n Don Guthrie, 314 S. Clark St., Lamoni
Tri City Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Helen Forsberg, RR #2, Box 130-A, Davenport
Francis P. Bennett, 3023 E. 2nd St., Sioux City Mrs. C. C. Barclay, Rt. 2, Waterloo Virgene Eich, Box 72, Templeton
A Near Perfect Combination BY EARL B. SHIELDS
Rabbit breeders, within the last two or three years, have discovered a vein of gold beneath their hutches . . . where formerly they had only an accumulation of rabbit droppings. Today, in hundreds of modern rabbitries, rabbit droppings are feeding millions of fat sassy domesticated earthworms . . . the cleaning problem is all but forgotten . . . flies and objectionable odors have disappeared . . . and best of all, the breeder has a new source of income at practically no increase in operating expense.
Rabbit manure, plus the wasted feed from the hutches, is one of the finest of all earthworm feeds. By building pits or bins beneath the hutches, and stocking them with earthworms, the earthworms consume the droppings as they fall, turning them into finely pulverized, odorless humus. This humus, in turn absorbs the urine and deodorizes it; prevents moisture accumulations and discourages the breeding of flies.
Bins of 2 x 12 (or other suitable materials) with provisions for drainage, are installed on or slightly above the floor level. They should be a few inches larger than the hutch area, to catch all droppings, urine and feed wastes. A few inches of compost in the bottom of each bin is sufficient for starting the worms. After that the rabbits will supply new food materials daily and the worms will make their own compost.
The only work involved is watering to keep the pits moist (as in any other earthworm operation) and an occasional leveling off of accumulated droppings. The contents of each bin should be forked over every two or three weeks to keep it loose and pul-
The Tarheel Rabbitry & Worm Hatchery
wishes to thank the hundreds of rabbit breeders who have ordered our Hybrid Earthworms since 1955.
We have an unlimited supply of this improved strain of hybrids ready for immediate shipment and fully postpaid.
1,000 for $4. 3,000 for $10. 5,000 for $15. with full instructions, write for circular.
309 S. Vance St. Gastonia, N. C.
Robert F. Thomas. A.R.B.A. Registrar
Harvey County Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Francis Thompson, 721 W. 11th, Box 151, Newton Progressive Rabbit Club, Inc. Gladys Meikle, RFD #5, Box 391,
Parkville, Missouri
Salt City Rabbit Ass’n .... Linda Janzen, 1514 E. 23rd St., Hutchinson
Shawnee Co. Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n H. W. Flowers, 2112 E. 13th St., Topeka Smokey Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Nila Harnois, 1226 N. 7th, Salina
Sunflower Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n L. A. Abbott, 330 N. St. Clair, Wichita 12
Three Corners Rabbit Club Virginia Hargadine, Box 183, Bushton
Central Kentucky Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Pearl Reynolds, 947 Marcellus Dr., Lexington
Falls Cities Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass'n Gilbert G. Herbig, 4724 So. Rutland, Louisville 15 Hopkins County Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Lloyd Grace, 25 Dempsey St., Madisonville Northern Kentucky Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Rosemary Mathis, 104 Sanders Dr., Florence West Kentucky Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Chas. V. Boyd, 3130 Lone Oak Rd., Paducah, Ky.
Northwest Louisiana Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Miss Clara Finklea, 3918 Fiske St., Shreveport
Southwest Louisiana Rabbit Breeders Ass’n D. C. Davis, 2108 5th St., Lake Charles
Compliments of
Meets 2nd Sunday each month American Legion Hall, 6007 S. W. 9th St.
"The biggest little club in Iowa"
President Secretary
Mrs. Helen Forsberg
Arthur Dehner R.R. #2, Box 150 A
Cascade, Iowa Davenport, Iowa
verize any encrusted manure deposits. If eventually the bins get too full, the operator can bag the casting-rich fertilizer and offer it for sale, direct or through seed and garden supply stores. No richer plant food can be found anywhere.
The earthworms raised in rabbitries are of course a valuable crop in themselves, producing a continuing supply of salable worms for bait, horticultural and breeding stock markets.
From the standpoint of improved conditions, time and labor saving, and dual-income possibilities, the Rabbit-Earthworm combination is a NATURAL!
Has Earthworm Pits Underneath His Hutches. Shade By Fast Growing Italian Squash V i nes.
Red Hybrid Wiggler Worms
Extra Income—Less Work
A Near Perfect Combination For Rabbit Breeders
lull Information and Details Sent Promptly on Request
Rt. 1, Mountain Home, Arkansas Member of A.R.B.A, and A.F.N.Z.B.
Pres. Alfred Bilger Vice-Pres. Ralph Mosher Sec’y & Treas. Ann Sherwood 17 Border St.
Springfield 4, Mass. Meetings 1st Tues. in Months Sept, to June
Hampden County Improvement League, Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield, Mass.
Cumberland County Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Robert P. Miele, RFD #1, Read Road, So. Windham
Eastern Maine Rabbit Breeders Ass'n J. H. Abbott, 8 Mayo St., Orono
York County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Charles D. Fink, Old South Road, South Berwick
Baltimore Co. Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Warren J. McNamara, 512 Lee Drive, Baltimore
Maryland St. Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Louis Heim, 3609 Buckingham Road, Baltimore
Associated Rabbitries of Nashoba Valley Charlotte Keith, 574 Prospect, West Boylston
Bay State Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Joseph B. Gouveia, 40 Wilbur St., Taunton
Essex Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mildred E. Hulbert, Town Farm Rd., Ipswich
Middlesex Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Fred Franklin, RFD #1, Hudson
Mohawk Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Ida M. Smart, Carter Road, Westminster
Rabbit Breeders Trophy Club Antone Cabral, 448 E. Hooper St.,
No. Tiverton, Rhode Island
Saugus 4-H Rabbit Club Mary Melody Cushing, 49 Auburn St.. Saugus
Tri County Rabbit Club Everett F. Dunn, 9 Old Market St., Rockland
Western Mass. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Ann Sherwood, 17 Border St., Springfield
Worcester Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Floyd E. Cox, 156 W. Central St., Natich
Ann Arbor Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Ruth West, 1335 Rosewood St., Ann Arbor
MEETINGS—2nd Sunday of Each Month At Homes of Various Members
For Information Contact
Ruth West, Sec’y, 1335 Rosewood, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Auto City Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Leslie McInnes, 3511 First St., Hadley
Cal-Bra-Hill Rabbit Club Dean Daglow, 213 E. Leigh St., Homer
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Daglow, 213 E. Leigh St., Homer, Michigan (Dean Sec'y.) NZW, Sable Martens, Am. Sable, Black Martens Bill Norton, 214 E. Leigh St., Homer, Michigan, NZW C. F. Dickinson, 813 Burr Oak St., Albion, Mich. Am. Sable, Sable Martens Larry Bronson, South Superior St., Albion, Mich. NZW, Blue Silver Martens Ribbey Rabbitry, RR #2, Albion, Michigan, NZW and Californians C. W. Lindsey, RR #4, Marshall, Michigan, Commercial Johnsons Rabbitry, RR #5, Coldwater, Michigan, NZW and White Flemish Philbricks Rabbitry, 93 Taylor St., Coldwater, Michigan, NZW and White Flemish
Vorce Rabbitry, RR #1, Coldwater, Michigan, Commercial Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Cockrell, RR #4, Coldwater, Michigan, NZW and Californians
Tom and Kay Walker, RR #5, Coldwater, Michigan, NZW and Commercial Glen Oliphant, Concord, Michigan, Commercial Buchanans Rabbitry, RR #2, Bax 35, Three Rivers, Michigan NZW Mr. and Mrs. Norman Irons, RR #2, Springport, Michigan, Commercial Bakers Rabbitry, RR #1, Coldwater, Michigan, NZW Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon, 139 Holcomb Rd., Hillsdale, Michigan, NZW and Commercial
Mr. Don Drake, Box 97, Colon, Michigan, NZW
Cherryland Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Eugene Cox, 1841 Woodward Ave., Traverse City
Eastern Michigan Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Dorothy Arnold, 8165 Lillian St., Center Line
Jackson Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Cloyd A. Norton, Rt. 4 , 4848 Freeman Rd.,
Eaton Rapids
MRS. BARBARA R. NORTON Rt. No. 4, 4848 Freeman Road Eaton Rapids, Michigan
Port City Rabbit Club Mrs. Kenneth Schmidt, 541 W. Grand Ave., Muskegon
Saginaw Valley Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Elizabeth Leir, 1913 Prescott St., Saginaw
State Line Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Bernadine Barnes, Sandcreek, Michigan, Terry Hwy.
Valley View Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Martha Walters, RR #l, Holland
Western Michigan Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Anna Renton, 2906 Kalamazoo St., Grand Rapids
Anoka Rabbit Club Mrs. M. Owen, 2030 131st Ave., N.W., Coon Rapids
Austin Area Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Gerald J. Gorman, 607 Center St., Austin
Minneapolis R.B. Ass’n Weldon Wahl, 2501 Douglas Dr., No. Minneapolis
St. Paul Rabbit Club Dorothy Warner, RR, Lake Elmo
Trico Rabbit Club..... C. R. Vanderlee, 144 N. 19th Ave., St. Cloud
White Bear Rabbit Club . Dorothy Ottechalt, 6849 Lakevlew Dr.,
New Brighton 12
meets the 1st Sunday of the Month President — Hugo Fleckner V. President — Leslie Otterholt Secretary — Dorothy Otterholt Treasurer — Edna Foerster
Columbus Rabbit Breeders Club L. H. Wright, 132 Brown St., Columbus
Dallas County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Ernest Oliver, RR #1, Long Lane
Heart of America Domestic Rabbit Raisers Ass’n Bill Herdlinger, 8455 Wayne, Kansas City
is on its way to the largest club in the middle west, servicing and encouraging breeders in the states of Ark., Iowa, Kansas, Nebr., Okla.. Missouri.
FREE Copy Midwest Rabbit News. Address Wm. E. Herdlinger, Sec’y.
Nebraska Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Emily Terpstra, 760C Jaynes St., Omaha 4
White Mt. State Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Eva S. McKewin, 361 Wellington Rd., Manchester
Garden State Rabbit Fanciers Club Eleanor Van Ness, 13 Park St., West Caldwell
South Jersey Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass'n Ralph M. Collins, 291 S. Church St., Moorestown
Albuquerque Rabbit Breeders Ass’n W. W. Price, P.O. Box 9, Albuquerque
Pecos Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Paul Ross, 500 S. Aspen, Roswell
Adirondack Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Leo Van Slyke, 7 S. McNab Ave., Gloversville
Cattaraugus Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Howard Burnmark, 100 Ninth St., Little Valley
Chemung Valley Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Bertha Parmenter, RD #1, Chambers Rd.,
Columbia County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n ... Dorotea M. Rowe, RD #l, Nassau Cortland Co. Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Club Huldah K. Allen, 32 Squires St., Cortland Empire State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n James Morland, RD #2, Cazenovia
Finger Lakes Rabbit Breeders Ass'n .... Don Smith, Box 15, Waterloo
Genesee Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Mildred Avery, RD #3, Madison Hill,
Niagara Frontier Rabbit Club Harold E. May, Fairlane Drive, Boston
Northern New York Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Elmer Deerdeck, Jr., 16 Broad St., West Carthage Oswego Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Beverly Lamphear, RD #1, Box 299, Phoenix
Rochester Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Ralph Collier, RD #1 A Marion Road, Palmyra
Southern Tier Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. George Morehead, Box 161, Maine
Syracuse Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Richard Bump, RD #4, Baldwinsvillc
Tri-State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Ada M. King, RD #1, Johnsonville
Davidson County Rabbit Club Mrs. L. E. Scott, Rt. 1, Linwood
Durham Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. G. F. Riley, Rt. 1, Box 343, Linlen Rd., Durham
Forsyth Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n E. R. Wallace, 4310 Oldtown Dr., Winston-Salem
Gaston County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n ....... Robert Thomas, 309 So. Vance St., Gastonia
Western North Carolina Rabbit Breeders Ass’n R. T. Keenan, 19 Brotherton St., W. Asheville
Write for brochure on available junior and senior stock
4615 Ranchwood Rd. AKRON 13, OHIO
128X Stark Ave.
Penn Yan, N. Y.
Himalayans Continually Since 1932
From information at hand the oldest member will be 95 years of age this coming February. The youngest is under three. If there are any that are older, or younger and a photo is supplied same will appear in the next edition of this bulletin.
Breeder since 1925 of
Also Black & Tans
All Stock Guaranteed As Represented
Licking Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Isabelle Spinner, Licking
Northwest Missouri Rabbit Breeders Mrs. Clyde Goodpasture, Graham
Pony Express Rabbit Breeders Ass’n .. Clair Shafer, Shubert, Nebraska
St. Louis Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Joan M. Kelly, P.O. Box 93, Creve Coeur
South Central Missouri R.B. Ass’n Mrs. Ward Hatcher, RR #3, Box 144-A,
Mountain Grove
Springfield Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Johnie Hamilton, Rt. 11, Box 57, Springfield
Webster County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n George Rudolph, 207 N. Olive St., Marshfield
Gallatin Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Katie LaPalme, Star Route, Bozeman
Triangle Area Rabbit Ass’n Barbara L. Bierwagen, Rt. 2, So.. Great Falls
Western Montana Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Betty Martin, Box 285, Deer Lodge
Akron Rabbit Club ...................... W. H. Strait, 673 McKinley Ave., Akron
Ashtabula County Rabbit Fanciers, Inc. . Georgia Hood, RD #5, Lake Pleasant Rd., Eric, Pa.
Berea Rabbit Fanciers Herb Layton, 25620 Lorain Rd., N. Olmsted,
Central Ohio Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Mrs. Kay Hinaman, MR 1, Box 139,
Smeltzer Road, Marion
Cincinnati Rabbit Breeders Ass’n ....... Harry Centner, 8677 Livingston Rd., Cincinnati 24
Cleveland Rabbit A Cavy Breeders Ass’n. Marie Beamer, 16358 Broadway, Maple Heights
Columbus Rabbit A Cavy Breeders Ass’n. S. L. Hinaman, MR 1, Smeltzer Rd., Box 139, Marion
Coshocton Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Delmer H. Youngen, Rt. 1, Baltic
Crawford County Rabbit A Cavy Breeders Carl W. Schalip, 642 W. Church St., Galion
Geauga County Rabbit & Cavy Breeders. Mrs. Mildred Mazula, RR #2, Thompson
Hamilton County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Harold Baxter, 6573 Hamilton-Mason Rd., Hamilton
Huron County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Bea Beier, Rt. 3, Norwalk
Lake County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Marie Downing, P.O. Box 4091, Euclid 23
Lima Rabbit A Cavy Breeders Ass’n Paul R. Liles, P.O. Box 632, LaFayette
Lorain County Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass'n David Maynard, RD #3, Willington
Mad River Valley Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Mrs. Joyce Judy, 10 Central Ave., Mechanicsburg
Mahoning County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Adeline Marquette, 106 Smithsonian, Girard
Miami Valley Rabbit A Cavy Breeders Ass’n Joyce Oakes, Rt. 2, Box 374, Troy
An active club in the home office town of the A.R.B.A. We are 100% members of the American, and we are showing, talking, breeding good rabbits all the time.
Come and see us on the second Tuesday evening of any month at the Ameri-can office. We are boosting, not knocking. And we can prove it to anyone.
Breeder and Exhibitor of the
"Quality Strain"
of New Zealand Whites
Proprietor and Licensed Judge Phone 2-4250
1425 Trumbull St. Bay City, Mich.
Stanard Flemish of
Top Quality from Reg. Stock in Blacks, Blues, Steels and Lt. Grays
Box 166 Provo, Utah
REG. NO. 2088
Route 3, Box 64 Orange, Texas Phone TUxedo 3-5996
Compliments of
Rt. No. 2, Box 374 TROY, OHIO
P & O Rabbit & Fur Breeders Ass’n Ruth Jennings, 133 W. Warren Ave., Youngstown
Paulding Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Wesley Dunkin, 202 Klinger Road, Paulding
Portsmouth Rabbit Breeders Ass’n A. M. Nard, Rt. 1, Portsmouth
Preble County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n M. F. Fiscus, RR #2, Eaton
Richland County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Hildred Crabbs, RR #1, 669 Fuhrer Ave., Lexington
Sandusky Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Clarence Counts, 1800 Crystal Ave., Findlay
South Euclid Rabbit Fanciers E. P. Shilliday, 5188 Eastover Road, Cleveland 24
Springfield Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Mrs. C. Loverde, RR #1, Dugan Rd., Urbana
Stark County Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Francis P. Riffle, Box 4, Middlebranch
The Stark Co. Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass'n. Inc.
Visitors Welcome. Meetings the first Monday Night of each month at 1650
Tusc. W. Canton, Ohio.
Pres. Willard Miller — Vice Pres. John Ritz Sec’y Francis P. Riffle, P. O. Box 4, Middlebranch, Ohio
Toledo Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Wm. Besier, 5004 Lewis Ave., Toledo
Tri State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n James F. Cunningham, 149 Reynolds, East Liverpool
Van Wert County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Floyd Jacks, 208 W. Crawford St., Van Wert
Williams County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. K. A. Engler, RR #1, Edgerton
Zanesville Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Norma Philip, 747 Leonard Ave., Zanesville
Kay County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n ..... Grace Tuefel, 136 Kingston Road, Ponca City
Northwestern Oklahoma Rabbit Breeders.. Carl Freeh, 2123 E. Pine, Enid
Oklahoma Rabbit A Cavy Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Mollie Gardner, Rt. 6, Box 51, Oklahoma City
Sapulpa Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Irving Crothers, 618 So. Main, Sapulpa
Stephens County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n . Clinton D. Dennis, Box 266, Marlow
Tulsa Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Robert Tarter, 3409 N. 78th East Ave., Tulsa
Clackamas County Rabbit & Cavy Breeders. Mrs. Frank Oxford, Rt. 3, Box 31, Camby Lane County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Wm, J. Skinner, 1360 So. 2nd St., Springfield
Linn Benton Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Betty Cantrill, Rt. 2, Box 241-A, Albany
Oregon Branch ARBA.................... Mrs. Maxine L. Yeager, Rt. 2, Box 287, Portland 9
Tualatin Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Susan Springer, 59 S W Maple Drive, Oswego
Bucks County Rabbit A Cavy Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Mabel Higgins, RD #1, Lambertville,
New Jersey
Central Pennsylvania Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Chas. L. Rishel, Box 8, Potts Grove
Crawford County Rabbit Fanciers Ass’n Harry Cooper, 36 Mead Avenue, Meadville
Eastern Rabbit A Cavy Fanciers Ass’n Mrs. J. W. Snyder, 750 Grant St., Hazleton
Erie Rabbit Club Helen Gressley, 5250 Crystal Dr., Erie
Fort Lebouef Rabbit Club Rose Marie Nagel, 121 West 1st, Box 104, Waterford
Franklin County Rabbit A Cavy Breeders William H. Ruth, Star Rt. 1, Shippensburg
Greater Pittsburgh Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Walter E. Rawsthorne, 8th A Penn Aves., Pittsburgh
Sponsors of
O.R.B.A. Youth Division
Sec'y. Daisye Valouch, 425 S. West Ave, Bethany, Oklahoma
Interstate Rabbit Fanciers Ass’n Mrs. Dorothy Middaugh, P.O. Box 61, Limestone
Juniata Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Alice Stock, RD #1, Ebansburg
Lehigh Valley Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Christine V. Hall, RD #2, The Evergreens,
McKean County Rabbit Club................... Mrs. Dorothy Gerner, Rt. 1, Kane
Northampton Co. Commercial Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Millie Hill, RD #20, Bethlehem
Beehive Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. W. A. Garringer, 3142 South 9000 West, Magna
Nebo Rabbit Breeders Ass'n of Utah Chas. R. Keenan, 130 E. 4th St., Spanish Fork
Green Mountain Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Emile Rondeau, 127 Maple St., Rutland
Richmond Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Florence S. Halloway,
4402 Richeson Ave., Richmond 24
Ear Canker Ointment
• •
Middletown, Ohio
Reg. 1752
Easy’s Outdoor Enterprise Rabbit Division
Breeder and Exhibitor of N. Z. Whites Breeding Stock out of R. W. & B. Stock 1.00 per pound.
Licensed A.R.B.A. Registrar
Phone Rl 4-2358 5215 Alpine Dr.
E. L. Easy Charleston 2, W. Va.
Compliments of the
Smoky Mountain Rabbit Breeders Ass’n
Knoxville, Tenn.
Mrs. C. A. Suniner, Secretary
Roanoke Rabbit Breeders Ass’n .. Mrs. E. R. Matthews, Rt. 1, Box 336-C, Roanoke
Tidewater Rabbit Breeders Ass’n ......... Mrs. Ann Eley, 186½ Cedar St., Suffolk
Virginia Peninsula Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Morris L Hancock, 2423 Bay Ave., Hampton
Compliments of
Pres. Paul Andrews, R.D. 4, Allentown, Pa.
Sec. Mrs. Millie Hill, R.D. 20, Savercool Ave., Bethlehem, Pa.
The Black Hills Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Paul W. McFall, Box 695, Rapid City
Soo Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n DeWayne Gates, 1012 S. 10th Avenue, Sioux Falls
Chattanooga Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Club Mrs. Joe H. Godsey, 145 Goodson Ave., Chattanooga
Dixie Rex Rabbit Club.............. . Mrs. J. L. Vaughters, 1872 Valley Blvd., Memphis
Mid-South Rabbit Breeders Ass’n H. W. Adair, 2541 Kimball Avenue, Memphis
Shelby County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n C. A. Fiscus. 206 So. Perkins Road, Memphis 17
Smoky Mountain Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. C. A. Sumner, Rt. 18, Knoxville
Tennessee Valley Rabbit Club Mrs J. Brazzell, 205 White Bridge Road, Nashville
Anderson County Rabbit Club Mrs. J. J. Vaughn, 709 May St., Palestine
Austin Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Tommy Smith, 1005 Taulbee, Austin
Cen Tex Rabbit Club Mrs. W. D. Parsons, 4000 Beverly Dr., Waco
Galveston Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Ernest Herzfeld. 4319 Avenue L, Galveston
Gulf Coast Rabbit Club Mrs. Alma A. Ogg. Rt. 3. Box 64, Orange
Houston All Breed Rabbit Club .. . Mrs. Ruth Teasdale, 5723 Airline, Houston
North Texas Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Mrs. W. B. Kineaid, 4020 Fernwood Ave., Dallas
Red River Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Henry Roberts, 902 S. Montgomery St., Sherman
San Antonio Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. E. E. Fairchild,
518 Ramsey Rd., San Antonio 12
South County Rabbit Club W. N. Adams, 3524 Park Dr., Nederland
South Plains Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Lois Scharnberg, Box 405, Lubbock
South Texas Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Mrs. K. Railey, 3706 Duncum St., Houston 15
Southwest Rabbit Breeders Ass’n . Jack Wiggins, 5236 Locke. Fort Worth
Texas Panhandle Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Naomi Seiberting Muks. 1304 E. 12th, Amarilla
Wes Tex Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Tom Whiteaker, Box 897, Abilene
Wichita Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Kirk R. Moore, 1909 Buchanan St., Wichita Falls
ANNA HERZFELD, SECRETARY 4319 Avenue L, Galveston, Texas
Meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month
at 7:30 P.M. in Runge Park Hall, Arcadia, Texas.
Northeastern Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Crawford Aikman, 607 Layton Rd., Chinchilla
Reading Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Delner Krott, 719 N. 10th St., Reading
Tri County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Ralph Hampson, RD #1 Gramlick Rd.,
Cumberland, Maryland
Warren County Domestic Rabbit Ass’n Larry Van Liere, RD #2, Jamestown
West Branch Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Leroy Gibson, 2250 Mahaffey Lane, Williamsport
York County Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n C. Robert Miller, RD #4, Waynesboro
Rhode Island Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Doris A. Verder, 401 Franklin St.,
Mansfield, Mass.
Carolina Rabbit Breeders Ass’n S. S. Quackenbush, Box 72, Bath
Central Carolina Rabbit Breeders L. W. Shealy, 2718 Westwood Circle, West Columbia
Attend the SPRING SHOW
of the
Third Saturday in March Every Year RICHMOND, VIRGINIA
Evergreen Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Cleo Kibbs, Rt. 4, Box 114, Puyallup
Inland Empire Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Margaret Hopf, Rt. 6, Spokane
Northwest Commercial Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Linnie Taylor, 629 Bright St., Seattle 7
Olympic Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Nadine M. Smith, 13240 3rd Ave. So., Seattle 88
Whidbey Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Barbara Lang, Rt. 1, Box 334, Oak Harbor
Yakima Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Grace B. Johnson, 3911 Englewood, Yakima
Chemical Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n E. M. Childress, 2729 Daniels Ave., So. Charleston
Ohio Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n George Camp, 3853 Green Valley Rd., Huntington 5
Badger Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Mrs. E. Klubcrtanz, Rt. 1, Box 90, Edgerton
Eastern Wisconsin Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Royal Meyer, 2105 No. 40th St., Sheboygan
Heart of Wisconsin Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Charles Knox, Rt. 1, Box 148, Wisconsin Rapids
Kewaunee County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n E. L. Waterstreet, 713 Miller St., Kewaunee
Kettle Moraine Rabbit Breeders Ass’n John Wornardt, RR #2, West Bend
North Eastern Wisconsin Rabbit Breeders Mrs. Sheldon Loberger, Rt. 1, Porterfield
Tri-County Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Joe Heinricks, Rt. 1, Box 634, Waterford
Wolf River Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Alois Delzer, Rt. 1, New London
Reg. No. 2135
28 Gouverneur St.
Canton, New York
Fred and Judy Sykes
Purebred Registered White New Zealands; Red, White and Blue Seal Empire Strain
New Zealand Whites Pedigreed & Registered
Box 218
Bloomingdale, Ind. A.R.B.A. Registrar
Lynn and Carrie
Breeders and Exhibitors of
Phone TE 3-8853
Are you in the market for
White New Zealands Dutch — Californians
Try ours
Leibel’s Rabbit Ranch
Route 1, St. Paul 11, Minn. Phone Glenview 4-1550
Everything from a tattoo needle to a complete rabbitry, our commercial Rabbit Raisers Guide, and Rabbitry Supply Catalog (all in one book) is important to old timers as well as beginners in the rabbit business
Write For Catalog
Doris Leibel:
A.R.B.A. Judge and Registrar
Help keep them COOL with
229 E. Carson St. Torrance, Calif.
376 N. 4th St.
Tipp City, Ohio
Reds — New Zealands White
21st & Lincoln Av.
R.R. 2
Connersville, Ind.
Top Quality, Guaranteed Show Or Commercial
Wm. A. Harris, Registrar
"R" Signifies Registrar; "J-R" Judge & Registrar. Get in touch with them when their services are required
State Representative- Virgil Spearman,
Rt. 2, Box 408, Birmingham 9 Atkinson, J. B., Rt. 7, Box 77, Springhill Barlow, George H., Rt. 5, Box 326, Birmingham Blythe, E. E., Box 409, Millbrook Borden, H. A., Wellington Breckenridge, Col. A. K., c o Officers Mail Room, Brookley AFB Cook, Lewis, Box 253, Millport Cosby, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth,
508 Sunrise Blvd., Hueytown Cosby, John E., 508 Sunrise Blvd. R
Hueytown N.Z.
Craddock, E. K., Rt. 12, Box 186, Birmingham 6 Craddock, Mrs. E. K.,
Rt. 12, Box 186, Birmingham 6 Dodd, Bud, P.O. Box 151, Winfield Duncan, N. G., 2913 Avenue H, Birmingham R Duncan, Mrs. N. G.,
2913 Avenue H, Birmingham (Ensley Sta.)
Faust, James L„ RFD #13, Box 782, Birmingham Ferguson, Connie, Rt. 2, Box 413, Pinson Ferguson, Ervin R., Rt. 2, Box 413, Pinson Garner, Frank R., 612 Florida, Florence Harris, Mrs. Otis G.,
1525 Cresthill Rd., Birmingham Harris, Otis G., 1525 Cresthill Rd., Birmingham Hilley, Hannah M.,
800 Washington Ave., Jacksonville Huffman, Mrs. D. M., Rt. 6, Box 378, Birmingham Jones, Jack M., Rt. 1, Box 303, Pinson Lamon, Eugene, 425 8th Ave., N.W., Decatur Larkins, J. L., RD #2, Box 30, Elba McLendon, William E.,
406 Highland Dr.. Fairfield Mason, Thomas, Rt. 2, Eecletic Mason, A. I,., 408 Selma Road, Bessemer Mitchell, Mrs. Jess, 1914 32nd Ave., Birmingham 7 Mullino, Rush, Rt. 2, Jacksonville Nance, W. S., Rt. 1, Box 233, Jacksonville Norwood, Howard, 2309 31st St., Birmingham Norwood, Mrs. Beaulah,
2309 31st St., Birmingham 11 Parker, D. F., 4901 South 5th Ave., J&R
Birmingham N.Z., Chin.
Parker, Mrs. D. F.,
4901 South 5th Ave.. Birmingham Puryear’s Rabbitry, 605 High St.. Hartselle Roberts, O. A., 16 Wasson St., Whistler Rogers, J. M., Rt. 1, Box 122, Springville Smith, Mrs. Margaret K., Rt. 2, Attalla Spearman, Barbara, Rt. 2, Box 408, Birmingham 9 Spearman, Virgil,
Box 408, Rt. 2, Birmingham J&R
Stevenson, James A., P.O. Box 197, Theodore Taylor, William H., 521 Park Ave., Birmingham Thomas, R. L., Rt. 2, Box 28, Greensboro Thrasher, Arthur, Jr., 907 5th Ave., Fairfield N.Z. Tucker, J. A., Columbiana Webb, Jack C., Rt. 1, Madison Wood, Allen H., Rt. 6, Russellville Wood, Wayne, P.O. Box 354, Scottsboro N.Z. Wooten, James A.. Rt. 2, Ashville York. Mrs. A. E., 5226 Ct. Q CP, Birmingham York, A. E., 5226 Ct. Q, Birmingham R
Harbit, Rex E., Fairview Manor 2-D-3,
Heller, C., P.O. Box 960, Anchorage Largen, E. Louise, Box 184, Fairbanks Largen, Nobel E., Box 184, Fairbanks Lettis, Nelson, Star Route A, Box 142C, Spenard Schmidt, Delmore L., Box 4593, Star Rt. B, Spenard
Wheeler, Phil, Glennallen
State Representative—
E. R. Parks, Rt. 2, Box 208, Glendale Bell, Albert, Rt. 7, Box 140, Tucson Cahill's Rabbitry, 1061 W. Prince Rd., Tucson Carpenter, C. F., P.O. Box 1433. Flagstaff Cluff, I. V., 3423 W. Lincoln, Phoenix Coolidge, C. C., 6251 N. 23rd Ave., Phoenix DeRose, Lennie, 357 High St., Globe Gain, R. R., 1731 E. Amelia, Phoenix J&R
Gillespie, William E., Box 24, Show Low Grace, B. L., Rt. 2, Box 826-H, Mesa Hoffman, Ford, 936 E. Van Buren, Phoenix
Klamert, Barbara, 5632 N. 9th St., Phoenix Dutch Knoop, Frank. Rt. 5, Box 748, Tucson Koski, Howard W., 1523 W. Nile Road, Phoenix Meltzer, P. A.,
Shamrock Rabbitry, 442 West Oregon, Tucson Mikesell, Marian L., Rt. 9, Box 104, Tucson Mikesell, John, Jr., Rt. 1, Box 480-E, Tucson Monroe, S. T., Saguard-Glen Rabbitry,
Rt. 3, Box 385, Tucson
Moore, Mrs. T. E., Rt. 1, Box 1059-E, Glendale Myers, Hazel, 818 W. El Vira Rd., Tucson Myers, H. P., 818 W. Elvira Rd., Tucson Parks, E. R„ Rt. 2, Box 208, Glendale J&R
Price, J. T., 43½ W. Tamarack Ave., Phoenix Romley, Nicholas S.,
2701 N. 21st St., Phoenix N.Z.
Satterwhite, R. S., 645 W. Plata, Tucson Simpson, Mrs. Ann L.,
Rt. 1, Box 388, c o L. M. Luloff, Laveen Templeton, Robert, 348 E. Elvado St., Tucson R Thornton, George, 2925 Oracle Rd., Tucson Tuell, Dr. Alfred E.. Box 1179, Bisbee N.Z.
Uremovich, A. M.. 2834 Rickie Vista, Tucson Wells, John W„ 6501 N. 7th Ave., Phoenix J&R Williams, Jess, 28C1 W. Lincoln St., Phoenix Zawacky, Eugene E., Box 571, St. John’s
State Representative—John R. Case,
1500 Willow Street, North Little Rock Adams, Wilburn C., No. 30 Alcoa Road, Benton Andrews, Evert, RFD #8, Fayetteville Avery, Conrad, 4807 Baldwin. Little Rock Brandon, Gladys Neal, 2000 Main St., Little Rock Butler, Mrs. V. C.. 6024 Battie Road. Little Rock Butler, V. C., 6024 Battie Road, Little Rock Case, J. A., 1500 Willow, North Little Rock J&R Case, Mrs. Lallie, 1500 Willow, North Little Rock Chamness, W. H., Rt. 2, Box 160, Springdale Connell, Richard E., Rt. 2, Batcsville Cox, Donald, J&R
P. O. Box 94, Paragould N.Z.
Dale, C. R,. Box 122, Bentonville R
Dalrymple, Allen, 6902 Grace Road, Little Rock Dalrymple, Mrs. Allen,
6902 Grace Road, Little Rock Davidson, E. L„ 824 W. 26th, Pine Bluff Fite, Roy C., Rt. 4, Box 209, Rogers Fountain, Jose E., Rt. Box 373, Malvern Fountain, Mrs. Ann, Rt. Box 373, Malvern Gallant, Walter, RD #1. Paris Gebel, J. A., Rt. 2. Box 88, Hot Springs Graham, Ben L., RFD #1, Box 67, St. Joe Harper, John H., Rt. 2, Box 29-B, Mena Hendrix, O. L., Lonsdale Huff, Frank, Rt. 1, Box 28, Dyess Hughes, H. T., Sr.. Rt. 1, Box 7-A. Gravette Jackson, Edward D., Rt. 1, Box 16, Camden Jones, Mrs. Lura C., Rt. 3, Box 214, Mena Jones, Lura C., Rt. 3, Box 214, Mena Kelly, Mrs. B. C., Box 317, Rt. 7, Hot Springs Kirkpatrick, W. Allen. Box 413, Harrison N.Z. Leasure, F. G., Rt. 2, Box 85, Hot Springs Lee, Raymond, 223 Beech St., Little Rock Lewis, Leroy W., Rt. 1, Prairie Grove McLeod. Gilbert, Cave City
Magar, Harry E., Jr., 3324 High St., Little Rock Massey, Alton R., Rt. 2, Jonesboro Mauney, Kenneth, Box 445, Dumas Otto, Lyman E., Rt. 2, Box 86, Mena Patrive, Hubert H., P.O. Box 162. Lincoln H. F. Pelphrey & Son, Box 68, Rogers Reese, Ralph H., Rt. 1, Mountain Home Richardson, Mrs. Jerry P.,
313 N. Bradley Rd., Warren Rush, R. R.. 623 W. 16th, North Little Rock Schwab, A. H.,
218 Leonard, Hot Springs National Park Schwab, Mrs. V. H., Rt. 2, Box 167, Wheatley Smith, Mrs. Leona, Rt. 6, Box 24-B, Hot Springs Spainhaur, Archie, 128 E. Wolff, Dumas Speir, Wilbert A.,
Rt. 1, Diamond Bay Road, Elizabeth Stellman, Walter, 508 Ross, West Memphis Torian, H. D., Heath N.Z.
Wade Charles A
4423’west Drive, North Little Rock J&R
Wade, Sara, 4423 West Drive, North Little Rock Walker, I. O., P.O. Box 323, Lincoln Wells, Florence, Bonnerdale Route, Hot Springs Williams, Roy L.,
1816 Parkway Drive, North Little Rock Wright, G. W., RFD #1, Rogers
State Representatives
1. C. E. Lewis, P.O. Box 174, Lincoln Acres
2. Robert E. Sprague, 3317 42nd St., Sacramento
3. Orlan Onskt, 8116 E. Telegraph Rd., Rivera
4. Fred Creamer, 9704 Enger St., Bakersfield
A Denny Farms, 545 So. 5th St., La Puente N.Z. Achilles, Mrs. Bernice I., Box 1771, Rt. 1, Loomis Addy, Alfred O., Box 34, Montana Adkins, M., 7300 St. Helene Hwy., Yountville Adrian, W. C., 1355 Presioca, Spring Valley A & F Rabbitry,
2288 Kathleen Dr., Napa Silver Martens
Creme D'Argents, N.Z.
L. W. & Alyce D. Mead, Props.
Albee, Mrs. June, 842 E. 14th St., Oakland Allen, Carl, 111½ Locust St., Santa Cruz N.Z. Allen, Nettie G., 18323 Aouir, La Puente Andersons, Maris, P.O. Box 517, Napa Andrew, David W.,
8617 Cottonwood Ave., Fontana Armstrong, Evelyn L.,
4336 No. LaMadera, El Monte Armstrong, Roy D.,
4336 N. LaMedera Ave., El Monte J&R, N.Z. Ashurst, Mrs. Marie, Rt. 1, Box 9-A, Hopland Bailey, Harold F., 5513 W. 122 St., Hawthorne Barnard, Gladys,
12482 Adelphia Ave., San Fernando Bartlett, John A.,
1211 SanBruno Ave., San Francisco R
Baugh, Cason, 2248 Waldon, Redding Bayliss, George H.,
Box 504, Hayward, J&R, Dutch, Himalayan Bennett, Virginia, 4486 Hoen Ave., Santo Rosa Bennett, Harold, 4486 Hoen Ave., Santa Rosa Bennett, Lewis E., Rt. 2, Box 432, Tulare Bible, E. P., 40 Las Lomas, Watsonville Bidwell, Mrs. Elizabeth,
RR #1, Box 2, Cedar Falls Bidwell, J. L., 656 Elaine St., Pomona R
Billingslea, E. B.,
1444 Billingslea Road, Porterville Binkley, William, 8103 East 4th St., Downey Boltz, Roy W., 2147 W. 237th St., Torrance Bond, Francis A.,
4190 Sonoma Mt. Road, Santa Rosa Bons, Mrs. Francis A.,
4190 Sonoma Mt. Road, Santa Rosa Bonnar, Margaret, 14 Rock Lane, Berkeley 8 Boslaugh, Wayne, 1608 Gardena Ave., Glendale 4 Braby, Leonard, 451 W. 106th St., R
Los Angeles Chin., Flemish Giant
Bratcher, Robert A.,
11466 Muranida, No. Hollywood Brown, Joe W.,
Rt. 1, Box 22-D, San Luis Obispo N.Z.
Bruns, Richard, Grover City Bryant, Oda R., Rt. 1, Box 388-B, Antioch Bryant, J. M.,
10372 Law Drive, Garden Grove J&R
Bunny Grove Rabbitry, Geo. B. Sutherland,
218 W. Central Ave., Monrovia Bunny Motel Rabbitry, Howard Murray,
10432 Vic Pl, Garden Grove Bunt, James, 6148 Hereford Dr., Los Angeles 22 Burch, Fred L.,
6803 E. 72nd St., Paramount Satins, Champs. Burkhardt, Robert E., Rt. 1, Box 192, Lodi N.Z. Burns, William C.,
Shandon Star Route, Paso Robles N.Z.
Burwell, T. K., Rt. 5, Box 687, Riverside Camren, C. W., 325 Redwood Heights Rd.,
Aptos N.Z., Calif.
Carolary Ranch, L. L. Thoreson,
4022 Big Ranch Rd., Napa J&R, N.Z., Calif. Cavin, Linda, 10234 Arlington Avenue, Arlington Choruning, Walter, 6087 Locust St., Cotati Clark, Mrs. Eva A., 204 Smith St., Corona Clark, L. F., 2134 W. 238th St., Torrance Cochrane, Glen, 7009 Dry Creek Rd., Rio Linda Coffeen, Mary, 4280 Sierra Ave., Norco Contreras, George, M.D., 1470 Chelsea, San Marino Cook, Bobbie, Sunny Cal Rabbitry,
P.O. Box 233, Tranquillity Cook, Homer D., Jr., 355 Meadow Lane, San Jose Cooper, Harold R.,
Box 55, 5802 San Miguel Rd., Sunnyside Copes, A , 2495 Fulton Road, Fulton Corbin, Mrs. Cherie,
1844 N. Penn Mar Ave., El Monte
Corey, Jean, 27231 Huntwood, Hayward Corey, Charles, 27231 Huntwood, Hayward Crain, C. C., P.O. Box 304, West Sacramento Crews, Mrs. L. A., 1001 Jonas Ave., Sacramento Crews, L. A., 1001 Jonas Ave., Sacramento Cremer, Fred, Greenacres Rabbitry,
9704 Enger St., Bakersfield J&R, N.Z., Flem. Dahlberg, John M., 950 Farber Ave., Glendora Dana, C. C., P.O. Box 1140, Chico Davison. Paul C.,
16479 Shady View Lane, Los Gatos R, N.Z. Deals, A. E.,
2479 N.E. Trathomore, S. San Gabriel Deck, D. A., 10861 Varna, Anahein Dempster, Rachel, Rt. 1, Box 62, Los Molinos Densel, Enid, 9647 Sierra Ave., Fontana J&R Dixon, Wesley W., 17322 Raymer St.,
Northridge J&R, N.Z., Calif., Satins
Doggett, Mrs. Ruby L., Box 243, Etna Duroy, James L., 22124 S. Moneta St., Torrance Early, H. N„ 1645 W. Alpine St., Stockton R Eckermann, W. G., Rt. 1, Box 10, Livermore Edwards, W., P.O. Box 457, Alpine Elam, W. F., 3723 Walnut Ave., Carmichael Elam, Cora, 3723 Walnut Ave., Carmichael Eldridge, H. R.,
980 Berkeley Ave., Menlo Park J&R
Evans, J, E., Rt. 1, Box 475, Perris Fisher, Roy M.,
1426 S. Reservoir St., Pomona J&R
Fix, Bertha, 2271 W. 231st St., Torrance N.Z. Fleming, R. J., 4345 Lindsav, Riverside Ford, Wm. R.. Rt. 3, Box 252, Escondido Forsythe, S. E.,
RR #2, Box 111, San Luis Obispo N.Z.
Foster, Eva, 8797 Barnett Valley Rd.. Sebastopol Foster, Dean, 8797 Barnett Valiev Rd.. Sebastopol Fowler, Florence, Rt. 6, Box 71, Visalia Fowler, Wm. O., Rt. 6, Box 71, Visalia R
Frere. Mrs. Marie,
2195 San Miguel Ave., Santa Rosa Fry, Mrs. Louise, 4141 Dry Creek Rd., Napa N.Z. Gass. William,
3820 Merced Avenue. Baldwin Park R
Geiger, Mrs. R. X., 2107 Desire Ave., La Puente Gilbert, W. F„
1034 S. Meeker Ave., West Covina J&R
Gilbert, Mae, 1034 S. Meeker Ave., West Covina Gillis, Jack R., 933 So. Douglas, Yucipa Glick Mfg. Co.,
2720 Mountain View Rd., El Monte Gofinch, Roger, Rt. 1, Box 234, Winterhaven Golly, Arthur, 114 Greene St., Kenwood Graham, Chas. E.,
P.O. Box 474. Lemon Grove N.Z.
Graves, John C., Rt. 2, Box 525, San Bernardino Green, George, 126 Parque Dr., San Francisco 24 Grinstead, Darryl, Rt. 2, 219 Avery, Chino Halferty, Jimmie,
550 West Highland Ave., Sierra Madre Hamilton, N. E., J&R
21214 S. Figueroa, Torrance N.Z.
Harney, Mrs. Fred S., 9846 Limonite,
Rt. 1, Box 261-A, Mira Loma Harris, Claude,
3317 Lexington St.. Bakersfield N.Z.
Harris, Clyde, P.O. Box 951, Guadalupe Hayward, Robert W., 234 Johnson Rd., Oxnard Henry, William T., P.O. Box 125, Lathrop Henson, LeRoy, 1095 So. Orange, Turlock N.Z. Herschbach, R.,
2010 Pleasant Valley Rd., Aptos R
Hicks, Ben E., Jr.,
735 No. Stevenson, Visalia Californian
Higginbotham, Herbert. Box 67, Lewiston Himalayan Fur Farm, P.O. Box 504, Hayward Hinton, Fred J., 5985 79th St., Sacramento Holland, David, 3785 Orange Drive, Oxnard J&R Hopkins, Louise B.,
8852 So. Western Ave.. Los Angeles 47 Howard, Lloyd A., 5572-E. Inyo, Fresno 2 Jameson. W., Rt. 1, Box 205, Manteca Jeude, Jim, 9155 Burnet Ave,, Sepulveda Johnson. R. W.. 600 Park Ave., Marysville J&R
Jonsson, Mrs. P. S.,
1720 Beancreek Rd., Santa Cruz Kahl, Doris V.,
10870 Laurel Canyon Blvd., San Fernado Kara, Joe, 122 Fair Oaks St., San Francisco 10 Keene, Gary, 1853 East Gage, Los Angeles 1 Kellems, Miss Grace,
20125 E. Crestglen Rd., Glendora N.Z.
Kent, Mrs. W. L., 1423 Richman Knoll, Fullerton Ketchum, H. R.,
5062 Lakeview Ave., Yorba Linda R
Kiper, J. L., 14751 Ardis Ave., Bellflower Knight, D. N., 5750 Freedom Blvd., Aptos Kryder, Charles,
1823 E. 69th St., Los Angeles 1 N.Z.
Lambert, Stuart H., 3886 Walker Ave., Santa Rosa Lampman, Allen, 908 Allenway, Visalia Lang, Vincent F., 9360 Golondrina Dr., La Mesa Lawyer, Sgt. Charles C., RA 35725611, Staff, Tripler U.S. Army Hospital APO 438, San Francisco
Lee, Esther,
1333 West Dry Creek Rd., Healdsburgh Lee, Bernard,
133 West Dry Creek Rd., Healdsburgh Lester, Ray, 2138 Wilkins Ave., Napa Lewis, Clarence E., 2751 Ridgeway Dr., P. O. Box 174, Lincoln Acres J&R, N.Z.
Lewis, Robert W., 2736-A, St., Eureka J&R
Long, John, 1019 East Mayfair Ave., Orange R Long, Olive B„ 1019 East Mayfair Ave., Orange Longmore, Fred Niel, Jr., P.O. Box 250, Wildomar Longworth, A. D., 8652 Meadow Rd., Downey Lutes, Joe S.,
12782 Hazel Street, Garden Grove J&R
Lu Visa, Larry, 734 Skyland Dr., Sierra Madre Lyons, Joseph W., Rt. 2, Box 1424, Vista
McAllister, Jo Ann, 1521 West Malvern, Fullerton McCarthy, Mrs. D.,
Rt. 1, Box 192, San Martin N.Z.
McClister, Marie, 25330 Pennsylvania, Lomita McClister, R. J., 25330 Pennsylvania Ave., Lomita McDonald, F. A., P.O. Box 74, Vista McDonald, Dorothy I., P.O. Box 74, Vista McGuire, Melvin J.,
577 Plum Drive, Ukiah Angora
McIntosh, Hazel, 6927 Stroud, E., Selma McIntire, Gilbert, P.O. Box 804, Orland Mains, Mrs. L. J., 2017 Farrell St., Redondo Beach Mains, L. J., 2017 Farrell St., Redondo Beach Marsh, Clyde, 2301 Old San Jose Rd.,
Santa Cruz Piruvians, Satins
Martin, F. L., 1790 Bolinger Lane, Sebastopol Mead, Clyde, Rt. 1, Box 185, Visalia Meiel, Jean, 7841 Ledge Ave., Sun Valley Melchert, H. L., 26214 Sentor, Harbor City Merrioot, Fred, Rt. 1, Box 670, Gurlock N.Z.
Merritt, Donald, 11617 Hailwood, El Monte Moore, James A., 14407 So. Keene Ave., Compton Moore, Dillon, 411 F Street, Petaluma Morgan, Frank A.,
P.O. Box 14, 105 Davis St., Agnew Murray, Mrs. E. W.,
1714 West 106th St., Los Angeles 47 Murray, Ellis W.,
1714 West 106th St., Los Angeles 47 R
Murphy, Vincent P., 2031 Linfield St., Glendora
Nelson, Lyman S.,
2620 Santiago Ave., Santa Ana N.Z.
Nielson, Mrs. Charles,
Rt. 1, Box 153-E, Delmar N.Z.
Noble, H. S., 4530 Pedley Ave., Norco Oberholtzer, Roy M.,
1135 B St., P.O. Box 394, Livingston Oleen, S. R., 8459 Eucalyptus St., Downey Oleen, Mrs. Mary,
8459 E, Eucalyptus Ave., Downey Onkst, Orlan,
8116 E. Telegraph Rd., Rivera J&R
Orr, Wayne, 951 Valley Blvd., Escondido Oswold, M. M., 3971 Witt Ave., Riverside Owen, Paul G.,
P.O. Box 82, Thousand Oaks, Ventura Co. Packard, R. E., 6735 Downey Ave., Long Beach 5 Palmer, Durward, 1612 W. 221st St., Torrance Papastylianos, Stelios,
468 Cypress Ave., San Bruno Paquette. Elmer,
Rt. 1, Box 195, Moorpark J&R, N.Z.
Parks, Oscar K.. 18620 Crest Ave., Castro Valley Parks, J. T., 4622 W. 153rd St., Lawndale Patton, John N., Rt. 2, Box 2327, Elk Grove Penery, Arnold, Box 113, Geyserville Perrin, Frank, 12231 Trask, Garden Grove Peyton, Chester, Rt. 2, Box 2526. Red Bluff Phillips, Robert R., P.O. Box 334, Clovis Phillips, John W.,
20300 Crescent Dr., Sunnyvale N.Z.
Pinkley, Ray, 14261 Wagner Ave., Anaheim Plank, Mrs. Fred, General Delivery, Bodega Polk. Clifford, Box D, Kelsey Popple, John C., 17131 Clark Ave., Bellflower Powers, Porter,
21080 Laguna Canyon, Laguna Beach Powers, Carol,
21080 Laguna Canyon, Laguna Beach Prigge, Ernest,
396 27th Ave., #3, San Francisco Pyle, Elmer D., 1229 Ruberta Ave., Glendale 1 R Reach, Voy W., 4859 Marion Ave., Baldwin Park Reed, Leslie Al, 5958 Wohlstetter, Arlington Reid, Harper, 9070 Lemon St., Fontana R
Rocha, John, Jr., P.O. Box 624, Hanford Rogers, Mrs. Verna, Paicines Rorabaugh William L.,
Rt. 1, Box 480, Waterford N.Z.
Roth, John P., 6268 Posey Lane, Paradise Royel Rabbitry,
10490 Mill Station Road, Sebastapol St. John, Lincoln R.,
716 So. Osage Ave., Inglewood Sanford, L. C., Green Valley Rabbitry,
23 Poultry Lane, Watsonville Sasse, W. H., Rt. 1, Box 863, Santee Scharff, J. E., 380 University Ave., San Jose 10 Schmitz, Don, RFD #4, Box 3070, Modesto N.Z.
Schott, Mrs. R. A., P.O. Box 187, Highgrove Schott, R. A.,
P.O. Box 187, Highgrove J&R, Champagnes F. L. Schraub, 86 Carlyn Ave., Campbell Schripfer, Mrs. Hilda, Rt. 1, Box 81, Santee Scott, Dorothy E., 4100 Soquel Drive, Santa Cruz Seacord, Edward M,, Ed-Mar Rabbitry,
17015 Pollard Rd., Los Gatos Serle, C. W., 1330 Orpheus Ave., Encincitas Serle, Mrs. C. W., 1330 Orpheus Ave., Encinitas Sheppard, Jack K., 1512 S. Crenshaw, Los Angeles Slinkard, Edw. R., 1415 3rd Avenue,
Chula Vista N.Z., Satins, Silver Marten
Smith, J. R., 321 Cloverdale, Modesto N.Z.
Smith, Helen J.,
7432 Walnut St., Buena Park Cavies
Smith, L. L.,
7432 Walnut St., Buena Park J, Cavies
Smith’s Rabbitry,
10700 Foothill Blvd., San Fernando Sokolis, Mrs. Edward O.,
2125 Francisco Rd., Santa Rosa Sornsen, Roger, 519 C Street, Broderick Spence, Ed, 1150 Glen Arbor, Los Angeles 41 Spiva, Mrs. Ivan M., 1600 Third, Atwater Sprague, Robert E., 3317 42nd St..
Sacramento 17 J&R, Dutch, Eng. Spot
Steele, Jan, 7985 Raseodei Ocaso, La Jolla Sterner, Wayne A., 464 Alviso Rd.,
S., Mountain View R, Calif., Dutch
Stewart, Lloyd G., 5820 Arlington Ave.,
Riverside J&R, N.Z., Sil. Martens
Stuart, Louis B., 10965 Arlington Ave., Arlington Stuart, Marcella E.,
1C965 Arlington Ave., Arlington Tait, Bert F., 10332 Wells, Arlington Tate, Edward M„
17910 N. Little Twjunga Rd., San Fernando Taddei, Tomasin D.. P.O. Box 358, Sutter Creek Templeton, George S.,
17118 Merrill Ave., Fontana Thompson, R. H., RR #1. Box 318, Gerber Thorpe, Mrs. Vonda J., 12272 Ramond Ave., Chino Triebwasser, John, 4004 67th St., Sacramento 20 Troutner, H. A., Rt. 4, Box 2420, Vista Van Buskirk, Edward L.,
3235 Mangun St., Baldwin Park N.Z.
Vanlue, Floyd L., Box 337, Alpine Vollaire, Alex, 3480 Vineland Ave., Baldwin Park Walker, John W., 20832 Seine St., Artesia Wassenaar, Ada, 2055 Guerneville Rd., Santa Rosa Wassenaar, Morris,
2055 Guerneville Rd., Santa Rosa Waters, Eileen A., P.O. Box 652, Lakeside N.Z. Watts, James A., 611 Collins St., Oxnard N.Z. Welch, Marvel, Rt. 4, Box 5090, Rio Linda West, Mrs. Maude, 11435 183rd St.. Artesia N.Z. Westlund, B. J., Box 1, Apple Valley Wheeler, S. M., 1013 Delfino Lane, Bakersfield Whitchurch, Billy Gene,
General Delivery, Bradley White, D. C.. 229 E. Carson St., Torrance White, Mrs. Neva, 229 E. Carson St., Torrance Whitten, Michelle T., Rt. 5, Box 405-G, Visalia Whittlesey, Verne,
13141 So. Wilson St., Garden Grove Wildenstein, Mrs. H. E., Rt. 1, Box 357, Norco Wilhite, Orin F., 557 Brighton Ave.,
Modesto Dutch, N.Z., Rex, Calif.
Williams, Bob, Box 2827, APO 435, San Francisco Williams, Fred A.,
Rt. 4, 21083 Wegis Ave., Bakersfield Williamson, M. D., Rt. 7, Box 758, Bakersfield Winslett, Mrs. D. T.,
7736 Old Auburn Rd., Citrus Heights Wirtz, Douglas C.,
422 Ocean View, Hermosa Beach Worley, Penny, 6169 Castana, Lakewood 11 Young, Willard M.,
P.O. Box 744, Vista R, N.Z., Calif.
Zampatti, Mrs. Mary M.,
2163 Waltzer Road, Santa Rosa Zanini, John, 941 Chula Vista Ave, Burlingame Zoglman, Joe, 15809 E. Fellowship, Puente
Representatives -
1. Mrs. Florence Yates, 542 Merten St., Toronto
2. E. Vaugeois,
652 Grandville Rd., Vancouver, B. C.
Albrecht, Hans-Werner,
P.O. Box 54, Midland, Ontario Allen, Mrs. Art,
10 Orchard Pk., Dr., West Hill, Ontario Allen, Art,
10 Orchard Pk., Dr., West Hill, Ontario Ash, Mrs. Gordon,
3248 Glasgow, Victoria, B. C. Calif.
Ash, Gordon,
3248 Glasgow, Victoria, B. C. R., Champs.
Bailey, Jim A.,
2170 Fraser Ave., Port Coquitlam, B.C.
Baker, Miss Madge,
McTavish Rd., RR # 1, Sidney, V. I,
Barnes, Elliott M.,
Box 182, Calgary, Alberta Wh. Flem.
Bast, Murray, RR #1, Wellesley, Ontario Bates, C., Lockside Dr..
RR #2, Royal Oak, V I.
Belanger. Louis,
134 Grand Ile. Valleyfield, P.Q.
Bennett, Barbara, 726 William St.,
Remington Park. Windsor. Ontario Blain, Art. Rt. 1. Wardsville. Ontario Brais, Fernand. 1271 Ropery St.. Montreal 22 Brissette, Lucien, Barber, Princeville, P.Q. Burn. Allan W.,
10 Morgan Rd., Baie D’Urfee, Quebec Campbell. J. A..
Pollard. Rd., Port Coquitlam, B. C.
Clarke, H. F„ 502 12th Ave.,
New Westminster B. C.
Connors, Patrick. 14 Kline St.,
Halifax Nova Scotia Croft, William.
632 Wentworth St., So., Hamilton. Ontario Curtis. D. A.,
732 35th St., N.W., Calgary, Alberta Danielsen. Rasmus. Elmstead, Ontario Dixson, Diane, c o Esher,
West of Chapleau-CPR, Ontario Doering, Hulda, Box 6, Torrington, Alta.
Dufault. Marcel,
Box 67, Haywood, Manitoba, B. C.
Elgin. Mrs. Tom, Townsend Dr., RR #1,
Royal Oak. Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Elgin, Tom. Townsend Dr.. RR #l,
Royal Oak, Victoria. V.I., B.C.
Emery, Mrs. W. F.. Lagoon P.O., B.C.
Eveleieh, Ronald G., 3391 W. 28th Ave..
Vancouver, B.C. Chins., N Z.
Finel, A. A., 6565 Cartier St.,
Montreal Chins., Champs.
Fisher. Mrs. L.,
7855 Simpson Road. Saanichton, B.C.
Forster. Mrs. H., 1540 Broadmead, Victoria, B.C. Fretz. Vernon.
Richview Rd., RR #1. Weston, Ontario Getty, Malcolm, RR #2 Bedford, Quebec Gisborne, Robert A., RR #1, Laydsmith, B.C. Gotzy, Albert, Fernie, B.C.
Grasby, Carl W., Box 6, Newton. B.C.
Grills. Wm., 31 Avenue Rd., Galt, Ontario Guindon, Hector, Wendover, Ontario Harlidge. George,
16894 96th Ave., RR #4, Cloverdale, B.C.
Harris, B. A., Stoney Creek, Ontario Hoyland, John, RR #5. Ingersoll, Ontario Hutchinson, B. G., 13787 Trans. Can. Hwy.,
RR 14, N. Surrey Calif., N.Z.
Irwin. Mrs. Ed,
17991 64th Ave., RR #4, Cloverdale. B.C.
Jackson, Dr. M. R., North Sydney, N. S.
James, Ivan F.. Box 99, Sutton W, Ontario Jenkins. Mrs. O. B . Lagoon P.O., Victoria, B.C.
K & R Chinchilla Rabbit Ranch,
68 Scarborough Beach Blvd.. Toronto 8, Ontario LaFortune, Roy L., Box 112, Kimberley. B. C. Learoyd, G. W., Box 157. Cayuga. Ontario Lingelbach, Edwin J.. RR #1. Wellesley, Ontario Loiselle, A. R., RR #3, Maidstone, Ontario Loob. W. E„
2802 16th Ave., S.E.. Albert Park, Alta. MacDonald, Mrs. C. S.,
RR #1, Stoney Creek, Ontario MacDonald, C. S., RR #l, Stoney Creek, Ontario McCann, John, 397 Pane Ave., Toronto Martin, Sally, Box 1891, RR #3,
Burnside Rd., Victoria, B.C.
Maure. Mrs. Godfrey,
526 Vidal St., S., Sarnia, Ontario Maynard, Rick,
3095 West 51st Ave., Vancouver 13, B.C.
Morton, E. L., RR #1, Fruitland, Ontario Muir, James A., 2908 Douglas Rd., RR #2.
Langley Prairie, B.C. Calif., R
Muir, Thomas A., RR #2, Hamilton, Ontario Musgrave. Austin. Box 7. Musgrave St.,
North Sydney. N.S., Cape Breton Nesbitt, O., 14065 110th Ave., North Surrey, B.C. Neale, V., 1782 18th Ave., New Westminster, B.C. Nichol, Dave, 724 Logan Ave., Toronto, Ontario O’Hagen, Jos., RR 11, London, Ontario Ouellette, M. A., Clover Bar, Alberta Packman, A. J., 98 Crichton St., Ottawa, Ontario Page, John N.,
1706 31st St., S.W., Calgary, Alberta Ramsey, Wm. Jas.,
365 Clifton Rd., Ottawa, Ontario Rawlings, F. H. Bert, RR #9, London, Ontario Richards, K. Earle,
Box 39, Thornhill, Ontario Dutch
Ross, Charles S., Dunbarton, Ontario Ross, Dorothy, Dunbarton, Ontario Robertson, Ariadne, 12315 New McLelland Rd.,
RR #1, Cloverdale, B.C.
Russell, John, RR #1, Milliken, Ontario Sanburn, W. Leo, Box 271, Gimili, Manitoba Sanders, John, RR #3,
3138 144 St., White Rock, B.C. N.Z.
Savard, J. P.,
23 Parissi. Laval Des Rapides, Quebec Schnarr. Charles, RR #4, Port Arthur. Ontario Scott, Mrs. W. J., RR #10, London, Ontario Sherrah. Bud. Jr., Hannibal St.,
Box 557. Blenhiem. Ontario Shuker. Eric. 93 Waterloo St., Kitchener, Ontario Smith. Donald M..
20775 17th Road. Hammond, B.C.
Stavelev. Ronald A.,
29th Dysart Rd.. Victoria. B.C.
Swoyze, D. V., 2765 Blake Rd., White Rock, B.C. Tanner, Clifford S.. Sr.,
23 Swaine St., Halifax, N.S. Flemish
Tanner, C. S., Jr., 21 Swaine St.. Halifax, N.S. Taylor. Basil A., Claresholm, Alta.
Terr. Don,
1635 Westover Rd.. North Vancouver, B.C.
Van Daal, Gordon 41 Edgewood Avenue, Hamilton. Ontario Vaugeois, E.. 652 Granville Rd.,
Vancouver 14, B.C. J&R
Waldron. Egbert D , Cookshire. Quebec Yates, C. Mac 546 Merton St.. Toronto Ontario Yates, Mrs. Florence G., 542 Merton St.,
Toronto, Ontario R
State Representatives
1. Arthur Nelson—Middle, 1806 Pikes Peak Ave.,
Colorado Springs
2. Geo. R. Bermecker—West, 1429 Grand Ave.,
Grand Junction
3. G. R. Barnes—North, Rt. 2. Box 171, Arvada
Anglin, George, 419 Park Dr., Pueblo N.Z.
Bailey, J. D., 8745 51st Ave.. Arvada N.Z.
Barber. Roy H.. Rt. 2. Box 103. Las Animas Bare. Carl C.. Rt. 2, Colorado Springs
Barger, Don E., Rt. 2. Box 251, Pueblo Barger. Mrs. Neoma, Rt. 2, Box 251. Pueblo Barnes. G. R., 6900 Independence, Arvada R
Barry, Ronald, 2724 Tremont. Colorado Springs Black. Dessamarie. 1634 Poplar,
Box 1-K. Rt. 1, Canon City Boorsma, Terry, 1602 So. Corona St.,
Colorado Springs
Campbell, Barry. 446 Alma Ave., Pueblo Chase. Fred G.. Wellington Crabtree, Merle, 2625 La Porte Ave.,
Fort Collins
Cruts, Chas. P.. 2310 Howbert, Colorado Springs Cruts, Mrs. Doris, 2310 Howbert, Colorado Springs Currie, Nelson D., Box 776, Derby Currie, Christine, Box 776, Derby Davis, Robert W., D.V.M.. Veterinary Science Bldg., Colorado A.M. College, R
Fort Collins Calif.
Davis, Emily Ann, 1320 Virginia. Fort Collins Denisar, C. R.. Box 782, Fort Morgan DeVore. Mrs. Cleon Cook,
Box 75-A. Star Rt.. Littleton Doose, Max, P.O. Box 417,
Glenwood Springs R, N.Z.
Dorn, Kenneth, Rt. 1. Fort Morgan Downard, Maurice, Box 414. Rt. 3. Aurora Earls. Rabbitry. 4522 Goodnight, Pueblo Edmisten, Thomas. 1030 N. Yuma,
Colorado Springs N.Z.
Fountain, Jerry Dale, 1563 So. Hudson, Denver 22 Gabler, Avel, RR #1, Canon City R
Gechter, Charles W., 4 McKinley Ct.,
Colorado Springs
Geist, Arthur A., 2709 W. Water St.,
Englewood N.Z.
Graham’s Rabbit Ranch, 5610 W. Center Ave., Denver 14
Grimes, E. J., P.O. Box 87, Rye R
Hambrick, L. A., 413 Park Drive,
Pueblo N.Z.. Champs.
Hanson, Melvin L., 1923 E. 15th St.. Pueblo Harris, Curt L.. 703 Sherman St„ Fort Morgan Herbst, Darell James, Rt. 1, Brighton Herman, A. B.. 5510 Niagara. Denver 16 Herman, Pat, 4666 Logan, Denver 16 Hobson. C. Jacob,
P.O. Box 54. Pueblo N.Z., Dutch
Holeman, H. S., R, Fort Morgan Hoogendyke, Michael J., 4841 So. Penna., Englewood N.Z., Martens
Horner, Ralph W., 502 N. 2nd Ave., Sterling Hunter, H. W., 3296 S. Zuni, Englewood Jackson, J. Harold, 2000 S. Zuni, Denver 23 Jones, Tommy W., 4711 S. Downing, Englewood Kalb, Larry, 958 Veta Ave., Pueblo Keith, Bill L., 320 Grove, Littleton N.Z., Martens King, Delbert L., 950 Clarkson, Denver 18 Larson, Marvin D., Box 311, Brush McCain, Darrell A., 7070 Krameria, Derby McCurdy, R. L„ 2735 Highline Rd.,
Grand Junction
McKelvey, E. L., Jr., 7050 W. 38th Ave.,
Box 36, Wheatridge
McReynolds, J. A., P.O. Box 136, Durango
Martindale, Colin, Rt. 2, Fort Morgan Marvel, Eldon B., Rimrock Ranch, Colbran Meek, Donald B., Rt. 2, Box 144, Pueblo Miesner, Dean, 6100 So. Franklin, Littleton Moad, C. R., RFD #4, Box 205, Pueblo Mohr, Norman, 237 W. Chenango, Englewood Nauman, Linda, 6190 So. Broadway, Littleton Nelson, Arthur L., 1806 West Pikes Peak Ave., Colorado Springs J&R. N.Z., Polish
Neuschwanger. Richard D., P.O. Box 403, Brush Neville, Earl R., P.O. Box 904, Fort Morgan
N.Z., Calif., Ck. Gt., Champs., Am. Chins. Nuoci, Lawrence J., 3602 Wyandot St., Denver 11 Orr, C. W., P.O. Box 351,
Palmer Lake R, Angora
Pedigo, Mrs. Mannetta B., 940 Veta Ave., Pueblo Pedigo, H. F., 940 Veta Ave., Pueblo R
Phillips. Donald. 118 Trout Ave., Colorado Springs Porter, B. A., 285 So. Newton St.,
Denver 4 J&R
Pratt, Wayne, 2294 W. Iliff Ave., Denver 23 Rice, Robert R., 1090 W. Bellviero,
Littleton Calif.
Robinson, Jack, 992 Uvalda, Aurora Rooks, Roy W., 1100 E. Cheyenne Rd.,
Colorado Springs
Smith, Paul S., 5955 Pierce. Arvada Smith, Robert L.. 5175 Dudley St., Arvada Smith, Hubert. 2110 So. Kalamath, Denver Smith, C. E., 3883 W. 52nd St., Denver R
Spence, Lew, General Delivery. LaPorte Spencer, Dave, 3792 W. Girard, Englewood Stevens, Dessie E.. Rt. 2, Box 69, Pueblo Stewart. Everett L., 4325 Iris, Wheatridge Stockdale, R. M., 7205 Independence, Arvada Stoops. Mrs. Claude. 17015 W. 12th Ave., Golden Sweetor, Wayne, 905 N. Bennett, Colorado Springs Thompson, O. E., 2419 Poplar. Pueblo Tucker. Donald C„ 11710 W. 38th Ave.,
Wares, Gail G., Rt. 2. Box 260, Fort Collins Weston, Helen, 3114 Teller, Denver Weston, R. G., Speer Blvd, at Larimer St.,
Denver 4
Wheeler, Jesse, Box 363, Springfield Wilkinson. Don. Rt. 1, Loveland Williams. Jim, P.O. Box 328, Fort Morgan Wood, Albert E., 2724 Tremont, Colorado Springs Yearows, Guy, South Duell, Fort Morgan Yearous, John, 202 So. Devel St., Fort Morgan
State Representative—
Ralph Mosher, 658 Kennedy Rd., Windsor Abrams. David, 1897 Stanley St., New Britain Andel, Felix, Old Turnpike Road,
Box 103, Southington Anderson. Charles T., RR #1,
Box 238-A, Southburv Andrews, Daniel K., Silver St., Coventry Anthony, Harry, Jr., 120 Miller Ave., Meriden Archambeault, Emil, Fall Mt. Rd., Bristol Bailey. Volney, 380 State St, North Haven Bartezko. Alvin Blacks Hill Road, Shelton Bechert, James Rayburn, 23 7th St.. New Britain Bilger, Alfred A.. Hampden Rd., No. Somers Biorken, Al, Buzz Hollow,
Monroe J&R, Chins.. N.Z., Champs.
Blake. Richard S., Notch Road, Granby Blanchard. Ernest R.. RR #1, Whigville, Bristol Pose. Mada. 1021 Palisado Ave.. Windsor N.Z. Brennan. Albert, RFD #2, Simsbury Brower. Keith, 23 Reynolds Bridge Rd., Thomaston
Carbonic, Peter. 237 Vineyard Ave.. Newington Christenson. Lawrence D., North Branford Ciarmella, James, 43 Kearney, Pequabuck Culver, Irving B., 111 Riverview Pl, Stratford Davis, Lawrence, Twin Lakes Road,
North Branford
Dearden, Nelson, Depot St., Broad Brook de Castro, Dr. Alfred,
Hunting Ridge Road, Stamford R
Dooley, Parker, Kent Ferrier, Warren. Horsepond Rd., Madison Gambardella, Robert C., Lacey Road, Bethany 15 Goodson, Maurice, RFD #4, Wolcott Rd., Waterbury 12 N.Z.
Henry, Eugene E., RR #1, 103 Thames View, Quaker Hill R, N.Z.
Hoer, Robert. Jr., 22 Parmelee Ave., New Haven Jayne, Mrs. Virginia, RFD #l, Thomaston Kaliss, Henry, Nichols Rd., Wolcott,
Waterbury 12 N.Z., Calif., Ck. Gts.
Kemp, E. William, RFD #2, Gieser St., Mystic Knapp, George S., Jr., Cedar St., Sandyhook Kogut, Ronald, 147 Ann St., Meriden Kyburn, Henry E., Jr., Old Clinton Rd., Westbrook
Lacourse, Leo N., RFD #1, Uncasville LaRosa, Joseph A., 3132 Main St., Hartford 5 LeGendre, Carlton P., 474 Gravel St., Meriden Locke, Frank W., RFD, Quaker Hill Longley, Kenneth O., RFD #1, North Franklin
McKenna, Arthur E., 51 Sunnyside, Yantic Moran, Jessica V., 257 Fenn Rd., Cheshire N.Z. Mosher, Ralph, 608 Kennedy Road, Windsor R Parsons, Donald, 111 Kensington Ave.,
New Britain
Petitjean, Emile E., 12 Meriden Rd.,
Waterbury N.Z.
Pietrowski, Walter, 135 Hickory St., Norwich Pollard, Carol, 176 Ridgewood Ave., Hamden 17 Poloerari, Gino, Piscitello Dr., Branford Preece, Alfred, 1015 E. Main, Meriden Raymond, Samuel, 511 Hoyt St., Darien Roller, Willim C., Walnut Tree Hill, Sandy Hook Roman, Edmund, 317 Clinton St., New Britain Schaefer, Wm. A., 33 Hayden Ave., Windsor R Schultze, Oscar F., Westport Ave., Norwalk J&R Schultze, Mrs. Oscar, Westport Ave., Norwalk Smith, George L., Maple Farm,
RFD #1, Box 211, Thomaston Stagis, Edward, 459 Farmington Ave., Plainville Sweeney, Edward A., 59 Meadow St.,
Winsted N.Z., Dutch, Calif.
Sweetland, Victor, Chestnut Hill Road, Norwalk Usanis, Anthony, Middle St., Middletown Wheaton, Walter F., Chestnut Hill Wilenski, William, 556 Fresh Meadow Rd.,
West Haven 16
Woodin, Alvin D., Sr., P.O. Box 728. Sandy Hook Woodin, Althea, P.O. Box 728, Sandy Hook Wright, Lyman, Jr., Box 62, Riverton Zak, Frank M,, RFD #3, Willimantic Zarges, Henry K., 82 Fort Point St.,
East Norwalk
Zarges, Mrs. Henry, 82 Fort Point St.,
East Norwalk
State Representative-Henry Parwszewski, Read Ave. Boxwood, Wilmington
Bib, Charles, 904 Dover Ave.,
Elsmere Manor, Wilmington Dill, Glenn, 102 Beech Lane, Wilmington 4 Hill, Dennard R., Box 247, Birdgeville Lee, Paul A., Jr., 1829 Elm St., Wilmington 5 Paruszewski, Henry, Read Ave., Boxwood, Wilmington 16 J&R, Dutch
State Representative
Millard H. Hess, 5404 McComb St. N.W., Washington
Berger, Horace L., 6621 Radford Road,
Washington 22
Buxton, Robert, 5202 Western Ave.,
Washington 15
Caffrey, Mary M„ 1301 15th St„ N.W.,
Darrow, G. L., 54C3 Spring St., S.E.,
Washington 21
Edington, Rod, 2001 Columbia Road, N.W., Washington R
Hess, Millard H., 5404 Nacomb St., N.W., Washington N.Z.
Stacey, Albert M., 5410 Wheeler Road, S.E., Washington 21
State Representative—
1. Mrs. Oreen Hoblitzell—South, Rt. 6,
Box 609E, Tampa 4
2. Alven Evans—North, 6006 Temple Rd.,
Barber, Mrs. Sallie, Rt. 2, Box 987, Apopka Barber, O. W., Rt. 2, Box 987, Apopka Barber, David W., Jr., Star Route, Waldo Bennett, F. L., Box 163, Lake Worth Bombino, Frank, Rt. 1, Box 751, Clearwater Bowen, Raymond J., P.O. Box 745, Havana Bradford, John, Jr., Box 44, Malabar Burke, Ernest L., Clewiston Burkhardt & Woodworth, 3137 N.W. 10th Terr.,
Ft. Lauderdale N.Z.
Carter, Mrs. Peggy, Rt. 2, Box 461, Lutz R
Chaffee, F. Harrison, P.O. Box 244,
HiWay 301, Riverview Clausen, Mrs. W. E., 9425 S.W. 94 Court,
Miami 56
Conter, Charles A., 96 5th St., Apalachicola Cousins, J. E., Jr., 2505 Kuhl Ave., Orlando Crockett, Ernest M., 856 High St., Orlando N.Z. Dalphond, Dr. G. C., Rt. 1, Wauchula Davis, Neil J., 1908 E. Flora, Tampa 10 Desrosiers, Dolores, RFD #1, Box 599,
Ft. Lauderdale
Desrosiers, Joseph, RFD #1, Box 599,
Ft. Lauderdale
Detert, Stanford N., 11598 Indian Rocks Road, Largo N.Z., Calif., Chins.
DeWolf, H. L., Box 747, Brandon
Dube, Joseph, 8835 Eaton Ave., Jacksonville Durden, Wm. P., 5572 110th St., Jacksonville Dwyer, J. E., Rt. 1, Box 196, Palatka N.Z.
Eckhart, Jos F„ 1205 S.W. 75th Ave., Miami 44 Evens, David M., 6006 Temple Rd., Jacksonville 7 Evans, A. H., Box 654, Micanopy Evens, Alven, 6006 Temple Rd., Jacksonville 7 R Fallman, Fred W., 1214 Yates Ave., Orlando Flautt, George D., 1115 Griffin Rd., Lakeland Fortner, Ronnie, Box 18, Parrish French, O. J., Duval Drilling Co.,
6505 Normandy Blvd., Jacksonville Garner, C. A., 731 Cortez Road, W, Bradenton Card, Neal W.. Box 111, Homosassa Springs Gentry, Giles J., 343 Macy St.,
West Palm Beach J&R, N.Z., Calif.
Goode, R. W., Rt. 2, Box 169, Homestead N.Z, Goulet, Raymond T., 1330 Grand Ave., Orlando Hamm, Charles W., Jr., Rt. 1, Box 586, Valrico Haner's Rabbitry, 2919 E. Sligh Ave., Tampa Harvey, William D., 2214 N.W. 105 Terrace,
Miami 47
Hawley, Howard, 3805 Suniland, Sarasota Haves, Dr. Frank M., Box 948, Merritt Island R Hill, Robert W., Rt, 2, Box 653, Delund R
Hoblitzell, John G., Rt. 6, Box 511,
Tampa R, Californian
Hoblitzell, Oreen, Rt. 6, Box 511, Tampa Hogan, Ola M., Rt. 2, Box 733. Tampa 5 Horne, John S., 1004 Rosselle St., Jacksonville Housefield. John W., 2410 Everett, P.O. Box 941. Lakeland
Hughes, William C., Box 299-A, Bartow Huskey. Mrs. Richard J., Rt. 2,
New Smyrna Beach
Jackson. Richard H., .516 W. Buffalo, Tampa 3 Janes, Mrs. W. B„ 1709 E. Henry Ave.,
Tampa N.Z.
Janes, W. B., 1709 E. Henry Ave.. Tampa Jeffcoat, Morgan Ehrlich, Rt. 1, Box 276,
Johannsen, Paul A., 3128 Euclid Ave., Ta-Johnson, Hueland, Rt. 2, Fort Meade
LaGorio, Betty, 7044 Gulf Coast Hwy,
Pineallas Park N Z.
Lamb, Robert, Rt. 2, Box 201-A, Holly Hill Litchfield, Gerald A., 1892 Burkholder Circle W., Jacksonville 11
Lucas, A. C., Rt. 1, Box 303-F, Tampa Lucas, W. B., 5604 Kimbreil Dr., Jacksonville Lyon, William E., RFD #2, Box 116, Citra McClain, D., Rt. 3, Box 203-D, West Palm Beach McClain, Mrs. D., General Delivery,
West Palm Beach
McGinnis, W. B., 1332 B Randolph, Jacksonville McVey, J. C., 2360 Fairway Dr., West Palm Beach Malott, Sharon, Rt. 1, Citrus Acres, Bradenton Manos, Victor J., 12540 S.W. 80th Ave., Miami 56 Markley, R.W., Jr., 3923 Avenue Q, N.W.,
Rt. 1, Winterhaven
Miller, Mrs. Fred, 3018 Chapin Ave., Tampa Milliken, Mrs. Oliver, R, 4, Box 321, Gainesville Milliken, Oliver, Rt. 4, box 321,
Gainesville J&R, N.Z.
Montgomery, Miss Katherine, 628 W. Call St.,
Moreland, John Willis, 823 West 10th St., Ocolo Moser, Karl O., Rt. 4, Box 538-B, Orlando Murphy, Spencer, Rt. 6, Box 382, Tampa 10 Nursey, Bill, 4834 Attleboro St., Jacksonville 5 Partridge, Harvey L., 905 E. 10th Ave., Mt. Dora Paye, William, Rt. 8, Box 413-D, Jacksonville 7 Pearsons, Carl R., 1207 Hofner Ave.,
Pine Castle Br., Orlando
Pemble, R. E., 3010 10th Ave., St. Petersburg J&R Phelps, Henry David, Rt. 8, Box 620,
So. Jacksonville 7
Pirnat, August, Rt. 4, Box 842-H, Lakeland Rahn, John H., 2514 13th Ave., No., St. Petersburg Remond, Bill, 454 Magnolia Ave., Panama City Robertson, Ross I., 133 Palm Dr., Winter Haven Rodgers, A. C., P.O. Box 85, Bunnell Roell, Helen, 3201 26th St., W, Bradenton Roell, Herbert, 3201 26th St., W, Bradenton R Rosakranse, Kathryn, 5603 Ramona Blvd., Jacksonville
Selick, Graham, Box 635, Green Cove Spring Smith, Harold F., 7201 So. Waterway Dr.,
Miami (Kendall Br.)
Smith, John A., Rt. 1, Box 1328, Melbourne Spaide, Theodore G., 2012 N. 61st Ave., Pensacola Spencer, G. W., Rt. 1, Box 126, Zephyrhills Stewart, Edward T., Myakka Star Rt., Bradenton Taylor, John, 3874 Spring Park Road, Jacksonville Taylor, Loring J., 59th St., RFD #1, Bradenton Tobin, Jay Charles, 640 9th St., No., St. Petersburg Turner, J. P., Jr., 1023 S. Rio Grande Ave., Orlando
Tuten, Richard H., P.O. Box 55, Bayard Tuten, Mrs. Richard H., P.O. Box 55, Bayard Vrooman, Paul, 1402 12th St.,
Palmento Chins., N.Z.
Walmer, Mrs. Patricia, Rt. 1, Box 63, Pensacola Walter-deVillier, Jr., 203 Redwood,
Temple Terrace
Wasson, Herbert, 4105 Oakellar Ave.,
Tampa 11 J&R
Webster, L. Eugene, 2951 28th St., So.,
St. Petersburg
Webster, Lee, 2951 28th St., So.,
St. Petersburg
Westfall, Jas E., Rt. 2, Box 110-G, Citra Weston, G B., C/O C. L. Dickert Lumber Co., Sunnyside
Wheeler, E. M., Rt 3, Box 47, Palatka White, Merle D.. P.O. Box 1809, Fort Myers Williams, Herbert E., Rt. 2, Box 208-A, Perry Wood, Wm. O., 179-A Orangedale Rt.,
Green Cove Springs
Worsham, Mrs. Ruby, Rt. 4, Box 743-A, Tampa
Yates, J. P„ Box 255, Oakland Park
Ze .k, Stephanie, Rt. 2, Box 243, Lake Worth
State Representative—
C. F. Simpkins, 5261 Mercer Rd., Decatur Allen, Darrell, Rt. 1, Enigma Anderson, Vivian, RD #2, Conyers Anderson, Fred V., Rt. 2, Conyers Bailey & Childers, Sylvester
Bartlett, J. W„ 680 W Wesley Rd., N.W., Atlanta Bartlett, Mrs. J. W.. 680 W. Wesley Rd.,
N.W., Atlanta N.Z.
Bitely. O i_ Jr., 2787 Hillcrest Ave.,
Dec'-r N.Z.
Blackmon, Raymond, 620 Bohler Ave., Augusta Bowlin, Paul E., Rt. 2, Box 357-A.
College Park J&R
Bratcher, Robert C., 1705 Hortense Pl, N.W., Atlanta 18
Bratcher, Mrs. Robert C., 1705 Hortense PL, N.W., Atlanta 18
Burton, J. L., 1522 Celia Dr., Columbus N.Z.
Calhoun, O. L., Rt. 1, Douglasville Cary, Laura, 2642 Henry St., Augusta Castleberry, Mrs. Troy, Rt. 1, Musella Cochran, Paul, Athens Poultry, Inc.,
P.O. Box 449 A 1 ens
Coleman. J W., 90 Elmira PL, N.E., Atlanta Coulter, Horace, Rt. 2, Floyd Rd., Columbus R
Dixon, Mrs. A. L., Rt. 2, Box 191, Girard Fields, John, 1018 W. Poplar St., Griffin N.Z.
Garrett, John R., 284 Auburn Ave., Macon Glover, Jesse A.. 2323 Howe Ave., Columbus Garvin, R. W., 2098 Bankhead Hwy.,
Atlanta J&R, N.Z.
Green, William T., 216 Skinner Road, Augusta Hogan, A. E., 204 Hollywood St., Valdosta Howarth, Sgt. Fred, MP Det., USAG, Fort Gordon Jester, Carl. Joy Lake Road, Ellenwood McCombs, Beattrice, Rt. 2, Athens McCombs, John D., Rt. 2, Athens Malone, Mrs. H. L., Rt. 3. Box 39, College Park Malone, Harris L., Rt. 3, Box 39, College Park Nickerson, George H., 938 Dundee Ave.,
N.E., Atlanta 7
Nipper, Mitchell, RFD #3, Douglas
Nolan, Joseph, 2404 La Vista Dr.. Decatur R
Oglesby, W. Allen, 2172 Nelma Dr., S.W.,
Atlanta 15
Osborne, John, 2908 Ramsey Road, Columbus Pracheo, Richard, Rt. 1, Ringgold Pratt, Mrs. T. K., 427 West Mercer Ave.,
College Park
Pratt, T. K., 427 W. Mercer Avenue,
College Park R
Price, C. B., 5230 Britt Road,
Rt. 1, Tucker N.Z., Calif., Dutch
Robinson, R. L., Jr., Rt. 5. Box 241, Savannah Simon, T. Clarence, 2508 Sheridan Drive, Augusta Simpkins, Mrs. C. F,, 5261 Mercer Road, Decatur Simpkins, C. F., 5261 Mercer Road,
RD #3, Decatur J&R
Slade, S. A., 404 6th St., Vienna Smith, J. G., 2669 Hood Ave.,
N.W., Atlanta J&R
Smith, A. C., Rt. 1, Box 253, Cairo Spencer, Robert A., RFD #3, Box 169, Griffin Tate, Nathan O., Ethel Harpst Home,
740 Fletcher St., Cedartown Tyre, George W., 1652 Winter Dr., Savannah Utley, L. F., Gracewood
Walden, Ray L., 369 Nolan St., S.E., Atlanta Welsh, Harvey, 1935 Starnes St., Augusta Whidby, Roy, Rt. 4, Hilltop Extension,
Austell Calif., N.Z., Dutch
Whidby, Mrs. Roy, Rt. 4, Hilltop Extension, Austell
Wright, Dewey, Rt. 1, Box 237, Griffin Yearwood, E. W., 2881 Daws Ave., S.E.,
Atlanta 17 Calif.
State Representative—
Luther N. Robinson, Rt. 1, South Pocatello Alumbaugh, T. H., RFD #1, Emmett Ames, Mrs. Ruby, Rt. 1, So., Pocatello Baxter, George F., 113 Broadway No., Buhl N.Z.
Baxter, Helen V., 113 Broadway No., Buhl N.Z.
Brimm, Woodrow, P.O. Box 84, Hansen Christenson, Mrs. Lars H., 794 Wilson Ave., Blackfoot
Cleveland, Robert, 628 So. 14th, Boise Crawford, Albert E., Box 95, Cataldo Ellis, LaMar, Howe
Forgerson, Glen O., Rt. 2, Box 33, Coeur d’Alene Hansen, Martin L., Box 47, Hansen Kessler, George, Council Flem., N.Z.
Reynolds, James C., Box 32, Enaville Robinson, Luther N., RFD #l, South, Pocatello Ruhter, Devon, Jr., Rt. 1, Buhl N.Z.
Schellenberg, Albert, P.O. Box 66, Shelley Stallings, A. L., RR #3, Buhl R, N.Z., Champs.
State Representative-
1. W. T. Robinson- South, 417 Chestnut St., Anna
2. Roger Fitchorn—Middle, 1302 S. Bunn St.,
3. Ted Wengert-North, 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford
Adamson, Lois, RR #1, Monroe Center Alder, Hazel, Box 254, Mackinaw Allen, Charles L., Box 11, Lola Allshouse, John R., 1217 W. Garfield Blvd.,
Chicago 36
Anderson, Jas., Rt. 1, Litchfield Anderson’s Rabbitry, 204 N.W. 7th Ave., Galva R Anderson, Leona, 204 N.W. 7th Ave., Galva Anderson, Raymond, RR #4, Jacksonville Anderson, H. R., 10C4 E. 3rd, Metropolis Anfield, Lyman E., 18034 Sayre Ave., Tinley Park Applegate, Gloria M., 1707 E. Carpenter St., Springfield
Applegate, Fred R., 1707 E. Carpenter St., Springfield N.Z.
Arndt, William F., 2308 S. 17th St., Broadview Arendt, R. D., 2428 6th Ave., Moline Ayers, T. H., 2912 Hoover Ave., Springfield
R, N.Z., Calif., Havana, Angora, Martens Ayers, Florence, 2912 Hoover Ave., Springfield Banter, Philip, 301 Shakespeare St., Wilmington Bardill, Joe, 313 W. Broadway, Highland Barnes, Wm. J., Box 3353, Chicago 54 Bassett, Floyd, P.O. Box 295, Wayne City Bateman, Glenn D., P.O. Box 82, Hammond Beamer, A. O., RD #1, Box 103, West Chicago Beardstown Mills Co., 601 2nd St., E., Beardstown Beauchamp, Edgar, Middletown Bickers, Kenneth, RR #2, Homer N.Z.
Bloomquist, Orville, P.O. Box 138, Sherrard Bloomquist, Bernice A., P.O. Box 138, Sherrard Blum, Edward J., 210 S. Oak St., Normal Boden, P. A., 1108 N. 13th St.,
Springfield J&R, Flem., N.Z.
Bogart, Lyle, Rt. 1, Box 316, Moline J&R
Bollinger, Gilbert, 1613 Watch Ave., Springfield Bouma's Rabbitry, RR 221, Franklin Grove Boundcount, Jerome, Kampsville Bowers, Hugh, Danforth
Bradley, Richard D., 710 W. Grove, Prophetstown Brady, Ben, 622 Atwood Ave.,
Rockford N.Z., Champs.
Brenner’s Rabbitry, Pecatonica Bridges, Robert N., Box 167, Stanford Brown, Robert H., 152 Victory Dr., E. Alton Brown, Jewell, S. Wash. St., DuQuoin Buehler, John H., RR #1, Box 78, Waterman Burnett, D. D., 4004 Glenview Road, Glenview Bush, B. D., 131 Edgebrook Road, Wooddale Bush, Mrs. B. D., 131 Edgebrook Road, Wooddale Buttell, George, 251 Barlett Pl., Elgin Cale, George, RR #1, Roscoe Calhoun Rabbitry, Princeville Campbell, H. C., Rt. 2, Box 686-A, Zion Campbell, Francis, Box 49, Winslow Carlson, Connie, 529 Orchard Court,
Des Plaines
Ceytes Rabbitry, Box 29, Bulpitt Chapman, Elma E., 656 Sample, Marseilles Chapman, Henry, 656 Sample St.,
Marseilles Champs.
Charlson, David, 404 So. West 4th Ave., Galva Chatman, Wesley, 1605 West Jefferson St., Ottawa
Childress, Gerald, 1208 W. Park, Urbana N.Z.
Chmelik, Jim, 2500 Walters Ave., Northbrook Church, J. Fred, RR #1, Box 521, Grayville Circle Bar Rabbitry, 1015 Franklin,
Winthrop Harbor
Clark, Robert L., 1279 E. Knox St., Galesburg Cleer Rabbitry, 528 Pekin Avenue, Creve Coeur Cline, Gordon, Jr., 723½ N. 9th St.,
Springfield N.Z.
Clink, Mrs. Arthur, 2636 So. 9th St.,
Springfield Std. Chins., N.Z., Satins
Coale, Robert K., 1115 Grand Ave., Waukegan Cobb, Harold G., Box 2424, Hines Coit, William N., 1206 N. Mason St., Bloomington Collins, Ira E., Box 104, Bismark Cook, Clifford, 407 W. Parke, Urbana
N.Z., Champs.
Cook, Ray L., RFD #1, 332 W. Francis Rd.,
New Lenoa
Corn’s Rabbitry, 355 Gordon Ave., Coal City Craig’s Rabbitry, 517 S. Center Ave., Galva Cremer, Terry Lee, RFD #2, Maquon Crestline, RR #2, Box 287, East Moline Curcio, Jim, 1829 39th Ave., Melrose Park Curtis, John, Farmer City D & D Rabbitry, Toulon D & R Rabbitry, 1070 Page St., Kewanee Daily, Leslie, 521 N. Washington St., DuQuoin Dale, Mary, RR #l, Glenarm Davis, Mervin E., 305 W. Tremont St.,
Champaign R., N.Z., Flem.
Deckard, Gilbert Allen, RFD #4, Robinson Dee Vee Rabbitry, 404 S.W. 4th Ave.,
Galva Calif., Dutch
DeMeo, Sam, 1003 Reedy Road, Lisle Dettmer, Fred, 6901 W. Gunnison St., Chicago Detweiler, Glenn, 508 W. 4th St., Rock Falls Devenney, Mrs. Mary, 1803 Collins Road,
Devenney, Harold, 1803 Collins Road, Rockford Dick, Carl Lynn, Box 95, Hammond Dickson, Irma, 216 E. Roselawn, Danville Dickson, Harold, 216 E. Roselawn,
Danville R, N.Z.
Diericks Bros. Rabbitry, Rt. 1, Box 288, Silvis Dilger, William, 633 No. Lorel Ave., Chicago 44 Dobson, Austin W., 105 Logan Rd., Marq. Hts., Pekin
Donahue, Wayne L., Mill St., Huntley N.Z. Dooyen, Lawrence, RFD #1, Ridott Doplers Rabbitry, 796 3rd St., Silvis Hgts., Silvis Double L. Rabbitry, 2285 N. Graceland, Decatur Draxine, John, 197 Westerfield Pl, Grays Lake Drew, John, RR #1, Fairbury Duffield, Andrew F., Box 248, Glasford Duke & Dutchess Rabbitry, Robert Miller,
607 Jefferson St., Oregon Eastburn, Henry, 280 W. Concord St.,
Sheldon Calif.
Edwall, Arlo, 501 North East 1st St., Galva N.Z. Egerere, Henry, 9510 Alpine Rd., Rockford Esterly, Ralph, 32C E. Center St., Morris N.Z. Estill, Leland, Middletown Fink, Leo, 434 W. Union, Edwardsville Fisher, Burdette, 739 West Ordury St., Freeport Fisher, Jerrold, RR #2, St. Anne Fitchorn, Roger, 1302 S. Bunn St.,
Bloomington R
Fleener, M. W., Rt. 2, Metropolis Flynn, Charles S., 808 Jackson St., Pecatonica Fones, Cecil, Rt. 1, Godfrey Fooks, Thomas W., 118 West First, Mt. Carmel Foulkes, Walter C., 211 So. Second St., St. Charles Fox, Max, RR #l, Avon Freeman, F. Bernerd, West Point Freeman, Charles, Freeman’s C & H Rabbitry,
R #3, Box 104-C, Waukegan Fulkminer, Robert L., RR #2, Pearl City Fuller, Harry E., RR #2, Box 125, Aurora Fulwider, Dale, P.O. Box 53, Wheaton Fulwider, Velma, P.O. Box 53, Wheaton Funk, Leo A., 3638 So. Winchester Ave., Chicago
Garecht, William J., P.O. Box 77,
Illiopolis N.Z.
Garner, Mrs. J. L., RR #4, Salem Gerdes, C. W., 841 Railway Exch. Bldg., Chicago Getty, James A., Box 215, Colfax N.Z.
Gibson, A. M., RFD #1, Edwardsville N.Z.
Glassmaker, Tom, 505 13th St., Highland Goble, Theodore Mott, 330 North Locust St., Sycamore
Goedecke, Wm., 1905 Summit, East St. Louis Grant, Mildred, 1014 E. Enos, Springfield Rex
Graves, Harold, B & H Rabbitry, Toulon Grede, Philip, 12332 70th Avenue,
Palos Heights N.Z.
Greenway, Lauretta Bernice, RFD #1,
Hanna City
Gregory, Duane, Box 13, Sherrard
Griesser, W. C., 218 S. Ela Road, Palatine N.Z.
Guzzardo, George R., 2168 So. 13th, Springfield
Halford, George, 1604 No. 32nd, Springfield Hall, Henry H., Jr., 325 Lincoln Blvd.,
CMR 31, Pekin
Hampton, Loren, 1606 S. 15th, Springfield Hanck, Henry T., Hopedale Flem. Gt. Chin. Harris, Gary V., P.O. Box 2, Gurnee Hartnell, Orin S., 1739 N. Narragansett St., Chicago 39
Hazard, Marshall, 1139 1st Ave., Ottawa JAR Heft, Martin, Rt. 1, Box 251, Tinley Park Henson, Charles, Waverly Herring, Harry, Box 105, Dorchester Hess, Clifford L,, 895 Routt, Jacksonville
Hibbert, Curtis, Paloma
Hickey, Ralph C., Rt. 1, Box 91, Zion R
Hickey, Mike G., Armington Hier Rabbitry, RFD #2, Galva Hoffman, Rev. E. F., CSV, Sacred Heart Parish, P.O. Bonfield, Goodrich
Hohimer, Roger L., RR #2, Pleasant Plains N.Z. Holbrook, Lee, Rt. 2, Pleasant Plains Holmes, Ivan R., 440 Pulaski Road,
Calumet City J&R, Ck. Giant
Holmes, Anna, 440 Pulaski Road, Calumet City Hoover, Herbert C., Sutton Road, Rt. 2, Barrington
Hopper, Donald, 208 E. Barker, Tuscola Hornberger, Mrs. B. L., RFD #4,
Freeport Angora, Chin., Calif.
Houdek, Edwin, 1152 Cory Road, Algonquin Hough, Christena M., 6121 N. Second St., Loves Park, Rockford Rex, N.Z., Champ, Cks.
Hough, Earl D., 6121 N. Second St.,
Loves Park, Rockford Hubert, Carl, Rt. 2, Box 771, Zion Huitt, Mrs. Lawrence, 3337 E. Carpenter, Springfield
Huitt, Lawrence H., 3337 E. Carpenter, Springfield Hundsdorfer, Vance A., 9821 Baltimore St., Belleville
Immel, Woodrow, 509 E. Ohio St., Oblong Imse, William H., 4150 W. Lake St., Chicago 24 Ireland, Dale Richard, Jr., RR #1, Georgetown Isaacs, Billy, 202 N. Welsh St., Hillsboro N.Z. Jenkins, Lewis H., West Liberty R
Johnson, Monroe H., RR #4, Taylorville N.Z. Johnson, Everett, RR #4,
Taylorville N.Z., Champs.
Johnson, Elmer, Marietta Johnson, Don, Box 523, Hayworth Jones, Lawana, 2903 W. 31st St., Zion Jones, Lirten, 2903 W. 31st St., Zion Jones, Wayne M., Macon N.Z.. Am. Chin.
Julian, John W., 8010 Cottage Grove Ave.,
Chicago 19
Jung, Edward. Box 286-AA, RR #1,
Chicago Heights
Kaiser, Edwin, Kaiser’s Rabbitry, Rt. 3,
Box 24, Belvidere Champs
Kalaher, Edward, 721 N. Franklin,
Litchfield Std. Chins.
Kaplenk, Dwane, 9520 Alpine Road, Rockford Kauffman, Lawrence, Camp Point Kavelman, Fred, 800 8th St., Lincoln Kirsch, Russell, 370 Center St., Elgin Kittinger, Francis W., Hamilton Co.
Farm Adviser, McLeansboro Klein, Walter H., 2456 York St.. Blue Island Knudtson, Elwood, Rt. 1, Box 71,
Butterfield Rd., Mundelein Koni Boy Rabbitry, 663 Orchard St.,
Edwardsville N.Z.. Champs.
Kramer, Franklin J., 515 Glenwood Trail, Elgin Krejci, Jerry, Rt. 2, Box 196-B, Lemont Krist, E„ Rt. #3. Box 277, Palatine Krist, Mrs. E., Rt. 3, Box 277, Palatine Krohn, Lester L., Rt. 1, Spring Creek Woods, Lockport
Krueger, George J., 845 E. Pell, Paxton N.Z.
Lang, A. R., Rt. 3, Cameron Lane, Peoria Lange, Roland, RR #1, Ashland Larson, Robert, RFD #1, Knoxville Leirer, F. S., Box 29, East St. Louis Lemmon, James, Jr., RD #2, White Hall R
Leonhard, Norman K., Rt. 2, Virginia Lihosit, Francis E., RR #4,
Taylorville N.Z., Satins
Lindsey Rabbitry, RR #3,
Champaign N.Z.
Lloyd, Marsella, Villa Ridge
Long, Lester, RR #1, Roscoe Ck. Giants
Lowery, Pat, Joppa
Lyster, Roy Wm., 410 W. Charles, Champaign McFaul, Carson, Box 324, Cherry Valley McFaul, Mrs. Carson, Box 324, Cherry Valley McNabb, A. L., 179th & Kedzie Ave., Homewood McNabb, Betty, 179th & Kedzie Ave., Homewood Macharick, George, 4413 Montrose Ave., Chicago Madsen, Robert, Box 181, Lyndon N.Z.
Maillet, Romeo J., 371 N. Harrison Ave.,
Kankakee Chins.
Manlung, Elmer J., 2701 W. New St.,
Blue Island
Marsh, Henry R., 1809 So. 19th St., Springfield Martin, Harry H., 1419 S. 9th St., Pekin Flemish
Mault, William C„ RR #7, Springfield
Angora, N.Z., Dutch
Meldorfs Rabbitry, Rt. 1,
Pecatonica Angora, Calif.
Merboth, Edward C., RR # 2, Lanark Miller, Freddie, Box 25, Maquon Miller, Harry, RR, Staugustine Miller, Ivan L., Box 25. Maquon J&R, N.Z.
