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American Rabbit Breeders Association

Year Book of American Fur Fanciers Association - 1910
Collection: Rabbit Books


Year Book of American Fur Fanciers Association - 1910


Rabbit raising -- History

“Year Book of American Fur Fanciers Association - 1910,” ARBA Digital Library, accessed October 22, 2024,

Some of the silver prizes offered at our official shows by the A. F. F. A.
President 1909 and 1910
Mr. Kroeger was at first identified with the Belgians and Angoras, then with Himalayans and Tans. He is one of the most energetic of our members and so successful in his business that a sudden call to Minneapolis necessitated the temporary dispersal of his studs. He judged the official show at Milwaukee last January.
To publish the second fanciers’ annual, represented by this volume, has entailed much effort. Academic duties prevent us doing this earlier in the year, but we are in time for all the season’s shows. We trust this will not only introduce you to most of the officers who have so kindly assisted us by lending their photos, but we would like to have presented all. We are sorry to have had to go to press before receipt of copy for many of the advertisements that were promised to support this undertaking. The publication is of no value to any individual who does not care for the fancy, but we trust it is interesting to all fanciers, and it is our aim to make it valuable to the advertisers, to whom as liberal fanciers of repute we beg our readers to give all possible patronage.
We regret not being able to present pictures of every variety, but fanciers of the absent varieties did not respond to the call for cuts, so if the varieties do not go forward the apathy of their breeders is to blame. We would here offer our grateful thanks to all who have rendered us any assistance and we trust this volume will prove a help to the whole fancy and another year will bring forward a still better publication. A price sufficient merely to cover cost of delivery has been affixed this year. We believe the list of members alone is worth this to any fancier.
President, Al. Kroeger.
First Vice-President, F. G. Carnochan.
Second Vice-President, Eliot Hubbard, Jr.
Secretary, C. H. Ellard.
Treasurer, W. B. Patterson.
Chairman Fancy Rabbit Club, Robt. Whitaker.
Chairman Belgian Hare Rabbit Club, F. J. Dick.
Chairman Smooth Cavy Club, H. P. Talcott.
Chairman Peruvian Cavy Club, G. M. Carnochan, Jr.
Chairman Abyssinian Cavy Club, Thos. A. Martin, Jr.
Chairman Mouse Club, Miss C. Spencer.
F. J. Dick G. M. Carnochan. Jr. Robt. Whitaker
W. B. Patterson H. P. Talcott Eliot Hubbard, Jr.
F. G. Carnochan Miss Christina Spencer T. A. Martin, Jr. JUDGES APPROVED BY THE ASSOCIATION 1910.
R bt. Whitaker Al Kroeger
L. G. Plath A. Ziegler C. H. Ellard
During the past year several things have been accomplished that have never before been done for the fur fancy in America. There has been issued by the secretary a year book supported by the advertisers and carrying a list of members, some information as to the work and standing of the association and its future in the report of the secretary and some articles by members of the fancy. The book
met with unanimous approval and has proved to some of the advertisers a very profitable medium of advertising, and we trust it will also do as much for the fancy. There has also been designed and printed a uniform label carrying some information of value as to both shipper and consignee and identifying all shipments of members. Inasmuch as the association is constantly gaining prestige these labels will in reality soon become a sort of guarantee to the buyer and an insurance to the shipper. We have also been able, by the increased membership and constant increase in dues to have a die made from which metallic medallions or medals may be struck in the future at a small cost and they should prove an incentive to greater exhibiting.
The express rates on our stock have been reduced, partly due to the efforts of the association as the matter was broached last February with the companies, but immediately due to the submitting of a dispute between a dealer and a company to the Interstate Commerce Board whose order brought about the change to single rate in all companies. There have been three official shows, at Boston, Orange. X. J., and New York, during 1909, and there are to be three others during the early part of 1910, viz., Boston, Milwaukee and Red Bank, N. J. At most of these there was a fair number of exhibits, but not in any case as large an entry as there was reason to expect, and which we must correct if we are to carry on our campaign of education and progress. Two cases of alleged questionable transactions have been taken up and members of the association afforded what protection was possible. In transactions, however, members ought to use considerable care of themselves. It is not for the good of the fancy to ship stock prepaid or C. O. D., nor is it wise to ship stock that has not been paid for, especially to persons not members of the association, for they are not so easily gotten at and there are plenty of frauds who will "take you in.” A person who suspects a member of the association so much as to want to have animals shipped first is either ignorant of usage or will bear watching himself.
For the annual show the following subscriptions were received and expended for the trophies as indicated: Angora rabbits, $1 C. H. Ellard, $2 E. B. Southwick, silver baking dish; smooth cavy, $1 C. H. Ellard, fifty cents, W. T. Fluck, seventy-five cents, A. W. Pollworth silver butter dish: Belgian hares, adults, $2 Julian Branch, silver chocolate pot; junior, $2 Mrs. C. B. Evans, silver bonbon dish; Tans, $1 C. H. Ellard, $1 Dr. Meyer, $1 H. P. Talcott, silver nut dish; Dutch, adult, $5 Eliot Hubbard, Jr., silver trophy cup; junior, $5 Eliot Hubbard, Jr., silver beer set; English, $10 G. M. Carnochan, Jr., $1 H. P. Talcott, colonial silver coffee set; Flemish, $1, C. H. Ellard. $3 J. F. Johnson, silver sandwich tray; Peruvians, $1 C. H. Ellard, $1 H. P. Talcott, silver mustard cup.
