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American Rabbit Breeders Association

ARBA Bulletin 1954 Vol. 1, No. 6 – September
Collection: 1954 ARBA Bulletins


ARBA Bulletin 1954 Vol. 1, No. 6 – September


ARBA member periodicals



American Rabbit Breeders Association


American Rabbit Breeders Association


American Rabbit Breeders Association




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American Rabbit Breeders Association, “ARBA Bulletin 1954 Vol. 1, No. 6 – September,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed February 6, 2025,

Volume One SEPTEMBER, 1954 Number Six
Annual A. R. B. A. Convention and Show
York, Pa., Oct. 23-27
All roads lead to York, Pa., for the 31st Annual ARBA Convention ami Rabbit Show to be held October 23-27. The rabbit breeders of the United States who have annually attended the convention will not be disappointed in this show according to Allen F. Hahn, the general chairman.
A few facts concerning the convention and show points out some attractive reasons why any rabbit breeder should plan to attend. First of all. it will be a great vacation trip through the beautiful rolling hills of Pennsylvania during the autumn season when nature presents its most gorgeous display of color and scenery.
Then again it will bring together the outstanding leaders of the rabbit industry of the United States who are vitally interested in helping the American Rabbit Breeders Association. Charles Pine, the president of ARBA, has worked long hours in the reorganization of the association and has called into action some of the best minds and experienced persons to help in making this one of the most constructive conventions possible. President Pine has lived, breathed and preached ARBA during the year in an effort to advance the organization.
Third, the National Show will assure you of one of the greatest rabbit shows of the nation. Excellent facilities for housing the rabbits will be available. The various show committees are working every day to perfect the plans for receiving, entering and the care of the stock. The show catalog is in the hands of every member and the publicity committee is giving the event every ounce of effort possible.
The accommodations offered by the York citizens and neighboring members of the association are the very best. Now is the time to make your reservations. Start planning for this trip: it will be worth your time and money. To the people who annually attend the convention and show; you are in for a treat. To the newcomer; you will be well repaid for your efforts.
York, Pennsylvania, is easily reached by plane, motor car or railroad. It can even be reached by hitch-hiking. It is located in the heart of the east and from York you can go north or south and visit some of the most historical places in the nation.
It is a golden opportunity for a wonderful vacation; an opportunity to see a scenic section of the United States; a chance of a lifetime to meet and rub shoulder to shoulder with the rabbit breeders of every section of our nation.
All of this is yours if you will only take the offer. If you need any added information or directions, please write Allen F. Bahn, R.F.D. 3, York, Pa., and it will be properly directed to the committee in charge of your particular request and you will receive the desired information or assistance.
This building will house the rabbits at the National Show, York, Pa., October 23-27.
This building will house the displays for the National Rabbit Show at York, Pa.
Report on the Mid-Year Board Meeting
By Charles A. Pine, President
In the belief that the membership is entitled to a full report on the activities of its Board the following is presented. In order to have a more full understanding of the “how and why” a few questions and answers are presented:
Q. Why was a mid-year Board meeting held?
A. In a national organization with as many varied activities as the ARBA and especially during the early part of a new administration it is quite difficult to handle all of the business affairs effectively by mail. A three-day meeting covered more subjects than could have been handled by correspondence in six months. Many items were of such priority that they could not be postponed and obtain the full effectiveness.
Q. Why was the Board meeting held in Kansas City?
A. To answer this effectively one must consider the cost to the ARBA for a Board meeting. Each officer is allowed round-trip first class rail fare from his home (no Pullman or plane transportation) and his hotel room expenses. Before the meeting was held an estimate of the cost of the meeting was figured for Pittsburgh, Pa., and for Kansas City. It was some $250 cheaper to hold the meeting in Kansas City, due to its central location, than it was to meet in Pittsburgh. As a result the Board, by majority vote, elected to meet in Kansas City.
Q. Do Directors get any other compensation for a meeting?
A. No. Only their rail fare and hotel room expenses. As a result each man probably loses from $25 to $50 in out of pocket expenses per meeting depending on the distance he has to travel. Thought should be given to correcting this inequity.