Miller, Helen, Box 25, Maquon Miller, Ross W., 25 Greenridge Dr., Decatur Minsen, Shirley, 316 W. Elliott, Springfield Minsen, James, 316 W. Elliott, Springfield Mitchell, C. W„ 203 S. 9th St.,
Wood River N.Z., Dutch
Moberly, Robert G.. Lexington Cks.. Eng. Spot Montgomery, Morris W., RFD #1, Box 458,
Tinley Park R
Montgomery, Mrs. M. W., RFD #1, Box 458,
Tinley Park
Moore, George B., RR #1, El Paso Moore, Mrs. George B., RR #1, El Paso Moore, John F., 1223 W. Dundee, Palatine Moore, Franklin T., 1223 W. Dundee, Palatine Moore, Thomas C., RR #1, Hammond Moore, Samuel L., 802 Moffett Lane, Decatur Morris, Audrey, Mrs., Box 446, Centralia Morris, Howard, Box 446, Centralia Morris, Jack, RR #1, Morris Morris, C. W., 126 N. 11th Ave., St. Charles Morton, Dwight L., 1601 No. 21st St., Springfield Moulton, George W., 920 Elm Ave., Danville N.Z. Murray, James, 1016 N. Ridgeway, Chicago Musekamp, Elmer, 248 So. Washington St., Genoa Myers, Donald J., 443 S. Fifth St.,
Auburn Std. Chins.
Myers, W. Glenn, Fithian
Myers, William A., Atwood R
Nash, Charles L., 337 August Ave.,
DeKalb N.Z., Chins., Beveren
National Trophy Sales, Inc., 75 W. VanBuren St., Chicago
Neff, Mrs. Estella, Armington Neff, Larry, Armington Nelson, Howard C., Rt. 1, Bourbounais Nobe, Raymond, 712 Texas,
Belleville Palomino, Calif., N.Z.
Novelli, A. C., Sr., Rt. 1, Box 1-G,
Fox River Grove
Oliver, Edward W., 100 W. Orange St., Pana Oliver, Gerald, 1628 No. 21st St., Springfield Oiler, Earl, RR #1 Riverton Oloffson, Lee H., P.O. Box 33,
Wyanet N.Z., Lilacs
Oros, John J., 7524 So. Laramie, Oak Lawn Ortman, John C., Ashkum N.Z.
Osmon, Arthur, 9107 S. Lowe, Chicago 20 Osmon, Mrs. Helen, 9107 S. Lowe, Chicago 20 Otten, Richard, East Hill St., Oregon Std. Chin. Otten, Marion, East Hill St., Oregon
Paetz, Fred W., 180 So. Walnut St., Bensenville Para-Vista Lofts & Rabbitry,
2N-048 Vista-North Ave., Lombard Partyka, Chester, 3310 Gustave St., Franklin Park Patterson, Angie Mae, 320 So. Marshall, Salem 3 Paul, William C., RR #1, Box 281,
Marseilles Ck. Gts., N.Z., Califs., Satins
Pecoraro, Frank, 17 West 522, West Lake, Addison Petchulot, Edward N., 102 Crandall St., Collinsville
Peterson, Louise, 475 Fifer St., Galesburg Petty, William M., Witt N.Z., Eng. Spots
Petty, Naomi O., RR #1, Witt Eng. Spot, Sil. Martens, Chin. Satins, Dutch, Himal.
Phelps, G. A., 1421 Matilda, Pekin Piner, Harold T., 708 Ohio, Quincy Pruitt, Michael, Rt. 2, Lerna Purdue, James R., 1238 Lisbon St., Morris
Ramsdell, Donald C., Franklin Grove Randall’s Rabbitry, Box 197,
Mt. Vernon R, N.Z., Flem., Dutch
Rathmann, R. A., Rt. 3, Lake Villa Reckinger, Edward, Box 288, Cherry Valley R Rees, Ben, RFD #2, Elkville Reid, Don, RR #1, Lockport J&R
Reid, Muriel, Rt. 1, Lockport Rennard, F. M., 103 Edwards St., Danville Repsold, Louis, Repsold Rabbitry, 1100 Hinman Ave., Evanston Eng., N.Z., Am. Chin,
Reynolds, Oren R., 3438 McArthur Road,
Decatur R
Riblet’s Rabbitry, 422 E. Chestnut, Paxton Richardson, John, 3301 W. Farmington Rd., Peoria Rister, Hubert, 3208 Edsel, Alton Rittner, Lorenz, 7109 S. Ridgeland Ave.,
Chicago 49
Robinson, W. T., 418 E. Chestnut, Anna J&R
Roseman, Curt A., Venetian Village,
RR #3, Lake Villa Chin., N.Z.
Roush, Arnold, RFD #1 Durand N.Z.
Rowley, E. L. K., RR #1, Normal
S & F Rabbitry, 1204 W. Locust St., Belvidere Saegesser, H. R., 229 S. Chestnut,
Litchfield J&R, N.Z.
Saegesser, Marie J., 229 So. Chestnut, Litchfield Schalk, Kenneth E., 715 E. Thompson, Taylorville Schasfsma, Leonard, 15102 La Crosse Ave.,
Tinley Park
Schertz, Chris A., Eureka
Schertzer, S. D., 214 E. Second St., Kewanee R Schertzer, Mrs. S. D., 214 E. Second St., Kewanee Schmidt, Helen J., 411 Clinton St., Litchfield Schmidt, Harold L., 411 S. Clinton St.,
Litchfield Am. Chins.
Schmidt, Erwin, 3403 Madison St., Lansing Schmokel, Willie, 1451 E. Lincoln St.,
CMR 20, Bloomington Schneider, Bernard A., RR #3, Quincy
Schneiderman, V. S., 511 A Gunn, Apt. 740,
Scott A.F.B.
Schooley, H. M., P.O. Box 77, Burlington Schroeder, Vernon, 512 West Morris St., Morrison Schroeder, Verner G., RR #3, Milford Schubert, Roger Gene, 410 W. Laurel, Millstadt Seeman, A., 411 Oakview Ave., Joliet Segerstrom, David I., Rt. 5, Box 206, Rockford Seivers, Edward T., Box 288, RR #1, Moline Sherman, Joe, Pelley Rd., Box 25, Rockford Shirey, R. F., 416 So. Grant, Sullivan Shultz, Eugene, 502 First National Bank Bldg., Alton
Shumaker, Robert, 225 33rd Ave., East Moline Shumaker, Larry Eugene, 225 33rd Ave.,
East Moline
Sievers, Frank, Box 286, Coal Valley Simpson, Mrs. Dorothy H., 1615 S. Fairfield Ave., RR, Lombard
Slavens, Lou, 2011 South Main, Bloomington Smith, Howard, 80 West Oak St., Coal City Smith, Fred A., 17370 70 Ct„ Tinley Park Smith, Arnold L., RR #5, Cole St. Road,
East Peoria N.Z.
Smith, Le Nora, RR #2 Mulberry Grove Smith, Marian, RFD #2, Mulberry Grove Smith, Robert L., Box 51, Richton Park Smith, Lonnie A., 125 West Date St., Hartford Snoke, Aaron, 702 W. 13th St., Rock Falls Snoke, Ella M., 702 W. 13th St., Rock Falls Sorensen, Hans, Rt. 2, Box 13, Crystal Lake Spencer, Paul G., 309 S. 5th St., Carmi Splear, Mrs. Ida, Rt. 1, Bonfield Splear, Mrs. Ellsworth, Rt. 1, Bonfield Stam, Paul Wm., RFD #2, Sheldon N.Z.
Stamm, Lee Owen, Dakota Steele, Laverne, Red Oak Steinkuehler, Edw. G., 1228 N. 14th St.,
Stive, Samuel S., 11424 So. Prairie, Chicago 28 Stroot, Thomas, RR #2, Box 166, Chillicothe Stumm, C. L., RR #1
Edinburg N.Z., Champ., Dutch
Styer, Edw., 1580 Sherman Ave., Evanston Summers, William M., 7911 Elm Ave., Rockford Summerson, Howard, 403 N. East 6th Ave., Galva Swim, Ray, Sidney
Talbot, Russell R., 5505 N. University Ave.,
Taylor, Richard P., 533 Oak St.,
Morris N.Z., Am. Chin.
Taylor’s Rabbitry, 917 Stanford,
Springfield Am. Std. Chin., Satins
Teachman, Elmer W., 3347 E. Enos, Springfield Tervill, Paul, Emden Eng. Spots
Thomas, Max, 913 Chicago Ave., Dixon Thompson, Leslie, Rt. 1, Plainville Thompson Rabbitry, Auburn Satins, Champ, N.Z. Thoms, George, 14508 Woodland Ave.,
Orland Park
Treat, C. L., 636 Monroe. East Alton Tribble, Davis, RR #5, Jacksonville Trotter, Jamie, RFD #1, Adair Tuthill, Bill, 394 Roger Williams Ave.,
Highland Park
Ullom, S. W., Dr., 2320 Lawrence Ave.,
Chicago 25
Uren, Norman, Rt. 66 & 83, MTD-2, Hinsdale Van Etten, Donald C., 554 S. Avenue A, Canton Van Patten, Jock, Rt. 1, Wilmington VanWinkle, Gene, Box 10, Wasco Van Winsen Rabbitry, P.O. Box 432,
Wilmington N.Z,
Vennard, Robert, RFD #1, Flat Rock Viering, Arthur C., RFD, Crawford Ave.,
Matteson Satins
Voight’s Rabbitry, Rt. 3, Box 104-C, Waukegan Voorhees, Betty M., Rt. 2, Roscoe Voorhees, Albert C., Rt. 2, Roscoe Wadsworth, Maurice, 3327 Brown St., Alton Walker, Martin, 2107 20th Ave., Rockford Wargo, Mike, Thayer
Warren, Edwin, N. Croffard, Bushnell Std. Chin. Warren, Clyde, RR #l, Avon N.Z., Flem., Chin. Watkins, Jimmie, 123 So. Oak, Cottage Hills Weaver, Clifton, 712 Marion St., Matton Weis, Alfred C., 105 Lucinda Ave., Belleville Weisser, George, Westbrook Add’n., Morton J&R Wengert, Violet, 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford Chins. Wengert, Ted, 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford J&R Weyrauch, John, 709 Marshall, Mattoon Wheeler, Joseph, Sidney
White, Frederick L., RR #2. Box 136, DuQuain
White, David K., P.O. Box 455, Heyworth
White, Golden, Allison St., Catlin Satins, Cks.
Whitman, Dale, 415 S.W. 4th Ave., Galva
Whitman, Ray, 415 S.W. 4th Ave., Galva
Widner, Merle, Rt. 1, Manhattan
Wiktor, John, Peotone
Wiley, Victor, Allenville
Wilkert, Harold, Rt. 1, Morris
Williams, Ruby, Rt. 2, Danville
Williams, Eugene C., Pelley Rd.,
Box 24, Rockford
Williams, H. B., RR #2, Danville J&R
Williams, John Everett, 4864 Magnolia, Chicago 40
Willis, Dale D„ Rt. 2, Box 17, Tinley Park Wilson, Henry E., P.O. Box 577, Cary Wood, John E., 430 W. Elm St., Waverly Wookcodk, H. E., 6115 Newport Ave., Chicago 34 Yockey, Ethel, RR #2, Taylorville Am. Chin. Zink, G. G., 22445 Torrance Ave., Chicago Heights Zink, Gordon G., 22445 Torrance Ave.,
Chicago Heights
State Representative
1. Lester C. Wells—South, P.O. Box 13,
2. Otto Richter- North, 3702 Abbott St.,
Ft. Wayne
Addison, Michael B., Rt. 2,
Box 63, Goshen Dutch
Alexander, Gerald, RR #2, Boonville Anderson, O. D,, Rt. 1, Box 94, Medora Anderson, William C., 624 Milton Ave., Anderson Andrews, Mrs. Max R., 1117½ So. Clinton St.,
Fort Wayne
Andrews, Dr. Max R., 1117½ So. Clinton St.,
Fort Wayne J&R, N.Z., Flemish
Arbuckle, Don, Rt. 3, Paoli Arnold, Mrs. Susan, 1117½ So. Clinton St.,
Fort Wayne
Arnold, Mary Ann, 1117½ So Clinton St.,
Fort Wayne
Arnold, Mrs. Paul, 1117½ So. Clinton St.,
Fort Wayne
Arnold, Cindy Sue, 1117½ So. Clinton St.,
Fort Wayne
Arnold, Daniel, 1117½ So. Clinton St.,
Fort Wayne
Arnold, Wayne Owen, 55319 Sundown Road,
South Bend
Baatz, Loyd, RR #6, Shelbyville Badger, L. Earl, P.O. Box 64, Middletown Bagby, Randolph, Rt. 3, Evansville Baker, D. L., 1709 Buchanan St.,
Logansport N.Z., Calif.
Baldwin, Mrs. Kenneth, RR #2 Norman Barkley, Glenn, 2316 So. Gallatin St., Marion Barnhart, Charles J., R #2, Center Point Barnett, Charles R., 4310 E. Iowa St.,
Bauer, Ralph, Goldsmith N.Z.
Becker, Donald I., RR #4,
Box 354, Muncie N.Z.
Belcher, E., 3495 Michigan, East Chicago Bell, Jerry, RR #2, Wabash
Bennett, Claude, 1136 4th Ave., Terre Haute R Berger, Henry, 2508 John St., Fort Wayne Flem. Berilla, Nick, 1527 N. Broad St.,
Griffith Ck. Giant
Besing, Vernie, RFD #1, Elberfeld Bial, M. J., 303 Calvin Blvd., Seymour Bishop, Darrell, Box 128, Bloomingdale R
Black, Charles C., 300 Mont Clair St., Madison Blake, David, RR #2, Fowler Bland, Larry C., RR #1, Monroeville Blessing, Ora, 2122 Oliver St.,
Fort Wayne Am. Chin.
Bolinger, Harold, RR #1, North Manchester Borges, Richard, 302 Schepman Ave., Seymour Bowden, Luther, 1942 N. Dearborn, Indianapolis Bratton, R. L„ 3911 No. 19th St„
Terre Haute J&R
Braun, C. G., 1525 Taylor St., Fort Wayne Brown, Ola, 1733 N. 12th St., Lafayette Brown, O. V., 1733 No. 12th St., Lafayette Buck, Howard, RR #10, Lafayette Bundy, Roy E., RR #2, Paoli Bunny Ranch, Box 127, Ingalls Burbridge, Edward E., 39 N. Galeston St., Indianapolis
Burnsides, John, 103 Magnolia Ave., Jeffersonville Byrne, Robert, 1110 W. Harrison Ave., Clarksville Caldwell, Val, RR #3, Logansport Callahan, Sam, Rt. 2, Hamilton Cundler, Arden V., 1604 N. Charles Ave.,
South Bend 28 N.Z,
Carr, Mary E., Rt. 2, Carmel Carte, Samuel, West Point Carter, Carl G., 181 N. Smart St., Greenwood Cedar Falls Rabbitry, Wayne Fehr, Rt. 3,
Box 319, Evansville Cline, John R., 492C S. Anthony Blvd.,
Fort Wayne
Cole, S. H., 726 So. Bowling Ave., Jeffersonville Cole, William, 106 Fairview Ave., Jeffersonville Cole, Ross, Rt. 5, Connersville Collins, Kelly F., 5229 E. 42nd St.,
Indianapolis R, Dutch
Conville, Fletcher, 4324 Reed St., Fort Wayne Cook, Maurice H., 1305 Q Avenue, New Castle Coon, John T., 615 E. Washington, Winchester Coon, William, Rt. 2, Laurel Crawford, Richard D., 1913 Eaton Ave., Muncie Cromer, Donald J., Box 37, Saratoga Cummins, Bob, Rt. 2, Box 349-A, Cedar Lake Cunningham, Kyle, RD #l, Ligonier Dasher, Louis A., RR 12,
Fort Wayne N.Z., Martins
Dietz, C. W., 704 Helen, Logansport
Dobbins, Charles A., 7917 Trier Road, Fort Wayne
Downey, Floyd, Hartsville
Downey, Mrs. Floyd, Hartsville
Downey, Elvin L., 355 W. Hawthorne, Zionsville
Drudge, Harold, RR #1, Roann R., N.Z.
Drudge, Virginia, RR #1, Roann, N.Z.
Dungey, Stanley O., 1925 Oliver St., Fort Wayne
Eberhard, Mildred, RR #2, Marion
Ehler, John, 1301 Babsan St., Logansport J&R
Ellett, Chas. H., Rt. 1, Box 6, Liberty Center
Elliott, C. M., RR #1, Zionsville
Englebright, Dale, 7714 Old State Road,
Evansville R
Fehr, John, 1302 Woodlawn Ave.,
Indianapolis J&R
Fisher, Raymond A., RFD #1, Chandler Fitch, Glenn E., 6432 W. Jackson St.,
Indianapolis N.Z.
Fite, Don L., 1616 Johnson Ave., Anderson N.Z.
Folkening, Chas. W., 1350 Bonar Ave., Indianapolis 19
Folz, Raymond M., 3418 W. Maryland St., Evansville
Ford, Louis F., RR #2, Box 275-D, Carmel Ford, Gladys, RR #2, Box 275-D, Carmel Ford, Louis, RR #2, Box 275-D, Carmel Ford, Roy, 2415 Liberty Ave., Terre Haute Foster, Merlin, 26 E. Judsen, Bloomfield Gaddis, Carldon, RR #2, Winchester J&R
Gardner, Henry, 318 East Michigan, Evansville Gaskins, Offie, 1720 Victor St., Indianapolis Goff, George A., 5065 N. Post Rd., Indianapolis, 26 Good, Burch C., 1633½ So. Main, Newcastle Gosnell, Danny, General Delivery, Pittsboro Greer, Alvin R., 517 W. Columbia, Evansville 10 Gregory, William C., RR #2, Star City Grube, Walter, 1102 Monroe St., Rochester Gruner, Arthur G., 1713 So. Talbot Ave., Indianapolis
Grunnett, Walter, RFD #4, Valparaiso Guthrie, John R., 2313 Nelson St.,
Indianapolis 3 N.Z.
Guyne, V. L., 4411 E. Minnesota, Indianapolis Haines, Richard L., Box 152, RR #2,
New Haven N.Z.
Hansford, Curtis E., RFD #1, Box 74, Valparaiso Harris, W. A., 120 W. 3rd St., Connersville R
Healey, Sherman F., Ashley
Hebble, Dr. Harry H., 310 N. Second St., Decatur Hensley, Earl, RR #2, Box 286, Yorktown Herod, Raymond G., 4155 N. Butler Ave., Indianapolis
Hertle, Ralph L., Box 258, Gaston N.Z.
Hickman. Harold, RR #2, Williamsport Hicks, Claude E., 1111 Merrimac Place, Indianapolis 24 N.Z.
Hochstetler, Levi R., Rt. 2, Box 34. Nappanee Holdman, Olen, 313 Middleburn St., Goshen Hollander, Gene, RR #3, Box 962,
Evansville 13 R
Homier, Charles F., Sr., 1177 N. LaFontaine, Huntington
Hostetler, Kenneth, 3044 Roys Avenue, Elkhart Housemeyer, Bernard, 612 Fourth St., Rising Sun Huber, Chester, 2300 N. Walnut St., Muncie Humbert, R. D., 715 Leopold, Huntington Humbert, Mrs. R. D., 715 Leopold St., Huntington Hummel, Ray, R #1, Bremen N.Z., Calif.
Hurt, Charles P., RR #2, Mooresville N.Z.
Iliff, Lowell E., 10205 Westfield Blvd., Indianapolis
Israel, Robert, Rt. 1, Arlington Jarrett, Diane, Box 74, Pendleton Jeffers, Ray B., RR #2, Spencer Jennings, Boyd E., RR #5, Muncie Jones, Clifford B., 311 Sunnyside, Aurora Jung, Ernest, Dyer
Kapornyai, Kalman S., P.O. Box 302, Schererville
Keltner, C. C., RR #6, Marion
Kemp, Merrill J., 205 Lowell, Charlestown
Kessie, G. R., Rt. 6, Columbia City
Kizer, Bob, RR #1, Vincennes
Kolber, Walter F., Jr., 451 So. Phillipa St.,
South Bend 19
Lasley, Lloyd, RR #3, Lebanon N.Z.
Leachman, Wayne, RR #4, Box 170, Elwood
Lemmons, Forest, RR #1, St. Paul
Lengacher, Louis Lee, RR #2, Grabill
Lingg, Emma, Stoney Lonesome, Aurora
Lloyd, Everett, 207 W. 30th St„ Marion N.Z.
Long, Cleatus J., Elnora
Lucas, Justin, 4629 Hayes St., Gary
Lucas, Jackie, 12890 E. 18th, Gary
Lucas, William R., 12890 E. 18th Ave., Gary
McCloud, R. C., 501 Water St., RR #6,
Logansport Gt. Chins.
McCoy, Howard, RFD #1, Spiceland McCrady, H. W., RR #3, Kokomo McFarland, Paul W., RFD #3, Lebanon McGriff, William D., 6225 Burlington Ave., Indianapolis 20
McIntyre, Ernest L., 523 W. 4th St.,
Anderson Dutch
McKeeman. A. C., 5419 S. Hanna St.,
Fort Wayne R
McMillin, John M., 3027 Forest Ave.,
Evansville Dutch, N.Z.
McWethy, John, RR #3, Elwood R
Macbeth, William, 107 W. National Ave., Brazil
Maddox, Mrs. Jeanne, Box 643, Muncie J&R
Malott, Charles, 1846 S. Adams, Marion Mann, Mrs. Esther, 811 Prospect St., Indianapolis Mann, Walter N., 811 Prospect St.,
Indianapolis N.Z.
Martin, Harvel R., 2782 State St., East Gary Mercer, John F., 9313 S. Liable Rd., Highland Meyer, Theodore, RR #2, Churubusco Meyers, Dudley B., RFD, Osceola Midkiff, Carl W., 411 E. So. County Line Rd., Indianapolis N.Z.
Miliner, Edward, M R., Box 24, Greenfield Miller, Donald Alvin, RR #5, Lafayette Miller, Russell W., 4171 Pasadena, Indianapolis Miller, F. E., P.O. Box 352, North Liberty Moldenhauer, Randall, 410 East Ninth St., Michigan City
Monroe, Gerald F., No. Buckeye St., O good Moreland, G. C., 287 South 11th St., Middletown Mounts, Floyd, Rt. 3, Princeton Muffler, F. L., 17C2 Naomi St.,
Indianapolis Havana, Dutch
Newlon, Glenn C., 407 E. Market St., Salem Nigh, Thomas, RR #6, Greenfield Niles, Linda, 106 N. Bluff St., Monticello Ostrowski, Stanley, 4201 S. Anthony Blvd.,
Fort Wayne Flemish
Pace, Ralph J., RR #1,
Hartford City N.Z., Gt. Chins
Pearce, John F., 517 E. Mechanic St., Brazil Peifer, Rosalee, Rt. 1, Box 298, Schererville Percell, Mrs. Bertha, RFD #2, Brookston Pheister, Lester, RR #4, Columbia City Phillips, Kenneth C., Box 233, North Vernon Preston, Tessie E., RR #4, Greensburg Preston, Marshel B., RR #4, Greensburg R Pribbernon, Richard, 1712 Emerson,
Fort Wayne Dutch, N.Z.
Priest, C. R., P.O. Box 247, Ashley Provo, Robert, RFD #1, Fowler Quinton, Gladys E., 1509 Kiel Ave.,
Raber, Richard P., Box 162, Monroeville Rainey, Elmer, 6341 W. Ohio St., Indianapolis Rankin, Richard, Rt. 3, Box 487-B, Jeffersonville Ray, Burlin M., St. Bernice Flemish
Redinger, Lee, RR #1, Warsaw Reed, Forrest D., Rt. 1, St. Paul Reedy, J. L., 230 E. Harrison St., Mooresville Reinhart, Irvin A., RR #7, Box 384,
Evansville Cavies
Richards, Bruce, RR #1, Unionville Richardson, Harry, Rt. 5, Noblesville Richter, Otto, 3702 Abbott St.,
Fort Wayne 5 N.Z., Champ, Marten
Roebuck, Joseph, 3454 Michigan Ave.,
East Chicago
Roebuck, Ethel, 3454 Michigan Ave., East Chicago Rose, Lloyd, 9445 Spring St.,
Highland N.Z.
Ryan, Harold, 210 W. South St., Winchester Sappingfield, Franklin V., 1454 Beech St.,
Terre Haute
Saunders, Edward V., D.C., 316 So. Vine St., Fairmont
Schaefer, Clyde, Box 213, Greentown Schermier, Walter E., 1016 E. Wayne St.,
South Bend
Schuck, Don, 929 W. Jennings, Rushville Schultz, Art, RR #2, Box 35, Crown Point Schultz, Hazel, RR #2, Box 35, Crown Point Scott, Dillon, 1028 Beech, Connersville Scott, John I., Box 164, Markleville J&R
Sheets, Bertha L., 7501 E. Washington St., Indianapolis
Shoemaker, Jacob, RR #1, Osceola Shoptaw, R. C., 819 S. Roena St.,
Indianapolis J&R, N.Z.
Shoptaw, Ethel M., 819 Roena, Indianapolis 21 Shreves, Hugh A., Daleville, Ind.
Shufflebotham, Thomas, Box 257, Valparaiso J&R
Simatovich, Mrs. S. E., RR #4, Valparaiso
Sims, Mrs. Carl, P.O. Box 72, Odon
Smart, Robert, Box D, Morocco
Smith, Mrs. Oscar, 1839 Gruber Ave., Fort Wayne
Smith, Oscar, 1839 Gruber Ave., Fort Wayne 6 R
Sollows D. R., Box 205,
Monroeville N.Z., Eng. Spots
Somers, Albert W., 814 S. Lyons St.,
Indianapolis 21 Calif.
Staneart, Harry E., Rt. 2, Middletown Dutch Staneart, Mrs. Harry E., Rt. 2, Middleton Stead, Roy James, 440 No. Centennial, Indianapolis 22
Stephans, Robert, RR #5, Huntington Stephens, V. Paul, 733 Webster, Huntington R Stevens, Harold, 715 E. 28th St., Marion Stickel, Dale, RR #3, Elkhart Street, Ernest M., RFD #2, Box 46,
Swope, William, RR #3, Logansport Swoveland, Emerson L., RR #1, Wakarusa Synesael, George, 1011 So. 4th St., Lafayette R Taylor, Charles A., 415 Fifth St., Rising Sun Tharp, Robert, 925 N. Michigan, Plymouth Theroff, Lynn G., RR #3, Washington Thompson, Raymond, 1534 Lee St., Indianapolis 21 Thompson, Frank, Kingsbury R
Thompson, Robert Lee, 540 Chestnut, Union City Thompson, Jerry T., 28 Albert St., Peru Thrasher, Jack L., 221 S. Grand Ave., Evansville Thurman, Mary Jane, 710 W. 64th St.,
Indianapolis 8
Troop, Jesse W., 1702 Grove St., Evansville 10 Vinard, John H., 562 Reno, Indianapolis N.Z.
Voigt, Emil J., Rt. 7, Hartzell Rd.,
Fort Wayne J&R
Wallace, Calvin, RR #1, Whitestown N.Z,
Walter, Edmond, Rt. 5, Peru
Ward, Lewis, Radnor N.Z.
Ward, Vera, Radnor
Warmoth, Reece, 2604 N.W. 15th, Richmond Weaver, Edward J., RR #1, Burnettsille Weaver, Mrs. Edward J., RR #1, Burnettsille Weichel, Herman, 3020 W. 61st St., Indianapolis Weichel, Marceil, 3020 W. 61st St., Indianapolis 8 Weidner, William, c o Coon Hunter’s Lodge,
Rt. 3, Jeffersonville Welch, Kenneth L„ Box 118, RR #1,
Boehme Camp Rd., Evansville Wells, Lester C., P.O. Box 13, Oaklandon J&R
Wenige, Mrs. Joy, Rt. 2, Box 442, Jeffersonville Wiley, David E., 713 N. Broadway, Greensburg Williams, Earl M., Green Fork N.Z.
Williams, Fred, 417 Read St., Evansville Williams, John L., Rt. 2, Waterloo Wilson, Duane, 854 Outer Drive, Elkhart Wooldridge. Allen V., 3334 Brewer Drive, Indianapolis N.Z.
Wooldridge, Albert A., 3334 Brewer Drive, Indianapolis 24 N.Z.
Wren, John P., 523 So. 9th St., Terre Haute Wright, Kenneth E., RR #4, Rushville Yates. Josephine, Rt. 1, Box 186-F, Parker Young, Mike, RR #1, Markleville Yount, Jesse Gene, 229 N. Park Ave.,
Zehner, Gerald E., Rt. 2, Argos
State Representative—
1. William Neild—East, 415 Linden Ave.,
2. Wayne D. Fuller- West, 108 So. 11th St.,
Addy, Mrs. E. E., Marcus Anders, Glen, Keota
Anderson, Rex, 257 North 1st St., Rockwell City Anderson. Maxine, 257 North 1st St.,
Rockwell City
Applebee, W. Thomas, 205 East Howard St., Manchester
Arnold, Mrs. Clifford, Box 243,
Afton Californians
Atwell, Jay, Little Sioux
Bailey, Frank L., Sr., 2527 Onawa, Des Moines Balius, Earl, 1104 N. Cherry, Creston N.Z.
Barclay, Claire C., Rt. 2, Waterloo R, N.Z., Calif.
Bales, Frank J., 315 Wilson Ave., S.W.,
Cedar Rapids R
Bennet, Francis, 3023 East Second St.,
Sioux City R, Champs.
Bernhard, Byron C., Monona Berry’s Poultry Farm, Clarinda Blanchard, James T., RFD #1, Eldon Bluhm. Orland C., 305 Maywood Ave.,
Charles City
Bramhall, Darrell E., 24½ S. Virginia,
Mason City
Brown, Leslie C., 1524 Douglas Ave., Ames Bruce. Dale, Shamrock Rabbitry, RR #2, Walker Buss, Claude D., 518 So. 12th St.,
Clarinda Checkers
Butcher, Clifford, 207 Center St., Sioux City Butler, John, Rt. 1, Cedar Falls Butterbaugh, Paul, West Chester Carmichael, Clifford, 413 E. State,
Clarinda Champ, N.Z.
Chamberlain, Mrs. June, 1345 E. Wash.,
Clarinda N.Z.
Chesley, Alta. 708 E. 8th St., Spencer Church, C. R., 700 W. 4th St., S. Newton Clift, Kenneth, 1318 Leland, Des Moines Calif. Conlee, Donald W., RR #2. Fort Madison Cook, Emmett, 422 W. Filmore, Winterset Cook, Gladys, 422 W. Filmore St., Winterset Cooling, Louis W., RFD #1, Wilton Junction Cooper, Robert, 2300 Terminal Dr., Sioux City R Cozad. Don, 920 E. Lincoln, Clarinda Crawford, Curtis, 1101 N. 15th, Clarinda Davis, Glen S., 114 S. Otto St.,
Maquoketa R, N.Z.
Davis, Harold W., Blair Ferry Rd.,
N.E., RR #3, Cedar Rapids N.Z.
Da Vall, G. R., 5006 Forgerson Drive, Des Moines Dehner, Arthur H., Box 114, Cascade N.Z., Calif. DeMoss, Lloyd, 249 S. Willard St.,
Ottumwa J&R, N.Z.
Dennis, Paul G., 3737 E. Douglas Avc.,
Des Moines 15
Dennis, Rhea N., 3737 E. Douglas Ave.,
Des Moines Dutch, N.Z.
Derrickson, George, Box 256, Farragut Dickinson, Russell V., RFD, Woodburn Discus, Mrs. H. R., 1213 10th, S.E., Cedar Rapids Driscoll, Loras, Bernard Dunsmoor, Melvin, Rt. 1, Oskaloosa Earles, Burkley, 1720 So. 17th St., Fort Dodge R Eich, Roger J., Box 72, Templeton Eich, Michael, Box 72, Templeton Essex, Chester M., 1174 Lucas St., Muscatine Faltemier, Joe, 917 So. Alice St., Sioux City 6 Forsberg, H. C„ RR #2, Box 150-A,
Davenport Silver Martens
Forsberg, Helen M., RR #2, Box 150-A,
Friedel, E. A., Des Moines Welding Co.,
627 Des Moines St., Des Moines Fuller, Wayne D., 1339 East Wash., Clarinda N.Z. Kenneth Goff, 800 E. Main, Clarinda N.Z.
Graham, Richard, 601 So. 12th, Clarinda N.Z. Grecie, C. D., 1136 Kirkwood Court, Iowa City R Green, Omer, 614 N. 7th St., Washington Grimes, J. W., 1908 Williams St., Des Moines Grimes, Doris L., 1908 Williams, Des Moines Grau, Mrs. Gladys, R #4, Cedar Falls Gruwell, Eddie, 837 Rundell St., Iowa City Gustafson, Ronnie, Harcourt Guthrie, Mrs. Don, Box 26, Lamoni Guthrie, Don, Box 26, Lamoni J&R, N.Z., Ck. Gt. Hammond, W. W., 3827 E. Douglas Ave.,
Des Moines 17
Hammond, Mrs. Blanche, 3827 E. Douglas Ave., Des Moines 17
Hatfield, Lloyd, Rt. 1, Shellsburg Haus, Mrs. Greg L., RFD #3, New Hampton Heikes, Phoebe, 1813 24th Drive, Des Moines Helming, Marlin, Schaller Hickok, Charlie, Lamoni Hole, Willard, Westchester Hughe, Richard, Box 114, Clarence Huxford, H. J., RR #1, Elkhart R
Isley, Lester, Rt. 3, Cedar Falls Jennings, John J., Rt. 2, Mt. Vernon R, N.Z. Johnston, E. E., 2505 Broadway, Dubuque J&R Jolliff, Russell F., 1020 Fillmore St., Council Bluff Justice, Irving, 1315 Muscatine, Iowa City Kelley, A. L., 701 W. State, Clarinda N.Z.
Kendall, Mrs. W. W„ 701 So. 10th, Burlington Kettles, Mrs. John, 1536 Evergreen, Des Moines Kleppe, Melvin O., 545 Grand Blvd., Evansdale, Waterloo
Kleppe, Mrs. Melvin O., 545 Grand Avenue, Evansdale, Waterloo
Klein, Robert E. 1713 13th St., Rock Valley Kruid, John, RR #1, Sioux Center Kull, George, 217 McGee Ave.,
Council Bluff R, Eng. Spots
Lenze, Leonard, 1018 N. Harrison Ave.,
Mason City Calif., Dutch, Eng.
Libbey, H. F., 1219 6th Ave., S,
Fort Dodge N.Z., Checkers
Littleton, Leo F., 1819 S.E. Park Ave.,
Des Moines
Love, Arvid R., Dexter McCartney, B. W., 119 McGee Ave.,
Council Bluffs Ck. Gt., N.Z., Calif., Rex
McCurdy, Robert V., Rt. 3, New Sharon Mace, J. E., Rt. 4, Waterloo R., N.Z.
Maine, Henry, 24C1 So. 7th St., Council Bluffs Martin, Sherman W., 6305 Merle Hay Road,
Rt. 1, Des Moines
Martin, Claude, 1607 Ohio St., Des Moines Maytom, Earl, 2518 So. 13th St., Council Bluffs Mendenhall, George, 222 E. Chestnut, Clarinda Mewse, Walter C., 1607 Agency St., Burlington Miller, C. Jay, RFD #1, Kalona R
Miller Bros. Rabbitry, Harper Mitchell, Jos. F., Luther Moller, David P., RR #3 Davenport Montgomery, M. E., 623 W. Grant, Clarinda Moothart, Lloyd, 427 S. 9th Ave., Washington Morgan, Don, 2726 19 SW, Rt. 1,
Mason City R
Mundt, Harry, 1107 S. Concord,
Davenport Silver Marten
Murren, Harold, 114 E. Wells, Clarinda Murren, Clifford, 613 So. 13th, Clarinda Murren, Earl P., 615 So. 12th St., Clarinda Nield, William N., 415 Linden Ave., Waterloo Nordman, Mrs. Lewis M., Rt. 2, Cedar Falls North Carolina Rabbitry, 2311 N. Carolina,
Mason City
O’Brien, Mike, 1119 So. 25th St., Fort Dodge Ogburn, Darrell, Box 15, Mt. Etna O’Neal Rabbitry, 2440 Avenue G, Council Bluffs Paul, David, 1717 E. Watrous Ave.,
Des Moines N.Z.
Paulsen, Eldo, RFD #1, Schleswig R
Peer, C. E., 1230 E. Army Post Rd., Des Moines
Penland, Avery, Waukee Perrin, Hulda, New Hartford Perrin, Carl D., New Hartford Persoon, K. R., 1208 16th St., Rock Valley Peterman, Ivan, 623 So. 12th, Clarinda Peterman, Frank, 2317 Mt. Vernon Rd., S.E., Cedar Rapids
Plahn, Gordon E., 605 7th Ave., N., Fort Dodge Porter, Bill, 2815 Berry, Sioux City Prohaska, Frank, 2231 North Broadway,
Council Bluffs
Rector, F. C., 808 E. Lincoln, Clarinda Reimers, Robert A., RR #1, Stockton Richardson, H. E., 722 N. 15th, Clarinda Robinson, Marion M., E. 56th & Easton Blvd.,
Des Moines
Rohweder, Walter, RR #4 Cedar Falls Calif. Runyan, Don, 300 N. 20th, Clarinda Sarchett, L. E., Rt. #5, Muscatine R
Schwieger, Mrs. J. R., RR #2, Box 33, Alden Scott, Chester E., Gilman
Sharp, James, Box 48, Beacon N.Z.
Sharp, John W., Box 102, Beacon Simpson, Harry, 4413 61st St., Des Moines 10 Sims, Danny, RFD #4, Clarinda Smith, Clarence I., 1221 Tremont,
Cedar Falls Calif., Dutch
Smith, Elmo C., 302 E. Orchard Ave.,
Council Bluffs
Stack, Clement E., Rt. 1, Delmar Stewart, Woneta, RR #3, Mt. Pleasant Stilley, Dean, 1200 W. Cedar,
Cherokee Std. Chins., Eng.
Stowe, H. C., 1505 35th, Sioux City 5 Taylor, Mrs. Willard, 420 First Ave., Grinnell Thomas, Ivan, 508 So. 8th St., Burlington All Thompson, Donald R., 513 Clearview Dr.,
Des Moines R
Tiller, John, 30C Old Marion Rd., Marion Tingwald, Jack, 1822 4th St., Perry Troxel, Bruce, 1322 Leland Ave., Des Moines Valley, Roger, Harpers Ferry Van Voorst, K. D., 1611 18th St., Rock Valley Wallace, Robert F., 409 So. 12th St., Clarinda R Walther, Hans Wm., Box 142, Ellsworth Wegman, Walter, Coin White, O. D., 1813 24th Dr.,
Des Moines 10 R, Dutch
Whiting, Ernest R., Sr., Rt. 1, Crawfordsville Wiese, Sam E., Bar Mar, RR, Manning Dutch Williams, Thomas, Fremont
Williams, Donald, Rt. 1, Thornton Calif.
Wolcott, Ivan G., Box 197, Bradgate
Wolvers, Harley, 1214 High Ave., East, Okaloosa
Woodin, Donald, Essex
Wright, G. F., Box 391. Waterloo
Wright, W. W„ 421 26th St., Marion
Young, Dean, 4004 7th St., Des Moines
Zimmerman, Henry E., 1144 Rosedalc.
Dubuque J&R, Calif.
Erwin, Robert L., 2C2 North Spruce, Wichita 7
Everett, Walter, 940 Custer St., Salina
Fast, Gerald, 3301 N. Plum, Hutchinson R
Fisher, Jerry, 205 W. Morgan, Inman
Fittro, Margaret, 5124 Sloan Ave., Kansas City 4
Fittro, Charles, 5124 Sloan Ave., Kansas City 4
Flory, J. C., Potter
Flowers, H. W., 2112 East 13th, Topeka Dutch Foote, Elisabeth L., 3020 Wood Ave., Kansas City Fryer, Hazel V., 10005 W. 87th, Overland Park Fulton, Harold, 530 So. Broadway, Salina R
Gabel, Joe P., 500 W. 11th, Ellis Gates, S. N., 4344 Pearl, Kansas City 3 R
Gates, Mrs. S. N., 4344 Pearl St., Kansas City 3 Gustus, Donald C., Box 308, Geneseo Harding, Jack W., 4506 August Lane, Kansas City Hargadine, Mrs. Laren, P.O. Box 183,
Rushton N.Z.
Hargadine, Loren G., Box 183, Rushton Havens, Raymond W., 2152 S. 55th St. West, Wichita 15
Havens, Margaret, 2152 S. 55th St., West,
Wichita 15 N.Z.
Henne, Milan L., Rt. 1, Box 42, Roxbury Horton, Glen, 502 W. Antelope, Girard Janzen, H. W., 1514 E. 23rd St.,
Hutchinson Calif., Rex
Jensen, Harold O., P.O. Box 74, Dearing Johnson, Lester, 712 N. St.. Halstead Johnson, Mrs. Louise, 712 N. St., Halstead Calif. Kauffman, Chas. O., 212 W. 11th,
Hutchinson N.Z.
Kaufman, Leo R., 604 23rd St., Belleville Kempke, Warren D., 1012 Spring St., Ellsworth Knopp, Gary F.t Box 503,
Ellinwood Am. Chinchilla
Lesh, Babe, 306 W. Waren, Norton Lilly, P. C., 410 Ohio, Topeka Lindenmeyer, Fred R., 748 N. 8th St.,
Salina N.Z.
Loveless, Theodore, 1409 Delaware, Leavenworth Loyd, T. E., P.O. Box 187, Fairview Gt. Chins Lundine, Stanley H., 1301 So. Central, Chanute Mantz, Walter, Box 456, Bushton Martin, Wayne, 700 W. 22nd. Wellington Martin, Capt. Raymond D. (Ret’d),
RFD #2 Leavenworth Newell, Joe D., Rt. 1, Oskaloosa Odell, M. A., 313 Crescent, Hutchinson N.Z.
Palmer, Ralph L., 1440 North 1st, Arkansas City Perez, Lee D., Foto Greetings Co.,
Box 182, Ottawa
Petty, Roscoe E., 209 E. Vilas, Leavenworth Pine, Mrs. Charles A., 6811 W. 71st St.,
Overland Park
Pinon, Lester E., 1002 N. Taylor St., El Dorado Pollom, Bob M., RR #1, Tecumseh N.Z.
R.B.C. Rabbitry, Clinton Wood,
228 E. 8th St., Russell
Rains, Ralph B., 1235 Scott Ave., Kansas City Roberts, Charles L., 4742 Parkview,
Kansas City 4
Roberts, Mrs. Chester L., 4742 Parkview,
Kansas City 4
Scheel, C. J., 23 Rural, Emporia Schroeder, Walter, Jr., 2808 N. Lorraine, Hutchinson
Sellect, Mrs. W. B., 715 North Concord, Minneapolis
Shaffer, Dr. Frank W., Rt. 3, Salina N.Z.
Shanks, Gaylene L., 603 N. Union, Stafford N.Z.
Shelton, E. M., RR #1, Coffeyville
Siemens, Alden, 302 West St., Buhler
Skeen, Robert C., 1548 N. Lorraine, Wichita 14
Slusher, C. F., Lansing
Slusher, Helen V., Lansing
Smith, Clarence L., 1501 N. Cochran. Hutchinson Starbird, Austin T., 623 Parklane, Derby Stewart, Frank E., P.O. Box 15, Lewis Stinson, C. F., 1535 So. 49th Terr.,
Kansas City 6
Sunderland, W. H., 715 E. 4th St., Winfield Thies, Edward J., 4130 Cambridge St.,
Kansas City 3
Thompson, F. L„ 721 W. 11th, Box 151,
Newton N.Z.
Tredway, F. L., 313 E. Walnut St„
Box 84, Columbus N.Z.
Walker, Gene, P.O. Box 401, Pratt Ware, O. Wendall, 516 N. 9th, Kansas City Weber, Fred, Jr., Potwin
Weldon, James V., RFD #1, Box 24-D, McCune Whitcomb, A. C., RFD #2, Neodesha Whitt, B. H., 1036 Wabash, Topeka Wilkinson, R. J., 2413 Winterwood Lane, Topeka Wilson, Claude J., RFD #1, Augusta Wysong, Chancey L., 124 N. 14th, Sabetha Yeagley, Don E., 813 Seneca, Salina
State Representative—
1. S. N. Gates—North, 4244 Pearl, Kansas City
2. Harold Fulton—South, 530 So. Broadway, Salina Abbott, L. A., 330 N. St. Clair,
Wichita 12 Calif.
Andrews, Randy Paul, 505 W. 2nd, Liberal Atchison, William A., Rt. 3, Osage City Aust, M. M., P.O. Box 311, Chetopa Ball, Bernard G., 623 Meridian Rd.,
Newton N.Z.
Ball, C. W., 719 K Street, Belleville Barton Co. Agri. Extension Council,
P.O. Box 749, Great Bend Besthorn, Peter H., Holyrood Bieghler, Eugene W., 1501 Denver Dr.,
Park City, Wichita 15 N.Z., Calif.
Block, J. A., 422 W. 2nd St., Newton R, N.Z. Block, Ramon, 422 West 2nd St., Newton Bloom, Mrs. George, Rt. 2, Box 67, Humboldt Borders, Ronald G., RR, Arlington Boulton, Wilbur, Rt. 1, Arkansas City Carrier, Virgil C., Rt. 2, Burden Case, Wayne Douglas, c o Fairmont Foods, Garden City
Chilcott, Dennis, Cedar Bluffs
Christian, Herbert, 5439 Outlook, Mission
Claus, Ronald, Rt. 1, Neodesha
Crawford, Mrs. John, 12809 W. 63rd St., Shawnee
Crawford, John, 12809 W. 63rd St., Rt. 1, Shawnee
Cundiff, Howard E„ 1518 E. 23rd,
Hutchinson N.Z.
Davidson, Frank W., c/o Mrs. Harry Stauffer,
1013 Hubbard St., Great Bend Davis, Hubert D,, 1032 Ridge, Kansas City Dean, W. J., P.O. Box 2637, University Sta., Wichita
Dean, Benny Eugene, P.O. Box 433, Eudora Duffett, Theodore I., 2819 N. 42nd, Kansas City 4 Dunlap, L. A., Corbin J&R, N.Z.
Dunlap, Mrs. L. A., Corbin
Eddy, Mrs. Helen J., Rt. 2, Box 149-A, Lindsborg
State Representatives—
1. M. E. Haggard—East, Versailles Rd.,
2. Edw. T. Toebbe-West, Rt. 10, Box 3C4,
Allen, James V., P.O Box 32, Raceland
Andrus, James M., Hardin
Bess, Marion, Jersey Ridge Road,
Maysville R. N.Z.
Boyd, Charles V., 3130 Lone Oak Rd.,
P.O. Box 21, Paducah R, N.Z.
Broell, Ganz C., Rt. 6, Klondike Lane, Louisville Castle, L. O., Rt. 3, Box 304, Louisville 13 Clark, John W., RR #1, Riggs Road,
Independence Piruvians
Claycomb, T. L., 7311 Nathan Hal, Valley Station Davis, Jesse F., 705 Garvey Ave.,
Erlanger J&R, N.Z.
Deakin, Jesse B., Box 42. Cadiz Earl, Josephine, Calvert City
Frank, Ben T., 1622 S. 6th St.. Paducah N Z Freeman, Willard, Star Route, Burgin Gardner, Wilbur, Rt. 1, Box 359, Fairdale
Gesler, George L., Rt. 3, Box 138, Louisville Gognat, Joe, 1139 Charles,
Louisville Ck. Giants
Gould, Worthington D., 2724 Bank Ave.,
Louisville 12
Graybill, Charles, 19 East Main, Shelbyville Greenwell, George E., 4628 Jenning Lane, Louisville 18 R
Gregory, Lloyd T., 42 Hulbert Ave.,
Erlanger R, N.Z.
Haggard, M. E., Rt. 2, Versailles Rd.,
Lexington R
Hearon, Simpson, Box 57, Clay Henson, Mack. Rt. 2, Stanford Henson, Mrs. Mack, Rt. 2, Stanford Henry, Alfred A., 1262 Helck, Louisville 13 Herbig, Gilbert G., 4724 So. Rutland Ave., Louisville 15
Johnson, E. Verner, 1610 Ashwood Dr.,
Lexington Dutch
Keith, Lewie O., Box 649, Cumberland Kemper, Herbert, 2501 W. Oak St.,
Louisville N.Z., Chins., Ck. Gts.
Kroboth, Carl P., 107 Westwood Dr.,
Lexington J&R, N.Z.
Kroboth, Mrs. Carl, 107 Westwood Dr., Lcxington Lancaster. R. W., 193 Riggs Rd.,
Independence Piruvians
Lancaster, Donna Jo, 193 Riggs Rd.,
Independence Rex., Piruvians
Lane, E. R., Box 282, Princeton Lee, W. A., c/o Mallard Pencil Co.,
Bourbon St., & Chambers Ave., Georgetown Long, Nooe, Bellows Mill Rd.,
Harrodsburg Ck. Giants
McClane, Ray, 4149 Greenwood, Louisville Manning, Edw. J., 229 McDowell Rd., Lexington Martin, Joseph W., 2422 Veatch Rd.,
Owensboro Dutch. N.Z.
Moneyham, Edw. W., 548 River Rd., Ludlow Moore, James L., Jr., 229 Orchard Drive,
Baugham Hts., Danville N.Z., English
Muir, Hiram C., 3301 Klondike Lane,
Louisville R
Murphy, William, Dailey Ave., Frankfort Pagragan, Francis, 17 Maple St., Henderson Palmer, Lewis, Rt. 4, Winchester Payne, Walter, Rolling Hills. Danville Paynter, Prewitt, Rt. 6, Cynthiana Pease, C. T., Rt. 4, Paducah Perkins, Julian R., Meol-O-Grcen Stock Farm,
Quick, Harold C., 4619 So. 1st,
Louisville 14 N.Z.
Reynolds, Augustine, 947 Marcellus Dr.,
Russell, Albert, Shady Elm Rabbitry,
Box 314, Danville
Rutledge, Kenneth, 420 S. Maple, Winchester Sadler, H. Bailey, 603 McClure St., Ashland N.Z. Shain, L. W., 2710 Alfore Ave., Louisville 12 Stoltzfus, W. A., Beech Stroud, William E., Nakomis St.,
Danville R. N.Z.
Summers, Perry, 233 Shadyline, Lexington Terhune, Carroll, Rt. 2, Shelbyville Thedieck, Carl, Harrodsburg Rd., Rt. 1,
Toebbe, Edward, Rt. 10, Box 304,
Louisville 18 J&R
Vessels, O. K., 3113 Dixie Highway, Louisville 16 Willett, Paul, 716 Second St., Henderson Williams, H. T., Owenton
State Representatives
1. Glendon King- North, 4305 Greenwood Blvd.,
2. J. G. Leger—South—Rt. 3, Box 157D,
Lake Charles
Accardo, T. R., 820 Claiborne Dr., New Orleans Berger, Bill, 1236 Pauline St., New Orleans 17 Blankenbaker, E. L., Rt. 1, Box 214. DeRidder Boroughs, Robert, 1209 Grout, Westlake Bruce, T. B., Rt. 4. Box 239-A Lake Charles Codifer. T. R„ 1905 Metairie Rd., Metairie Cross, L. W., P.O. Box 296, White Castle Dellucky, Joseph S., 914 Isbell St.. Gretna Dutch Freeman, James S., c/o Continental Oil Co.,
Villa Platte
Hall, Andrew C., 1207 E. Napoleon, Sulphur Hanagriff, P. C., Jr., 118 W. Spruce St., Crowley Hardin, F. L., P.O. Box 31. Bethany Hawkins, Nathan, P.O. Box 2482. Maplewood Hunt, Eustace J., 2332 Channel, Lake Charles Jatho, Norwood, Jr., 10317 Jefferson Hwy..
New Orleans 23
Kent, Jerard A., 6824 Calumet St.. Baton Rouge Kiner, L. F., 255C Bay St.. New Orleans King, Glendon, 4305 Greenwood Blvd.,
Shreveport J&R
LeBouy, William, Jr., 3154 N. Johnson,
New Orleans
Leger, G. J., Rt. 3, Box 157-D,
Lake Charles 3 J&R. Flemish
Leonard. Leslie P.. P.O. Box 5. White Castle Lyle, W. C., Jr., RD #2, Box 686, Shreveport Lyle, W. C„ Rt. 2, Box 686. Shreveport Manuel, J. B., P.O. Box 426,
West Laurel St., Eunice Morrison, David E., P.O. Box 87, Tioga Noble, D. B., Box 221. Zachary Pitre, S. J., Jr., Box 554, Kenner Price, John G., 2413 Green Acres Rd., Metairie Rambin, Paul, 3917 St. Vincent St., Shreveport Reinhardt, R. W., 821 Haring Rd., Metairie 20 R Schoultz, Alphonse H., 1028 Music St.,
New Orleans 17
Stark, Floyd A., Sr., 135 River Bend,
New Orleans 23 Taylor, J. T., Arcadia
Walker, Walter, 2211 Moeling, Lake Charles
State Representative—
Clyde Hulit, 53 Longely Rd., Westbrook Abbott, James H., 8 Mayo St., Orono R
Arey, Mrs. Hiram, RFD, 107 A, Vinalhaven Bass, Mrs. Philip, RFD #1, Winterport N.Z.
Bell, J. Vance, 96 Townsend Ave.,
Boothbay Harbor
Bradford, Harold, 9 Congress St., Belfast Burke, Arthur J., Pine Hill Road,
Berwick 9 J&R
Burrill, Donna, Canaan
Bussiere, Robert, Old Lisbon Road, Lewiston Caler, Sidney, Star Route, Skowhegan N.Z.
Christ, Mr. James, Marble Ave., Waldohoro Clowe, William, RFD #6, Augusta N.Z., Calif. Crooker, E. Roy, Bay View St., Yarmouth Cuozzo, Roscoe F., University of Maine,
Orono Rex
Double-B Rabbitry, Brattle St., So. Berwick Dubois, Norman, RFD, Box 132, Fort Kent Eckhardt, Ann C., Rt. 105, Coopers Mills Erskin, Albert T., Ox Horn Farm,
Rt. 1, Box 349, Wiscasset Am. Chins.
Fink, Charles D., Old South Rd. South Berwick Goard, Roger, Reach Road. Deer Isle Goodwin, Roscoe S., 564 East Bridge,
Westbrook N.Z.
Hartwell, Wm. G., North Anson N.Z.
Hulit, O. Clyde, 53 Longley Rd.,
Westbrook R, N.Z.
Hunnewell, Janies W., Fickett Road,
Auburn Dutch, N.Z.
Irish, Clifford L., RFD #1, River Road, Westbrook
Lahuda, S/Sgt. Stephen B.. AF13312244,
308th Support Sq., Box 127 CAFS, Limestone Meyer, Earl, Jr., Box 115, Wilton Mosely, David L.. RFD #1, West Buxton N.Z.
Packard, Blynn M., Box 15, Skowhegan Pelletier, Roland, Box 62, Madawaska Powers, Henry D., RFD #1, Fairfield Sharland, W. W„ RFD #2, Cape Elizabeth R
Van Sicklin, Charles, Jr., RR #3,
Skowhegan N.Z.
White, James E., M.R.A., Bangor
State Representative—
Lou Heim, 3609 Buckingham Rd., Baltimore Ambrose, R. C., Box 157, Monrovia Ankney, George, Box 91, Rockville Bartley, Edwin C., Rt. 3, Box 78, Clinton
Beauchamp, LeRoy T., Federalsburg Bishop, John P., Samona Ave., Cockeysville Boswell, James E., Rockville Callis, Richard, Mountain Lake Park Christy, Allen, Rt. 1, Box 117, White Marsh N.Z. Clingan, Floyd M., 60 W. Church St., Hagerstown Cockey, Delmas, 1323 S. Caton Ave., Baltimore 27 Colburn, Herbert, 2145 Lorraine Ave., Baltimore 7 Colburn, Mrs. Herbert, 2145 Lorraine Ave., Baltimore 7
Cranford, Nivin W., 6000 Henning, Bethesda Dolnick, Ethel H., Agricultural Research Center, Animal & Poultry Husbanlry Research Center, Beltsville
Downs, George E., Whaleysville East, Mrs. Ardia D., Rt. 1, Box 16,
Upper Marlboro
Gantz, Donald W., Jr., 125 Lakin Ave., Boonsboro Gillispie, Marvin E., Wheelers Lane, Sparks Greene, George L., 7502 Brightseat Rd., Landover Grove, Harry E., Yeoho Rd., Rt. 1, Parkton Hampson, Ralph D., RD #1, Granlich Road, Cumberland
Hanley, Frank J., Rt. 1, Glen Rd., Rockville Harrison, Roland H., 296 Glenhurst Rd.,
Baltimore 22
Hayman, Handy, RFD #1, Cambridge Heim, Louis C„ 3609 Buckingham Rd.,
Baltimore 7 R, Flemish Giant
Kues, Quentin F., 903 Chesaco Ave., Baltimore 6 Luciano, Augie, 300 Holly Neck Road,
Baltimore 21
Lusher, Francis R., 2323 Linden, Baltimore Mazor, Donald, Chapman Rd.,
Kingsville N.Z., Calif.
Neumann, Ralph, 60-H Crescent Road,
Greenbelt J&R
Pisani, A. L., Hampstead N.Z.
Plummer, C. R„ 3413 Purdue St., W. Hyattsville Poole, Gram, 6609 Brookville, Chevy Chase 15 Price, John D., RFD #3, Boonsboro Pugh, Jack, 4625 Magnolia Ave.,
Baltimore 27 J&R
Ramsey, Duncan, Rt. 2, White Hall Ritter, Lawrence T., Ellicott City,
Baltimore Co. J&R
Ritter, Elroy C., Rt. 1, Mineral Hill Rd., Sykesville N.Z., Chin, Flemish Giants
Roday, Howard C., 1919 Maxwell Ave.,
Baltimore 22 Calif
Roddy, Samuel Irwin, 125 Cedarmere Road, Owings Mills
Roeder, H. Edward, RFD Broadwater, Churchton Scadden, Raymond L., 14 E. Water, Smithsburg Shaffer, Charles N., 2702 Joppa Rd., Baltimore 14 Stepp, John W., 5800 Crestwood Place, Riverdale Stobler, Robert R., Brighton Sunshine Rd.,
Rt. 1, Brookeville
Stoner, Karl O., 205 W. Antietam St.,
P.O. Box 81, Sharpsburg Suydam, Hector H., 4208 Hickory Ave.,
Baltimore 27
Talley, Robert P., Box 139, Garrett Park Tate, John, 3015 Strickland St., Baltimore 23 Thompson, William T., Box 372,
Reistertown J&R
Trester, Glenn E., Rt. 1, Box 165, Edgewater Wasilevicz, Cornelia, 5533 Willys Ave.,
Halethorpe 27
Wasilevicz, Henry, 5533 Willys Ave.,
Halethorpe 27
Weller, Martin L., 617 Chestnut St., Hagerstown Wiblin, Cecil D.. 3209 Dillon St., Baltimore 24 Woolfolk, Ernest C., Rt. 2, Box 156,
Upper Marlboro Wright, Damon, Flintstone
Zetts, Joseph J., Shady Grove Road. Gaithersburg Zulauf, B. W., Regwood Road, Hyde N.Z.
State Representative—
Raymond S. Mullett, 76 Lake Ave., Liecester Adams, Thos. L., 449 Western Ave., Lynn N.Z. Aldrich, George E., Jr., Brooks St., Upton N.Z. Anderson, Carl N., 44 Mulberry St.,
Springfield 15
Andrews, Ernest R., 16 Appleton Pl.,
Leominster N.Z.
Anselmo, Manuel, 25 Thompson St,, Fall River Archambault, Francis, 1194 Main St., Worcester Archambault, Roger, 1194 Main St., Worcester Archibald, David M., 88 New Lenox Rd., Lenox Bagley, Walter T., 1362 Main St., Agawam Baker, Dorothy H., 32 Royal Road, Worcester Barber, John W., Concord Turnpike, Lexington 73 Bartol, George M., M.D., 1466 Canton Ave.,
Milton 87
Bennett, Richard K., 8 Pelham Road, Natick Benson, Brent, 53 Hemlock Rd., West Roxbury Bissell, Ralph K., 40 Chadwick St., Worcester 5 Booth, Dr. Albert L,, 21 Douglas St., Uxbridge Bounton, Richard, Locust St., Assonet Bradley, Dianna, 102 Bisson St., Beverly Bradley, Russell E., 102 Bisson St., Beverly
Briggs, Charles E., Silver St., So. Lancaster Brown, James W., 295 W. Wyoming Ave.,
Melrose 76
Burroughs, Charles E., 569 Bedford St.,
E. Bridgewater
Carboneau, Richard P., Granville Road,
Southwick Rex, Dutch, N.Z., Cr. D’Argent Chaloner, George A., 21 Lincoln Ave.,
So. Hamilton
Chantrand, John, 275 Cox St., Hudson Chapin, Louis F., 136 Oak St., Mansfield Cleary, Everett, Main St., Groton Clemons, C. C., 599 Lampblack Rd., Greenfield Collins, Elizabeth A., 39 Julian St., Haverhill Correia, Abel, 131 Earle St., New Bedford Cox, Floyd E., 156 West Central St., Natick Cushing, J. Henry, 49 Auburn St., Saugus Cushing, Joel H., 49 Auburn St., Saugus Davidson, James E., Rt. 3, Hanover Debye, Dr. Peter P., Old Sudbury Road,
So. Sudbury
Ditroia, Anthoy, 265 California St., Newton 58 Duby, Walter, Hall Road, Dudley Duby, David W., Hall Road, Dudley Eisenhaur, Oswald A., 20 Sunnyside Ave.,
Saugus J&R, Ck. Gt.
Eleuterio, Joseph, 59 Durfee St.,
New Bedford J&R
Elwin, Florence, 70 Willis, Lake Drive, Sudbury Evans, Faith, 23 Parker Rd., Wakefield Polish Fairfield, W., Hillside Ave., Great Barrington Fedler, Donald Edward, South Street,
East Brookfield
Filkoski, Michael E„ Box 187, Hadley Fillmore, Bruce R., Concord Turnpike, RFD, Lexington
Fisher, Mrs. Gladys, 18 Morse Road, Framingham Franklin, Frederick, So. Bolton Rd., RFD,
Gadoury, Ernest J., Klondike Road, Dudley Goodreou, PFC John F., Popes Point Road,
RFD #2, Middleboro Gotha, R. Donald, East Main St.,
East Brookfield
Gove, Fred T., 3 Third St., Saugus Gribko, Maryann, 15 Russell St., Sunderland Guimond, Armand, 90 Cliff St., Lynn Dutch
Handy, Alfred B., 31 Harvard,
Malden 48 N.Z., Gt. Chin.
Hatfield, Edward L., 999 Plymouth St.,
E. Bridgewater N.Z.
Haven, Mrs. Marion, 25 Shore Drive,
Auburn Cr. D’Argents, Havana, Dutch
Hayes, Leon, 102 W. Main St., Orange Henry, Mrs. C. A., 49 Auburn St., Saugus Henry, C. A., 49 Auburn St.,
Saugus J&R, Polish
Hill, Floyd C., Upton Holmes, Ray, Baldwin St., Leicester Hudson, Ralph, 127-A Belmont St.,
Everett N.Z,
Hulbert, Walter H., Jr., Town Farm Road,
Keith, Mrs. Morris, 574 Prospect St.,
West Boylston
Keith, Morris, 574 Prospect St., West Boylston Keoughan, M., 501 Boston Road, Billerica Kochanowski, Anthony J., North Street,
East Douglas
Lambert, Laurence E., 28 Pemaquid St.,
Indian Orchard
Lantz, Edmund P., 40 Rantoul St., Beverly Leavitt, Chas. A., 10 Standish St.,
No. Weymouth 91
Leger, Mrs. Leon, Westboro Rd., Upton Leger, Leon, Westboro Rd., Upton Liberty, Armand, 475 Presscott St., New Bedford Liberty, Joseph, 159 Tallman, New Bedford MacKinnon, Wayne F., 604 Crescent St.,
Brockton 44
McDunn, Michael P., Bolton Road, So. Lancaster McGinnis, Chester, 521 Marrett Rd., Lexington Mattson, William S., 566 Adams St.,
No. Abington N.Z.
Mello, Joseph L., 1584 No. Main St.,
Fall River Flemish
Millette. Robert J., P.O. Box 43, Norfolk Miner, Louis J., Rt. 1, Box 124, Ware Mitchell, Alan L., 138 Lincoln St.,
Melrose 76 Dutch, Polish
Mortmer, Ernest, Main St., Boxford Mosher, Ernest F., 190 Linden St., Everett 49 Mullett, Raymond S., 75 Lake Ave.,
Leicester J&R
O’Donnell, Robert Russell, Jr.,
48 Fletcher Rd., Woburn
Paddock, Arthur, Providence St., Mendon N.Z. Pantes, Manuel A., Milk Ave., N. Westport Perry, Albert, 129 E. Coggshall St., No. Fairhaven Perry, Charles L., No. Liberty St., Box 241, Belchertown
Perry, Katherine M., Box 241, Belchertown Phillips, E. S., Natick R
Pierce, Vernon A., 16 Elm St.,
Leominster Cr. D’Argent
Pontes, M. A., Milk Ave., N. Westport Pope, Mrs. Gardner W., 56 Grimshaw St.,
Malden 48
Pratt, Charles G., 125 Birch St., Bridgewater Pryor, Ralph, Jr., RFD #1, Southbridge Reardon, Raymond, 966 Main St., Clinton Reynolds, Vincent M., Oleans Rd.,
RFD, Burlington
Rod, John O., Box 136, Templeton J&R
Rod, Mrs. Gertrude E., Box 136, Templeton Russell, Harold Wm., RFD, Douglas St.,
Russell, David E.. Russell Mfg. Co.,
404 Main St., Wakefield Salloum, A. A., 878 South St., Roslindale 31 Sammons, Maynard, 836 North St., Lewksbury Sawyer, Charles A., 32 Pine St., Hudson Scarlota, Samuel, 85 Grand St., Canton Scott, Francis R., Hartford Ave., W,
Mendon Rex, Flemish
Sevigny, A., 245 Beacon St., Andover Shepherd, Elwin C., Davis Rd., RFD, Ashby Smart, Mrs. R. G., Carter Rd., Westminster Smith, Richard, 101 West St.,
Leominster N.Z., Ck. Gts.
Stacy, Douglas, 19 East Ford Rd., Auburn Stevens, E. C., 378 Reservoir St., Holden N.Z. Thompson, Charles, 55 Linden St., Webster Trojanowski, John S., 14 Bryan Ave.,
Tucker, Melvin, Box 78, Bellingham Ulnich, Vincent, 28 Bennett St.. Natick Undergraves, M. S., North St., Blandford Vocational Rehab. Bureau, 14 Court Sq., Boston Watson, Frank, 72 Hancock St„ Lawrence Wilder. Vallis F,, Jr., 18 Sackett St.. Westfield Wysocki, Joseph, Mason Road, Dudley Yore, George P., 86 Standish St., Cambridge
State Representative
Ray J. Grables, 2545 Massene-Union Lake,
Aardema, Orie, 1811 Godfrey Ave., Grand Rapids Abernathy, Russell, Rt. 2, Box 63-A, Cheboygan Allen, Frank, 3653 Castle Road, Fostoria Allen, Harold R„ Box 422. Whitehall R
Ankner, Thomas J., 21617 Evergreen,
St. Clair Shores Argyle, John, Rt. 2, Gladwin Arnold, Dorothy, 8165 Lillian St., Center Line Atkinson. Thomas W., 5055 Haughey Ave.,
Grand Rapids
Ball, Richard, 6940 So. Inkster, Inkster Ballantyne, J., 24170 Middle Belt, Rt. 1,
New Boston
Barnes, Bernadine, Sand Creek Barnes, Vida, Sand Creek
Barnowski, John, 712 Alexander Ave., Royal Oak Bartels, B., 866 Brooks Road, Muskegon Bayer, Anthony J., 42496 Riggs Road, Belleville Bechtel, Oscar, 8215 N. Wayne Road, Plymouth Beck, Arthur, Jr., 605 S. Outer Dr., Saginaw Becker, William J., RFD #4, Adrian Behnke, Don, Box 146, Gladwin Belles, Zurry J., Multiple Enterprise, M 72, Kalkaska
Bennett, Edward A., N. East St., Boyne City Bergeron, Vedalois, Vienna, Johannesburg Berry, John W., 612 Madison St., Lapeer Betz, Russell, 1200 Hanlon, Garden City Bezinque, Ernest A., 8266½ Perry Road,
Grand Blanc
Bible, Louis E„ 2781 14 Mi. Rd., N.E.,
RFD #2, Sparta
Bible. Patricia G„ 2781 14 Mi. Rd., N.E.,
RFD #2, Sparta
Bidlack, Harvey D., 15843 Mansfield, Detroit 27 Bills, Mrs. Alice E., 14723 West Howe Road, Portland
Biskie. Leonard L., 2290 Hendershot Road,
Parma J&R, Am. Ck. Gts.
Blanding, Dan, 614 W. Franklin, Greenville Block. Bud, 7235 Elizabeth Lake Rd.,
Pontiac R, Ck. Giants
Booth, Jane, 703 Parkdale, Rochester Angoras Brainard. Ford M., 46640 Ayres St., Belleville Brainerd, Allan, Box 119, Oakley Brzozawski, Stanley M., 360 E. Square Lake Rd., Troy
Buchanan, Wendell R., Rt. 2, Box 35,
Three Rivers
Buck, Glen, 32490 Van Born, Wayne Burrington, Floyd A., 3290 DeFeyter,
RR #6, Muskegon
Butson, Kenneth H., 136-B Jackson Rd.,
Butterworth, Herbert M.. 2350 44th St.,
S.E., Grand Rapids 8 Carp, John H., 849 W. Columbia Ave.,
Battle Creek
Carpenter, Dorothy, Manton
Christenson, Clifford R., Newaygo Christenson, Verne S., Newaygo Chruschiel, Thomas A., RR #1, Wayland Cockrell, Rolland, RR #4, Rawson Rd.,
Cole, Thomas R., 1016 E. German, Munger Cole, Mrs. Wilfred W., 3675 E. Shore, Lapeer Collette, Alfred, Onaway
Conklin, Eugene C., 715 W. Goguac, Battle Creek Cooper, Lynn, 2601 Sharon Hollow Rd.,
Grass Lake Calif., Champ, Cks.
Courtell, William, 25278 Peter Kaltz, Warren Cramer, John, 2735 N. Euclid St., Bay City
Daglow, Dean, 213 E. Leigh St., Homer David, Donald A., Rt. 3, Grand Ledge Davies, Douglas, 25 Fort, Niles Davis, Herbert, Sears Lake, Rt. 1, Milford DeCoste, Joe A., Lake Avalon, Rt. 3, Hillman Delfosse, Carol, Rt. 1, Box 40, Menominee Deo, Edward, 3737 Gertrude, Dearborn DeVries. Steven, 1457 Linden Ave.,
Grand Rapids J&R
Dickinson, C. F., 813 Burr Oak St.,
Albion J&R, Sables, & Chins.
Diffin, Paul O., 10195 Sheridan Rd., Box 105-A, Burt
Dingman, William, Rt. 3, Box 499,
Traverse City J&R, N.Z.
Dingman, Mrs. Mildred, Rt. 3, Box 499,
Traverse City
Drake, Donald E., 415 Barry St., Colon N.Z.
Ewell, Arvil, Rt. 1, Farwell Feikema, Mrs. Neal, Mcona Farms,
RD #1, Evart
Fessenden, Ernest, RD #2, Shelby Filipkowski, Edward, 4963 Trenton, Detroit 10 Flood, Mrs. Marjory. 14415 Island Lake Road, Chelsea N.Z,
Forbush, Keith, 25834 Avondale Rd.,
Inkster J&R, Flemish
Forbush, Richard, 25834 Avondale Rd., Inkster Ford, Warren, 208 E. Erie Rd., Rt. 3,
Box 548, Temperance N.Z., Calif.
Foster, Lester W,, 13047 Baldwin Road, Gaines G & W Rabbitry, Gerry Sisk, 2742 Paul St., Niles G & W Rabbitry, Wayne Barlow, 2742 Paul St., Niles
Centner, Floyd E., 3451 Waltrons, RD #2,
Chelsea Dutch
Gerbig, Jerry, 1808 Castile Rd., Wakefield Gibson, Abraham A., 6310 Coldwater Rd.,
Flushing N.Z.
Gilbert, Alexander, Rt. 1, Morrice Gladney, Mable, Rt. 1, Marcellus Gnatowski, Otto. 2976 N. Michigan, Saginaw Gourley. R. J., Double “G” Rabbitry, Box 1,
New Richmond
Grables, R. J., 527 Sunset Dr., Rt. 2,
Milford J&R, N.Z.
Grables, Madeleine, 527 Sunset Dr., Rt. 2,
Milford Dutch
Greilick, Leroy C., Rt. 4, Box 138, Traverse City Guerne, Merrit, Rt. 2, Grant Hadgins, James, 3215 Berent St., Flint 7 Hale, Francis H., Rt. 2, Box 86, Richland Hauser, Raymond C., RFD #1, Menominee Harbaugh, Otto, Jr., Rt. 2, Morenci Harbaugh, Otto, Rt. 2, Morenci Hart, Russell T., M/D., 1510 Hickory St., Niles Hathaway, William, 6146 E. Burt Rd.,
Birch Run R
Hathaway, June L., 6146 E. Burt Rd.. Birch Run Haworth. Wayne, 317 N. Main St., Chelsea Hendee, Howard R., 193 6 Mile Road,
RR #2, Comstock Park Hendershot, Laurence, 2140 E. Territorial Rd.,
Rt. 1, Rives Jct.
Herrmann, A. E., RFD #l, Box 223, Petoskey Hickey, Clarence J., Wayne State University, College of Medicine, Dept. Indus. Medicine & Hyg., 1401 Rivard St., Detroit Hicks, Mrs. Roy O., Rt. 1, Prescott Higby House, Charles G. Higby, 106 Tolan St., Milan
Hoag, Raymond, Sr., 10630 52nd St., RR #2,
Hoff, Edna, 18835 Delaware, Detroit 19 Hoff, George, 18835 Delaware, Detroit 19 N.Z. Houghtaling, Bert, 217 S. Main St., Vassar Hubbard, Edith M., 15395 McGuire, Wyandotte Inscho, Ronald, 6560 Saline, Waterford Irons, Eleanor, RR #2, Springport Jackson, Melvin, 55 Corcoran, Battle Creek Jerue, Jack J., RR 6, Box 442, Nibs Johnson, Mrs. Aletha, Rt. 5, Coldwater Johnson, Harold A., Rt. 5, Coldwater R, Flemish Johnson, Rudolph L., Rt. 1, Box 220, Iron River Jones, Reg, 12434 Creek Road, Carleton Jonker, Dan, 168 Fairbanks Ave., Holland N.Z. Jurk, Otto E., 1137 W. Francis Rd., Mt. Morris Karow, Stan, 75 Maywood, Birmingham Karow, Mrs. Stanley, 75 Maywood, Birmingham Kerner, Harry G., 490 Bauman Ave.,
Clauson J&R, Flemish Giant
Keyes, John H., 905 Wilkinson Rd., Rt. 3, Owosso
Knipe, Beverlye, Rt. 2, Boyne City Kolvoord, Mrs. Gerrit, Box 26, Rt. 1, Hamilton Konieczny, Andrew, 5688 Homedale,
Detroit 10 C. D'Argents
Kreitlow, Ernest R., Sr., RFD #2, Lawton Kueffner. Herbert M., 6717 Junction Rd.,
Rt. 1, Bridgeport
LaFrinere, Mrs. Ruth, RFD #1, Harbor Springs Lang, Al F., 7549 Gratiot Road, Saginaw Langeland, Marvin H., 2730 Appleland Ave., Kalamazoo J&R
Lewandowski, Erwin, 925 S. Chipman St., Owosso Ligerza, Julius P., 4687 Plumer, Detroit 9 Lipford, S. A„ G 5194 Van Slyke Rd., Flint 7 Littler, Walter, 912 Fruit St., Box 285,
Algonac J&R, Flemish
Lockard, V. T., Gladstone Lofton, Clara, Rt. 2, Ottawa Lake Losey, Frank, 0-568 Leonard, N.W., RR #2,
Grand Rapids 4
Ludington, John A., 3016 Sturges St.,
Port Huron
Ludington, Walter A., 3016 Sturges St.,
Port Huron
Lukowski, Vincent, 1909 24th St., Bay City McCullough, Donald, 817 S. Hannah St.,
Albion Chin.
McInnes, Leslie, 3511 First St., Hadley R
McMullen, Merrill D„ RFD #2, Rapid City Maples, Rheno D., 5481 Buckman Rd., Hanover Matlock, Marshall, RR #3, Box 519, Tauble Rd., Coloma
Mecomber. Dale. Box 83, Wheeler Mitchell, Earl, 2532 Oakdale Drive, Ypsilanti Moore, J. Earl, RR #1, Bannister Morgan, Mike, 317 E. State, Hastings Mouilleasux, Donald, 36811 So. Gratiot,
Mt. Clemens
Murphy, Ada, Box 6, Holloway
Mynarcik, B., Rt. 1, 1891 Farley Rd., Essexville
Neview, Russell T., 3340 Kawkawlin Road,
Bay City
Neumann, Edward Wm., 517 So. 22nd, Saginaw Newingham, Virgil J., RFD #1, Iron Mountain Nicks, Clifford S., P.O. Box 261. Belleville Norton, Mrs. Cloyd A., RFD #4, Eaton Rapids Norton, Lester G., Rt. 4, Eaton Rapids N.Z.
Nulph, Kenneth L., 10763 N. Shaytown Road, Mulliken
Oelka, Lee, 6021 Newberry, Wayne N.Z.
Oliphant, Glen, Concord
Olmsted, Paul S.. 312 Marshall St., Essexville Oswald, Frank W., 7705 Pontiac Dr.,
Rt. 2, Northville
Pakulski, George, 25278 Peter Kaltz, Warren Pawloski, Ann, G-1201 E. Hartman, Mt. Morris Pawloski, Fred, G-1201 E. Hartman. Mt. Morris Penfold, Alston E., Rt. 3, Nashville Pifer, Vernon J., 7931 W. Windsor Hwy., Diamondale
Preis, Julius, 3329 Holbrook. Hamtromck Preston, Ralph, Box 5, Mackinaw City Provost, Kathryn, 469 Eifert Rd., Rt. 3, Mason Reed, Robert D., P.O. Box 253, Ludington N.Z. Renton, Mrs. Burns, 2906 Kalamazoo Rd., S.E., Grand Rapids 8
Respess, Thomas, Jr., 1817 Mack, Detroit 7 Reynolds, Fred. 757 Aster Ave., Holland Ribbey, Mrs. Edith E., Rt. 2, Albion Ribbey, Miss Helen, Rt. 2, Albion Roach. Leland, Jr., 770 Pensacola, Pontiac 17 Rogalski, Otto, 4607 Military, Detroit 10 Rogalski, Gail, 4607 Military, Detroit 10 Rogers, Ray, 3525 College, N.E., Grand Rapids Rosinski, Donald E., 18467 Gaylord,
Detroit 40 N.Z.
Rowe, Michael B., 2222 Chippewa St., Flint 5 Rue, A. H., 11011 Hubbell Rd., Livonia Russell, John, Box 66, Luna Pier
Scanson, Donald F., Rt. 2, Box 318-A,
Whitehall N.Z.
Schafer, Roland H., 1425 Trumbull St.,
Bay City J&R
Schafer, Mrs. Roland H., 1425 Trumbull St.,
Bay City
Schipke, John J., Jr., 31609 York Road, Fraser Schmidt, Erwin G., 5887 Byron Road, Howell Schmidt, Karl F.. Rt. 5, Mt. Pleasant See. Clifford, 6200 Haver St., Wayne N.Z.
Sennewald, Oscar, 23950-12 Mile Road,
Sharp, Claude, Rt. 2, Box 101, Vicksburg Siebenaller, Robert, 9461 Marion Crescant,
Detroit 31
Sikes, Gurney W., 8084 Bray Rd., Mt. Morris Sills, Russell, 2413 Cherry St., Port Huron Smith, Robert Gordon, 6101 Walker Rd.,
Fruitport N.Z.
Smith, Gregg, Rt. 2, Tecumseh Smith, Fred, 19746 Middlebelt, Romules Smith, Clyde L., 6715 Faust, Detroit 28 Smithwick, Irma, 6217 Coldwater Road, Flushing Smithwick, Wava, G-5074 W. Coldwater Rd.,
Flint 4
Smithwick, W. A., 6217 Coldwater Rd., Flushing
Smithwick, J. W., G-5074 W. Coldwater Rd.,
Flint 4
Spek, Arie, 75 Lawrence Ave., Zeeland Spade, Robert, 2231 Oak Park Dr., Muskegon Spross, Donald J., 300 Wallace St., Williamston Stanley, W. B., 7755 Inkster Rd.,
Garden City Flemish
Staples, James Warren, 4025 W. 32 Mi. Rd.,
Steward, Joel M., 5911 Portage St.,
Kalamazoo 68
Stewart, Thurston D., 8165 Lillian St.,
Center Line
Stouffer, Mrs. Thelma, RFD #4, White Cloud Ticknor. Frank R., 3303 Stone School Rd.,
Ann Arbor
Trester, Mike, 418 Madison St., Adrian Turner, George R., 2724 Colman Rd., Crosswell Ulicny, Albert, 12758 29 Mi. Rd., Romeo Urbaniak, Chester T., 903 S. Monroe St.,
Bay City N.Z.
VanDosen, Myron, 7067 Dodge St., Van Dyke Van Klompenberg, Bert, 26 N. Franklin, Zeeland Vogelsang, Jack R., 2133 Spansail Dr., Niles Walker, Kay, RR #5, Coldwater Walser, Miles E., P.O. Box 138, Hillsdale Walt, Eigen W„ 121 N. Spruce St., Traverse City Walters, Maurice, RF #1, Holland N.Z., Dutch Webb. W. N., Rt. 4, Box 716, Battle Creek Webber, Walter J., 528 No. 26th St..
Rt. 8, Saginaw Ck. Gt., Eng. Spot
Wells, Raymond F., 2435 S. Main, Rt. 4,
Ann Arbor
Werdehoff, Douglas E., 3851 Middle Rd.,
#4, Milford
West, Roger D., 1335 Rosewood, Ann Arbor Wheeler, Wayne B.. RR #1,
6705 Lowe Plank Rd., Richmond Whitney, Helen S.. Whitehall Wiegand, Walter J., 6712 Engleman Ave.,
Center Line N.Z.
Wierenga, Marvin W., 514 Jackson St.,
Grand Haven
Wilcutt, Ralph, Rt. 1, Box 111, Hartford Willey. Dorathea, 22357 E. 15 Mile Road,
Mt. Clemens Dutch
Willis, Lea, 1427 Victoria, Lincoln Park Windemuller, Herman E., Rt. 5, Holland Wolcott, Jay, 47 Jefferson St.. Zeeland J&R
Wolfe. Dale, RFD #1, Bad Axe Wudarcki. Norbert L., 3020 Bald Eagle Lk. Rd., Ortonville
Zimmerman, Allen, Rt. 2, Decatur
State Representative-
William Chance, St. Joseph
Andricks, Virginia E., RFD #1, Box 116,
North Branch
Barclay. Hughbert W., RFD #2, Lyle Blaisdell, James. Rt. 1, Ellendale Bonin, Dale A., Box 44, Bayport Bruce. Charles, 5295 Grand Avenue,
White Bear Lake 10
Chance, William (Bill), St. Joseph J&R, N.Z. Collins, Gary. 7505 E. River Rd.,
N.E., Minneapolis
Connett, Clifford, 3968 Centerville Rd.,
White Bear Lake 10 Craig, Melvin V., RFD #3. Fairmont Cronk. Gunnard, 2695 E. 7th St.,
St. Paul 6 R, N.Z.
Dalke, Ray J., 272 E. Morgan St., Tracy Dickey, Dave, 4200 Alden Drive. Minneapolis 16 Dickhut, Mrs. Minerva E., 2610 North Park Ave., St. Paul 6 R
Dickinson, Art, Rt. 2, Tower Wh. Flemish
Dutches, Bunnyville, Arnold E. Schallock, Brainerd
Ehlers, Wesley, 6939 Pleasant View Drive, Minneapolis N.Z.
Ekern, Angus, Spring Grove Euerle, Walter, 1136 Hastings Ave.,
Newport, Rt. 2
Faymoville, N. J.. Jr., Rt. 1, Deer River Fleckner, Hugo, 1375 Biebeau Rd.,
White Bear Lake 10 R, N.Z.
Fleckner, Liz, 1375 Bibeau Rd.,
White Bear Lake 10
Gorman, Gerald J., 607 Center St., Austin Grace, B. L., Donnelly
Gratz, Stanley, 2025 3rd St., No.. Minneapolis 11 Greis, Martin, 2467 Hazelwood, St. Paul 9 Gunderson, Oliver, RR #2, Stewartville Hentges, Edward, 1294 Juno Avenue, St. Paul Iwinton, James, Newport Jacobson, A. E., 4845 33rd Ave.,
So. Minneapolis 17 N.Z.
Jacobsen, E. E., 7515 Wentworth Ave., Minneapolis Jirik, Frank, Sr., Max Johnsen, Arnold M., 807 Gleason Ave.,
Austin Checkered Giant
King, Boyd H., Inger St., Deer River
Koroshec, Alvin J., 119 Ohio Ave., Gilbert Kuby, Kenneth O., 1840 Munster St., St. Paul 16 Larson, Larry C., Eagle Bend Leibel, Mrs. Gordon, Route 1,
St. Paul 11 J&R, N.Z., & Dutch
Lindgren, A. J., 420 S. 6th St., Minneapolis Lindgren, Gerard A., National R.R. Mag.,
420 So. 6th St., Minneapolis 15 Lindgren, Mark G.. National R.R. Mag.,
420 So. 6th St., Minneapolis 15 Lohse, Lullis, Rt. 6, Anoka
Lohse, Clarence, Rt. 6, Anoka R
Lottridge, L. M., Box 3, Hastings Love, James, Star Route, Pitt Malis, Clifford, 1214 101 Avenue West. Duluth Merliatt, Clyde D., 7225 Knollwood Dr., Minneapolis 21 R
Nelson. E. M„ 504 Euclid,
Austin R, Checkered Giant
Northcult, Carroll E., 861 Oaklane St.,
Circle Pines
Nutrena Mills, Inc., 200 Grain Exchange, Minneapolis 15 Olson, Marlyn L., Kiester Otterchalt, Leslie, 6849 Lakeview Dr.,
New Brighton 12
Otterchalt, Mrs. Leslie, 6849 Lakeview Dr.,
New Brighton 12
Pelzel, Tames, 613 E. Maine St.. Sleepy Eye Planz, Hugo, 810 Gleason, Austin Dutch
Premo, Rolland Guy, Box 431, Case Lake Priebe, Mrs. Jerome, 3385 Demontreville Rd.,
St. Paul
Rau, Les J.. 212 -41 Avenue No., St. Cloud Rau, Miss Doreen, 212 41 St., Avenue No.,
St. Cloud
Redman, Kenneth, Red-San Rabbitry,
RR #2. Wells Reinke, Leonard. Verdi
Rewitzer, Donald, 508 11th North St., New Ula
Rice, Lee, RFD #1, Bemidji
Richardson, Richard. Box 12, Clitherall
Roufs. David E.. 3310 No. 6th St., Minneapolis 12
Saanes, Glenn K., Rt. 2, McIntosh
Skudlorek, Alovs, Rt. 1. Box 29, St. Joseph
Sleeth, Harry, 99 S. Fairview. St. Paul
Stam. Marshall, 6856 Sunset Rd., New Brighton 12
Stam, Mrs. Marshall, 6856 Sunset Rd.,
New Brighton 12
Stanton, Randall, Rt. 5, Stillwater N.Z.
Staudenmaier, James E., 1205 W. Como Blvd.,
St. Paul R
Steinhaus, Mrs Bruce, RFD, Waterville Strand, Walter C., 8924 Colfax Ave.,
S. Minneapolis Swenson, Carl, Rt. 2, Austin Thoeny, Louise, 221 Elm St., Circle Pines Tibbetts. Mrs. Vincent RR #1. Dundas Tryggestad Rabbitry. 2503 33rd Ave., N.E., Minneapolis N.Z.
Warner, Dorothy RR, Lake Elmo Wahl, Weldon, 2501 Douglas Dr., No.,
Minneapolis R
Wasilesky, Alex, 1350 DeSota St., St. Paul R
West, David, Rt. 2, Box 114, Lake Park
State Representative-
Ray Gentry, 141 Sunset Dr., Jackson
Calloway, Truman, Rt. 3, Box 34, Louisville J&R
Darby, W. D., P.O. Box 214, Louisville R
Geer, John, Rt. 2, Columbus
Gentry, Ray, 141 N. Sunset Dr.,
Jackson J&R, N.Z.
Grantham, Robert N., 216 Dunbar St., Jackson 6 Hartley, Luther, RR #2, Columbus Hickman, Robert, 2909 Woodbine Terrace, Jackson Holley, George L., Jr., Rt. 1, Pope Holston, Hollis B., P.O. Box 285, Lyman Hosch, W. J., 2308 23rd Ave., Gulfport Houk, John E., 255 Valleyview Lane, Vicksburg Johnson, Glen P., Rt. 5, Box 365,
Vicksburg Calif.
McCrary, Wheeler, Box 225, Columbus McDonald, Polk, 3508 Oak Street, Vicksburg McGuffee, Robert, 3804 Hanley, Vicksburg Calif. Maxwell, Margaret, Shaw Avenue, Drew Morris, Mrs. Mary J., Coahoma Priestley, Joe T., 1108 Polk St., Vicksburg R Randle, Joe P., 350 Valley, Jackson N.Z., C.D’A. Rodgers, James E., Rt. 5, Louisville Romig, T. E., 223 6th St., Columbus Salley, J. M., Rt. 4. Box 31, Columbus Skutt, Charles H., P.O. Box 476, Hernando Smith, A. G., 2nd, RFD #2, Box 76, Newton Wallace, Rev. Taylor H., Macon Rd., Louisville Wilkerson, R. R., 2505 Washington St.,
Vicksburg Calif.
Wood, George, 301 S. Main St., Newton Wright, L. H., Box 801, Columbus
State Representatives-
1. W. E. Herdlinger—North, 8455 Wayne St.,
Kansas City
2. Harry Coles—South, 1200 Brown Ave.,
Abbott, Ernest J., 527 So. 15th St., St. Joseph
Allhands, Elmer, 2318 W. Atlantic, Springfield
Althage, Irvin H., Box 160, RR #2, New Haven
Anderson, Mild. H., 4141 Woodland, Kansas City
Andrus, Charles W., Box 246, Cabool
Arends, Amos J., Rt. 2, Sturgeon
Bartlett, Mrs. W. I., 228 S. Allen, Macon
Bass, Pat N., 1307 Sycamore, Monnett R
Beard, Samuel E., 2038 Taylor St., Springfield
Bernhardt, R. J,, 135 Williams, St. Louis 21 J&R
Bixler, Mrs. Charles, Olean
Bogue, J. F., RR #1, Versailles
Bohlken, Mrs. John E., RR #2, Stover
Bond, Harold, Rt. 1, Nevada
Bowling, Kenneth, RR #3, Odessa
Bradbury, Mrs. Owen, Rt. 2, Box 457-A, Fenton
Breid, O. N., 207 W, Church,
New Franklin R, N.Z., Flem., Dutch
Brooks, Jack F., 1824 Highly St., St. Joseph N.Z. Burk, Eugene E., 144 N. Ash Ave.,
Kansas City 22 R, N.Z.
Callies, H. A., Licking Campbell, Ronald, 1350 So. Noland Rd., Independence
Capehart, Edgar A., 1127 S. Fort, Springfield Cary, Frank S., 2341 N. Franklin, Springfield Chambers, A. C., Rt. 1, Buffalo Churchill, Charles R., 3C6 Alice St., Dexter Clark, Otis L., Rt. 2, Box 400, Joplin Clayton, M. O., 2601 Vernon St., N. Kansas City Climer, Bert, 319 N. Golden, Springfield Coble, Herbert M., 4337 Wayne, Kansas City Coday, Robert L., RR #2. Box 15, Rogersville Coles, Ethyl, 1200 N. Brown, Springfield Coles, Harry, 1200 N. Brown, Springfield R
Collins, Michael, 1818 Vermont, Independence Collins, Helen H., 1818 Vermont, Independence Collins, Richard, 4342 McPherson Ave.,
St. Louis 8
Connerly, Floyd E., Jr., 411 Tullis, Kansas City Cox, Claude W., Rt. A, Box 49, Bakersfield Cox, E. B„ RFD #1, Poplar N.Z., Calif.
Crawford, Joe, Box 102, Linden J&R
D-Circle-R Rabbitry, 621 Corby St., St. Joseph Davis, Ruby, Macks Creek Davis, Roy W., RR #1, Buffalo Davis, Pepper, 219 East 5th St., Fulton Delaney, William T., RFD #3, Kirksville Deweese, Lloyd E., Kimble Rt., Licking Deweese, Dorothy Deane, Kimble Rt., Licking DeWitt, D. F., Box 348, Monett R
Dey, Silas D., 310 N. Main, Lee’s Summit
Eastburn, Basil, 3837 No. Michigan,
Kansas City No.
Farley, C. N., 1605 W. 9th St., Sedalia Am. Chin. Fisher, Harry, 10405 E. 56th Raytown R
Fisher, J. G., Rt. 10, Box 254, Springfield Fisher, Louise, 10405 E. 56th, Raytown 3 Fitzhugh, Marie, Forest Green Frost, H. B., Polo
Fleming, Glen, 206 W. Jackson, Mexico Furrer, John, 3439 Minnesota Ave.,
St. Louis 18 J&R. Dutch, Flemish
Frankenrieter, Orville, 4236 Wyoming,
St. Louis 16
Gerry, H. L., Lockwood
Gilbert, W. P., Liberal
Givens, Russell, Greenwood
Goebel, Karl, 810 W. Blvd. No., Columbia
Goodpasture, Clyde, R Street, Graham N.Z.
Goodpasture, Mrs. Clyde, Graham
Green, Cecil, 1809 Beattie, St. Joseph R
Griffiths, John B., 7316 Wellington Ave.,
St. Louis 14 Gustafson, John, Ozark Gutzman, Donald M., 2539 Lister, Kansas
Hagen, John, Box 207, Troy
Hamilton, Johnie R., Rt. 11, Box 75, Springfield
Hamilton, Mrs. John, Clearmont
Hamilton, John, Clearmont N.Z.
Hanning, Mrs. Charley, Star Route, Plato
Harkness, Otis, Plad
Harris, S. E„ 1005 E. Gudgell,
Independence N.Z.
Hartman, Wayne, Barnard 9 N.Z.
Hatcher, Ward, Rt. 3, Box 144-A,
Mountain Grove
Helfrich, Roy A., Rt. 2, Rose Park Rd.,
House Springs
Herdlinger, Wm. E„ P.O. Box 515,
Kansas City 41
Herdlinger Outdoor Enterprises, P.O. Box 515, Kansas City 41 Am. Chins., N.Z.
Herdlinger, Bernice, P.O. Box 515,
Kansas City 41
Hess, F. M., 1208 Ledford St., Hannibal
Hi Spot Rabbitry, Edwin C. Williams,
Box 57, Raymorc N.Z.
Hicks, Gordon, Box 84, Gladstone R
Hodge, Francis, Jr., P.O. Box CC, Steele Holden, Chester A., Rt. 1, Box 306, Springfield Hollman, Frank H., American Rabbit Journal, Warrenton
Hoskins, J. Lee, Box 552, Jefferson City Hudson, James R., 10719 Blue Ridge,
Kansas City 34 Hyders Rabbitry, Elkland Jeschke, John M., 8508 Wayne, Kansas City Johnson, Joan, Stockton
Johnson, W. P., 8024 Bellefontaine, Kansas City Johnson, David, Concordia Jones, Dr. H., 315 S. Main St.,
Mountain Grove R
Jones, Harold D., RFD #2,
Maryville Am. Chins.
Jones, Rhea, 4631 Prospect, Kansas City Jones, Alice A., 4631 Prospect, Kansas City Jones, H. L,, Rt. 4, Box 90, Springfield Jones, Margueritte, Henley Kaneer, Roy L., Box 167, Avondale Keller, Layton, Rt. 2, Kage Rd.,
Cape Girardeau
Kelley, A. O., Jr., P.O. Box 93,
Creve Coeur J&R
Keltan, Fred, 1019 Park Ave., Poplar Bluff Kindy, Archie S., 2310 Lawndale Ave.,
Kansas City
Kolberer, Wayne, Greens Mobile Home Ct.,
Rt. 5, Box 2, Robertson
Kratz, Charles, 5203 Tennessee Ave., St. Louis 11 Krause, Wm. E., Star Route A, Box 25,
Kropp, Leonard, Amsterdam
Larson, Mrs. Oscar, Rt. 2, Box 73, Aurora
Larson, M. E., RFD #1, Irwin
Lemmons, Clarence H., Rt. 1, Exeter
Lewis, Donald E., 1102 E. Atlantic, Springfield
Lingle, Troy A., Doe Run
McGee, Wallace, 1912 E. 84th, Kansas City
Manker, William B., Rt. 3, Poplar Bluff
Marsh, Jesse W., Lock Box 66, Merwin
Martin, Storm J., Jr., 3419 Sterling, Independence
Master, Burl V., RR #1, Agency
Masters, George E., Rt. 2, Maryville
Mayhue, Alex, 1711 E. 11th St., Kansas City
Meisterheim, George, Conway N.Z.
Melvin’s Rabbitry, Melvin K. Schamma,
406 So. Taylor St., Vandalia Meyers, Paul, c/o Ellis Meyer Feed & Egg Co., West Hi-Way 60, Mountain Grove Miller, Glenn E., Rt. 1, Box 376, Lees Summit Moffitt, Carl, 8233 Brenner St., St. Louis 14 Morris’ Rabbitry, 1133 E. Talmage, Springfield Morris, Mrs. Ella, Rt. 7, Hickman Mills Morrow, George W., 5800 Goener, St. Louis Moss, Edwin, 401 Pershing Road,
Columbia Flemish
Netherton, J. E., 1616 White.
Kansas City R, Dutch, Champagne
O’Dell, D. W„ RR #l, Kingston Oliver, Ernest, Rt. 2, Long Lane Oliver, Juanita, Rt. 2, Long Lane Omey, Wm., Gladden
Paden, Mrs. H. L., 3404 So. 17th St., St. Joseph Paden, H. L., 3404 So. 17th St.,
St Joseph J&R, N.Z.
Pearson, Dr. Wallace M,, Box 722, Kirksville Pendergrass, Geraldine L., Rt. 2, Belton Perry, S. S., 2134 N. Campbell.
Springfield Ht. Chins., Champg.
Pryor, L. A., 3522 Wayne, Kansas City Pryor, Bill, Box 31, Mountain Grove Randolph. Neal, Hocomo
Ranney, Ralph G., Jr., 424 Highland, St. Louis 22 Richardson, Earl, Eagleville N.Z.
Roberts, H. W. C., DD, Camdenton Robinson, Lt. Col. Harold E., 44 Johnson Rd., Jefferson Barracks
Rode, J. J., 331 Stark Blvd., Hermann N.Z.
Roessel, B. L., P.O. Box 165, Wentworth Rolls, Crisa, 3603 Norwood, Independence Rose, H. S., RFD #4, Bogard Rudolph, George, 207 N. Olive, Marshfield Russell Rabbitry, 619 N. Grant, Springfield 1 St. John, Claire, 918 E. Armour, Kansas City Schwindaman, Chester, 4222 Spruce. Kansas City Shepherd, Luther N., 5119 E. 22nd, Kansas City Slemp, Walter E., Rock Port Smith, Lester, 809 Missouri Ave., West Plains Smith, Junior, Ozark
Snyder, Melvin R„ 11221 Old Halls Ferry,
St. Louis 21
Spiegel, John, 3822 E. 68th St., Kansas City 30
Spinner, Isabell, RR, Licking
Spinner, Cecil E., RR, Licking
Stahl, Edward H., Rt. 7, Hickman Mills J&R
Stahl, Mrs. Edward H., Rt. 7, Hickman Mills
Steen, Frank W„ Protem
Steffens, C. F., 221 Maple St., Marshfield N.Z. Stewart, Stanley, Box 116, RR #1, Blue Springs Stockman, Roy E., 11509 East 35th St., Independence
Strope, Urban A., RR #4, Jefferson City
Stroud, Ralph. RFD #1, Villa Ridge Sturdevant, Lois, Plad Star Route, Buffalo Sutton, R & G, 120 N. Charles, Maryville Swearingian, Leo D., P.O. Box 2092,
Kansas City 42
Thompson, Leonard, 1601 Irving Ave.,
Springfield R, N.Z.
Thompson, J. B., 8505 Wayne, Kansas City Thornton, Erma, Rt. 3, Columbia Townsend, Darwin L., RFD #1,
Miles-of-view Farm, Clearmont Townsend, Sandra Kay, "K” 's Bunny Haven, Clearmont
Tresenriter, Wm. L., 300 8th St., Warrensburg Twyman, Ray, 112-31 Sunny Slope Drive,
Hickman Mills N.Z.