Also: Mice, $1 Miss Spencer, silver salt dish; Abyssinians, $2 T. A. Martin, Jr., competition for which failed and they are held in waiting for next year; and besides the above two medals were offered by Robt. Whitaker to value of $15, and two by the association of the value of $1 each. A $1 special from Dr. Knowles of Fostoria for the best Belgian buck bred by the exhibitor was re- ceived after the judging was over. The total of specials was better than last year, but could be much better if members would subscribe before June and all give a little. The total would be greater and the party to whose lot it may fall to purchase trophies therewith can take advantage of the very low prices of the big department store sales and offer a $5 or even $10 article with an expenditure of a half or two-thirds of these sums.
During the coming year the work of the association, and that means the efforts of each and every member, should be directed toward an onward and upward growth, an awakening of a more widespread and general interest in thoroughbred stock, and a far greater educational campaign through the exhibiting of our stock at more times and places and in greater quantities.
We will need to bend every effort toward increasing our membership. Every one can induce one more to join and that means double our roll. The members of the association located within a State should make some effort to organize themselves into a State chapter. Such will undoubtedly help increase interest locally and also membership
The membership roll embraces the following members: Fancy Rabbit Club, 57; Belgian Hare Rabbit Club, 34; Smooth Cavy Club, 26; Peruvian Cavy Club, 12; Abysinnian Cavy Club, 9; Mouse Club, 6; a total of 144.
These are geographically placed as follows: New York State, 58; Massachusetts, 24; Pennsylvania, 17; New Jersey, 9; Wisconsin, 7; Ohio, 3, and others in Iowa, Kansas, Indiana, West Virginia, Maryland and Michigan. Of course in these figures ap individual belonging to two clubs appears twice, but the majority are not affiliated with more than one club or two at most.
The matter of registration and the establishment of championship has now become a matter demanding action, and a registry system will be maintained on the present rules by the secretary until a committee definitely recommends more complete rules. Certificates will be issued as soon as the Board authorizes their printing and form.
The matter of raising the dues to $1 per year per club seems to meet with very general approval and it might be observed that if the increase in membership continues we will have to have a greater income to meet the postage bills alone. This association should be unanimous in the support of some official magazine that is devoted to the fancy and willing to promote the interest of the fanciers and fancy stock and not interested in the pot hunting type and the show follower and fakir. We ought to support a journal strongly that stands for the purely fancier, educational and scientific side of the hobby. Such must be financed and you can make such possible by your subscription and advertising. This all redounds to the benefit of the members in every possible way.
You must get together and support a journal that reflects your ideal fancy or that fancy will soon cease to hold interest for others and your own interest will lag for want of stimulus from others. I hardly should need to repeat my former urging for more exhibits at shows. Not enough of us show our stock to the public and those who do exhibit do not do so often enough. I would suggest that two summer shows be arranged for 1910, one in the early part, one in the latter part, and arranged as to be in the neighborhood at least of some of the large summer resorts where people who are interested can be reached and induced to visit the exhibition. For the rest of the year a series of four or five large shows arranged so as to cover most of the territory represented by our association would induce perhaps more members to exhibit and would reach a wider range of people. The summer shows are of particular advantage to the breeders, as they will furnish an outlet, through sales, for much of the surplus young stock and thereby enable the exhibitor to give his own stud better care and in most cases add a new fancier to the fold.
Let us, then, strive to increase our brotherhood by at least one new member each. Let us all give to some publication agreed upon as our official organ every bit of support we can, both in subscribing and advertising and writing, and let us all support more exhibitions and support them better, that they may be greater in number, size and influence. and if we do these things well the fancy will leap into such importance and prominence as has never been known.
To all those who by their help and advice helped and contributed to the successes of the past year our thanks are due and I would extend to all who lent me any assistance my sincerest gratitude.
Mr. Hubbard, our 2nd Vice President, started in the fancy with Peruvian Cavies but was forced to give them up as they required too much care while he was away at school. He next took up the Dutch rabbit, buying Waconah King and several other Airedale winners. He distinguished himself last annual show by winning the specials for Dutch and the medal for the best rabbit in the show with a blue buck he bred himself. He is one of those fanciers we can always depend on to back any good cause, as his liberal contribution of specials this year attests.
Abyssinians, all colors White, Cream and Silver Agouti our Specialty
English Rabbits Blue, Black and Tortoise
Out of 40 Entries 1909, Won 25 First and 4 Specials
Exhibition and Breeding Stock For Sale
Carnochan Bros.
New City Rockland Co., N. Y.
All breeds and varieties of
English Rabbits
Thoroughbred Exhibition and Breeding Stock always on Hand
The annual meeting of the American Fur Fanciers’ Association was held on December 30, at 2 p. m., in Madison Square Garden, with Dr. Southwick in the chair, who gave the members a short address of welcome and kind words of praise for the handler of the show and other workers. The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. The applications of new members were gone over and accepted. The poll clerks, Messrs. G. M. Carnochan, Jr., and Eliot Hubbard, Jr., announced their tally of votes. The officers for 1910 elected were:
President, Al. Kroeger; First Vice-President, F. G. Carnochan; Second Vice-President, Eliot Hubbard, Jr.; Secretary, C. H. Ellard; Treasurer, W. B. Patterson; Judges, Robt. Whitaker, Al. Kroeger, L. G. Plath, A. Ziegler, C. H. Ellard.
The matter of change of date for payment of dues from January 1 to September 1 was counted 12 against and 12 for. many not voting. The question of raising the yearly dues to $1 per club was 28 for and 5 against, again some not voting. The color of the uniform label was voted 18 for red and 16 for orange. Twenty-four voted to support another year book in varying amounts, which it is hoped will total enough to make it possible. The meeting voted the secretary get out another year book if sufficient funds were subscribed. The meeting decided that its acceptance of the vote for the raise in dues be laid on the table for the year. A motion was made by F. G. Carnochan that the matter of raising the dues and the matter of subscription to an official paper be put to vote by the secretary. Carried.