Q. What was the cost of the Kansas City meeting?
A. The rail fares came to $369.89 and hotel expenses $165.00 for a total cost of $535 (this is one of the lowest cost Board meetings held).
Q. What action was taken at the Board meeting?
A. This can best be answered by a review of the entire meeting. An agenda had been prepared in advance of the meeting covering five main topics, namely, (1) Financial Policy of the ARBA; (2) Research Program; (3) Public Relations Policy; (4) Committee Reports and (5) Organization Problems. The actions taken under each main head will be reported in summary form.
a. Adopted a policy requiring that on all future purchases of quantity items, especially printing, that specifications be prepared and bids solicited from not less than three responsible and qualified bidders and the award made to the lowest bidder. Sub standard work to be rejected with no payment until corrected. The list of bidders to be varied from time to time in order to assure equitable distribution of the business. No favoritism to be shown in any manner in awarding work.
b. After considerable discussion and exploration of the problems involving the ARBA property at 4323 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, the Board voted to:
(1) Pay all taxes and utility expense and to rent the upstairs apartment to James Blyth
A.R.B.A. Bulletin
"—To maintain a registration and recording system—afford memberships to persons interested in breeding and marketing rabbits and allied products—promote and conduct public and private exhibitions—provide judging systems—license its official judges and registrars —make and revise official standards—organize and assist local, county and state associations, and specialty clubs—maintain information bureaus—furnish at cost, bulletins, guide books and other printed matter—investigate markets —assist in marketing, wihout profit—assist in securing legislation and publicity—hold annual conventions of its members and directors.”
Address all comments, suggestions and articles pertaining to the Bulletin to:
A. FRANK MARTIN, Editor Oklahoma A. & M. College Stillwater, Oklahoma Assistant Editors:
L. L. Walker C. M. H. 144, Box 92 Charlotte 3, North Carolina
John Mette Box 1642, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, California_____
Charles A. Pine...............President
John C. Fehr .... Vice-President Dr. Max R. Andrews . . . Treasurer
James Blyth..................Secretary
Fred Applegate L. A. Schultze
Vern N. Ashton L. A. Schutze
Vincent Hunter Edward H. Stahl
Cyril Lowit D. F. ‘‘Dick" Parker
P. M. “Pete” Leeuwenberg
Address all communications concerning business matters, renewals, new membership applications, non-receipt of Bulletins, changes of address, etc., to:
JAMES BLYTH, Secretary 4323Z Murray Avenue Pittsburgh 17, Pa.
Second Edition of The
A. R. B. A. Booklet
By Edw. H. Stahl, Holmes Park, Mo. lt is with considerable pleasure that the committee of which I am chairman, presents the second 1954 edition of the American Rabbit Breeders Association's Booklet.
In the past months we have heard considerable about a recession in general business activities; be that as it may, it docs no apply as far as the distribution of this booklet is concerned. We want to tell you about it.
In 1952 and 1953 the second edition was not published until September, this year it is published in June. When we consider the fact that the same amount was allowed for national advertising purposes in 1954 as in previous years this is rather remarkable; shows increased interest by the general public which we reach by this method.
The success of this undertaking is largely due to YOU, your support. We hope the results will be satisfactory. We hope that we may expand our activities in the future to interest the general public in Rabbit Raising, which is the purpose of the American Rabbit Breeders Association.
for a rental of $75.00 per month. This arrangement to start at the beginning of the new fiscal year October 1, 1954.
(2) Establish a maintenance fund of 3 percent of the estimated value of $18,000 or an annual budget of $540 per year for upkeep and repair. All maintenance to be paid from this fund and it shall be kept in balance except in the case of an emergency in which case the Board of Directors may vote a special appropriation.
c. Voted that on all future projects proposed by an ARBA Committee or Officer that an advance estimate be prepared showing estimated income and expense for the project and only after approval by a majority of the Board shall the project be undertaken. During the course of the project if it becomes evident that there will be a major change in the estimate (over 10 percent) the Board to be informed and a new vote taken.
d. Decided to discontinue the practice of hiring an attorney on a retainer basis and to engage one only in the event of legal action. Several attorney members will be asked to serve on minor or routine interpretations.