Tyson, Mary C., Celt Van Home, L. W„ 10413 E. 10th St.,
Kansas City 22 R
Vautard, Mrs. E. F., RD #1, Box 319, Gashland Victor, Howard, 2810 E. 60th, Kansas City 30 Walker, James H., 4309 Woodland, Kansas City Walker, Chas., RR #1, Buffalo Walker, M. M., 7015½ Prospect, Kansas City Walker, Mrs. Chas., Rt. 1, Buffalo Weakley, Clifford L., 10310 E. 11th,
Kansas City 22
Welker, Ranee L., 1605 Ozark St., Rolla West, O. D., 7424 Forest Ave., Kansas City 10 Westrich, J. E., Jr., 211 N. Main St., Piedmont White, Eric, 806 S. Weller, Springfield N.Z
White, Ralph L., 9903 Wheeling, Hickman Mills Whiting, Ray, Humansville Williams, J. M., Box 158, Charleston Williams, R. C., Goodman Williams, D. L., 1332 Broadway, Kansas City Wilson, Tokey, Plad Star Route, Buffalo Wilson, Susie, Plad Star Route, Buffalo Winning, S. D., 1004 S. Marietta,
Excelsor Springs
Wise, Clarence F., 3011 E. 36, Kansas City Woods, Claude, 1451 N. Hampton, Springfield Wright, E. E„ Cabool Wyckoff, E. J., Roach
State Representative—
J. O. Malstrom, 914 So. Church, Bozeman Anderson, R. E., P.O. Box 1042, Anaconda Applegate, Robert, General Delivery, Deer Lodge Beattie, S. G., Moose Lake Guest Ranch, Philipsburg
Benasky, Leonard W., Haynes Ave.,
P.O. Box 205, Miles City Benson, Victor, Rt. 1-A, Columbia Falls Bierwager, Luther M., Rt. 2, South, Great Falls Bierwager, Barbara L., Rt. 2, South, Great Falls Blackburn, Garry G., Nola Hotel #15, Bridger Brodock Rabbitry, Box 175, Egly Rt.,
Fort Benton N.Z., Calif., Bev., Dutch,
Havana, Himalayan, Rex Crary, J. E., P.O. Box 64, Terry Curnow, Clifford, Box 89, Butte Dean, Sam, The Dean Ranch, Lincoln Deck, Thomas H., Box 1046, Great Falls DeMangelaore, Albert, Whitetail Denney, Ray R., Garrison Driessen, Con., Box 337, Great Falls Dunbar, George R., 715 S. Grand, Bozeman Evers, Bill, 616 W. Story, Bozeman Furlong, Eugene, 2406 5th Ave., S.W., Great Falls Gillespie, R. L., 112 W. “M” St., Bozeman R Harris, H. L., Box 102, Ringling Havens, Albert W., 414 31st St.,
N.W., Great Falls
Henderson, C. V., 19 W. Main, Bozeman
Hoey, Hermina, Durston Rd., Bozeman Angora
Johnson, Cecil, 323 S. Wallace, Bozeman J&R
Kelly, B. A., Savage
Kortum, Harry, Box 1065, Anaconda
Kraft, Emanuel, Absarokee
LaPalme, M. P., Star Route, Bozeman
McDonald, M. L„ 924 10th Ave., S.W., Great Falls
Malstrom, Thelma M., RR #2, Bozeman
Malstrom, J. O., 914 So. Church, Bozeman
Martin, Betty, Box 285, Deer Lodge N.Z., Rex
Maurer, Cedric, Power
Maurer, Bruce, Power
Mayes, Arlis, 115 Mountain View, Anaconda Miller, Rolland, c/o Ollie Rte., Carlyle Miller, Robert L., 904½ 3rd Ave., S.W.,
Great Falls
Ouldhouse, Mrs. G. G., Box 1054, Anaconda Penwell, Charles, Box 37, Vaughn Ries, Kenneth C., 735 Kentucky Ave., Dillon Sims, I. H., Malta
Smith, Ray Eugene, 3102 Cable Rd., Anaconda Snow, Henry, Sr., 103 N. Maple St..
Anaconda R, Flemish Giants
Stevenson, Willard, P.O. Box 75, Harlowton Struthers, Donald, 33 East Iron St., Butte Sykes, Miss Jo, 215 So. Sixth St., Livingston Theonnes, Edward J., Jr., 1106 Main, Rt. 1,
Box 246, Libby
Thomas, Howard, N. of Town, Deer Lodge Tschantre, John, 3654 3rd Ave., So, Great Falls Van Veen, F. L., MD, St. Ignatius Voss, Mrs. R. E., 1700 25th Ave., So., Great Falls Washoe Park Rabbitry, G. G. Ouldhouse & Son, Box 1054, Anaconda
Werst, Jim W., P.O. Box 1482, Anaconda Wolcott, Charles, 9 Lexington Terrace, Walkerville
State Representative—
Earl Daubert, 6229 So. 43rd St., Omaha Bendorf, Chris K., Blair Bennington, Kenneth A., 4115 No. 36th Ave., Omaha 11 N.Z.
Bird, Gladus, 7 St. 10 Corso, Nebraska City Brugger, Howard, 3043 Read St., Omaha Carnes, Floyd N., 703 16th St.,
Aurora J&R, N.Z., Dutch
Casey, Robert, 1117 2nd Corso, Nebraska City Daubert, Earl, 6229 So. 43 St.,
Omaha 7 J&R, N.Z., Flemish Giants
Dodge, Ernest, Callaway Donahue, Dwight R., Box 245, Ogallala Fowler, Aubrey, P.O. Box 124, Fairfield Fricke, Clarence D., Box 33, Roscoe Griess, John C., RD #1, Sutton Hansen, Alvin B., 1400 Park St., Beatrice Herfel, Carl, RFD #l, Seward Hoag, Thurston, 7820 Lake St., Omaha 4 Horner, Arthur, Friend Jasa, Bohumil J., Valparaiso Kelley, Charles R., Rt. 1, North Platte Krajicek, Mrs. B. E.( Box 115, Scribner Lahman, Wm. S., Box 318, Waverly Larson, Richard L., Louisville League, Richard D„ Box 255, Trenton Lynch, F. E., 3732 So, 24th, Omaha Macomber, Orville F., Rt. 2, Box 210,
Grand Island
Manser, A. L., West Point
Meier, Eugene H., Rt. 3, West Point
Metschke, Mrs. Vernon, RR #2, Scribner
Miller, Max, Rt. 2, Fairbury
Mullins, Paul C., Tecumseh
Olson, Loren, Box 276, Wakefield
Patrick, Glenn R., 2931 Adams Ave., East Omaha
Peterson, Bill, 2901 Martha St., Omaha 5
Pfeifer, Rev. R. A., Bushnell
Phillips, Mrs. Duane, Walthill
Piel, Frank, Box 146, Berwyn
Rhiner, Ellsworth, Box 267, Millard
Rost, Howard L., Rt. 5, Box 267, Lincoln 8
Roth, Fritz, 709 Lane, Falls City
Roth, Mrs. Fritz, 709 Lane St., Falls City
Rothrock, H. J., Clay Center R, N.Z.
Ryan, Ace, Callaway
Ryder, Raymond V., Florence Station,
Rt. 6, Omaha
Scheierman, Harland, Box 335, Harvard Scott, Howard, Callaway Shafer, Clair, Box 1, Shubert Sohnholz, Mrs. Rudolph, RR #2, Johnson Stanton, Bud, 211 West 2, Stromsburg Swalwell, Irving, 2426 Titus Avenue,
Omaha 12 J&R, Chin., Flemish Gt.
Taylor, L. K., Callaway Topf, Edward, Coleridge Utecht, Marvin J., Box 363, Papillion Wendorff, Leo, Callaway Wiley, Dell, 2320 So. 1st St., Norfolk Witt, R. C., Callaway Wobig, Larry, Nenzel
State Representative—
de Braga, Manuel, P.O. Box 453, Fallon
Miller, E F., Box 333, Winnemucca
State Representative—
James Jackson, RFD #1, Derry Barnaby, Nelson S., Elmwood Road, Brookline Bean, Christopher V., Box 381, Jaffrey Braley, J. C., Grafton Chauncey, H. I., Rt. 1, Suncook Cobb, Willis E., 2 North Main St., Newmarket Cross, George L., Box 187, Newfields Doucette, Joseph R., N. Main St., Plaistow Eastman, James, Box 53, Penacook N.Z.
Fairweather, Dorothy M., School St., Suncook Flinkstrom, Waneta, Rt. 1, New Ipswich George, Mrs. Blanche W., Merrymeeting River Rabbitry, Rt. 28, Box 252, Alton Gerrish, Leith, 3184 Brown Ave., Manchester Girouard, Lionel J., 121 President Rd.,
Manchester N.Z., Rex
Haddock, Howard M., 100 Valley St., Lakeport
Hamm, L. Winston, Wolfeboro Hutchinson, Philip, Freetown Rd., Raymond Ingerson, Howard R., Sr., Garvin Falls Road, Concord
Jackson, James, RFD #1, Derry R, Hwy. Chins. King, G. W., Parade Road, RD #2, Box 57, Meredith
Morris, Roy C., RFD #1, Lisbon Newton, Kenneth, RFD #1, Rumney Reed, Wayne, RFD #2, Newport Roy, Regina, 586 Wellington Rd.,
Manchester N.Z.
Smith, Frank H., 66 Atkinson St., Dover
State Representative—
Mrs. P. F. Benedict, 39 Oakley Ave., Summit Allchin, John W., Church Road, Vincentown Apgar, Mrs. Irene V., RFD, Hampton Behrens, Filip, 273 Avenel St., Avenel Benedict, Mrs. P. F., 39 Oakley Ave.,
Summit Chin. Rex
Bersani, B., Morris Ave., Newfield Black, Wilbur J., Box 503, Whitehouse Station Carver’s Rabbitry, 1175 Hillside Ave.,
Plainfield J&R, English
Clegg, Allen R., 1023 Woodland Ave.,
Cohn, Sylvian, Drakestown Road, Long Valley Colgan, Clarence, Box 128, RD #1 Robbinsville Colgan, Lorraine M., Box 128, RD #1, Robbinsville
Collins, Ralph M., 291 So. Church St., Morrestown Diem, Claudia, 59 Warrenville Rd., Middlesex Diem, Robert, 59 Warrenville Rd., Middlesex Disimino, M., 974 E. 19th St., Patterson Champs. Eichert, Frank, 17 Zabriskie St., Jersey City Ferri, Frank P., 28 Toms Lake Road, Wayne Fisher, James A., Sun Valley Park, RD, Wharton Frank, Otto J., 81 Miller, Elizabeth Frasier, Arthur, 13 Howard St.,
Phillipsburg N.Z.
Grabarczyk, Dale, Church Road, North Branch Griner, James, 26 Magnolia, Bridgeton Hamill, Norma, 193 W. Grand Ave., Rahway Hamill, Harry E., 193 W. Grand Ave., Rahway Hargraves, John A., 60 Midway Ave,, Fanwood Hartman, Francis, Ashland Higgins, Mabel, Rt. 1, Lambertville Hohmann, Joseph M., Highland Ave., Peapack Holinger, C. J., 1008 E. 7th St., Plainfield Inlow, Lloyd S., 30th A.T.S., Box 505,
McGuire AFB
Kacsur, Alan R., 304 A Street, Belmar Kania, Ted, RD #5, Meadow Road, Somerville Kayser, Carl T., RR #1, Box 516, Parsippany Kloos, Wesley, Jr., North Branch Depot
R, N.Z., Flem., Chin., Ck. Gt., Champs. Kloos, Wesley, North Branch Kloos, Mrs. Edna, North Branch Klumbach, Miss Nancy, Basking Ridge, Woodstone
Koch, James, 323 S. Fellowship Rd.,
Maple Shade
Koehler, Herbert L., Gillette Hwt. Chin.
Kremers, G., Am. Small Stock Farmer,
Box 22, Fair Lawn Std. Chins.
Kremers, Mildred, Am. Small Stock Farmer, P.O.B. 22, Fair Lawn
Labowicz, Jos. S., 64 Collins Rd., Trenton 9 Laurence, Edward J., B 251-H,
RD #1, Sparta N.Z.
Layton, Robert C., 102 S. Main St., Woodstown Loughlin, J. W., 562 Shore Road, Somerspoint Lounsberry, Earl L., Scrapetown Rd., Pemberton McDade, Charles D., Rottan Ave., Pemberton McIntyre, Jack D., P.O. Box 188, Laurelton Margrie, Mrs. Thomas, Box 494, New Egypt Margrie, Thomas, Box 494, New Egypt Marinaccio, Louis, 4 Milton Road, Florham Park Milbury, C. H., Morris & Myrtle Ave.,
Moore, Carl M., Box 3, Greendell Parks, Leslie T., Delsea Dr., Franklinville Pierce, Helen, P.O. Box 73, Almonesson Pritchard, C. H., 1313 Evergreen Ave.,
Plainfield R, Flemish
Renz, Donald J., 1666 Burnett Ave., Union, N.J. Ripple, Anthony P., 1074 Hillside Ave.,
Berkeley Heights
Ripple, Franklin R., 107 Hillside Ave.,
Berkeley Heights
Rome, Robert, 125 Morristown Road,
Bernardsville Chins.
Russo, Pasquale, Ortho Pharmaceutical Corp., Raritan
Schneider, William E., 513 Roosevelt Avenue, Northfield
Schoop, Paul, Highway 10,
Morris Plains Angoras
Scott, Robert W., 220 Filmore St., Riverside J&R Seiler, Alfred, c/o W. O. Schilling, Kenwood Dr., Haddonfield
Seyfried, W. J., P.O. Box 85, Alpha J&R, Eng. Smith, Abe, 12-76 Third St.,
Fair Lawn N.Z.
Snyder, LeRoy E., RFD #1, Box 29, Pedricktown Spencer, Bentley, 63 Dundee Ave., Paterson Stark, Fred, 350 So. Maple Ave., Basking Ridge Stevens, Ferdinand, P.O. Box 2, Crambary Tanner, Jesse, 669 Teneyck Ave.,
Lyndhurst N,Z.
Tawrs, Miss Stella, N. Lincoln Ave.,
RD #5, Box 301, Vineland Taylor, Walter, Box 71, North Branch Station Timmerman, Wayne E., Clareway Farm, Whitehouse
Tomkins, Clarence R., Jr., Horseneck Road,
Pine Brook
Trythall, William J. L., RD #3, Sussex Van Ness, L. C., Park Rabbitry, 13 Park St.,
W. Caldwell N.Z., Dutch
Vansant, Russell H., Sr., 7 Golden Ave.,
Wadyka, Miss Lottie, 681 Rotzer Rd., Wayne Webb, Henry B., General Delivery, Chatsworth Westfall, Esther E.. Friesburg Road, Alloway White, George L., 335 Johnson Ave.,
Eggerts Crossing, Trenton Willis, C. H., 190 Kirkwood Rd., Laurel Springs Wolos, John A., 20 Beechwood Pl..
Plainfield P.O.. Watchung J&R, Eng., N.Z. Yocum, Sue, 94 Forest St., Belleville Young, O. D., 15 Euclid Ave.. Maplewood Zwierzanski, William J., Belle Mead
State Representatives—
1. W. E. Mathews—North, 309 Laguayra,
2. Clyde W. Rossaw—South, 104 So. Union Ave.,
Austin, Lyndall Rt. I, Estancia Boerger, Dan, 1309 Yucca Dr., Hobbs Brummett, James H., 208 Nimitz Dr.,
Grants J&R, N.Z., Chins., Cavies
Buchenan, Bernie, 611 E. 6th St., Roswell Clift, Jack, Rt. 2, Box 300, Roswell Cross, Harold, Box 458, Portales N.Z.
Davis, Fred W„ Rt. 1, Box 1875,
Albuquerque J&R, N.Z.
Dean, Leo, Rt. 1, Box 414, Albuquerque R, N.Z. Deutschman, Carl, 822 5th St., Las Vegas Dunn, N. J., 715 N. Bayard, Silver City Estabrook, Marcie, 1105 Parsifal St., N.E., Albuquerque
Groff, C. B., 2291-B 48th, Los Alamos R
Hicks, Horton, Box 501, Estancia Hill, James M., Box 431, Artesia Holland, Mrs. Hugh L., Clapham Rt., Clayton Jenkins, P. M., Rt, 2, Box 211, Roswell Martin, C. B., 3789 Gould A 9, Los Alamos Matthews, Mrs. W. E., 309 LaGuayra,
Matthews, W. E., 309 LaGuayra, Albuquerque R Miller, Henry A., Box 338, Farmington Neer, Albert, 826 San Ondres Ave., N.W., Albuquerque
Panowski, B. John, 4807-A Yucca St.,
Los Alamos N.Z.
Price, W. W., P.O. Box 9, Albuquerque N.Z. Ross, Paul, 500 S. Aspen Ave., Roswell N.Z. Rossaw, Mrs. Clyde, 104 So. Union, Roswell Rossaw, Clyde W., 104 So. Union, Roswell Rothgeb, C. E,, Rt. 2, Box 523, Albuquerque Schwab, R. C., 102 N. Kansas Ave., Roswell R Thomen, Russell, Rt. 2, Box 346, Santa Fe White, Edgar A., 5310 10th Court, N.W., Albuquerque
State Representatives-
1. J. E. Rowe—West, 200 N. Main St., Portville
2. Clinton A. Gibbs—East, Mannsville
3. Howard Bartow- South, 38 Sherman Ave.,
Abrahamsen, Sverre T., Box 1066, Flanders Road, Riverhead, L. I.
Acker, Mrs. Harold L., RFD, Ovid Alessio, Michael, 119 E. Elisha St., Waterloo Alkon, Mrs. Gertrude, 27 Gates Ave., Malverne Alt, George L., RFD #1, Cedar Ave.,
Medford, L. I.
Amico, Pat V., 195 Alaimo Dr., Rochester 10 Aseatigno, Frank, RFD #1, Roaring Brook Lake, Putnam Valley
Avery, Kenneth, RD #3, Madison Hill,
Wellsville R
Avery, Mrs. Mildred, RD #3, Madison Hill, Wellsville
Balfroot, Dorothea E., RR 332, Nassau N.Z.
Ball, Mrs. Betty, 1 Dickinson St., Binghamton Ball, Walter, RD #3, Auburn Baltz, Robert F., North St., Arcade Bandrowski, John, Box 336, Old Country Rd., Westhampton, L. I.
Banta, Stuart E., So. Pawling St., Hagaman Barnum, Leon S., RD #2, Monticello Bartow, Howard, 38 Sherman Ave.,
Merrick English Spots
Bates, David E., Stony Point Farms,
Franck Road, Stony Point
Beacon Milling Co., Water St., Cayuga Becker, Lawrence A., 134-17 155th St., Jamaica 34 Beebe, Ralph C., Groveside Rabbit Ranch,
RD 3X1, Selkirk
Behrens, Melvin, N. Highland Ave.,
Pearl River R
Behrens, Edward Mel, Box 148, Pearl River Bellfield, Wm. M., David Road, West Fall Bend, Frederick E., Jr., 2 Leech Circle,
Glen Cove
Bielby, George H., 514 W. Liberty, Rome Birkedahl, Hugo, Box 236, Livonia Blaise, William, 70 Northridge Ave.,
No. Merrick
Blatchley, Henry C., RD #2, Penn Yan Bockman, Mrs. Jeanne, 49 Center St., Ellenville Breezyfield Rabbitry, Edward L. Wittkopp,
RD #3, Dunlap Rd., Medina Brenner, Fred, National Sawdust Co.,
69 North 6th St., Brooklyn 11 Brewer, Richard P., 63 Kircher, Webster Bump, Richard, RD #4,
Baldwinsville N.Z., Flem.
Bump, Dorothy, RD #4, Baldwinsville Bunn, J. W., North Branch Burd, Kenneth C., Jr., RD #2, Lacona Burdick, Mrs. Elmer, 16 Broad St.,
West Carthage
Burleson, June, RD #3, Canastota
Burleson, Robert, RD #3, Canastota
Burroughs, Robert L., 58 5th Ave., Randolph
Busch, Carl, 1881 Sweets Corner Rd., Fairport
Butler, Francis, Selkirk N.Z.
Caldwell, Amos, New Millport
Candage, E. C., Rotterdam
Carr, Frederick A., Jr., Box 162, Wingdale
Carr, Howard, RD #l, Homer
Carreira, Anthony W., RFD #2, Little Falls
Catalano, Stephen W., 543 Court St., Brooklyn
Chambers, James, RD #1, Brodalbin
Chapla, John C., P.O. Box 126, RD #1,
Durham Road, Sayville Collatz, Richard, Sly Hill & Bankert Rd.,
West Branch
Collier, Ralph E., Rt. 1-A, Marion Road, Palmyra Conger, Alson J., RR, Genoa Corwin, Ross J., Morris Cosselman, Vernon, Bleecker Stage,
Crawsha, Dean A., Box 41, Brookhaven, L. I. Cunningham, John F., 79 Hazelwood Terr., Rochester
Curry, Mrs. James F., RD #2, Oneonta D’Ambrosio, Frank, 95 Fuoco Ave., Bellport Daggett, Charles R., Sims Lane, Cazenovia Dawber, Jack R., 41-17 21 Avenue,
Long Island City Dennis, Tex, P.O. Box 32, Alcove Deutsch, Burton, RFD #1, Ellenville DiMiceli, John, Annetta Ave.,
Smithtown, L. I.
Dinkelmeyer, Mrs. Sadie, New Lisbon Dora, Robert A., Box 1, Burke Dorman, Ronald, Box 54. Mayville Dougherty, Charles W., 10 Edward St.,
Highland Falls
Ellison, William C., Box 4, Castle Creek Ensten, W. F., Dewitteville Farrell, Sophie Rose, RD #1, c/o K. Owens, Troupsburg
Fath, George P., Jamesville Fisher, A. L., Rock City St.,
Little Valley J&R
Fitzgerald, John, USS Hailey DD 556, c/o FPO New York
Fitzgerald, John, RD #4, Box 77-W, Amsterdam Fox, Gordon J., RD #1, Penn Yan Freeland, Richard, 50 West Elisha, Waterloo Frick, Mr. Childs, Clayton, Roslyn, L. I. Fronhofer, Leonard, RD #l, Box 26, Salem Fuller, Lucien, Preble
Galvin, James, RD, Petersburg N.Z.
Gasparini, Peter, 44 Highland Ave.,
New Rochelle J&R, N.Z., Champs.
Gehlert, Fred, 32 Edna St., Baldwin, L. I.
Gerry, Wilson A., RFD #1, South Road,
Feura Bush
Gibbs, Clinton A., RFD #2, Mannsville R
Gifford, Frank S., 36 Sherman, Merrick Gillis, Myrtle E., Box 305, 306 N. Broad St., Sackets Harbor
Gillis, John S., Box 305, Sackets Harbor Glover, Norris, 76 Main, Dundee Graves, Frances, RFD #1, Burdett Greenman, Harold, 78 Eagan Dr., Lack. 18 Grenlich, Walter, Rt. 7, Maryland Griffin, Joseph T., 59 Wadsworth Ave., Avon Griffiths, Frederick W., 109 Turin St.,
Box 406, Rome
Hagen, Helge, P.O. Box 308, Ellenville Hagen, Alice, P.O. Box 308, Ellenville Hager, Jacob J., 946 Walck Road, Tonawanda Hahn, Sophie M., Chatham
Hall, J, Russell, 18 William St., Hornell Dutch Hall, Mrs. Lydia, Box 18, Chent N.Z.
Hamlin, Tom, Utica St., DeRuyter
Haraldsen, Haakon, 120 Cortland Ave., Syracuse Harrison, Charles H., RFD #1, Stillwater Hartman, Martin, Laurel Road, New City Hathaway, H. Wardner, West Road, Willsboro Herrlein, Harry G., Rockland Farms,
Rockland County, New City Chin., Flem.
Herrlein, Alice, Rockland Farms,
Rockland Co., New City Hicks, Clifford J., Elbridge Hobbs, Mrs. Mildred, 154 E. Morris St., Bath Hockenberry, Charles, 9 Ralph St., Port Jervis Hogarbome, S., 13 Maple Ave., Binghamton Holcomb, Robert, Disbro Ave., Waterloo Holt, Richard T,, Box 314, Nesconset, L. I. Hopping, Homer, RD #2, Tully Horak, T/Sgt. Joe, AF6958122, HQ IADF Mats.
(Finance) APO 81, c/o P.M. New York Hurlburt, Harry, RFD, Bainbridge J&R
Ingeman, Kenneth A., 11 Prospect St.,
Frewsburg N.Z.
Jackson, Elon, Star Route, Canton Jakobsons, B., 147 W. 28th St., New York 1 Jassney, Harvey, 206 Curlow St.,
Rochester Polish
Johnson, James, III, Split Rock R.D.,
Syossett, L. I.
Johansen, Fred, RFD #1, Cazenovia R
Johansen, Kaare A., RFD #2, Cambridge Johansen, Harry, c/o Robert Burleson,
RD #3, Canastota
Johnny’s Ideal Rabbitry, John Mellozzo,
Hall St., Central Nyack Jones, Stanley L., 576 A MacDonough St.,
Brooklyn 35
Kaweski, Mrs. Helen P., White Sulphur Springs Kearns, Robert F., 88-22-212 St., Queens Village Kenyon, Arthur, Star Route, Massena Klein, Arthur M., Carlton Hill, RD #1, Wyoming Kneller, Harold, 404 Cedar St., Vestal Knewasser, Johnny, RFD #6 Binghamton Kniffen, Charles A., Old Freedom Plains Rd., Poughkeepsie
Krebs, Fred H., Jr., 115-41 227 St.,
Cambria Hts. 11
Kriesel, Paul A., W. River Road, RD #3, Baldwinsville
LaBounty, Leonard, South Sable St., Keeseville LaBounty, Alfreda, South Sable St., Keeseville Lagoe, Ray, 115 East Seneca St., Oswego Lamont, Mrs. Anthony, 116 Cuba Hill Rd., Huntington, L. I.
Lamont, Willard, 1340 Conklin Rd.,
RD #l, Conklin
Laposka, Mrs. Joseph, RD #2, Corning Lawlor, Jerry, North Branch Lawrence, Clarence H., 203 Broad St.,
Cheektowaga 25
Leavitt, Harry S., 723 Flanders Rd.,
Riverhead, L. I.
LeBeau, David, RD #1, Central Square,
Hastings N.Z.
Lewis, Chas. O., 247 Willow St.,
Roslyn Hgts., L. I.
Lillibridge, Bernard, RFD #1, Corinth Ling, Arthur, Bernhards Bay Lips, Kenneth W., Box 343, Collins Little, Paul E., 3 Ide Road, Newfane Lone Maple Rabbitry, Sam & Glenn Rizzo,
643 Border City Road, Geneva R
Long, Robert A., Box 46, Lake Ronkonkoma,
Long Island
Loveland, T. A., 215 Fulton St., New York 7 Ludwig, Harvey P., RD #1, Brocton McCabe, Kenneth, Box 51, Onondaga McCune, Wm., RFD #1, Broadalbin MacDuffee, J. E., 236 Robinson St.,
Binghamton R
Maisch, Donald, RD, Hannacroix Manchester, Gladys P., RFD #2, Harrisville Mantell, Frank J., 368 William St., Geneva N.Z. Marland, James, RD #2,
Cazenovia N.Z., Champs.
Martin, Jack, Buckley Road, North Syracuse Mason, J. M., 1956 Birchall Ave., Bronx 62 Matthews, Charles S., M.D., 1237 Delaware Ave., Buffalo 9
Mayfield, Mrs. Loy, RFD #1, Hardscrabble Rd., Cadyville
Milks, Dieter, RD #l, Fabius
Miller, Russell, RD #3, Cazenovia N.Z.
Misner, George Neal, Old Liberty Rd.,
Box 506, Monticello
Moorehead, George, Box 161, Maine R
Morehead, Mrs. George, Box 161, Maine N.Z. Morehouse, Daniel, Garrattsville Morey, Lynn R., 415 Cleveland Ave., Oneida Mount, Williams, 187 Smith St., Buffalo R
Muetel, Roy C., 463 Aurora St., Lancaster Muntz, Wayne Gurth, Box 167, South Dayton Murphy, J. J., 1475 First St., W. Babylon Murray, Earl J., 352 E. Main St., Waterloo Myers, Leslie A., 1134 Stone Road, Lockport Myers, Sybil A., 1134 Stone Rd., Lockport Neal, Mrs. Nelson, RD #l, Little Valley Nelson, William C., 570 Long Pond Road, Rochester
Nickerson, Raymond, RD #2, Spencer Nickerson, Mrs. Raymond, RD #2, Spencer North Ridge Rabbitry, Wilson Hulbert,
Preston Hollow
Oberkrieser, Joseph, 53 South Lane, Orchard Park Olsen, George A., RD #2, Cooperstown Olszowy, J., 150 Crown St., Brooklyn 25 O’Smundsen, John, 28 Marine Ave., Brooklyn 9 Ostrowski, Stanley, RR #1, Chatham N.Z.
Paes, Anthony, Jr., Continental Rd., Napanoch Palmer, Hugh, RD #2, Greenville Pandina, Frank, 105 Lyceum St., Rochester Parmenter, Harry, RD #1, Horseheads J&R
Parmenter, Bertha, RD #1, Horseheads Perry, Mrs. Stark, 417 Liberty St.,
Penn Yan Angora
Piccione, R , Suburban Park, Manlius Picone, Bernard J., Meadow Road, Smithtown Pierce, Horace, RR #2, Baldwinsville N.Z.
Pikul, Leonard M., P.O. Box 14-A, Penn Yan Pikul, Michael S., P.O. Box 14-A, Penn Yan R
Powell, John, RD #1, Horseheads Powell, Oscar W., RFD #l, Horseheads Pray, Earl, Sr., Box 611, Collins Rasweiler, Frank, 55 Colonial St.,
E. Northport Aagora
Ray Rabbit Co., RFD #4, Middletown Raymer, Philip A., 135 Campbell Blvd.,
Record, Louis, RFD #1, Canandaigua Reinstein, Robert, 315 Como Park Blvd., Cheektowaga 25
Richardson, George A., Jr., RFD #1, Gloversville Roberts, SFC Robert H„ RA18292393, HQ Co. 10th SFG (A 6N) APO 108 New York Robertson, W. I., Rt. 4, Watertown Rogers, Robert J., Box 95, Allentown Root, Lewis S., 78 So. Main St., Batavia R
Rose, Sgt. William A., RA21019662, HQ Co. 504th Inf 2nd Abn Bat. Gp„ APO 112, New York Rowe, Mrs. J. E., 200 N, Main, Portville Rowe, Jimmy, 200 N. Main, Portville Rowe, J. E., 200 N. Main, Portville R
Rowe. Dorotea H., RD #1, Nassau Rowell, Mrs. Merrel F., RD #1, Redfield Roy, Martin L., Rt. 1, Romulus Saifi, Henry, Accord
Sample, Charles M., 9 5th Ave., Randolph Saunders, Paul C., 434 Garrison Pl., Elmira Scharping, Gerald F., RFD #1, Crandall Rd., Albion
Schellhorn, Frank, 35-03 29th St.,
Long Island City
Schichtel, Joseph L., 23 VanEtten Road,
Schlomberg, Benjamin, 33-01 146th St.,
Flushing 54
Schussen, Walter J., Tinkertown Road,
Pleasant Valley
Scott, Joseph F., 1306 E. 48th St.,
Brooklyn 34
Seeley, Benjamin, 240 First St., Painted Post Severson, Carroll A., RFD #1, Afton Shadier, Stan, 31 E. Locust St., Central Islip Shadier, Lydia, 31 E. Locust St., Central Islip Shear, Miss Kathryn, Box 66, Cairo Slanetz, Charles A., Dr., Columbia Univ.,
630 W. 168th St., New York 32 Smith, Gary, Pearl St. Rd., Batavia Smith, Percy E., P.O. Box 75, Wayne Smith, Clayton, Cincinnatus
Snyder, Fred J., P.O. Box 126, Yorktown Heights Snyder, Mrs. Fred J., P.O. Box 126,
Yorktown Heights Sokoloski, Jos., 203 E. Oak, Olean Soldano, Louis J., 834 Heckscher Ave.,
Pine Aire, Bay Shore Spring, Frank H., 24 North St.,
Baldwinsville N.Z., Flem., English
Stearns, Harry E., Box 226, Dalton Stedman, William C., 150 S. Main St.,
Newfane R
Stirusknik, John, 123 Raphael Ave., Mattydale 11 Stock, Raymond R., 1058 Bay Road,
Webster, N. Y.
Sturm, Dorothy M., 410 S. Union St., Olean Sturm, Ed, 410 S. Union St., Olean Suris, Jose A., C.G. Air Det., Box 52,
Navy 116, FPO New York Sykes, Frederic, 28 Gouverneur St., Canton Sykes, Guy, 28 Gouverneur St., Canton Sykes, Judy, 28 Gouverneur St., Canton Terrell, William K., RD #1, Fairview Ave., Oneida
The Bar W, 190 Utica Road, Clinton Thomas, Aubrey, SP 3, WA8109255, Detch. "B”, HQS Sp. Troops, APO 403 Thompson, Lyle, Jr., 98 No. Division St.,
Si. Johnsville
Thompson, Harry, RFD #5, 10 LaFayette Ave., Canandaigua
Tous, Victor V., P.O. Box 30, S. Hirley, L. I. Travis, Ernest C., Rt. 6, Fort Plains R, N.Z. Trombly, Lloyd W., East Main St., Rd., Chateaugay
Tucker, C. E., Jr., E. Worthington Dr.,
RD 3X3, Lake Carmel
Underwood, Stephen L., Branchport N Z.
Vacca, Peter, 23 W. Water St., Waterloo Valentine, William R., 7 Albion St., Hornell Van Liere, Lawrence, RD #2, Jamestown Van Slyke, Mrs. Leo, 7 S. McNab, Gloversville Villabol, Luis, 590 Ashford Ave., Ardsley Vodala, Frank Rocco, 102 Murray Ave.,
Syracuse 8
Watkins, Paul E., Sr., RD #2, Ilion Wenk, John H., Rt. 4, Watertown West, James A., 367 Duffy Ave., Hicksville Whitney, William C., Box 54, Swain R, N.Z. Wickman, Harold R., 33 Burkhard Place, Rochester 20 R
Wickman, Fred C., Jr., 355 French Road,
Pittsford N.Z.
Wietsma, Richard E., 31 Blauvelt Rd., Nanuet Wiggins, Eugene, West Winfield Williams, Jam. Arbery R., HQ 36th FA Group, APO 162, New York
Woehr, Albert, 206 Curley St.. Rochester 13 N.Z. Wood, G., 137 E. Brighton St., Syracuse 5 Wright, Mrs. Ailsa B., P.O. Box 283, Delhi Wright, Everett H., Box 283. Delhi Young, Mrs. Eve M., 6 Highland Ave., Dansville Young, Leonard C., 178 Ballatyne Rd.,
Rochester 23 Zito, Frank, Stafford Zoeller, August, 31 Quincy St., Merrick
State Representatives
1. W. R. Caudeil—West, 401 So. Summit Ave., Charlotte
2 Mack L. Rayl, Rt. 3, Hillsboro
Almond, J. F„ Rt. 3, Box 60, Albermarle J&R
Baldwin, J. M., 269 Burton St., West Asheville
Bass, J. A., Box 124, Dunn
Bivens, W. H., RFD #2, Box 14, Wadesboro
Brown, Bill, Box 1, Weaverville
Bryant, Richard B., RFD #2, Box 10-A, Tarboro
Bryant, J. W., Rt, 6, Box 3 AA, Mt. Airy
Bullock, Jack, Rt. 2, Rocky Mount
Caudell, W. R., 401 S. Summit Ave.,
Charlotte 6 J&R
Cavanaugh, Samuel, Box 187, Rose Hill Clodfelter, W. E., Box 73, Troy Cooperate Investors Ass’n., P.O. Box 118, Hendersonville
Corriher, Earl L., Rt. 1, Box 209-C, Concord Cox, E. R., Dublin Flower & Pet Shop, Dublin Disher, David L., Sr., 117 Miller St., Thomasville Doman, Melvin, Rt. 7, Box 370, Lexington Doyle, C. H., Rt. 2, Box 125, Weaverville Edwards, W. H., Rt. 1, Goldsboro Ferguson, Roy H., 505 Beverly Dr., Gastonia Foster, Robert G., Rt. 2, Box 230, Kinston Greeson, C. Egbert, RFD #1, Haw River Guyton, L. L., Rocky Point Hall, John W., Box 341, Spring Lake Harrelson, B. F„ 119 So. Caldwell St„
Salisbury R
Hallowell, B. L„ Rt. 3, Mt. Olive Hunt, James, Rt. 1, Elrod Area, Rowland Hunter, A. Frank, Rt, 9, Winston Salem R, N.Z. Carlton, James, Robersonville Jenkins, Avery R., Room 207, Realty Blvd., Gastonia
Kearney, P. S., RFD #2 Box 290, Oxford Keenan, R. T., 19 Brotherton St., West Asheville Kelly, T. F., 311 Hillcrest Rd., Raleigh Kline, Edward Alvin, Box 1466, Salisbury Lewis, Edgar C., RFD #1, Box 123, Hobbsville Lundy, Joseph Clifford, P.O. Box 3, Randleman McGill, W Leroy, 1212 Oakwood Ave., Gastonia Mitchell, Wayne, 500 College St., Kinston Murray, William M., RFD #1, Box 83A2,
Nanney, Milace, RFD #3, Mooresville Nelson, George A., 119 Spooks Branch, Asheville Noell, W. B„ Jr., 2821 Claremont Rd., Raleigh Ober, Paul, Rt. 1, Edenton R
Pace, R. W., 203 E. French Broad St., Brevard Peele, J. L., Fountain Phillips, Vern, Richlands Poindexter, B. L., 1822 Thompson Dr., Winston-Salem
Powell, James L., Rt. 2, Raleigh Rayl, Mack L., RR #3, Hillsboro J&R
Riley, Mrs. G. F., Rt. 1, Box 343, Linden Rd., Durham
Riley, G. F., Rt. 1, Box 341, Linden Rd.,
Roberts, D. P., Rt. 2, Box 330-A, Shelby Sasser, P. D., Rt. 5, Goldsboro Scott, L. E,, Rt. 1, Linwood Scott, Mrs. L. E., Rt. 1, Linwood Sine, John M., Rt. 2, Box 119, Greenville Spakes, Charlie F., Rt. 1, Hubert Starnes, Dale S., 6 Lenoir Ave.,
Rt. 2, Granite Falls Swing, Olin, 609 E. 1st St., Lexington Teachey, Leland, Rt. 2, Rose Hill Thomas, R. F., 309 S. Vance St., Gastonia R
Thompson, James, 86 Lanvale Ave., Asheville Tuttle, Joe, Rt. 1, Box 196, Rural Hall Upton, Carl, P.O. Box 209, 3 Saye St., Belmont Van Story, W. A., Jr., Box 6, Weaverville Wallace, Mrs. E. R., 4310 Oldtown Dr., Winston-Salem
Wallace, Ernest R., Sr., 4310 Oldtown Dr., Winston-Salem R
Walls, Levi, State Hospital, Goldsboro Whitford, Dannie M., Rt. 3, Box 230, Vanceboro Wood, H. V., Rt. 2, Smithfield Wrenn, Julia, 4801 Hillsboro Rd., Raleigh Yarbrough, E. S., Jr., 3225 Surrey Road,
Durham N.Z.
Anhalt, Elmer O., Buxton Huser, Louis, Bantry Ralston, Gerald N., 314 1st Ave., So., Devils Lake
Stanley, William F., Box 12, Sherwood Witham, Robert B., Parshall
State Representatives—
1. Jerry Leisenring—West, P.O. Box 762, Fostoria
2. Dallas Marshall—East, Rt. 3, Xenia Ackerman, Edmond H., Rt. 3, New Carlisle N.Z. Andrews, Charles, 233 Jefferson St., Newark Ansel, Robert, Enterprise
Anthony, H. R., 254 South Sixth St.. Newark Arvidson, Robert, 721 E. 16th, Ashtabula Ashton, Ethel M., 1626 Oakland Parkway.
Lima Dutch, Flemish
Ashton, Vern, 1626 Oakland Parkwav,
Lima J&R, Flemish
Ater, C. T., c/o Hess & Clark, Inc., Ashland Baad, Homer G., 234 W. Noble St„ East Canton Babich, Mrs. Vivian, 460 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Hubbard
Bachtel, F. C„ 818 S. Erie St., Toledo 4 Calif. Bagford, James, RR #5, Springfield Baldauf, Joe, 614 Blanche Ave.,
Lockland 15 J&R, Flemish
Ballenger, W. J., 251 Chestnut St., Marion Barnum, Francis J., Box 62, 7906 Pomona Ave., Northfield Center Bashore, J. H., Rt. 1, Lewisburg Bashore, Mrs. J. H., Rt. 1, Lewisburq Basich, Edwin E., 181 Park Road, Rt. 1, Worthington
Baudet, G. P. H., RR #1, Eaton Baughman, Francis E., 1825 Crystal Ave.,
Findlay R, N.Z.
Baughman, Mrs. Francis E., 1825 Crystal Ave., Findlay
Baxter, Harold, 6473 Hamilton Mason Rond, Hamilton
Beamer. Ed, Bedford Brook Rabbitry,
16358 Broadway, Bedford J&R, N.Z.
Beamer, Marie T., 16358 Broadway. Bedford Beaver, Clyde E., RR #5, Leffel’s Lane, Springfield
Behrman, Mrs. Isabelle, 3015 Holland Sylvania Rd., Toledo 6 Behrman, Charles, 3015 Holland Sylvania Rd., Toledo 6
Bender, Raymond M., 8790 Avery Road, Brecksville
Bennett, Helen G., 398 Brookfield Rd.,
Hubbard R, Dutch, Piruvian
Bickley, Mildred, 1019 Perry, Sandusky Bickley, E. C.. 1019 Perry, Sandusky Black, Dick, 116 N. Miami Ave., Xenia N.Z. Bolender, David H., RFD #4, Circleville Bollinger, Margaret, Cross St., Harveysbnrg Bolte, Jeffrey, RR #2, Hillsboro Boroff, Dale, RR #1, Latty R, Dutch, N.Z., Eng. Botamer, Walter, 364 High St., Elyria Botamer, Mrs. Walter, 364 High St., Elyria Boughton, Jack, 3380 Mayfield Road,
Chesterland Dutch
Bourne, Chris, P.O. Box 109, Oxford Brattain, W. L., 27 Tecumseh St.,
Dayton 2 J&R
Breezy Hill Rabbitry, Hartel W. Lucks,
7559 Cherry Brook Dr., Reynoldsburg J&R, N.Z.
Brown, Tom, Rt. 3, Richwood R
Brownlee, Miss Dora, 2634 34th, N.E., Canton 5 Buch, A. K., RD #2, Orrville Buehler, Sharon, 8634 Cheviot Rd., Cincinnati Burcham, Carl G., Jr., RR #4, Springfield R
Burk, Donald C., 206 Federal Bldg., Hamilton Burke, G. A., Hilliards J&R, N.Z.
Burke, Mrs. G. A., Hilliards Cadwell, Wilbur, RFD #4, Ashland Camden, Mary Alice, RFD #1, Canal Winchester Campbell, Ellis W., 1366 Melrose Ave.,
Columbus 11 R, Checkers
Cann, Mrs. Clayton, RFD #4, Chardon Cann, Clayton, RFD #4, Chardon Carlin, Mrs. Wayne, RD #2, Bryan
Carlisle, Francis, 819 2nd St., S.E.,
New Philadelphia
Carpenter, Eugene, RR 32, Box 36-C, Piqua Carson, Robert G., Rt. 1, Conesville Casco, S. A., 3533 E. 147th St.,
Cleveland Flemish
Centner, Harry, 8677 Livingston Rd.,
Cincinnati 24
Centner, Ethel, 8677 Livingston Rd.,
Cincinnati 24
Christie, Charles, RD 32, Medina Ciszewski, Edward, 77 Elm St., Struthers Clapsaddle, Walter M., 2704 St. Clair Ave.,
East Liverpool
Clark, F. M., Eden of Ohio Rabbitry, Sabina Clark, Raymond L., 305 McArthur Ct., Piqua Clevenger, M. L., 428 Palm Ave.,
Akron Ck. Giants
Coleman, James, RR 33, Urbana Collins, E. G., Chandlersville, Rt. 3 Collins, Robert E., Box 57, Melmore Combs, Edna, Rt. 6, Dietz Lane, Zanesville Conci, Mrs. Eleanor, 518 Campground Road, Wellsville
Cook, James L., 4535 W. National Road,
Counts, Mrs. Clarence, 1800 Crystal Ave., Findlay Counts, Clarence, 1800 Crystal Ave., Findlay Courtright, A. Monroe, 2800 Walnut Rd.,
Rt. 3, Westerville Hwt. Chins, N Z.
Cox, Lowell, RD #1, Wadsworth R
Cox, Rose, 1923 Victoria St., Cuyahoga Falls Cowan, Elmer, 715 E. 11th Ave., Columbus 3 Crabbs, Robert, RD #1, Lexington Crabbs, Mrs. Robert, RD #1, Lexington Crummeil, Dale, 810 E. Wilson Ave., Bryan
Dasbach, George J., 949 Chester Rd., Glendale Davis, Wm. H., 5727 Wilson Ave.,
Sciotoville R, N.Z., Dutch
Dearborn, C. M., P.O. Box 35,
Nevada Hwt. Chins
Dearborn, Vern, P.O. Box 35, Nevada Denlinger, Harry E., Rt. 1, Box 369, Clayton Dickinson, John S., 342 High St., Hamilton Dickinson, Drexel D., RD #1, Paris Beveren Dilsaver, Waldo W., 405½ W. Sycamore St., Columbus Grove N.Z.
Dixon, A. D., 2834 East Third St., Dayton Dixon, John E., RR #1, Union Dobbins, Burl L„ P.O. Box 912, Youngstown Dopper, William, 521 Cherry St., Galion Dorsz, Frank A., 4569 Oberlin Ave., RD #2, Lorain
Doty, James C., 312 West Central, Camden Dowdle, Donna, Rt. 2, Scio Downing, Marie, P.O. Box 4091, Euclid Drake, D. E., 565 Thomas Lane, Columbus Dudney, Frank, Rt. 3, Delaware Durigg, William L., 83 Sprague Rd., Berea Earl, Carl D., Baltimore
Earl, William C., RD #1, Baltimore R
Earl, Mrs. Maggie, Baltimore Ebeling, Herbert, Glen Park Road,
Rt. 2, Willoughby N.Z.
Ebeling, Mrs. Herbert, Glen Park Road,
Rt. 2, Willoughby
Edwards, Carl R., 1000 W. South St.,
Akron 7 N.Z.
Egelhoff, Fred O., 121 Leland Ave., Columbus 14 Emery, Esther, 210 Marsevilles Ave., Elyria Emery, Alfred, 210 Marsevilles Ave., Elyria R
Emery, Merle N., RD #2, Elyria Engle, Arthur, RR #1, Wayne Ensminger, Mrs. G. R., 185 W. Main St., Norwalk Etzler, Edwin, RFD #1, Van Wert Everett, C. W., 184 Pamely Ave., Elyria Fair Publishing House, P.O. Box 350, Norwalk Farley, Kenneth, Sr., 2113 West Park Rd., Cincinnati 11
Ferrell, Bernard G., 3900 Klepinger Rd., Dayton Fiscus, M. F., RR #2, Eaton R, Dutch
Fishbaugh, Lowell L., 6332 Riverside Dr., Dublin Fix, Mrs. Ruth E., P.O. Box 61,
Roosevelt Sta., Dayton N.Z.
Flickinger, Philip E., 1185 North Meridian Rd., Youngstown 9
Foerster, A. J., 4402 W. Pleasant Valley Rd., Parma 29 Ck. Gt., Flemish, J&R
Fox, Bruce A., Box 180, Vienna French, Elmer, 4449 Franklin St.,
Cincinnati N.Z.
Friensehner, H. S., 728 Sandusky St.,
Ashland N.Z.
Fritch, Edward, 428 N. Cherry, Bryan Chin.
Fullroth, Mrs. Fred, Rt. 1, Bradford Funk, Boyd D. P., 87 Erie St., Tiffin Galloway, James Bennett, 1906 Hight, Galloway Garner, Phillip, 17910 Pearl Rd., Strongsville Gause, Gale, RFD #1,
Rockford Eng. Spot, Champs
Geer, Eugene, 6072 N. Main St., Sylvania Geist, Frank, Box 49, Rt. 3, Zanesville Geist, Oneta, Box 49, Rt. 3, Zanesville Gibson, George L,, 2426 Golfdrive, Cincinnati 29 Gibson, Delmar, Rt. 4, Zanesville Ck. Gt.
Gilbert, Dale C., Rt. 2, Clyde
Gillard, James R„ Radnor
Gilmore, Devain L., Box 176, Port Washington
Goodwin, Virgil T., RD #2, Steubenville
Gray, Ray H., RR #2, Lebanon
Grear, Lillian, 960 Sutton Rd., Cincinnati 30
Grower, Harry, 81 Perry St., Struthers
Grueser, Roger R., RD #1, Albany
Grumney, George C., 9816 Union Ave.,
Cleveland S N.Z.
Guthrie, Harold P., 15 Dorcas Rd., Toledo 7 Gwyn, Charles W., RD #4, Springfield N.Z. Hackworth, Hansford, 216 N. Lake St., Carey Hand, Charlie, 2905 Venice Rd.,
Sandusky Calif., N.Z.
Hantower, Bernard, P.O. Box 667, Portsmouth Hart, Mrs, Mary K., Rt. 2, Hillsboro Hartz, William J., 787 Morgan Ave., Akron 11 Hasch, Alvin, Rt. 1, Defiance Hick, Melvin G., 8155 Broadwell Rd., Cincinnati Heeley, Edwin, 1220 W. Jackson,
Painesville Std. Chins.
Heigher, George B., Rt. 1, New Paris Hershberger, Eli, Rt. 1, Box 103-A, Uniontown Hickerson, Woodrow W., RD #2, Shelby Hickok, Mrs. Geraldine, 287 No. Washington St., Delaware
Hickok, Raymond M., 287 N. Washington St., Delaware
Hieber, Edward, Rt. 1, New Washington High, Nick, RR #5, Lima Hinaman, S. L. MR 1-Smeltzer Rd., Box 139, Marion
Hinaman, Kay, MR 1-Smeltzer Rd., Box 139, Marion
Hinkel, V. J., Box 117, Burton Hinton, John P„ RFD #1, Mechanicsburg Hoffman, Melvin D,, RD #1, Salem Holbrook, Wm. O.. 9223 Shepard Rd.,
RR #2, Northfield
Honefanger. J. M., 2656 Yellow Springs Pike, Springfield R
Hooper, Roger. 203 Jefferson St., New Lexington Horine, Mrs. Kate, RR #3 Eaton N.Z.
Horn, S. G., 1012 Miller, Fremont Horn, J. Gordon. 3871 Mill St., West Richfield Hottle, C. I., 1595 Spencer Ave.,
Akron 7 N.Z.
Howell, Joseph, RD #1, New London Hurd, Russell. 1021 14th St., Portsmouth Rex
Hutchinson, Fred, 1148 Cedar Ave.,
Cincinnati 24 J&R
Hutchinson. John O., RFD #1, Box 252, Monroeville
Ishee, H. L„ 45 Mill St., Middlefield N.Z.
J & D Rabbitry, 640 Cole Ave., S.E., Canton 7 James, Bart M., Jr., 265 Wilson Mills Rd., Chesterland
Jenkins, Arnim, 2047 Lawrence Ave., Norwood 12 Jennings, Inez A., 133 W. Warren Ave., Youngstown 7 N.Z.
Jennings, Ruth A., 133 W. Warren Ave., Youngstown 7
Jennings, R. C.. 133 W. Warren Ave.,
Youngstown 7 R, N.Z,
Johnson, Charles R.. Box 55, Cambridge Johnson, C. Robert, Rt. 1, Box 203,
Yellow Springs
Johnson, George D., Rt. 1, Mt. Victory Johnson, Glen, 1028 Georgia Ave., Akron 6 Johnson. Mrs. Glen, 1028 Georgia Ave., Akron 6 Tones, Everett P., RFD #2, Chillicothe Jones. S. W„ RR #2,
Williamsfield Sil. Fox, N.Z., Champs.
Jones. Samuel F., RD #4,
Louisville J&R, Flemish
Judy, George, Jr., Central Ave.,
Mechanicsburg N.Z.
Judy, Joyce. Central Ave.,
Mechanicsburg Polish
Judy, Frank R„ P.O. Box 171, Middlefield N.Z. Kandel, Kenneth, RFD #1, Homeworth Kardas, Mrs. Betty Jean, RD #1, Homesville Kayden. Frank, 112 Blake St., Elyria Keeler, Lawrence. 5130 Norton Place, Toledo 14 Kells, Tames H., Rt. 1, Cable Kells, Mrs. Jas. H., Rt. 1, Cable Kelley, Clyde, Rt. 1, Homeworth N.Z.
Kenney, R. T., 1741 Graham Rd., Revnoldsburg R Kent, Don, 578 Yo-Pitt Road. Poland 14 Kestner, Leonard, Rt. 1, South Charleston Kiggins. Harold, Rt. 2. Burton King, John, 3490 Path Dr., Akron 19 Kipp, Mrs. Fred C., 2307 Mt. Carmel-Tobasco Rd., Cincinnati 30
Kipp, F. C., 2307 Mt. Carmel-Tobasco Rd., Cincinnati 30 R, N.Z.
Kirian, W. C., RFD #1, Randolph Kirian, O. M„ 911 Western Ave., Lima Knopp, Paul, Garfield Knupp, Allan E., 315 Creek Ave., Hubbard Koch, Paul C., Rt. 4, Athens R
Koehlar, Mrs. Rose, Rt. 1, Coshocton Koeth, Edwin J., RFD #1, Lockwood Kohler, Richard, 8106 Schott Rd., Westerville
Kolb, Clifford H., 6841 Wayne Trace Road, Somerville
Krahl, Harold L., 2555 Wadsworth Rd.,
Barberton J&R, N.Z.
Krakauskas, Lindamarie, 717 Archer Road, Bedford
Kramer, Kay, 821 Austin Dr., Barberton Krueger, Albert C., 5956 Fitch Road,
North Olmsted Ck. Giant
L & W Rabbitry, Casstown N.Z.
Landers, Loren, RR #2, Box 60, Tipp City Lawrence, Carl, 3963 So. Dixie, Lima Layton, Herb, 25620 Lorain Rd.,
No. Olmsted J&R
Leatherman, Lamar R., Box 392, Tuscarawas Leathley, Elwood, RFD #3, New Carlisle Leisenring, Mrs. G. C., Box 762, Fostoria Leisenring, Gerald C., Box 762,
Fostoria J&R, Dutch
LePage, Pearl V., 46 S. Pine St., Newark Liles, Paul. Box 632. Lafayette
Lintz, Charles D., 527 W. High St., Springfield List, Roderick, 816 S. Washington St., Circleville Long, Donald, RR #1, Payne Lovejoy, Don, 838 West 50th St.,
Ashtabula J&R, Dutch, N.Z.. Rex, Havana Loverde, Christine, P.O. Box 62, Urbana Lutes, H. H., 484 Crystal St., Akron 5 McCann, Edward D., Summit St., Dunkirk McConnell, David J., RD #1, Richmond McCoy, Boyd L.. 124 Lieking Co. Rd., #153,
RR #1, Pataskala
McFadden, William H., Sr., 899 Midway Blvd., Painesville
McFadden, Geraldine R., 899 Midway Blvd., Painesville
McKenzie. Mrs. Irene T„ RFD #2. Box 146, Cortland
McMaster, E. F., Box 131. Kettlersville McMillen. L. R., 764 Corica St., Akron 11 McPhail, D. W., 152 Westminster Ave., Youngstown
Macy, Phil. 376 N. 4th St.. Tipp City J&R
Mahaney, J. N., RD #1, Uniontown Maher, James J.. 12147 York Road,
North Royalton N.Z.
Mahlke, Erie, RFD #3 Wellington Markel. Paul J.. Box 28, Nankin N.Z.
Marquette, Adeline, 106 Smithsonian. Gerard Marshall. George B., 3251 Allendale Ave..
RD £2, Canfield
Martin, Joseph F., RFD #2. Box 6, Covington Massie, Ernest M., 1736 Lagonda Ave.,
Maynard. David C., State Game Farm,
RD #3, Wellington Meier, Albert, Eastview Rabbitry,
3531 E. 140th St., Cleveland N.Z,
Meister, James R., 1910 Wade Blvd.. Sandusky Melvin, William O., 1417 Wayne Road,
Melvin, Myrtle. 1417 Wayne Road, Wilmington Messer, Manuel, 7517 Abbie Place,
Cincinnati 15 N.Z , Calif.
Metz. Roy 81 Lexington Ave.,
Mansfield N.Z.. Calif.
Metz, Mrs. Roy, 81 Lexington Ave„ Mansfield Meyer, Fred W.. RFD #1, Vickery Michaelis. Charles H.. 2851 Marshall Cincinnati Mike’s Rabbitry. 426 Union Ave, Bucyrus Miller, Donald F.. 1318 W, Wayne St., Lima Miller. John H.. 414 E. Mable St.. Bryan Miller’s Rabbitry, Bainbridge Rd.,
Solon R, N.Z.
Miller, Frank E., 7869 School Road,
Cincinnati 41 Dutch
Millies. Miss Irene, Rt. 2. Bainbridge Miller, Paul G., RR #1, Van Wert Miller, Vernon, Rt. 2, Box 62, Proctorville Miller, Willard, RD #3. Navarre Montayon, Julius, 1655 8th St., Portsmouth Moore. S. Art, 905 Bronson Ave., Toledo Morris, Eugene W.. 400 Main St.. Poland Mundey, Joseph, 93 Second St., Shelby Mundhenk, Jack W., RR #1, Lewisburg J&R Mussetter, Lawrence O., 325 S. Miami Ave,,
Myers. Melvin R., 33899 Mills Rd.,
North Ridgeville
Nave, Eddie, RR £2, New Paris Dutch
Nestor. Edsel F., 2131 Uniondale Ave., Stow Nida, Braden M., 219 Putnam St., Marietta Oakes, Robert D., Rt. 2, Box 374,
Troy Champ, N.Z., Piruvian
Oblinger, Charles F., 2746 South Road,
Cincinnati 38 R, N.Z.
Ohlemacher, Mrs. Hulda, Rt. 1, Huron Ohlemacher, Clarence, Rt. 1, Huron Oles, George, RFD #3, Delta O'Neal, George L., Rt. 5, Box 166,
Ott, Russell, 1306 N. 8th St., Martins Ferry Overmyer, Fred, 6015 Benore Rd., Toledo 12 Peffley, Charles L., RR #1, Lewisburg
Penn, Elmer, RD #1, Urbana Pernell, F. B., Snively Road, S.W., Canton Pfaff, Oscar, 3355 Needmore Rd., Dayton 4 Philip, Robert C., 747 Leonard Ave., Zanesville Philip, Mrs. Norma, 747 Leonard Ave.,
Zanesville R
Pierce, E. H., Rt. 1, Box 31, Scott R
Pitts, Henry, 201 Walker Mill Road,
Poland Br., Youngstown 14 Place, William E., Box 89, Rt. 1, Farmdale Place, Dale, RR #3. Wapakoneta Poister, Paul A., RFD #2. Galion Pollock, Michael, Jr., 447 W. 9th St., Elyria Popard, Ulice O„ 6050 W. Bancroft Rd.,
Rt. 11, Toledo 7 N.Z.. Flemish
Poths, Alfred E., 313 E. Market St., Sandusky Powell, Dena, 140 W. 6th St., Apt. 2,
E. Liverpool
Powell, L. J., Rt. 1, Sardinia R
Prater, Mrs. Anna Lou, RR #1, Greenville Prescott, Wm., 38580 Detroit Rd.,
Avon N.Z., Flem., Rex, Ckrs.
Preston, Betty, 384 Grant St., Wilmington Preston, Gordon, 384 Grant St., Wilmington Ratliff, James M., 37 Graham Road, Box 108, Reynoldsburg
Reed, C. T., 37 Graham Road, Box 108, Reynoldsburg
Reed, David, RFD #3, Navarre R
Reichert’s Rabbit Ranch, 2160 Sale Road, Columbus 24
Reiser, Thomas, Sr., 1721 Brown Road,
Columbus 23
Renner, Edward. Box 3, Bakersville Reno, John, Cedarville
Rice, Harry, Rt. 1, Portsmouth J&R
Richards, Frank L., 2724 Hillside Ave.,
Springfield 52 N.Z.
Riffle, Francis P.. P.O. Box 4, Middlebranch Ritz, John S.. 2950 Harmont Ave., N.E., Canton Ritz. Mrs. John, 2950 Harmont Ave., N.E., Canton Rockfield, Harry, 432 Rice St., Springfield Rocky Trail, Roger Miller, 47 Ohio St., Sabina Rodgers, J. W., 428 N. Buckeye St.. Bellevue Roerdanz, A., 1005 Wright St., Kingsville J&R
Roerdanz. Mrs. Al, 1005 Wright St., Kingsville Rogers, Earl, RR #2. Harrison Rohn, George, 1240 13th St., N.W., North Canton Ross, David G., 542 Fair St., Berea Rowe, Warren D., RD #1, Canal Fulton N.Z. Rowe, John F., RD #4. State Rt. 94, Medina Rowland, Vana, 465 Garden, Newark N.Z.
Rozic, William E., 26131 Rose Road. Westlake Rudibaugh, James D., RD #1, Salem Ruff, Frank A., RFD #1, c/o Ann Cox, Alliance Rugg, Ed, 9781 Weik Road, Cincinnati 39 Ruhl, Clyde, 444 Bethoven St., Mansfield Rusch, Louis, 1115½ Morrison St., Fremont Samuels, M. H., 525 Main St.,
Mineral Ridge J&R
Sargeant, Mrs. Elizabeth, 37543 2nd St.,
Willoughby Dutch
Sargeant, Fred S., 37543 Second St.,
Willoughby Rex, Gt. Chin.
Sautters, Karl, 1020 Roslyn Ave., S.,
Canton J&R, Dutch
Sautters, A. E., 1127 Garfield, S.W.,
Canton Cavies
Sautters, Mrs. A. E., 1127 Garfield. S.W., Canton Schalip, Carl W„ 642 W. Church St., Galion Scheckelhoff, Albert G., 4345 Marlow St.,
Dayton 6
Schneider, Joseph H., 311 S. Elm St., Celina Scott, Fred W„ Rt. 2, Bellville Senften, Donald L., 5150 4th, N.W., Canton Shearer, Billy E., 815 Brentnell Ave.,
Columbus N.Z.
Sherwood, B. A., Sherbrook Farm, Sperry Rd., Chesterland N.Z., J&R
Shingler, Harold H., 4615 Ranchwood Road,
Akron 13 Dutch, Ck. Giant
Shope, Logan, Rt. 1, Box 282, South Webster Shorten, Edward K., RFD #1, 3C Highway,
Shuck, Floyd M„ RR #2, Bucyrus J&R
Shupe, Ray, 447 Dickinson Ave., Van Wert N.Z. Slater, E. J., 9617 Benham,
Cleveland 5 J&R, English, Dutch, Polish
Smart, Carl, 216 Arch St., Clyde Smith, Dalando, 816 Maplewood Ave., Circleville Smith, Walter, 220 S. Chestnut St.,
Van Wert N.Z.
Smith, William C., 169 Perry St., Struthers Smith, Leona Fisher, RR #1, Wayne N.Z.
Snow, Donald, 53 W. Monroe St., Bedford Spangler, Larry, 609 Apple Ave., Toledo R
Spaulding, F. E., 1702 Mentor Ave., East Mentor Steck, Donald R., RR #1, Box 183,
West Alexandria
Stefl, Mrs. Frank, 1070 Township Line Road, Wellsville
Sterrett, A. W., 2224 Savoy Ave., Akron Stickley, Omer B., Rt. 2, Urbana Stillings, Howard D., 528 Park St., Galion Stokes, Harold, Rt. 1, West Liberty Stover, W. A., 523 N. Mill St., Celina
Strathman, Robert W.t 417 Washington Ave., Terrace Park
Strathman, Mrs. Robert W.,
417 Washington Ave., Terrace Park Stultz, Robert, 530 N. Union St., Galion Styles, W. L., 6254 Crossview Road,
Cleveland 29 J&R
Sullivan, Mrs. Erma, 3963 So. Dixie, Lima Sumner, Warren W., 331 Canfield Dr.,
Painesville Calif., Dutch
Sutcliffe, A. C„ Sr., Woodside Rabbitry, Middlefield
Svatek, Frank J., 12589 Albion Road,
No. Royalton 33
Swallows, M. W„ 807 Roosevelt Ave., Lima N.Z.
Swope, Roemer G., Rt. 6, Zanesville
Tausch, F. H., 795 Weller Ave., Akron 10 Dutch
Taylor, Horace, RFD #2, Tiffin
Taylor, Alma, RFD #2, Tiffin
Thompson, D. A., P.O. Box 49, Harpster
Thompson, O. R., P.O. Box 166, Xenia
Tinkey, E. Edwin, RD #1, Hanley Rd.,
Tope, Elmer C., RFD #1, Cherrodsville Torcaso, Rev. James, Rt. 1, Steubenville Torre, Sabastian, 1117 N. 6th St.,
Martins Ferry Chin.
Traxler, Geo., 931 Beechwood Ave., Columbus 13 Trenner, George, Bowers Lane, Rt. 1,
Zanesville N.Z., Am. Chins.
Tressell, H. J., 906 Harrison Ave., S.W.,
Canton Ck. Giant
Troyer, Clyde H., RR #1, Elida Tyson, Norman, RR #2, Fostoria Valente, Dominick J., Rt. 2, Ashville N.Z.
Vetter, Francis, Silvercreek Dr., Wadsworth Veverka, Lawrence H., RFD #3, Hobart Rd., Willoughby
Volzer, D. H., 1821 Woodland Ave., Canton
Wade, Roger E.. RFD #2, Weston
Wallace, Joan, RFD #5, Ashland Rex
Wallace, Leon, RFD #5, Ashland Rex
Walnut Row Rabbitry, RR #3, Xenia R
Walters, Gail R., RD #5, Salem
Ward, A. M., Rt. 1, Portsmouth N.Z.
Watson, Lewis E., RFD #1, Lowellville Wax, Howard, Rt. 3, Fremont Weaver, Harry, Mt. Eaton Weddle, Howard, Cable St., Van Wert Weeks, Donald F., RR #1, Highland Welker, Mirl, P.O. Box 812, Warren Wente, Don, Rt. 3, Box 203, Wheelersburg Wesche, Wilbur, Ridgeville Corners West, Betty, Box 122, Damascus Whiting, William W., 1090 Hopkins Road,
Mentor N.Z,
Williams, Beulah, Box 265, Diamond Williams, Fred, RFD #2, State Rt. 306,
Chagrin Falls
Williams, Dorothy, RFD #2, State Rt. 306, Chagrin Falls
Williams, Cloice. RR #4, Celina Williams, Russell, RD #2, Hubbard Coistville Rd., Hubbard Champagne
Willman, Wayne, 1900 Tuxedo Rd.,
Cleveland 9 J&R
Wilson, Kenneth W., 724 S. Court St„
Cirdeville N.Z.
Winegarden, Marvin E., 22960 Summerland Ave., No. Olmsted
Wireman, Jack, RD #1, Navarre Dutch
Wismer, Walter, 17105 Palda, Cleveland 28 Wisniewski, Leonard, 30 Beech Ave.,
Northfield Village Yeager, Harold W„ RFD #3,
2 Exchange Park Dr., Medina Yeater, Harry, 383 S. Warpole,
Upper Sandusky N.Z-
Yoder, James, Rt. 4, River Road,
Willoughby Hills Young, Joseph C., 2697 Somerville Jacksonburg Rd., Somerville Young, Floyd L., Rt. 1, Austin Road, Geneva Young, Ruth, Rt. 1, Austin Road, Geneva Young, Charles N., RFD #1 Sandusky Young, Mrs. Opal, RFD #1, Sandusky Youngen, Delmer H., Rt. 1, Baltic Younker, Mrs. John, Rt. 1, Box 311, Oregonia Zomonski, Alex, 1312 N. 8th St., Martins Ferry
State Representatives—
C. L. Teufel, North, 136 Kingston Rd., Ponca City Al F. Valouch, South, 425 S.W, Avenue, Bethany Allen, Mrs. C. B., 200 E. Burney, Madill Chin.
Allen, C. B„ 200 E. Burney, Madill Allen, Edna K., 1520 N. E. 9th St.,
Oklahoma City N.Z.
Alley, Roy H., Rt. 5, Box 268,
Oklahoma City N.Z.
Ashby, Earl, 408 N. 49th W. Avenue, Tulsa Austell, L., Box 144, Stillwater R
Bell, Robert, 845 N. Delaware St., Tulsa
Billingsley, J. M., 2225 S.W. 20,
Oklahoma City R
Brown, James M., 2116 SW 67th St.,
Oklahoma City j&r
Bryan, H. L., 1410 Park, Lawton Davis, Herman, P.O. Box 101, Lexington Dennis, Clinton D., Box 266, Marlow R
Dennis, Irene, Box 266, Marlow DeLuce, Louis F., 6558 E. 26th Court, Tulsa 14 Early, J. C., 520 E. Frank, Norman Elmore, W. L., 2500 N.W. 58th, Oklahoma City Engle, J. Howard, 2244 N. Main,
Tulsa J&R, N.Z.
Espich, Lehmon W., 324 Burnham,
Sapulpa R, Dutch
Eubanks, L. F., 410 Franklin, Sand Springs Fagan. Leonard J.. RD #3, Drummond Fite. Claude, Court House, Room 621,
Oklahoma City 2 Forest, John A., Box 322, Bixby Frazier, P. H., Rt. 1, Sapulpa Frech, Ruby, 2123 E. Pine, Enid Frech, Carl, 2123 E. Pine, Enid Gardner. Molly, Rt. 6, Box 51, Oklahoma City Gloar, Cleburn, 311 Summit, Lawton N.Z.
Green, A. R., 1632 N.W. 8, Oklahoma City Gullion, R. E.. Rt. 1, Wayne Harris, Thomas S., P.O. Box 1468,
Sapulpa J&R, N.Z.
Hatfield, W. A., 104 North 12th, Tonkawa Hinchee, Lee M., General Delivery,
Choctaw R. Hwt.. Chin., Calif.
Hosier, Henry, Box 52, Arnett Julian, W. H., 413 S.E. 49, Oklahoma City Klemmer, L. A., 1229 N. 11th St., Enid Latham, H. H.. 1412 N.W. 94th, Oklahoma City Leach, O. C., 421 N. Barker. El Reno Logan, Mrs. Virginia, 425 S.W. 45th,
Oklahoma City 9
McCaskell, Mrs. H. G., Rt. 1, Box 66,
Broken Arrow Satins
McCaskell, H. G.. Rt. 1. Box 66. Broken Arrow McClellan, Bob, Rt. 3, Box 581-J. Oklahoma City McDonald, Harry, 7702 E. 11th St., Tulsa McDonald, Mrs. Harry, 7702 E. 11th St., Tulsa McGehee, Eabert R., 3912 Recreation Dr.,
Tulsa N.Z.
McGovney, H. W., 1018 N. Elwood,
Tulsa J&R, Flemish
McGovney, Caroline, 1018 N. Elwood, Tulsa McMillan, Joy, Rt. 1, Broken Arrow McMillan, Joe, Rt. 1, Broken Arrow Mays, H. Ried, 5509 Harmon Dr.,
Oklahoma City 12
May, Mrs. Lillian, 6800 N.W. 23rd, Oklahoma City Moore, M. E., 801 N. College, Bethany Myers, George S., 1322 N.W. 80, Oklahoma City Nokes, Fred A., 2224 N. Kate, Oklahoma City Ogden, Benjamin, 1020 West Ardmore Ave., Sulphur
Osburn, A. E„ Box 345, Goltry Owen, T. L., Rt. 10, Box 939,
Oklahoma City J&R, N.Z.
Parks, W. L„ Box 205. Chickasha J&R
Perkins, L. C., 524 N. Garfield,
Sand Springs N.Z.
Powell, Herbert, 625 N. 25 W. Ave., Tulsa Puckett, J. E., 402 E. Fulkerson, Drumright Roberts, Shelvy, 2604 N. Midway, Enid Robison, H. E., Rt. 2, Temple Dutch
Ruckman, Lemuel G., Rt. 1, Lockeba Schuesder, Harold, Box 117, Kildare Calif.
Scott, Dave, P.O. Box 462, Boggs Slaten, C. E., 1625 N.E. 14th, Oklahoma City Smith, John L., 618 Elm St., Perry Spurlock, Alfred H., Rt. 1, Mannsville Stead, Richard J., Rt. 3, Cushing Stokes, Arthur A., 1222 Live Oak, Muskogee Sullivan, Robert L., 300 E. Park, Claremore Tarter, Robert, 3409 No. 78th St. East Ave.,
Tarter, Martha, 3409 No. 78 St. East Ave.,
Taylor, Dave F., Box 475, Box 11,
Midwest City
Teufel, Mrs. Grace, 136 Kingston Road,
Ponca City Satin
Teufel, Cramon L., 136 Kingston Road,
Ponca City N.Z., Calif.
Tinsley, W. I., 226 W. Hackberry, Enid Tripp, Marion D., 1409 N. 3rd, Box 1021,
Enid N.Z.
Valouch, Daisye, 425 S W Avenue,
Bethany Satins
Valouch, A. F., 425 S W Avenue, Bethany R
Walker, Earl, Rt. 1, Perry Weaver, L. O., RR #5,
Ponca City N.Z., Ck. Gts., Hwt. Chins.
Webber, Robert, 2001 N. Mingo Rd., Tulsa 15 Whipple, Glenn, Waynoka White, Sue, 1121 S.W. 51st, Oklahoma City Williams, Jack A., Box 197, Heavener 6 Yoesting, Roy, 26 W. Hurd, Edmond R
State Representative—
Burt Searle, Rt. 2, Box 37, Molalla Anderson, Gerry C., Rt. 4. Box 300, Sherwood Axford, Frank, Rt. 3, Box 31. Canby N.Z., Calif. Axford, Ann, Rt. 3, Box 31, Canby Bartholomew John, 3402 N.E. Holman. Portland Bates, Richard M., Rt. 1, Box 285-H, Turner N.Z. Benedetti, D., Rt. 1, Box 1384. Parkdale Brown, Eva L., 1131 S.W. Maplecrest Dr., Portland
Brown, Vilas J., 1131 S.W. Maplecrest Dr., Portland
Bunny Acre Rabbitry, Rt. 2, Box 100, Boring Cantrill, Edward S., Rt. 2, Box 241-A, Albany R Cantrill, Elizabeth, Rt. 2, Box 241-A, Albany Carda, Lawrence F., Rt. 3, Box 582,
Junction City
Carr, Alan G., Box 62, Arlington Chavez, Eddie, Halsey
Clark, Frank, R #3. Box 717. Oregon City R Clark, Mrs. Frank L., Rt. 3. Box 717, Oregon City Collingwood, Harriet, 1402 E. 5th St., Newberg Conroy, Lola, 5816 S.E. Firnwood St., Portland Conroy, Edward A., 5816 S.E. Firnwood,
Portland 22 Calif.
Cookson, Mrs. LaVern, 651 W. Morton St., Lebanon
Crane, Lyle L., 15870 S.W. Farmington Rd., Beaverton
Crooks, Doris L., 1805 S.W. 187th St., Aloha Cunningham. Jerry Robert, 750 N.E. Holland St., Portland 11
Dewey. Everett L., 16240 S.W. Myrtle St.,
Tigard R
Dewey, Velma, 16240 S.W. Myrtle St., Tigard
Earnest, Roy W., Rt. 1, Box 214, Rogue River Emil, Mrs. Helen, Rt. 1, Box 258, Aurora Flaherty, Sid, Halsey
Galer, Walter, Jr., Rt. 3, Box 97. Hood River Gascon, Elmer R., Rt. 1. Box 542. Gold Hill Gillaspie. C. C., Rt. 1. Box 108. Veneta Glidden, H. L., 243 So. Stage Road. Medford Graves, Lyle, Box 408. Rt. 1, Sherwood Gregg, Dale M., 1849 Scott Road. Springfield Hadley, K. L., 3350 Clear Lake Road,
Junction City
Harri, Werner, c/o R. L. Tones, Box 44, Clifton Harris, Edward L., Box 836 Ontario Horner, Carroll W., Rt. 3. Box 329, Oregon City House, Howard C., Rt. 1, Box 83,
Warren N.Z., Dutch, Satin
Inman, Verle G., P.O. Box 641, North Bend Kninefelter, I. N.. 4057 East 19th St., Eugene Knize, Howard, Rt. 1, Box 744, Beaverton Larson, Joseph, 7721 S.E. 83 Ave.. Portland Law, D. P., 8917 S.E. Stark, Portland 16 J&R Law, Mrs. Ethel, 9540 N.E. Skidmore, Portland Loop, Ernest E., Rt. 1, Box 222. Amity Lowit, J. C., Rt. 2, Box 440, Troutdale J&R Lowit, Mrs. J. C., Rt. 2, Box 440, Troutdale McDowell, Opal, Timber Route, Vernonia McKenna, Grover D., Rt. 1, Box 942, Hood River Manning, Edward, Rt. 1, Box 255-A, Corvallis Mattson, Harold A., 2211 S.W. Sunset Dr., Portland N.Z.. Calif.
Moheng, Everett H., P.O. Box 68, Springfield Morkert, G. L„ RFD #1, Box 32 Colton O’B ien, Claude, Rt. 1, Box 53, Springfield Pawson, Carroll A., Rt. 1, Box 110EE,
Portland 10
Pitner, Hugh, Rt. 3, Box 624, Hillsboro Scherschel, George, Wynde Nolle Rabbitry,
Rt. 3. Box 625, Oregon City Searl, Mrs. Victoria K., Rt. 2. Box 371, Molalla Searl, Burt, Rt. 2, Box 371, Molalla J&R
Shupe, W. A., Rt. 1, Box 235, McMinnville Skinner, Wm. J., 1360 So. 2nd St., Springfield Smith, Mrs. Virginia J., Rt. 1, Box 149, Mulino Summers, Christina, 5008 S.W. Taylor Terry Rd., Portland N.Z., Calif., Sil. Martens
Swezey, W. V., Rt. 2, Elmira Tuttle, Grant S.. Rt. 4, Box 482,
Rainbow Dr., Salem
Van de Kamp, Mrs. Mary B., 2201 Skyview Dr., Medford
Vreeland, Bob, 13560 S.W. Hwy. 217, Tigard Watkins, Gordon, 10310 N.E. Marx,
Portland 20 N.Z.
West, Stephen, Rt. 1, Box 436, West Linn J&R West, Bernard N., Rt. 1, Box 966, Sandy Wical, John, Rt. 2 Box 30, Aurora Wilson, Vernon G., Rt. 1, Baker Calif., N.Z. Wirth, Margaret, Rt. 1, Box 274, Corvallis
State Representatives—
1. Charles H. Clater—East, 329 Liberty St.,
2. W. H. Kennedy—So. West
3. O. J. McCollough—No. West, P.O. Box 76,
Derrick City
Abel, Clara W., Thornton Abel, George W„ Thornton Ackerman, Stewart, RD #3, Meyersdale Adair, William, RD #2, Denver Andrew, Tommy, 74 Terrace Drive,
Shavertown J&R, Am. Chin.
Andrew, Mrs. Tommy, 74 Terrace Drive, Shavertown
Andrew, M. P., RD #2, Cogan Station Andrews, Paul C., RD #4, Allentown Anelle, M. M„ RD #1, Union City Antonucci, Guy, 523 Allegheny Ave.,
W. Aliquippa
Armstrong, Ed W., 201 E. Pine St., Athens Arnold, Earl C., 532 Washington St„ Allentown Austin, Alfred Henry, 1604 Swissvale Ave., Pittsburgh 21
Avery, Theodore, Jr., RD #2, Mechanicsburg Bahs, Mrs. Allen F., RD #3, York Bahn, Allen F., RD #3, York Bailey, Thornton C., 1010 Hancock St., Chester Baker, Dr. C. S., Center Square Baker, John, RD #2, Smethport Bank, Ted P., 608 11th St., Pitcairn Bardo, Byron D., Eyersgrove Barnes, Eloise, Starr Route, Rixford Barnes, Ivan, Starr Route, Rixford Castorex
Bartholomew, Byron L., RD #2, Petersburg Rd., Hadley
Beato, Carl, Box 243, Pricedale Becker, Cuthbert C., 624 Arthur St.,
Philadelphia 11 Angora
Bedison, G. Burton, Brighton Heights,
New Brighton R
Beiler, Abner, RD #1, Gordonville Benson, Louis, RFD #1, Atlantic Bevier, Benjamin, RD #3, McDonald Bick, John J., 933 Wood St.,
Latrobe Eng., Am. Chin.
Bidlock, Mrs. Andrew, RD #2,
Pennsylvania Ave., Sayre Gt. Chin., N.Z.
Bidlock, Andrew, RD #2,
Pennsylvania Ave., Sayre Gt. Chin., N.Z.
Billett, Joseph, 187 N. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre Bitner, Ellsworth S., 414 Erie St,, Daugphin Bloch, Ronald, Southridge Dr., Bridgeville Blyth, James, 4323 Murray Ave.,
Pittsburgh 17 J&R, Eng., Silvers
Blyth, Edna E., 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh 17 Bowman, Jay, RFD #1, Hegins Bowman, Howard L., Salisbury Calif.
Brelsford, Frank, 560 S. Bellevue Ave., Penndel Briar, Robert E., RD #2, Lewistown Briggs, Alton B., 1927 1st St., Altoona Flemish Briggs, Barney, RD #2,
Saegerstown Champ. D’Argents
Britton, James M., RD #4, Box 392, Coraopolis Brocklehurst, Edward, 72 South Second St., Greenville
Brown, Howard R., RD #1, Oley
Brown, Harry C.. Main St., Harrison City
Brucker, Mable V., Rt. 2, Elm Grove Rabbitry,
W. Middlesex
Brucker, Albert I., Rt. 2, West Middlesex R Brumagin, Billy, RD #5, Lake Pleasant Rd.,
Erie Satins
Buchanan, Elsie, Hackett Home, Norristown Bucker, Elam H., Rt. 4, Manheim Burford, Maxwell H., RFD #1, Valencia Burk, Myron L„ RFD #1, Hughesville Carroll, Donald R., RD #3 Mercer Clark, Lawrence E., Rt. 1, Willow Street Clater, Charles H., 329 Liberty St.,
Bethlehem Calif.
Clauson, Paul N., RD #1, Linesville Cook, Tim, Washington Crossing Cooper, Harry W., 36 Mead Ave.,
Meadville Ck., Champs.
Cover, James, RD #1,
Pulaski Champs, N.Z., Angora
Crawford, Roy E., 909 E. Penn, New Bethlehem Crowe, Robert T., RFD #3, Saegertown Cullings, Richard J , Box 72, RD s6,
Cumming, W. Wayne, Sr., 27 Greenwood Road, Altoona N.Z., Angora
Dalton, R. M., RFD #3, Smethport Davies, R. Paul. RD #4, Pole 3326,
Lehmen Rd., Dallas Davis, James C., Mill St., New Salem Davis, Norman E., 211 W. Main St., Youngsville Deardorff, Charles E., RD #1, Etters Decker, Carl E., Jr., 935 Overdeck Ave., Stroudsburg
DeGroat, Mrs. Mildred, RFD S2, Box 23, Honesdale
Densberger, R. W., Nescopeck
Dickinson. Edward S., Sr., RD #1, Parkesburg
Dietsch, Harold, Kinzua
Dreher, Kermit W., 223 N. 13th St.,
Allentown J&R, Flemish
Dreher, Mrs. Mary, 223 N. 13th St., Allentown Driver, Samuel, 2240 Mahaffey Lane,
Drumm, Russell E., 403 N. Wisteria St.,
Drumm, Charlotte, 403 N. Wisteria St.,
Dull, Nevin C., RD #4, Hanover Dumbauld, Chas. P., RD #1, Palmyra Dunbar, Daniel J., Weihert
Ebersole, Gabriel H., RD #1, Box 334,
Eckert, Charles W., Sr., RD #2,
Bethlehem R, N.Z., Flemish
Einsig, Albert N., Box 175, Emigsville Elliott Brothers, Box 172, Shinglehouse Emerick, W. L., RD #1. Freedom Emery, Ralph H., Jr., RFD #1, Box 38, Emlenton Emig, Gary W., Lincoln Way East,
RD #1, Hellam
English Everett W., RD #4, Meadville Figuerredo, Henrique, 719 Riverside Dr.,
West Bridgewater
Finke, Richard, 3226 Norcross Rd., Erie Angora Fix, Eugene T., Stewartstown Foust, Mrs, E., Box 222, RD #1, Zelienople Frank, William W., RD #1, Baresville Fritz, Karl L., Longwood Road, Kennett Square Fromal, Lewis, 908 Pennell St., Chester Funk, Earl L., Rt. 4, Lebanon Galetz, F. W„ 427 Main St.. Gilberton Gearhart, Dale, RD #2, Hollidaysburg Gelling, Melvin, Jr., Mtd. Rt., Trindle Rd., Carlisle
Gerardi, Sam, 300 Walnut St., Warren J&R, N.Z. Gizdic, John T,, 132 Maple St.. Sharpsviile Glaser, Karl, 115 N. Allison St., Greencastle Glasgow, William M., RD #2, Gibsonia Glass, Joseph P., Newry
Godshall, Marvin B., RD #2, Lansdale J&R Gohn, Donald H., 1418 W. Market St.. York Goldsmith. James R., RD #2, Waterford Good, Irvin L., RD #2, Bethlehem N.Z., Angora Goodling. Bert, 423 E. High St., Elizabethtown Gordon. Walter W., Jr., 2 Apple Ave.,
Bortondale, Media Gouse, Russel, Box 87, Rothsville Greco. Sam Del, Jr., 1632 Lincoln Way, McKeesport N.Z.
Gregor, Joseph J., RD s2, Evans City R
Gres, Dorothea Marie, Warwick Rd., RD #4, Lititz
Groff, Jason R., 114 S. Charlotte St., Manheim Gross, Harold K,, East Rock Road, Rt. 63, Allentown
Grubb, George S., RD #1, Linglestown Haigh, Lonnie, Sr., 232 E. Stella St.,
Philadelphia 34 Hall, Mrs. Christine, RD #2,
Quakertown Silver Marten
Hall, Edwin P„ RD #2,
Quakertown Calif., Satins
Harned, Tom, 111 South St.. Wattsburg Harvey, Carl I„ RD #1, Ebensburg Heberleln, Arthur, 3051 West 32nd St.,
Erie R, Champs.
Helman, Robert L., 327 Commerce St.,
Henshur, Walter, RD #1, Nazareth Herrington, George L., RD #1, Box 134, Greensboro
Hershey Bros. Rabbitry, RD #1, Paradise Hess, Allen J., Jacobus R
Heubel, Kurt H., Box 105, McKean Hewitt, Clarence C,, Rt. 5, Gettysburg Hickman, Mrs. S. P., Jr., 461 E. Locust Ave., Philadelphia 44 Satins, Cr. D’Arg.
Hill, Samuel, RR 20, Bethlehem Hlrko, Joseph, RD #1, Stahlstown Hlipala, John Richard, RD #2, Waynesburg Hodge, Frank S., P.O. Box 211, Portage Holtzinger, J. E., 512 S. 22nd St., Altoona R Holzhauer, Norman, RFD #1, Meyersdale Hood, Georgia F., RD #5, Lake Pleasant Rd.,
Erie N.Z., Satins
Hoover, Elwood, Rt. 1, Mt. Wolf Hostetler, Ronald, 107 Hemlock St.. Windber Houser, Eugene F., RR #1, New Columbia Hubert, Frederick, RE #2, Elizabeth N.Z.
Hutt, Claude B„ 330 Orvilla Rd., RD #1,
Lansdale Gt. Chin.
Indof, Lewis T., Box 352, Smithton Irwin, Elmer, 7623 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh Kane, Mary M., Ridge Road, RD #2, Sayre Kann, Richard, RD #4, York Kaser, Shirley, Sprint Mount Rd., Delphi Keefer, William E., 38 West Pottsville St.,
Pine Grove
Kendall, Guy W., Star Route 3, Shippensburg Kelly, James F., MR 11, Elwood City
Kennedy, W. H., 222 Soose Road,
Pittsburgh 9 J&R, Polish
Kepner, Jim, 507 S. Twenty Second St.,
Altoona J&R
Kerns. F. S., RD #1, Box 226,
Hollidaysburg R, Flemish
Kiesewetter, Wray S., 576 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh 37
Kifer, John A., RD #1, Crescent Hts.,
New Brighton
Kindelberger, E. H„ Jr., RD #1. Freedom Kinney, Wayne Patrick, Box 382, Parker Knepp, Russell, RD #3, Tyrone Knight, Jackie D., RD #1, Venus Knowles, Robert H., RD #2, Quakertown Kolb, Marvin, Rt. 1, Pottstown Kovach, George E., RD #1, Box 257,
Kramer, Arthur R., 5201 Marwood Rd., Philadelphia 20
Krott, Carl R., 719 N. 10th St., Reading Rex Krott, Mrs. Mabel, 719 North 10th St„
Reading Rex
Krumrey, Helen, RD #1, Montoursville La Barre, Clair C., RD #1, Dallas Lamborn, Alva T. P., RD #1, Holtwood Champ. Leech, Edward F., RD #2, Watsontown Leppard, Edward G., Mtd. Rt., Trindle Rd., Carlisle
Lichtenberger, George, 18 E. Broome St.,
Port Jervis Flem., Champs., Himalayans
Little, Mrs. Frank L., RD #1, Muncy Valley Little, Frank L., RD #1, Muncy Valley Loudenslager, A. H., RD #2,
Hidden Valley Farm, Montoursville Loudenslager, Mrs. A. H., RD #2,
Hidden Valley Farm, Montoursville Loy, Harold G., RD #2, Newville Luckenbaugh Rabbitry, Spring Grove, Rt. 1 McCollough, O. J., Box 76,
Derrick City R, Flemish
McCombig, Francis, Spangler McCoy, Fred R., RFD, Ashville McCready, H. E., 911 Second Ave., Duncansville McCullough, Kirk W„ RD #5,
Box 456, Washington McFadden, Donald W., RD #3, Dover McGee, Victor W., 4901 Oak Ave., Altoona McGuire, G. S., RD #4, Town Hall Rd.. Erie R McKeever, Wallace S., RR #1, Saltsburg Mabary, D., 116 Maplewood Ave., Philadelphia Madey, Gary, Rt. 1, Box 54, Windber Mantsch, Michael, 3020 Marvin Ave., Eric Markel, Mrs. Harry M., RD #2, Glen Rock Markley, Eugene, RD #1, York Haven Matthews. Michael W., 203 Seaward Ave., Bradford
May, Donald, 115 S. Main St., Dover Meilinger, George, Jr., RD #1, Hellertown Messner, Jack, Rothsville Metz, Samuel, Allensville
Meyers, Orville W., RR #1, St. Thomas R, N.Z. Miedel, Adam, P.O. Box 195, Scottdale Mihalko, John, 121 Figley Ave., Aliquippa Miller, James B., Sr., RD #1, Sharpsviile Miller, J. Filmore, 6851 Blue Ridge Ave., Harrisburg
Miller, Mrs. Clinton, Box 645, Saltsburg Miller, Charles Robert, Rt. 4, Hooverville Miller, Edwin E., RD #1. Box 301, Lancaster Miller, John C„ R 7, York Miller, Howard E., 86 E. Reber St.,
Miller, Stewart L., RD #1, Manchester Moore, Herbert K., RD #1, Gardners Moore, Raymond, Box 51, Transfer Morris, George, RD #4, Robbin Station Rd.,
Morton, James E., 817 Lafayette St., Coatesville
Mundy, Margaret E., RD #1, Laurel
Murdock, James D., P.O. Box 153, Brockway
Myers, Clair E., RD #1, Spring Grove
Myers, Charles Ed., Jr., RD #2, Littlestown
Myers, Monroe, RD #2, Dover
Myers, W. H„ 235 Vine St., Wrightsville
Nagel, Carl F., Box 104, Waterford Angora
Nagel, Rose Marie, Box 104, Waterford
Naney, Elmer R., RD #3, Indiana
Nave, Veryle, RD #3, Bedford
Nobles, Leland C., RD #3, Smethport
Nolan, Gerald, RD #1, Honesdale
Ohlsen, Vivian M., Rt. 4, Troy
Omston, Gilbert T., Westchester Pike &
Street Rd., RD #1, Newtown Square Painter, John M., Rt. 3, Chambersburg Malmiter, Merle, RD #1, Dalton Pavlesich, Frank, Rt. 3, Lebanon Peffley, Harry T., RD #2, Lebanon Piefer, Virgil, 542 Broad St., Pittston Perillo, Fred J., RD #6, Box 106, Greensburg Pielmeir, James W., RD #2, Duncansville Porch, Emery E., RD #1, Acme Posey, Bob, 609 So. Spruce St., Lititz Ralston, Wm. S., RD #2, Box 293, Kane Rawsthorne, Walter E., 8th & Penn Ave., Pittsburgh 22 N.Z.
Rebok, Michael, 721 So. Union St., Middletown Rehrig, J. Harvey, RD #1, Bangor Reiss, John, 1200 Crane Road, Pittsburgh 20 Reynolds, James H., Wind Ridge Rice, R, E., RD #1 Smith's Ferry Riggall, G. G., 16 So. Broad St., Nazareth Robertson, Mrs. Faith, RD #1, Thomasville Rodman, Thomas M., RD #4, Irwin Calif.
Rodman, David L., RD #4, Irwin Calif.
Ruffner, George A., RD #1, Industry Rupp, William L., 28 E. Main, Adamstown Russell, Mrs. Ray H., Silver Acres Rabbitry,
RD #2. W. Greene Rd., Waterford Dutch Russell, Ray, Rt. 2, West Green Road,
Sanders, S. W., RD #1, Box 206, Kane
Sargent, Pearle B., Rt. 4, Union City
Sarvey, Paul, 1122 3rd St., Beaver
Saxe, Oscar W., RD #1, Hunlock Creek Flemish
Saxon, Andrew, RD #2. Red Lion
Sawyer, Leon A., RD #2, Phoenixville
Schilling, Leroy T., 607 Crosley Ave., Barnesboro
Schmidt, John, RD S4, Box 304, Irwin
Schnell, B. A., Box 221, RD #1, Fairview
Schooley, Arthur, RD S5, New Castle
Schwartz, B. D., Sr., RD #1, Harrisville
Scott, C. W., 4940 Buffalo Rd., Erie
Shauff, William E., Star Route, Tionesta
Shearer, Walter J., RD #1, Reinholds
Shelley, Allen A., RD #9, York
Shultz, Stanley E., RD S4, Lancaster
Sigler, Dale E„ RD #4, Bedford
Smith, Merlin L., RD #1, Nescopeck
Smith, Clarence, RD #1, Dalton R
Smith, John A., 56 W. 4th St., Pottstown Rex
Smith, Russell, Kulpsville
Snider, Charles O., Box 44, Fort London
Snyder’s Rabbitry, 750 Grant St.,
Hazleton Flemish
Snyder, Mrs. J. W., 750 Grant St., Hazleton Snyder, Earl C., 128 Manor Ave.,
Millersville R
Snyder, Harry, RD #2, Sellersville Snyder, Lamar. Dumar Farm, St. Johns Spier, Joseph, Kellers Church Sprenkle, George W.. 716 Franklin St.,
Window Park, York Sterner, J. Michael, RD #1,
Manchester N.Z., S. Mart.
Stineman, Ev, South Fork Stock, Thomas A., 4658 Village St., Erie Stoeckel, Gerhard P., 1440 Gordon St., Allentown Street, John, 328 Chase St.. Kane Strogan. George, RD #2. Halifax Styer, Stanley, Box 34. Mainland Swartz, Jesse V., 720 W. Philadelphia St., York Swartzbeck, Clyde, Box 97, Jamestown
Tabaka, John F., 727 E. 29th St., Erie Taylor, Hugh D., 45 Rolling Lane, Levittown Thayer, Clarence, 1320 West 34th St., Erie Thayer, Harold N„ 1320 West 34th St., Erie Thom, Albert, 686 Glen Rock, Bethel Park Thomas, Rev. Brother, C. O., 213 So. St.,
Wattsburg J&R, Palominos
Tobias, Floyd, 22 Washington St., Nazareth Toombs, Clayton, Duke Center N.Z.
Townsend, James, Sr., 883 Old Lancaster Rd., Berwyn
Trethaway, Harold H., 832 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre
Trick, D. A., RD #2, Hughesville R, N.Z.
Unruh, Robert, Skippack Ck. Giants
Very, Eugene C., RD #1, Box 3,
Smethport Ck. Giants
Von, C. W. “K”, RD #5, Lake Pleasant Rd.,
Erie N.Z., Satins
Wagner, Paul W., 49 E. Penn Ave., Alburtis Walizer, Stanley C., RD #1,
Lock Haven Flemish
Wallick, John, Jr., RD #1. Box 288, Moscow Warburton, C. Egerton, 578 Lancaster Ave., Berwyn
Weidler, Sylvester, 319 W. Caracas Ave., Hershey Welshko, Joseph S., 102 Highland, RD #1, Freeland
West, Frank, Columbus Ave., Hawley Westley, Frank, Rt. 18. Pottstown Wilhelm, Clinton A., RD #3, Bedford Williams, Lloyd, RD #1, Sugar Grove Williams, Wm. H., 144 Bellevue Rd.,
Pittsburgh 29
Wilson, Thomas W,, RD #1, Palmerton Witzel, Carl A., Linfield Wolf, A. S., 640 E. 33rd St., Erie Wolferd, Chester, RD #3, Lebanon Woodcock, J. S., 1319 7th St., Altoona
Yates, V. K., 228 Brook Street, Willow Grove 5
Zucker, Walter, RD #2, Sunbury
State Representative—
Arnold Collison, 43 Townsend St.,
West Barrington
Bowen, Edward S., 698 Buttonwoods Ave., Warwick
Burdick, Wayne, Western Hill Rabbitry, Nasonville
Burrows, Mrs. Ethel, 16 Stoneham St.,
Cranston 10
Cabral, Antone, 448 E. Hooper St.. N. Tiverton Collison, Arnold J., 43 Townsend St.,
W. Barrington
Cottingham, C. B., Jr., Qtrs. 17-B, Fort Adams, Newport
Crossley, Fred W., 64 Sayles Ave., Pascoag DeLalla, Michael. 28 Harding Ave., Johnston Ferreira, A. G., 47 Anthony Ave., Bristol Marquis, Joseph E., Box 137, Wyoming Martenson, Clark, 79 Lake Shore Dr.,
RD #1, Centerdale 11
Mowry, Mrs. Mary E., RR #3, Esmond Branch, Providence 17
Mundy, George, Homecrest Ave., Slatersville R Nightingale, Wm., Jr., Mt. Hygeia Rd.,
Glocester, RD #2, Chepachet N.Z.
Panciera. Charles, 90 Franklin St.,
Westerly N.Z.
Renfrew, R. A., 9 Elinora St., Riverside Sherman, Samuel R., Dixon Ave., Bristol Sherman, Mrs. Samuel R., Dixon Ave., Bristol Young, George H., RD #3, Woonsocket
State Representatives—
1. W. Parks Farrow—West, 913 Lake Ave.,
North Augusta
2. M. L. Love—East, P.O. Box 1250, Florence
Allison, Jack, Rt. 1, Box 246, Columbus Bolderson, Clayton W., 311 Woodlawn Ave. West, North Augusta R
Bush, H. I., 8 Linnet Loop, N. Augusta Callahan, Willis R., 3014 Park St., Columbia 2 Cribb, Jettie, Rt. 3, Florence
Farrow, W. P., 913 Lake Ave., N. Augusta J&R
Ferns, Don, 122 Glenwood Ave., Anderson
Hahn, F. W., Jr., P.O. Box 626, Greenwood
Hartz, H. C., Ridgeland
Hicks, M. H., 1109 Colleton St., Columbia 3
Hill, Medwell, Rt. 5, Box 241, Aiken
Hine, Earl F., 1509 Ousleydale, Hartsville
Jankowski, Casimir S., RR #1, Box 403, Beaufort
June, Robert, Rt. 5. Box 251-D, Sumter
La Grande, John, Box 1281, Columbia
Lockaby, John P., Columbia Baptist Church,
Rt. 3, Monea Path Love, M. L„ P.O Box 1250,
Florence R. Calif., Chin.
Pedings, James W., Rt. 1. Box 166. Columbia Rice, W. A., 104 Railroad St., Graniteville N.Z. Riddle, J. S„ 217 Chesterfield St.,
North Charleston Dut., Flem., Gt. Chin., N.Z. Rykard, Robert H.. Box 488, Greenwood R
Shealy, L. W., 2718 Westwood,
West Columbia R, English Spots
Smith, B. O., Rt. 4. Box 142, Florence Smith, M. C., 522 W. Broadway, Myrtle Beach Stalker, Asa Willard, 48 Alabama Dr.,
Charleston Hgts.
Talbent, O. K., RD #1. Oliver Springs Towery, Everett, 1707 Hill Drive, Aiken Wilson, Jack W., Rt. 2, Apalache Road, Greer
State Representative—
D. B. Huetson, 226 High St., Vermillion
Ball, Melvin, Box 72, Piedmont Ball, Mrs. Melvin H., Box 72, Piedmont Bartz, Brian D., 1502 S. 2nd St., Aberdeen Begalka, Elroy W., Box 243, Clear Lake Bloom, N. C., Rt. 1, Box 449, Yankton Branaugh, Ben, Box 284, Rt. 2, Yanketon Dunkleberger, M. C„ 2813 S. Holly, Sioux Falls Gates, DeWayne, 1012 S. 10th Ave., Sioux Falls Gretschman, John R., Springfield Knochenmus, R. V., Box 230, RD #3,
Sioux Falls N.Z.