Mr. Whitaker moved that the chairmen of the club be provided with association postcards for Club purposes. Carried. Mr. Whitaker moved that all specials must be in the hands of the secretary by July 1 in order that they may appear more definitely in the premium lists. There was some discussion on the subject of the educational side of the fancy introduced by Dr. Bigelow who expressed a desire that more effort be made to get our type of stock introduced as general domestic pets. There was a large number present.
our 1st vice president is the senior member of the Carnochan Bros. firm. He became one of our active members and an enthusiastic worker at the first annual meeting and secured for his home town the first official summer show of the Association which he handled and which still holds the record for entries, having considerably over 300. He nas made Abysinians a particular specialty and from the beginning has bred some of the best shown. Recently the smooths have been added and particular prominence in breeding Dutch has been his good fortune. He is endeavoring to produce a strain of choco-late Dutch, we trust successfully. He is one of the popular members of his class at Harvard. The fancier seems to be an asset of the family, Mr. Carnoch-an’s father, the ex-senator, being one of the most prominent dog fanciers of the country.

Sept. 2-6, Red Bank, N. J.
P. J. Gleason, Secretary.
W. B. Patterson, Handler. C. H. Ellard, Judge.
N ov. 18-24, Empire Show, Grand Central Palace, New York City. Robt. Seaman, Manager, Jericho, N. Y.
R. H. Baker, Handler. C. H. Ellard, Judge.
Dec. 29-31, Madison Square Garden, New York City.
H. V. Cranford, Secretary, Montclair, N. J.
You will have to write for premium list and entry blank for these shows, perhaps, but be there and be on time with your entry.
Jan. 16, 1911, Boston, Milwaukee, and others to be announced.
Dues received from 122 members, $61.00
(Of this, $30.50 is devoted to expenses and prizes respectively)
For expenses, $30.50
Balance from 1908, 4.28
Total expense funds, Expenses, 1909: $34.78
A—Postage, cards, stamps, etc., $9.40
B—Stamped envelopes, 5.62
C—Letter heads, 3.00
D—Advertising advocate, 4.00
E—Expressage, 1.50
F—Incidentals, Annual Show, etc., ’08-’09, 3.50 27.82
Jan. 1910, balance on hand expense account, $6.96
For prizes, 1909, $30.50
Balance from 1908, 6.00
Total prize funds, $36.50
Expended for medals, $5.00
Expended for prize ribbons, 26.80
Received dues, 71 members, $35.50
Balance from 1909 expense account. 6.96
Prize account, 4-70
Two dues, 1911, 1.00
Special English rabbit subscription, .50
On deposit, $53-49 $32.44
Due C. H. E.. account cash for A. D. E., 1909, A. and B., E. and F., 1910, 21.05
Jan., 1910, balance on prize account.
A—Postage cards, etc., $2.25
B—Express, .85
C—Application blanks, 5.00
D—Stamped envelopes, 5.72
E—Registry cards, F—Member’s certificates, 1.25
The A. F. F. A. has made great progress, but not in proportion to the other fanciers’ organizations. The great stumbling block and drawback is the carelessness and indifference shown by members and to whether we have or have not a paper publisher exclusively in the interest of the pet animals for whose welfare the A. F. F. A. was organized. We all must admit the power of the press. Every poultry, pigeon and other fanciers’ association, even our trade unions and labor organizations, owe their success to the papers they publish. While we must admit there are many birds and animals that may be considered as pets, we must remember we are not organized as a general pet stock association; we are only interested in the rabbit, cavy, rat and mouse. We may be successful in a way, but we can never expect to be on an equal footing with the other fanciers until we have our own successful publication. A general miscellaneous pet stock publication will never be a success and is of little or no use to any fancier. Having a page in a poultry paper will never build our fancy. Nor a page tacked on to the rear of a pigeon paper or added to the tail of a dog paper will not produce results. If we want to see our fancy and the A. F. F. A. grow we must have a fanciers’ paper, one devoted to our fancy and our organization exclusively. We must remember we are fanciers and do not want a paper devoted to the butchers, fakers and hucksters of rabbit pelts and meat.
__________________F. J. DICK.
Mr. T. A. MARTIN, Jr.
The Chairman of the Abysinnian Club is a young fancier who became identified with the Association during its first years and has been an enthusiastic and successful follower of the rough “pigs," and what is more he has seldom failed to have a good representation at the shows. His efforts to push the Abyssinian should meet much stronger support from breeders. He has recently taken up English Rabbits of the Airdale strain.
B. A. ROBINSON, 13 Monroe St., Taunton, Mass.
Importer and Breeder of
Flemish Giants and Belgian Hares
MY Belgians are headed by imported buck "Nottingham Boy," by "African Boy," sired by Noble's "African Chief" —grandest buck in England and two equally well bred imported does. Some fine young bucks, full of color and of type. Just what you want to introduce new blood into your stock. Prices Right and Satisfaction Guaranteed
Very reasonable. Black, white and tan, rough coated, Scotch Collie, Vialfo Clinker. An excellent stud dog. Good size and head. Pedigree contains 12 Champions and imported dogs. V. H. C in novice class, Milwaukee Show. Pedigreed table and white and black and white collie pups for sale anytime
AUG. W. POLLWORTH, 186 Wright St., Milwaukee, Wis.
Mr. F. J. Dick was for a long time identified with the Belgian fancy and did much for that variety. He was forced to give them up by some one stealing his entire stud. He came back in cavies and Tans however and expects to get into the “red ones" again.