c. Instructed the Organization Survey Committee to prepare a draft of necessary revisions required to place the Secretary and his office on a salary basis to replace the present commission system. The first draft of this proposed modification to be presented to the Board at the York meeting and then to the membership for their consideration in 1955. THIS FINAL ACTION CAN ONLY BE TAKEN BY THE MEMBERSHIP.
f. The entire commission system was discussed and it was the consensus that modification and improvement was needed and that it would be studied further and action considered at the York meeting.
g. Voted to perfect the budget system of operation and to make every effort to prepare a reasonable and sound budget for 1955 and then to follow it during the year. The groundwork for the budget system was started by adoption of a resolution at the Portland Convention.
h. Starting with the York Convention a consolidated financial report will be prepared and released by the Chairman of the Budget Committee. Data for this report to be obtained from reports by the Secretary and the Treasurer. At the present time two reports are prepaed, and due to the overlap, it is not easy to get a true picture of the financial situation.
a. The ARBA will sponsor a Research Fund devoted to sponsoring and encouraging research on rabbit problems at several of the leading colleges. The funds for this project to be obtained from (1) benefit projects by local clubs; (2) individual donations; (3) possible bequests by members or interested persons. The fund to be administered by a Board composed of non-office holding, non-controversial members who will merit full confidence from the membership. This group to be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board.
b. Authorized the President to continue negotiations and discussion with an organization of feed manufacturers (NOT an individual mill) for the possible development of another and separate research project.
a. Voted to make current information on Standard changes, policy matters and other similar data available to judges and registrars by means of a special letter when there is a need for such action.
b. Discussed at some length the relations with the trade magazines. Decided that constructive criticism was of value and that which was without basis could best be countered by making full information on any subject available to anyone desiring it.
a. Australian Rabbit Meat Committee—After consideration it was decided that this Committee had fulfilled its original purpose and that it was now time to change the type of action. It was then voted to discontinue the present Australian Rabbit Meat Committee and to support action at local level through State Representatives, the Committee at Washington and the Board of Directors. Full appreciation was expressed for the past work of this Committee.
b. Standards Committee—Chairman Dick Parker reported that progress was being made on the Standards revision which is due for completion by December 31, 1954. At this time some 20-odd Standards have been completed through collaboration with the Specialty Clubs. Some minor differences of opinion are being worked on by the Standards Committee and the interested Specialty Club.
c. Membership Service Committee—Chairman Don Guthrie reported:
(1) That the ARBA movie was being booked with gratifying results.
(2) That the Committee had completed its work on revising the ARBA Show Supplies
and presented samples. The Board voted to adopt the Committee’s recommendation and to order enough of the new supplies for 100 shows on a trial basis. These new supplies to be used at the York Convention.
(3) That the Committee recommended a new promotion leaflet to be used with the Show supplies. The Board adopted this suggestion and voted to obtain a supply.
(5) That the Committee had studied the present ARBA meat carton and reported that
it was not as satisfactory as others on the market and recommended that either an improvement be made or the sale of cartons be discontinued. After discussion of methods of packaging,
types of cartons the Board authorized the Membership Service Committee to continue their
study of the carton and to make a further report at the York meeting.
(6) That the Committee had studied several other projects and could report on them at any future time.
Chairman Leeuwenburg reported on the activities of the Commercial Department and specifically requested action on:
(1) The question of one-rabbit meat “pens" or classes. After consideration the Board voted that under the present ARBA Show Rules there was no authority for a one-rabbit fryer meat class and that in the future only pens of three to comply with existing show rules covering fryer rabbits should be judged by licensed judges.
(2) A request to judge the Rabbit of Tomorrow in California in December. The Board voted to authorize Mr. Leeuwenburg to judge this contest at no expense to the sponsors. This action was taken because of the great potential value of this promotion and the need for the ARBA to recognize such a worthy project.
Chairman A. Frank Martin reported:
(1) That he was receiving good material for future Bulletins and that he had hopes of obtaining continued cooperation to obtain worth-while material for "first run" articles.
(2) That making the Bulletin self-supporting by soliciting advertising should be carefully studied before any change in policy was made.
(3) That he believed that the editorship of the Bulletin and the publicity function were quite widely separated and that action should be taken to divide them.