Larson, Leonard G., 3114 S. Summit, Sioux Falls McFall, Paul W., Box 695, Rapid City McParland, Harold. North Sioux City Parish, Don, 110 N.E. 8th St., Madison Ramey, Roy, 433 E. Indiana St., Rapid City Roe, Mrs. Robert D., 1103 Blaine, Rapid City Roe, Robert D., 1103 Blaine Ave., Rapid City Ryken, Harold, 3105 So. Summit, Sioux Falls Serel, John, 2021 S. 1st Ave., Sioux Falls Stride, Harold E., 1705 West 11th, Sioux Falls Striech, Robert, 1207 S. Dakota Ave., Sioux Falls Wirshing, Frank, Rt. 2, Box 124-B, Rapid City
State Representatives—
1. Joe H. Godsey—East, 145 Goodson Ave.,
2. James L. Vaughters—West, 1872 Valley Blvd.,
Addair, H. W., 2541 Kimball Ave., Memphis Alexander, T. H., Jr., Rt. 2, James Ave.,
Alexander, G. C., Box 56, Manchester Allen, S. J., 203 Goddard St., Marysville Ault & Cochran Rabbit Ranch,
924 Stewart St., Knoxville Barham, Ray, 3503 2nd Ave., Chattanooga Betts, Hugh J., 911 Churchwell Ave., N.E., Knoxville R, N.Z., Dutch. Chin.,
Sable, Ck. Gt.
Blankenshin, H. M., c/o James Mill Co.,
1103 S. Market St., Knoxville Blazer, W. G., 3349 Bellevue St., N. E„
Knoxville 17
Bobbitt, Mrs. Gertrude, 3147 Nathan, Memphis Brazzell, James, J&M Rabbitry,
205 White Bridge Rd., Nashville N.Z.
Brown-Hartsfield Rabbitry, 2812 Buchanan, Nashville 8
Carter, Miss Freda C., Rt. 1, Peltier Rd., Knoxville
Cheka, Mrs. Joseph S., 4710 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville 16
Cox, Walter R., Rt. 1, Peltier Rd. Knoxville Delfino, J. A., 1613 Wells Station Road,
Memphis 8
Dowdle, R. L., Jr., 303 N. Spring St., Shelbyville Fiddler, W. C., 2912 Dunn Ave.,
Memphis 14 N.Z.
Fiscus, Charles A., 206 S. Perkins Rd.,
Memphis N.Z., Fox
Fitts, Wayne, RD #1, Cross Plains Fletcher, Basis R., Sr., Box 149 Manchester Foust, Curtis Hoover, RD #l, Lake City Godsey, Joe H., 145 Goodson Ave.,
Chattanooga J&R, N.Z., Chins.
Graves, Clay, Rt. 3, Corryton N.Z.
Griffin, John D., Waters Ave., Watertown Grizzard, V. B., 410 Donelson Pike,
Donelson N.Z.
Hackett, Henry Dennis, Rio Vista Drive, Madison
Hampton, James F., 1904 Newton St., S.E., Knoxville
Hastings, John M., 3945 Michael Rd.,
Memphis J&R, N.Z., Chin.
Henderlight, Hubert, Rt. 3, Coreyton N.Z., Calif.
Hickman, Al, Kingston Pike. Lenoir City Hill, Louis T., 3810 Catalpa, Knoxville Hitt, Chas. H., Rt. 6, Johnson City Huddleston, J. A., Box 103. Franklin R
Huggins, R. C., 28 Dequois Drive,
Chattanooga J&R
Johnson, Emory J., 945 W. Elm St., Erwin Junge, Walter, Box 314, Lewisburg Kress, Robert. 1203 Jetton Drive,
Murfreesboro N.Z.
Loy, Harley A.. Rt. 4, Clinton McLeroy, B. F., 2366 Twain St,. Memphis 14 McQuiston, Thomas, 124 Rock St., Nashville 7 Markham, J. R., P.O. Box 1, Camden Martinez, Vincente, P.O. Box 1234,
Watts Bar Dam
Mayer, R. E., 1444 So. Willett, Memphis Rex
Milam, L. T., Jr., 2178 Monroe Ave.,
Memphis 4 R, Calif.
Moore, James E., 1015 Curdwood Blvd., Nashville Natchez Street Rabbitry, 241 Natchez St.,
Nolen, Mrs. Fred, RFD #2, Box 246,
Porter, Charles, 39C7 Katherine, Nashville Posey, Luther, 4901 Knoxwood Drive, Knoxville Rhyne, Herman H., Rt. 4, Clinton N.Z.
Robbins, W. I., 514 Spears Ave.,
Chattanooga 5 N.Z.
Sandlin, Mrs. W. E„ Jr., RFD #2, Ripley Sandlin, W. E„ Jr., RFD #2, Ripley Scherrer, Paul J., 4908 Navy Rd., Millington Severance, F. W., 220 Garden Ave.,
Fountain City J&R, N.Z., Chin., Angoras
Shaub, E. P., 836 Inverness Ave., Nashville Shields, Roy W., Sr., Bluff Road, Brentwood Silverman, E. E., 2732 Jones Ave., Nashville 7 Smith, W. H., 2814 Painter Ave.,
Knoxville 19 J&R
Spears, J. Franklin, c o Texas Eastern Trans. Corp., RFD #5, Lebanon Sumner, Mrs. Kay, Rt. 18, Knoxville Sumner, C. A., Rt. 18, Knoxville N.Z.
Taylor, Mrs. Laura, Rt. 2, Louisville Taylor, Clyde N., P.O. Box 68, Maryville R
Thomas, A. B., Franklin Elementary School, Franklin
Tillery, R. A., 1606 E. 12th St.,
Chattanooga 4 J&R
Trew, Max A., Box 533, Englewood
Tucker, Larry B., Box 215, Lafayette Vaughters, Lowell, 1872 Valley Blvd., Memphis Vaughters, Keith, 1872 Valley Blvd., Memphis Vaughters, Norma, 1872 Valley Blvd.,
Memphis English, Rex
Vaughters, James, 1872 Valley Blvd.,
Memphis J&R, Rex
Weidlein, R. F., 956 Chamblisa Road,
Whitehaven J&R
Welch, Roy, 5111 Alabama Ave., Nashville Williams, B. O., Sr., Nolinsville Wood, Cecil, 2821 Vaulx Lane, Nashville Wright, W. H., Jr., 821 Inez St., Memphis J&R Young, Howard, RFD #7, Sparta
State Representatives—
1. Charles O’Dell—No. West, Box 1948, Amarillo
2. J. F. Butler—So. West, 1028 Drexel Ave.,
San Antonio
3. R. B. Hopkins—No. East, 5909 Midway,
Fort Worth
4. C. E. Ogg, Rt. 3, Box 64, Orange Abbott, J. B., Sr., 158 Fennel Drive,
San Antonio N.Z.
Adams, Harold, Box 1382, Lubbock R
Adams, Claudine, 3524 Park Drive, Nederland Adams, Wayne N., 3524 Park Dr., Nederland Adams, F. E., Rt. 1, Box 89-D, Alta Loma Adams, Mrs. F. E„ Rt. 1, Box 89-D, Alta Loma Albrecht, Martin S., 610 Land Rd., La Marque Allamon, G. W., Rt. 3, Box 262-G, Austin 5 Allen, William A., Rt. 1, Box 151-C, Orange Allen, Dr. G. D., 7609 Parkland Dr..
El Paso N.Z., Rex, Himalayan
Allen, Drew, Camp Woodland Springs,
Rt. 1, Hawkins
Allen, R. D., 4717 Laura Koppe,
Houston N.Z., Calif.
Allen, Mrs. R. D., 4717 Laura Koppe,
Houston N.Z., Calif.
Anderson, Billie Marie, Rt. 1, Box 101, Riesel Anderson, John D., Rt. 1, Snyder Armke, R. H., Rt. 3, Box 185. Vidor N.Z., Calif. Armke, Marcyl James, Rt. 3, Box 185, Vidor Barnard, J. M., P.O. Box 664, Vidor Barrow, Gordon L., Box 185, Qu mado Bassett, L. E„ 10002 Lansdown, Dallas 17 Beattie, Ray V., Rt. 1, Box 45-A, Quail Belcher, Lawrence, 2500 N. Mirror St., Amarillo Bennett, Mrs. Earl K,, Rt. 3, Box 221-C,
San Antonio
Bennett, Earl K., Rt. 3, Box 221-C, San Antonio Bernard, E. R., Jr., 4090 El Paso, Beaumont Berry, Robert W., 521 N. Calvert,
Spar N.Z., Dutch
Bevan, Semont, 3915 Avenue M, Galveston Bickerstaff, W. W., 414½ Travis, Houston Bingle, Mrs. Alma, 1355½ Doucette St,,
Bobo, Emmet, 1306 Tidwell Rd., Houston Bohnenblust, John H., 261 Angella St.,
San Antonio
Boutin, Joe, Box 2121, Port Neches Bradshaw, G. W., 6411 Eden Dr., Fort Worth Brady, W. W., Rt. 13, Box 636, San Antonio Britton, F. D., 307 Edna, Weatherford Brown, Lawrence H., Rt. 6, Box 19, Austin Bryant, Donald R., 926 24 Avenue No. Texas City Burge, J. H., P.O. Box 25, Mineola Burkhead, Eugene, 103 West 11th St., San Angelo Burnham, Olin, 425 Avery, Midland Burns, A. R., P.O. Box 2462, Longview Butler, J. F., 1028 Drexel Ave., San Antonio Butler, Mrs. J. F., 1028 Drexel Ave., San Antonio Calvert, C. E., P.O. Box 481, Velasco Carr, Billy R., Box 38, Star Route, Olney Carr, Robert R., Rt. 1, Box 450 Azle Carter, K. A., Rt. 7, Box 3, Lubbock Caudle, M. H., 2800 N. Bois d’Arc, Tyler Childs, Mrs. George H., 6008 Lark, Fort Worth Childs, George H., 6008 Lark, Fort Worth The Circle R Rabbitry, Rt. 7, Box 290,
Lubbock Eng., Satins, Dutch
Clark, Joe M., 4310 Feagan St., Houston 7 Clark, Betty G., 4310 Feagan St., Houston 7 Clark, Clyde J., 202 Willis Ave., Yoakum R
Clem, Jas. Michael, 1821 N.W. Dallas St.,
Grand Prairie
Clift, Richard, No. Dilworth Rd.,
Rt. 1, Harlinger
Clifton, James William, Rt. 1, Box 86-J,
Coe, Mrs. Elmer, Box 618, Anthony Collier, C. E., Rt. 12, Box 727-A, Houston Cook, Mrs. B. I., 338 So. Fleming, Dallas N.Z. Copper, Robert A., 410 A East 19th, Amarillo Cornelius, Paul S., 209 E. College St., Sherman Cramer, Joe, 330 Blevins, Fort Worth Crook, Mrs. E. L., 3932 N. 22nd, Waco Crook, E. L., 3932 N, 22nd, Waco
Cryer, W. L., 949 Drexel Ave.,
San Antonio 10 R
Curda, Robert E., Rt. 1, Box 71, Azle Curnutte, Robert O., Box 393, Bishop Am. Chin. Danner, Gordon E., RFD, Pipe Creek Darby, Ben L., P.O. Box 351, Van Darrah, Wm. L., 1115 La Paloma, Amarillo Davidson, C. R., 1213 33rd St.,
Wichita Falls N.Z.
Davis, Irvin L., Junction Star Route, Kerrville Dehert, Mrs. Leonard, 933 Martin, Waco Dehert, Leonard, 933 Martin, Waco Dennis, Carroll W., 1901 Butternut St., Abilene Devorsky, R. H., Rt. 9, Box 1175, Waco Diaz Alfonso C., E 5725 El Nido Rd., El Paso Dobbins, R. K., 1516 Delgado, San Antonio Dobbs, T. C., Rt. 6, Box 247, Nachogdoches Dominey, Alvin G., P.O. Box 958, Huntington Eastham, Lynn, 2665 11th St., Beaumont R
Eastham, Carrie, 2665 11th St. Beaumont Ellison, P. D., Jr., 1142 West 19th St.,
Houston 8 R
Engholm, Timotheus G., 5201 6th St., Port Arthur Engholm, Mrs. Alma, 5201 6th St.,
Port Arthur N.Z.
Esmond, H. A., Rt. 4, Box 272, Beaumont Esmond, Mrs. H. A., Rt. 4, Box 272, Beaumont Estes, Joe M., 1318 N. 15th, Temple Evans, W. L,, 701 W. Texas, Denison R
Fairchild, Mrs. E. E., 518 Ramsey Road,
San Antonio N.Z., Dutch
Fairchild, E. E., 518 Ramsey Road,
San Antonio R
Faulk, Mrs. Glada, 8195 Washington Blvd., Beaumont
Fellabaum, Eddy, Box 73, Balmorhea Fellabaum, Mrs. Eddy, Box 73, Balmorhea Ferguson, Kenny, Rt. 1, Box 391, Wharton Finck, Bill, 6000 West Avenue, San Antonio Fitzgerald, Sam, Rt. 11, Box 200, Fort Worth Ford, Robert E., 810 Aganier, San Antonio Freasier, Ben F., Box 2050, Tex A & I, Kingsville Galloway, Howard E„ Rt. 7, Box 295, Lubbock Geddes, D. E., 5025 Avenue R½, Galveston Geddes, Mrs. D. E., 5025 Avenue R½, Galveston Gibson, Lawrence J., Jr., 1210 Pierce St., Houston Giffey, Charles, 166 Comal Ave., New Braunfels Grate, T Sgt., N. H., 2220 Front St., Amarillo Gray, L. S., 13706 Duncum, Houston Calif.
Gray, Peggy, 13706 Duncum, Houston Calif.
Griffin, H. L„ 1807 Michigan, Dallas 16 Griggs, Richard F., 6101 Friendswood Dr.,
Austin J&R, N.Z., Champs.
Grunt, Ray, 2416 So. Lamar, Austin 4 J&R
Gunn, R. A., c/o Gunn Bros., Box 270, Barger Gunn, Pat, 1319 Kimbro, Taylor Hall, Charles W., Box 182, Ore City Halvorsen, Oscar B., 7036 Avenue K, Houston 11 Haney, Marilyn, Rt. 9, Box 122, Fort Worth Harden, I. L., 849 Magnolia St., Lake Jackson Harrell, Mrs. Dan, 8816 Georgian Dr.,
Austin Dutch
Harrell, Dan, 8816 Georgian Dr., Austin Calif. Harrison, Troy E., Box 77, Quemado Helgeson, Cecil T., P.O. Box 108, Alvin Herring, W. C., 833 E. N. 14th, Abilene Herrington, Mrs. Arcola, 839 Tennessee Ave., Palestine
Herzfeld, Ernest, 4319 Avenue L, Galveston Herzfeld, Mrs. Ernest, 4319 Avenue L, Galveston Hibbs, K. W„ 113 Rose Dr., Amarillo Hilburn, N. C., 1430 E. Shady Grove Rd.,
Hill, R. D., 13354 Indianapolis, Houston 15
Hill, W. R., 903 N. Tyler, Amarillo
Hill, Mrs. W. R., 903 N. Tyler, Amarillo
Hill, Mrs. B. F., 1603 N. Roberts, Amarillo
Hill, Benny F., 1603 N. Roberts, Amarillo J&R
Holder, W. M., Rt. 3, Ennis
Holley, W. J., 1236 Ross Ave., La Marque
Hope, Archie E., Rt. 6, Box 244-B,
Lubbock Calif.
Hopkins, Tony, 276 Pecos Rd., El Paso Hopkins, R. B., 5909 Midway,
Fort Worth J&R, N.Z.
Hopkins, Mrs. R. B., 5909 Midway, Fort Worth Hopson, C. M., P.O. Box 362, Victoria Horton, Mrs. Horace, Star Route,
Box 106, Liberty
Houseman, A. F., 503 Chandler Drive, Baytown Howard, M. B., 208 N. Second St., La Porte Hubbard, Morgan R., 314 First Nat’l Bank Bldg., Abilene
Hudson, Mrs. L. A., 44C6 Travis, Houston 2 Hummel, Eloise, RR #4, Palestine Humphrey, W. B., Rt. 1, Box 786, Mesquite Hunt, J. T., City of Refuge, Lexington James, Lloyd C., Box 6, Clarkwood Johnston, Mrs. Myrtle, 1315 Harding,
Wichita Falls N.Z.
Johnston, Richard L., 7744 Acapulco, El Paso Jones, Clyde J., 3300 A Grady St., Fort Worth Jones, Jimmy, 414 E. Avenue “F”, Killeen
Jones, I. L., 2719 Nebraska St., San Antonio Keefer, Clarence L., Rt. 2, Box 259-C, Burleson Keene, Oliver F. C., 269 Cheryl Dr., W„
San Antonio R
Kemper, George, Rt. 1, Box 651, Odessa Kilgore, Chuck, 218 Wilkins St., P.O. Box 934.
League City Dutch
Kincaid, W. B., 4020 Fernwood, Dallas N.Z., Rex King, A. L., 3651 Neuches, Amarillo Kirkland, Capt. Parks (Ret’d) 7359 Dunkirk, Houston
Koenig, Mrs. Iris F. M., 1603 Menefee Blvd.,
San Antonio 7 N.Z.
Kramer, A., 2303 McAllister Rd., Houston Calif. Kunz, Erwin, 1223 W. Theo, San Antonio La Grone, Mrs. Mary Alice, 207 Third St.,
Bland Add., Orange
Lahrssen, H. J., 11438 Fairmont, Houston 25 R Lane, Rev. Herbert, 1819 Sabine Pass Beaumont N.Z.
Langley, Milo, 330 Rose Bud, Corpus Christi
Large, James Martin, 1110 Portland Ave., Abilene Lathrop, L. E., Box 679, RR #1, Humble Latimer, H. H., 4502 Shackelford St.,
Fort Worth 5
Leas, Hadley M., Box 778, JCAFB, Waco
Lee, B. W., Rt. 2, Box 171, Gatesville
Lord, W. A., 4818 Bonner Dr., Corpus Christi Loveland, Mrs. Price, 5314 Lampass, Houston 19 Lovelady, Price, 5314 Lampass,
Houston 19 J&R, N.Z.
Loyd, Joseph E., 303 Brookside, Bryan N.Z.
Lucas, M Sgt. Lee R., 1631 Menfee Blvd.,
San Antonio 7
Luesley, H. S. (Dick), Box 4477, Sta. A, Dallas 8 Lunar, F. W„ 4316 Little York Road,
Houston 16, Texas Lyon, R. L., Box 324, Coolidge
McClung, R. L., Jr., Box 727, Seymour N.Z. McCuan, Noble, Jr., Rt. 2, Grapevine R, Calif. McCuistion, Dr. W. R., 1101 Mistletoe Dr.,
Fort Worth 1
McDonald, Henry C., 9 S. Date, Pcrryton R McGirk, James A., P.O. 286, Denison McIntosh, Dennis, Box 97-A, Kirkwood Rd., Alief McMillan, Exal D., Box 573, Cross Plains McRae, Murdo, Rt. 13, Box 155 San Antonio Maddocks, Mrs. Hiram, 2214 Hopper Road,
Houston 16
Maddocks, Hiram, 2214 Hopper Road, Houston 16 Maples, Mary Helen, Jr., Box 71, Hart Marburger, H. W., 3031 Harlandale,
Dallas 16 R, Silver Martens
Marcom, Robert, Box 446, O’Donnell Marshall, Jimmy, 2490 Gladys St., Beaumont Marshall, J. B,, Jr., 2490 Gladys St., Beaumont Martin, Roy, Jr., 4000 Circle Drive, Vernon Martin, C. W., Box 757, Crowley Maxwell, B. G., Rt. 2. Box 422, Irving May Rabbitry, P.O. Box 976, San Antonio 6 May, Richard, Box 976, San Antonio Medina, Dan, 2819 West Salinas St.,
San Antonio 7 N.Z.
Milliorn, Clarence A., Rt. 2, Clyde Mook, Robert D., Rt. 2, Box 181,
Beaumont N.Z., Dutch
Moore, Kirk R., 1909 Buchanan St.,
Wichita Falls J&R, N.Z., Dutch
Morris, James M., 420 13th Avenue North,
Texas City
Moser, Lawrence E., 1506 Story, Houston 24 Mouer, Bobby, Rt. 1, Box 29, Azle Nichols, Mrs. W. C., 810 Vernon, Amarillo Nichols, W. C., 810 Vernon, Amarillo Norman, James R., 417 Breese Blvd.,
San Antonio 9
Norris, Hugh H., 8723 Sultan Drive, Houston 28 O’Dell, Chas. A., P.O. Box 1948,
Amarillo J&R
Ogg, Alma A., Rt. 3, Box 64,
Orange Ck. Gt., N.Z., Dutch, Calif.
Ogg, C. E„ Rt. 3, Box 64,
Orange Ck. Gt., N.Z., Dutch, Calif.
O’Haver, Homer, 5025 Haden Road. Beaumont R O’Haver, Velma 5025 Haden Road. Beaumont Ontman, Jack, 524 Mauer Drive, El Paso Papasan, W. C., 2312 Kinney Road, Austin 4 Parker, Francis R., 1405 Lincoln, Amarillo Parsons, W. D., 4000 Beverly Dr., Waco Parsons, Mrs. W. D., 4000 Beverly Dr., Waco Passmore, Olin, 2500 N. Mirror St., Amarillo Pattie, C. E., Rt. 4, Box 360, Fort Worth Pepper, D. A., 433 W. Broad, Mineola R
Pergande, Mrs. Olive, 2247 Frio City Rd.,
San Antonio
Perkins, Granville, 2626 Hollis, Houston 16 Perry, H. E., Rt. 1, Box 726-A, Brownsville Petmecky, E. H., 1323 W. Thompson Pl.,
San Antonio 7 R
Petterson, V. H., 1301 Daugherty, Waco Phillips, Henry, Rt. 2, Box 221, Taylor
Phillips, William R., Rt. 12, Box 504-A,
Houston 17
Phy, Bob, Rt. 11, Box 825, Fort Worth Pitts, C. A., Box 45, Clarendon Plummer, Lavern B., Box 1405, San Angelo Pollock, William H., Rt. 10, Box 312, Fort Worth Poston, Don, 1013 Maxfield, Waco Price, S. B., 8207 Buchanan, Houston Raesener, Monroe W., P.O. Box 511, Llano Rathke, Mrs. C. J., Rt. 1, Box 145C, Alta Loma Reagan, Stewart B., Rt. 2, Box 162, Lampasas Rhodes, Roland Enos, 734 Sue Barnette Dr., Houston 18
Rhyne, H. D., 1021 Savage Lane, Corpus Christi Richter, Ben, 2412 Edna, Waco Richter, Mrs. Ben, 2412 Edna, Waco Rivera, Mrs. A., 740 Chamberlain Dr., Beaumont Roberts, Mrs. Ellen A., 2755 Grand, Beaumont Roberts, William, 2755 Grand, Beaumont Calif. Roberts, Mrs. Henry, 902 S. Montgomery St., Sherman
Roberts, Henry, 902 S. Montgomery St.,
Robinson, Earl C., Box 186, Tehuacana Robinson, Jack A., Star Route, Anthony Rogers, Richard A., 4902 Kosarek, Corpus Christi Rogers, Sadie I., Glen Rose Star Route, Granbury Rosenberg, T. E., 1337 Oroile Dr., Mesquite N.Z. Roten, Jack, 2531 Wentworth, Dallas 11 Rutledge, John P., 807 Crown St., Galena Park San-Tex Laboratory Farm,
Rt. 5, Box 153, San Antonio Sasse, Harry N., P.O. Box 24, Vanderbilt Saxon, V. L., 3530 No. 19th St., Waco Saye, T. C., Box 145, Clarendon N.Z,
Scarlet, Wash, P.O. Box 684, Bryan Schlueter, Dennis Lee, 5306 Neer, San Antonio Schutze, L. A., 3910 Cotswold St., Houston J&R Scott, Mrs. R. M., 1506 N. Mks. Loop, Baytown Scott, R. J., Rt. 13, Box 156, San Antonio Scott, Stanley, RFD #13, Box 156, San Antonio Seiloff, Paul, 9 Blelia, Waco Settle, L. E., 2710 55th St.,
Lubbock R, N.Z., Rex
Shackelford, John R., P.O. Box 348, Freeport Shackelford, Mrs. John R., P.O. Box 348, Freeport Sharp, Henry H., 803 W. Gilmer St., Ennis Shoemate, Ras, 1207 Plum St., Graham Singleton, Bill, 205 S. Allen, Marshall Smith, Alvin E., Rt. 1, Box 213, Grandview Smith, H. C„ 13222 Hardy St., Houston 16 Calif. Smith, Coyt, 2041 Jameson St., Abilene Smith, Lawrence R., 913 Avenue A, Freeport Soucy, L. J., Box 304, Panhandle R
Spence, Doris, 1313 Woodbine, Waco Spence, H. M., 1313 Woodbine, Waco R
Spence, Austin, 509 Saunders, Gatesville Spires, Truman E., 2005 Douglas St., Midland Spruill, Euell L., Box 516, Van R, N.Z., Dutch Stark, J. D., Rt. 4, Box 274, Beaumont R
Stark, Mrs. Evelyn, Rt. 4, Box 274, Beaumont Stearman, A. R., 8226 Suetelle Dr., Dallas 17 Steddum, H. L., Box 695, Olden Stephens, E. T., 1826 Wayside Drive,
Texas City
Stevens, Floyd, Panhandle Stokes, Johnny, Rt. 1, Amherst Story, Jack, 164 Pioneer, San Antonio Story, Fred A., Box 648, Childress Sutton, James, 3611 5th St., Bay City Tarrant, Andy Artie, Box 1818, Pampa Tarver, Albert, P.O. Box 461, Rocksprings Taylor, B. C., Box 96, Garland R N.Z.
Taylor, Harlan Keith, 101 Cox Ave., Monahans Taylor, Hollis, 7681 Walnut Road, El Paso Teal, Leona E., 8513 Furray Road, Houston 16 Teasdale, A., 5723 Airline Dr., Houston Thompson, D. C., Rt. 2, Box 170-A,
Beaumont N.Z.
Tomek, Jimmie, 125 DeGeorge St., Genoa Ck. Gts. Travis, Mrs. Alan D., 4025 Kosla, Dallas Travis, Alan D., 4025 Kusla, Dallas Triangle S Rabbit Ranch, Box 38, Panhandle Tuter, J. H., 1212 E. Turret, Orange Urban, Frank, 305 N.E. 29th St., Grand Prairie Upp, H. H., 2117 Glencrest Dr., Fort Worth J&R Vaughan, J. J., 709 May St., Palestine R
Vaughan, Rance Lee, Rt. 1, Box 73, Buda N.Z. Vaughan, Marlett, Rt. 1, Box 73, Buda N.Z.
Walker, Johnny, 1407 Joliet St., Plainview Wallace, Wally, 5706 Yupon St., Bellaire J&R Washington County Produce, Box 179, Brenham Webb, George R., 2912-R, Galveston Weisshank, F. W., Box 27, Port Bolivar Wheeler, C. A., 126 Leigh St., San Antonio 3 Whitaker, Tom, P.O. Box 897,
Abilene R, Flemish
White, Mrs. Clinton M., Rt. 1, Box 478, Odessa Wiggins, Mrs. C., Jr., Rt. 1, Ben Wheeler Wiggins, Jack, 5236 Locke, Fort Worth Williams, R. B., Box 236, Helates Williams, C. D., 6531 Emhouse, Dallas N.Z.
Wilson, Mrs. Byron, 825 Lilius St., Abilene Wilson, Bryon, 825 Lilius St., Abilene Wilson, Albert, 2710 Fordhave, Dallas 16 N.Z. Wolfe, E. O., 202 Stewart St.,
Baytown N.Z., Himalayan
Wood, R. T., Box 676, Claude Wood, Robert, 1517 San Francisco St.,
San Antonio 1 R
Woolery, Perry, 9221 Roy Bean Dr., Houston 24 Wurz, Lonie F., 2523 Kimsey Dr., Dallas 35
State Representative--
Geo. Scott, 7951 7th East, Rt. 2, Sandy
Cobler, Phillip L., 6199 So. 6th West St., Murray
Bowler, H. D., Box 138-A, Springville
Bragg, L. G., Box 112, Garland
Brown, Marvin, 4571 S. 1900 West, Roy R, N.Z.
Brown, Norman, 1450 No. 1160 West, Provo N.Z.
Cannon, Glen B., 559 Garden Ave.,
Salt Lake City 6
Christensen, M. K., 526 N. 9th West, Orem Ford, John W., Box 71, Kanab Garringer, W. A., 3142 So. 9000 West, Magna Garringer, Dale, 1230 W, 4910 So., Murray Glover, Jerry A., 536 South 3rd East,
Salt Lake City
Goodrich, John, 230 E. 4th North, Orem Grant, Arthur R., 835 East 45th So.,
Salt Lake City
Greenhalgh, Henry L., 7292 So. State St., Midvale Gull, LeRoy T., 231 So. 1st E., Spanish Fork Heaton, Jonathan D., 2003 Douglas St.,
Salt Lake City
Hutchings, Robert, 875 N. 1 W., Spanish Fork Heri, Franz, 755 E. 8th N, Logan Satins
Howard, Cliff, 316 No. 10th St., E, Spanish Fork Ingold, Klara S., 674 E. 7th N, Logan Jefferies, Archie, 3856 S. 5200 W, Salt Lake City Johnston, J. W„ 248 W. 2nd St., Ogden N.Z.
Jonathan, Brother, 2003 Douglas St.,
Salt Lake City Juzeler, Ronald,
Hyrum Chin., N.Z., Rex., Ck. Gt.
Kartchner, Eugene C., 312 4th St., Ogden Keenan, Charles R., 130 E. 4th St., So.,
Spanish Fork
Leeuwenburg, Peter M., 2050 E. 39th S.,
Salt Lake City J&R, N.Z., Champs.
MacDiarmid, Kenneth E., General Delivery,
Mansfield, Jacob M., Lapoint Maxwell, Morris, 3495 West 3500 So.,
Salt Lake City
Mowrey, Jack, Rt. 1, Spanish Fork
Pulsipler, W. S., 326 E. Center, Logan Ck. Gt.
Richins, Fred, 360 E. 14 So., Springville
Rowe, Owen B., 40 N. 11th E, Spanish Fork
Saline, Kenneth, 669 E. 5 N, Logan
Schlapfer, Leonard, Manti
Scott, George M., 7951 So. 7th E, Box 134-A,
Rt. 2, Sandy
Seldon, W. A., Box 166, Provo R
Smith, Chad F., 407 West 2nd So., Smithfield Smith, Gerald, Rt. 1, Spanish Fork Whitmore, Rich, Box 2099, Salt Lake City J&R Woodbury, Don, 3416 West 3500 So.,
Salt Lake City
State Representative—
Marvin F. Carley, 216 Canal St., Brattleboro Baker, John J., RD #1, Bennington R
Benard, Ed, RFD, E. Pittsford Rd., Rutland Bevan, David A., View Point Farm, Danville Bevan, Susan D., RFD #1, Danville Bryne, Barrie, 104 Strong Ave., Rutland Bushey, Harold, RFD #2, Vergennes Butson, S. W.,
Athens N.Z., Dutch, Polish, Martens
Carley, Mrs. Marvin, 216 Canal St., Brattleboro Carley, Marvin F., 216 Canal St.,
Brattleboro J&R
Chenaille, Mrs. Olive, RFD #1
Valley View Gardens, Bennington Dodge, Marvin, Box 73, Brandon Heiberg, Frank, P.O. Box 242, Ludlow N.Z.
Lagace, Zeno Edward, RD S2, Alburg Springs Marandola, Leo, c/o Hotel Newport, Newport Mott, Richard, Star Route, East Barre Mulberry, Mrs. Walter, Middle Road,
No. Clarendon
Mulberry, Walter, Middle Road,
North Clarendon Polish, Chins.
Noble, R. A., 27 Park St., Rutland R, N.Z.
Pisanelle, Anthony, No. Clarendon Richards, Vern, 118 Crescent St., Rutland 6 Rondeau, Emile, 127 Maple St., Rutland
Schalk, E. C„ RFD #1, Windsor Schwartzenbach, E. J., Chester Road, Grafton Weston, Frederic A., RFD #1,
Underhill N.Z., Calif.
Wheeler, Abbie, c/o Joseph Weaver, RFD #1, Ira Woodward, Geneva S., RFD #1, East Montpelier
State Representative—
John T. McLain, 2742 Center Ave., Roanoke Adams, J. W., Box 127, Brookneal Adams, Richard R., Rt. 1, Box 63-A, Falmouth Angel, Gene N., Rt. 2, Gladys Ashcroft, J. W., 200 Carolina Ave., Portsmouth Basinger, C. L., RFD #4, Harrisonburg Bean, Mrs. Marie, RFD #1, Bumpass Brown, James W., Jr., 342 Mill St.,
Portsmouth J&R, N.Z., Flemish
Brunk, Thomas R,, 540 Kessler Mill Road, Salem Bull, Charles L., 138 Shoe Lane, Warwick Calif. Carter, Ross F., Cankismet Farm, Quinton N.Z. Clark, Mrs. H. P., 204 Geech St., Roanoke Cole, Mrs. Thomas L„ RD #1, Box 5, Oakton Cote, Lucien A., Personnel Office 3005, USNavPhiBase, Little Creek Curtis, Horace M., 401 East Jeffrson St.,
Falls Church R Hwt. Chins.
Dalquest, A. B., Jr., Rt. 2, Box 6, Ashland Dutch Deane, Frank S., Rt. 1, Box 706, Annandale Donald, Joseph Harold, RFD s2, Box 355,
Airport Rd., Lynchburg Eley, William R., Jr., 186½ Cedar St., Suffolk Farmer, Guy F,, Rt. 1, Halifax Foster, W. A., Box 186, Rt. 1, Hickory Foutz, Butch, 801 Queen Ave., Roanoke Franklin, Wm. J., 924 Cavalier Dr.,
Bucknell Manor, Alexandria Gregory, A. J., 1063 Hugo Ave., Norfolk J&R Halloway. Florence, 4402 Richeson, Richmond 24 Halloway, J. E., 4402 Richeson, Richmond 24 Hancock, Morris L,, 2423 Bay Ave., Hampton Hartmann, Leona M., RFD S3, Box 230, Spotsylvania
Hickman, Alberta, RFD #4, Box 50, Amelia Hickman, Frank P., RFD #4. Box 50, Amelia Hill, Russell H„ 5505 Kirby Rd., Falls Church Horne, Paul R., RFD #1, Smithfield Hrametz, Joe, Box 747, Pocahontas Jester, Mrs. Sara H., Box 693, Chatham Jett, T. W., 2606 Colonial Ave., S.W., Roanoke Johnson, Eugene, P.O. Box 230, Manassas Jones, Carroll M., 334 N. Galveston St., Arlington Jouget, Fred W., Sr., RFD #2, Box 292, Chester Krauss, Fred William, Jr., 4511 E. Main St., Richmond 23
Kulp, Joseph R., Rt. 1, Box 108, Lovettsville Landis, B. D,, 1136 W. Gosport Rd., Portsmouth Landrum, Clarence L., Jr., RFD #5, Box 137-A, Richmond
Lynn, Chas. A., 2205 Beech Ave., Buena Vista
Lytz, C. W., RFD #1, Bristol
McLain, Mary Gladys, 2742 Center Ave.,
N.W., Roanoke 17 McLain, John 2742 Center Ave.,
Roanoke 17 J&R, Bel. Hares, Flem., N.Z.,
Dutch, Polish
Mahanes, R. W., 7308 Duke St., Alexandria Meadors, Edward S., Jr., 1700 North 23rd St., Richmond 23 Calif., N.Z.
Miller, Howard E., 122 Mulberry St., Staunton Mowbray, G. E., Jr., Rt. 2, Box 177,
Glen Allen Calif., Satins
Oranger, Edward J., Rt. 5, Box 651, Roanoke Ours, Randall S., Broadway Owens, William W., 840 Harpersville Road, Warwick
Parrish, W. C., 250 E. Center St., Manassas Parrish, Mrs. W. C., 250 E. Center St., Manassas Phillips, Forest Clifton, Jr., RFD #1,
Box 135, Bumpass
Plitt, Bryant W., RFD #1, Purcellville Plunkett, Lowell W., 430 Parkdale Dr., Salem Robertson, Virgil L., P.O. Box 4001, Lynchburg Shew’s Rabbitry, Box 26, Louisa Shingler, Stanley, 17 Garrow Road, Denbigh Sinclair, Jimmy, RFD S4, Box 427, Salem Sinclair, Mrs. Betty, Rt. 4, Box 427, Salem Smith, Thomas H., 3101 Glenoa Rd.,
Richmond 23 Calif., Dutch
Solonevich, George, RFD S7, Box 281-A, Roanoke Taber, Harry G., Rt. 1, Box 260, Hampton Satins Tickle, Mrs. R. H., 3640 Colonial Ave., Roanoke Tickle, R. H., 3640 Colonial Ave., Roanoke Tyree, John R., 3205 Bonton Ave., Richmond Williams, Charles, Bowling Green N.Z., Calif. Wilson, N. A., P.O. Box 836, Danville Winthrop-St. Gery, Rhett, Box 25-Rt. 3, Herndon Wolfe, W. J., 24 North Elm Ave., Portsmouth Yoder, R. K., Denbigh
Zazzaretti, Michael, 305 N. 9th Ave., Hopewell
State Representatives—
Barbara Lang, Rt. 1, Box 334, Oak Harbor Mrs. Margaret Hopf, Rt. 6, Spokane Alberts, Arthur, W 1211 Cora, Spokane Birge, C. L., Rt. 1, Box 93, Kennewick Blain, Roland D., Rosburg Brown, Gene, E 10919 Empire, Spokane 6 Brown, Russell, 16821 S.E. 128th St., Penton Carlstrom, Len, 4302 53rd Ave., N.E., Tacoma 22 Castleman, Mrs. L. W., 1003 Nipsic Ave.,
Bremerton R
Cearley, Donald, 922 North 13th St., Walla Walla Collinge, C. Gordon, 25433 22nd So.,
Kent Flemish Giants
Dahlberg, Russell, Rt. 1, Box 261-A,
Spanaway N.Z.
Dhaenens, Tom, 1404 So. Evergreen Road,
Dietsch, Sharon, Box 305, Leavenworth Dutch
Doerner, Mrs. June, 13248 Ambaum Rd.,
Seattle R
Durdle, Lorayne, Trout Lake Durdle, R. V., Box 1516, White Salmon Emmerson, Wm. M., E-8414 Harrington Ave., Spokane 62 R
Ensign, Roger E., 7729 12th, S.W., Seattle 6 Fallon, Virgil, Rt. 5, Box 731, Tacoma Flesner, Mrs. R. D., Rt. 1, Box 134, Chewelah Freeman, Gale, Box 4, Cowiche Callaway, George R., General Delivery,
Geiszler, Allen, 8702 S. 364th St., Auburn Grindstaff, Ray, S 104 Audubon St., Spokane 43 Hamer, Grey, Rt. 1, Box 131, Everett Hargrave, Terry, E 10415 Balfour Ct., Spokane Hawkins, Charles, Rt. 1, Box 176, Long Beach Hay, Kenneth M., 7632 S. 126th St., Seattle 88 Heydenberk, Warren G., 3911 Englewood,
Yakima R, N.Z.
Hopf, Margaret, Rt. 6, Spokane Hopf, Henry, Rt. 6, Spokane Hunter, Vincent, Rt. 1, Box 48,
Brush Prairie R, Champs.
Jensen, H. M., Rt. 1, Box 1740 Rocky Terr., Alderwood
Johnson, Grace B., 3911 Englewood, Yakima Johnson, Donald R., Rt. 1, Box 659, Clarkston Kennedy, Thomas L., Rt. 2, Box 50-D,
Alderwood Manor Kibbe, Wallace, Rt. 4, Box 114,
Puyallup N.Z., Calif.
Knapman, Kenneth, Rt. 2, Box 11-A,
Port Angeles R
Knowles, F. John, Rt. 1, Box 233-A, Walla Walla Lang, Jack, Rt. 1, Box 334, Oak Harbor Lang, Barbara, Rt. 1, Box 334, Oak Harbor LaRock, Larry Lynn, Rt. 1, Box 426, Richland Leland, Richard, 7205 E. Mission, Spokane Liles, M. J., Marlton Farms, Rt. 10,
Box 176, Olympia
Little, Gilbert, 4415 E. 7th, Spokane Little, M. J., RR #1, Arlington Lloyd, Glenn, Rt. 1, Box 403, Coupeville Loutzenhiser, Ethel, Rt. 5, Spokane N.Z., Calif. McCool, J. Parley, Mtd. Rt. 1, Burbank Hgts., Pasco
Mead, W. Damon, So. 424 Jefferson,
Medical Lake Calif., N.Z., Flemish
Nicholson, Bruce, 7239 So. 131st, Seattle 88 Noyes, Clinton, 313 W. Helena, Ellensburg Overhauser, A. W., 931 E. Francis, Spokane 23 Overhauser, Mrs. Vivian, 931 E. Francis,
Spokane 23
Packer, Harry, E 17719 Cataldo, Greenacres Parish, John, 719 5th St., N.E., Puyallup Parker, Arleigh, Rt. 1, Box 581, Clarkston Parsons, Fred E., N 9825 Div., Spokane Peabody, Max, Rt. 4, Box 38, Port Orchard Pinkley, John Phillip, 153C Beacon Ave., Renton Quick, Horace F., 4311 No. East 43rd Ave.,
Quint, Victor Tony, 10214 37th Pl., SW,
Seattle 66
Ringer, Doris E., Rt. 3, Box 397, Snohomish Schutter, Prosper, Rt. 1, Brewster Sigafoos, Herbert J., Rt. 1, Box 228-C, Yelm Slereth, C. A., Box 244, Goldbar Stadel, Elmer, 8740 S. 364th St., Auburn Stark, George Leo, 4241 Homestead, Tacoma Stender, Ernest E., Rt. 2, Box 485,
Alderwood Manor
Storkson, Ernest O., E 2107 Columbia Ave., Spokane Ck. Gts.
Vaughn, Mrs. Max V., Rt. 2, Box 1074,
Alderwood Manor N.Z.
Vaughn, Max V., Rt. 2, Box 1074,
Alderwood Manor J&R, N.Z.
Webster, Gray, 21611 88th West, Edmonds West, Bert, 2101 E. Mead, Yakima
Williams, Harold R., 714 N. 19 Ave., Yakima R Willis, Summer H„ 3610 E. 140th St.,
Tacoma 44 R
Woodworth, A. E., Box 1367, Island County,
Oak Harbor
Woodworth, Mrs. A. E., Sr., Box 1367,
Island County, Oak Harbor Youngs, Mark, Star Route,
Coulee Dam N.Z., Flem., Chin., Palominos Zicker, Dr. Eldon L., Rt. 8, Box 293, Yakima
State Representatives
1. George Camp—South, 3853 Green Valley Rd.,
2. Lee R. Martin—North, P.O. Box 42,
Akers, Mrs. Sylvia, Rt. 3, Box 305-D, Princeton Anderson, John, 1911 36th St., Parkersburg Arbuckle, Hale H.. Lewisburg Bartram, Floyd, 972 Turner Road,
Huntington 5 Ck. Gt.
Berry, Clarence E., Danese Blair, Farley, Box 1142, Logan Bradbury, Roy E., P.O. Box 73, Mullens Britt, James E.. 2508 Washington Ave., St. Albans Burnette, Stanley J., 864 Valley Pike Dr.,
St. Albans
Camp, N. M., P.O. Box 529, Milton Camp, George, 3853 Green Valley Rd.,
Huntington R
Camp, A. C., Rt. 1. Lauvalette Am. Chin., Dutch Chicknell, Irene Siders, Rt. 1, Box 68, Salem Childress, Edward M., 2729 Daniels Ave.,
So. Charleston
Conner, Leon. Star Route, Albright
Eary, E. L., 5215 Alpine Drive, Charleston R
Fauss, Raymond E., Box 117, Belmont
Fellows, Charles C., Sycamore Farm, Alum Creek
Gibson, Frank, Box 231, Matoaka J&R, N.Z.
Hull, Robert S., Rt. 1, Horner
Hupp, Ralph E., RFD #3, Elizabeth
Jones, Hubert C., RFD #3, Elizabeth
Keen, Burl, Looneyville
Kerr, Frank L., Box 422, Clay
Lough, Vantz B„ 339 Mid Ave., Weston
Lynch, Charles C., RFD #3, Box 237, Bluefield
McCormick, R. E., 328 31st St., Huntington
Martin, Lee R., P.O. Box 42, Morgantown
Maynor, Mrs. Charlotte, 2157 McCorckle Ave.,
St. Albans
Miller, Edward Don, 625 Huddleston Ave., Barboursville R
Morris, Willard W., Rt. 2, Box 73, Princeton Nine, Daniel E., RFD #1, Tena Alta Park, Goldie, Rt. 1, Sandyville Patton, Walter L., 69 Godby St., Logan R
Ray, Russell, 2051 3rd Ave., Huntington Resseger, George W., Jr., 359 Whitten Lane,
New Martinsville
Robertson, Harry, Box 1070, Logan N.Z.
Shrewsbury, Lacy, Box 197, Mullens Sizemore, A. E., Rt. 1, Box 460, St. Albans N.Z. Stanton, Edith B., 420 New York St.,
Huntington 4
Starcher, Fred A., Rt. 4, Webster Springs
Stone, M. H., Box 331, Chapmonville
Thomas, Ira Lee, 863 Hanna Drive, Charleston
Thompson, E. S., 1209 Grescop Ave., Dunbar
Tibbs, C. G., Box 505, Princeton
Vaughn, Raymond A., 1030 Neptune Ave., Chester
Watts, Edward L., 5215 Florida St.,
So. Charleston 3 Wiley, Marvin, 1504 Valley Dr.,
So. Charleston R
State Representatives
1. Marvin Kroening—North, Rt. 5, Mansfield
2. Henry Schaar- South, 8350 S. Howell Ave.,
Ainsworth, Sandra, Rt. 1, Arlington Anderson, Raymond J., Rt. 2, Box 623,
Arnold, Forest, Rt. 1, Box 76, Janesville Arnold, Mrs. Forest, Rt. 1, Box 76, Janesville Bankenbush, Franklyn, Rt. 1, Box 371,
Bast, Walter, 220 W. 4th St., Menomonee Bridges, Robert, 910 N. Water St., New London Brueggemann, Dave, 2037 North 51 St., Milwaukee Burke, Lew, 601 S. Walnut, Janesville Buza, Theo. A., Rt. 4, Manitowoc Capodarco, Frank, 7328 45th Ave.,
Kenosha Flemish Giants
Clason, C. L., Bloom City Cmejla, Leonard, Rt. 1, Box 16, Algoma Collins, Maurice E., Box 133, Milton Jct.
Cook, Mrs. Walter, 4910 S. 43rd St., Milwaukee 15 Delzer, Alois, Rt. 1, New London
Des Jarlais, William, Rt. 2, Box 25, Marinette DeWolf, R. W., 502 W. Burnett St., Beaver Dam Dieck, William, Rt. 1, Antigo Dilger, Merle, B.N. 151, Bruce Dore, Howard, 2129 W. Clybourn St.,
Milwaukee J&R
Dunbrook, Kenneth, 975 Dane St.,
Hansen, James D., 1414 So. Maple, Marshfield Madison N.Z.
Dungomb, Donald J., Sharon St.,
Box 264, Darien
Dykstra, Henry L., 24 South 1st St., Randolph Egan, Bernard, Jr., 1108 Madison St., Waukesha Enes, Ben, 6114 John Ave., Superior Everson, Mrs. Leonard, Rt. 3, Town Line Rd., Beloit
Fehrman, Kenneth, Box 114, Rt. 3, Appleton Fenskes, Keith, Box 330, Baraboo Ferguson, John P., 122 S. High St.,
Port Washington Calif.
Figans, Arthur, Rt. 1, Box 9, Delavan Fischer, Herbert M., P.O. Box 384, Beaver Dam Gotstein, Horace J., 1937 E. Mifflin St.,
Madison 4 N.Z.
Gravdale, Telmer A., RD #2, Beloit Groha, Alfred, 1110 Main St., Union Grove Hagedom, Theodore, Sr., 808 Pies St., Merrill Hahn, Raymond, Rt. 1, Box 20, Union Grove Graul, Robert L., Rt. 2, Box 237, Burlington Harder, R. H., 6444 No. 54th St.,
Milwaukee 16 Dutch
Harder, Beatrice L., 6444 So. 54th St.,
Milwaukee 16
Headley, Rev. Roy H., P.O. Box 137, Butternut Heinrichs, Joseph, 5025 W. Oakwood Rd.,
Hales Corners Calif.
Henne, Godfrey W., RFD, Augusta Hoffman, Mrs. Paul, 1117 N. 29th St.,
Hoffman, Paul M„ 1117 No. 29th St., Rt. 3, Sheboygan J&R, N.Z., Dutch
Holy, Donald, P.O. Box 105, New Lisbon Huddleston, Charles A., RFD #1, Baldwin Huebschmann, Joyce, Rt. 3, Chilton Huhn, Carl W., Rt. 4, Janesville Huttner, Henry, Rt. 2, Box 114, Fort Atkinson Johnson, Linda, RR #1, Fremont Johnson, Carl H,, 1202 10th St., Menomonie Johnson, Walter J., Box 11, Heafford Jct.
Jung, Clyde, 205 W. N. Water, Neenah Kaeding, Hilbert, 3526 N. Palmer St.,
Milwaukee 12 Kamm, V. F., Lancaster Karlsen, Magnus, RFD #1, Hammond Katzman, Robert L., Rt. 3, Elkhorn Keill, Ornton A., RD #1, Box 126,
Marinette N.Z,
Kersten, Ernest, 9016 29th Ave., Kenosha Kieffer, Mrs. John, 3231 So. 22nd St.,
Milwaukee 15
Kissinger, Leroy, RR #2, West Bend Klubertanz, Earl, Rt. 1, Edgerton R, N.Z.
Knauf & Tesch Co., Chilton Kortright, Harry, 1237 E. Meinecke Ave.. Milwaukee 12
Kroening, Marvin, RR #5, Marshfield R, Ck. Gt. Kubiak, Edward, Rt. 2, Marinette Kufahl, John F., 4436 S. 47th,
Milwaukee Flemish Gt.
Kufahl, Earl F., 4436 S. 47th,
Milwaukee 15 Flemish
Ladwig, Oliver, RR #1, East Troy LaLuzerne, Erwin, RR #l,
Forestville N.Z.
Lee, Joseph, Soldiers Grove Lehmann, Clarence, Kinzie St.,
Fontana Ck. Giants
Leschisin, Peter, Box 321, Turtle Lake Lindsey, Coy, 3910 Hanover St., Madison Loberger, Sheldon, RR #1, Box 73, Porterfield Long, Ronald, 115 St. Mary, Janesville Long, Duane, Box 105, Fontana Longrie, David, 714 W. Jennings St.,
New London
McNulty, P. J., Box 189, Delafield Meyer, Raymond W., RFD #3, Medford Meyer, Harold F., 1ll Greenfield Ave.,
Algoma N.Z.
Meyer, Royal, 2105 N. 40th St.,
Sheboygan Dutch
Muenkel, Donald G., Rt. 1, Trempealeau Murphy, Wendell E., 7504 W. Ruby Ave., Milwaukee 18
Musil, Lester V., RR #4, Manitowoc N.Z.
Newton Enterprises, c/o F. W. Newton, Sr., Blackwell
Nezworski, George F., 816 N. 11th St.,
Eau Claire
Pappenfuss, A. C., 415 Illinois Ave.,
N. Fond du Lac
Pasko, James, Retlaw Acers, Rt. 3, Montello Pearson, R. T., Rt. 1, Germantown
Prestine, Gustave, 1021 Marinette Ave.,
Riebe, Ronald R., RR #1, Lake Mills Rosenthal, Robert L., 437 4th St., Hartford Scharr, Harry, 8350 So. Howell,
So. Milwaukee 7
Schaefer, Otto, 2404 Northwestern Ave., Racine Schiesel, George, 641 E. Drexel Ave.,
S. Milwaukee J&R, Calif.
Schilling, John T., Rt. 4, Baraboo Schmit, A. W., Rt. 19, N. Shore Dr.,
Eau Claire N,Z.
Schmechel, John, Jr., 7239 S. 37th Pl.,
Hales Corners
Schultz, Robert L., Fall River Severson, Clarence A., RR #7, Green Bay N.Z. Severson, Edith, RFD #2, Juda Silberhorn, J. A., 816 Prospect St., Durand Springer, Arvin Reinhold, Rt. 2, Box 122,
Stache, Harold A., RR #2,
Plymouth N.Z., Calif.
Stahl, O. T., Rt. 2, Cedarburg Stegall, William, Star Route, Polar N.Z.
Steinhoff, Fidelis C., P.O. Box 34,
Kansasville Flemish Gt.
Steinke, Marvin, Rt. 1, Plymouth Stichel, Frank, P.O. Box 202, Ripon Streitberger, William, Rt. 1, Red Granite Tewelis, Joseph, 1728 S. 13th St.,
Sheboygan Hanana
Thomas, Karl, 445 Krumrey, Plymouth Dutch
Trimble, William R., 797 W. Seminary,
Richland Center
Van Antwerp, George, Rt. 3, West Bend Van Cleve, Theldon M., Rt. 1, Box 54,
Victor, Raymond, Rt. 1, Box 50, Germantown Wagner, Robert A., P.O. Box 514, Eau Claire Wagner, Frank G., Rt. 1, Box 234, Sun Prairie Ward, Arthur, Box 244, Suring N.Z.
Waterstreet, E. L., 713 Miller St., Kewaunee Wellenkotter, Harry, P.O. Box 331,
Janesville N.Z.
Wessel, Robert, RR #1, Forestville Wessolowski, John F., 1448 So. 90 St„
West Allis 14
Whiting, Noel, RR #2, Box 70, Waterford Wornardt, John, RR #2, West Bend N.Z., Calif. Wrasse, Mrs. Dolly B., Rt. 3, Box 366, Madison Wyzlic, Roman J., Roman’s “REX” Ranch,
Box 66, Lake Tomahawk Yeadon, LaVerne, Rt. 3, Janesville Zdroik, Harold, 4321 So. 43rd St., Milwaukee 19
State Representative-Bullock, Richard E., Sr., Box 62, Bairoil Erlitz, Alfred L., Salt Creek Rt., Casper Flynn, William H., 1184 No. Washington St.. Casper
Miller, Dorothy, General Delivery, Douglas Russell, K. C., Box 244, Evansville N.Z.
Shafton, Gordon M., Salt Creek Route, Casper Vick, Joe M., Box 506, Torrington
Coreia, Mrs. J., Bostock Hill, Paget West
Wrigley, M. S., P.O. Box 2527, San Jose
Hermida, Dr. Ramon O., Calle 23 #55, Edificio Ambar Motors, Aptdo 528, Vedado, La Habana Lainz, Jose Luis, Apartado #802, La Habana Quiros, Dr. Sanchez, B #602 esq. a 25,
Vedado, La Habana
Boeck, John, P.O. Box 520, Copenhagen N.
Camano, Louis, 48 Dr. Delgado, Ciudad Trujillo Munne, Mrs. David, Apartado 1166,
Ciudad Trujillo
Frank Masser, 2933 Booth St., Honolulu, T. H. Dezsy, Charles L., 3838 Likini St., Honolulu Estrella, Wilfred J., Box 192, Haiku, Maui Estrella, Alvin S., P.O. Box 471, Haiku, Maui Gouveia, Abel, Box 393, Haiku Kokomo,
Maui N.Z.
Maaser, Frank, 59-208-B Kam. Hgh.-Way,
Haleuva, Oahu
Morrell, Melvin D., 150 Kapahula Ave., Apt. 9, Honolulu
Morse, H., Korte Mare 22, Leiden
Chow, C., 601 Pedder Building
Amaya E., Mario, Matamoros Ots. 1034, Monterrey, N. L.
Francke, Oscar F., Crown Cork, Poniente 134 No. 583, Atzcapotzalco D. F.
Prince, O. M„ P.O. Box 145, Cuernavaca Mor.
Fonfrics, E. J., P.O. Box 2229, San Juan Iguina, Jose G., D.D.S., P.O. Box 97, Arecibo Rodriquez, Manuel Gonsalez, P.O. Box 171,
St. Just N.Z., Std. Chin.
Velazquez, Mariano, A.P.O. Box 173, Playa Ponca
Harvey, M. M., Brother, Colegio Gonzalo Correa, Casilla 5-D, Molina, Chile
Bionner, Richard, 7 Landhausweg, Berne
We Urge You To Get Our Catalog
We can give you the information how to take care of a commercial, or large scale rabbitry and that is the only way we can describe and picture the various products that we make for the rabbit raising business
Small Stock
Most Popular and UP-TO-DATE RABBIT JOURNAL PUBLISHED Brings you Monthly News of the RABBIT — CAVY - HAMSTER and other small Animal ACTIVITIES
Gives names of firms and individuals who are continuously in the market for Rabbits, Cavies, Furs, Wool, Etc.
$1.00 per year-3 Years $2.00 AMERICAN
Ribbons & Rosette Awards . . . Using Official ARBA SEAL . . .
Free Catalog . . . Also Complete Line of Show Trophies . . . Immediate Engraving Service . . .
Ev. Stineman
Tel: 4265 South Fork, Pa.
Larro Sure Rabbit
the only feed a rabbit ever needs
New Betty Crocker Recipe Folder — yours to promote more rabbit sales
Betty Crocker joins the “eat-more-rabbit” move with a new folder of delicious ways to prepare rabbit dinners. Roasted, fried, sauteed — this new folder shows you and your customers how.
For example: Betty Crocker says — if you prefer roast rabbit, truss the forelegs back and the hind legs forward. Place bacon strips over the shoulders and back. Baste with ¼ cup of butter and ½ cup of boiling water to keep the meat tender, succulent and sweet.
Offer this new folder to your customers... and they’ll be back for “seconds” faster. For free copies write Rabbit Dept., c/o the address at right.
Right down the line... from the does you keep to raise fryers to the fryers you raise for “dough”... Larro SureRabbit meets every feeding need.
That’s because SureRabbit is a combination of “just right” rabbit-type alfalfa and wholesome, high-quality ingredients. That’s why no additional rough-age or grain is required.
Larromin (General Mills’ own blend of essential minerals), vitamin B12, and antibiotics provide extra safety factors for vigorous health and fast growth.
What’s more, SureRabbit stimulates a heavy flow of milk that turns nursing bunnies into “butter balls” ... helps keep up the doe’s weight, too. And the bunnies find SureRabbit a tasty, tempting treat when they leave the nest. This extra nutritional boost helps develop husky, uniform litters ... hurries them on their way to heavy weaning weights of 4 lbs. and more.
So see your nearby Larro Sure Feed dealer soon for a supply of Larro SureRabbit.
Minneapolis 1, Minnesota
Original Format
Bound magazine
ARBA Bulletin 1958 Vol. 1, No. 7 – August-September
ARBA member periodicals
American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Rabbit Breeders Association
This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s).
American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1958 Vol. 1, No. 7 – August-September,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed March 12, 2025,
By Fred R. Applegate, Chairman of Publicity
Springfield, Illinois, the Capital of the State of Illinois, the World Famous Lincoln Shrine City, and in which is located the many beautiful State Buildings including the State Capitol Building, Illinois State Armory, Supreme Court Building, Centennial Building, the Archives Building, and the new $11,000,000.00 State Office Building, also the home of one of the largest State Fair Grounds, will be your host City for this Premier Convention and Show.
Springfield has been host to Rabbit Shows for over forty years, the first Rabbit Show was held in the old Ar-senel in January or February 1918. I have before me a clipping from the May 1919 issues of one of the Spring-field News Papers, which states that, and I quote “The rabbit industry of Springfield will be boosted May 30, at the Farm of Jerome A. Leland, south of Washington Park, where the first lawn show of the newly organized Capital City Rabbit Breeder’s Association, will be held — not only will there be a rabbit show at Mr. Leland’s Farm, but an added feature will be a basket picnic. In the exhibit there will be five competitive classes, Doe and Litter, the litter to be under three months old; baby class, three to five months old; Junior class, five to seven months old; Special class, seven to nine months old; Senior Class, nine months old or over. Entry fee .25 cents for single entry, or for doe and litter.” End of quote.
The first Rabbit Show at the State Fair Ground was held under canvass awning just South of the Machinery Hall. The second Rabbit Show at the State Fair, was held in the Old Poultry Building S. W. of the coliseum. Pres. J. S. Bales, then talked the Fair Board
EXHIBITION BUILDING. ILLINOIS STATE FAIR GROUNDS, SPRINGFIELD, ILLS. The Above With Three Additional Buildings Will House THE COMPLETE 35th Annual A.R.B.A. Exhibits. All Equipment And Accomodations For All Rabbits, Etc. Will Be Ready Three Days In Advance Of The Opening Of The Show.
into putting in a roof over the space between two cattle barns for Rabbits only. Rabbits were shown here for many years, the Rabbit Show became so popular that it was moved over in the Machinery Hall, where it is still held.
Facilities For the 35th ARBA Convention
We have the entire Large Exhibition Building, the New Million Dollar Illinois Building, including the beautiful auditorium and stage, the 4-H Home Economic Building where we can seat 1,000 at our Banquet and Farewell party in one room, this room has a connecting stage on one side, the Dairy Building, and the Emmerson annex just across the Street from each other for the D.F. and F.D. Parties, and after the initiation is over we will combine the parties in the Dairy Building for a social evening. Then we have a large
room in the Administration building for meetings. There will be a lunch stand in the Exhibition Building also a large uptodate cafe is located in the Administration Building within a hundred feet of the Exhibition Building.
The State sets up the entire Show under our supervision, furnishing all Coops, Waterers, Feeders, Electricity, we can set up for 5,000 rabbits. THE SHOW IS TO BE SET UP COMPLETE READY TO ACCEPT RABBITS THREE DAYS BEFORE THE OPENING DATE OF THE CONVENTION. The State is under signed contract and agreement to do this. There is unlimited parking space in the Grounds.
The Assistant General Manager of the State Fair, with whom I have worked very close for over two years, said to me, and I quote “Fred, if you have an overflow and need more buildings you will get it.”
An American Rabbit Breeder's Association Publication
ARBA August Fourth 1958 Edition September ARBA
FEHR'S Rabbit Necessities
(Complete with Ink) .......... 75c
DISINFECTANT—(Makes 3 Gallons) 60c LIQUID SULPHO—A Conditioner .. 60c
EAR CANKER REMEDY ............. 60c
COLD REMEDY—One of the Best .. 60c ABOVE $3.15 VALUE—$2.50 POSTPAID RABBIT DISEASES—The Cause. Prevention and Cure—HAVE IT HANDY . 25c RAISING SMALL STOCK—Describing 25 Breeds of Rabbits-Cavies-Hamsters-
Chinchillas .................. 25c
RAISING RABBITS FOR PROFIT—For The Beginner, or Experienced Breeder
18 pages .................... 50c
RABBIT HUTCHES—Self Cleaning. 31 Actual Photographs Shows How to
Build .........................50c
I CHOSE RABBITS—Its Different. Teaches Successful Methods. How to Start.
Continue. Market. 96 Pages ..$1.00
DOMESTIC RABBIT PRODUCTION By Geo. S. Templeton. Director. U. S. Rabbit Experiment Station. 13 Chapters 100 Subjects—201 Separate Items. Best Babbit Book Published.
1302 Woodlawn Ave. Indianapolis. Ind.
where to find
Dr. Max R. Andrews
Sandy Flemish New Zealand White
1117 ½ S. Clinton Street FORT WAYNE, IND.
Pet Tattoo
Kit contains special marking ink. dies (¼" and ⅜") plus NEW tong with concealed spring to prevent pinching; deeper throat for use from any angle; Digits changed individually from front. $4.00 and up according to numbers or letters wanted.
See your dealer or
Send (or FREE Illustrated Price Folder
and good service
The Store with the Checkerboard Sign ... that’s headquarters for rabbit raisers across the country. They make it headquarters because it’s where they get Purina Rabbit Chow and the many “extras” that are available to folks who feed from the Checkerboard Bag.
“Extras” like sales and promotional helps; like Rabbit Chow’s ability to help develop top quality fryers and show stock ... plus the benefits of Purina’s years of research on feeding rabbits for profit.
So make it your headquarters, too... THE STORE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD SIGN.
All-Metal Hutches
Three- and six-compartment hutches. Wire mesh floors with metal pans for easy cleaning.
Write for illustrated description and prices.
Also manufacturers of exhibition coops for shows.
3245 W. Burnham Street MILWAUKEE 15, WIS.
1923 Speer Blvd., Denver 4, Colo.
RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION 4323 Murray Ave.. Pittsburgh 17, Pa.
“To maintain a registration and recording system — afford memberships to persons interested in breeding and marketing of rabbits and allied products — promote and conduct public and private exhibitions — provide judging systems — license its official judges and registrars — make and revise official standards — organize and assist local, County and state associations and specialty clubs — maintain information bureaus — furnish at cost, bulletins, guide books, booklets, posters, placards, supplies and textbooks to members and to the public — investigate markets — assist in securing legislation and publicity — hold annual conventions and meetings of its members and board of directors.
WANTED - Items Of Interest
Please observe the following when contributing articles.
1. Keep them short.
2. Must be on general interest.
3. Name of writer must appear with all articles.
4. Give sources of information if quoting.
5. Must positively be exclusive for this publication.
ADDRESS All comments, suggestions and articles pertaining to this bulletin to: Edw. H. Stahl,
Hickman Mills 34, Missouri
ADDRESS All communications concerning business matters, advertising, renewals, new membership applications, non-receipt of bulletin, changes of address, etc., to: James Blyth, Secretary,
4323-BN Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Advertising Rates
1 Inch, Judges & Registrars only $ 3.50
2 Inches — Single or double col. $ 7.00
3 Inches ” ” ” ” $10.50
4 Inches " ” ” ” $14.00
6 Inches ” ” ” ” $21.00
¼ page, 3¾x4¾ inches $23.50
½ page, 4¾x7¼ inches ........ $46.50
Full page, 7¼x9¾ inches ..... $90.00
Closing Date Next Edition
NOVEMBER 1, 1958
JAMES BLYTH, Secretary 4323-BN Murray Avenue Pittsburgh 17, Pa.
DICK F. PARKER President
As you read this issue of our official bulletin you will find new listings of State Associations, Local Clubs, State Representatives, Judges and Registrars, Old and New Members, as we are including in this issue, The Year Book feature.
This issue will be of special benefit to the New Members, it will give them a guide to the purchase of everything needed, to carry on a nice Rab-bit business. You may ask, what benefit do I get out of this bulletin. I will tell you herein some of the benefits derived from referring to the News items, Advertising and the Membership list.
LOCAL CLUBS — There may be times when a member will want to know something of the happenings in a Local Club, in some other State, how they conduct their meetings, how they arrange for their shows. You may want to visit in another State, if so, you surely would want to visit with some of the members of the Local Club or attend their meeting. You can get the name and address of the Local Club, in any territory, by referring to the Year Book section. It may be possible that you are visiting in a town where a State Association is having a meeting, here again you can refer to this issue for the address of the Secretary and learn where the meeting is to be held. There may come a time when you will want advice from a Local Club about Rabbits, and Club Secretarys will be glad to give you the information wanted.
MEMBERSHIP LIST — Listed herein you will find the name of each A.R. B.A. member, his home address that town and State where he lives. You may be in the market for some new breeding stock. If so, no better place could you purchase this stock than from one of our members. When you
purchase stock from a member of A.R.
.A. you will have the assurance of fair and square dealings, and too, you will find that our members do not try to hold you up in the price. A.R.B.A, members can furnish you the best stock with a true pedigree. When you purchase rabbits from a member of A.R. B.A., you have the assurance of knowing the party you are dealing with. Do not purchase from firms or Breeders who promise to buy back the rabbits that you raise. This plan has not proved satisfactory, to some of our members, and we can not recommend it to you. If you decide to purchase stock from someone not listed in this bulletin, write me, give me the name of the party and I will advise you if we have heard of any unfair dealings by them.
When you purchase registered rabbits from one of our members you will be getting rabbits registered under the A.R.B.A, system, which is known as one of the best registration systems for livestock. It may be that you will need the services of one of the A.R.B.A. Registrars, if so, look in this bulletin, and you will find the letter R just back
of his name. If your Club is planning a show and you want to find the address of a Judge, you will find back of his name, the letters, J-R. All licensed Judges and Registrars are listed and recommended by A.R.B.A.
STATE REPRESENTATIVES—You will find listed just under the name of each State, the names of the State Representative and their address. Should the occasion arise and you want information, about anything pertaining to the rabbit business, get in touch with your Representative, he will be very happy to assist you in any way, if he dose not know the answer, he will find it for you. If you do not have a Local Club, and there are enough members to form one, write to the nearest State Representative and he will come and help organize one. If you are planning a show and want information about how to proceed, write this State Representative he will give you help.
Advertisers — If it were not for the money paid in by our Advertisers, it would not be possible for A.R.B.A, to publish this bulletin. Here again, these ads can be of help to you, in the selection of the people you wish to trade with. When you are in need of supplies and your local dealer can not supply you, look in this bulletin you will most likely find an ad, with the dealers address, for the supplies you need, write this dealer he will be happy to serve you, and furnish your needs. When you buy from an Advertiser who has an ad in this bulletin, you can be assured of fair dealings. Write the Advertiser nearest you, and when you do, tell him that you saw his ad in the A.R.B.A, bulletin. These merchants are business men of long standing and are known to the officers and members of A.R.B.A.
Not only does this bulletin give you the membership list and the Advertisers, but it will give you, first-handed the news about the workings of A.R.B. A. All reports of the Officers, Secretary and the Treasurer will be found printed in the issue following the making of these reports or the changing of any rules. Here you will find news about our National Conventions, that are held each year in different parts of the Country. To you new Members attend one of these Conventions, for it is here that you can meet and know other members of our Association. Here you will see the largest Rabbit Show, of the year, where some of the best rabbits are put on exhibit by the owners. Here you see many of the supplies on display and you can make your purchase of them there. Enjoy the four day of Business and Fun, meet your Officers and know the workings of your Association.
In bringing this message to a close, let me say a word or two about the people who are responsible for the publishing of this bulletin and at the same time thank them for a job well
(Continued on page four)
afford to give you a guide book and pay for it out of the general fund. Think this over and when the time comes, do your part. If you can write, formulate an article on some subject that you are well informed on. I do not say that all articles will be published, but the best of them will no doubt be used. May we have your help in making this new guide book our greatest?
Since I joined the National Pet Stock Association years ago and which is now the American Rabbit Breeders Ass’n, Inc., I have always prized very highly the various Guide Books and have kept many of these over the years. One that was published by the Association back in 1918 is still in my possession. I am sure that I am no different than most other rabbit raisers in this respect. The guide book to me has always been worth far more than the membership fee paid for the great amount of information it carried, even years ago. Many of our new members make such comments on receipt of their guide book that it is great and the finest handbook a rabbit and cavy raiser could obtain. The guide book has to a great extent been the greatest membership getter of all.
Our supply of the 1954-1956 guide books has been exhausted for sometime and in a way its a good thing because many things have changed since 1954 and this gives the association time to bring a new guide book up-to-date. We, I am sure, all want a new guide book and will prize it just as much as we did the books of the past. Our Board of Directors has authorized Mr. Stahl, Chairman of the Planning Committee, to proceed with the plans for a new guide book to be published early in 1959. He has played a great part in the last two guide books and both these books are to the opinion of many the best books the Association has ever published. He and his Committee can give us another good book, one that will outshine them all. But it is up to you members to support him and myself in this effort. Without your utmost help, we cannot give you a better book. But with your help and cooperation, things will work out very well I am sure.
First of all, we need advertising to finance the book. Everyone can help a little. Remember, advertising in this guide book is an ad that will remain before the members’ eyes for a long period of time. Time after time each member will be going through this book for some information and will read your ad. Contact your feed concerns and that you deal with in your trade. Advise them of the importance in advertising in the new coming guide book. Remember, everyone can help and if each member comes through, we should have no trouble making the guide book pay for itself. Soon we will be soliciting advertising for this valuable book, when you are contacted for ads, do your part. That’s the way we will get a better book than ever.
Many of our members cannot write an article or express themselves in writing. There are, however, many who can and do a very good job. We have many members who can explain things very well in an article. We need these people’s help. Let us have a number of articles in the next guide book. Let us have new articles that are constructive. Many new members want to know about dressing rabbits and the care of the pelt when it is removed. Many want to know about marketing, disease problems, the selection of breeding stock. While some of the oldtimers feel that everyone should know some of the more simple things in rabbit husbandry, I assure you that there are many who are pleading for the simple things that will help them. And we can help them by giving them a better guide book this time. Remember, this new guide book will only be as good as you and I make it. Mr. Stahl and his committee cannot carry the whole load and the Association cannot
(Continued from page 3)
done. Especially do I wish to thank Mr. Edward H. Stahl, Chairman of this Committee and all the members working with him; Mr. James Blyth, our Secretary who has worked hard on this issue; Mr. A. Monroe Courtright, owner of the Westerville Press who prints the bulletins, and I say CONGRATULATIONS, you have done an outstanding job for all the members of the American Rabbit Breeders Association. Thanks to our members who have contributed news items and to our Advertisers, we say thanks and hope that you will receive good returns from our members.
If there is any information I con give you, please write, I assure you it is a pleasure to help you.
Sincerely yours,
Dick F. Parker, President
Aug. 15th, Thru October 1st 1958
Aug. 15th—Leave Birmingham for Pueblo, Colo.
Aug. 21st—Leave Pueblo, for Sacramento, Calif.
Aug. 29th—Leave Sacramento, for Portland, Oregon, one day only.
30 & 31st—At Seattle, Wash.
1st to 5th—On road arriving in Los Angeles, Calif. Send mail c/o Ellis W. Murray to arrive not later than Sept. 11th.
Sept. 15th—Leave Pomona, Calif. arrive Spokane, Wash. Sept. 17th send mail c/o Eastwood Motel, to arrive not later than Sept. 20th mark hold
Sept. 21st thru Sept. 24th—On road, arrive Minneapolis, Minn. Sept. 24th. Mail c/o National Rabbit Raiser, to arrive not later than that day.
Sept. 25th—Arrive St. Joseph, Mo., no mail.
Sept. 26th—Arrive Kansas City, Mo. Send mail c/o Edw. H. Stahl to arrive not later than Sept. 27th.
October 1st—Home.
October 8th—Leave for Springfield, Ill.
Our recent Guide Book of which 15,000 copies were printed are now gone.
Is now in preparation and will be ready for distribution soon after January 1. 1959.
In the meantime this SPECIAL BULLETIN and YEAR BOOK Supplement is being sent to all members Old and New. Please be patient. The new Guide Book will be well worth waiting for.
4901 South Fifth Ave. 1302 Woodlawn Ave.
Birmingham 6, Ala. Indianapolis 3, Ind.
JAMES BLYTH DR. MAX R. ANDREWS 4323 Murray Avenue 1117½ So. Clinton
Pittsburgh 17. Pa. Ft. Wayne 2, Ind.
FRED R. APPLEGATE VERN ASHTON BENNY F. HILL CARL P. KROBOTH J. CYRIL LOWIT ELLIS W. MURRAY 1707 E. Carpenter St. 1626 Oakland Parkway 1603 N. Roberts 107 Westwood Dr. Route 2. Box 160 1714 West 106th St.
Springfield, Ill. Lima, Ohio Amarillo, Texas Lexington, Ky. Troutdale, Greg. Los Angeles 47, Calif.
__________________________ Bainbridge, N. Y. Westport Avenue Hickman Mills, Mo.
Norwalk, Conn.
Since quite a lot of interest was shown in a new membership button of our emblem, the Board of Directors have voted to create and place the order, this has been done.
There will be three different coloring in these buttons, according to the length of time of membership.
Membership under 5 years, the word MEMBER APPEARS. This one of Gilding Metal, Price $1.25.
Membership 5 and under 10 years, the No. 5 will appear. This one is of Sterling Silver. Price $1.50.
There are two 10k Gold, one with No. 10 and the other No. 25, according to the number of years of membership. Price $5.00.
When ordering state number of years you have been a member so that the correct button can be sent. Order from James Blyth, Secretary, 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh 17, Pa.
(2290 Votes Cast)
Pres. Dick Parker 2192
V.-Pres. John Fehr 2148
Treas. Dr. Max Andrews 1704
L. V. Slavens 582
Directors (Five to be Elected)
Edward H. Stahl 1720
V. N. Ashton 1630
E. W. Murray 1392
James E. Rowe 1270
Thomas Andrew 1187
Carl Kroboth 1166
Harry Hurlburt 1125
Charles A. Wade 1084
By E. W. Murray, Chairman
It is the duty of the Organization Survey committee to survey the functions of our association ana make suggestions lor its improvement.
This committee is made up of J. E. Rowe, New York, Ray Grables, Michigan, John McLain Virginia, Ray Gentry, Mississippi, Sam Gerardi, Pennsylvania ana John Long of California. You will note from the above locations of the members of this committee that every section of the country is represented. This has been an asset to the committee in arriving at decisions. Because something that might work out fine in California would not do at all in Virginia or Michigan.
The personnel of this committee is one of the best that this writer has ever been privileged to work with. Nothing constructive can be accomplished if a committee is made up of a group of “yes” men. The committee was unanimous that something to improve the financial condition of the A.R.B.A, must be attempted. The resolutions offered have had many hours of consideration by the committee. They have been presented for consideration by the Delegates at the 1958 convention by a majority vote of our committee. The committee was not 100% in agreement on each resolution. We do not ask or expect the Delegates to be 100% in accord either. But we do ask you all to give careful consideration to resolutions to improve the financial condition of the A.R.B.A.
The financial standing of any association is its strength. The A.R.B.A, has reached the place where it can no longer borrow from “Peter” to pay “Paul”. Drastic action must be taken at the 1958 convention. The Survey Committee feels sure that you as a delegate will give due and proper consideration to improve the financial condition of our association.
Weston Tattoo Outfits .$4.00
Pushbutton Tattoo Pens ........ 1-50
Other Tattoo Pens ......75ȼ and 1.25
Tattoo Ink .60
Pedigree Books either
Stub or Duplicate ... 1.45
Rabbitry Pedigree
Record Books.................. 1.45
I Chose Rabbits, by Stahl 1.00
Judging Manual, by Fehr
(A MUST) ..................... 1.00
Introduction to Genetics. Gering .75 DOMESTIC RABBIT PRODUCTION
by George S. Templeton ....... 3.50
Subscriptions taken for every Magazine or Paper Printed.
Fred R. Applegate,
1707 E. Carpenter St.
Springfield Sang. Co. Illinois
Want to buy or sell some rabbits? You get a classified ad free when you subscribe to the industry's leading monthly magazine!
—another EXTRA from THE NATIONAL
SUBSCRIBE NOW lor more profit and enjoyment
1 year, $2.00 3 years, $4.00
The National Rabbit Raiser 420-Y South 6th Street Minneapolis 15, Minnesota
You Are Assured... Continued Exactness and Uniformity
(Small Animal)
• Rockland Rabbit Ration
• Rockland Guinea Pig Diet
• Rockland Mouse Diet
• Rockland Monkey Diet
• Rockland Rat Diet ('D’ free)
• Rockland Rat Diet (Complete)
The A. E. Staley Manufacturing Co. of Decatur, Illinois is now producing all stock diets formerly manufactured by Arcady Farms Milling Co. There has been no change in operating personnel and the same rigid laboratory control measures are being continued. You are assured of the same high degree of precision and uniformity in all Rockland Stock Diets.
Rockland Diets Are Species Specific and completely free of antibiotic activity and pathogenic organisms (when manufactured). Routinely assayed before shipment for abnormal estrogen activity. Available protein is high by animal assay. Used extensively as reference standard control diets, Rockland ranks most popular in animal breeding and research circles.
Please write for full details and shipments:
Rockland Diets Decatur, Illinois
The “GRAND OLD MAN OF THE RABBIT INDUSTRY,” although Pop as he is affectionately called by his THOUSANDS OF FRIENDS, has never held any high office in the National Association, I do not know of any one in the Industry who has worked harder, nor has done more for the ARBA and the Entire Industry than has Pop, and has gained the respect, admiration, and confidence of all who knows him as he has done, his honesty, and integrity is beyond question, I have heard many Rabbit Breeder’s and Showmen who knows him, say, and I quote “Any time that Pop is judging a show, and wants to enter his own rabbits in any breed, or class he is to judge, he is perfectly welcome to do so, FOR IF HIS RABBIT SHOULD GO OFF THE TABLE FIRST, THEY WILL BE THE FIRST OFF, AND IF THEY ARE THE BEST IN THE CLASS OR BREED, THAT IS WHERE THEY WOULD BE PLACED.” End of quote. I know of no greater TRIBUTE that could be offered or said about any PERSON, for you know Rabbit Breeders.
Pop, bought a pair of rabbits for his two daughters in 1914, they soon tired of them, but not Pop, he developed into an enthusiastic Rabbit Breeder and Fancier, he raised Flemish at this time. He showed some Flemish in the First Show that Colorado Springs ever had, in 1917, this show was judged by Judge John C. Fehr, Pop won 2nd 6-8 Flemish Steel Grey Doe, I have seen his hundreds of ribbons he has won, and he is prouder of that Ribbon won at Colorado Springs in 1917, than any of the others. Judge Fehr, knew that Pop wanted some good Flemish, so he bought a pair of Steel Greys for $65.00 and shipped them to Pop, here
at Springfield, Pop showed a daughter of this pair at the May 30th 1919 show at the Leland Farm, and sold her to a Dr. Pyle for $50.00, Dr. Pyle showed her that fall at the State Fair, winning with her, and sold her to a man from Pittsburg, Pa., for $100,000.
Pop got his Registrars License in 1919, also his Judges License in 1919 or 1920, he has Registrared Thousands of Rabbits and Judged Hundreds of Shows.
Pop, had a very serious accident in 1955, getting one hand badly maimed in a Power Saw, he has had to quit raising rabbits, but still retains his profound interest in the Industry. Plan to attend the Convention and meet Pop, it will be a welcome reunion for many. You will like Pop when you meet him.
Edward Steinkuehler. Another Stalwart of the Industry
Ed, as he is known by his many friends, like Pop, bought some rabbits for his daughter in 1914, Ed became more interested than the daughter, in fact he became an avid rabbit fancier and an enthusiastic and ardent showman.
Ed and Pop have been cronies ever since 1914, Pop was instrumental in Ed buying his first Pedigreed Flemish Doe in 1916, since that time he has raised all varieties of Flemish, at the present time he has only white flemish. Ed and his Brother Bill, in 1918 and 1919 raised and showed Rufus Red Belgians, winning many prizes with them, Ed has raised Standard Havanas, Heavyweight Havanas, Red and White New Zealands, Lilacs, Himalayan’s, Dutch all Colors, Polish, Caster Rex, and Checkered Giants.
He was Secretary of the May 30th, 1919 Show at the Leland Farms, show-
All A.R.B.A. Meetings, Judge’s Conference, Educational Research Committee, Etc. Will Be Held In The Beautiful Auditorium Of The Building.
Left, Judge P. A. “POP” Boden.—Right Edward Steinkuehler, Both of Springfield, III., To Whom the 35th, A.R.B.A. Convention is Dedicated. Above Photo Taken in 1918. Rabbit “POP” Is Holding Is A Flemish Doe, One Of A Pair Purchased By John C. Fehr, At The Colorado Springs Show In 1916.
ed at the First Illinois State Fair Rabbit Show, and every State Fair from then until the Fair was discontinued during the War, in 1941 I believe it was. He does not show any more, but no State Fair Rabbit Show, nor any State Association Convention show is complete without his presence, greeting his many friends, and looking the Rabbits over. He has always worked hard to help the Industry. Years ago, when the Springfield Club was having a meeting and Supper in the Joe Schaffer Feed Store, the Breeder’s dressed and donated rabbits for the supper, delivering them to Ed’s home. After he and his wife had boned them, Ed took them to his store and ground them up for Rabbit Sausage. Our Old and Dearly Eeloved Lewis Griffin, came and went out to Ed’s home and helped make the sausage, fried it and made it into sand-witches, these were taken to the supper, and they had done such a good job that they were all ate and they called for more.
Ed, started to count his many ribbons for me, but they were so numerous that he had to quit. BE SURE AND ATTEND THIS PREMIER CONVENTION AND WITHOUT FAIL ATTEND THE BANQUET AND PAY HONOR AND TRIBUTE TO THESE TWO STALWARTS.
To be presented at the 35th Annual A.R.B.A. Convention October 11-14, 1958, Springfield, Illinois
Resolution No. 1
BE IT RESOLVED, that under Article VII, Section 1, of our Constitution an amendment be added; “He shall be ex-officio member of the Committees.’’ Otherwise said Section of said Article shall remain as written.
Resolution No. 2
BE IT RESOLVED, that under Article VII, Section 3 of our Constitution the wording “pay all bills” be changed to read “Pay all petty accounts.” Furthermore the sentence “He shall be custodian of and keep well insured all the property of the Association and shall give a bond in favor of the Association for the sum to be set by the Board of Directors, said sum to be not less than $3,000.00.” To read as follows: “He shall be custodian of and see that all property of the Association is insured which shall be approved by the Board of Directors. He shall be bonded in favor of the Association for the sum to be set by the Board of Directors, said sum not to be less than $3,000.00.” Otherwise said Section of said Article remain as written.
Resolution No. 3
BE IT RESOLVED, that under Article VII, Section 4 of our Constitution be repealed in its entirety and the following revised Section 4 be substituted in lieu there of: “The Treasurer shall accept and keep records of all money turned over by the Secretary at the end of each month or any other sources from which we derive an income. He shall pay outstanding accounts when authorized in writing by the President or Secretary: also pay any bills presented by a Chairman of a Committee, which must be itemized. However, if said Chairman overdraws his budget, it will be necessary for the President and Secretary to approve same. The Board of Directors may order said Treasurer to pay any allowance that is approved. He shall be bonded in favor of the Association for sum to be set by the Board of Directors, said sum to be not less than $15,000.00. Shall make quarterly financial reports to the Board of Directors and an annual report at the Convention. He shall be a member of the Board of Directors and the Budget Committee.
Resolution No. 4
BE IT RESOLVED, that under Article
VII, Section 5 of our Constitution the wording “See that the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s books are audited at the annual meeting” to read: “See that the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s books are audited at end of our fiscal year.” Otherwise said Section of said Article shall remain as written.
Resolution No. 5
BE IT RESOLVED, that under Article
VIII, Section 1, of our Constitution be repealed in its entirety and the following revised Section 1 be substituted in lieu there of: “The Secretary shall receive a salary of $6,000.00 annually, payable $500.00 monthly. An additional allowance for secretarial and office expense shall be given each year; in an amount to be determined annually by the Board of Directors; this allowance shall be paid monthly. An itemized
(Continued on next page)
Write for Catalog to JUDGE TOMMY ANDREWS
• Up to $250.00 in breeding stock supplied.
• Pay original cost in young stock produced.
• Business volume and capital makes possible our amazing
Special Offer, withdrawal after 500 Breeders added.
• Let’s commercialize, help us produce HI-CLASS breeders,
Laboratory & Meat Stock, Coney.
• Complete Information on Beginners Greatest Opportunity,
Book, Photographic Hutch Plans, Prices — $1.00 Postpaid (Refundable).
BEHREN'S BUNNYVILLE Pearl River 14, New York
Small Stock Magazine
Gives You MORE For Your MONEY
Just Compare the contents
● MORE exclusive feature articles
• MORE articles for the fancier
• MORE commercial news
• MORE ARBA news
• MORE Club news
• MORE pictures
• MORE show news
• MORE regular departments
• MORE classified ads
• MORE market information
Small Stock Magazine has MORE advertisers.................
.......because it has MORE readers
Small Stock Magazine
Box 8-Z 1 year, $2.00
2 years, $3.50
Lamoni, Iowa 3 years, $5.00
Never Missed An Issue In Forty-Two Years
statement on this expenditure must be given to the Board of Directors at our annual meeting, also request for allowance to the Budget Committee.
A commission of ten (10%) percent will be paid to the Secretary as a bonus on all over $36,500.00 received during our fiscal year. This gross sum is not to include any rent, voluntary contributions, refunds or withholding taxes.
Resolution No. 6
BE IT RESOLVED, that under Article IX, Section 3 of our Constitution be repealed in its entirety and following revised Section 3 be substituted in lieu there of: “The Constitution can only be altered or amended when such alteration or amendment has been signed by twenty-five (25) or more members in good standing of the American Rabbit Breeders Association.”
Resolution No. 7
BE IT RESOLVED, that under Article VI, Section 3 of our By-Laws be repealed in its entirety and following revised Section 3 be substituted in lieu there of: “The By-Laws can only be altered or amended, when such alteration or amendment has been signed by twenty-five (25) or more members in good standing of the American Rabbit Breeders Association.” RESOLUTIONS No. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Presented by Compiling Committee, Max R. Andrews, Chairman. Approved and signed by all Officers and Board of Directors of the ARBA, and 25 or more members of the ARBA.
Resolution No. 8
WHEREAS, The stud book is maintained by the ARBA and WHEREAS, The expense of printing and mailing of the legs is born by the ARBA, and
WHEREAS, Grand Championships are issued and recognized by the ARBA, and
WHEREAS, Those participating in these functions of the ARBA should belong to and support the organization. therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that legs as are now issued on deserving rabbits be only issued to members of the ARBA and member’s membership number must be on leg, or leg will not be honored toward Grand Championship.
Membership number and date of expiration must be on entry blank. (All show secretaries to be so notified with show sanction.)
Signed by Wayne Boslaugh and 25 members of the ARBA.
Resolution No. 9-10-11-12-13
WHEREAS, It is a known fact that expenses have increased from 25 to 100 percent, in most cases, since the A-merican Rabbit Breeders Association has asked for a yearly increase in dues and fees, from the membership; Judges and Registrars, and WHEREAS, We are now giving our members a new Bulletin, at an additional expenditure, which we want to continue. This Bulletin is issued to give our members first-hand information about the operation of our Association, and matters of importance to all Rabbit Breeders; and WHEREAS; Plans are now being worked on to have printed a new Colored Picture Standards of Perfection or
Guide Book for our members. This Book will be outstanding, showing the rabbits, that are recognized by our Standards, in their natural color. It
may take several years to complete this book and we need money to pay for it, as we go along; and
(Continued on next page)
liaise Under Hutches. BOOKLET 32 Pages Illustrated Bed & Pit methods. Inexpensive to raise. Markets, Profits.
BOOK 64 Pages Illustrated Earthworms and Rabbits. Everything you need to know.
PRICE $1.00
Both Booklet & Book, Also Booklet Rabbit Facts $1.25
EDWARD H. STAHL Hickman Mills 34-A Missouri
These pedigree books are of our own design with ample room for all information, show winnings and production records. 100 to the book with sales stub for your record. Price S2.50 postpaid. You will like them. Free Sample on request.
JOHNSON'S RABBITRY Route 5 Coldwater, Michigan
Combine with Angora Rabbit Magazine Leading Trade Magazine Of The Commercial Rabbit Industry
(Est. 1931)
Canada and other Foreign Countries 50c a year extra.
Articles on Markets & Marketing, Hutch Construction, Rabbitry Management, Experiment Stations, Butchering, New Ideas, Rabbit Diseases and Much More.
Written by Practicing Commercial Breeders for Your Information. Especially for breeders who must make money with Rabbits.
If You Want It Printed...
Westerville Press Inc.
120 S. State St.
Westerville, Ohio
Phone TU 2-2138
WHEREAS; Office help and supplies, used in operation of the Pittsburgh office, have both increased in cost during the past five years to the extent that it now becomes necessary to secure more income in order that we still maintain our high standards of business; and
WHEREAS; Time has now come that the operation cost of serving our membership has increased to the point that we must secure more revenue, in order that we may serve our members as they deserve;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the yearly dues for members, the application fee, and the yearly renewals for Judges and Registrars, be increased as set out in Resolutions number 9-10-11-12-13, and that the increase shall become effective at the expiration of the current card held by the members.
Resolution No. 9
BE IT RESOLVED, that Section 1 of Article II, of the By-Laws, be changed to read: “Individual members shall pay a fee of Four Dollars ($4.00) per annum, said fee to accompany the application for membership. Memberships can be renewed each year for the same amount.
A combination membership for Husband and Wife (no other combination) shall be available for six dollars ($6.00) per year, provided the application for both is made at the same time.”
Resolution No. 10
BE IT RESOLVED, that Section 2 of Article VIII, of the By-Laws, be changed to read: “Application for Registrar’s license are to be made to the office of the Secretary, who upon request will supply the applicant with the necessary blank, which is to be filled out by the applicant, and sent back to the Secretary’s office together with the fee of seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50).” The remainder of the section to remain.
Resolution No. 11
BE IT RESOLVED, that in Section 4 of Article VIII, of the By-Laws, the first line be changed to read: “The yearly fee for the renewal of a Registrar’s license shall be three Dollars ($3.00).” The remainder of the section to remain as is.
Resolution No. 12
BE IT RESOLVED, that Section 3 of Article IX, of the ByLaws, be changed to read: “Each applicant for Judges license must be accompanied by the regular fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00).” The remainder of this section to remain as is.
Resolution No. 13
BE IT RESOLVED, that in Section 5 of Article IX, of the By-Laws, the first line be changed to read: “The yearly fee for renewal of Judge’s license shall be seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50).” The remainder of the section to remain as is.
Resolutions No. 9-10-11-12-13 submitted by
The Organization Survey Committee
and ARBA Board of Directors and
signed by 25 members of the ARBA.
Resolution No. 14
WHEREAS, only a small percentage of our Judges and Registrars attend the National Convention and WHEREAS, Judges conferences are educational for the breeders and serve as refresher courses for the Judges and Registrars,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that regional Judges Conferences will be granted to shows when 10 or more judges agree to attend said conference, The ARBA will charge a fee of $3.00 for such a conference. Judges shall attend one official conference once every 2 years. Not more than 3 official conferences will be granted in any state in any calender year.
Submitted by the Organization Survey Committee and signed by 25 members of the ARBA.
Resolution No. 15
WHEREAS, the ARBA has an expense of about $1.83 out of each sanction issued and
WHEREAS, The cost of issuing sanctions will go up due to increased postage and supplies and,
WHEREAS, the entire present fee is used to purchase trophies for the convention show,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That in addition to the regular $2.00 fee, at all local, state and Specialty club shows, one cent of each rabbit entry fee is to be remitted to the ARBA Secretary when the show report is sent in, and the sum remitted will go into the general fund to cover the cost of the sanction.
Submitted by the Organization Survey Committee and signed by 25 members of the ARBA.
Raise Earthworms Under Hutches 1000 Breeders $7.50 Postpaid With Free Instructions
Colonie Bait Farms 1273 Central Albany 5, N.Y.
Angora Rabbit Magazine
Angora Foundation Stock
Angora Supplies and Books
Box 104 — 121 West 1st Street Waterford, Penna.
You can put a rabbit in any of them, and they will not complain. But to raise rabbits properly you should raise them in rabbit hutches, that are made to raise rabbits in, like the Glick all metal hutch made with special rabbit hutch (baby saver) wire.
Phone 2-5357
A.R.B.A. Judge & Registrar
(All Breeds)
Giving full time to the A.R.B.A. Your shows will be appreciated. Request your bookings early.
Tattoo boxes for sale, $5.00 each.
Member of the Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin State Clubs.
E. E. (Ernie) JOHNSTON
2505 Broadway DUBUQUE, IOWA
Dubuque’s First and Oldest JUDGE
Who Desire to Assist You and Serve You Register Your Rabbits — Judge Your Shows
By Dr. Max R. Andrews
First stock will sell better from Red, White and Blue registered rabbits, than just plain pedigreed rabbits. I don’t mean that a pedigreed rabbit is no good but when a pedigree has no registered rabbits in it, you certainly do not have the protection from the American, that you have with registered rabbits.
You know that all registrations are checked when they are sent to the ARBA. Second, the easiest way in the world to give a pedigree on young rabbits is to have the sire and dam registration papers, in that way you eliminate looking through several pedigrees to make a pedigree for the young rabbit you are selling. It also impresses the buyer, as he will say to himself, this fellow really keeps his rabbits registered and must take a real interest in his herd.
Again this year the ARBA requires “all rabbits that are eligible to be registered, must be registered at time of award.” Last year was the first year that the ARBA required this of a winner and to my surprise not one winner was entered under a registration number. However, I sent cards to the winners and again I had a surprise, everyone was registered. I draw my conclusion from the fact I checked each letter and everyone had their card back to me so soon, that to me it would have been impossible to get the rabbits registered and send the number to me from the time I wrote until I received all the answers.
The ARBA is also offering a trophy for the most registered rabbits entered by one breeder and a trophy for second place on next largest number of registered rabbits by a breeder. I can check on the breed winners, but I have only one way to check the largest number registered rabbits entered by a breeder.
You must enter your rabbits under its registration number so the show officials can check how many registered rabbits you have entered. In other words the entry blank tells the story.
I realize it is easier to write your private ear number on your entry blank. Some shows will not accept entries when registration numbers only are shown. This is wrong. Be proud of the registration number. Please use your registration number on your entry.
It pays to register your stock, even though they may not win a first or best.
Judge and Registrar
HILLIARDS, OHIO Judge and Registrar
R.R. NO. 2 WINCHESTER, IND. Judge and Registrar
216 CANAL ST. BRATTLEBORO, VT. Judge and Registrar
401 SOUTH SUMMIT AVE. CHARLOTTE 8, N.C. Judge and Registrar
BOX 205
ST. JOSEPH, MINN. Judge and Registrar
213 SOUTH STREET WATTSBURGH, PA. Judge and Registrar
26 HILLCREST DR. PARAGOULD, ARK. Judge and Registrar
74 TERRACE DRIVE SHAVERTOWN, PA. Judge and Registrar
1626 OAKLAND PARKWAY LIMA, OHIO Judge and Registrar
16358 BROADWAY MAPLE HEIGHTS, OHIO Judge and Registrar
Registrar Rabbits & Hutches
Rabbits & Cavies
Licensed A.R.B.A.
4323 Murray Ave. Pittsburgh 17, Pa.
Judge and Registrar
2291-B 48TH ST. LOS ALAMOS, N. MEX. Registrar
5909 MIDWAY FORT WORTH, TEXAS Phone 4-0198 Judge and Registrar
RD NO. 1 CAZENOVIA, N.Y. Registrar
222 SOOSE ROAD PITTSBURGH 9, PA. Judge and Registrar
LEXINGTON, KY. Judge and Registrar
2730 APPLELANE AVE. KALAMAZOO, MICH. Judge and Registrar
RT. 3, BOX 157-D LAKE CHARLES, LA. Judge and Registrar
GET READY for this year's outstanding event—The 35th Annual A.R.B.A. Convention, Springfield, Illinois
ALBION, MICH. Judge and Registrar
RT. 3, BOX 499 TRAVERSE CITY, MICH. Judge and Registrar
17322 RAYMER ST. NORTHRIDGE, CALIF. Judge and Registrar
RT. 1
RD NO. 2
LITTLE VALLEY, N.Y. Judge and Registrar
10405 EAST 56TH ST. RAYTOWN, MO. Registrar
300 WALNUT ST. WARREN, PA. Judge and Registrar
P.O. BOX 174 LINCOLN ACRES, CALIF. Judge and Registrar
P.O. BOX 643 MUNCIE, IND. Judge and Registrar
RR NO. 1
LEWISBURG, OHIO Judge and Registrar
75 LAKE AVE. LEICESTER, MASS. Phone Twin Oaks 5-5751 Judge and Registrar
1012 N. ELWOOD TULSA 6, OKLAHOMA Phone Gibson 7-4636 Judge and Registrar
WESTPORT AVE. NORWALK, CONN. Judge and Registrar
R.D. NO. 1, BOX 162 RIVERSIDE, N.J. Judge and Registrar
Names of Registrars who have pur- Harold Johnson, Mich. 50
chased 40 or more registration Applica- Don Reid, I11. 50
tions since January 1, 1958. H. E. Dickson, Ill. 50
W. A. Meyers, Ill. 70 A. Klubertanz, Wisc. 40
W. T. Robinson, Ill. 60 Francis Bennett, Iowa 40
G. R. Barnes, Colo. 60 V. N. Ashton, Ohio 40
Ted Wengert, Ill. 60 H. L. Paden, Missouri 40
Thomas Ayers, Ill. 50 Dick F. Parker, Alabama 40
Open For Show Judging Engagements JUDGE
4901 — 5th Avenue, So. Birmingham, Alabama
S. D. "SI" SCHERTZER 214 EAST SECOND ST. KEWANEE, ILL. Dial 5712 Registrar
1813 24TH DRIVE DES MOINES, IOWA Registrar
3404 SO. 17TH ST.
ST. JOSEPH, MO. Judge and Registrar
P.O. BOX 85 ALPHA, N.J. Judge and Registrar
69 Godby St.,
LOGAN, W. VA. Registrar
819 SOUTH ROENA ST. INDIANAPOLIS 41, IND. Judge and Registrar
2117 GLENCREST DR. FORT WORTH 5, TEXAS Judge and Registrar
RT. 4
4191 MERCER ROAD DECATUR, GEORGIA Judge and Registrar
TAMPA 11, FLA. Judge and Registrar
P.O. BOX 143 PENN YAN, N.Y. Registrar
RT. 2, BOX 408 BIRMINGHAM 9, ALA. Phone TR 9-0357 Judge and Registrar
P. O. BOX 13 OAKLANDON, IND. Judge and Registrar
By T. A. Loveland
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the rabbit raising part of the Rabbit Industry but other phases of the industry have been sadly neglected and have received very little attention and less study.
I received a letter from a man who says that he has about 75 lbs. of rabbit skins per week that he throws away, and to do that costs him something. These skins have a market value of $975.00 per year. This loss is not this man’s fault, it is the fault of the industry by not educating him and showing him how he can handle these skins to make a profit. Then there is the manure, dead rabbits and usual waste around the place that can be turned into income. Then there is the raising of the rabbits, housing, feeding and marketing of the meat, skins and byproducts, but literature alone will not help the individual rabbit raiser, he needs personal contact with someone who knows and can give directions that are best to follow. Very few peo-le are good managers, students, mar-et experts, butchers, salesmen and doctors, so it takes organization to handle everything to make a success for all but a very few geniuses among a million people, lucky to find one.