He h as struggled for three years trying to give the fancy a journal and made such an impression with his paper on the foreign fancy that he has heard from it even from South Africa. He is now chairman of the Belgian Hare Club and is putting his usual energy into bringing that division of the fancy to the fore as well as pushing the advocate.
By Aug. W. Pollworth, Milwaukee, Wis.
Very few fanciers who send their stock to a show realize the amount of work and responsibility that attaches to the position of handler at an official show. His duties require him to be on hand a day or two before the stock is supposed to arrive, to take care of any stock which may have arrived ahead of time. In some cases in order to facilitate matters and to get his stock out of their cramped shipping boxes, he will assist the show people in arranging and placing cooping or will very often have to change stock around from coop to coop until it finally lands in its proper place when all coops are set up. On the day set for the stock to arrive a large wagon load will be dumped in some out of the way corner, and it’s up to the handler to carry them up to the space allotted to him in the show room. Then the real tussle begins. He looks over the lot of boxes and his eye catches several with wire front and hinged covers, the wire front being carefully covered with muslin to keep out draughts and cold. These are real convenient shipping coops and it’s only a moment’s time to remove the wire or pin run through the hasp on the cover and the whole top is open and in a short time this stock is comfortably cooped. The next box is a large, cumbersome affair with holes bored in the sides, and the top nailed on with enough nails to ship it around the world. It is marked “Live Stock” but none is to be seen from the outside, so it must be opened to find out the contents. A hunt for a cold chisel and a hammer is begun and the cover is finally pried off, but not without splitting most of the boards, and lo! several rabbit poke up their heads to get a whiff of fresh air.
31 Marlboro Street
English and Peruvians of good shape and color
Boston, Mass.
I breed the finest and win wherever I show. Jan.
1900 at Boston my stock won all firsts and all but one second. Look up my wins at Boston, 1909-10.
Call and See the Hares or Write
Cliftondale G. W. FELTON Mass.
Fanciers who do not care for the Smooth or English cavy, and who think the long silky haired Peruvian too much trouble, will find a happy medium in the rough little Abyssinian. He is a hardy creature, requires no extra care, and can be kept in an outdoor hutch with plenty of hay all the year round. The cold improves his coat—the most essential point in a good Abyssinian.
The short, wiry coat is formed into rosettes from which the hair radiates in circles. The more rosettes, the better, but they should be equally distributed over the entire body. The placing of the rosettes is fully as important as their number, for a cavy with 14 may beat another having 20, if the arrangement is more pleasing. In judging Abyssinians, 30 per cent. of the counts are given to the rosettes, for in them lies the chief beauty of the animal.
A well developed specimen should be large throughout, with broad shoulders, a good head covered with fur, which in no part must exceed 1¼ inches in length, and ears well lopped. When breeding select a sow for size and shape and the boar for coat and color. This is not an infallible rule, but it often proves to be a wise one to follow. Self colors, whites, blacks, reds, creams, gold and silver Agouties, and the broken or varied colors, tortoise shell, tortoise shell and white, and Dutch marked are the most common Abyssinians.
Abyssinians are becoming conspicuous wherever pet stock is exhibited, and the largest shows of last year doubled their classes this season. We would like to have the Abyssinian Club grow at the same rate, so all interested persons are most cordially invited to join.
THOS. A. MARTIN, JR., Chairman Abyssinian Club.
Young black or blue Dutch marked Rabbits, direct from such stock as imported black buck, winner 1st and special, Madison Square Garden, 1907-08-09; also 1 st and special, Boston, 1908-10; blue bluck, winner 1 st and three specials, Madison Square, 1909; black doe, winner 1st, Madison Square, 1909; black doe, winner 1st, Boston, and 2nd, Madison Square, 1909.
From $1.50 per Pair Up
E. HUBBARD, Jr., Millis, Mass.
Breeder of Lopeared Rabbits
446 W. South St.. Frederick, Md.
$20 sterling challenge cup, E. Hubbard, Jr., for best junior Dutch rabbit, to be won at annual show three times, two of which must be in succession. Exhibitor must be breeder of the exhibit.
$2 for best Dutch buck at Madison Square, E. Hubbard, Jr.
$2 for best Dutch doe at Madison Square, E. Hubbard, Jr.
$2 for best blue Dutch at Boston, E. Hubbard, Jr.
$2 for best black Dutch at Boston, E. Hubbard, Jr.
$3 for best Belgian junior at annual show, G. W. Felton.
$1 for best Belgian bred and exhibited by a member of B. H. C., Dr. Knowles.
$5 for best black English cavy at Madison Square, F. W. Mills.
$1 for best Dutch rabbit at annual show, C. Patterson.
$1 for best mouse exhibit, Miss A. Lathrop.
$2 for best Abyssinian cavy at Red Bank (September), T. A. Martin.
$2 for best Belgian at annual show, Julian Branch.
$1 for best black English cavy, at annual show, Leroy Patten.
50 cents for best chocolate cavy at annual show, A. W. Pollworth. 50 cents for best silver grey rabbit at annual show, A. W. Poll-worth.
$1 for best mouse at annual show, Miss Spencer.
$1 for best R. O. C. Dutch at annual show, J. E. Willmarth.
3 sterling medallion fobs at Red Bank (September). C. H. Ellard. 2 sterling medalion fobs at Empire Show, C. H .Ellard.
2 sterling medallion fobs at annual show, C. H. Ellard.
Now, why!—Oh! Why isn’t my name on this list?
You didn’t say so, that’s why.
(Send us your subscription NOW.—C. H. E.)_______________________
One of the Atlantic Rabbitry's stud bred at Elm Cove
Willis J. Middletown, M. D.