Chairman Ed Stahl presented a proposed program for future publications which was taken under advisement by the Board. Future advertising budgets and policy were discussed at some length and then put over to the York meeting for action for the 1955 program. The Year Book and Membership list for 1955 were discussed and a tentative table of contents agreed upon and an advertising policy of soliciting only non-breeder ads to defray as much of the cost of this publication as possible.
Under this heading the new method of considering applications for a judge's license was discussed and new forms for the system examined and taken under advisement.
Plans for the 1954 York Convention were reviewed.
The State Representative system was considered and discussed.
There were many other items of a minor nature discussed.
The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a. m. Sunday, July 25 after being in session for 20 hours over the three-day period.
Some Things That A
Local Club Can Do
By Vern Ashton
1625 Oakland Parkway, Lima, Ohio
The following are a few of the ideas our own local club uses in connection with their meetings that we believe help to create and hold the interest of the members. Perhaps other members of other clubs might profit by reading about them.
We start the first of the year and take the members in alphabetical order. Starting with A (of course that would be my name), I bring a rabbit, three months old, or more, free from disqualification, fully pedigreed, any breed. We raffle this rabbit off at the meeting at 25c a chance. We try to have one for every meeting and the money goes into the club treasury.
To build up our Flower Fund, anyone having a birthday through the year automatically pays the treasurer one cent for each year. For example, if you just became 50, you would pay the treasurer 50 cents, etc.
Another interesting portion of our meeting is doing the following: Each member has a number opposite his or her name. That number is put on a small strip and inserted into a capsule—the capsule is about 3/4" long. These capsules (one number for each member) are put into a pint size glass can. There is a small hole in the lid of the can. We check the number with the list to ascertain whose name is opposite that number. If she or he is present, the prize is 50 cents. If they are not present, the money is put back in the treasury. We do the same thing at our next meeting and if the member who wins is present, she or he stands to receive $1. If that winner is also absent at the meeting, the $1 goes back into the treasury. At the next meeting, we start over again at 50 cents. We never pay over $1. You would be surprised how little we pay out, but it createst a lot of interest.
Once in a while we have a judging contest at the meeting. We decide ahead of time what breed we will have. Then we choose two breeders that raise that particular breed and they are selected to do the judging. Each member that raises that breed then brings one of his own rabbits as one of the specimens for the amateur judges to place. We had 11 Sr. New Zealand White Bucks at one meeting, so the two amateur judges got quite a workout. The members like this very much.
Rabbit Menace
By Paul E. Bowlin Georgia State Representative
403 E. 2nd Ave., College Park, Ga.
The United States breeders must never lose sight of the fact that the Australian rabbit menace is ever present. Many states and localities have outlawed this menace, still many allow it to prevail.
At the last session of the Georgia State legislature a wild rabbit bill was passed which outlawed the sale of wild rabbit. The breeders in Georgia thought they had it made. The hunters of the state had succeeded in doing what they had failed to do. Were this to be the true story it would be nice.
At the request of the Savannah River Valley Rabbit Breeders club, I started to investigate why Australian rabbits were being offered on the market in that area. The Agriculture Commissioner was contacted and he referred us to the Secretary of State. No answer was received here as it was a matter for the Attorney-General of Georgia. In contacting the Attorney-General a ruling was finally received. His report showed that the law, as passed, did not pertain to all wild rabbits. This law was a conservation measure to insure the hunter a good hunting season. Only wild rabbits killed in the state were not to be sold. Wild rabbit from any other state or country could legally be sold in Georgia as long as they were processed in accordance with the Federal health laws.
The breeders here now have only one way to fight the wild rabbit. That is by education of the store owners that wild rabbit is far inferior to our domestic rabbits. The Savannah River Valley breeders have succeeded in doing this, and to my knowledge they have prevented any wild rabbits from being accepted by the stores.
Recently in checking one of our outlets for domestic rabbit the answer to why sales had dropped was found, Australian Rabbit in the frozen food box. These Australian rabbits were packaged much the same as our domestic. The meat was drapped in cellophane and in a solid carton. Except for the carton being dirty from much handling it was attractive. This store had been failing to place orders for domestic rabbit because they had rabbit in the food case that wouldn’t sell. All they knew was that the number of rabbits sold had dropped. A little knowledge passed on to the
'Pays Off
By Judge Harry Hurlburt Bainbridge, N. Y.