I have a letter from Mr. C. L. Scott who had read my advertisement in the A.R.B.A. Booklet “A Practical Beginning to Successful Rabbit Raising.” I sent him the usual information, several weeks later he called on me in person and spent several hours and saw about 300 samples of Compost-Humus made from rabbitry waste, poultry waste, garbage, etc. Mr. Scott is a business man and conducts a large poultry operation and several years ago had a rabbitry of several hundred
You certainly do not know how to run a business to increase profits when you don't know how to pay the feed bills with dead rabbits, manure, bedding, offal, garbage, or poultry waste, etc.
THIS HAS BEEN PROVED Others pay feed bills with waste and solve odor and waste disposal prob-lems, save work and expense and at same time make a valuable product from the waste that has no equal In value for plants, soil and animals.
KNOW HOW OTHERS DO IT See the product made from waste by rabbit and poultry raisers in the attractive customer package; send $1 for 2½ lb., with definite facts, or 10ȼ for special data.
Free General Information Write today - Learn what you can do
215 Fulton St.,
New York City 7. N. Y.
breeding does in South America, after reading the ad in “A Practical Beginning,” he apparently has decided to purchase some breeding stock and raise rabbits as well as chickens. He said he had written to breeders about stock, so here is direct evidence that a man becomes interested in rabbits because of the possibilities for additional income from the waste, knows from experience with poultry that
there is additional profit from waste and that the same applies to rabbits commercially. It is encouraging to note that we have today as we have always had those who feel that the commercial end of rabbit production has been neglected, encouraging to note that at last something is going to be done to bring the commercial end of this industry to the front where it rightfully belongs.
Complete Line
Welded Wire for Hutch Floors & Sides — All-Wire Rabbit Hutches Feed & Water Crocks — Weston Tattoo Outfits Write for Catalog
216 Canal St., Dept. A Brattleboro, Vt.
To Settle Estate of the Late Judge Geo. S. West we offer
Mrs. Geo. S. West 35412 Ave. "D”
Yucaipa, California
in your rabbit feeds keeps bunnies a hop ahead of disease
nf-180 is the answer to important rabbit disease problems. Feeding trials show that continuous feeding of 1 pound nf-180 per ton of complete feed:
● Reduces enteritis in young stock.
* Cuts pneumonia cases and losses.
● Increases weaning percentage by 7 %.
* Boosts average weaning weights by more than ¼ lb. per fryer.
nf-180 is non-toxic . . . safe to use even on the youngest bunnies, nf-180
is used up as it works.. . it can be fed right up to market time. There’s no danger of drug residues in the meat.
Market the slickest, healthiest rabbits ever. It costs so little you just can't afford to be without nf-180 protection. If your feed supplier doesn’t have nf-180 on hand, have him contact Hess & Clark, Inc., Ashland, Ohio.
Silver Martens Himalayans
E. L. Waterstreet Kewaunee, Wis.
Consistent Winners
N. Zealand Whites White American Cavies
I have some New Zealand White Jr. Does; from good commercial pedi-greed and registered stock; bred for Production.
McDonald Rabbitry
9 S. Date St., Perryton, Texas
Licensed Registrar
For Show — BRED — For Meat
All Breeders From Registered Stock — A.R.B.A. Registrar
Phone GLendale 4-3574 PROMPT
3301 Klondike Lane Replies to all
Louisville 7, Ky. Inquiries
115-South 41st Street Phone LY 2-2253
2309-31 st Street S.W. Phone ST 6-8791
Birmingham, Alabama
Box 266 Marlow, Okla.
Breeding and Show Stock
Some of Americas Best Bloodlines of Black,
Blue, Chocolate and Tortoise Dutch Also
Outstanding White Satins from Strain that produced 1st & 2nd Sr. White Satin Does Class of 22 2nd & 3rd 6-8 White Satin Does Class of 16 2nd & 4th Jr. White Satin Does Class of 16 At Little Rock, ARBA Convention Show
Few of our members realize just what it takes to put this publication into their hands. It is not at all difficult for the A.R.B.A. Board of Directors to sit around a conference table and exchange ideas, make plans, but it is an entirely different matter to carry them out. The enthusiasm shown at convention time seems to disappear entirely after the excitement of the convention is over with few exceptions, the exception being a few hardy souls who take hold, endure the few who criticize and smilingly go on doing the things that they know are appreciated by many who have gone to the trouble of writing to headquarters with favorable comments regarding the Bulletin and those who make it possible.
It was decided at the meeting of the Board of Directors at the last convention to issue a bulletin every two months during 1958, so far, an issue has reached the members in February, April and June. This one is a combination of the August bulletin and the October Year Book. The Year Book is a regular yearly feature so voted on by resolution presented on the floor of a convention.
Another issue of the bulletin will reach the members after the coming convention to be held in Springfield, Ill. in October. It will carry the reports of the conventions activities. The minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors. Reports of committees, financial statements etc. With that, the consignment given this committee as to the bulletin will have been carried out.
The continuation of the bulletin and its future may be in the hands of the A.R.B.A, members. Its continuance may depend to a great degree on you, that is why the two questions below are being asked. It is very important that as many as possible make their wishes in this respect known. If only a few show an interest, this after convention issue may be the last. So far the Board of Directors have voted to give the members this bulletin. (At the convention held at Little Rock, last year NOT ONE OFFICER OPPOSED IT). Now it is up to you, members to let YOUR wishes be known, you are the ones to decide. If the vote is overwhelming in favor, it is possible that the matter will be presented by resolution at the 1959 convention and the matter settled by the majority vote of those attending.
VOTE, sign your name and address, and mail to me, John C. Fehr, Chairman A.R.B.A. Bulletin Committee, 1302 Woodlawn Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Mail on or before October 1, 1958. If you do not wish to use the above form one on a sheet of paper will do.
John C. Fehr, Chairman.
BD-1 BD STANDARD (With Elevated Floor) SIZE: 42" X 30" X 18")
Rabbit Pens Feeders
Judging Coops Nest Boxes
Show Coops Accessories
B-D Rabbit Hutch Co.
Complete line of ALL WIRE Rabbit Pens, Coops end Accessories for the Rabbit Breeder and Rabbit Clubs.
“Custom Manufacturing A Speciality”
Write For Free Circular Financing Available
We like to refer to this unit as the B-D Special 6-24 $6.2S F.O.B. W/D Floor
Devoted to the interest of JUNIOR RABBIT BREEDERS
Membership $1.50
For information write Daisye Valouch, Sec'y-425 S.W. Avenue Bethany, Oklahoma
Official Publication of the American Rabbit Breeders Association
By Edward H. Stahl, General Chairman Advertising and Promotion Committee In making comparison of the results of the A.R.B.A. Advertising Campaign for the first six months of 1958, with that of the first six months of 1957, we find the results most interesting and gratifying. Those of you who will read and compare will no doubt agree that ADVERTISING has proven to be,, in deed and in fact, the Silver Lining on any dark clouds that may appear on the horizon.
For the 1958 advertising schedule we selected 31 of America’s leading Farm, Agricultural, Poultry, Outdoor and Mechanical publications, 14 of them on a TF (Till Forbid) basis.
In making the following comparison we selected the six publications with the largest circulation, using the same advertising copy, at the same cost with the following results:
4545—1958. 5683.
The total inquiries received from the 31 publications, using the same comparison as above resulted as follows:
TOTAL INQUIRIES — 1957, 6157 — 1958, 9048 INCREASE 2891
The gain in members received over the six months period from the A.R.
B.A. booklet which is sent to each inquiry should be of considerable interest. The comparison follows. MEMBERS — 1957, 345 — 1958, 558 INCREASE 213
Next, we present the advertising expenditures over the same period for which the above figures are given. ADVERTISING COST — 1957, $2,-224.74 — 1958, $2,846.42 INCREASE $621.69 As shown, we spent $621.69 more for advertising in the first six months of 1958 over 1957. But the percentage in the increase in the inquiries as well as members received is greater than the increase in advertising costs.
Another very unusual observation is presented in the fact that the six publications selected to give the above comparison produced in June 1957, 432 inquiries, and in June 1958, 733 a gain of 301 inquiries in one of the dullest months of the year. This clearly indicates that more people for one reason or another are becoming interested. Yes, THERE’S ALWAYS A SILVER LINING.
The first six months of the 1958 Membership drive Contest show a marked gain over the same period in 1957.
In 1957, January 1, to June 30, 671 members were credited to our drive but the corresponding period this year shows 785 members or a gain of 114.
Of course this is not exactly spectacular but it indicates a very definite trend and in this respect in line with the upward trend reported by our general chairman.
If each member would put forth just a little more effort and every club would enter this membership drive contest not only would all that participate benefit financially but you would be doing a great service to a great organization, the A.R.B.A.
There will be cash awards totaling $150.00 divided among the top ten in both the local club and the individual membership contest.
Why not start right now, it’s not too late. Secretary Blyth has plenty of membership application blanks and will be happy to send you a supply.
Write to Mr. Blyth today, get some blanks and enclose one with your (Continued on page 7)
EMILY ANN DAVIS COLORADO’S FIRST RABBIT QUEEN At the Banquet following the Judging of rabbits at the Colo. State Fair Show, Pueblo, Colo. August 19, 1958 Emily Ann will be crowned Colorado’s First Rabbit Queen. She is a member of the Northern Colo. R.B.A., The Californian Specialty Club, and the A.R.B.A. She has been named the First President of the newly organized Youth Club, and will preside at the National Convention of this group in Springfield, Ills, in October. This young Lady beginning in 1955 has made many outstanding contributions and has excelled in them all.
Membership Application
ARBA Youth Rabbit Club
Daisye Valouch, Sec’y 425 Southwest Ave.
Bethany, Okla.
Inclose $1.50 for one years membership which entitles me to a copy of the Official Youth Guide Book and other privileges provided by this club.
Name ...............................
City........ State
WINNERS. JUNIOR JUDGING CONTEST AT LITTLE ROCK CONVENTION, 1957 Left to Right—Benny F. Hill, Chairman, A.R.B.A. Youth Committee. M. B. Moore, Okla., Dale Grabarczyk, N. J. Mike Eich, Iowa. Photo By Small Stock Magazine.
America Beveren Club ........ Robert H. Knowles, Rt. 2, Quakertown, Pennsylvania
American Checkered Giant Club. E. B. Schultz, 512 First National Bank Building,
Alton, Illinois
American Chinchilla Rabbit Breeders Ass’n American Dutch Rabbit Club
American English Rabbit Club
National Federation Flemish Giant Breeders American Federation of Havana Breeders American Federation of New Zealand Breeders
O. H. Greene, Babley Road, Rt 5., Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. Jessie Weinhardt, Bethel Church Road,
Rt. 3, Manchester, Michigan Ward Hatcher, Rt. 3, Box 144-A,
Mountain Grove, Mo.
Don Reid, Rt. 1, Lockport, Illinois
J. A. Abbott, 838 Warsaw Avenue, St. Joseph, Mo.
Walter N. Mann, 811 Prospect St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Join Now
Membership $3.00 per year, includes new Guide Book and monthly publication Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. W. A. Weinhardt 17990 Bethel Church Rd.
R. 3, Manchester, Michigan
"The Rabbit of Beauty and Distinction”
Eight Standard Varieties
The American Satin Rabbit Breeders Association Mrs. C. B, Allen, Sect'y.
200 E. Burney, Madill, Oklahoma
Membership $2. which includes guidebook and Satin News, A meat type breed with elegant commercial fur.
We can make the deadline if you write Mrs. Allen NOW.
For a Rabbit that is TOPS on the SHOW TABLE or the DINNER TABLE its the CALIFORNIAN Dues $2.00 per yr.
Guide Book & 6 issues of the “News
Porter W. Powers, Sec'y. 21080B Laguna Canyon Rd. Laguna Beach, Calif.
Write for FREE Leaflet
Raise NEW ZEALANDS, join our FEDERATION, receive guide book, New Zealand Newsletter and membership card. For membership—send $2.00 to Walter N. Mann, Sec'y. 81 1 E. Prospect St., Indianapolis 3, Indiana. Combination membership with A.R.B.A. $4.75. Send 10ȼ for descriptive folder.
American Himalayan Association Francis P. Riffle, Box 4, Middlebranch, Ohio
American Satin Rabbit Breeders Association Mrs. C. B. Allen, 200 E. Burney, Madill, Oklahoma American Silver Fox Rabbit Club C. L. Clason, Bloom City, Wisconsin
Angora Specialty Club........ Eugene Carpenter, Rt. 2, Box 36-C, Piqua, Ohio
Californian Specialty Club .. Porter W. Powers, 21080 Laguna Canyon Road,
Laguna Beach, California
HOLD AN OFFICIAL Himalayan sweepstake show Sanction fee, $2.00. Directed specials optional.
Write American Himalayan Association, Francis P. Riffle, Secretary, Box 4, Middlebranch, Ohio
Sponsored by
The American Checkered Giant Club Inc. Organized in 1918
News Bulletin Sweepstake Shows Rosettes Illustrated Guide Book Official Pedigree Books
DUES $2.00 per year - JOIN NOW EUGENE B. SHULTZ, SEC., 501 First National Bank Bldg. — Alton, Illinois
Champagne D’Argent Federation Oren, Reynolds, 3438 McArthur Rd., Decatur, Illinois
Creme DeArgent Federation.......... .. . L. T. Gregory, 527 Hulbert Ave., Erlanger, Ky.
Giant Chinchilla Rabbit Association. Dr. Alfred de Castro, Hunting Ridge Rd.,
Stanford, Conn.
"The workingman’s racehorse”
National Belgian Hare Club of America
HAROLD H. TRETHAWAY, Secretary 832 S. Franklin St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Membership S2.00 includes Guide Book and Newsletters.
North American Marten Specialty Club.
Polish Rabbit Club.......
Rex Rabbit Federation..
Standard Chinchilla Club
American Blue & White Federation American Tan Breeders Ass’n American Vienna Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Palomino Co-Breeders Ass’n
Ray Shupe, 445 Dickinson Ave., Van Wert, Ohio Charles A. Henry, 49 Auburn St., Saugus. Mass.
John Hastings, 3945 Michael Road, Memphis, Tenn. Tommy Andrew, 74 Terrace Drive,
Shavertown, Penna.
A. H. Loudenslager, Rt. 2, Montoursville, Penna.
E. R. Parks, Rt. 2, Box 208, Glendale, Arizona John Stevens, Box 1003, Lake Avenue, Rahway, N. J. Bro. Thomas, C. O., 213 So. Street, Wattsburg, Pa.
Arizona State New Zealand Club Michael Just, Rt. 1, Box 978, Scottsdale, Arizona
Californian Specialty Club of Arizona Marian L. Mikesell, Rt. 9, Box 104, Tucson, Arizona
California Dutch Rabbit Club Alma Cremer, 9704 Enger, Bakersfield. California
D’Argent Club of California . Mrs. T. K. Burwell, Rt. 5, Box 687, Riverside, Calif.
Flemish Fanciers Club of California Wayne Boslaugh, 1608 Gardena Ave.,
Glendale 4, Calif.
Satin Rabbit Breeders of California H. R. Ketchum, 5062 Lakeview Ave.,
Yorba Linda, Calif.
Southern California New Zealand Rabbit Club Mary Oleen, 8459 E. Eucalyptus, Downey, California Empire Dutch Specialty Club Roy Rooks, 1100 E. Cheyenne Rd.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Florida State Dutch Club Mrs. W. B. Janes 1709 E. Henry Ave., Tampa, Fla.
Illinois English Breeders Specialty Club. .. Ivan Miller, Box 25, Maquon, Illinois
Illinois New Zealand R.B. Specialty Club.. Fred R. Applegate, 1707 E. Carpenter St.,
Springfield, Ill.
Illinois Satin Club .............................Roger Fitchorn, 1302 S. Bunn St., Bloomington, Ill.
Illinois State American Checkered Giant Club. Ralph W. Weber, 122 W. James St., Dwight, Ill.
Illinois State Flemish Giant Breeders Ass’n Mary Dale, 1509 E. Melrose Ave., Springfield, Ill.
Illinois-Indiana American Checkered Giant Club Joe Mis, 4326 Baltimore St., Hammond, Ind.
Indiana State Californian Breeders Ass'n Kyle Cunningham, RR #1, Ligonier, Ind.
Indiana State Dutch Club Mrs. Harry Staneart, Rt. 2, Middletown, Indiana
State of Indiana New Zealand Breeders A. C. McKeeman, 5419 S. Hanna St.,
Fort Wayne, Ind.
Iowa State Dutch Rabbit Club Mrs. Rose Earles, 1720 S. 17th St., Fort Dodge, Iowa
Iowa Silver Marten Club Mrs. Helen Forsberg, RR #2,
Box 150-A, Davenport, Iowa
Michigan State Dutch Club Raymond Wells, 2435 S. Main, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Wolverine State Angora Club Alice E. Bills, 14723 W. Howe Road, Portland, Mich.
Eastern Dutch Rabbit Fanciers Club L. C. Van Ness, 13 Park St., West Caldwell, N. J.
Empire State Angora Club Myrtle Gillis, Box 3C5, Sackets Harbor, New York
Ohio Marten Rabbit Club .... Myrtle Shupe, 447 Dickinson Ave., Van Wert, Ohio
Ohio Californian Specialty Club. Paul F. Hanke. 1412 W. Market St.. Sandusky, Ohio
Ohio Checkered Giant Club.. Herb Layton, 25620 Lorain Rd., N. Olmsted, Ohio
Ohio State Dutch Club .................... Merle N. Emery, RD #2, Elyria, Ohio
Ohio State Flemish Giant Breeders Ass’n.. R. T. Kenney, 331 Graham Rd., Reynoldsburg, Ohio Ohio State New Zealand Club William C. Earl, Rt. 1, Baltimore, Ohio
Dutch Specialty Club of Oklahoma Mrs. M. W. Hales, 4321 S.E. 55th St.,
Oklahoma City, Okla.
Bexer County New Zealand E. H. Petmecky, 1323 W. Thompson Pl„
Rabbit Breeders Ass'n San Antonio. Texas
United California Rabbit Breeders Mrs. Earl K. Bennett, Rt. 3, Box 139-C,
of San Antonio ............ San Antonio. Texas
New England New Zealand Breeders Ars’n Marvin F. Carley, 216 Canal St., Brattleboro, Vermont Checkered Giant Breeders of Huntingdon, W, Va. Joseph Kellar. 4245 Washington St.,
W. Charleston, W. Va.
Wisconsin State Californian Specialty Club George C. Schiesel. 641 E. Drexel Ave..
So. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wisconsin State Checkered Giant Club David L. Brueggemann, 2037 North 51st St.,
Milwaukee 8, Wisconsin
Wisconsin State Dutch Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Forest H. Arnold, Rt. 1, Box 76,
Janesville, Wisc.
Champagne - D'Argent Federation
Live Wire Specialty Club JOIN TODAY
Join The
"The Grandaddy Of All Chins”
Quarterly Newsletter — Guide Book and Other Helps DUES $2.00 PER YEAR
Tommy Andrew, Sec'y.-Treas. Shavertown, Pa.
125 Morristown Rd. Bernardsville, N. J.
Route 3 Box 157-D
Lake Charles, La.
Champagne & White New Zealand Stock for Sale
Licensed A.R.B.A. Judge
Want to buy or sell some rabbits? You get a classified ad free when you sub scribe to the industry's leading monthly magazine!
—another EXTRA from THE NATIONAL
“Rabbit Raiser
for more profit and enjoyment
1 year, $2.00 3 years, $4.00
The National Rabbit Raiser 420-Y South 6th Street Minneapolis 15, Minnesota
Alabama Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. E. R. Ferguson, Rt. 2, Box 413, Pinson, Ala.
The "QUALITY" Rabbitry
Breeder and Originator of the
1425 Trumbull Street Bay City, Michigan
California State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Alta Williamson, RR #7, Box 758, Bakersfield, Calif.
Delaware State Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Mary H. Klekotka, 2300 Faulk Rd., RD #3,
Wilmington 3, Delaware
Florida State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Oreen Holtitzell, Rt. 6, Box 115, Tampa, Fla.
Illinois State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n S. D. Schertzer, 214 E. 2nd St., Kcwanee, Illinois
Show with the Best in the Midwest.
S. D. SCHERTZER, Sec’y 214 E. Second St.
Kewanee, Illinois
Indiana State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Iowa State Rabbit Breeders
Kansas State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Louisiana Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Massachusetts Fed. of Rabbit & Cavy Clubs
Michigan State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n
Minnesota State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mississippi Rabbit Breeders Club
Missouri State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n
New Jersey State Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’
New York State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n .........
North Carolina Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Ohio State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Oklahoma State Rabbit Federation Oregon State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Keystone State Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n
Texas Rabbit Breeders Association Association of Virginia Rabbit Breeders Washington State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Wisconsin State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n
R. D. Humbert, 715 Leopold, Huntington, Indiana Darrell E. Bramhall, 124½ So. Virginia,
Mason City, Iowa
Lester Johnson, 712 N. St., Halstead, Kansas D. C. Davis, 2108 5th St., Lake Charles, Louisiana Mrs. Charlotte Keith, 574 Prospect St.,
West Boylston, Mass.
Ray Grables, 527 Sunset Dr., Rt. 2,
Milford, Michigan
Mrs. Gordon Leibel, Rt. 1, St. Paul 11, Minnesota Mrs. O. F, Bockholdt, 3657 Forest Hill Road,
Jackson, Mississippi
H. O. Stevens, 1029 S. Weaver, Springfield, Missouri Carl J. Holinger, 1008 E. 7th, Plainfield, N. J.
Mrs. Tillie Morehead, Box 161, Maine, New York Robert F. Thomas, 309 So. Vance St., Gastonia, N. C. Don Kent, 578 Yo-Pitt Road, Poland 14, Ohio Daisye Valouch, 425 S West St., Bethan, Oklahoma Mrs. Jessie West, Rt. 1, Box 436, West Linn, Oregon J. Filmore Miller, 6851 Blue Ridge Avenue, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania D. E. Geddes, 5025 Avenue R½, Galveston, Texas Morris L. Hancock, 2423 Bay Ave., Hampton, Virginia Barbara Lang, Rt. 1, Box 334, Oak Harbor, Wash. Royal Meyer, 2105 N. 40th St., Sheboygan, Wisconsin
9520 Alpine Rd. Rockford, III.
Outstanding Breeding Stock
Silver Fox, Lilacs, Flemish Giants, Dutch in all colors and N.Z. Reds & Whites.
CLAUDE H. BENNETT 1136 4th. Ave.
Terre Haute, Ind.
One feed system
Complete Rabbit Pellets
Breeding & Feeding Selecting Marketing Recording The most information for the commercial rabbit raiser under one cover
Compliments of
PEARL REYNOLDS, Secy. Lexington, Ky.
Carl Frech, Secretary 2123 East Pine Enid, Oklahoma
Compliments of
So. Colo. Rabbit Breeders Ass'n
Rt. 2, Box 251 Pueblo, Colo.
MRS. OLIVER THOMPSON, Sec 2419 Poplar Pueblo, Colo.
join the
specializing in New Zealand Whites and Californians Combination membership with ARBA $4.00
includes ARBA guide book and BULLETINS.
MARY ZAMPATTI, Secy Santa Rosa, Calif.
FEEDERS glazed all white S 7 (7¼" dia.) $4.00 doz.
S 6 (5½" dia.) $3.70 doz. (40 lbs. per doz.)
(25 lbs. per doz.)
WATERERS glazed all white
S 9 (6” dia.) 40 lbs. per doz $4.00 doz.
10% discount on GROSS lots . . . group buying recommended to avoid high freight costs.
All prices F.O.B. Plant. Louisville. Kentucky
Western Illinois Rabbit Breeders Ass'n
Mrs. Bernise A. Bloomquist, Sec’y Box 138 Sherrard, Ill.
Fair Manager’s Name and Address
Greater Gulf State Fair.... Bert Stewart, P. O. Box 172, Mobile, Alabama
Arizona State Fair George N. Goodman, 1826 E. McDowell Road,
Phoenix, Ariz.
Pima County Fair Commission ... Hazel Monroe, Rt. 3, Box 386, Tucson, Arizona
North West Arkansas District Fair Allen Kirkpatrick, Box 413, Harrison, Arkansas
California State Fair & Exhibition P. O. Box 2C36, Sacramento 9, California
Farmer’s Fair of Riverside County Enid Densel, 9647 So. Sierra Ave., Fontana, Calif.
41st District Agricultural Ass’n C. W. Glover, P.O. Box 26, Crescent City, California
Fresno District Fair T. A. Dodge, 1121 Chance Ave., Fresno, Calif.
Los Angeles County Fair C. B. Afflerbaugh, L.A.C.F.A., Pomona, Calif.
Napa Town & Country Fair........................Mrs. Alice Mead, 2288 Kathleen Dr., Napa, California
Orange County Fair Ass’n .......................Enid Densel, 9647 Sierra Ave., Fontana, California
Redwood Acres Fair ........................ R. H. Barnes, 3750 Harris St.,
Red Acres, Eureka, Calif.
Sun Diego County Fair ..........................Paul T. Manne, P. O. Box 578, Del Mar, California
San Joaquin County Fair......................... R. E. Walker, P.O. Box 2154, Storkton, California
Tulare County Fair ........................A. J. Elliott, 24th Dist. Agri. Ass’n, P.O. Box 777,
Tulare, California
24-A District Agricultural Ass’n ...............Jim King, P.O. Box 659, Hanford, California
North and South Saanich Agricultural Society____Stanley K. Hunt, 239 Regina Ave.,
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Victoria Agricultural Exhibition . David G. Nightingale, 816 Wharf St.,
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Colorado State Fair............................. H. F. Pedigo, 940 Veta Ave., Pueblo, Colorado
Pensacola Interstate Fair.......................John E. Frenkel, P.O. Box 255, Pensacola, Florida
Bureau County Agricultural Board................Lee H. Oloffson, Box 33, Wyanet, Illinois
Ford County Fair of Melvin......................Paul E. Danforth, Roberts, Illinois
Illinois State Fair .................S. D. Schertzer, 214 E. Second St., Kewanee, Ill.
Kankakee Fair Ass’n. .......... Percy F. Loiselle, Box 583, Kankakee, Ill.
Logan County Fair .....................Roger Fitchorn, 1302 S. Bunn, Bloomington, Ill.
Ogle County Fair .....................E. D. Landers, 710 Washington St., Oregon, Ill.
Rock Island County Fair ....................Wayne Fester, P.O. Box 267, East Moline, Ill.
Rock River Valley Show Circuit .................Helen Hornberger, RD #4, Freeport, Ill.
Iowa State Fair L. B. Cunningham, State House, Des Moines, Iowa
Kansas State Fair Virgil C. Miller, Hutchinson, Kansas
Shelby County Fair .............................Carroll Clements, Box 21, Shelbyville, Kentucky
Skowhegan State Fair ...........................Mrs. Ralph Stoodley, 9 East St., Skowhegan, Maine
Brockton Fair .........................Ralph S. Lowell, 129 Fort Hill St., Hingham, Mass.
Lenawee County Fair.............................M. R. Mohr, RFD #4, Adrian, Michigan
Missouri State Fair............................. M. C. “Colie” Ervin, Box 111, Sedalia, Missouri
Eastern New Mexico State Fair Mrs. Eleanor Rossow, 104 So. Union,
Roswell, N. Mex,
New Mexico State Fair ..................... Leon H. Harms, P.O. Box 1693, Albuquerque, N. Mex.
West Texas-New Mexico R.B. Show Circuit R. C. Schwab, 102 N. Kansas Ave., Roswell, N. Mex.
Chatauqua Co. Poultry & Pet Stock Ass’n A. J. Hammerstrom, R.F.D. #4, Jamestown, N. Y.
Jefferson Co. Agricultural Society Glenn L. Feister, 559 Mill St., Watertown, N.Y.
Mineola Fair .............. Howard Bartow, 38 Sherman St., Merrith, New York
New York State Fair........ Mr. Wm. F. Baker, N.Y. State Fair, Syracuse, N. Y.
Clermont County Fair................ L. D. Lewis, Box 37, Bethel, Ohio
Lake County Agricultural Society J. H. Belcher, 480 King Highway, Mentor, Ohio
Montgomery County Agricultural Board Goldie V. Scheible, 709-710 Reibold Building,
Dayton 2, Ohio
Ohio State Fair Robert Jones, Columbus, Ohio
Lane County Fair........... Ernest McCullock, 796 W. 13th St., Eugene, Oregon
Multnomah County Fair............... Duane Hennessy, P.O. Box 406, Gresham, Oregon
Oregon Poultry & Pet Stock Ass’n Chriselda Tucker, Rt. 2, Box 100, Boring, Oregon
Oregon State Fair.......... P.O. Box 671, Salem, Oregon
Pacific Rabbit Shows, Inc,... Lois Ragland, Rt. 3, Box 240, Oregon City, Oregon
Reading Fair .............................. Chas. W. Swoyer, 522 Court St., Reading, Penna.
All Southern Rabbit Breeders Show Circuit Mrs. James Brazzell, 205 White Bridge Road,
Nashville, Tennessee
Mid-South Fair, Inc. G. W. Waynne, P.O. Box 3808, Lamar Sta.,
Memphis, Tennessee
Tennessee Valley Agricultural & Industrial Fair Pat W. Kerry, P.O. Box 6066, Burlington Br.,
Knoxville, Tennessee
Houston Fat Stock Show Ruth Teasdale, 5723 Airline, Houston 9, Texas
North Texas Rabbit Show Circuit Woodrow Malone, Box 593, Denton, Texas
Panhandle South Plains Fair Ass’n A. B. Davis, 902 Texas Avenue, Lubbock, Texas
San Antonio Live Stock Exposition ......... Jim Butler, 1028 Drexel Ave., San Antonio, Texas
Southwestern Exposition & Fat Stock Show W. R. Watt, Will Rogers Memorial Coliseum-
Auditorium, Fort Worth 1, Texas
West Texas Fair Ass’n Byron Wilson, P.O. Box 2281, Abilene, Texas
Utah State Fair Ass’n State of Utah, Commission of Finance,
State Capitol Building, Salt Lake City 1, Utah
Central Washington Fair.. J. Hugh King, P.O. Box 1381, Yakima, Washington
Western Washington Fair... . J. H. McMurray, 9th & So. Meridian, Puyallup, Wash.
State Fair of West Virginia... C. T. Sydenstricker, Box 829, Lewisburg, W. Va.
Wisconsin State Fair Willard M. Masterson, Wisc. State Fair,
West Allis 14, Wisconsin
Central Arizona Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Miss Barbara Klamert, 5632 No. 9th St.,
Phoenix, Ariz.
Maricopa Co. Commercial Rabbit Club Ivan Clift, 3423 W. Lincoln, Phoenix, Arizona
Southern Arizona R.B. Ass'n Mrs. Constance Smith, 239 E, Mohave Rd.,
Tucson, Ariz.
Arkansas Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Allen Dalrymple, 6902 Grace Rd., Little Rock
Centark Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Leona Smith, Crystal Springs, Ark.
Council of California ARBA Clubs Wayne F. Boslaugh, 1608 Gardena Ave., Glendale
Golden West Rabbit Club Ann Lequire, 18317 Clarkdale, Artesia, Calif.
Kern County R.B. Ass’n ........................ Josephine Harris, 3317 Lexington Ave., Bakersfield
Ladies Auxiliary of Southern Calif. N.Z.R. Club Mrs. Neva R. White, 229 E. Carson St., Torrance Northern California R.B. Ass’n Robert E. Sprague, 3317 42nd St., Sacramento
Orange Empire Rabbit Showman's Ass’n Carol F. Powers, 21080 Laguna Canyon Road,
Laguna Beach, Calif.
Pacific Rabbit Breeders................ Mrs. Wilma Jackson, 27559 Manon Ave., Hayward
Rabbit Producers of Santa Clara Valley John W. Phillips, 20300 Crescent Dr., Sunnyvale
Redwood Empire Rabbit Producers Ass’n Mrs. Mary M. Zampatti, 2163 Waltzer Rd.,
Santa Rosa
Riverside Co. R.B. Ass’n Marcella E. Stuart, 10965 Arlington Ave., Arlington
San Fernando Valley R.B. Ass'n Charlene Fischer, 10932 Tujunga Canyon Blvd.,
San Gabriel Valley Cavy Breeders Ann Lequire, 18317 Clarkdale, Artesia
Santa Anita Rabbit Growers Ass’n Mrs. Calvin Addington, 3630 N. Barnes, Baldwin Park
Southeast Rabbit Club ........ N. E. Hamilton, 21214 So. Figoruoa, Torrance
Stanislaus Co. R.B. Ass’n Harold C. Wegman, 1440 Watts Ave., Modesto, Calif.
Tehama Rabbit Breeders Ass’n C. C. Dana, P.O. Box 1140, Chico
Torrance Area Rabbit Club Hetty Parks, 4622 W. 163rd St., Lawndale
Pres. Roy Baltz, 2147 W. 237th St., Torrance, Calif. Secy. Mrs. Betty Parks, Box 171, Torrance, Calif.
Ventura Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Francis Seffinga, 1453 Patricia Ave., Simi
B.C. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Harold F. Clarke, 502 12th Ave.,
New Westminster, B.C.
Fraser Valley Rabbit Ass’n... Mrs. J. Allen, 6871 150th St., RR 14, No. Surrey, B.C-
Vancouver Island R.B. Ass’n. Mrs. D. Nightingale, 1330 Blue Ridge Rd.,
Victoria, B.C.
Arapahoe Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Jack Rice, 4575 So. Lincoln, Englewood
Colorado Rabbit Breeders Cecil Rice, 1090 W. Belleview, Littleton
Morgan County Rabbit Ass’n Earl R. Neville, PO Box 904, Fort Morgan
Northern Colorado R.B. Club Emily Ann Davis, 1320 Virginia St., Fort Collins
Southern Colorado Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. O. E. Thompson, 2419 Poplar, Pueblo
Connecticut Commercial Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Edward A. Sweeney, 59 Meadow St., Winsted Connecticut Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Jessica V. Moran, 257 Fenn Rd., Cheshire
Fairfield County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Victor T. Sweetland, Chestnut Hill Rd., Norwalk
Mattatuck Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Anne Roman, 317 Clinton St., New Britain
The Southern California New Zealand Rabbit Club
Meets the 4th Friday of each month Clark and Oak St., Bellflower, Calif. One of So. Calif.’s most progressive Clubs — Mrs. Mary Oleen, Sec.
8459 E. Eucalyptus St. Downey, Calif.
Traditionally the largest one day show in the West. Show held second Sunday in January. Meetings on third Friday. Marcella E. Stuart, Sec., 10965 Arlington Ave., Arlington, Calif.
Compliments of
South East Rabbit Club
ELLIS W. MURRAY, Pres. 1714 W. 106th St.
Los Angeles 47, Calif.
M. E. HAMILTON, Secy 21214 Figueroa Torrance, Calif.
National Capital Rabbit Ass’n George Ankney, Box 91, Rockville, Maryland
Central Florida R.B. Ass’n Mrs. Gertrude Ellingsworth, 2317 Shannon Rd.,
Gulf Coast Rabbit Producers Ass’n Mrs. E. T. Stewart, Myakka Star Rt., Bradentown
North Florida Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Mrs. Kathleen Summersell, 3357 Peach Dr.,
South Florida Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Oreen Hoblitzell, Rt. 6, Box 511, Tampa 10
Sunshine Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Josephine Detert, 11598 Indian Rocks Road,
Atlanta Rabbit Breeders Club Mrs. W. A. Oglesby, 2127 Nelma Dr., S.W., Atlanta
Decatur Rabbit Breeders Club E. W. Yearwood, 2881 Daws Ave., S.E., Atlanta 17
Savannah River Valley R.B. Ass’n G. M. Sturtis, 1506 Wildor, Augusta
Tri County Rabbit Producers Ass’n Mrs. H. L. Malone, RR #3, Box 39, College Park
Magic Valley Rabbit Ass’n Helen V. Baxter, 113 Broadway N., Buhl
Sunshine Rabbit Breeders Ass'n
Meeting at Largo Fairgrounds, Fla. 1st Friday every month
Mrs. Betty LaGorio, Sec.
Victor T. Sweetland — Secretary Chestnut Hill Rd., Norwalk, Conn.
Write for our Show Catalog
Compliments of
P.O. Box 1735 Bakersfield, Calif.
Meets Third Monday Every Month.
correspondence and help boost the membership of our fine association.
Every new membership or renewal in the A.R.B.A, you send in means 50ȼ in your pocket or your local clubs treasury, and who knows—either you or your local may be in the top ten and share in some real cash.
Your membership drive Committee would like to know just how many local clubs have 50 to 100% of their membership also A.R.B.A, members. SEE LISTINGS OF SUCH CLUBS IN THE YEAR BOOK SECTION.
Won’t you drop us a line and tell us how your club stands? We want to include your club in this special mention.
Edw. H. Stahl, Mo. 39
Mary Zampatti, Calif. 16
Wm. Herdlinger, Mo. 14
A. F. Valouch, Okla. 12
John C. Fehr, Ind. 11
Melvin E. Behrens, N. Y. 11
Bob Madson, Ill. 9
Tommy Andrew, Pa. 9
N. E. Hamilton, Calif. 8
E. R. Parks, Ariz................. 7
Beacon Milling Co., N. Y.......... 7
Marvin Carley, Vt. 6
C. P. Crutz, Colo. 6
Clarinda R.B.A., Iowa 25
Vancouver R.B.A., Canada 11
Gulf Coast R.B.A., Texas 10
Cen-Tex R.B.A., Texas 10
York Co. R.&C B.A., Pa............ 9
Dallas Co. R.B.A., Texas 8
So. Co. R.B.A., Texas ............ 8
Des Moines R.B.A., Iowa .......... 7
Columbus R.B.A., Miss. 7
Springfield R.B.A., Ohio 7
Cal-Bra Hill R B.A., Mich. 7
Jacksonville R.B.A., Ill. 7
William E. Herdlinger, Chairman.
Ambraw Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Eugene Mann, RR #2, Oblong
Bloomington Normal Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Roger Fitchorn, 1302 S. Burn St., Bloomington Cahokia Rabbit Breeders Ass’n V. A, Hundsdorfer, 9812 Baltimore, Belleville
Champagin County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Viletha Lindsey, RR #3, Champaign
Elgin Rabbit Breeders Club Peter Szymanski, Wheaton
Freeport Rabbit & Fur Breeders Ass’n Mrs. B. L. Hornberger, RD £4, Freeport
Galva Rabbit Club Howard R. Craig, 517 S. Center Ave., Galva
Grundy Co. R.B. Ass’n Mrs. Jack Morris, Rt. 1, Morris
Illiana Rabbit Breeders Ass’n .......... Mrs. Mary Burgess, 1515 Georgetown Rd., Danville
Illinois Tri-Angle Rabbit Breeders Club. C. L. Stumm, Edinburg
Jacksonville Rabbit Breeders Club....... Stewart Whitacre, 1067 N. Fayette, Jacksonville
Kankakee Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n.. Eloise Kramer, Chebanse
Kiam-Egyptian Rabbit Breeders Ass’n . W. T. Robinson, 418 E. Chestnut, Anna
Lake Shore Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Lawana Jones, 2903 W. 31st St., Zion
LaSalle County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Wesley Chatman, 1605 W. Jefferson St., Ottawa
Litchfield Rabbit Club ............. Helen Schmidt, 411 Clinton, Litchfield
Mt. Vernon Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Howard Morris, Box 446, Centralia
Peoria Area Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Alvina Richardson, 3301 W. Farmington Rd.,
PRESIDENT — Ivan Miller, Maquon, Ill. SECRETARY — Alvina Richardson 3301 W. Farmington Road Peoria, Ill.
Piasa Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Melvin Snyder, 11221 Old Halls Ferry Rd.,
St. Louis 21, Missouri
Sinnissippi Rabbit Club Mrs. Marion Otter, 900 S. 2nd St., Oregon
Spoon River Rabbit Breeders Ass’ll. Clyde Warren, Rt. 1, Avon
Springfield Rabbit Breeders Club. Richard E. Lewis, RD #5, Box 119, Springfield
Tibbar Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. M. W. Montgomery, RD #1, Box 235, Tinley Park
Tri County Rabbit Club................... S. D. Schertzer, 214 E. Second St., Kewanee
Vermilion County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Harold E. Dickson, 216 E. Roselawn Ave., Danville
Western Illinois Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Bernise A. Bloomquist, Box 138, Sherrard
Whiteside County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Blanche Short, Rt. 3, Sterling
Will County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. John H. Strom, 2214 Black Road, Joliet
Winnebago Forest Rabbit Club ............ Stuart L. Henderson, 1204 W. Locust St., Belvidere
Witt Educational Rabbit Breeders Club. Mrs. Naomi O. Petty, RR #1, Witt
Results of the 4th All American and 21st National
Best of Breed Illinois and Indiana A.C.G.C. Show 258 Head Corniel Bas, Mich. Best Jr. Corniel Bas, Mich.
Best Opp. Robt. Moberly, Ill. Best 6-8 James Hillikes, Ill.
Best Display Robt. Moberly, Ill. Best Sr. Joe Gognat, Ky.
Best Pre. Jr. Jake Holmes, Ill.
Calumet Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Wm. R. Lucas, 12890 E. 18th St., Gary
Cass County Rabbit Club Amy Smith, 1119 George St., Logansport
Decatur Co. Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Fay Downey, Box 123, Hartsville
Breeders of fine stock For Breeding Stock Contact
Mrs. Fay Downey, "Secy.", Hartsville, Indiana, P.O. Box 123
Goshen Rabbit Club............. Mrs, Charles Drake, Rt. 3, Box 52-A, Goshen
Grant County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Hester Barkley, 2316 S. Gallatin St., Marion
Huntington Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Ida D. Humbert, 715 Leopold, Huntington
Indianapolis Rabbit Fanciers Arthur G. Gruner, 1713 So. Talbot Ave., Indianapolis
Ladies Auxiliary of the Fort Wayne R & C B Mrs. M. R. Andrews, 117½ So. Clinton, Fort Wayne Marion County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Marceil Weichel, 3020 W. 61st St., Indianapolis
Michiana Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Jean Kobold, 59297 Hollywood Blvd., South Bend
Noble Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Kyle Cunningham, Ligonier
Northside Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Joy Wenige, Rt. 2, Box 442, Jeffersonville
Shelby Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n.............. Virginia Wicker, RR #4, Shelbyville
Southern Indiana-Illinois Rabbit & Cavy B. William E. DeMunbrun, 2408 Read St., Evansville
Terre Haute Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Emma Lou Sappingfield, 1454 Beech St., Terre Haute
Tippecanoe Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n George Synesael, 1011 So. 4th St., Lafayette
Waynedale Rabbit Fanciers Ass’n Mrs. Lucille Braun, 1525 Taylor St., Fort Wayne
Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
1117½ S. Clinton St. Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Delaware Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Jeanne Maddox, P.O. Box 643, Muncie
Fort Wayne Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Oscar Smith, 1839 Gruber Ave., Fort Wayne 6
Marion County Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
Pres. — A. Somes Exec. Board
V. Pres. — H. Weichel R. C. Shoptaw A. Wooldridge
Secy. — M. Weichel E. Shoptaw J. Reedy
Treas. — B. Arch H. Sanderlin J. McWethy
C. Sanderlin C. Hicks
P. Arch N. Fitch J. Holderfield
M. H. Beckelhimer J. Guthrie L. Gerking
M. Beckelhimer A. J. Henius E. Fritz
L. Bowden R. Henius A. Worth, Jr.
R. Brown G. Hicks D. Worth
J. Burgmann J. Somes B. Beck
H. Burgmann B. Sheetz J. Beck
E. Burbridge Mrs. Wilhelm E. Guthrie
H. Chastain A. Wooldridge M. Wilhoite
E. Downey O. Gaskins C. Hurt
G. Downey H. Gaskins F. Obenchain
G. Fitch R. Collingswood
Trl State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Waterloo Rabbit Breeders Ass’n West Central Iowa Rabbit Breeders Ass'n
Black Hawk County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Lewis M. Nordman, Rt. 2, Cedar Falls Cedar Rapids Small Stock Ass’n Mrs. H. R. Dicus, 1213 10th St., S.E., Cedar Rapids
Clarinda Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. R. Graham, 601 S. 12th, Clarinda
Council Bluffs Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Russell Jolliff, 1020 Fillmore Ave., Council Bluffs
Des Moines Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Rhea N. Dennis, 3737 E. Douglas, Des Moines 17
Iowa Progressive Rabbit Club John W. Miller, Harper
Northwest Iowa Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Ray Julius, 1805 So. 22nd St., Fort Dodge
South Central Iowa Rabbit Fanciers Ass’n Don Guthrie, 314 S. Clark St., Lamoni
Tri City Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Helen Forsberg, RR #2, Box 130-A, Davenport
Francis P. Bennett, 3023 E. 2nd St., Sioux City Mrs. C. C. Barclay, Rt. 2, Waterloo Virgene Eich, Box 72, Templeton
A Near Perfect Combination BY EARL B. SHIELDS
Rabbit breeders, within the last two or three years, have discovered a vein of gold beneath their hutches . . . where formerly they had only an accumulation of rabbit droppings. Today, in hundreds of modern rabbitries, rabbit droppings are feeding millions of fat sassy domesticated earthworms . . . the cleaning problem is all but forgotten . . . flies and objectionable odors have disappeared . . . and best of all, the breeder has a new source of income at practically no increase in operating expense.
Rabbit manure, plus the wasted feed from the hutches, is one of the finest of all earthworm feeds. By building pits or bins beneath the hutches, and stocking them with earthworms, the earthworms consume the droppings as they fall, turning them into finely pulverized, odorless humus. This humus, in turn absorbs the urine and deodorizes it; prevents moisture accumulations and discourages the breeding of flies.
Bins of 2 x 12 (or other suitable materials) with provisions for drainage, are installed on or slightly above the floor level. They should be a few inches larger than the hutch area, to catch all droppings, urine and feed wastes. A few inches of compost in the bottom of each bin is sufficient for starting the worms. After that the rabbits will supply new food materials daily and the worms will make their own compost.
The only work involved is watering to keep the pits moist (as in any other earthworm operation) and an occasional leveling off of accumulated droppings. The contents of each bin should be forked over every two or three weeks to keep it loose and pul-
The Tarheel Rabbitry & Worm Hatchery
wishes to thank the hundreds of rabbit breeders who have ordered our Hybrid Earthworms since 1955.
We have an unlimited supply of this improved strain of hybrids ready for immediate shipment and fully postpaid.
1,000 for $4. 3,000 for $10. 5,000 for $15. with full instructions, write for circular.
309 S. Vance St. Gastonia, N. C.
Robert F. Thomas. A.R.B.A. Registrar
Harvey County Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Francis Thompson, 721 W. 11th, Box 151, Newton Progressive Rabbit Club, Inc. Gladys Meikle, RFD #5, Box 391,
Parkville, Missouri
Salt City Rabbit Ass’n .... Linda Janzen, 1514 E. 23rd St., Hutchinson
Shawnee Co. Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n H. W. Flowers, 2112 E. 13th St., Topeka Smokey Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Nila Harnois, 1226 N. 7th, Salina
Sunflower Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n L. A. Abbott, 330 N. St. Clair, Wichita 12
Three Corners Rabbit Club Virginia Hargadine, Box 183, Bushton
Central Kentucky Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Pearl Reynolds, 947 Marcellus Dr., Lexington
Falls Cities Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass'n Gilbert G. Herbig, 4724 So. Rutland, Louisville 15 Hopkins County Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Lloyd Grace, 25 Dempsey St., Madisonville Northern Kentucky Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Rosemary Mathis, 104 Sanders Dr., Florence West Kentucky Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Chas. V. Boyd, 3130 Lone Oak Rd., Paducah, Ky.
Northwest Louisiana Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Miss Clara Finklea, 3918 Fiske St., Shreveport
Southwest Louisiana Rabbit Breeders Ass’n D. C. Davis, 2108 5th St., Lake Charles
Compliments of
Meets 2nd Sunday each month American Legion Hall, 6007 S. W. 9th St.
"The biggest little club in Iowa"
President Secretary
Mrs. Helen Forsberg
Arthur Dehner R.R. #2, Box 150 A
Cascade, Iowa Davenport, Iowa
verize any encrusted manure deposits. If eventually the bins get too full, the operator can bag the casting-rich fertilizer and offer it for sale, direct or through seed and garden supply stores. No richer plant food can be found anywhere.
The earthworms raised in rabbitries are of course a valuable crop in themselves, producing a continuing supply of salable worms for bait, horticultural and breeding stock markets.
From the standpoint of improved conditions, time and labor saving, and dual-income possibilities, the Rabbit-Earthworm combination is a NATURAL!
Has Earthworm Pits Underneath His Hutches. Shade By Fast Growing Italian Squash V i nes.
Red Hybrid Wiggler Worms
Extra Income—Less Work
A Near Perfect Combination For Rabbit Breeders
lull Information and Details Sent Promptly on Request
Rt. 1, Mountain Home, Arkansas Member of A.R.B.A, and A.F.N.Z.B.
Pres. Alfred Bilger Vice-Pres. Ralph Mosher Sec’y & Treas. Ann Sherwood 17 Border St.
Springfield 4, Mass. Meetings 1st Tues. in Months Sept, to June
Hampden County Improvement League, Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield, Mass.
Cumberland County Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Robert P. Miele, RFD #1, Read Road, So. Windham
Eastern Maine Rabbit Breeders Ass'n J. H. Abbott, 8 Mayo St., Orono
York County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Charles D. Fink, Old South Road, South Berwick
Baltimore Co. Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Warren J. McNamara, 512 Lee Drive, Baltimore
Maryland St. Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Louis Heim, 3609 Buckingham Road, Baltimore
Associated Rabbitries of Nashoba Valley Charlotte Keith, 574 Prospect, West Boylston
Bay State Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Joseph B. Gouveia, 40 Wilbur St., Taunton
Essex Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mildred E. Hulbert, Town Farm Rd., Ipswich
Middlesex Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Fred Franklin, RFD #1, Hudson
Mohawk Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Ida M. Smart, Carter Road, Westminster
Rabbit Breeders Trophy Club Antone Cabral, 448 E. Hooper St.,
No. Tiverton, Rhode Island
Saugus 4-H Rabbit Club Mary Melody Cushing, 49 Auburn St.. Saugus
Tri County Rabbit Club Everett F. Dunn, 9 Old Market St., Rockland
Western Mass. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Ann Sherwood, 17 Border St., Springfield
Worcester Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Floyd E. Cox, 156 W. Central St., Natich
Ann Arbor Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Ruth West, 1335 Rosewood St., Ann Arbor
MEETINGS—2nd Sunday of Each Month At Homes of Various Members
For Information Contact
Ruth West, Sec’y, 1335 Rosewood, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Auto City Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Leslie McInnes, 3511 First St., Hadley
Cal-Bra-Hill Rabbit Club Dean Daglow, 213 E. Leigh St., Homer
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Daglow, 213 E. Leigh St., Homer, Michigan (Dean Sec'y.) NZW, Sable Martens, Am. Sable, Black Martens Bill Norton, 214 E. Leigh St., Homer, Michigan, NZW C. F. Dickinson, 813 Burr Oak St., Albion, Mich. Am. Sable, Sable Martens Larry Bronson, South Superior St., Albion, Mich. NZW, Blue Silver Martens Ribbey Rabbitry, RR #2, Albion, Michigan, NZW and Californians C. W. Lindsey, RR #4, Marshall, Michigan, Commercial Johnsons Rabbitry, RR #5, Coldwater, Michigan, NZW and White Flemish Philbricks Rabbitry, 93 Taylor St., Coldwater, Michigan, NZW and White Flemish
Vorce Rabbitry, RR #1, Coldwater, Michigan, Commercial Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Cockrell, RR #4, Coldwater, Michigan, NZW and Californians
Tom and Kay Walker, RR #5, Coldwater, Michigan, NZW and Commercial Glen Oliphant, Concord, Michigan, Commercial Buchanans Rabbitry, RR #2, Bax 35, Three Rivers, Michigan NZW Mr. and Mrs. Norman Irons, RR #2, Springport, Michigan, Commercial Bakers Rabbitry, RR #1, Coldwater, Michigan, NZW Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon, 139 Holcomb Rd., Hillsdale, Michigan, NZW and Commercial
Mr. Don Drake, Box 97, Colon, Michigan, NZW
Cherryland Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Eugene Cox, 1841 Woodward Ave., Traverse City
Eastern Michigan Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Dorothy Arnold, 8165 Lillian St., Center Line
Jackson Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Cloyd A. Norton, Rt. 4 , 4848 Freeman Rd.,
Eaton Rapids
MRS. BARBARA R. NORTON Rt. No. 4, 4848 Freeman Road Eaton Rapids, Michigan
Port City Rabbit Club Mrs. Kenneth Schmidt, 541 W. Grand Ave., Muskegon
Saginaw Valley Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Elizabeth Leir, 1913 Prescott St., Saginaw
State Line Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Bernadine Barnes, Sandcreek, Michigan, Terry Hwy.
Valley View Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Martha Walters, RR #l, Holland
Western Michigan Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Anna Renton, 2906 Kalamazoo St., Grand Rapids
Anoka Rabbit Club Mrs. M. Owen, 2030 131st Ave., N.W., Coon Rapids
Austin Area Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Gerald J. Gorman, 607 Center St., Austin
Minneapolis R.B. Ass’n Weldon Wahl, 2501 Douglas Dr., No. Minneapolis
St. Paul Rabbit Club Dorothy Warner, RR, Lake Elmo
Trico Rabbit Club..... C. R. Vanderlee, 144 N. 19th Ave., St. Cloud
White Bear Rabbit Club . Dorothy Ottechalt, 6849 Lakevlew Dr.,
New Brighton 12
meets the 1st Sunday of the Month President — Hugo Fleckner V. President — Leslie Otterholt Secretary — Dorothy Otterholt Treasurer — Edna Foerster
Columbus Rabbit Breeders Club L. H. Wright, 132 Brown St., Columbus
Dallas County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Ernest Oliver, RR #1, Long Lane
Heart of America Domestic Rabbit Raisers Ass’n Bill Herdlinger, 8455 Wayne, Kansas City
is on its way to the largest club in the middle west, servicing and encouraging breeders in the states of Ark., Iowa, Kansas, Nebr., Okla.. Missouri.
FREE Copy Midwest Rabbit News. Address Wm. E. Herdlinger, Sec’y.
Nebraska Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Emily Terpstra, 760C Jaynes St., Omaha 4
White Mt. State Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Eva S. McKewin, 361 Wellington Rd., Manchester
Garden State Rabbit Fanciers Club Eleanor Van Ness, 13 Park St., West Caldwell
South Jersey Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass'n Ralph M. Collins, 291 S. Church St., Moorestown
Albuquerque Rabbit Breeders Ass’n W. W. Price, P.O. Box 9, Albuquerque
Pecos Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Paul Ross, 500 S. Aspen, Roswell
Adirondack Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Leo Van Slyke, 7 S. McNab Ave., Gloversville
Cattaraugus Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Howard Burnmark, 100 Ninth St., Little Valley
Chemung Valley Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Bertha Parmenter, RD #1, Chambers Rd.,
Columbia County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n ... Dorotea M. Rowe, RD #l, Nassau Cortland Co. Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Club Huldah K. Allen, 32 Squires St., Cortland Empire State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n James Morland, RD #2, Cazenovia
Finger Lakes Rabbit Breeders Ass'n .... Don Smith, Box 15, Waterloo
Genesee Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Mildred Avery, RD #3, Madison Hill,
Niagara Frontier Rabbit Club Harold E. May, Fairlane Drive, Boston
Northern New York Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Elmer Deerdeck, Jr., 16 Broad St., West Carthage Oswego Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Beverly Lamphear, RD #1, Box 299, Phoenix
Rochester Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Ralph Collier, RD #1 A Marion Road, Palmyra
Southern Tier Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. George Morehead, Box 161, Maine
Syracuse Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Richard Bump, RD #4, Baldwinsvillc
Tri-State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Ada M. King, RD #1, Johnsonville
Davidson County Rabbit Club Mrs. L. E. Scott, Rt. 1, Linwood
Durham Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. G. F. Riley, Rt. 1, Box 343, Linlen Rd., Durham
Forsyth Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n E. R. Wallace, 4310 Oldtown Dr., Winston-Salem
Gaston County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n ....... Robert Thomas, 309 So. Vance St., Gastonia
Western North Carolina Rabbit Breeders Ass’n R. T. Keenan, 19 Brotherton St., W. Asheville
Write for brochure on available junior and senior stock
4615 Ranchwood Rd. AKRON 13, OHIO
128X Stark Ave.
Penn Yan, N. Y.
Himalayans Continually Since 1932
From information at hand the oldest member will be 95 years of age this coming February. The youngest is under three. If there are any that are older, or younger and a photo is supplied same will appear in the next edition of this bulletin.
Breeder since 1925 of
Also Black & Tans
All Stock Guaranteed As Represented
Licking Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Isabelle Spinner, Licking
Northwest Missouri Rabbit Breeders Mrs. Clyde Goodpasture, Graham
Pony Express Rabbit Breeders Ass’n .. Clair Shafer, Shubert, Nebraska
St. Louis Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Joan M. Kelly, P.O. Box 93, Creve Coeur
South Central Missouri R.B. Ass’n Mrs. Ward Hatcher, RR #3, Box 144-A,
Mountain Grove
Springfield Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Johnie Hamilton, Rt. 11, Box 57, Springfield
Webster County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n George Rudolph, 207 N. Olive St., Marshfield
Gallatin Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Katie LaPalme, Star Route, Bozeman
Triangle Area Rabbit Ass’n Barbara L. Bierwagen, Rt. 2, So.. Great Falls
Western Montana Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Betty Martin, Box 285, Deer Lodge
Akron Rabbit Club ...................... W. H. Strait, 673 McKinley Ave., Akron
Ashtabula County Rabbit Fanciers, Inc. . Georgia Hood, RD #5, Lake Pleasant Rd., Eric, Pa.
Berea Rabbit Fanciers Herb Layton, 25620 Lorain Rd., N. Olmsted,
Central Ohio Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Mrs. Kay Hinaman, MR 1, Box 139,
Smeltzer Road, Marion
Cincinnati Rabbit Breeders Ass’n ....... Harry Centner, 8677 Livingston Rd., Cincinnati 24
Cleveland Rabbit A Cavy Breeders Ass’n. Marie Beamer, 16358 Broadway, Maple Heights
Columbus Rabbit A Cavy Breeders Ass’n. S. L. Hinaman, MR 1, Smeltzer Rd., Box 139, Marion
Coshocton Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Delmer H. Youngen, Rt. 1, Baltic
Crawford County Rabbit A Cavy Breeders Carl W. Schalip, 642 W. Church St., Galion
Geauga County Rabbit & Cavy Breeders. Mrs. Mildred Mazula, RR #2, Thompson
Hamilton County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Harold Baxter, 6573 Hamilton-Mason Rd., Hamilton
Huron County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Bea Beier, Rt. 3, Norwalk
Lake County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Marie Downing, P.O. Box 4091, Euclid 23
Lima Rabbit A Cavy Breeders Ass’n Paul R. Liles, P.O. Box 632, LaFayette
Lorain County Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass'n David Maynard, RD #3, Willington
Mad River Valley Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Mrs. Joyce Judy, 10 Central Ave., Mechanicsburg
Mahoning County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Adeline Marquette, 106 Smithsonian, Girard
Miami Valley Rabbit A Cavy Breeders Ass’n Joyce Oakes, Rt. 2, Box 374, Troy
An active club in the home office town of the A.R.B.A. We are 100% members of the American, and we are showing, talking, breeding good rabbits all the time.
Come and see us on the second Tuesday evening of any month at the Ameri-can office. We are boosting, not knocking. And we can prove it to anyone.
Breeder and Exhibitor of the
"Quality Strain"
of New Zealand Whites
Proprietor and Licensed Judge Phone 2-4250
1425 Trumbull St. Bay City, Mich.
Stanard Flemish of
Top Quality from Reg. Stock in Blacks, Blues, Steels and Lt. Grays
Box 166 Provo, Utah
REG. NO. 2088
Route 3, Box 64 Orange, Texas Phone TUxedo 3-5996
Compliments of
Rt. No. 2, Box 374 TROY, OHIO
P & O Rabbit & Fur Breeders Ass’n Ruth Jennings, 133 W. Warren Ave., Youngstown
Paulding Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Wesley Dunkin, 202 Klinger Road, Paulding
Portsmouth Rabbit Breeders Ass’n A. M. Nard, Rt. 1, Portsmouth
Preble County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n M. F. Fiscus, RR #2, Eaton
Richland County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Hildred Crabbs, RR #1, 669 Fuhrer Ave., Lexington
Sandusky Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Clarence Counts, 1800 Crystal Ave., Findlay
South Euclid Rabbit Fanciers E. P. Shilliday, 5188 Eastover Road, Cleveland 24
Springfield Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Mrs. C. Loverde, RR #1, Dugan Rd., Urbana
Stark County Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Francis P. Riffle, Box 4, Middlebranch
The Stark Co. Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass'n. Inc.
Visitors Welcome. Meetings the first Monday Night of each month at 1650
Tusc. W. Canton, Ohio.
Pres. Willard Miller — Vice Pres. John Ritz Sec’y Francis P. Riffle, P. O. Box 4, Middlebranch, Ohio
Toledo Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Wm. Besier, 5004 Lewis Ave., Toledo
Tri State Rabbit Breeders Ass’n James F. Cunningham, 149 Reynolds, East Liverpool
Van Wert County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Floyd Jacks, 208 W. Crawford St., Van Wert
Williams County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. K. A. Engler, RR #1, Edgerton
Zanesville Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Norma Philip, 747 Leonard Ave., Zanesville
Kay County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n ..... Grace Tuefel, 136 Kingston Road, Ponca City
Northwestern Oklahoma Rabbit Breeders.. Carl Freeh, 2123 E. Pine, Enid
Oklahoma Rabbit A Cavy Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Mollie Gardner, Rt. 6, Box 51, Oklahoma City
Sapulpa Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Irving Crothers, 618 So. Main, Sapulpa
Stephens County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n . Clinton D. Dennis, Box 266, Marlow
Tulsa Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Robert Tarter, 3409 N. 78th East Ave., Tulsa
Clackamas County Rabbit & Cavy Breeders. Mrs. Frank Oxford, Rt. 3, Box 31, Camby Lane County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Wm, J. Skinner, 1360 So. 2nd St., Springfield
Linn Benton Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Betty Cantrill, Rt. 2, Box 241-A, Albany
Oregon Branch ARBA.................... Mrs. Maxine L. Yeager, Rt. 2, Box 287, Portland 9
Tualatin Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Susan Springer, 59 S W Maple Drive, Oswego
Bucks County Rabbit A Cavy Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Mabel Higgins, RD #1, Lambertville,
New Jersey
Central Pennsylvania Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Chas. L. Rishel, Box 8, Potts Grove
Crawford County Rabbit Fanciers Ass’n Harry Cooper, 36 Mead Avenue, Meadville
Eastern Rabbit A Cavy Fanciers Ass’n Mrs. J. W. Snyder, 750 Grant St., Hazleton
Erie Rabbit Club Helen Gressley, 5250 Crystal Dr., Erie
Fort Lebouef Rabbit Club Rose Marie Nagel, 121 West 1st, Box 104, Waterford
Franklin County Rabbit A Cavy Breeders William H. Ruth, Star Rt. 1, Shippensburg
Greater Pittsburgh Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Walter E. Rawsthorne, 8th A Penn Aves., Pittsburgh
Sponsors of
O.R.B.A. Youth Division
Sec'y. Daisye Valouch, 425 S. West Ave, Bethany, Oklahoma
Interstate Rabbit Fanciers Ass’n Mrs. Dorothy Middaugh, P.O. Box 61, Limestone
Juniata Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Alice Stock, RD #1, Ebansburg
Lehigh Valley Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Christine V. Hall, RD #2, The Evergreens,
McKean County Rabbit Club................... Mrs. Dorothy Gerner, Rt. 1, Kane
Northampton Co. Commercial Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Millie Hill, RD #20, Bethlehem
Beehive Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. W. A. Garringer, 3142 South 9000 West, Magna
Nebo Rabbit Breeders Ass'n of Utah Chas. R. Keenan, 130 E. 4th St., Spanish Fork
Green Mountain Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Emile Rondeau, 127 Maple St., Rutland
Richmond Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Florence S. Halloway,
4402 Richeson Ave., Richmond 24
Ear Canker Ointment
• •
Middletown, Ohio
Reg. 1752
Easy’s Outdoor Enterprise Rabbit Division
Breeder and Exhibitor of N. Z. Whites Breeding Stock out of R. W. & B. Stock 1.00 per pound.
Licensed A.R.B.A. Registrar
Phone Rl 4-2358 5215 Alpine Dr.
E. L. Easy Charleston 2, W. Va.
Compliments of the
Smoky Mountain Rabbit Breeders Ass’n
Knoxville, Tenn.
Mrs. C. A. Suniner, Secretary
Roanoke Rabbit Breeders Ass’n .. Mrs. E. R. Matthews, Rt. 1, Box 336-C, Roanoke
Tidewater Rabbit Breeders Ass’n ......... Mrs. Ann Eley, 186½ Cedar St., Suffolk
Virginia Peninsula Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Morris L Hancock, 2423 Bay Ave., Hampton
Compliments of
Pres. Paul Andrews, R.D. 4, Allentown, Pa.
Sec. Mrs. Millie Hill, R.D. 20, Savercool Ave., Bethlehem, Pa.
The Black Hills Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Paul W. McFall, Box 695, Rapid City
Soo Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n DeWayne Gates, 1012 S. 10th Avenue, Sioux Falls
Chattanooga Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Club Mrs. Joe H. Godsey, 145 Goodson Ave., Chattanooga
Dixie Rex Rabbit Club.............. . Mrs. J. L. Vaughters, 1872 Valley Blvd., Memphis
Mid-South Rabbit Breeders Ass’n H. W. Adair, 2541 Kimball Avenue, Memphis
Shelby County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n C. A. Fiscus. 206 So. Perkins Road, Memphis 17
Smoky Mountain Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. C. A. Sumner, Rt. 18, Knoxville
Tennessee Valley Rabbit Club Mrs J. Brazzell, 205 White Bridge Road, Nashville
Anderson County Rabbit Club Mrs. J. J. Vaughn, 709 May St., Palestine
Austin Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Tommy Smith, 1005 Taulbee, Austin
Cen Tex Rabbit Club Mrs. W. D. Parsons, 4000 Beverly Dr., Waco
Galveston Co. Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Ernest Herzfeld. 4319 Avenue L, Galveston
Gulf Coast Rabbit Club Mrs. Alma A. Ogg. Rt. 3. Box 64, Orange
Houston All Breed Rabbit Club .. . Mrs. Ruth Teasdale, 5723 Airline, Houston
North Texas Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Mrs. W. B. Kineaid, 4020 Fernwood Ave., Dallas
Red River Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Henry Roberts, 902 S. Montgomery St., Sherman
San Antonio Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. E. E. Fairchild,
518 Ramsey Rd., San Antonio 12
South County Rabbit Club W. N. Adams, 3524 Park Dr., Nederland
South Plains Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Lois Scharnberg, Box 405, Lubbock
South Texas Rabbit Breeders Ass’n. Mrs. K. Railey, 3706 Duncum St., Houston 15
Southwest Rabbit Breeders Ass’n . Jack Wiggins, 5236 Locke. Fort Worth
Texas Panhandle Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Naomi Seiberting Muks. 1304 E. 12th, Amarilla
Wes Tex Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Tom Whiteaker, Box 897, Abilene
Wichita Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Kirk R. Moore, 1909 Buchanan St., Wichita Falls
ANNA HERZFELD, SECRETARY 4319 Avenue L, Galveston, Texas
Meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month
at 7:30 P.M. in Runge Park Hall, Arcadia, Texas.
Northeastern Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Crawford Aikman, 607 Layton Rd., Chinchilla
Reading Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Delner Krott, 719 N. 10th St., Reading
Tri County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Ralph Hampson, RD #1 Gramlick Rd.,
Cumberland, Maryland
Warren County Domestic Rabbit Ass’n Larry Van Liere, RD #2, Jamestown
West Branch Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Leroy Gibson, 2250 Mahaffey Lane, Williamsport
York County Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n C. Robert Miller, RD #4, Waynesboro
Rhode Island Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Doris A. Verder, 401 Franklin St.,
Mansfield, Mass.
Carolina Rabbit Breeders Ass’n S. S. Quackenbush, Box 72, Bath
Central Carolina Rabbit Breeders L. W. Shealy, 2718 Westwood Circle, West Columbia
Attend the SPRING SHOW
of the
Third Saturday in March Every Year RICHMOND, VIRGINIA
Evergreen Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Cleo Kibbs, Rt. 4, Box 114, Puyallup
Inland Empire Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Margaret Hopf, Rt. 6, Spokane
Northwest Commercial Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Linnie Taylor, 629 Bright St., Seattle 7
Olympic Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Nadine M. Smith, 13240 3rd Ave. So., Seattle 88
Whidbey Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Barbara Lang, Rt. 1, Box 334, Oak Harbor
Yakima Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Grace B. Johnson, 3911 Englewood, Yakima
Chemical Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n E. M. Childress, 2729 Daniels Ave., So. Charleston
Ohio Valley Rabbit Breeders Ass’n George Camp, 3853 Green Valley Rd., Huntington 5
Badger Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Mrs. E. Klubcrtanz, Rt. 1, Box 90, Edgerton
Eastern Wisconsin Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Royal Meyer, 2105 No. 40th St., Sheboygan
Heart of Wisconsin Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Charles Knox, Rt. 1, Box 148, Wisconsin Rapids
Kewaunee County Rabbit Breeders Ass’n E. L. Waterstreet, 713 Miller St., Kewaunee
Kettle Moraine Rabbit Breeders Ass’n John Wornardt, RR #2, West Bend
North Eastern Wisconsin Rabbit Breeders Mrs. Sheldon Loberger, Rt. 1, Porterfield
Tri-County Rabbit Breeders Ass'n Joe Heinricks, Rt. 1, Box 634, Waterford
Wolf River Rabbit Breeders Ass’n Mrs. Alois Delzer, Rt. 1, New London
Reg. No. 2135
28 Gouverneur St.
Canton, New York
Fred and Judy Sykes
Purebred Registered White New Zealands; Red, White and Blue Seal Empire Strain
New Zealand Whites Pedigreed & Registered
Box 218
Bloomingdale, Ind. A.R.B.A. Registrar
Lynn and Carrie
Breeders and Exhibitors of
Phone TE 3-8853
Are you in the market for
White New Zealands Dutch — Californians
Try ours
Leibel’s Rabbit Ranch
Route 1, St. Paul 11, Minn. Phone Glenview 4-1550
Everything from a tattoo needle to a complete rabbitry, our commercial Rabbit Raisers Guide, and Rabbitry Supply Catalog (all in one book) is important to old timers as well as beginners in the rabbit business
Write For Catalog
Doris Leibel:
A.R.B.A. Judge and Registrar
Help keep them COOL with
229 E. Carson St. Torrance, Calif.
376 N. 4th St.
Tipp City, Ohio
Reds — New Zealands White
21st & Lincoln Av.
R.R. 2
Connersville, Ind.
Top Quality, Guaranteed Show Or Commercial
Wm. A. Harris, Registrar
"R" Signifies Registrar; "J-R" Judge & Registrar. Get in touch with them when their services are required
State Representative- Virgil Spearman,
Rt. 2, Box 408, Birmingham 9 Atkinson, J. B., Rt. 7, Box 77, Springhill Barlow, George H., Rt. 5, Box 326, Birmingham Blythe, E. E., Box 409, Millbrook Borden, H. A., Wellington Breckenridge, Col. A. K., c o Officers Mail Room, Brookley AFB Cook, Lewis, Box 253, Millport Cosby, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth,
508 Sunrise Blvd., Hueytown Cosby, John E., 508 Sunrise Blvd. R
Hueytown N.Z.
Craddock, E. K., Rt. 12, Box 186, Birmingham 6 Craddock, Mrs. E. K.,
Rt. 12, Box 186, Birmingham 6 Dodd, Bud, P.O. Box 151, Winfield Duncan, N. G., 2913 Avenue H, Birmingham R Duncan, Mrs. N. G.,
2913 Avenue H, Birmingham (Ensley Sta.)
Faust, James L„ RFD #13, Box 782, Birmingham Ferguson, Connie, Rt. 2, Box 413, Pinson Ferguson, Ervin R., Rt. 2, Box 413, Pinson Garner, Frank R., 612 Florida, Florence Harris, Mrs. Otis G.,
1525 Cresthill Rd., Birmingham Harris, Otis G., 1525 Cresthill Rd., Birmingham Hilley, Hannah M.,
800 Washington Ave., Jacksonville Huffman, Mrs. D. M., Rt. 6, Box 378, Birmingham Jones, Jack M., Rt. 1, Box 303, Pinson Lamon, Eugene, 425 8th Ave., N.W., Decatur Larkins, J. L., RD #2, Box 30, Elba McLendon, William E.,
406 Highland Dr.. Fairfield Mason, Thomas, Rt. 2, Eecletic Mason, A. I,., 408 Selma Road, Bessemer Mitchell, Mrs. Jess, 1914 32nd Ave., Birmingham 7 Mullino, Rush, Rt. 2, Jacksonville Nance, W. S., Rt. 1, Box 233, Jacksonville Norwood, Howard, 2309 31st St., Birmingham Norwood, Mrs. Beaulah,
2309 31st St., Birmingham 11 Parker, D. F., 4901 South 5th Ave., J&R
Birmingham N.Z., Chin.
Parker, Mrs. D. F.,
4901 South 5th Ave.. Birmingham Puryear’s Rabbitry, 605 High St.. Hartselle Roberts, O. A., 16 Wasson St., Whistler Rogers, J. M., Rt. 1, Box 122, Springville Smith, Mrs. Margaret K., Rt. 2, Attalla Spearman, Barbara, Rt. 2, Box 408, Birmingham 9 Spearman, Virgil,
Box 408, Rt. 2, Birmingham J&R
Stevenson, James A., P.O. Box 197, Theodore Taylor, William H., 521 Park Ave., Birmingham Thomas, R. L., Rt. 2, Box 28, Greensboro Thrasher, Arthur, Jr., 907 5th Ave., Fairfield N.Z. Tucker, J. A., Columbiana Webb, Jack C., Rt. 1, Madison Wood, Allen H., Rt. 6, Russellville Wood, Wayne, P.O. Box 354, Scottsboro N.Z. Wooten, James A.. Rt. 2, Ashville York. Mrs. A. E., 5226 Ct. Q CP, Birmingham York, A. E., 5226 Ct. Q, Birmingham R
Harbit, Rex E., Fairview Manor 2-D-3,
Heller, C., P.O. Box 960, Anchorage Largen, E. Louise, Box 184, Fairbanks Largen, Nobel E., Box 184, Fairbanks Lettis, Nelson, Star Route A, Box 142C, Spenard Schmidt, Delmore L., Box 4593, Star Rt. B, Spenard
Wheeler, Phil, Glennallen
State Representative—
E. R. Parks, Rt. 2, Box 208, Glendale Bell, Albert, Rt. 7, Box 140, Tucson Cahill's Rabbitry, 1061 W. Prince Rd., Tucson Carpenter, C. F., P.O. Box 1433. Flagstaff Cluff, I. V., 3423 W. Lincoln, Phoenix Coolidge, C. C., 6251 N. 23rd Ave., Phoenix DeRose, Lennie, 357 High St., Globe Gain, R. R., 1731 E. Amelia, Phoenix J&R
Gillespie, William E., Box 24, Show Low Grace, B. L., Rt. 2, Box 826-H, Mesa Hoffman, Ford, 936 E. Van Buren, Phoenix
Klamert, Barbara, 5632 N. 9th St., Phoenix Dutch Knoop, Frank. Rt. 5, Box 748, Tucson Koski, Howard W., 1523 W. Nile Road, Phoenix Meltzer, P. A.,
Shamrock Rabbitry, 442 West Oregon, Tucson Mikesell, Marian L., Rt. 9, Box 104, Tucson Mikesell, John, Jr., Rt. 1, Box 480-E, Tucson Monroe, S. T., Saguard-Glen Rabbitry,
Rt. 3, Box 385, Tucson
Moore, Mrs. T. E., Rt. 1, Box 1059-E, Glendale Myers, Hazel, 818 W. El Vira Rd., Tucson Myers, H. P., 818 W. Elvira Rd., Tucson Parks, E. R„ Rt. 2, Box 208, Glendale J&R
Price, J. T., 43½ W. Tamarack Ave., Phoenix Romley, Nicholas S.,
2701 N. 21st St., Phoenix N.Z.
Satterwhite, R. S., 645 W. Plata, Tucson Simpson, Mrs. Ann L.,
Rt. 1, Box 388, c o L. M. Luloff, Laveen Templeton, Robert, 348 E. Elvado St., Tucson R Thornton, George, 2925 Oracle Rd., Tucson Tuell, Dr. Alfred E.. Box 1179, Bisbee N.Z.
Uremovich, A. M.. 2834 Rickie Vista, Tucson Wells, John W„ 6501 N. 7th Ave., Phoenix J&R Williams, Jess, 28C1 W. Lincoln St., Phoenix Zawacky, Eugene E., Box 571, St. John’s
State Representative—John R. Case,
1500 Willow Street, North Little Rock Adams, Wilburn C., No. 30 Alcoa Road, Benton Andrews, Evert, RFD #8, Fayetteville Avery, Conrad, 4807 Baldwin. Little Rock Brandon, Gladys Neal, 2000 Main St., Little Rock Butler, Mrs. V. C.. 6024 Battie Road. Little Rock Butler, V. C., 6024 Battie Road, Little Rock Case, J. A., 1500 Willow, North Little Rock J&R Case, Mrs. Lallie, 1500 Willow, North Little Rock Chamness, W. H., Rt. 2, Box 160, Springdale Connell, Richard E., Rt. 2, Batcsville Cox, Donald, J&R
P. O. Box 94, Paragould N.Z.
Dale, C. R,. Box 122, Bentonville R
Dalrymple, Allen, 6902 Grace Road, Little Rock Dalrymple, Mrs. Allen,
6902 Grace Road, Little Rock Davidson, E. L„ 824 W. 26th, Pine Bluff Fite, Roy C., Rt. 4, Box 209, Rogers Fountain, Jose E., Rt. Box 373, Malvern Fountain, Mrs. Ann, Rt. Box 373, Malvern Gallant, Walter, RD #1. Paris Gebel, J. A., Rt. 2. Box 88, Hot Springs Graham, Ben L., RFD #1, Box 67, St. Joe Harper, John H., Rt. 2, Box 29-B, Mena Hendrix, O. L., Lonsdale Huff, Frank, Rt. 1, Box 28, Dyess Hughes, H. T., Sr.. Rt. 1, Box 7-A. Gravette Jackson, Edward D., Rt. 1, Box 16, Camden Jones, Mrs. Lura C., Rt. 3, Box 214, Mena Jones, Lura C., Rt. 3, Box 214, Mena Kelly, Mrs. B. C., Box 317, Rt. 7, Hot Springs Kirkpatrick, W. Allen. Box 413, Harrison N.Z. Leasure, F. G., Rt. 2, Box 85, Hot Springs Lee, Raymond, 223 Beech St., Little Rock Lewis, Leroy W., Rt. 1, Prairie Grove McLeod. Gilbert, Cave City
Magar, Harry E., Jr., 3324 High St., Little Rock Massey, Alton R., Rt. 2, Jonesboro Mauney, Kenneth, Box 445, Dumas Otto, Lyman E., Rt. 2, Box 86, Mena Patrive, Hubert H., P.O. Box 162. Lincoln H. F. Pelphrey & Son, Box 68, Rogers Reese, Ralph H., Rt. 1, Mountain Home Richardson, Mrs. Jerry P.,
313 N. Bradley Rd., Warren Rush, R. R.. 623 W. 16th, North Little Rock Schwab, A. H.,
218 Leonard, Hot Springs National Park Schwab, Mrs. V. H., Rt. 2, Box 167, Wheatley Smith, Mrs. Leona, Rt. 6, Box 24-B, Hot Springs Spainhaur, Archie, 128 E. Wolff, Dumas Speir, Wilbert A.,
Rt. 1, Diamond Bay Road, Elizabeth Stellman, Walter, 508 Ross, West Memphis Torian, H. D., Heath N.Z.
Wade Charles A
4423’west Drive, North Little Rock J&R
Wade, Sara, 4423 West Drive, North Little Rock Walker, I. O., P.O. Box 323, Lincoln Wells, Florence, Bonnerdale Route, Hot Springs Williams, Roy L.,
1816 Parkway Drive, North Little Rock Wright, G. W., RFD #1, Rogers
State Representatives
1. C. E. Lewis, P.O. Box 174, Lincoln Acres
2. Robert E. Sprague, 3317 42nd St., Sacramento
3. Orlan Onskt, 8116 E. Telegraph Rd., Rivera
4. Fred Creamer, 9704 Enger St., Bakersfield
A Denny Farms, 545 So. 5th St., La Puente N.Z. Achilles, Mrs. Bernice I., Box 1771, Rt. 1, Loomis Addy, Alfred O., Box 34, Montana Adkins, M., 7300 St. Helene Hwy., Yountville Adrian, W. C., 1355 Presioca, Spring Valley A & F Rabbitry,
2288 Kathleen Dr., Napa Silver Martens
Creme D'Argents, N.Z.
L. W. & Alyce D. Mead, Props.
Albee, Mrs. June, 842 E. 14th St., Oakland Allen, Carl, 111½ Locust St., Santa Cruz N.Z. Allen, Nettie G., 18323 Aouir, La Puente Andersons, Maris, P.O. Box 517, Napa Andrew, David W.,
8617 Cottonwood Ave., Fontana Armstrong, Evelyn L.,
4336 No. LaMadera, El Monte Armstrong, Roy D.,
4336 N. LaMedera Ave., El Monte J&R, N.Z. Ashurst, Mrs. Marie, Rt. 1, Box 9-A, Hopland Bailey, Harold F., 5513 W. 122 St., Hawthorne Barnard, Gladys,
12482 Adelphia Ave., San Fernando Bartlett, John A.,
1211 SanBruno Ave., San Francisco R
Baugh, Cason, 2248 Waldon, Redding Bayliss, George H.,
Box 504, Hayward, J&R, Dutch, Himalayan Bennett, Virginia, 4486 Hoen Ave., Santo Rosa Bennett, Harold, 4486 Hoen Ave., Santa Rosa Bennett, Lewis E., Rt. 2, Box 432, Tulare Bible, E. P., 40 Las Lomas, Watsonville Bidwell, Mrs. Elizabeth,
RR #1, Box 2, Cedar Falls Bidwell, J. L., 656 Elaine St., Pomona R
Billingslea, E. B.,
1444 Billingslea Road, Porterville Binkley, William, 8103 East 4th St., Downey Boltz, Roy W., 2147 W. 237th St., Torrance Bond, Francis A.,
4190 Sonoma Mt. Road, Santa Rosa Bons, Mrs. Francis A.,
4190 Sonoma Mt. Road, Santa Rosa Bonnar, Margaret, 14 Rock Lane, Berkeley 8 Boslaugh, Wayne, 1608 Gardena Ave., Glendale 4 Braby, Leonard, 451 W. 106th St., R
Los Angeles Chin., Flemish Giant
Bratcher, Robert A.,
11466 Muranida, No. Hollywood Brown, Joe W.,
Rt. 1, Box 22-D, San Luis Obispo N.Z.
Bruns, Richard, Grover City Bryant, Oda R., Rt. 1, Box 388-B, Antioch Bryant, J. M.,
10372 Law Drive, Garden Grove J&R
Bunny Grove Rabbitry, Geo. B. Sutherland,
218 W. Central Ave., Monrovia Bunny Motel Rabbitry, Howard Murray,
10432 Vic Pl, Garden Grove Bunt, James, 6148 Hereford Dr., Los Angeles 22 Burch, Fred L.,
6803 E. 72nd St., Paramount Satins, Champs. Burkhardt, Robert E., Rt. 1, Box 192, Lodi N.Z. Burns, William C.,
Shandon Star Route, Paso Robles N.Z.
Burwell, T. K., Rt. 5, Box 687, Riverside Camren, C. W., 325 Redwood Heights Rd.,
Aptos N.Z., Calif.
Carolary Ranch, L. L. Thoreson,
4022 Big Ranch Rd., Napa J&R, N.Z., Calif. Cavin, Linda, 10234 Arlington Avenue, Arlington Choruning, Walter, 6087 Locust St., Cotati Clark, Mrs. Eva A., 204 Smith St., Corona Clark, L. F., 2134 W. 238th St., Torrance Cochrane, Glen, 7009 Dry Creek Rd., Rio Linda Coffeen, Mary, 4280 Sierra Ave., Norco Contreras, George, M.D., 1470 Chelsea, San Marino Cook, Bobbie, Sunny Cal Rabbitry,
P.O. Box 233, Tranquillity Cook, Homer D., Jr., 355 Meadow Lane, San Jose Cooper, Harold R.,
Box 55, 5802 San Miguel Rd., Sunnyside Copes, A , 2495 Fulton Road, Fulton Corbin, Mrs. Cherie,
1844 N. Penn Mar Ave., El Monte
Corey, Jean, 27231 Huntwood, Hayward Corey, Charles, 27231 Huntwood, Hayward Crain, C. C., P.O. Box 304, West Sacramento Crews, Mrs. L. A., 1001 Jonas Ave., Sacramento Crews, L. A., 1001 Jonas Ave., Sacramento Cremer, Fred, Greenacres Rabbitry,
9704 Enger St., Bakersfield J&R, N.Z., Flem. Dahlberg, John M., 950 Farber Ave., Glendora Dana, C. C., P.O. Box 1140, Chico Davison. Paul C.,
16479 Shady View Lane, Los Gatos R, N.Z. Deals, A. E.,
2479 N.E. Trathomore, S. San Gabriel Deck, D. A., 10861 Varna, Anahein Dempster, Rachel, Rt. 1, Box 62, Los Molinos Densel, Enid, 9647 Sierra Ave., Fontana J&R Dixon, Wesley W., 17322 Raymer St.,
Northridge J&R, N.Z., Calif., Satins
Doggett, Mrs. Ruby L., Box 243, Etna Duroy, James L., 22124 S. Moneta St., Torrance Early, H. N„ 1645 W. Alpine St., Stockton R Eckermann, W. G., Rt. 1, Box 10, Livermore Edwards, W., P.O. Box 457, Alpine Elam, W. F., 3723 Walnut Ave., Carmichael Elam, Cora, 3723 Walnut Ave., Carmichael Eldridge, H. R.,
980 Berkeley Ave., Menlo Park J&R
Evans, J, E., Rt. 1, Box 475, Perris Fisher, Roy M.,
1426 S. Reservoir St., Pomona J&R
Fix, Bertha, 2271 W. 231st St., Torrance N.Z. Fleming, R. J., 4345 Lindsav, Riverside Ford, Wm. R.. Rt. 3, Box 252, Escondido Forsythe, S. E.,
RR #2, Box 111, San Luis Obispo N.Z.
Foster, Eva, 8797 Barnett Valley Rd.. Sebastopol Foster, Dean, 8797 Barnett Valiev Rd.. Sebastopol Fowler, Florence, Rt. 6, Box 71, Visalia Fowler, Wm. O., Rt. 6, Box 71, Visalia R
Frere. Mrs. Marie,
2195 San Miguel Ave., Santa Rosa Fry, Mrs. Louise, 4141 Dry Creek Rd., Napa N.Z. Gass. William,
3820 Merced Avenue. Baldwin Park R
Geiger, Mrs. R. X., 2107 Desire Ave., La Puente Gilbert, W. F„
1034 S. Meeker Ave., West Covina J&R
Gilbert, Mae, 1034 S. Meeker Ave., West Covina Gillis, Jack R., 933 So. Douglas, Yucipa Glick Mfg. Co.,
2720 Mountain View Rd., El Monte Gofinch, Roger, Rt. 1, Box 234, Winterhaven Golly, Arthur, 114 Greene St., Kenwood Graham, Chas. E.,
P.O. Box 474. Lemon Grove N.Z.
Graves, John C., Rt. 2, Box 525, San Bernardino Green, George, 126 Parque Dr., San Francisco 24 Grinstead, Darryl, Rt. 2, 219 Avery, Chino Halferty, Jimmie,
550 West Highland Ave., Sierra Madre Hamilton, N. E., J&R
21214 S. Figueroa, Torrance N.Z.
Harney, Mrs. Fred S., 9846 Limonite,
Rt. 1, Box 261-A, Mira Loma Harris, Claude,
3317 Lexington St.. Bakersfield N.Z.
Harris, Clyde, P.O. Box 951, Guadalupe Hayward, Robert W., 234 Johnson Rd., Oxnard Henry, William T., P.O. Box 125, Lathrop Henson, LeRoy, 1095 So. Orange, Turlock N.Z. Herschbach, R.,
2010 Pleasant Valley Rd., Aptos R
Hicks, Ben E., Jr.,
735 No. Stevenson, Visalia Californian
Higginbotham, Herbert. Box 67, Lewiston Himalayan Fur Farm, P.O. Box 504, Hayward Hinton, Fred J., 5985 79th St., Sacramento Holland, David, 3785 Orange Drive, Oxnard J&R Hopkins, Louise B.,
8852 So. Western Ave.. Los Angeles 47 Howard, Lloyd A., 5572-E. Inyo, Fresno 2 Jameson. W., Rt. 1, Box 205, Manteca Jeude, Jim, 9155 Burnet Ave,, Sepulveda Johnson. R. W.. 600 Park Ave., Marysville J&R
Jonsson, Mrs. P. S.,
1720 Beancreek Rd., Santa Cruz Kahl, Doris V.,
10870 Laurel Canyon Blvd., San Fernado Kara, Joe, 122 Fair Oaks St., San Francisco 10 Keene, Gary, 1853 East Gage, Los Angeles 1 Kellems, Miss Grace,
20125 E. Crestglen Rd., Glendora N.Z.
Kent, Mrs. W. L., 1423 Richman Knoll, Fullerton Ketchum, H. R.,
5062 Lakeview Ave., Yorba Linda R
Kiper, J. L., 14751 Ardis Ave., Bellflower Knight, D. N., 5750 Freedom Blvd., Aptos Kryder, Charles,
1823 E. 69th St., Los Angeles 1 N.Z.
Lambert, Stuart H., 3886 Walker Ave., Santa Rosa Lampman, Allen, 908 Allenway, Visalia Lang, Vincent F., 9360 Golondrina Dr., La Mesa Lawyer, Sgt. Charles C., RA 35725611, Staff, Tripler U.S. Army Hospital APO 438, San Francisco
Lee, Esther,
1333 West Dry Creek Rd., Healdsburgh Lee, Bernard,
133 West Dry Creek Rd., Healdsburgh Lester, Ray, 2138 Wilkins Ave., Napa Lewis, Clarence E., 2751 Ridgeway Dr., P. O. Box 174, Lincoln Acres J&R, N.Z.
Lewis, Robert W., 2736-A, St., Eureka J&R
Long, John, 1019 East Mayfair Ave., Orange R Long, Olive B„ 1019 East Mayfair Ave., Orange Longmore, Fred Niel, Jr., P.O. Box 250, Wildomar Longworth, A. D., 8652 Meadow Rd., Downey Lutes, Joe S.,
12782 Hazel Street, Garden Grove J&R
Lu Visa, Larry, 734 Skyland Dr., Sierra Madre Lyons, Joseph W., Rt. 2, Box 1424, Vista
McAllister, Jo Ann, 1521 West Malvern, Fullerton McCarthy, Mrs. D.,
Rt. 1, Box 192, San Martin N.Z.
McClister, Marie, 25330 Pennsylvania, Lomita McClister, R. J., 25330 Pennsylvania Ave., Lomita McDonald, F. A., P.O. Box 74, Vista McDonald, Dorothy I., P.O. Box 74, Vista McGuire, Melvin J.,
577 Plum Drive, Ukiah Angora
McIntosh, Hazel, 6927 Stroud, E., Selma McIntire, Gilbert, P.O. Box 804, Orland Mains, Mrs. L. J., 2017 Farrell St., Redondo Beach Mains, L. J., 2017 Farrell St., Redondo Beach Marsh, Clyde, 2301 Old San Jose Rd.,
Santa Cruz Piruvians, Satins
Martin, F. L., 1790 Bolinger Lane, Sebastopol Mead, Clyde, Rt. 1, Box 185, Visalia Meiel, Jean, 7841 Ledge Ave., Sun Valley Melchert, H. L., 26214 Sentor, Harbor City Merrioot, Fred, Rt. 1, Box 670, Gurlock N.Z.
Merritt, Donald, 11617 Hailwood, El Monte Moore, James A., 14407 So. Keene Ave., Compton Moore, Dillon, 411 F Street, Petaluma Morgan, Frank A.,
P.O. Box 14, 105 Davis St., Agnew Murray, Mrs. E. W.,
1714 West 106th St., Los Angeles 47 Murray, Ellis W.,
1714 West 106th St., Los Angeles 47 R
Murphy, Vincent P., 2031 Linfield St., Glendora
Nelson, Lyman S.,
2620 Santiago Ave., Santa Ana N.Z.
Nielson, Mrs. Charles,
Rt. 1, Box 153-E, Delmar N.Z.
Noble, H. S., 4530 Pedley Ave., Norco Oberholtzer, Roy M.,
1135 B St., P.O. Box 394, Livingston Oleen, S. R., 8459 Eucalyptus St., Downey Oleen, Mrs. Mary,
8459 E, Eucalyptus Ave., Downey Onkst, Orlan,
8116 E. Telegraph Rd., Rivera J&R
Orr, Wayne, 951 Valley Blvd., Escondido Oswold, M. M., 3971 Witt Ave., Riverside Owen, Paul G.,
P.O. Box 82, Thousand Oaks, Ventura Co. Packard, R. E., 6735 Downey Ave., Long Beach 5 Palmer, Durward, 1612 W. 221st St., Torrance Papastylianos, Stelios,
468 Cypress Ave., San Bruno Paquette. Elmer,
Rt. 1, Box 195, Moorpark J&R, N.Z.
Parks, Oscar K.. 18620 Crest Ave., Castro Valley Parks, J. T., 4622 W. 153rd St., Lawndale Patton, John N., Rt. 2, Box 2327, Elk Grove Penery, Arnold, Box 113, Geyserville Perrin, Frank, 12231 Trask, Garden Grove Peyton, Chester, Rt. 2, Box 2526. Red Bluff Phillips, Robert R., P.O. Box 334, Clovis Phillips, John W.,
20300 Crescent Dr., Sunnyvale N.Z.
Pinkley, Ray, 14261 Wagner Ave., Anaheim Plank, Mrs. Fred, General Delivery, Bodega Polk. Clifford, Box D, Kelsey Popple, John C., 17131 Clark Ave., Bellflower Powers, Porter,
21080 Laguna Canyon, Laguna Beach Powers, Carol,
21080 Laguna Canyon, Laguna Beach Prigge, Ernest,
396 27th Ave., #3, San Francisco Pyle, Elmer D., 1229 Ruberta Ave., Glendale 1 R Reach, Voy W., 4859 Marion Ave., Baldwin Park Reed, Leslie Al, 5958 Wohlstetter, Arlington Reid, Harper, 9070 Lemon St., Fontana R
Rocha, John, Jr., P.O. Box 624, Hanford Rogers, Mrs. Verna, Paicines Rorabaugh William L.,
Rt. 1, Box 480, Waterford N.Z.
Roth, John P., 6268 Posey Lane, Paradise Royel Rabbitry,
10490 Mill Station Road, Sebastapol St. John, Lincoln R.,
716 So. Osage Ave., Inglewood Sanford, L. C., Green Valley Rabbitry,
23 Poultry Lane, Watsonville Sasse, W. H., Rt. 1, Box 863, Santee Scharff, J. E., 380 University Ave., San Jose 10 Schmitz, Don, RFD #4, Box 3070, Modesto N.Z.
Schott, Mrs. R. A., P.O. Box 187, Highgrove Schott, R. A.,
P.O. Box 187, Highgrove J&R, Champagnes F. L. Schraub, 86 Carlyn Ave., Campbell Schripfer, Mrs. Hilda, Rt. 1, Box 81, Santee Scott, Dorothy E., 4100 Soquel Drive, Santa Cruz Seacord, Edward M,, Ed-Mar Rabbitry,
17015 Pollard Rd., Los Gatos Serle, C. W., 1330 Orpheus Ave., Encincitas Serle, Mrs. C. W., 1330 Orpheus Ave., Encinitas Sheppard, Jack K., 1512 S. Crenshaw, Los Angeles Slinkard, Edw. R., 1415 3rd Avenue,
Chula Vista N.Z., Satins, Silver Marten
Smith, J. R., 321 Cloverdale, Modesto N.Z.
Smith, Helen J.,
7432 Walnut St., Buena Park Cavies
Smith, L. L.,
7432 Walnut St., Buena Park J, Cavies
Smith’s Rabbitry,
10700 Foothill Blvd., San Fernando Sokolis, Mrs. Edward O.,
2125 Francisco Rd., Santa Rosa Sornsen, Roger, 519 C Street, Broderick Spence, Ed, 1150 Glen Arbor, Los Angeles 41 Spiva, Mrs. Ivan M., 1600 Third, Atwater Sprague, Robert E., 3317 42nd St..
Sacramento 17 J&R, Dutch, Eng. Spot
Steele, Jan, 7985 Raseodei Ocaso, La Jolla Sterner, Wayne A., 464 Alviso Rd.,
S., Mountain View R, Calif., Dutch
Stewart, Lloyd G., 5820 Arlington Ave.,
Riverside J&R, N.Z., Sil. Martens
Stuart, Louis B., 10965 Arlington Ave., Arlington Stuart, Marcella E.,
1C965 Arlington Ave., Arlington Tait, Bert F., 10332 Wells, Arlington Tate, Edward M„
17910 N. Little Twjunga Rd., San Fernando Taddei, Tomasin D.. P.O. Box 358, Sutter Creek Templeton, George S.,
17118 Merrill Ave., Fontana Thompson, R. H., RR #1. Box 318, Gerber Thorpe, Mrs. Vonda J., 12272 Ramond Ave., Chino Triebwasser, John, 4004 67th St., Sacramento 20 Troutner, H. A., Rt. 4, Box 2420, Vista Van Buskirk, Edward L.,
3235 Mangun St., Baldwin Park N.Z.
Vanlue, Floyd L., Box 337, Alpine Vollaire, Alex, 3480 Vineland Ave., Baldwin Park Walker, John W., 20832 Seine St., Artesia Wassenaar, Ada, 2055 Guerneville Rd., Santa Rosa Wassenaar, Morris,
2055 Guerneville Rd., Santa Rosa Waters, Eileen A., P.O. Box 652, Lakeside N.Z. Watts, James A., 611 Collins St., Oxnard N.Z. Welch, Marvel, Rt. 4, Box 5090, Rio Linda West, Mrs. Maude, 11435 183rd St.. Artesia N.Z. Westlund, B. J., Box 1, Apple Valley Wheeler, S. M., 1013 Delfino Lane, Bakersfield Whitchurch, Billy Gene,
General Delivery, Bradley White, D. C.. 229 E. Carson St., Torrance White, Mrs. Neva, 229 E. Carson St., Torrance Whitten, Michelle T., Rt. 5, Box 405-G, Visalia Whittlesey, Verne,
13141 So. Wilson St., Garden Grove Wildenstein, Mrs. H. E., Rt. 1, Box 357, Norco Wilhite, Orin F., 557 Brighton Ave.,
Modesto Dutch, N.Z., Rex, Calif.
Williams, Bob, Box 2827, APO 435, San Francisco Williams, Fred A.,
Rt. 4, 21083 Wegis Ave., Bakersfield Williamson, M. D., Rt. 7, Box 758, Bakersfield Winslett, Mrs. D. T.,
7736 Old Auburn Rd., Citrus Heights Wirtz, Douglas C.,
422 Ocean View, Hermosa Beach Worley, Penny, 6169 Castana, Lakewood 11 Young, Willard M.,
P.O. Box 744, Vista R, N.Z., Calif.
Zampatti, Mrs. Mary M.,
2163 Waltzer Road, Santa Rosa Zanini, John, 941 Chula Vista Ave, Burlingame Zoglman, Joe, 15809 E. Fellowship, Puente
Representatives -
1. Mrs. Florence Yates, 542 Merten St., Toronto
2. E. Vaugeois,
652 Grandville Rd., Vancouver, B. C.
Albrecht, Hans-Werner,
P.O. Box 54, Midland, Ontario Allen, Mrs. Art,
10 Orchard Pk., Dr., West Hill, Ontario Allen, Art,
10 Orchard Pk., Dr., West Hill, Ontario Ash, Mrs. Gordon,
3248 Glasgow, Victoria, B. C. Calif.
Ash, Gordon,
3248 Glasgow, Victoria, B. C. R., Champs.
Bailey, Jim A.,
2170 Fraser Ave., Port Coquitlam, B.C.
Baker, Miss Madge,
McTavish Rd., RR # 1, Sidney, V. I,
Barnes, Elliott M.,
Box 182, Calgary, Alberta Wh. Flem.
Bast, Murray, RR #1, Wellesley, Ontario Bates, C., Lockside Dr..
RR #2, Royal Oak, V I.
Belanger. Louis,
134 Grand Ile. Valleyfield, P.Q.
Bennett, Barbara, 726 William St.,
Remington Park. Windsor. Ontario Blain, Art. Rt. 1. Wardsville. Ontario Brais, Fernand. 1271 Ropery St.. Montreal 22 Brissette, Lucien, Barber, Princeville, P.Q. Burn. Allan W.,
10 Morgan Rd., Baie D’Urfee, Quebec Campbell. J. A..
Pollard. Rd., Port Coquitlam, B. C.
Clarke, H. F„ 502 12th Ave.,
New Westminster B. C.
Connors, Patrick. 14 Kline St.,
Halifax Nova Scotia Croft, William.
632 Wentworth St., So., Hamilton. Ontario Curtis. D. A.,
732 35th St., N.W., Calgary, Alberta Danielsen. Rasmus. Elmstead, Ontario Dixson, Diane, c o Esher,
West of Chapleau-CPR, Ontario Doering, Hulda, Box 6, Torrington, Alta.
Dufault. Marcel,
Box 67, Haywood, Manitoba, B. C.
Elgin. Mrs. Tom, Townsend Dr., RR #1,
Royal Oak. Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Elgin, Tom. Townsend Dr.. RR #l,
Royal Oak, Victoria. V.I., B.C.