Usually has young and old stock for disposal in Belgian Hares, Himalayans, English, Silver Gray and White Lops
Mr. Patterson has been interested for a long time in Belgians and became a member of the Association upon visiting our Fourth Annual Show. He has taken an active part and has superintended two official shows at Red Bank, his home town, and always has hustled out a good string of specials.
A black and white lop rabbit
Westvern Rabbitry
J. F. JOHNSON 4237 Pearl Road, Cleveland, Ohio
My Flemish Giant stud comprises 3 of England s best bucks and 11 does of as good quality. Many that have won abroad are among them and I have numerous others notable for size, bone, etc. Bucks at stud. Some grand youngsters for sale.
Le Roy Pattern, Milwaukee, Wis.
1512 Teutonia Place
Baker, R. B., Douglaston, L. I.
Beyer, Fred, 1048 Strong Street, Schenectady, N. Y.
Bigelow, E. F., Arcadie, Sound Beach, Conn.
Boyd, C. Parker, 130 Washington Street, Newton, Mass.
Castle, W. E., Ph.D., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Carnochan, G. M., Jr., New City, N. Y.
Chamberlin, G. H., Jr., 202 Glenwood Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. Dally, Geo., 679 Mineral Street, Milwaukee, Wis.
Drury, Alden, 66 Paradise Road, Northampton, Mass.
Ellard, C. H., Great Neck, L. I.
Eisner, Victor, 84 West Front Street, Red Bank, N. J.
Geiger, Jacob, 44 Charles Street, New York City.
Gruber, Ant., East Islip, L. I., Box 117.
Hensel, Chas., Rolland Park Branch, Baltimore, Md.
Hubbard, Eliot, Jr., 206 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass.
Johnson, Francis, Box 107, Fairhaven, N. J.
Johnson, J. F., 4237 Pearl Road, Cleveland, Ohio.
Johnson, Jared N., R. F. D., No. 5, Ithaca, N. Y.
Kennedy, L. E., 446 West South Street, Frederick, Md.
Knight, E. D., Tuscavilla, Lewisburg, W. Va.
Klein, Alvin, 465 Sixth Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis.
Kroeger, Al., 643 Mineral Street, Milwaukee, Wis.
Lane, Leslie, 10 Chester Street, Taunton, Mass.
May, W. W., Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y.
Maxon, Dr. F. S., Chatham, N. Y.
McCarty, Alex., Rockville Center, N. Y.
Meader, Chas. A., Taunton, Mass.
Mills, F. H., 34 Pine Street, New York City, N. Y.
Middleton, Dr. W. J., Quincy, Mass.
Meyer, Chas. H. A., M.D., 1031 Caroline Street, Baltimore, Md. Morse, Donald, C., 21 Second Street, Attleboro, Mass.
Murray, L. G. J., 715 Clybourn Street, Milwaukee, Wis.
Nason, E. M., 601 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Palmer, R. L., Cos Cob, Conn.
Plath, L. G., York, Pa.
A conple of Elm Cove Tans—a black and a blue. These youngsters did their share of winning last winter. The variety is fast gaining in popularity and numbers. They are as pretty as any and a toy breed.
Marl Ridge Rabbitry
Breeders of Leading
Belgian Hares, Lop-Eared and Himalayan Rabbits
Imported Stock. Youngsters For Sale R. W. WILLS, Hornerstown, N. J.
48 Clinton Avenue, Rockville Centre, Long Island, N. Y.
Breeder of high class Dutch, Flemish Giant, English, Himalayan, Angora, Black and Blue and Tan Rabbits. Bred from prize winning stock. Member of A. F. F A.
Patterson, W. B., 15 West Side Avenue, Red Bank, N. J.
Patterson, C., 1283 Watt Street, Schenectady, N. Y.
Pfeifer, Hugo, Box L, Jersey City, N. J.
Preusser, Oscar, Lauraville, Md.
Regnet, Louis, 65 N. H Street, San Mateo, Calif.
Rogge, J. C. L., 3071 Perry Avenue, Bronx, New York City. Robinson, B. A., 13 Monroe Street, Taunton, Mass.
Rodig, J. J., 1010 Cherry Street, Milwaukee, Wis.
Southwick, E. B., Arsenal Building, Central Park, New York City. Spelker, John, Carnegie, Pa., R. F. D. No. 3.
Sampson, Chas., 109 Upland Avenue, Quincy, Mass.
Sheridan, Jos., 20 E. 190th Street, New York City.
Sherwood, A. G., 50 Main Street, Nyack, N. Y.
Schmalholz, L. I., Box 321, New Brunswick, N. J.
Schauf, Adam, M.D., 198 Vernon Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Strauff, Herman, 203 Clay Street, Baltimore, Md.
Smith, Miss D. M., 40 North Street, Quincy, Mass.
Talcott, H. P., 25 Pine Street, New York City.
Tilton, Ralph, R. F. D. No. 6, Ithaca, N. Y.
Thurber, S., Newtonville, Mass.
Thomas, John, Sharon, Pa.
Uthus, Chas. L., Jr., 584 Washington St., Milwaukee, Wis. Waldron, H. A., East Greenwich, R. I.
Whitaker, Robert, Dalton, Mass.
Wills, R. W., Hornerstown, N. J.
Witty, Leon, Killawog, N. Y.
Whipple, W. H., 516 Congress Street, Portland, Maine. Whitechurch, F., 16 Green Street, Taunton, Mass.
Wilmarth, J. E., Amityville, L. I.
Williams, Roy, Honeoye Falls, N. Y.
A heavy Flemish stud at Elm Cove. Winner of 1st at every official show last season. The photo shows the heavy body structure of this variety.
Showing the chain, saddle and nose markings that characterize this breed. One of the Carnochan Bros. stud
Billinger, B. C., 190 Meeting Street, Charleston, S. C.