Have you ever stopped to think that the American Rabbit Breeders Association registration system is, beyond a doubt, the best registration in the world. This may be hard for a great many to understand. And for those in doubt, it might be well for them to study the registration system of purebred animals.
Very few can comprehend the amount of time and money that has been spent since the adoption of the ARBA system, and the improvement that has been made from time to time down through the years. It has been only a few short years since the Merit System was put into use. This was a great improvement to say the least.
For those who do not understand the merit system in regard to registration let me explain. If the sire and dam of the animal to be registered are both registered, a Red seal is placed on the Certificate of registration. If both the first and second generations are registered, the Merit seal is Red, White and Blue.
You may wonder what bearing this has upon our breeding stock. First, if you have a Red-White-Blue seal animal, you have proof that this rabbit was bred from all three generation of animals that were up to standard weight, were healthy and free from defects.
It has oft been said, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap.” This applies also to the breeder who purchases inferior stock. He can never hope to reap a full harvest. However, the Red-White-Blue seal is no guarantee that all of the offspring will be outstanding. The law of averages disproves this. But it docs prove that a higher percent of good animals will be obtained from such quality stock. To further illustrate this—oft-times an outstanding animal (or a flyer as some breeders call it) is produced from an off-colored sport. This rabbit may win top honors in a show and be sold to an inexperienced breeder at a fancy price. Then this inexperienced breeder will wonder why he cannot produce similar specimens. Had this same breeder understood the Merit System, and questioned the seller as to the eligibility of this rabbit for a Rcd-White-Blue seal registration, the heartaches would have been avoided.
The experienced breeders today, purchasing stock to incorporate new blood in their established strains are demanding Red-White-Blue seal. This fact alone should convince the new breeders that for the little difference in investment in this quality stock, great dividends will be received. In the near future, the breeders of both commercial and fancy breeds are going to find themselves handicapped in selling breeding stock if they fail to heed the warning of keeping their herd registered, since registered stock signifies quality stock.
manager and a fresh supply of domestic rabbit was placed in the food box. With sales now picking up another little battle has been won. At the present time this is our way of fighting Australian rabbits with better ways coming in the future.
Anyone having definite proof on how Australian rabbits are processed at this time, not in 1950, should forward it on to me. It will be greatly appreciated by the breeders of Georgia and other states.
By W. H. Orr Boys Industrial School,
Topeka, Kans.
The Kansas Boys Industrial School has enjoyed many wonderful articles in newspapers and magazines during the past six years under titles similar to the above. While the first part of the title is correct, the rabbits certainly were very fine animals, the last part of the heading —the “bad boys” part—we feel that that is misleading—very, very few of our boys could be classed as “bad.”
It is true, that our boys are sent here by the courts for some act, or accumulation of acts of an anti-social nature. However, the clinical staff of the school usually finds that the boy is the victim of circumstances—probably originating in the home where there has been a separation and perhaps (to the boy) an obnoxious step-parent, or a home where there is constant bickering or other unpleasantness, or maybe a drunken, worthless father, or, perhaps, a mother who is more interested in parties or bridge or some other form of entertainment which keeps her occupied when she might be making a pleasant home and showing a love for her son, or at least an interest in the life of a boy at the age when he needs to feel that he is really wanted.
Several years ago, before we had advanced to the stage of having our own psychiatrist, psychologist, trained social workers and others interested in a treatment-type program for the rehabilitation of our boys, rather than the usual custodial program, a rabbit project was discussed, not as a meat supply or a work detail to keep a group of boys busy and out of mischief, but for its therapeutic value in giving boys something to care for and raise as pets, and above all, something that they could have for their very own.
The Kansas State Rabbit Breeders Association had been organized just a few months before and the members had expressed a willingness to support and go along with the idea of a rabbitry at a state institution for boys and had agreed to furnish some of their best stock for such a project. In addition to being a rehabilitation project for boys, and since the person in charge of the affair had been a rabbit breeder since the days of the old Belgian Hare and Rufus Red, it was also to be a clearing house for information for breeders over the state.
The idea of a project of this kind was discussed and information sought from several of the “old-timers” and nationally prominent breeders at the Allentown convention, and it seemed to be the general thought that it would be a fine thing for “bad" boys as well as a source of information for "rabbit problems” over the state.