Emery, Mrs. W. F.. Lagoon P.O., B.C.
Eveleieh, Ronald G., 3391 W. 28th Ave..
Vancouver, B.C. Chins., N Z.
Finel, A. A., 6565 Cartier St.,
Montreal Chins., Champs.
Fisher. Mrs. L.,
7855 Simpson Road. Saanichton, B.C.
Forster. Mrs. H., 1540 Broadmead, Victoria, B.C. Fretz. Vernon.
Richview Rd., RR #1. Weston, Ontario Getty, Malcolm, RR #2 Bedford, Quebec Gisborne, Robert A., RR #1, Laydsmith, B.C. Gotzy, Albert, Fernie, B.C.
Grasby, Carl W., Box 6, Newton. B.C.
Grills. Wm., 31 Avenue Rd., Galt, Ontario Guindon, Hector, Wendover, Ontario Harlidge. George,
16894 96th Ave., RR #4, Cloverdale, B.C.
Harris, B. A., Stoney Creek, Ontario Hoyland, John, RR #5. Ingersoll, Ontario Hutchinson, B. G., 13787 Trans. Can. Hwy.,
RR 14, N. Surrey Calif., N.Z.
Irwin. Mrs. Ed,
17991 64th Ave., RR #4, Cloverdale. B.C.
Jackson, Dr. M. R., North Sydney, N. S.
James, Ivan F.. Box 99, Sutton W, Ontario Jenkins. Mrs. O. B . Lagoon P.O., Victoria, B.C.
K & R Chinchilla Rabbit Ranch,
68 Scarborough Beach Blvd.. Toronto 8, Ontario LaFortune, Roy L., Box 112, Kimberley. B. C. Learoyd, G. W., Box 157. Cayuga. Ontario Lingelbach, Edwin J.. RR #1. Wellesley, Ontario Loiselle, A. R., RR #3, Maidstone, Ontario Loob. W. E„
2802 16th Ave., S.E.. Albert Park, Alta. MacDonald, Mrs. C. S.,
RR #1, Stoney Creek, Ontario MacDonald, C. S., RR #l, Stoney Creek, Ontario McCann, John, 397 Pane Ave., Toronto Martin, Sally, Box 1891, RR #3,
Burnside Rd., Victoria, B.C.
Maure. Mrs. Godfrey,
526 Vidal St., S., Sarnia, Ontario Maynard, Rick,
3095 West 51st Ave., Vancouver 13, B.C.
Morton, E. L., RR #1, Fruitland, Ontario Muir, James A., 2908 Douglas Rd., RR #2.
Langley Prairie, B.C. Calif., R
Muir, Thomas A., RR #2, Hamilton, Ontario Musgrave. Austin. Box 7. Musgrave St.,
North Sydney. N.S., Cape Breton Nesbitt, O., 14065 110th Ave., North Surrey, B.C. Neale, V., 1782 18th Ave., New Westminster, B.C. Nichol, Dave, 724 Logan Ave., Toronto, Ontario O’Hagen, Jos., RR 11, London, Ontario Ouellette, M. A., Clover Bar, Alberta Packman, A. J., 98 Crichton St., Ottawa, Ontario Page, John N.,
1706 31st St., S.W., Calgary, Alberta Ramsey, Wm. Jas.,
365 Clifton Rd., Ottawa, Ontario Rawlings, F. H. Bert, RR #9, London, Ontario Richards, K. Earle,
Box 39, Thornhill, Ontario Dutch
Ross, Charles S., Dunbarton, Ontario Ross, Dorothy, Dunbarton, Ontario Robertson, Ariadne, 12315 New McLelland Rd.,
RR #1, Cloverdale, B.C.
Russell, John, RR #1, Milliken, Ontario Sanburn, W. Leo, Box 271, Gimili, Manitoba Sanders, John, RR #3,
3138 144 St., White Rock, B.C. N.Z.
Savard, J. P.,
23 Parissi. Laval Des Rapides, Quebec Schnarr. Charles, RR #4, Port Arthur. Ontario Scott, Mrs. W. J., RR #10, London, Ontario Sherrah. Bud. Jr., Hannibal St.,
Box 557. Blenhiem. Ontario Shuker. Eric. 93 Waterloo St., Kitchener, Ontario Smith. Donald M..
20775 17th Road. Hammond, B.C.
Stavelev. Ronald A.,
29th Dysart Rd.. Victoria. B.C.
Swoyze, D. V., 2765 Blake Rd., White Rock, B.C. Tanner, Clifford S.. Sr.,
23 Swaine St., Halifax, N.S. Flemish
Tanner, C. S., Jr., 21 Swaine St.. Halifax, N.S. Taylor. Basil A., Claresholm, Alta.
Terr. Don,
1635 Westover Rd.. North Vancouver, B.C.
Van Daal, Gordon 41 Edgewood Avenue, Hamilton. Ontario Vaugeois, E.. 652 Granville Rd.,
Vancouver 14, B.C. J&R
Waldron. Egbert D , Cookshire. Quebec Yates, C. Mac 546 Merton St.. Toronto Ontario Yates, Mrs. Florence G., 542 Merton St.,
Toronto, Ontario R
State Representatives
1. Arthur Nelson—Middle, 1806 Pikes Peak Ave.,
Colorado Springs
2. Geo. R. Bermecker—West, 1429 Grand Ave.,
Grand Junction
3. G. R. Barnes—North, Rt. 2. Box 171, Arvada
Anglin, George, 419 Park Dr., Pueblo N.Z.
Bailey, J. D., 8745 51st Ave.. Arvada N.Z.
Barber. Roy H.. Rt. 2. Box 103. Las Animas Bare. Carl C.. Rt. 2, Colorado Springs
Barger, Don E., Rt. 2. Box 251, Pueblo Barger. Mrs. Neoma, Rt. 2, Box 251. Pueblo Barnes. G. R., 6900 Independence, Arvada R
Barry, Ronald, 2724 Tremont. Colorado Springs Black. Dessamarie. 1634 Poplar,
Box 1-K. Rt. 1, Canon City Boorsma, Terry, 1602 So. Corona St.,
Colorado Springs
Campbell, Barry. 446 Alma Ave., Pueblo Chase. Fred G.. Wellington Crabtree, Merle, 2625 La Porte Ave.,
Fort Collins
Cruts, Chas. P.. 2310 Howbert, Colorado Springs Cruts, Mrs. Doris, 2310 Howbert, Colorado Springs Currie, Nelson D., Box 776, Derby Currie, Christine, Box 776, Derby Davis, Robert W., D.V.M.. Veterinary Science Bldg., Colorado A.M. College, R
Fort Collins Calif.
Davis, Emily Ann, 1320 Virginia. Fort Collins Denisar, C. R.. Box 782, Fort Morgan DeVore. Mrs. Cleon Cook,
Box 75-A. Star Rt.. Littleton Doose, Max, P.O. Box 417,
Glenwood Springs R, N.Z.
Dorn, Kenneth, Rt. 1. Fort Morgan Downard, Maurice, Box 414. Rt. 3. Aurora Earls. Rabbitry. 4522 Goodnight, Pueblo Edmisten, Thomas. 1030 N. Yuma,
Colorado Springs N.Z.
Fountain, Jerry Dale, 1563 So. Hudson, Denver 22 Gabler, Avel, RR #1, Canon City R
Gechter, Charles W., 4 McKinley Ct.,
Colorado Springs
Geist, Arthur A., 2709 W. Water St.,
Englewood N.Z.
Graham’s Rabbit Ranch, 5610 W. Center Ave., Denver 14
Grimes, E. J., P.O. Box 87, Rye R
Hambrick, L. A., 413 Park Drive,
Pueblo N.Z.. Champs.
Hanson, Melvin L., 1923 E. 15th St.. Pueblo Harris, Curt L.. 703 Sherman St„ Fort Morgan Herbst, Darell James, Rt. 1, Brighton Herman, A. B.. 5510 Niagara. Denver 16 Herman, Pat, 4666 Logan, Denver 16 Hobson. C. Jacob,
P.O. Box 54. Pueblo N.Z., Dutch
Holeman, H. S., R, Fort Morgan Hoogendyke, Michael J., 4841 So. Penna., Englewood N.Z., Martens
Horner, Ralph W., 502 N. 2nd Ave., Sterling Hunter, H. W., 3296 S. Zuni, Englewood Jackson, J. Harold, 2000 S. Zuni, Denver 23 Jones, Tommy W., 4711 S. Downing, Englewood Kalb, Larry, 958 Veta Ave., Pueblo Keith, Bill L., 320 Grove, Littleton N.Z., Martens King, Delbert L., 950 Clarkson, Denver 18 Larson, Marvin D., Box 311, Brush McCain, Darrell A., 7070 Krameria, Derby McCurdy, R. L„ 2735 Highline Rd.,
Grand Junction
McKelvey, E. L., Jr., 7050 W. 38th Ave.,
Box 36, Wheatridge
McReynolds, J. A., P.O. Box 136, Durango
Martindale, Colin, Rt. 2, Fort Morgan Marvel, Eldon B., Rimrock Ranch, Colbran Meek, Donald B., Rt. 2, Box 144, Pueblo Miesner, Dean, 6100 So. Franklin, Littleton Moad, C. R., RFD #4, Box 205, Pueblo Mohr, Norman, 237 W. Chenango, Englewood Nauman, Linda, 6190 So. Broadway, Littleton Nelson, Arthur L., 1806 West Pikes Peak Ave., Colorado Springs J&R. N.Z., Polish
Neuschwanger. Richard D., P.O. Box 403, Brush Neville, Earl R., P.O. Box 904, Fort Morgan
N.Z., Calif., Ck. Gt., Champs., Am. Chins. Nuoci, Lawrence J., 3602 Wyandot St., Denver 11 Orr, C. W., P.O. Box 351,
Palmer Lake R, Angora
Pedigo, Mrs. Mannetta B., 940 Veta Ave., Pueblo Pedigo, H. F., 940 Veta Ave., Pueblo R
Phillips. Donald. 118 Trout Ave., Colorado Springs Porter, B. A., 285 So. Newton St.,
Denver 4 J&R
Pratt, Wayne, 2294 W. Iliff Ave., Denver 23 Rice, Robert R., 1090 W. Bellviero,
Littleton Calif.
Robinson, Jack, 992 Uvalda, Aurora Rooks, Roy W., 1100 E. Cheyenne Rd.,
Colorado Springs
Smith, Paul S., 5955 Pierce. Arvada Smith, Robert L.. 5175 Dudley St., Arvada Smith, Hubert. 2110 So. Kalamath, Denver Smith, C. E., 3883 W. 52nd St., Denver R
Spence, Lew, General Delivery. LaPorte Spencer, Dave, 3792 W. Girard, Englewood Stevens, Dessie E.. Rt. 2, Box 69, Pueblo Stewart. Everett L., 4325 Iris, Wheatridge Stockdale, R. M., 7205 Independence, Arvada Stoops. Mrs. Claude. 17015 W. 12th Ave., Golden Sweetor, Wayne, 905 N. Bennett, Colorado Springs Thompson, O. E., 2419 Poplar. Pueblo Tucker. Donald C„ 11710 W. 38th Ave.,
Wares, Gail G., Rt. 2. Box 260, Fort Collins Weston, Helen, 3114 Teller, Denver Weston, R. G., Speer Blvd, at Larimer St.,
Denver 4
Wheeler, Jesse, Box 363, Springfield Wilkinson. Don. Rt. 1, Loveland Williams. Jim, P.O. Box 328, Fort Morgan Wood, Albert E., 2724 Tremont, Colorado Springs Yearows, Guy, South Duell, Fort Morgan Yearous, John, 202 So. Devel St., Fort Morgan
State Representative—
Ralph Mosher, 658 Kennedy Rd., Windsor Abrams. David, 1897 Stanley St., New Britain Andel, Felix, Old Turnpike Road,
Box 103, Southington Anderson. Charles T., RR #1,
Box 238-A, Southburv Andrews, Daniel K., Silver St., Coventry Anthony, Harry, Jr., 120 Miller Ave., Meriden Archambeault, Emil, Fall Mt. Rd., Bristol Bailey. Volney, 380 State St, North Haven Bartezko. Alvin Blacks Hill Road, Shelton Bechert, James Rayburn, 23 7th St.. New Britain Bilger, Alfred A.. Hampden Rd., No. Somers Biorken, Al, Buzz Hollow,
Monroe J&R, Chins.. N.Z., Champs.
Blake. Richard S., Notch Road, Granby Blanchard. Ernest R.. RR #1, Whigville, Bristol Pose. Mada. 1021 Palisado Ave.. Windsor N.Z. Brennan. Albert, RFD #2, Simsbury Brower. Keith, 23 Reynolds Bridge Rd., Thomaston
Carbonic, Peter. 237 Vineyard Ave.. Newington Christenson. Lawrence D., North Branford Ciarmella, James, 43 Kearney, Pequabuck Culver, Irving B., 111 Riverview Pl, Stratford Davis, Lawrence, Twin Lakes Road,
North Branford
Dearden, Nelson, Depot St., Broad Brook de Castro, Dr. Alfred,
Hunting Ridge Road, Stamford R
Dooley, Parker, Kent Ferrier, Warren. Horsepond Rd., Madison Gambardella, Robert C., Lacey Road, Bethany 15 Goodson, Maurice, RFD #4, Wolcott Rd., Waterbury 12 N.Z.
Henry, Eugene E., RR #1, 103 Thames View, Quaker Hill R, N.Z.
Hoer, Robert. Jr., 22 Parmelee Ave., New Haven Jayne, Mrs. Virginia, RFD #l, Thomaston Kaliss, Henry, Nichols Rd., Wolcott,
Waterbury 12 N.Z., Calif., Ck. Gts.
Kemp, E. William, RFD #2, Gieser St., Mystic Knapp, George S., Jr., Cedar St., Sandyhook Kogut, Ronald, 147 Ann St., Meriden Kyburn, Henry E., Jr., Old Clinton Rd., Westbrook
Lacourse, Leo N., RFD #1, Uncasville LaRosa, Joseph A., 3132 Main St., Hartford 5 LeGendre, Carlton P., 474 Gravel St., Meriden Locke, Frank W., RFD, Quaker Hill Longley, Kenneth O., RFD #1, North Franklin
McKenna, Arthur E., 51 Sunnyside, Yantic Moran, Jessica V., 257 Fenn Rd., Cheshire N.Z. Mosher, Ralph, 608 Kennedy Road, Windsor R Parsons, Donald, 111 Kensington Ave.,
New Britain
Petitjean, Emile E., 12 Meriden Rd.,
Waterbury N.Z.
Pietrowski, Walter, 135 Hickory St., Norwich Pollard, Carol, 176 Ridgewood Ave., Hamden 17 Poloerari, Gino, Piscitello Dr., Branford Preece, Alfred, 1015 E. Main, Meriden Raymond, Samuel, 511 Hoyt St., Darien Roller, Willim C., Walnut Tree Hill, Sandy Hook Roman, Edmund, 317 Clinton St., New Britain Schaefer, Wm. A., 33 Hayden Ave., Windsor R Schultze, Oscar F., Westport Ave., Norwalk J&R Schultze, Mrs. Oscar, Westport Ave., Norwalk Smith, George L., Maple Farm,
RFD #1, Box 211, Thomaston Stagis, Edward, 459 Farmington Ave., Plainville Sweeney, Edward A., 59 Meadow St.,
Winsted N.Z., Dutch, Calif.
Sweetland, Victor, Chestnut Hill Road, Norwalk Usanis, Anthony, Middle St., Middletown Wheaton, Walter F., Chestnut Hill Wilenski, William, 556 Fresh Meadow Rd.,
West Haven 16
Woodin, Alvin D., Sr., P.O. Box 728. Sandy Hook Woodin, Althea, P.O. Box 728, Sandy Hook Wright, Lyman, Jr., Box 62, Riverton Zak, Frank M,, RFD #3, Willimantic Zarges, Henry K., 82 Fort Point St.,
East Norwalk
Zarges, Mrs. Henry, 82 Fort Point St.,
East Norwalk
State Representative-Henry Parwszewski, Read Ave. Boxwood, Wilmington
Bib, Charles, 904 Dover Ave.,
Elsmere Manor, Wilmington Dill, Glenn, 102 Beech Lane, Wilmington 4 Hill, Dennard R., Box 247, Birdgeville Lee, Paul A., Jr., 1829 Elm St., Wilmington 5 Paruszewski, Henry, Read Ave., Boxwood, Wilmington 16 J&R, Dutch
State Representative
Millard H. Hess, 5404 McComb St. N.W., Washington
Berger, Horace L., 6621 Radford Road,
Washington 22
Buxton, Robert, 5202 Western Ave.,
Washington 15
Caffrey, Mary M„ 1301 15th St„ N.W.,
Darrow, G. L., 54C3 Spring St., S.E.,
Washington 21
Edington, Rod, 2001 Columbia Road, N.W., Washington R
Hess, Millard H., 5404 Nacomb St., N.W., Washington N.Z.
Stacey, Albert M., 5410 Wheeler Road, S.E., Washington 21
State Representative—
1. Mrs. Oreen Hoblitzell—South, Rt. 6,
Box 609E, Tampa 4
2. Alven Evans—North, 6006 Temple Rd.,
Barber, Mrs. Sallie, Rt. 2, Box 987, Apopka Barber, O. W., Rt. 2, Box 987, Apopka Barber, David W., Jr., Star Route, Waldo Bennett, F. L., Box 163, Lake Worth Bombino, Frank, Rt. 1, Box 751, Clearwater Bowen, Raymond J., P.O. Box 745, Havana Bradford, John, Jr., Box 44, Malabar Burke, Ernest L., Clewiston Burkhardt & Woodworth, 3137 N.W. 10th Terr.,
Ft. Lauderdale N.Z.
Carter, Mrs. Peggy, Rt. 2, Box 461, Lutz R
Chaffee, F. Harrison, P.O. Box 244,
HiWay 301, Riverview Clausen, Mrs. W. E., 9425 S.W. 94 Court,
Miami 56
Conter, Charles A., 96 5th St., Apalachicola Cousins, J. E., Jr., 2505 Kuhl Ave., Orlando Crockett, Ernest M., 856 High St., Orlando N.Z. Dalphond, Dr. G. C., Rt. 1, Wauchula Davis, Neil J., 1908 E. Flora, Tampa 10 Desrosiers, Dolores, RFD #1, Box 599,
Ft. Lauderdale
Desrosiers, Joseph, RFD #1, Box 599,
Ft. Lauderdale
Detert, Stanford N., 11598 Indian Rocks Road, Largo N.Z., Calif., Chins.
DeWolf, H. L., Box 747, Brandon
Dube, Joseph, 8835 Eaton Ave., Jacksonville Durden, Wm. P., 5572 110th St., Jacksonville Dwyer, J. E., Rt. 1, Box 196, Palatka N.Z.
Eckhart, Jos F„ 1205 S.W. 75th Ave., Miami 44 Evens, David M., 6006 Temple Rd., Jacksonville 7 Evans, A. H., Box 654, Micanopy Evens, Alven, 6006 Temple Rd., Jacksonville 7 R Fallman, Fred W., 1214 Yates Ave., Orlando Flautt, George D., 1115 Griffin Rd., Lakeland Fortner, Ronnie, Box 18, Parrish French, O. J., Duval Drilling Co.,
6505 Normandy Blvd., Jacksonville Garner, C. A., 731 Cortez Road, W, Bradenton Card, Neal W.. Box 111, Homosassa Springs Gentry, Giles J., 343 Macy St.,
West Palm Beach J&R, N.Z., Calif.
Goode, R. W., Rt. 2, Box 169, Homestead N.Z, Goulet, Raymond T., 1330 Grand Ave., Orlando Hamm, Charles W., Jr., Rt. 1, Box 586, Valrico Haner's Rabbitry, 2919 E. Sligh Ave., Tampa Harvey, William D., 2214 N.W. 105 Terrace,
Miami 47
Hawley, Howard, 3805 Suniland, Sarasota Haves, Dr. Frank M., Box 948, Merritt Island R Hill, Robert W., Rt, 2, Box 653, Delund R
Hoblitzell, John G., Rt. 6, Box 511,
Tampa R, Californian
Hoblitzell, Oreen, Rt. 6, Box 511, Tampa Hogan, Ola M., Rt. 2, Box 733. Tampa 5 Horne, John S., 1004 Rosselle St., Jacksonville Housefield. John W., 2410 Everett, P.O. Box 941. Lakeland
Hughes, William C., Box 299-A, Bartow Huskey. Mrs. Richard J., Rt. 2,
New Smyrna Beach
Jackson. Richard H., .516 W. Buffalo, Tampa 3 Janes, Mrs. W. B„ 1709 E. Henry Ave.,
Tampa N.Z.
Janes, W. B., 1709 E. Henry Ave.. Tampa Jeffcoat, Morgan Ehrlich, Rt. 1, Box 276,
Johannsen, Paul A., 3128 Euclid Ave., Ta-Johnson, Hueland, Rt. 2, Fort Meade
LaGorio, Betty, 7044 Gulf Coast Hwy,
Pineallas Park N Z.
Lamb, Robert, Rt. 2, Box 201-A, Holly Hill Litchfield, Gerald A., 1892 Burkholder Circle W., Jacksonville 11
Lucas, A. C., Rt. 1, Box 303-F, Tampa Lucas, W. B., 5604 Kimbreil Dr., Jacksonville Lyon, William E., RFD #2, Box 116, Citra McClain, D., Rt. 3, Box 203-D, West Palm Beach McClain, Mrs. D., General Delivery,
West Palm Beach
McGinnis, W. B., 1332 B Randolph, Jacksonville McVey, J. C., 2360 Fairway Dr., West Palm Beach Malott, Sharon, Rt. 1, Citrus Acres, Bradenton Manos, Victor J., 12540 S.W. 80th Ave., Miami 56 Markley, R.W., Jr., 3923 Avenue Q, N.W.,
Rt. 1, Winterhaven
Miller, Mrs. Fred, 3018 Chapin Ave., Tampa Milliken, Mrs. Oliver, R, 4, Box 321, Gainesville Milliken, Oliver, Rt. 4, box 321,
Gainesville J&R, N.Z.
Montgomery, Miss Katherine, 628 W. Call St.,
Moreland, John Willis, 823 West 10th St., Ocolo Moser, Karl O., Rt. 4, Box 538-B, Orlando Murphy, Spencer, Rt. 6, Box 382, Tampa 10 Nursey, Bill, 4834 Attleboro St., Jacksonville 5 Partridge, Harvey L., 905 E. 10th Ave., Mt. Dora Paye, William, Rt. 8, Box 413-D, Jacksonville 7 Pearsons, Carl R., 1207 Hofner Ave.,
Pine Castle Br., Orlando
Pemble, R. E., 3010 10th Ave., St. Petersburg J&R Phelps, Henry David, Rt. 8, Box 620,
So. Jacksonville 7
Pirnat, August, Rt. 4, Box 842-H, Lakeland Rahn, John H., 2514 13th Ave., No., St. Petersburg Remond, Bill, 454 Magnolia Ave., Panama City Robertson, Ross I., 133 Palm Dr., Winter Haven Rodgers, A. C., P.O. Box 85, Bunnell Roell, Helen, 3201 26th St., W, Bradenton Roell, Herbert, 3201 26th St., W, Bradenton R Rosakranse, Kathryn, 5603 Ramona Blvd., Jacksonville
Selick, Graham, Box 635, Green Cove Spring Smith, Harold F., 7201 So. Waterway Dr.,
Miami (Kendall Br.)
Smith, John A., Rt. 1, Box 1328, Melbourne Spaide, Theodore G., 2012 N. 61st Ave., Pensacola Spencer, G. W., Rt. 1, Box 126, Zephyrhills Stewart, Edward T., Myakka Star Rt., Bradenton Taylor, John, 3874 Spring Park Road, Jacksonville Taylor, Loring J., 59th St., RFD #1, Bradenton Tobin, Jay Charles, 640 9th St., No., St. Petersburg Turner, J. P., Jr., 1023 S. Rio Grande Ave., Orlando
Tuten, Richard H., P.O. Box 55, Bayard Tuten, Mrs. Richard H., P.O. Box 55, Bayard Vrooman, Paul, 1402 12th St.,
Palmento Chins., N.Z.
Walmer, Mrs. Patricia, Rt. 1, Box 63, Pensacola Walter-deVillier, Jr., 203 Redwood,
Temple Terrace
Wasson, Herbert, 4105 Oakellar Ave.,
Tampa 11 J&R
Webster, L. Eugene, 2951 28th St., So.,
St. Petersburg
Webster, Lee, 2951 28th St., So.,
St. Petersburg
Westfall, Jas E., Rt. 2, Box 110-G, Citra Weston, G B., C/O C. L. Dickert Lumber Co., Sunnyside
Wheeler, E. M., Rt 3, Box 47, Palatka White, Merle D.. P.O. Box 1809, Fort Myers Williams, Herbert E., Rt. 2, Box 208-A, Perry Wood, Wm. O., 179-A Orangedale Rt.,
Green Cove Springs
Worsham, Mrs. Ruby, Rt. 4, Box 743-A, Tampa
Yates, J. P„ Box 255, Oakland Park
Ze .k, Stephanie, Rt. 2, Box 243, Lake Worth
State Representative—
C. F. Simpkins, 5261 Mercer Rd., Decatur Allen, Darrell, Rt. 1, Enigma Anderson, Vivian, RD #2, Conyers Anderson, Fred V., Rt. 2, Conyers Bailey & Childers, Sylvester
Bartlett, J. W„ 680 W Wesley Rd., N.W., Atlanta Bartlett, Mrs. J. W.. 680 W. Wesley Rd.,
N.W., Atlanta N.Z.
Bitely. O i_ Jr., 2787 Hillcrest Ave.,
Dec'-r N.Z.
Blackmon, Raymond, 620 Bohler Ave., Augusta Bowlin, Paul E., Rt. 2, Box 357-A.
College Park J&R
Bratcher, Robert C., 1705 Hortense Pl, N.W., Atlanta 18
Bratcher, Mrs. Robert C., 1705 Hortense PL, N.W., Atlanta 18
Burton, J. L., 1522 Celia Dr., Columbus N.Z.
Calhoun, O. L., Rt. 1, Douglasville Cary, Laura, 2642 Henry St., Augusta Castleberry, Mrs. Troy, Rt. 1, Musella Cochran, Paul, Athens Poultry, Inc.,
P.O. Box 449 A 1 ens
Coleman. J W., 90 Elmira PL, N.E., Atlanta Coulter, Horace, Rt. 2, Floyd Rd., Columbus R
Dixon, Mrs. A. L., Rt. 2, Box 191, Girard Fields, John, 1018 W. Poplar St., Griffin N.Z.
Garrett, John R., 284 Auburn Ave., Macon Glover, Jesse A.. 2323 Howe Ave., Columbus Garvin, R. W., 2098 Bankhead Hwy.,
Atlanta J&R, N.Z.
Green, William T., 216 Skinner Road, Augusta Hogan, A. E., 204 Hollywood St., Valdosta Howarth, Sgt. Fred, MP Det., USAG, Fort Gordon Jester, Carl. Joy Lake Road, Ellenwood McCombs, Beattrice, Rt. 2, Athens McCombs, John D., Rt. 2, Athens Malone, Mrs. H. L., Rt. 3. Box 39, College Park Malone, Harris L., Rt. 3, Box 39, College Park Nickerson, George H., 938 Dundee Ave.,
N.E., Atlanta 7
Nipper, Mitchell, RFD #3, Douglas
Nolan, Joseph, 2404 La Vista Dr.. Decatur R
Oglesby, W. Allen, 2172 Nelma Dr., S.W.,
Atlanta 15
Osborne, John, 2908 Ramsey Road, Columbus Pracheo, Richard, Rt. 1, Ringgold Pratt, Mrs. T. K., 427 West Mercer Ave.,
College Park
Pratt, T. K., 427 W. Mercer Avenue,
College Park R
Price, C. B., 5230 Britt Road,
Rt. 1, Tucker N.Z., Calif., Dutch
Robinson, R. L., Jr., Rt. 5. Box 241, Savannah Simon, T. Clarence, 2508 Sheridan Drive, Augusta Simpkins, Mrs. C. F,, 5261 Mercer Road, Decatur Simpkins, C. F., 5261 Mercer Road,
RD #3, Decatur J&R
Slade, S. A., 404 6th St., Vienna Smith, J. G., 2669 Hood Ave.,
N.W., Atlanta J&R
Smith, A. C., Rt. 1, Box 253, Cairo Spencer, Robert A., RFD #3, Box 169, Griffin Tate, Nathan O., Ethel Harpst Home,
740 Fletcher St., Cedartown Tyre, George W., 1652 Winter Dr., Savannah Utley, L. F., Gracewood
Walden, Ray L., 369 Nolan St., S.E., Atlanta Welsh, Harvey, 1935 Starnes St., Augusta Whidby, Roy, Rt. 4, Hilltop Extension,
Austell Calif., N.Z., Dutch
Whidby, Mrs. Roy, Rt. 4, Hilltop Extension, Austell
Wright, Dewey, Rt. 1, Box 237, Griffin Yearwood, E. W., 2881 Daws Ave., S.E.,
Atlanta 17 Calif.
State Representative—
Luther N. Robinson, Rt. 1, South Pocatello Alumbaugh, T. H., RFD #1, Emmett Ames, Mrs. Ruby, Rt. 1, So., Pocatello Baxter, George F., 113 Broadway No., Buhl N.Z.
Baxter, Helen V., 113 Broadway No., Buhl N.Z.
Brimm, Woodrow, P.O. Box 84, Hansen Christenson, Mrs. Lars H., 794 Wilson Ave., Blackfoot
Cleveland, Robert, 628 So. 14th, Boise Crawford, Albert E., Box 95, Cataldo Ellis, LaMar, Howe
Forgerson, Glen O., Rt. 2, Box 33, Coeur d’Alene Hansen, Martin L., Box 47, Hansen Kessler, George, Council Flem., N.Z.
Reynolds, James C., Box 32, Enaville Robinson, Luther N., RFD #l, South, Pocatello Ruhter, Devon, Jr., Rt. 1, Buhl N.Z.
Schellenberg, Albert, P.O. Box 66, Shelley Stallings, A. L., RR #3, Buhl R, N.Z., Champs.
State Representative-
1. W. T. Robinson- South, 417 Chestnut St., Anna
2. Roger Fitchorn—Middle, 1302 S. Bunn St.,
3. Ted Wengert-North, 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford
Adamson, Lois, RR #1, Monroe Center Alder, Hazel, Box 254, Mackinaw Allen, Charles L., Box 11, Lola Allshouse, John R., 1217 W. Garfield Blvd.,
Chicago 36
Anderson, Jas., Rt. 1, Litchfield Anderson’s Rabbitry, 204 N.W. 7th Ave., Galva R Anderson, Leona, 204 N.W. 7th Ave., Galva Anderson, Raymond, RR #4, Jacksonville Anderson, H. R., 10C4 E. 3rd, Metropolis Anfield, Lyman E., 18034 Sayre Ave., Tinley Park Applegate, Gloria M., 1707 E. Carpenter St., Springfield
Applegate, Fred R., 1707 E. Carpenter St., Springfield N.Z.
Arndt, William F., 2308 S. 17th St., Broadview Arendt, R. D., 2428 6th Ave., Moline Ayers, T. H., 2912 Hoover Ave., Springfield
R, N.Z., Calif., Havana, Angora, Martens Ayers, Florence, 2912 Hoover Ave., Springfield Banter, Philip, 301 Shakespeare St., Wilmington Bardill, Joe, 313 W. Broadway, Highland Barnes, Wm. J., Box 3353, Chicago 54 Bassett, Floyd, P.O. Box 295, Wayne City Bateman, Glenn D., P.O. Box 82, Hammond Beamer, A. O., RD #1, Box 103, West Chicago Beardstown Mills Co., 601 2nd St., E., Beardstown Beauchamp, Edgar, Middletown Bickers, Kenneth, RR #2, Homer N.Z.
Bloomquist, Orville, P.O. Box 138, Sherrard Bloomquist, Bernice A., P.O. Box 138, Sherrard Blum, Edward J., 210 S. Oak St., Normal Boden, P. A., 1108 N. 13th St.,
Springfield J&R, Flem., N.Z.
Bogart, Lyle, Rt. 1, Box 316, Moline J&R
Bollinger, Gilbert, 1613 Watch Ave., Springfield Bouma's Rabbitry, RR 221, Franklin Grove Boundcount, Jerome, Kampsville Bowers, Hugh, Danforth
Bradley, Richard D., 710 W. Grove, Prophetstown Brady, Ben, 622 Atwood Ave.,
Rockford N.Z., Champs.
Brenner’s Rabbitry, Pecatonica Bridges, Robert N., Box 167, Stanford Brown, Robert H., 152 Victory Dr., E. Alton Brown, Jewell, S. Wash. St., DuQuoin Buehler, John H., RR #1, Box 78, Waterman Burnett, D. D., 4004 Glenview Road, Glenview Bush, B. D., 131 Edgebrook Road, Wooddale Bush, Mrs. B. D., 131 Edgebrook Road, Wooddale Buttell, George, 251 Barlett Pl., Elgin Cale, George, RR #1, Roscoe Calhoun Rabbitry, Princeville Campbell, H. C., Rt. 2, Box 686-A, Zion Campbell, Francis, Box 49, Winslow Carlson, Connie, 529 Orchard Court,
Des Plaines
Ceytes Rabbitry, Box 29, Bulpitt Chapman, Elma E., 656 Sample, Marseilles Chapman, Henry, 656 Sample St.,
Marseilles Champs.
Charlson, David, 404 So. West 4th Ave., Galva Chatman, Wesley, 1605 West Jefferson St., Ottawa
Childress, Gerald, 1208 W. Park, Urbana N.Z.
Chmelik, Jim, 2500 Walters Ave., Northbrook Church, J. Fred, RR #1, Box 521, Grayville Circle Bar Rabbitry, 1015 Franklin,
Winthrop Harbor
Clark, Robert L., 1279 E. Knox St., Galesburg Cleer Rabbitry, 528 Pekin Avenue, Creve Coeur Cline, Gordon, Jr., 723½ N. 9th St.,
Springfield N.Z.
Clink, Mrs. Arthur, 2636 So. 9th St.,
Springfield Std. Chins., N.Z., Satins
Coale, Robert K., 1115 Grand Ave., Waukegan Cobb, Harold G., Box 2424, Hines Coit, William N., 1206 N. Mason St., Bloomington Collins, Ira E., Box 104, Bismark Cook, Clifford, 407 W. Parke, Urbana
N.Z., Champs.
Cook, Ray L., RFD #1, 332 W. Francis Rd.,
New Lenoa
Corn’s Rabbitry, 355 Gordon Ave., Coal City Craig’s Rabbitry, 517 S. Center Ave., Galva Cremer, Terry Lee, RFD #2, Maquon Crestline, RR #2, Box 287, East Moline Curcio, Jim, 1829 39th Ave., Melrose Park Curtis, John, Farmer City D & D Rabbitry, Toulon D & R Rabbitry, 1070 Page St., Kewanee Daily, Leslie, 521 N. Washington St., DuQuoin Dale, Mary, RR #l, Glenarm Davis, Mervin E., 305 W. Tremont St.,
Champaign R., N.Z., Flem.
Deckard, Gilbert Allen, RFD #4, Robinson Dee Vee Rabbitry, 404 S.W. 4th Ave.,
Galva Calif., Dutch
DeMeo, Sam, 1003 Reedy Road, Lisle Dettmer, Fred, 6901 W. Gunnison St., Chicago Detweiler, Glenn, 508 W. 4th St., Rock Falls Devenney, Mrs. Mary, 1803 Collins Road,
Devenney, Harold, 1803 Collins Road, Rockford Dick, Carl Lynn, Box 95, Hammond Dickson, Irma, 216 E. Roselawn, Danville Dickson, Harold, 216 E. Roselawn,
Danville R, N.Z.
Diericks Bros. Rabbitry, Rt. 1, Box 288, Silvis Dilger, William, 633 No. Lorel Ave., Chicago 44 Dobson, Austin W., 105 Logan Rd., Marq. Hts., Pekin
Donahue, Wayne L., Mill St., Huntley N.Z. Dooyen, Lawrence, RFD #1, Ridott Doplers Rabbitry, 796 3rd St., Silvis Hgts., Silvis Double L. Rabbitry, 2285 N. Graceland, Decatur Draxine, John, 197 Westerfield Pl, Grays Lake Drew, John, RR #1, Fairbury Duffield, Andrew F., Box 248, Glasford Duke & Dutchess Rabbitry, Robert Miller,
607 Jefferson St., Oregon Eastburn, Henry, 280 W. Concord St.,
Sheldon Calif.
Edwall, Arlo, 501 North East 1st St., Galva N.Z. Egerere, Henry, 9510 Alpine Rd., Rockford Esterly, Ralph, 32C E. Center St., Morris N.Z. Estill, Leland, Middletown Fink, Leo, 434 W. Union, Edwardsville Fisher, Burdette, 739 West Ordury St., Freeport Fisher, Jerrold, RR #2, St. Anne Fitchorn, Roger, 1302 S. Bunn St.,
Bloomington R
Fleener, M. W., Rt. 2, Metropolis Flynn, Charles S., 808 Jackson St., Pecatonica Fones, Cecil, Rt. 1, Godfrey Fooks, Thomas W., 118 West First, Mt. Carmel Foulkes, Walter C., 211 So. Second St., St. Charles Fox, Max, RR #l, Avon Freeman, F. Bernerd, West Point Freeman, Charles, Freeman’s C & H Rabbitry,
R #3, Box 104-C, Waukegan Fulkminer, Robert L., RR #2, Pearl City Fuller, Harry E., RR #2, Box 125, Aurora Fulwider, Dale, P.O. Box 53, Wheaton Fulwider, Velma, P.O. Box 53, Wheaton Funk, Leo A., 3638 So. Winchester Ave., Chicago
Garecht, William J., P.O. Box 77,
Illiopolis N.Z.
Garner, Mrs. J. L., RR #4, Salem Gerdes, C. W., 841 Railway Exch. Bldg., Chicago Getty, James A., Box 215, Colfax N.Z.
Gibson, A. M., RFD #1, Edwardsville N.Z.
Glassmaker, Tom, 505 13th St., Highland Goble, Theodore Mott, 330 North Locust St., Sycamore
Goedecke, Wm., 1905 Summit, East St. Louis Grant, Mildred, 1014 E. Enos, Springfield Rex
Graves, Harold, B & H Rabbitry, Toulon Grede, Philip, 12332 70th Avenue,
Palos Heights N.Z.
Greenway, Lauretta Bernice, RFD #1,
Hanna City
Gregory, Duane, Box 13, Sherrard
Griesser, W. C., 218 S. Ela Road, Palatine N.Z.
Guzzardo, George R., 2168 So. 13th, Springfield
Halford, George, 1604 No. 32nd, Springfield Hall, Henry H., Jr., 325 Lincoln Blvd.,
CMR 31, Pekin
Hampton, Loren, 1606 S. 15th, Springfield Hanck, Henry T., Hopedale Flem. Gt. Chin. Harris, Gary V., P.O. Box 2, Gurnee Hartnell, Orin S., 1739 N. Narragansett St., Chicago 39
Hazard, Marshall, 1139 1st Ave., Ottawa JAR Heft, Martin, Rt. 1, Box 251, Tinley Park Henson, Charles, Waverly Herring, Harry, Box 105, Dorchester Hess, Clifford L,, 895 Routt, Jacksonville
Hibbert, Curtis, Paloma
Hickey, Ralph C., Rt. 1, Box 91, Zion R
Hickey, Mike G., Armington Hier Rabbitry, RFD #2, Galva Hoffman, Rev. E. F., CSV, Sacred Heart Parish, P.O. Bonfield, Goodrich
Hohimer, Roger L., RR #2, Pleasant Plains N.Z. Holbrook, Lee, Rt. 2, Pleasant Plains Holmes, Ivan R., 440 Pulaski Road,
Calumet City J&R, Ck. Giant
Holmes, Anna, 440 Pulaski Road, Calumet City Hoover, Herbert C., Sutton Road, Rt. 2, Barrington
Hopper, Donald, 208 E. Barker, Tuscola Hornberger, Mrs. B. L., RFD #4,
Freeport Angora, Chin., Calif.
Houdek, Edwin, 1152 Cory Road, Algonquin Hough, Christena M., 6121 N. Second St., Loves Park, Rockford Rex, N.Z., Champ, Cks.
Hough, Earl D., 6121 N. Second St.,
Loves Park, Rockford Hubert, Carl, Rt. 2, Box 771, Zion Huitt, Mrs. Lawrence, 3337 E. Carpenter, Springfield
Huitt, Lawrence H., 3337 E. Carpenter, Springfield Hundsdorfer, Vance A., 9821 Baltimore St., Belleville
Immel, Woodrow, 509 E. Ohio St., Oblong Imse, William H., 4150 W. Lake St., Chicago 24 Ireland, Dale Richard, Jr., RR #1, Georgetown Isaacs, Billy, 202 N. Welsh St., Hillsboro N.Z. Jenkins, Lewis H., West Liberty R
Johnson, Monroe H., RR #4, Taylorville N.Z. Johnson, Everett, RR #4,
Taylorville N.Z., Champs.
Johnson, Elmer, Marietta Johnson, Don, Box 523, Hayworth Jones, Lawana, 2903 W. 31st St., Zion Jones, Lirten, 2903 W. 31st St., Zion Jones, Wayne M., Macon N.Z.. Am. Chin.
Julian, John W., 8010 Cottage Grove Ave.,
Chicago 19
Jung, Edward. Box 286-AA, RR #1,
Chicago Heights
Kaiser, Edwin, Kaiser’s Rabbitry, Rt. 3,
Box 24, Belvidere Champs
Kalaher, Edward, 721 N. Franklin,
Litchfield Std. Chins.
Kaplenk, Dwane, 9520 Alpine Road, Rockford Kauffman, Lawrence, Camp Point Kavelman, Fred, 800 8th St., Lincoln Kirsch, Russell, 370 Center St., Elgin Kittinger, Francis W., Hamilton Co.
Farm Adviser, McLeansboro Klein, Walter H., 2456 York St.. Blue Island Knudtson, Elwood, Rt. 1, Box 71,
Butterfield Rd., Mundelein Koni Boy Rabbitry, 663 Orchard St.,
Edwardsville N.Z.. Champs.
Kramer, Franklin J., 515 Glenwood Trail, Elgin Krejci, Jerry, Rt. 2, Box 196-B, Lemont Krist, E„ Rt. #3. Box 277, Palatine Krist, Mrs. E., Rt. 3, Box 277, Palatine Krohn, Lester L., Rt. 1, Spring Creek Woods, Lockport
Krueger, George J., 845 E. Pell, Paxton N.Z.
Lang, A. R., Rt. 3, Cameron Lane, Peoria Lange, Roland, RR #1, Ashland Larson, Robert, RFD #1, Knoxville Leirer, F. S., Box 29, East St. Louis Lemmon, James, Jr., RD #2, White Hall R
Leonhard, Norman K., Rt. 2, Virginia Lihosit, Francis E., RR #4,
Taylorville N.Z., Satins
Lindsey Rabbitry, RR #3,
Champaign N.Z.
Lloyd, Marsella, Villa Ridge
Long, Lester, RR #1, Roscoe Ck. Giants
Lowery, Pat, Joppa
Lyster, Roy Wm., 410 W. Charles, Champaign McFaul, Carson, Box 324, Cherry Valley McFaul, Mrs. Carson, Box 324, Cherry Valley McNabb, A. L., 179th & Kedzie Ave., Homewood McNabb, Betty, 179th & Kedzie Ave., Homewood Macharick, George, 4413 Montrose Ave., Chicago Madsen, Robert, Box 181, Lyndon N.Z.
Maillet, Romeo J., 371 N. Harrison Ave.,
Kankakee Chins.
Manlung, Elmer J., 2701 W. New St.,
Blue Island
Marsh, Henry R., 1809 So. 19th St., Springfield Martin, Harry H., 1419 S. 9th St., Pekin Flemish
Mault, William C„ RR #7, Springfield
Angora, N.Z., Dutch
Meldorfs Rabbitry, Rt. 1,
Pecatonica Angora, Calif.
Merboth, Edward C., RR # 2, Lanark Miller, Freddie, Box 25, Maquon Miller, Harry, RR, Staugustine Miller, Ivan L., Box 25. Maquon J&R, N.Z.
Miller, Helen, Box 25, Maquon Miller, Ross W., 25 Greenridge Dr., Decatur Minsen, Shirley, 316 W. Elliott, Springfield Minsen, James, 316 W. Elliott, Springfield Mitchell, C. W„ 203 S. 9th St.,
Wood River N.Z., Dutch
Moberly, Robert G.. Lexington Cks.. Eng. Spot Montgomery, Morris W., RFD #1, Box 458,
Tinley Park R
Montgomery, Mrs. M. W., RFD #1, Box 458,
Tinley Park
Moore, George B., RR #1, El Paso Moore, Mrs. George B., RR #1, El Paso Moore, John F., 1223 W. Dundee, Palatine Moore, Franklin T., 1223 W. Dundee, Palatine Moore, Thomas C., RR #1, Hammond Moore, Samuel L., 802 Moffett Lane, Decatur Morris, Audrey, Mrs., Box 446, Centralia Morris, Howard, Box 446, Centralia Morris, Jack, RR #1, Morris Morris, C. W., 126 N. 11th Ave., St. Charles Morton, Dwight L., 1601 No. 21st St., Springfield Moulton, George W., 920 Elm Ave., Danville N.Z. Murray, James, 1016 N. Ridgeway, Chicago Musekamp, Elmer, 248 So. Washington St., Genoa Myers, Donald J., 443 S. Fifth St.,
Auburn Std. Chins.
Myers, W. Glenn, Fithian
Myers, William A., Atwood R
Nash, Charles L., 337 August Ave.,
DeKalb N.Z., Chins., Beveren
National Trophy Sales, Inc., 75 W. VanBuren St., Chicago
Neff, Mrs. Estella, Armington Neff, Larry, Armington Nelson, Howard C., Rt. 1, Bourbounais Nobe, Raymond, 712 Texas,
Belleville Palomino, Calif., N.Z.
Novelli, A. C., Sr., Rt. 1, Box 1-G,
Fox River Grove
Oliver, Edward W., 100 W. Orange St., Pana Oliver, Gerald, 1628 No. 21st St., Springfield Oiler, Earl, RR #1 Riverton Oloffson, Lee H., P.O. Box 33,
Wyanet N.Z., Lilacs
Oros, John J., 7524 So. Laramie, Oak Lawn Ortman, John C., Ashkum N.Z.
Osmon, Arthur, 9107 S. Lowe, Chicago 20 Osmon, Mrs. Helen, 9107 S. Lowe, Chicago 20 Otten, Richard, East Hill St., Oregon Std. Chin. Otten, Marion, East Hill St., Oregon
Paetz, Fred W., 180 So. Walnut St., Bensenville Para-Vista Lofts & Rabbitry,
2N-048 Vista-North Ave., Lombard Partyka, Chester, 3310 Gustave St., Franklin Park Patterson, Angie Mae, 320 So. Marshall, Salem 3 Paul, William C., RR #1, Box 281,
Marseilles Ck. Gts., N.Z., Califs., Satins
Pecoraro, Frank, 17 West 522, West Lake, Addison Petchulot, Edward N., 102 Crandall St., Collinsville
Peterson, Louise, 475 Fifer St., Galesburg Petty, William M., Witt N.Z., Eng. Spots
Petty, Naomi O., RR #1, Witt Eng. Spot, Sil. Martens, Chin. Satins, Dutch, Himal.
Phelps, G. A., 1421 Matilda, Pekin Piner, Harold T., 708 Ohio, Quincy Pruitt, Michael, Rt. 2, Lerna Purdue, James R., 1238 Lisbon St., Morris
Ramsdell, Donald C., Franklin Grove Randall’s Rabbitry, Box 197,
Mt. Vernon R, N.Z., Flem., Dutch
Rathmann, R. A., Rt. 3, Lake Villa Reckinger, Edward, Box 288, Cherry Valley R Rees, Ben, RFD #2, Elkville Reid, Don, RR #1, Lockport J&R
Reid, Muriel, Rt. 1, Lockport Rennard, F. M., 103 Edwards St., Danville Repsold, Louis, Repsold Rabbitry, 1100 Hinman Ave., Evanston Eng., N.Z., Am. Chin,
Reynolds, Oren R., 3438 McArthur Road,
Decatur R
Riblet’s Rabbitry, 422 E. Chestnut, Paxton Richardson, John, 3301 W. Farmington Rd., Peoria Rister, Hubert, 3208 Edsel, Alton Rittner, Lorenz, 7109 S. Ridgeland Ave.,
Chicago 49
Robinson, W. T., 418 E. Chestnut, Anna J&R
Roseman, Curt A., Venetian Village,
RR #3, Lake Villa Chin., N.Z.
Roush, Arnold, RFD #1 Durand N.Z.
Rowley, E. L. K., RR #1, Normal
S & F Rabbitry, 1204 W. Locust St., Belvidere Saegesser, H. R., 229 S. Chestnut,
Litchfield J&R, N.Z.
Saegesser, Marie J., 229 So. Chestnut, Litchfield Schalk, Kenneth E., 715 E. Thompson, Taylorville Schasfsma, Leonard, 15102 La Crosse Ave.,
Tinley Park
Schertz, Chris A., Eureka
Schertzer, S. D., 214 E. Second St., Kewanee R Schertzer, Mrs. S. D., 214 E. Second St., Kewanee Schmidt, Helen J., 411 Clinton St., Litchfield Schmidt, Harold L., 411 S. Clinton St.,
Litchfield Am. Chins.
Schmidt, Erwin, 3403 Madison St., Lansing Schmokel, Willie, 1451 E. Lincoln St.,
CMR 20, Bloomington Schneider, Bernard A., RR #3, Quincy
Schneiderman, V. S., 511 A Gunn, Apt. 740,
Scott A.F.B.
Schooley, H. M., P.O. Box 77, Burlington Schroeder, Vernon, 512 West Morris St., Morrison Schroeder, Verner G., RR #3, Milford Schubert, Roger Gene, 410 W. Laurel, Millstadt Seeman, A., 411 Oakview Ave., Joliet Segerstrom, David I., Rt. 5, Box 206, Rockford Seivers, Edward T., Box 288, RR #1, Moline Sherman, Joe, Pelley Rd., Box 25, Rockford Shirey, R. F., 416 So. Grant, Sullivan Shultz, Eugene, 502 First National Bank Bldg., Alton
Shumaker, Robert, 225 33rd Ave., East Moline Shumaker, Larry Eugene, 225 33rd Ave.,
East Moline
Sievers, Frank, Box 286, Coal Valley Simpson, Mrs. Dorothy H., 1615 S. Fairfield Ave., RR, Lombard
Slavens, Lou, 2011 South Main, Bloomington Smith, Howard, 80 West Oak St., Coal City Smith, Fred A., 17370 70 Ct„ Tinley Park Smith, Arnold L., RR #5, Cole St. Road,
East Peoria N.Z.
Smith, Le Nora, RR #2 Mulberry Grove Smith, Marian, RFD #2, Mulberry Grove Smith, Robert L., Box 51, Richton Park Smith, Lonnie A., 125 West Date St., Hartford Snoke, Aaron, 702 W. 13th St., Rock Falls Snoke, Ella M., 702 W. 13th St., Rock Falls Sorensen, Hans, Rt. 2, Box 13, Crystal Lake Spencer, Paul G., 309 S. 5th St., Carmi Splear, Mrs. Ida, Rt. 1, Bonfield Splear, Mrs. Ellsworth, Rt. 1, Bonfield Stam, Paul Wm., RFD #2, Sheldon N.Z.
Stamm, Lee Owen, Dakota Steele, Laverne, Red Oak Steinkuehler, Edw. G., 1228 N. 14th St.,
Stive, Samuel S., 11424 So. Prairie, Chicago 28 Stroot, Thomas, RR #2, Box 166, Chillicothe Stumm, C. L., RR #1
Edinburg N.Z., Champ., Dutch
Styer, Edw., 1580 Sherman Ave., Evanston Summers, William M., 7911 Elm Ave., Rockford Summerson, Howard, 403 N. East 6th Ave., Galva Swim, Ray, Sidney
Talbot, Russell R., 5505 N. University Ave.,
Taylor, Richard P., 533 Oak St.,
Morris N.Z., Am. Chin.
Taylor’s Rabbitry, 917 Stanford,
Springfield Am. Std. Chin., Satins
Teachman, Elmer W., 3347 E. Enos, Springfield Tervill, Paul, Emden Eng. Spots
Thomas, Max, 913 Chicago Ave., Dixon Thompson, Leslie, Rt. 1, Plainville Thompson Rabbitry, Auburn Satins, Champ, N.Z. Thoms, George, 14508 Woodland Ave.,
Orland Park
Treat, C. L., 636 Monroe. East Alton Tribble, Davis, RR #5, Jacksonville Trotter, Jamie, RFD #1, Adair Tuthill, Bill, 394 Roger Williams Ave.,
Highland Park
Ullom, S. W., Dr., 2320 Lawrence Ave.,
Chicago 25
Uren, Norman, Rt. 66 & 83, MTD-2, Hinsdale Van Etten, Donald C., 554 S. Avenue A, Canton Van Patten, Jock, Rt. 1, Wilmington VanWinkle, Gene, Box 10, Wasco Van Winsen Rabbitry, P.O. Box 432,
Wilmington N.Z,
Vennard, Robert, RFD #1, Flat Rock Viering, Arthur C., RFD, Crawford Ave.,
Matteson Satins
Voight’s Rabbitry, Rt. 3, Box 104-C, Waukegan Voorhees, Betty M., Rt. 2, Roscoe Voorhees, Albert C., Rt. 2, Roscoe Wadsworth, Maurice, 3327 Brown St., Alton Walker, Martin, 2107 20th Ave., Rockford Wargo, Mike, Thayer
Warren, Edwin, N. Croffard, Bushnell Std. Chin. Warren, Clyde, RR #l, Avon N.Z., Flem., Chin. Watkins, Jimmie, 123 So. Oak, Cottage Hills Weaver, Clifton, 712 Marion St., Matton Weis, Alfred C., 105 Lucinda Ave., Belleville Weisser, George, Westbrook Add’n., Morton J&R Wengert, Violet, 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford Chins. Wengert, Ted, 2830 Kinsey St., Rockford J&R Weyrauch, John, 709 Marshall, Mattoon Wheeler, Joseph, Sidney
White, Frederick L., RR #2. Box 136, DuQuain
White, David K., P.O. Box 455, Heyworth
White, Golden, Allison St., Catlin Satins, Cks.
Whitman, Dale, 415 S.W. 4th Ave., Galva
Whitman, Ray, 415 S.W. 4th Ave., Galva
Widner, Merle, Rt. 1, Manhattan
Wiktor, John, Peotone
Wiley, Victor, Allenville
Wilkert, Harold, Rt. 1, Morris
Williams, Ruby, Rt. 2, Danville
Williams, Eugene C., Pelley Rd.,
Box 24, Rockford
Williams, H. B., RR #2, Danville J&R
Williams, John Everett, 4864 Magnolia, Chicago 40
Willis, Dale D„ Rt. 2, Box 17, Tinley Park Wilson, Henry E., P.O. Box 577, Cary Wood, John E., 430 W. Elm St., Waverly Wookcodk, H. E., 6115 Newport Ave., Chicago 34 Yockey, Ethel, RR #2, Taylorville Am. Chin. Zink, G. G., 22445 Torrance Ave., Chicago Heights Zink, Gordon G., 22445 Torrance Ave.,
Chicago Heights
State Representative
1. Lester C. Wells—South, P.O. Box 13,
2. Otto Richter- North, 3702 Abbott St.,
Ft. Wayne
Addison, Michael B., Rt. 2,
Box 63, Goshen Dutch
Alexander, Gerald, RR #2, Boonville Anderson, O. D,, Rt. 1, Box 94, Medora Anderson, William C., 624 Milton Ave., Anderson Andrews, Mrs. Max R., 1117½ So. Clinton St.,
Fort Wayne
Andrews, Dr. Max R., 1117½ So. Clinton St.,
Fort Wayne J&R, N.Z., Flemish
Arbuckle, Don, Rt. 3, Paoli Arnold, Mrs. Susan, 1117½ So. Clinton St.,
Fort Wayne
Arnold, Mary Ann, 1117½ So Clinton St.,
Fort Wayne
Arnold, Mrs. Paul, 1117½ So. Clinton St.,
Fort Wayne
Arnold, Cindy Sue, 1117½ So. Clinton St.,
Fort Wayne
Arnold, Daniel, 1117½ So. Clinton St.,
Fort Wayne
Arnold, Wayne Owen, 55319 Sundown Road,
South Bend
Baatz, Loyd, RR #6, Shelbyville Badger, L. Earl, P.O. Box 64, Middletown Bagby, Randolph, Rt. 3, Evansville Baker, D. L., 1709 Buchanan St.,
Logansport N.Z., Calif.
Baldwin, Mrs. Kenneth, RR #2 Norman Barkley, Glenn, 2316 So. Gallatin St., Marion Barnhart, Charles J., R #2, Center Point Barnett, Charles R., 4310 E. Iowa St.,
Bauer, Ralph, Goldsmith N.Z.
Becker, Donald I., RR #4,
Box 354, Muncie N.Z.
Belcher, E., 3495 Michigan, East Chicago Bell, Jerry, RR #2, Wabash
Bennett, Claude, 1136 4th Ave., Terre Haute R Berger, Henry, 2508 John St., Fort Wayne Flem. Berilla, Nick, 1527 N. Broad St.,
Griffith Ck. Giant
Besing, Vernie, RFD #1, Elberfeld Bial, M. J., 303 Calvin Blvd., Seymour Bishop, Darrell, Box 128, Bloomingdale R
Black, Charles C., 300 Mont Clair St., Madison Blake, David, RR #2, Fowler Bland, Larry C., RR #1, Monroeville Blessing, Ora, 2122 Oliver St.,
Fort Wayne Am. Chin.
Bolinger, Harold, RR #1, North Manchester Borges, Richard, 302 Schepman Ave., Seymour Bowden, Luther, 1942 N. Dearborn, Indianapolis Bratton, R. L„ 3911 No. 19th St„
Terre Haute J&R
Braun, C. G., 1525 Taylor St., Fort Wayne Brown, Ola, 1733 N. 12th St., Lafayette Brown, O. V., 1733 No. 12th St., Lafayette Buck, Howard, RR #10, Lafayette Bundy, Roy E., RR #2, Paoli Bunny Ranch, Box 127, Ingalls Burbridge, Edward E., 39 N. Galeston St., Indianapolis
Burnsides, John, 103 Magnolia Ave., Jeffersonville Byrne, Robert, 1110 W. Harrison Ave., Clarksville Caldwell, Val, RR #3, Logansport Callahan, Sam, Rt. 2, Hamilton Cundler, Arden V., 1604 N. Charles Ave.,
South Bend 28 N.Z,
Carr, Mary E., Rt. 2, Carmel Carte, Samuel, West Point Carter, Carl G., 181 N. Smart St., Greenwood Cedar Falls Rabbitry, Wayne Fehr, Rt. 3,
Box 319, Evansville Cline, John R., 492C S. Anthony Blvd.,
Fort Wayne
Cole, S. H., 726 So. Bowling Ave., Jeffersonville Cole, William, 106 Fairview Ave., Jeffersonville Cole, Ross, Rt. 5, Connersville Collins, Kelly F., 5229 E. 42nd St.,
Indianapolis R, Dutch
Conville, Fletcher, 4324 Reed St., Fort Wayne Cook, Maurice H., 1305 Q Avenue, New Castle Coon, John T., 615 E. Washington, Winchester Coon, William, Rt. 2, Laurel Crawford, Richard D., 1913 Eaton Ave., Muncie Cromer, Donald J., Box 37, Saratoga Cummins, Bob, Rt. 2, Box 349-A, Cedar Lake Cunningham, Kyle, RD #l, Ligonier Dasher, Louis A., RR 12,
Fort Wayne N.Z., Martins
Dietz, C. W., 704 Helen, Logansport
Dobbins, Charles A., 7917 Trier Road, Fort Wayne
Downey, Floyd, Hartsville
Downey, Mrs. Floyd, Hartsville
Downey, Elvin L., 355 W. Hawthorne, Zionsville
Drudge, Harold, RR #1, Roann R., N.Z.
Drudge, Virginia, RR #1, Roann, N.Z.
Dungey, Stanley O., 1925 Oliver St., Fort Wayne
Eberhard, Mildred, RR #2, Marion
Ehler, John, 1301 Babsan St., Logansport J&R
Ellett, Chas. H., Rt. 1, Box 6, Liberty Center
Elliott, C. M., RR #1, Zionsville
Englebright, Dale, 7714 Old State Road,
Evansville R
Fehr, John, 1302 Woodlawn Ave.,
Indianapolis J&R
Fisher, Raymond A., RFD #1, Chandler Fitch, Glenn E., 6432 W. Jackson St.,
Indianapolis N.Z.
Fite, Don L., 1616 Johnson Ave., Anderson N.Z.
Folkening, Chas. W., 1350 Bonar Ave., Indianapolis 19
Folz, Raymond M., 3418 W. Maryland St., Evansville
Ford, Louis F., RR #2, Box 275-D, Carmel Ford, Gladys, RR #2, Box 275-D, Carmel Ford, Louis, RR #2, Box 275-D, Carmel Ford, Roy, 2415 Liberty Ave., Terre Haute Foster, Merlin, 26 E. Judsen, Bloomfield Gaddis, Carldon, RR #2, Winchester J&R
Gardner, Henry, 318 East Michigan, Evansville Gaskins, Offie, 1720 Victor St., Indianapolis Goff, George A., 5065 N. Post Rd., Indianapolis, 26 Good, Burch C., 1633½ So. Main, Newcastle Gosnell, Danny, General Delivery, Pittsboro Greer, Alvin R., 517 W. Columbia, Evansville 10 Gregory, William C., RR #2, Star City Grube, Walter, 1102 Monroe St., Rochester Gruner, Arthur G., 1713 So. Talbot Ave., Indianapolis
Grunnett, Walter, RFD #4, Valparaiso Guthrie, John R., 2313 Nelson St.,
Indianapolis 3 N.Z.
Guyne, V. L., 4411 E. Minnesota, Indianapolis Haines, Richard L., Box 152, RR #2,
New Haven N.Z.
Hansford, Curtis E., RFD #1, Box 74, Valparaiso Harris, W. A., 120 W. 3rd St., Connersville R
Healey, Sherman F., Ashley
Hebble, Dr. Harry H., 310 N. Second St., Decatur Hensley, Earl, RR #2, Box 286, Yorktown Herod, Raymond G., 4155 N. Butler Ave., Indianapolis
Hertle, Ralph L., Box 258, Gaston N.Z.
Hickman. Harold, RR #2, Williamsport Hicks, Claude E., 1111 Merrimac Place, Indianapolis 24 N.Z.
Hochstetler, Levi R., Rt. 2, Box 34. Nappanee Holdman, Olen, 313 Middleburn St., Goshen Hollander, Gene, RR #3, Box 962,
Evansville 13 R
Homier, Charles F., Sr., 1177 N. LaFontaine, Huntington
Hostetler, Kenneth, 3044 Roys Avenue, Elkhart Housemeyer, Bernard, 612 Fourth St., Rising Sun Huber, Chester, 2300 N. Walnut St., Muncie Humbert, R. D., 715 Leopold, Huntington Humbert, Mrs. R. D., 715 Leopold St., Huntington Hummel, Ray, R #1, Bremen N.Z., Calif.
Hurt, Charles P., RR #2, Mooresville N.Z.
Iliff, Lowell E., 10205 Westfield Blvd., Indianapolis
Israel, Robert, Rt. 1, Arlington Jarrett, Diane, Box 74, Pendleton Jeffers, Ray B., RR #2, Spencer Jennings, Boyd E., RR #5, Muncie Jones, Clifford B., 311 Sunnyside, Aurora Jung, Ernest, Dyer
Kapornyai, Kalman S., P.O. Box 302, Schererville
Keltner, C. C., RR #6, Marion
Kemp, Merrill J., 205 Lowell, Charlestown
Kessie, G. R., Rt. 6, Columbia City
Kizer, Bob, RR #1, Vincennes
Kolber, Walter F., Jr., 451 So. Phillipa St.,
South Bend 19
Lasley, Lloyd, RR #3, Lebanon N.Z.
Leachman, Wayne, RR #4, Box 170, Elwood
Lemmons, Forest, RR #1, St. Paul
Lengacher, Louis Lee, RR #2, Grabill
Lingg, Emma, Stoney Lonesome, Aurora
Lloyd, Everett, 207 W. 30th St„ Marion N.Z.
Long, Cleatus J., Elnora
Lucas, Justin, 4629 Hayes St., Gary
Lucas, Jackie, 12890 E. 18th, Gary
Lucas, William R., 12890 E. 18th Ave., Gary
McCloud, R. C., 501 Water St., RR #6,
Logansport Gt. Chins.
McCoy, Howard, RFD #1, Spiceland McCrady, H. W., RR #3, Kokomo McFarland, Paul W., RFD #3, Lebanon McGriff, William D., 6225 Burlington Ave., Indianapolis 20
McIntyre, Ernest L., 523 W. 4th St.,
Anderson Dutch
McKeeman. A. C., 5419 S. Hanna St.,
Fort Wayne R
McMillin, John M., 3027 Forest Ave.,
Evansville Dutch, N.Z.
McWethy, John, RR #3, Elwood R
Macbeth, William, 107 W. National Ave., Brazil
Maddox, Mrs. Jeanne, Box 643, Muncie J&R
Malott, Charles, 1846 S. Adams, Marion Mann, Mrs. Esther, 811 Prospect St., Indianapolis Mann, Walter N., 811 Prospect St.,
Indianapolis N.Z.
Martin, Harvel R., 2782 State St., East Gary Mercer, John F., 9313 S. Liable Rd., Highland Meyer, Theodore, RR #2, Churubusco Meyers, Dudley B., RFD, Osceola Midkiff, Carl W., 411 E. So. County Line Rd., Indianapolis N.Z.
Miliner, Edward, M R., Box 24, Greenfield Miller, Donald Alvin, RR #5, Lafayette Miller, Russell W., 4171 Pasadena, Indianapolis Miller, F. E., P.O. Box 352, North Liberty Moldenhauer, Randall, 410 East Ninth St., Michigan City
Monroe, Gerald F., No. Buckeye St., O good Moreland, G. C., 287 South 11th St., Middletown Mounts, Floyd, Rt. 3, Princeton Muffler, F. L., 17C2 Naomi St.,
Indianapolis Havana, Dutch
Newlon, Glenn C., 407 E. Market St., Salem Nigh, Thomas, RR #6, Greenfield Niles, Linda, 106 N. Bluff St., Monticello Ostrowski, Stanley, 4201 S. Anthony Blvd.,
Fort Wayne Flemish
Pace, Ralph J., RR #1,
Hartford City N.Z., Gt. Chins
Pearce, John F., 517 E. Mechanic St., Brazil Peifer, Rosalee, Rt. 1, Box 298, Schererville Percell, Mrs. Bertha, RFD #2, Brookston Pheister, Lester, RR #4, Columbia City Phillips, Kenneth C., Box 233, North Vernon Preston, Tessie E., RR #4, Greensburg Preston, Marshel B., RR #4, Greensburg R Pribbernon, Richard, 1712 Emerson,
Fort Wayne Dutch, N.Z.
Priest, C. R., P.O. Box 247, Ashley Provo, Robert, RFD #1, Fowler Quinton, Gladys E., 1509 Kiel Ave.,
Raber, Richard P., Box 162, Monroeville Rainey, Elmer, 6341 W. Ohio St., Indianapolis Rankin, Richard, Rt. 3, Box 487-B, Jeffersonville Ray, Burlin M., St. Bernice Flemish
Redinger, Lee, RR #1, Warsaw Reed, Forrest D., Rt. 1, St. Paul Reedy, J. L., 230 E. Harrison St., Mooresville Reinhart, Irvin A., RR #7, Box 384,
Evansville Cavies
Richards, Bruce, RR #1, Unionville Richardson, Harry, Rt. 5, Noblesville Richter, Otto, 3702 Abbott St.,
Fort Wayne 5 N.Z., Champ, Marten
Roebuck, Joseph, 3454 Michigan Ave.,
East Chicago
Roebuck, Ethel, 3454 Michigan Ave., East Chicago Rose, Lloyd, 9445 Spring St.,
Highland N.Z.
Ryan, Harold, 210 W. South St., Winchester Sappingfield, Franklin V., 1454 Beech St.,
Terre Haute
Saunders, Edward V., D.C., 316 So. Vine St., Fairmont
Schaefer, Clyde, Box 213, Greentown Schermier, Walter E., 1016 E. Wayne St.,
South Bend
Schuck, Don, 929 W. Jennings, Rushville Schultz, Art, RR #2, Box 35, Crown Point Schultz, Hazel, RR #2, Box 35, Crown Point Scott, Dillon, 1028 Beech, Connersville Scott, John I., Box 164, Markleville J&R
Sheets, Bertha L., 7501 E. Washington St., Indianapolis
Shoemaker, Jacob, RR #1, Osceola Shoptaw, R. C., 819 S. Roena St.,
Indianapolis J&R, N.Z.
Shoptaw, Ethel M., 819 Roena, Indianapolis 21 Shreves, Hugh A., Daleville, Ind.
Shufflebotham, Thomas, Box 257, Valparaiso J&R
Simatovich, Mrs. S. E., RR #4, Valparaiso
Sims, Mrs. Carl, P.O. Box 72, Odon
Smart, Robert, Box D, Morocco
Smith, Mrs. Oscar, 1839 Gruber Ave., Fort Wayne
Smith, Oscar, 1839 Gruber Ave., Fort Wayne 6 R
Sollows D. R., Box 205,
Monroeville N.Z., Eng. Spots
Somers, Albert W., 814 S. Lyons St.,
Indianapolis 21 Calif.
Staneart, Harry E., Rt. 2, Middletown Dutch Staneart, Mrs. Harry E., Rt. 2, Middleton Stead, Roy James, 440 No. Centennial, Indianapolis 22
Stephans, Robert, RR #5, Huntington Stephens, V. Paul, 733 Webster, Huntington R Stevens, Harold, 715 E. 28th St., Marion Stickel, Dale, RR #3, Elkhart Street, Ernest M., RFD #2, Box 46,
Swope, William, RR #3, Logansport Swoveland, Emerson L., RR #1, Wakarusa Synesael, George, 1011 So. 4th St., Lafayette R Taylor, Charles A., 415 Fifth St., Rising Sun Tharp, Robert, 925 N. Michigan, Plymouth Theroff, Lynn G., RR #3, Washington Thompson, Raymond, 1534 Lee St., Indianapolis 21 Thompson, Frank, Kingsbury R
Thompson, Robert Lee, 540 Chestnut, Union City Thompson, Jerry T., 28 Albert St., Peru Thrasher, Jack L., 221 S. Grand Ave., Evansville Thurman, Mary Jane, 710 W. 64th St.,
Indianapolis 8
Troop, Jesse W., 1702 Grove St., Evansville 10 Vinard, John H., 562 Reno, Indianapolis N.Z.
Voigt, Emil J., Rt. 7, Hartzell Rd.,
Fort Wayne J&R
Wallace, Calvin, RR #1, Whitestown N.Z,
Walter, Edmond, Rt. 5, Peru
Ward, Lewis, Radnor N.Z.
Ward, Vera, Radnor
Warmoth, Reece, 2604 N.W. 15th, Richmond Weaver, Edward J., RR #1, Burnettsille Weaver, Mrs. Edward J., RR #1, Burnettsille Weichel, Herman, 3020 W. 61st St., Indianapolis Weichel, Marceil, 3020 W. 61st St., Indianapolis 8 Weidner, William, c o Coon Hunter’s Lodge,
Rt. 3, Jeffersonville Welch, Kenneth L„ Box 118, RR #1,
Boehme Camp Rd., Evansville Wells, Lester C., P.O. Box 13, Oaklandon J&R
Wenige, Mrs. Joy, Rt. 2, Box 442, Jeffersonville Wiley, David E., 713 N. Broadway, Greensburg Williams, Earl M., Green Fork N.Z.
Williams, Fred, 417 Read St., Evansville Williams, John L., Rt. 2, Waterloo Wilson, Duane, 854 Outer Drive, Elkhart Wooldridge. Allen V., 3334 Brewer Drive, Indianapolis N.Z.
Wooldridge, Albert A., 3334 Brewer Drive, Indianapolis 24 N.Z.
Wren, John P., 523 So. 9th St., Terre Haute Wright, Kenneth E., RR #4, Rushville Yates. Josephine, Rt. 1, Box 186-F, Parker Young, Mike, RR #1, Markleville Yount, Jesse Gene, 229 N. Park Ave.,
Zehner, Gerald E., Rt. 2, Argos
State Representative—
1. William Neild—East, 415 Linden Ave.,
2. Wayne D. Fuller- West, 108 So. 11th St.,
Addy, Mrs. E. E., Marcus Anders, Glen, Keota
Anderson, Rex, 257 North 1st St., Rockwell City Anderson. Maxine, 257 North 1st St.,
Rockwell City
Applebee, W. Thomas, 205 East Howard St., Manchester
Arnold, Mrs. Clifford, Box 243,
Afton Californians
Atwell, Jay, Little Sioux
Bailey, Frank L., Sr., 2527 Onawa, Des Moines Balius, Earl, 1104 N. Cherry, Creston N.Z.
Barclay, Claire C., Rt. 2, Waterloo R, N.Z., Calif.
Bales, Frank J., 315 Wilson Ave., S.W.,
Cedar Rapids R
Bennet, Francis, 3023 East Second St.,
Sioux City R, Champs.
Bernhard, Byron C., Monona Berry’s Poultry Farm, Clarinda Blanchard, James T., RFD #1, Eldon Bluhm. Orland C., 305 Maywood Ave.,
Charles City
Bramhall, Darrell E., 24½ S. Virginia,
Mason City
Brown, Leslie C., 1524 Douglas Ave., Ames Bruce. Dale, Shamrock Rabbitry, RR #2, Walker Buss, Claude D., 518 So. 12th St.,
Clarinda Checkers
Butcher, Clifford, 207 Center St., Sioux City Butler, John, Rt. 1, Cedar Falls Butterbaugh, Paul, West Chester Carmichael, Clifford, 413 E. State,
Clarinda Champ, N.Z.
Chamberlain, Mrs. June, 1345 E. Wash.,
Clarinda N.Z.
Chesley, Alta. 708 E. 8th St., Spencer Church, C. R., 700 W. 4th St., S. Newton Clift, Kenneth, 1318 Leland, Des Moines Calif. Conlee, Donald W., RR #2. Fort Madison Cook, Emmett, 422 W. Filmore, Winterset Cook, Gladys, 422 W. Filmore St., Winterset Cooling, Louis W., RFD #1, Wilton Junction Cooper, Robert, 2300 Terminal Dr., Sioux City R Cozad. Don, 920 E. Lincoln, Clarinda Crawford, Curtis, 1101 N. 15th, Clarinda Davis, Glen S., 114 S. Otto St.,
Maquoketa R, N.Z.
Davis, Harold W., Blair Ferry Rd.,
N.E., RR #3, Cedar Rapids N.Z.
Da Vall, G. R., 5006 Forgerson Drive, Des Moines Dehner, Arthur H., Box 114, Cascade N.Z., Calif. DeMoss, Lloyd, 249 S. Willard St.,
Ottumwa J&R, N.Z.
Dennis, Paul G., 3737 E. Douglas Avc.,
Des Moines 15
Dennis, Rhea N., 3737 E. Douglas Ave.,
Des Moines Dutch, N.Z.
Derrickson, George, Box 256, Farragut Dickinson, Russell V., RFD, Woodburn Discus, Mrs. H. R., 1213 10th, S.E., Cedar Rapids Driscoll, Loras, Bernard Dunsmoor, Melvin, Rt. 1, Oskaloosa Earles, Burkley, 1720 So. 17th St., Fort Dodge R Eich, Roger J., Box 72, Templeton Eich, Michael, Box 72, Templeton Essex, Chester M., 1174 Lucas St., Muscatine Faltemier, Joe, 917 So. Alice St., Sioux City 6 Forsberg, H. C„ RR #2, Box 150-A,
Davenport Silver Martens
Forsberg, Helen M., RR #2, Box 150-A,
Friedel, E. A., Des Moines Welding Co.,
627 Des Moines St., Des Moines Fuller, Wayne D., 1339 East Wash., Clarinda N.Z. Kenneth Goff, 800 E. Main, Clarinda N.Z.
Graham, Richard, 601 So. 12th, Clarinda N.Z. Grecie, C. D., 1136 Kirkwood Court, Iowa City R Green, Omer, 614 N. 7th St., Washington Grimes, J. W., 1908 Williams St., Des Moines Grimes, Doris L., 1908 Williams, Des Moines Grau, Mrs. Gladys, R #4, Cedar Falls Gruwell, Eddie, 837 Rundell St., Iowa City Gustafson, Ronnie, Harcourt Guthrie, Mrs. Don, Box 26, Lamoni Guthrie, Don, Box 26, Lamoni J&R, N.Z., Ck. Gt. Hammond, W. W., 3827 E. Douglas Ave.,
Des Moines 17
Hammond, Mrs. Blanche, 3827 E. Douglas Ave., Des Moines 17
Hatfield, Lloyd, Rt. 1, Shellsburg Haus, Mrs. Greg L., RFD #3, New Hampton Heikes, Phoebe, 1813 24th Drive, Des Moines Helming, Marlin, Schaller Hickok, Charlie, Lamoni Hole, Willard, Westchester Hughe, Richard, Box 114, Clarence Huxford, H. J., RR #1, Elkhart R
Isley, Lester, Rt. 3, Cedar Falls Jennings, John J., Rt. 2, Mt. Vernon R, N.Z. Johnston, E. E., 2505 Broadway, Dubuque J&R Jolliff, Russell F., 1020 Fillmore St., Council Bluff Justice, Irving, 1315 Muscatine, Iowa City Kelley, A. L., 701 W. State, Clarinda N.Z.
Kendall, Mrs. W. W„ 701 So. 10th, Burlington Kettles, Mrs. John, 1536 Evergreen, Des Moines Kleppe, Melvin O., 545 Grand Blvd., Evansdale, Waterloo
Kleppe, Mrs. Melvin O., 545 Grand Avenue, Evansdale, Waterloo
Klein, Robert E. 1713 13th St., Rock Valley Kruid, John, RR #1, Sioux Center Kull, George, 217 McGee Ave.,
Council Bluff R, Eng. Spots
Lenze, Leonard, 1018 N. Harrison Ave.,
Mason City Calif., Dutch, Eng.
Libbey, H. F., 1219 6th Ave., S,
Fort Dodge N.Z., Checkers
Littleton, Leo F., 1819 S.E. Park Ave.,
Des Moines
Love, Arvid R., Dexter McCartney, B. W., 119 McGee Ave.,
Council Bluffs Ck. Gt., N.Z., Calif., Rex
McCurdy, Robert V., Rt. 3, New Sharon Mace, J. E., Rt. 4, Waterloo R., N.Z.
Maine, Henry, 24C1 So. 7th St., Council Bluffs Martin, Sherman W., 6305 Merle Hay Road,
Rt. 1, Des Moines
Martin, Claude, 1607 Ohio St., Des Moines Maytom, Earl, 2518 So. 13th St., Council Bluffs Mendenhall, George, 222 E. Chestnut, Clarinda Mewse, Walter C., 1607 Agency St., Burlington Miller, C. Jay, RFD #1, Kalona R
Miller Bros. Rabbitry, Harper Mitchell, Jos. F., Luther Moller, David P., RR #3 Davenport Montgomery, M. E., 623 W. Grant, Clarinda Moothart, Lloyd, 427 S. 9th Ave., Washington Morgan, Don, 2726 19 SW, Rt. 1,
Mason City R
Mundt, Harry, 1107 S. Concord,
Davenport Silver Marten
Murren, Harold, 114 E. Wells, Clarinda Murren, Clifford, 613 So. 13th, Clarinda Murren, Earl P., 615 So. 12th St., Clarinda Nield, William N., 415 Linden Ave., Waterloo Nordman, Mrs. Lewis M., Rt. 2, Cedar Falls North Carolina Rabbitry, 2311 N. Carolina,
Mason City
O’Brien, Mike, 1119 So. 25th St., Fort Dodge Ogburn, Darrell, Box 15, Mt. Etna O’Neal Rabbitry, 2440 Avenue G, Council Bluffs Paul, David, 1717 E. Watrous Ave.,
Des Moines N.Z.
Paulsen, Eldo, RFD #1, Schleswig R
Peer, C. E., 1230 E. Army Post Rd., Des Moines
Penland, Avery, Waukee Perrin, Hulda, New Hartford Perrin, Carl D., New Hartford Persoon, K. R., 1208 16th St., Rock Valley Peterman, Ivan, 623 So. 12th, Clarinda Peterman, Frank, 2317 Mt. Vernon Rd., S.E., Cedar Rapids
Plahn, Gordon E., 605 7th Ave., N., Fort Dodge Porter, Bill, 2815 Berry, Sioux City Prohaska, Frank, 2231 North Broadway,
Council Bluffs
Rector, F. C., 808 E. Lincoln, Clarinda Reimers, Robert A., RR #1, Stockton Richardson, H. E., 722 N. 15th, Clarinda Robinson, Marion M., E. 56th & Easton Blvd.,
Des Moines
Rohweder, Walter, RR #4 Cedar Falls Calif. Runyan, Don, 300 N. 20th, Clarinda Sarchett, L. E., Rt. #5, Muscatine R
Schwieger, Mrs. J. R., RR #2, Box 33, Alden Scott, Chester E., Gilman
Sharp, James, Box 48, Beacon N.Z.
Sharp, John W., Box 102, Beacon Simpson, Harry, 4413 61st St., Des Moines 10 Sims, Danny, RFD #4, Clarinda Smith, Clarence I., 1221 Tremont,
Cedar Falls Calif., Dutch
Smith, Elmo C., 302 E. Orchard Ave.,
Council Bluffs
Stack, Clement E., Rt. 1, Delmar Stewart, Woneta, RR #3, Mt. Pleasant Stilley, Dean, 1200 W. Cedar,
Cherokee Std. Chins., Eng.
Stowe, H. C., 1505 35th, Sioux City 5 Taylor, Mrs. Willard, 420 First Ave., Grinnell Thomas, Ivan, 508 So. 8th St., Burlington All Thompson, Donald R., 513 Clearview Dr.,
Des Moines R
Tiller, John, 30C Old Marion Rd., Marion Tingwald, Jack, 1822 4th St., Perry Troxel, Bruce, 1322 Leland Ave., Des Moines Valley, Roger, Harpers Ferry Van Voorst, K. D., 1611 18th St., Rock Valley Wallace, Robert F., 409 So. 12th St., Clarinda R Walther, Hans Wm., Box 142, Ellsworth Wegman, Walter, Coin White, O. D., 1813 24th Dr.,
Des Moines 10 R, Dutch
Whiting, Ernest R., Sr., Rt. 1, Crawfordsville Wiese, Sam E., Bar Mar, RR, Manning Dutch Williams, Thomas, Fremont
Williams, Donald, Rt. 1, Thornton Calif.
Wolcott, Ivan G., Box 197, Bradgate
Wolvers, Harley, 1214 High Ave., East, Okaloosa
Woodin, Donald, Essex
Wright, G. F., Box 391. Waterloo
Wright, W. W„ 421 26th St., Marion
Young, Dean, 4004 7th St., Des Moines
Zimmerman, Henry E., 1144 Rosedalc.
Dubuque J&R, Calif.
Erwin, Robert L., 2C2 North Spruce, Wichita 7
Everett, Walter, 940 Custer St., Salina
Fast, Gerald, 3301 N. Plum, Hutchinson R
Fisher, Jerry, 205 W. Morgan, Inman
Fittro, Margaret, 5124 Sloan Ave., Kansas City 4
Fittro, Charles, 5124 Sloan Ave., Kansas City 4
Flory, J. C., Potter
Flowers, H. W., 2112 East 13th, Topeka Dutch Foote, Elisabeth L., 3020 Wood Ave., Kansas City Fryer, Hazel V., 10005 W. 87th, Overland Park Fulton, Harold, 530 So. Broadway, Salina R
Gabel, Joe P., 500 W. 11th, Ellis Gates, S. N., 4344 Pearl, Kansas City 3 R
Gates, Mrs. S. N., 4344 Pearl St., Kansas City 3 Gustus, Donald C., Box 308, Geneseo Harding, Jack W., 4506 August Lane, Kansas City Hargadine, Mrs. Laren, P.O. Box 183,
Rushton N.Z.
Hargadine, Loren G., Box 183, Rushton Havens, Raymond W., 2152 S. 55th St. West, Wichita 15
Havens, Margaret, 2152 S. 55th St., West,
Wichita 15 N.Z.
Henne, Milan L., Rt. 1, Box 42, Roxbury Horton, Glen, 502 W. Antelope, Girard Janzen, H. W., 1514 E. 23rd St.,
Hutchinson Calif., Rex
Jensen, Harold O., P.O. Box 74, Dearing Johnson, Lester, 712 N. St.. Halstead Johnson, Mrs. Louise, 712 N. St., Halstead Calif. Kauffman, Chas. O., 212 W. 11th,
Hutchinson N.Z.
Kaufman, Leo R., 604 23rd St., Belleville Kempke, Warren D., 1012 Spring St., Ellsworth Knopp, Gary F.t Box 503,
Ellinwood Am. Chinchilla
Lesh, Babe, 306 W. Waren, Norton Lilly, P. C., 410 Ohio, Topeka Lindenmeyer, Fred R., 748 N. 8th St.,
Salina N.Z.
Loveless, Theodore, 1409 Delaware, Leavenworth Loyd, T. E., P.O. Box 187, Fairview Gt. Chins Lundine, Stanley H., 1301 So. Central, Chanute Mantz, Walter, Box 456, Bushton Martin, Wayne, 700 W. 22nd. Wellington Martin, Capt. Raymond D. (Ret’d),
RFD #2 Leavenworth Newell, Joe D., Rt. 1, Oskaloosa Odell, M. A., 313 Crescent, Hutchinson N.Z.
Palmer, Ralph L., 1440 North 1st, Arkansas City Perez, Lee D., Foto Greetings Co.,
Box 182, Ottawa
Petty, Roscoe E., 209 E. Vilas, Leavenworth Pine, Mrs. Charles A., 6811 W. 71st St.,
Overland Park
Pinon, Lester E., 1002 N. Taylor St., El Dorado Pollom, Bob M., RR #1, Tecumseh N.Z.
R.B.C. Rabbitry, Clinton Wood,
228 E. 8th St., Russell
Rains, Ralph B., 1235 Scott Ave., Kansas City Roberts, Charles L., 4742 Parkview,
Kansas City 4
Roberts, Mrs. Chester L., 4742 Parkview,
Kansas City 4
Scheel, C. J., 23 Rural, Emporia Schroeder, Walter, Jr., 2808 N. Lorraine, Hutchinson
Sellect, Mrs. W. B., 715 North Concord, Minneapolis
Shaffer, Dr. Frank W., Rt. 3, Salina N.Z.
Shanks, Gaylene L., 603 N. Union, Stafford N.Z.
Shelton, E. M., RR #1, Coffeyville
Siemens, Alden, 302 West St., Buhler
Skeen, Robert C., 1548 N. Lorraine, Wichita 14
Slusher, C. F., Lansing
Slusher, Helen V., Lansing
Smith, Clarence L., 1501 N. Cochran. Hutchinson Starbird, Austin T., 623 Parklane, Derby Stewart, Frank E., P.O. Box 15, Lewis Stinson, C. F., 1535 So. 49th Terr.,
Kansas City 6
Sunderland, W. H., 715 E. 4th St., Winfield Thies, Edward J., 4130 Cambridge St.,
Kansas City 3
Thompson, F. L„ 721 W. 11th, Box 151,
Newton N.Z.
Tredway, F. L., 313 E. Walnut St„
Box 84, Columbus N.Z.
Walker, Gene, P.O. Box 401, Pratt Ware, O. Wendall, 516 N. 9th, Kansas City Weber, Fred, Jr., Potwin
Weldon, James V., RFD #1, Box 24-D, McCune Whitcomb, A. C., RFD #2, Neodesha Whitt, B. H., 1036 Wabash, Topeka Wilkinson, R. J., 2413 Winterwood Lane, Topeka Wilson, Claude J., RFD #1, Augusta Wysong, Chancey L., 124 N. 14th, Sabetha Yeagley, Don E., 813 Seneca, Salina
State Representative—
1. S. N. Gates—North, 4244 Pearl, Kansas City
2. Harold Fulton—South, 530 So. Broadway, Salina Abbott, L. A., 330 N. St. Clair,
Wichita 12 Calif.
Andrews, Randy Paul, 505 W. 2nd, Liberal Atchison, William A., Rt. 3, Osage City Aust, M. M., P.O. Box 311, Chetopa Ball, Bernard G., 623 Meridian Rd.,
Newton N.Z.
Ball, C. W., 719 K Street, Belleville Barton Co. Agri. Extension Council,
P.O. Box 749, Great Bend Besthorn, Peter H., Holyrood Bieghler, Eugene W., 1501 Denver Dr.,
Park City, Wichita 15 N.Z., Calif.
Block, J. A., 422 W. 2nd St., Newton R, N.Z. Block, Ramon, 422 West 2nd St., Newton Bloom, Mrs. George, Rt. 2, Box 67, Humboldt Borders, Ronald G., RR, Arlington Boulton, Wilbur, Rt. 1, Arkansas City Carrier, Virgil C., Rt. 2, Burden Case, Wayne Douglas, c o Fairmont Foods, Garden City
Chilcott, Dennis, Cedar Bluffs
Christian, Herbert, 5439 Outlook, Mission
Claus, Ronald, Rt. 1, Neodesha
Crawford, Mrs. John, 12809 W. 63rd St., Shawnee
Crawford, John, 12809 W. 63rd St., Rt. 1, Shawnee
Cundiff, Howard E„ 1518 E. 23rd,
Hutchinson N.Z.
Davidson, Frank W., c/o Mrs. Harry Stauffer,
1013 Hubbard St., Great Bend Davis, Hubert D,, 1032 Ridge, Kansas City Dean, W. J., P.O. Box 2637, University Sta., Wichita
Dean, Benny Eugene, P.O. Box 433, Eudora Duffett, Theodore I., 2819 N. 42nd, Kansas City 4 Dunlap, L. A., Corbin J&R, N.Z.
Dunlap, Mrs. L. A., Corbin
Eddy, Mrs. Helen J., Rt. 2, Box 149-A, Lindsborg
State Representatives—
1. M. E. Haggard—East, Versailles Rd.,
2. Edw. T. Toebbe-West, Rt. 10, Box 3C4,
Allen, James V., P.O Box 32, Raceland
Andrus, James M., Hardin
Bess, Marion, Jersey Ridge Road,
Maysville R. N.Z.
Boyd, Charles V., 3130 Lone Oak Rd.,
P.O. Box 21, Paducah R, N.Z.
Broell, Ganz C., Rt. 6, Klondike Lane, Louisville Castle, L. O., Rt. 3, Box 304, Louisville 13 Clark, John W., RR #1, Riggs Road,
Independence Piruvians
Claycomb, T. L., 7311 Nathan Hal, Valley Station Davis, Jesse F., 705 Garvey Ave.,
Erlanger J&R, N.Z.
Deakin, Jesse B., Box 42. Cadiz Earl, Josephine, Calvert City
Frank, Ben T., 1622 S. 6th St.. Paducah N Z Freeman, Willard, Star Route, Burgin Gardner, Wilbur, Rt. 1, Box 359, Fairdale
Gesler, George L., Rt. 3, Box 138, Louisville Gognat, Joe, 1139 Charles,
Louisville Ck. Giants
Gould, Worthington D., 2724 Bank Ave.,
Louisville 12
Graybill, Charles, 19 East Main, Shelbyville Greenwell, George E., 4628 Jenning Lane, Louisville 18 R
Gregory, Lloyd T., 42 Hulbert Ave.,
Erlanger R, N.Z.
Haggard, M. E., Rt. 2, Versailles Rd.,
Lexington R
Hearon, Simpson, Box 57, Clay Henson, Mack. Rt. 2, Stanford Henson, Mrs. Mack, Rt. 2, Stanford Henry, Alfred A., 1262 Helck, Louisville 13 Herbig, Gilbert G., 4724 So. Rutland Ave., Louisville 15
Johnson, E. Verner, 1610 Ashwood Dr.,
Lexington Dutch
Keith, Lewie O., Box 649, Cumberland Kemper, Herbert, 2501 W. Oak St.,
Louisville N.Z., Chins., Ck. Gts.
Kroboth, Carl P., 107 Westwood Dr.,
Lexington J&R, N.Z.
Kroboth, Mrs. Carl, 107 Westwood Dr., Lcxington Lancaster. R. W., 193 Riggs Rd.,
Independence Piruvians
Lancaster, Donna Jo, 193 Riggs Rd.,
Independence Rex., Piruvians
Lane, E. R., Box 282, Princeton Lee, W. A., c/o Mallard Pencil Co.,
Bourbon St., & Chambers Ave., Georgetown Long, Nooe, Bellows Mill Rd.,
Harrodsburg Ck. Giants
McClane, Ray, 4149 Greenwood, Louisville Manning, Edw. J., 229 McDowell Rd., Lexington Martin, Joseph W., 2422 Veatch Rd.,
Owensboro Dutch. N.Z.
Moneyham, Edw. W., 548 River Rd., Ludlow Moore, James L., Jr., 229 Orchard Drive,
Baugham Hts., Danville N.Z., English
Muir, Hiram C., 3301 Klondike Lane,
Louisville R
Murphy, William, Dailey Ave., Frankfort Pagragan, Francis, 17 Maple St., Henderson Palmer, Lewis, Rt. 4, Winchester Payne, Walter, Rolling Hills. Danville Paynter, Prewitt, Rt. 6, Cynthiana Pease, C. T., Rt. 4, Paducah Perkins, Julian R., Meol-O-Grcen Stock Farm,
Quick, Harold C., 4619 So. 1st,
Louisville 14 N.Z.
Reynolds, Augustine, 947 Marcellus Dr.,
Russell, Albert, Shady Elm Rabbitry,
Box 314, Danville
Rutledge, Kenneth, 420 S. Maple, Winchester Sadler, H. Bailey, 603 McClure St., Ashland N.Z. Shain, L. W., 2710 Alfore Ave., Louisville 12 Stoltzfus, W. A., Beech Stroud, William E., Nakomis St.,
Danville R. N.Z.
Summers, Perry, 233 Shadyline, Lexington Terhune, Carroll, Rt. 2, Shelbyville Thedieck, Carl, Harrodsburg Rd., Rt. 1,
Toebbe, Edward, Rt. 10, Box 304,
Louisville 18 J&R
Vessels, O. K., 3113 Dixie Highway, Louisville 16 Willett, Paul, 716 Second St., Henderson Williams, H. T., Owenton
State Representatives
1. Glendon King- North, 4305 Greenwood Blvd.,
2. J. G. Leger—South—Rt. 3, Box 157D,
Lake Charles
Accardo, T. R., 820 Claiborne Dr., New Orleans Berger, Bill, 1236 Pauline St., New Orleans 17 Blankenbaker, E. L., Rt. 1, Box 214. DeRidder Boroughs, Robert, 1209 Grout, Westlake Bruce, T. B., Rt. 4. Box 239-A Lake Charles Codifer. T. R„ 1905 Metairie Rd., Metairie Cross, L. W., P.O. Box 296, White Castle Dellucky, Joseph S., 914 Isbell St.. Gretna Dutch Freeman, James S., c/o Continental Oil Co.,
Villa Platte
Hall, Andrew C., 1207 E. Napoleon, Sulphur Hanagriff, P. C., Jr., 118 W. Spruce St., Crowley Hardin, F. L., P.O. Box 31. Bethany Hawkins, Nathan, P.O. Box 2482. Maplewood Hunt, Eustace J., 2332 Channel, Lake Charles Jatho, Norwood, Jr., 10317 Jefferson Hwy..
New Orleans 23
Kent, Jerard A., 6824 Calumet St.. Baton Rouge Kiner, L. F., 255C Bay St.. New Orleans King, Glendon, 4305 Greenwood Blvd.,
Shreveport J&R
LeBouy, William, Jr., 3154 N. Johnson,
New Orleans
Leger, G. J., Rt. 3, Box 157-D,
Lake Charles 3 J&R. Flemish
Leonard. Leslie P.. P.O. Box 5. White Castle Lyle, W. C., Jr., RD #2, Box 686, Shreveport Lyle, W. C„ Rt. 2, Box 686. Shreveport Manuel, J. B., P.O. Box 426,
West Laurel St., Eunice Morrison, David E., P.O. Box 87, Tioga Noble, D. B., Box 221. Zachary Pitre, S. J., Jr., Box 554, Kenner Price, John G., 2413 Green Acres Rd., Metairie Rambin, Paul, 3917 St. Vincent St., Shreveport Reinhardt, R. W., 821 Haring Rd., Metairie 20 R Schoultz, Alphonse H., 1028 Music St.,
New Orleans 17
Stark, Floyd A., Sr., 135 River Bend,
New Orleans 23 Taylor, J. T., Arcadia
Walker, Walter, 2211 Moeling, Lake Charles
State Representative—
Clyde Hulit, 53 Longely Rd., Westbrook Abbott, James H., 8 Mayo St., Orono R
Arey, Mrs. Hiram, RFD, 107 A, Vinalhaven Bass, Mrs. Philip, RFD #1, Winterport N.Z.
Bell, J. Vance, 96 Townsend Ave.,
Boothbay Harbor
Bradford, Harold, 9 Congress St., Belfast Burke, Arthur J., Pine Hill Road,
Berwick 9 J&R
Burrill, Donna, Canaan
Bussiere, Robert, Old Lisbon Road, Lewiston Caler, Sidney, Star Route, Skowhegan N.Z.
Christ, Mr. James, Marble Ave., Waldohoro Clowe, William, RFD #6, Augusta N.Z., Calif. Crooker, E. Roy, Bay View St., Yarmouth Cuozzo, Roscoe F., University of Maine,
Orono Rex
Double-B Rabbitry, Brattle St., So. Berwick Dubois, Norman, RFD, Box 132, Fort Kent Eckhardt, Ann C., Rt. 105, Coopers Mills Erskin, Albert T., Ox Horn Farm,
Rt. 1, Box 349, Wiscasset Am. Chins.
Fink, Charles D., Old South Rd. South Berwick Goard, Roger, Reach Road. Deer Isle Goodwin, Roscoe S., 564 East Bridge,
Westbrook N.Z.
Hartwell, Wm. G., North Anson N.Z.
Hulit, O. Clyde, 53 Longley Rd.,
Westbrook R, N.Z.
Hunnewell, Janies W., Fickett Road,
Auburn Dutch, N.Z.
Irish, Clifford L., RFD #1, River Road, Westbrook
Lahuda, S/Sgt. Stephen B.. AF13312244,
308th Support Sq., Box 127 CAFS, Limestone Meyer, Earl, Jr., Box 115, Wilton Mosely, David L.. RFD #1, West Buxton N.Z.
Packard, Blynn M., Box 15, Skowhegan Pelletier, Roland, Box 62, Madawaska Powers, Henry D., RFD #1, Fairfield Sharland, W. W„ RFD #2, Cape Elizabeth R
Van Sicklin, Charles, Jr., RR #3,
Skowhegan N.Z.
White, James E., M.R.A., Bangor
State Representative—
Lou Heim, 3609 Buckingham Rd., Baltimore Ambrose, R. C., Box 157, Monrovia Ankney, George, Box 91, Rockville Bartley, Edwin C., Rt. 3, Box 78, Clinton
Beauchamp, LeRoy T., Federalsburg Bishop, John P., Samona Ave., Cockeysville Boswell, James E., Rockville Callis, Richard, Mountain Lake Park Christy, Allen, Rt. 1, Box 117, White Marsh N.Z. Clingan, Floyd M., 60 W. Church St., Hagerstown Cockey, Delmas, 1323 S. Caton Ave., Baltimore 27 Colburn, Herbert, 2145 Lorraine Ave., Baltimore 7 Colburn, Mrs. Herbert, 2145 Lorraine Ave., Baltimore 7
Cranford, Nivin W., 6000 Henning, Bethesda Dolnick, Ethel H., Agricultural Research Center, Animal & Poultry Husbanlry Research Center, Beltsville
Downs, George E., Whaleysville East, Mrs. Ardia D., Rt. 1, Box 16,
Upper Marlboro
Gantz, Donald W., Jr., 125 Lakin Ave., Boonsboro Gillispie, Marvin E., Wheelers Lane, Sparks Greene, George L., 7502 Brightseat Rd., Landover Grove, Harry E., Yeoho Rd., Rt. 1, Parkton Hampson, Ralph D., RD #1, Granlich Road, Cumberland
Hanley, Frank J., Rt. 1, Glen Rd., Rockville Harrison, Roland H., 296 Glenhurst Rd.,
Baltimore 22
Hayman, Handy, RFD #1, Cambridge Heim, Louis C„ 3609 Buckingham Rd.,
Baltimore 7 R, Flemish Giant
Kues, Quentin F., 903 Chesaco Ave., Baltimore 6 Luciano, Augie, 300 Holly Neck Road,
Baltimore 21
Lusher, Francis R., 2323 Linden, Baltimore Mazor, Donald, Chapman Rd.,
Kingsville N.Z., Calif.
Neumann, Ralph, 60-H Crescent Road,
Greenbelt J&R
Pisani, A. L., Hampstead N.Z.