Boyd, C. Parker, 130 Washington Street, Newton. Mass. Branch, Julian, Martinsville, Va.
Brown, Chas. A., Fort Recovery, Ohio.
Clark, Dr. Fred K., Newton Falls, Ohio.
Davis, Keyal, 196 Beach Street, Red Bank, N. J.
Dick, F. J., 227 Shetland Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
Davis, Henry C., Cummaquid, Mass.
Doremus, A. Irving, 65 Washington Street, Red Bank, N. J. Evans, Mrs. C. B., Tyrone, Pa.
Felton, Geo. W., Cliftondale, Mass.
Garrison, Earnest B., Monkton, Md.
Gibbs, T. H., R. F. D., No. 5, Ithaca, N. Y.
Horak, F. J., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Kosche, Fred, 102 Lake Avenue, Clifton, N. J.
Knowles, Dr. W. R., Fostoria, Ohio.
Kraus, Andrew, 114 Master Street, Scranton, Pa.
Linabury, W., 258 Prospect Avenue, Mount Vernon, N. Y. Maxon, Dr. F. L., Chatham, N. Y.
Middleton, Dr. W. J., Quincy, Mass.
Patterson, W. B., 15 Westside Avenue, Red Bank, N. J. Plath, L. J., Manchester, Pa.
Pierron, Louis, R. F. D., No. 9, North Milwaukee, Wis. Pentecost, P. J., Cicero, Ind.
Palmer, R. L., Cos Cob, Conn.
Riesbeck, John, 236 12th Avenue, Long Island City, N. Y. Robinson, B. A., 13 Monroe Street, Taunton, Mass. Robinson, Rev. J. H., 2128 Tenth Avenue, Columbus, Ga. Schauff, Dr. A., 198 Vernon Avenue, Brooklyn.
Schmalholz, L. I., Box 321 New Brunswick, N. J.
Spelker, John, Carnegie, Pa.
Strathman, F. J., Carlyle, Pa.
Sherwood, A. G., 59 Main Street, Nyack, N. Y.
Thornton, F. L., 469 Washington Street, Providence, R. I. Wills, R. W., Hornerstown, N. J.
White, Dr. B. R., Honeoye Falls, N. Y.
Wiedenkeller, Chas., Central Islip, L. I.
Van Alstyne, G. M., 929 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, N. Y. Vander Stuyf, Frank. 355 Athens Street, Boston, Mass. Ziegler, A., Bippus, Ind.
An Imported Winning Red Dutch Cavy of the Carnochan Bros.’ stud.
Bohrmann, H. B., 4105 Glenway Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. Carnochan, F. G., New City, N. Y.
Carnochan, G. M., Jr., New City, N. Y.
Carey, Howard, 716 N. Aurora Street, Ithaca, N. Y.
Chidsey, John R., 122 Spring Garden Street, Easton, Pa.
Ellard, C. H., Great Neck, L. I.
Farr, Merrill, 2397 N. 42 Court, Chicago, Ill.
Fox, Frank, 841 S. Central Park Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Fluck, W. G., East Greenville, Pa.
Ferris, Dean, 1510 Market Street, Peekskill, N. Y.
Gibbs, T. H., Ithaca, N. Y., R. F. D. No. 5.
Hatch, Munson, Warsaw, N. Y.
Holmes, L. D., 26 Beacon Street, Syracuse, N. Y.
Jennings, I. W., 429 Broadway, New York City.
Leathers, G. H., Kansas City, Kan.
McLaughlin, Dr. C. H., 116 South Market Street, Canton, Ohio. May, W. W., Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y.
Mills, F. H., 34 Pine Street, New York City.
Patten, Le Roy, 1512 Teutonia Place. Milwaukee, Wis.
Pollworth, Aug. W., 1816 Wright Street, Milwaukee, Wis.
Plath, L. G., Manchester, Pa.
Purdy, Dorman S., 308 Tioga Street, Ithaca, N. Y.
Shaply, Ambrose, Jr., 434 E. Woodlawn Ave., Germantown, Pa. Southwick, E. B., Arsenal Building, Central Park, N. Y.
Talcott, H. P., 25 Pine Street. New York City.
Turner, Lincoln, 348 Fourth Avenue, New York City.
Wildes, Theo. B., 31 Marlboro Street, Boston, Mass.
Whipple, W. H., 516 Congress Street, Portland, Maine.
One of the remarkably coated white Peruvian Cavies bred by the Carnochan Bros.
Carnochan, G. M., Jr., New City, N. Y.
Ellard, C. H., Great Neck, L. I.
Hitchcock, Jack, 12 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass.
Mills, F. H., 34 Pine Street, New York City.
Masten, Mrs. W. P., Pleasant Valley, N. Y.
May, W. W., Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y.
Plath, L. G., Manchester, Pa.
Pollworth, Aug. W., 1816 Wright Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Shaply, Ambrose, Jr., 434 Woodlawn Avenue, Germantown, Pa. Talcott, H. P., 25 Pine Street, New York City.
Wildes, Theo. B., 31 Marlboro Street, Boston, Mass.
Willicott, W. B., Jr., 109 Madison Avenue, Jamaica, L. I._
A winning Dutch buck recently purchased by Mr. Alex McCarthy. This variety has certainly gone forward the last two years beyond all expectations. Dutch classes should be well filled the coming year.
Carnochan, F. G., New City, N. Y.
Ferris, Dean, 1510 Maple Street, Peekskill, N. Y. Martin, Thos. A., Jr., 73 East Avenue, Freeport, L. I. Mills, F. H., 34 Pine Street, New York City.
May, W. W., Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y.
Plath, J. C., Manchester. Pa.