There is always old lumber around a place like this as well as nails, hammers, saws, and other needed tools and materials, so the boys were started out building hutches. There was a chicken house that had not been used for a year or two, 20 by 100 feet, divided into five rooms of equal size. The first room was to be used for feed, hay and other supplies. The second room was to be the boys' “office” and classroom. A long table and chairs were installed for any written classwork to be done, and each boy, after he had selected his favorite breed, was to write (if he could write) a description of that breed. A judging table and show coops were also in the “office” room and each boy, some time during his second se-mester in the studv, put on a demonstration of judging his particular breed. And if you think those boys didn't razz the “judge,” then you didn’t know our type of boys. But, the boy who started the razzing had to get his own breed and finish the demonstration. The first time or two there was almost a rebellion but of course, we are used to “almost rebellions.”
For almost any emotional disturbance, a baby rabbit playing out on the grass with a boy watching him, or being cuddled up in a boy’s arms, will do a lot toward settling a boy down as it gives him an outlet for the disturbance by having something dependent on him and something of his own to love and take care of. The mother rabbit and each litter of hers belonged to the boy. He must care for them, feed and water, keep the hutch clean —every chore connected with that particular mother rabbit and her babies was that one boy’s responsibility.
Fifteen boys, ranging in ages from 10 to 15 years, and each KNOWING that his particular rabbits were absolutely the finest in the whole rabbitry was quite a problem for the instructor, keeping the boys from each other’s throats in the arguments.
As long as the rabbitry was used as a therapeutic project, 45 boys were divided into three classes, 15 of the more disturbed boys from each of three cottages, met for two hours each afternoon. Boys in the Monday group came again on Thursday. That made an overlapping in the care of the rabbits, but the boys ac-
cepted that in fine shape. The Monday boy had no complaint on the care his rabbit had received on Tuesday or Wednesday.
As the clinical staff was enlarged, the rabbit study classes were diminished until finally there were only about 10 boys working in the rabbitry. There was some talk of discontinuing the project but nothing definite was done until the great flood of 1951. The decision was made for us. There were only about 25 does in the herd by that time, many of them with litters as the flood waters came. When the water reached the rabbitry the boys moved the animals to the top tier of hutches (our hutches were all three-high) and they knew that if the water reached that high there would be no need for hutches or any of the other buildings around the place. The water came only about halfway up in the bottom row, but by the time the waters had receded, there were not many animals left and they were sick with fear, colds, pneumonia and whatnot. Those left were given away, the hutches torn down, sold, and several which had been borrowed at the start were returned.
The Kansas Rabbitry, the first real group therapy project in the new rehabilitation program at the Kansas Boys Industrial School was closed and the work taken over by a professional clinical staff.
Rabbit Meat a Treat
Rabbit raisers over the country may well be pleased with the increasing recognition being given domestic rabbit meat in Home Eco-nomics circles. The April issue of What’s New in Home Economics in its food column titled WHAT’S NEWS publicizes the government booklet “Ways to Cook Rabbit:’’ Likewise, the May issue of Practical Home Economics in its column WHAT’S GOING ON IN FOODS mentions the increasingly available supply of domestic rabbit, ready-to-cook, fresh or frozen.
The item in the last mentioned magazine is especially valuable publicity as it points out the difference between domestic and wild rabbit, distinguishes between the fryer and roaster with brief cooking hints for each.
These two magazines have a wide circulation among Home Economists both in the teaching and business professions as well as reaching thousands of girls at the high school and college level.—Fern Pine
National Canvention and Show York, Pa., Oct. 23-27, 1954
4323Z Murray Avenue, Pittsburgh 17, Pa. ( Return and Forwarding Postage
James Blyth, Secretary
4323Z Murray Avenue, Pittsburgh 17, Pa.
Sure, I want to belong to the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. I want to do my part and help make the rabbit industry one of the largest meat and fur producers in the country. I'll be glad to abide by its Constitution and By-Laws. Enclosed find $3.00 for a year's membership. You are to send me free the big 320 page Official Guide Book and my membership card.
Section 34.66 P.L.&R. U. S. POSTAGE
Pittsburgh, Pa. Permit No. 1613
Check: □ New Member □ Renewal
POSTMASTER: Form 3547 Requested

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