Plummer, C. R„ 3413 Purdue St., W. Hyattsville Poole, Gram, 6609 Brookville, Chevy Chase 15 Price, John D., RFD #3, Boonsboro Pugh, Jack, 4625 Magnolia Ave.,
Baltimore 27 J&R
Ramsey, Duncan, Rt. 2, White Hall Ritter, Lawrence T., Ellicott City,
Baltimore Co. J&R
Ritter, Elroy C., Rt. 1, Mineral Hill Rd., Sykesville N.Z., Chin, Flemish Giants
Roday, Howard C., 1919 Maxwell Ave.,
Baltimore 22 Calif
Roddy, Samuel Irwin, 125 Cedarmere Road, Owings Mills
Roeder, H. Edward, RFD Broadwater, Churchton Scadden, Raymond L., 14 E. Water, Smithsburg Shaffer, Charles N., 2702 Joppa Rd., Baltimore 14 Stepp, John W., 5800 Crestwood Place, Riverdale Stobler, Robert R., Brighton Sunshine Rd.,
Rt. 1, Brookeville
Stoner, Karl O., 205 W. Antietam St.,
P.O. Box 81, Sharpsburg Suydam, Hector H., 4208 Hickory Ave.,
Baltimore 27
Talley, Robert P., Box 139, Garrett Park Tate, John, 3015 Strickland St., Baltimore 23 Thompson, William T., Box 372,
Reistertown J&R
Trester, Glenn E., Rt. 1, Box 165, Edgewater Wasilevicz, Cornelia, 5533 Willys Ave.,
Halethorpe 27
Wasilevicz, Henry, 5533 Willys Ave.,
Halethorpe 27
Weller, Martin L., 617 Chestnut St., Hagerstown Wiblin, Cecil D.. 3209 Dillon St., Baltimore 24 Woolfolk, Ernest C., Rt. 2, Box 156,
Upper Marlboro Wright, Damon, Flintstone
Zetts, Joseph J., Shady Grove Road. Gaithersburg Zulauf, B. W., Regwood Road, Hyde N.Z.
State Representative—
Raymond S. Mullett, 76 Lake Ave., Liecester Adams, Thos. L., 449 Western Ave., Lynn N.Z. Aldrich, George E., Jr., Brooks St., Upton N.Z. Anderson, Carl N., 44 Mulberry St.,
Springfield 15
Andrews, Ernest R., 16 Appleton Pl.,
Leominster N.Z.
Anselmo, Manuel, 25 Thompson St,, Fall River Archambault, Francis, 1194 Main St., Worcester Archambault, Roger, 1194 Main St., Worcester Archibald, David M., 88 New Lenox Rd., Lenox Bagley, Walter T., 1362 Main St., Agawam Baker, Dorothy H., 32 Royal Road, Worcester Barber, John W., Concord Turnpike, Lexington 73 Bartol, George M., M.D., 1466 Canton Ave.,
Milton 87
Bennett, Richard K., 8 Pelham Road, Natick Benson, Brent, 53 Hemlock Rd., West Roxbury Bissell, Ralph K., 40 Chadwick St., Worcester 5 Booth, Dr. Albert L,, 21 Douglas St., Uxbridge Bounton, Richard, Locust St., Assonet Bradley, Dianna, 102 Bisson St., Beverly Bradley, Russell E., 102 Bisson St., Beverly
Briggs, Charles E., Silver St., So. Lancaster Brown, James W., 295 W. Wyoming Ave.,
Melrose 76
Burroughs, Charles E., 569 Bedford St.,
E. Bridgewater
Carboneau, Richard P., Granville Road,
Southwick Rex, Dutch, N.Z., Cr. D’Argent Chaloner, George A., 21 Lincoln Ave.,
So. Hamilton
Chantrand, John, 275 Cox St., Hudson Chapin, Louis F., 136 Oak St., Mansfield Cleary, Everett, Main St., Groton Clemons, C. C., 599 Lampblack Rd., Greenfield Collins, Elizabeth A., 39 Julian St., Haverhill Correia, Abel, 131 Earle St., New Bedford Cox, Floyd E., 156 West Central St., Natick Cushing, J. Henry, 49 Auburn St., Saugus Cushing, Joel H., 49 Auburn St., Saugus Davidson, James E., Rt. 3, Hanover Debye, Dr. Peter P., Old Sudbury Road,
So. Sudbury
Ditroia, Anthoy, 265 California St., Newton 58 Duby, Walter, Hall Road, Dudley Duby, David W., Hall Road, Dudley Eisenhaur, Oswald A., 20 Sunnyside Ave.,
Saugus J&R, Ck. Gt.
Eleuterio, Joseph, 59 Durfee St.,
New Bedford J&R
Elwin, Florence, 70 Willis, Lake Drive, Sudbury Evans, Faith, 23 Parker Rd., Wakefield Polish Fairfield, W., Hillside Ave., Great Barrington Fedler, Donald Edward, South Street,
East Brookfield
Filkoski, Michael E„ Box 187, Hadley Fillmore, Bruce R., Concord Turnpike, RFD, Lexington
Fisher, Mrs. Gladys, 18 Morse Road, Framingham Franklin, Frederick, So. Bolton Rd., RFD,
Gadoury, Ernest J., Klondike Road, Dudley Goodreou, PFC John F., Popes Point Road,
RFD #2, Middleboro Gotha, R. Donald, East Main St.,
East Brookfield
Gove, Fred T., 3 Third St., Saugus Gribko, Maryann, 15 Russell St., Sunderland Guimond, Armand, 90 Cliff St., Lynn Dutch
Handy, Alfred B., 31 Harvard,
Malden 48 N.Z., Gt. Chin.
Hatfield, Edward L., 999 Plymouth St.,
E. Bridgewater N.Z.
Haven, Mrs. Marion, 25 Shore Drive,
Auburn Cr. D’Argents, Havana, Dutch
Hayes, Leon, 102 W. Main St., Orange Henry, Mrs. C. A., 49 Auburn St., Saugus Henry, C. A., 49 Auburn St.,
Saugus J&R, Polish
Hill, Floyd C., Upton Holmes, Ray, Baldwin St., Leicester Hudson, Ralph, 127-A Belmont St.,
Everett N.Z,
Hulbert, Walter H., Jr., Town Farm Road,
Keith, Mrs. Morris, 574 Prospect St.,
West Boylston
Keith, Morris, 574 Prospect St., West Boylston Keoughan, M., 501 Boston Road, Billerica Kochanowski, Anthony J., North Street,
East Douglas
Lambert, Laurence E., 28 Pemaquid St.,
Indian Orchard
Lantz, Edmund P., 40 Rantoul St., Beverly Leavitt, Chas. A., 10 Standish St.,
No. Weymouth 91
Leger, Mrs. Leon, Westboro Rd., Upton Leger, Leon, Westboro Rd., Upton Liberty, Armand, 475 Presscott St., New Bedford Liberty, Joseph, 159 Tallman, New Bedford MacKinnon, Wayne F., 604 Crescent St.,
Brockton 44
McDunn, Michael P., Bolton Road, So. Lancaster McGinnis, Chester, 521 Marrett Rd., Lexington Mattson, William S., 566 Adams St.,
No. Abington N.Z.
Mello, Joseph L., 1584 No. Main St.,
Fall River Flemish
Millette. Robert J., P.O. Box 43, Norfolk Miner, Louis J., Rt. 1, Box 124, Ware Mitchell, Alan L., 138 Lincoln St.,
Melrose 76 Dutch, Polish
Mortmer, Ernest, Main St., Boxford Mosher, Ernest F., 190 Linden St., Everett 49 Mullett, Raymond S., 75 Lake Ave.,
Leicester J&R
O’Donnell, Robert Russell, Jr.,
48 Fletcher Rd., Woburn
Paddock, Arthur, Providence St., Mendon N.Z. Pantes, Manuel A., Milk Ave., N. Westport Perry, Albert, 129 E. Coggshall St., No. Fairhaven Perry, Charles L., No. Liberty St., Box 241, Belchertown
Perry, Katherine M., Box 241, Belchertown Phillips, E. S., Natick R
Pierce, Vernon A., 16 Elm St.,
Leominster Cr. D’Argent
Pontes, M. A., Milk Ave., N. Westport Pope, Mrs. Gardner W., 56 Grimshaw St.,
Malden 48
Pratt, Charles G., 125 Birch St., Bridgewater Pryor, Ralph, Jr., RFD #1, Southbridge Reardon, Raymond, 966 Main St., Clinton Reynolds, Vincent M., Oleans Rd.,
RFD, Burlington
Rod, John O., Box 136, Templeton J&R
Rod, Mrs. Gertrude E., Box 136, Templeton Russell, Harold Wm., RFD, Douglas St.,
Russell, David E.. Russell Mfg. Co.,
404 Main St., Wakefield Salloum, A. A., 878 South St., Roslindale 31 Sammons, Maynard, 836 North St., Lewksbury Sawyer, Charles A., 32 Pine St., Hudson Scarlota, Samuel, 85 Grand St., Canton Scott, Francis R., Hartford Ave., W,
Mendon Rex, Flemish
Sevigny, A., 245 Beacon St., Andover Shepherd, Elwin C., Davis Rd., RFD, Ashby Smart, Mrs. R. G., Carter Rd., Westminster Smith, Richard, 101 West St.,
Leominster N.Z., Ck. Gts.
Stacy, Douglas, 19 East Ford Rd., Auburn Stevens, E. C., 378 Reservoir St., Holden N.Z. Thompson, Charles, 55 Linden St., Webster Trojanowski, John S., 14 Bryan Ave.,
Tucker, Melvin, Box 78, Bellingham Ulnich, Vincent, 28 Bennett St.. Natick Undergraves, M. S., North St., Blandford Vocational Rehab. Bureau, 14 Court Sq., Boston Watson, Frank, 72 Hancock St„ Lawrence Wilder. Vallis F,, Jr., 18 Sackett St.. Westfield Wysocki, Joseph, Mason Road, Dudley Yore, George P., 86 Standish St., Cambridge
State Representative
Ray J. Grables, 2545 Massene-Union Lake,
Aardema, Orie, 1811 Godfrey Ave., Grand Rapids Abernathy, Russell, Rt. 2, Box 63-A, Cheboygan Allen, Frank, 3653 Castle Road, Fostoria Allen, Harold R„ Box 422. Whitehall R
Ankner, Thomas J., 21617 Evergreen,
St. Clair Shores Argyle, John, Rt. 2, Gladwin Arnold, Dorothy, 8165 Lillian St., Center Line Atkinson. Thomas W., 5055 Haughey Ave.,
Grand Rapids
Ball, Richard, 6940 So. Inkster, Inkster Ballantyne, J., 24170 Middle Belt, Rt. 1,
New Boston
Barnes, Bernadine, Sand Creek Barnes, Vida, Sand Creek
Barnowski, John, 712 Alexander Ave., Royal Oak Bartels, B., 866 Brooks Road, Muskegon Bayer, Anthony J., 42496 Riggs Road, Belleville Bechtel, Oscar, 8215 N. Wayne Road, Plymouth Beck, Arthur, Jr., 605 S. Outer Dr., Saginaw Becker, William J., RFD #4, Adrian Behnke, Don, Box 146, Gladwin Belles, Zurry J., Multiple Enterprise, M 72, Kalkaska
Bennett, Edward A., N. East St., Boyne City Bergeron, Vedalois, Vienna, Johannesburg Berry, John W., 612 Madison St., Lapeer Betz, Russell, 1200 Hanlon, Garden City Bezinque, Ernest A., 8266½ Perry Road,
Grand Blanc
Bible, Louis E„ 2781 14 Mi. Rd., N.E.,
RFD #2, Sparta
Bible. Patricia G„ 2781 14 Mi. Rd., N.E.,
RFD #2, Sparta
Bidlack, Harvey D., 15843 Mansfield, Detroit 27 Bills, Mrs. Alice E., 14723 West Howe Road, Portland
Biskie. Leonard L., 2290 Hendershot Road,
Parma J&R, Am. Ck. Gts.
Blanding, Dan, 614 W. Franklin, Greenville Block. Bud, 7235 Elizabeth Lake Rd.,
Pontiac R, Ck. Giants
Booth, Jane, 703 Parkdale, Rochester Angoras Brainard. Ford M., 46640 Ayres St., Belleville Brainerd, Allan, Box 119, Oakley Brzozawski, Stanley M., 360 E. Square Lake Rd., Troy
Buchanan, Wendell R., Rt. 2, Box 35,
Three Rivers
Buck, Glen, 32490 Van Born, Wayne Burrington, Floyd A., 3290 DeFeyter,
RR #6, Muskegon
Butson, Kenneth H., 136-B Jackson Rd.,
Butterworth, Herbert M.. 2350 44th St.,
S.E., Grand Rapids 8 Carp, John H., 849 W. Columbia Ave.,
Battle Creek
Carpenter, Dorothy, Manton
Christenson, Clifford R., Newaygo Christenson, Verne S., Newaygo Chruschiel, Thomas A., RR #1, Wayland Cockrell, Rolland, RR #4, Rawson Rd.,
Cole, Thomas R., 1016 E. German, Munger Cole, Mrs. Wilfred W., 3675 E. Shore, Lapeer Collette, Alfred, Onaway
Conklin, Eugene C., 715 W. Goguac, Battle Creek Cooper, Lynn, 2601 Sharon Hollow Rd.,
Grass Lake Calif., Champ, Cks.
Courtell, William, 25278 Peter Kaltz, Warren Cramer, John, 2735 N. Euclid St., Bay City
Daglow, Dean, 213 E. Leigh St., Homer David, Donald A., Rt. 3, Grand Ledge Davies, Douglas, 25 Fort, Niles Davis, Herbert, Sears Lake, Rt. 1, Milford DeCoste, Joe A., Lake Avalon, Rt. 3, Hillman Delfosse, Carol, Rt. 1, Box 40, Menominee Deo, Edward, 3737 Gertrude, Dearborn DeVries. Steven, 1457 Linden Ave.,
Grand Rapids J&R
Dickinson, C. F., 813 Burr Oak St.,
Albion J&R, Sables, & Chins.
Diffin, Paul O., 10195 Sheridan Rd., Box 105-A, Burt
Dingman, William, Rt. 3, Box 499,
Traverse City J&R, N.Z.
Dingman, Mrs. Mildred, Rt. 3, Box 499,
Traverse City
Drake, Donald E., 415 Barry St., Colon N.Z.
Ewell, Arvil, Rt. 1, Farwell Feikema, Mrs. Neal, Mcona Farms,
RD #1, Evart
Fessenden, Ernest, RD #2, Shelby Filipkowski, Edward, 4963 Trenton, Detroit 10 Flood, Mrs. Marjory. 14415 Island Lake Road, Chelsea N.Z,
Forbush, Keith, 25834 Avondale Rd.,
Inkster J&R, Flemish
Forbush, Richard, 25834 Avondale Rd., Inkster Ford, Warren, 208 E. Erie Rd., Rt. 3,
Box 548, Temperance N.Z., Calif.
Foster, Lester W,, 13047 Baldwin Road, Gaines G & W Rabbitry, Gerry Sisk, 2742 Paul St., Niles G & W Rabbitry, Wayne Barlow, 2742 Paul St., Niles
Centner, Floyd E., 3451 Waltrons, RD #2,
Chelsea Dutch
Gerbig, Jerry, 1808 Castile Rd., Wakefield Gibson, Abraham A., 6310 Coldwater Rd.,
Flushing N.Z.
Gilbert, Alexander, Rt. 1, Morrice Gladney, Mable, Rt. 1, Marcellus Gnatowski, Otto. 2976 N. Michigan, Saginaw Gourley. R. J., Double “G” Rabbitry, Box 1,
New Richmond
Grables, R. J., 527 Sunset Dr., Rt. 2,
Milford J&R, N.Z.
Grables, Madeleine, 527 Sunset Dr., Rt. 2,
Milford Dutch
Greilick, Leroy C., Rt. 4, Box 138, Traverse City Guerne, Merrit, Rt. 2, Grant Hadgins, James, 3215 Berent St., Flint 7 Hale, Francis H., Rt. 2, Box 86, Richland Hauser, Raymond C., RFD #1, Menominee Harbaugh, Otto, Jr., Rt. 2, Morenci Harbaugh, Otto, Rt. 2, Morenci Hart, Russell T., M/D., 1510 Hickory St., Niles Hathaway, William, 6146 E. Burt Rd.,
Birch Run R
Hathaway, June L., 6146 E. Burt Rd.. Birch Run Haworth. Wayne, 317 N. Main St., Chelsea Hendee, Howard R., 193 6 Mile Road,
RR #2, Comstock Park Hendershot, Laurence, 2140 E. Territorial Rd.,
Rt. 1, Rives Jct.
Herrmann, A. E., RFD #l, Box 223, Petoskey Hickey, Clarence J., Wayne State University, College of Medicine, Dept. Indus. Medicine & Hyg., 1401 Rivard St., Detroit Hicks, Mrs. Roy O., Rt. 1, Prescott Higby House, Charles G. Higby, 106 Tolan St., Milan
Hoag, Raymond, Sr., 10630 52nd St., RR #2,
Hoff, Edna, 18835 Delaware, Detroit 19 Hoff, George, 18835 Delaware, Detroit 19 N.Z. Houghtaling, Bert, 217 S. Main St., Vassar Hubbard, Edith M., 15395 McGuire, Wyandotte Inscho, Ronald, 6560 Saline, Waterford Irons, Eleanor, RR #2, Springport Jackson, Melvin, 55 Corcoran, Battle Creek Jerue, Jack J., RR 6, Box 442, Nibs Johnson, Mrs. Aletha, Rt. 5, Coldwater Johnson, Harold A., Rt. 5, Coldwater R, Flemish Johnson, Rudolph L., Rt. 1, Box 220, Iron River Jones, Reg, 12434 Creek Road, Carleton Jonker, Dan, 168 Fairbanks Ave., Holland N.Z. Jurk, Otto E., 1137 W. Francis Rd., Mt. Morris Karow, Stan, 75 Maywood, Birmingham Karow, Mrs. Stanley, 75 Maywood, Birmingham Kerner, Harry G., 490 Bauman Ave.,
Clauson J&R, Flemish Giant
Keyes, John H., 905 Wilkinson Rd., Rt. 3, Owosso
Knipe, Beverlye, Rt. 2, Boyne City Kolvoord, Mrs. Gerrit, Box 26, Rt. 1, Hamilton Konieczny, Andrew, 5688 Homedale,
Detroit 10 C. D'Argents
Kreitlow, Ernest R., Sr., RFD #2, Lawton Kueffner. Herbert M., 6717 Junction Rd.,
Rt. 1, Bridgeport
LaFrinere, Mrs. Ruth, RFD #1, Harbor Springs Lang, Al F., 7549 Gratiot Road, Saginaw Langeland, Marvin H., 2730 Appleland Ave., Kalamazoo J&R
Lewandowski, Erwin, 925 S. Chipman St., Owosso Ligerza, Julius P., 4687 Plumer, Detroit 9 Lipford, S. A„ G 5194 Van Slyke Rd., Flint 7 Littler, Walter, 912 Fruit St., Box 285,
Algonac J&R, Flemish
Lockard, V. T., Gladstone Lofton, Clara, Rt. 2, Ottawa Lake Losey, Frank, 0-568 Leonard, N.W., RR #2,
Grand Rapids 4
Ludington, John A., 3016 Sturges St.,
Port Huron
Ludington, Walter A., 3016 Sturges St.,
Port Huron
Lukowski, Vincent, 1909 24th St., Bay City McCullough, Donald, 817 S. Hannah St.,
Albion Chin.
McInnes, Leslie, 3511 First St., Hadley R
McMullen, Merrill D„ RFD #2, Rapid City Maples, Rheno D., 5481 Buckman Rd., Hanover Matlock, Marshall, RR #3, Box 519, Tauble Rd., Coloma
Mecomber. Dale. Box 83, Wheeler Mitchell, Earl, 2532 Oakdale Drive, Ypsilanti Moore, J. Earl, RR #1, Bannister Morgan, Mike, 317 E. State, Hastings Mouilleasux, Donald, 36811 So. Gratiot,
Mt. Clemens
Murphy, Ada, Box 6, Holloway
Mynarcik, B., Rt. 1, 1891 Farley Rd., Essexville
Neview, Russell T., 3340 Kawkawlin Road,
Bay City
Neumann, Edward Wm., 517 So. 22nd, Saginaw Newingham, Virgil J., RFD #1, Iron Mountain Nicks, Clifford S., P.O. Box 261. Belleville Norton, Mrs. Cloyd A., RFD #4, Eaton Rapids Norton, Lester G., Rt. 4, Eaton Rapids N.Z.
Nulph, Kenneth L., 10763 N. Shaytown Road, Mulliken
Oelka, Lee, 6021 Newberry, Wayne N.Z.
Oliphant, Glen, Concord
Olmsted, Paul S.. 312 Marshall St., Essexville Oswald, Frank W., 7705 Pontiac Dr.,
Rt. 2, Northville
Pakulski, George, 25278 Peter Kaltz, Warren Pawloski, Ann, G-1201 E. Hartman, Mt. Morris Pawloski, Fred, G-1201 E. Hartman. Mt. Morris Penfold, Alston E., Rt. 3, Nashville Pifer, Vernon J., 7931 W. Windsor Hwy., Diamondale
Preis, Julius, 3329 Holbrook. Hamtromck Preston, Ralph, Box 5, Mackinaw City Provost, Kathryn, 469 Eifert Rd., Rt. 3, Mason Reed, Robert D., P.O. Box 253, Ludington N.Z. Renton, Mrs. Burns, 2906 Kalamazoo Rd., S.E., Grand Rapids 8
Respess, Thomas, Jr., 1817 Mack, Detroit 7 Reynolds, Fred. 757 Aster Ave., Holland Ribbey, Mrs. Edith E., Rt. 2, Albion Ribbey, Miss Helen, Rt. 2, Albion Roach. Leland, Jr., 770 Pensacola, Pontiac 17 Rogalski, Otto, 4607 Military, Detroit 10 Rogalski, Gail, 4607 Military, Detroit 10 Rogers, Ray, 3525 College, N.E., Grand Rapids Rosinski, Donald E., 18467 Gaylord,
Detroit 40 N.Z.
Rowe, Michael B., 2222 Chippewa St., Flint 5 Rue, A. H., 11011 Hubbell Rd., Livonia Russell, John, Box 66, Luna Pier
Scanson, Donald F., Rt. 2, Box 318-A,
Whitehall N.Z.
Schafer, Roland H., 1425 Trumbull St.,
Bay City J&R
Schafer, Mrs. Roland H., 1425 Trumbull St.,
Bay City
Schipke, John J., Jr., 31609 York Road, Fraser Schmidt, Erwin G., 5887 Byron Road, Howell Schmidt, Karl F.. Rt. 5, Mt. Pleasant See. Clifford, 6200 Haver St., Wayne N.Z.
Sennewald, Oscar, 23950-12 Mile Road,
Sharp, Claude, Rt. 2, Box 101, Vicksburg Siebenaller, Robert, 9461 Marion Crescant,
Detroit 31
Sikes, Gurney W., 8084 Bray Rd., Mt. Morris Sills, Russell, 2413 Cherry St., Port Huron Smith, Robert Gordon, 6101 Walker Rd.,
Fruitport N.Z.
Smith, Gregg, Rt. 2, Tecumseh Smith, Fred, 19746 Middlebelt, Romules Smith, Clyde L., 6715 Faust, Detroit 28 Smithwick, Irma, 6217 Coldwater Road, Flushing Smithwick, Wava, G-5074 W. Coldwater Rd.,
Flint 4
Smithwick, W. A., 6217 Coldwater Rd., Flushing
Smithwick, J. W., G-5074 W. Coldwater Rd.,
Flint 4
Spek, Arie, 75 Lawrence Ave., Zeeland Spade, Robert, 2231 Oak Park Dr., Muskegon Spross, Donald J., 300 Wallace St., Williamston Stanley, W. B., 7755 Inkster Rd.,
Garden City Flemish
Staples, James Warren, 4025 W. 32 Mi. Rd.,
Steward, Joel M., 5911 Portage St.,
Kalamazoo 68
Stewart, Thurston D., 8165 Lillian St.,
Center Line
Stouffer, Mrs. Thelma, RFD #4, White Cloud Ticknor. Frank R., 3303 Stone School Rd.,
Ann Arbor
Trester, Mike, 418 Madison St., Adrian Turner, George R., 2724 Colman Rd., Crosswell Ulicny, Albert, 12758 29 Mi. Rd., Romeo Urbaniak, Chester T., 903 S. Monroe St.,
Bay City N.Z.
VanDosen, Myron, 7067 Dodge St., Van Dyke Van Klompenberg, Bert, 26 N. Franklin, Zeeland Vogelsang, Jack R., 2133 Spansail Dr., Niles Walker, Kay, RR #5, Coldwater Walser, Miles E., P.O. Box 138, Hillsdale Walt, Eigen W„ 121 N. Spruce St., Traverse City Walters, Maurice, RF #1, Holland N.Z., Dutch Webb. W. N., Rt. 4, Box 716, Battle Creek Webber, Walter J., 528 No. 26th St..
Rt. 8, Saginaw Ck. Gt., Eng. Spot
Wells, Raymond F., 2435 S. Main, Rt. 4,
Ann Arbor
Werdehoff, Douglas E., 3851 Middle Rd.,
#4, Milford
West, Roger D., 1335 Rosewood, Ann Arbor Wheeler, Wayne B.. RR #1,
6705 Lowe Plank Rd., Richmond Whitney, Helen S.. Whitehall Wiegand, Walter J., 6712 Engleman Ave.,
Center Line N.Z.
Wierenga, Marvin W., 514 Jackson St.,
Grand Haven
Wilcutt, Ralph, Rt. 1, Box 111, Hartford Willey. Dorathea, 22357 E. 15 Mile Road,
Mt. Clemens Dutch
Willis, Lea, 1427 Victoria, Lincoln Park Windemuller, Herman E., Rt. 5, Holland Wolcott, Jay, 47 Jefferson St.. Zeeland J&R
Wolfe. Dale, RFD #1, Bad Axe Wudarcki. Norbert L., 3020 Bald Eagle Lk. Rd., Ortonville
Zimmerman, Allen, Rt. 2, Decatur
State Representative-
William Chance, St. Joseph
Andricks, Virginia E., RFD #1, Box 116,
North Branch
Barclay. Hughbert W., RFD #2, Lyle Blaisdell, James. Rt. 1, Ellendale Bonin, Dale A., Box 44, Bayport Bruce. Charles, 5295 Grand Avenue,
White Bear Lake 10
Chance, William (Bill), St. Joseph J&R, N.Z. Collins, Gary. 7505 E. River Rd.,
N.E., Minneapolis
Connett, Clifford, 3968 Centerville Rd.,
White Bear Lake 10 Craig, Melvin V., RFD #3. Fairmont Cronk. Gunnard, 2695 E. 7th St.,
St. Paul 6 R, N.Z.
Dalke, Ray J., 272 E. Morgan St., Tracy Dickey, Dave, 4200 Alden Drive. Minneapolis 16 Dickhut, Mrs. Minerva E., 2610 North Park Ave., St. Paul 6 R
Dickinson, Art, Rt. 2, Tower Wh. Flemish
Dutches, Bunnyville, Arnold E. Schallock, Brainerd
Ehlers, Wesley, 6939 Pleasant View Drive, Minneapolis N.Z.
Ekern, Angus, Spring Grove Euerle, Walter, 1136 Hastings Ave.,
Newport, Rt. 2
Faymoville, N. J.. Jr., Rt. 1, Deer River Fleckner, Hugo, 1375 Biebeau Rd.,
White Bear Lake 10 R, N.Z.
Fleckner, Liz, 1375 Bibeau Rd.,
White Bear Lake 10
Gorman, Gerald J., 607 Center St., Austin Grace, B. L., Donnelly
Gratz, Stanley, 2025 3rd St., No.. Minneapolis 11 Greis, Martin, 2467 Hazelwood, St. Paul 9 Gunderson, Oliver, RR #2, Stewartville Hentges, Edward, 1294 Juno Avenue, St. Paul Iwinton, James, Newport Jacobson, A. E., 4845 33rd Ave.,
So. Minneapolis 17 N.Z.
Jacobsen, E. E., 7515 Wentworth Ave., Minneapolis Jirik, Frank, Sr., Max Johnsen, Arnold M., 807 Gleason Ave.,
Austin Checkered Giant
King, Boyd H., Inger St., Deer River
Koroshec, Alvin J., 119 Ohio Ave., Gilbert Kuby, Kenneth O., 1840 Munster St., St. Paul 16 Larson, Larry C., Eagle Bend Leibel, Mrs. Gordon, Route 1,
St. Paul 11 J&R, N.Z., & Dutch
Lindgren, A. J., 420 S. 6th St., Minneapolis Lindgren, Gerard A., National R.R. Mag.,
420 So. 6th St., Minneapolis 15 Lindgren, Mark G.. National R.R. Mag.,
420 So. 6th St., Minneapolis 15 Lohse, Lullis, Rt. 6, Anoka
Lohse, Clarence, Rt. 6, Anoka R
Lottridge, L. M., Box 3, Hastings Love, James, Star Route, Pitt Malis, Clifford, 1214 101 Avenue West. Duluth Merliatt, Clyde D., 7225 Knollwood Dr., Minneapolis 21 R
Nelson. E. M„ 504 Euclid,
Austin R, Checkered Giant
Northcult, Carroll E., 861 Oaklane St.,
Circle Pines
Nutrena Mills, Inc., 200 Grain Exchange, Minneapolis 15 Olson, Marlyn L., Kiester Otterchalt, Leslie, 6849 Lakeview Dr.,
New Brighton 12
Otterchalt, Mrs. Leslie, 6849 Lakeview Dr.,
New Brighton 12
Pelzel, Tames, 613 E. Maine St.. Sleepy Eye Planz, Hugo, 810 Gleason, Austin Dutch
Premo, Rolland Guy, Box 431, Case Lake Priebe, Mrs. Jerome, 3385 Demontreville Rd.,
St. Paul
Rau, Les J.. 212 -41 Avenue No., St. Cloud Rau, Miss Doreen, 212 41 St., Avenue No.,
St. Cloud
Redman, Kenneth, Red-San Rabbitry,
RR #2. Wells Reinke, Leonard. Verdi
Rewitzer, Donald, 508 11th North St., New Ula
Rice, Lee, RFD #1, Bemidji
Richardson, Richard. Box 12, Clitherall
Roufs. David E.. 3310 No. 6th St., Minneapolis 12
Saanes, Glenn K., Rt. 2, McIntosh
Skudlorek, Alovs, Rt. 1. Box 29, St. Joseph
Sleeth, Harry, 99 S. Fairview. St. Paul
Stam. Marshall, 6856 Sunset Rd., New Brighton 12
Stam, Mrs. Marshall, 6856 Sunset Rd.,
New Brighton 12
Stanton, Randall, Rt. 5, Stillwater N.Z.
Staudenmaier, James E., 1205 W. Como Blvd.,
St. Paul R
Steinhaus, Mrs Bruce, RFD, Waterville Strand, Walter C., 8924 Colfax Ave.,
S. Minneapolis Swenson, Carl, Rt. 2, Austin Thoeny, Louise, 221 Elm St., Circle Pines Tibbetts. Mrs. Vincent RR #1. Dundas Tryggestad Rabbitry. 2503 33rd Ave., N.E., Minneapolis N.Z.
Warner, Dorothy RR, Lake Elmo Wahl, Weldon, 2501 Douglas Dr., No.,
Minneapolis R
Wasilesky, Alex, 1350 DeSota St., St. Paul R
West, David, Rt. 2, Box 114, Lake Park
State Representative-
Ray Gentry, 141 Sunset Dr., Jackson
Calloway, Truman, Rt. 3, Box 34, Louisville J&R
Darby, W. D., P.O. Box 214, Louisville R
Geer, John, Rt. 2, Columbus
Gentry, Ray, 141 N. Sunset Dr.,
Jackson J&R, N.Z.
Grantham, Robert N., 216 Dunbar St., Jackson 6 Hartley, Luther, RR #2, Columbus Hickman, Robert, 2909 Woodbine Terrace, Jackson Holley, George L., Jr., Rt. 1, Pope Holston, Hollis B., P.O. Box 285, Lyman Hosch, W. J., 2308 23rd Ave., Gulfport Houk, John E., 255 Valleyview Lane, Vicksburg Johnson, Glen P., Rt. 5, Box 365,
Vicksburg Calif.
McCrary, Wheeler, Box 225, Columbus McDonald, Polk, 3508 Oak Street, Vicksburg McGuffee, Robert, 3804 Hanley, Vicksburg Calif. Maxwell, Margaret, Shaw Avenue, Drew Morris, Mrs. Mary J., Coahoma Priestley, Joe T., 1108 Polk St., Vicksburg R Randle, Joe P., 350 Valley, Jackson N.Z., C.D’A. Rodgers, James E., Rt. 5, Louisville Romig, T. E., 223 6th St., Columbus Salley, J. M., Rt. 4. Box 31, Columbus Skutt, Charles H., P.O. Box 476, Hernando Smith, A. G., 2nd, RFD #2, Box 76, Newton Wallace, Rev. Taylor H., Macon Rd., Louisville Wilkerson, R. R., 2505 Washington St.,
Vicksburg Calif.
Wood, George, 301 S. Main St., Newton Wright, L. H., Box 801, Columbus
State Representatives-
1. W. E. Herdlinger—North, 8455 Wayne St.,
Kansas City
2. Harry Coles—South, 1200 Brown Ave.,
Abbott, Ernest J., 527 So. 15th St., St. Joseph
Allhands, Elmer, 2318 W. Atlantic, Springfield
Althage, Irvin H., Box 160, RR #2, New Haven
Anderson, Mild. H., 4141 Woodland, Kansas City
Andrus, Charles W., Box 246, Cabool
Arends, Amos J., Rt. 2, Sturgeon
Bartlett, Mrs. W. I., 228 S. Allen, Macon
Bass, Pat N., 1307 Sycamore, Monnett R
Beard, Samuel E., 2038 Taylor St., Springfield
Bernhardt, R. J,, 135 Williams, St. Louis 21 J&R
Bixler, Mrs. Charles, Olean
Bogue, J. F., RR #1, Versailles
Bohlken, Mrs. John E., RR #2, Stover
Bond, Harold, Rt. 1, Nevada
Bowling, Kenneth, RR #3, Odessa
Bradbury, Mrs. Owen, Rt. 2, Box 457-A, Fenton
Breid, O. N., 207 W, Church,
New Franklin R, N.Z., Flem., Dutch
Brooks, Jack F., 1824 Highly St., St. Joseph N.Z. Burk, Eugene E., 144 N. Ash Ave.,
Kansas City 22 R, N.Z.
Callies, H. A., Licking Campbell, Ronald, 1350 So. Noland Rd., Independence
Capehart, Edgar A., 1127 S. Fort, Springfield Cary, Frank S., 2341 N. Franklin, Springfield Chambers, A. C., Rt. 1, Buffalo Churchill, Charles R., 3C6 Alice St., Dexter Clark, Otis L., Rt. 2, Box 400, Joplin Clayton, M. O., 2601 Vernon St., N. Kansas City Climer, Bert, 319 N. Golden, Springfield Coble, Herbert M., 4337 Wayne, Kansas City Coday, Robert L., RR #2. Box 15, Rogersville Coles, Ethyl, 1200 N. Brown, Springfield Coles, Harry, 1200 N. Brown, Springfield R
Collins, Michael, 1818 Vermont, Independence Collins, Helen H., 1818 Vermont, Independence Collins, Richard, 4342 McPherson Ave.,
St. Louis 8
Connerly, Floyd E., Jr., 411 Tullis, Kansas City Cox, Claude W., Rt. A, Box 49, Bakersfield Cox, E. B„ RFD #1, Poplar N.Z., Calif.
Crawford, Joe, Box 102, Linden J&R
D-Circle-R Rabbitry, 621 Corby St., St. Joseph Davis, Ruby, Macks Creek Davis, Roy W., RR #1, Buffalo Davis, Pepper, 219 East 5th St., Fulton Delaney, William T., RFD #3, Kirksville Deweese, Lloyd E., Kimble Rt., Licking Deweese, Dorothy Deane, Kimble Rt., Licking DeWitt, D. F., Box 348, Monett R
Dey, Silas D., 310 N. Main, Lee’s Summit
Eastburn, Basil, 3837 No. Michigan,
Kansas City No.
Farley, C. N., 1605 W. 9th St., Sedalia Am. Chin. Fisher, Harry, 10405 E. 56th Raytown R
Fisher, J. G., Rt. 10, Box 254, Springfield Fisher, Louise, 10405 E. 56th, Raytown 3 Fitzhugh, Marie, Forest Green Frost, H. B., Polo
Fleming, Glen, 206 W. Jackson, Mexico Furrer, John, 3439 Minnesota Ave.,
St. Louis 18 J&R. Dutch, Flemish
Frankenrieter, Orville, 4236 Wyoming,
St. Louis 16
Gerry, H. L., Lockwood
Gilbert, W. P., Liberal
Givens, Russell, Greenwood
Goebel, Karl, 810 W. Blvd. No., Columbia
Goodpasture, Clyde, R Street, Graham N.Z.
Goodpasture, Mrs. Clyde, Graham
Green, Cecil, 1809 Beattie, St. Joseph R
Griffiths, John B., 7316 Wellington Ave.,
St. Louis 14 Gustafson, John, Ozark Gutzman, Donald M., 2539 Lister, Kansas
Hagen, John, Box 207, Troy
Hamilton, Johnie R., Rt. 11, Box 75, Springfield
Hamilton, Mrs. John, Clearmont
Hamilton, John, Clearmont N.Z.
Hanning, Mrs. Charley, Star Route, Plato
Harkness, Otis, Plad
Harris, S. E„ 1005 E. Gudgell,
Independence N.Z.
Hartman, Wayne, Barnard 9 N.Z.
Hatcher, Ward, Rt. 3, Box 144-A,
Mountain Grove
Helfrich, Roy A., Rt. 2, Rose Park Rd.,
House Springs
Herdlinger, Wm. E„ P.O. Box 515,
Kansas City 41
Herdlinger Outdoor Enterprises, P.O. Box 515, Kansas City 41 Am. Chins., N.Z.
Herdlinger, Bernice, P.O. Box 515,
Kansas City 41
Hess, F. M., 1208 Ledford St., Hannibal
Hi Spot Rabbitry, Edwin C. Williams,
Box 57, Raymorc N.Z.
Hicks, Gordon, Box 84, Gladstone R
Hodge, Francis, Jr., P.O. Box CC, Steele Holden, Chester A., Rt. 1, Box 306, Springfield Hollman, Frank H., American Rabbit Journal, Warrenton
Hoskins, J. Lee, Box 552, Jefferson City Hudson, James R., 10719 Blue Ridge,
Kansas City 34 Hyders Rabbitry, Elkland Jeschke, John M., 8508 Wayne, Kansas City Johnson, Joan, Stockton
Johnson, W. P., 8024 Bellefontaine, Kansas City Johnson, David, Concordia Jones, Dr. H., 315 S. Main St.,
Mountain Grove R
Jones, Harold D., RFD #2,
Maryville Am. Chins.
Jones, Rhea, 4631 Prospect, Kansas City Jones, Alice A., 4631 Prospect, Kansas City Jones, H. L,, Rt. 4, Box 90, Springfield Jones, Margueritte, Henley Kaneer, Roy L., Box 167, Avondale Keller, Layton, Rt. 2, Kage Rd.,
Cape Girardeau
Kelley, A. O., Jr., P.O. Box 93,
Creve Coeur J&R
Keltan, Fred, 1019 Park Ave., Poplar Bluff Kindy, Archie S., 2310 Lawndale Ave.,
Kansas City
Kolberer, Wayne, Greens Mobile Home Ct.,
Rt. 5, Box 2, Robertson
Kratz, Charles, 5203 Tennessee Ave., St. Louis 11 Krause, Wm. E., Star Route A, Box 25,
Kropp, Leonard, Amsterdam
Larson, Mrs. Oscar, Rt. 2, Box 73, Aurora
Larson, M. E., RFD #1, Irwin
Lemmons, Clarence H., Rt. 1, Exeter
Lewis, Donald E., 1102 E. Atlantic, Springfield
Lingle, Troy A., Doe Run
McGee, Wallace, 1912 E. 84th, Kansas City
Manker, William B., Rt. 3, Poplar Bluff
Marsh, Jesse W., Lock Box 66, Merwin
Martin, Storm J., Jr., 3419 Sterling, Independence
Master, Burl V., RR #1, Agency
Masters, George E., Rt. 2, Maryville
Mayhue, Alex, 1711 E. 11th St., Kansas City
Meisterheim, George, Conway N.Z.
Melvin’s Rabbitry, Melvin K. Schamma,
406 So. Taylor St., Vandalia Meyers, Paul, c/o Ellis Meyer Feed & Egg Co., West Hi-Way 60, Mountain Grove Miller, Glenn E., Rt. 1, Box 376, Lees Summit Moffitt, Carl, 8233 Brenner St., St. Louis 14 Morris’ Rabbitry, 1133 E. Talmage, Springfield Morris, Mrs. Ella, Rt. 7, Hickman Mills Morrow, George W., 5800 Goener, St. Louis Moss, Edwin, 401 Pershing Road,
Columbia Flemish
Netherton, J. E., 1616 White.
Kansas City R, Dutch, Champagne
O’Dell, D. W„ RR #l, Kingston Oliver, Ernest, Rt. 2, Long Lane Oliver, Juanita, Rt. 2, Long Lane Omey, Wm., Gladden
Paden, Mrs. H. L., 3404 So. 17th St., St. Joseph Paden, H. L., 3404 So. 17th St.,
St Joseph J&R, N.Z.
Pearson, Dr. Wallace M,, Box 722, Kirksville Pendergrass, Geraldine L., Rt. 2, Belton Perry, S. S., 2134 N. Campbell.
Springfield Ht. Chins., Champg.
Pryor, L. A., 3522 Wayne, Kansas City Pryor, Bill, Box 31, Mountain Grove Randolph. Neal, Hocomo
Ranney, Ralph G., Jr., 424 Highland, St. Louis 22 Richardson, Earl, Eagleville N.Z.
Roberts, H. W. C., DD, Camdenton Robinson, Lt. Col. Harold E., 44 Johnson Rd., Jefferson Barracks
Rode, J. J., 331 Stark Blvd., Hermann N.Z.
Roessel, B. L., P.O. Box 165, Wentworth Rolls, Crisa, 3603 Norwood, Independence Rose, H. S., RFD #4, Bogard Rudolph, George, 207 N. Olive, Marshfield Russell Rabbitry, 619 N. Grant, Springfield 1 St. John, Claire, 918 E. Armour, Kansas City Schwindaman, Chester, 4222 Spruce. Kansas City Shepherd, Luther N., 5119 E. 22nd, Kansas City Slemp, Walter E., Rock Port Smith, Lester, 809 Missouri Ave., West Plains Smith, Junior, Ozark
Snyder, Melvin R„ 11221 Old Halls Ferry,
St. Louis 21
Spiegel, John, 3822 E. 68th St., Kansas City 30
Spinner, Isabell, RR, Licking
Spinner, Cecil E., RR, Licking
Stahl, Edward H., Rt. 7, Hickman Mills J&R
Stahl, Mrs. Edward H., Rt. 7, Hickman Mills
Steen, Frank W„ Protem
Steffens, C. F., 221 Maple St., Marshfield N.Z. Stewart, Stanley, Box 116, RR #1, Blue Springs Stockman, Roy E., 11509 East 35th St., Independence
Strope, Urban A., RR #4, Jefferson City
Stroud, Ralph. RFD #1, Villa Ridge Sturdevant, Lois, Plad Star Route, Buffalo Sutton, R & G, 120 N. Charles, Maryville Swearingian, Leo D., P.O. Box 2092,
Kansas City 42
Thompson, Leonard, 1601 Irving Ave.,
Springfield R, N.Z.
Thompson, J. B., 8505 Wayne, Kansas City Thornton, Erma, Rt. 3, Columbia Townsend, Darwin L., RFD #1,
Miles-of-view Farm, Clearmont Townsend, Sandra Kay, "K” 's Bunny Haven, Clearmont
Tresenriter, Wm. L., 300 8th St., Warrensburg Twyman, Ray, 112-31 Sunny Slope Drive,
Hickman Mills N.Z.
Tyson, Mary C., Celt Van Home, L. W„ 10413 E. 10th St.,
Kansas City 22 R
Vautard, Mrs. E. F., RD #1, Box 319, Gashland Victor, Howard, 2810 E. 60th, Kansas City 30 Walker, James H., 4309 Woodland, Kansas City Walker, Chas., RR #1, Buffalo Walker, M. M., 7015½ Prospect, Kansas City Walker, Mrs. Chas., Rt. 1, Buffalo Weakley, Clifford L., 10310 E. 11th,
Kansas City 22
Welker, Ranee L., 1605 Ozark St., Rolla West, O. D., 7424 Forest Ave., Kansas City 10 Westrich, J. E., Jr., 211 N. Main St., Piedmont White, Eric, 806 S. Weller, Springfield N.Z
White, Ralph L., 9903 Wheeling, Hickman Mills Whiting, Ray, Humansville Williams, J. M., Box 158, Charleston Williams, R. C., Goodman Williams, D. L., 1332 Broadway, Kansas City Wilson, Tokey, Plad Star Route, Buffalo Wilson, Susie, Plad Star Route, Buffalo Winning, S. D., 1004 S. Marietta,
Excelsor Springs
Wise, Clarence F., 3011 E. 36, Kansas City Woods, Claude, 1451 N. Hampton, Springfield Wright, E. E„ Cabool Wyckoff, E. J., Roach
State Representative—
J. O. Malstrom, 914 So. Church, Bozeman Anderson, R. E., P.O. Box 1042, Anaconda Applegate, Robert, General Delivery, Deer Lodge Beattie, S. G., Moose Lake Guest Ranch, Philipsburg
Benasky, Leonard W., Haynes Ave.,
P.O. Box 205, Miles City Benson, Victor, Rt. 1-A, Columbia Falls Bierwager, Luther M., Rt. 2, South, Great Falls Bierwager, Barbara L., Rt. 2, South, Great Falls Blackburn, Garry G., Nola Hotel #15, Bridger Brodock Rabbitry, Box 175, Egly Rt.,
Fort Benton N.Z., Calif., Bev., Dutch,
Havana, Himalayan, Rex Crary, J. E., P.O. Box 64, Terry Curnow, Clifford, Box 89, Butte Dean, Sam, The Dean Ranch, Lincoln Deck, Thomas H., Box 1046, Great Falls DeMangelaore, Albert, Whitetail Denney, Ray R., Garrison Driessen, Con., Box 337, Great Falls Dunbar, George R., 715 S. Grand, Bozeman Evers, Bill, 616 W. Story, Bozeman Furlong, Eugene, 2406 5th Ave., S.W., Great Falls Gillespie, R. L., 112 W. “M” St., Bozeman R Harris, H. L., Box 102, Ringling Havens, Albert W., 414 31st St.,
N.W., Great Falls
Henderson, C. V., 19 W. Main, Bozeman
Hoey, Hermina, Durston Rd., Bozeman Angora
Johnson, Cecil, 323 S. Wallace, Bozeman J&R
Kelly, B. A., Savage
Kortum, Harry, Box 1065, Anaconda
Kraft, Emanuel, Absarokee
LaPalme, M. P., Star Route, Bozeman
McDonald, M. L„ 924 10th Ave., S.W., Great Falls
Malstrom, Thelma M., RR #2, Bozeman
Malstrom, J. O., 914 So. Church, Bozeman
Martin, Betty, Box 285, Deer Lodge N.Z., Rex
Maurer, Cedric, Power
Maurer, Bruce, Power
Mayes, Arlis, 115 Mountain View, Anaconda Miller, Rolland, c/o Ollie Rte., Carlyle Miller, Robert L., 904½ 3rd Ave., S.W.,
Great Falls
Ouldhouse, Mrs. G. G., Box 1054, Anaconda Penwell, Charles, Box 37, Vaughn Ries, Kenneth C., 735 Kentucky Ave., Dillon Sims, I. H., Malta
Smith, Ray Eugene, 3102 Cable Rd., Anaconda Snow, Henry, Sr., 103 N. Maple St..
Anaconda R, Flemish Giants
Stevenson, Willard, P.O. Box 75, Harlowton Struthers, Donald, 33 East Iron St., Butte Sykes, Miss Jo, 215 So. Sixth St., Livingston Theonnes, Edward J., Jr., 1106 Main, Rt. 1,
Box 246, Libby
Thomas, Howard, N. of Town, Deer Lodge Tschantre, John, 3654 3rd Ave., So, Great Falls Van Veen, F. L., MD, St. Ignatius Voss, Mrs. R. E., 1700 25th Ave., So., Great Falls Washoe Park Rabbitry, G. G. Ouldhouse & Son, Box 1054, Anaconda
Werst, Jim W., P.O. Box 1482, Anaconda Wolcott, Charles, 9 Lexington Terrace, Walkerville
State Representative—
Earl Daubert, 6229 So. 43rd St., Omaha Bendorf, Chris K., Blair Bennington, Kenneth A., 4115 No. 36th Ave., Omaha 11 N.Z.
Bird, Gladus, 7 St. 10 Corso, Nebraska City Brugger, Howard, 3043 Read St., Omaha Carnes, Floyd N., 703 16th St.,
Aurora J&R, N.Z., Dutch
Casey, Robert, 1117 2nd Corso, Nebraska City Daubert, Earl, 6229 So. 43 St.,
Omaha 7 J&R, N.Z., Flemish Giants
Dodge, Ernest, Callaway Donahue, Dwight R., Box 245, Ogallala Fowler, Aubrey, P.O. Box 124, Fairfield Fricke, Clarence D., Box 33, Roscoe Griess, John C., RD #1, Sutton Hansen, Alvin B., 1400 Park St., Beatrice Herfel, Carl, RFD #l, Seward Hoag, Thurston, 7820 Lake St., Omaha 4 Horner, Arthur, Friend Jasa, Bohumil J., Valparaiso Kelley, Charles R., Rt. 1, North Platte Krajicek, Mrs. B. E.( Box 115, Scribner Lahman, Wm. S., Box 318, Waverly Larson, Richard L., Louisville League, Richard D„ Box 255, Trenton Lynch, F. E., 3732 So, 24th, Omaha Macomber, Orville F., Rt. 2, Box 210,
Grand Island
Manser, A. L., West Point
Meier, Eugene H., Rt. 3, West Point
Metschke, Mrs. Vernon, RR #2, Scribner
Miller, Max, Rt. 2, Fairbury
Mullins, Paul C., Tecumseh
Olson, Loren, Box 276, Wakefield
Patrick, Glenn R., 2931 Adams Ave., East Omaha
Peterson, Bill, 2901 Martha St., Omaha 5
Pfeifer, Rev. R. A., Bushnell
Phillips, Mrs. Duane, Walthill
Piel, Frank, Box 146, Berwyn
Rhiner, Ellsworth, Box 267, Millard
Rost, Howard L., Rt. 5, Box 267, Lincoln 8
Roth, Fritz, 709 Lane, Falls City
Roth, Mrs. Fritz, 709 Lane St., Falls City
Rothrock, H. J., Clay Center R, N.Z.
Ryan, Ace, Callaway
Ryder, Raymond V., Florence Station,
Rt. 6, Omaha
Scheierman, Harland, Box 335, Harvard Scott, Howard, Callaway Shafer, Clair, Box 1, Shubert Sohnholz, Mrs. Rudolph, RR #2, Johnson Stanton, Bud, 211 West 2, Stromsburg Swalwell, Irving, 2426 Titus Avenue,
Omaha 12 J&R, Chin., Flemish Gt.
Taylor, L. K., Callaway Topf, Edward, Coleridge Utecht, Marvin J., Box 363, Papillion Wendorff, Leo, Callaway Wiley, Dell, 2320 So. 1st St., Norfolk Witt, R. C., Callaway Wobig, Larry, Nenzel
State Representative—
de Braga, Manuel, P.O. Box 453, Fallon
Miller, E F., Box 333, Winnemucca
State Representative—
James Jackson, RFD #1, Derry Barnaby, Nelson S., Elmwood Road, Brookline Bean, Christopher V., Box 381, Jaffrey Braley, J. C., Grafton Chauncey, H. I., Rt. 1, Suncook Cobb, Willis E., 2 North Main St., Newmarket Cross, George L., Box 187, Newfields Doucette, Joseph R., N. Main St., Plaistow Eastman, James, Box 53, Penacook N.Z.
Fairweather, Dorothy M., School St., Suncook Flinkstrom, Waneta, Rt. 1, New Ipswich George, Mrs. Blanche W., Merrymeeting River Rabbitry, Rt. 28, Box 252, Alton Gerrish, Leith, 3184 Brown Ave., Manchester Girouard, Lionel J., 121 President Rd.,
Manchester N.Z., Rex
Haddock, Howard M., 100 Valley St., Lakeport
Hamm, L. Winston, Wolfeboro Hutchinson, Philip, Freetown Rd., Raymond Ingerson, Howard R., Sr., Garvin Falls Road, Concord
Jackson, James, RFD #1, Derry R, Hwy. Chins. King, G. W., Parade Road, RD #2, Box 57, Meredith
Morris, Roy C., RFD #1, Lisbon Newton, Kenneth, RFD #1, Rumney Reed, Wayne, RFD #2, Newport Roy, Regina, 586 Wellington Rd.,
Manchester N.Z.
Smith, Frank H., 66 Atkinson St., Dover
State Representative—
Mrs. P. F. Benedict, 39 Oakley Ave., Summit Allchin, John W., Church Road, Vincentown Apgar, Mrs. Irene V., RFD, Hampton Behrens, Filip, 273 Avenel St., Avenel Benedict, Mrs. P. F., 39 Oakley Ave.,
Summit Chin. Rex
Bersani, B., Morris Ave., Newfield Black, Wilbur J., Box 503, Whitehouse Station Carver’s Rabbitry, 1175 Hillside Ave.,
Plainfield J&R, English
Clegg, Allen R., 1023 Woodland Ave.,
Cohn, Sylvian, Drakestown Road, Long Valley Colgan, Clarence, Box 128, RD #1 Robbinsville Colgan, Lorraine M., Box 128, RD #1, Robbinsville
Collins, Ralph M., 291 So. Church St., Morrestown Diem, Claudia, 59 Warrenville Rd., Middlesex Diem, Robert, 59 Warrenville Rd., Middlesex Disimino, M., 974 E. 19th St., Patterson Champs. Eichert, Frank, 17 Zabriskie St., Jersey City Ferri, Frank P., 28 Toms Lake Road, Wayne Fisher, James A., Sun Valley Park, RD, Wharton Frank, Otto J., 81 Miller, Elizabeth Frasier, Arthur, 13 Howard St.,
Phillipsburg N.Z.
Grabarczyk, Dale, Church Road, North Branch Griner, James, 26 Magnolia, Bridgeton Hamill, Norma, 193 W. Grand Ave., Rahway Hamill, Harry E., 193 W. Grand Ave., Rahway Hargraves, John A., 60 Midway Ave,, Fanwood Hartman, Francis, Ashland Higgins, Mabel, Rt. 1, Lambertville Hohmann, Joseph M., Highland Ave., Peapack Holinger, C. J., 1008 E. 7th St., Plainfield Inlow, Lloyd S., 30th A.T.S., Box 505,
McGuire AFB
Kacsur, Alan R., 304 A Street, Belmar Kania, Ted, RD #5, Meadow Road, Somerville Kayser, Carl T., RR #1, Box 516, Parsippany Kloos, Wesley, Jr., North Branch Depot
R, N.Z., Flem., Chin., Ck. Gt., Champs. Kloos, Wesley, North Branch Kloos, Mrs. Edna, North Branch Klumbach, Miss Nancy, Basking Ridge, Woodstone
Koch, James, 323 S. Fellowship Rd.,
Maple Shade
Koehler, Herbert L., Gillette Hwt. Chin.
Kremers, G., Am. Small Stock Farmer,
Box 22, Fair Lawn Std. Chins.
Kremers, Mildred, Am. Small Stock Farmer, P.O.B. 22, Fair Lawn
Labowicz, Jos. S., 64 Collins Rd., Trenton 9 Laurence, Edward J., B 251-H,
RD #1, Sparta N.Z.
Layton, Robert C., 102 S. Main St., Woodstown Loughlin, J. W., 562 Shore Road, Somerspoint Lounsberry, Earl L., Scrapetown Rd., Pemberton McDade, Charles D., Rottan Ave., Pemberton McIntyre, Jack D., P.O. Box 188, Laurelton Margrie, Mrs. Thomas, Box 494, New Egypt Margrie, Thomas, Box 494, New Egypt Marinaccio, Louis, 4 Milton Road, Florham Park Milbury, C. H., Morris & Myrtle Ave.,
Moore, Carl M., Box 3, Greendell Parks, Leslie T., Delsea Dr., Franklinville Pierce, Helen, P.O. Box 73, Almonesson Pritchard, C. H., 1313 Evergreen Ave.,
Plainfield R, Flemish
Renz, Donald J., 1666 Burnett Ave., Union, N.J. Ripple, Anthony P., 1074 Hillside Ave.,
Berkeley Heights
Ripple, Franklin R., 107 Hillside Ave.,
Berkeley Heights
Rome, Robert, 125 Morristown Road,
Bernardsville Chins.
Russo, Pasquale, Ortho Pharmaceutical Corp., Raritan
Schneider, William E., 513 Roosevelt Avenue, Northfield
Schoop, Paul, Highway 10,
Morris Plains Angoras
Scott, Robert W., 220 Filmore St., Riverside J&R Seiler, Alfred, c/o W. O. Schilling, Kenwood Dr., Haddonfield
Seyfried, W. J., P.O. Box 85, Alpha J&R, Eng. Smith, Abe, 12-76 Third St.,
Fair Lawn N.Z.
Snyder, LeRoy E., RFD #1, Box 29, Pedricktown Spencer, Bentley, 63 Dundee Ave., Paterson Stark, Fred, 350 So. Maple Ave., Basking Ridge Stevens, Ferdinand, P.O. Box 2, Crambary Tanner, Jesse, 669 Teneyck Ave.,
Lyndhurst N,Z.
Tawrs, Miss Stella, N. Lincoln Ave.,
RD #5, Box 301, Vineland Taylor, Walter, Box 71, North Branch Station Timmerman, Wayne E., Clareway Farm, Whitehouse
Tomkins, Clarence R., Jr., Horseneck Road,
Pine Brook
Trythall, William J. L., RD #3, Sussex Van Ness, L. C., Park Rabbitry, 13 Park St.,
W. Caldwell N.Z., Dutch
Vansant, Russell H., Sr., 7 Golden Ave.,
Wadyka, Miss Lottie, 681 Rotzer Rd., Wayne Webb, Henry B., General Delivery, Chatsworth Westfall, Esther E.. Friesburg Road, Alloway White, George L., 335 Johnson Ave.,
Eggerts Crossing, Trenton Willis, C. H., 190 Kirkwood Rd., Laurel Springs Wolos, John A., 20 Beechwood Pl..
Plainfield P.O.. Watchung J&R, Eng., N.Z. Yocum, Sue, 94 Forest St., Belleville Young, O. D., 15 Euclid Ave.. Maplewood Zwierzanski, William J., Belle Mead
State Representatives—
1. W. E. Mathews—North, 309 Laguayra,
2. Clyde W. Rossaw—South, 104 So. Union Ave.,
Austin, Lyndall Rt. I, Estancia Boerger, Dan, 1309 Yucca Dr., Hobbs Brummett, James H., 208 Nimitz Dr.,
Grants J&R, N.Z., Chins., Cavies
Buchenan, Bernie, 611 E. 6th St., Roswell Clift, Jack, Rt. 2, Box 300, Roswell Cross, Harold, Box 458, Portales N.Z.
Davis, Fred W„ Rt. 1, Box 1875,
Albuquerque J&R, N.Z.
Dean, Leo, Rt. 1, Box 414, Albuquerque R, N.Z. Deutschman, Carl, 822 5th St., Las Vegas Dunn, N. J., 715 N. Bayard, Silver City Estabrook, Marcie, 1105 Parsifal St., N.E., Albuquerque
Groff, C. B., 2291-B 48th, Los Alamos R
Hicks, Horton, Box 501, Estancia Hill, James M., Box 431, Artesia Holland, Mrs. Hugh L., Clapham Rt., Clayton Jenkins, P. M., Rt, 2, Box 211, Roswell Martin, C. B., 3789 Gould A 9, Los Alamos Matthews, Mrs. W. E., 309 LaGuayra,
Matthews, W. E., 309 LaGuayra, Albuquerque R Miller, Henry A., Box 338, Farmington Neer, Albert, 826 San Ondres Ave., N.W., Albuquerque
Panowski, B. John, 4807-A Yucca St.,
Los Alamos N.Z.
Price, W. W., P.O. Box 9, Albuquerque N.Z. Ross, Paul, 500 S. Aspen Ave., Roswell N.Z. Rossaw, Mrs. Clyde, 104 So. Union, Roswell Rossaw, Clyde W., 104 So. Union, Roswell Rothgeb, C. E,, Rt. 2, Box 523, Albuquerque Schwab, R. C., 102 N. Kansas Ave., Roswell R Thomen, Russell, Rt. 2, Box 346, Santa Fe White, Edgar A., 5310 10th Court, N.W., Albuquerque
State Representatives-
1. J. E. Rowe—West, 200 N. Main St., Portville
2. Clinton A. Gibbs—East, Mannsville
3. Howard Bartow- South, 38 Sherman Ave.,
Abrahamsen, Sverre T., Box 1066, Flanders Road, Riverhead, L. I.
Acker, Mrs. Harold L., RFD, Ovid Alessio, Michael, 119 E. Elisha St., Waterloo Alkon, Mrs. Gertrude, 27 Gates Ave., Malverne Alt, George L., RFD #1, Cedar Ave.,
Medford, L. I.
Amico, Pat V., 195 Alaimo Dr., Rochester 10 Aseatigno, Frank, RFD #1, Roaring Brook Lake, Putnam Valley
Avery, Kenneth, RD #3, Madison Hill,
Wellsville R
Avery, Mrs. Mildred, RD #3, Madison Hill, Wellsville
Balfroot, Dorothea E., RR 332, Nassau N.Z.
Ball, Mrs. Betty, 1 Dickinson St., Binghamton Ball, Walter, RD #3, Auburn Baltz, Robert F., North St., Arcade Bandrowski, John, Box 336, Old Country Rd., Westhampton, L. I.
Banta, Stuart E., So. Pawling St., Hagaman Barnum, Leon S., RD #2, Monticello Bartow, Howard, 38 Sherman Ave.,
Merrick English Spots
Bates, David E., Stony Point Farms,
Franck Road, Stony Point
Beacon Milling Co., Water St., Cayuga Becker, Lawrence A., 134-17 155th St., Jamaica 34 Beebe, Ralph C., Groveside Rabbit Ranch,
RD 3X1, Selkirk
Behrens, Melvin, N. Highland Ave.,
Pearl River R
Behrens, Edward Mel, Box 148, Pearl River Bellfield, Wm. M., David Road, West Fall Bend, Frederick E., Jr., 2 Leech Circle,
Glen Cove
Bielby, George H., 514 W. Liberty, Rome Birkedahl, Hugo, Box 236, Livonia Blaise, William, 70 Northridge Ave.,
No. Merrick
Blatchley, Henry C., RD #2, Penn Yan Bockman, Mrs. Jeanne, 49 Center St., Ellenville Breezyfield Rabbitry, Edward L. Wittkopp,
RD #3, Dunlap Rd., Medina Brenner, Fred, National Sawdust Co.,
69 North 6th St., Brooklyn 11 Brewer, Richard P., 63 Kircher, Webster Bump, Richard, RD #4,
Baldwinsville N.Z., Flem.
Bump, Dorothy, RD #4, Baldwinsville Bunn, J. W., North Branch Burd, Kenneth C., Jr., RD #2, Lacona Burdick, Mrs. Elmer, 16 Broad St.,
West Carthage
Burleson, June, RD #3, Canastota
Burleson, Robert, RD #3, Canastota
Burroughs, Robert L., 58 5th Ave., Randolph
Busch, Carl, 1881 Sweets Corner Rd., Fairport
Butler, Francis, Selkirk N.Z.
Caldwell, Amos, New Millport
Candage, E. C., Rotterdam
Carr, Frederick A., Jr., Box 162, Wingdale
Carr, Howard, RD #l, Homer
Carreira, Anthony W., RFD #2, Little Falls
Catalano, Stephen W., 543 Court St., Brooklyn
Chambers, James, RD #1, Brodalbin
Chapla, John C., P.O. Box 126, RD #1,
Durham Road, Sayville Collatz, Richard, Sly Hill & Bankert Rd.,
West Branch
Collier, Ralph E., Rt. 1-A, Marion Road, Palmyra Conger, Alson J., RR, Genoa Corwin, Ross J., Morris Cosselman, Vernon, Bleecker Stage,
Crawsha, Dean A., Box 41, Brookhaven, L. I. Cunningham, John F., 79 Hazelwood Terr., Rochester
Curry, Mrs. James F., RD #2, Oneonta D’Ambrosio, Frank, 95 Fuoco Ave., Bellport Daggett, Charles R., Sims Lane, Cazenovia Dawber, Jack R., 41-17 21 Avenue,
Long Island City Dennis, Tex, P.O. Box 32, Alcove Deutsch, Burton, RFD #1, Ellenville DiMiceli, John, Annetta Ave.,
Smithtown, L. I.
Dinkelmeyer, Mrs. Sadie, New Lisbon Dora, Robert A., Box 1, Burke Dorman, Ronald, Box 54. Mayville Dougherty, Charles W., 10 Edward St.,
Highland Falls
Ellison, William C., Box 4, Castle Creek Ensten, W. F., Dewitteville Farrell, Sophie Rose, RD #1, c/o K. Owens, Troupsburg
Fath, George P., Jamesville Fisher, A. L., Rock City St.,
Little Valley J&R
Fitzgerald, John, USS Hailey DD 556, c/o FPO New York
Fitzgerald, John, RD #4, Box 77-W, Amsterdam Fox, Gordon J., RD #1, Penn Yan Freeland, Richard, 50 West Elisha, Waterloo Frick, Mr. Childs, Clayton, Roslyn, L. I. Fronhofer, Leonard, RD #l, Box 26, Salem Fuller, Lucien, Preble
Galvin, James, RD, Petersburg N.Z.
Gasparini, Peter, 44 Highland Ave.,
New Rochelle J&R, N.Z., Champs.
Gehlert, Fred, 32 Edna St., Baldwin, L. I.
Gerry, Wilson A., RFD #1, South Road,
Feura Bush
Gibbs, Clinton A., RFD #2, Mannsville R
Gifford, Frank S., 36 Sherman, Merrick Gillis, Myrtle E., Box 305, 306 N. Broad St., Sackets Harbor
Gillis, John S., Box 305, Sackets Harbor Glover, Norris, 76 Main, Dundee Graves, Frances, RFD #1, Burdett Greenman, Harold, 78 Eagan Dr., Lack. 18 Grenlich, Walter, Rt. 7, Maryland Griffin, Joseph T., 59 Wadsworth Ave., Avon Griffiths, Frederick W., 109 Turin St.,
Box 406, Rome
Hagen, Helge, P.O. Box 308, Ellenville Hagen, Alice, P.O. Box 308, Ellenville Hager, Jacob J., 946 Walck Road, Tonawanda Hahn, Sophie M., Chatham
Hall, J, Russell, 18 William St., Hornell Dutch Hall, Mrs. Lydia, Box 18, Chent N.Z.
Hamlin, Tom, Utica St., DeRuyter
Haraldsen, Haakon, 120 Cortland Ave., Syracuse Harrison, Charles H., RFD #1, Stillwater Hartman, Martin, Laurel Road, New City Hathaway, H. Wardner, West Road, Willsboro Herrlein, Harry G., Rockland Farms,
Rockland County, New City Chin., Flem.
Herrlein, Alice, Rockland Farms,
Rockland Co., New City Hicks, Clifford J., Elbridge Hobbs, Mrs. Mildred, 154 E. Morris St., Bath Hockenberry, Charles, 9 Ralph St., Port Jervis Hogarbome, S., 13 Maple Ave., Binghamton Holcomb, Robert, Disbro Ave., Waterloo Holt, Richard T,, Box 314, Nesconset, L. I. Hopping, Homer, RD #2, Tully Horak, T/Sgt. Joe, AF6958122, HQ IADF Mats.
(Finance) APO 81, c/o P.M. New York Hurlburt, Harry, RFD, Bainbridge J&R
Ingeman, Kenneth A., 11 Prospect St.,
Frewsburg N.Z.
Jackson, Elon, Star Route, Canton Jakobsons, B., 147 W. 28th St., New York 1 Jassney, Harvey, 206 Curlow St.,
Rochester Polish
Johnson, James, III, Split Rock R.D.,
Syossett, L. I.
Johansen, Fred, RFD #1, Cazenovia R
Johansen, Kaare A., RFD #2, Cambridge Johansen, Harry, c/o Robert Burleson,
RD #3, Canastota
Johnny’s Ideal Rabbitry, John Mellozzo,
Hall St., Central Nyack Jones, Stanley L., 576 A MacDonough St.,
Brooklyn 35
Kaweski, Mrs. Helen P., White Sulphur Springs Kearns, Robert F., 88-22-212 St., Queens Village Kenyon, Arthur, Star Route, Massena Klein, Arthur M., Carlton Hill, RD #1, Wyoming Kneller, Harold, 404 Cedar St., Vestal Knewasser, Johnny, RFD #6 Binghamton Kniffen, Charles A., Old Freedom Plains Rd., Poughkeepsie
Krebs, Fred H., Jr., 115-41 227 St.,
Cambria Hts. 11
Kriesel, Paul A., W. River Road, RD #3, Baldwinsville
LaBounty, Leonard, South Sable St., Keeseville LaBounty, Alfreda, South Sable St., Keeseville Lagoe, Ray, 115 East Seneca St., Oswego Lamont, Mrs. Anthony, 116 Cuba Hill Rd., Huntington, L. I.
Lamont, Willard, 1340 Conklin Rd.,
RD #l, Conklin
Laposka, Mrs. Joseph, RD #2, Corning Lawlor, Jerry, North Branch Lawrence, Clarence H., 203 Broad St.,
Cheektowaga 25
Leavitt, Harry S., 723 Flanders Rd.,
Riverhead, L. I.
LeBeau, David, RD #1, Central Square,
Hastings N.Z.
Lewis, Chas. O., 247 Willow St.,
Roslyn Hgts., L. I.
Lillibridge, Bernard, RFD #1, Corinth Ling, Arthur, Bernhards Bay Lips, Kenneth W., Box 343, Collins Little, Paul E., 3 Ide Road, Newfane Lone Maple Rabbitry, Sam & Glenn Rizzo,
643 Border City Road, Geneva R
Long, Robert A., Box 46, Lake Ronkonkoma,
Long Island
Loveland, T. A., 215 Fulton St., New York 7 Ludwig, Harvey P., RD #1, Brocton McCabe, Kenneth, Box 51, Onondaga McCune, Wm., RFD #1, Broadalbin MacDuffee, J. E., 236 Robinson St.,
Binghamton R
Maisch, Donald, RD, Hannacroix Manchester, Gladys P., RFD #2, Harrisville Mantell, Frank J., 368 William St., Geneva N.Z. Marland, James, RD #2,
Cazenovia N.Z., Champs.
Martin, Jack, Buckley Road, North Syracuse Mason, J. M., 1956 Birchall Ave., Bronx 62 Matthews, Charles S., M.D., 1237 Delaware Ave., Buffalo 9
Mayfield, Mrs. Loy, RFD #1, Hardscrabble Rd., Cadyville
Milks, Dieter, RD #l, Fabius
Miller, Russell, RD #3, Cazenovia N.Z.
Misner, George Neal, Old Liberty Rd.,
Box 506, Monticello
Moorehead, George, Box 161, Maine R
Morehead, Mrs. George, Box 161, Maine N.Z. Morehouse, Daniel, Garrattsville Morey, Lynn R., 415 Cleveland Ave., Oneida Mount, Williams, 187 Smith St., Buffalo R
Muetel, Roy C., 463 Aurora St., Lancaster Muntz, Wayne Gurth, Box 167, South Dayton Murphy, J. J., 1475 First St., W. Babylon Murray, Earl J., 352 E. Main St., Waterloo Myers, Leslie A., 1134 Stone Road, Lockport Myers, Sybil A., 1134 Stone Rd., Lockport Neal, Mrs. Nelson, RD #l, Little Valley Nelson, William C., 570 Long Pond Road, Rochester
Nickerson, Raymond, RD #2, Spencer Nickerson, Mrs. Raymond, RD #2, Spencer North Ridge Rabbitry, Wilson Hulbert,
Preston Hollow
Oberkrieser, Joseph, 53 South Lane, Orchard Park Olsen, George A., RD #2, Cooperstown Olszowy, J., 150 Crown St., Brooklyn 25 O’Smundsen, John, 28 Marine Ave., Brooklyn 9 Ostrowski, Stanley, RR #1, Chatham N.Z.
Paes, Anthony, Jr., Continental Rd., Napanoch Palmer, Hugh, RD #2, Greenville Pandina, Frank, 105 Lyceum St., Rochester Parmenter, Harry, RD #1, Horseheads J&R
Parmenter, Bertha, RD #1, Horseheads Perry, Mrs. Stark, 417 Liberty St.,
Penn Yan Angora
Piccione, R , Suburban Park, Manlius Picone, Bernard J., Meadow Road, Smithtown Pierce, Horace, RR #2, Baldwinsville N.Z.
Pikul, Leonard M., P.O. Box 14-A, Penn Yan Pikul, Michael S., P.O. Box 14-A, Penn Yan R
Powell, John, RD #1, Horseheads Powell, Oscar W., RFD #l, Horseheads Pray, Earl, Sr., Box 611, Collins Rasweiler, Frank, 55 Colonial St.,
E. Northport Aagora
Ray Rabbit Co., RFD #4, Middletown Raymer, Philip A., 135 Campbell Blvd.,
Record, Louis, RFD #1, Canandaigua Reinstein, Robert, 315 Como Park Blvd., Cheektowaga 25
Richardson, George A., Jr., RFD #1, Gloversville Roberts, SFC Robert H„ RA18292393, HQ Co. 10th SFG (A 6N) APO 108 New York Robertson, W. I., Rt. 4, Watertown Rogers, Robert J., Box 95, Allentown Root, Lewis S., 78 So. Main St., Batavia R
Rose, Sgt. William A., RA21019662, HQ Co. 504th Inf 2nd Abn Bat. Gp„ APO 112, New York Rowe, Mrs. J. E., 200 N, Main, Portville Rowe, Jimmy, 200 N. Main, Portville Rowe, J. E., 200 N. Main, Portville R
Rowe. Dorotea H., RD #1, Nassau Rowell, Mrs. Merrel F., RD #1, Redfield Roy, Martin L., Rt. 1, Romulus Saifi, Henry, Accord
Sample, Charles M., 9 5th Ave., Randolph Saunders, Paul C., 434 Garrison Pl., Elmira Scharping, Gerald F., RFD #1, Crandall Rd., Albion
Schellhorn, Frank, 35-03 29th St.,
Long Island City
Schichtel, Joseph L., 23 VanEtten Road,
Schlomberg, Benjamin, 33-01 146th St.,
Flushing 54
Schussen, Walter J., Tinkertown Road,
Pleasant Valley
Scott, Joseph F., 1306 E. 48th St.,
Brooklyn 34
Seeley, Benjamin, 240 First St., Painted Post Severson, Carroll A., RFD #1, Afton Shadier, Stan, 31 E. Locust St., Central Islip Shadier, Lydia, 31 E. Locust St., Central Islip Shear, Miss Kathryn, Box 66, Cairo Slanetz, Charles A., Dr., Columbia Univ.,
630 W. 168th St., New York 32 Smith, Gary, Pearl St. Rd., Batavia Smith, Percy E., P.O. Box 75, Wayne Smith, Clayton, Cincinnatus
Snyder, Fred J., P.O. Box 126, Yorktown Heights Snyder, Mrs. Fred J., P.O. Box 126,
Yorktown Heights Sokoloski, Jos., 203 E. Oak, Olean Soldano, Louis J., 834 Heckscher Ave.,
Pine Aire, Bay Shore Spring, Frank H., 24 North St.,
Baldwinsville N.Z., Flem., English
Stearns, Harry E., Box 226, Dalton Stedman, William C., 150 S. Main St.,
Newfane R
Stirusknik, John, 123 Raphael Ave., Mattydale 11 Stock, Raymond R., 1058 Bay Road,
Webster, N. Y.
Sturm, Dorothy M., 410 S. Union St., Olean Sturm, Ed, 410 S. Union St., Olean Suris, Jose A., C.G. Air Det., Box 52,
Navy 116, FPO New York Sykes, Frederic, 28 Gouverneur St., Canton Sykes, Guy, 28 Gouverneur St., Canton Sykes, Judy, 28 Gouverneur St., Canton Terrell, William K., RD #1, Fairview Ave., Oneida
The Bar W, 190 Utica Road, Clinton Thomas, Aubrey, SP 3, WA8109255, Detch. "B”, HQS Sp. Troops, APO 403 Thompson, Lyle, Jr., 98 No. Division St.,
Si. Johnsville
Thompson, Harry, RFD #5, 10 LaFayette Ave., Canandaigua
Tous, Victor V., P.O. Box 30, S. Hirley, L. I. Travis, Ernest C., Rt. 6, Fort Plains R, N.Z. Trombly, Lloyd W., East Main St., Rd., Chateaugay
Tucker, C. E., Jr., E. Worthington Dr.,
RD 3X3, Lake Carmel
Underwood, Stephen L., Branchport N Z.
Vacca, Peter, 23 W. Water St., Waterloo Valentine, William R., 7 Albion St., Hornell Van Liere, Lawrence, RD #2, Jamestown Van Slyke, Mrs. Leo, 7 S. McNab, Gloversville Villabol, Luis, 590 Ashford Ave., Ardsley Vodala, Frank Rocco, 102 Murray Ave.,
Syracuse 8
Watkins, Paul E., Sr., RD #2, Ilion Wenk, John H., Rt. 4, Watertown West, James A., 367 Duffy Ave., Hicksville Whitney, William C., Box 54, Swain R, N.Z. Wickman, Harold R., 33 Burkhard Place, Rochester 20 R
Wickman, Fred C., Jr., 355 French Road,
Pittsford N.Z.
Wietsma, Richard E., 31 Blauvelt Rd., Nanuet Wiggins, Eugene, West Winfield Williams, Jam. Arbery R., HQ 36th FA Group, APO 162, New York
Woehr, Albert, 206 Curley St.. Rochester 13 N.Z. Wood, G., 137 E. Brighton St., Syracuse 5 Wright, Mrs. Ailsa B., P.O. Box 283, Delhi Wright, Everett H., Box 283. Delhi Young, Mrs. Eve M., 6 Highland Ave., Dansville Young, Leonard C., 178 Ballatyne Rd.,
Rochester 23 Zito, Frank, Stafford Zoeller, August, 31 Quincy St., Merrick
State Representatives
1. W. R. Caudeil—West, 401 So. Summit Ave., Charlotte
2 Mack L. Rayl, Rt. 3, Hillsboro
Almond, J. F„ Rt. 3, Box 60, Albermarle J&R
Baldwin, J. M., 269 Burton St., West Asheville
Bass, J. A., Box 124, Dunn
Bivens, W. H., RFD #2, Box 14, Wadesboro
Brown, Bill, Box 1, Weaverville
Bryant, Richard B., RFD #2, Box 10-A, Tarboro
Bryant, J. W., Rt, 6, Box 3 AA, Mt. Airy
Bullock, Jack, Rt. 2, Rocky Mount
Caudell, W. R., 401 S. Summit Ave.,
Charlotte 6 J&R
Cavanaugh, Samuel, Box 187, Rose Hill Clodfelter, W. E., Box 73, Troy Cooperate Investors Ass’n., P.O. Box 118, Hendersonville
Corriher, Earl L., Rt. 1, Box 209-C, Concord Cox, E. R., Dublin Flower & Pet Shop, Dublin Disher, David L., Sr., 117 Miller St., Thomasville Doman, Melvin, Rt. 7, Box 370, Lexington Doyle, C. H., Rt. 2, Box 125, Weaverville Edwards, W. H., Rt. 1, Goldsboro Ferguson, Roy H., 505 Beverly Dr., Gastonia Foster, Robert G., Rt. 2, Box 230, Kinston Greeson, C. Egbert, RFD #1, Haw River Guyton, L. L., Rocky Point Hall, John W., Box 341, Spring Lake Harrelson, B. F„ 119 So. Caldwell St„
Salisbury R
Hallowell, B. L„ Rt. 3, Mt. Olive Hunt, James, Rt. 1, Elrod Area, Rowland Hunter, A. Frank, Rt, 9, Winston Salem R, N.Z. Carlton, James, Robersonville Jenkins, Avery R., Room 207, Realty Blvd., Gastonia
Kearney, P. S., RFD #2 Box 290, Oxford Keenan, R. T., 19 Brotherton St., West Asheville Kelly, T. F., 311 Hillcrest Rd., Raleigh Kline, Edward Alvin, Box 1466, Salisbury Lewis, Edgar C., RFD #1, Box 123, Hobbsville Lundy, Joseph Clifford, P.O. Box 3, Randleman McGill, W Leroy, 1212 Oakwood Ave., Gastonia Mitchell, Wayne, 500 College St., Kinston Murray, William M., RFD #1, Box 83A2,
Nanney, Milace, RFD #3, Mooresville Nelson, George A., 119 Spooks Branch, Asheville Noell, W. B„ Jr., 2821 Claremont Rd., Raleigh Ober, Paul, Rt. 1, Edenton R
Pace, R. W., 203 E. French Broad St., Brevard Peele, J. L., Fountain Phillips, Vern, Richlands Poindexter, B. L., 1822 Thompson Dr., Winston-Salem
Powell, James L., Rt. 2, Raleigh Rayl, Mack L., RR #3, Hillsboro J&R
Riley, Mrs. G. F., Rt. 1, Box 343, Linden Rd., Durham
Riley, G. F., Rt. 1, Box 341, Linden Rd.,
Roberts, D. P., Rt. 2, Box 330-A, Shelby Sasser, P. D., Rt. 5, Goldsboro Scott, L. E,, Rt. 1, Linwood Scott, Mrs. L. E., Rt. 1, Linwood Sine, John M., Rt. 2, Box 119, Greenville Spakes, Charlie F., Rt. 1, Hubert Starnes, Dale S., 6 Lenoir Ave.,
Rt. 2, Granite Falls Swing, Olin, 609 E. 1st St., Lexington Teachey, Leland, Rt. 2, Rose Hill Thomas, R. F., 309 S. Vance St., Gastonia R
Thompson, James, 86 Lanvale Ave., Asheville Tuttle, Joe, Rt. 1, Box 196, Rural Hall Upton, Carl, P.O. Box 209, 3 Saye St., Belmont Van Story, W. A., Jr., Box 6, Weaverville Wallace, Mrs. E. R., 4310 Oldtown Dr., Winston-Salem
Wallace, Ernest R., Sr., 4310 Oldtown Dr., Winston-Salem R
Walls, Levi, State Hospital, Goldsboro Whitford, Dannie M., Rt. 3, Box 230, Vanceboro Wood, H. V., Rt. 2, Smithfield Wrenn, Julia, 4801 Hillsboro Rd., Raleigh Yarbrough, E. S., Jr., 3225 Surrey Road,
Durham N.Z.
Anhalt, Elmer O., Buxton Huser, Louis, Bantry Ralston, Gerald N., 314 1st Ave., So., Devils Lake
Stanley, William F., Box 12, Sherwood Witham, Robert B., Parshall
State Representatives—
1. Jerry Leisenring—West, P.O. Box 762, Fostoria
2. Dallas Marshall—East, Rt. 3, Xenia Ackerman, Edmond H., Rt. 3, New Carlisle N.Z. Andrews, Charles, 233 Jefferson St., Newark Ansel, Robert, Enterprise
Anthony, H. R., 254 South Sixth St.. Newark Arvidson, Robert, 721 E. 16th, Ashtabula Ashton, Ethel M., 1626 Oakland Parkway.
Lima Dutch, Flemish
Ashton, Vern, 1626 Oakland Parkwav,
Lima J&R, Flemish
Ater, C. T., c/o Hess & Clark, Inc., Ashland Baad, Homer G., 234 W. Noble St„ East Canton Babich, Mrs. Vivian, 460 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Hubbard
Bachtel, F. C„ 818 S. Erie St., Toledo 4 Calif. Bagford, James, RR #5, Springfield Baldauf, Joe, 614 Blanche Ave.,
Lockland 15 J&R, Flemish
Ballenger, W. J., 251 Chestnut St., Marion Barnum, Francis J., Box 62, 7906 Pomona Ave., Northfield Center Bashore, J. H., Rt. 1, Lewisburg Bashore, Mrs. J. H., Rt. 1, Lewisburq Basich, Edwin E., 181 Park Road, Rt. 1, Worthington
Baudet, G. P. H., RR #1, Eaton Baughman, Francis E., 1825 Crystal Ave.,
Findlay R, N.Z.
Baughman, Mrs. Francis E., 1825 Crystal Ave., Findlay
Baxter, Harold, 6473 Hamilton Mason Rond, Hamilton
Beamer. Ed, Bedford Brook Rabbitry,
16358 Broadway, Bedford J&R, N.Z.
Beamer, Marie T., 16358 Broadway. Bedford Beaver, Clyde E., RR #5, Leffel’s Lane, Springfield
Behrman, Mrs. Isabelle, 3015 Holland Sylvania Rd., Toledo 6 Behrman, Charles, 3015 Holland Sylvania Rd., Toledo 6
Bender, Raymond M., 8790 Avery Road, Brecksville
Bennett, Helen G., 398 Brookfield Rd.,
Hubbard R, Dutch, Piruvian
Bickley, Mildred, 1019 Perry, Sandusky Bickley, E. C.. 1019 Perry, Sandusky Black, Dick, 116 N. Miami Ave., Xenia N.Z. Bolender, David H., RFD #4, Circleville Bollinger, Margaret, Cross St., Harveysbnrg Bolte, Jeffrey, RR #2, Hillsboro Boroff, Dale, RR #1, Latty R, Dutch, N.Z., Eng. Botamer, Walter, 364 High St., Elyria Botamer, Mrs. Walter, 364 High St., Elyria Boughton, Jack, 3380 Mayfield Road,
Chesterland Dutch
Bourne, Chris, P.O. Box 109, Oxford Brattain, W. L., 27 Tecumseh St.,
Dayton 2 J&R
Breezy Hill Rabbitry, Hartel W. Lucks,
7559 Cherry Brook Dr., Reynoldsburg J&R, N.Z.
Brown, Tom, Rt. 3, Richwood R
Brownlee, Miss Dora, 2634 34th, N.E., Canton 5 Buch, A. K., RD #2, Orrville Buehler, Sharon, 8634 Cheviot Rd., Cincinnati Burcham, Carl G., Jr., RR #4, Springfield R
Burk, Donald C., 206 Federal Bldg., Hamilton Burke, G. A., Hilliards J&R, N.Z.
Burke, Mrs. G. A., Hilliards Cadwell, Wilbur, RFD #4, Ashland Camden, Mary Alice, RFD #1, Canal Winchester Campbell, Ellis W., 1366 Melrose Ave.,
Columbus 11 R, Checkers
Cann, Mrs. Clayton, RFD #4, Chardon Cann, Clayton, RFD #4, Chardon Carlin, Mrs. Wayne, RD #2, Bryan
Carlisle, Francis, 819 2nd St., S.E.,
New Philadelphia
Carpenter, Eugene, RR 32, Box 36-C, Piqua Carson, Robert G., Rt. 1, Conesville Casco, S. A., 3533 E. 147th St.,
Cleveland Flemish
Centner, Harry, 8677 Livingston Rd.,
Cincinnati 24
Centner, Ethel, 8677 Livingston Rd.,
Cincinnati 24
Christie, Charles, RD 32, Medina Ciszewski, Edward, 77 Elm St., Struthers Clapsaddle, Walter M., 2704 St. Clair Ave.,
East Liverpool
Clark, F. M., Eden of Ohio Rabbitry, Sabina Clark, Raymond L., 305 McArthur Ct., Piqua Clevenger, M. L., 428 Palm Ave.,
Akron Ck. Giants
Coleman, James, RR 33, Urbana Collins, E. G., Chandlersville, Rt. 3 Collins, Robert E., Box 57, Melmore Combs, Edna, Rt. 6, Dietz Lane, Zanesville Conci, Mrs. Eleanor, 518 Campground Road, Wellsville
Cook, James L., 4535 W. National Road,
Counts, Mrs. Clarence, 1800 Crystal Ave., Findlay Counts, Clarence, 1800 Crystal Ave., Findlay Courtright, A. Monroe, 2800 Walnut Rd.,
Rt. 3, Westerville Hwt. Chins, N Z.
Cox, Lowell, RD #1, Wadsworth R
Cox, Rose, 1923 Victoria St., Cuyahoga Falls Cowan, Elmer, 715 E. 11th Ave., Columbus 3 Crabbs, Robert, RD #1, Lexington Crabbs, Mrs. Robert, RD #1, Lexington Crummeil, Dale, 810 E. Wilson Ave., Bryan
Dasbach, George J., 949 Chester Rd., Glendale Davis, Wm. H., 5727 Wilson Ave.,
Sciotoville R, N.Z., Dutch
Dearborn, C. M., P.O. Box 35,
Nevada Hwt. Chins
Dearborn, Vern, P.O. Box 35, Nevada Denlinger, Harry E., Rt. 1, Box 369, Clayton Dickinson, John S., 342 High St., Hamilton Dickinson, Drexel D., RD #1, Paris Beveren Dilsaver, Waldo W., 405½ W. Sycamore St., Columbus Grove N.Z.
Dixon, A. D., 2834 East Third St., Dayton Dixon, John E., RR #1, Union Dobbins, Burl L„ P.O. Box 912, Youngstown Dopper, William, 521 Cherry St., Galion Dorsz, Frank A., 4569 Oberlin Ave., RD #2, Lorain
Doty, James C., 312 West Central, Camden Dowdle, Donna, Rt. 2, Scio Downing, Marie, P.O. Box 4091, Euclid Drake, D. E., 565 Thomas Lane, Columbus Dudney, Frank, Rt. 3, Delaware Durigg, William L., 83 Sprague Rd., Berea Earl, Carl D., Baltimore
Earl, William C., RD #1, Baltimore R
Earl, Mrs. Maggie, Baltimore Ebeling, Herbert, Glen Park Road,
Rt. 2, Willoughby N.Z.
Ebeling, Mrs. Herbert, Glen Park Road,
Rt. 2, Willoughby
Edwards, Carl R., 1000 W. South St.,
Akron 7 N.Z.
Egelhoff, Fred O., 121 Leland Ave., Columbus 14 Emery, Esther, 210 Marsevilles Ave., Elyria Emery, Alfred, 210 Marsevilles Ave., Elyria R
Emery, Merle N., RD #2, Elyria Engle, Arthur, RR #1, Wayne Ensminger, Mrs. G. R., 185 W. Main St., Norwalk Etzler, Edwin, RFD #1, Van Wert Everett, C. W., 184 Pamely Ave., Elyria Fair Publishing House, P.O. Box 350, Norwalk Farley, Kenneth, Sr., 2113 West Park Rd., Cincinnati 11
Ferrell, Bernard G., 3900 Klepinger Rd., Dayton Fiscus, M. F., RR #2, Eaton R, Dutch
Fishbaugh, Lowell L., 6332 Riverside Dr., Dublin Fix, Mrs. Ruth E., P.O. Box 61,
Roosevelt Sta., Dayton N.Z.
Flickinger, Philip E., 1185 North Meridian Rd., Youngstown 9
Foerster, A. J., 4402 W. Pleasant Valley Rd., Parma 29 Ck. Gt., Flemish, J&R
Fox, Bruce A., Box 180, Vienna French, Elmer, 4449 Franklin St.,
Cincinnati N.Z.
Friensehner, H. S., 728 Sandusky St.,
Ashland N.Z.
Fritch, Edward, 428 N. Cherry, Bryan Chin.
Fullroth, Mrs. Fred, Rt. 1, Bradford Funk, Boyd D. P., 87 Erie St., Tiffin Galloway, James Bennett, 1906 Hight, Galloway Garner, Phillip, 17910 Pearl Rd., Strongsville Gause, Gale, RFD #1,
Rockford Eng. Spot, Champs
Geer, Eugene, 6072 N. Main St., Sylvania Geist, Frank, Box 49, Rt. 3, Zanesville Geist, Oneta, Box 49, Rt. 3, Zanesville Gibson, George L,, 2426 Golfdrive, Cincinnati 29 Gibson, Delmar, Rt. 4, Zanesville Ck. Gt.
Gilbert, Dale C., Rt. 2, Clyde
Gillard, James R„ Radnor
Gilmore, Devain L., Box 176, Port Washington
Goodwin, Virgil T., RD #2, Steubenville
Gray, Ray H., RR #2, Lebanon
Grear, Lillian, 960 Sutton Rd., Cincinnati 30
Grower, Harry, 81 Perry St., Struthers
Grueser, Roger R., RD #1, Albany
Grumney, George C., 9816 Union Ave.,
Cleveland S N.Z.
Guthrie, Harold P., 15 Dorcas Rd., Toledo 7 Gwyn, Charles W., RD #4, Springfield N.Z. Hackworth, Hansford, 216 N. Lake St., Carey Hand, Charlie, 2905 Venice Rd.,
Sandusky Calif., N.Z.
Hantower, Bernard, P.O. Box 667, Portsmouth Hart, Mrs, Mary K., Rt. 2, Hillsboro Hartz, William J., 787 Morgan Ave., Akron 11 Hasch, Alvin, Rt. 1, Defiance Hick, Melvin G., 8155 Broadwell Rd., Cincinnati Heeley, Edwin, 1220 W. Jackson,
Painesville Std. Chins.
Heigher, George B., Rt. 1, New Paris Hershberger, Eli, Rt. 1, Box 103-A, Uniontown Hickerson, Woodrow W., RD #2, Shelby Hickok, Mrs. Geraldine, 287 No. Washington St., Delaware
Hickok, Raymond M., 287 N. Washington St., Delaware
Hieber, Edward, Rt. 1, New Washington High, Nick, RR #5, Lima Hinaman, S. L. MR 1-Smeltzer Rd., Box 139, Marion
Hinaman, Kay, MR 1-Smeltzer Rd., Box 139, Marion
Hinkel, V. J., Box 117, Burton Hinton, John P„ RFD #1, Mechanicsburg Hoffman, Melvin D,, RD #1, Salem Holbrook, Wm. O.. 9223 Shepard Rd.,
RR #2, Northfield
Honefanger. J. M., 2656 Yellow Springs Pike, Springfield R
Hooper, Roger. 203 Jefferson St., New Lexington Horine, Mrs. Kate, RR #3 Eaton N.Z.
Horn, S. G., 1012 Miller, Fremont Horn, J. Gordon. 3871 Mill St., West Richfield Hottle, C. I., 1595 Spencer Ave.,
Akron 7 N.Z.
Howell, Joseph, RD #1, New London Hurd, Russell. 1021 14th St., Portsmouth Rex
Hutchinson, Fred, 1148 Cedar Ave.,
Cincinnati 24 J&R
Hutchinson. John O., RFD #1, Box 252, Monroeville
Ishee, H. L„ 45 Mill St., Middlefield N.Z.
J & D Rabbitry, 640 Cole Ave., S.E., Canton 7 James, Bart M., Jr., 265 Wilson Mills Rd., Chesterland
Jenkins, Arnim, 2047 Lawrence Ave., Norwood 12 Jennings, Inez A., 133 W. Warren Ave., Youngstown 7 N.Z.
Jennings, Ruth A., 133 W. Warren Ave., Youngstown 7
Jennings, R. C.. 133 W. Warren Ave.,
Youngstown 7 R, N.Z,
Johnson, Charles R.. Box 55, Cambridge Johnson, C. Robert, Rt. 1, Box 203,
Yellow Springs
Johnson, George D., Rt. 1, Mt. Victory Johnson, Glen, 1028 Georgia Ave., Akron 6 Johnson. Mrs. Glen, 1028 Georgia Ave., Akron 6 Tones, Everett P., RFD #2, Chillicothe Jones. S. W„ RR #2,
Williamsfield Sil. Fox, N.Z., Champs.
Jones. Samuel F., RD #4,
Louisville J&R, Flemish
Judy, George, Jr., Central Ave.,
Mechanicsburg N.Z.
Judy, Joyce. Central Ave.,
Mechanicsburg Polish
Judy, Frank R„ P.O. Box 171, Middlefield N.Z. Kandel, Kenneth, RFD #1, Homeworth Kardas, Mrs. Betty Jean, RD #1, Homesville Kayden. Frank, 112 Blake St., Elyria Keeler, Lawrence. 5130 Norton Place, Toledo 14 Kells, Tames H., Rt. 1, Cable Kells, Mrs. Jas. H., Rt. 1, Cable Kelley, Clyde, Rt. 1, Homeworth N.Z.
Kenney, R. T., 1741 Graham Rd., Revnoldsburg R Kent, Don, 578 Yo-Pitt Road. Poland 14 Kestner, Leonard, Rt. 1, South Charleston Kiggins. Harold, Rt. 2. Burton King, John, 3490 Path Dr., Akron 19 Kipp, Mrs. Fred C., 2307 Mt. Carmel-Tobasco Rd., Cincinnati 30
Kipp, F. C., 2307 Mt. Carmel-Tobasco Rd., Cincinnati 30 R, N.Z.
Kirian, W. C., RFD #1, Randolph Kirian, O. M„ 911 Western Ave., Lima Knopp, Paul, Garfield Knupp, Allan E., 315 Creek Ave., Hubbard Koch, Paul C., Rt. 4, Athens R
Koehlar, Mrs. Rose, Rt. 1, Coshocton Koeth, Edwin J., RFD #1, Lockwood Kohler, Richard, 8106 Schott Rd., Westerville
Kolb, Clifford H., 6841 Wayne Trace Road, Somerville
Krahl, Harold L., 2555 Wadsworth Rd.,
Barberton J&R, N.Z.
Krakauskas, Lindamarie, 717 Archer Road, Bedford
Kramer, Kay, 821 Austin Dr., Barberton Krueger, Albert C., 5956 Fitch Road,
North Olmsted Ck. Giant
L & W Rabbitry, Casstown N.Z.
Landers, Loren, RR #2, Box 60, Tipp City Lawrence, Carl, 3963 So. Dixie, Lima Layton, Herb, 25620 Lorain Rd.,
No. Olmsted J&R
Leatherman, Lamar R., Box 392, Tuscarawas Leathley, Elwood, RFD #3, New Carlisle Leisenring, Mrs. G. C., Box 762, Fostoria Leisenring, Gerald C., Box 762,
Fostoria J&R, Dutch
LePage, Pearl V., 46 S. Pine St., Newark Liles, Paul. Box 632. Lafayette
Lintz, Charles D., 527 W. High St., Springfield List, Roderick, 816 S. Washington St., Circleville Long, Donald, RR #1, Payne Lovejoy, Don, 838 West 50th St.,
Ashtabula J&R, Dutch, N.Z.. Rex, Havana Loverde, Christine, P.O. Box 62, Urbana Lutes, H. H., 484 Crystal St., Akron 5 McCann, Edward D., Summit St., Dunkirk McConnell, David J., RD #1, Richmond McCoy, Boyd L.. 124 Lieking Co. Rd., #153,
RR #1, Pataskala
McFadden, William H., Sr., 899 Midway Blvd., Painesville
McFadden, Geraldine R., 899 Midway Blvd., Painesville
McKenzie. Mrs. Irene T„ RFD #2. Box 146, Cortland
McMaster, E. F., Box 131. Kettlersville McMillen. L. R., 764 Corica St., Akron 11 McPhail, D. W., 152 Westminster Ave., Youngstown
Macy, Phil. 376 N. 4th St.. Tipp City J&R
Mahaney, J. N., RD #1, Uniontown Maher, James J.. 12147 York Road,
North Royalton N.Z.
Mahlke, Erie, RFD #3 Wellington Markel. Paul J.. Box 28, Nankin N.Z.
Marquette, Adeline, 106 Smithsonian. Gerard Marshall. George B., 3251 Allendale Ave..
RD £2, Canfield
Martin, Joseph F., RFD #2. Box 6, Covington Massie, Ernest M., 1736 Lagonda Ave.,
Maynard. David C., State Game Farm,
RD #3, Wellington Meier, Albert, Eastview Rabbitry,
3531 E. 140th St., Cleveland N.Z,
Meister, James R., 1910 Wade Blvd.. Sandusky Melvin, William O., 1417 Wayne Road,
Melvin, Myrtle. 1417 Wayne Road, Wilmington Messer, Manuel, 7517 Abbie Place,
Cincinnati 15 N.Z , Calif.
Metz. Roy 81 Lexington Ave.,
Mansfield N.Z.. Calif.
Metz, Mrs. Roy, 81 Lexington Ave„ Mansfield Meyer, Fred W.. RFD #1, Vickery Michaelis. Charles H.. 2851 Marshall Cincinnati Mike’s Rabbitry. 426 Union Ave, Bucyrus Miller, Donald F.. 1318 W, Wayne St., Lima Miller. John H.. 414 E. Mable St.. Bryan Miller’s Rabbitry, Bainbridge Rd.,
Solon R, N.Z.
Miller, Frank E., 7869 School Road,
Cincinnati 41 Dutch
Millies. Miss Irene, Rt. 2. Bainbridge Miller, Paul G., RR #1, Van Wert Miller, Vernon, Rt. 2, Box 62, Proctorville Miller, Willard, RD #3. Navarre Montayon, Julius, 1655 8th St., Portsmouth Moore. S. Art, 905 Bronson Ave., Toledo Morris, Eugene W.. 400 Main St.. Poland Mundey, Joseph, 93 Second St., Shelby Mundhenk, Jack W., RR #1, Lewisburg J&R Mussetter, Lawrence O., 325 S. Miami Ave,,
Myers. Melvin R., 33899 Mills Rd.,
North Ridgeville
Nave, Eddie, RR £2, New Paris Dutch
Nestor. Edsel F., 2131 Uniondale Ave., Stow Nida, Braden M., 219 Putnam St., Marietta Oakes, Robert D., Rt. 2, Box 374,
Troy Champ, N.Z., Piruvian
Oblinger, Charles F., 2746 South Road,
Cincinnati 38 R, N.Z.