Talcott, H. P., 25 Pine Street, New York City
Leads the fancy in Flemish Giants and Angora Rabbits and in black and in chocolate smooth cavies. Also breeding imported strains of Tan and Polish Rabbits and self colored Peruvian Cavies Stock For Sale.
Great Neck, L.I.
Erb, Mrs. L. G. B., 2081 Madison Avenue, N. Y. City. Jurack, Albert, 1161 Sixth Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Lathrop, Miss Abbie Granby, Mass.
Spencer, Miss Christine, Stapleton, S. I.
Standish, Myles, Jr., 256 Newbury Street, Boston, Mass. Whipple, W. H., 516 Congress Street, Portland, Maine. Whitney, W. E., 228 Marlboro Street, Boston, Mass. Warner, E. P., Concord, Mass.

C. H. E.
The fancy has made unusual progress in this country in the past few years consequent upon our organization of the Association. There are now more varieties of rabbits bred here than ever before, and each seems to be making steady progress toward permanent establishment. When I was called upon to put forward an article on domestic pets for one of the great American agricultural encyclopedias a few years ago I was forced to state in many cases that there were but few of certain of these varieties bred and they were not well known. With the exception of the silver brown, silver fawn and the imperial every variety known to the English fancy is spread over considerable territory and quite widely bred.
The Lops are by no means as popular either here or abroad as they were a few years ago, but are nevertheless bred by some six or seven American fanciers. The Flemish Giant probably has come forward more than the other varieties so that they are perhaps quite as popular as the Belgian Hare rabbit now. The Dutch and English have made some remarkable though well deserved progress and bid fair to become as popular here as they have long been abroad. The Tatis and Polish are forging along, the former are being bred both east and west as well as south and as many as ten or twelve breeders of the tans are easily counted. The silver gray is growing and with a little pushing would be very popular.
The old favorites, the Angoras, are bred everywhere you turn, though of different grades of quality. The pert little Himalayans are just about holding their own and would come forward much more if breeders would show more, but this is also true of everyone of the varieties.
Abyssinian Cavie “IVORY KING" owned by T A. Martin, Jr.
First at Boston ’09. First and Special at N Y. State Fair ’09. First and Special at Orange, N. J. '09. First and Special at Red Bank, N. J. ’10.
Among the cavy fanciers the silken or pseudo Angora seems to be doomed as few indeed appear at our shows and without competition the keenest fancier soon loses zest. The Peruvians do not seem to have any really large following, in fact, they have remained much at a standstill. About the same number breed them as did four years ago. The smooth or English cavy has increased very considerably in popularity, however, and also some in number of varieties.
Among the new ones that need to be noted are the chocolates. These were distinguished by one taking all the premier honors at Madison Square last winter and repeating at Red Bank. The blues and black-eyed whites are here, but need developing. The Abysin-nians need some pushing, too, though they have progressed more than their long-coated brothers by quite a bit. We ought, however, to see about twice the membership in the Abysinnian club. As for the poor mouse, its old friends stick to it and an occasional new one comes along, but it looks as though the coming year might see considerable progress with the long tails. All will go ahead much faster when we see more of them at our exhibits and more exhibitions with exhibits of pet stock at them. The fact that all stock has been enhanced in value is a very natural consequence of what progress we have made.
One of Atlantic Rabbitry’s winning Belgian Hares
By F. J. DICK.
The Belgian Hare has had quite a slump in the year just past. There are not as many breeders and those there are have kept in the background and we have had very little real discussion on the hare. Why the Belgian fanciers have allowed their hobby to lag is hard to say, but I believe the “utility faking” is responsible to a great extent for the falling off of the fancy. I know the utility “rag” is now threadbare, but still we let it flutter out in the breeze every little while.
Every utility advocate will tell you the money you will make selling to hotels and private trade. He will tell you he has made money and “hundreds of others” have done so and what others have done you can do—but in the next breath he will tell you he doesn’t sell to this trade any more as he has disposed of the stock with which he furnished hotels and has now nothing but the best that grows.
What gets me is why he sold the stock which produced the hotel supply if it was such a bonaza. Why did he get the best that could be had? I am not speaking of any individual whatever, but the fact is that every article of this character I have read has wound up advising to get the best. Read a dozen utility articles by as many different authors and you will find that three-fourths of them do not claim they have made a great success of the utility pseudo hare, but say it can be done.
Of course they catch a few with .16 to .40 per pound talk, but the fellow that gets caught what does he do? He'll put the “bug” on everyone and everything in the fancy and will discourage everyone with whom he may come in contact and where a real Belgian fancier might have been added to our roll and breeders of Belgians to the fancy we have scoffers all because of the playing upon the cupidity of one.
If we want the Belgian Hare at the head of the fancy, the leader of rabbits, we must cut this utility rabbit business out. Dispose of your culls young and any way that's honorable and handy. There are, however, quite a number of good Belgian Hares in America, indeed some very fine ones, and from what I have seen I should say some better than any that can be imported. Of course, there are good ones in England, but you can’t get them unless you go after them personally and then you must not let the man over there know they are going out of England. If you do you won’t get the ones you want.
First and Special at Madison Square, 19o8. Shows the coat and head “furnishing" characteristic of this variety as bred at Elm Cove.
If the members of the Belgian Hare Rabbit Club of the A. F. F. A. will get together and give that necessary long steady pull—all pull together for the standard Belgian one that is standard weight, one that is standard color and one that is a fancy rabbit. If we do this you will find our Belgian again filling all three classes at all the shows, and the leader of the “lepus timidus.” We must teach the novice and the public what a Belgian Hare is—that they may distinguish him at sight. The unacquaintedness with what to expect in a Belgian is another cause, I believe, for the temporary slump we are experiencing, for like the Plymouth Rock fowl, with some people any old speckled hen is a Plymouth Rock, so with the Belgian Hare, any old long eared brownish gray coated rabbit is a Belgian. Let’s get together and move things!