Ohlemacher, Mrs. Hulda, Rt. 1, Huron Ohlemacher, Clarence, Rt. 1, Huron Oles, George, RFD #3, Delta O'Neal, George L., Rt. 5, Box 166,
Ott, Russell, 1306 N. 8th St., Martins Ferry Overmyer, Fred, 6015 Benore Rd., Toledo 12 Peffley, Charles L., RR #1, Lewisburg
Penn, Elmer, RD #1, Urbana Pernell, F. B., Snively Road, S.W., Canton Pfaff, Oscar, 3355 Needmore Rd., Dayton 4 Philip, Robert C., 747 Leonard Ave., Zanesville Philip, Mrs. Norma, 747 Leonard Ave.,
Zanesville R
Pierce, E. H., Rt. 1, Box 31, Scott R
Pitts, Henry, 201 Walker Mill Road,
Poland Br., Youngstown 14 Place, William E., Box 89, Rt. 1, Farmdale Place, Dale, RR #3. Wapakoneta Poister, Paul A., RFD #2. Galion Pollock, Michael, Jr., 447 W. 9th St., Elyria Popard, Ulice O„ 6050 W. Bancroft Rd.,
Rt. 11, Toledo 7 N.Z.. Flemish
Poths, Alfred E., 313 E. Market St., Sandusky Powell, Dena, 140 W. 6th St., Apt. 2,
E. Liverpool
Powell, L. J., Rt. 1, Sardinia R
Prater, Mrs. Anna Lou, RR #1, Greenville Prescott, Wm., 38580 Detroit Rd.,
Avon N.Z., Flem., Rex, Ckrs.
Preston, Betty, 384 Grant St., Wilmington Preston, Gordon, 384 Grant St., Wilmington Ratliff, James M., 37 Graham Road, Box 108, Reynoldsburg
Reed, C. T., 37 Graham Road, Box 108, Reynoldsburg
Reed, David, RFD #3, Navarre R
Reichert’s Rabbit Ranch, 2160 Sale Road, Columbus 24
Reiser, Thomas, Sr., 1721 Brown Road,
Columbus 23
Renner, Edward. Box 3, Bakersville Reno, John, Cedarville
Rice, Harry, Rt. 1, Portsmouth J&R
Richards, Frank L., 2724 Hillside Ave.,
Springfield 52 N.Z.
Riffle, Francis P.. P.O. Box 4, Middlebranch Ritz, John S.. 2950 Harmont Ave., N.E., Canton Ritz. Mrs. John, 2950 Harmont Ave., N.E., Canton Rockfield, Harry, 432 Rice St., Springfield Rocky Trail, Roger Miller, 47 Ohio St., Sabina Rodgers, J. W., 428 N. Buckeye St.. Bellevue Roerdanz, A., 1005 Wright St., Kingsville J&R
Roerdanz. Mrs. Al, 1005 Wright St., Kingsville Rogers, Earl, RR #2. Harrison Rohn, George, 1240 13th St., N.W., North Canton Ross, David G., 542 Fair St., Berea Rowe, Warren D., RD #1, Canal Fulton N.Z. Rowe, John F., RD #4. State Rt. 94, Medina Rowland, Vana, 465 Garden, Newark N.Z.
Rozic, William E., 26131 Rose Road. Westlake Rudibaugh, James D., RD #1, Salem Ruff, Frank A., RFD #1, c/o Ann Cox, Alliance Rugg, Ed, 9781 Weik Road, Cincinnati 39 Ruhl, Clyde, 444 Bethoven St., Mansfield Rusch, Louis, 1115½ Morrison St., Fremont Samuels, M. H., 525 Main St.,
Mineral Ridge J&R
Sargeant, Mrs. Elizabeth, 37543 2nd St.,
Willoughby Dutch
Sargeant, Fred S., 37543 Second St.,
Willoughby Rex, Gt. Chin.
Sautters, Karl, 1020 Roslyn Ave., S.,
Canton J&R, Dutch
Sautters, A. E., 1127 Garfield, S.W.,
Canton Cavies
Sautters, Mrs. A. E., 1127 Garfield. S.W., Canton Schalip, Carl W„ 642 W. Church St., Galion Scheckelhoff, Albert G., 4345 Marlow St.,
Dayton 6
Schneider, Joseph H., 311 S. Elm St., Celina Scott, Fred W„ Rt. 2, Bellville Senften, Donald L., 5150 4th, N.W., Canton Shearer, Billy E., 815 Brentnell Ave.,
Columbus N.Z.
Sherwood, B. A., Sherbrook Farm, Sperry Rd., Chesterland N.Z., J&R
Shingler, Harold H., 4615 Ranchwood Road,
Akron 13 Dutch, Ck. Giant
Shope, Logan, Rt. 1, Box 282, South Webster Shorten, Edward K., RFD #1, 3C Highway,
Shuck, Floyd M„ RR #2, Bucyrus J&R
Shupe, Ray, 447 Dickinson Ave., Van Wert N.Z. Slater, E. J., 9617 Benham,
Cleveland 5 J&R, English, Dutch, Polish
Smart, Carl, 216 Arch St., Clyde Smith, Dalando, 816 Maplewood Ave., Circleville Smith, Walter, 220 S. Chestnut St.,
Van Wert N.Z.
Smith, William C., 169 Perry St., Struthers Smith, Leona Fisher, RR #1, Wayne N.Z.
Snow, Donald, 53 W. Monroe St., Bedford Spangler, Larry, 609 Apple Ave., Toledo R
Spaulding, F. E., 1702 Mentor Ave., East Mentor Steck, Donald R., RR #1, Box 183,
West Alexandria
Stefl, Mrs. Frank, 1070 Township Line Road, Wellsville
Sterrett, A. W., 2224 Savoy Ave., Akron Stickley, Omer B., Rt. 2, Urbana Stillings, Howard D., 528 Park St., Galion Stokes, Harold, Rt. 1, West Liberty Stover, W. A., 523 N. Mill St., Celina
Strathman, Robert W.t 417 Washington Ave., Terrace Park
Strathman, Mrs. Robert W.,
417 Washington Ave., Terrace Park Stultz, Robert, 530 N. Union St., Galion Styles, W. L., 6254 Crossview Road,
Cleveland 29 J&R
Sullivan, Mrs. Erma, 3963 So. Dixie, Lima Sumner, Warren W., 331 Canfield Dr.,
Painesville Calif., Dutch
Sutcliffe, A. C„ Sr., Woodside Rabbitry, Middlefield
Svatek, Frank J., 12589 Albion Road,
No. Royalton 33
Swallows, M. W„ 807 Roosevelt Ave., Lima N.Z.
Swope, Roemer G., Rt. 6, Zanesville
Tausch, F. H., 795 Weller Ave., Akron 10 Dutch
Taylor, Horace, RFD #2, Tiffin
Taylor, Alma, RFD #2, Tiffin
Thompson, D. A., P.O. Box 49, Harpster
Thompson, O. R., P.O. Box 166, Xenia
Tinkey, E. Edwin, RD #1, Hanley Rd.,
Tope, Elmer C., RFD #1, Cherrodsville Torcaso, Rev. James, Rt. 1, Steubenville Torre, Sabastian, 1117 N. 6th St.,
Martins Ferry Chin.
Traxler, Geo., 931 Beechwood Ave., Columbus 13 Trenner, George, Bowers Lane, Rt. 1,
Zanesville N.Z., Am. Chins.
Tressell, H. J., 906 Harrison Ave., S.W.,
Canton Ck. Giant
Troyer, Clyde H., RR #1, Elida Tyson, Norman, RR #2, Fostoria Valente, Dominick J., Rt. 2, Ashville N.Z.
Vetter, Francis, Silvercreek Dr., Wadsworth Veverka, Lawrence H., RFD #3, Hobart Rd., Willoughby
Volzer, D. H., 1821 Woodland Ave., Canton
Wade, Roger E.. RFD #2, Weston
Wallace, Joan, RFD #5, Ashland Rex
Wallace, Leon, RFD #5, Ashland Rex
Walnut Row Rabbitry, RR #3, Xenia R
Walters, Gail R., RD #5, Salem
Ward, A. M., Rt. 1, Portsmouth N.Z.
Watson, Lewis E., RFD #1, Lowellville Wax, Howard, Rt. 3, Fremont Weaver, Harry, Mt. Eaton Weddle, Howard, Cable St., Van Wert Weeks, Donald F., RR #1, Highland Welker, Mirl, P.O. Box 812, Warren Wente, Don, Rt. 3, Box 203, Wheelersburg Wesche, Wilbur, Ridgeville Corners West, Betty, Box 122, Damascus Whiting, William W., 1090 Hopkins Road,
Mentor N.Z,
Williams, Beulah, Box 265, Diamond Williams, Fred, RFD #2, State Rt. 306,
Chagrin Falls
Williams, Dorothy, RFD #2, State Rt. 306, Chagrin Falls
Williams, Cloice. RR #4, Celina Williams, Russell, RD #2, Hubbard Coistville Rd., Hubbard Champagne
Willman, Wayne, 1900 Tuxedo Rd.,
Cleveland 9 J&R
Wilson, Kenneth W., 724 S. Court St„
Cirdeville N.Z.
Winegarden, Marvin E., 22960 Summerland Ave., No. Olmsted
Wireman, Jack, RD #1, Navarre Dutch
Wismer, Walter, 17105 Palda, Cleveland 28 Wisniewski, Leonard, 30 Beech Ave.,
Northfield Village Yeager, Harold W„ RFD #3,
2 Exchange Park Dr., Medina Yeater, Harry, 383 S. Warpole,
Upper Sandusky N.Z-
Yoder, James, Rt. 4, River Road,
Willoughby Hills Young, Joseph C., 2697 Somerville Jacksonburg Rd., Somerville Young, Floyd L., Rt. 1, Austin Road, Geneva Young, Ruth, Rt. 1, Austin Road, Geneva Young, Charles N., RFD #1 Sandusky Young, Mrs. Opal, RFD #1, Sandusky Youngen, Delmer H., Rt. 1, Baltic Younker, Mrs. John, Rt. 1, Box 311, Oregonia Zomonski, Alex, 1312 N. 8th St., Martins Ferry
State Representatives—
C. L. Teufel, North, 136 Kingston Rd., Ponca City Al F. Valouch, South, 425 S.W, Avenue, Bethany Allen, Mrs. C. B., 200 E. Burney, Madill Chin.
Allen, C. B„ 200 E. Burney, Madill Allen, Edna K., 1520 N. E. 9th St.,
Oklahoma City N.Z.
Alley, Roy H., Rt. 5, Box 268,
Oklahoma City N.Z.
Ashby, Earl, 408 N. 49th W. Avenue, Tulsa Austell, L., Box 144, Stillwater R
Bell, Robert, 845 N. Delaware St., Tulsa
Billingsley, J. M., 2225 S.W. 20,
Oklahoma City R
Brown, James M., 2116 SW 67th St.,
Oklahoma City j&r
Bryan, H. L., 1410 Park, Lawton Davis, Herman, P.O. Box 101, Lexington Dennis, Clinton D., Box 266, Marlow R
Dennis, Irene, Box 266, Marlow DeLuce, Louis F., 6558 E. 26th Court, Tulsa 14 Early, J. C., 520 E. Frank, Norman Elmore, W. L., 2500 N.W. 58th, Oklahoma City Engle, J. Howard, 2244 N. Main,
Tulsa J&R, N.Z.
Espich, Lehmon W., 324 Burnham,
Sapulpa R, Dutch
Eubanks, L. F., 410 Franklin, Sand Springs Fagan. Leonard J.. RD #3, Drummond Fite. Claude, Court House, Room 621,
Oklahoma City 2 Forest, John A., Box 322, Bixby Frazier, P. H., Rt. 1, Sapulpa Frech, Ruby, 2123 E. Pine, Enid Frech, Carl, 2123 E. Pine, Enid Gardner. Molly, Rt. 6, Box 51, Oklahoma City Gloar, Cleburn, 311 Summit, Lawton N.Z.
Green, A. R., 1632 N.W. 8, Oklahoma City Gullion, R. E.. Rt. 1, Wayne Harris, Thomas S., P.O. Box 1468,
Sapulpa J&R, N.Z.
Hatfield, W. A., 104 North 12th, Tonkawa Hinchee, Lee M., General Delivery,
Choctaw R. Hwt.. Chin., Calif.
Hosier, Henry, Box 52, Arnett Julian, W. H., 413 S.E. 49, Oklahoma City Klemmer, L. A., 1229 N. 11th St., Enid Latham, H. H.. 1412 N.W. 94th, Oklahoma City Leach, O. C., 421 N. Barker. El Reno Logan, Mrs. Virginia, 425 S.W. 45th,
Oklahoma City 9
McCaskell, Mrs. H. G., Rt. 1, Box 66,
Broken Arrow Satins
McCaskell, H. G.. Rt. 1. Box 66. Broken Arrow McClellan, Bob, Rt. 3, Box 581-J. Oklahoma City McDonald, Harry, 7702 E. 11th St., Tulsa McDonald, Mrs. Harry, 7702 E. 11th St., Tulsa McGehee, Eabert R., 3912 Recreation Dr.,
Tulsa N.Z.
McGovney, H. W., 1018 N. Elwood,
Tulsa J&R, Flemish
McGovney, Caroline, 1018 N. Elwood, Tulsa McMillan, Joy, Rt. 1, Broken Arrow McMillan, Joe, Rt. 1, Broken Arrow Mays, H. Ried, 5509 Harmon Dr.,
Oklahoma City 12
May, Mrs. Lillian, 6800 N.W. 23rd, Oklahoma City Moore, M. E., 801 N. College, Bethany Myers, George S., 1322 N.W. 80, Oklahoma City Nokes, Fred A., 2224 N. Kate, Oklahoma City Ogden, Benjamin, 1020 West Ardmore Ave., Sulphur
Osburn, A. E„ Box 345, Goltry Owen, T. L., Rt. 10, Box 939,
Oklahoma City J&R, N.Z.
Parks, W. L„ Box 205. Chickasha J&R
Perkins, L. C., 524 N. Garfield,
Sand Springs N.Z.
Powell, Herbert, 625 N. 25 W. Ave., Tulsa Puckett, J. E., 402 E. Fulkerson, Drumright Roberts, Shelvy, 2604 N. Midway, Enid Robison, H. E., Rt. 2, Temple Dutch
Ruckman, Lemuel G., Rt. 1, Lockeba Schuesder, Harold, Box 117, Kildare Calif.
Scott, Dave, P.O. Box 462, Boggs Slaten, C. E., 1625 N.E. 14th, Oklahoma City Smith, John L., 618 Elm St., Perry Spurlock, Alfred H., Rt. 1, Mannsville Stead, Richard J., Rt. 3, Cushing Stokes, Arthur A., 1222 Live Oak, Muskogee Sullivan, Robert L., 300 E. Park, Claremore Tarter, Robert, 3409 No. 78th St. East Ave.,
Tarter, Martha, 3409 No. 78 St. East Ave.,
Taylor, Dave F., Box 475, Box 11,
Midwest City
Teufel, Mrs. Grace, 136 Kingston Road,
Ponca City Satin
Teufel, Cramon L., 136 Kingston Road,
Ponca City N.Z., Calif.
Tinsley, W. I., 226 W. Hackberry, Enid Tripp, Marion D., 1409 N. 3rd, Box 1021,
Enid N.Z.
Valouch, Daisye, 425 S W Avenue,
Bethany Satins
Valouch, A. F., 425 S W Avenue, Bethany R
Walker, Earl, Rt. 1, Perry Weaver, L. O., RR #5,
Ponca City N.Z., Ck. Gts., Hwt. Chins.
Webber, Robert, 2001 N. Mingo Rd., Tulsa 15 Whipple, Glenn, Waynoka White, Sue, 1121 S.W. 51st, Oklahoma City Williams, Jack A., Box 197, Heavener 6 Yoesting, Roy, 26 W. Hurd, Edmond R
State Representative—
Burt Searle, Rt. 2, Box 37, Molalla Anderson, Gerry C., Rt. 4. Box 300, Sherwood Axford, Frank, Rt. 3, Box 31. Canby N.Z., Calif. Axford, Ann, Rt. 3, Box 31, Canby Bartholomew John, 3402 N.E. Holman. Portland Bates, Richard M., Rt. 1, Box 285-H, Turner N.Z. Benedetti, D., Rt. 1, Box 1384. Parkdale Brown, Eva L., 1131 S.W. Maplecrest Dr., Portland
Brown, Vilas J., 1131 S.W. Maplecrest Dr., Portland
Bunny Acre Rabbitry, Rt. 2, Box 100, Boring Cantrill, Edward S., Rt. 2, Box 241-A, Albany R Cantrill, Elizabeth, Rt. 2, Box 241-A, Albany Carda, Lawrence F., Rt. 3, Box 582,
Junction City
Carr, Alan G., Box 62, Arlington Chavez, Eddie, Halsey
Clark, Frank, R #3. Box 717. Oregon City R Clark, Mrs. Frank L., Rt. 3. Box 717, Oregon City Collingwood, Harriet, 1402 E. 5th St., Newberg Conroy, Lola, 5816 S.E. Firnwood St., Portland Conroy, Edward A., 5816 S.E. Firnwood,
Portland 22 Calif.
Cookson, Mrs. LaVern, 651 W. Morton St., Lebanon
Crane, Lyle L., 15870 S.W. Farmington Rd., Beaverton
Crooks, Doris L., 1805 S.W. 187th St., Aloha Cunningham. Jerry Robert, 750 N.E. Holland St., Portland 11
Dewey. Everett L., 16240 S.W. Myrtle St.,
Tigard R
Dewey, Velma, 16240 S.W. Myrtle St., Tigard
Earnest, Roy W., Rt. 1, Box 214, Rogue River Emil, Mrs. Helen, Rt. 1, Box 258, Aurora Flaherty, Sid, Halsey
Galer, Walter, Jr., Rt. 3, Box 97. Hood River Gascon, Elmer R., Rt. 1. Box 542. Gold Hill Gillaspie. C. C., Rt. 1. Box 108. Veneta Glidden, H. L., 243 So. Stage Road. Medford Graves, Lyle, Box 408. Rt. 1, Sherwood Gregg, Dale M., 1849 Scott Road. Springfield Hadley, K. L., 3350 Clear Lake Road,
Junction City
Harri, Werner, c/o R. L. Tones, Box 44, Clifton Harris, Edward L., Box 836 Ontario Horner, Carroll W., Rt. 3. Box 329, Oregon City House, Howard C., Rt. 1, Box 83,
Warren N.Z., Dutch, Satin
Inman, Verle G., P.O. Box 641, North Bend Kninefelter, I. N.. 4057 East 19th St., Eugene Knize, Howard, Rt. 1, Box 744, Beaverton Larson, Joseph, 7721 S.E. 83 Ave.. Portland Law, D. P., 8917 S.E. Stark, Portland 16 J&R Law, Mrs. Ethel, 9540 N.E. Skidmore, Portland Loop, Ernest E., Rt. 1, Box 222. Amity Lowit, J. C., Rt. 2, Box 440, Troutdale J&R Lowit, Mrs. J. C., Rt. 2, Box 440, Troutdale McDowell, Opal, Timber Route, Vernonia McKenna, Grover D., Rt. 1, Box 942, Hood River Manning, Edward, Rt. 1, Box 255-A, Corvallis Mattson, Harold A., 2211 S.W. Sunset Dr., Portland N.Z.. Calif.
Moheng, Everett H., P.O. Box 68, Springfield Morkert, G. L„ RFD #1, Box 32 Colton O’B ien, Claude, Rt. 1, Box 53, Springfield Pawson, Carroll A., Rt. 1, Box 110EE,
Portland 10
Pitner, Hugh, Rt. 3, Box 624, Hillsboro Scherschel, George, Wynde Nolle Rabbitry,
Rt. 3. Box 625, Oregon City Searl, Mrs. Victoria K., Rt. 2. Box 371, Molalla Searl, Burt, Rt. 2, Box 371, Molalla J&R
Shupe, W. A., Rt. 1, Box 235, McMinnville Skinner, Wm. J., 1360 So. 2nd St., Springfield Smith, Mrs. Virginia J., Rt. 1, Box 149, Mulino Summers, Christina, 5008 S.W. Taylor Terry Rd., Portland N.Z., Calif., Sil. Martens
Swezey, W. V., Rt. 2, Elmira Tuttle, Grant S.. Rt. 4, Box 482,
Rainbow Dr., Salem
Van de Kamp, Mrs. Mary B., 2201 Skyview Dr., Medford
Vreeland, Bob, 13560 S.W. Hwy. 217, Tigard Watkins, Gordon, 10310 N.E. Marx,
Portland 20 N.Z.
West, Stephen, Rt. 1, Box 436, West Linn J&R West, Bernard N., Rt. 1, Box 966, Sandy Wical, John, Rt. 2 Box 30, Aurora Wilson, Vernon G., Rt. 1, Baker Calif., N.Z. Wirth, Margaret, Rt. 1, Box 274, Corvallis
State Representatives—
1. Charles H. Clater—East, 329 Liberty St.,
2. W. H. Kennedy—So. West
3. O. J. McCollough—No. West, P.O. Box 76,
Derrick City
Abel, Clara W., Thornton Abel, George W„ Thornton Ackerman, Stewart, RD #3, Meyersdale Adair, William, RD #2, Denver Andrew, Tommy, 74 Terrace Drive,
Shavertown J&R, Am. Chin.
Andrew, Mrs. Tommy, 74 Terrace Drive, Shavertown
Andrew, M. P., RD #2, Cogan Station Andrews, Paul C., RD #4, Allentown Anelle, M. M„ RD #1, Union City Antonucci, Guy, 523 Allegheny Ave.,
W. Aliquippa
Armstrong, Ed W., 201 E. Pine St., Athens Arnold, Earl C., 532 Washington St„ Allentown Austin, Alfred Henry, 1604 Swissvale Ave., Pittsburgh 21
Avery, Theodore, Jr., RD #2, Mechanicsburg Bahs, Mrs. Allen F., RD #3, York Bahn, Allen F., RD #3, York Bailey, Thornton C., 1010 Hancock St., Chester Baker, Dr. C. S., Center Square Baker, John, RD #2, Smethport Bank, Ted P., 608 11th St., Pitcairn Bardo, Byron D., Eyersgrove Barnes, Eloise, Starr Route, Rixford Barnes, Ivan, Starr Route, Rixford Castorex
Bartholomew, Byron L., RD #2, Petersburg Rd., Hadley
Beato, Carl, Box 243, Pricedale Becker, Cuthbert C., 624 Arthur St.,
Philadelphia 11 Angora
Bedison, G. Burton, Brighton Heights,
New Brighton R
Beiler, Abner, RD #1, Gordonville Benson, Louis, RFD #1, Atlantic Bevier, Benjamin, RD #3, McDonald Bick, John J., 933 Wood St.,
Latrobe Eng., Am. Chin.
Bidlock, Mrs. Andrew, RD #2,
Pennsylvania Ave., Sayre Gt. Chin., N.Z.
Bidlock, Andrew, RD #2,
Pennsylvania Ave., Sayre Gt. Chin., N.Z.
Billett, Joseph, 187 N. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre Bitner, Ellsworth S., 414 Erie St,, Daugphin Bloch, Ronald, Southridge Dr., Bridgeville Blyth, James, 4323 Murray Ave.,
Pittsburgh 17 J&R, Eng., Silvers
Blyth, Edna E., 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh 17 Bowman, Jay, RFD #1, Hegins Bowman, Howard L., Salisbury Calif.
Brelsford, Frank, 560 S. Bellevue Ave., Penndel Briar, Robert E., RD #2, Lewistown Briggs, Alton B., 1927 1st St., Altoona Flemish Briggs, Barney, RD #2,
Saegerstown Champ. D’Argents
Britton, James M., RD #4, Box 392, Coraopolis Brocklehurst, Edward, 72 South Second St., Greenville
Brown, Howard R., RD #1, Oley
Brown, Harry C.. Main St., Harrison City
Brucker, Mable V., Rt. 2, Elm Grove Rabbitry,
W. Middlesex
Brucker, Albert I., Rt. 2, West Middlesex R Brumagin, Billy, RD #5, Lake Pleasant Rd.,
Erie Satins
Buchanan, Elsie, Hackett Home, Norristown Bucker, Elam H., Rt. 4, Manheim Burford, Maxwell H., RFD #1, Valencia Burk, Myron L„ RFD #1, Hughesville Carroll, Donald R., RD #3 Mercer Clark, Lawrence E., Rt. 1, Willow Street Clater, Charles H., 329 Liberty St.,
Bethlehem Calif.
Clauson, Paul N., RD #1, Linesville Cook, Tim, Washington Crossing Cooper, Harry W., 36 Mead Ave.,
Meadville Ck., Champs.
Cover, James, RD #1,
Pulaski Champs, N.Z., Angora
Crawford, Roy E., 909 E. Penn, New Bethlehem Crowe, Robert T., RFD #3, Saegertown Cullings, Richard J , Box 72, RD s6,
Cumming, W. Wayne, Sr., 27 Greenwood Road, Altoona N.Z., Angora
Dalton, R. M., RFD #3, Smethport Davies, R. Paul. RD #4, Pole 3326,
Lehmen Rd., Dallas Davis, James C., Mill St., New Salem Davis, Norman E., 211 W. Main St., Youngsville Deardorff, Charles E., RD #1, Etters Decker, Carl E., Jr., 935 Overdeck Ave., Stroudsburg
DeGroat, Mrs. Mildred, RFD S2, Box 23, Honesdale
Densberger, R. W., Nescopeck
Dickinson. Edward S., Sr., RD #1, Parkesburg
Dietsch, Harold, Kinzua
Dreher, Kermit W., 223 N. 13th St.,
Allentown J&R, Flemish
Dreher, Mrs. Mary, 223 N. 13th St., Allentown Driver, Samuel, 2240 Mahaffey Lane,
Drumm, Russell E., 403 N. Wisteria St.,
Drumm, Charlotte, 403 N. Wisteria St.,
Dull, Nevin C., RD #4, Hanover Dumbauld, Chas. P., RD #1, Palmyra Dunbar, Daniel J., Weihert
Ebersole, Gabriel H., RD #1, Box 334,
Eckert, Charles W., Sr., RD #2,
Bethlehem R, N.Z., Flemish
Einsig, Albert N., Box 175, Emigsville Elliott Brothers, Box 172, Shinglehouse Emerick, W. L., RD #1. Freedom Emery, Ralph H., Jr., RFD #1, Box 38, Emlenton Emig, Gary W., Lincoln Way East,
RD #1, Hellam
English Everett W., RD #4, Meadville Figuerredo, Henrique, 719 Riverside Dr.,
West Bridgewater
Finke, Richard, 3226 Norcross Rd., Erie Angora Fix, Eugene T., Stewartstown Foust, Mrs, E., Box 222, RD #1, Zelienople Frank, William W., RD #1, Baresville Fritz, Karl L., Longwood Road, Kennett Square Fromal, Lewis, 908 Pennell St., Chester Funk, Earl L., Rt. 4, Lebanon Galetz, F. W„ 427 Main St.. Gilberton Gearhart, Dale, RD #2, Hollidaysburg Gelling, Melvin, Jr., Mtd. Rt., Trindle Rd., Carlisle
Gerardi, Sam, 300 Walnut St., Warren J&R, N.Z. Gizdic, John T,, 132 Maple St.. Sharpsviile Glaser, Karl, 115 N. Allison St., Greencastle Glasgow, William M., RD #2, Gibsonia Glass, Joseph P., Newry
Godshall, Marvin B., RD #2, Lansdale J&R Gohn, Donald H., 1418 W. Market St.. York Goldsmith. James R., RD #2, Waterford Good, Irvin L., RD #2, Bethlehem N.Z., Angora Goodling. Bert, 423 E. High St., Elizabethtown Gordon. Walter W., Jr., 2 Apple Ave.,
Bortondale, Media Gouse, Russel, Box 87, Rothsville Greco. Sam Del, Jr., 1632 Lincoln Way, McKeesport N.Z.
Gregor, Joseph J., RD s2, Evans City R
Gres, Dorothea Marie, Warwick Rd., RD #4, Lititz
Groff, Jason R., 114 S. Charlotte St., Manheim Gross, Harold K,, East Rock Road, Rt. 63, Allentown
Grubb, George S., RD #1, Linglestown Haigh, Lonnie, Sr., 232 E. Stella St.,
Philadelphia 34 Hall, Mrs. Christine, RD #2,
Quakertown Silver Marten
Hall, Edwin P„ RD #2,
Quakertown Calif., Satins
Harned, Tom, 111 South St.. Wattsburg Harvey, Carl I„ RD #1, Ebensburg Heberleln, Arthur, 3051 West 32nd St.,
Erie R, Champs.
Helman, Robert L., 327 Commerce St.,
Henshur, Walter, RD #1, Nazareth Herrington, George L., RD #1, Box 134, Greensboro
Hershey Bros. Rabbitry, RD #1, Paradise Hess, Allen J., Jacobus R
Heubel, Kurt H., Box 105, McKean Hewitt, Clarence C,, Rt. 5, Gettysburg Hickman, Mrs. S. P., Jr., 461 E. Locust Ave., Philadelphia 44 Satins, Cr. D’Arg.
Hill, Samuel, RR 20, Bethlehem Hlrko, Joseph, RD #1, Stahlstown Hlipala, John Richard, RD #2, Waynesburg Hodge, Frank S., P.O. Box 211, Portage Holtzinger, J. E., 512 S. 22nd St., Altoona R Holzhauer, Norman, RFD #1, Meyersdale Hood, Georgia F., RD #5, Lake Pleasant Rd.,
Erie N.Z., Satins
Hoover, Elwood, Rt. 1, Mt. Wolf Hostetler, Ronald, 107 Hemlock St.. Windber Houser, Eugene F., RR #1, New Columbia Hubert, Frederick, RE #2, Elizabeth N.Z.
Hutt, Claude B„ 330 Orvilla Rd., RD #1,
Lansdale Gt. Chin.
Indof, Lewis T., Box 352, Smithton Irwin, Elmer, 7623 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh Kane, Mary M., Ridge Road, RD #2, Sayre Kann, Richard, RD #4, York Kaser, Shirley, Sprint Mount Rd., Delphi Keefer, William E., 38 West Pottsville St.,
Pine Grove
Kendall, Guy W., Star Route 3, Shippensburg Kelly, James F., MR 11, Elwood City
Kennedy, W. H., 222 Soose Road,
Pittsburgh 9 J&R, Polish
Kepner, Jim, 507 S. Twenty Second St.,
Altoona J&R
Kerns. F. S., RD #1, Box 226,
Hollidaysburg R, Flemish
Kiesewetter, Wray S., 576 Thompson Run Road, Pittsburgh 37
Kifer, John A., RD #1, Crescent Hts.,
New Brighton
Kindelberger, E. H„ Jr., RD #1. Freedom Kinney, Wayne Patrick, Box 382, Parker Knepp, Russell, RD #3, Tyrone Knight, Jackie D., RD #1, Venus Knowles, Robert H., RD #2, Quakertown Kolb, Marvin, Rt. 1, Pottstown Kovach, George E., RD #1, Box 257,
Kramer, Arthur R., 5201 Marwood Rd., Philadelphia 20
Krott, Carl R., 719 N. 10th St., Reading Rex Krott, Mrs. Mabel, 719 North 10th St„
Reading Rex
Krumrey, Helen, RD #1, Montoursville La Barre, Clair C., RD #1, Dallas Lamborn, Alva T. P., RD #1, Holtwood Champ. Leech, Edward F., RD #2, Watsontown Leppard, Edward G., Mtd. Rt., Trindle Rd., Carlisle
Lichtenberger, George, 18 E. Broome St.,
Port Jervis Flem., Champs., Himalayans
Little, Mrs. Frank L., RD #1, Muncy Valley Little, Frank L., RD #1, Muncy Valley Loudenslager, A. H., RD #2,
Hidden Valley Farm, Montoursville Loudenslager, Mrs. A. H., RD #2,
Hidden Valley Farm, Montoursville Loy, Harold G., RD #2, Newville Luckenbaugh Rabbitry, Spring Grove, Rt. 1 McCollough, O. J., Box 76,
Derrick City R, Flemish
McCombig, Francis, Spangler McCoy, Fred R., RFD, Ashville McCready, H. E., 911 Second Ave., Duncansville McCullough, Kirk W„ RD #5,
Box 456, Washington McFadden, Donald W., RD #3, Dover McGee, Victor W., 4901 Oak Ave., Altoona McGuire, G. S., RD #4, Town Hall Rd.. Erie R McKeever, Wallace S., RR #1, Saltsburg Mabary, D., 116 Maplewood Ave., Philadelphia Madey, Gary, Rt. 1, Box 54, Windber Mantsch, Michael, 3020 Marvin Ave., Eric Markel, Mrs. Harry M., RD #2, Glen Rock Markley, Eugene, RD #1, York Haven Matthews. Michael W., 203 Seaward Ave., Bradford
May, Donald, 115 S. Main St., Dover Meilinger, George, Jr., RD #1, Hellertown Messner, Jack, Rothsville Metz, Samuel, Allensville
Meyers, Orville W., RR #1, St. Thomas R, N.Z. Miedel, Adam, P.O. Box 195, Scottdale Mihalko, John, 121 Figley Ave., Aliquippa Miller, James B., Sr., RD #1, Sharpsviile Miller, J. Filmore, 6851 Blue Ridge Ave., Harrisburg
Miller, Mrs. Clinton, Box 645, Saltsburg Miller, Charles Robert, Rt. 4, Hooverville Miller, Edwin E., RD #1. Box 301, Lancaster Miller, John C„ R 7, York Miller, Howard E., 86 E. Reber St.,
Miller, Stewart L., RD #1, Manchester Moore, Herbert K., RD #1, Gardners Moore, Raymond, Box 51, Transfer Morris, George, RD #4, Robbin Station Rd.,
Morton, James E., 817 Lafayette St., Coatesville
Mundy, Margaret E., RD #1, Laurel
Murdock, James D., P.O. Box 153, Brockway
Myers, Clair E., RD #1, Spring Grove
Myers, Charles Ed., Jr., RD #2, Littlestown
Myers, Monroe, RD #2, Dover
Myers, W. H„ 235 Vine St., Wrightsville
Nagel, Carl F., Box 104, Waterford Angora
Nagel, Rose Marie, Box 104, Waterford
Naney, Elmer R., RD #3, Indiana
Nave, Veryle, RD #3, Bedford
Nobles, Leland C., RD #3, Smethport
Nolan, Gerald, RD #1, Honesdale
Ohlsen, Vivian M., Rt. 4, Troy
Omston, Gilbert T., Westchester Pike &
Street Rd., RD #1, Newtown Square Painter, John M., Rt. 3, Chambersburg Malmiter, Merle, RD #1, Dalton Pavlesich, Frank, Rt. 3, Lebanon Peffley, Harry T., RD #2, Lebanon Piefer, Virgil, 542 Broad St., Pittston Perillo, Fred J., RD #6, Box 106, Greensburg Pielmeir, James W., RD #2, Duncansville Porch, Emery E., RD #1, Acme Posey, Bob, 609 So. Spruce St., Lititz Ralston, Wm. S., RD #2, Box 293, Kane Rawsthorne, Walter E., 8th & Penn Ave., Pittsburgh 22 N.Z.
Rebok, Michael, 721 So. Union St., Middletown Rehrig, J. Harvey, RD #1, Bangor Reiss, John, 1200 Crane Road, Pittsburgh 20 Reynolds, James H., Wind Ridge Rice, R, E., RD #1 Smith's Ferry Riggall, G. G., 16 So. Broad St., Nazareth Robertson, Mrs. Faith, RD #1, Thomasville Rodman, Thomas M., RD #4, Irwin Calif.
Rodman, David L., RD #4, Irwin Calif.
Ruffner, George A., RD #1, Industry Rupp, William L., 28 E. Main, Adamstown Russell, Mrs. Ray H., Silver Acres Rabbitry,
RD #2. W. Greene Rd., Waterford Dutch Russell, Ray, Rt. 2, West Green Road,
Sanders, S. W., RD #1, Box 206, Kane
Sargent, Pearle B., Rt. 4, Union City
Sarvey, Paul, 1122 3rd St., Beaver
Saxe, Oscar W., RD #1, Hunlock Creek Flemish
Saxon, Andrew, RD #2. Red Lion
Sawyer, Leon A., RD #2, Phoenixville
Schilling, Leroy T., 607 Crosley Ave., Barnesboro
Schmidt, John, RD S4, Box 304, Irwin
Schnell, B. A., Box 221, RD #1, Fairview
Schooley, Arthur, RD S5, New Castle
Schwartz, B. D., Sr., RD #1, Harrisville
Scott, C. W., 4940 Buffalo Rd., Erie
Shauff, William E., Star Route, Tionesta
Shearer, Walter J., RD #1, Reinholds
Shelley, Allen A., RD #9, York
Shultz, Stanley E., RD S4, Lancaster
Sigler, Dale E„ RD #4, Bedford
Smith, Merlin L., RD #1, Nescopeck
Smith, Clarence, RD #1, Dalton R
Smith, John A., 56 W. 4th St., Pottstown Rex
Smith, Russell, Kulpsville
Snider, Charles O., Box 44, Fort London
Snyder’s Rabbitry, 750 Grant St.,
Hazleton Flemish
Snyder, Mrs. J. W., 750 Grant St., Hazleton Snyder, Earl C., 128 Manor Ave.,
Millersville R
Snyder, Harry, RD #2, Sellersville Snyder, Lamar. Dumar Farm, St. Johns Spier, Joseph, Kellers Church Sprenkle, George W.. 716 Franklin St.,
Window Park, York Sterner, J. Michael, RD #1,
Manchester N.Z., S. Mart.
Stineman, Ev, South Fork Stock, Thomas A., 4658 Village St., Erie Stoeckel, Gerhard P., 1440 Gordon St., Allentown Street, John, 328 Chase St.. Kane Strogan. George, RD #2. Halifax Styer, Stanley, Box 34. Mainland Swartz, Jesse V., 720 W. Philadelphia St., York Swartzbeck, Clyde, Box 97, Jamestown
Tabaka, John F., 727 E. 29th St., Erie Taylor, Hugh D., 45 Rolling Lane, Levittown Thayer, Clarence, 1320 West 34th St., Erie Thayer, Harold N„ 1320 West 34th St., Erie Thom, Albert, 686 Glen Rock, Bethel Park Thomas, Rev. Brother, C. O., 213 So. St.,
Wattsburg J&R, Palominos
Tobias, Floyd, 22 Washington St., Nazareth Toombs, Clayton, Duke Center N.Z.
Townsend, James, Sr., 883 Old Lancaster Rd., Berwyn
Trethaway, Harold H., 832 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre
Trick, D. A., RD #2, Hughesville R, N.Z.
Unruh, Robert, Skippack Ck. Giants
Very, Eugene C., RD #1, Box 3,
Smethport Ck. Giants
Von, C. W. “K”, RD #5, Lake Pleasant Rd.,
Erie N.Z., Satins
Wagner, Paul W., 49 E. Penn Ave., Alburtis Walizer, Stanley C., RD #1,
Lock Haven Flemish
Wallick, John, Jr., RD #1. Box 288, Moscow Warburton, C. Egerton, 578 Lancaster Ave., Berwyn
Weidler, Sylvester, 319 W. Caracas Ave., Hershey Welshko, Joseph S., 102 Highland, RD #1, Freeland
West, Frank, Columbus Ave., Hawley Westley, Frank, Rt. 18. Pottstown Wilhelm, Clinton A., RD #3, Bedford Williams, Lloyd, RD #1, Sugar Grove Williams, Wm. H., 144 Bellevue Rd.,
Pittsburgh 29
Wilson, Thomas W,, RD #1, Palmerton Witzel, Carl A., Linfield Wolf, A. S., 640 E. 33rd St., Erie Wolferd, Chester, RD #3, Lebanon Woodcock, J. S., 1319 7th St., Altoona
Yates, V. K., 228 Brook Street, Willow Grove 5
Zucker, Walter, RD #2, Sunbury
State Representative—
Arnold Collison, 43 Townsend St.,
West Barrington
Bowen, Edward S., 698 Buttonwoods Ave., Warwick
Burdick, Wayne, Western Hill Rabbitry, Nasonville
Burrows, Mrs. Ethel, 16 Stoneham St.,
Cranston 10
Cabral, Antone, 448 E. Hooper St.. N. Tiverton Collison, Arnold J., 43 Townsend St.,
W. Barrington
Cottingham, C. B., Jr., Qtrs. 17-B, Fort Adams, Newport
Crossley, Fred W., 64 Sayles Ave., Pascoag DeLalla, Michael. 28 Harding Ave., Johnston Ferreira, A. G., 47 Anthony Ave., Bristol Marquis, Joseph E., Box 137, Wyoming Martenson, Clark, 79 Lake Shore Dr.,
RD #1, Centerdale 11
Mowry, Mrs. Mary E., RR #3, Esmond Branch, Providence 17
Mundy, George, Homecrest Ave., Slatersville R Nightingale, Wm., Jr., Mt. Hygeia Rd.,
Glocester, RD #2, Chepachet N.Z.
Panciera. Charles, 90 Franklin St.,
Westerly N.Z.
Renfrew, R. A., 9 Elinora St., Riverside Sherman, Samuel R., Dixon Ave., Bristol Sherman, Mrs. Samuel R., Dixon Ave., Bristol Young, George H., RD #3, Woonsocket
State Representatives—
1. W. Parks Farrow—West, 913 Lake Ave.,
North Augusta
2. M. L. Love—East, P.O. Box 1250, Florence
Allison, Jack, Rt. 1, Box 246, Columbus Bolderson, Clayton W., 311 Woodlawn Ave. West, North Augusta R
Bush, H. I., 8 Linnet Loop, N. Augusta Callahan, Willis R., 3014 Park St., Columbia 2 Cribb, Jettie, Rt. 3, Florence
Farrow, W. P., 913 Lake Ave., N. Augusta J&R
Ferns, Don, 122 Glenwood Ave., Anderson
Hahn, F. W., Jr., P.O. Box 626, Greenwood
Hartz, H. C., Ridgeland
Hicks, M. H., 1109 Colleton St., Columbia 3
Hill, Medwell, Rt. 5, Box 241, Aiken
Hine, Earl F., 1509 Ousleydale, Hartsville
Jankowski, Casimir S., RR #1, Box 403, Beaufort
June, Robert, Rt. 5. Box 251-D, Sumter
La Grande, John, Box 1281, Columbia
Lockaby, John P., Columbia Baptist Church,
Rt. 3, Monea Path Love, M. L„ P.O Box 1250,
Florence R. Calif., Chin.
Pedings, James W., Rt. 1. Box 166. Columbia Rice, W. A., 104 Railroad St., Graniteville N.Z. Riddle, J. S„ 217 Chesterfield St.,
North Charleston Dut., Flem., Gt. Chin., N.Z. Rykard, Robert H.. Box 488, Greenwood R
Shealy, L. W., 2718 Westwood,
West Columbia R, English Spots
Smith, B. O., Rt. 4. Box 142, Florence Smith, M. C., 522 W. Broadway, Myrtle Beach Stalker, Asa Willard, 48 Alabama Dr.,
Charleston Hgts.
Talbent, O. K., RD #1. Oliver Springs Towery, Everett, 1707 Hill Drive, Aiken Wilson, Jack W., Rt. 2, Apalache Road, Greer
State Representative—
D. B. Huetson, 226 High St., Vermillion
Ball, Melvin, Box 72, Piedmont Ball, Mrs. Melvin H., Box 72, Piedmont Bartz, Brian D., 1502 S. 2nd St., Aberdeen Begalka, Elroy W., Box 243, Clear Lake Bloom, N. C., Rt. 1, Box 449, Yankton Branaugh, Ben, Box 284, Rt. 2, Yanketon Dunkleberger, M. C„ 2813 S. Holly, Sioux Falls Gates, DeWayne, 1012 S. 10th Ave., Sioux Falls Gretschman, John R., Springfield Knochenmus, R. V., Box 230, RD #3,
Sioux Falls N.Z.
Larson, Leonard G., 3114 S. Summit, Sioux Falls McFall, Paul W., Box 695, Rapid City McParland, Harold. North Sioux City Parish, Don, 110 N.E. 8th St., Madison Ramey, Roy, 433 E. Indiana St., Rapid City Roe, Mrs. Robert D., 1103 Blaine, Rapid City Roe, Robert D., 1103 Blaine Ave., Rapid City Ryken, Harold, 3105 So. Summit, Sioux Falls Serel, John, 2021 S. 1st Ave., Sioux Falls Stride, Harold E., 1705 West 11th, Sioux Falls Striech, Robert, 1207 S. Dakota Ave., Sioux Falls Wirshing, Frank, Rt. 2, Box 124-B, Rapid City
State Representatives—
1. Joe H. Godsey—East, 145 Goodson Ave.,
2. James L. Vaughters—West, 1872 Valley Blvd.,
Addair, H. W., 2541 Kimball Ave., Memphis Alexander, T. H., Jr., Rt. 2, James Ave.,
Alexander, G. C., Box 56, Manchester Allen, S. J., 203 Goddard St., Marysville Ault & Cochran Rabbit Ranch,
924 Stewart St., Knoxville Barham, Ray, 3503 2nd Ave., Chattanooga Betts, Hugh J., 911 Churchwell Ave., N.E., Knoxville R, N.Z., Dutch. Chin.,
Sable, Ck. Gt.
Blankenshin, H. M., c/o James Mill Co.,
1103 S. Market St., Knoxville Blazer, W. G., 3349 Bellevue St., N. E„
Knoxville 17
Bobbitt, Mrs. Gertrude, 3147 Nathan, Memphis Brazzell, James, J&M Rabbitry,
205 White Bridge Rd., Nashville N.Z.
Brown-Hartsfield Rabbitry, 2812 Buchanan, Nashville 8
Carter, Miss Freda C., Rt. 1, Peltier Rd., Knoxville
Cheka, Mrs. Joseph S., 4710 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville 16
Cox, Walter R., Rt. 1, Peltier Rd. Knoxville Delfino, J. A., 1613 Wells Station Road,
Memphis 8
Dowdle, R. L., Jr., 303 N. Spring St., Shelbyville Fiddler, W. C., 2912 Dunn Ave.,
Memphis 14 N.Z.
Fiscus, Charles A., 206 S. Perkins Rd.,
Memphis N.Z., Fox
Fitts, Wayne, RD #1, Cross Plains Fletcher, Basis R., Sr., Box 149 Manchester Foust, Curtis Hoover, RD #l, Lake City Godsey, Joe H., 145 Goodson Ave.,
Chattanooga J&R, N.Z., Chins.
Graves, Clay, Rt. 3, Corryton N.Z.
Griffin, John D., Waters Ave., Watertown Grizzard, V. B., 410 Donelson Pike,
Donelson N.Z.
Hackett, Henry Dennis, Rio Vista Drive, Madison
Hampton, James F., 1904 Newton St., S.E., Knoxville
Hastings, John M., 3945 Michael Rd.,
Memphis J&R, N.Z., Chin.
Henderlight, Hubert, Rt. 3, Coreyton N.Z., Calif.
Hickman, Al, Kingston Pike. Lenoir City Hill, Louis T., 3810 Catalpa, Knoxville Hitt, Chas. H., Rt. 6, Johnson City Huddleston, J. A., Box 103. Franklin R
Huggins, R. C., 28 Dequois Drive,
Chattanooga J&R
Johnson, Emory J., 945 W. Elm St., Erwin Junge, Walter, Box 314, Lewisburg Kress, Robert. 1203 Jetton Drive,
Murfreesboro N.Z.
Loy, Harley A.. Rt. 4, Clinton McLeroy, B. F., 2366 Twain St,. Memphis 14 McQuiston, Thomas, 124 Rock St., Nashville 7 Markham, J. R., P.O. Box 1, Camden Martinez, Vincente, P.O. Box 1234,
Watts Bar Dam
Mayer, R. E., 1444 So. Willett, Memphis Rex
Milam, L. T., Jr., 2178 Monroe Ave.,
Memphis 4 R, Calif.
Moore, James E., 1015 Curdwood Blvd., Nashville Natchez Street Rabbitry, 241 Natchez St.,
Nolen, Mrs. Fred, RFD #2, Box 246,
Porter, Charles, 39C7 Katherine, Nashville Posey, Luther, 4901 Knoxwood Drive, Knoxville Rhyne, Herman H., Rt. 4, Clinton N.Z.
Robbins, W. I., 514 Spears Ave.,
Chattanooga 5 N.Z.
Sandlin, Mrs. W. E„ Jr., RFD #2, Ripley Sandlin, W. E„ Jr., RFD #2, Ripley Scherrer, Paul J., 4908 Navy Rd., Millington Severance, F. W., 220 Garden Ave.,
Fountain City J&R, N.Z., Chin., Angoras
Shaub, E. P., 836 Inverness Ave., Nashville Shields, Roy W., Sr., Bluff Road, Brentwood Silverman, E. E., 2732 Jones Ave., Nashville 7 Smith, W. H., 2814 Painter Ave.,
Knoxville 19 J&R
Spears, J. Franklin, c o Texas Eastern Trans. Corp., RFD #5, Lebanon Sumner, Mrs. Kay, Rt. 18, Knoxville Sumner, C. A., Rt. 18, Knoxville N.Z.
Taylor, Mrs. Laura, Rt. 2, Louisville Taylor, Clyde N., P.O. Box 68, Maryville R
Thomas, A. B., Franklin Elementary School, Franklin
Tillery, R. A., 1606 E. 12th St.,
Chattanooga 4 J&R
Trew, Max A., Box 533, Englewood
Tucker, Larry B., Box 215, Lafayette Vaughters, Lowell, 1872 Valley Blvd., Memphis Vaughters, Keith, 1872 Valley Blvd., Memphis Vaughters, Norma, 1872 Valley Blvd.,
Memphis English, Rex
Vaughters, James, 1872 Valley Blvd.,
Memphis J&R, Rex
Weidlein, R. F., 956 Chamblisa Road,
Whitehaven J&R
Welch, Roy, 5111 Alabama Ave., Nashville Williams, B. O., Sr., Nolinsville Wood, Cecil, 2821 Vaulx Lane, Nashville Wright, W. H., Jr., 821 Inez St., Memphis J&R Young, Howard, RFD #7, Sparta
State Representatives—
1. Charles O’Dell—No. West, Box 1948, Amarillo
2. J. F. Butler—So. West, 1028 Drexel Ave.,
San Antonio
3. R. B. Hopkins—No. East, 5909 Midway,
Fort Worth
4. C. E. Ogg, Rt. 3, Box 64, Orange Abbott, J. B., Sr., 158 Fennel Drive,
San Antonio N.Z.
Adams, Harold, Box 1382, Lubbock R
Adams, Claudine, 3524 Park Drive, Nederland Adams, Wayne N., 3524 Park Dr., Nederland Adams, F. E., Rt. 1, Box 89-D, Alta Loma Adams, Mrs. F. E„ Rt. 1, Box 89-D, Alta Loma Albrecht, Martin S., 610 Land Rd., La Marque Allamon, G. W., Rt. 3, Box 262-G, Austin 5 Allen, William A., Rt. 1, Box 151-C, Orange Allen, Dr. G. D., 7609 Parkland Dr..
El Paso N.Z., Rex, Himalayan
Allen, Drew, Camp Woodland Springs,
Rt. 1, Hawkins
Allen, R. D., 4717 Laura Koppe,
Houston N.Z., Calif.
Allen, Mrs. R. D., 4717 Laura Koppe,
Houston N.Z., Calif.
Anderson, Billie Marie, Rt. 1, Box 101, Riesel Anderson, John D., Rt. 1, Snyder Armke, R. H., Rt. 3, Box 185. Vidor N.Z., Calif. Armke, Marcyl James, Rt. 3, Box 185, Vidor Barnard, J. M., P.O. Box 664, Vidor Barrow, Gordon L., Box 185, Qu mado Bassett, L. E„ 10002 Lansdown, Dallas 17 Beattie, Ray V., Rt. 1, Box 45-A, Quail Belcher, Lawrence, 2500 N. Mirror St., Amarillo Bennett, Mrs. Earl K,, Rt. 3, Box 221-C,
San Antonio
Bennett, Earl K., Rt. 3, Box 221-C, San Antonio Bernard, E. R., Jr., 4090 El Paso, Beaumont Berry, Robert W., 521 N. Calvert,
Spar N.Z., Dutch
Bevan, Semont, 3915 Avenue M, Galveston Bickerstaff, W. W., 414½ Travis, Houston Bingle, Mrs. Alma, 1355½ Doucette St,,
Bobo, Emmet, 1306 Tidwell Rd., Houston Bohnenblust, John H., 261 Angella St.,
San Antonio
Boutin, Joe, Box 2121, Port Neches Bradshaw, G. W., 6411 Eden Dr., Fort Worth Brady, W. W., Rt. 13, Box 636, San Antonio Britton, F. D., 307 Edna, Weatherford Brown, Lawrence H., Rt. 6, Box 19, Austin Bryant, Donald R., 926 24 Avenue No. Texas City Burge, J. H., P.O. Box 25, Mineola Burkhead, Eugene, 103 West 11th St., San Angelo Burnham, Olin, 425 Avery, Midland Burns, A. R., P.O. Box 2462, Longview Butler, J. F., 1028 Drexel Ave., San Antonio Butler, Mrs. J. F., 1028 Drexel Ave., San Antonio Calvert, C. E., P.O. Box 481, Velasco Carr, Billy R., Box 38, Star Route, Olney Carr, Robert R., Rt. 1, Box 450 Azle Carter, K. A., Rt. 7, Box 3, Lubbock Caudle, M. H., 2800 N. Bois d’Arc, Tyler Childs, Mrs. George H., 6008 Lark, Fort Worth Childs, George H., 6008 Lark, Fort Worth The Circle R Rabbitry, Rt. 7, Box 290,
Lubbock Eng., Satins, Dutch
Clark, Joe M., 4310 Feagan St., Houston 7 Clark, Betty G., 4310 Feagan St., Houston 7 Clark, Clyde J., 202 Willis Ave., Yoakum R
Clem, Jas. Michael, 1821 N.W. Dallas St.,
Grand Prairie
Clift, Richard, No. Dilworth Rd.,
Rt. 1, Harlinger
Clifton, James William, Rt. 1, Box 86-J,
Coe, Mrs. Elmer, Box 618, Anthony Collier, C. E., Rt. 12, Box 727-A, Houston Cook, Mrs. B. I., 338 So. Fleming, Dallas N.Z. Copper, Robert A., 410 A East 19th, Amarillo Cornelius, Paul S., 209 E. College St., Sherman Cramer, Joe, 330 Blevins, Fort Worth Crook, Mrs. E. L., 3932 N. 22nd, Waco Crook, E. L., 3932 N, 22nd, Waco
Cryer, W. L., 949 Drexel Ave.,
San Antonio 10 R
Curda, Robert E., Rt. 1, Box 71, Azle Curnutte, Robert O., Box 393, Bishop Am. Chin. Danner, Gordon E., RFD, Pipe Creek Darby, Ben L., P.O. Box 351, Van Darrah, Wm. L., 1115 La Paloma, Amarillo Davidson, C. R., 1213 33rd St.,
Wichita Falls N.Z.
Davis, Irvin L., Junction Star Route, Kerrville Dehert, Mrs. Leonard, 933 Martin, Waco Dehert, Leonard, 933 Martin, Waco Dennis, Carroll W., 1901 Butternut St., Abilene Devorsky, R. H., Rt. 9, Box 1175, Waco Diaz Alfonso C., E 5725 El Nido Rd., El Paso Dobbins, R. K., 1516 Delgado, San Antonio Dobbs, T. C., Rt. 6, Box 247, Nachogdoches Dominey, Alvin G., P.O. Box 958, Huntington Eastham, Lynn, 2665 11th St., Beaumont R
Eastham, Carrie, 2665 11th St. Beaumont Ellison, P. D., Jr., 1142 West 19th St.,
Houston 8 R
Engholm, Timotheus G., 5201 6th St., Port Arthur Engholm, Mrs. Alma, 5201 6th St.,
Port Arthur N.Z.
Esmond, H. A., Rt. 4, Box 272, Beaumont Esmond, Mrs. H. A., Rt. 4, Box 272, Beaumont Estes, Joe M., 1318 N. 15th, Temple Evans, W. L,, 701 W. Texas, Denison R
Fairchild, Mrs. E. E., 518 Ramsey Road,
San Antonio N.Z., Dutch
Fairchild, E. E., 518 Ramsey Road,
San Antonio R
Faulk, Mrs. Glada, 8195 Washington Blvd., Beaumont
Fellabaum, Eddy, Box 73, Balmorhea Fellabaum, Mrs. Eddy, Box 73, Balmorhea Ferguson, Kenny, Rt. 1, Box 391, Wharton Finck, Bill, 6000 West Avenue, San Antonio Fitzgerald, Sam, Rt. 11, Box 200, Fort Worth Ford, Robert E., 810 Aganier, San Antonio Freasier, Ben F., Box 2050, Tex A & I, Kingsville Galloway, Howard E„ Rt. 7, Box 295, Lubbock Geddes, D. E., 5025 Avenue R½, Galveston Geddes, Mrs. D. E., 5025 Avenue R½, Galveston Gibson, Lawrence J., Jr., 1210 Pierce St., Houston Giffey, Charles, 166 Comal Ave., New Braunfels Grate, T Sgt., N. H., 2220 Front St., Amarillo Gray, L. S., 13706 Duncum, Houston Calif.
Gray, Peggy, 13706 Duncum, Houston Calif.
Griffin, H. L„ 1807 Michigan, Dallas 16 Griggs, Richard F., 6101 Friendswood Dr.,
Austin J&R, N.Z., Champs.
Grunt, Ray, 2416 So. Lamar, Austin 4 J&R
Gunn, R. A., c/o Gunn Bros., Box 270, Barger Gunn, Pat, 1319 Kimbro, Taylor Hall, Charles W., Box 182, Ore City Halvorsen, Oscar B., 7036 Avenue K, Houston 11 Haney, Marilyn, Rt. 9, Box 122, Fort Worth Harden, I. L., 849 Magnolia St., Lake Jackson Harrell, Mrs. Dan, 8816 Georgian Dr.,
Austin Dutch
Harrell, Dan, 8816 Georgian Dr., Austin Calif. Harrison, Troy E., Box 77, Quemado Helgeson, Cecil T., P.O. Box 108, Alvin Herring, W. C., 833 E. N. 14th, Abilene Herrington, Mrs. Arcola, 839 Tennessee Ave., Palestine
Herzfeld, Ernest, 4319 Avenue L, Galveston Herzfeld, Mrs. Ernest, 4319 Avenue L, Galveston Hibbs, K. W„ 113 Rose Dr., Amarillo Hilburn, N. C., 1430 E. Shady Grove Rd.,
Hill, R. D., 13354 Indianapolis, Houston 15
Hill, W. R., 903 N. Tyler, Amarillo
Hill, Mrs. W. R., 903 N. Tyler, Amarillo
Hill, Mrs. B. F., 1603 N. Roberts, Amarillo
Hill, Benny F., 1603 N. Roberts, Amarillo J&R
Holder, W. M., Rt. 3, Ennis
Holley, W. J., 1236 Ross Ave., La Marque
Hope, Archie E., Rt. 6, Box 244-B,
Lubbock Calif.
Hopkins, Tony, 276 Pecos Rd., El Paso Hopkins, R. B., 5909 Midway,
Fort Worth J&R, N.Z.
Hopkins, Mrs. R. B., 5909 Midway, Fort Worth Hopson, C. M., P.O. Box 362, Victoria Horton, Mrs. Horace, Star Route,
Box 106, Liberty
Houseman, A. F., 503 Chandler Drive, Baytown Howard, M. B., 208 N. Second St., La Porte Hubbard, Morgan R., 314 First Nat’l Bank Bldg., Abilene
Hudson, Mrs. L. A., 44C6 Travis, Houston 2 Hummel, Eloise, RR #4, Palestine Humphrey, W. B., Rt. 1, Box 786, Mesquite Hunt, J. T., City of Refuge, Lexington James, Lloyd C., Box 6, Clarkwood Johnston, Mrs. Myrtle, 1315 Harding,
Wichita Falls N.Z.
Johnston, Richard L., 7744 Acapulco, El Paso Jones, Clyde J., 3300 A Grady St., Fort Worth Jones, Jimmy, 414 E. Avenue “F”, Killeen
Jones, I. L., 2719 Nebraska St., San Antonio Keefer, Clarence L., Rt. 2, Box 259-C, Burleson Keene, Oliver F. C., 269 Cheryl Dr., W„
San Antonio R
Kemper, George, Rt. 1, Box 651, Odessa Kilgore, Chuck, 218 Wilkins St., P.O. Box 934.
League City Dutch
Kincaid, W. B., 4020 Fernwood, Dallas N.Z., Rex King, A. L., 3651 Neuches, Amarillo Kirkland, Capt. Parks (Ret’d) 7359 Dunkirk, Houston
Koenig, Mrs. Iris F. M., 1603 Menefee Blvd.,
San Antonio 7 N.Z.
Kramer, A., 2303 McAllister Rd., Houston Calif. Kunz, Erwin, 1223 W. Theo, San Antonio La Grone, Mrs. Mary Alice, 207 Third St.,
Bland Add., Orange
Lahrssen, H. J., 11438 Fairmont, Houston 25 R Lane, Rev. Herbert, 1819 Sabine Pass Beaumont N.Z.
Langley, Milo, 330 Rose Bud, Corpus Christi
Large, James Martin, 1110 Portland Ave., Abilene Lathrop, L. E., Box 679, RR #1, Humble Latimer, H. H., 4502 Shackelford St.,
Fort Worth 5
Leas, Hadley M., Box 778, JCAFB, Waco
Lee, B. W., Rt. 2, Box 171, Gatesville
Lord, W. A., 4818 Bonner Dr., Corpus Christi Loveland, Mrs. Price, 5314 Lampass, Houston 19 Lovelady, Price, 5314 Lampass,
Houston 19 J&R, N.Z.
Loyd, Joseph E., 303 Brookside, Bryan N.Z.
Lucas, M Sgt. Lee R., 1631 Menfee Blvd.,
San Antonio 7
Luesley, H. S. (Dick), Box 4477, Sta. A, Dallas 8 Lunar, F. W„ 4316 Little York Road,
Houston 16, Texas Lyon, R. L., Box 324, Coolidge
McClung, R. L., Jr., Box 727, Seymour N.Z. McCuan, Noble, Jr., Rt. 2, Grapevine R, Calif. McCuistion, Dr. W. R., 1101 Mistletoe Dr.,
Fort Worth 1
McDonald, Henry C., 9 S. Date, Pcrryton R McGirk, James A., P.O. 286, Denison McIntosh, Dennis, Box 97-A, Kirkwood Rd., Alief McMillan, Exal D., Box 573, Cross Plains McRae, Murdo, Rt. 13, Box 155 San Antonio Maddocks, Mrs. Hiram, 2214 Hopper Road,
Houston 16
Maddocks, Hiram, 2214 Hopper Road, Houston 16 Maples, Mary Helen, Jr., Box 71, Hart Marburger, H. W., 3031 Harlandale,
Dallas 16 R, Silver Martens
Marcom, Robert, Box 446, O’Donnell Marshall, Jimmy, 2490 Gladys St., Beaumont Marshall, J. B,, Jr., 2490 Gladys St., Beaumont Martin, Roy, Jr., 4000 Circle Drive, Vernon Martin, C. W., Box 757, Crowley Maxwell, B. G., Rt. 2. Box 422, Irving May Rabbitry, P.O. Box 976, San Antonio 6 May, Richard, Box 976, San Antonio Medina, Dan, 2819 West Salinas St.,
San Antonio 7 N.Z.
Milliorn, Clarence A., Rt. 2, Clyde Mook, Robert D., Rt. 2, Box 181,
Beaumont N.Z., Dutch
Moore, Kirk R., 1909 Buchanan St.,
Wichita Falls J&R, N.Z., Dutch
Morris, James M., 420 13th Avenue North,
Texas City
Moser, Lawrence E., 1506 Story, Houston 24 Mouer, Bobby, Rt. 1, Box 29, Azle Nichols, Mrs. W. C., 810 Vernon, Amarillo Nichols, W. C., 810 Vernon, Amarillo Norman, James R., 417 Breese Blvd.,
San Antonio 9
Norris, Hugh H., 8723 Sultan Drive, Houston 28 O’Dell, Chas. A., P.O. Box 1948,
Amarillo J&R
Ogg, Alma A., Rt. 3, Box 64,
Orange Ck. Gt., N.Z., Dutch, Calif.
Ogg, C. E„ Rt. 3, Box 64,
Orange Ck. Gt., N.Z., Dutch, Calif.
O’Haver, Homer, 5025 Haden Road. Beaumont R O’Haver, Velma 5025 Haden Road. Beaumont Ontman, Jack, 524 Mauer Drive, El Paso Papasan, W. C., 2312 Kinney Road, Austin 4 Parker, Francis R., 1405 Lincoln, Amarillo Parsons, W. D., 4000 Beverly Dr., Waco Parsons, Mrs. W. D., 4000 Beverly Dr., Waco Passmore, Olin, 2500 N. Mirror St., Amarillo Pattie, C. E., Rt. 4, Box 360, Fort Worth Pepper, D. A., 433 W. Broad, Mineola R
Pergande, Mrs. Olive, 2247 Frio City Rd.,
San Antonio
Perkins, Granville, 2626 Hollis, Houston 16 Perry, H. E., Rt. 1, Box 726-A, Brownsville Petmecky, E. H., 1323 W. Thompson Pl.,
San Antonio 7 R
Petterson, V. H., 1301 Daugherty, Waco Phillips, Henry, Rt. 2, Box 221, Taylor
Phillips, William R., Rt. 12, Box 504-A,
Houston 17
Phy, Bob, Rt. 11, Box 825, Fort Worth Pitts, C. A., Box 45, Clarendon Plummer, Lavern B., Box 1405, San Angelo Pollock, William H., Rt. 10, Box 312, Fort Worth Poston, Don, 1013 Maxfield, Waco Price, S. B., 8207 Buchanan, Houston Raesener, Monroe W., P.O. Box 511, Llano Rathke, Mrs. C. J., Rt. 1, Box 145C, Alta Loma Reagan, Stewart B., Rt. 2, Box 162, Lampasas Rhodes, Roland Enos, 734 Sue Barnette Dr., Houston 18
Rhyne, H. D., 1021 Savage Lane, Corpus Christi Richter, Ben, 2412 Edna, Waco Richter, Mrs. Ben, 2412 Edna, Waco Rivera, Mrs. A., 740 Chamberlain Dr., Beaumont Roberts, Mrs. Ellen A., 2755 Grand, Beaumont Roberts, William, 2755 Grand, Beaumont Calif. Roberts, Mrs. Henry, 902 S. Montgomery St., Sherman
Roberts, Henry, 902 S. Montgomery St.,
Robinson, Earl C., Box 186, Tehuacana Robinson, Jack A., Star Route, Anthony Rogers, Richard A., 4902 Kosarek, Corpus Christi Rogers, Sadie I., Glen Rose Star Route, Granbury Rosenberg, T. E., 1337 Oroile Dr., Mesquite N.Z. Roten, Jack, 2531 Wentworth, Dallas 11 Rutledge, John P., 807 Crown St., Galena Park San-Tex Laboratory Farm,
Rt. 5, Box 153, San Antonio Sasse, Harry N., P.O. Box 24, Vanderbilt Saxon, V. L., 3530 No. 19th St., Waco Saye, T. C., Box 145, Clarendon N.Z,
Scarlet, Wash, P.O. Box 684, Bryan Schlueter, Dennis Lee, 5306 Neer, San Antonio Schutze, L. A., 3910 Cotswold St., Houston J&R Scott, Mrs. R. M., 1506 N. Mks. Loop, Baytown Scott, R. J., Rt. 13, Box 156, San Antonio Scott, Stanley, RFD #13, Box 156, San Antonio Seiloff, Paul, 9 Blelia, Waco Settle, L. E., 2710 55th St.,
Lubbock R, N.Z., Rex
Shackelford, John R., P.O. Box 348, Freeport Shackelford, Mrs. John R., P.O. Box 348, Freeport Sharp, Henry H., 803 W. Gilmer St., Ennis Shoemate, Ras, 1207 Plum St., Graham Singleton, Bill, 205 S. Allen, Marshall Smith, Alvin E., Rt. 1, Box 213, Grandview Smith, H. C„ 13222 Hardy St., Houston 16 Calif. Smith, Coyt, 2041 Jameson St., Abilene Smith, Lawrence R., 913 Avenue A, Freeport Soucy, L. J., Box 304, Panhandle R
Spence, Doris, 1313 Woodbine, Waco Spence, H. M., 1313 Woodbine, Waco R
Spence, Austin, 509 Saunders, Gatesville Spires, Truman E., 2005 Douglas St., Midland Spruill, Euell L., Box 516, Van R, N.Z., Dutch Stark, J. D., Rt. 4, Box 274, Beaumont R
Stark, Mrs. Evelyn, Rt. 4, Box 274, Beaumont Stearman, A. R., 8226 Suetelle Dr., Dallas 17 Steddum, H. L., Box 695, Olden Stephens, E. T., 1826 Wayside Drive,
Texas City
Stevens, Floyd, Panhandle Stokes, Johnny, Rt. 1, Amherst Story, Jack, 164 Pioneer, San Antonio Story, Fred A., Box 648, Childress Sutton, James, 3611 5th St., Bay City Tarrant, Andy Artie, Box 1818, Pampa Tarver, Albert, P.O. Box 461, Rocksprings Taylor, B. C., Box 96, Garland R N.Z.
Taylor, Harlan Keith, 101 Cox Ave., Monahans Taylor, Hollis, 7681 Walnut Road, El Paso Teal, Leona E., 8513 Furray Road, Houston 16 Teasdale, A., 5723 Airline Dr., Houston Thompson, D. C., Rt. 2, Box 170-A,
Beaumont N.Z.
Tomek, Jimmie, 125 DeGeorge St., Genoa Ck. Gts. Travis, Mrs. Alan D., 4025 Kosla, Dallas Travis, Alan D., 4025 Kusla, Dallas Triangle S Rabbit Ranch, Box 38, Panhandle Tuter, J. H., 1212 E. Turret, Orange Urban, Frank, 305 N.E. 29th St., Grand Prairie Upp, H. H., 2117 Glencrest Dr., Fort Worth J&R Vaughan, J. J., 709 May St., Palestine R
Vaughan, Rance Lee, Rt. 1, Box 73, Buda N.Z. Vaughan, Marlett, Rt. 1, Box 73, Buda N.Z.
Walker, Johnny, 1407 Joliet St., Plainview Wallace, Wally, 5706 Yupon St., Bellaire J&R Washington County Produce, Box 179, Brenham Webb, George R., 2912-R, Galveston Weisshank, F. W., Box 27, Port Bolivar Wheeler, C. A., 126 Leigh St., San Antonio 3 Whitaker, Tom, P.O. Box 897,
Abilene R, Flemish
White, Mrs. Clinton M., Rt. 1, Box 478, Odessa Wiggins, Mrs. C., Jr., Rt. 1, Ben Wheeler Wiggins, Jack, 5236 Locke, Fort Worth Williams, R. B., Box 236, Helates Williams, C. D., 6531 Emhouse, Dallas N.Z.
Wilson, Mrs. Byron, 825 Lilius St., Abilene Wilson, Bryon, 825 Lilius St., Abilene Wilson, Albert, 2710 Fordhave, Dallas 16 N.Z. Wolfe, E. O., 202 Stewart St.,
Baytown N.Z., Himalayan
Wood, R. T., Box 676, Claude Wood, Robert, 1517 San Francisco St.,
San Antonio 1 R
Woolery, Perry, 9221 Roy Bean Dr., Houston 24 Wurz, Lonie F., 2523 Kimsey Dr., Dallas 35
State Representative--
Geo. Scott, 7951 7th East, Rt. 2, Sandy
Cobler, Phillip L., 6199 So. 6th West St., Murray
Bowler, H. D., Box 138-A, Springville
Bragg, L. G., Box 112, Garland
Brown, Marvin, 4571 S. 1900 West, Roy R, N.Z.
Brown, Norman, 1450 No. 1160 West, Provo N.Z.
Cannon, Glen B., 559 Garden Ave.,
Salt Lake City 6
Christensen, M. K., 526 N. 9th West, Orem Ford, John W., Box 71, Kanab Garringer, W. A., 3142 So. 9000 West, Magna Garringer, Dale, 1230 W, 4910 So., Murray Glover, Jerry A., 536 South 3rd East,
Salt Lake City
Goodrich, John, 230 E. 4th North, Orem Grant, Arthur R., 835 East 45th So.,
Salt Lake City
Greenhalgh, Henry L., 7292 So. State St., Midvale Gull, LeRoy T., 231 So. 1st E., Spanish Fork Heaton, Jonathan D., 2003 Douglas St.,
Salt Lake City
Hutchings, Robert, 875 N. 1 W., Spanish Fork Heri, Franz, 755 E. 8th N, Logan Satins
Howard, Cliff, 316 No. 10th St., E, Spanish Fork Ingold, Klara S., 674 E. 7th N, Logan Jefferies, Archie, 3856 S. 5200 W, Salt Lake City Johnston, J. W„ 248 W. 2nd St., Ogden N.Z.
Jonathan, Brother, 2003 Douglas St.,
Salt Lake City Juzeler, Ronald,
Hyrum Chin., N.Z., Rex., Ck. Gt.
Kartchner, Eugene C., 312 4th St., Ogden Keenan, Charles R., 130 E. 4th St., So.,
Spanish Fork
Leeuwenburg, Peter M., 2050 E. 39th S.,
Salt Lake City J&R, N.Z., Champs.
MacDiarmid, Kenneth E., General Delivery,
Mansfield, Jacob M., Lapoint Maxwell, Morris, 3495 West 3500 So.,
Salt Lake City
Mowrey, Jack, Rt. 1, Spanish Fork
Pulsipler, W. S., 326 E. Center, Logan Ck. Gt.
Richins, Fred, 360 E. 14 So., Springville
Rowe, Owen B., 40 N. 11th E, Spanish Fork
Saline, Kenneth, 669 E. 5 N, Logan
Schlapfer, Leonard, Manti
Scott, George M., 7951 So. 7th E, Box 134-A,
Rt. 2, Sandy
Seldon, W. A., Box 166, Provo R
Smith, Chad F., 407 West 2nd So., Smithfield Smith, Gerald, Rt. 1, Spanish Fork Whitmore, Rich, Box 2099, Salt Lake City J&R Woodbury, Don, 3416 West 3500 So.,
Salt Lake City
State Representative—
Marvin F. Carley, 216 Canal St., Brattleboro Baker, John J., RD #1, Bennington R
Benard, Ed, RFD, E. Pittsford Rd., Rutland Bevan, David A., View Point Farm, Danville Bevan, Susan D., RFD #1, Danville Bryne, Barrie, 104 Strong Ave., Rutland Bushey, Harold, RFD #2, Vergennes Butson, S. W.,
Athens N.Z., Dutch, Polish, Martens
Carley, Mrs. Marvin, 216 Canal St., Brattleboro Carley, Marvin F., 216 Canal St.,
Brattleboro J&R
Chenaille, Mrs. Olive, RFD #1
Valley View Gardens, Bennington Dodge, Marvin, Box 73, Brandon Heiberg, Frank, P.O. Box 242, Ludlow N.Z.
Lagace, Zeno Edward, RD S2, Alburg Springs Marandola, Leo, c/o Hotel Newport, Newport Mott, Richard, Star Route, East Barre Mulberry, Mrs. Walter, Middle Road,
No. Clarendon
Mulberry, Walter, Middle Road,
North Clarendon Polish, Chins.
Noble, R. A., 27 Park St., Rutland R, N.Z.
Pisanelle, Anthony, No. Clarendon Richards, Vern, 118 Crescent St., Rutland 6 Rondeau, Emile, 127 Maple St., Rutland
Schalk, E. C„ RFD #1, Windsor Schwartzenbach, E. J., Chester Road, Grafton Weston, Frederic A., RFD #1,
Underhill N.Z., Calif.
Wheeler, Abbie, c/o Joseph Weaver, RFD #1, Ira Woodward, Geneva S., RFD #1, East Montpelier
State Representative—
John T. McLain, 2742 Center Ave., Roanoke Adams, J. W., Box 127, Brookneal Adams, Richard R., Rt. 1, Box 63-A, Falmouth Angel, Gene N., Rt. 2, Gladys Ashcroft, J. W., 200 Carolina Ave., Portsmouth Basinger, C. L., RFD #4, Harrisonburg Bean, Mrs. Marie, RFD #1, Bumpass Brown, James W., Jr., 342 Mill St.,
Portsmouth J&R, N.Z., Flemish
Brunk, Thomas R,, 540 Kessler Mill Road, Salem Bull, Charles L., 138 Shoe Lane, Warwick Calif. Carter, Ross F., Cankismet Farm, Quinton N.Z. Clark, Mrs. H. P., 204 Geech St., Roanoke Cole, Mrs. Thomas L„ RD #1, Box 5, Oakton Cote, Lucien A., Personnel Office 3005, USNavPhiBase, Little Creek Curtis, Horace M., 401 East Jeffrson St.,
Falls Church R Hwt. Chins.
Dalquest, A. B., Jr., Rt. 2, Box 6, Ashland Dutch Deane, Frank S., Rt. 1, Box 706, Annandale Donald, Joseph Harold, RFD s2, Box 355,
Airport Rd., Lynchburg Eley, William R., Jr., 186½ Cedar St., Suffolk Farmer, Guy F,, Rt. 1, Halifax Foster, W. A., Box 186, Rt. 1, Hickory Foutz, Butch, 801 Queen Ave., Roanoke Franklin, Wm. J., 924 Cavalier Dr.,
Bucknell Manor, Alexandria Gregory, A. J., 1063 Hugo Ave., Norfolk J&R Halloway. Florence, 4402 Richeson, Richmond 24 Halloway, J. E., 4402 Richeson, Richmond 24 Hancock, Morris L,, 2423 Bay Ave., Hampton Hartmann, Leona M., RFD S3, Box 230, Spotsylvania
Hickman, Alberta, RFD #4, Box 50, Amelia Hickman, Frank P., RFD #4. Box 50, Amelia Hill, Russell H„ 5505 Kirby Rd., Falls Church Horne, Paul R., RFD #1, Smithfield Hrametz, Joe, Box 747, Pocahontas Jester, Mrs. Sara H., Box 693, Chatham Jett, T. W., 2606 Colonial Ave., S.W., Roanoke Johnson, Eugene, P.O. Box 230, Manassas Jones, Carroll M., 334 N. Galveston St., Arlington Jouget, Fred W., Sr., RFD #2, Box 292, Chester Krauss, Fred William, Jr., 4511 E. Main St., Richmond 23
Kulp, Joseph R., Rt. 1, Box 108, Lovettsville Landis, B. D,, 1136 W. Gosport Rd., Portsmouth Landrum, Clarence L., Jr., RFD #5, Box 137-A, Richmond
Lynn, Chas. A., 2205 Beech Ave., Buena Vista
Lytz, C. W., RFD #1, Bristol
McLain, Mary Gladys, 2742 Center Ave.,
N.W., Roanoke 17 McLain, John 2742 Center Ave.,
Roanoke 17 J&R, Bel. Hares, Flem., N.Z.,
Dutch, Polish
Mahanes, R. W., 7308 Duke St., Alexandria Meadors, Edward S., Jr., 1700 North 23rd St., Richmond 23 Calif., N.Z.
Miller, Howard E., 122 Mulberry St., Staunton Mowbray, G. E., Jr., Rt. 2, Box 177,
Glen Allen Calif., Satins
Oranger, Edward J., Rt. 5, Box 651, Roanoke Ours, Randall S., Broadway Owens, William W., 840 Harpersville Road, Warwick
Parrish, W. C., 250 E. Center St., Manassas Parrish, Mrs. W. C., 250 E. Center St., Manassas Phillips, Forest Clifton, Jr., RFD #1,
Box 135, Bumpass
Plitt, Bryant W., RFD #1, Purcellville Plunkett, Lowell W., 430 Parkdale Dr., Salem Robertson, Virgil L., P.O. Box 4001, Lynchburg Shew’s Rabbitry, Box 26, Louisa Shingler, Stanley, 17 Garrow Road, Denbigh Sinclair, Jimmy, RFD S4, Box 427, Salem Sinclair, Mrs. Betty, Rt. 4, Box 427, Salem Smith, Thomas H., 3101 Glenoa Rd.,
Richmond 23 Calif., Dutch
Solonevich, George, RFD S7, Box 281-A, Roanoke Taber, Harry G., Rt. 1, Box 260, Hampton Satins Tickle, Mrs. R. H., 3640 Colonial Ave., Roanoke Tickle, R. H., 3640 Colonial Ave., Roanoke Tyree, John R., 3205 Bonton Ave., Richmond Williams, Charles, Bowling Green N.Z., Calif. Wilson, N. A., P.O. Box 836, Danville Winthrop-St. Gery, Rhett, Box 25-Rt. 3, Herndon Wolfe, W. J., 24 North Elm Ave., Portsmouth Yoder, R. K., Denbigh
Zazzaretti, Michael, 305 N. 9th Ave., Hopewell
State Representatives—
Barbara Lang, Rt. 1, Box 334, Oak Harbor Mrs. Margaret Hopf, Rt. 6, Spokane Alberts, Arthur, W 1211 Cora, Spokane Birge, C. L., Rt. 1, Box 93, Kennewick Blain, Roland D., Rosburg Brown, Gene, E 10919 Empire, Spokane 6 Brown, Russell, 16821 S.E. 128th St., Penton Carlstrom, Len, 4302 53rd Ave., N.E., Tacoma 22 Castleman, Mrs. L. W., 1003 Nipsic Ave.,
Bremerton R
Cearley, Donald, 922 North 13th St., Walla Walla Collinge, C. Gordon, 25433 22nd So.,
Kent Flemish Giants
Dahlberg, Russell, Rt. 1, Box 261-A,
Spanaway N.Z.
Dhaenens, Tom, 1404 So. Evergreen Road,
Dietsch, Sharon, Box 305, Leavenworth Dutch
Doerner, Mrs. June, 13248 Ambaum Rd.,
Seattle R
Durdle, Lorayne, Trout Lake Durdle, R. V., Box 1516, White Salmon Emmerson, Wm. M., E-8414 Harrington Ave., Spokane 62 R
Ensign, Roger E., 7729 12th, S.W., Seattle 6 Fallon, Virgil, Rt. 5, Box 731, Tacoma Flesner, Mrs. R. D., Rt. 1, Box 134, Chewelah Freeman, Gale, Box 4, Cowiche Callaway, George R., General Delivery,
Geiszler, Allen, 8702 S. 364th St., Auburn Grindstaff, Ray, S 104 Audubon St., Spokane 43 Hamer, Grey, Rt. 1, Box 131, Everett Hargrave, Terry, E 10415 Balfour Ct., Spokane Hawkins, Charles, Rt. 1, Box 176, Long Beach Hay, Kenneth M., 7632 S. 126th St., Seattle 88 Heydenberk, Warren G., 3911 Englewood,
Yakima R, N.Z.
Hopf, Margaret, Rt. 6, Spokane Hopf, Henry, Rt. 6, Spokane Hunter, Vincent, Rt. 1, Box 48,
Brush Prairie R, Champs.
Jensen, H. M., Rt. 1, Box 1740 Rocky Terr., Alderwood
Johnson, Grace B., 3911 Englewood, Yakima Johnson, Donald R., Rt. 1, Box 659, Clarkston Kennedy, Thomas L., Rt. 2, Box 50-D,
Alderwood Manor Kibbe, Wallace, Rt. 4, Box 114,
Puyallup N.Z., Calif.
Knapman, Kenneth, Rt. 2, Box 11-A,
Port Angeles R
Knowles, F. John, Rt. 1, Box 233-A, Walla Walla Lang, Jack, Rt. 1, Box 334, Oak Harbor Lang, Barbara, Rt. 1, Box 334, Oak Harbor LaRock, Larry Lynn, Rt. 1, Box 426, Richland Leland, Richard, 7205 E. Mission, Spokane Liles, M. J., Marlton Farms, Rt. 10,
Box 176, Olympia
Little, Gilbert, 4415 E. 7th, Spokane Little, M. J., RR #1, Arlington Lloyd, Glenn, Rt. 1, Box 403, Coupeville Loutzenhiser, Ethel, Rt. 5, Spokane N.Z., Calif. McCool, J. Parley, Mtd. Rt. 1, Burbank Hgts., Pasco
Mead, W. Damon, So. 424 Jefferson,
Medical Lake Calif., N.Z., Flemish
Nicholson, Bruce, 7239 So. 131st, Seattle 88 Noyes, Clinton, 313 W. Helena, Ellensburg Overhauser, A. W., 931 E. Francis, Spokane 23 Overhauser, Mrs. Vivian, 931 E. Francis,
Spokane 23
Packer, Harry, E 17719 Cataldo, Greenacres Parish, John, 719 5th St., N.E., Puyallup Parker, Arleigh, Rt. 1, Box 581, Clarkston Parsons, Fred E., N 9825 Div., Spokane Peabody, Max, Rt. 4, Box 38, Port Orchard Pinkley, John Phillip, 153C Beacon Ave., Renton Quick, Horace F., 4311 No. East 43rd Ave.,
Quint, Victor Tony, 10214 37th Pl., SW,
Seattle 66
Ringer, Doris E., Rt. 3, Box 397, Snohomish Schutter, Prosper, Rt. 1, Brewster Sigafoos, Herbert J., Rt. 1, Box 228-C, Yelm Slereth, C. A., Box 244, Goldbar Stadel, Elmer, 8740 S. 364th St., Auburn Stark, George Leo, 4241 Homestead, Tacoma Stender, Ernest E., Rt. 2, Box 485,
Alderwood Manor
Storkson, Ernest O., E 2107 Columbia Ave., Spokane Ck. Gts.
Vaughn, Mrs. Max V., Rt. 2, Box 1074,
Alderwood Manor N.Z.
Vaughn, Max V., Rt. 2, Box 1074,
Alderwood Manor J&R, N.Z.
Webster, Gray, 21611 88th West, Edmonds West, Bert, 2101 E. Mead, Yakima
Williams, Harold R., 714 N. 19 Ave., Yakima R Willis, Summer H„ 3610 E. 140th St.,
Tacoma 44 R
Woodworth, A. E., Box 1367, Island County,
Oak Harbor
Woodworth, Mrs. A. E., Sr., Box 1367,
Island County, Oak Harbor Youngs, Mark, Star Route,
Coulee Dam N.Z., Flem., Chin., Palominos Zicker, Dr. Eldon L., Rt. 8, Box 293, Yakima
State Representatives
1. George Camp—South, 3853 Green Valley Rd.,
2. Lee R. Martin—North, P.O. Box 42,
Akers, Mrs. Sylvia, Rt. 3, Box 305-D, Princeton Anderson, John, 1911 36th St., Parkersburg Arbuckle, Hale H.. Lewisburg Bartram, Floyd, 972 Turner Road,
Huntington 5 Ck. Gt.
Berry, Clarence E., Danese Blair, Farley, Box 1142, Logan Bradbury, Roy E., P.O. Box 73, Mullens Britt, James E.. 2508 Washington Ave., St. Albans Burnette, Stanley J., 864 Valley Pike Dr.,
St. Albans
Camp, N. M., P.O. Box 529, Milton Camp, George, 3853 Green Valley Rd.,
Huntington R
Camp, A. C., Rt. 1. Lauvalette Am. Chin., Dutch Chicknell, Irene Siders, Rt. 1, Box 68, Salem Childress, Edward M., 2729 Daniels Ave.,
So. Charleston
Conner, Leon. Star Route, Albright
Eary, E. L., 5215 Alpine Drive, Charleston R
Fauss, Raymond E., Box 117, Belmont
Fellows, Charles C., Sycamore Farm, Alum Creek
Gibson, Frank, Box 231, Matoaka J&R, N.Z.
Hull, Robert S., Rt. 1, Horner
Hupp, Ralph E., RFD #3, Elizabeth
Jones, Hubert C., RFD #3, Elizabeth
Keen, Burl, Looneyville
Kerr, Frank L., Box 422, Clay
Lough, Vantz B„ 339 Mid Ave., Weston
Lynch, Charles C., RFD #3, Box 237, Bluefield
McCormick, R. E., 328 31st St., Huntington
Martin, Lee R., P.O. Box 42, Morgantown
Maynor, Mrs. Charlotte, 2157 McCorckle Ave.,
St. Albans
Miller, Edward Don, 625 Huddleston Ave., Barboursville R
Morris, Willard W., Rt. 2, Box 73, Princeton Nine, Daniel E., RFD #1, Tena Alta Park, Goldie, Rt. 1, Sandyville Patton, Walter L., 69 Godby St., Logan R
Ray, Russell, 2051 3rd Ave., Huntington Resseger, George W., Jr., 359 Whitten Lane,
New Martinsville
Robertson, Harry, Box 1070, Logan N.Z.
Shrewsbury, Lacy, Box 197, Mullens Sizemore, A. E., Rt. 1, Box 460, St. Albans N.Z. Stanton, Edith B., 420 New York St.,
Huntington 4
Starcher, Fred A., Rt. 4, Webster Springs
Stone, M. H., Box 331, Chapmonville
Thomas, Ira Lee, 863 Hanna Drive, Charleston
Thompson, E. S., 1209 Grescop Ave., Dunbar
Tibbs, C. G., Box 505, Princeton
Vaughn, Raymond A., 1030 Neptune Ave., Chester
Watts, Edward L., 5215 Florida St.,
So. Charleston 3 Wiley, Marvin, 1504 Valley Dr.,
So. Charleston R
State Representatives
1. Marvin Kroening—North, Rt. 5, Mansfield
2. Henry Schaar- South, 8350 S. Howell Ave.,
Ainsworth, Sandra, Rt. 1, Arlington Anderson, Raymond J., Rt. 2, Box 623,
Arnold, Forest, Rt. 1, Box 76, Janesville Arnold, Mrs. Forest, Rt. 1, Box 76, Janesville Bankenbush, Franklyn, Rt. 1, Box 371,
Bast, Walter, 220 W. 4th St., Menomonee Bridges, Robert, 910 N. Water St., New London Brueggemann, Dave, 2037 North 51 St., Milwaukee Burke, Lew, 601 S. Walnut, Janesville Buza, Theo. A., Rt. 4, Manitowoc Capodarco, Frank, 7328 45th Ave.,
Kenosha Flemish Giants
Clason, C. L., Bloom City Cmejla, Leonard, Rt. 1, Box 16, Algoma Collins, Maurice E., Box 133, Milton Jct.
Cook, Mrs. Walter, 4910 S. 43rd St., Milwaukee 15 Delzer, Alois, Rt. 1, New London
Des Jarlais, William, Rt. 2, Box 25, Marinette DeWolf, R. W., 502 W. Burnett St., Beaver Dam Dieck, William, Rt. 1, Antigo Dilger, Merle, B.N. 151, Bruce Dore, Howard, 2129 W. Clybourn St.,
Milwaukee J&R
Dunbrook, Kenneth, 975 Dane St.,
Hansen, James D., 1414 So. Maple, Marshfield Madison N.Z.
Dungomb, Donald J., Sharon St.,
Box 264, Darien
Dykstra, Henry L., 24 South 1st St., Randolph Egan, Bernard, Jr., 1108 Madison St., Waukesha Enes, Ben, 6114 John Ave., Superior Everson, Mrs. Leonard, Rt. 3, Town Line Rd., Beloit
Fehrman, Kenneth, Box 114, Rt. 3, Appleton Fenskes, Keith, Box 330, Baraboo Ferguson, John P., 122 S. High St.,
Port Washington Calif.
Figans, Arthur, Rt. 1, Box 9, Delavan Fischer, Herbert M., P.O. Box 384, Beaver Dam Gotstein, Horace J., 1937 E. Mifflin St.,
Madison 4 N.Z.
Gravdale, Telmer A., RD #2, Beloit Groha, Alfred, 1110 Main St., Union Grove Hagedom, Theodore, Sr., 808 Pies St., Merrill Hahn, Raymond, Rt. 1, Box 20, Union Grove Graul, Robert L., Rt. 2, Box 237, Burlington Harder, R. H., 6444 No. 54th St.,
Milwaukee 16 Dutch
Harder, Beatrice L., 6444 So. 54th St.,
Milwaukee 16
Headley, Rev. Roy H., P.O. Box 137, Butternut Heinrichs, Joseph, 5025 W. Oakwood Rd.,
Hales Corners Calif.
Henne, Godfrey W., RFD, Augusta Hoffman, Mrs. Paul, 1117 N. 29th St.,
Hoffman, Paul M„ 1117 No. 29th St., Rt. 3, Sheboygan J&R, N.Z., Dutch
Holy, Donald, P.O. Box 105, New Lisbon Huddleston, Charles A., RFD #1, Baldwin Huebschmann, Joyce, Rt. 3, Chilton Huhn, Carl W., Rt. 4, Janesville Huttner, Henry, Rt. 2, Box 114, Fort Atkinson Johnson, Linda, RR #1, Fremont Johnson, Carl H,, 1202 10th St., Menomonie Johnson, Walter J., Box 11, Heafford Jct.
Jung, Clyde, 205 W. N. Water, Neenah Kaeding, Hilbert, 3526 N. Palmer St.,
Milwaukee 12 Kamm, V. F., Lancaster Karlsen, Magnus, RFD #1, Hammond Katzman, Robert L., Rt. 3, Elkhorn Keill, Ornton A., RD #1, Box 126,
Marinette N.Z,
Kersten, Ernest, 9016 29th Ave., Kenosha Kieffer, Mrs. John, 3231 So. 22nd St.,
Milwaukee 15
Kissinger, Leroy, RR #2, West Bend Klubertanz, Earl, Rt. 1, Edgerton R, N.Z.
Knauf & Tesch Co., Chilton Kortright, Harry, 1237 E. Meinecke Ave.. Milwaukee 12
Kroening, Marvin, RR #5, Marshfield R, Ck. Gt. Kubiak, Edward, Rt. 2, Marinette Kufahl, John F., 4436 S. 47th,
Milwaukee Flemish Gt.
Kufahl, Earl F., 4436 S. 47th,
Milwaukee 15 Flemish
Ladwig, Oliver, RR #1, East Troy LaLuzerne, Erwin, RR #l,
Forestville N.Z.
Lee, Joseph, Soldiers Grove Lehmann, Clarence, Kinzie St.,
Fontana Ck. Giants
Leschisin, Peter, Box 321, Turtle Lake Lindsey, Coy, 3910 Hanover St., Madison Loberger, Sheldon, RR #1, Box 73, Porterfield Long, Ronald, 115 St. Mary, Janesville Long, Duane, Box 105, Fontana Longrie, David, 714 W. Jennings St.,
New London
McNulty, P. J., Box 189, Delafield Meyer, Raymond W., RFD #3, Medford Meyer, Harold F., 1ll Greenfield Ave.,
Algoma N.Z.
Meyer, Royal, 2105 N. 40th St.,
Sheboygan Dutch
Muenkel, Donald G., Rt. 1, Trempealeau Murphy, Wendell E., 7504 W. Ruby Ave., Milwaukee 18
Musil, Lester V., RR #4, Manitowoc N.Z.
Newton Enterprises, c/o F. W. Newton, Sr., Blackwell
Nezworski, George F., 816 N. 11th St.,
Eau Claire
Pappenfuss, A. C., 415 Illinois Ave.,
N. Fond du Lac
Pasko, James, Retlaw Acers, Rt. 3, Montello Pearson, R. T., Rt. 1, Germantown
Prestine, Gustave, 1021 Marinette Ave.,
Riebe, Ronald R., RR #1, Lake Mills Rosenthal, Robert L., 437 4th St., Hartford Scharr, Harry, 8350 So. Howell,
So. Milwaukee 7
Schaefer, Otto, 2404 Northwestern Ave., Racine Schiesel, George, 641 E. Drexel Ave.,
S. Milwaukee J&R, Calif.
Schilling, John T., Rt. 4, Baraboo Schmit, A. W., Rt. 19, N. Shore Dr.,
Eau Claire N,Z.
Schmechel, John, Jr., 7239 S. 37th Pl.,
Hales Corners
Schultz, Robert L., Fall River Severson, Clarence A., RR #7, Green Bay N.Z. Severson, Edith, RFD #2, Juda Silberhorn, J. A., 816 Prospect St., Durand Springer, Arvin Reinhold, Rt. 2, Box 122,
Stache, Harold A., RR #2,
Plymouth N.Z., Calif.
Stahl, O. T., Rt. 2, Cedarburg Stegall, William, Star Route, Polar N.Z.
Steinhoff, Fidelis C., P.O. Box 34,
Kansasville Flemish Gt.
Steinke, Marvin, Rt. 1, Plymouth Stichel, Frank, P.O. Box 202, Ripon Streitberger, William, Rt. 1, Red Granite Tewelis, Joseph, 1728 S. 13th St.,
Sheboygan Hanana
Thomas, Karl, 445 Krumrey, Plymouth Dutch
Trimble, William R., 797 W. Seminary,
Richland Center
Van Antwerp, George, Rt. 3, West Bend Van Cleve, Theldon M., Rt. 1, Box 54,
Victor, Raymond, Rt. 1, Box 50, Germantown Wagner, Robert A., P.O. Box 514, Eau Claire Wagner, Frank G., Rt. 1, Box 234, Sun Prairie Ward, Arthur, Box 244, Suring N.Z.
Waterstreet, E. L., 713 Miller St., Kewaunee Wellenkotter, Harry, P.O. Box 331,
Janesville N.Z.
Wessel, Robert, RR #1, Forestville Wessolowski, John F., 1448 So. 90 St„
West Allis 14
Whiting, Noel, RR #2, Box 70, Waterford Wornardt, John, RR #2, West Bend N.Z., Calif. Wrasse, Mrs. Dolly B., Rt. 3, Box 366, Madison Wyzlic, Roman J., Roman’s “REX” Ranch,
Box 66, Lake Tomahawk Yeadon, LaVerne, Rt. 3, Janesville Zdroik, Harold, 4321 So. 43rd St., Milwaukee 19
State Representative-Bullock, Richard E., Sr., Box 62, Bairoil Erlitz, Alfred L., Salt Creek Rt., Casper Flynn, William H., 1184 No. Washington St.. Casper
Miller, Dorothy, General Delivery, Douglas Russell, K. C., Box 244, Evansville N.Z.
Shafton, Gordon M., Salt Creek Route, Casper Vick, Joe M., Box 506, Torrington
Coreia, Mrs. J., Bostock Hill, Paget West
Wrigley, M. S., P.O. Box 2527, San Jose
Hermida, Dr. Ramon O., Calle 23 #55, Edificio Ambar Motors, Aptdo 528, Vedado, La Habana Lainz, Jose Luis, Apartado #802, La Habana Quiros, Dr. Sanchez, B #602 esq. a 25,
Vedado, La Habana
Boeck, John, P.O. Box 520, Copenhagen N.
Camano, Louis, 48 Dr. Delgado, Ciudad Trujillo Munne, Mrs. David, Apartado 1166,
Ciudad Trujillo
Frank Masser, 2933 Booth St., Honolulu, T. H. Dezsy, Charles L., 3838 Likini St., Honolulu Estrella, Wilfred J., Box 192, Haiku, Maui Estrella, Alvin S., P.O. Box 471, Haiku, Maui Gouveia, Abel, Box 393, Haiku Kokomo,
Maui N.Z.
Maaser, Frank, 59-208-B Kam. Hgh.-Way,
Haleuva, Oahu
Morrell, Melvin D., 150 Kapahula Ave., Apt. 9, Honolulu
Morse, H., Korte Mare 22, Leiden
Chow, C., 601 Pedder Building
Amaya E., Mario, Matamoros Ots. 1034, Monterrey, N. L.
Francke, Oscar F., Crown Cork, Poniente 134 No. 583, Atzcapotzalco D. F.
Prince, O. M„ P.O. Box 145, Cuernavaca Mor.
Fonfrics, E. J., P.O. Box 2229, San Juan Iguina, Jose G., D.D.S., P.O. Box 97, Arecibo Rodriquez, Manuel Gonsalez, P.O. Box 171,
St. Just N.Z., Std. Chin.
Velazquez, Mariano, A.P.O. Box 173, Playa Ponca
Harvey, M. M., Brother, Colegio Gonzalo Correa, Casilla 5-D, Molina, Chile
Bionner, Richard, 7 Landhausweg, Berne
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Larro Sure Rabbit
the only feed a rabbit ever needs
New Betty Crocker Recipe Folder — yours to promote more rabbit sales
Betty Crocker joins the “eat-more-rabbit” move with a new folder of delicious ways to prepare rabbit dinners. Roasted, fried, sauteed — this new folder shows you and your customers how.
For example: Betty Crocker says — if you prefer roast rabbit, truss the forelegs back and the hind legs forward. Place bacon strips over the shoulders and back. Baste with ¼ cup of butter and ½ cup of boiling water to keep the meat tender, succulent and sweet.
Offer this new folder to your customers... and they’ll be back for “seconds” faster. For free copies write Rabbit Dept., c/o the address at right.
Right down the line... from the does you keep to raise fryers to the fryers you raise for “dough”... Larro SureRabbit meets every feeding need.
That’s because SureRabbit is a combination of “just right” rabbit-type alfalfa and wholesome, high-quality ingredients. That’s why no additional rough-age or grain is required.
Larromin (General Mills’ own blend of essential minerals), vitamin B12, and antibiotics provide extra safety factors for vigorous health and fast growth.
What’s more, SureRabbit stimulates a heavy flow of milk that turns nursing bunnies into “butter balls” ... helps keep up the doe’s weight, too. And the bunnies find SureRabbit a tasty, tempting treat when they leave the nest. This extra nutritional boost helps develop husky, uniform litters ... hurries them on their way to heavy weaning weights of 4 lbs. and more.
So see your nearby Larro Sure Feed dealer soon for a supply of Larro SureRabbit.
Minneapolis 1, Minnesota
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