[There goes the bugle boys! Fall in! Shoulder arms! Forward march and away to the front for the Belgians again. Ed.]
CAVIES, Bought and Sold
122 Spring Garden Street Easton, Pa.
Use unusual care to keep hatches clean. Sawdust and hay make them comfortable.
Feed regularly. Oats is a good staple for all varieties. Some add bran or wheat. Latter’s the best if you can afford it.
Keep water cups cleaned and filled for all kinds of stock.
Winning Polish Buck "ELM STAR”
Showing the ball like form and typical contour of this toy variety
First and Special at Madison Square, ’o8’-o9-’1o, also at Boston, ’o9-'1o. Silver grey owned by Dr. Middletown who furnished the illustration of this typical Silver.
If you breed a few good ones send them to all the official shows. We haven’t a large enough number of shows to hurt them even if they visit all.
That reminds me, we want to see more exhibits at what shows we have.
Don’t throw away your English rabbits because you get some black or blue solid colored young. Don’t give them up because you can’t breed a perfect one. Nobody else has. Same with all the rest of the varieties.
Brush out angoras’ coats daily and bed on straw. Watch most carefully for scours.
Shepherds purse is natural remedy, it seems, for intestinal disturbance. Sometimes known as peppergrass, and bursa capsella is the drug store name.
Handle your stock at home. Make pets of them and it won’t be necessary for a judge to cover all the good parts of your exhibit with his hands to keep it from running away.
The Peruvian exhibits ought to receive grooming and care the entire year. Angora Rabbits ought to be clipped in June, except ones intended for early summer shows. These will need special grooming. The others will grow coats for fall and be comfortable during the summer heat.
A winning Dutch buck recently owned by G. H. Chamberlin, Jr.
Witloof chicory is the kind to plant and can be planted almost any time. Transplant to six inches apart. A bed will last three years or more.
Black and Tan doe “ELM NOKOMIS"
First and Special Madison Square 1908-09, also at other shows. Shows the type and coloring of this variety.
Take some thought about your breeding operations. 1909 book will give you some hints.
First at Madison Square two successive years, leading the winning team of blacks. An excellent example of ideal shape and carriage and black.
Don’t ship your stock C. O. D. and expect to have no trouble. Don’t keep stock that don’t suit you when shipped on approval more than thirty-six hours. The other fellow can sell it to some one else perhaps. Expect that young stock will have to mature to have shape. Always use association labels—they’re cheap and worth while.
Watch rabbits for ear canker. Carbolated vaseline will help it, run in warm. Also flowers of sulphur may be used.
It seems often better to plant available ground in clover, chicory or dandelion or alfalfa than in root crops. Don't forget you want all these, and it’s best to contract early for them from a farmer. Usually costs less, too, than raising them.
Ground feed, bran and alfalfa meal, scalded well, is a good feed once a week. A dash of oil meal will put gloss on the coats.
A typical broken color Peruvian Cavy, winner of several firsts and specials 26
Silage is being used by some for winter feed. Better have two or three kinds of roots on hand, e. g., beets, carrots, and turnips. A large barrel or two will make enough silage for you to try.
A.M. (Columbia)
One of the organizers of the A. F. F. A. and secretary during its existence.
Author of articles on domestic pets in the American Encyclopedia of Agriculture, Suburban Life,
Pet Stock Magazine, the A F . F. Advocate, Guide to Nature, etc.; also of Flemish Giants and other Rabbits; and editor of the Year Book.
Mr. Ellard is a chemist by profession and is listed in the “American Men of Science" and is actively engaged in teaching science.
He is proprietor of the Elm Cove Rabbitry and has founded well known strains in the varieties bred there. He is now engaged in perfecting the black and cream peruvians and the chocolate and the blue smooth cavy. His Angora, Flemish and Tan Rabbits have had some remarkable careers at the shows.
Just as the silky terriers and the Persian cat hold sway as the aristocrats of the dog and the cat fancies, so the Angora Rabbit enthrals the heart and eye of those interested in the fur fancy.
The chief characteristics are the fleecy, silken texture of their coats, also the length and distribution of this coat. They are not when sheared of their wool a large rabbit but with a good growth of coat, they often look “as large as a fur rug,” as some lady invariably expresses it at every show. These rabbits look as though they were a great care, but one can easily produce very handsome specimens with but little extra work. They need feeding and care just as any animal does and their long coats make a few extra precautions necessary.
Sawdust if used in the hutches must be deeply covered with straw and while hay must be fed care should be used to keep seed out of their wool. Feat makes an excellent floor covering but must be pounded up for use. Plenty of good sound oats and wheat with an occasional mash will keep them in good condition.
Their coats should be brushed at least once a week and it should be done from the tail toward the head. A good wire brush answers this purpose well, while a horn comb, such as poodle fanciers use, is often a great help.
When these rabbits can be reared with a large full front, a spreading fluffy coat of three or four inches or more and short wool-covered, tufted ears, they are as beautiful as any creature can be. That they are not more widely bred and exhibited is quite incomprehensible and a matter fanciers will do well to at once correct. They are bred in several colors beside white which is the oldest and best known variety, but the blues, blacks, fawns and yellows are even more strikingly beautiful. To see the Angora doe build her wonderful nest and watch the antics of the youngsters, like little animated wool balls popping about as they get to be old enough, will be a course in “Nature Study” you’ll ne’er forget.
Give the beautiful Angoras a fair trial! It's the variety that will interest you most.

A typical Flemish Giant buck bred by J. F. Johnson